1Greg is Kopaka really emotionless as he wants you to believe or does not enjoy conversation because he's afraid you'll laugh or misunderstand what he has to say? Plus if people think you're soft they walk all over you sometimes is this what he also thinks? Am I correct? If not can you tell me what Kopaka's real reason for being so "Silent" or would that be ruining the secret or something like that?
1Kopaka prefers not to have to need others. He likes to work on his own and not have to worry about what someone else is doing or if someone else is going to screw things up. Yes, he does care about failing and how people would react to that failure, but that doesn't make him less social -- it simply makes him try harder to always succeed.
2Kopaka is probably my favorite Toa, because he is not that social and neither am I, and he likes to work alone and so do I.
2Kopaka is probably my favorite Toa, because he is not that social and neither am I, and he likes to work alone and so do I.
1but you're kinda socializing with your big fans such as myself.
1Hi Greg. I have to say that It is wonderful that the main writer of a series is so open to the fanbase. You really don't get that much in our world today.
2My question is a relatively simple one, but you may have already answered something like this before so I'm sorry if it has.
3Do mask powers (other than awakening them) have some sort of limit to their use? The closest thing I could compare it to is a magic/mana/willpower bar in a video game. Once this sort of essence depletes, the mask can no longer be used unless the user rests for a bit.
4Which leads me to ask another question; Does this limit vary from users/different masks? For Mask to Mask comparisons, the Mask of Levitation vs the Mask of Flight. Levitation isn't full fledged flight, so it shouldn't take as much of this energy than the mask of flight would? Another example would be the Mask of Night vision vs the Mask of dimensional travel. Surely seeing into the night wouldn't require nearly as much energy as ripping a hole in dimensional space? For user vs user, an experienced Toa may be able to use the mask many more times than an inexperienced one, right?
5At leave it at there for now, since the rest of my little theory would be null if most of what I said is proven false.
2My question is a relatively simple one, but you may have already answered something like this before so I'm sorry if it has.
3Do mask powers (other than awakening them) have some sort of limit to their use? The closest thing I could compare it to is a magic/mana/willpower bar in a video game. Once this sort of essence depletes, the mask can no longer be used unless the user rests for a bit.
4Which leads me to ask another question; Does this limit vary from users/different masks? For Mask to Mask comparisons, the Mask of Levitation vs the Mask of Flight. Levitation isn't full fledged flight, so it shouldn't take as much of this energy than the mask of flight would? Another example would be the Mask of Night vision vs the Mask of dimensional travel. Surely seeing into the night wouldn't require nearly as much energy as ripping a hole in dimensional space? For user vs user, an experienced Toa may be able to use the mask many more times than an inexperienced one, right?
5At leave it at there for now, since the rest of my little theory would be null if most of what I said is proven false.
1What happend to Umbra?
1Jack - Not really. Socializing is like going to parties and such. This is just answering questions.
2Tanaku - Nothing like that planned at the moment.
3CS - Good question. Masks do have limitations, yes, a couple of them. Most masks have a time limit during which their power can be used continuously, which is one of the main differences between Noble and Great Masks -- Noble Masks can be used for a shorter duration. Also, mask power depends on the will of the user -- it takes just as much willpower to use a Miru as a Kadin, and if you get distracted or exhausted, the mask power may fail on you. Some masks, like the Vahi, require so much willpower they are hard to control.
4LTOE - Umbra is still at his post, waiting for the mask to be returned (as it is meant to be after use).
2Tanaku - Nothing like that planned at the moment.
3CS - Good question. Masks do have limitations, yes, a couple of them. Most masks have a time limit during which their power can be used continuously, which is one of the main differences between Noble and Great Masks -- Noble Masks can be used for a shorter duration. Also, mask power depends on the will of the user -- it takes just as much willpower to use a Miru as a Kadin, and if you get distracted or exhausted, the mask power may fail on you. Some masks, like the Vahi, require so much willpower they are hard to control.
4LTOE - Umbra is still at his post, waiting for the mask to be returned (as it is meant to be after use).
1I read Lewa is a Toa with a great sense of humor and uses jokes to lighten the mood. I also believe he does so in serious situations. So what is Lewa's favorite joke he likes to tell?
1We saw that the mask of light was destroyed by whats -his-name is that how Mata-nui dies?
1How technologically advanced are the Modern Day Bionicle? 20TH Century? Futuristic? Ancient? Prehistorically Primative? I know only of 2 Vehicles in all of Bionicle; Lesovikk's Sea Sled And TakaNuva's Makuta Finding Vehicle Thingy...... Plus the High Tech Masks like the Akaku and a few others. When I say technological I don't mean things with Mystical powers like the Kanohi Masks And Staffs Of Power..........I mean like inventions such as the Air tubes the Toa Mahri use in THE PIT and Mahri Nui Or Lesovikk's Sea Sled. They are useful powerless, magicless objects of usefulness or what you call Inventions or Machinery.
1Jack - 1) No idea. 2) My guess is, just as in our world, the tech level varies. If you live in the US, for example, you have access to lots of tech if you have the money to afford it. If you live in some other parts of the world, not so much. The Metru Nui Matoran have a sophisticated chute system, jumbo telescreens, and the ability to do complex protodermis purification -- they also have Ussal-drawn carts. Matoran in other places have invented weapons like Cordak blasters, and we have also seen automated defense systems like nektann, and functioning robots like Maxilos and the Exo-Toa.
2Part of the reason it seems low-tech is that we have spent four out of six years on islands where there wasn't access to a lot of tech; and partly because fans complain when we go too high-tech.
3LTOE - The Mask of Light is not even in this story. It's on Takanuva back in Metru Nui.
2Part of the reason it seems low-tech is that we have spent four out of six years on islands where there wasn't access to a lot of tech; and partly because fans complain when we go too high-tech.
3LTOE - The Mask of Light is not even in this story. It's on Takanuva back in Metru Nui.
1Hey Greg,
2reading one of your comments on mask, would you say a being as powerful as Brutaka or Axonn could control the Vahi more accurately than Vakama Metru or Tahu Nuva could? I'm pretty sure the answer is "Yes" considering they have a few thousand years of experience on the two. Also, would it be possible one of the Toa Mahri could use the Vahi at this point in time? I'm not asking if they will, but if their current experience and power level could prepare them for it. -Swert
2reading one of your comments on mask, would you say a being as powerful as Brutaka or Axonn could control the Vahi more accurately than Vakama Metru or Tahu Nuva could? I'm pretty sure the answer is "Yes" considering they have a few thousand years of experience on the two. Also, would it be possible one of the Toa Mahri could use the Vahi at this point in time? I'm not asking if they will, but if their current experience and power level could prepare them for it. -Swert
1Actually, you saw the mask get shot at and the Cordak missile explode -- you did not actually see the mask destroyed.
1The kanohi Zatth says "Allows the wearer to summon Rahi from the surrounding environment to aid him, but wearer has no control over just which Rahi is called."
2O.o Biosector worded it differently.
3Anywho, I was wondering if it ment that Toa of Air can only summon creatures from the sky, Toa of Water can only summon creatures of the sea/oceans, etc. etc., or does it mean somethin else? (What if your at a volcanoe, or flying in the sky?)
2O.o Biosector worded it differently.
3Anywho, I was wondering if it ment that Toa of Air can only summon creatures from the sky, Toa of Water can only summon creatures of the sea/oceans, etc. etc., or does it mean somethin else? (What if your at a volcanoe, or flying in the sky?)
1It means surrounding environment, not what your Toa element is. If you are in the middle of a battle in the air, it would do no good to summon a creature of the land or the sea, because it can't help you there -- you would need a creature of the air environment. But it has nothing to do with which Toa is wearing the mask.
1You never answered my Lewa Question. Could you please answer?
Originally posted by Tanaku, Toa of Fire:1 Greg, is this suppose to be Turaga Lhikan?2 http://bzpower.com/Imaging/setref/7216_image1.jpg3You never answered this one either.
1Hasn't been destroyed.
1Because Hydraxon still has some of Dekar's basic instincts, and Dekar tried to destroy the mask just before his transformation because he believed it was too dangerous for anyone to possess. So Hydraxon reacted to it the same way.
1If Makuta was one of Mata Nui's strongest supporter then did he just come accross some mask and put it on and boom it turned out to be The Mask Of Shadows then turned evil?
Originally posted by Jack Attack777:1 If Makuta was one of Mata Nui's strongest supporter then did he just come accross some mask and put it on and boom it turned out to be The Mask Of Shadows then turned evil?2I can answer this.Makuta realized that if Mata-Nui were to be overthrown, he could take over the universe.He got the idea from the Barraki because they tried to do it.That's why Makuta's evil.Besides, I think he either always had the Kraahkan, or had it given to him.
1Why would a former good guy such as Makuta have a Mask that contains powers that are meant for evil before he was evil?