1Actually, Freeze, I think it is like this-
2Where evil's afloat A secret brings hope - Piraka on the floating isle of Voya Nui and the Ignika 3Where a world has gone under Come lightning and thunder- Refers to the Inika coming to Voya Nui 4What darkness divides A cut will unite- the Mahri will cut the core 5Ignite the flame of the heart For the future to start- They use the mask to ignite the heart, I suppose.- Correct
2Where evil's afloat A secret brings hope - Piraka on the floating isle of Voya Nui and the Ignika 3Where a world has gone under Come lightning and thunder- Refers to the Inika coming to Voya Nui 4What darkness divides A cut will unite- the Mahri will cut the core 5Ignite the flame of the heart For the future to start- They use the mask to ignite the heart, I suppose.- Correct
1I belive is like this:
2Where evil afloat (Voya Nui) a secret brings hope (Ignika) 3Where a world has gone under (Mahri Nui) Come Lighting and Thunder (Toa Inika) 4What darkness divides (the Great Cataclysm that separed Voya Nui from the continent) a cut shall unite (Toa Mahri cutting the cord) Ignite the flame of the heart (maybe the core is destoyed?) for the future to start (the Reboot)
2Where evil afloat (Voya Nui) a secret brings hope (Ignika) 3Where a world has gone under (Mahri Nui) Come Lighting and Thunder (Toa Inika) 4What darkness divides (the Great Cataclysm that separed Voya Nui from the continent) a cut shall unite (Toa Mahri cutting the cord) Ignite the flame of the heart (maybe the core is destoyed?) for the future to start (the Reboot)
1An amalgamation of about 7 PM's I sent Greg.
21-If Takanuva got trapped in the Zone of Darkness, could he make light? 31) I would have to look up what has been written about the zone
42-Is there a storyline reason for Lewa turning lime green? 52) Yes, he gets new armor
63-I would like to know where Vezon got his Chain and Cape. did he find them in: 7a-Teridax's lair 8b-OoMN member's canister 9c-Stairway 10d-Chamber of Life 113)Most likely at some point on his way to finding the canister.
124-In the encyclopedia, it says Mata Nui sinks into an endless sleep. In the animation, the Mata Nui stone is shown sinking into the ground. Does the sinking have anything to do with how/where Mata Nui fell asleep? 134) No. The stones are just something used by the Turaga to tell their stories, they aren't meant to be literal representations.
145-Is it possible that single people are striking out at the BoM/DH? Like, just on their own trying to make a difference? 155) I doubt it very much, that would be a shortcut to suicide.
166-Are the claws Sarda and Idris have shredder claws like on Piruk? 176) Yes
187-If a biomechanical being was fused with a Kraata, would anything bad happen, such as infection or control by the BoM? 197) Most likely it would be the equivalent of being infected by a Kraata, yes
208-Could magma be an element? 218) I doubt it.
229-What elements were the Civil War Leaders/ Pit Skakdi? 239) Hasn't been revealed, since it's not really relevant to the story.
2410- Also, in B2:LoMN the Matoran Metru held the Toa stones and they were probably the size of a grapefruit, but in the epilogue to B3:WoS Turaga Vakama could fit all of them in the palm of his hand along with the Makuta stone and the Mata Nui stone? 2510)The stones Turaga Vakama was holding were not the original Toa stones. The stones used to make the Toa Metru remained on Metru Nui. The stones the Toa Metru later created were hidden by them on the island of Mata Nui before they ever became Turaga. What Vakama was holding were stones that SYMBOLIZED the six Toa, not actual stones that could make a Matoran into a Toa.
2611-Would the Olisi be considered a mask that a Toa would not wear? 2711)No
2812-Are Umbra's skates part of his body, or equipment? 2912) I'd probably call them equipment
3013-So, is the Artidax a real mask in the story, or did you just get rid of the whole idea when Mutran wore a Shelek? 3113) Artidax does not exist at all in story anymore.
3214-Are Radiak, Gavla and Kirop's masks the un-shapeshifted forms of the Phankuta's masks? 3314) I am not identifying their masks. They may get reused in future by the designers, and I don't want to be locked into what I called them today.
3415-Is it possible for the Av-Matoran's masks (and Hydraxon's face) to be the masks of Possibilities, Intangibility, Phekui, and great Kiril? 3515) See answer to #14, and Hydraxon does not wear a mask.
3616-Is one of Karzahni's powers to scan the surrounding area with his mind? 3716) Don't think so, no
3817-Do the Shadow Matoran fly like jets? 3917) No, they fly like bats
4018-What does Mazeka look like? 4118) You'll find out when his set comes out
4219-Will Jetrax T6, Axalara T9 and Rockoh T3 play a significant role in the story? 4319) Yes
4420-Would Vezon be considered one-of-a-kind considering he's technically not a Skakdi? 4520) Yes
4621-Same with Hydraxon II. 4721) Possibly
4822-Could Phantoka be a subtitle for Lewa, Kopaka, and Pohatu? As in, Lewa is a Toa Nuva, but he's also a Toa Phantoka? Same with Mistika. 4922) I would say no, because the words Phantoka and Mistika also apply to the 2008 Makuta.
5023-Is Lariska green? I hope so. 5123) I don't remember if I ever described her color.
5224-Would Vezon, Karzahni and Spiriah go to the Pit? 5324) Karzahni is already imprisoned on Daxia, Spiriah most likely would, I doubt if Vezon is enough of a threat to warrant the Pit since he has no powers.
5425-If so, how would Vezon mutate? Would he grow a spine and lose his body, or turn into just a head, or what? 5525) He wouldn't at all. He would be sent to the old Pit, which was restored by the Staff of Artakha, so he would not be exposed to water.
5626-Would Carapar and Takadox go back? 5726) Probably, yes
5827-On the Piraka sets, they have extensions on their spines that connect to their arms. do the mutated Piraka have that as well? 5927) The mutated Piraka don't have arms, they are like snakes
60Thanks, I really appreciate it . 61~
21-If Takanuva got trapped in the Zone of Darkness, could he make light? 31) I would have to look up what has been written about the zone
42-Is there a storyline reason for Lewa turning lime green? 52) Yes, he gets new armor
63-I would like to know where Vezon got his Chain and Cape. did he find them in: 7a-Teridax's lair 8b-OoMN member's canister 9c-Stairway 10d-Chamber of Life 113)Most likely at some point on his way to finding the canister.
124-In the encyclopedia, it says Mata Nui sinks into an endless sleep. In the animation, the Mata Nui stone is shown sinking into the ground. Does the sinking have anything to do with how/where Mata Nui fell asleep? 134) No. The stones are just something used by the Turaga to tell their stories, they aren't meant to be literal representations.
145-Is it possible that single people are striking out at the BoM/DH? Like, just on their own trying to make a difference? 155) I doubt it very much, that would be a shortcut to suicide.
166-Are the claws Sarda and Idris have shredder claws like on Piruk? 176) Yes
187-If a biomechanical being was fused with a Kraata, would anything bad happen, such as infection or control by the BoM? 197) Most likely it would be the equivalent of being infected by a Kraata, yes
208-Could magma be an element? 218) I doubt it.
229-What elements were the Civil War Leaders/ Pit Skakdi? 239) Hasn't been revealed, since it's not really relevant to the story.
2410- Also, in B2:LoMN the Matoran Metru held the Toa stones and they were probably the size of a grapefruit, but in the epilogue to B3:WoS Turaga Vakama could fit all of them in the palm of his hand along with the Makuta stone and the Mata Nui stone? 2510)The stones Turaga Vakama was holding were not the original Toa stones. The stones used to make the Toa Metru remained on Metru Nui. The stones the Toa Metru later created were hidden by them on the island of Mata Nui before they ever became Turaga. What Vakama was holding were stones that SYMBOLIZED the six Toa, not actual stones that could make a Matoran into a Toa.
2611-Would the Olisi be considered a mask that a Toa would not wear? 2711)No
2812-Are Umbra's skates part of his body, or equipment? 2912) I'd probably call them equipment
3013-So, is the Artidax a real mask in the story, or did you just get rid of the whole idea when Mutran wore a Shelek? 3113) Artidax does not exist at all in story anymore.
3214-Are Radiak, Gavla and Kirop's masks the un-shapeshifted forms of the Phankuta's masks? 3314) I am not identifying their masks. They may get reused in future by the designers, and I don't want to be locked into what I called them today.
3415-Is it possible for the Av-Matoran's masks (and Hydraxon's face) to be the masks of Possibilities, Intangibility, Phekui, and great Kiril? 3515) See answer to #14, and Hydraxon does not wear a mask.
3616-Is one of Karzahni's powers to scan the surrounding area with his mind? 3716) Don't think so, no
3817-Do the Shadow Matoran fly like jets? 3917) No, they fly like bats
4018-What does Mazeka look like? 4118) You'll find out when his set comes out
4219-Will Jetrax T6, Axalara T9 and Rockoh T3 play a significant role in the story? 4319) Yes
4420-Would Vezon be considered one-of-a-kind considering he's technically not a Skakdi? 4520) Yes
4621-Same with Hydraxon II. 4721) Possibly
4822-Could Phantoka be a subtitle for Lewa, Kopaka, and Pohatu? As in, Lewa is a Toa Nuva, but he's also a Toa Phantoka? Same with Mistika. 4922) I would say no, because the words Phantoka and Mistika also apply to the 2008 Makuta.
5023-Is Lariska green? I hope so. 5123) I don't remember if I ever described her color.
5224-Would Vezon, Karzahni and Spiriah go to the Pit? 5324) Karzahni is already imprisoned on Daxia, Spiriah most likely would, I doubt if Vezon is enough of a threat to warrant the Pit since he has no powers.
5425-If so, how would Vezon mutate? Would he grow a spine and lose his body, or turn into just a head, or what? 5525) He wouldn't at all. He would be sent to the old Pit, which was restored by the Staff of Artakha, so he would not be exposed to water.
5626-Would Carapar and Takadox go back? 5726) Probably, yes
5827-On the Piraka sets, they have extensions on their spines that connect to their arms. do the mutated Piraka have that as well? 5927) The mutated Piraka don't have arms, they are like snakes
60Thanks, I really appreciate it . 61~

1Hi, 2Guys, isn't this topic for GregF's answers (like the one from Halowax just before this post
), because on page 28 there are 2 or 3 posts with some answers and the rest are all things that I think belong in the S&T forum, I'm just saying it before someone else does, I know it's nice to discuss all that, and I too find the things that are discussed here interesting, but that more something for in the S&T forums,

1Hi, 2Guys, isn't this topic for GregF's answers (like the one from Halowax just before this post ), because on page 28 there are 2 or 3 posts with some answers and the rest are all things that I think belong in the S&T forum, I'm just saying it before someone else does, I know it's nice to discuss all that, and I too find the things that are discussed here interesting, but that more something for in the S&T forums,
4Yeah actually. Could we get back on Topic? I know not that many answers have come in from Greg lately, but we need to stop having our own discussions here. Like LtoF said, thats S&T.
1This topic is for posting answers and discussing them. That is exactly what we are doing.
3Half of the posts in here have zero merit. "So Greg said X, interesting . ." "I bet it's *baseless speculation .*" "That's never been said, nu-uh, yes-huh, nu-uh, yes-huh ." It's supremely annoying when an entire page has maybe 2 Greg PMs in it. I think this topic needs a personal dedicated Moderator to prune silly posts and banish repeat offenders to the Pit.
1If Miserix is the contest winner, then how will the winning Makuta's essay be put in the story if Miserix already has one?
2I had the same question and pm'ed GregF about it , Here is his answer:
3a: Why did you guys at LEGO mag make Brickmasters write an essay, if you already, knew about Miserix?
4A:ecause there are four other prizes besides the grand prize, and part of showing your creativity is describing your model. If two models look close to each other, as is happening a lot with this contest, the essay often makes the difference in who wins.
1Here is a few questions i got back from greg-f
2Hello Gregf, I have a few questions-
31-About the BB map-Mutran said they were constructing a map-one that he never seen-Does that mean the BB's map a place on the surface? 42-Do the Light Stones have anything to do with Karda Nui? 53-if a Makuta could shapeshift, could he ride an Exo-Toa? 64-Do the Masks the the Makuta wear shapeshift with them? 75-Are there still lots of Av-Matoran outside Karda Nui? 86-I read that the Av-Matorans hieght increased due to being in Karda Nui, Could that sort of be linked to why Takanuva size increases later on. 97-Did Vultraz become a shadow matoran before/after he discovered Karda Nui. 10-Is Vultraz a matoran from the mainland.
121) It could mean a lot of things. Are you assuming Mutran has been to every single place in this universe? 132) Such as what? 143) Probably 154) Yes 165) Not really, no 176) You'll find out in the summer 187) Before, and where he comes from has not been revealed yet
19Nothing that important, but it's at least it's questions
2Hello Gregf, I have a few questions-
31-About the BB map-Mutran said they were constructing a map-one that he never seen-Does that mean the BB's map a place on the surface? 42-Do the Light Stones have anything to do with Karda Nui? 53-if a Makuta could shapeshift, could he ride an Exo-Toa? 64-Do the Masks the the Makuta wear shapeshift with them? 75-Are there still lots of Av-Matoran outside Karda Nui? 86-I read that the Av-Matorans hieght increased due to being in Karda Nui, Could that sort of be linked to why Takanuva size increases later on. 97-Did Vultraz become a shadow matoran before/after he discovered Karda Nui. 10-Is Vultraz a matoran from the mainland.
121) It could mean a lot of things. Are you assuming Mutran has been to every single place in this universe? 132) Such as what? 143) Probably 154) Yes 165) Not really, no 176) You'll find out in the summer 187) Before, and where he comes from has not been revealed yet
19Nothing that important, but it's at least it's questions
1I always wondered about that. Nice to see that answered. Poor Taxadox and Carapar, already in the pit once before and going back there again. Just the way i like it 

1Hello. Few things for you:
21. When MoMN used his Shadow Hand it automatically pulled back whatever he held and he couldn't drop it or stop it from retracting. How did Chirox drop Pohatu?
32. The Nuva Phantoka recognized the Ignika based on carvings they saw on Voya Nui, but while on Voya Nui it was shaped completely differently. Is there an explanation for this?
43. I assume that it took that form to fit better on Vezon's head and that prior to that it looked like this. 5If so, is that also why it was silver instead of gold? Or had it begun its life-sucking process but reverted back to gold when the Piraka were defeated?
64. I read that Karda Nui is a "universe in itself." Does this mean it's a universe in the sense that the domes and the surface are universes? How big is it, anyways?
75. I hope I'm not making myself sound stupid, but is Karda Nui really the core of the planet? If not, what's the meaning of the name "Universe Core?"
86. How many stalactite villages would you say there are?
91) Chirox is more skilled at using it than Teridax, because he uses it like a "waldo" in his experiments. 102) It was shaped differently on Vezon's head, true, but nothing was stated that it never looked the way it does now ever before, or that there could not be carvings on VN showing this shape. 113) The latter. 124) It's massively huge, the largest single domed area in the Matoran universe, hence the feeling it is practically a universe in and of itself. 135) No. It's the core of the domed universe of the Matoran, which is not the same as the planet itself. It's sort of like if you had a huge, domed science center in your town, and it had a central power core -- that's the core of the center, not the core of planet Earth. 146) Oh, I think I told someone four or five at one point.
15BIG news .
1Hello. Few things for you:
21. When MoMN used his Shadow Hand it automatically pulled back whatever he held and he couldn't drop it or stop it from retracting. How did Chirox drop Pohatu?
32. The Nuva Phantoka recognized the Ignika based on carvings they saw on Voya Nui, but while on Voya Nui it was shaped completely differently. Is there an explanation for this?
43. I assume that it took that form to fit better on Vezon's head and that prior to that it looked like this. 5If so, is that also why it was silver instead of gold? Or had it begun its life-sucking process but reverted back to gold when the Piraka were defeated?
64. I read that Karda Nui is a "universe in itself." Does this mean it's a universe in the sense that the domes and the surface are universes? How big is it, anyways?
75. I hope I'm not making myself sound stupid, but is Karda Nui really the core of the planet? If not, what's the meaning of the name "Universe Core?"
86. How many stalactite villages would you say there are?
91) Chirox is more skilled at using it than Teridax, because he uses it like a "waldo" in his experiments. 102) It was shaped differently on Vezon's head, true, but nothing was stated that it never looked the way it does now ever before, or that there could not be carvings on VN showing this shape. 113) The latter. 124) It's massively huge, the largest single domed area in the Matoran universe, hence the feeling it is practically a universe in and of itself. 135) No. It's the core of the domed universe of the Matoran, which is not the same as the planet itself. It's sort of like if you had a huge, domed science center in your town, and it had a central power core -- that's the core of the center, not the core of planet Earth. 146) Oh, I think I told someone four or five at one point.
15BIG news .
17So the Ignika has almost pulled off a life drain before . Now that is interesting... explains why it was silver on Vezon's head. Nice work, Wrinkledon;

18Oh, and the bit about Chirox being more skilled at the Shadow Hand than Teridax is... quite facinating. I didn't know Makuta could "Train" to use their S-Hand better. Hm...
2So the Ignika has almost pulled off a life drain before . Now that is interesting... explains why it was silver on Vezon's head. Nice work, Wrinkledon;I never thought of that.
3Actually, we already knew that... or could guess at it. Because someone else asked about the silver Ignika in '06, and Greg stated the color was due to the fact that the Ignika was in the possession of a madman.
4Also... we now have the general position of Stelt:
5Just a quick thing I was wondering... where exactly is Stelt in the Matoran universe?
7South of Xia
8Not far south of it then? Or just "south"?
9And not in the same dome, right?
11Correct and correct
1Nothing particularly intresting, except maybe number 6.QUOTEHi Greg, I have a few questions.1. Were all the rougue Vahki destroyed by the visorak? Or are some still at large?2. Does the sundial serve as an extra entrance to the Core?3. Is the Tren Krom penninsula part of Gorast's island/region? Or is it her Region?4. Can you tell us why the makuta who took out krekka's eye was on Stelt?5. Did the Makuta evolve over time, or at once?5a. If the latter, were the makuta aware immediatly after? or did they figure it out over time?6. Krika believes the plan will not end well. Is he being paranoid, or does he have a reason?Tha's all. Thanks in advance.1) All destroyed2) No3) It was her region4) No, not at this time5) They all evolved at the same time6) No, he is right.He didn't really answer my question on 6, but I got something intresting.Nothing particularly intresting, except maybe number 6.QUOTEHi Greg, I have a few questions.1. Were all the rougue Vahki destroyed by the visorak? Or are some still at large?2. Does the sundial serve as an extra entrance to the Core?3. Is the Tren Krom penninsula part of Gorast's island/region? Or is it her Region?4. Can you tell us why the makuta who took out krekka's eye was on Stelt?5. Did the Makuta evolve over time, or at once?5a. If the latter, were the makuta aware immediatly after? or did they figure it out over time?6. Krika believes the plan will not end well. Is he being paranoid, or does he have a reason?Tha's all. Thanks in advance.1) All destroyed2) No3) It was her region4) No, not at this time5) They all evolved at the same time6) No, he is right.He didn't really answer my question on 6, but I got something intresting.
2Edit: woops, i guess that's why people don't use copy and paste in this thread.
2Edit: woops, i guess that's why people don't use copy and paste in this thread.
14) Can Makuta teleport someone to somewhere else without being together? 24) Probably
3Well, Makuta did it in Time Trap -- he teleported Vakama to the tunnels that lead to Mata Nui.
47) Can Ignika bring inanimate Kanohi masks to life? 57) The Ignika cannot give something a mind or a consciousness, and without that, an inanimate object, even if alive, cannot move or act. So answer's no. No other mask has a consciousness besides the Ignika
66) What is Toa Ignika's Nuva Blast effect? 76) Pretty much the same as what you would get if you shattered the Mask of Life -- everything -- EVERYTHING, rays of light, rocks, equipment, armor -- would come to life.

1Yo . greg just a thing i want to know
2what is the team (good/bad) of each of the new titans for the summer??? (besides takanuva we all know he is good) 3(example vultraz is a bad guy) pleese tell me . . .
4Greg doesn't read this topic. You need to send him a PM asking him your questions. To PM him, Click Here. But before you can PM, you need 10 approved posts.

1Yo . greg just a thing i want to know
2what is the team (good/bad) of each of the new titans for the summer??? (besides takanuva we all know he is good) 3(example vultraz is a bad guy) pleese tell me . . .
4You have to PM your questions to GregF when you reach 10 posts (link's in the first post).
5Lewa, Pohatu, Takanuva and possibly Mazeka are the good titans.
6Antroz and Vultraz the bad ones.
1Yo . greg just a thing i want to know
2what is the team (good/bad) of each of the new titans for the summer??? (besides takanuva we all know he is good) 3(example vultraz is a bad guy) pleese tell me . . .
4dude, about half a millon people have tried getting info on that topic. try Biosector01.com.
1these might be interesting, might not:\
2questions: 31)was balta the one who designed the bohrok? 41a)if not him, then who?
52)could a toa of plastic be possible?
63)what would happen if a toa completed his/her destiny while in hordika form?
74)could a matoran hordika be possible?
8answers: 91)no. the bohrok where designed by the great beings.
102)plastic does not exist in the bionicle universe, so no.
113)highly unlikely that would ever happen.
13opinions: 141)hmmmm, i could of swore that i read somewhere that balta was the one........
152)dang .
163)he did'nt answer my question....
174)let the theories begin......
-makuta of xhin i nui- 
2questions: 31)was balta the one who designed the bohrok? 41a)if not him, then who?
52)could a toa of plastic be possible?
63)what would happen if a toa completed his/her destiny while in hordika form?
74)could a matoran hordika be possible?
8answers: 91)no. the bohrok where designed by the great beings.
102)plastic does not exist in the bionicle universe, so no.
113)highly unlikely that would ever happen.
13opinions: 141)hmmmm, i could of swore that i read somewhere that balta was the one........
152)dang .
163)he did'nt answer my question....

174)let the theories begin......

1I wonder why people (new users and old) don't just read the first page that clearly states this isn't the place for PMing Greg.....so strange.
2Anyway, on to my QA:
3QUOTE 4Greetings. I just have a few questions I thought maybe you could answer. Thank you, and answer at your leisure.
51) How many Makuta live permanently on the island of Destral?
62) Has Vamprah always been the way he is?
73) Do all Makuta have control over a specific island?
84) Lighty energy can not be replaced when drained from a shadow leech victim correct?
95) May I have a qoute from Mutran? (His set is already out after all in Wal-Mart)
106) Who made the decision to make Antroz lead all the Makuta in Karda Nui?
117) Have Antroz and Chirox Makuta ever argued before?
128) Is Mata Nui a pleasant being or is he kind of mean?
139) Did Icarax come up with the campaign against both the Matoran of Light in Karda Nui and the second team in the Swamp of Secrets?
1410) Are the mutated Rahi in the SoS powerful? 15a)Ferocious? 16b)can any speak?
1711) Why didn't the Toa Nuva just take the staff of Artahka with them and teleport into Karda Nui to heal the entire place?
1812)Do you like to read any sort of comic books?
19Thanks for your time,
211) Hasn't been revealed 222) What are you referring to? 233) They are assigned to regions, not necessarily one specific island. Might be a whole group of islands 244) I haven't decided yet 255) Don't have time to go quote searching. I am getting 5-10 PMs every half hour today. 266) MOMN 277) It's certainly possible. Why? 288) I can't discuss this 299) No. All this was planned out before Icarax even came to Karda Nui. MOMN gave the orders, Antroz implemented them. 3010) There are certainly powerful and ferocious Rahi in the swamp, none that can speak though 3111) Because that won't do any good. The damage to the core is not the issue, and fixing it won't wake up Mata Nui, which is what they need to do. 3212) Yes 33and some more,
34QUOTE 35Hello Greg F. Exellent ending to 2007, I must say. Had no idea Matoro was going to do the ultimate sacrifice. Quite impressive. Anywho, I'd like to ask a few questions about Bionicle. Please respond, it would make my day to know the answer to these questions.
361) Spiriah is such a great name. How do you come up with names?
372) Are Bionicle beings susceptible to viral infections? (Zombie-esque mostly)
383) Is the Bionicle planet in our universe or in another dimension?
394) Have there been many Dark Hunter deaths?
405) Are normal Toa easily overwhelmed by beings more powerful than they?
416) How many Toa are alive and well right now?
427) Have alot of Toa become Turaga?
438) Have Turaga ever been something close to a hero in their own right?
449) Is most of the Bionicle planet covered in Islands?
4510) Have other Matoran islands created Vahki?
4611) How many Makuta are alive?
4712) Is Mutran interesting?
4813) Have there been good Makuta? (Those that aren't greedy, evil, malevolent and corrupt?)
4914) Is it possible to make a Toa of Shadow?
5015) In conjunction with a newly formed Nui Stone, would a being be able to challenge the Visorak Horde single handedly?
5116) While using the Nui Stone, would someone with greater skill in combat situations (ex. Hydraxon) benefit more in battles?
5217) Do Bionicle beings have a sense of taste? (I've read Rahi have a tendency to favor a certain type of prey)
5318) Why was Lhikan elected leader of the 300+ army of Toa in the Toa/DH war?
5419) Is there iron in the Bionicle world? Isnt Protodermis the only metal they use?
5520) What colors would a Toa of Iron be?
5621) What's is your favorite Toa element?
5722) What Toa element is strongest would you say? (or does it depend on the Toa's skill with that element?)
5823) Have Toa ever killed other beings for defensive purposes?
5924) What will the Barraki do now that their only ticket out of Mahri Nui is gone?
6025) Can you describe the Icarax set in one word?
6126) Why doesn't Botar take all the BOM members to the Pit?
6227) Who do you prefer, Makuta or the Shadowed One?
6328) When is the next Bionicle movie scheduled for release? Is it going to be better than the others in any way?
6429) Now that the Toa Mahri breathe air, will those "gills" eventually fall off or wil they stay?
6530) Are the Toa Mahri now considered the newest Toa Metru?
66Thank you for your time, hope this isn't too long .
671) That came off our approved name list, which is put together by me and our creative agency in Denmark and then run by Legal. 682) I am going to say yes, only because of the fact that they do have organic lungs, so most likely an airborne virus would be effective. 693) I do not see it as being in Earth's universe 704) Over the years, sure. They are in a dangerous profession 715) I wouldn't say so, no. An average Toa has a bit of Captain America in him, and knows how to deal with beings more powerful than he is. 726) I believe the number is 56 right now, something like that 737) Some, not all 748) Here and there, certainly -- Turaga Nuju once saved Kopaka's life, for example -- but their job is really to be leaders, not warriors. 759) Not so far as we know, no. Only one island has been seen on the planet, Mata Nui, since Voya Nui was on the surface ocean by accident. No other land masses have been shown. 7610) No 7711) Unknown at present -- at least 10 7812) All my characters are interesting
7913) No 8014) Since there are no Matoran of Shadow, you cannot have a naturally occurring Toa of Shadow. The only way you could get one would be to drain the light out of a Toa, or have a Matoran who has been so drained evolve into a Toa. 8115) If you had the stone and it had sufficient power to tap into, you certainly could do a lot of damage to the horde, yes. 8216) Yes, probably. Having lots of power does you no good if you don't know how to use it. 8317) Some seem to 8418) Skill and experience and familiarity with the city of Metru Nui. 8519) All metal is metallic protodermis, but they have various names for it. They don't call it "metallic protodermis" anymore than Metru Nui Matoran called what was in the ocean "liquid protodermis" -- they called it water. 8620) No idea. 8721) Probably ice 8822) I don't think one is that much stronger than another, it really depends on how you use it. 8923) It is against a Toa's code to kill. 9024) They will be making another appearance in a web serial next year 9125) Nope 9226) Well, for one thing, Botar doesn't transport you until you have already been defeated, and no one has defeated all the BOM members. 9327) Makuta 9428) It is scheduled for 2009 right now. 9529) They'll stay 9630) Yes, but I am not changing their team name as it would get too confusing
97Probably old stuff, but hey, maybe it can be of use
2Anyway, on to my QA:
3QUOTE 4Greetings. I just have a few questions I thought maybe you could answer. Thank you, and answer at your leisure.
51) How many Makuta live permanently on the island of Destral?
62) Has Vamprah always been the way he is?
73) Do all Makuta have control over a specific island?
84) Lighty energy can not be replaced when drained from a shadow leech victim correct?
95) May I have a qoute from Mutran? (His set is already out after all in Wal-Mart)
106) Who made the decision to make Antroz lead all the Makuta in Karda Nui?
117) Have Antroz and Chirox Makuta ever argued before?
128) Is Mata Nui a pleasant being or is he kind of mean?
139) Did Icarax come up with the campaign against both the Matoran of Light in Karda Nui and the second team in the Swamp of Secrets?
1410) Are the mutated Rahi in the SoS powerful? 15a)Ferocious? 16b)can any speak?
1711) Why didn't the Toa Nuva just take the staff of Artahka with them and teleport into Karda Nui to heal the entire place?
1812)Do you like to read any sort of comic books?
19Thanks for your time,
211) Hasn't been revealed 222) What are you referring to? 233) They are assigned to regions, not necessarily one specific island. Might be a whole group of islands 244) I haven't decided yet 255) Don't have time to go quote searching. I am getting 5-10 PMs every half hour today. 266) MOMN 277) It's certainly possible. Why? 288) I can't discuss this 299) No. All this was planned out before Icarax even came to Karda Nui. MOMN gave the orders, Antroz implemented them. 3010) There are certainly powerful and ferocious Rahi in the swamp, none that can speak though 3111) Because that won't do any good. The damage to the core is not the issue, and fixing it won't wake up Mata Nui, which is what they need to do. 3212) Yes 33and some more,
34QUOTE 35Hello Greg F. Exellent ending to 2007, I must say. Had no idea Matoro was going to do the ultimate sacrifice. Quite impressive. Anywho, I'd like to ask a few questions about Bionicle. Please respond, it would make my day to know the answer to these questions.
361) Spiriah is such a great name. How do you come up with names?
372) Are Bionicle beings susceptible to viral infections? (Zombie-esque mostly)
383) Is the Bionicle planet in our universe or in another dimension?
394) Have there been many Dark Hunter deaths?
405) Are normal Toa easily overwhelmed by beings more powerful than they?
416) How many Toa are alive and well right now?
427) Have alot of Toa become Turaga?
438) Have Turaga ever been something close to a hero in their own right?
449) Is most of the Bionicle planet covered in Islands?
4510) Have other Matoran islands created Vahki?
4611) How many Makuta are alive?
4712) Is Mutran interesting?
4813) Have there been good Makuta? (Those that aren't greedy, evil, malevolent and corrupt?)
4914) Is it possible to make a Toa of Shadow?
5015) In conjunction with a newly formed Nui Stone, would a being be able to challenge the Visorak Horde single handedly?
5116) While using the Nui Stone, would someone with greater skill in combat situations (ex. Hydraxon) benefit more in battles?
5217) Do Bionicle beings have a sense of taste? (I've read Rahi have a tendency to favor a certain type of prey)
5318) Why was Lhikan elected leader of the 300+ army of Toa in the Toa/DH war?
5419) Is there iron in the Bionicle world? Isnt Protodermis the only metal they use?
5520) What colors would a Toa of Iron be?
5621) What's is your favorite Toa element?
5722) What Toa element is strongest would you say? (or does it depend on the Toa's skill with that element?)
5823) Have Toa ever killed other beings for defensive purposes?
5924) What will the Barraki do now that their only ticket out of Mahri Nui is gone?
6025) Can you describe the Icarax set in one word?
6126) Why doesn't Botar take all the BOM members to the Pit?
6227) Who do you prefer, Makuta or the Shadowed One?
6328) When is the next Bionicle movie scheduled for release? Is it going to be better than the others in any way?
6429) Now that the Toa Mahri breathe air, will those "gills" eventually fall off or wil they stay?
6530) Are the Toa Mahri now considered the newest Toa Metru?
66Thank you for your time, hope this isn't too long .
671) That came off our approved name list, which is put together by me and our creative agency in Denmark and then run by Legal. 682) I am going to say yes, only because of the fact that they do have organic lungs, so most likely an airborne virus would be effective. 693) I do not see it as being in Earth's universe 704) Over the years, sure. They are in a dangerous profession 715) I wouldn't say so, no. An average Toa has a bit of Captain America in him, and knows how to deal with beings more powerful than he is. 726) I believe the number is 56 right now, something like that 737) Some, not all 748) Here and there, certainly -- Turaga Nuju once saved Kopaka's life, for example -- but their job is really to be leaders, not warriors. 759) Not so far as we know, no. Only one island has been seen on the planet, Mata Nui, since Voya Nui was on the surface ocean by accident. No other land masses have been shown. 7610) No 7711) Unknown at present -- at least 10 7812) All my characters are interesting

97Probably old stuff, but hey, maybe it can be of use

1So here are some emails I got from GregF and never posted, my questions are in normal font, answers are bold, and my comments are below each letter.
91) I hope one would feature Krakua. 102)Well, I guess I will have to wait till 09 to get my hands on a the 2004 volumes (my comics are getting a little worn)
342: I don't know what he meant here, I'll edit the post when I do know. 353: A: this is good info. 36b- Wow, I will know the Mistika book story line on June 1st, and part of the Mistika comic story in mid July, but will not get to buy them until August .? .? .? 374: I guess I will buy it then. 385: by now this is old info.
581: I'm perplexed. 592: a- that makes sense. I hope the winner will provide directions, like the creators of Krakua and the Piraka Fusion. 60b- Ok. 61c- Drat . I used to get brickmaster in 06, but I will not renew until 2 months before the BIONICLE exclusive rahi comes out. Maybe some kind BZP member will provide a hi-res printable scan. 623: I thought that he meant that there would be May comic, but I still don't know. 634: I wish it was in the summer. 645: I meant just the Swamp of Secrets arc, not the entire year, but oh well.
691) too bad.
911: that stinks. 922: Too bad. 933: DM is only 9 chapters, just like "into the darkness" 944: well i guess I will have to wait. 955: i really want to see the art. 966: I guess we will have to wait until the set is released to see what the real version is. The inaccurate version should be highly collectible.
21) Could you tell me anything about the summer web serials?
32) I have seen that PaperCutz in making a new BIONICLE graphic novel series. 4A: Since I already own BIONICLE Vol 1, I was wondering if volume 2 went up to the 15th comic (that way I wouldn't have to buy 1 or 2) 5B: Will there be graphic novels that have the Metru Nui and IGNITION comics in them? (I hope so .)
71) Nothing definite to discuss yet 82) The 2008 books will go up through the end of 2003, I believe. Future volumes will cover future runs of the comics.
91) I hope one would feature Krakua. 102)Well, I guess I will have to wait till 09 to get my hands on a the 2004 volumes (my comics are getting a little worn)
11Hi Greg- 12I was wondering If you could answer a few questions.
131) NOTE: question one contained numerous Bionicle Legends #9 spoilers, and I told GregF I wouldn't post them here until April.
142)Here are my questions on Realm of fear. 15A: The end of the comic says that Swamp of secrets arc will come in July. Does this mean there will be no May comic? (I hope not) 16B: Will mutran be in the comics?
173) If the Swamp of Secrets arc does start in July, I have a few questions. 18A: Sine Shadows was released early, will Swamp of Secrets be? 19B: I thought the ToyFair "cards" said the mistika would be released in August. Aren't the toys released before the comics and books?
204) Will The Journey of Takanuva show what Takanuva looked like after being shadow leeched, but before being enlarged?
215) Can you tell us about Miserix's set form yet? 22If not When can you?
236) When will we get to see Icarax's shadow leech attack on Takanuva?
24thank you very much 25~iVahi
261) NOTE: question one contained numerous Bionicle Legends #9 spoilers, and I told GregF I wouldn't post them here until April.
272) No comic in May, no 282b) Don't recall
293a) Normally books hit stores about a month before their Amazon.com release date 303b) No. Scholastic's schedule has nothing to do with the toy schedule, really. They are doing three chapter books this year, so one covers winter sets, one covers summer sets, and one wraps things up.
314) Yes
325) I will be posting a blog entry about it, most likely tonight
336) Bionicle Legends #10
342: I don't know what he meant here, I'll edit the post when I do know. 353: A: this is good info. 36b- Wow, I will know the Mistika book story line on June 1st, and part of the Mistika comic story in mid July, but will not get to buy them until August .? .? .? 374: I guess I will buy it then. 385: by now this is old info.
391: What or who is Trem Krom? MC says it's a legend, so I'm assuming that he is a person In this context, but why are there 2 geographic features neamed after it?
402:Here are my questions about Miserix 41a: Why did you guys at LEGO mag make Brickmasters write an essay, if you already, knew about Miserix? 42b: What month will Miserix be in? 43c: Will he be only in Brickmaster? 44d: Do you know if he will be like Krakua, mask-wise (i.e. Krakua wore a grey hau, but it was called a suletu at the time, because the mask was needed, but not molded yet.)
453: You told me there will be no comic in May. Will there be one in September?
464: When will The Journey of Takanuva be released?
475: If the Swamp of secrets book comes out in July, and the book in June, will the entire story arc be covered before we even get the sets?
48thanks 49~iVahi
501) We'll get to that 512a) Because there are four other prizes besides the grand prize, and part of showing your creativity is describing your model. If two models look close to each other, as is happening a lot with this contest, the essay often makes the difference in who wins. 522b) In BM? May. 532c) Yes 542d) Impossible to say, as the winning model has not been chosen yet. 553) Yes 564) Fall, I think 575) No, because you still have the entire final battle to deal with which is in fall.
581: I'm perplexed. 592: a- that makes sense. I hope the winner will provide directions, like the creators of Krakua and the Piraka Fusion. 60b- Ok. 61c- Drat . I used to get brickmaster in 06, but I will not renew until 2 months before the BIONICLE exclusive rahi comes out. Maybe some kind BZP member will provide a hi-res printable scan. 623: I thought that he meant that there would be May comic, but I still don't know. 634: I wish it was in the summer. 645: I meant just the Swamp of Secrets arc, not the entire year, but oh well.
651) What ever happened to the "BIONICLE THE ALBUM" project? Were any tracks ever produced? Will LEGO ever release any BIONICLE CD's besides the powerpack?
66thanks 67~ivahi
68No, nothing was ever produced for that. The contract was with the record company way back when, but then the record company changed executives and the new one had no interest in the project, so it died. No plans for other CDs that I know of.
691) too bad.
701: You said in a topic "Or, you can simply buy the Papercutz collections as they come out, with the first three scheduled for this year." 71A- Will the 3rd cover all of the 2004 comics? (I hope so, as I own "BIONICLE Vol 1" and have been waiting for years for the 2004 comic collection.) 72B- When will the 3rd be released? 73C- How tall will these volumes be? A- (Same size as BIONICLE vol. 1 and BIONICLE #12 and #10) or B- larger.
742: Will Miserix appear in any of the comics or book, or just the web serials?
753: How many chapters will the current web serials go up to?
764: A- When will the Brickmaster exclusive BIONICLE set be released? 77B- Will it be a set with exclusive molded pieces, exclusive colored pieces, or no exclusive pieces? 78C- When can you show a pic of it?
795: A- Can you show us some artwork from, or an excerpt from The Journey of Takanuva 80B- If not, when can you?
816: I have seen a few different versions of the new Takanuva set. 1 is the one that is on BZP. The second is the one on BS01, but I don't know where it is from. The third was the box on ASMZINE. So far the only major difference is the mask. Which avohkii is the real version, A or B?
831) They are the size of manga collections like you see in bookstores, and I believe the first three volumes will cover 2001-2003. 2004 would be out next year. 842) Just the web serials 853) DM is nine chapters, the other two are 10 864) I would have to check the schedule, I don't know off the top of my head 874b) I am not aware of it having exclusive pieces. 884c) I have no pic of it to show. 895a) Too early, and that is something I would need Scholastic's permission before I could do. I doubt I would post an excerpt, since the book is for five year olds and won't be of interest to most people here. 906) The one posted on BZP from ToyFair should be the accurate one.
911: that stinks. 922: Too bad. 933: DM is only 9 chapters, just like "into the darkness" 944: well i guess I will have to wait. 955: i really want to see the art. 966: I guess we will have to wait until the set is released to see what the real version is. The inaccurate version should be highly collectible.
1Earlier today: 2Hey Greg . I just have one question.
3Krika doesn't like the plan, correct? Does that mean that he is sort of like a crazy preacher, telling everyone that they deserve their deaths?
4No. Krika sees no point in telling anyone much of anything, because he knows it's not going to change anything. The other Makuta aren't going to stop following the plan just because he doesn't think it will be for the best.
5Sort of pessimistic, isn't Krika?
3Krika doesn't like the plan, correct? Does that mean that he is sort of like a crazy preacher, telling everyone that they deserve their deaths?
4No. Krika sees no point in telling anyone much of anything, because he knows it's not going to change anything. The other Makuta aren't going to stop following the plan just because he doesn't think it will be for the best.
5Sort of pessimistic, isn't Krika?
11) Recently, you said something about the approved names list being finite... how close are you to running out? 22) Have you thought of using "Artidax" as the Makuta of Artakha? 33) Are you planning on naming anything else? Or just waiting to see what comes along?
4Ah, and unrelatedly... 54) If Mutran doesn't care about the other Makuta's locations, how are we going to find them out?
6Thanks, 7-VK-
81) Pretty close. All the names being considered for 2009 use the new naming scheme, so none would be appropriate for 2008. So all I have to work with is what I have now. 92) Yes, but I am not convinced he needs a name. He only exists in the DM universe and may not even figure into story there that much. 103) Depends on what I need names for. 114) I'll share them, outside of story
12Some stuff...
1Hi Mr. Farshtey, I have a few questions:
21. Can anything besides Matoran, Toa, Turaga, Bohrok, Bohrok Va, Bohrok-Kal, and Rahkshi make Kaitas or Nuis?
32. If Artakha hid the Nuva masks on Mata Nui, how did the Turaga know where to tell the Toa to search for them?
43. The Shadowed One and Ancient part of a species, right?
5Thanks a lot .
71) It's possible 82) Vakama has visions, remember? 93) Yes
10I think #1 is interesting.
1iVahi, if I understand you and Greg correctly, I will have to disagree with him. The one that BZPower took at Toy Fair is inaccurate and a prototype and the one on ASMZINE is the real one. Why? The ASMZINE one is made of plastic and most likely final. Also, the one on the box is the same as the ASMZINE one just a different angle. I think. 2~ShadowBolt~
1The one on the box was the Toy Fair one. 

1hey mr farshtey just a few questions for you. 21.on biosector 01 it says that tahtorak are native to zakaz but it also says that they are native to keetongu's island. Does this mean by extension that keetongu's species are native to zakaz ? 32.Is Icarax officially the new leader of the brotherhood. 42b does that mean that the other makuta supported icarax's plan as a second to Teridax's ? 52c is kirika opposed to teridax's plan or to icarax's. 63.was miserix overthrown due to his devotion to mata nui 74. if brutaka ever returns from his suicide mission and is succesful what will become of him and the other members of his team. 85. How many members of the brotherhood of makuta are still alive or active. 96.Why are there no matoran of lightning or iron etc. on metru nui 107. Hypothetically if the toa inika met a toa of lightning would the toa of lightning be able to control the inika due to the lightning flowing through them. 118.I know you probably cant answer these but will 2009 be set on the planet surface as it isnt technically part of the matoran universe 128b Will the 2009 Toa be of new elements other than the six main ones so far. 138c will the red star have connections to the heroes or villains of 2009.
149. A non-bionicle related question, i admire your works of bionicle fiction and was wondering if you have any advice for someone who wants to get a work of fiction published ?
15Much Thanks , 16Eredish
149. A non-bionicle related question, i admire your works of bionicle fiction and was wondering if you have any advice for someone who wants to get a work of fiction published ?
15Much Thanks , 16Eredish
171) No. It means Tahtorak are native to more than one island. 182) No. Icarax wants to be the leader, but he isn't now. Teridax's plan has not been proven to be a bad one -- in fact, it's going just fine -- and without doing that, Icarax cannot become leader. 193) No. Miserix was overthrown because he didn't think Teridax's plan would work. 204) He will go back to work for the OOMN, and his team will be imprisoned. 215) Hasn't been revealed 226) Same reason that, thousands of years ago, there were no Europeans in China. They are not native to Metru Nui. 237) No. 248-8c) I can't discuss 2009
1Really? I'll have to look. 2~ShadowBolt~ 3Edit: Actually, from these angles, they appear all to be different with the box one being a cross between the ASMZINE and Toy Fair ones.
4Any of those pictures can be a prototype, remember that the mask isn't released yet giving the set designres the opportunity to give him a new mask that maybe doesn't resemble any of these ones
5Redekeh, could you please post that in a spoiler
1Some interesting things.
2Hi again greg . 3Can the red star's lightning turn the ignika into an organic mask? 4Irrelevant, since the Ignika is not on the surface to be exposed to that. 51.but if the ignika was on the surface can it happen? 62.Are inika's kanohi alive since they recoil if not touched by user? 73.I remembered somewhere that there was going to be a fight between zaktan and pridak in the pit, did this ever happen? 83b.if it neever did then who do you think will win? 94.Are the piraka weaker now that they are mutated and how did they beat the zyglak? 105.Invasion was going to tell how krana were made but it never came out can you tell me how they are made?
11Is teridax's current location an unknown place heavily guarded with a carved hau? 12I recommend reading Book 9 for the info available on his location 136. But i live in Sweden and i can't get the books the last one i got is Bionicle Legends#2 . so can you please tell me? 147.If the ignika turns black and before the energy waves get released can vakama smash the vahi and stop the life drain- 158.if ignika and vahi were next to each other and two toas open fire with cordaks, what will happen? 169.I am guessing that the important thing the mistika will find instead of ignika is the remainder keystones right?
17Thanks again Greg .
181) I don't answer hypothetical questions, Ivan, I have too many non-hypothetical ones piled up in my mailbox to have time to do that. 192) Yes 203) I have no idea where you read that, but it didn't come from me. There were never plans for that. 214) Weaker to some extent, but they still have their vision powers and they still have their tactical skill. 225) No, it wasn't going to say how they were made. All the krana info that was going to be in that book was released in the write-up on the zyglak. Look up zyglak on biosector01.com. 236) Then answer's yes 247) No, because that wouldn't do it. All that would do is mean the future might move into the past, so the life drain would have happened a week ago, or it might mean the moment of everyone actually dying will last a year. It won't freeze time and stop it from happening. 258) The power of time and the power of life would be unleashed on the universe 269) Bigger than that
11Is teridax's current location an unknown place heavily guarded with a carved hau? 12I recommend reading Book 9 for the info available on his location 136. But i live in Sweden and i can't get the books the last one i got is Bionicle Legends#2 . so can you please tell me? 147.If the ignika turns black and before the energy waves get released can vakama smash the vahi and stop the life drain- 158.if ignika and vahi were next to each other and two toas open fire with cordaks, what will happen? 169.I am guessing that the important thing the mistika will find instead of ignika is the remainder keystones right?
17Thanks again Greg .
181) I don't answer hypothetical questions, Ivan, I have too many non-hypothetical ones piled up in my mailbox to have time to do that. 192) Yes 203) I have no idea where you read that, but it didn't come from me. There were never plans for that. 214) Weaker to some extent, but they still have their vision powers and they still have their tactical skill. 225) No, it wasn't going to say how they were made. All the krana info that was going to be in that book was released in the write-up on the zyglak. Look up zyglak on biosector01.com. 236) Then answer's yes 247) No, because that wouldn't do it. All that would do is mean the future might move into the past, so the life drain would have happened a week ago, or it might mean the moment of everyone actually dying will last a year. It won't freeze time and stop it from happening. 258) The power of time and the power of life would be unleashed on the universe 269) Bigger than that