1Gearhead -- Vezon doesn't appear in Book 7. Gadunka does.
2Plaz -- I am pretty sure the Books for Bricks promotion ended last year.
1What kind of species was Pridak before his mutation?2What kind of species was Kalmah?3-Rabin
1No, I mean will Gadunka only make a small aperance in book 7.
1ER - They were their own species, which I have not named.
2Gear - Yes.
1Do the Mahri have some sort of breathing mechanisms, or can they freely breathe water?2-Rabin
1ER - I can't discuss the Mahri, it's too early.
1Can you provide me with an accurate description of the powers of the Mask of Stealth, since Nidhiki had one?2-Rabin
1Yes -- essentially, the Mask of Stealth makes it far more difficult to see you or hear you. It is not a mask of invisibility -- it simply makes you harder to see and hear, not impossible to see or hear.
Last Edit: by Greg2660
1Okay, so a user would almost look like this? (without the glowing blade, though [Razz] ), but it makes breathing and footsteps less audible, right?2-Rabin
1Yup, or like the rogue stealth effect in WoW
1Is there a connection between the revealed Mahri masks and the Inika's masks?2Like Iden and Tryna both have to do with spirit, Elda and (Stealth) have to do with detection, and Suletu and (Kindred) both have to do with connecting with others? Or is this just a coincidence?
3I know that you can't discuss the Mahri, but can you at least discuss what has been already revealed?
Last Edit: by Elite Rabin
11) No connection.
22) I am basically not discussing anything to do with story at this point for the Mahri. If folks want to read spoilers, that's up to them, but I am not going to contribute to ruining the story for people.
3Just a side note -- I came home today and had a phone message from an MOD member who I guess wanted to ask some questions. FYI, I do not take calls at home from fans -- my home time is for my family and my writing. People who have questions can contact me through MOD or BZPower or by mail at the LEGO offices -- please do not call me at home.
1That was me. I sincerely apologize for that. may you forgive me?
1I dunno if Greg should be flattered or terrified. [Razz]
1Sure -- you are not the first person to do this, I just like to nip it in the bud when it starts. I am not a big enough "celebrity" by any means to be ready to give up my privacy, especially when there are already online means to contact me with questions.
1Hey Greg 2Gamspot just reported that LEGO announced a coming Massive Multiplayer Online Game. 3Link 4I know that this isn't your area at all, but I wondered if you had heard anything about it and know any details.
1What I know about is pretty much limited to what BZP has up about it -- which is info from the release from LEGO. It's not a project I am involved in, it's all being managed through Denmark.
1Even if the original book 7 was still on schedule, would the Karzahni vs. Makuta fight still have been an web-exclusive?
1Gearhead, please do not insult me, for I don't respond well to them. You KNOW what I mean. P.S. you misspelled *******. On topic: thank you for forgiving me Greg.
1Gearhead -- Yes. The Makuta-Karzahni battle was never going to take place in Book 7. Original Book 7 was going to take place BEFORE the Toa Mahri appear around Mahri Nui. Makuta-Karzahni fight takes place after the Mahri arrive.
1greg cthe barraki swim or can they only walk on the sea floor?
1They can swim too
1ok thanks
1Why are there no known Ko-Matoran in Mahri Nui? (I'm guessing you didn't have enough room in the book to add another character)2-Rabin
1I have no doubt there are Ko-Matoran there, but I can't force characters into the story just so every kind of Matoran gets represented.
1Can beings who have control over electricity (Such as Tahnok Kal) be able to manipulate an object that they electrically charged?2-Rabin
1No, ER, no more than Tahu can manipulate any object he has set on fire. They can manipulate the electricity within the object, but not the object itself.
Last Edit: by Greg2660
1Greg, you said there might be 4 books in 2008. Does this mean as in one 2007 book, and 3 2008 books? Because BL#8 is supposed to come in January. Or as in 4 2008 chapter books.