1Hey GregF, 21. What is the name of the sun in the Spherus Magna system? 32. Were the planets we saw at the beginning of TLR planets of the solar system?
41) I believe the name I approved was Solis Magna 52) Makes sense to me -- what else would they be?
6Great find, Erebus .![]()
7Bioran asked me to ask GregF, so thank him for asking.
1I would prefer it if Solis meant light. The term Great Light sounds better than Great Sun.
1I would like it if it meant star in agori more. "Great Star" sounds best to me.
1Yeah, that was cool to learn. Actually it's kind of funny and interesting. Here on Earth we've named the world after, well, earth. Dirt, ground. The Agori live on their Big Sphere with its Big Desert, Big Forest, and Big Ocean, and they have a Big Sun. I like that.
2Magna means great, kinda like the Carta Magna means Great Charter.
1Solis Magna, eh? Very nice.
1Hey GregF, 21. What is the name of the sun in the Spherus Magna system? 32. Were the planets we saw at the beginning of TLR planets of the solar system?
41) I believe the name I approved was Solis Magna 52) Makes sense to me -- what else would they be?
6As unoriginal as I found the planet names to be (particularly Aqua Magna), at least it stays consistant.

1Yeah, that was cool to learn. Actually it's kind of funny and interesting. Here on Earth we've named the world after, well, earth. Dirt, ground. The Agori live on their Big Sphere with its Big Desert, Big Forest, and Big Ocean, and they have a Big Sun. I like that.
2Magna means great, kinda like the Carta Magna means Great Charter.
3Don't you mean Magna Carta?
4I like the whole Magna thing. Almost as cool as the Nui thing back in 01.
1Solis Magna? That's the most awesome name siince, well, Teridax
1Yeah, that was cool to learn. Actually it's kind of funny and interesting. Here on Earth we've named the world after, well, earth. Dirt, ground. The Agori live on their Big Sphere with its Big Desert, Big Forest, and Big Ocean, and they have a Big Sun. I like that.
2Magna means great, kinda like the Carta Magna means Great Charter.
3Don't you mean Magna Carta?
4I like the whole Magna thing. Almost as cool as the Nui thing back in 01.
5Oh yeah . just got mixed up, anyway SOLIS MAGNA is a awesome name, youv'e done it again GregF.
1Now all we need is some new moon called lunar magna and we'll have a complete set 

1well it makes sense if they call stuff great. Bara magna = great desert/barren, and it was big and barren. a smaller desert would be called bara (something). just as aqua magna was a big sea, and a smaller sea would be called Aqua (something). just as we have the great ocean.
1(no anarchist talk about how the mods are elitists)
2You have a very weird brain.

4Hey GregF, 51. What is the name of the sun in the Spherus Magna system? 62. Were the planets we saw at the beginning of TLR planets of the solar system?
71) I believe the name I approved was Solis Magna 82) Makes sense to me -- what else would they be?
9That's.... awesome.
10Hi Greg, just one quick question.
111) Did you ever use the Shadowed One's real name for another being, location, creature or something else?
12Thanks for reading
13Sorry, not going to answer this.

1Hey GregF, 21. What is the name of the sun in the Spherus Magna system? 32. Were the planets we saw at the beginning of TLR planets of the solar system?
41) I believe the name I approved was Solis Magna 52) Makes sense to me -- what else would they be?
6Can we get a BS01 page on this?
7Ω 8It doesn't have nearly enough information to become a BS01 page, it does merit it self a spot on.... I don't quite remember the page's name. 9EDIT: Locations page.
1I've got one question, since there is this whole thing with Nui and Magna meaning great and Solis, Spherus, etc. 2With Nui paired up with the names of the 01 rahi, do the names Jaga, Rama, Kuma, or Kopen have any similar type of meaning?
3Well, we know Mata Nui means "Great Spirit," so it's reasonable to assume that Nui-Rama would mean something similar, especially given its size, for example.
4Not the exact answer but it leaves room for discussion
1I think Nui-Rama means Great Fly, Nui-Kopen is Great Wasp, and Nui-Jaga is Great Scorpion or something. Maybe Kuma-Nui means Great Rat.
1Great Rat?
1I've got one question, since there is this whole thing with Nui and Magna meaning great and Solis, Spherus, etc. 2With Nui paired up with the names of the 01 rahi, do the names Jaga, Rama, Kuma, or Kopen have any similar type of meaning?
3Well, we know Mata Nui means "Great Spirit," so it's reasonable to assume that Nui-Rama would mean something similar, especially given its size, for example.
4Not the exact answer but it leaves room for discussion
5...I hadn't thought of that, but I should have guessed from "'Toa Mata' meaning 'Spirit toa'" post from a couple pages back....

1I've got one question, since there is this whole thing with Nui and Magna meaning great and Solis, Spherus, etc. 2With Nui paired up with the names of the 01 rahi, do the names Jaga, Rama, Kuma, or Kopen have any similar type of meaning?
3Well, we know Mata Nui means "Great Spirit," so it's reasonable to assume that Nui-Rama would mean something similar, especially given its size, for example.
4Not the exact answer but it leaves room for discussion
5...I hadn't thought of that, but I should have guessed from "'Toa Mata' meaning 'Spirit toa'" post from a couple pages back....
6They were reffered to as the Spirit of Fire, Spirit of Water, etc.... back in 01, so that would be a nice little connection.
1I've got one question, since there is this whole thing with Nui and Magna meaning great and Solis, Spherus, etc. 2With Nui paired up with the names of the 01 rahi, do the names Jaga, Rama, Kuma, or Kopen have any similar type of meaning?
3Well, we know Mata Nui means "Great Spirit," so it's reasonable to assume that Nui-Rama would mean something similar, especially given its size, for example.
4Not the exact answer but it leaves room for discussion
5...I hadn't thought of that, but I should have guessed from "'Toa Mata' meaning 'Spirit toa'" post from a couple pages back....
6I remember that. There are so many meanings now. 7Magna, Nui, Mata, Metru, Voya, Mahri, Solis, Spherus, Bota, Aqua, etc.
1I've got one question, since there is this whole thing with Nui and Magna meaning great and Solis, Spherus, etc. 2With Nui paired up with the names of the 01 rahi, do the names Jaga, Rama, Kuma, or Kopen have any similar type of meaning?
3Well, we know Mata Nui means "Great Spirit," so it's reasonable to assume that Nui-Rama would mean something similar, especially given its size, for example.
4Not the exact answer but it leaves room for discussion
5BS01 has a page on that here
1Guys, we have The Official Bionicle Languages Topic for stuff like this.
2Yes, but this was strted with a Q &A to Greg, so this is the place to discuss that PM.
1Guys, we have The Official Bionicle Languages Topic for stuff like this.
2Yes, but this was strted with a Q &A to Greg, so this is the place to discuss that PM.
3It is no longer remarking simply on the response, but has gone into definitions, which goes in that topic.
1If Tanma were to become the Toa of Light like his Kingdom counterpart...would he turn Gold and White; or would he stay his normal Lime Green color? 2on that note, is Gold and White the only color scheme a Toa of Light can be? (not counting Takanuva's little mishap)
3Tanma only appears green because he is altering the way other characters perceive light around him, to disguise his actual gold and white color. So he would be gold and white as a Toa, unless he chose to continue using his power to change how one sees his color.
4I actually found it interesting...I didnt know much about av-matoran anyways.

1Hi Mr. F . had a question for you. It's been bothering me for a while, and don't think it's been covered. So, what do the vehicles in the MU run on? Like, what kind of fuel? What about the vehicles on BM? 2Thanks for your time .
4Not something we have explored, but I would assume they run on some kind of power cell with a very long lifespan.
5Just something that had been on my mind.

1Hey GregF, just 2 questions. 21. Is a Spirit Star tangible? Like can one touch it? 32. There's something I don't understand. Krakua is supposed to send a message to the past to Turaga Vakama. While he's doing that, he's guarding a besieged island fortress. But the Matoran Universe is destroyed now. So did Krakua already defend the island fortress during Teridax's reign or will he do so on Spherus Magna? 4Thanks.
51) It's energy 62) I can't answer this. It relates to future storyline.
7maybe Krakua part of the new Toa Team in the new serial maybe something happens that makes him do that
1Hey GregF, just 2 questions. 21. Is a Spirit Star tangible? Like can one touch it? 32. There's something I don't understand. Krakua is supposed to send a message to the past to Turaga Vakama. While he's doing that, he's guarding a besieged island fortress. But the Matoran Universe is destroyed now. So did Krakua already defend the island fortress during Teridax's reign or will he do so on Spherus Magna? 4Thanks.
51) It's energy 62) I can't answer this. It relates to future storyline.
7maybe Krakua part of the new Toa Team in the new serial maybe something happens that makes him do that
8I always had though that the falshback happened in the MU, during Teridax's reing.
1Hey GregF, just 2 questions. 21. Is a Spirit Star tangible? Like can one touch it? 32. There's something I don't understand. Krakua is supposed to send a message to the past to Turaga Vakama. While he's doing that, he's guarding a besieged island fortress. But the Matoran Universe is destroyed now. So did Krakua already defend the island fortress during Teridax's reign or will he do so on Spherus Magna? 4Thanks.
51) It's energy 62) I can't answer this. It relates to future storyline.
7maybe Krakua part of the new Toa Team in the new serial maybe something happens that makes him do that
8I always had though that the falshback happened in the MU, during Teridax's reing.
9No, as far as we know, Krakua hasn't contected Vakama yet.
1I think Nui-Rama means Great Fly, Nui-Kopen is Great Wasp, and Nui-Jaga is Great Scorpion or something. Maybe Kuma-Nui means Great Rat.
2Do you know what a Kuma Nui is? It's the combiner model of Mauka and Kane-Ra. 3It's BIG I think it might mean something more ferocious?
4Maybe it means Great Bear since Kuma stands for Bear in Japanese