1In this topic here, there is a theory saying that Tahtorak's question may have been "Where is Keetongu?". It is backed up with great evidence, though some BZP Members said that you have confirmed that Tahtorak's question was "How did I get here?" I thought you somewhat confirmed it but not entirely , saying that that might be true. Could you confirm this?
2Tahtorak's question has no connection to Keetongu. It states in the Rahi Guide that "some who have encountered the Tahtorak believe it has no idea how it got to Metru Nui and is desperate to get home." That is what it is asking about, and the answer is revealed in 2006

1This question has been nagging me for a while and it all makes sense now
2I've read Time Trap and so now I know why the Matoran do not remember Metru Nui, but how did the Matoran change to the McDonald promotion Matoran from the Metru Nui Matoran?
3Connected to the same thing. Over time, the effects of the spheres weakened the Matoran, which caused them to lose size and muscle mass.
1Hey Greg. The Teasers for 06 have got me drooling (well, not really, but still.) Anyways, when something new arises, questions arise too. I will try my best not ask questions you can't answer. okay. thanks in advance.
21.) Those are teeth in the Piraka's mouth right? (personally, I love the idea of Bionicle characters having teeth and claws and such.)
32.) If the Piraka have teeth, what would they use them for. Bionicle characters usually don't eat much for the most part.
43.) You have said that the Piraka actually have weapons versus tools. by weapons, do you mean that they will actually use them to hurt Matoran, Toa, etc.
54.) You mentioned new powers for this year too. is that statement referring to the Piraka or the new Heroes.
65.) The Matoran will be available later this year right?
76.) Do you personally feel relieved to not have a movie to work around this year?
87.) The Piraka look absolutely vicious. Personallity wise, would you describe them as sadistic and cruel villains, or methodical and calculating villains?
98.) What exactly are the Piraka. are they a single species, or a united group wearing similar armor.
109.) besides their weapons, do the Piraka have any other means of attack or defence
1110.) the forest on Voya Nui: exactly what kind of forest is it. A European style forest, or a rainforest?
1211.) The water around Voya Nui is icy, correct?
1312.) Is it that way as a result of anything, or is it just really cold.
1413.) Are th mountains on Voya Nui taller than Mount Ihu?
1514.) Does Dume welcome Vakama and co. warmly when they arrive to Metru Nui?
1615.) If Voya Nui is above ground, do they travel back to Mata Nui, and sail south? or do the Toa and Turaga split up.
17that's all. thanks for your time.
181) Yes 192) I really haven't pondered their practical uses. 203) Yes. And we are referring to the Toa tools as weapons now too. 214) Both 225) Probably December 236) Yes 247) A little of both. They are manipulative, ruthless, and destructive, but for the most part, not in a mindless, brutal way. They do what they do in furtherance of their own plans, not just for the heck of it. 258) They are ex-Dark Hunters. It is possible that they all come from the same island, but that is something we will explore more next year 269) Oh yes 2710) I see it as more of a northeastern US forest, just to be different. 2811) Yes 2912) Well, all I can tell you is that there is a ring of ice around the shoreline -- that is how the designers crafted it. 3013) Good question. Don't know 3114) Yes 3215) I don't totally understand your question. The Turaga are not going to Voya Nui, they stay on Metru Nui with the Matoran. And no, the journey is not made by way of Mata Nui.
34I find it interesting that they are referring to Toa tools as weapons now. #7 and #10 are interesting too.
1Dunno if this is spoilers, but I'll tag it just to be safe.
2Yeah, some more questions...
31.) Approximately how many of the islands in the Bionicle universe are underground? Half? Three quarters? Almost none?
42.) You said that you'll be doing colours for canister sets you've never done before. Would that happen to be referring to the colours on the Piraka (Such as the yellow on Reidak etc...)?
53.) Does Reidak really have three eyes? It looks like it in the pic..
64.) When you mentioned that Voya Nui is truly inhospitable, is it because the island is inhospitable, or is there an entity of sorts making it that way?
75.) How large is Voya Nui in relation to Mata Nui?
86.) Does the Matoran encampment on Voya Nui have a name?
97.) You once mentioned that the Dark Hunters' island is really rocky and stormy. Is this still true, or did you scrap that?
10And one you probably can't answer, but...
118.) Are you willing to divulge any quotes from BL#2?
12Thanks for your time![]()
141) Can't answer it -- I don't paint myself into story corners that way 152) Actually, I was referring to later in the year 163) I can't comment on those images 174) It's because the island is inhospitable 185) I don't have official measurements yet 196) A BIONICLE name? No 207) Yes, it is true 218) LOL, no

1Greg, 2I've been doing some heavy-duty thinking lately:
3Minor spoilers for '06:
41. Have any of the IODtoran ever gotten the idea that maybe something that causes there to be a big forest in the middle of a place that is as inhospitable to any life as Voya Nui might be a force for good? Or is there something else about it that we don't know yet?
51) One always fears what one does not understand.
62. If the Exos were originally designed to be autonomous robots for the BoM's army, then why do they have the "Toa power armor" function? It seems like an awful lot of extra work to design a robot that can fit a Toa in too, with controls and all. 72) When was it ever said that that was the original idea behind their design? Remember, one of their original purposes is stated to be a failsafe against a Bohrok rampage, and therre is nothing that says that they were designed after the BOM went bad. If they were designed when the BOM still served Mata Nui, then the Toa function makes perfect sense. 83. Did any of the original BoM Exos survive? I know that the six that were on (under) Mata Nui were trashed by the Kal, but were there others that might have survived? 93) Possibly, sure 104. Exos drain elemental energy; presumably this is to power the suit. However, they work just fine when there is no Toa inside. Does the elemental energy power extra functions in the suit, increase its strength, or what? 114) I went back and checked the comics -- it never says Exos drain elemental energy, it says it hinders the use of it. 125. Does the 'energy drain' function of an Exo drain all of the occupant's elemental energy, or would a Toa Nuva have some left to use directly against an enemy? 135) Same answer as #4. If it drained their powers, then they would not be able to make the cage the second they shed the suits. It blocks the use of the power, it does not drain it. Think of it as throwing a piece of black cloth over a flashlight -- that doesn't drain the battery, just blocks the light. 146. If Nuparu were to get his hands on one, could he reverse-engineer the 'energy drain' function to add to a Toa's energy momentarily from an outside power source? 156) See answer to #5. 167. You might not be able to answer this one, but here goes: is the designer of the Exos still around? 177) Dunno
19I really appreciate your being here to answer our incessant questions. Have a happy Halloween this Monday:
3Minor spoilers for '06:
41. Have any of the IODtoran ever gotten the idea that maybe something that causes there to be a big forest in the middle of a place that is as inhospitable to any life as Voya Nui might be a force for good? Or is there something else about it that we don't know yet?

62. If the Exos were originally designed to be autonomous robots for the BoM's army, then why do they have the "Toa power armor" function? It seems like an awful lot of extra work to design a robot that can fit a Toa in too, with controls and all. 72) When was it ever said that that was the original idea behind their design? Remember, one of their original purposes is stated to be a failsafe against a Bohrok rampage, and therre is nothing that says that they were designed after the BOM went bad. If they were designed when the BOM still served Mata Nui, then the Toa function makes perfect sense. 83. Did any of the original BoM Exos survive? I know that the six that were on (under) Mata Nui were trashed by the Kal, but were there others that might have survived? 93) Possibly, sure 104. Exos drain elemental energy; presumably this is to power the suit. However, they work just fine when there is no Toa inside. Does the elemental energy power extra functions in the suit, increase its strength, or what? 114) I went back and checked the comics -- it never says Exos drain elemental energy, it says it hinders the use of it. 125. Does the 'energy drain' function of an Exo drain all of the occupant's elemental energy, or would a Toa Nuva have some left to use directly against an enemy? 135) Same answer as #4. If it drained their powers, then they would not be able to make the cage the second they shed the suits. It blocks the use of the power, it does not drain it. Think of it as throwing a piece of black cloth over a flashlight -- that doesn't drain the battery, just blocks the light. 146. If Nuparu were to get his hands on one, could he reverse-engineer the 'energy drain' function to add to a Toa's energy momentarily from an outside power source? 156) See answer to #5. 167. You might not be able to answer this one, but here goes: is the designer of the Exos still around? 177) Dunno
19I really appreciate your being here to answer our incessant questions. Have a happy Halloween this Monday:
1Here there are some general questions and more stuff about the Toa Olda:
21. Which is your favourite BIONICLE movie so far?
3A: Probably 2 or 3. 3 was technically the best movie, but I was never comfortable with Vakama going bad, I didn't feel it fit his character
42. In WoS, Matau says "Next stop: Mata Nui:" when it wasn't so called, didn't Vakama only name it so after becoming a Turaga?
5A: Yes, but remember that the movies are made for casual fans who don't know all the ins and outs and need things spelled out for them
63. Have you finished BL#3 yet?
7A: No
84. What happened to your "Ask Greg" section on BIONICLE.com?
9A: We decided to scrap it. Most of the questions I was getting were either stuff so obvious you could find it on BIONICLE.com already or else sheer gibberish, and the questions were clogging my email box.
105. Do the Piraka speak Matoran?
11A: Yes
126. Did Makuta (and his brotherhood, for that matter) knew of the existance of the Toa Olda? I mean, before they fell from the sky, before Mata Nui was put to sleep, etc. That is, had they been aware of the risks when putting Mata Nui to sleep that they will unleash the Toa Olda by doing so?
13A: Yes
147. Did Axxon build the Olda's canisters? (Since he's a member of the Order)
15A: No. You find out who built the canisters in BL #2
168. Aren't there any huge land masses on the BIONICLE planet at all? I mean there can't be just islands everywhere... shouldn't there be some continents somewhere?
17A: Can't answer it
189. Were the Toa Olda really in orbit of the planet before they "fell out of the sky"?
I think that's really cool:
19A: Can't answer it, but you do get an answer in BL #1
2010. Had the Olda ever been involved in past battles/encounters/conflicts with Makuta and Mata Nui prior to arriving on Mata Nui? I'm referring to Kopaka's quote from Comic#1, where he said "My dreams were dark ones..." I think that those dreams he meant are actually a reminisence of past battles/conficts with evil... Am I right?
21A: I would say no on the conflicts, simply because the Olda were in their canisters long before the BOM went bad

21. Which is your favourite BIONICLE movie so far?
3A: Probably 2 or 3. 3 was technically the best movie, but I was never comfortable with Vakama going bad, I didn't feel it fit his character
42. In WoS, Matau says "Next stop: Mata Nui:" when it wasn't so called, didn't Vakama only name it so after becoming a Turaga?
5A: Yes, but remember that the movies are made for casual fans who don't know all the ins and outs and need things spelled out for them
63. Have you finished BL#3 yet?
7A: No
84. What happened to your "Ask Greg" section on BIONICLE.com?
9A: We decided to scrap it. Most of the questions I was getting were either stuff so obvious you could find it on BIONICLE.com already or else sheer gibberish, and the questions were clogging my email box.
105. Do the Piraka speak Matoran?
11A: Yes
126. Did Makuta (and his brotherhood, for that matter) knew of the existance of the Toa Olda? I mean, before they fell from the sky, before Mata Nui was put to sleep, etc. That is, had they been aware of the risks when putting Mata Nui to sleep that they will unleash the Toa Olda by doing so?
13A: Yes
147. Did Axxon build the Olda's canisters? (Since he's a member of the Order)
15A: No. You find out who built the canisters in BL #2
168. Aren't there any huge land masses on the BIONICLE planet at all? I mean there can't be just islands everywhere... shouldn't there be some continents somewhere?
17A: Can't answer it
189. Were the Toa Olda really in orbit of the planet before they "fell out of the sky"?

19A: Can't answer it, but you do get an answer in BL #1
2010. Had the Olda ever been involved in past battles/encounters/conflicts with Makuta and Mata Nui prior to arriving on Mata Nui? I'm referring to Kopaka's quote from Comic#1, where he said "My dreams were dark ones..." I think that those dreams he meant are actually a reminisence of past battles/conficts with evil... Am I right?
21A: I would say no on the conflicts, simply because the Olda were in their canisters long before the BOM went bad
1More stuff:
21) I was wondering, would you happen to have any news on BrickMaster coming to Europe? The new stuff you get seem better and better, and from looking around the forums, I see many other interested Europeans. Especially since Europe doesn't really get a lot when it comes to comics, promos, etc., it'd be great if we had BrickMaster - So would there be any news you could share on this?
31) We have had discussions about it, so it may happen. I think they would need to take a look at the program and ways to make it work, since the cost of mailing sets is way higher in EU than in the US.
42) I've heard many members say that Axonn & Brutaka are members of the BoM or OoMN, but I presume this is just a rumor? Have you ever said that they are?
52) I have stated that there would be at least one set next year of a member of the OOMN. I don't think I have stated which set it would be. I HAVE stated that Axonn and Brutaka do not work for BOM and are not Dark Hunters.
1Well, Greg, think again. 2 posts above mine, in #7, you tell us that 2Axxon is a member of the OoMN.
31) Greg rarely visits this topic, PM him a question or comment.\
42) Jabbadeep made the assumption that it was Axonn, Greg neither said it was or wasn't, so you yourself are incorrect. He only answered the question given him, which was if Axonn had built the canisters. The answer is a no.
11.)Roodaka's been a sort of double agent in the DH/BOM War. Is she currently on any one side or still shifting loyalties? 22.)Are the new kind of launchers that Nidhiki and Krekka stole in "Birth of a Dark Hunter" similar to the ones the Piraka use?
31) She works for whichever side suits her best at the moment. Roodaka's only loyalty is to herself 42) Yes
1Well, Greg, think again. 2 posts above mine, in #7, you tell us that 2Axxon is a member of the OoMN.
3I don't see it. Could you give us a quote?
4Pakiroh Vah is refferring to Jabbadeep's post where he asks if
7(since he was a member of the OoMN)
107. Did Axxon build the Olda's canisters? (Since he's a member of the Order)
11A: No. You find out who built the canisters in BL #2
1I don't hve much, but, here's something I want to add:
8Edit:[quoteFrigmentJedi@Oct 30 2005 02:35PM(FrigmentJedi@Oct 30 2005 @ 02:35PM)
111) She works for whichever side suits her best at the moment. Roodaka's only loyalty is to herself 122) Yes 13What's "Birth of a Dark Hunter?"
Greg Me
2Hello, Mr. Farshtey, I hope you had a good honeymoon. I just have two questions that have been bugging me:
31) Since I did not get the July/August edition of the Lego Magazine, I didn't get to read that comic. Do you know of any other source to be able to read that comic besides BioSector01?
42) I remember you said that Mata Nui(the great Spirit) doesn't intervene in chaos because he has Toa to do that for him and he has to keep the whole universe together(like the force in Star Wars). So, how does he do that if he is asleep?
5-The White Wizard
61) Well, if it was a matter of your sub had run out or it just never got to you, I would suggest contacting LEGO Customer Service and having them send you a copy of the mag and comic.
72) Good question And something we are going to get into in 2006 ... basically, is everything going down the toilet because he has been asleep so long?
8Edit:[quoteFrigmentJedi@Oct 30 2005 02:35PM(FrigmentJedi@Oct 30 2005 @ 02:35PM)
91.)Roodaka's been a sort of double agent in the DH/BOM War. Is she currently on any one side or still shifting loyalties? 102.)Are the new kind of launchers that Nidhiki and Krekka stole in "Birth of a Dark Hunter" similar to the ones the Piraka use?
111) She works for whichever side suits her best at the moment. Roodaka's only loyalty is to herself 122) Yes 13What's "Birth of a Dark Hunter?"
11.) So, there are Toa of Gravity and Sonics, so presumably there are also Toa of Electricty and the rest. So which type of powers are more common? At first you'd think Gravity & Co. would be more rare, since it took Bahrag energies and EP to make the Kal powers. Then again, Makuta has the Kal powers, so perhapes Fire & Co. are more special. So are Gravity, etc., Toa fewer in number than Fire?
2Wait a minute. When was a Toa of Gravity announced?
11.) So, there are Toa of Gravity and Sonics, so presumably there are also Toa of Electricty and the rest.So which type of powers are more common? At first you'd think Gravity & Co. would be more rare, since it took Bahrag energies and EP to make the Kal powers.Then again, Makuta has the Kal powers, so perhapes Fire & Co. are more special.So are Gravity, etc., Toa fewer in number than Fire?
2Wait a minute. When was a Toa of Gravity announced?
3In BA#10. Read spoiler for info:
4Lariska had a job, to "take care of" a Toa of Gravity. She succeeded.
1Edit:[quoteFrigmentJedi@Oct 30 2005 02:35PM(FrigmentJedi@Oct 30 2005 @ 02:35PM)
21.)Roodaka's been a sort of double agent in the DH/BOM War. Is she currently on any one side or still shifting loyalties? 32.)Are the new kind of launchers that Nidhiki and Krekka stole in "Birth of a Dark Hunter" similar to the ones the Piraka use?
41) She works for whichever side suits her best at the moment. Roodaka's only loyalty is to herself 52) Yes
6What's "Birth of a Dark Hunter?" 7The short story about Nidhiki's origins, at the end of the Encyclopedia. 8Khote
1What's "Birth of a Dark Hunter?"
2It is a short story recounting the transformation of Nidhiki into a Dark Hunter. One of the missions on which he and Krekka are sent is to recover a new type of launcher and use for the Dark Hunters' purposes.
3Wow, how is it possible that I missed Khote's post? My apologies.
1Well, Greg, think again. 2 posts above mine, in #7, you tell us that 2Axxon is a member of the OoMN.
3I don't see it. Could you give us a quote?
4Pakiroh Vah is refferring to Jabbadeep's post where he asks if6built the Olda canisters, then put in parentheses5Axxonn8. Because Greg didn't explicitly deny this assumption, Jabbadeep, (I believe) assumed that it was confirmed.7(since he was a member of the OoMN)
9Quote:107. Did Axxon build the Olda's canisters? (Since he's a member of the Order)
11A: No. You find out who built the canisters in BL #2
12Hey, eh, sorry for the confusion there, guys:

14I had always thought (alright, assumed) that Axonn was a member of the Order, because:

- 15It sounds a lot like it
- 16Brutaka sounds too evil, get it -- with letters 'r' and 'k'?
- 17I had PM'd Greg while assuming that Axonn was a member of the Order, and he never disapproved that theory -- he just went on with answering my questions

1Hey guys: I got some info about the Piraka's spheres;
2Hey Greg: I was just wondering;14See answers above,
31) Will the Matoran build Kolhii stadiums in each Metru, and use the Coliseum for the finals and other big matches, or will they just use the Coliseum?
41) The Matoran are facing the potential end of the universe, so kolhii stadiums are the last thing they are worrying about.
52) I'm curious to know, since Toa Norik was originally sppused to be Dume, what would your reasons have been for giving him a Noble mask?
62) Non-issue. The product designer did not design him with an idea of him being Dume, and the idea he might be was discussed for all of about 15 seconds before being rejected. The notion that they were Dume and Nidhiki and then we changed it is inaccurate.
73) Exactly how many new functions do the Piraka have?
83) I guess you'll find out when they're out
94) Which tool do they launch the spheres from -- their right hand, or their left?
104) Left hand.
115) How many store exclusive sets are there?
125) Don't know.
13Thanks as always:

12) I'm curious to know, since Toa Norik was originally sppused to be Dume
24) Which tool do they launch the spheres from -- their right hand, or their left?
3What do you mean about Norik and Dume and what are these spheres?
4Toa norik was supposed to be dume and
5those spheres are the weapons of the piraka
12) I'm curious to know, since Toa Norik was originally sppused to be Dume
24) Which tool do they launch the spheres from -- their right hand, or their left?
3What do you mean about Norik and Dume and what are these spheres?
4Toa norik was supposed to be dume and5those spheres are the weapons of the piraka
6What do you mean by he was supposed to be Dume? Do you mean to say that the Hagah were meant to be the Turaga of Metru Nui?
12) I'm curious to know, since Toa Norik was originally sppused to be Dume
24) Which tool do they launch the spheres from -- their right hand, or their left?
3What do you mean about Norik and Dume and what are these spheres?
4Toa norik was supposed to be dume and5those spheres are the weapons of the piraka
6What do you mean by he was supposed to be Dume? Do you mean to say that the Hagah were meant to be the Turaga of Metru Nui?
7I am saying when the bionicle designers first made toa norik(the set) they wanted it to be toa dume but in the end they changed it to toa norik

12) I'm curious to know, since Toa Norik was originally sppused to be Dume
24) Which tool do they launch the spheres from -- their right hand, or their left?
3What do you mean about Norik and Dume and what are these spheres?
4Toa norik was supposed to be dume and5those spheres are the weapons of the piraka
6What do you mean by he was supposed to be Dume? Do you mean to say that the Hagah were meant to be the Turaga of Metru Nui?
7I am saying when the bionicle designers first made toa norik(the set) they wanted it to be toa dume but in the end they changed it to toa norik
8Wrong. Greg has said many times that the idea of making a Toa Nidhiki and Toa Dume set lasted for a very short time, to show how long, he said about 15-30 seconds. The sets were planned to be Toa Norik and Toa Iruini from the start, not the end.
12) I'm curious to know, since Toa Norik was originally sppused to be Dume
24) Which tool do they launch the spheres from -- their right hand, or their left?
3What do you mean about Norik and Dume and what are these spheres?
4Toa norik was supposed to be dume and5those spheres are the weapons of the piraka
6What do you mean by he was supposed to be Dume? Do you mean to say that the Hagah were meant to be the Turaga of Metru Nui?
7I am saying when the bionicle designers first made toa norik(the set) they wanted it to be toa dume but in the end they changed it to toa norik
8Wrong. Greg has said many times that the idea of making a Toa Nidhiki and Toa Dume set lasted for a very short time, to show how long, he said about 15-30 seconds. The sets were planned to be Toa Norik and Toa Iruini from the start, not the end.
9I believe that was the case once Dume was designed, but, look at Iruini's mask. That would have been perfect for Nidhiki's when he was a Toa. I have difficulty imagining Toa Nidhiki not looking like a clone of Toa Iruini. I thought Greg had said that is why the mask had been designed that way, it was meant to be Nidhiki. If the entire idea literally lasted 15 seconds, why would Greg have brought it up in the first place?
1Rejoice: Let's get on-topic now: I have yet more answers from Greg: They're quite interesting, now, look at #6 and #9 :
21. When did Toa Krakua exist? Before or after the Toa Nuva's time?
3A: My guess is he first came into existence before the Toa Nuva were "nuva'd"
42. Roughly how many members are there in the OoMN?
5A: Can't answer it
63. Is Axonn a member of the OoMN?
7A: Can't answer it
84. Is Mata Nui a member of the OoMN?
9A: No. OOMN is an organization, like the Knights Templar, that serves the will of a more powerful entity. In the case of the Knights, it was, in their eyes, God -- but God was a not a member of the Knights Templar.
105. Which organization existed earlier? The BoM or the OoMN?
11A: I would say BOM might be slightly older
126. Who is Zaktan?
13A: Leader of the Piraka
147. Lastime you said that the Hagah existed slightly earlier than the Olda. But then recently you said the Olda were in their canisters long before the BoM went bad? Which is correct?
15A: I don't recall saying that. What I probably did say is that the Hagah were active before the Toa Olda were, since the Olda were in their canisters at the time the Hagah were active Toa
168. Do you know what Kopaka's "dark dreams" were? Or at least have an idea...?
17A: Sure.
189. When will you tell us/will it be revealed?
19A: I can tell you right now. They came from the sensation that things were not right, the result of Mata Nui having been asleep for 1000 years and the dominance of Makuta
2010. Prior to being unleashed by Makuta, have the Bohrok ever been awakened to do their job before?
21A: Can't answer it at this time
21. When did Toa Krakua exist? Before or after the Toa Nuva's time?
3A: My guess is he first came into existence before the Toa Nuva were "nuva'd"
42. Roughly how many members are there in the OoMN?
5A: Can't answer it
63. Is Axonn a member of the OoMN?
7A: Can't answer it
84. Is Mata Nui a member of the OoMN?
9A: No. OOMN is an organization, like the Knights Templar, that serves the will of a more powerful entity. In the case of the Knights, it was, in their eyes, God -- but God was a not a member of the Knights Templar.
105. Which organization existed earlier? The BoM or the OoMN?
11A: I would say BOM might be slightly older
126. Who is Zaktan?
13A: Leader of the Piraka
147. Lastime you said that the Hagah existed slightly earlier than the Olda. But then recently you said the Olda were in their canisters long before the BoM went bad? Which is correct?
15A: I don't recall saying that. What I probably did say is that the Hagah were active before the Toa Olda were, since the Olda were in their canisters at the time the Hagah were active Toa
168. Do you know what Kopaka's "dark dreams" were? Or at least have an idea...?
17A: Sure.
189. When will you tell us/will it be revealed?
19A: I can tell you right now. They came from the sensation that things were not right, the result of Mata Nui having been asleep for 1000 years and the dominance of Makuta
2010. Prior to being unleashed by Makuta, have the Bohrok ever been awakened to do their job before?
21A: Can't answer it at this time
1Some really neat info from Greg concerning Mata Nui's slumber, the pain he experienced and how he interacts with the Bionicle world.
23) Does the Brotherhood of Makuta understand that the universe will be destoryed by the awakening of the Ancient Evil?
33) The BOM, as a group, is not aware of what is going on on Voya Nui. They have no agents there.
44) If Mata Nui were to be awakened by the Toa Nuva, say, today, would he punish the Brotherhood of Makuta?
54) Hard to say. They would probably lose influence and power, but it's not like he would act directly against them, Mata Nui doesn't work that way. Most likely, the OOMN would nail them
65) For how long in advance did Mata Nui know that he was to be put into a slumber?
75) Oh, probably a few hundred years
86) When Makuta refers to Mata Nui by saying "Sleep spares him pain.", what kind of pain is Makuta talking about (e.g. physical, heartache, etc.)
96) Physical, not emotional
107) Was Mata Nui really in pain before his slumber?
117) If he was, guess who caused it?
128) What was causing him pain? (yeah, I know I'm digging deep, but I just want to know if it is a source that is already known)
138) Can't answer it
149) If Mata Nui was really in pain, for how long had he been in pain?
159) Few hundred years
1610) Why, when the BoM turned evil, did Mata Nui not do anyhting to stop them?
1710) What could he do? Mata Nui does not act directly. He could have unleashed the OOMN, and the resultant war would probably have devastated the universe and killed hundreds of thousands of Matoran, in which case Mata Nui would not have won much of a victory
1811) Can Mata Nui interact with the physical world without using pawns like the Toa or OoMN?
1911) Can't answer it
20Wow. I never thought Mata Nui knew all about his slumber for that long. It's also very confusing that he doesn't interact directly. 5, 9, 10 and 11 are all very interesting. This is a major mystery as to how waking Mata Nui will solve things. If Mata Nui is awakened, will his pain be over, or is that another Toa's destiny?
23) Does the Brotherhood of Makuta understand that the universe will be destoryed by the awakening of the Ancient Evil?
33) The BOM, as a group, is not aware of what is going on on Voya Nui. They have no agents there.
44) If Mata Nui were to be awakened by the Toa Nuva, say, today, would he punish the Brotherhood of Makuta?
54) Hard to say. They would probably lose influence and power, but it's not like he would act directly against them, Mata Nui doesn't work that way. Most likely, the OOMN would nail them
65) For how long in advance did Mata Nui know that he was to be put into a slumber?
75) Oh, probably a few hundred years
86) When Makuta refers to Mata Nui by saying "Sleep spares him pain.", what kind of pain is Makuta talking about (e.g. physical, heartache, etc.)
96) Physical, not emotional
107) Was Mata Nui really in pain before his slumber?
117) If he was, guess who caused it?
128) What was causing him pain? (yeah, I know I'm digging deep, but I just want to know if it is a source that is already known)
138) Can't answer it
149) If Mata Nui was really in pain, for how long had he been in pain?
159) Few hundred years
1610) Why, when the BoM turned evil, did Mata Nui not do anyhting to stop them?
1710) What could he do? Mata Nui does not act directly. He could have unleashed the OOMN, and the resultant war would probably have devastated the universe and killed hundreds of thousands of Matoran, in which case Mata Nui would not have won much of a victory
1811) Can Mata Nui interact with the physical world without using pawns like the Toa or OoMN?
1911) Can't answer it
20Wow. I never thought Mata Nui knew all about his slumber for that long. It's also very confusing that he doesn't interact directly. 5, 9, 10 and 11 are all very interesting. This is a major mystery as to how waking Mata Nui will solve things. If Mata Nui is awakened, will his pain be over, or is that another Toa's destiny?
17) Was Mata Nui really in pain before his slumber?
27) If he was, guess who caused it?
3Makuta, perhaps? Well, who else...?
4There's also another question you raised at the end of your post, Bionicle#1, it's 'What difference would it make if Mata Nui was awake?' Things actually appear to be the same as they are when he was awake (beginning of LoMN) In other words, why should the Toa even bother to awaken him -- there's not going to be much changed, is there? Remember Makuta's quote from MoL --
5Now, I'm going to protect Mata Nui from YOU. Sleep spares him pain, awake, he suffers...
6See that? It'll just be a burden if he gets awake -- he'll be in pain, just like he was a few hundred years before his slumber...
1No idea. My theory is his presence just might increase the whole "life force" thingy of whatever planet the whole saga is supposed to be on. 2That way over a large period of time, things would gradually get stronger when he's awake. That way, we can't see it in the movies, but everything has gotten weaker over time. Just a theory that I came up with off the top o' my head, probably not even close

1That's an interesting question. What's the difference if he's awake?
3Well, Greg suggested on this very page, or on the last at least, that perhaps the universe is beginning to change from Mata-Nui's absence.
4Kinda like how Greg said that Mata-nui made sure gravity remained the same, the sun rose every morning, etc, and how he supposedly made some arrangements for those to stay the same while he was asleep. What if they're wearing off?
1This question doesn't have anything to do with the '06 storyline at all, it was just bothering me for long time:
2I've just been a little buggered by this: What are the spinner powers of the Parakrekks, cable crawler, Protocairns, Frostelus, chute lurker, and Gate Guardian? I'm just wondering since we never found them out.
3I never assigned any to them, I don't think
4Looks like I'll have to make some up, then.
2I've just been a little buggered by this: What are the spinner powers of the Parakrekks, cable crawler, Protocairns, Frostelus, chute lurker, and Gate Guardian? I'm just wondering since we never found them out.
3I never assigned any to them, I don't think
4Looks like I'll have to make some up, then.
1This question doesn't have anything to do with the '06 storyline at all, it was just bothering me for long time:
2I've just been a little buggered by this: What are the spinner powers of the Parakrekks, cable crawler, Protocairns, Frostelus, chute lurker, and Gate Guardian? I'm just wondering since we never found them out.
3I never assigned any to them, I don't think
4Looks like I'll have to make some up, then.
5The Cable Crawler's spinner is vertigo. Greg must have just forgotten because all the others don't have official powers.
6Edit: Also, I just noticed I hadn't posted this answer from Greg yet: 7MAJOR '06 SPOILERS::
8What I am curious is why the Piraka are trying to unleash an ancient evil that could destroy the universe. Wouldn't they be destroyed as well? Why would they want that? Come to think of it, if the Piraka's mission is really that serious, why don't the Toa Nuva ally with the Dark Hunters, the Brotherhood, the Order, and everybody else who doesn't want to be killed(quite a large number, I presume) and kick the Piraka's but?
10You are assuming the Piraka know what the consequences of their actions would be. We have never said that. The Piraka are motivated by lust for power and greed, something which has more than once blinded otherwise intelligent beings to potential disasters in the making.