11) No22) No. Ehlek's apparatus was destroyed in the quake and Mantax already knows that.
11. Does Lariska have any "positive" feelings (sympathy, etc)?22. Could a matoran with enough willpower use mask powers?
1Greg, why does the new bionicle ignition book say number seven, did the internet one count?
1Yes, the internet one does count.
1Thank you, Gearhead, but this is Ask GREG, not ask GEARHEAD.
2Greg, if you can say, am I correct that the rope or whatever in Mahri Nui leading up goes to '08's 'island in the sky?'
Originally posted by Toa of Cheese:1 Thank you, Gearhead, but this is Ask GREG, not ask GEARHEAD.
2Greg, if you can say, am I correct that the rope or whatever in Mahri Nui leading up goes to '08's 'island in the sky?'
1No need to be rude Toa of Dairy Air Products
Last Edit: by Gearhead
1Sora: Really? Where did you find that out? (I'm slow...)
2Right back atcha, Gearhead (Quote: "Drop dead, buttface" sound familiar?)
3OK then, I'll just go with Maduk's questions...
Last Edit: by Toa of Cheese
1Please let’s not get rude to anyone. Both of you should know that this is ask Greg; and Greg will answer. If he doesn't in awhile or misses your questions, a member is allowed to answer it as long as it is an allowed spoiler/or answer. Further discussion on a subject in this topic isn’t really advised; if you get a theory or find something interesting, make a topic in the appropriate section.
2Please continue through questions after this post. Just be aware to be polite and patient.
Last Edit: by Toa Hakaru
1Maduk - 1) I don't class her as Makuta-level evil, but I don't think she stops in the middle of a mission to take of wounded baby Rahi either. 2) No Matoran has that kind of willpower and mental discipline. It's like asking a Pop Warner football player to play in an NFL game -- they're just not up to that level.
2Daikunus - Yes, it does count.
3Toa of Cheese - No, the cord has no connection to the 2008 location at all. The cord connects Mahri Nui to Voya Nui, nothing beyond that. And again, you need to be careful with the city in the sky reference, because that came from Scholastic and was based on pretty much nothing official.
4Sorry for the delay in answering, but I just got back from Denmark.
1Gearhead has been taken care of. Please do not discuss this any longer.
2Greg, I apologize for the inconvience. I hope you enjoyed Denmark. -Swert
1Can the Matoran of Mahri Nui breathe underwater?2If so, can they breath on land?
3Also, has is Makuta the evil intelligence that has taken over Maxilos the robot?
Last Edit: by Jaril: Toa of Air
1Jaril - No, Mahri Nui Matoran cannot breathe water. They can only breathe air.
2As for your second question, I cannot discuss Maxilos, he is a summer set and it's March.
1Do the "Kanohi Inika" still exist after the Inika become the Mahri?
2Also, what do you think the Inika's reactions will be if they receive their Matoran masks?3-Rabin
11) I cannot discuss the Mahri, you know that.
22) I really haven't thought that far ahead -- they have a long road ahead of them and a lot more to worry about than that. I don't think the loss of their old masks is a concern for them right now.
1Does Nocturn appear in book 8?
1Yes, he does, I believe.
1Did the Suletu (That Kongu currently wears) belong to one of the Toa that was traveling with Kodan?2-Rabin
1Is Artakha's role in Book 8 going to be small?
1Rabin - Not to my knowledge, no.
2Gear - Yup, he just shows up in the epilogue.
1Lhikan used his Toa power to infuse the Toa Stones with it. What if he would have used his Toa Power to a single Toa Stone, would a Toa who transformed using that stone, be stronger? In other words, do Toa transfer their Toa powers to a Toa stone, and that way, to another Toa?
11) No -- what a Toa stone does is basically spark the energy that is already inside the destined Matoran. So Lhikan did not become a Turaga because he had given up all his power, he became a Turaga because his destiny was fulfilled when the Toa Metru came into being.
1What happens to the Matoran who commits crime while on Metru Nui before the apocalypse?2I mean after they get captured by the Vahki.
1Could a Toa put their Toa energy into an item such as a mask and have it function like a Toa-stone when a destined Matoran wears it?
2Also, how would you say the type of Toa Kaita (Valor or Wisdom) is decided?3-Rabin
1Zanarh - Vahki powers generally had to do with disciplining a Matoran in a way that did not physically damage him so he could be put back to work. So that is what would happen.
2ER - 1) I suppose it's possible theoretically, but they haven't up to now. 2) I have no idea, which Toa Kaita was which was decided by the story team before I worked here.
1What are the powers of the Kanohi Rua and of the Aki?
Originally posted by Elite Rabin:3 Could a Toa put their Toa energy into an item such as a mask and have it function like a Toa-stone when a destined Matoran wears it?
4Also, how would you say the type of Toa Kaita (Valor or Wisdom) is decided?5-Rabin
6Wairuha is Wisdom, Akamai is Valor.
7The Disousa
Last Edit: by The Disousa: The Undead Werewolf
1Each had the powers of the Toa masks worn by the Toa who made up those Kaita.
1So what if the Matoran had commited a very serious crime? As in fatally injuring a fellow Matoran or making fake Kanoka disks?
2You said that Vahki powers had something to do with disciplining Matoran. Then how would a Rorzakh do so? It'll just chase a Matoran, catch him, and what? Let him go so that he can do work?
1Hello, Mr. Farshtey, I just had a quick question concerning the Atlas.
2Seeing as Bionicle World is a guide how long would it be best to wait before talking about it in depth?
3Sorry to bother you about this. I just wanted to be sure to keep myself quiet until the right time.
4Thank you very much in advance.
1Is their any way for more books to apear on the 2008 schedule? Technically, there is only 3 books beause book 8 is still a 2007 book.
1Zanarh - 1) Same punishment, along with probably having Vahki assigned to watch them from then on. Taking Matoran out of the workforce hurts the city. 2) Rorzakh were primarily used to break up rings or stop trouble before it started, because they allowed the Vahki to spy on the Matoran.
2VE - Mid-April is when spoilers start being allowed -- two weeks after official publication date.
3Gearhead - No. Schedule is set at a book every three months.