1Greg, Does Matoro have a destiny deeper and more important than we currently understand?
Last Edit: by Dai: The BOTS/Gaia/2moons Guy
1Tanaku- Yes, it's a promo Duracell (I think) made, and they kind of made up a character. Wich looks like Turaga Lhikan!
2The Disousa
Last Edit: by The Disousa: The Undead Werewolf
1Greg, I heard that next year, the Mask of Life will be released. Question is, will it be the shape we have seen it in (Comic/movie version, VNOLG version, or a new shape?) Also, is the Comic/movie version its true shape, or (if in a new shape) will next years version be its true shape?
1Dai - I can't really answer that because it touches on future storyline.
2Tanaku - No one outside of the Great Beings knows its true shape, or it actually has one -- the mask, like life itself, can take infinite forms. As for what shape it will be next year, I cannot discuss future set plans and have not seen the set that closely yet anyway.
Originally posted by Greg2660:
12) Yes, it is possible to give beings elemental powers who do not have them from creation but I can't see the Mask of Life having access to the power of shadow. Shadow is a power of evil in this universe and the mask represents life.
2But... can't life be good or evil?
3waitaminnit.. does this mean Matoran don't go into outer space because it is mostly dark void? Yes, there are stars, but they don't do much to remove the black.
4And how does Takanuva get around? That Transport system is probably down, so... how?
Last Edit: by Toa of Whimsy
1Toa of Whimsy - 1) No, Life cannot be evil. Life can be capricious, but in the end, it's a gift, and again to quote an old saying, it's what you make of it. Life is not an entity that plans evil for you, it's more of a neutral force. As such, it may gift you with an ability that can be used for good or for evil -- say, making plants grow -- but most likely not one that is considered purely evil.
2My answer to that question, also, has to do with the fact that the Skakdi were given elemental powers as opposed to having them from their creation, so it is possible for some beings to be able to do that.
32) No, the "dark void" has nothing to do with the Matoran lack of space travel. Think about it -- when would they have developed this? If they shot a rocket up, they would bang into the ceiling of the dome and fall back down. Yes, space travel would have been possible on Mata Nui, but they had no tech on Mata Nui.
43) The Le-Matoran have been working on repairing the chute system since they got back to Metru Nui, so it is certainly back up in some places.
1How can shadow be totally evil if it let's people irregardless of their nature hide?2Are you or LEGO under the assumption that the target market is always scared of the dark?
3And do Bionicle creatures... excrete? Kids love potty humour.
1Did Tuyet know how the Nui stone was made?
2"All Rahkshi are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, among these life, servitude, and the pursuit of destruction. -GregF"
3Did you actually say this?
4EDIT: Whimsy... No. They don't. They don't eat, they take energy from food by touching it, so they can't excrete.
5The Disousa
Last Edit: by The Disousa: The Undead Werewolf
1Toa of Whimsy - Since BIONICLE beings do not need to chew and swallow for purposes of eating, they have no need to excrete either.
2As for darkness -- the example I always use is the swastika. Prior to WWII, it was not a symbol of evil. But after it was used by the Nazis, it became one so that any sight of it produces a gut revulsion in most people. Once shadow became identified with the BOM rebellion against Mata Nui, shadow came to be regarded as evil. (And let's face it, how are darkness and shadow used in our culture? You see horror movies called "Darkness Falls," "The Dark," "The Darkness," "Amy of Darkness," "Shadow of the Vampire," etc. You don't see a lot of scary movies called, "Bright Sunny Morning.")
3Disousa - No, Tuyet was not present at its creation. And yes, I believe that quote is in one of the books, not sure which one offhand.
1Mr. Farshtey if someone brought a Cordak Revolving Blaster on land would it work properly without the water to propell in?
1Mr. Farshtey will we ever hear from TakaNuva again?
1Can't Mata Nui leave his body like Makuta and be at different places at once like the way Makuta can be wherever there are shadows?
1Jack A, please don't triple post, just edit by clicking the Button.2Answering...
32. Yes, we will, there are recent plans to include him in the story.
43. He can't because 1. He is asleep, and 2., because he is not a Makuta. He is not made of antidermis.
5And Greg, if Tuyet doesn't know that, how come reviving her would be any help to Makuta?
6The Disousa
Last Edit: by The Disousa: The Undead Werewolf
1Disousa - Makuta cannot reasonably expect Tuyet to "tell" him anything, even if she knew it, because Matoro's mask cannot bring her mind and spirit back. It's not her knowledge he is seeking.
1Is it shards on her body? I heard something like that once. But he could remove those shards out without having her alive right?
2The Disousa
1Yes, he could, if he was willing to dig down through layers of mud to retrieve all the pieces of her armor while at risk of zyglak attack. Much easier to reanimate her so that all the pieces come together on their own and can swim out after you, right?
1Is there any way that by combining Toa using different mask powers, to revive a dead Creature?
2The Disousa
1Disousa - Not sure I understand what you're asking. Can you give me an example of what you had in mind?
1He's asking if it's possible to revive a dead creature by combining different mask powers.
1OP - I got that, but I need to know which mask powers he has in mind to be able to tell him yes or no.
1I see.Though, I have 2 masks in mind.The Ignika & Tryna.Could their powers combined revive a dead creature?Those may not be the masks he's talking about, I just that I'd ask while we were talking about it.
1Kind of. I thought of those, but I don't think it'll work.
2Greg, what I meant was for you to tell me if there is any possibility, using the masks we know. If you can, go ahead and tell me please! [Smile]
3But if you can't is ok.
4So the question is: Is it possible that with the masks we know, revive the dead? If yes, can you give me the combination?
5I'm sorry if you are to busy to come up with a combination.
6The Disousa
1Disousa - I can't think of any. See, the Tryna can reanimate the dead, that's true, but it can't bring the spirit back. And the Ignika can bring an inanimate object to life, but it's debatable if it really gives it an actual mind and spirit or just the same instinctive behaviors that, say, a zombie has. Neither seems capable of bringing a mind and spirit back.
2As I have said, the Ignika on its own cannot do this -- but what it needs to be combined with or to work with to do so is not another mask.
1But... Is it the Nui stone?
2They will have to bring back Mata Nui from the dead... Right? So they will need that object. Right?
3And, what about the Ignika, the Tryna and the Iden?
4The Disousa
11) No, it's not the Nui stone. Makuta wants the Nui stone, the Toa aren't after it.
22) The Iden allows you to unleash your spirit, not bring someone else's back, so no. Also, none of the Mahri are wearing the Iden or have access to one, so if they need it to do their mission, they have a problem.
1The Toa Nuva too right?
2what are the powers of the stone? and why is it called Nui? I mean 6 Stone?
3The Disousa
11) No, the Toa Nuva are not after the Nui stone. They don't even know about it. It dates back to Lhikan's era. The Nuva are after the Staff of Artakha.
22) The stone automatically taps into the power of every Toa within a very wide radius and essentially drains off minute amounts into itself. So someone who taps the power of the Nui stone could conceiveably have the power of 10, 20, or who knows how many Toa.
3You may want to read "The Many Deaths of Toa Tuyet" in the BZPower fan fiction section for the first appearance of the stone.
1Greg don't you think the Turaga want to be part of the action again instead of being known only as former Toa and the old guys who sit around keeping archives and secrets as well as advisors of how to improve and maintain Unity, Duty, And Destiny? Don't you think they miss being Toa? Actual protectors able to protect their villages. They do seem a little bored(NOT BORING).... Bored with nothing to do but what I've listed...... Don't you think.
1Will we see the turaga again? how bout' Metru nui?
1Jack - Well, if there's a crisis in a city, don't you think the mayor would like to be out there capturing criminals, putting out fires, and rushing people to the hospital? Yes, maybe, but that's not his job. That's what he has police, firemen, and ambulance workers for. Running a city is an important job too, and part of it is letting other people do their jobs.
2Do they miss being Toa? Oh, sure they do, the way a retired football player might miss playing the game. But time goes on, you can't live in the past.
3LTOE - Yes. Metru Nui will appear in BL #8 and the November comic, along with Vakama, and then again in BL #10.
Originally posted by Greg2660:
1You may want to read "The Many Deaths of Toa Tuyet" in the BZPower fan fiction section for the first appearance of the stone.
3Think you'll ever put that story up over here?
1It was written for BZP at their request for a project they were planning to do, which is why I ended up putting it on their site. Is there a reason people who visit MOD wouldn't be able to see it over there?
1Will Bionicle go on? or will it be done soon?
1It depends on how the sales go LTOE. So if you want BIONICLE to continue... Buy sets!
2 [Big Grin]
3The Disousa