1Ello GregF: How it doing? Well, I'll stop beating around the bushes & get to the Q's:
21. At the Comic-Con Convention, if I see you, can I tell you my username here on BZP? For example: 3Me: Oh my gosh Mom: Look, it's Greg Farshtey: Can I go talk to him? 4My Mom: Oh, all right. 5*I walk over to you.* 6Me: Hi Mr. Farshety: 7You: Oh, hello. 8Me: In case you were wondering, I'm UGM712: 9You: Really? Well, I'll be seeing you on the internet: 10End transmission.
11Or something like that. If that was too embarrassing than thats o.k...
122. Will Karzahni(the leader of the dark place) be a major character or enemy in 2006? And will we learn about him right away or towards the end of the year?
133. I heard somewhere that there was going to be an unexpected enemy later this year. If it is true it it 14A. Karzahni(the plant) 15B. Someone else we know 16or C. Someone entirely new.
17Thanks for your time & wisdom:
191) If you like 202) No. Karzahni isn't a character in 2006. He probably will show up in one of the guidebooks as a character, if we proceed with things as they are planned now. We'll see. 213) I can't discuss this, because the unexpected enemy is part of 2005 movie plot.
23Please ignore #1.
1Questions related to the MoL: (edited to make things easier)
21. Has anyone, apart from Takua, worn the Avohkii before?
3A: Not to my knowledge
42. Was it originally created for Takua?
5A: It was created for the Toa of Light, but the beings who created it had no idea who that would turn out to be
63. Is there Toa energy in it now? (During the new flash episodes)
7A: Doesn't really matter, since it doesn't get worn
84. Are the Visorak looking for the Avohkii? Why?
9A: Well, the Visorak work for the BOM, and the Mask of Light is a potent weapon against Makuta, so seems like a logical connection, right?
105. How come in MoL the Turaga look so confused about the Avohkii? Nokama even had to read the writing behind the mask to see what it was for: They should know what it's for:
11A: True -- but -- remember they had not told the Toa or the Matoran anythung about Metru Nui at that point. So how would they be able to explain that they knew what it was without admitting they had been lying all that time?
126. Is the Avohkii more powerful than the Vahi?
13A: No. Light is not a more powerful element than time
147. Are the Avohkii and Kraahkan related in any way?
15A: Like what?
168. Do you know who forged it? Was it one of the Toa Hagah?
17A: i do know, but not going to reveal it
189. So the Rahaga came to Metru Nui for 3 reasons, eh? -- To find Keetongu, save the Rahi and safekeep the Avohkii, right?
19A: Safekeeping the Avohkii was not a major reason -- they had been keeping the Avohkii safe for 200 years at that point, that wasn't something new. They simply brought it with them when they came
2010. How come the Ussanui has 3 air katanas when Lewa Nuva only had 2?
21A: Because that is how the designers designed it, number one, and it isn't made from Toa tools, it is made from Rahkshi parts, Bohrok parts, and whatever else could be scrounged up. Lewa Nuva did not give his tools up for it.
22EDIT: Something else...
23I have this theory about the Avohkii's origin, just thought you could confirm it:
24The Toa Hagah were the first to sense that the BoM started to become evil, right? Then they rebelled against them, right? So they created the Avohkii in secret for someone else to fight them another time, another generation. They wanted to save the Matoran from the BoM, so they created it for one Matoran that Mata Nui chose -- Takua. That's why they said that the Avohkii is going to be the future of the Matoran:
26Nope, sorry -- the Toa Hagah were not mask makers. They did not create the Avohkii.
21. Has anyone, apart from Takua, worn the Avohkii before?
3A: Not to my knowledge
42. Was it originally created for Takua?
5A: It was created for the Toa of Light, but the beings who created it had no idea who that would turn out to be
63. Is there Toa energy in it now? (During the new flash episodes)
7A: Doesn't really matter, since it doesn't get worn
84. Are the Visorak looking for the Avohkii? Why?
9A: Well, the Visorak work for the BOM, and the Mask of Light is a potent weapon against Makuta, so seems like a logical connection, right?
105. How come in MoL the Turaga look so confused about the Avohkii? Nokama even had to read the writing behind the mask to see what it was for: They should know what it's for:
11A: True -- but -- remember they had not told the Toa or the Matoran anythung about Metru Nui at that point. So how would they be able to explain that they knew what it was without admitting they had been lying all that time?
126. Is the Avohkii more powerful than the Vahi?
13A: No. Light is not a more powerful element than time
147. Are the Avohkii and Kraahkan related in any way?
15A: Like what?
168. Do you know who forged it? Was it one of the Toa Hagah?
17A: i do know, but not going to reveal it
189. So the Rahaga came to Metru Nui for 3 reasons, eh? -- To find Keetongu, save the Rahi and safekeep the Avohkii, right?
19A: Safekeeping the Avohkii was not a major reason -- they had been keeping the Avohkii safe for 200 years at that point, that wasn't something new. They simply brought it with them when they came
2010. How come the Ussanui has 3 air katanas when Lewa Nuva only had 2?
21A: Because that is how the designers designed it, number one, and it isn't made from Toa tools, it is made from Rahkshi parts, Bohrok parts, and whatever else could be scrounged up. Lewa Nuva did not give his tools up for it.
22EDIT: Something else...
23I have this theory about the Avohkii's origin, just thought you could confirm it:
24The Toa Hagah were the first to sense that the BoM started to become evil, right? Then they rebelled against them, right? So they created the Avohkii in secret for someone else to fight them another time, another generation. They wanted to save the Matoran from the BoM, so they created it for one Matoran that Mata Nui chose -- Takua. That's why they said that the Avohkii is going to be the future of the Matoran:
26Nope, sorry -- the Toa Hagah were not mask makers. They did not create the Avohkii.
1Some questions and answers, nothing new: 2Some Dark Hunter-ish questions that I've been wondering about:
31. Can any DH sense the presence of the Makuta? I know that Nidhiki and Krekka can't, because they didn't know that Dume was Makuta, but can TSO or other hunters sense him?
42. Did Krekka ever talk back to Nidhiki, because he didn't think that his plan would work?
53. If Krekka did something dumb, did Nidhiki ever hit him on the head?
64. Are there any DH-s who don't believe in any Great Spirit, like they think that Mata Nui doesn't exist?
75. Can Toa "employ" a DH to help them?
86. Are or were there any DHs who "gave up" they're job as a DH?
97. I just wanted to ask: Could there be any DHs with more than one heads? I just couldn't think of anything else.
10Thanks Greg:
111) No Dark Hunters that we know of at present, no. 122) Krekka has stood up to Nidhiki in the past when Nidhiki was trying to keep loot for himself contrary to TSO's orders. 133) No. This is not the Three Stooges. 144) Not to my knowledge, no. 155) They wouldn't -- it would be like your local police chief hiring a mob hitman. 166) Yes, but it's not an easy thing to do -- it's like quitting the CIA, you are never really out of the job. And TSO isn't real big on people quitting. 177) No idea. So far, the only multi-headed creature I think we have had in the story was the two-headed Tarakava. If someone enters the contest and comes up with a convincing reason why a DH would have multiple heads, we would consider it at least.
31. Can any DH sense the presence of the Makuta? I know that Nidhiki and Krekka can't, because they didn't know that Dume was Makuta, but can TSO or other hunters sense him?
42. Did Krekka ever talk back to Nidhiki, because he didn't think that his plan would work?
53. If Krekka did something dumb, did Nidhiki ever hit him on the head?
64. Are there any DH-s who don't believe in any Great Spirit, like they think that Mata Nui doesn't exist?
75. Can Toa "employ" a DH to help them?
86. Are or were there any DHs who "gave up" they're job as a DH?
97. I just wanted to ask: Could there be any DHs with more than one heads? I just couldn't think of anything else.
10Thanks Greg:
111) No Dark Hunters that we know of at present, no. 122) Krekka has stood up to Nidhiki in the past when Nidhiki was trying to keep loot for himself contrary to TSO's orders. 133) No. This is not the Three Stooges. 144) Not to my knowledge, no. 155) They wouldn't -- it would be like your local police chief hiring a mob hitman. 166) Yes, but it's not an easy thing to do -- it's like quitting the CIA, you are never really out of the job. And TSO isn't real big on people quitting. 177) No idea. So far, the only multi-headed creature I think we have had in the story was the two-headed Tarakava. If someone enters the contest and comes up with a convincing reason why a DH would have multiple heads, we would consider it at least.
1The Doom Viper hasn't appeard in the story yet, Khote.
1what's the doom viper?
1It's featured in the rahi guide.
1Mm'kay... this post is gonna be sooo random...
10That was just to set my... suspicions aside on the handedness of Bionicle. Considering the fact that my hopes were crushed, I shall rebel and take my Toa's (how do u do the possesive of a singular-plural word that ends in a vowel? hmm...) weapons arms (*spits* right handedness... diguisting... no individuality at. all.) and put them on the opposite side. One I get the Hagah, I shall do the same. TAKE THAT LEGO:
11And some other way old questions, edited for "common knowledge" purposes...
24I shall re-PM Greg on number 15, cause kanohi ARE masks, but they technically mean faces. I think... please correct me if i'm wrong. Though i think i'm not. Yeah. 25LEFT HANDS:
2Hi Mr. Farshtey...
3Is Kopaka left handed? Keetongu? 4Answer:
5How many characters in the Bionicle storyline are left handed? If so, who? 6Answer:
7Yeah. That's it. Have a nice day.
8No idea. Not something that has come up. 9Greg
10That was just to set my... suspicions aside on the handedness of Bionicle. Considering the fact that my hopes were crushed, I shall rebel and take my Toa's (how do u do the possesive of a singular-plural word that ends in a vowel? hmm...) weapons arms (*spits* right handedness... diguisting... no individuality at. all.) and put them on the opposite side. One I get the Hagah, I shall do the same. TAKE THAT LEGO:
11And some other way old questions, edited for "common knowledge" purposes...
121- In the movie, the Toa Metru were riding through the chutes when all of a sudden it stops. Then, the chute flows backward, and Nokama screams "HANG ON:" How is this if matoran and toa have to hold their breath and don't talk in the protodermis chutes? Or does liquid protodermis allow sound waves to pass through it easily, unlike our water?
13ANSWER: They did that in the movie because they didn't have time to explain what was in chutes, why you couldn't talk in them, etc., and they didn't want to have a long, silent scene.
142- Nokama's Rau, the mask of translation, allows her to basically understand languages, written or spoken. Does that allow her, say, to understand idoms spoken in a certain language (that is not matoran)? If so, does that power allow Nokama the ability to solve riddle easily to a certain extent?
15ANSWER: I would say no. As evidenced by an old episode of Star Trek: TNG, even universal translators have problems with idioms.
163- What do you think of all the questions you get? Are they thought provoking? Annoying? Fun? Stupid (God forbid)?
17ANSWER: Some are fascinating, some are fun, some come from mistaken concepts that I have to correct.
184- At the end of the second movie, you see Takua lead Vakama toward Jaller (or Jalla, as it was then) with his broken mask. I think you've said before that Takua broke his mask a while after the matoran got to Mata Nui, thus he had the blue Pakari instead of a Ta-Koran colored mask. If this is true, did Takua break his mask when he came out of his canister, had it replaced by Vakama, then found Jaller also broken his mask?
19ANSWER: That's possible. It's also possible his mask was broken while on Metru Nui, since we have never seen how he looked there.
2015- In the storyline, the Toa Hordika no longer have Kanohi, just faces. If Kanohi means face, what would you call the Toa Hordika's faces, Kanohi Hordika (Faces of the Half-Beasts)?
21ANSWER: Kanohi doesn't mean face. Kanohi means mask.
2219- Does the whole "eyes in front is a predator, eyes on side is a prey" idea apply in the bionicle universe?
23ANSWER: Doubtful.
24I shall re-PM Greg on number 15, cause kanohi ARE masks, but they technically mean faces. I think... please correct me if i'm wrong. Though i think i'm not. Yeah. 25LEFT HANDS:
1More from Mr. Farshtey:
2NOTE: Before reading, note that the RAHI BEASTS appendix noted that the Rahi Nui had "the six fundamental Kanoka disk powers." Since there are eight (besides time), I PMed Mr. Farshtey on that...
11One more interesting one:
2NOTE: Before reading, note that the RAHI BEASTS appendix noted that the Rahi Nui had "the six fundamental Kanoka disk powers." Since there are eight (besides time), I PMed Mr. Farshtey on that...
GregF 81) Most likely die. 92) Yes 103) Directly? No.3Can you really see Rahi Nui repairing buildings with the regeneration power or curing anyone of poison? I can't.51) In response to last time's question #2, I actually can--let's say that (before the BA #6 incident) the Rahi Nui had the bad luck of running into two wild Rahkshi, a Guurahk and a Lerahk. Guurahk uses its disintegration power to blow our favorite "walking zoo's" left Tarakava leg off, while Lerahk stabs our poor Rahi Nui in the left flank and poisons it. What would the Rahi Nui do to itself in this case (assuming that it flattens both Rahkshi immediately afterward)? 62) Can the Rahi Nui (which has the body of a Muaka and the head of a Kane-Ra) stretch its neck forward? 73) Did Sidorak have anything to do with Krekka's becoming a Dark Hunter?
11One more interesting one:
121) Exactly why is Sidorak on Metru Nui?131) Because it is the last place (other than TSO's island and next year's island) left for the Visorak to conquer.

1Mm'kay... this post is gonna be sooo random...
2Hi Mr. Farshtey...
3Is Kopaka left handed? Keetongu? 4Answer:
5How many characters in the Bionicle storyline are left handed? If so, who? 6Answer:
7Yeah. That's it. Have a nice day.
8No idea. Not something that has come up. 9Greg
10That was just to set my... suspicions aside on the handedness of Bionicle. Considering the fact that my hopes were crushed, I shall rebel and take my Toa's (how do u do the possesive of a singular-plural word that ends in a vowel? hmm...) weapons arms (*spits* right handedness... diguisting... no individuality at. all.) and put them on the opposite side. One I get the Hagah, I shall do the same. TAKE THAT LEGO:
11And some other way old questions, edited for "common knowledge" purposes...
121- In the movie, the Toa Metru were riding through the chutes when all of a sudden it stops. Then, the chute flows backward, and Nokama screams "HANG ON:" How is this if matoran and toa have to hold their breath and don't talk in the protodermis chutes? Or does liquid protodermis allow sound waves to pass through it easily, unlike our water?
13ANSWER: They did that in the movie because they didn't have time to explain what was in chutes, why you couldn't talk in them, etc., and they didn't want to have a long, silent scene.
142- Nokama's Rau, the mask of translation, allows her to basically understand languages, written or spoken. Does that allow her, say, to understand idoms spoken in a certain language (that is not matoran)? If so, does that power allow Nokama the ability to solve riddle easily to a certain extent?
15ANSWER: I would say no. As evidenced by an old episode of Star Trek: TNG, even universal translators have problems with idioms.
163- What do you think of all the questions you get? Are they thought provoking? Annoying? Fun? Stupid (God forbid)?
17ANSWER: Some are fascinating, some are fun, some come from mistaken concepts that I have to correct.
184- At the end of the second movie, you see Takua lead Vakama toward Jaller (or Jalla, as it was then) with his broken mask. I think you've said before that Takua broke his mask a while after the matoran got to Mata Nui, thus he had the blue Pakari instead of a Ta-Koran colored mask. If this is true, did Takua break his mask when he came out of his canister, had it replaced by Vakama, then found Jaller also broken his mask?
19ANSWER: That's possible. It's also possible his mask was broken while on Metru Nui, since we have never seen how he looked there.
2015- In the storyline, the Toa Hordika no longer have Kanohi, just faces. If Kanohi means face, what would you call the Toa Hordika's faces, Kanohi Hordika (Faces of the Half-Beasts)?
21ANSWER: Kanohi doesn't mean face. Kanohi means mask.
2219- Does the whole "eyes in front is a predator, eyes on side is a prey" idea apply in the bionicle universe?
23ANSWER: Doubtful.
24I shall re-PM Greg on number 15, cause kanohi ARE masks, but they technically mean faces. I think... please correct me if i'm wrong. Though i think i'm not. Yeah. 25LEFT HANDS:
26Nope. Kanohi means "mask."
1QUOTE 2I got a few questions for you...if its okay
31.In Metru-Nui, the matoran have silver fade-tops on the forehead of their mask. What happened to the fade-top when they got to mata-nui?
42.Why would the BoM want to create fake Bohrok when they could have made an allegiance with the Bahrag?
53. Do the Toa Hagah that wear silver armor (Norik) have a difference in rank to the ones that wear gold armor (Iruini)
64.Were the Toa Hordika able to save ALL the Matoran from Metru-Nui. Or were some left behind?
75.Will the members of the Lhikan team play an important role in the future storylines?
81) A thousand years of exposure to much brighter sunlight erased it. 92) Two reasons. One, the Bahrag don't know the BOM exists. And two, the Bahrag have a very simple and clear mission, involving the island of Mata Nui. They aren't interested in political alliances or doing anything else but that. Besides, had they made an alliance with the Bahrag, and awakened the Bohrok, the Bohrok would have just headed for Mata Nui which would have been of no use to the BOM. 103) No 114) As far as I know, all but Ahkmou were saved by the Toa 125) No idea. We don't have plans to do more flashbacks for at least a few years.
31.In Metru-Nui, the matoran have silver fade-tops on the forehead of their mask. What happened to the fade-top when they got to mata-nui?
42.Why would the BoM want to create fake Bohrok when they could have made an allegiance with the Bahrag?
53. Do the Toa Hagah that wear silver armor (Norik) have a difference in rank to the ones that wear gold armor (Iruini)
64.Were the Toa Hordika able to save ALL the Matoran from Metru-Nui. Or were some left behind?
75.Will the members of the Lhikan team play an important role in the future storylines?
81) A thousand years of exposure to much brighter sunlight erased it. 92) Two reasons. One, the Bahrag don't know the BOM exists. And two, the Bahrag have a very simple and clear mission, involving the island of Mata Nui. They aren't interested in political alliances or doing anything else but that. Besides, had they made an alliance with the Bahrag, and awakened the Bohrok, the Bohrok would have just headed for Mata Nui which would have been of no use to the BOM. 103) No 114) As far as I know, all but Ahkmou were saved by the Toa 125) No idea. We don't have plans to do more flashbacks for at least a few years.
1Well, story-wise and oficially Kanohi means "mask", but LEGO took the word from the maori tribes, where Kanohi means "face". 2And Jets, I think the Rahi Nui can use the regeneration power. When Onewa hurls a rock at him and wound his leg, the Rahi Nui regenerates the damaged leg, and then the Toa discover that he can use the Kanoka powers. And I laughed at Greg's response XD. 3Khote
23. You also said Nidhiki was all-green, and not Silver/Green. Wouldn't the latter be more logical, seeing as Lhikan is Gold/Red?
33) Nope. Because Nidhiki didn't come from the same place Lhikan did, so no reason he would need to be dual-colored like Lhikan. After all, neither Matau nor Lewa is dual-colored, so why would any other Toa of Air be?
4This got me thinking. Is a Toa's armor removable? Like say an all-yellow Toa wanted, say, beige armor, could he just go to the local smithy and ask someone that he wanted a new suit? Because in MoL, the Nuva's breastplates looked not so much as removable pieces of metal, but their actual chests. So...?
52. Was there any particular reason why the Kahgarak that was caught in the Shadow Realm w/ Whenua and Bomonga didn't just let loose its Darkness spinner and climb out, other than it would make a boring story? Or did it, and it simply didn't immediately think about it?
63. Will you reveal what is used as currency in Metru Nui in the Encyclopedia?
74. If you weren't working on Bionicle, where would like to work?
85. If the head honchos of Bionicle offered you a chance to write the script for a future Bionicle movie, would you accept?
96. Do you prefer D'anda or Elliot as the comic artist, assuming you have a preference?
107. Is it possible that there's an entire island of only Toa?
118. When the Morbuzakh sowed its seeds, when they matured, would they have been like the weeds in my backyard, where each seed makes a new Morbuzakh, or would it be like a banyan tree, where there are lots of trunks in one collective entity?
129. Is it possible to become a Turaga before your "destiny?" Like say Vakama's destiny was to expend his Toa Power reviving the dormant Matoran, but instead spent it all charging up a sackful of Toa Stones?
1310. Now that we've seen so many new masks, is it possible that we'll eventually see Matoran wearing Matoran versions of the Kualsi, Avohkii, Kiril, Great Huna, Hau Nuva, Vahi, etc.?
1411. Will you reveal in the Encyclopedia why Ahkmou was let back into the Matoran society after betraying them...twice?
1512. Does a lvl. 1-6 Kanoka disk always lose its power when it's melted back down, or is it just for the mask-making? Like, say, instead of Vahki, there were Matoran patrolling the streets like cops. Someone makes a Kanoka that either slows or immobilize someone. But instead of shooting lawbreakers, one Matoran melts it down and makes a baton out of it. Would it still have its power? Or would it just be a worthless piece of metal?
1613. On bionicle.com, the Visorak section said that there were six known species of Visorak (seven, if you include Kahgarak), does this imply that there might be more Visorak species we don't know about? 17----
191) Our feeling is that yes, the Toa could remove their armor, though there are no "smithys" as such. 202) It had to have used its spinner, otherwise there would have been no exit for it. But in the dark, how would you see it do it? 213) Nope. Has never been mentioned in the story, so it's not in the Encyclopedia. 224) Well, I do a lot of things besides BIONICLE. My regular job is editor in chief of LEGO Magazine. So if BIONICLE was gone, I would still be doing that. BIONICLE is a sideline for me. 235) Yes 246) Carlos was very detailed, which was cool, but I also know Randy has a real love of the universe plus he is easy to work with. Not every comic artist wants to work on something where they have to draw toys. 257) Anything's possible 268) Probably the latter 279) Nope. You have to achieve your destiny, and then you are presented at some point with a choice that involves sacrificing your Toa power. If his destiny was not completed, he could not become a Turaga. Also, to your point, Lhikan did not lose his power by charging up the stones -- he lost it because that power was tapped when the Matoran became Toa. 2810) No idea. First, the Matoran would have to get back to mask making, which won't happen until they are back on Metru Nui. And unless new Matoran come into being, who would need those masks? 2911) I can tell you right now. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. The Turaga knew it was best to keep Ahkmou where they could keep an eye on him, rather than have him out there doing who knows what. 3012) The disks lose their power as a result of the mask-making process, not anything else. 3113) It basically means what it says -- only six have been revealed at this point, so only six are known.
33And something a few days later...
34I'm back. 35----
361. I'm thinking of entering the Dark Hunter contest (once my LEGO mag decides to get here...). For the image, does it have to be a glossy photo from a regular camera, or can it be a computer print-out as long as the image is of good quality? 'Cause I very rarely use a photo camera anymore.
372. If I win and have to ship my model for photographing, it would make sense to ship it in padding. But in case something breaks (like a pin, which has happened to me before), do you replace it?
383. If you can't tell us right now, will the DH guide detail the TSO's search criteria when recruiting?
394. Someone (don't remember who) asked you if there were any multi-headed Dark Hunters, and you replied that the only creature to date that had two or more heads was the two-headed Tarakava. But in the Rahi Guide, there's a Rahi called the Doom Viper that had 6 (maybe 5) heads. Did you mean the only creature that we've seen in the storyline, or did you just forget about the DV?
405. Can only certain Rahi wear Kanohi masks? Because I don't exactly see anywhere that a Kanohi can fit on Graalok.
416. The power of the Rhotuka is determined by the being that's firing it. But say I make a Rhotuka gun that's so big and heavy that it requires two people to operate it: one to carry it, and one to pull the trigger. Does the Rhotuka gain its power from the firer, the holder, or a random selection of the two? 42----
441) We do accept images from digital cameras as long as they are printed on photo paper. Ones that are printed on typing paper, all folded up, etc. we toss because we cannot reproduce them in the magazine.
452) If we possibly can, yes. In a few cases, we have had to scrounge up parts that broke or went missing in shipping.
463) Don't know yet, haven't written the book.
474) Just forgot, because that wasn't one I made up.
485) I would say no. While it is difficult to see on the Graalok where one would go, that is also something created just for the movie. If it were an actual model, there probably would be a space for it. Who knows?
496) I can't see what good a big Rhotuka gun would do you? You are still firing just one at a time and you can't use it to store ammo because there is none -- just energy. But if I HAD to come up with an answer for this, I would say whichever being had the stronger will would be the one generating the Rhotuka.
1------ 21. are the Rahkshi empty inside like a suit of armor or do they have things inside them? 31b. if they arn't empty whats in them? solid metel? gears/cog/?
41) Rahkshi are suits of armor, operated by the kraata inside them. They aren't androids. 5-------
6------- 72. what makes them move? mussles, gears, or is it just a power they have to be mentaly moved by kraata?
82) They have to be moved by the mental energy of the kraata. That is why they stop dead when there is no kraata 9-------
10------- 113. at first i thougt the change into a Rahkshi took weeks if not months to finish...but now it seems that EP changes happen instantly. so how long does it take to change a kraata into a Rahkshi?
123) Long time. That is part of the reason Makuta only had six to send against the Toa. 13-------
14------- 154. how strong are they? i've seen them punch though stone walls and such and survive haveing more then a few tons of rock fall on them. i guess im asking what metel you think they would compare to. Steel? iron? titanium? something made up like Captin Ameica's Shield?
164) I would not put them in the class of adamantium, no, because they are not invulnerable. And I am not enough of a metallurgist to know the differences between titanium and iron, etc., so I can't really give you a good comparison. 17-------
18------- 195.do kraata need to eat? if so do they need to when in a Rahkshi?
205) Most likely they do, being organic, but they don't eat like we do. 21-------
22------- 236. would you say they have claws or hands? by this i meen do the fingers end in points or what?
246) No, they don't have claws. They are like slugs 25-------
26------- 277. can they run out of power like Toa?
287) No. 29-------
30------- 318. how do kraata change into the later stages? is that just age? or do you need Eproto?
328) Time and experience 33-------
34------- 359. what gets better with a higher level kraata in the Rahkshi? just the power's strength or do they get stronger and smarter and faster too?
369) I believe BIONICLEsector01.com had a chart up that showed the powers at the different stages (not sure if that site is back up yet). We mostly concentrated on the improvements to powers. 37-------
38------- 3910. do Rahkshi have a better sense of smell/vision/hearing then us?
4010) Virtually everything in BIONICLE has stronger senses than humans do. 41-------
42------- 4311. whats the bigest thing you think they can lift? a person? a car? a tank?
4411) I would probably put their physical strength level at somewhere around, oh, Iron Man. 45-------
46also in question 6 i meant the rahkshi claws/hands
1------ 21. are the Rahkshi empty inside like a suit of armor or do they have things inside them? 31b. if they arn't empty whats in them? solid metel? gears/cog/?
41) Rahkshi are suits of armor, operated by the kraata inside them. They aren't androids. 5-------
6------- 72. what makes them move? mussles, gears, or is it just a power they have to be mentaly moved by kraata?
82) They have to be moved by the mental energy of the kraata. That is why they stop dead when there is no kraata 9-------
10------- 113. at first i thougt the change into a Rahkshi took weeks if not months to finish...but now it seems that EP changes happen instantly. so how long does it take to change a kraata into a Rahkshi?
123) Long time. That is part of the reason Makuta only had six to send against the Toa. 13-------
14------- 154. how strong are they? i've seen them punch though stone walls and such and survive haveing more then a few tons of rock fall on them. i guess im asking what metel you think they would compare to. Steel? iron? titanium? something made up like Captin Ameica's Shield?
164) I would not put them in the class of adamantium, no, because they are not invulnerable. And I am not enough of a metallurgist to know the differences between titanium and iron, etc., so I can't really give you a good comparison. 17-------
18------- 195.do kraata need to eat? if so do they need to when in a Rahkshi?
205) Most likely they do, being organic, but they don't eat like we do. 21-------
22------- 236. would you say they have claws or hands? by this i meen do the fingers end in points or what?
246) No, they don't have claws. They are like slugs 25-------
26------- 277. can they run out of power like Toa?
287) No. 29-------
30------- 318. how do kraata change into the later stages? is that just age? or do you need Eproto?
328) Time and experience 33-------
34------- 359. what gets better with a higher level kraata in the Rahkshi? just the power's strength or do they get stronger and smarter and faster too?
369) I believe BIONICLEsector01.com had a chart up that showed the powers at the different stages (not sure if that site is back up yet). We mostly concentrated on the improvements to powers. 37-------
38------- 3910. do Rahkshi have a better sense of smell/vision/hearing then us?
4010) Virtually everything in BIONICLE has stronger senses than humans do. 41-------
42------- 4311. whats the bigest thing you think they can lift? a person? a car? a tank?
4411) I would probably put their physical strength level at somewhere around, oh, Iron Man. 45-------
46also in question 6 i meant the rahkshi claws/hands
47Good questions, I don't think anyone else has asked this before. I think the rahkshi do have claws, because Greg has put refferences to claws in 'the darkness below'.
Tapakew Nuva 1------- 29. what gets better with a higher level kraata in the Rahkshi? just the power's strength or do they get stronger and smarter and faster too?
39) I believe BIONICLEsector01.com had a chart up that showed the powers at the different stages (not sure if that site is back up yet). We mostly concentrated on the improvements to powers. 4-------
5That would be >found here<, still on BSO1
6In my opinion, Rahkshi should have claws, it adds to the evil image of the Rahkshi in general.
7Also in Mask of Light , when Turahk (I think it was him) punches through the wall of the tube Takua is crawling up, it is pretty obvious that Rahkshi have claws
1Hey Greg, how are you doing?I think (aye yes, the all-important word) that I only have a few questions for you today:
21)I'm confused.Are the Bohrok only supposed to cleanse the island of Mata Nui and no other island on the planet?
31) Bohrok's mission only involves the island of Mata Nui.
42)I've heard that you said that Mata Nui holds together the fabric of the universe (well, space or whatever) and before he went to sleep he had to prepare in order to keep the suns rising and gravity from going wakko.Can you tell us what these preperations were?Is there some vital lynch pin holding the Bionicle Universe together?
52) No, I can't discuss this
63)Is there any reason as to why Metru Nui was one of the last places the Visorak invaded other than it was the farthest distance from where the Visorak started?
73) That was pretty much it -- just like an yinvading army, they marched forward and got to the farthest place last
84)Also, why was the Island of Doom the last place that was never touched by Visorak?
94) I can't discuss that, because it relates to 2006 storyline
105)Did the BoM put other Matoran in a deep sleep on other islands as well as Metru Nui?
115) Again, not something I can comment on
126)Can you give us any info related to the third faction in the Bionicle universe, or would that spoil BA#10?
136) No
16Well, nothing new, but I found four kind of interesting. It seems the Island of Doom may have not been invaded because of something other than distance.
1Now I have another bunch of questions which I've been storing up.
21)In the B3 teaser trailer, who is this I have the impression its Roodaka but I kep on having the feeling that its Sidorak. Hope you'll ease my mind on this matter.
32)Is the island the Toa Nuva heading to in '06 the Dark Hunter's Island paradise or another new island? I'll understand if you can't answer this one but everyone has been saying that its the DH island base.
43)Does anyone have the influence to alter the apperance of a Rahkshi when a Kraata undergo a transformation?
54)Would it be physically possible for Makuta to create a whole army of Rahkshi if he ever wanted to?
65)Will Artakha ever be re-introduced into the story other than as some Matoran fairy tale or is it just a Matoran fairy tale?
76) How long have the Matoran been on Metru Nui?
8Thats all for now, thanks in advance.
91) Since I have not seen any part of the movie, I don't feel I can give an official answer to this.
102) No, it is not the DH base. The 2006 storyline was conceived before I even invented the idea of the DH having a base.
113) I don't understand your question.
124) Yes, but it would have to be over a substantial amount of time. He couldn't just create 200 Rahkshi at once, without badly weakening himself, but he could over a number of months or years, depending on how much risk he was willing to take.
135) No idea. I am planning to introduce some more info on it next year, in one of the books, but I don't know when or if it will ever be part of main story.
146) As long as anyone can remember -- pretty much since Metru Nui was built.
16Will get back to Greg on number 3 tomorrow, when I'm not so sleepy...
1I agree with Toa of Protodermis. I think the unexpected enemy is -- 2Vakama.
4Be careful with your posts guys, people might think you're quoting official stuff, and there is absolutely no reason to believe that Vakama is any more likely then say, Matau, or Nokama to betray the Toa. Really, the spoilers aren't neccesary.
1I think some people may be confusing the "unexpected enemy" with the "traitor" from Web of Shadows.
2Earlier in the year, I believe Greg mentioned to us that there would be an unexpected enemy at some point later in the year. Many people believe this enemy will be the Karzahni, because in BA#7, Web of the Visorak, the Toa Metru (not yet Hordika) build a boat from the dead Karzahni parts, to take them back to Metru Nui. In the book, it says of the boat:
3[quoteBionicle Adventures #7 pg. 14](Bionicle Adventures #7 @ pg. 14)As they boarded the new boat, christened Lhikan II, none of the Toa noticed a small, green shoot growing from one of the logs. It would be an oversight they would come to regret.
4Some may believe the unexpected enemy to be Vakama, because we have learned that in B3, Web of Shadows, someone betrays the Toa Hordika, possibly one of the Toa themselves.
5It's also possible that the "unexpected enemy" refers to the traitor, but I doubt that.
2Earlier in the year, I believe Greg mentioned to us that there would be an unexpected enemy at some point later in the year. Many people believe this enemy will be the Karzahni, because in BA#7, Web of the Visorak, the Toa Metru (not yet Hordika) build a boat from the dead Karzahni parts, to take them back to Metru Nui. In the book, it says of the boat:
3[quoteBionicle Adventures #7 pg. 14](Bionicle Adventures #7 @ pg. 14)As they boarded the new boat, christened Lhikan II, none of the Toa noticed a small, green shoot growing from one of the logs. It would be an oversight they would come to regret.
4Some may believe the unexpected enemy to be Vakama, because we have learned that in B3, Web of Shadows, someone betrays the Toa Hordika, possibly one of the Toa themselves.
5It's also possible that the "unexpected enemy" refers to the traitor, but I doubt that.
1Well, imagine this. The Toa Hordika are braving all manner of unimaginable danger. With the Rahaga at their sides, the Hordika battle fierce Visorak hordes, the giant Kahgarak spiders, and even their own bestial selves. Then--ta-da--here comes a big plant from out of nowhere:
2To put it simply--doesn't fit. And I don't believe Karzahni comes into BA #9--I only recall that the plant reappears in BA #10.
2To put it simply--doesn't fit. And I don't believe Karzahni comes into BA #9--I only recall that the plant reappears in BA #10.

1To put it simply--doesn't fit. And I don't believe Karzahni comes into BA #9--I only recall that the plant reappears in BA #10.
3That's what I meant. I was merely trying to differentiate between the traitor of B3 and the unexpected enemy of BA#10.
4Unless I'm mistaken, I thought that the traitor and unexpected enemy were the same thing -- and that it will be in Web Of Shadows.
1Um Bionicle #1 what i mean it's the same character, but he betrays. You shall not belive me till the Bionicle 3 premiere

1Does this 'third faction' that's being discussed have any connection to the Bohrok?
4Not directly, no, beyond the fact that the third faction's job is to serve the will of Mata Nui, and the Bohrok were part of Mata Nui's grand design.
5So the third faction are Mata Nui's protectors (kinda confirmed already) and the Bohrok are part of his 'grand design'. That's new...


1Does this 'third faction' that's being discussed have any connection to the Bohrok?
4Not directly, no, beyond the fact that the third faction's job is to serve the will of Mata Nui, and the Bohrok were part of Mata Nui's grand design.
5So the third faction are Mata Nui's protectors (kinda confirmed already) and the Bohrok are part of his 'grand design'. That's new...![]()
7Perhaps Mata-Nui prepared the Bohrok to raize Mata-Nui in case it was infected with evil before the Toa Metru and Matoran got there.

1To put it simply--doesn't fit. And I don't believe Karzahni comes into BA #9--I only recall that the plant reappears in BA #10.
3That's what I meant. I was merely trying to differentiate between the traitor of B3 and the unexpected enemy of BA#10.
4Unless I'm mistaken, I thought that the traitor and unexpected enemy were the same thing -- and that it will be in Web Of Shadows.
6Yeah, Takuma, the unexpected enemy is in the movie.

7Edit: And because Mr. Unexpected is in the movie, and Karzahni isn't... it ain't him.

1I pmed gregf, and his middle name is TODD::::11
1Gregory Todd Farshtey.. hmm... sounds fine to me.
3Now that is interesting, that is indeed an important clue (I would say) as to the mystery of the Bohrok...
4EDIT: WHOOPS:: THat quote wasn't from Greg.
Bohrokwill 2So the third faction are Mata Nui's protectors (kinda confirmed already) and the Bohrok are part of his 'grand design'. That's new...
3Now that is interesting, that is indeed an important clue (I would say) as to the mystery of the Bohrok...
4EDIT: WHOOPS:: THat quote wasn't from Greg.
1Does this 'third faction' that's being discussed have any connection to the Bohrok?
4Not directly, no, beyond the fact that the third faction's job is to serve the will of Mata Nui, and the Bohrok were part of Mata Nui's grand design.
5So the third faction are Mata Nui's protectors (kinda confirmed already) and the Bohrok are part of his 'grand design'. That's new...![]()
7I thought that the BOM's job was to serve Mata Nui's will... 8Khote the confused one.
1Does this 'third faction' that's being discussed have any connection to the Bohrok?
4Not directly, no, beyond the fact that the third faction's job is to serve the will of Mata Nui, and the Bohrok were part of Mata Nui's grand design.
5So the third faction are Mata Nui's protectors (kinda confirmed already) and the Bohrok are part of his 'grand design'. That's new...![]()
7I thought that the BOM's job was to serve Mata Nui's will... 8Khote the confused one.
9The BOM was faking, so maybe Mata Nui wasn't fooled by their "goody-good" act.
1The BOM was a bunch of murdering traitors. They didn't serve him any longer