1I'm sure that a Turaga would let him borrow a Mask of Telekinesis and someone could power-share with an Akaku Nuva to get them masks out of the lava, if they haven't melted, which they most likely have.
1Yes, it's possible if the masks didn't melt; but what worries me is the Vahi... Are masks lava-proof? 2Khote
3I don't believe so. If you remember, in Ta-Metru, broken masks were sent to the dump where they were melted back down into molten protodermis. And Greg has said that the lava on Mata-Nui is the same as on Metru-Nui; it was fed to the new island through some sort of pump. So, unless if masks are invulnerable once completed, or they have a special machine for melting broken masks, my bet would be that eventually those masks will melt. I'd hate to be Tahu Nuva right then.
5P.S. I thought Greg said somewhere that before Ta-Koro sank some Matoran grabbed his masks off the Ta-Suva...
3I don't believe so. If you remember, in Ta-Metru, broken masks were sent to the dump where they were melted back down into molten protodermis. And Greg has said that the lava on Mata-Nui is the same as on Metru-Nui; it was fed to the new island through some sort of pump. So, unless if masks are invulnerable once completed, or they have a special machine for melting broken masks, my bet would be that eventually those masks will melt. I'd hate to be Tahu Nuva right then.1Yes, it's possible if the masks didn't melt; but what worries me is the Vahi... Are masks lava-proof? 2Khote
5P.S. I thought Greg said somewhere that before Ta-Koro sank some Matoran grabbed his masks off the Ta-Suva...
6If the Masks are considered metal and the lava is considered rock, then the masks probably didn't melt, because rock melts at a lower temperature than metal equal to steel does.
7The lava pumped to Mata Nui from Metru Nui is the 'slag' from the Protodermis purification and refinement process.
8Theoretically, there should be plenty of workable Protodermis waiting for the Matoran to start carving up and working on, when they reach Metru Nui.
1Off topic, how come i only have 115 pages while you have 145?
2Your board settings might be different. People can choose to view 5-40 posts per page. I view 40 posts per page, so I only have 115 pages registered.
3On topic:
4The lava pumped to Mata Nui from Metru Nui is the 'slag' from the Protodermis purification and refinement process.
5So after a thousand years, this pipe system has deposited a constant stream of molten liquid, a very corrosive material, without any maintenance at all?
6Well, all right...
1The quote in question: "Tahu later returned the mask to Vakama's care, where it remains."-Bionicle Encyclopedia, p.109
1Here's my most recent PM to GF, which I am posting in the OGD on BZP.
2Hi, Mr. Farshtey. It's been a while since I've PM'd you, since there haven't been any new storyline developments in a while. However, now that I have my hands on BA 9 and 10, I have a whole crop of new questions for you to answer. Oh, joy.
31. Why were the Hordika and Rahaga so quick to trust Vakama again after he switched sides again? I would think at least Onewa would be a little wary.
42. If Sidorak is such a chicken (see the Sid vs. Keet scene), why was he so gung-ho about hunting down the Toa himself?
53. Why did it take Voporak so long to realize Vakama and Makuta had escaped? Didn't he notice them attacking him from behind? I mean, I know their attacks didn't do anything to him, but it's hard to ignore something like having boulders flung at you, or being engulfed in a fire cage, however briefly.
64. Why did Makuta even want to team up with Vakama in the first place? He obviously didn't need the help, so did he just want a way to keep an eye on Vakama?
75. Why did it seem that the Toa Metru all knew each other before they became Toa? If they were all friends (or at least, acquaintances) before transforming, wouldn't they have got along better?
86. The Shadowed One has to have been weakened by aging three thousand years. So, wouldn't Lariska, or some other ambitious Dark Hunter ("Ambitious Dark Hunter" is kind of redundant) have taken advantage of that, and "removed him from office," so to speak?
97. Can Makuta fly even though he lost his wings?
108. How could the Hordika fly by holding on to their Rhotuka? That's kind of like how Thor flies by throwing his hammer and forgetting to let go. Wouldn't it eventually run out of force and cause them to fall? Or are they self-propelling somehow?
119. Does Krakua's weapon have an official name?
1210. If the Visorak left Metru Nui, what was that last Boggarak doing there? Was it directly under Makuta's command, or something?
1311. Why would the Brotherhood "brood and rage" over the loss of a single Visorak?
1412. Where did Makuta get his Mask of Light staff? I was hoping he might have stolen it from The Shadowed One and modified it, but as far as I can tell, he never did that. Did he just make it himself?
1513. So, is the BZP 2006 teaser campaign cancelled? That seems like a shame, since it sounds very cool, and I'm sure there are quite a few spoiler-wary members out there (myself included) who chose not to look at the spoiler pics.
1614. Incidentally, if the 2006 prototypes were top secret, what were they doing on the internet in the first place?
17Thanks in advance for your time.
191) What choice do they have? They are in the middle of a battle, they have to make a snap judgment.
202) I don't consider him to be a chicken, I think he is just aware of his limitations. And he would have been hunting down the Toa as the general of a Visorak army, not on his own.
213) Basically, his field operates automatically, so he probably wouldn't take that much notice of attacks that weren't affecting him, anymore than you would notice a gnat bite.
224) He wanted Vakama to run interference for him. Vakama could take the risks while Makuta got his hands on the mask. And he wanted to be able to search for the mask without Vakama dogging him and attacking him the whole way.
235) No. I know lots of people I don't get along with Knowing does not imply friendly.
246) Some may have tried, but they obviously failed.
257) Not unless he shapeshifts into something that can fly.
268) Rhotuka continue to fly until they hit something, at which point they dissipate.
279) Nope
2810) Just didn't leave. Boggarak were always the most loyal to Roodaka, and so would have been more likely to hang around.
2911) He wasn't referring to the loss of a Visorak. He was referring to the fact that he believed Makuta had been killed.
3012) Most likely. Or took it from a Toa at some point in the past.
3113) I haven't discussed it with the marketing manager yet, he has been out this week.
3214) They weren't supposed to be. Those images were scanned out of a German retailer catalog. Retailers are instructed not to share those catalogs with consumers, they are strictly for ordering purposes. The retailer who shared it with whoever scanned the images onto the EU site broke his agreement with the company.
114) They weren't supposed to be. Those images were scanned out of a German retailer catalog. Retailers are instructed not to share those catalogs with consumers, they are strictly for ordering purposes. The retailer who shared it with whoever scanned the images onto the EU site broke his agreement with the company.
2Number 14 makes sense to me now, as much as we want to see these pics, it is sad that that store (or whatever) gave it to the EU site and such.
1Important to the Piraka and BL3
6Two things I can tell you in relation to your question:
71) The Piraka are the 2006 villains .. some of them, anyway. 82) The Scholastic text is inaccurate in some ways, so I don't really want to discuss that. If it was meant as a description of BL3, it is COMPLETELY wrong, because BL3 is not even written yet and the description does not match what I have planned for that book. If it was meant as BL2, it is also largely off. I didn't write that summary, no idea who did.
2Hi Greg: I do realize that a LOT has gotten out today which Lego would prefered not to (I didn't see the pictures though), so I know I'm walking on thin ice when I ask this one question:
3ARE the piraka the "pseudo toa," and are the matoran being zapped into toa in BL3 the solution you've always mentioned when people ask "What will you do if you don't rerelease the nuva ?"
4Thank you SO MUCH in advance.
5PS: Are the matoran that become toa ones that we know already, or can you not tell me?
6Two things I can tell you in relation to your question:
71) The Piraka are the 2006 villains .. some of them, anyway. 82) The Scholastic text is inaccurate in some ways, so I don't really want to discuss that. If it was meant as a description of BL3, it is COMPLETELY wrong, because BL3 is not even written yet and the description does not match what I have planned for that book. If it was meant as BL2, it is also largely off. I didn't write that summary, no idea who did.
1Important to the Piraka and BL3
2Click For Spoiler 3QUOTE 4Hi Greg: I do realize that a LOT has gotten out today which Lego would prefered not to (I didn't see the pictures though), so I know I'm walking on thin ice when I ask this one question:
5ARE the piraka the "pseudo toa," and are the matoran being zapped into toa in BL3 the solution you've always mentioned when people ask "What will you do if you don't rerelease the nuva ?"
6Thank you SO MUCH in advance.
7PS: Are the matoran that become toa ones that we know already, or can you not tell me?
8Two things I can tell you in relation to your question:
91) The Piraka are the 2006 villains .. some of them, anyway. 102) The Scholastic text is inaccurate in some ways, so I don't really want to discuss that. If it was meant as a description of BL3, it is COMPLETELY wrong, because BL3 is not even written yet and the description does not match what I have planned for that book. If it was meant as BL2, it is also largely off. I didn't write that summary, no idea who did.
11Hmm, I guess those topics are pointlesss now
1Answers from greg:
2(1) Do the Piraka work for a rival organization of the Dark Hunters?
3(2) Are there still Bohrok in Metru Nui?
4(3) Do Kikanalo still exist?
5(4) What became of the Exo-Toa? 6Are the peices still there?
7(5) Since Dume is alive, is he now the great elder?
8(6) Why did the Rahaga stay?
9(7) Is this new titan bigger than Ultimate Dume?
10That's all for now, 11SV
121) No 132) Sleeping, yes 143) Most likely, yes 154) Many of the pieces were salvaged by Nuparu 165) The other Turaga would defer to him as elder of Metru Nui 176) We have never said they stayed for the entire 1000 years. We know they were there when the Toa Nuva made it there, but there is nothing to say they did not spend time away from the city as well. At any rate, their jobs were to free Rahi and to hunt down Visorak, neither one of which they could have done on Mata Nui 187) I don't know what you are referring to
19The one you said was Freaking Awessome: 20SV
211) Oh, I see. It's hard to say, I am pretty sure it is overall bigger, but remember that UD was not a titan set, it was a combo model of a few sets. And since there is also such a combo model in '06 that I have not seen yet, that is really the one you would want to compare to UD. The one I commented on was the $29.99 set.
22Heh, first person to confirm there are 2006 Combiners.
1Here's sort of an enlightened conversation I had with Greg yesterday:
2Well, my friend e-mailed me the 2006 prototype sets which I looked at (admittedly with reluctance). Sorry 'bout that...I was a tad curious. The real reason I'm here though is to ask you a "philishophical" question (For lack of a better adjective...) about the Piraka: I've noticed that with their sinuous form and many new pieces, they look quite different from previous sets. Don't get me wrong - I still love them, but I feel that they're distancing themselves in a way from Lego, and moving Bionicle into its own independent "action-figure" realm.
3Do you agree with this? If so, how (in your opinion) has Bionicle progressed? Will it continue to move away from the original biomechanical ambience of the 2001 year and into a new, more advanced form? Or do you feel that Bionicle is still, in essence, retaining its original vestiges?
4Just a note: You don't need to answer this if you don't want to.
6Well, it is an interesting question. The major difference, I think, between the 2006 figures and others is that there is a more of an organic feel to them because of the texture of some of the pieces used. But I don't feel that takes them away from the biomechanical feel of BIONICLE, because BIONICLE characters are supposed to be a combination of organic tissue and mechanical parts. If anything, this is the first time we have delivered on that. It can be argued that the original ambiance was NOT biomechanical, because there was no "bio" element to any of the original Toa or Toa Nuva, outside of the movies.
7I can't speak to plans for future years, but things like this always have to advance and change. If they don't, they won't sell, simple as that. You are asking fans to buy 20 sets a year, and if they are going to do that, there has to be something radically different to get them back to the store.
8As for your action figure comment ... hmmmm. You still have to build them, so I don't see them as distancing themselves from LEGO any more than they were in 2001. We are simply adding new pieces and new ways of building to TECHNIC. BIONICLE has always, internally, been considered to be a category of its own (along with Knights), of constructable action figures.

4Oh, there's something new for ya. We'll have to see how it effects things, if it does.
5Well, it's not entirely NEW, but it is different.
6With the Bohrok, or more specifially the Bohrok Kal, the blue wasn't female- but then again, none of them were. Same with the Vahki.
7With the Rahkshi, they were ALL male, but they didn't talk at all, they just hissed.
8So the Piraka certainly seem interesting, as they are "speaking villains," so to speak (Pun intended), but the blue isn't female, the red isn't the leader (the green one is), and... that's all for now. Wow, at first, I liked the piraka.
9Now I LOVE them.
1A couple more answers, related to everyone's favorite island of doom.
2Thank you very much for answering my questions, Greg. As a sign of my gratitude, I have a few more:
31) The green piraka is the leader, right?(I heard this from the 2006 topic)
42) Are ANY of the piraka female?
5And LAST, and possibly least:
63) Do the doomtoran live in isolated villages, or in a centralized population? (I'm buildng an "Island of Doom" area for the new matoran already.)
71) Yes 82) No 93)Centralized area. Island is too dangerous to be scattered around it.
31) The green piraka is the leader, right?(I heard this from the 2006 topic)
42) Are ANY of the piraka female?
5And LAST, and possibly least:
63) Do the doomtoran live in isolated villages, or in a centralized population? (I'm buildng an "Island of Doom" area for the new matoran already.)
71) Yes 82) No 93)Centralized area. Island is too dangerous to be scattered around it.
1To Dayran's earlier point, yes, we wanted to shake things up a bit, and I think it works well. I figured the red set is going to sell great anyway, so he doesn't really NEED to be the leader, and the green one worked well for what I wanted to do.
2Of the Piraka so far, I would say green, red, and brown have been the most fun to write, black had the best fight scene, and blue and white have some of the more interesting powers. So it balances nice.
2Of the Piraka so far, I would say green, red, and brown have been the most fun to write, black had the best fight scene, and blue and white have some of the more interesting powers. So it balances nice.
1Sounds pretty cool, Greg. This time I'll make sure I get those books somehow.

1Nope, he's not -- his battle is more a fistfight.
1To Dayran's earlier point, yes, we wanted to shake things up a bit, and I think it works well. I figured the red set is going to sell great anyway, so he doesn't really NEED to be the leader, and the green one worked well for what I wanted to do.
2Is the green one the piraka who snaps one of Lewa's katanas?
3Of the Piraka so far, I would say green, red, and brown have been the most fun to write, black had the best fight scene, and blue and white have some of the more interesting powers. So it balances nice.
5Awesome: Yeah, even though green is my favorite colour, I find that White tends to have the coolest powers.
1QUOTE 2i have a few questions:
31: Will there be another Master of bionicle contest, because last time, i missed out because i was on holiday, i even designed sets and and a storyline:
42: Will Tanuki be doing the new online game next month or Templar?
51) I don't have one planned at this point 62) I believe the game is being designed by some company in France
31: Will there be another Master of bionicle contest, because last time, i missed out because i was on holiday, i even designed sets and and a storyline:
42: Will Tanuki be doing the new online game next month or Templar?
51) I don't have one planned at this point 62) I believe the game is being designed by some company in France
1QUOTE 2i have a few questions:
31: Will there be another Master of bionicle contest, because last time, i missed out because i was on holiday, i even designed sets and and a storyline:
42: Will Tanuki be doing the new online game next month or Templar?
51) I don't have one planned at this point 62) I believe the game is being designed by some company in France
7It's Tanuki doing it, then (they're a French company).

1I agree w/ siddy the feared, violence is good....
2Since there are still slumbering bohrok, i can only hope that we will 3get to see them bite. Oh so long ago GregF stated biting was too violent, so if all goes well, and i stop writing run on sentences, we'll get to see them pearly whites. So, GregF, may we see bohrok teeth in action/ Pretty please?

2Since there are still slumbering bohrok, i can only hope that we will 3get to see them bite. Oh so long ago GregF stated biting was too violent, so if all goes well, and i stop writing run on sentences, we'll get to see them pearly whites. So, GregF, may we see bohrok teeth in action/ Pretty please?
Toa of Flaming Bacon 1I agree w/ siddy the feared, violence is good....![]()
2I wasn't saying it was good... what the heck, yes it is: Anyway, I hope they don't do it TO violent, or it may scare the little kids. Funny stuff: *The black one punched Pohatu, and he fell to the ground.* "MOMMY: POHATU GOT PUNCHED: I'M SCARED:"
4EDIT: It's off topic, but ToFB, my favorite food is bacon...
Toa of Flaming Bacon 1I agree w/ siddy the feared, violence is good....![]()
2I wasn't saying it was good... what the heck, yes it is: Anyway, I hope they don't do it TO violent, or it may scare the little kids. Funny stuff: *The black one punched Pohatu, and he fell to the ground.* "MOMMY: POHATU GOT PUNCHED: I'M SCARED:"
4EDIT: It's off topic, but ToFB, my favorite food is bacon...
5I imagined it to be more of a fight between Blacky and ONUA, since Onua has the mask of strength. But does it start a fistfight, or does it start with tools that are knocked to the ground? I know it seems trivial, but I keep thinking of Obi-wan kenobi fights, where he goes in with a lightsaber, and instead gets disarmed and has to punch jango/grievous.