1Does this 'third faction' that's being discussed have any connection to the Bohrok?
4Not directly, no, beyond the fact that the third faction's job is to serve the will of Mata Nui, and the Bohrok were part of Mata Nui's grand design.
5So the third faction are Mata Nui's protectors (kinda confirmed already) and the Bohrok are part of his 'grand design'. That's new...![]()
7I thought that the BOM's job was to serve Mata Nui's will... 8Khote the confused one.
9The BOM was faking, so maybe Mata Nui wasn't fooled by their "goody-good" act.
10That would be neat. Kinda like the leader having a second in command that also has lots of power but forming a secret force that would serve him in case his 2nd in command would betray him. I wonder if the BoM know of this thrid faction. I would venture to say no.
1Does this 'third faction' that's being discussed have any connection to the Bohrok?
4Not directly, no, beyond the fact that the third faction's job is to serve the will of Mata Nui, and the Bohrok were part of Mata Nui's grand design.
5Hmmm... this means that the Bohrok did have a connection to Mata Nui, it was something I have been asking Greg but he pretended not to understand my question: And I thought Mata Nui never intervened directly... this must be one of the exceptions, which means it has to something very important:
1Does this 'third faction' that's being discussed have any connection to the Bohrok?
4Not directly, no, beyond the fact that the third faction's job is to serve the will of Mata Nui, and the Bohrok were part of Mata Nui's grand design.
5Hmmm... this means that the Bohrok did have a connection to Mata Nui, it was something I have been asking Greg but he pretended not to understand my question: And I thought Mata Nui never intervened directly... this must be one of the exceptions, which means it has to something very important:
6That's a little harsh. I think it's far more likely he just didn't get what you were saying. There are lots of times when I have no clue what some people are asking as well.
1Does this 'third faction' that's being discussed have any connection to the Bohrok?
4Not directly, no, beyond the fact that the third faction's job is to serve the will of Mata Nui, and the Bohrok were part of Mata Nui's grand design.
5Hmmm... this means that the Bohrok did have a connection to Mata Nui, it was something I have been asking Greg but he pretended not to understand my question: And I thought Mata Nui never intervened directly... this must be one of the exceptions, which means it has to something very important:
6It doesn't have to mean he did that personally. He could have let someone that worked for him make the Bohrok. After all, Toa, Matoran, etc. are also part of his grand design.
1hello guys, look what i found out:
21: were there any dogfights (Air battles) with Vakhi, Flying dark hunters, flying Toa or airshps during thedark hunters war?
32: Was Nidhiki turning to evil a slow process over years or did it happen overnight?
43: will next years matoran be 2003 style or other?
54: will next years new matoran become sets?
61) No idea. The history of that war has for the most part not been written yet. 72) Neither one, really. Nidhiki was a hero, in a lot of ways, but he was a hero for the wrong reasons. It was always about him, and his betrayal had more to do with saving his own skin than anything else. 83) Other. 94) Yes
21: were there any dogfights (Air battles) with Vakhi, Flying dark hunters, flying Toa or airshps during thedark hunters war?
32: Was Nidhiki turning to evil a slow process over years or did it happen overnight?
43: will next years matoran be 2003 style or other?
54: will next years new matoran become sets?
61) No idea. The history of that war has for the most part not been written yet. 72) Neither one, really. Nidhiki was a hero, in a lot of ways, but he was a hero for the wrong reasons. It was always about him, and his betrayal had more to do with saving his own skin than anything else. 83) Other. 94) Yes
1hello guys, look what i found out:
21: were there any dogfights (Air battles) with Vakhi, Flying dark hunters, flying Toa or airshps during thedark hunters war?
32: Was Nidhiki turning to evil a slow process over years or did it happen overnight?
43: will next years matoran be 2003 style or other?
54: will next years new matoran become sets?
61) No idea. The history of that war has for the most part not been written yet. 72) Neither one, really. Nidhiki was a hero, in a lot of ways, but he was a hero for the wrong reasons. It was always about him, and his betrayal had more to do with saving his own skin than anything else. 83) Other. 94) Yes
11Oh golly gee, more Matoran

1hello guys, look what i found out:
21: were there any dogfights (Air battles) with Vakhi, Flying dark hunters, flying Toa or airshps during thedark hunters war?
32: Was Nidhiki turning to evil a slow process over years or did it happen overnight?
43: will next years matoran be 2003 style or other?
54: will next years new matoran become sets?
61) No idea. The history of that war has for the most part not been written yet. 72) Neither one, really. Nidhiki was a hero, in a lot of ways, but he was a hero for the wrong reasons. It was always about him, and his betrayal had more to do with saving his own skin than anything else. 83) Other. 94) Yes
11New Matoran again? They had better give a good and clear explanation for it this time.

1hello guys, look what i found out:
21: were there any dogfights (Air battles) with Vakhi, Flying dark hunters, flying Toa or airshps during thedark hunters war?
32: Was Nidhiki turning to evil a slow process over years or did it happen overnight?
43: will next years matoran be 2003 style or other?
54: will next years new matoran become sets?
61) No idea. The history of that war has for the most part not been written yet. 72) Neither one, really. Nidhiki was a hero, in a lot of ways, but he was a hero for the wrong reasons. It was always about him, and his betrayal had more to do with saving his own skin than anything else. 83) Other. 94) Yes
11*Shrug*... New Matoran... Again... Well Lego Better Have A Good Storyline Explanation For This... And I Really Liked The 03 Matoran... They Were Just Better Looking Than The 01 And The 04...I Really Do Hope It's A New Model... And Not The 04, They Just Plain Sucked... Guess We'll See In A Year... *Crosses Fingers*
1People... remember the new island? Rememer that islands are populated? Can you make a connection? Maybe our '03 Matoran aren't changing, is just that we are moving to other land, couldn't you think on that? 2Khote
3True, But Also Remember It Is The "Island Of Doom," If I Were An Inhabitant, I Would Pack My Bags And High Tale It Out Of There... If You Know What I Mean...
1Well, today I only have a couple questions, and most are relating to masks:
21. How do masks attach to the faces? We know how in the sets, but how in the movies?
32. Are they like magnetically pulled and held on the faces?
43, I'm really excited about 06', but who is this lariska person?
5Well Thanks in advance Greg:
61-2) This is really not something I have ever worried about much. Some sort of magnetic link would make sense, I suppose, since we have seen Takua pull his kolhii stick to his hand with magnetism. 7ok, cool, I mainly asked this to clear up a thing in S&T
83) Lariska isn't part of 2006 story. She is a Dark Hunter I created for a scene in BIONICLE Adventures #10. 9ahh ok, I thought she was in BL#1
11Nothing interesting today, comments in italic.
1People... remember the new island? Rememer that islands are populated? Can you make a connection? Maybe our '03 Matoran aren't changing, is just that we are moving to other land, couldn't you think on that? 2Khote
3True, But Also Remember It Is The "Island Of Doom," If I Were An Inhabitant, I Would Pack My Bags And High Tale It Out Of There... If You Know What I Mean...
4Mmm. But do you recall when a member asked which Matoran was building the statue in that sneak peak scene GregF gave us? He replied that it was a brand new Matoran...
1People... remember the new island? Rememer that islands are populated? Can you make a connection? Maybe our '03 Matoran aren't changing, is just that we are moving to other land, couldn't you think on that? 2Khote
3True, But Also Remember It Is The "Island Of Doom," If I Were An Inhabitant, I Would Pack My Bags And High Tale It Out Of There... If You Know What I Mean...
4Mmm. But do you recall when a member asked which Matoran was building the statue in that sneak peak scene GregF gave us? He replied that it was a brand new Matoran...
5What Topic Was That In... Could You Provide A Link... Never Remember Any Of That...
1People... remember the new island? Rememer that islands are populated? Can you make a connection? Maybe our '03 Matoran aren't changing, is just that we are moving to other land, couldn't you think on that? 2Khote
3True, But Also Remember It Is The "Island Of Doom," If I Were An Inhabitant, I Would Pack My Bags And High Tale It Out Of There... If You Know What I Mean...
4Mmm. But do you recall when a member asked which Matoran was building the statue in that sneak peak scene GregF gave us? He replied that it was a brand new Matoran...
5What Topic Was That In... Could You Provide A Link... Never Remember Any Of That...
6Check in the Books and Movies forum. After you get there, look in the 'Favorite Quotes' thread (That's not the exact title, but close enough). In there you will find a quote of two beings talking. One is an unknown Matoran and the other is an unknown being (presumably the 2006 villian).
1Here it is for you
7[shameless-advertisingYou can see a lot of stuff on books in the topic I found this quote in: > jetslandingboard's Official BIONICLE Books Topic<[/shameless-advertising

? 2"Over here. This is where we'll build the temple." 3"A temple? Devoted to what?" asked the Matoran, puzzled. 4"To the three things that matter most to me," came the solemn reply. 5"Oh, of course, the three virtues -- Unity, Duty and Destiny:" 6"No, no," said the armored figure, shaking his head. "Me, myself, and I."
7[shameless-advertisingYou can see a lot of stuff on books in the topic I found this quote in: > jetslandingboard's Official BIONICLE Books Topic<[/shameless-advertising
1Thank you to The Legend and Bionicle#1. I'm very curious about these new Matoran. Very, very curious...
1I want Toa sets, not Matoran:
( jumps off of building)

1Please answer these.
21. How can Makuta control protodermis? Was it part of his mastery of shadows?
32. Was Makuta's island attacks part of controlling protodermis? If not, what means did he use to do it?
43. If you can answer this one, are there any other particularly mysterious masks like the Avohkii or Kraahkan?
54. Okay, for the BoM, Makuta is called "the Makuta" because the Makuta in it is plural. Would the "other" Makuta out there have the same name, or different names? I hope not, because all having the same name would be pretty boring.
65. Also would Makuta be named "Makuta" and be one of the Makuta for a specific reason?
76. Would they have different powers than the current Makuta?
87. I asked a long time ago "If Makuta isn't a Great Spirit, what is he?" which you weren't allowed to answer. Now that we know that Makuta in BoM is plural, is he a Makuta in species and name, or is he something like a not-so-Great Spirit?
98. Can Rahi form combiners?
109. Can Toa Kaita be made with any three Toa instead of the two we've already seen?
1110. Can a combiners be formed from any three species, or does it have to be of the same species?
1211. Would a combiner's voice sound like Takutanuva's or a single voice?
1312. Are 4 and 5 member combiners possible?
1413 Did the BoM make Makuta's gate to Metru Nui?
1514. Wouldn't the Toa's combined strength (with the addition of Onua sharing the power of thier strength's ultimate) have been able to lift the gate?
1615. About how many times is a Toa Nuva stronger than a regular Toa?
17Thanks in advance.
181-2) I don't see Makuta as being able to control protodermis (and actually, you could make an argument that Nuju, Onewa, Whenua, and Nokama do that, since the water, earth, stone and ice are all made of protodermis). The answer I have given on this subject is that Makuta is able to do what he does because he understands how the world works better than the Turaga and Toa do, and how to make it work for him.
193) Can't answer it
204) "The Makuta" is not plural and it has never been used in connection to the Brotherhood. "The Makuta" has only been used in reference to the Makuta that you have seen in the story.
215) I don't understand your question
226) I am not going to discuss powers of Brotherhood members, as they are not in the story yet
237) I still can't answer this.
248) Not that we have seen so far.
259) So far, we have only seen it with those particular groupings.
2610) We have not so far seen any combiners made from different species, so I am inclined to say no.
2711) Depends on the combiner, probably.
2812) Well, we know six member combiners are, but so far we have never seen a four or five member combiner.
2913) Most likely not
3014) Nope.
3115) Toa Nuva are not physically way stronger than Toa. They have better control of their elemental power, better armor, and the ability to share their mask powers.
33Hello Mr. Farshtey, I was hoping you could answer these questions.![]()
345. Also would Makuta be named "Makuta" and be one of the Makuta for a specific reason?
355) I don't understand your question
361. You said the "Makuta" in Brotherhood of Makuta was plural, what I meant to ask was if there was a specific reason the Makuta we know is named Makuta, in relation to the fact he is just one of several "Makuta" out there.
3715. About how many times is a Toa Nuva stronger than a regular Toa?
3815) Toa Nuva are not physically way stronger than Toa. They have better control of their elemental power, better armor, and the ability to share their mask powers.
392. I meant in terms of elemental firepower. 40Anyways, onto new questions
413. Could TSO control what shape the crystalline Protodermis takes on when his staff forms it?
424. What does Sentrahk's mind wipe do?
435. I was wondering, which is more powerful, TSO or Sentrahk? How would they fare against Roodaka and Sidorak?
446. About how long has the Dark Hunter Organization existed?
457. Did they have Kanoka on other environs? On the same lines, why didn't they have artificial Rhotuka launchers on Metru Nui before the Bio-Quake?
468. Why is Roodaka using the Visorak t Mutate things?
479. At the end of the last comic, Kualus said something along the lines of "Defeat, mutation, the end of all life on Metru Nui." I thought the Visorak were just mutating things. Are the Visorak really killing things? And what does Sidorak have his hordes do to an environ after conquering it, including to the local sentient species?
481) You are assuming Makuta is a proper name. What if it's a title? 493) Yes 504) Erases your knowledge and memory 515) Sentrakh has a greater variety of powers, but since he serves TSO, there is not really an issue here. Sidorak would lose, Roodaka would probably forge an alliance if she thought she was going to lose 526) Oh, long time 537) Because they hadn't been invented on Metru Nui, and they had not received any in trade. In olden days, you might have tech in one village that the village on the other side of the mountain didn't have. And yes, I have no doubt there were Kanoka in other environs providing those environs had access to what was needed to make it. 548) Research 559) If everything in the city gets wrapped up in webs and basically put to sleep, then all life basically has ended. Remember, the Visorak don't mutate everything - just what they are ordered to -- most of the Rahi end up just in stasis in the webs. Once they are done, the city is dead. And once they are done, what is there left to do? All living things are webbed up and they move on to the next place to conquer.
56Thank you for answering the last batch, but now I have some more questions.![]()
57I have some questions about Keetongu's power absrorbing power.
581. Since Keetongu's armor transfers his absorbed power into his auncher, would anything touching his armor during the transfer get affected at all or absorb it at all?
592. Could Keetongu absorb Vorahk's hunger?
603. How about nonphysical powers like gravity, fear, sleep, anger, confusion, silence, illusion, etc.?
614. Could Keetongu absorb physical blows?
625. Could he somehow absorb self-exerted powers like dodge, speed, mind reading, elasticity, etc.?
63Now some regular questions
646. About how many times of elemental firepower does a Toa Nuva have compared to a regular Toa?
657. In the books or comics, will we see any of Roodaka's mutated Visorak?
668. Since Roodaka controls her Rhotuka mutations, could she mutate something into being utterly weak and powerless, so she could use it to make a big threat into no threat?
679. Can Sentrahk use his Rhotuka to send somebody into a perpetual fall through the ground?
6810. Could Makuta's Rahi Control power control be used in any remote way to control Matoran, or just Rahi?
6911. Have you seen anything on movie developement? If you have, have you heard anybodies voices?
701) Keetongu's armor absorbs power used against him. It's not going to absorb every single thing that touches it, or it would be reacting to molecules of air all the time. 712) That is a power drain, it's not really a physical attack like throwing a rock at someone. I am not sure if a drain would count as "energy used against" the armor. Would have to think about it. 723) A non-physical power is not really a force that targets the armor. You can use a fear power on someone completely invulnerable physically, so obviously it bypasses the physical. So no, the armor could not absorb that. 734) He could absorb the kinetic energy of them, yes 745) No. Again, it only works if it is an energy used against his armor. If you use dodge, that is not an attack on his armor. 756) I really prefer not to quantify things like that. 767) I don't think so, offhand. I know not in the comics, because Randy can only draw things that are sets. 778) Yes. 789) Not perpetual, no, because eventually the effect wears off. He could make the ground beneath your feet intangible and you would fall, though. 7910) No. Matoran are not Rahi. 8011) I have nothing to do with the movie, so no.
82I had these for a while, so forgive me if some are old.
83I also have to get back to him on the first question on the last one, that's not what I meant.
1Got something;
12New characters:
2Just a few q's;
31) Are all of the '06 Matoran new characters?
41) All of the ones being made into sets are, yes, but the Metru Nui Matoran will also figure into the storyline. We are just not making sets of them again, as sets already exist for many of them.
52) Do you know when they're coming out?
62) Probably December-January. Most BIONICLE comes out in either December-January or July-August.
73) About two months ago, I asked you if there'll be a split lanch next year, and you said yes. Then I asked you, about two weeks ago, something concerning the split launch. You answered there'll be no split launch next year: Which is correct?
83) No big mystery here. Folks in Denmark changed their minds, so we aren't doing a split launch in '06. Everybody gets everything at roughly the same time of year, although I know in past years EU has gotten their first sets in March -- not sure if that will still be the case or not.
10See answers above,
12New characters:

1Notice it says that the Metru Nui Matoran will also figure into the storyline. So, there must be Matoran on the new island.
1This questions don't reveal anything, I just wanted to know these for sure.
2These are pretty straightforward questions so it shouldn't be difficult to answer.
31. In BA #10 does Ahkmou's role affect the storyline or is it more of an FYI this is how is happened thing? 42. Does this wrap up Ahkmou's story for now as far as you know? 53. Can you explain how his mask went from brown to black? 64. Did Ahkmou ever receive punishment for his actions (past or present)? 75. How did Ahkmou reintegrate himself with the matoran after he was freed from his pod? Did he just show up one day and say Hi? 86. How did he return after he came back from running away after the Comet incident? 97. Does Ahkmou still have an active role in plots or schemes of his own or others, or does he feel he taught them a lesson and all is now forgiven?
10Thanks for your time Greg
111) The latter 122) It wraps up the Metru Nui flashback part of it. 133) Odds are his mask was damaged at some point and replaced 144) Nope 155) Wasn't a problem, because by the time he showed up the Matoran had lost their memories of Metru Nui. Realizing this, he simply claimed he had become lost shortly after they arrived on the island -- since none of the Matoran remembered that period, they believed him 166) No doubt he made profuse apologies. 177) I would not put money on the idea that he is through trying to get revenge.
1Nothing new, or important, I think:
25As for 8), I don't think Hahli went back with the damaged Ussanui, so I don't know.
2These are questions that just popped out of my head:
31. If Muaka or Kane-Ra would really live, would they have 4 legs, or "wheels", like in the sets.
42. About what's the top speed of an Ussal?
53. Does any Rahi produce spittle or any other liquids?
64. Did it hurt when the Matoran rebuilt themselves at the end of the Bohrok Kal saga?
75. Some Matoran huts are made of plants, branches, leaves. Can these decay?
86. If Matoro was present at the Turaga meetings, did he hear anything of Metru Nui?
97. Did Matoran make any music on Metru Nui?
108. How did Hahli find the way out of Makuta's lair in MoL?
119. If Matau liked Nokama as a Toa, does he like her as a Turaga?
1210. Is any of your relatives a Bionicle expert?
141) We generally assume that the set is what the character looks like. 152) No idea. 163) I am sure some do. 174) I would assume part of the trick is to avoid it hurting -- the same way the Toa were able to rebuild themselves in 2001 without it hurting. 185) Possibly, if they are organic protodermis 196) Yes. But part of his role as Nuju's aide is a vow not to share what he hears with other Matoran. 207) Not that we are aware of at this point. 218) Probably went back the way she came. 229) I think after 1000 years, he has probably gotten over her. 2310) Nope. The youngest people in my family are already out of graduate school, so they were not young enough to get into BIONICLE when it first came out.
25As for 8), I don't think Hahli went back with the damaged Ussanui, so I don't know.
1Yes: I got a question answered by Greg:
2Are there going to be new Matoran in '06?
3At this point, we do have plans to release six new Matoran next year, but they are not in any of the previous styles (they are actually, I think, a little bit closer to the original '01 style than the '03 or '04 styles). No idea what is planned beyond that.
2Are there going to be new Matoran in '06?
3At this point, we do have plans to release six new Matoran next year, but they are not in any of the previous styles (they are actually, I think, a little bit closer to the original '01 style than the '03 or '04 styles). No idea what is planned beyond that.
1The Mctoran were hard to get, it's good the '06 Matoran mimics them. Wonder why? -- maybe Makuta weakened them before and they ended up like the Mctoran: It's the Island of Doom anyway:
1Theory: Maybe these Matoran were a part of the group that came from Metru Nui to Mata Nui during this years storyline. After the body-weakening, maybe they found tunnels like what the Toa Metru found between Metru- and Mata Nui which eventually led them to [Insert new Island name here. Them being elsewhere meant they wouldnt be able to get rebuilt after the defeat of the Kal, and so would remain in Tohunga/Mctoran form They would probably have the memory problems as well.
1Theory: Maybe these Matoran were a part of the group that came from Metru Nui to Mata Nui during this years storyline. After the body-weakening, maybe they found tunnels like what the Toa Metru found between Metru- and Mata Nui which eventually led them to [Insert new Island name here. Them being elsewhere meant they wouldnt be able to get rebuilt after the defeat of the Kal, and so would remain in Tohunga/Mctoran form They would probably have the memory problems as well.
3You've got a point there, to awaken Mata-nui ALL matoran must be returned to Metru-nui. If some found a way to that island and where sent out to explore the Turaga would know. And since it's called the Island of Doom, it stands to reason that they were unable to return. It would also explain why the Toa nuva would venture there.
1Theory: Maybe these Matoran were a part of the group that came from Metru Nui to Mata Nui during this years storyline. After the body-weakening, maybe they found tunnels like what the Toa Metru found between Metru- and Mata Nui which eventually led them to [Insert new Island name here. Them being elsewhere meant they wouldnt be able to get rebuilt after the defeat of the Kal, and so would remain in Tohunga/Mctoran form They would probably have the memory problems as well.
3My thoughts are that you should post it in S&T.

1New Matoran? "Closer to the '01 style"? I can't wait: Next buy Island-of-Doom-toran:

1It's Good To Hear That Lego Is Bringing Back The 01 Style. I Have Always Thought That Those Matoran Were The Most Matoran Esc...
1Apparently I'm the only person who thinks the '01 design was actually at all bad... what with the lack of almost any articulation, action feature and a generally over-simplistic design.
2I hate to say it, but the McToran, or something similar, will not be re-introduced, in any case. My reasoning is this: the McToran were cheap happy-meal freebies, while these are £2.99/$4.99 sets, which people will actually want to pay for. They aren't going to be the most complex sets, but we're not going back to the simplicity of the old '01 sets.
2I hate to say it, but the McToran, or something similar, will not be re-introduced, in any case. My reasoning is this: the McToran were cheap happy-meal freebies, while these are £2.99/$4.99 sets, which people will actually want to pay for. They aren't going to be the most complex sets, but we're not going back to the simplicity of the old '01 sets.