11. Who controls the BfMN playest spinner's flight path, and is it fired from some kind of cannon or something?
21) It's fired from a launcher, and I would assume the firer controls it flight path.
3That makes sense. But wait, the power is determined by the character, isn't it? So who has that power?
5I believe it may be that the Coliseum itself houses enough power to create its own energy. After all, the BoMN is the gate into the building. I think it is a bit like the sea of protodermis, you can control it, but the sea itself is all done by the coliseum.
1But in the online commercial you see the Hau-gate, and there is no sign of any Rhotuka launch system what so ever.
1Even more Qs from Greg, coming up:
21. The thing that melted the steel bar in the "Hordika and the MoL" episode 1 was a lava eel, right? 31) Yes 4Just making sure...
52 You say the BfMN playset spinner is fired from a launcher. But if the user determines a spinner's power, how can the spinner's power always be that it explodes whatever it touches? 62) Simple. The Visorak assigned to that launcher are mutated by Roodaka. When you are mutated, your spinner power changes. Theirs ends up being explosive. 7Oooo...creepy
8Comments in italics
9torritorri 10
21. The thing that melted the steel bar in the "Hordika and the MoL" episode 1 was a lava eel, right? 31) Yes 4Just making sure...
52 You say the BfMN playset spinner is fired from a launcher. But if the user determines a spinner's power, how can the spinner's power always be that it explodes whatever it touches? 62) Simple. The Visorak assigned to that launcher are mutated by Roodaka. When you are mutated, your spinner power changes. Theirs ends up being explosive. 7Oooo...creepy
8Comments in italics
9torritorri 10

12 You say the BfMN playset spinner is fired from a launcher. But if the user determines a spinner's power, how can the spinner's power always be that it explodes whatever it touches? 22) Simple. The Visorak assigned to that launcher are mutated by Roodaka. When you are mutated, your spinner power changes. Theirs ends up being explosive.
3So she can even control the Rhotuka power. I guess the character doesn't decide the size of the Rhotuka. Unless...

1Heres a batch from me

2Hello Greg, Some more questions
31. If you approach Voporak using the Vahi, will you be effected by his 4power? 52. Would Makuta's shadow hand be effected by Voporaks power?
63. Can Voporak turn off his force field?
74. Besides Rhotuka are Visorak changed any other way when mutated?
85. Have you come up with any new powers for Karzahni (the evil dude 9not plant) yet?
106. If the answer to 5 is yes then what are they?
117. How many Bionicle books are planned for next year?
128. Is there another split release next year?
139. Are there any Vahki left in the Toa nuva timeline?
14Thanks for now
151) Yes. The Vahi can speed up or slow down time around a target, it's not going to keep him from aging you if he gets a hand on you. 162) Yes. It's energy, and all energy is affected by the passage of time. 173) Yes 184) Sure 195) I only showed him with the one power, because he really doesn't need more than that in the story. 207) Right now, four novels and two guidebooks 218) No 229) I can't answer that
113.) Will the Turaga gain control of the Vahki when they return to Metru Nui?
213) You are assuming any Vahki are still there. If you have been following this year's books, you know not that many survived the events of LOMN and the Visorak are picking off the ones that are around.
39) Are there any Vahki left in the Toa nuva timeline?
49) I can't answer that.


19) Are there any Vahki left in the Toa nuva timeline?
29) I can't answer that.
4I'm sure there has to be some, at least some vahki who were never activated and hidden in a aplace the visorak didn't know of.
58. Is there another split release next year? 68) No
7good I didn't like the spilt release
1Here are some questions that I recently asked.
2Hi Mr. Farshtey, I had a few questions that I wanted to ask you.
31. From the information that I have heard roodaka can control what she mutates things into is that correct?
42. If that is true would it be possible for the rahaga to hunt down another of her species and get it to mutate them back into toa?
53. On the bionicle site there is a section that is labeled metru nui city guide 2 do you have any information on that?
64. Do you know when the bionicle site will get updated to have the turaga dume online comics?
75. Will we find out why there were loose rahkshi in metru nui?
86. Are there any building contest scheduled for next year?
97. After the visorak take over an island and move on to the next do they leave any of their own on the island to guard it or do they all move on to the next place?
108. Does roodaka go with the visorak everywhere they go or just to places where she could gain something by going for example going to metru nui to free makuta?
119. Was the reason that the rahaga stayed in metru nui instead of going to mata nui that they wanted to help all the rahi from all the islands conquered by visorak?
1210.Of the three bionicle movies which is your favorite?
1311. Do you like writing the comics better on years where there hasn't been a movie or or when there has been?
1412. So far what has been you favorite year for writing the books and comics
151) Yes 162) Yes 173) It's something I am supposed to write that I haven't gotten to yet 184) Nope, I just write 'em, when they go up is up to the web producer. 195) I can tell you that now. They wandered into the city from elsewhere the way bears wander into towns in our world. Since Makuta existed during that period, Rahkshi existed, the two sort of go together. 206) There probably will be, but we don't plan individual contests that far ahead 217) They probably leave a token force behind 228) No, she and Sidorak go everywhere -- they are the leaders of the horde, they have to 239) Well, as I said to someone yesterday, the Rahaga's enemy was the Visorak, and there had never been any Visorak on Mata Nui, so why go there? 2410) I have only seen two, and I liked the second better than the first 2511) It's easier to do the comics when there is no movie 2612) 2004
1I know that TSO and Voporak are coming to Metru Nui in Time Trap in order to capture the mask of time.My question is:
2Even if the DH captured the mask of time, could they use it?None of the DH that we have seen so far have had the ability to use Kanohi masks.
4But how many DH have you seen? Four? There are way more DH than that.
5Yes, I know that. What puzzles me is that I doubt that TSO trusts any of his Hunters enough to give him the task of controling the Mask of Time. The allure of instant power over the entire world might be to much for even the most loyal Hunter.
7Maybe, but there are other options here too. Possession of such a valuable artifact sets up the possibility of a bidding war for it ... you also have the ultimate doomsday weapon, since threatening to destroy the mask would get most people to do what you wanted. Basically, if you have something everyone else wants, whether you use it or not, it still makes you extremely powerful.
9Just a little conversation that I had with Greg. Holding the Vahi for ransom is an interesting idea. Greg also seems to confirm that it can be destroyed. Pretty neat.

1of course some dark hunters wear masks, haven't you read my epic
amyhoo, i had an iteresting chat with Greg F and he said that he finished BL2 and has started BL3:

1Here's my questions Greg answered.
2QUOTE 3QUOTE 4QUOTE 5Hi Greg: 61) How do Visorak steal life? 72) Is Makuta Immortal? 83)Is Krahka coming back? 94)What becomes of Mata Nui when the Toa Nuva,Turaga, and Matoran? 10That's all for now
111) Well, if I put you into a coma for years and years, I basically am stealing your life because you aren't getting to live it, right? 122) He says he is, personally I doubt it 133) No idea yet 144) When the Toa Nuva, Turaga and Matoran what?
16Answ. to 4, When they leave.
174) Nothing happens to it, it's just abandoned. If the Bahrag ever get free, then the Bohrok will go level it, but for now it will just be empty except for Rahi.
2QUOTE 3QUOTE 4QUOTE 5Hi Greg: 61) How do Visorak steal life? 72) Is Makuta Immortal? 83)Is Krahka coming back? 94)What becomes of Mata Nui when the Toa Nuva,Turaga, and Matoran? 10That's all for now
111) Well, if I put you into a coma for years and years, I basically am stealing your life because you aren't getting to live it, right? 122) He says he is, personally I doubt it 133) No idea yet 144) When the Toa Nuva, Turaga and Matoran what?
16Answ. to 4, When they leave.
174) Nothing happens to it, it's just abandoned. If the Bahrag ever get free, then the Bohrok will go level it, but for now it will just be empty except for Rahi.
1Hello again. Thank you for taking the time to answer. Here we are:
21) How do Comics #19,20, and 21 fit into LOMN? What I mean is, at what point in the movie is there a break in scene and the events of the comics happen?
32) Are either Sidorak or Keetongu going to be in Comics #26 and 27? Roodaka seems to be getting most of the attention in the comics.
43) Is the "Lake of Fire" from the IOD quote an actual geological feature on that island?
54) Was Roodaka's island ever invaded by Visorak? I ask because everybody on BZP is saying that Mata Nui and Sidorak's island were the only ones not invaded.
65) Are Krekka's, Roodaka's, and Sidorak's species inclined to evil in the same way that Matoran are naturally inclined to be good?
76) How did the leaders of Roodaka's island take to her betrayal of her friend during her right of passage? Is it possible that she was banished and that is why she works for the Brotherhood? That would explain an invasion of her home island to satisfy her desire for revenge.
87) Was Sidorak King of the Visorak before Roodaka became Viceroy?
98) Are Kahgarak mutated Visorak? They all seem to be different from one another.
109) Did Roodaka know of the consequences of her actions in BA9 as related to her dissapearance?
1110) Is Roodaka dead?
1211) Do the Visorak currently have new leaders?
1312) Will the TOT be in WOS?
1413) How about the BFMN?
1514) Do the IOD Matoran come in the standard elemental colors?
16Finally, my last question.
1715) There are six metrus and koros. Are they all evenly populated? I devided 1000 by six and got 167.6666 etc. Do some villages have more inhabitants than others? I have always imagined Ta-Koro, Ga-Koro, and Onu-Koro as being more populated. Is this true?
18Thanks for your trouble. I try to buy every set as soon as I can:
201) In the movie, there is a scene where Vakama stalks off from a meeting around a fire. In the first book, it is made clear he returned to the group after that, only to leave the group again later. All the comics this year take place before he leaves the group.
212) They both show up in 27, and Roodaka shows up in 26.
223) No, it's a metaphor
234) It's doubtful, since she works for the BOM
245) I would not say Matoran are naturally inclined to be good any more than humans are naturally inclined to be good. Look at Ahkmou. I don't believe in the notion of entire species being inclined toward one moral viewpoint or another, because all species are made up of individuals who must make their own choices.
256) They probably would have rewarded her. It is a culture that prizes ruthlessness. You do what you have to do to win.
267) No
278) No, they're not
289) I don't understand your question
2910) Can't answer it
3011) During the era of the Toa Nuva?
3112-13) Don't know. I had the impression Bob was trying to work the playsets in, but I have not seen the movie so don't know the results.
3214) I can't discuss 2006 product
3315) I generally see them as being relatively equal, give or take a few.
34Thanks for the info, but I need to get back to you on a few of them.![]()
351) How do Comics #19,20, and 21 fit into LOMN? What I mean is, at what point in the movie is there a break in scene and the events of the comics happen? 36What I ment was that in Comic #19 the Toa Metru are running from Vahki, in Comic #20 they fight Vahki and Dark Hunters inside an airship, and in Comic #21 they fight Tahtorak in Ta-Metru. How do those events fit into LOMN?
379) Did Roodaka know of the consequences of her actions in BA9 as related to her dissapearance? 38What I ment was when Roodaka captures the elements of the six Toa in the Makuta stone and frees Makuta. Did she know what was going to happen to her as a result of it?
3911) Do the Visorak currently have new leaders? 40Yes, during the era of the Toa Nuva.
41That's it:42-LORDs_angellos
431) Ah. Well, the only way I was able to do the comics was to slip them in as side-stories. So basically it all takes place in between when the Toa escape the Coliseum and when they stowaway on the Vahki transport to Po-Metru.
442) No, because she didn't plan to capture the elements that way. She planned to capture the Toa and force them to charge up the stone, not have the powers thrown at her.
453) Don't know. Odds are they do, as they are a useful tool for the BOM even despite that little glitch in Metru Nui.
1I PMed Greg with these questions, so here are his answers: 21. Was Makuta a Toa? 3Greg F: No 42. Do the rahaga ever become Toa again? Could Keetongu heal them? 5Greg F: No, Keetongu cannot heal them because they were not made into Rahaga by Visorak venom. 63. Do the Toa Nuva ever meet the rahaga? 7Greg F: You will have to wait for future storyline to find out 84. Is the Makoki stones the Hordika searched for, are they the same ones the Toa 9Olda used in Tale of the Toa? 10Greg F: Yes
11That's all he said.
11That's all he said.
1what would happen to the toa nuva if the nuva cube was completed and the bahrag were freed? would the toa nuva get there powers back or remains powerless forever? hopfully the former because the storyline would be pretty bad if it was the latter
2At this point, the Bohrok-Kal are defeated and the items needed to complete the Nuva cube are safely hidden. The Toa Nuva would only lose their powers if the items were in the possession of someone other than themselves or the Matoran, which they are not. If the Bahrag were freed, then the Bohrok would reawaken and go level Mata Nui. But since the Matoran are not living there anymore, they probably wouldn't care that much.
3doesn't really answer my question, but hope this clears anything up about the nuva symbols
1Real quick:
5P.S. What do YOU think?
2I note that in BA #8, Whenua reads about the Roporak that rebelled against Sidorak and Roodaka. We are left to assume that Roodaka mutated them. I was just wondering: 3What do you think of the idea that after Roodaka mutated the rebellious Roporak, she forced them into "charging up the BoMN Rhotuka" duty?4It's certainly possible, Jet.
5P.S. What do YOU think?

1Real quick: 2I note that in BA #8, Whenua reads about the Roporak that rebelled against Sidorak and Roodaka. We are left to assume that Roodaka mutated them. I was just wondering: 3What do you think of the idea that after Roodaka mutated the rebellious Roporak, she forced them into "charging up the BoMN Rhotuka" duty?4It's certainly possible, Jet.
5P.S. What do YOU think?
7I remember someone writing a comedy, in which he made up that Roodaka had handfed the Roporak to the Zivon, but Whenua wouldn't have been so surprised by the Zivon if he had read it.
1Here some more from me:
21. Why is it so much easier for Krahka to shapeshift than Makuta?
32. Even though you cant tell us, Do you know how Matoran are made and what the Bahrag dip into energized protodermis?
43. In the Toa Metru timeline, when Toa Lhikan was delivering the Toa 5stones how long had Metru-nui been built?
61) I am not so sure I would say it is is easier -- but keep in mind, shapeshifting is all Krahka does. It's her only power, really. Whereas Makuta has a lot of powers, so it would make sense she would be better at her one power than he is at one of many.
72) Yes
83) Thousands and thousands of years
1Some answers from Greg:
35I found some of these answers very interesting...-SV
2Been a long time since my last batch of questions, but...
31-IS Metru-Nui the Island of Doom? I ask because of a few theories I've read say that is the case.
42-Would Takanuva change in appearance if he became Nuva?
53-If you were a Toa Nuva, what would you want to look like?
64-Since Toa Hordika have that add-on to their name and the Toa Hagah's name of their species changed when mutated, do all mutated beings have a change for their species name? I ask because I read somewhere that some Visorak were mutated by Roodaka and wondered if their name would be any different.
75-Are the Great Beings stronger than Mata-Nui?
86-Since there are Bohrok and Rahkshi on Metru-Nui (Or were, if not anymore..) could Takanuva make another Ussanui?
97-Is it possible for there to be more Toa with Bohrok-Kal powers? (Like Krakua has the power of Sonics like Kohrak-Kal.)
108-What Island is Krakua from, or what Village?
119-Is Krakua's Element Sonics, or only his Mask Power?
12That's all for now.-SV
131) No, it's not. 2006 is not set on Metru Nui. 14My comment: I knew it: 152) Probably, but he's not going to so point is moot. 16My comment: What does that mean? O_o *Needs to check Dictionary* XD 173) No idea 18My comment: Awe, oh well can't Guest Star an look-less Toa in my Flash movie. XD 194) It's possible 20My comment: Whoo, I might be right: 215) Stronger in what way? 22My comment: Check second quote for comment. 236) Yup 24My comment: Right again, yay: 257) Yes 26My comment: I'm on a correct streak: 278) Hasn't been revealed yet 28My comment: Awe, he make me sad.. XD 299) That's his element, his mask power is telepathy 30My comment: Whoa, strange...
32Reply to answer 5: Mentally and Physically, what is stronger... Mata-Nui or the Great Beings? I'm thinking the Great Beings are stronger Mentally and Mata-Nui is stronger Physically.-SV
33Yes, I'd agree with that 34My comment: Yes, I was right again:
35I found some of these answers very interesting...-SV
1Hi Greg its been a while since I sent you a PM but anyway here goes my batch of questions
21)What is the average lifespan of a Matoran not factoring in possible accidental deaths?
32)Would the Matoran's 'shrinking' and memory loss be delayed or halted entirely if they were saved from the Visorak and awakened much sooner?
43)Concerning BL#2: Dark Destiny, I have been hearing that its only Jaller who gets to go to Karzahni. Mind confirming this?
54)Is there a overlord or at least someone looking after Artakha, something similar to how Karzahni rules over Karzahni?
65)When will the first of the 2006 sets be out, you can just give a vague answer if you want.
7Thanks in advance for any questions answered
81) Many thousands of years 92) Yup. But that didn't happen, so point is moot 103) I can't confirm it because it's not true 114) Can't answer it 125) Most likely January-February, like usual
1Ooh, something fun:
12I think I most certainly will be
2Hi Greg
3We know that Makuta can change his form, but is he a shapeshifter like Krahka, altering his physical form or is he an intangible being with a "disposable" form?
4Thanks in advance
5I am not sure what you are asking. Are you asking if he is somehow disposing of his physical form when he shapeshifts, or moving from one physical form to another when he shapeshifts? Answer is no.
6Ok, sorry, I can't word things well, I'll try again
7My idea is that Makuta is a being of energy, or something similar, like something otherworldly, and that the armour he wears is in fact just metal that his form inhabits and uses as a physical form he can use to communicate and intimidate lesser beings like Matoran and other sentients, like Roodaka and Sidoraks species. This is how he shapeshifts - he is simply changing the armours shape, not his own body, as as an intangible type he has no real form to be shifting. 8This would also mean that, if the armour was destroyed or severely damaged, Makuta would not be defeated because he wouldn't be killed by his armours destruction. This would explain the Void scene in the online movies, where Mak seems to be controlling separate pieces of armour, and would mean that no door, no matter how huge or Hau-shaped, could beat him. In both scenes he would have just been weakened by Toa power, the Olda's elemental abilities and the resulting exposure to Light energy from the Takutanuva incident. Kraata would also be concentrations of his energy, the focused amount of his essence being forced to become physical.
9So, what do you think?
10I think you are going to be most interested in some future developments, Legend, starting with Book 10.
12I think I most certainly will be

GregF Rahksean the Grey
1Hey, Greg. I hope you had a nice Honeymoon, and I'm glad you're back. However, I have a few questions.
21) Are Rahkshi just dumb beasts, or can they plan things and communicate to each other?
32) From the end of B3, it seems that Sidorak couldn't beat Keetongu, but Roodaka could. Does this mean that Roodaka could have just killed Sidorak outright, or does she have an advantage over Keetongu that Sidorak doesn't?
43) If Vakama were to run into the Visorak again, would they remember him as their new leader and obey him?
54) You've mentioned it's very important that Makuta's armor was cracked. Will this play any part whatsoever in the next story section, or will he reappear much later in the series?
65) Which Rahkshi can use their powers without a staff? I know Heat Vision and Power Scream can, but I'm not sure about the others.
71) I don't know of any animal in nature that does not communicate things to each other, or is incapable of planning (except maybe unicellular animals). Insects plan; lions plan; sharks can be argued to plan. I don't think there is any such thing as a "dumb beast," so no, I would not classify Rahkshi as that. 82) Well, she has the dark energy power, which Sidorak does not have. And she couldn't have just killed him outright, because the Visorak would have turned on her in an instant if she directly killed the king. 93) After 1000 years, and given that he is now a Turaga, highly doubtful 104) I cant answer this one, as it deals with future storyline 115) I looked over the power list and I don't see any powers that absolutely REQUIRE there be a staff. So I would say all of them can.
13With that info, I could begin my new epic...
1Ooh, something fun:
2Hi Greg
3We know that Makuta can change his form, but is he a shapeshifter like Krahka, altering his physical form or is he an intangible being with a "disposable" form?
4Thanks in advance
5I am not sure what you are asking. Are you asking if he is somehow disposing of his physical form when he shapeshifts, or moving from one physical form to another when he shapeshifts? Answer is no.
6Ok, sorry, I can't word things well, I'll try again
7My idea is that Makuta is a being of energy, or something similar, like something otherworldly, and that the armour he wears is in fact just metal that his form inhabits and uses as a physical form he can use to communicate and intimidate lesser beings like Matoran and other sentients, like Roodaka and Sidoraks species. This is how he shapeshifts - he is simply changing the armours shape, not his own body, as as an intangible type he has no real form to be shifting. 8This would also mean that, if the armour was destroyed or severely damaged, Makuta would not be defeated because he wouldn't be killed by his armours destruction. This would explain the Void scene in the online movies, where Mak seems to be controlling separate pieces of armour, and would mean that no door, no matter how huge or Hau-shaped, could beat him. In both scenes he would have just been weakened by Toa power, the Olda's elemental abilities and the resulting exposure to Light energy from the Takutanuva incident. Kraata would also be concentrations of his energy, the focused amount of his essence being forced to become physical.
9So, what do you think?
10I think you are going to be most interested in some future developments, Legend, starting with Book 10.
12I think I most certainly will be![]()
13I always thought he was using the shapeshifting power of the Rahkshi (You know, he can use Rahkshi powers), but oh well, if your theory is correct, I think I will like this much more. However, it sounds like Makuta's spirit is like a kraata and his mechanical body a Rahkshi suit. 14Khote
1I had a little conversation about glowing masks:
2Me: Welcome back: I just wanted to know something:
3In LoMN, how come the Dark Hunters didn't notice Matau's mask glowing when he shape-shifted into them, and Nuju and Onewa did notice eachother's masks glowing?
4Greg: I would have to go back and check the movie, but was his face actually glowing when he looked like them? Or would his mask only have been glowing when he actually did the shapeshift? If the latter, Matau would not have been standing in full view of the DH when he did the power, he was usually hiding behind a rock or something when he shifted.
5Me: Actually, it was glowing the whole time.
6Greg: Then I would say that the Dark Hunters were too distracted to notice or else write it off as artistic license.
7Me: Thanks:

1just got this a second ago:
7Nice...I hope they do.
2Just a quick one today:
3Will the winner of the Dark Hunters contest appear in future storyline just like the Rahi Contest winner did?
6Well, they will be in the Dark Hunters Guide, which will make them an official part of the storyline. Whether they will show up in stories, etc., later on, I don't know. The Rahi contest winners did (some of them) so it's possible
7Nice...I hope they do.

1[QUOTEHello, Mr.Farshtey.I have a few questions: 21. Okay, does the name Kaizorakh sound familiar?(dark hunter contest)Familiar at all? 32. Hypothetically, if Karzhani is the ruler of, well, Karzhani, then does that mean if Artahka does exist, it might be ruled by someone named Artahka? 43. When will the first comic about the 2006 storyline be out?If you know, that is... 54.Do you know anything about the new rpg? 65.If you do, can you tell me what? (I doubt you can...)
7Thanks, bye:
81) I paid no attention to the character names, Sam, because I knew we wouldn't use any of the names submitted. 92) It's theoretically possible 103) Early next year 114) Other than that it is based on '06 storyline, no
13It doesn't reveal a whole lot,but its something.
7Thanks, bye:
81) I paid no attention to the character names, Sam, because I knew we wouldn't use any of the names submitted. 92) It's theoretically possible 103) Early next year 114) Other than that it is based on '06 storyline, no
13It doesn't reveal a whole lot,but its something.
1Spoilers about Time Trap ahead...
21) Could you tell us anything new about the Brotherhood of Mata-Nui (BoMN), other than what was revealed in Time Trap? 31) Nope. It is something I am planning to build on into 2006 and 2007, so I don't want to reveal stuff yet. 42) Will the BoMN be featured in future storyline? 52) To varying degrees, yes. BTW, just for the sake of clarity, I have been referring to them as the Order of Mata Nui, to lessen confusion with BoM 63) Which book are you writing currently? 73) Dark Hunters Guide 84) Can you tell us the name of the 3rd Legends book? 94) Book 3 doesn't have a title yet 105) Krakua is a future Toa, correct? Could it be that we will actually see him again in the Bionicle storyline when this future arrives? 115) Well, he is a future Toa from the perspective of the Toa Metru, but maybe not from the perspective of the Toa Nuva 126) Is Krakua a Toa before or after Mata-Nui awakes? 136) Before 147) Have we seen any members of the BoMN other than Mata-Nui? 157) Seen in the story? Not yet, but you will 168) Are the Toa olda members of the BoMN? 178) No, but that is a good question. I see the OMN as being beyond Toa -- Toa are sort of the public agents of Mata Nui's will, the ones Matoran know about it and who are out there saving the day. In comic book terms, Toa are the Green Lantern Corps., OMN are the Guardians of the Universe. They work in secret, not too many people know of them, but they are back there pulling the strings.
18EDIT: TMD, I thought that only movie spoilers needed Spoiler tags. Whatever, I'll use it anyway.
1QUOTE 2QUOTE 3QUOTE 4hello mr. farshtey
5i have two questions. 61) why did they release time trap and the bionicle encyclapedia so early. 72) why didn't the rahaga ask to be changed back into hagah at the end of B3.
81) No idea, I don't work for Scholastic, I just write for them. My assumption would be they wanted to get them both out early for the Christmas shopping season 92) Well, two reasons -- one, the idea of them being Toa Hagah before isn't really explored in the movie at all, so having them ask for that would have confused movie watchers. And it was a moot point anyway, because Keetongu can't change them back -- they weren't mutated by Visorak venom, they were mutated by Roodaka's spinner.
10ok thanks
11oh and 1 more question. is the real dume evil or just the false dume becase in most places it says he's good but in B2 it shows him talking to makut in his chambers
12In the scene you are referring to, Makuta/Dume was looking into a mirror. He was talking to himself. The real Dume never appears in B2
5i have two questions. 61) why did they release time trap and the bionicle encyclapedia so early. 72) why didn't the rahaga ask to be changed back into hagah at the end of B3.
81) No idea, I don't work for Scholastic, I just write for them. My assumption would be they wanted to get them both out early for the Christmas shopping season 92) Well, two reasons -- one, the idea of them being Toa Hagah before isn't really explored in the movie at all, so having them ask for that would have confused movie watchers. And it was a moot point anyway, because Keetongu can't change them back -- they weren't mutated by Visorak venom, they were mutated by Roodaka's spinner.
10ok thanks
11oh and 1 more question. is the real dume evil or just the false dume becase in most places it says he's good but in B2 it shows him talking to makut in his chambers
12In the scene you are referring to, Makuta/Dume was looking into a mirror. He was talking to himself. The real Dume never appears in B2
1I asked Greg a few questions about things from the Encyclopedia, so beware the spoiler:
56Questions plain, answers underlined, comments in bold. Nothing really earth-shattering, but I found a few things interesting.
57-Master of the Rahkshi
21. Is says that airships are propelled by jets of protodermis squirted through small holes while under high pressure. But before you said they were propelled by air currents. Did this change, or is the former only the case with the airships the Toa Metru constructed? 31) Changed my mind. The problem with air current propulsion is that you have very little control over your direction unless you are going to put sails on the airships. 4Makes sense.
52. In Birth of a Dark Hunter, it says that a group of Dark Hunters were planning to break into an island, steal the Makoki stone, break it into six pieces, and then ransom it back one piece at a time. How did the Rahaga get it? Did they retrieve it from this island while following the Visorak? Or did Makuta somehow get it, and the Hagah recovered it as well as the Avohkii during their raid of the Brotherhood fortress? Or will we learn at some later time? 62) Hasn't been revealed yet. 7Okay...when, though?
83. Why is it that some Rahi came to Metru Nui and others didn't? Were all of those creatures captured by the Vissies, or did they just not feel like leaving? 93) I am assuming you mean Mata Nui, not Metru Nui? Just like our own animals, some react to danger more quickly than others. Gazelle will break and run at the slightest hint of trouble, lions don't. Some Rahi sensed the Visorak were coming and took off to Mata Nui, others did not. 10Yeah...I meant to say Mata Nui. And that also makes sense.
114. It says the Brotherhood was charged with "creating" whatever was needed to serve Mata Nui and protect the Matoran. Does this mean they have the ability to create creatures, or at least cause predictable mutations? Or is it machinery? 124) Since I can't discuss how things come into being in BIONICLE, I can't really answer your question. 13Oh, right...forgot...
145. When Makuta sent the Toa of Metru Nui on those missions from which they never returned, had he set up ambushes to kill them, or did he simply send them to places where they would most certainly get killed? 155) Both 16Just wanted to know.
176. It says that use of the cyclone spear weakened Iruini. Does that mean that some Toa tools require more energy than others to operate? I thought they were all the same. 186) Arguably, the use of all Toa tools weakens a Toa because it drains his elemental power. Look what happened to the Toa Metru after fighting the Morbuzakh. It's not an infinite reserve of power. 19Didn't really answer my question...
207. "...rumored that Dume had some hand in Lhikan's becoming a Toa."Will we hear more about this? 217) Depends on if we ever tell a story about those characters again. 22I sure hope so:
238. Will we see the Entities (fire, energized protodermis, sonic) again? (Please say yes, please...) 248) Again, depends -- if I can work them into a story in a way that makes sense, yes. 25*crosses fingers*
269. Will the "power sources" of heatstones and lightstones be revealed in the foreseeable future? Or is it just an open storyline idea? 279) Maybe, maybe not. Depends on if it is relevant to a storyline. 28I hope we find out soon.
2910. Will infected masks make a return? Or are they "old"? I kinda hope they'll make at least a small appearance. 3010) I know there are no plans for them next year, and probably not the year after. Makuta has sort of "been there, done that" and no one on Metru Nui would be stupid enough to don one. 31Awww, I liked the infected masks.
3211. Now that they're going back to metru Nui, can the Matoran start making new Matoran? (Not asking how, just if they can.) 3311) Yes 34Okay, so they can start replacing the Matoran who died on Mata Nui.
3512. A friend of mine really wants to know when we will know what is used to make krana. Is there a definite time? Or is it still up in the air? 3612) There is no definite time, because we aren't telling a Bohrok-Bahrag story again for the foreseeable future, so it comes down to when I feel like revealing it. 37There you go, Deyna. Greg'll tell when he feels like it.![]()
3813. Will we ever find out who/what built Metru Nui, and why the Matoran couldn't remember who even before Makuta's mindwipe? 3913) Matoran built most of it. But it was built in prehistory, so the current generations of Matoran simply don't recall it. 40Okay...so they just forgot because it was so long ago.
4114. It says that Nuparu secretly smuggled pieces of the exo-Toa onto the boats to Metru Nui. Will that be developed further? 4214) Don't know. I like to throw these things out there to give myself stuff to play with later. 43*crosses fingers
4415. Is it possible that the BoM still has some exo-Toa in its service somewhere? Or were the ones the Hagah wrecked the only models? 4515) It's possible 46*crosses more fingers*
4716. In the Shadow Toa entry, it says the Toa defeated the shadows by "re-absorbing them into their bodies", while it says that the Toa actively destroyed them in the first Chronicles book. Did that change? 4816) I haven't read the first book in a while, but the story idea I gave to Scholastic was what was in the Encyclopedia. You can't destroy the evil part of yourself, it's part of you, you can only accept it and try to master it. 49Okay, so that's another detail in the fight.
5017. In the Toa Nuva's day, are there still Vahki squads around, or were they all wiped out? 5117) Can't answer it 52Hmm...I wonder...
5318. Will Dark Hunters make any appearance at all next year? 5418) In a way, yes 55YAY:::
56Questions plain, answers underlined, comments in bold. Nothing really earth-shattering, but I found a few things interesting.
57-Master of the Rahkshi
116. In the Shadow Toa entry, it says the Toa defeated the shadows by "re-absorbing them into their bodies", while it says that the Toa actively destroyed them in the first Chronicles book. Did that change? 216) I haven't read the first book in a while, but the story idea I gave to Scholastic was what was in the Encyclopedia. You can't destroy the evil part of yourself, it's part of you, you can only accept it and try to master it. 3Okay, so that's another detail in the fight.
4Not that I wish to disrespect Greg, but it seems to me you can only be original to an extent...and when it comes to completely rewriting the earlier Bionicle story(Not like unestablished stuff, but the actual novels...written by Greg or not, they -are- official.), seems to me like it's stretching it a bit.
116. In the Shadow Toa entry, it says the Toa defeated the shadows by "re-absorbing them into their bodies", while it says that the Toa actively destroyed them in the first Chronicles book. Did that change? 216) I haven't read the first book in a while, but the story idea I gave to Scholastic was what was in the Encyclopedia. You can't destroy the evil part of yourself, it's part of you, you can only accept it and try to master it. 3Okay, so that's another detail in the fight.
4Not that I wish to disrespect Greg, but it seems to me you can only be original to an extent...and when it comes to completely rewriting the earlier Bionicle story(Not like unestablished stuff, but the actual novels...written by Greg or not, they -are- official.), seems to me like it's stretching it a bit.
5I am forced to agree with Rayg, I mean , I can accept that MNOG was not exactly correct, but changing the official novels seems going a bit too far. However, the part about "absorbing the shadows into you" seems kinda cool. I wonder if we'll see any more of this. (You never know

6torritorri 7

116. In the Shadow Toa entry, it says the Toa defeated the shadows by "re-absorbing them into their bodies", while it says that the Toa actively destroyed them in the first Chronicles book. Did that change? 216) I haven't read the first book in a while, but the story idea I gave to Scholastic was what was in the Encyclopedia. You can't destroy the evil part of yourself, it's part of you, you can only accept it and try to master it. 3Okay, so that's another detail in the fight.
4Not that I wish to disrespect Greg, but it seems to me you can only be original to an extent...and when it comes to completely rewriting the earlier Bionicle story(Not like unestablished stuff, but the actual novels...written by Greg or not, they -are- official.), seems to me like it's stretching it a bit.
5I am forced to agree with Rayg, I mean , I can accept that MNOG was not exactly correct, but changing the official novels seems going a bit too far. However, the part about "absorbing the shadows into you" seems kinda cool. I wonder if we'll see any more of this. (You never know![]()
6torritorri 7![]()
8That part of the story has has always been iffy. There's a lot of inconsistency there.

116. In the Shadow Toa entry, it says the Toa defeated the shadows by "re-absorbing them into their bodies", while it says that the Toa actively destroyed them in the first Chronicles book. Did that change? 216) I haven't read the first book in a while, but the story idea I gave to Scholastic was what was in the Encyclopedia. You can't destroy the evil part of yourself, it's part of you, you can only accept it and try to master it. 3Okay, so that's another detail in the fight.
4Not that I wish to disrespect Greg, but it seems to me you can only be original to an extent...and when it comes to completely rewriting the earlier Bionicle story(Not like unestablished stuff, but the actual novels...written by Greg or not, they -are- official.), seems to me like it's stretching it a bit.
5I am forced to agree with Rayg, I mean , I can accept that MNOG was not exactly correct, but changing the official novels seems going a bit too far. However, the part about "absorbing the shadows into you" seems kinda cool. I wonder if we'll see any more of this. (You never know![]()
6torritorri 7![]()
8That part of the story has has always been iffy. There's a lot of inconsistency there.![]()
9think they sometimes keep things out also storys told in multiple medias tend to get mixed up a bit escpecially if there are a lot of people writing them.
1Q:How long do you see the Bionicle biz to keep going? 2A:Well, let me put it this way. The BIONICLE storyline is divided into "books" by the heads of the story team. The books are different lengths, and I believe that at end of this year we will only have completed one. There are at least 7 books that I know of in existence, possibly more. So as long as there is an audience for it, we have stories to tell.
3That is a quote from the official "ask greg" question page on the Main page. I am guessing that the question is from about 2003, so my question is..
4Are these "book" each one of the Story-Arcs? Such as Book One was Mata-Nui, book 2 was Metru-Nui, book 3 would be Island of Doom, etc.? If that was the case, we would only be nearing the half way point of the Bioncle story, right?
5Actually, the whole "book" concept is out the window, because the story team person who had that system no longer works for the company. The story is now created by myself working in conjunction with a team in Copenhagen.
6Oh. Did all of the ideas get scrapped? If so, what were you originally planning?
7No, the ideas did not get scrapped, simply the idea of dividing it up into books and limiting ourselves to how many we could do.