1Yes: I got a question answered by Greg:
2Are there going to be new Matoran in '06?
3At this point, we do have plans to release six new Matoran next year, but they are not in any of the previous styles (they are actually, I think, a little bit closer to the original '01 style than the '03 or '04 styles). No idea what is planned beyond that.
4Greg stated that he thinks they are closer to the '01 design, wich means there is no convermation. Until then let's say there somewhere right in the middle of the '01 and '03-'04 designs. I could live with that, can you?
1Apparently I'm the only person who thinks the '01 design was actually at all bad... what with the lack of almost any articulation, action feature and a generally over-simplistic design.
2I hate to say it, but the McToran, or something similar, will not be re-introduced, in any case. My reasoning is this: the McToran were cheap happy-meal freebies, while these are £2.99/$4.99 sets, which people will actually want to pay for. They aren't going to be the most complex sets, but we're not going back to the simplicity of the old '01 sets.
4Yeah. I know that. He said the design will be closer to the '01 sets. I'm thinking more among the lines of smaller Matoran, rather than no-articulation Matoran.
1I have this about the hordika:
4like vakama can put on fire the things,nuju can freeze them,blablabla....
2What are the powers of the others 5 toa hordika?because in the website it say the powers of the rhotuka of vakama and nothing about the others.
3All six Toa Hordika have spinners that match up to their element (fire, stone, earth, air, etc.) They can basically do anything with their spinner that they could do with their elemental powers when they were Toa Metru
4like vakama can put on fire the things,nuju can freeze them,blablabla....
1Roporak-Kal that was known for a long long time.
1We now have a temporary answer for the no-Nuva situation;
21) If the Nuva aren't coming out again, how are new fans gonna get them? Weren't you saying you shouldn't get people excited about things they can't get?
31) Wait for the 2006 storyline and all will be made clear to you, that's all I can say.
4See answers above,

1Clear up? I smell another Toa transformation/generation in 2006
I hope they won't be clones

1Here be's some answers I just got from Greg
2Hi Greg, 3I just have a couple of questions I'd like to ask you.
41) First off, in BA#8 (Challenge Of the Hordika), Nuju lands on a rooftop and several "Vahki Votarak" sort of "uncloak" around him. What did you mean by all of this? I'm a little bit confused.
51) Yeah, they should have been Roporak. That was my mistake.
62) Also in #8, a Boggarak somehow turn a Vahki into stone, how, and when did the Boggarak gain this power?
72) I added it to make them more interesting
83) Some Rahi like the big white tunnel worm Onua fought, the cephalopodal Rahi Gali faced, the stone rat, the Maha, and the Mukau (or Mata Nui Cow) weren't included in the Rahi Guide as full page entries or passages in the appendix, were these ommited for legal reasons or was there another reason why these were excluded?
93) Stone rat was just an omission on my part .. Maha was not included because I believe we are no longer able to use that name .. Mukau was not included because head of the story team hates that name ... and the others do not have names, so there was nothing to list them under. Some of these are in the Encylopedia.
104) If Keetongu is vulnerable to the spinners from Sidorak and Roodaka as said in the Rahi Guide, does that mean he could not use his shield array to absorb their effects?
114) It means that while he could absorb the powers, he would still be affected by them as well, as opposed to not being affected at all.
125) Are Lightfish the same thing as the blue, glowing jellyfish seen in the MNOLG's and flash updates from 2002 to early 2003 or is it that they are a differrent type of bioluminescent fish and those little blue jellyfish have no official name?
135) Same thing
146) Would it be possible for you to find out if there is going to be a screening of clips from Bionicle 3 at Comic-Con this yeatr like there was of Bionicle 2 last year, and if so, can you say which day of the Convention it will occur on?
156) I have no idea, I haven't heard anything about any of the plans for the con. We did not even know we were going this year until a few weeks ago.
167) Is the name Sentrahk inspired by the word "sentry"?
177) Partially, yes
18That's all I have to ask you, thanks in advance for taking the time to read them. 19Kraken228
1Here be's some answers I just got from Greg 2Hi Greg, 3I just have a couple of questions I'd like to ask you.
41) First off, in BA#8 (Challenge Of the Hordika), Nuju lands on a rooftop and several "Vahki Votarak" sort of "uncloak" around him. What did you mean by all of this? I'm a little bit confused.
51) Yeah, they should have been Roporak. That was my mistake.
62) Also in #8, a Boggarak somehow turn a Vahki into stone, how, and when did the Boggarak gain this power?
72) I added it to make them more interesting
83) Some Rahi like the big white tunnel worm Onua fought, the cephalopodal Rahi Gali faced, the stone rat, the Maha, and the Mukau (or Mata Nui Cow) weren't included in the Rahi Guide as full page entries or passages in the appendix, were these ommited for legal reasons or was there another reason why these were excluded?
93) Stone rat was just an omission on my part .. Maha was not included because I believe we are no longer able to use that name .. Mukau was not included because head of the story team hates that name ... and the others do not have names, so there was nothing to list them under. Some of these are in the Encylopedia.
104) If Keetongu is vulnerable to the spinners from Sidorak and Roodaka as said in the Rahi Guide, does that mean he could not use his shield array to absorb their effects?
114) It means that while he could absorb the powers, he would still be affected by them as well, as opposed to not being affected at all.
125) Are Lightfish the same thing as the blue, glowing jellyfish seen in the MNOLG's and flash updates from 2002 to early 2003 or is it that they are a differrent type of bioluminescent fish and those little blue jellyfish have no official name?
135) Same thing
146) Would it be possible for you to find out if there is going to be a screening of clips from Bionicle 3 at Comic-Con this yeatr like there was of Bionicle 2 last year, and if so, can you say which day of the Convention it will occur on?
156) I have no idea, I haven't heard anything about any of the plans for the con. We did not even know we were going this year until a few weeks ago.
167) Is the name Sentrahk inspired by the word "sentry"?
177) Partially, yes
18That's all I have to ask you, thanks in advance for taking the time to read them. 19Kraken228
21Haha...Mukau...who knew. Wow...Boggarak can turn stuf into dust, gas, and stone. Creepy.
1A batch of Rahi questions:
21) What are the Blade Burrowers trying to do with the tunnles they make? 32) Why did a Sea Spider run away from a krana? 43) Why do Visorak ignore Silver Chute Spiders? 54) Would you say that Keetongu has 3 eyes, or 2?
61) If we wanted you to know that, it would be in the Rahi book. 72) Because krana "feel" wrong to regular Rahi. 83) Because silver chute spiders are close in terms of species to Visorak 94) Two real ones, one fake one
11. Have all the Makutas that the Toa have been fighting the same? Like, is the 2001 Makuta the same as 2002 which is the same as 2003 etc.
22. I've noticed that the storyline has used the term "The Makuta" in the past. Does this imply that Makuta is a title? You've hinted towards it, but is it true? I believe that the "the" is enough proof.
33. If Makuta is a title, then is it the title of the leader of the Brotherhood (yes, I know that they are all equals in power, but what about stature)?
44. Was the Makuta we know the only member of the Brotherhood who was active in Mata Nui?
55. Can you tell us to whom the Mystery Speaker was speaking to? Metru Nui Matoran, Mata Nui Matoran, other, etc.
66. To the Toa Metru/Hordika meet Turaga Dume before they return to Mata Nui the last time?
77. If 6 is yes, then does he stay in Metru Nui or does he go somewhere else?
88. Do the Rahaga stay in Metru Nui after the Visorak? Does Dume stay with them and help them?
99. I have heard that Makuta in Brotherhood of Makuta is plural. Could the name of this organization be re-translated Brotherhood of the Makutas? And therefore that everyone in the group is "a Makuta"?
1010. If I aim close in #9, does that mean that there is something that makes you a Makuta? Is there a definition of Makuta?
1111. Can you tell me what those little black ball things were that were on the chests of the 2001 Toa? Those things disturb me.
1212. Were the Toa Olda the first Toa to become Nuva?
1313. If you say that you cannot answer a question, do you mean according to your knowledge you can't answer it or are you to answer?
1414. How do the BoM know what the purpose of the Bohrok is? Do they know the creater of the Bahrag and the Bohrok?
1515. I remember a long time ago you said that Mata Nui was alone on the surface. Has that changed? Are there more surface land?
1616. Do the caves in the Matoran planet (I'll call it Matoria) that house the sub-surface islands extend under the whole of Matoria?
1717. If Tahtorak's question is "How'd I get here", where was he before?
1818. How would you describe Tahtorak's intelligence? If you could get him quiet enough to sit down, could you carry on a conversation with him?
19No. That's like saying that the Pentagon should be called the Bushagon because Bush is more powerful than the Joint Chiefs.
20That's hilarious.
211) The Makuta encountered in the story thus far have all been the same being, yes. 222) Not prepared to answer that yet. 234) I don't understand your question -- do you mean was the Makuta you know the only one attacking the island of Mata Nui? Yes. 245) Neither. Both speakers in that section are new characters. 256) Can't answer this, it relates to future storyline 267) Same answer as 6 -- the online comics are going to deal with the fate of Dume. 278) Again, I can't answer this, relates to movie plot. 289) No, because the plural of just about everything in BIONICLE is the same as the singular. 2910) Can't answer it 3011) No idea, I didn't work for LEGO when the 2001 Toa were designed 3112) As far as we know, yes 3213) If I don't know the answer, like with #11, I usually say so. Normally, if I can't answer something it's because it relates to future storyline so I will not discuss it. 3314) They know a lot of things -- Makuta has a much better understanding of how the universe works than the Turaga or Toa do. 3415) No, I never said that. I have never said anything one way or the other about whether there were other islands on the surface, because it was never established in any of the story bibles whether there were or were not. 3516) Can't answer it 3617) Someplace else, obviously 3718) Doubtful. He's not exactly Bill Moyers.
39Unfortunately, nothing much.
40- Masky
1Well, Masky, according to Rahaga Kualus (?
in BA #8, Tahtorak is actually a member of a species of giant, reptilian monsters, who would eat everything they wanted on an island, walk across the ocean to another one (NICE
, and repeat. The thing is, nobody knows how this particular Tahtorak got where he is--least of all Tahtorak himself.


1Well, Masky, according to Rahaga Kualus (? in BA #8, Tahtorak is actually a member of a species of giant, reptilian monsters, who would eat everything they wanted on an island, walk across the ocean to another one (NICE
, and repeat. The thing is, nobody knows how this particular Tahtorak got where he is--least of all Tahtorak himself.
3Ah. Well, haven't read BA#8. That explains that. Thanks for the info though.
4- Masky
1QUOTE 2What did the DH have to give to the BoM for Voporak? I mean you dont just give away somthing like him/ that. Voporak can age things and he is protected by a time field so why did not Voporak just took over The DH. TSO could not do him no harm.
31) The BOM gave Voporak to the DH because that way he would actually be doing something, instead of sitting around. It's like sending a ballplayer to the minors so he can play every day rather than sit on the bench.
42) Voporak isn't power hungry. He has no interest in leading the DH or taking over the BOM. He's loyal to his masters.
31) The BOM gave Voporak to the DH because that way he would actually be doing something, instead of sitting around. It's like sending a ballplayer to the minors so he can play every day rather than sit on the bench.
42) Voporak isn't power hungry. He has no interest in leading the DH or taking over the BOM. He's loyal to his masters.
1Now, I reported it to News already, and I am warning you, this may contain spoiler info...
8Note: This is what I'm talking about.GregF 2Two things:6Not commenting on either. When I revealed the name of the first book, I got ripped for spoiling the story somehow for people -- and since none of this stuff happens until 2006, my feeling is no one needs to know it now.
31) Is BL #2 entitled "Dark Destiny" by any chance? 42) Is the BL #1 book info (below) accurate?Scholastic.com 5When six powerful figures appear on an island in peril, they are welcomed by the villagers as Toa come to save them. But these newcomers have far more dangerous plans for the island and the Matoran who live there, as their pursuit of an incredible treasure threatens to unleash an ancient evil. Only the Toa Nuva can stop them -- or can they?

1Oh my...
2Just excellent story, six new canister villains that are thought to be Toa, imagine it, the Matoran welcoming them, and everything: Maybe the bad guys will even blame the Nuva, saying that they are the bad ones: Hope the evil ones unleash the mega-ancient-ultra-powerful-ancient-evil (Most probably they will, and it will be the boxed set):
1Don't forget something very important: 2For BA #9 and 10 (and the Encyclopedia as well), there is NO book info (the book info that exist are mock-ups). I'd bet "same thing here." And remember, Mr. Farshtey has stated "No comment" already, so don't speculate on it--it's PURE SPECULATION AT THIS POINT.

12006 sounds amazing, really does have an '01 feel.
1Some dirt on Voporak's spinner...
5Better have a watch handy when meeting this guy...
21. Okay, so Voporak has a spinner. Any powers for it?
3If I recall correctly, Voporak's spinner throws whoever it hits slightly out of synch with time. So essentially it becomes impossible for the target to, say, land a blow because he is always a second or two behind the rest of the world. (Temporary effect, of course.)
5Better have a watch handy when meeting this guy...
1I was just wondering, in the Rahi Beasts Guidebook(which was AWESOME by the way) it mentioned in a few of the entries that that rahi was near extinction(Kikanalo for example) and I was wondering whether any of these species actaully DID become extinct. I was just wondering cause I'm writing an epic for Bionicle and I don't want to put extict rahi on Mata-Nui. Thanks in advance,![]()
2Not to my knowledge, but in some cases, there are very few left.
3Didn't think so, but it's always better to know for sure:

1Don't forget something very important: 2For BA #9 and 10 (and the Encyclopedia as well), there is NO book info (the book info that exist are mock-ups). I'd bet "same thing here." And remember, Mr. Farshtey has stated "No comment" already, so don't speculate on it--it's PURE SPECULATION AT THIS POINT.
4Not completely-look at all the info GregF has given us about the encyclopedia. (He even gave me an entry.)
1Hi. I love the sound of this DH war. Sounds like the best thing ever to have happenned in the storyline.
21.Where the Matoran around during the war? If not, where were they? If so, did they fight?
3ANSWER: Yes, they were there, no, they did not fight. They hid.
42.How many survivers on each side were there of the war?
5ANSWER: I wouldn't even know where to begin on a question like that.
63.Was the island divided into `teritories` for each faction?
7ANSWER: Sort of, but it was very fluid. You know, DH would take an area, Toa would take it back, DH would take it back again. City wars are very much street to street.
84.Were DHs and Toa the only teams in the war?
105.Did either side have allies?
126.Where did all these Toa come from? Come to that, where did all these DHs come from?
13ANSWER: Other islands. There are a lot of DH on the Shadowed One's island, and there were a lot of Toa in different places at the time.
147.Did TSO fight?
15ANSWER: He was more of a commander.
168.Who was leading the Toa? Dume?
17ANSWER: In battle? Lhikan.
189.Was Dume or any other Turaga invlolved in the war?
19ANSWER: Dume was leader of Metru Nui at the time.
2010.Was Lhikan and Nidhiki involded? How?
21ANSWER: Yes, they were both Toa.
2211.Were the Hagah involved?
23ANSWER: No. The Hagah never saw Metru Nui until they were Rahaga.
2412.Can you name any of these 300 Toa or DHs? Actually, how many DHs were there?
25ANSWER: None of them have official BIONICLE names, because we only name things that play major roles in the story due to the cost of the legal checks. And no one knows how many DH there were, really, just like you never know how many ninja you're fighting.
2613.How long did it last?
27ANSWER: Several months.
2814.Other then the forementioned, are there any other characters we already know of that were involved? Any Matoran?
29ANSWER: Like I said, Matoran didn't fight.
3015.Did Nidhiki go bad during the war?
31ANSWER: Not going to answer this one -- read the short story in the Encyclopedia.
3216.What was the state of Metru Nui landscape-wise?
33ANSWER: Don't understand your question.
3417.Would there have been special operations to infiltrate enemy lines?
35ANSWER: It's hard to do that with street to street fighting.
3618.Where there bases or camps for either team?
37ANSWER: Toa HQ was the Coliseum.
3819.Where there big battles across desserts and (if they existed) built-up areas?
39ANSWER: It wasn't that kind of war, really. It was more raids. DH don't believe in massing armies and marching across the field.
4020.Any special events during the war?
41ANSWER: Such as?
4221. Has the war ended?
43ANSWER: Oh, yeah, long time ago.
4422.Where there problems for each side? And natural problems?
45ANSWER: Such as?
4622.What state was Metru Nui in after the war?
47ANSWER: You didn't have a ton of property damage, because the DH wanted the city -- turning it to rubble would not have served their purpose.
4823.Did Mata-Nui himself take part in the war?
49ANSWER: No, Mata Nui does not involve himself directly. That is why he has Toa.
5024.On the Toa`s side, were there just the six standard elements represented by the Toa?
51ANSWER: No, there were other powers besides that, I am sure.
52I think thats enough to keep you going for a while. Thanks in advance X2. 53-Taccer
54See answers above, 55Greg
1Some dirt on Voporak's spinner...
3If I recall correctly, Voporak's spinner throws whoever it hits slightly out of synch with time. So essentially it becomes impossible for the target to, say, land a blow because he is always a second or two behind the rest of the world. (Temporary effect, of course.)
21. Okay, so Voporak has a spinner. Any powers for it?
5Better have a watch handy when meeting this guy...
6Ooooh. I've got Voporak next to me, actually. The effect is kinda hard to picture, though.

1I PMed Greg yesterday about this and he replied last evening:
2Hi Mr. Fartshey, just one question: 3How much (In USD) will the Toa Hagah retail for?
4Thanks, 5~LORDs_angellos~
6Not sure. Last I had heard, one would be sold separately, and the other would only be available as a co-pack, but I have no idea if that is still the case. If they are sold separately, they would probably cost the same as a Toa set.

1I PMed Greg yesterday about this and he replied last evening:
2Hi Mr. Fartshey, just one question: 3How much (In USD) will the Toa Hagah retail for?
4Thanks, 5~LORDs_angellos~
6Not sure. Last I had heard, one would be sold separately, and the other would only be available as a co-pack, but I have no idea if that is still the case. If they are sold separately, they would probably cost the same as a Toa set.
8If its anything like the English release, the Hagah should cost the same as any small canned set (Vahki, Visorak, Toa, etc).
1Some Voporak questions and anwsers here. The purple are my comments
131 Thought so. 142 Good to know. 153 Didn't think of that. 164 Great info. If you're writing an epic concerning Voporak this will be usefull.
2Just a few questions Greg.
31 In a battle between Voporak and Zivon, who would have the advantage? 42 How smart is Voporak? Is he in that perspective similair to rahkshi, Visorak or Matoran? 53 If Voporak wasn't so loyal, how much effort would it take him to defeat the Brotherhood of Makuta? 64 Is Voporak's weakness mental attacks, like from kanohi Komau? Since physical attacks can't really harm him.
7Thanks for you're time. 83804
91) Voporak. Because if Zivon fired a spinner, its effects would wear out from age before it hit him .. and if he struck him physically, he would age. 102) I would say somewhere between a Visorak and a Matoran 113) A lot, because even with his great powers, he would be outnumbered. Plus, they created him, odds are they know how to destroy him 124) Mental attacks would certainly help -- Makuta also finds an interesting, non-mental way to deal with him in Book 10
131 Thought so. 142 Good to know. 153 Didn't think of that. 164 Great info. If you're writing an epic concerning Voporak this will be usefull.
1Hmm. Very good find here. But although I was expecting this, it should be kinda hard to swallow, since most people will say "Who's he?" I mean, contrasted with Takutanuva of '03 and UD of '04, Voporak isn't a movie character--he probably won't be alive after the end of this year...

1Oh, I thought it would be the unexpected enemy or something. But still, great find.