1On the subject of movies -- I know the new brand manager was very impressed with B3, but whether that will translate into more movies in future, I do not know. The first thing that would have to happen is we would have to have a studio interested in producing it and marketing it, as LEGO Company is not equipped to make movies.
1And just to be clear -- the new villain sets do not have "Toa" anywhere in their name, since they aren't Toa. So you might be better off just referring to them as "2006 villains" to minimize confusion.
3So in other words, the 2006 Matoran do not think the villains are Toa, but just heroes, right?
4Thanks for your time, Greg.
5Wrong. What I said there was that the SETS do not have Toa in their name -- had nothing to do with storyline.
6In other words, the 2006 Matoran do think that the villains are Toa, but in reality they are not.
1Even the Hagah, who had never resided in Metru Nui, had the same sort of Matoraform elemental division that I think we can expect the new Matoran and the Toa Pseudo to have.
2Where did you get Toa Pseudo?
4The term Toa Pseudo was actually my pet name for the new villains of 2006. It seems that everyone has started using it though...
5EDIT: This just came in from the big G
6Sorry I haven't been PMing but life has finally caught up with me. Now the questions...
71.83)Does anyone have the influence to alter the apperance of a Rahkshi when a Kraata undergo a transformation?
9What I meant here was that, during a Kraata's transformation from Kraata to Rahkshi, can the apperance of the armor be changed by anyone during the transformation? If so, then who may have such a power?
102. Have the Bohrok ever been awakened before the last Bohrok strike?
113. How does a Kanohi stick onto the face of a Matoran/Toa/Turaga?
124. How many years has it been from the time of Artakha and Karzahni up till present day(the time of the Toa Nuva)?
135. Have the Visorak ever revolted against Sidorak and Roodaka before?
146. ...and on the subject of Visorak: Were the Visorak ever led by anyone prior to Sidorak and Roodaka?
157. Were there any more variants of the Vahki that were built by Nuparu other than the eight known Vahki types?
168.How would you feel or do if the story team turned Bionicle into an all-out violent blood-fest? (Personal question, no need to answer this)
171) No, not to my knowledge 182) It's entirely possible 193) If I had to take a wild guess, based on things I have seen elsewhere, I would say magnetism 204) A lot. Could have been as much as 50,000-100,000 years, or more. 215) No. They had no reason to. Visorak live to conquer, as long as their leaders are bringing them to places they can conquer, why revolt? 226) Temporarily, perhaps, but not for any serious operations. 237) No 248) Well, first off, the only way that could happen would be if I were part of the decision -- because I am on the story team, and it's not that big of a team. And what I would probably feel is that it really doesn't match the spirit of BIONICLE -- I have no objection to adding more action to the stories at all, and think we should, but if it is just about violence then it is the same as 1000 other things already out there. And second, I would be looking for another job, as we would probably all get fired.
1And second, I would be looking for another job, as we would probably all get fired.
2Heh heh... 3Anyway, on to my latest batch. Questions bold, answers normal, comments blue 41. Can Krahka use a power she has never seen used if she has encountered a being with that power? 5Yes.
62. On a related note, can she use the mask powers of beings she has encountered? 7No.
83. Which happened first, the Toa-DH war or the Kanohi Dragon incident? 9Kanohi Dragon incident.
104. Do all members of Roodaka's species have the ability to catch Rhotuka? 11We haven't met many others, so too soon to tell.
125. Are there any plans to show where Roodaka or Sidorak came from? 13Not in main storyline right now, no. 14I didn't think so, but Roodaka's homeland sounds like an interesting place, what with mountains that try to eat you and all.
156. If a Matoran were mutated by Visorak venom, would his mask fuse to his face a la the Toa Hordika? 16Possibly, but the whole reason for doing experiments is that Visorak mutations are unpredictable.
177. Can Keetongu fire a Rhotuka if he has not absorbed an attack? 18Yes, it would contain the power of whatever the last attack was he absorbed. If he never absorbed an attack, then it would have no effect at all.
198. Will the playsets be making any appearances in the comics? 20Yes. 21Should be interesting, eh?
229. Speaking of the playsets, does the Rhotuka in the Battle of Metru Nui set have any specific power? 23He didn't answer this one.
2410. The six imposter Toa for next year will be canister sets, correct?
2511. Will those characters have masks? 26I can't discuss 2006 sets.
27- ToP (and GregF)
1A few thingeys.
2- - - - -
31. On Mata Nui the Matoran proved themselves capable warriors (which is why I loved the online Flash videos). Will they continue in the future or revert to their previous, more helpless state? 4they will continue to become more self-sufficient 5(Excellent
62. Can Hordika mask/faces be infected? 7no
83. Can Roporak drain energy from mechanics, or just living things? 9just living things
103. Can Kahgarak and Venom Flyers make paralysis spinners like typical Visorak? 11no
124. The Kanohi in LoMN only glowed while in use to let viewers know what was happening, correct? Or do Kanohi usually glow while being used (we haven't seen it elsewhere)? 13yes, that was why 14(So score another one against movie credibility
155. Could Nuju Hordika use his tools to, say, charge up a rock and hurl it like an "ice bomb," freezing Visorak upon impact? Or Vakama charge up a doorway so that anyone trying to pass would erupt in flames? 16no, they can only be used to charge up spinners 17(Then how'd they charge that wall on the Tower of Toa?)
18- - - - -
2- - - - -
31. On Mata Nui the Matoran proved themselves capable warriors (which is why I loved the online Flash videos). Will they continue in the future or revert to their previous, more helpless state? 4they will continue to become more self-sufficient 5(Excellent

62. Can Hordika mask/faces be infected? 7no
83. Can Roporak drain energy from mechanics, or just living things? 9just living things
103. Can Kahgarak and Venom Flyers make paralysis spinners like typical Visorak? 11no
124. The Kanohi in LoMN only glowed while in use to let viewers know what was happening, correct? Or do Kanohi usually glow while being used (we haven't seen it elsewhere)? 13yes, that was why 14(So score another one against movie credibility

155. Could Nuju Hordika use his tools to, say, charge up a rock and hurl it like an "ice bomb," freezing Visorak upon impact? Or Vakama charge up a doorway so that anyone trying to pass would erupt in flames? 16no, they can only be used to charge up spinners 17(Then how'd they charge that wall on the Tower of Toa?)
18- - - - -
1Here's my latest batch of questions from me & answers from Greg:
2PM #1:
14PM #2:
2PM #1:
13Comments: I have no comments on this PM because it's self explanitory.3Hi Mr. Fartashy, 4I have just a few questions for you:
51) Is there a name for Roodaka's species? If so what is it?
62) Are Roodaka and Sidorak of the same species? If the answer is no, then what is the name of his species?
73) In comic #24, Roodaka and another green male of her species climb the dangerous acid mountain. Is this an initiation ceremony for their species, or what?
8Thanks for your time, I really appreciate it.9~LORDs_angellos~
101-2) We have not named the species, because it hasn't been important to the story that we do so. No, they are not the same species, they come from different islands.
113) It's a rite of passage.

14PM #2:
21Comments: 22I got this answer a while ago, but it's still helpful because in it Greg says that one of the Toa Hagah wil be in a co-pack and the other will be sold individualy. Well, Toa Iruni is being sold individually, so that means that Toa Norik will be sold in a co-pack: I wonder what he'll come with? :thinking:15Hi Mr. Fartshey, just one question: 16How much (In USD) will the Toa Hagah retail for?
17Thanks for your time, 18~LORDs_angellos~
19Not sure. Last I had heard, one would be sold separately, and the other would only be available as a co-pack, but I have no idea if that is still the case. If they are sold separately, they would probably cost the same as a Toa set.

1Here's something on next year's island and the most influential masks in BIONICLE history...
21. Is the Island of Doom the place where the original Karzahni's lair is?
3A: No
42. If yes to Q1, then is the presence of the Karzahni or his lair the reason why the Visorak never invaded the island?
5A: He didn't answer this one
63. Is the Island of Doom pretty advanced like Metru Nui, or is it like Mata Nui? Maybe perhaps a mixture?
7A: Can't answer it, wait for 2006
84. Does the IoD's name have a "Nui" at the end? It will be boring, then, if all the islands end with Nui...
9A: Why? How do you know "nui" does not mean "island" in Matoran?
105. Is Turaga Dume aware of the presence of the Avohkii?
11A: In Metru Nui? No, how would he be? He wasn't aware of the presence of the Rahaga, so why would he be aware of what they brought to the city?
126. When will we find out the origins of the Kraahkan?
13A: No idea
147. Is there only one Kraahkan and one Avohkii that exists?
15A: As far as I know, yes
168. Is the Kraahkan and the Avohkii the same mask?
17A: Um, no -- how would that be possible? You saw two different characters wearing them in the same scene
189. Which existed earlier? The Kraahkan or the Avohkii?
19A: Don't have this info, as it hasn't been relevant to the storyline
2010. Lastly, was the Kraahkan created prior to the revolution of the BoM? In other words, did it exist before or after they turned to evil?
21A: Same answer as 9
21. Is the Island of Doom the place where the original Karzahni's lair is?
3A: No
42. If yes to Q1, then is the presence of the Karzahni or his lair the reason why the Visorak never invaded the island?
5A: He didn't answer this one
63. Is the Island of Doom pretty advanced like Metru Nui, or is it like Mata Nui? Maybe perhaps a mixture?
7A: Can't answer it, wait for 2006
84. Does the IoD's name have a "Nui" at the end? It will be boring, then, if all the islands end with Nui...
9A: Why? How do you know "nui" does not mean "island" in Matoran?
105. Is Turaga Dume aware of the presence of the Avohkii?
11A: In Metru Nui? No, how would he be? He wasn't aware of the presence of the Rahaga, so why would he be aware of what they brought to the city?
126. When will we find out the origins of the Kraahkan?
13A: No idea
147. Is there only one Kraahkan and one Avohkii that exists?
15A: As far as I know, yes
168. Is the Kraahkan and the Avohkii the same mask?
17A: Um, no -- how would that be possible? You saw two different characters wearing them in the same scene
189. Which existed earlier? The Kraahkan or the Avohkii?
19A: Don't have this info, as it hasn't been relevant to the storyline
2010. Lastly, was the Kraahkan created prior to the revolution of the BoM? In other words, did it exist before or after they turned to evil?
21A: Same answer as 9
1One more:
41) Hahli chose to let Takanuva write that particular Chronicle, since there was a connection between the Toa Hagah and the Mask of Light. And Takanuva, for sentimental reasons, chose to "sign" it with his Matoran name, the name under which he had been Chronicler.BA #9: Web of Shadows (I don't have the book but this quote's from Lewa Freakazoid) 2Whether they wait for us still in Metru Nui or not, Takua, they deserve to be remembered as the greatest of Toa.
3Shouldn't the TAKUA be HAHLI instead?

Jabbadeep & GregF 14. Does the IoD's name have a "Nui" at the end? It will be boring, then, if all the islands end with Nui...
2A: Why? How do you know "nui" does not mean "island" in Matoran?
3I'd say, because it's at the end of Mata Nui, and that's a name. But that's just a guess.
5Actually, Nui means great... Spirit-Great... City-Great... Great-Scorpion Great-Fly etc.
6TMD woz 'ere
1I thought we already knew that "Nui" means great? Metru Nui, Nui-Jaga, Tarakava Nui, Nui-Kopen, etc.
1Here's some info. There's not that much.
13I kind of like the last sentence in the answer to Q. 3.
2Hello, Mr. Farshtey.I hope you can answer these questions.
31) If, and only if, the planet that Mata Nui, the island, is on isn't Earth then, should we call Whenua's element, "ground" or "dirt?"
42) What exactly happened to the Ussanui?
53) If there's real water surrounding Mata Nui and the Silver Sea is Liquid Protodermis, then does the Toa Metru of Water control only the water part of the Liquid Protodermis?
64) Do you pronouce "Visorak" as Vih-SOHR-ak or Vih-ZOHR-ak or neither?
7Thanks in advance.
8-The White Wizard
91) I think that would be overcomplicating matters 102) It crashed in MOL 113) You're assuming there is a water part of liquid protodermis. The Toa Metru of Water controls liquid protodermis -- Gali, since there was none around, controlled normal water. She will now have to learn to manipulate liquid protodermis the way she did water. 124) The former
13I kind of like the last sentence in the answer to Q. 3.
1Here's another large batch of Q&A for you guys
, 32

2Hi Mr. Greg,
3I've got a bunch of questions for you:
41) If Mata Nui fell asleep during LOMN, how come Vakama still receives visions in BA5 and BA6?
52) I have heard you say that the Visorak are the BOM main army. Since it doesn't make sence that the BOM would want to have all their troops in one area for obvious tactical reasons, is it possible that not all the Visorak are on Metru Nui, and that there are multiple armies of Visorak operating throughout the Bionicle world?
63) I just received the Summer Lego S@H Catalog , and in it Roodaka was described as the Queen of the Visorak. Has the storyteam changed its mind about Roodaka's position? Or is she both Viceroy and Queen?
74) Did the Toa Hagah have many adventures before they became Makuta's guardians?
85) Did the Toa Hagah have to prove their mettle to Makuta in order for them to chose them to be his guardians?
96) Who were the Toa Hagah protecting Makuta against?
107) Where the Toa Metru the first matoran to become Toa? I am curious about this because Whenua says "Since when are Matoran just zapped into Toa?" and he is the history buff.
118) How much time passed while Vakama and company where Toa? (Including being Hordika)
129) Were the Visorak just normal Rahi before the BOM trained them for their army, or did the BOM create them for their army?
1310) Did the Great Beings create and send the Toa to Mata Nui, or were they in action before Mata Nui?
1411) I do not think The Shadowed One would fight Makuta unless he had a plan to beat him. Does he?
1512) Lastly, I own every Bionicle set released in 2004, and all the ones for 2005 that have been released in the United States. I am a big fan, but I do not own the Toa Nuva.I know that you have said that TLC has no plans to re-release them in 2006, which is a bummer for me. It almost seems pointless to buy these cool new bad guys for '06 if you don't have anybody to battle with them. Does TLC have any plans to ever, in the next few years, rerelease the Toa Nuva? I really hope so:
16Thanks for taking the time to read & answer all these questions.![]()
181) Who said he is getting his visions directly from an awake Mata Nui? Just because he credits Mata Nui with them doesn't mean Mata Nui is dialing him long distance. I know people on Earth who have natural talents, like saying running really fast -- and credit them to the deity worshipped by their religion under whatever name -- doesn't mean that deity was physically pushing them down the track. 192) You are assuming the BOM would need to leave some Visorak behind to garrison against something. But there is nothing to garrison against, because there is no organized military force opposing the BOM. 203) No, she's viceroy. SAH just got it wrong. They even got it wrong at the very start of the movie, even though it is stated clearly later in the film that she is NOT the queen. 214) Yes 225) Yes 236) Primarily against Rahi attacks, natural disasters, stuff like that -- stuff he could handle, but didn't want to have to be bothered with 247) They were the first Metru Nui Matoran to become Toa, not necessarily the first Matoran ever. 258) Oh, I would say a few months 269) They were created specifically for this purpose 2710) I can't answer that -- I don't have sufficient info 2811) Well, yes and no -- the Shadowed One is powerful enough to beat most beings, but he really has no time to make a plan because he doesn't show up expecting to have to fight Makuta 2912) Our reasons for not releasing the Toa Nuva will be made clear by early next year. I can't discuss anything about it until then.

1... 21) If, and only if, the planet that Mata Nui, the island, is on isn't Earth then, should we call Whenua's element, "ground" or "dirt?" 3..1) I think that would be overcomplicating matters 4..
5You should realize, on this subject, that in English, "earth" means dirt and ground. Just because it's the same spelling as the name of the planet doesn't mean it always means the planet.

1... 21) If, and only if, the planet that Mata Nui, the island, is on isn't Earth then, should we call Whenua's element, "ground" or "dirt?" 3..1) I think that would be overcomplicating matters 4..
5You should realize, on this subject, that in English, "earth" means dirt and ground. Just because it's the same spelling as the name of the planet doesn't mean it always means the planet.Dirt on any planet can be called earth. Or, looking at it another way... Whenua isn't the Toa of a planet, is he?
6Like telling someone in the future to go dig up some mars.

7Adding my word...
112) Lastly, I own every Bionicle set released in 2004, and all the ones for 2005 that have been released in the United States.I am a big fan, butI do not own the Toa Nuva.I know that you have said that TLC has no plans to re-release them in 2006, which is a bummer for me.It almost seems pointless to buy these cool new bad guys for '06 if you don't have anybody to battle with them.Does TLC have any plans to ever, in the next few years, rerelease the Toa Nuva? I really hope so:
2Probably the reason they arent rereleasing them is the same reason they didnt 3rerelease the Turaga or any past sets, Or they are gonna release more technicly 4advanced versions.
112) Lastly, I own every Bionicle set released in 2004, and all the ones for 2005 that have been released in the United States. I am a big fan, but I do not own the Toa Nuva. I know that you have said that TLC has no plans to re-release them in 2006, which is a bummer for me. It almost seems pointless to buy these cool new bad guys for '06 if you don't have anybody to battle with them. Does TLC have any plans to ever, in the next few years, rerelease the Toa Nuva? I really hope so:
2Probably the reason they arent rereleasing them is the same reason they didnt 3rerelease the Turaga or any past sets, Or they are gonna release more technicly 4advanced versions.
5Well, Greg said they aren't going to re-release the Toa Nuva, so that's out of the question.
GregF 612) Our reasons for not releasing the Toa Nuva will be made clear by early next year. I can't discuss anything about it until then.
7Here's a new PM from Greg:
8Hi Mr. Greg, 9On S@H for the US, you can get all the new sets (Visorak, Titans, Playsets, & Toa Hagah) exept for Toa Norik. Why isn't he on there? And are the new sets out in regular stores now, or are they only available at S@H untill August?I'm confused.
10Thanks for clearing it up for me, 11LORDs_angellos
12Norik is not in SAH because it is a Wal-Mart exclusive. I have no idea what is in stores or not, you are better off asking BZPers if they have seen them.
13Comments: 14Sweet: A Wal-Mart exclusive: We have lots of Wal-Marts around where I live: I gotta get that....


112) Lastly, I own every Bionicle set released in 2004, and all the ones for 2005 that have been released in the United States. I am a big fan, but I do not own the Toa Nuva. I know that you have said that TLC has no plans to re-release them in 2006, which is a bummer for me. It almost seems pointless to buy these cool new bad guys for '06 if you don't have anybody to battle with them. Does TLC have any plans to ever, in the next few years, rerelease the Toa Nuva? I really hope so:
2Probably the reason they arent rereleasing them is the same reason they didnt 3rerelease the Turaga or any past sets, Or they are gonna release more technicly 4advanced versions.
5Well, Greg said they aren't going to re-release the Toa Nuva, so that's out of the question.GregF 612) Our reasons for not releasing the Toa Nuva will be made clear by early next year. I can't discuss anything about it until then.
7Here's a new PM from Greg:8Hi Mr. Greg, 9On S@H for the US, you can get all the new sets (Visorak, Titans, Playsets, & Toa Hagah) exept for Toa Norik. Why isn't he on there? And are the new sets out in regular stores now, or are they only available at S@H untill August?I'm confused.
10Thanks for clearing it up for me, 11LORDs_angellos
12Norik is not in SAH because it is a Wal-Mart exclusive. I have no idea what is in stores or not, you are better off asking BZPers if they have seen them.
13Comments: 14Sweet: A Wal-Mart exclusive: We have lots of Wal-Marts around where I live: I gotta get that....![]()
16I already answered you in this post that Toa Norik will be available only in a 2-pack with Toa Iruini at Wal-Mart in America.
1About time I posted here. These are some outlandish questions, but he was able to answer some of them well.
2Q: Now that Takua is a Toa, will Pewku remain his closest companion, or will Takanuva's adventures be so dangerous he'll have to entrust her to the new Chronicler, Hahli? If not, what's going to happen to her?
3A: My guess is he will give Pewku to Jaller, since Jaller is his best friend.
4Q: Can you confirm that the Toa Nuva's destiny is to awaken Mata Nui, and once they do, they will have the choice of remaining a Toa hero or becoming a Turaga?
5A: Their destiny is to awaken Mata Nui. Once that is accomplished, they most likely will at some point get the opportunity to sacrifice their Toa power for the common good. If they choose to do so, they will become Turaga.
6Q: Right now in my epic which chronicles the legend of Bionicle as it is, I'm working on the MNOG2 part of the storyline. What I'd like to know is which event in MNOG2 meets up with the beginning of the movie? I'm assuming it's right before the final Kolhii match in Ta-Koro, but I can't be sure. Would you know?
7A: Sorry, no -- I had nothing to do with the development of the online games, that was all handled outside of LEGO, so I don't have much in the way of info on them.
8Q: In MoL, did the Turaga ever tell the Matoran what the names of the slug-like creatures in the Rahkshi were?
9A: Not in the movie, no, because there weren't a lot of Turaga-Matoran scenes in it. But Matoro would have already known, because he translates for Nuju.
10Q: What exactly is lava farming?
11A: Lava farming is the gathering and channelling of lava so it can be cooled inside molds and thus used to make things. It was necessitated by the fact that Matoran on Mata Nui do not have access to vast amounts of liquid protodermis (not as much as they used to, anyway) and until the coming of Tahu had no way to superheat it.
12Q: In Keetongu's bio it says that Keetongu's armour is continually moving and rotating to reflect attacks. Could it also " oscillate ", like the motion of a hoop on your hip?
13A: Ah, I see. The shield array is the tool he holds, Takuta, that's not his armour. That's what confused me about your earlier question. It spins around, like a fan.
14Q: Will there be another " Mega-Set " this year? I'm referring to the Takutanuva/Ultimate Dume style with the major sets combined.
15A: Most likely it will be the Voporak set.
16Q: About how many Visorak would you say there are altogether? Are all of them presently on Metru Nui?
17A: I saw it as more 750-900 total
18Q: Is Makuta the leader of the Brotherhood of Makuta?
19A: Not necessarily.
20Q: In MoL, all we saw of Takutanuva's powers was a revival of Jaller's life. I'm sure that was just a fraction of his full capability. Do you have a list of his powers, or at least an idea of the full extent of his strength?
21Wait, so if part of Makuta's life-force was used to revive Jaller, then does that mean it was " poured " into him, or just " used ", then returned to Makuta's life-force?
22If those are the powers he has, then can he combine them into new powers, or all of them into one land-shaking blast?
23A: Actually, that was not so much a power as it was using part of Makuta's life force to bring him back. Takutanuva had all of Makuta's powers, including the 42 Rahkshi powers, and all of Takanuva's powers.
241) You can't give life force to someone and then have it flow back into you. If it did, the person you gave it to would drop dead.
252) He can't combine them into new powers, no. It's possible he could use more than one power at once, however.
26Q: Does the Bahrag combiner (spider-like creature) have a name? Will it ever play a role in the story, even if it's just a Rahi?
27A: No, it doesn't have a name because it was never part of the story. While I won't say it's impossible it will ever appear in the story, I think it unlikely because it is a three year old set. So the only way it is going to show up is if I come up with some role for it in the books.
28Q(1): What is this Toa Nui I've heard about?
29A(1): Theoretically, if six Toa ever merged together, they would form a being called a Toa Nui. However, it has never happened, so it is just a theory.
30Q(2): Ah, interesting. Is there any chance of that happening in the future?
31A(2): Nothing planned along those lines, no.
32Q: If you'll look here, you can see we're discussing how the carvers in Po-Metru were able to carve a Matoran face, when the fact is that Matoran couldn't survive without masks, so that'd be possibly life-risking. If you could kindly answer that question, we'd be grateful.
33Oh, and this rises another question: Did any Matoran other than Ga-Matoran have translucent masks?
34A: 1) Well, two things here. One, a Matoran does not go into a coma the second he takes his mask off -- Matoran have been shown online taking their masks off and exchanging them, etc. No, they can't leave their masks off for long, that is true -- but haven't you ever heard of an artist creating something from memory?
352) No idea.
36So that's pretty much it. Once I think up another batch of questions and he answers them, I'll post 'em here.
2Q: Now that Takua is a Toa, will Pewku remain his closest companion, or will Takanuva's adventures be so dangerous he'll have to entrust her to the new Chronicler, Hahli? If not, what's going to happen to her?
3A: My guess is he will give Pewku to Jaller, since Jaller is his best friend.
4Q: Can you confirm that the Toa Nuva's destiny is to awaken Mata Nui, and once they do, they will have the choice of remaining a Toa hero or becoming a Turaga?
5A: Their destiny is to awaken Mata Nui. Once that is accomplished, they most likely will at some point get the opportunity to sacrifice their Toa power for the common good. If they choose to do so, they will become Turaga.
6Q: Right now in my epic which chronicles the legend of Bionicle as it is, I'm working on the MNOG2 part of the storyline. What I'd like to know is which event in MNOG2 meets up with the beginning of the movie? I'm assuming it's right before the final Kolhii match in Ta-Koro, but I can't be sure. Would you know?
7A: Sorry, no -- I had nothing to do with the development of the online games, that was all handled outside of LEGO, so I don't have much in the way of info on them.
8Q: In MoL, did the Turaga ever tell the Matoran what the names of the slug-like creatures in the Rahkshi were?
9A: Not in the movie, no, because there weren't a lot of Turaga-Matoran scenes in it. But Matoro would have already known, because he translates for Nuju.
10Q: What exactly is lava farming?
11A: Lava farming is the gathering and channelling of lava so it can be cooled inside molds and thus used to make things. It was necessitated by the fact that Matoran on Mata Nui do not have access to vast amounts of liquid protodermis (not as much as they used to, anyway) and until the coming of Tahu had no way to superheat it.
12Q: In Keetongu's bio it says that Keetongu's armour is continually moving and rotating to reflect attacks. Could it also " oscillate ", like the motion of a hoop on your hip?
13A: Ah, I see. The shield array is the tool he holds, Takuta, that's not his armour. That's what confused me about your earlier question. It spins around, like a fan.
14Q: Will there be another " Mega-Set " this year? I'm referring to the Takutanuva/Ultimate Dume style with the major sets combined.
15A: Most likely it will be the Voporak set.
16Q: About how many Visorak would you say there are altogether? Are all of them presently on Metru Nui?
17A: I saw it as more 750-900 total
18Q: Is Makuta the leader of the Brotherhood of Makuta?
19A: Not necessarily.
20Q: In MoL, all we saw of Takutanuva's powers was a revival of Jaller's life. I'm sure that was just a fraction of his full capability. Do you have a list of his powers, or at least an idea of the full extent of his strength?
21Wait, so if part of Makuta's life-force was used to revive Jaller, then does that mean it was " poured " into him, or just " used ", then returned to Makuta's life-force?
22If those are the powers he has, then can he combine them into new powers, or all of them into one land-shaking blast?
23A: Actually, that was not so much a power as it was using part of Makuta's life force to bring him back. Takutanuva had all of Makuta's powers, including the 42 Rahkshi powers, and all of Takanuva's powers.
241) You can't give life force to someone and then have it flow back into you. If it did, the person you gave it to would drop dead.
252) He can't combine them into new powers, no. It's possible he could use more than one power at once, however.
26Q: Does the Bahrag combiner (spider-like creature) have a name? Will it ever play a role in the story, even if it's just a Rahi?
27A: No, it doesn't have a name because it was never part of the story. While I won't say it's impossible it will ever appear in the story, I think it unlikely because it is a three year old set. So the only way it is going to show up is if I come up with some role for it in the books.
28Q(1): What is this Toa Nui I've heard about?
29A(1): Theoretically, if six Toa ever merged together, they would form a being called a Toa Nui. However, it has never happened, so it is just a theory.
30Q(2): Ah, interesting. Is there any chance of that happening in the future?
31A(2): Nothing planned along those lines, no.
32Q: If you'll look here, you can see we're discussing how the carvers in Po-Metru were able to carve a Matoran face, when the fact is that Matoran couldn't survive without masks, so that'd be possibly life-risking. If you could kindly answer that question, we'd be grateful.
33Oh, and this rises another question: Did any Matoran other than Ga-Matoran have translucent masks?
34A: 1) Well, two things here. One, a Matoran does not go into a coma the second he takes his mask off -- Matoran have been shown online taking their masks off and exchanging them, etc. No, they can't leave their masks off for long, that is true -- but haven't you ever heard of an artist creating something from memory?
352) No idea.
36So that's pretty much it. Once I think up another batch of questions and he answers them, I'll post 'em here.
1Right on page 147, or I've got the quote right here:
5Yes, yes, I was the one who originally said that. I was talking with Greg once, and he asked me what would be the best way to make the '06 villains seem evil: beating the Toa Nuva, or beating the Visorak. I said, what about both? He said, that's an option. So, later he started to confirm that he would do that, but I assumed that it would be a 3-way battle, but now it looks like its not so. Perhaps the '06 villains defeat the Visorak, then later come after the Toa Nuva?

1Another quick one: 2I believe someone claimed that it was a Toa Nuva-Visorak-'06 villain battle. Is that correct?3No, it's not true. The Visorak and the Toa Nuva do not appear in the same scene.
4I didn't see any need to put that in spoiler tags...
6This shows that it is impossible to have a three-way battle....
1Now do you know anything about the sets of 2006?