1Hello Mr. F, I've recently discovered that Kinetics has found its way back to discussion; this led me to a few questions.
21) Have you allowed BZP to run a poll to decide if Kinetics can be an element or not? 32) Is it possible that it be classified as Legendary, as it seems that the full force of motion would be hard to control, and that it could be called "godly" in a sense, as it can completely stop everything's motion? 42a) If not, I just found a newer, better list of supposed powers for a Toa-element Kinetics: 5QUOTE 6Create kinetic energy 7+shoot a blast of knetic energy at people or objects(heavy objects/people require more kinetic energy to move) 8+apply kinetic energy to one's self
9Control Kinetic energy 10+control the kinetic energy of at a perosn/object 11+change the direction of a already moving person/object(causing an object/person to go upwards would require more kinetic enegry as a result of gravity)
12Absorb Kinetic energy 13+absorb kinetic energy from a person/object causing the person/object to freeze in place(absorbing kinetic enegry for too long would require the toa to repel it making him vulnerable)
14Unleash a Kinetic Nova Blast, which would explode outwards, pushing everything around them away with great force
15Weakness 16-the heaveir the object/person the more kinetic energy it requires causing the toa to lose a lot of his EE 17-a toa of gravity can make objects/people heavier making him a challenge to a toa of kinetics 18-aborbing too much kinetic energy would cause the toa to expel it making him vulnerable at that moment.
19While a toa of kinetics can do alot of stuff he is still limited by his EE. Most of the stuff he can do requires a lot of kinetic energy making his reserve of EE last for a few minutes in a fight.
20Thanks for your time.
221) My understanding is that is what they are doing. And I intend to look at both the results and the arguments made in topic, as the people opposed to it include some very well respected members of BZP. 232) No, I have already ruled that out. If it does not garner enough support to make it as a Toa element, making it a legendary power would be a sneaky way of getting around the vote. 242a) Then this is something I suggest you post in the poll topic when it gets made.
25Hi Greg,
26I was wondering if you could look over my suggestions for the powers of a toa of kinetics. I heard that you are willing to make Kinetics an element if the powers of them are balanced.
27Create kinetic energy 28+shoot a blast of knetic energy at people or objects(heavy objects/people require more kinetic energy to move) 29+apply kinetic energy to one's self
30Control Kinetic energy 31+control the kinetic energy of at a perosn/object 32+change the direction of a already moving person/object(causing an object/person to go upwards would require more kinetic energy as a result of gravity)
33Absorb Kinetic energy 34+absorb kinetic energy from a person/object causing the person/object to freeze in place(absorbing kinetic enegry for too long would require the toa to repel it making him vulnerable)
35Unleash a Kinetic Nova Blast, which would explode outwards, pushing everything around them away with great force
36Weaknesses 37-the heavier the object/person the more kinetic energy it requires causing the toa to lose a lot of his EE 38-a toa of gravity can make objects/people heavier making him a challenge to a toa of kinetics 39-aborbing too much kinetic energy would cause the toa to expel it making him vulnerable at that moment. 40-can't apply kinetic energy or control the kinetic energy of gases, plasma, energy because the atomic structure is too far spread out for a toa to apply/control the kinetic energy to/of all of the atoms.
41While a toa of kinetics can do alot of stuff he is still limited by his EE. Most of the stuff he can do requires a lot of kinetic energy making his reserve of EE last for a few minutes in an intense fight.
42Thanks, 43Filis
44I have already gotten something similar -- the issue is that a lot of BZPers don't want kinetics as a Toa element, which is why I have not made it one.
45Pyro stole my list and asked Greg the same question. You lil' stinker.
46Quite sorry- but, I did ask it differently, and gave him more variety.

47But, also, I'm excited for Greg being able to judge himself after this.
1Hello Mr. F, I've recently discovered that Kinetics has found its way back to discussion; this led me to a few questions.
21) Have you allowed BZP to run a poll to decide if Kinetics can be an element or not? 32) Is it possible that it be classified as Legendary, as it seems that the full force of motion would be hard to control, and that it could be called "godly" in a sense, as it can completely stop everything's motion? 42a) If not, I just found a newer, better list of supposed powers for a Toa-element Kinetics: 5QUOTE 6Create kinetic energy 7+shoot a blast of knetic energy at people or objects(heavy objects/people require more kinetic energy to move) 8+apply kinetic energy to one's self
9Control Kinetic energy 10+control the kinetic energy of at a perosn/object 11+change the direction of a already moving person/object(causing an object/person to go upwards would require more kinetic enegry as a result of gravity)
12Absorb Kinetic energy 13+absorb kinetic energy from a person/object causing the person/object to freeze in place(absorbing kinetic enegry for too long would require the toa to repel it making him vulnerable)
14Unleash a Kinetic Nova Blast, which would explode outwards, pushing everything around them away with great force
15Weakness 16-the heaveir the object/person the more kinetic energy it requires causing the toa to lose a lot of his EE 17-a toa of gravity can make objects/people heavier making him a challenge to a toa of kinetics 18-aborbing too much kinetic energy would cause the toa to expel it making him vulnerable at that moment.
19While a toa of kinetics can do alot of stuff he is still limited by his EE. Most of the stuff he can do requires a lot of kinetic energy making his reserve of EE last for a few minutes in a fight.
20Thanks for your time.
221) My understanding is that is what they are doing. And I intend to look at both the results and the arguments made in topic, as the people opposed to it include some very well respected members of BZP. 232) No, I have already ruled that out. If it does not garner enough support to make it as a Toa element, making it a legendary power would be a sneaky way of getting around the vote. 242a) Then this is something I suggest you post in the poll topic when it gets made.
25Who else didn't know of a poll?
27I don't see why Greg thought my idea of having Adhesives as an element was pointless. I mean it works for Spiderman. but guess what he said, 28Sorry for wasteing bandwidth and whatnot, but I think people might be interested in these elements I came up with a long time ago and what Greg thought of them.
29QUOTE 30QUOTE 31QUOTE 32Hey Greg . I hope you're feeling Happy-good. Here are some questions I wanted to ask you.
331. Could a toa or an EL transfer a portion of their EE into a Zamor Sphere?
341a. When the Zamor hits something would it release the EE and cause an effect similar to an elemental Spinner?
352. I've been inventing some elements and I would like you to rate them by how much you like them. 1 being that they aren't worthy of using and 10 meaning that they sound good enough to be used in cannon, not they will ever show up though. Oh and you can tell me what you think of each element if you want.
36Ok I'll list the elements and a description of their uses
372a. Friction (A toa of friction could greatly increase the friction in being's joints, preventing the being from moving. A toa could also decrease the friction on a being's weapon handle or hands, making it impossible for the being to hold anything. Decreasing or eliminating the friction on a being's feet would make movement very difficult or impossible.)
382b. Energy (A toa of energy could theoretically create any kind of normal or elemental energy, though certain types of energy would be harder to create than others, like life vs. fire. The toa could learn how to manipulate any kind of energy and absorb and convert any kind of EE.)
392c. Creation (This would be a legendary element because it could create nearly anything from Creation EE. Perhaps this element is just too powerful to be used for anything though.)
402d. Adhesives/adhesion (A toa could use this power to subdue a being with some type of glue. Also the toa could have powers similar to a spear of fusion/fission. Pretty powerful IMO.)
413. If you could have one of the many powers from Bionicle, which would you choose and why. I'd like to have a boosted version of Artakha's mask power, because I love creating things.
42Well I guess that's all of my questions for now. 43Thank You very much and have a great Weekend .
441) Well, there are no zamor spheres on Bara Magna, so the second part of the question is irrelevant. And so far as we know, Toa do not know how to do that, but we have seen something similar done so it's theoretically possible. 451a) Most likely, yes 462) Friction -- probably not something an eight or nine year old is going to understand, and that is who the story is written for; energy -- too broad; creation -- we already have a mask of that, it is too powerful to be a Toa element; adhesion -- when you come right down to it, it's Toa of Glue ... doesn't sound that impressive 473) Right now, speed, so I could get my work done faster.
48from 2) "adhesion -- when you come right down to it, it's Toa of Glue ... doesn't sound that impressive"
491. Ah, but Greg, the toa's lack luster title could deceive an evil doer into thinking that the toa is weak. That is a big mistake . Here's an example. A Skakdi rushes towards a toa of glue, his barbarous battle cry echoing off the canyon walls. The toa points her hands at the Skakdi, and launches a bolos made of rubbery glue at him. At the same moment the Skakdi raises his weapon, preparing for an over head smash. The Bolos wraps around the Skakdi's legs, tripping him. As he falls the bolos continue up his body, wrapping up his arms and locking him in a diver's position. But instead of diving into cool refreshing water the Skakdi hits the ground and slides to a stop in front of the toa, who smiles and says
50"Though you may be able to shatter bonds of stone, iron, and ice, no matter how hard you try you won't be able to break free from my bonds of rubbery glue. The glue is biodegradable and it will dissolve in about two days, so until then I'd say you're stuck. I'd love to stick around but there's an important errand I need to complete.
51The skakdi tries to get free but instead of shattering, the glue merely stretches and then pulls his arms and legs back together. 52In two days the glue dissolves and the Skakdi goes free, though he knows not to underestimate that kind of toa anymore.
53It appears that Toa don't kill, they merely subdue. Using glue to stop a foe is both non-violent and powerful. I think that with a rubbery type of glue, even a Makuta could be stopped, because unlike Kopaka's Ice, Pohatu's Stone, and somebody's Iron which can be easily shattered by brute strength, Rubbery Glue stretches, making it extremely durable.
54Thank you and bye for now
55But a "lackluster title" will also not appeal to the average 8-9 year old BIONICLE fan, which is who I have to worry about.
56End Quotes
57Saddly it appears that even the non-"lackluster titles" of the regular elements and toa wasn't enough to save Bionicle from dying . I think it would have been more wise of Lego to feature the less common elements instead of being a Resounding Gong and a clanging cimble and featuring the Basic elements in action 98% of the entire 10 YEAR SPAN OF THE STORY . 58Rest in peace Bionicle, may your memory be cherished, I will Bring Part of you back someday.
1A Toa of Glue sounds boring, no offense. How about a Toa of Bonds?
1See, I'm with Spartan on this, bonding would be a great power, but an element? Not exactly awe-inspiring.
2Which is precisely why I think everyone needs to cool down with the new elements craze. I mean, I was around from the beginning of Bionicle when there were only the classical elements (or something close to them, at least) and those powers were mythic . I mean think about it, a Toa with all the powers of fire or ice at their finger tips... and then a Toa who can stick things together (and I don't mean to pick on the bonding example, just using what's most fresh in my mind right now), not exactly the same feeilng is drawn out with that.
3So I think that's something people need to look at before pushing a new element idea to Greg, ask yourself whether it's better as a really cool power, or as a fundamental force of nature.
2Which is precisely why I think everyone needs to cool down with the new elements craze. I mean, I was around from the beginning of Bionicle when there were only the classical elements (or something close to them, at least) and those powers were mythic . I mean think about it, a Toa with all the powers of fire or ice at their finger tips... and then a Toa who can stick things together (and I don't mean to pick on the bonding example, just using what's most fresh in my mind right now), not exactly the same feeilng is drawn out with that.
3So I think that's something people need to look at before pushing a new element idea to Greg, ask yourself whether it's better as a really cool power, or as a fundamental force of nature.

1Official Elements Topic, guys >>.
2Also, I was supposed to make that poll XP. But I had a life, so SPI made it for me. Go SPI .
2Also, I was supposed to make that poll XP. But I had a life, so SPI made it for me. Go SPI .
1hey greg.
2you said, that if Kinetics does not make it as a toa element, making it legendary would be a sneaky way around the poll. however, by far the most people i've debated with, are divided in two major camps: either toa element, or legendary element.
3wouldn't it be better to do a follow-up poll for Kinetics as legendary, especially since the current poll only involves a Toa Element?
4i myself think that it should be Legendary, it's way too powerful for a toa. it would, could, and should be the 4th *and final* Legendary element. then the list should be complete once and for all.
5thank you in advance
6Sorry, no, I have no interest in making it Legendary.
7such a shame
1OFF TOPIC: Has anybody else noticed that if you type in "First-to-post" it will become "Nobody cares about me. I need attenton so I wanted to be annoying."?
2Thats awsome. Found this out first hand, did you?
3That's how the staff have filtered it since 2006. Read this topic for more on it.

11. Just what exactly was the Ignika made of? 22. Can the mask of Creation or Life be made using six legendary Kanoka disks, like the Vahi? 33. Was Miserix supposed to take over the MU originally, or was it Teridax all along? 44a. How do you invent names? 54b. Do you take requests? 64c. What, exactly, makes a Bionicle name? 75. Will Vezon return to the Core Dimention? 86. Speaking of the Core Dimention, what is it about it that makes it so "core"? 97a. Without limitations from Lego's merchandise and all that (like the specific 6 good guys, 6 bad guys, some titans, etc.) will you be able to add, say, a Toa Ahkmou, or a new Toa Team that has more/less than 6 members, and not the original 6 elements? 107b. Will you be accepting more fan-made Canon? 118. Why is Gelu so "left out" all the time? With Lego's constant mixing of story and merchandise, I would expect a set as popular as Gelu to have at least made it into TLR. 129. Just curious, have you played Bionicle: The Game, or Bionicle Heroes? 1310a. Toa Elements are basically the abilites to control a certain portion of everything comprising the MU, correct? 1410b. If so, could a team of at least one Toa of every single element control the MU? 1510c. Or perhaps, if they were fused in energized protodermis, or with the spear of fusion, they would have power comparable to a GS, correct? 1611. So, since the Toa Nuva know their destiny, they can throw themselves into EP all they want, and not disintegrate, right? 1712. Why didn't any of the Mahri make it as a Star? 1813. Why are all masks with the same power the same shape? They don't have to, do they? It's the disk, not the shape that's important, right? 1914. You confirmed earlier that some EP was released into space during the shattering. Could it have encountered some life forms and made them powerful enough to be worth importing into the story some time? 2015. If shadow is only considered evil due to the Makuta rebellion, then why would the BiA alternate universe Teridax have purged himself of shadow? 2116. Are mind blasts like Hakann's a Psionic power? 2217. Can the Piraka use their old powers in their snake state? 2318. The mask of Time is made using the six basic Kanoka disks at level 9, right? So if each disk was made into a mask individually, then could the Toa combine mask powers to use time (like Speed and Levitation make Flight) 2419. which brings up the question, can masks be fused like disks?
251) Protodermis 262) Unknown. Both were made by the Great Beings, and it is not known if they worked with disks or simply created the masks as we know them to be. 273) Teridax. If Miserix were destined to do so, he would have done so. 284a) Scramble some letters together until we get something that passes Google and legal checks 294b) Requests for what? 304c) Has to sound like the other names in the mythos. You would not have a Toa team that consisted of Tahu, Gali, Lewa and Fred, for example. 315) Most likely yes, at some point 326) Same thing that makes Earth-616 in Marvel "core" -- it is the main reality from which all other diverge. 337a) Yes 347b) Unknown at present. We do want to include fans more in story, but have not determined how best to do that yet. 358) The story for TLR was written in August of 2007. There was no way to know which sets would be "popular" and which wouldn't at that point, because no sets existed yet. My mandate was to create a set number of major characters for the film, because too many characters turns the movie into a jumble where no one gets enough screen time. Gelu was not one of the ones created at that time -- his character was not devised until much later on, when all the sets (not just the movie character ones) had been made. 369) Nope. 3710a) No, not necessarily, because not everything is a Toa element. For example, there is sand in the MU, but no Toa of Sand. 3810b) No. The MU is not a thing of fire and water and air, it is a giant machine. 3910c) They would certainly be very powerful. 4011) The Toa Nuva have achieved their destiny, they woke up Mata Nui, so they have no guarantees that they won't die tomorrow. Throwing themselves into EP would therefore be foolish. The other thing is, the Mahri could have known their destiny was to save Mata Nui's life, while not realizing of their number had to die for them to achieve it. Some people's destinies are to die. 4112) Unknown, I didn't choose the sets. 4213) Correct. But ask yourself this -- you are Toa Tahu. Metru Nui is under attack. You are wearing a Mask of Flight, but you really need a Mask of Shielding to protect yourself. You run into a chamber of masks, but can't find anything that LOOKS like a Hau. Without the familiar shape, you have to try on every single mask until you find a Mask of Shielding. It's basically the same reason all stop signs are red and white octagons, instead of being an assortment of different shapes -- ease of recognition. 4314) No, because it would have frozen instantly in the void of space. 4415) Well, shadow is the dark side of ourselves, basically. And we accept it as a part of ourselves, because it can also contain our aggressiveness, drive, passion, etc. But it is also a constant temptation, and the BiA Makuta chose to remove that temptation from themselves. 4516) A Toa of Psionics could do them, yes 4617) I believe that they were able to use some of them in the one scene in which they appeared in snake state 4718) No. 4819) No. You would have to melt the mask down and then mix the liquid proto together and make a new mask.
49Wow, some really cool stuff in this one .
1hey Greg, I just have a quick question about the Rahkshi.
2you recently said that if the Heat Vision Rahkshi isn't holding it's staff, it can't access it's powers. Does this apply to all rahkshi, or just Heat Vision?
3thank you.
4So far, we have only applied it to heat vision, because other Rahkshi already need their staffs to focus their power through anyway.
5just to satisfy me.

1Hi GregF. I apologize sincerely if this is a repeat, but I assumed the server ate the original message.
21. Have you decided upon whether or not to assign the Mask of Mutation to Miserix?
32. What are the Toa Mahri doing now? We haven't really seen or heard much of them since Destiny War.
43. Norik's Pehkui is shaped like a Noble Kiril. Is it possible that the other Toa Hagah wear masks shaped as other Kanohi as well (i.e. Pouks' Mask of Emulation may be shaped like, for example, a Great Kakama), in honor of other past heroes?
54. Have you given much thought to the elemental attributes of Matoran of Gravity?
64b. Matoran of the Green?
74c. Matoran of Plasma?
85. A while ago, you stated that the Skrall seen in the January comic weren't any special sub-class, just warriors with a different secondary color. Does the differing secondary colors trait apply to the other classes, like the special forces or leader Skrall, or just to the soldier class?
96. Why did the Great Beings select a leader class Skrall to be the Element Lord of Rock, when they chose warriors from every other tribe (excluding Iron)? Why not a soldier or special forces Skrall?
10Thank you for your time.
11-- Jovarr
121) Yes 132) Part of the resistance 143) Yes 154) No, because until I need things for story, I don't have time to worry about them. 165) Unknown, since we haven't seen any others of those classes 176) Wouldn't it make sense to choose someone who already had experience as a leader for that job? Skrall have a very rigid caste system -- choosing a non-leader for the job would probably have provoked rebellion.
181. Was that a "yes, he got the mask" or a "yes, it's been decided one way or the other"? 196. But then, why choose warriors from every other tribe? I understand the physical advantages they have over the Agori, but why not choose someone who was a major political power or influence? Unless the warriors were actively involved in tribal government?
221) Yes, he got the mask 236) Simple answer. Did we ever say these warriors were not squad leaders or battlefield commanders? We know, for example, that Vastus was a squad leader during the war. The Glatorian were military for the villages, so wouldn't it make sense some would be in positions of leadership over others?
241. Awesome . . . . . . . .

1This topic is now unpinned, as was announced in the Greg Team topic a while ago, and the new Farshtey Feed topic is pinned. The system for this topic will remain the same, and since it gets so much activity, it is essentially "naturally pinned" anyways. The Farshtey Feed topic will summarize new information that has been posted here, from Greg's replies to you guys.
2Edit: Oh, and to make it easier to spot, I "decorated" the topic title. What do yall think? Silly? Or useful?

2Edit: Oh, and to make it easier to spot, I "decorated" the topic title. What do yall think? Silly? Or useful?

1I thought it looks sort of annoying.
But it did help me spot the topic, so it's useful.

1This topic is now unpinned, as was announced in the Greg Team topic a while ago, and the new Farshtey Feed topic is pinned. The system for this topic will remain the same, and since it gets so much activity, it is essentially "naturally pinned" anyways. The Farshtey Feed topic will summarize new information that has been posted here, from Greg's replies to you guys. ![]()
2Edit: Oh, and to make it easier to spot, I "decorated" the topic title. What do yall think? Silly? Or useful?
3I think it'd be more noticeable if it was in all caps.
4EDIT: Maybe you could pin it again when the Contest Topics are no longer needed.
1This topic is now unpinned, as was announced in the Greg Team topic a while ago, and the new Farshtey Feed topic is pinned. The system for this topic will remain the same, and since it gets so much activity, it is essentially "naturally pinned" anyways. The Farshtey Feed topic will summarize new information that has been posted here, from Greg's replies to you guys. ![]()
2Edit: Oh, and to make it easier to spot, I "decorated" the topic title. What do yall think? Silly? Or useful?
3I like it. Makes it MUCH easier to notice.
4Aw, but there can be many types of Glue, not just the Kind that hardens. Actually the element isn't limited to Glues, and actually a more apropriate name would be polymers.Now as for the idea of an oppenent Escaping the users' Glue, If I had the power I'd make the glue be extremely strong, stretchy, and sticky, that way when the enemy is covered with it and or pinned to a wall by it, any time they struggled the rubbery glue would stretch a ways to acomidate the victims movements and as soon as they stoped, the glue would move everything back to the position it was in the first place. in short, were as, metal, ice, stone, and crystal can be shattered with enough force, those trapped in glue would exaust themselves trying to strugle free of it. If anyone needs more proof of how powerful Glue/Adhesives would be as an element or even a power, simply find a spiderweb and watch an insect be caught in one and be unable (in most instances) to break free from such lightweight strands of Sticky Silk. 3A ToG would have trouble fighting an opponent if he or she could get out of his or her glue. 2The names Bond. James Bond.1A Toa of Glue sounds boring, no offense. How about a Toa of Bonds?
6Kopaka took out more than a dozen Zaglak all on his own, AS A MATA . This is because Ice as a substance has great stoping power, however as most of use know, Ice can be shattered easilly by the majority of the Bionicle Villians, unless the toa goes all out and exausts their powers sealing the enemy in an extremely thick coating of ice. Now lets examine the potential of Glue, more appropriatly known as Adhesives. if the user fires a blob of sticky, stretchy, and extremely durable Glue at the enemy, the glob will wrap around the enemy and prevent them from getting free. "WHY? . ." I'm so glad you asked, Because the glue is rubbery and will stretch with the enemy's strugles, not shatter, which means that strugling will only exaust the enemy. Plus Fusion and Fision powers would come with this element, just as heat and cold sub-powers come with Fire and Ice element control respectively. Plus this kind of element/power works for Spiderman and he can only shoot webbing . (pardon me if I'm wrong, I haven't been into that stuff)5See, I'm with Spartan on this, bonding would be a great power, but an element? Not exactly awe-inspiring.Which is precisely why I think everyone needs to cool down with the new elements craze. I mean, I was around from the beginning of Bionicle when there were only the classical elements (or something close to them, at least) and those powers were mythic . I mean think about it, a Toa with all the powers of fire or ice at their finger tips... and then a Toa who can stick things together (and I don't mean to pick on the bonding example, just using what's most fresh in my mind right now), not exactly the same feeilng is drawn out with that.So I think that's something people need to look at before pushing a new element idea to Greg, ask yourself whether it's better as a really cool power, or as a fundamental force of nature.
7Plus, I didn't submit any of these elements during the Element Crazy, These were all submitted to Greg more than a year and a half ago .
1Why are you talking about that here, instead of the Elements topic?
4Aw, but there can be many types of Glue, not just the Kind that hardens. Actually the element isn't limited to Glues, and actually a more apropriate name would be polymers.Now as for the idea of an oppenent Escaping the users' Glue, If I had the power I'd make the glue be extremely strong, stretchy, and sticky, that way when the enemy is covered with it and or pinned to a wall by it, any time they struggled the rubbery glue would stretch a ways to acomidate the victims movements and as soon as they stoped, the glue would move everything back to the position it was in the first place. in short, were as, metal, ice, stone, and crystal can be shattered with enough force, those trapped in glue would exaust themselves trying to strugle free of it. If anyone needs more proof of how powerful Glue/Adhesives would be as an element or even a power, simply find a spiderweb and watch an insect be caught in one and be unable (in most instances) to break free from such lightweight strands of Sticky Silk. 3A ToG would have trouble fighting an opponent if he or she could get out of his or her glue. 2The names Bond. James Bond.1A Toa of Glue sounds boring, no offense. How about a Toa of Bonds? 6Kopaka took out more than a dozen Zaglak all on his own, AS A MATA . This is because Ice as a substance has great stoping power, however as most of use know, Ice can be shattered easilly by the majority of the Bionicle Villians, unless the toa goes all out and exausts their powers sealing the enemy in an extremely thick coating of ice. Now lets examine the potential of Glue, more appropriatly known as Adhesives. if the user fires a blob of sticky, stretchy, and extremely durable Glue at the enemy, the glob will wrap around the enemy and prevent them from getting free. "WHY? . ." I'm so glad you asked, Because the glue is rubbery and will stretch with the enemy's strugles, not shatter, which means that strugling will only exaust the enemy. Plus Fusion and Fision powers would come with this element, just as heat and cold sub-powers come with Fire and Ice element control respectively. Plus this kind of element/power works for Spiderman and he can only shoot webbing . (pardon me if I'm wrong, I haven't been into that stuff)5See, I'm with Spartan on this, bonding would be a great power, but an element? Not exactly awe-inspiring.Which is precisely why I think everyone needs to cool down with the new elements craze. I mean, I was around from the beginning of Bionicle when there were only the classical elements (or something close to them, at least) and those powers were mythic . I mean think about it, a Toa with all the powers of fire or ice at their finger tips... and then a Toa who can stick things together (and I don't mean to pick on the bonding example, just using what's most fresh in my mind right now), not exactly the same feeilng is drawn out with that.So I think that's something people need to look at before pushing a new element idea to Greg, ask yourself whether it's better as a really cool power, or as a fundamental force of nature.
7Plus, I didn't submit any of these elements during the Element Crazy, These were all submitted to Greg more than a year and a half ago .
8You just went from Glue to Mollecular Bonds. That would never become an element.
2It's probably because I don't feel a need to get any of my elements accepted into a Dying story, and because by the time I get the elements posted people won't care. I also didn't mean for this to go on as long as it did, but I guess I'll take that offer and post them there.1Why are you talking about that here, instead of the Elements topic?
10It's Adhesion/adhesives, and actually if you've noticed, Gluing somthing together is a form of Molecular bonding. now Back when Onewa was a toa and had a Great mask of Mind control, he was able to use it in multiple ways, including Mind-control, Mind-reading, and mental blasts, this was how versital the old masks were before the other powers were decannonized and turned into seprate masks and powers. I think that if someone had control over the adhesives, they would also have the power to stick beings together with fusion or seperate them. 9You just went from Glue to Mollecular Bonds. That would never become an element. 6Aw, but there can be many types of Glue, not just the Kind that hardens. Actually the element isn't limited to Glues, and actually a more apropriate name would be polymers.Now as for the idea of an oppenent Escaping the users' Glue, If I had the power I'd make the glue be extremely strong, stretchy, and sticky, that way when the enemy is covered with it and or pinned to a wall by it, any time they struggled the rubbery glue would stretch a ways to acomidate the victims movements and as soon as they stoped, the glue would move everything back to the position it was in the first place. in short, were as, metal, ice, stone, and crystal can be shattered with enough force, those trapped in glue would exaust themselves trying to strugle free of it. If anyone needs more proof of how powerful Glue/Adhesives would be as an element or even a power, simply find a spiderweb and watch an insect be caught in one and be unable (in most instances) to break free from such lightweight strands of Sticky Silk. 5A ToG would have trouble fighting an opponent if he or she could get out of his or her glue. 4The names Bond. James Bond.3A Toa of Glue sounds boring, no offense. How about a Toa of Bonds? 8Kopaka took out more than a dozen Zaglak all on his own, AS A MATA . This is because Ice as a substance has great stoping power, however as most of use know, Ice can be shattered easilly by the majority of the Bionicle Villians, unless the toa goes all out and exausts their powers sealing the enemy in an extremely thick coating of ice. Now lets examine the potential of Glue, more appropriatly known as Adhesives. if the user fires a blob of sticky, stretchy, and extremely durable Glue at the enemy, the glob will wrap around the enemy and prevent them from getting free. "WHY? . ." I'm so glad you asked, Because the glue is rubbery and will stretch with the enemy's strugles, not shatter, which means that strugling will only exaust the enemy. Plus Fusion and Fision powers would come with this element, just as heat and cold sub-powers come with Fire and Ice element control respectively. Plus this kind of element/power works for Spiderman and he can only shoot webbing . (pardon me if I'm wrong, I haven't been into that stuff)Plus, I didn't submit any of these elements during the Element Crazy, These were all submitted to Greg more than a year and a half ago .7See, I'm with Spartan on this, bonding would be a great power, but an element? Not exactly awe-inspiring.Which is precisely why I think everyone needs to cool down with the new elements craze. I mean, I was around from the beginning of Bionicle when there were only the classical elements (or something close to them, at least) and those powers were mythic . I mean think about it, a Toa with all the powers of fire or ice at their finger tips... and then a Toa who can stick things together (and I don't mean to pick on the bonding example, just using what's most fresh in my mind right now), not exactly the same feeilng is drawn out with that.So I think that's something people need to look at before pushing a new element idea to Greg, ask yourself whether it's better as a really cool power, or as a fundamental force of nature.
11Ha haa, I've hooked my tractor beam on your eyes and now that I have you attention please Visit the Oficial elements topic to see my post and to descover the Real element and Why The toa of the element would have Fusion and fision powers in addition to the others , Hint, it's in the name of the element.
1All caps? Pin it when there are only four or five other topics pinned?
1QUOTE 2Hi Greg, I thought up something new, I think.
3now that The Bahrag are back in business could they create a new team of Bohrok Kal or even 60? The purpose being to ensure that they can be freed incase something else happens to them? Or just to make more powerful bohrok to clean the Cammo off of mata nui?
4They certainly could make more Kal, sure
3now that The Bahrag are back in business could they create a new team of Bohrok Kal or even 60? The purpose being to ensure that they can be freed incase something else happens to them? Or just to make more powerful bohrok to clean the Cammo off of mata nui?
4They certainly could make more Kal, sure
1Hey GregF, just some questions and comments about the future of the BIONICLE storyline. 22. We know that Reign of Shadows will run through March. We also know that Sahmad's Tale will probably wrap up by end of February or early March. Journey's End serial will supposedly start in the middle of February. The Mata Nui Saga will be running for the next three months or so. The Graphic Novel Bionicle #8: Legends of Bara Magna will be released in the end of March. Is there anything else we will be seeing within the next few months? 33. How is the summer storyline going to be set up as? I mean, the Mata Nui saga was 2001-winter 2010. Will we see another saga that takes place after the MN saga, or will we see past stories? 44. You were talking about Bota Magna when asked about the summer storyline. Does that mean the story will take place within the 100,000 years that passed by after the Shattering? Or after the Mata Nui saga? 55. Have serial ideas for the summer been formalized yet?
62). What island will this new Toa team come from, or haven't you decided?
72) I doubt they will all be from the same place
86a. This quote from above seems to suggest that this serial will be created. Is that so? 96b. Have you decided when this serial takes place?
102) Not that I am aware of 113) Right now, I plan to focus on post-MN saga as opposed to doing a lot of flashback work. 124) See answer to #3 135) Nope 146a) I do hope to, I just have to get a name list approved so I can do it.
1How about ------ {OGD} at the end of the title?
2The current method shows up in the forum index too and looks weird there, Swert pointed out, so that's a good reason not to do it. This new idea would solve that. Thoughts?
3Eh... I just don't find it visually appealing. All caps, now that I could dig. Or maybe just the dashes in front of Official Greg Dialogue.
1This topic is now unpinned, as was announced in the Greg Team topic a while ago, and the new Farshtey Feed topic is pinned. The system for this topic will remain the same, and since it gets so much activity, it is essentially "naturally pinned" anyways. The Farshtey Feed topic will summarize new information that has been posted here, from Greg's replies to you guys. ![]()
2Edit: Oh, and to make it easier to spot, I "decorated" the topic title. What do yall think? Silly? Or useful?
3Farshtey Feed is something that we, the common people are not allowed to post in right? Like its strictly for greg team members?
4"Journey's End" keeps popping up. That's a new serial right? what about?
1This topic is now unpinned, as was announced in the Greg Team topic a while ago, and the new Farshtey Feed topic is pinned. The system for this topic will remain the same, and since it gets so much activity, it is essentially "naturally pinned" anyways. The Farshtey Feed topic will summarize new information that has been posted here, from Greg's replies to you guys. ![]()
2Edit: Oh, and to make it easier to spot, I "decorated" the topic title. What do yall think? Silly? Or useful?
3Farshtey Feed is something that we, the common people are not allowed to post in right? Like its strictly for greg team members?
4This topic's discussion thread is reserved for new entries (only the Greg Team account may post here), which are to be added every weekend.

1This topic is now unpinned, as was announced in the Greg Team topic a while ago, and the new Farshtey Feed topic is pinned. The system for this topic will remain the same, and since it gets so much activity, it is essentially "naturally pinned" anyways. The Farshtey Feed topic will summarize new information that has been posted here, from Greg's replies to you guys. ![]()
2Edit: Oh, and to make it easier to spot, I "decorated" the topic title. What do yall think? Silly? Or useful?
3Farshtey Feed is something that we, the common people are not allowed to post in right? Like its strictly for greg team members?
4This topic's discussion thread is reserved for new entries (only the Greg Team account may post here), which are to be added every weekend.
7"Journey's End" keeps popping up. That's a new serial right? what about?
8It's the last novel. In North America, it will be serialized because there is no American publisher who wanted to publish it.
9Wicked, but about what? 2010 story i presume?
1Yes, the 2010 story.