1A note on the Midak Skyblasters from what Greg has said, the originals were made by the Nynrah, the Xians then modified them, and Artakha did not create the Midak Skyblasters remember the Nuva's Armor and Weapons adapt and Greg has stated that the weapons adapt into weapons that already exist.
1Well, lets see the possibilities of the Mistika's form-lock...
2The Pit Mutagen, though cliched. The Kanohi Ignika, though considered a "He". The Energy of Karda Nui, though has mostly unaffected the Phantoka. Mutran's knack for mutating, though highly unlikely...
3Considering EVERY possibility, I'd say it wouldn't be too farfetched to say that Roodaka's Mutation Rhotuka did the job. After all, Greg stated in a member's Q&A that Makuta would not be able to shapeshift if shot with her spinner.
4Though, Energized Protodermis and Visorak Venom are factors as well...
2The Pit Mutagen, though cliched. The Kanohi Ignika, though considered a "He". The Energy of Karda Nui, though has mostly unaffected the Phantoka. Mutran's knack for mutating, though highly unlikely...
3Considering EVERY possibility, I'd say it wouldn't be too farfetched to say that Roodaka's Mutation Rhotuka did the job. After all, Greg stated in a member's Q&A that Makuta would not be able to shapeshift if shot with her spinner.
4Though, Energized Protodermis and Visorak Venom are factors as well...
1Hello, Greg.
21) Is Axonn's visitor Trinuma? Because he is a part of the OoMN and he is a summer combiner.
32) Because Teridax does not know where Artakha is and so he isn't there, does this mean he really knows where Mata Nui is and how to get there and not just take an educated guess?
43) You have said before that a being's destiny is set once the being is created. Does this mean, that when a different descision is made, and a new dimension is made, that the being's destiny in that dimension changes when the dimension is made?
54) Because Takua and Dume are still with the Makuta, what will happen to them when Takanuva doesn't return after a while?
65) Can Krika use his mask to apply a constant force on the ground to fly, or does he apply force which lifts him into the air, and just applies force again when he is going down?
76) Are other, non-Matoran beings weakened without a mask? I mean, when Matoran take off their masks they feel weak. However, how come beings like the Barraki, who can wear masks, function perfectly well without them?
87) Is the Nynrah's existence common knowledge? The ghost part in their title contradicts this, but the Makuta seem to have located them recently to acquire their Blasters. Or are the Makuta the only beings who know where they are?
9Thanks in advance.
101) I'm not going to announce his visitor on here. 112) Nope. I said he would find out where Mata Nui is, I never said he was going to where Mata Nui was. 123) Yes. The whole concept behind any "what if?" story is that a character's life path and destiny is different in a different universe. 134) The Makuta would not gain any by harming Takua and Dume. Neither one matters to the Makuta. 145) He doesn't have to apply force. The force comes from the ground, which is repelling him. 156) Some beings are very dependent on their masks as the Toa and Matoran are, such as the Makuta. Other beings are not. 167) No, they are not unknown. Being hard to find doesn't equal unknown -- Yeti are hard to find, but most people have heard of them.
1You know what? I bet that the thing that hurt the Mistuka was Matoro &Ignika. It gave off a bunch of light, remember? The Phantuka were blinded, and the Mistuka were crippled. I mean, Greg stated that if a light nova blast were to happen, it would certainly cripple the Makuta. The 'Revive Mata Nui' thing seemed realy close to a light nova blast, but wasn't. The light could've affected them that way...
1It actually could be the Ignika.
1You know what? I bet that the thing that hurt the Mistuka was Matoro &Ignika. It gave off a bunch of light, remember? The Phantuka were blinded, and the Mistuka were crippled. I mean, Greg stated that if a light nova blast were to happen, it would certainly cripple the Makuta. The 'Revive Mata Nui' thing seemed realy close to a light nova blast, but wasn't. The light could've affected them that way...
2Well, the Phantoka Makuta were way closer, so wouldn't they have been crippled worse and blinded, by this logic? I don't think the Ignika is the cause.
1You know what? I bet that the thing that hurt the Mistuka was Matoro &Ignika. It gave off a bunch of light, remember? The Phantuka were blinded, and the Mistuka were crippled. I mean, Greg stated that if a light nova blast were to happen, it would certainly cripple the Makuta. The 'Revive Mata Nui' thing seemed realy close to a light nova blast, but wasn't. The light could've affected them that way...
2Interesting thought. But I think we might get Rickrolled by Greg. Who knows?
1Hi Greg,
2First of all, thanks for the info on the serials, I'm really exited about them . .
31) You told us that the reason for the Mistuka's lock-up is 'right in front of us', is it:
4a) Roodaka's spinner 5Mutran 6c) another makuta's power 7d) Visorak Venom 8e) EP 9f) The Mutagen 10g) Core Energy 11h) The Ignika blast 12i) The Ignika itself
13(That's the most obvious stuff i could think of)
142) Is the Mistuka's lock-up reversible?
153) Will the Toa Hagah serial be about the Hagah's part or present?
164) The OoMN will have declared war by summer right?
181) I'm not going to reveal what it is, folks will find out in summer 19aaaah 202) Yes 21cool 223) Present 23too bad 244) Yes 25yay, war
1Hi Greg,
2First of all, thanks for the info on the serials, I'm really exited about them . .
31) You told us that the reason for the Mistuka's lock-up is 'right in front of us', is it:
4a) Roodaka's spinner 5Mutran 6c) another makuta's power 7d) Visorak Venom 8e) EP 9f) The Mutagen 10g) Core Energy 11h) The Ignika blast 12i) The Ignika itself
13(That's the most obvious stuff i could think of)
142) Is the Mistuka's lock-up reversible?
153) Will the Toa Hagah serial be about the Hagah's part or present?
164) The OoMN will have declared war by summer right?
181) I'm not going to reveal what it is, folks will find out in summer 19aaaah 202) Yes 21cool 223) Present 23too bad 244) Yes 25yay, war
26I didn't think he'd tell us what did it.... 27Well, it means that we have something to look forward to, so... yup... Neat-O
28Johnny C., Over
1You know what? I bet that the thing that hurt the Mistuka was Matoro &Ignika. It gave off a bunch of light, remember? The Phantuka were blinded, and the Mistuka were crippled. I mean, Greg stated that if a light nova blast were to happen, it would certainly cripple the Makuta. The 'Revive Mata Nui' thing seemed realy close to a light nova blast, but wasn't. The light could've affected them that way...
2Hey . that makes sense . I like that . But... the Mistika would have been all the way down in the swamp when the blast happened, I believe... If the phantoka makuta were closest to the blast, and they were just blinded, then how could something worse happen to the mistika if they were further away? 3Still, it's an idea.... 4

1not really excited about the hagah serial... but the other 2 sounds great
2Depends on what the Hagah are doing![]()
3yeah, but WHAT should they be doing?

4Hi Mr. Farshtey, I only have two questions this time,
51. Are there any plans to release a mask of intangibility in future sets? 61a. mask of possibilities?
72. Is the Kal substance possibly pit mutagen? 82a. a Makuta virus?
9Thanks for your time .
111-1a) No, not at this time. You have seen all the 2008 sets and we are not in the Matoran universe next year, so those masks would not be relevant. 122) Can't answer it
13So we might not see masks at all next year.....
14I would hate if we didnt have masks
15me too... if we dont have masks, I'm gonna cry

17IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING THE MISKUTA GregF ~Sernakann~ 18Is it what locked the Mistika Makuta into their current forms, or who?
19What -- and when you find out the answer, you will kick yourself, since it's right in front of you.
20hmm... 'It's right in front of you.'.... It must be something vey simple, but the onliest thing I could imagine what is right in front of him is a computer

1not really excited about the hagah serial... but the other 2 sounds great
2Depends on what the Hagah are doing![]()
3yeah, but WHAT should they be doing?![]()
4Hi Mr. Farshtey, I only have two questions this time,
51. Are there any plans to release a mask of intangibility in future sets? 61a. mask of possibilities?
72. Is the Kal substance possibly pit mutagen? 82a. a Makuta virus?
9Thanks for your time .
111-1a) No, not at this time. You have seen all the 2008 sets and we are not in the Matoran universe next year, so those masks would not be relevant. 122) Can't answer it
13So we might not see masks at all next year.....
14I would hate if we didnt have masks
15me too... if we dont have masks, I'm gonna crywell.. not really of course but I want to see the masks returning . 16maybe as collectibles again
17IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING THE MISKUTA GregF ~Sernakann~ 18Is it what locked the Mistika Makuta into their current forms, or who?
19What -- and when you find out the answer, you will kick yourself, since it's right in front of you.
20hmm... 'It's right in front of you.'.... It must be something vey simple, but the onliest thing I could imagine what is right in front of him is a computer
21Maybe it is Krika's Virus that went horribly wrong?Hmmm....Nah.Probably Mutran.
1It's a "what," not a "who." 

9Strange, when people asked him if it's on the Red Star, he simply said "no", but this time he answered "I can't discuss this".
2Did Nynrah Ghost Blasters lock Miskuta into their current forms? Or was it Mutran?
3Ghost blasters don't have the power to do that, and if Mutran did it, Krika, Gorast and Bitil would have killed him by now.
5I have another Question. Can there be a dome (or domes) that don't count as a part of Matoran Universe?
6It's possible, but they would not be linked in any way to the Matoran domes. They would have to be separate and located elsewhere.
7Could it be the 2009 location?
8I can't discuss where the 2009 location is.
9Strange, when people asked him if it's on the Red Star, he simply said "no", but this time he answered "I can't discuss this".
1I've been thinking on the fact that we will be leaving the Matoran universe, and I was wondering:1)will we be losing masks?2)will we be leaving the familiar beings altogether?
21-2) I can tell you that the concept of the Mask of Power will play a very key role in 2009, so no, the idea of masks is not being abandoned.
3Am I the only one who noticed this? Masks of power playing a key role in the 09 story?? . . This is HUGE . . . .

1Krika's virus would technically be a "he", as Krika made said virus.
1but the virus itself would be a it
1Lots of things are created deliberately, but that doesn't mean that they're used deliberatly. For all we know, they could have been mutated by accident. Heck, we don't even know if they're mutated or not. 

1Am I the only one who noticed this? Masks of power playing a key role in the 09 story?? . . This is HUGE . . . .
2I noticed it...
3Now, about the thing with the Mistika: it it's Krika's virus, that's a what, but I don't think that's real likely... I'm banking on the mutagen or the Ignika's light blast, meself...
4I agree, it isn't like Krika was just messing around and he made something that not only affected him but also the other Makuta. And I think if that happened, the other two Makuta would doing it on purpose, and then kill him, just like they would kill Mutran if he did it to them.
5About the light blast, unless for some really odd reason, the Mistika Makuta were right next to the waterfall, I doubt it would have affected them more than somebody else.
6As far as what I think it is, I have no idea. But it is probably something we haven't heard from yet, or else we wouldn't "Kick" ourselves, we would say "Hey, I guessed that, and I was right ."
1maybe it was a virus that went wrong.
1Could be. We haven't had Makuta viruses pop up that much, 'cept for Dark Mirror, 'course. I don't know, though... it doesn't seem as obvious as Greg tells us it is.
1I have to agree with Nittany Nuva. Seriously Greg is the one who amkes the story for Bionicle and I think you should try to write him properly. 2Guys that don't speak english as their native language also try their best to send him questions with proper grammar, so should the native speakers.
3I agree too.
4No offense, but I really hate 'Da' and 'Dis' and 'YA'
5It's so annoying.
6Edit: It's obvious about the shapeshifting thing, hmmm?
7I think it must be themselves.
1You know what? I bet that the thing that hurt the Mistuka was Matoro &Ignika. It gave off a bunch of light, remember? The Phantuka were blinded, and the Mistuka were crippled. I mean, Greg stated that if a light nova blast were to happen, it would certainly cripple the Makuta. The 'Revive Mata Nui' thing seemed realy close to a light nova blast, but wasn't. The light could've affected them that way...
2Hey . that makes sense . I like that . But... the Mistika would have been all the way down in the swamp when the blast happened, I believe... If the phantoka makuta were closest to the blast, and they were just blinded, then how could something worse happen to the mistika if they were further away? 3Still, it's an idea.... 4![]()
5That's a pretty big loophole.
6There's also the fact that Greg said a while ago the thing that locked the Makuta Mistika into their forms is still active.
1Well... the Ignika can reverse the mutations of the Pit mutagen.
1One thing I've noticed that everyone forgot is that Greg said that if Bitil summoned a past form of himself that wasn't locked, then he would have been affected at an earlier stage in life, thus the thing that is locking them is still active. Therefore, that rules out anything having to do with the Ignika, Roodaka's spinners, or Mutran.
1One thing I've noticed that everyone forgot is that Greg said that if Bitil summoned a past form of himself that wasn't locked, then he would have been affected at an earlier stage in life, thus the thing that is locking them is still active. Therefore, that rules out anything having to do with the Ignika, Roodaka's spinners, or Mutran.
2I actually just stated it three posts above.
3It's fine if you mention it, but don't say something like 'everyone forgot' without reading the more recent posts.
1Again... Let's get back on topic here, people. This isn't the place to post your theories. In the past 26 posts (this page), there have been but two posts with new quotes. That ratio is far too big.
2We have a whole forum for this. Start taking discussion there - Either find an appropriate official topic, or post your theory in your own topic if it doesn't fit into an official one.
2We have a whole forum for this. Start taking discussion there - Either find an appropriate official topic, or post your theory in your own topic if it doesn't fit into an official one.
1My bad, Family Guy, I guess I didn't see your post.
Anyway, let's bring this back on topic.
11And of course I forgot the numerous examples of Makuta powers in Kanohi, such as Hunger and Illusion, for example.

2Seeing as Mutran and Chirox wear masks with powers similar to powers they already have as Makuta, I have a few questions.
31: Does the Silence effect of the Shelek have a certain duration, or does it only last as long as the wearer can concentrate?
42: If 1 is a certain duration, does that mean the advantage of these types of masks is that a Makuta can launch a power which he already has, but no longer needs to focus upon it for it to still affect his target? EX: Chirox can silence a foe with his mask, and thus doesn't have to focus his Silence power to keep him deaf/mute.
53: Is it possible for other Makuta powers to exist in Kanohi form?
6Thanks in advance,
81) As with other mask powers, it is concentration-based. 92) The advantage is that a Makuta can only use one Makuta power at a time. If he has a mask to do A, he can also do B, making him a more effective fighter. 103) Anything's possible
11And of course I forgot the numerous examples of Makuta powers in Kanohi, such as Hunger and Illusion, for example.
1Dear Greg, I have some questions,
21. When Matoro used the ignika, did it also effect the mistika? 32. Did the Mistika purposely lock themselves into that form? 43. Couldn't Takanuva just use the avohkii's energy so he won't increase the ration of darkness in him?
5Thanks .
61) No 72) No 83) Yes, that is an option
1Here we go, some questions and answers... same day response, too, Greg's on right now:
39So a bit more on the serials, none of them will be in the past (big dissapointment for me; I was hoping to see some Toa Dume), and an interesting tidbit on Takanuva's destiny, but that's just about it.
2Hi, GregF, I hope you're not too busy right now to answer a few questions? Thanks... 31. Does the majority of the matoran population in the world live in: Metru Nui, the Southern Continent, Northern Continent, or other islands?
42. Will the nothern continent come into the story at all?
53. Can a Turaga use a Great Mask or Kanohi Nuva, or just Noble Masks?
64. Regarding Takanuva's destiny, is it complete already? (In 2003 I thought it was to defeat Makuta, is that right, or is his destiny something he has to do this year, and thus not yet complete?)
75. Are the Mistika Makuta masks considered "dark" masks? I mean, I can't see what's so "dark" about summoning past versions of yourself, disruption, or repulsion.
86. In BS01, it says that Dume was named Turaga of Metru Nui about 15,000 years ago. Was there only one ruler of the city before him, who ruled for 85,000 years, or different rulers over the years, and was he/she/them Turaga?
97. Since you said that the Hagah serial will be in the present, and we're not in the universe next year, I don't have much hope for this, but will we see anything of Dume as a Toa, or any other Toa from the past?
10Thanks for your time, and keep up the good work, 11Cressona
121) They're spread out, but since the southern continent is much bigger than Metru Nui, it would make sense that most of the Matoran live there. 132) Unknown, since we only have 8 more months this year in this universe, then we are in a different universe next year. 143) No, only Noble Masks 154) Not yet complete -- remember, there is more than one Makuta 165) I can. Disruption is just nasty and lethal, repulsion basically means nature itself doesn't want you around, and fooling with the timestream is unnatural and potentially devastating. 176) There may well have been other rulers before him (more than one) 187) No. The only flashback story this year is going to involve the Nuva in Bionicle Legends #10. Flashback stories in general tend to confuse our fans (I am still getting questions about how the Turaga "turned into Toa" in 2004).
19I hate to keep on bugging you with these questions (), but I have a few follow-ups: 204) So his destiny is to defeat all the Makuta? Wouldn't that be kinda hard? Especially if there's going to be a final battle against the Makuta, will Takanuva have to take out every single one of them?
217) ... Well, I guess I can see how younger fans could be confused... 22a. Will we encounter Toa Dume in the Mutran Chronicles, or another flashback-serial, then? 23b. And will any of the summer serials be flashbacks like MC? If yes, which one(s)?
24And just a few new ones... 251) Is the Kal energy (the stuff that turned Bohrok into Bohrok Kal) connected in any way with the Karda Nui energy? The pit mutagen?
262) Do all un-changed matoran in the universe look basically like the 04 Metruan? That seems like it would be the basic design of all matoran.
273) BS01 says that Brutaka's appearing in BL10. I think it's been stated that FoF occurs after Bl10, at the same time as DM, correct? So this means Brutaka will be appearing before he goes on the mission in FoF, right? I'm kinda confused about the timing of these serials...
284) Could a regular toa use a Kanohi Nuva, if he could get his hands on one?
29That's it for now. I have this crazy, half-formed theory about 2009, but I'm not going to ask about because there's really only one thing supporting it, so I'll wait until I have more evidence... 30Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions, 31Cressona
324) I haven't said what his destiny is. We know what he THINKS it is. 337a) No 347b) No
351) No 362) Unknown, we haven't seen unchanged Matoran from anywhere else. 373) Right. Bionicle Legends #9 and Bionicle Legends #10 take place at roughly the same time, with one story focusing on the Phantoka and one on the Mistika. DM and FOF take place in between those books and Bionicle Legends #11, or roughly during summer storyline, right before the summer serials begin. 384) No
39So a bit more on the serials, none of them will be in the past (big dissapointment for me; I was hoping to see some Toa Dume), and an interesting tidbit on Takanuva's destiny, but that's just about it.
1You know what? I bet that the thing that hurt the Mistuka was Matoro &Ignika. It gave off a bunch of light, remember? The Phantuka were blinded, and the Mistuka were crippled. I mean, Greg stated that if a light nova blast were to happen, it would certainly cripple the Makuta. The 'Revive Mata Nui' thing seemed realy close to a light nova blast, but wasn't. The light could've affected them that way...
2Hey . that makes sense . I like that . But... the Mistika would have been all the way down in the swamp when the blast happened, I believe... If the phantoka makuta were closest to the blast, and they were just blinded, then how could something worse happen to the mistika if they were further away? 3Still, it's an idea.... 4![]()
5Actually, there are several theories on this already and they have all been disproven. The only reason the blast affected the Makuta at all is because they were right next to it. The Mistika were all the way down in the swamp and were'nt crippled by it.
1Not to mention the quote three posts up. 

1That leaves Mutagen and Karda Nui energy but I don't think the Makuta like swimming.

1Remember, Greg confirmed that it wasn't the energy. 
2Here's a thought of mine:

2Here's a thought of mine:
5I was thinking that some materials used for mutating were in the Hive, but apparently not.3Was it the Shadow Leech Hive that handicapped the Mistika Makuta as it fell into the Swamp?
4No. Shadow leeches would not have any effect on Makuta, and what had happened to the Mistika happened before the Nuva ever got to Karda Nui.

1And it's not the Mutagen?