1Here's a batch. 2Normal is Questions, bold is anwsers.
31. What does Sidorak think of Makuta? 4Sidorak reveres Makuta. 52. Who's that green male Roodaka guy in comic 24? 6Another member of her species. 73. Is the EP entity made of protodermis, or does he just control it? 8He's made of it. 94. What colour is the Karzahni plant? 10Greenish-black, as I recall 115. Can only organic objects be destroyed (or changed) by EP? Say you dumped some on a boulder. What would happen? 12It's an interesting question -- given that the EP entity did transform a rock wall into an animate creature, it must be able to work on inorganic material as well. Also, we know it was able to transform masks into Nuva masks. 136. If the Ga-Matoran made EP, what would they do with it? 14Try to master its properties for the good of the city, one would hope
15And an off topic one.
167. How long does it take to write a Bionicle book? 17Six weeks to two months, writing on nights and weekends.
18EDIT: I got some more, eh:
19Some more questions.
201. What is a naming day ceremony?
212. Who gives Matoran their names?
223. Can a Matoran change his (her) name? Say, Jaller wanted to change to Kinali. (Unlikley, but still.) Could something like that happen?
234. Can the sky rain fire, the grass be filled with acid and the rock eat you on Roodaka's island, or is it just a bunch of metaphors?
241) That is the ceremony held to change the names of Matoran who have performed great deeds 252) Normally the Turaga 263) No 274) Yes, it can
31. What does Sidorak think of Makuta? 4Sidorak reveres Makuta. 52. Who's that green male Roodaka guy in comic 24? 6Another member of her species. 73. Is the EP entity made of protodermis, or does he just control it? 8He's made of it. 94. What colour is the Karzahni plant? 10Greenish-black, as I recall 115. Can only organic objects be destroyed (or changed) by EP? Say you dumped some on a boulder. What would happen? 12It's an interesting question -- given that the EP entity did transform a rock wall into an animate creature, it must be able to work on inorganic material as well. Also, we know it was able to transform masks into Nuva masks. 136. If the Ga-Matoran made EP, what would they do with it? 14Try to master its properties for the good of the city, one would hope
15And an off topic one.
167. How long does it take to write a Bionicle book? 17Six weeks to two months, writing on nights and weekends.
18EDIT: I got some more, eh:
19Some more questions.
201. What is a naming day ceremony?
212. Who gives Matoran their names?
223. Can a Matoran change his (her) name? Say, Jaller wanted to change to Kinali. (Unlikley, but still.) Could something like that happen?
234. Can the sky rain fire, the grass be filled with acid and the rock eat you on Roodaka's island, or is it just a bunch of metaphors?
241) That is the ceremony held to change the names of Matoran who have performed great deeds 252) Normally the Turaga 263) No 274) Yes, it can
15. Can only organic objects be destroyed (or changed) by EP? Say you dumped some on a boulder. What would happen? 2It's an interesting question -- given that the EP entity did transform a rock wall into an animate creature, it must be able to work on inorganic material as well. Also, we know it was able to transform masks into Nuva masks.
3Very cool...rather trivial, but it opens up some very interesting points of speculation...thanks:

1QUOTE 2Hi it is me again I just have few questions
31 when will we find out the Iland of Dooms name?
42 Will the Karzhani appear in any other?
5Thanks for your time:::
61) November, 2005
7Now I can't wait:::
82) Other books? No idea
9I saw this one comming:::
10Comments under the answers:::::
31 when will we find out the Iland of Dooms name?
42 Will the Karzhani appear in any other?
5Thanks for your time:::
61) November, 2005
7Now I can't wait:::
82) Other books? No idea
9I saw this one comming:::
10Comments under the answers:::::

1One more slightly interesting one...
2Any 2006 spoilers (or spoiler hints) in the Encyclopedia, by any chance?3Not a lot. Originally, I had planned for there to be, but in the middle of doing the book, the 2006 story got changed a lot, so it seemed safer not to put a lot in there.

21)91) Island of Doom 102) Yup 113) Wrong 124) #2 partly, #3 no 135) The stuff about the canisters and the stuff about Mata Nui not waking up. That is the next few scenes.32) Why do the Matoran on the new island not look like the Matoran we know, and why do they have working weapons when the Matoran we know do not?4Which new island? Karzahni's place, or the Island of Doom? 52) The "what would happen if Mata Nui never woke up" is (dis)courtesy of Karzahni, correct? 63) The reason you don't want to sit on a rock too long is that it'll scream. Right? 74) Those last two questions--do they involve Jaller? 85) Which two of those points you ticked off are (or were) not yet in BL #2?

1The Bohrok are totally inorganic, right (other than the Krana)? It was brought up in this topic, a few posts down, that they were called "biomechanical" once... wondered if that was a typo, or something?
2Yes, as far as we know, Bohrok are inorganic with an organic krana in them. The question is, were they ALWAYS inorganic ...?
5Hi again, Greg. PMing you 'cuz of this topic, about apparently miscolored Visorak. I'd read that you'd said something earlier about something like this actually not being a mistake (and I've posted it in there). Wondered if you knew if that was what was going in this case, or if it was simply a recoloring error?
6(The topic starter was pointing to this as possible proof of more than six species of Visorak... the topic became a spamfest, though, so I've had to close it for now.)
7It's just a colorist error. There wouldn't be a lot of point in us saying, "Do art of Visorak we don't sell:"
1The Bohrok are totally inorganic, right (other than the Krana)? It was brought up in this topic, a few posts down, that they were called "biomechanical" once... wondered if that was a typo, or something?
2Yes, as far as we know, Bohrok are inorganic with an organic krana in them. The question is, were they ALWAYS inorganic ...?
4....Yada yada ya
6Cool. I wonder when we'll find out more about the Bohrok.
7TMD woz 'ere
1Here's another one (I didn't see any need to put it in SPOILERS tags):
2Does Voporak really have Rhotuka-catching catcher claws like Roodaka? And does he ever get to use them?3His don't work the same way, no. He has no need to catch Rhotuka, because any Rhotuka fired at him is going to age before it ever hits him and the power will be so weakened it will have no effect. His claws are used for grabbing enemies so he can age them.

1Well that's creepy.
13Since he can't answer this, I'm just wondering if you guys can help: How many legs does a Kahgarak have?
4This question has been nagging me at the back of my head for a while now, and I hope you can clear it up:
5How many legs does a Kahgarak have?
7As many legs as the set has
8... 9That's exactly my question repeated... the set has... a disputable number of appendages...
10Kahgarak Pic 11If you look at that picture, kahgarak definately has 6 legs, but it has a pair of pincer things, and something else under those. Are those legs, stubby arms, or more pincers?
12Since I don't have the set, there is no way for me to answer this.
13Since he can't answer this, I'm just wondering if you guys can help: How many legs does a Kahgarak have?
1A shocking figure.
10Wow, lots of Toa, eh?
2Hello again.![]()
31) How many Toa fought during the Dark Hunter War? 42)Were there any Toa or Matoran casualties during the Dark Hunter War? 53)Did they use Exo-Toa during the Dark Hunter War?
6Please take your time, and thanks for the great work you do for us here:
71) Over 300 82) I am sure there were some 93) No
10Wow, lots of Toa, eh?
1If you don't want to know who Metru nui's chroniler was
2QUOTE 3Me again::::
41. Who was the Chronicler on Metru nui?
52. Can you gives us a hint about the name of the island of doom?
63. Would the other Toa Haga have Mask powers that are disk powers?
7Thanks For your time::::
91) Kodan 102) No 113) No idea, I never came up with mask powers for them
41. Who was the Chronicler on Metru nui?
52. Can you gives us a hint about the name of the island of doom?
63. Would the other Toa Haga have Mask powers that are disk powers?
7Thanks For your time::::
91) Kodan 102) No 113) No idea, I never came up with mask powers for them

1Well, if you look in my BIONICLE Books topic (which will be updated with this great new info as soon as I can get my cranky computer to work again [I'm using another computer at this point), you'll know that the legend that the "legendary" Kodan ball refers to will be revealed in the Encyclopedia.

1Here are a few more:
8But it does strike me as surprising that he's dead. I wonder what happened?
9My guess: Tried to chronicle what happens when you block up the molten protodermis river...

10What the heck...DO THE NUMA NUMA::: (Even though I have no idea what it is...)

11-Master Dominus
12EDIT: I just noticed that everybody's already made the Pohatu Nuva reference.
1Sorry if I'm bothering you with all these questions - I just keep thinking of more and more. Anyways...
21. When, approximately, do you think BL#1 will start hitting the stores?
32. How many books are you projected to write for the Legends series?
43. Which book is your favourite so far?
5Thanks for everything![]()
71) Not sure. Either late December or late January, I guess 82) Well, assuming Scholastic chooses to keep doing them, Legends should run three years, because that is how long this story arc runs. And we do six books a year. 93) #10
10So...if all goes as approximated by Greg, we should be expecting (Gasp


1"Kodan...where's his sleep sphere?" "He's not sleepin' son-he's dead." I love Red vs. Blue. Intriguing though.
1QUOTE 2can you just clear some stuff up for me?
31: will the legends books be in UK bookstores and Lego brand stores like the cronicles were?
42: will any Adventures books be in the UK
53: what does Lariska look like?
64: does Lewa's air katana get fixed or is he stuck with just 1 air katana
75: will Mavrah return?
8thank you: 9oh and by the way, how much of Dark destiny have you finished?
101-2) No idea. That is up to Scholastic and their deals with UK publishers. 113) Again, no idea -- I don't think visually so I don't come up with what characters look like when I write them 124) Can't discuss 2006 storyline 135) No plans for that right now. I was told by various BZPers that it would cheapen his death if he was brought back, and there is really no valid story reason to bring him back.
31: will the legends books be in UK bookstores and Lego brand stores like the cronicles were?
42: will any Adventures books be in the UK
53: what does Lariska look like?
64: does Lewa's air katana get fixed or is he stuck with just 1 air katana
75: will Mavrah return?
8thank you: 9oh and by the way, how much of Dark destiny have you finished?
101-2) No idea. That is up to Scholastic and their deals with UK publishers. 113) Again, no idea -- I don't think visually so I don't come up with what characters look like when I write them 124) Can't discuss 2006 storyline 135) No plans for that right now. I was told by various BZPers that it would cheapen his death if he was brought back, and there is really no valid story reason to bring him back.
1I got a few questions answered. Edited for your convenience. Comments Questions Answers
2Hello Greg, if you would find the time, would you mind telling me...
31. What was the "price" Roodaka payed for carving a chunk out of Makuta's prison? 41) I don't want to answer this unless you have seen the movie or read the novel. 5I read the novel.
62. How did Roodaka's rock unlock Makuta's prison when it wasn't attatched to it? 72) The scientific equivalent of "sympathetic magic" -- basically, if you have a 8sample of something, in this case a part of the prison, and you destroy that, then you destroy the prison as well.
93. Is it true that Rhotuka are guided through the air by the thrower's thoughts? 103) Yes
114. Rahkshi creation requires two Kraata: One to be exposed to EP, growing into a suit of Rahkshi armor and dying in the process, and another to crawl inside and control the Rahkshi, right? 124) I am not sure "dying" is the right word, it is basically being converted to inorganic matter 13Cool
144a. Do both Kraata have to have the same power? What would happen if they were different? 154a) It's way better to have two of the same kind, as a different kind might not be able to drive it as well 16I can imagine.
175. When Rahi 'eat' other creatures, does their prey disappear or does it become a lifeless carcas with no more absorbable energy? 185) I prefer the lifeless carcass idea. It wouldn't make sense that absorbing the energy would cause the matter to vanish
196. I heard that there was a place in Ga-Metru where Matoran had to go at least once a year and recharge their energy. How much of that is true? 206) Yes 21I'm pretty sure he meant 'all of it'.
227. What caused the Great Cataclysm on Metru Nui? I never figured that one out. 237) Hasn't been revealed yet
24Thanks in advance:
1Sorry if this was already brought up. Questions, Answers .
2Hello, Mr. Farshtey.I have a few questions regarding the differences between the Great Masks and their Noble counterparts.
31.In the middle section of comic 2, Turaga Matau's mask is described as the following:
4Mahiki: The Noble Mask of Illusion 5Allows the user to create illusions to deceive an opponent or escape detection.
6The middle section of comic 16 names Toa Matau's mask as Kanohi Mahiki, the Great Mask of Illusion, suggesting that it's power is the same as its Noble counterpart.However, as we saw in B2:LoMN, Toa Matau refers to his mask power as Shapeshifting, suggesting that he didn't merely appear as another being (Nidhiki, Krekka, etc.), but that he could physically change into that being.
7So my question is thisoes the Great Mahiki allow Shapeshifting in addition to the ability to create illusions, or did Toa Matau simply make himself appear as Nidhiki, Krekka, etc. without physically turning into them (i.e., shapeshifting)?
81) Certain Great Masks have far greater powers than their Noble counterparts. For example, Matau's allows shapeshifting instead of simply illusion-casting, and Whenua's night vision actually allows him to look through solid objects.
92.If the Great Mahiki does allow physically changing one's form, just how much does it copy?For example, if Matau were to shapeshift into Nadhiki, would he gain Nidhiki's ability to shoot those mouth lasers?
102) No, he does not gain the powers.
113.Comic 2's middle section describes Turaga Nokama's mask as: 12Rau: The Noble Mask of Translation 13Allows the user to read the ancient languages, runes, and symbols.
14In B2:LoMN, we saw that Toa Nokama's Great Rau also enabled her to translate spoken languages.So my third and final question is this:Besides the Rau and Mahiki, do any other Great masks (Huna, Ruru, Matatu, or Kamau) offer powers that differ/add to the powers of their Noble counterparts?
153) As I said, Whenua's mask does.
1Here's mine.
2Hey Greg, 3read Web of Shadows a few days ago, really good book, can't wait for the movie.
41.) PlanetPerson asked this 5"5. When Rahi 'eat' other creatures, does their prey disappear or does it become a lifeless carcas with no more absorbable energy? 65) I prefer the lifeless carcass idea. It wouldn't make sense that absorbing the energy would cause the matter to vanish"
7Would the Matoran then use pieces of that lifeless carcass in building something?
82.)This probally the only question about the book, is the appendix. It says "From the Chronicles of Takua, as related by Turaga Vakama:" This confused me somewhat, cause wouldn't this be chronicled by Hahli?
9Looking forward to Book #10:
111) Hmmm, I tend to doubt it, that would be kind of gross in their eyes
122) Unless Takanuva decided to do it himself, in honor of the Turaga, and so used his Matoran name to do so
2Hey Greg, 3read Web of Shadows a few days ago, really good book, can't wait for the movie.
41.) PlanetPerson asked this 5"5. When Rahi 'eat' other creatures, does their prey disappear or does it become a lifeless carcas with no more absorbable energy? 65) I prefer the lifeless carcass idea. It wouldn't make sense that absorbing the energy would cause the matter to vanish"
7Would the Matoran then use pieces of that lifeless carcass in building something?
82.)This probally the only question about the book, is the appendix. It says "From the Chronicles of Takua, as related by Turaga Vakama:" This confused me somewhat, cause wouldn't this be chronicled by Hahli?
9Looking forward to Book #10:
111) Hmmm, I tend to doubt it, that would be kind of gross in their eyes
122) Unless Takanuva decided to do it himself, in honor of the Turaga, and so used his Matoran name to do so
1Here ya go.
21. What is the power of the Battle for Metru Nui playset spinner?
31) They explode whatever they touch.
42. If they were designed to work independently, why were they called Exo-Toa?
52) They weren't designed to work independently. They were originally designed to guard BOM fortresses, and we know the BOM also had Toa to protect them. So it is reasonable to assume that some Toa (even if not the Hagah we know of) may have used them in the past.
63. How high is the Exo-Toa's intelligence?
73) Not that high, they don't have to be. "See and destroy" pretty much covers what they need.
8torritorri 9
21. What is the power of the Battle for Metru Nui playset spinner?
31) They explode whatever they touch.
42. If they were designed to work independently, why were they called Exo-Toa?
52) They weren't designed to work independently. They were originally designed to guard BOM fortresses, and we know the BOM also had Toa to protect them. So it is reasonable to assume that some Toa (even if not the Hagah we know of) may have used them in the past.
63. How high is the Exo-Toa's intelligence?
73) Not that high, they don't have to be. "See and destroy" pretty much covers what they need.
8torritorri 9

1I just asked Greg a couple of questions about the DH contest and I thought I'd post them so here we go:
2Q. When are you going to judge the dark hunter contest?
3A. I am going through entries right now. They are stacked up downstairs in my living room. Winners will probably not be announced until September, as I am out of town for the last two weeks of this month.
4Q. About how many entries did you get for the Dark Hunter contest?
5A. Several thousand
2Q. When are you going to judge the dark hunter contest?
3A. I am going through entries right now. They are stacked up downstairs in my living room. Winners will probably not be announced until September, as I am out of town for the last two weeks of this month.
4Q. About how many entries did you get for the Dark Hunter contest?
5A. Several thousand

11. What is the power of the Battle for Metru Nui playset spinner?
21) They explode whatever they touch.
3Omg: That's so cool: But who controls it's flight path? Strange...
5It's odd. I think Tower of Toa should have that particular exploding power, since it shoots beams of fire and ice at anything intruding.
6Maybe you can say that Vakama (Who, as the traitor, is seen guarding the gate from the other Toa in the BfMN pic on S@H) has charged the great hau with his power, and it's shooting randomly into the chaos.
1Hi Mr. Farshtey. Haven't talked in a while: How is BL 2 coming along? Just a few quick questions --
21. Aren't there technically at the most 997 Matoran on Mata-Nui? Because Kodan, Ihu, and Mavrah all died.
32. Why aren't the Vissies and/or Roodaka mutating Matoran to see what happens?
43. Is the third organization a League of Toa? I think that would be the coolest thing since potato chips:
54. You said that in BA 10 we hear of Mata-Nui actually DOING something. Do we get to hear him speak?
65. Does Artakha exist?
76. Can the "Zomtoran" around Karzahni die? Because it seems to me they're already in the BIONICLE equivalent of Hel l (that would make Artakha Heaven).
87. So, to get Toa Norik, I must buy Toa Iruini at Wal-Mart?
98. If the Toa Nuva leave Metru-Nui, wouldn't it be wise to make Nuhrii, Ahkmou, Orkahm, Tehutti, Ehrye, and Vhisola Toa? Even with Takanuva guarding the city, he can't alone make a protodermis prison. And with the Turaga, they could be a formidable team.
109. Was Metru-Nui the first place to have Matoran?
1110. Are the "what are the stars in the Dome" and "how do the suns rise" questions a biggie in the future, or one of those little fun mysteries? Because you can't tell us how they work.
1211. I have a theory. Even though it was the traitor Matorans' destinies to become Toa, still, it doesn't matter when the Toa are created, just as long as they are called upon to protect the city. So, really, it was not any one person's destiny -- it was a Toa's destiny. Anyone who was "worthy of the name" (-Onua). Am I right?
13Well, until I think of more -- Thanks:
151) No, because there were 1000 Matoran on Metru Nui in LOMN, and Kodan and Ihu were already dead at that point on Mavrah not living there. You are also assuming new Matoran cannot come into being on Metru Nui, which they can.
162) They'll get around to it.
173) No, they are more powerful than Toa
184) No
195) You'll find out in BL #2
206) Yes, they can die
217) Or get it off ebay from someone in Europe
228) First off, the "who should be Toa" storyline isn't done yet. Second, you can't just say, "I will make him a Toa today" -- you become a Toa when it is your destiny to do so.
239) One of the first, probably
2410) They are tied into the central mystery
2511) Wrong, I'm afraid. The destiny of the Toa Nuva, for example, is to awaken Mata Nui. If they die, guess what, Mata Nui isn't being awakened. Every Toa has a destiny to fulfill, and it is THEIR destiny, someone else can't do it. And again, check out BA #10 for the conclusion of the "who was meant to be a Toa" storyline
1ok I have some pretty good info here
2Hi Greg, I have some questions if could answer them.
31.) When will we find out what the collectible is for 2006? 42.) Will Kanohi be featured in 2006-2008? 53.) About when did the rahaga arrive in metru-nui? 64.) Will we get a collectible as great as kanohi or kraata soon? 75.) I re-read Bionicle Adventures #5 and what was the thing to the left? The thing that made the ship almost melt 86.) I also re-read Bionicle Adventures #6 and if the tunnels in the maze were tunnels for the bohrok then was the path to the left the way to the bahrag's lair? 97.) Who or what made the carving in the great barrier and the karzahni lair? 108.) When will we find out what the kraata/krana thing is that controlled onewa? 119.) I've re-read just about every Bionicle book and I've noticed that you've put a clue to the next year's story in every book at the end of the year (Nokama showing Gali the carving in tales of the masks, the visorak warning in Maze of Shadows) Will there be a clue to 2006in time trap? 1210.) If the Bohrok can't function without krana then how did the matoran use them? 1311.) Do the matoran still have control over the bohrok? 1412.) If yes then will they take the bohrok with them to metru-nui? 1513.) Will the turaga gain control of the vahki when they return to metru-nui? 1614.) Are Rhotuka stronger than kanoka?
171) Don't know. Earliest I would imagine would be after ToyFair in NYC in October, if someone leaks news from it to BZP. 182) There are new masks in some of the sets in 2006 193) Good question. I have probably answered this elsewhere, but don't remember, but certainly a while before the events of LOMN 204) All I know about is next year's, collectables for 2007 and 2008 have not been planned yet 215) Just another sea creature 226) Not necessarily, no 237) Hasn't been revealed yet 248) Well, it shows up again in BA #10, if that is any help 259) Sort of, but it's very subtle -- has to do with Toa Krakua 2610) They can't carry out their mission without krana, but they are still able to operate -- just not as efficiently and they tend to be kind of aimless. 2711) No. When the Bohrok-Kal were active, all the Bohrok returned to their nests to await the Bahrag being freed. That is why you did not see active Bohrok in MOL 2813) You are assuming any Vahki are still there. If you have been following this year's books, you know not that many survived the events of LOMN and the Visorak are picking off the ones that are around 2914) Potentially, yes, because you can charge up a Rhotuka, as the Toa Hordika do, and up its power. With a Kanoka, you are stuck with whatever power level it is at.
19.) I've re-read just about every Bionicle book and I've noticed that you've put a clue to the next year's story in every book at the end of the year (Nokama showing Gali the carving in tales of the masks, the visorak warning in Maze of Shadows) Will there be a clue to 2006in time trap?
29) Sort of, but it's very subtle -- has to do with Toa Krakua
3Very cool...I wonder if anyone will be able to detect it. A fun activity to do in your spare time...

19.) I've re-read just about every Bionicle book and I've noticed that you've put a clue to the next year's story in every book at the end of the year (Nokama showing Gali the carving in tales of the masks, the visorak warning in Maze of Shadows) Will there be a clue to 2006 in time trap? 29) Sort of, but it's very subtle -- has to do with Toa Krakua
3Heh, never noticed that. Another reason I can't wait for Time Trap:
4More Q's from my inner schizophrenic

51. Who controls the BfMN playest spinner's flight path, and is it fired from some kind of cannon or something?
61) It's fired from a launcher, and I would assume the firer controls it flight path.
7Also, just making sure, the Exo-Toa's intelligence is A.I., right?
82) I'd assume it would have to be
9Ther ya go.
10torritorri 11

11. Who controls the BfMN playest spinner's flight path, and is it fired from some kind of cannon or something?
21) It's fired from a launcher, and I would assume the firer controls it flight path.
3That makes sense. But wait, the power is determined by the character, isn't it? So who has that power?

19.) I've re-read just about every Bionicle book and I've noticed that you've put a clue to the next year's story in every book at the end of the year (Nokama showing Gali the carving in tales of the masks, the visorak warning in Maze of Shadows) Will there be a clue to 2006in time trap?
29) Sort of, but it's very subtle -- has to do with Toa Krakua
3Very cool...I wonder if anyone will be able to detect it. A fun activity to do in your spare time...
5The thing about BZPers is the fact that nothing is "subtle" to them. If you take a look at some of the topics in S&T you'll see that even the most obscure thing (sometimes it isn't even put there intentionally) is found, posted, and discussed the heck out of.
6So I have no doubt that whoever gets Time Trap first will be the member who reports the hint(s).
1I agree, I remember when I first came here like two or three years ago people would discuss the miscolors in the comics, even down to 'How did Lewa get that little splotch on his foot'...