1One important thing about next year... and about the Bohrok in Metru Nui... look at numbers 9 and 10 :
21. What was wrong with the Toa Olda? They were supposed to be released when Mata Nui slept, which happened, but why did they have to wait 1000 years? Had the Metru not made their Toa Stones then they would not have come to Mata Nui? There's a gap here I find intriguing. My point is -- if their purpose was to help Mata Nui if anything happened to him, why the delay?
3A: Simple. Something went wrong. And you are correct, had the Toa stones not been made, they would never have made it.
42. Who chose Takua to be the ToL? It said in the first MoL trailer, "a hero will be chosen", was it Mata Nui?
5A: It was his destiny
63. Why is the ToL the 'seventh Toa'? I know it's about him being the seventh after the Nuva, but if they had not come to Mata Nui, (in relevence to Q1) would it have been possible for him to exist?
7A: Yes, but most likely he would not have been successful. He would not have been able to stop all the Rahi and Bohrok alone, so he never would have made it to fight Makuta
84. Is there a connection between the Olda and Makuta?
9A: Not to my knowledge
105. In comic #1, Kopaka described his dreams in his canister as 'dark ones'. What does that relate to?
11A: Hasn't been revealed yet
126. What made the Metru create the Toa Stones? (I haven't read BA#6)
13A: Basically, Vakama realized that if something happened to the Toa Metru, there would be no one to protect the Matoran. So he felt they should create Toa stones as insurance (figuring they would work the same way as the ones in Metru Nui had)
147. Could Takua have become Takanuva on Metru Nui if he had worn the Avohkii? My point is -- was he to become Takanuva only when he came to Mata Nui? In other words -- when was he chosen to be the ToL?
15A: Like I said, it was always his destiny. But destiny means it only happens when it is supposed to happen. Look at it this way -- there was no need for a TOL prior to the end of LOMN, because Mata Nui was not asleep. And by the time he was, Takua was in a coma. So not the right time for him.
168. Turaga Dume goes to the Island of Doom at the end of this year, then the Toa Nuva will meet him there as a leader of that island's Matoran, right?
17A: Wrong. Assuming Dume is still alive when the Toa Nuva get back, he is the rightful ruler of Metru Nui.
189. How come this year there hasn't been an emphasis on a particular mask in the storyline? Will there be a 'key mask' next year too?
19A: There is next year, yes. It would have been pointless this year because the Toa Hordika can't use mask powers
2010. How come the Bohrok are also under Metru Nui? They were only supposed to cleanse Mata Nui, right? Also, did those Bohrok awake when the Mata Nui Bohrok awake?
21A: Yes, they did. And they are under Metru Nui as well for the same reason termite nests can extend well beneath a house -- because there are a lot of them.
21. What was wrong with the Toa Olda? They were supposed to be released when Mata Nui slept, which happened, but why did they have to wait 1000 years? Had the Metru not made their Toa Stones then they would not have come to Mata Nui? There's a gap here I find intriguing. My point is -- if their purpose was to help Mata Nui if anything happened to him, why the delay?
3A: Simple. Something went wrong. And you are correct, had the Toa stones not been made, they would never have made it.
42. Who chose Takua to be the ToL? It said in the first MoL trailer, "a hero will be chosen", was it Mata Nui?
5A: It was his destiny
63. Why is the ToL the 'seventh Toa'? I know it's about him being the seventh after the Nuva, but if they had not come to Mata Nui, (in relevence to Q1) would it have been possible for him to exist?
7A: Yes, but most likely he would not have been successful. He would not have been able to stop all the Rahi and Bohrok alone, so he never would have made it to fight Makuta
84. Is there a connection between the Olda and Makuta?
9A: Not to my knowledge
105. In comic #1, Kopaka described his dreams in his canister as 'dark ones'. What does that relate to?
11A: Hasn't been revealed yet
126. What made the Metru create the Toa Stones? (I haven't read BA#6)
13A: Basically, Vakama realized that if something happened to the Toa Metru, there would be no one to protect the Matoran. So he felt they should create Toa stones as insurance (figuring they would work the same way as the ones in Metru Nui had)
147. Could Takua have become Takanuva on Metru Nui if he had worn the Avohkii? My point is -- was he to become Takanuva only when he came to Mata Nui? In other words -- when was he chosen to be the ToL?
15A: Like I said, it was always his destiny. But destiny means it only happens when it is supposed to happen. Look at it this way -- there was no need for a TOL prior to the end of LOMN, because Mata Nui was not asleep. And by the time he was, Takua was in a coma. So not the right time for him.
168. Turaga Dume goes to the Island of Doom at the end of this year, then the Toa Nuva will meet him there as a leader of that island's Matoran, right?
17A: Wrong. Assuming Dume is still alive when the Toa Nuva get back, he is the rightful ruler of Metru Nui.
189. How come this year there hasn't been an emphasis on a particular mask in the storyline? Will there be a 'key mask' next year too?
19A: There is next year, yes. It would have been pointless this year because the Toa Hordika can't use mask powers
2010. How come the Bohrok are also under Metru Nui? They were only supposed to cleanse Mata Nui, right? Also, did those Bohrok awake when the Mata Nui Bohrok awake?
21A: Yes, they did. And they are under Metru Nui as well for the same reason termite nests can extend well beneath a house -- because there are a lot of them.
19. How come this year there hasn't been an emphasis on a particular mask in the storyline? Will there be a 'key mask' next year too?
2A: There is next year, yes. It would have been pointless this year because the Toa Hordika can't use mask powers
3I coulda guessed that. That's what the
4six mysterious beings are after that can unleash an ancient evil.

1It may also be the treasure...
1Umm, could you please state what treasure you are talking about.
1I do, and I have not heard mention of a treasure.
11. Will Voporak come with a collectble item? Could you tell us if it is a mask?
21) To my knowledge, no.
32. Before the coming of the Toa Olda, did the Matoran fight anything besides Rahi on Mata-Nui?
42) Nope
53. Are there any Vahki left on Metru-Nui during the Mata-Nui era? If so could they travel up to Mata-Nui?
63) They could, were they there, but I don't know of any being there. There weren't that many functional post-quake.
74. Any idea when the Brickmaster Toa Contest Winners will be getting their Toa Iruini?
84) As soon as we get them in Enfield they will be shipped out to winners. At this point, we do not have them in the warehouse here yet, but I am checking every week.
21) To my knowledge, no.
32. Before the coming of the Toa Olda, did the Matoran fight anything besides Rahi on Mata-Nui?
42) Nope
53. Are there any Vahki left on Metru-Nui during the Mata-Nui era? If so could they travel up to Mata-Nui?
63) They could, were they there, but I don't know of any being there. There weren't that many functional post-quake.
74. Any idea when the Brickmaster Toa Contest Winners will be getting their Toa Iruini?
84) As soon as we get them in Enfield they will be shipped out to winners. At this point, we do not have them in the warehouse here yet, but I am checking every week.
1Hello Mr. Farshtey, I have only one question for you this time.
2You've said that "Island of Doom" is mostly about the villains and Matoran but the Toa Nuva have a role in it as well. I'm assuming that includes Takanuva also, correct? I ask because I don't if he is included in the group title since he's only a Toa.
3Thank you for your time.
4Well, tell you what -- I will put you in the shoes of a Turaga -- do you send all seven Toa, and leave the city undefended? Or do you keep one behind to protect Metru Nui, just in case?
5I found this quite interesting. Looks like the Toa Nuva are gonna leave Takanuva behind in Metru Nui.
1Are you sure? I thought Dume kept them all around, unless they wanted to go elsewhere. When Mak took over, he wanted the all gone
1Q: Hi. I was just wondering, you told me there were only a couple hundred of Visorak, but I'm pretty sure I saw that you told someone else you changed your mind and that there were thousands. So, how many Visorak are there?
2A: I still generally think of them as being in the hundreds. You may see slightly different figures in things that represent the viewpoint of the Rahaga or the Toa Hordika, because neither of those two groups knows how many Visorak there are -- all that they know is what they see, which is a lot, so they might tend to exaggerate the numbers.
1Hi Greg, my intensely nosey mind has a few queries
21. Does Sidorak have any special abilities besides his Herding Blade to call Visorak and Loyalty Rhotuka?
31) Nope
42. Is the ability to fire Shadow energy from her hands natural to Roodaka's species or a gift from the Brotherhood?
52) It's natural
63. Is the Master of BIONICLE purely fun, or a secret technique of TLC to gain new ideas for the future? (don't worry, its a joke![]()
73) Actually, it was born from that "The Worst" topic that was on here -- I thought it would be a fun way to show fans that you can't always do everything, and that sometimes there are good reasons that you don't do a certain thing.
8Greg 9Tis all from the single warped synapses of my mind, thanks in advance, and liking the Master of BIONICLE
11Hi Greg,
121. Just need confirmation on this, were the Bahrag aware of the energized protodermis tubes beneath their chamber?
131) No.
142. Is Krahka a special case, being so intelligent, or are all her species of higher level intellect?
152) All of her species have the POTENTIAL to be as intelligent as she is -- remember, you didn't really meet her until after she had already mimicked six Toa. The first time she speaks in Book 3, all she can do is repeat combinations of words someone else has used. As she copies the powers or more intelligent beings, her intelligence grows as a result.
163. On Keetongu's species, were they taken out just as a part of their normal conquest or did they attack them for another reason?
173) Well, all Rahi are being attacked by the Visorak, so there didn't really have to be a special reason.
18Thanks in advance.
11) As I re-read BA #8, I notice that the Onewa Hordika story arc begins somewhat strangely--does the story involve Kikanalo, Kane-Ra, or both, and if it's "both," where did the Kikanalo come from/Kane-Ra go? 22) Where did/does/will the Rock Lion appear in the storyline? 33) Does the tunnel maze that's supposedly guarded by a mutant Kane-Ra appear in later storyline? 44) Do we find out the Avohkii's creator(s) in the Encyclopedia? 55) Does/do the Avohkii's creator(s) have any connection to the third organization?61) Herbivores often graze together 72) It doesn't. It's a fan-built model that showed up in the Rahi Guide -- I believe that is the one we did not get the model to get a pic of, so it could only be in the appendix. 83) No idea - I throw those things out there for folks to speculate on and then either I can use them or not, depending on how they fit 94) Nope 105) No idea, since I don't know who created it yet.
11Hmm...I didn't know that a fan-built model didn't have a pic--and I thought that Mr. Farshtey knew who made the Avohkii...:

11) I heard you were working on Star Wars things. What exactly did you do? 22) Will we get new colours in the 2006 can sets (like yellow, purple etc.)? 33) Will the "Third Faction" come into the main story in the years you have currently outlined? 44) Is the real Karzahni still alive? 55) What are the real Karzahni's powers? 66) Will B3 have an epilogue like B2 had (you know, the one on Mata Nui's beach)
81) I used to work on the Star Wars roleplaying game when I was at West End 92) I can't discuss 2006 product 103) Yes, in a way 114-5) You will find out in BL #2 next year 126) B3 does end with Turaga Vakama talking to Jaller and Hahli
1More answers I have from Greg:
2Hi, I'd just like to ask some questions:
31) Will Nuju, Vakama and co. meet up with Dume in 2006 and if so what will their reactions be?
42) Were any of the other subterranean islands ever at war with Metru Nui or each other?
53) Did the Toa or Vahki or Dark Hunters or Matoran have any combat or military/civilian transport vehicles during war or peace (similar to a Republic Gunship or a Snowspeeder)?
64) is the traitor in Web of Shadows Rahaga Gaaki because Nokama seems to be wary of her in BA #8? If so is there going to be a set of this traitor?
75) Are the six Matoran sets (released in 2006) from regions on the new Island which are of the classic elements (eg. Ice, Air etc.) or regions of new elements? Perhaps those of the six new villains.
86) Is there going to be any stories based on the adventures of the Toa Hagah (excluding Norik's and Iruini's rescue of the other Toa Hagah)? That would be cool:
97) It seemed that Nuju, Matau and co. each had a Great Mask-shaped Matoran Matatu, Huna, Rau, Mahiki, Komau or Ruru.
10Usually it seems that most Matoran have Matoran Hunas, Matatus, Raus, Komaus, Mahikis and Rurus in the shapes of Noble Masks. Were there any other Matoran apart from Vakama and co. who wore Hunas and Matatus in the shape of Great Masks? If so, did they live in both Metru Nui and Mata Nui?
11BTW, I've been watching your Master of Bionicle topic and I can't wait to see the new scenarios you come up with and how the participants respond to these.
12Thanks for reading.
131) Not going to discuss 2006 plotline -- it's only June of 2005, you have a long time to wait yet. 142) Not to my knowledge -- Matoran generally do not make war on each other. 153) Well, we know the Vahki have transports, but in general, the fighting in the war was street to street, house to house, so vehicles are of limited use. 164) I can't discuss movie plot 175) The new island is not divided into regions. 186) Beyond the July comic, we don't have anything planned right now in main storyline, but you never know, we might do it someplace else. 197) You have not seen Matoran in masks similar to those before simply because before 2004 those mask shapes did not exist. 20-------------------------------------------------------
2Hi, I'd just like to ask some questions:
31) Will Nuju, Vakama and co. meet up with Dume in 2006 and if so what will their reactions be?
42) Were any of the other subterranean islands ever at war with Metru Nui or each other?
53) Did the Toa or Vahki or Dark Hunters or Matoran have any combat or military/civilian transport vehicles during war or peace (similar to a Republic Gunship or a Snowspeeder)?
64) is the traitor in Web of Shadows Rahaga Gaaki because Nokama seems to be wary of her in BA #8? If so is there going to be a set of this traitor?
75) Are the six Matoran sets (released in 2006) from regions on the new Island which are of the classic elements (eg. Ice, Air etc.) or regions of new elements? Perhaps those of the six new villains.
86) Is there going to be any stories based on the adventures of the Toa Hagah (excluding Norik's and Iruini's rescue of the other Toa Hagah)? That would be cool:
97) It seemed that Nuju, Matau and co. each had a Great Mask-shaped Matoran Matatu, Huna, Rau, Mahiki, Komau or Ruru.
10Usually it seems that most Matoran have Matoran Hunas, Matatus, Raus, Komaus, Mahikis and Rurus in the shapes of Noble Masks. Were there any other Matoran apart from Vakama and co. who wore Hunas and Matatus in the shape of Great Masks? If so, did they live in both Metru Nui and Mata Nui?
11BTW, I've been watching your Master of Bionicle topic and I can't wait to see the new scenarios you come up with and how the participants respond to these.
12Thanks for reading.
131) Not going to discuss 2006 plotline -- it's only June of 2005, you have a long time to wait yet. 142) Not to my knowledge -- Matoran generally do not make war on each other. 153) Well, we know the Vahki have transports, but in general, the fighting in the war was street to street, house to house, so vehicles are of limited use. 164) I can't discuss movie plot 175) The new island is not divided into regions. 186) Beyond the July comic, we don't have anything planned right now in main storyline, but you never know, we might do it someplace else. 197) You have not seen Matoran in masks similar to those before simply because before 2004 those mask shapes did not exist. 20-------------------------------------------------------
15) Are the six Matoran sets (released in 2006) from regions on the new Island which are of the classic elements (eg. Ice, Air etc.) or regions of new elements? Perhaps those of the six new villains.
25) The new island is not divided into regions.
3This I find very interesting... even Mata Nui had the Wahi (although the borders between those weren't as defined as between the Metru). It'll be interesting to see the look of this new island, then...
Nuhrii the Metruan 44) Is the real Karzahni still alive? 55) What are the real Karzahni's powers?
74-5) You will find out in BL #2 next year
8I can't wait for that: I was under the impression we wouldn't find out about Krazahni for ages.

Nuhrii the Metruan 14) Is the real Karzahni still alive? 25) What are the real Karzahni's powers?
44-5) You will find out in BL #2 next year
5I can't wait for that: I was under the impression we wouldn't find out about Krazahni for ages.
7...and somehow I doubt that the Nuva just walk into a cave and say, "Oh no, he's dead:"
8I mean, we're talking about the BIONICLE version of the Greek Hades or Roman Pluto. Keeper of the underworld. BIONICLE has to do this guy up right. Since Greg has already said that flashbacks aren't in the plan, I think we can prepare to see the connection between the shadowy Brotherhood, the Dark Hunters, the Ancient Karzahni of the Fallen Matoran, and Mata Nui himself come to reasonable light in this three-year story arc.

11) I heard you were working on Star Wars things. What exactly did you do? 22) Will we get new colours in the 2006 can sets (like yellow, purple etc.)? 33) Will the "Third Faction" come into the main story in the years you have currently outlined? 44) Is the real Karzahni still alive? 55) What are the real Karzahni's powers? 66) Will B3 have an epilogue like B2 had (you know, the one on Mata Nui's beach)
81) I used to work on the Star Wars roleplaying game when I was at West End 92) I can't discuss 2006 product 103) Yes, in a way 114-5) You will find out in BL #2 next year 126) B3 does end with Turaga Vakama talking to Jaller and Hahli
13Sound exciting::

15) Are the six Matoran sets (released in 2006) from regions on the new Island which are of the classic elements (eg. Ice, Air etc.) or regions of new elements? Perhaps those of the six new villains.
25) The new island is not divided into regions.
3This I find very interesting... even Mata Nui had the Wahi (although the borders between those weren't as defined as between the Metru). It'll be interesting to see the look of this new island, then...Nuhrii the Metruan 44) Is the real Karzahni still alive? 55) What are the real Karzahni's powers?
74-5) You will find out in BL #2 next year
8I can't wait for that: I was under the impression we wouldn't find out about Krazahni for ages.
10Now this brings up the question on how they will divide the sets into six groups...if not different regions, then certianly something must define them.
1Well, barring Vahki, region hasn't defined the enemies. I mean, the Bohrok, Rahkshi, and the Visorak have pretty much just gone wherever and done what they were supposed to do.
2But the new Matoran, certainly. This may open up different color schemes and possibilities that were otherwise impossible with a six-region system. Perhaps more than one female:
3Perhaps, not, though.
4Even the Hagah, who had never resided in Metru Nui, had the same sort of Matoraform elemental division that I think we can expect the new Matoran and the Toa Pseudo to have.
5And since the story doesn't seem to scream at the idea of new good guys, I'm holding out for Toa Nuva remakes. You always have to release good guys, right?
6And that Karzahni bit screams of a box set.
7And a new mask, possibly the ancient treasure spoken of?
8'06 is shaping up. Now all we have to do is wait until about November for the infamous preemptive sets list to leak...
2But the new Matoran, certainly. This may open up different color schemes and possibilities that were otherwise impossible with a six-region system. Perhaps more than one female:

3Perhaps, not, though.
4Even the Hagah, who had never resided in Metru Nui, had the same sort of Matoraform elemental division that I think we can expect the new Matoran and the Toa Pseudo to have.
5And since the story doesn't seem to scream at the idea of new good guys, I'm holding out for Toa Nuva remakes. You always have to release good guys, right?
6And that Karzahni bit screams of a box set.
7And a new mask, possibly the ancient treasure spoken of?
8'06 is shaping up. Now all we have to do is wait until about November for the infamous preemptive sets list to leak...

1Well, barring Vahki, region hasn't defined the enemies. I mean, the Bohrok, Rahkshi, and the Visorak have pretty much just gone wherever and done what they were supposed to do.
2But the new Matoran, certainly. This may open up different color schemes and possibilities that were otherwise impossible with a six-region system. Perhaps more than one female:![]()
3Perhaps, not, though.
4Even the Hagah, who had never resided in Metru Nui, had the same sort of Matoraform elemental division that I think we can expect the new Matoran and the Toa Pseudo to have.
5And since the story doesn't seem to scream at the idea of new good guys, I'm holding out for Toa Nuva remakes. You always have to release good guys, right?
6And that Karzahni bit screams of a box set.
7And a new mask, possibly the ancient treasure spoken of?
8'06 is shaping up. Now all we have to do is wait until about November for the infamous preemptive sets list to leak...![]()
9I've said it before, I'll say it again. The Toa Nuva will not be seeing a new version, hopefully for an indefinate time. They've already done Toa transformation twice now, don't you think it's getting old?
1I've said it before, I'll say it again. The Toa Nuva will not be seeing a new version, hopefully for an indefinite time. They've already done Toa transformation twice now, don't you think it's getting old?
2But what is the magical solution? We've already seen a lot of fan base exchange over the Metru Saga, and Greg has always said that the good guys sell better than the bad guys. Since it seems obvious that the Toa will star for a good part of '06, what solution is there? Greg said there would be no transformation, but there are ways around that. I forsee either a tweaking of the sets to update them, a Knighting-of-the-Toa-style happening where they are simply outfitted with better armor, or a new set of heroes for summer, with bad guys dominating the winter and spring.
3Or maybe it's something over all our heads...

1But what is the magical solution?We've already seen a lot of fan base exchange over the Metru Saga, and Greg has always said that the good guys sell better than the bad guys.Since it seems obvious that the Toa will star for a good part of '06, what solution is there?Greg said there would be no transformation, but there are ways around that.I forsee either a tweaking of the sets to update them, a Knighting-of-the-Toa-style happening where they are simply outfitted with better armor, or a new set of heroes for summer, with bad guys dominating the winter and spring.
2Or maybe it's something over all our heads...
4Titans, perhaps? They usually sell really well because of their amount of pieces, playability, combinability with other sets, etc. Plus they cost much more, so if TLC introduced some super-awesome [good-guy Titans, it would probably clean up the rest.
5Just a twisted thought...

1I've said it before, I'll say it again. The Toa Nuva will not be seeing a new version, hopefully for an indefinite time. They've already done Toa transformation twice now, don't you think it's getting old?
2But what is the magical solution? We've already seen a lot of fan base exchange over the Metru Saga, and Greg has always said that the good guys sell better than the bad guys. Since it seems obvious that the Toa will star for a good part of '06, what solution is there? Greg said there would be no transformation, but there are ways around that. I forsee either a tweaking of the sets to update them, a Knighting-of-the-Toa-style happening where they are simply outfitted with better armor, or a new set of heroes for summer, with bad guys dominating the winter and spring.
3Or maybe it's something over all our heads...
5To paraphrase Greg: "We tend to think that there will be little market for characters that most people already have. Also, stores do not want us to give them revamped characters, they want new ones to sell to the customers. So we won't be redoing the Toa Nuva in 2006." 6The only possibility is new heroes in 2006. Because the Nuva are not coming back. This is not my opinion. This is from Greg's mouth. And if we take everything else he says as fact, we must take this too.
1Thank you Rayg.
2Apparently, some people are privy to information they haven't put in this topic, or else he has posted that in a topic himself.
3But that is excellent confirmation; forgive me, I was only going on what I had seen directly quoted.
4But I am inclined to disagree that most people already have these characters. Greg himself has also said many times that the consumer base has more than likely grown much of its current following as a result of the Metru Nui saga, a year and a half after the Nuva were released as sets. I think they could redo them somehow and not miss a dime. But regardless, it will be as it will be, and I can hardly begrudge them new characters, which have, in the past, never turned out bad.
5And what right-minded old fan wants a Lewa Nuva Nuva anyway?
6Honestly, I have all seven of the original Toa, and I'd rather get all-new characters. But if I were just getting into the story, and didn't have a chance to buy this awesome new Kopaka guy who never needs help and is always so in control, I might feel empty inside, like a Bohrok with no krana.
7But LEGO will do as they must.
8Thanks again Rayg, I thought you were referring to a different reply of Greg's.
9Onto business: For those of you entering the upcoming Dark Hunter contest, some interesting bits of information:
2Apparently, some people are privy to information they haven't put in this topic, or else he has posted that in a topic himself.
3But that is excellent confirmation; forgive me, I was only going on what I had seen directly quoted.
4But I am inclined to disagree that most people already have these characters. Greg himself has also said many times that the consumer base has more than likely grown much of its current following as a result of the Metru Nui saga, a year and a half after the Nuva were released as sets. I think they could redo them somehow and not miss a dime. But regardless, it will be as it will be, and I can hardly begrudge them new characters, which have, in the past, never turned out bad.
5And what right-minded old fan wants a Lewa Nuva Nuva anyway?
6Honestly, I have all seven of the original Toa, and I'd rather get all-new characters. But if I were just getting into the story, and didn't have a chance to buy this awesome new Kopaka guy who never needs help and is always so in control, I might feel empty inside, like a Bohrok with no krana.
7But LEGO will do as they must.
8Thanks again Rayg, I thought you were referring to a different reply of Greg's.
9Onto business: For those of you entering the upcoming Dark Hunter contest, some interesting bits of information:
10I have a few questions about the upcoming DH contest--
11I have a DH duo on my shelf right now.Would it be possible to enter them as a one entry and describe how they work as a pair, or should I just pick one to do?
12How much liberty do you take with the entry essays?I know they have to follow story continuity, but will you pretty much give them Plant Control if I say, "She can control plants"?
13In the Rahi guide, only Tahtorak was given a BIONICLE name.This made sense since animals and such are often known by a description rather than a proper name, like a firefly or humpback whale.How are you going to do it for the DH guide, though?Surely you can't call it the "Mind Control Hunter" in favor of a name...
151) That's okay 162) I am going to try to stick as closely to the essays as I can for the winners, as much as I can within the boundaries of the storyline. 173) Haven't decided yet
11) As I re-read BA #8, I notice that the Onewa Hordika story arc begins somewhat strangely--does the story involve Kikanalo, Kane-Ra, or both, and if it's "both," where did the Kikanalo come from/Kane-Ra go? 22) Where did/does/will the Rock Lion appear in the storyline? 33) Does the tunnel maze that's supposedly guarded by a mutant Kane-Ra appear in later storyline? 44) Do we find out the Avohkii's creator(s) in the Encyclopedia? 55) Does/do the Avohkii's creator(s) have any connection to the third organization?61) Herbivores often graze together 72) It doesn't. It's a fan-built model that showed up in the Rahi Guide -- I believe that is the one we did not get the model to get a pic of, so it could only be in the appendix. 83) No idea - I throw those things out there for folks to speculate on and then either I can use them or not, depending on how they fit 94) Nope 105) No idea, since I don't know who created it yet.
11Hmm...I didn't know that a fan-built model didn't have a pic--and I thought that Mr. Farshtey knew who made the Avohkii...:
13The Rahi entry thing, it was because someone didn't give them the set to take pictures of. The short description was good, and they didn't want to exclude it from the Rahi Guide Book.

1Somebody made up the name Toa Pseudo in S&T to refer to next year's villians, as they don't have a name yet.
1For the umpteenth time (not just by me, but by GREG) the Toa Nuva will not be sold as their old set form, or as a revamped form.
1And Brotherhood, I'm pretty sure I came up with that. I said something about the Pseudo Toa in a topic, not wanting to type "the fake Toa that come to the shores of the new island". After that, someone else mentioned the more apt title, Toa Pseudo, and it has pretty much spread like the Morbuzahk.
3And here's the official quote, to put this dog to rest:

3And here's the official quote, to put this dog to rest:
4Artic, the Toa Nuva are not being re-released next year, to the best of my knowledge. Our feeling is most people who want them already have them and the stores want new product from us, not rehashes of stuff we have already done.
1Even the Hagah, who had never resided in Metru Nui, had the same sort of Matoraform elemental division that I think we can expect the new Matoran and the Toa Pseudo to have.
2Where did you get Toa Pseudo?
4That is how people like to call the new 2006 enemies, since the 2006 Matoran see them as Toa while there not.
2You said that 1,000 Matoran made it to Mata-nui yet at BS01 it says only 72 are on Mata-nui.
372 was the original figure bandied about back in 2001-2002, when none of us knew a Metru Nui was planned. That figure was scrapped after MOL, as there are way more than 72 Matoran in the kolhii stadium scene, and also Bob wanted all the Matoran rescued from Metru Nui, which means all 1000 had to be on Mata Nui. So the info you saw is just a little outdated.
1Note: If you are one of those people who thought that Mr. Farshtey somehow spoiled '06 storyline by telling us that BL #1 is called "Island of Doom," please DON'T...
21) Someone claimed that you told him/her that "while the '06 Matoran believe that the six 'pseudo-Toa' are heroes, the Matoran's leader knows that they're fakes." Did you tell him that? 32) Is that "Matoran's leader" the speaker of the "long spoon" quote?41) I don't recall if I said that or not, as I am trying to avoid discussing 2006 plot as much as possible. Actually, the Matoran leader doesn't know anything definite any earlier than his companions. 52) No, he does not speak that line.