1That actually seems to be the most likely option. 

1You guys... this is exactly what Greg was talking about... this is why we will slap ourselves in the face when we find out. We're concentrating so much on seeing the picture as a dog, when realy, in a perspective, it's a cat. (my favorite analogy) Instead of finding out what could've changed them, let's focus on what had the potential.
1Alright,the mutagen makes sense.
1Funny thing is that everyone is trying to explain it with things that exist. What's to stop Greg from having something we don't know about affect the Miskuta? Why not previous from the visit to the swamp? ![]()
3Easy. We wouldn't kick ourselves that way.

4Anyway, I think we're getting off-topic again. Someone should make a topic, or something.

1Hi Greg, I heard the event at the Library you went to went really well. Any chance you might come to Pittsburgh? (*Hint-hint*)
2I just have a few questions for you, so here they are-
31. If a Makuta in his antidermis for were to be caught in a sudden draft of wind, and different parts of the antidermis was blown to different places, would the Makuta be killed?
42. Is there any chance of seeing the Chronicler's Company again?
53. Will the connection between Matoran and Krana ever be revealed?
64. How Krana are made?
75. Were Makuta created in the same way as Matoran?
86. Will how Matoran are made ever be revealed? After all, we aren't going to be in the Matoran universe next year...
97. Is the summer OoMN vs. BoM serial going to follow one individual, and his experiences during the war, or will it be an overview of the entire war?
108. Are you a fan of Lord of the Rings?
11Thank you for your time .
12Ah, someone would have to pay to fly me there, it's too far for me to drive
131) No, it's not that easy to disperse antidermis because it is held together by the Makuta's will. 142) Probably not this year 153) Already has been -- the first krana were created from what was left over of the process that created the first Matoran 164) Can't answer it 175) Can't answer it 186) I doubt it. The feeling on the team has always been that if we reveal every detail of BIONICLE, it loses its mystique, so how Matoran are made is something we really have no interest in discussing. 197) Overview 208) I saw the three movies, never read the books.
214. I'm not sure if you understood this- will it ever get revealed? 228. If you ever have time, you should read the books. They're great.
234) Not in the foreseeable future -- not relevant to story this year, and we're not in this universe next year.
24I recently sent him another PM replying to his last line- I'll post his answer when I get it.


1Hello Mr. Farshtey, I have a couple of miscellaneous questions that have been itching at me for a while.
21. Would all members of Krekka's species be considered slow minded like he is, or would some be of average intellect? 32. Would the other Pit Robots look like Maxilos? Would they have different names? 43. How exactly did Icarax 'crush' Botar with magnetism? Did he magnetize his armor to his body and crush his internals or did he magnetize him to the ground so hard that the impact killed him? 54. How exactly did Trinuma get away, and why didn't Icarax pursue? 65. Is it likely that Icarax will try to shape shift into a more comfortable form or is the damage already done? 76. If Miserix were to somehow meet up with Krika, would he show him some grace for not killing him though Teridax ordered him to? 87. I've noticed that BS01 removed the T# from the three vehicles, is there a reason behind this? 98. Would you say that Kirop was a good leader of the Av-Matoran? 109. Is it possible that Mazeka is one of the Nynrah Ghosts? 1110. Just for clarification: The Mistika Nuva's Nynrah Ghost Blasters were created through adaptive armor, while the Mistika Makuta had theirs custom made? 1211. Do their blasters work the same, but fire different ammo? 1312. Was Axonn made aware of Brutaka's re-admittance into the OoMN? 1413. How many Makuta were stationed on the Southern Continent? 1514. Are there still some Krahli in existence? 1615. Is Kyrehx still under Takadox's influence, or would his hypnosis have worn off by now. 1716. What would the other four Barraki be doing right now? 1817. Did Avak invent the Nektann on Zakaz?
19Thank you in advance and I apologize if they seem somewhat unorganized. XP
201) I wouldn't say all, I would say most 212) Look the same, same name, "Maxilos" is a model. Robots don't have individual identities. 223) Crushed his armor 234) Because Icarax didn't see him, he saw Botar, and Trinuma had access to a boat. 245) He can't really, because he can shapeshift the outside of the armor, not the inside. That is why the changes to the inside way back when had to be made by the Nynrah. 256) I doubt it. Miserix most likely thinks Krika should never have imprisoned him, either. 267) No idea. The T and number are part of the model name, so what they are doing is inaccurate. 278) Yes 289) No. Nynrah aren't fighters, they're builders and craftsmen 2910) Yes 3011) No, they do not work the same 3112) No, not yet 3213) Can't answer it 3314) Possibly 3415) Most likely it would have worn off by now 3516) Avoiding capture 3617) I don't believe we ever stated they were made by Avak
11. am i correct in saying that the serials will be the following? :
2main serial-vultraz-mazeka
3blog-oomn-bom war
4biocast-hagah 52.is the order the serials are posted now FOF,MC,DM?
63.after BL11 is released, will you reveal the original title for it?
81) I haven't decided which is going to be which yet 92) Yes, generally 103) Yes, I could do that
1Hmmm... Interesting stuff. It must be something obvious, if we'll 'slap ourselves in the face' when we find out. Like, say, Toa Ignika? the 'Energy Spikes' in BL9?
1Is what affected the mistuka the swamp mist?
4"Binary Scrabble was fundamentally flawed, since every combination of ones and zeroes made a word and it was impossible not to put all your tiles down every turn." -- Jasper Fforde, The Fourth Bear
5oh and brutaka may be in the bl10 flashback
1Some answers I just received from Greg:
8I find them both somewhat interesting.
Aqua I 
2Hello, Greg. Thank you for answering my last lot of questions, I just have a couple more:
31) A while ago, there was some discussion on BS01 on whether this story was ever officially entered into the canon storyline. I believe it was the winning entry of the first story contest you started, back in '05, but after looking at it, we aren't sure if a prize was for it to be entered into the storylone like the thousand years untold contest. So, is it canon? 42) If there was an entry in, for example, the Makuta Building Contest that was a clear winner with the most original and creative design and essay, could it still win and become Miserix if the model was obviously feminine like Roodaka's model was? It seems kinda unfair if someone can't win when they have the best creation just because they made it feminine.
5Thanks .
61) I'll check. 72) Masculine and feminine really did not enter into it. We looked purely at the quality of the models, not who looked more like what. I don't recall any feminine models making it through to second cut.
8I find them both somewhat interesting.

1QUOTE 2QUOTE 3QUOTE 4Hello Mr. Farshtey, how are you? I have recently been rereading all of the Bionicle books, in which I am almost finished. While I was reading, however, a few questions have popped up in my head.
51) As is well known, the northern penninsula of Karzanhi (the island) potrudes into the Metru Nui Dome. As is also known, Makuta Teridax (disguesed as Turaga Dume) sent all of the local Toa (except Lhikan) off on dangerous missions, from which none of them ever returned. In Bionicle Legends #2: Dark Destiny, Jaller &co. find a Kanohi Suletu, Great Mask of Telepathy. My question here is this: Would'nt it make sense that the Mask of Telepathy that Jaller &co. found once belonged to a Toa of Lhikan's team, perhaps one that was killed by Eliminator?
62) Would you say that these translations are accurate? 7-Kardas - Dragon 8-Kinloka - Rodent 9-Lohrak - Serpant 10-Gukko - Bird 11-Waikiru - Walrus 12-Hapaka - Dog 13-Hikaki - Lizard 14-Fenrakk - Spider 15-Mahika - Toad 16-Ranama - Frog 17-Ruki - Fish
183) All throughout the Bionicle storyline, each character has a different name. But on Earth, people have the same name all the time (John, Mark, Greg, etc.). Would'nt it make sense that their are Bionicle characters out there that have the same name? Like, could there be a Matoran of Sonics that lives on Xhini Nui named Lhikan, even though the two had never met or known of each others' existance? 193a) Would it atleast be possible for ''off-screen'' characters?
20Thank You for your time. Happy Earth Day . . .
21-makuta of xhini nui-
221) Wrong. Karzahni does not protrude into the Metru Nui dome. You have to go through the sea gate to get to Karzahni, at which point you are leaving the dome. 232) I wouldn't agree with all of these, no. Lohrak, for example, is a kind of serpent -- not all serpents are called Lohrak, anymore than all snakes in our world are called cobra. 243) But you would be asking for reader confusion then. Humans can get away with having similar first names because most have dissimilar last names. BIONICLE characters normally do not have last names. So if you are telling a story about a character named Jaller who isn't the Jaller from Ta-Metru, then you are going to have to stop and explain he isn't that Jaller and you will still have confused readers all over the place. It's the same reason that you don't have two Hera's or two Hercules' or two Mercury's in mythology.
261) but would it still be possible that the suletu that Jaller &co. found once belonged to a toa of Lhikan's team? 272) the two that I'm concerned about mostly is Fenrakk = Spider, Kardas = Dragon. Those two would be accurate, right? 283) Makes sense.
29Again, thank you for taking time out of your day to answer questions like these from members me.
30-makuta of xhini nui-
311) Anything's possible, but it doesn't necessarily had to have been from that team. It might have predated the deaths of those Toa. 322) No. We have multiple spiders in BIONICLE, they are not all referred to as Fenrakk. And if Kardas meant dragon, wouldn't the Kanohi Dragon have to be called Kanohi Kardas? 33QUOTE 34QUOTE 35QUOTE
51) As is well known, the northern penninsula of Karzanhi (the island) potrudes into the Metru Nui Dome. As is also known, Makuta Teridax (disguesed as Turaga Dume) sent all of the local Toa (except Lhikan) off on dangerous missions, from which none of them ever returned. In Bionicle Legends #2: Dark Destiny, Jaller &co. find a Kanohi Suletu, Great Mask of Telepathy. My question here is this: Would'nt it make sense that the Mask of Telepathy that Jaller &co. found once belonged to a Toa of Lhikan's team, perhaps one that was killed by Eliminator?
62) Would you say that these translations are accurate? 7-Kardas - Dragon 8-Kinloka - Rodent 9-Lohrak - Serpant 10-Gukko - Bird 11-Waikiru - Walrus 12-Hapaka - Dog 13-Hikaki - Lizard 14-Fenrakk - Spider 15-Mahika - Toad 16-Ranama - Frog 17-Ruki - Fish
183) All throughout the Bionicle storyline, each character has a different name. But on Earth, people have the same name all the time (John, Mark, Greg, etc.). Would'nt it make sense that their are Bionicle characters out there that have the same name? Like, could there be a Matoran of Sonics that lives on Xhini Nui named Lhikan, even though the two had never met or known of each others' existance? 193a) Would it atleast be possible for ''off-screen'' characters?
20Thank You for your time. Happy Earth Day . . .
21-makuta of xhini nui-
221) Wrong. Karzahni does not protrude into the Metru Nui dome. You have to go through the sea gate to get to Karzahni, at which point you are leaving the dome. 232) I wouldn't agree with all of these, no. Lohrak, for example, is a kind of serpent -- not all serpents are called Lohrak, anymore than all snakes in our world are called cobra. 243) But you would be asking for reader confusion then. Humans can get away with having similar first names because most have dissimilar last names. BIONICLE characters normally do not have last names. So if you are telling a story about a character named Jaller who isn't the Jaller from Ta-Metru, then you are going to have to stop and explain he isn't that Jaller and you will still have confused readers all over the place. It's the same reason that you don't have two Hera's or two Hercules' or two Mercury's in mythology.
261) but would it still be possible that the suletu that Jaller &co. found once belonged to a toa of Lhikan's team? 272) the two that I'm concerned about mostly is Fenrakk = Spider, Kardas = Dragon. Those two would be accurate, right? 283) Makes sense.
29Again, thank you for taking time out of your day to answer questions like these from members me.
30-makuta of xhini nui-
311) Anything's possible, but it doesn't necessarily had to have been from that team. It might have predated the deaths of those Toa. 322) No. We have multiple spiders in BIONICLE, they are not all referred to as Fenrakk. And if Kardas meant dragon, wouldn't the Kanohi Dragon have to be called Kanohi Kardas? 33QUOTE 34QUOTE 35QUOTE
1Just a few from me.
2Good evening', GregF. Some things have intrigued me, and there are other questions of which I haven't discovered answers of, given I have yet to purchase Shadows In the Sky.
3Story 41. Given that all the "victories" so far belonged to Toa and the OOMN, were the battles with the BOM simply orchestrated?
52. In said case, the Toa Nuva will have become suspicious that the Karda Nui Makuta team hasn't killed them yet?
63. I have seen the entry for the Kanohi Ignika(or more specifically, the Toa Ignika section) in the Biosector Wiki that stated it devolved Icarax back into a biomechanical being. Did this occur in Shadows In the Sky?
74. Speaking of which, how long have Makuta lived as energy?
85. In Mutran Chronicles, Krika neglected to kill Miserix, and if I recall correctly, it was also he who bore no support for Teridax's plan to conquer the Universe as did the former BOM leader. Does that refusal to support the Plan play a role as to why Miserix lived?
9Misc. 101. As a big Metal Gear fan, I can't help but compare the Brotherhood of Makuta to the Patriots. For convenience, here's a link with info as to who the Patriots are-The Patriots(Unreliable as Wikipedia is, it's the closest thing I could get). If you compare the two, do they not seem similar?
112. Have you and the story team ever consider creating characters based on mental, emotional, or psychological conditions and disorders? Ex. Id, Ego, and Superego(In fact, I created a character for my fanfics based on this), Inferiority Complex, etc.
123. Anticipating any new films such as The Dark Knight, Iron Man, The Forbidden Kingdom, etc.(For I, The Dark Knight tops my list)?
13That's it, and thanks .
151) I don't understand your question. Makuta certainly did not set out to lose with the fight with the Metru. The only fight we know he threw was the one with Takanuva. 162) Yes, they will 173) Yes 184) Oh, many thousands of years 195) Yes 201) Sorry, I really don't have the spare time to check on this, and besides, the people who created BOM never played MGS, so any similarity is going to be a coincidence anyway. 212) Not really, no. I think some characters have some of those classic traits, but we are doing a story for 9 year olds -- 4th-5th graders generally aren't ready to deal with Freudian concepts. 223) DK and IM, yes, Kingdom I'm not interested in.
1Some quick questions:
2Hi Greg,
31) Are the T#s a part of the Phantoka vehicles names story-wise? (for BS01) 42) Can we expect to find out the rest of the Hagah's mask powers in the upcoming serial? 53) Will the OoMN recall the Mana-Ko when they declare war on the Brotherhood?
6Thanks for your time, Jalaguy
71) Yes 82) Most likely 93) We'll see
1Salutations Mr. Greg
21. Is Artakha truly one being or just a concept that many beings follow?
32. Seeing Artakha and Karzahni the beings both exist, does that mean that the mask of creation exists too?
43. What is the average matoran lifespan?
54. Is Axxon still in a summer serial?
65. When is the next installment of MC or DM coming out?
71) Artakha is an individual being 82) Yes 93) No one knows, but we do know some Matoran are over 100,000 years old 104) Yes 115) When they get written
21. Is Artakha truly one being or just a concept that many beings follow?
32. Seeing Artakha and Karzahni the beings both exist, does that mean that the mask of creation exists too?
43. What is the average matoran lifespan?
54. Is Axxon still in a summer serial?
65. When is the next installment of MC or DM coming out?
71) Artakha is an individual being 82) Yes 93) No one knows, but we do know some Matoran are over 100,000 years old 104) Yes 115) When they get written
1QUOTE 2Hello Mr.G . . . I have some questions if you don't mind.
31. how come Takanuva doesn't use his shadow powers in DM, is he not comfortable with them? (at least so far)
42. could Brutaka last in a fight against Icarax?, I figure no because Icarax is powerful and skilled while Brutaka is not as powerful but skilled.
53. BioSector01 mentioned that Krakua is responsible for saving Takanuva, how? if not, then how did he survive the encounter without becoming a complete shadow toa.
64. is there a chance of a OOMN contest, or not even close?
75. have the other winners of the BOM/Miserix contest been notified or just GreenBioGuy?
8have a nice day .
91) Would you be comfortable with them, in his position? 102) I don't answer "Who would win" questions 113) Gets revealed in Bionicle Legends #10 124) I wouldn't mind doing one at all, it will depend on what kind of space I have. Most likely it would have to be a web contest or a BrickMaster contest, since OOMN are not set characters this year. 135) Letters went out day before yesterday

1Icarax and Vican came through the portal, and they're fine. 

1Hi Greg . I really liked TMC 7, keep going . now, into the questions:
21) Are Nynrah Ghost special type of Matoran of Nynrah or the Nynrah Ghost are the name for the ENTIRE Nynrah?
32) Was Kojol killed before, or after the convocation made by Teridax?
43) when we will get information about 2009? End of 2008?
54) Do the Phantuka and Mistuka appear in the OoMN-BoM serial?
65) The Adaptive Weapons (or they are new?) of the Toa Nuva are made of Protosteel?
81) All of the Matoran living on Nynrah are Nynrah ghosts -- it's not a real big group 92) Oh, long after. Kojol was killed by the OOMN after the raid on Artakha to steal the Mask of Light, and that happened much later on 103) Yes 114) No, because the OOMN and BOM serial is not set in Karda Nui. The only characters going to Karda Nui are 2008 sets, so no OOMN. 125) Yes
13Just some thing I was doubting of some ones. Then the war of the OOMN and the BOM is not in Karda Nui....Maybe is on the middle betwhen Daxia and Destral?
1QUOTE 2Hello Greg, I only have a few questions today, hope you don't mind.
31) Did the mistika makuta lose the ability to transform prior to going to the swamp?
42) Did the mistika makuta lose their ability to transform the moment the got to the swamp, or after a little while?
6They lost their ability after they came to Karda Nui, that is all I am prepared to say on this subject.
31) Did the mistika makuta lose the ability to transform prior to going to the swamp?
42) Did the mistika makuta lose their ability to transform the moment the got to the swamp, or after a little while?
6They lost their ability after they came to Karda Nui, that is all I am prepared to say on this subject.
1I got a Pm: 2QUOTE 3Hi Greg Farshtey, I have a question. 41)You said that one of the summer serials will take place on the unknown location where Teridax is. This is Correct right? 5a) If yes, Would you reveal if that particular summer serial or until summer? Just asking.
61) It will include that location, yes 71a) I don't understand your question
8Nothing Interesting, but this should clear the doubt that Teridax's recent location isn't the location of one of summer serials.
61) It will include that location, yes 71a) I don't understand your question
8Nothing Interesting, but this should clear the doubt that Teridax's recent location isn't the location of one of summer serials.
1Hey Greg,
21) I was quite surprised the makuta of artakha got a name, does this mean he'll be a combiner or something? (since the name is cleared anyway)
32) Just to be clear, when Kojol was killed the brotherhood lost all information about Artakha?
43) Why did Miserix and Teridax tolerate Kojols secrecy anyway? Couldn't they've forced him or something, it seems information about Artakha was pretty important.
54) Why are Exo-toa called exo-toa anyway? They've been used once in the storyline by actual toa, the rest of the appearances are by makuta. (exo-makuta seems more appropriate)
71) No, it means I needed to give him a name because it wouldn't make sense for Mutran to call him "the Makuta of Artakha" 82) Yes 93) What was their option? If they tried to force him, things might go too far and he'd die, and then they would lose all the info anyway. Makuta aren't easy to push around. 104) Because they were called Exo-Toa when we put them out as sets -- storyline follows sets, not the other way around.
1Hey Greg .
21) What powers are Antroz, Vamprah and Chirox unable to use now that they're blind?
32) Was Takanuva rebuilt by the Turaga? If not, how come he looks different?
43) Why did Mutran threaten to turn Vamprah into a Frost beetle?
54) How long was Lesovikk a wanderer?
65) How long does it take for a Makuta's energy do dissipate after their armour is broken?
76) When connected to a Makuta, can a Shadow Matoran share their memories with a Makuta?
87) Who is more powerful out of Icarax and Teridax?
98) Can Tren Krom's desintegrator beam damage a Makuta's armour?
10Hey Greg .
111) What powers are Antroz, Vamprah and Chirox unable to use now that they're blind?
122) Was Takanuva rebuilt by the Turaga? If not, how come he looks different?
133) Why did Mutran threaten to turn Vamprah into a Frost beetle?
144) How long was Lesovikk a wanderer?
155) How long does it take for a Makuta's energy do dissipate after their armour is broken?
166) When connected to a Makuta, can a Shadow Matoran share their memories with a Makuta?
177) Who is more powerful out of Icarax and Teridax?
188) Can Tren Krom's desintegrator beam damage a Makuta's armour?
191) Vision powers 202) Takanuva's size change does not happen until he gets to Karda Nui, so Turaga have nothing to do with it 213) Because Vamprah had grabbed his arm and Mutran didn't like it 224) He's been a wanderer for tens of thousands of years 235) A few weeks 246) No 257) They are equally powerful, but Icarax has more physical combat experience than Teridax does, and Teridax is a better planner 268) Yes
27I feel a little foolish about asking questions 1 and 3, probably 'cause I didn't put them into enough detail, but the other questions have interesting, useful answers.
1Hey Greg, a few questions.
21) Did Dume use his power to make Lhikan a Toa? 32) Would the Mahri Nui Matoran be considered "unchanged"? 43) Have you come up with the Matoran names for the Mistika Kanohi yet? 54) About how many PMs do you have currently?
6Thanks, 7
81) No proof of that, no 92) In the sense that the damage done by Karzahni was undone by the mutagen, yes 103) All the Mistika Makuta Kanohi have had names since mid-last year. 114) Today, not many, as I have had time to get through some this morning.
12Thanks, and here are some new ones.
131) Did Gorast make the Visorak? 142) What was Icarax's original mask? 153) Did the Nynrah create Toa canisters 164) Were they the original creator of the Zamor launchers? 175) Could the Great Disks be called Kanoka Nui in the matoran language? 186) Did every Makuta have their own Toa Hagah team?
19Thanks again.
201) No 212) Hasn't been determined, since it's not relevant to the story 223) I doubt it very much. The Matoran we met who said he had worked on the canisters was an Av-Matoran, so not a Nynrah 234) That's possible 245) Yes 256) Most likely, unless for some reason they didn't want one. Icarax, for example, would most likely not have wanted bodyguards.
26Some new Nynrah and Makuta stuff.
1Sorry to bother you, Greg, but I really need to know the answers to these questions.
21. Is the thing Mutran threatened to use on Vamprah the same thing that locked the Miskuta in their current forms? 31b. Does the cause of the Miskuta being locked have anything to do with a mask power?
42. Is the person who messed with the Blade Burrowers a Makuta?
53. When did the OoMN erase the knowledge of Artahka?
64. Did Kojol personally know Artahka?
75. Chirox was credited with the creation of the Lohrak in BL9. Why?
86. Have you decided which Nuva will get the bad memories?
97. Do the Turaga of Metru Nui know that the Av-Matoran Toa canister builder is an Av-Matoran?
108. Just curious, do you read Marvel Comics? I remember you comparing Axonn's axe to Mjolnir, and Hydraxon to Capitan America.
11Thanks in advance, 12Gravitic Ghost Rider.
131) No 141a) No 152) No. If it was, then it would be logical that Mutran would know what the map referred to, right? 163) After the BOM raid on Artakha when they stole the Mask of Light 174) Probably, yes 185) Gets explained in the next chapter of MC 196) Oh, yes, that was decided months ago. Bionicle Legends #11 was finished last Feb 1 207) I doubt it, how would they? 218) Yes, have since I was 5 or 6
23Thanks for answering my last questions, Greg. Here's one more I forgot to ask you.
24Did Miserix evolve into Antidermis too?
25Thanks again, 26Gravitic Ghost Rider.
28My reactions:
291. Darn . I thought I was on to something. 302. Didn't think of that. 314.

353, 6, and 7 were because an outside of BZP friend of mine wanted clarification.
1Hi Greg, I heard the event at the Library you went to went really well. Any chance you might come to Pittsburgh? (*Hint-hint*)
2I just have a few questions for you, so here they are-
31. If a Makuta in his antidermis for were to be caught in a sudden draft of wind, and different parts of the antidermis was blown to different places, would the Makuta be killed?
42. Is there any chance of seeing the Chronicler's Company again?
53. Will the connection between Matoran and Krana ever be revealed?
64. How Krana are made?
75. Were Makuta created in the same way as Matoran?
86. Will how Matoran are made ever be revealed? After all, we aren't going to be in the Matoran universe next year...
97. Is the summer OoMN vs. BoM serial going to follow one individual, and his experiences during the war, or will it be an overview of the entire war?
108. Are you a fan of Lord of the Rings?
11Thank you for your time .
12Ah, someone would have to pay to fly me there, it's too far for me to drive
131) No, it's not that easy to disperse antidermis because it is held together by the Makuta's will. 142) Probably not this year 153) Already has been -- the first krana were created from what was left over of the process that created the first Matoran 164) Can't answer it 175) Can't answer it 186) I doubt it. The feeling on the team has always been that if we reveal every detail of BIONICLE, it loses its mystique, so how Matoran are made is something we really have no interest in discussing. 197) Overview 208) I saw the three movies, never read the books.
214. I'm not sure if you understood this- will it ever get revealed? 228. If you ever have time, you should read the books. They're great.
234) Not in the foreseeable future -- not relevant to story this year, and we're not in this universe next year.
24I recently sent him another PM replying to his last line- I'll post his answer when I get it.![]()
26This is the main thing I get from this post.
274) Not in the foreseeable future -- not relevant to story this year, and we're not in this universe next year.
1Hi GregF,
2Some questions:
31. Is the person who messed with the Blade Burrowers: 4A) a Great Being 5an OoMN member
62. On Destral there is a "Library of forbidden knowledge", what kind of forbidden knowledge does it contain?
73. Are the Shadow Leeches weak to sonic?
84. Do you think Takadox will be hunted down by one of Brutaka's friends?
10P.S.: Not sure why you didn't answer my previous PM, but if you could find it (don't put effort in it), could you answer those questions as well? The title is "Quick Questions #9"
111) I'm not going to reveal that yet 122) Can't tell you, it's forbidden133) Not particularly, no 144) Why would he be? If Brutaka and his team don't get off the island, then the OOMN will never know what happened and probably figure Takadox died there too. T only has problems if they get away and can tell what he did.
15Heck, I thought I was on to something with #3. At least I got a smilie

1Hello, Mr. Farshtey. I've been reading the OGD topic and most of the disscussion there is about what locked the Mistuka into thier current forms. I have a few ideas about the subject that I'd like to ask you about.
21. Was it the thing that is hidden in the Swamp? You know, the "weapon" that I believe Artakha spoke about?
32. Was it a weapon of some type?
43. Will Axonn get any mention in future story?
5Thank you in advance for any info you can give me.
61-2) I am not going to reveal what caused it until summer 73) Yes, Axonn will be in a summer serial
8I just got this in. Anyway, we can stop asking Greg about the Mistuka problem. (Sorry if he alreadysaid he wouldn't reaveal it until summer yet- I haven't been on for two days) 9I'm glad about Axonn being in a summer serial. It will probably be the OOMN-BOM war one.
11. Can a Toa of Light control lightstones? Make them brighter, dimmer, go out? 21) Not the lightstones themselves, no, but the illumination produced by them.
32. This came up recently on the BS01 wiki: a member was confused by the end of Mask of Light; he thought that the last scene with Takanuva standing on a ledge and shooting out a beam of light, brightening everything, was Takanuva unblocking the sunholes. I think I remember you saying that that last scene was Takanuva using his power to recharge the dead lightstones in Metru Nui, but I'm not sure. Is this the case? 42) He was not unblocking the sunholes. One sunhole is under water and one is under ice, so they were not unblocked.
53. Is the energy of Karda Nui essentially the same thing as Takanuva's light elemental power? If so, I'll imagine the Makuta don't find the core to be the most comfortable place in the world. 63) The energy produces light, yes, as well as heat
74. Since the Nynrah ghosts are the ones who modified the Makuta's armor, could they be considered to have the best level of skill with protosteel after Artakha? 84) Yes 94a. How good are they with protosteel? Can they make new objects out of it, or can they only tweak things that already exist?
105. When will we learn the origin of their 'ghost' nickname? 115) I actually just shared that with BZP member Nynrah Ghost, so you can get the answer from him.
126. You said that the Nynrah ghosts built the exo-Toa, but in the past you also said they were crafted on Xia. Which is it? Or is it something like they designed the exo-Toa, maybe built a few models, then shipped the specs to Xia for mass production, kind of like what happened with the cordak blasters and zamor launchers? 136) Yes
147. Concerning the Artakha vehicles, since they have designation numbers as part of their names (Axalara T9, Jetrax T6, and Rockoh T3) does that mean that the main part of the names are "lines," and that different models of these vehicles that exist? Say, Axalara T5 or Jetrax S7? (Not asking if we'll see them, only if they exist.) Or is it the other way around; the vehicles are made with the T designation, then individual names are attached to each model? 157) Or it may be that there were, say, five prototypes for the T6 that were scrapped before one was made that worked correctly.
168. Over the past few months, I've been building up my understanding of the relationship between Karda Nui, Metru Nui, and the Great Spirit Mata Nui, partly from things you've said, partly from assumption. I think I've got it worked out, but I want to run this by you to see if I got it right: Karda Nui produces energy. This energy is then channeled, by as-yet unknown means, to Metru Nui. Some of this power goes into the majority of lightstones and makes them work; some of this power goes to other parts of the Matoran universe, where it fulfills some unknown purpose. And some goes to Mata Nui. The energy is vital to Mata Nui; my theory is that it's his version of food energy, like what the Matoran absorb from their meals. Without it, he eventually starves to death. Or perhaps it's the source of his keep-the-universe-running power. Either way, as long as the Matoran in Metru Nui do their work, the energy flow stays nice and smooth. But if they stop working, like if a civil war breaks out or they get stuffed into induced-coma pods, then the current stops. And then bad stuff happens. Like lightstones going out. A massive earthquake. And Mata Nui dying. Am I close? 178) You are 99% of the way there. Things like the earthquake and the dying are indirect results of the energy flow stopping, but they are connected to it, most definitely.
18Here's another way think of it -- think of Karda Nui as a big power generating station, and Metru Nui is a routing station. The power goes from KN to the MN, where it then gets routed to other places it needs to go. If no one is working the routing station, the power doesn't get sent out, and the other places go dark. If enough places go dark, then you have a major blackout and all the attendant problems that come with that.
201. Just some clarification. 212. Okay...he didn't say I was wrong, so I'm going to assume that's correct. 223. Poor Makuta.


11. Why did Krika imprisoned Miserix?
22. Can Tren Krom kill a Makuta with one blow?
33. Why did Takadox trapped his own team?
44. What is the original reason for the making of the dark masks? Like the ones the Makuta wear.
55. Why did Ignika gave Matoro a dark mask?
66. Can an Order of Mata Nui member use a dark mask without problems?
71) Well, if he lets him walk around free, Teridax will find out Miserix isn't dead, and then Krika will be.
82) TK could certainly do enormous damage and might well kill him, yes
93) Because Takadox just saw Carapar -- the physically strongest being he has ever known -- killed in about three seconds in what is obviously a suicide mission. Takadox no longer wants any part of this, and the only way to "quit" is to make sure no one on the team is around to tell anybody that he bailed out.
104) Same reason we make weapons, they were needed.
115) I would say as a test of character.
126) The problems are moral in nature, and different OOMN members have different levels of morality, so depends on the being.
11.Was Balta "fixed" before or after BoM rejected the light?
22.Were any of the kids you spoke to at the library BZP members?
33.Would you consider the surface another universe?
44.What would you define as a universe in the Bionicle planet?
55.If you were to refer all the sapient species of the Domiverse? Like say Earth had another sapient species other that us humans, aliens would refers to us all as Earthlings, so what would refer to all the sapient beings in the domiverse?
61) Before 72) Yes. IVahi, who posted the topic on BZP re: the trip, is a BZP member. 83) I would consider it outside the Matoran domed universe 94) When we refer to Matoran universe, we are talking about the universe inside the Matoran domes. 105) No idea, not something I have worried about.
111. Was the Library of forbidden knowledge made before or after Mutran's little meeting with Tren Krom?
122. Is exactly the type of Bohrok and who the matoran is important to what the statue is in OoMN?
133.Have you seen any theories right on how the Mistuka are stuck int heir forms? (no need to specify)
144.Is there a storyline reason for why the Exo-Toa are called the Exo-Toa?
155. Will the Hagah Serial tell us who won the fight between Tatorahk and Kanohi Dragon?
161) Some of it was, some of it wasn't 172) No. They represent all Bohrok and all Matoran. 183) I haven't paid much attention to them. 194) Well, stop and think -- they were designed and built before the BOM went bad, with the intent that they would be used by Toa in the event that the Bohrok ever got loose early. So why wouldn't they be called that? 205) Yes
22.Were any of the kids you spoke to at the library BZP members?
33.Would you consider the surface another universe?
44.What would you define as a universe in the Bionicle planet?
55.If you were to refer all the sapient species of the Domiverse? Like say Earth had another sapient species other that us humans, aliens would refers to us all as Earthlings, so what would refer to all the sapient beings in the domiverse?
61) Before 72) Yes. IVahi, who posted the topic on BZP re: the trip, is a BZP member. 83) I would consider it outside the Matoran domed universe 94) When we refer to Matoran universe, we are talking about the universe inside the Matoran domes. 105) No idea, not something I have worried about.
111. Was the Library of forbidden knowledge made before or after Mutran's little meeting with Tren Krom?
122. Is exactly the type of Bohrok and who the matoran is important to what the statue is in OoMN?
133.Have you seen any theories right on how the Mistuka are stuck int heir forms? (no need to specify)
144.Is there a storyline reason for why the Exo-Toa are called the Exo-Toa?
155. Will the Hagah Serial tell us who won the fight between Tatorahk and Kanohi Dragon?
161) Some of it was, some of it wasn't 172) No. They represent all Bohrok and all Matoran. 183) I haven't paid much attention to them. 194) Well, stop and think -- they were designed and built before the BOM went bad, with the intent that they would be used by Toa in the event that the Bohrok ever got loose early. So why wouldn't they be called that? 205) Yes
1Hi Greg, these are some more possibly aimless questions that I wondered, though I don't think an answer has been given on them
21 .Has Ignalu been given a meaning (official or unofficial)?
32. If all of on kind of one matoran were to die out would more of that kind still be possible to create (possibly excluding Av-matoran, see #3)?
43. Since Av-matoran are prototypes would it be possible for more to come into existence or ( since in the real world we don't keep making prototypes after the finished product is made) is the current number of Av-matoran the maximum?
54. Can it be assumed that most (If not all) of the terrestrial Rahi on Voya-Nui were also present on the Southern Continent?
65. On BS01 it said "The Blade Burrowers survive to this day by chance, as the Rahi Mutran sent to the warlord weren't supposed to live more than a mere three days." I thought that the shortened lifespan was only in reference to the ones that were given to the Barraki, not all of them, correct?
76. This Idea just popped into my head, is the Karzahni plant or the Morbuzakh still alive in DM or were they not yet created when Tuyet attacked the BoM?
86b. If they are still around, would they make a possible appearance?
97. Another member asked if Lesovikk had his (Sea) Sled in Dark mirror and you responded no, since he was not under water. I Remember hearing also that Lesovikk had his (Sea) Sled before he entered the Pit, but it was known as a "Sky Sled". So did some event happen that Lesovikk never got (or possibly he lost) his "Sky Sled" or was this just a mistake on your part?
10Thanks for your time, and good job on Mutran Chronicles.
111) Not to my knowledge
122) I would say yes 13Cool
143) I think Av-Matoran could bring more Av-Matoran into existence, but I don't think it could happen if they were all gone 15I wonder how Av-Matoran bring other Av-Matoran in existence?
164) Yes
175) Mutran specifically states that something went wrong with the BBs, which is why they were still alive. "Sent to the warlords" refers to given to the Barraki, so not sure what your question is. 18I will need to clarify the question; I guess I didn't think that all the Blade burrowers in existence were the ones that Mutran originally sent to the Barraki
196) They had not been created yet 20I was hoping to see the Karzahni plant again. Oh well.
217) He got the sled post-3500 years ago in our universe, which means he did not get it in this universe. Being essentially a "wanted Toa" in the DM universe means he didn't have access to normal channels for equipment.
22I wonder where Lesovikk got his "Sky Sled"? At least no we know about when he got it. Nothing to exciting except for the bit that apparently Av-Matoran can somehow bring other Av-Matoran into existence. 23Edit: Any clue as why this post dislikes my quotation marks""?
21 .Has Ignalu been given a meaning (official or unofficial)?
32. If all of on kind of one matoran were to die out would more of that kind still be possible to create (possibly excluding Av-matoran, see #3)?
43. Since Av-matoran are prototypes would it be possible for more to come into existence or ( since in the real world we don't keep making prototypes after the finished product is made) is the current number of Av-matoran the maximum?
54. Can it be assumed that most (If not all) of the terrestrial Rahi on Voya-Nui were also present on the Southern Continent?
65. On BS01 it said "The Blade Burrowers survive to this day by chance, as the Rahi Mutran sent to the warlord weren't supposed to live more than a mere three days." I thought that the shortened lifespan was only in reference to the ones that were given to the Barraki, not all of them, correct?
76. This Idea just popped into my head, is the Karzahni plant or the Morbuzakh still alive in DM or were they not yet created when Tuyet attacked the BoM?
86b. If they are still around, would they make a possible appearance?
97. Another member asked if Lesovikk had his (Sea) Sled in Dark mirror and you responded no, since he was not under water. I Remember hearing also that Lesovikk had his (Sea) Sled before he entered the Pit, but it was known as a "Sky Sled". So did some event happen that Lesovikk never got (or possibly he lost) his "Sky Sled" or was this just a mistake on your part?
10Thanks for your time, and good job on Mutran Chronicles.
111) Not to my knowledge
122) I would say yes 13Cool
143) I think Av-Matoran could bring more Av-Matoran into existence, but I don't think it could happen if they were all gone 15I wonder how Av-Matoran bring other Av-Matoran in existence?
164) Yes
175) Mutran specifically states that something went wrong with the BBs, which is why they were still alive. "Sent to the warlords" refers to given to the Barraki, so not sure what your question is. 18I will need to clarify the question; I guess I didn't think that all the Blade burrowers in existence were the ones that Mutran originally sent to the Barraki
196) They had not been created yet 20I was hoping to see the Karzahni plant again. Oh well.
217) He got the sled post-3500 years ago in our universe, which means he did not get it in this universe. Being essentially a "wanted Toa" in the DM universe means he didn't have access to normal channels for equipment.
22I wonder where Lesovikk got his "Sky Sled"? At least no we know about when he got it. Nothing to exciting except for the bit that apparently Av-Matoran can somehow bring other Av-Matoran into existence. 23Edit: Any clue as why this post dislikes my quotation marks""?
1Well, as my name is now "Nynrah Ghost" (from "Ultimate Vezon"), I thought I should at least find out more information about the Nynrah.
19Okay, now that you all know why they're called "ghosts", it would be much appreciated to not PM me anymore about this question.
2Hello again, Mr Farshtey. Excellent work with the Mutran Chronicles, I like the subtle, but great humor in your writings. Anyway, I hope you don't mind, but I have a few other questions for you...
31) Was/is there a Makuta watching over the Nynrah region? 41a) Anyone we know? 52) Where's Nynrah's location in relation to Metru Nui? South? South-east? South-west? 62a) Does it share a dome with other islands? If yes, are they places that we know of? 73) Any chance you could reveal what other beings inhabit Nynrah? 84) How many Nynrah Ghosts are there left? A village? A city? 95) The Nynrah already acquired the "Ghost" part of their name in Mutran Chronicles 7. Can you reveal when and how they got it? 105b) If not now, when will you reveal it?
11That's all for now. Thanks in advance.
121) Yes 131a) Haven't decided 142) Everything is south of Metru Nui, because MN is the farthest northern land in the domed universe. 152a) I haven't fixed a location for it yet 163) No idea, maybe 174) A village - there were never that many to start with 185) Yes, I can. Because there aren't that many Nynrah, and they want to be left alone to work, it is very hard to find them. Normally, you have to leave your request for what you want done somewhere, and then when you come back, what you wanted is there. You rarely see them or talk to them. The exception to this was when they worked on the Makuta armor, because if the BOM says show up, you show up.
19Okay, now that you all know why they're called "ghosts", it would be much appreciated to not PM me anymore about this question.
11. Awhile ago you had said that the Great Beings had left this universe too make a new one. Is that universe the '09 universe?
22. When will you reveal the Matoran names for the Mistika Makuta's Kanohi? Late May?
33a. Do you think you'll ever reveal the Matoran name for the Mask of Creation? (Just wondering because this is the last year in the Matoran universe.) 43b. Possibilities? 53c. Intangibility?
64. Are the Mistika Makuta's Kanohi the last Kanohi to be revealed in this universe?
75. Will there be a whole bunch of new Kanohi next year?
8Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions Greg.
91) 2009 is not a domed universe, so no. 102) When we are closer to them coming out as sets, no real reason to do it before then 113) I don't have spare names to use for those right now. 124) Yes 135) I can't discuss this
142. But SoS comes out in June, I thought you usually reveal everything about the new Kanohi before they appear in a book.
152) If I feel like it. I'm not required to do so.