1I'd like to see roodaka fall of a cliff. "Sidorak, i have been planning to kill yo- *Sidorak shoves her off cliff* *looney tunes music plays* SPLAT: Not too violent since most of her is metal

1BA10 spoilers ahead:
4Never knew Mak was so old.....glad about TSO,tough:
2In BA10,TSO got weakened alot by the aging.In like,1000 years,did he managed to recover? I wanted to ask this because TSO is my favourite BIONICLE villain,and seeing him unable to fight would disappoint me.
3Even aged, he is still able to fight. Remember, BIONICLE characters have incredibly long lifespans -- Makuta it least 100,000 years old or so -- and still pretty spry.
4Never knew Mak was so old.....glad about TSO,tough:
1I have a some interesting answers here;
21) How many playsets are there next year?14So, which Matoran is the leader?
32) Will there be any "secret" playsets, like the Visorak's Gate?
43) Will there be any as large as the BoMN?
54) Will the minifigs be posable?
65) Will there be mini Titans and Matoran?
71-5) I don't have answers for any of these, I have only seen one of the sets.
86) Will there be mini Toa Nuva?
96) No.
107) Will the Matoran leader be a set?
117) Yes, it's a $4.99 set.
128) Will the Piraka have light-up eyes?
139) I can't discuss 2006 items.

1Dear Greg,
2#1. When roodaka fell, was there any significance to the hand that [teleported? her away? 3#2. Would all of the spinners have killed her, or did their powers get absorbed by the Makuta stone, and then set makuta free? 4#3. Is there anyway for Makuta to Revive Roodaka if she is truly"Dead"? 5I won't ask if she is dead, since it sounds like others have asked the same question. Thank you for your time.-DSOO
61) Yes, it was Makuta spiriting her out of harm's way 72) The latter 83) If she were dead, no.[/QUOTE]
9I had had a couple of questions about B3, and here are Greg's answers. They involve Roodaka.
1I had to ask this one:
2Soooo...Recently I was thinking back to the early days of Bionicle, and about how next year is apparently going to recapture the "feel" of 2001. Well, after a bit of thinking I decided that the one thing that really made 2001 the best was Makuta. Now, I thought that he was core to the feel of the story becausehe had: 3A.) No real defined form 4B.) No real defined powers other than his mysterious omniscience over the island and 5C.) Wasn't really defeated - he just went away, leaving us in suspense.
6So here's the gist of my message: If you make a character a set, it takes away from his/her whole mystique because we know just -that- much more about him/her. A character (preferably one of great significance) is a lot better when most of him/her is left unaccounted for ("in the dark" if you will...).
7So my final question is: Are there any plans to make any more mysterious, ubiquitous and utterly undefined characters like that in the future? I feel that making every important character a set gives him/her a defined form and boxes in the imagination with given restrictions, and as I said, it takes away the mystique surrounding him/her.
9There are characters who are in the books only and do not exist as sets, nor are there plans to make them sets. But the idea of not doing Makuta as a set in 2001 was not to "make him mysterious," it was simply that we only had a limited number of sets planned and his main appearance in the story that year was as a Matoran (so not really great for a set). At this point, we do not plan to have major characters not appear as sets, because quite simply if they aren't sets they can't get into the comic and therefore it is hard for them to be major characters.

1QUOTE 2who is roodaka most loyal to? is she most loyal to makuta and his brotherhood or to the darkhunters who never wanted her?
3Is Roodaka in love with Makuta?
4And why did makuta saved Akhmou? ( if he saved him) and what did makuta do to him to make him betray the matoran again?
5was Voporak Sidoraks clan leader and if so was Voporak his name before he got mutated.
6If Sidorak is such a coward why did he become the leader of the visorak? was it because he was a great to make up stratigis
71) She is loyal to whoever it benefits her to be at the moment. Her only real loyalty is to herself. 82) No, Roodaka is not capable of love. 93) To have a spy and an agent inside the Matoran. It didn't take much to make Ahkmou betray the Matoran, because he believes the Turaga denied him the chance to be Toa of Stone. So he hates them and the Matoran and the Toa. 104) Yes and yes 115) I don't see Sidorak as a coward. A lot of generals are great strategic thinkers but not people you want on the front lines in a battle. He is simply better at planning battles than fighting them, and it makes sense -- why, in the centuries since he took over the Visorak, would he have ever had to be in combat? That is what he has an army for. Sidorak used the Visorak to fight his battles for him the same way Roodaka used Vakama and later Keetongu to fight hers.
13QUOTE 141. So voporak was a leader on Sidoraks island. so is " rak" some kind of common name there and did he changed personlity when he was mutade and why did he want to get mutaded?
152. I have heread that Roodaka was in a battle between the BoM and DH after BA#10. so who saved her?
163. Are the Rahagah living in metru nui when the Toa nuva are there? and if so are thet in the colloseum together with the seven Turagas?
174. If a matoran die in metru nui what did thet do with the body? did they burid him on some special place?
18Thanks from Raka
191) No, "rak" is simply a suffix we use that makes it possible to come up with names that don't already mean something else in another language. And who said he wanted to be mutated? 202) Makuta did. His hand grabs her at the end of B3 and spirits her out of harm's way 213) They are there when the Toa Nuva first get there, but I don't believe they stay there after that, there is no reason for them to do so 224) Can't answer it
3Is Roodaka in love with Makuta?
4And why did makuta saved Akhmou? ( if he saved him) and what did makuta do to him to make him betray the matoran again?
5was Voporak Sidoraks clan leader and if so was Voporak his name before he got mutated.
6If Sidorak is such a coward why did he become the leader of the visorak? was it because he was a great to make up stratigis
71) She is loyal to whoever it benefits her to be at the moment. Her only real loyalty is to herself. 82) No, Roodaka is not capable of love. 93) To have a spy and an agent inside the Matoran. It didn't take much to make Ahkmou betray the Matoran, because he believes the Turaga denied him the chance to be Toa of Stone. So he hates them and the Matoran and the Toa. 104) Yes and yes 115) I don't see Sidorak as a coward. A lot of generals are great strategic thinkers but not people you want on the front lines in a battle. He is simply better at planning battles than fighting them, and it makes sense -- why, in the centuries since he took over the Visorak, would he have ever had to be in combat? That is what he has an army for. Sidorak used the Visorak to fight his battles for him the same way Roodaka used Vakama and later Keetongu to fight hers.
13QUOTE 141. So voporak was a leader on Sidoraks island. so is " rak" some kind of common name there and did he changed personlity when he was mutade and why did he want to get mutaded?
152. I have heread that Roodaka was in a battle between the BoM and DH after BA#10. so who saved her?
163. Are the Rahagah living in metru nui when the Toa nuva are there? and if so are thet in the colloseum together with the seven Turagas?
174. If a matoran die in metru nui what did thet do with the body? did they burid him on some special place?
18Thanks from Raka
191) No, "rak" is simply a suffix we use that makes it possible to come up with names that don't already mean something else in another language. And who said he wanted to be mutated? 202) Makuta did. His hand grabs her at the end of B3 and spirits her out of harm's way 213) They are there when the Toa Nuva first get there, but I don't believe they stay there after that, there is no reason for them to do so 224) Can't answer it
1Some interesting finds here, mainly about the Toa Olda's origins:
2Q: The sea around the IoD... is it liquid protodermis like the one around Metru Nui or water like Mata Nui?
3A: Sea around Mata Nui
4Q: Weren't the exo-toa bodyguards for the BoM? Then how did 6 of them end up near the Bahrag's lair?
5A: They were used for that, but that is not necessarily what their original design was for. They are machines, the BOM simply reprogrammed them for what they wanted them to do.
6Q: Who designed the exo-toa?
7A: Matoran
8Q: When will we find out the origin of the great disks?
9A: No idea
10Q: Is it possible they were "planted" in Metru Nui by previous Toa just like the Toa Metru "planted" the Great Masks on Mata Nui?
11A: Anything is possible
12Q: Could the "paradise" that the Toa Olda were in their "past life" (that's what I call it) possibly be Artakha?
13A: Hmmm .. it's a good question, but I would say no.
14Q: Who trained the Olda there? Older, more experienced Toa handpicked by Mata Nui himself?
15A: Can't answer it
16Q: Will we find a clue as to one of the beings who put the Olda in their canisters next year?
17A: You will find out who built the canisters next year
18Q: Were the Olda actually transformed from someone else (probably Matoran) or just built from scratch?
19A: My own theory is that the Olda were never Matoran.
20Q: Why are the Olda's bodies different from all other Toa? (small stature, generally lacking in armor)
21A: Because they are very, very old Toa.
22Q: When will we find out the secret that's behind the Olda's names? (They're named directly after the elements themselves)
23A: Don't know, but consider this -- all other Toa you have met kept their Matoran names (except Takanuva, for movie reasons). Tahu, Toa of Fire, was never a Matoran, so it made sense to simply take a name based on his element.
24Q: What actually 'went wrong' when the Great Shadow fell and their canisters fell in the sea around instead of on Mata Nui? Simple navigational failure? Or some BoM conspiracy?
25A: Can't answer it
26Q: Why were they actually supposed to land on Mata Nui? There's nothing there. Only 1000 years later, it would have made sense -- since Mata Nui is inhabited then, and troubled. If they had landed there, not in the sea, 1000 years ago, what would they have done on the barren, uninhabited Mata Nui?
27A: Well, keep in mind, their job was to awaken Mata Nui -- their job had nothing to do with protecting Matoran, they took that on themselves. So whether it was inhabited or not is irrelevant. Now, let's do the math -- we know the Toa "fell from the sky" and landed in the ocean around Mata Nui. And we know getting to Metru Nui is important to awakening the Great Spirit. There is no way to "fall from the sky" and land on Metru Nui because it is underground. So it would only make sense to land around Mata Nui and then descend.
2Q: The sea around the IoD... is it liquid protodermis like the one around Metru Nui or water like Mata Nui?
3A: Sea around Mata Nui
4Q: Weren't the exo-toa bodyguards for the BoM? Then how did 6 of them end up near the Bahrag's lair?
5A: They were used for that, but that is not necessarily what their original design was for. They are machines, the BOM simply reprogrammed them for what they wanted them to do.
6Q: Who designed the exo-toa?
7A: Matoran
8Q: When will we find out the origin of the great disks?
9A: No idea
10Q: Is it possible they were "planted" in Metru Nui by previous Toa just like the Toa Metru "planted" the Great Masks on Mata Nui?
11A: Anything is possible
12Q: Could the "paradise" that the Toa Olda were in their "past life" (that's what I call it) possibly be Artakha?
13A: Hmmm .. it's a good question, but I would say no.
14Q: Who trained the Olda there? Older, more experienced Toa handpicked by Mata Nui himself?
15A: Can't answer it
16Q: Will we find a clue as to one of the beings who put the Olda in their canisters next year?
17A: You will find out who built the canisters next year
18Q: Were the Olda actually transformed from someone else (probably Matoran) or just built from scratch?
19A: My own theory is that the Olda were never Matoran.
20Q: Why are the Olda's bodies different from all other Toa? (small stature, generally lacking in armor)
21A: Because they are very, very old Toa.
22Q: When will we find out the secret that's behind the Olda's names? (They're named directly after the elements themselves)
23A: Don't know, but consider this -- all other Toa you have met kept their Matoran names (except Takanuva, for movie reasons). Tahu, Toa of Fire, was never a Matoran, so it made sense to simply take a name based on his element.
24Q: What actually 'went wrong' when the Great Shadow fell and their canisters fell in the sea around instead of on Mata Nui? Simple navigational failure? Or some BoM conspiracy?
25A: Can't answer it
26Q: Why were they actually supposed to land on Mata Nui? There's nothing there. Only 1000 years later, it would have made sense -- since Mata Nui is inhabited then, and troubled. If they had landed there, not in the sea, 1000 years ago, what would they have done on the barren, uninhabited Mata Nui?
27A: Well, keep in mind, their job was to awaken Mata Nui -- their job had nothing to do with protecting Matoran, they took that on themselves. So whether it was inhabited or not is irrelevant. Now, let's do the math -- we know the Toa "fell from the sky" and landed in the ocean around Mata Nui. And we know getting to Metru Nui is important to awakening the Great Spirit. There is no way to "fall from the sky" and land on Metru Nui because it is underground. So it would only make sense to land around Mata Nui and then descend.
1The beow spoilers regard Voporak and his powers. Nothing big, but I don't want to spoil it for people who haven't read Time Trap.

2I have a few questions regarding Voporak (set & story):
31. Can Voporak turn his time sheild on and off?
42. Is the Voporak combiner pack shipping to the US?
53. Is there a promotional item, and if yes, what is it?
64. In which store(s) would I find him?
7And a radom question: Where/when's the next place/date you'll be making a public appearence?
81) No, but he can turn off his ability to age things with his touch 92) Yes 103) Not that I know of 114) I would have to double check, I think it's Target 125) Nothing planned right now
31. Can Voporak turn his time sheild on and off?
42. Is the Voporak combiner pack shipping to the US?
53. Is there a promotional item, and if yes, what is it?
64. In which store(s) would I find him?
7And a radom question: Where/when's the next place/date you'll be making a public appearence?
81) No, but he can turn off his ability to age things with his touch 92) Yes 103) Not that I know of 114) I would have to double check, I think it's Target 125) Nothing planned right now
1I had to ask this one:
2Soooo...Recently I was thinking back to the early days of Bionicle, and about how next year is apparently going to recapture the "feel" of 2001. Well, after a bit of thinking I decided that the one thing that really made 2001 the best was Makuta. Now, I thought that he was core to the feel of the story because he had: 3A.) No real defined form 4B.) No real defined powers other than his mysterious omniscience over the island and 5C.) Wasn't really defeated - he just went away, leaving us in suspense.
6So here's the gist of my message: If you make a character a set, it takes away from his/her whole mystique because we know just -that- much more about him/her. A character (preferably one of great significance) is a lot better when most of him/her is left unaccounted for ("in the dark" if you will...).
7So my final question is: Are there any plans to make any more mysterious, ubiquitous and utterly undefined characters like that in the future? I feel that making every important character a set gives him/her a defined form and boxes in the imagination with given restrictions, and as I said, it takes away the mystique surrounding him/her.
9There are characters who are in the books only and do not exist as sets, nor are there plans to make them sets. But the idea of not doing Makuta as a set in 2001 was not to "make him mysterious," it was simply that we only had a limited number of sets planned and his main appearance in the story that year was as a Matoran (so not really great for a set). At this point, we do not plan to have major characters not appear as sets, because quite simply if they aren't sets they can't get into the comic and therefore it is hard for them to be major characters.
13The way I see it, LEGO is doing that right now with the Brotherhood. They certainly have a hand in current storyline matters, and I don't see any sets around here, do you? And Makuta did stay ambiguous until 2003, which was essentially the climax of the entire Bionicle storyline up to that point, and since it was the "final battle" with him, he had to have a set made. He stayed mysterious until his final year, which was his "big reveal." What would the alternative be? Every year would have to end with Makuta "just barely getting away," which would get downright stupid after a while. Trust me, this is the better way.
1Nothing new, but at least one is interesting... Answers in bold , questions underlined, and coments in italics
16ROODY IS ALIIIIIIIVE: Sweet... ya gotta love that evil devious Roodaka, always schemin to mess up peoples lives and such.
2Hello... like I said, just a few questions.
31. You said that Makuta used his hand to, "spirit her out of harms way". Does this mean that she's still alive, just in somewhere strange? Because clearly killing someone doesn't really put them out of harms way, unless you consider maybe Makuta doesn't want her phisically hurt. 41) September comic states that she played both sides against each other in the Dark Hunter-BOM war -- that took place after WOS, so she has to be alive. 5Cool: Roody's ALIVE:
62. I've heard it time after time, there is no marriage in BIONICLE because they really couldn't do anything. Take Jaller and Hahli for instance. They "like" each other, but since there is no marriage, could they just live together? 72) For what purpose? Besides, Ga-Matoran live in one area, Ta-Matoran in another, they don't fraternize like that. 8Not too exciting... too bad for J&H...
93. How exactly do the Toa decide to go to the IoD? I mean, they can't say, "Whew, I'm tired. Lets travel miles to get to an island of doom and destruction. They would have to here a message from someone wouldn't they? (I bet you can't answer that but what the heck) 10No, I can't answer that. It's 2006 stroryline. 11Didn't expect him to answer that one... and of course, he didn't.
124. What exactly do the Visorak do when they are let free? Do they still go around terroizing lands, just by themselves? Or do they live like any normal Rahi? 134) They probably broke up into smaller packs and lived the way barbarians live when their leader is dead and they are disorganized. They just raid in smaller groups. Visorak are like mercenaries, they can't just go back to being peace-loving creatures.
14Thanks a bunch:
16ROODY IS ALIIIIIIIVE: Sweet... ya gotta love that evil devious Roodaka, always schemin to mess up peoples lives and such.
1Wait: How the heck could Roodaka survive? She dissapeared didn't she? Or was she teleported somewhere?
1Sounds like makuta tele'ied her.
1She is alive. Makuta teleported her away.
1This Roodaka lives thing might better be discussed in a different topic. 2Anyway, my movie question, For those living in places where B# isn't availible yet.
3Hello Greg, sorry to bother you, but you wouldn't happen to know the european release date for B3 WoS, or anyone who does? 4Perticuarly in the Netherlands.
5Thanks in advance. 63804.
7No, sorry -- that gets decided by Miramax, not LEGO
1Discuss Roodaka here please.
2Edit: Might as well toss this in here...
5The last two posts aren't the last two anymore due to previous spam deletion, however.

2Edit: Might as well toss this in here...
3Do you consider Acid and the other four Bohrok Kal powers to be elements? (Question from the last two posts on this page of this topic.)
4Good question, let me think about it.
5The last two posts aren't the last two anymore due to previous spam deletion, however.

1Q: Could the "paradise" that the Toa Olda were in their "past life" (that's what I call it) possibly be Artakha?
2A: Hmmm .. it's a good question, but I would say no.
3Q: Who trained the Olda there? Older, more experienced Toa handpicked by Mata Nui himself?
4A: Can't answer it
5Q: Will we find a clue as to one of the beings who put the Olda in their canisters next year?
6A: You will find out who built the canisters next year
7Q: Were the Olda actually transformed from someone else (probably Matoran) or just built from scratch?
8A: My own theory is that the Olda were never Matoran.
9Q: Why are the Olda's bodies different from all other Toa? (small stature, generally lacking in armor)
10A: Because they are very, very old Toa.
11Q: When will we find out the secret that's behind the Olda's names? (They're named directly after the elements themselves)
12A: Don't know, but consider this -- all other Toa you have met kept their Matoran names (except Takanuva, for movie reasons). Tahu, Toa of Fire, was never a Matoran, so it made sense to simply take a name based on his element.
13jabbadeep, where did you get this info about the Toa Olda? Sorry, I've been "out of the loop" for a while.
14torritorri 15

11.How was your wedding? 22.Does your wife like Bionicle? 3Now, to Bionicle: 43.Does the BoM know about Makuta's "death"? If so, are they planning to do anything aout it? 54.Does the OoMN know about Mata-Nui's "nap"? If so, are they planning to do anything aout it? 65.Since you like Roodaka so much, and she's alive, do you want to write for her again? 76.If Keetongu fired a spinner before he collected a power, what power would it have? 87.If Keetongu collected an air spinner, could he fire more than 1 spinner?
91) Very nice, thanks 102) It's not really her thing -- she is not a toy person. 113) Yes and most likely 124) Oh, sure they do. 135) I would, if I can find a place to fit her in 146) It wouldn't have any power 157) No 16Hmmm...This hints to the buisness of the BoM.
91) Very nice, thanks 102) It's not really her thing -- she is not a toy person. 113) Yes and most likely 124) Oh, sure they do. 135) I would, if I can find a place to fit her in 146) It wouldn't have any power 157) No 16Hmmm...This hints to the buisness of the BoM.
1Q: Could the "paradise" that the Toa Olda were in their "past life" (that's what I call it) possibly be Artakha?
2A: Hmmm .. it's a good question, but I would say no.
3Q: Who trained the Olda there? Older, more experienced Toa handpicked by Mata Nui himself?
4A: Can't answer it
5Q: Will we find a clue as to one of the beings who put the Olda in their canisters next year?
6A: You will find out who built the canisters next year
7Q: Were the Olda actually transformed from someone else (probably Matoran) or just built from scratch?
8A: My own theory is that the Olda were never Matoran.
9Q: Why are the Olda's bodies different from all other Toa? (small stature, generally lacking in armor)
10A: Because they are very, very old Toa.
11Q: When will we find out the secret that's behind the Olda's names? (They're named directly after the elements themselves)
12A: Don't know, but consider this -- all other Toa you have met kept their Matoran names (except Takanuva, for movie reasons). Tahu, Toa of Fire, was never a Matoran, so it made sense to simply take a name based on his element.
13jabbadeep, where did you get this info about the Toa Olda? Sorry, I've been "out of the loop" for a while.
14torritorri 15![]()
16You mean the questions that I asked Greg there? Some were just very obvious mysteries, like the Olda's names and appearence. The info (very little, actually) about their "past life" was revealed last year by Greg himself. The rest were just theories from me and fellow BZPers, mostly from the Official Toa Olda Origins Topic
1Some stuff about the comic - and it's a biggie.
9An 8- page sneak peek and a 20 page comic? Excellent...Stuart sounds awesome as well.
2Hey, I say the new news story, and I have two pretty non-spoiler questions about the 2006 comic:
31.) It says that Bionicle #1 (Volume 2, I presume) will debut in March. March? I thought the first comics of the year came in January? Care to enlighten me on the subject?
42.) Since Stuart Sayger will apparently be taking over the art section, can you say anything about his art style? I'm a bit curious about it.
5That's all for now![]()
71) Well, since the cat is evidently out of the bag -- January will feature an 8-page sneak peek of the 2006 comic, including a poster drawn by the new artist. March will then feature a super-sized first issue, with 20 pages of story and art as opposed to the usual 12.
82) Stuart's work is darker ... fewer really clean lines, I guess, more ... I don't know to describe it, I'm not an artist. We did focus groups before we chose him and his work was #1 among the older fans, so hopefully BZP will like it. It fits very well with the tone of next year's story.
9An 8- page sneak peek and a 20 page comic? Excellent...Stuart sounds awesome as well.

1I wonder if the 8 page comic for January will have different storyline than the March one, or if it will just be the first 8 pages of the March comic. Either way, I can hardly wait to get it. I have always enjoyed Bionicle most when the comics were good, and it looks like next year is going to be a good year for them.

1I wonder if the 8 page comic for January will have different storyline than the March one, or if it will just be the first 8 pages of the March comic. Either way, I can hardly wait to get it. I have always enjoyed Bionicle most when the comics were good, and it looks like next year is going to be a good year for them.
3The comics sound like they're going to be great. Shame I won't get them, since we don't in the UK (or we get one if we're lucky).

1Here's an addendum to that previous post:
5So...I guess we can't expect to see them any time soon...
2Thanks...Just one quick extra question: Will any of the 2006 titans make it into Comic #1 or BL#1?
4No. The earliest the titans come out is March in Europe, and Europe doesn't get the comics. They come out in summer in the US, so no point in having them appear in the comic until May or July. They will be in BL #2, though.
5So...I guess we can't expect to see them any time soon...

1Here there's mainly stuff about 2006
-- but there's not much revealed
, I think it's still early for all this:
31. Is the above info accurate? I expected that it might just be discarded storyline.
4A: I have no idea what the board game says, but if it does say that, it's wrong. The board game people were never really involved with the storyline, they did whatever they wanted to make their games work.
5Since 2006 is only 10 weeks away now, could you answer these questions?:
62. What is the red star?
7A: Can't answer it -- that is not being revealed in 2006
83. Does it have any storyline significance to the Toa Olda's Origins?
9A: Can't answer it
104. How big is the IoD?
11A: I don't have official measurements from the designers yet
125. Is the following info correct?:
17A: Yes, it is
186. Does a Mata Nui Matoran die next year?
19A: Not going to discuss storyline in that kind of detail
207. Is next year's collectible something to be worn (like Kanohi, Krana, Kratta) or weapons (like Kanoka, Rhotuka)?
21A: Wait and see
228. Does it's name start with the letter 'K' again?
23A: No
249. Does the IoD's name have a 'Nui' at the end? (I know it's name'll only be revealed in November 2006)
25A: Again, you will find out in a couple weeks, at the latest, probably sooner
2610. I heard that you're working on a BIONICLE timeline now -- where and when are you going to release it? It's because I think it's really necessary, there are some people (I don't mean on BZP) who don't even understand things like "How 2005 fits with 2004" and "When does 2004 takes place":
27A: I agree it's necessary too, but I haven't had much time to work on it lately.

Vamala @ Official Toa Olda Origins Topic 2In the character descriptions in the BIONICLE Quest For Makuta board game, it says that Tahu was created at the same time that the planet on which Bionicle takes place was formed. For all we know, he could be the first toa in history, just one of the newly awakened ones.
31. Is the above info accurate? I expected that it might just be discarded storyline.
4A: I have no idea what the board game says, but if it does say that, it's wrong. The board game people were never really involved with the storyline, they did whatever they wanted to make their games work.
5Since 2006 is only 10 weeks away now, could you answer these questions?:
62. What is the red star?
7A: Can't answer it -- that is not being revealed in 2006
83. Does it have any storyline significance to the Toa Olda's Origins?
9A: Can't answer it
104. How big is the IoD?
11A: I don't have official measurements from the designers yet
125. Is the following info correct?:
@ Official 2006 Topic 13The green Piraka, leader of the Piraka, is one of the participants in the sword fight with Tahu Nuva. 14The title of BL #3 is Bionicle Legends #3: Power Play 15The title for BL #4 is Bionicle Legneds #4: Inferno 16The Island of Doom is above ground, and is located south of Mata Nui
17A: Yes, it is
186. Does a Mata Nui Matoran die next year?
19A: Not going to discuss storyline in that kind of detail
207. Is next year's collectible something to be worn (like Kanohi, Krana, Kratta) or weapons (like Kanoka, Rhotuka)?
21A: Wait and see
228. Does it's name start with the letter 'K' again?
23A: No
249. Does the IoD's name have a 'Nui' at the end? (I know it's name'll only be revealed in November 2006)
25A: Again, you will find out in a couple weeks, at the latest, probably sooner
2610. I heard that you're working on a BIONICLE timeline now -- where and when are you going to release it? It's because I think it's really necessary, there are some people (I don't mean on BZP) who don't even understand things like "How 2005 fits with 2004" and "When does 2004 takes place":
27A: I agree it's necessary too, but I haven't had much time to work on it lately.
1Okay, Here's a biggie from Greg:

3In comic 26, when Nokama and Matau are hiding under the ram, Roodaka proclaimes that the horde is going to destroy every Hordika hiding place. Nokama responds by telling Matau that they have to warn the others. How was it possible for Nokama to understand what Roodaka was saying? She was speaking to Visorak, so I assume was speaking their language, which the Toa can't understand. Can you explain?
5Actually, she was speaking for her own benefit. She really doesn't care if the Visorak know the plan or not, all they have to do is do what they are ordered. Also remember that, in the movie, Vakama was able to understand her ordering the Visorak off the ledge, so she had to have been speaking Matoran or some dialect of it.
6So can we assume that Roodaka's natural language, or the one that she talks to herself in, is Matoran? Wouldn't that be strange, since she's from another land?
8Nope -- because there are Matoran species all over the BIONICLE universe. The Matoran on the new island next year are not from Mata Nui or Metru Nui. The Matoran being oppressed by the Brotherhood of Makuta were not from either of those places either. So a lot of beings would know some sort of Matoran dialect.
9Sure, Roodaka would know how to speak it, but why would she use that particular language when he is talking to herself, instead of some other language? She is obviously not a Matoran, so why would she? Wouldn't she talk in her own language?
11Assuming her island has a language of its own, which is by no means certain. Makuta speaks Matoran, he's not a Matoran. The Toa Nuva speak Matoran and were never Matoran.
2After seeing the 2006 preview, I have a few questions about it.
31) Does Nui, in the Matoran language, mean "island", "great", or both?
42) Will will be able to guess a meaning for "Voya", i.e. Mata = Spirit, Metru = City.
53) Is Voya Nui on Mata Nui level, or on Metru Nui level?
64) Relative to the time the Toa Nuva arrive on Voya Nui, when do the Piraka get there?
75) When it says that the Piraka are doing something to threaten the entire universe, is that an exaggeration?
86) Does the ice in the water indicate possible encounters with frostellus?
97) Are the Piraka their own species?
10And I think that's all.BTW, I am really excited for 2006.
111) Not something I have really ever worried about. I would say it meaning "island" wouldn't make much sense, because then "Turaga Nui" would mean "Turaga Island?"
122) Can't predict what you guys can guess![]()
133) Mata Nui level
144) Before the Toa Nuva
155) No, it's not an exaggeration
166) No
177) I hadn't really thought of them in species terms. They are all ex-Dark Hunters, but it is possible they originated from the same island
1No idea if this has been asked already or not. Forgive me if it has.
2I have a question about 2006. Sorry, if this was already asked, I don't pay attention to the OGD Topic.
3Are the Rahaga or Keetongu going to show up in 2006, since the Toa Nuva go back to Metru-Nui? I like their characters a lot, and just wondering to know if we'll get to see them in the storyline again.
4Thanks Greg.![]()
5The Rahaga show up in Book 10 this year when the Toa Nuva first get back to Metru Nui, but they don't play a big role in 2006 because 2006 is a) not set on Metru Nui andRahi and Visorak are not the problem on Voya Nui. As for Keetongu, he's not on Metru Nui when they get there, but it is always possible he will show up in the story at some future date.
1QUOTE 2hi, can you awnswer these please?
31: what are the crystal things floating around voya nui? 42: Being as frostellus used to be matoran and you said that the 2006 matoran are mutants, do the two have a connection? 53:On the pirakas arms there are launchers. do they fire fists or bows and arrows? 64:can you shed any light on Lariska 75: how is the shadowed one these days after he was aged during time trap? 86: is it possible Voporak will go after Vakama now he has the mask of time again, if so, will we get to find out what happens to matoran when they age 97: does anybody accompany Jaller when he goes to Karzahni's lair?
101) Ice 112) Nope 123) Neither one 134) Such as what? 145) Still a threat -- keep in mind BIONICLE characters have enormously long lifespans, so it is not like he is feeble 156) It's possible, and when Matoran age, they eventually die. 167) You'll have to wait and see
31: what are the crystal things floating around voya nui? 42: Being as frostellus used to be matoran and you said that the 2006 matoran are mutants, do the two have a connection? 53:On the pirakas arms there are launchers. do they fire fists or bows and arrows? 64:can you shed any light on Lariska 75: how is the shadowed one these days after he was aged during time trap? 86: is it possible Voporak will go after Vakama now he has the mask of time again, if so, will we get to find out what happens to matoran when they age 97: does anybody accompany Jaller when he goes to Karzahni's lair?
101) Ice 112) Nope 123) Neither one 134) Such as what? 145) Still a threat -- keep in mind BIONICLE characters have enormously long lifespans, so it is not like he is feeble 156) It's possible, and when Matoran age, they eventually die. 167) You'll have to wait and see
1The following huge question session contains questions about WoS, BA #10, and the Encyclopedia. Some normal questions are mixed in too.
2Hello Greg. I'd stopped reading the Greg Topic when spoilers were rampet, but now I can ask questions again, and I have a lot.
31.) So, there are Toa of Gravity and Sonics, so presumably there are also Toa of Electricty and the rest. So which type of powers are more common? At first you'd think Gravity & Co. would be more rare, since it took Bahrag energies and EP to make the Kal powers. Then again, Makuta has the Kal powers, so perhapes Fire & Co. are more special. So are Gravity, etc., Toa fewer in number than Fire?
41B.) Would there really be a Toa of Vacuum? If Tahu can absorb all the heat out of an area, couldn't a Toa of Air empty an area of its air?
52.) In BA10, Makuta demonstrates his ability to control gravity and the ability to teleport things. So why doesn't her summon the Vahi into his hands by one of those methods?
63.) It was said that Roodaka's Rhotuka helped create Voporak. Exactly what are the limits of her mutation capabilities? She must hav limits, or else she could create a being whose power was greater than Mata Nui's and make him loyal to her.
74.) Do all members of Roodaka's species have mutation spinners?
85.) Why did Keetongu not mutate when hit with Roodaka's spinner? It didn't look like he caught it on his shield.
96.) I read somewhere that Roodaka paid a "price" for chipping off part of Makuta's prision. Where was this stated and what was the price?
107.) In BA 10, it says Makuta needs his armor to hold in his dark energy. How can this be? I'm pretty sure Makuta evaporated into near-nothing at the end of 2001. "For I am Nothing." So he's existed without armor, and it didn't take him too aweful long to restore his dark power.
118.) What caused the water spout of doom in BA 10?
129.) If the 6 powers of Electricity, Gravity, and the rest were combined by Toa, would it also make Protodermis?
1310.) In a few words, can you tell me all known powers of the Shadowed One and Sentrahk?
1410B.) If the Shadowed One can create "solid protodermis"... what exactly does that mean? Stone and Metal are both solid proto, aren't they? How is this different? Right down to it, how are of these things still considered "protodermis" if they are so different from eachother?
1511.) In WoS, how did the Hordika grab their Rhotuka to fly if Rhotuka are nothing but energy?
1612.) The last two years have had difficult-to-piece-together stories. I mean, the events of the comics meshing with LomN, and now the MoL story fitting in with comics and WoS. Will these small-ish events be covered and resolved in your timeline?
1713.) Do you have any type of list of unsolved Bionicle mysteries? It's hard to keep track of all of them. (Great Disk origin, Red Star, Bohrok origin, Bohrok/Toa relationship, Krana/Kraata thing, Metru Nui stars, they go on and on.)
1814.) I read someplace that the BoM are all one species? As in, all like the Makuta we know? Can you confirm or deny this info or having said it?
1915.) Are Roodaka and Sidorak actually members of the BoM?
2016.) Was Karzhani telling the truth about the stars in BA 10?
2117.) Is the Shadowed One's island below or above the surface?
2218.) The reason for all of the "K" and "ahk" names is that they are easier to approve for legal reasons. If this is the case, how did "Lariska" and the other breifly-mentioned DH name come about? (I ask, being hopeful because 10000 "ahk"s kind of blurr together.)
2319.) Why do the DHs want the Vahi so badly if they have Voporak? Did they know that if destroyed it would destroy everything? Or did they only want it so nobody else could have it?
2420.) Is it true that for nearly 1000 years, Makuta did little more than harass the Matoran with Rahi attacks? After a few 100 years, would he not have decided that the tactic wasn't going to work?
2521.) So if the Rahi stole the Noble Masks from the Turaga, according to the Encyclopedia, why didn't they steal the Great masks and Vahi?
2622.) Even if Vakama hid the Vahi, logically, surely an island full of Rahi could have found it in 1000 years, couldn't they have?
2723.) When did the Matoran loose their memory? They seemed to have it when they were first released. Was it a matter of days, years, or centuries?
2823B.) Why did Ahkmou have no memory? Was it that he was awakened by Makuta's dark energy?
2924.) Will we ever learn what the Rahaga did in the 1000 years? It would only take a small paragraph of "So what've you been up to?"
3025.) Can Keetongu do ANYTHING besides repair Hordika-venom damage? (Besides his Rhotuka of course.)
3126.) They last few years have suffered in that the comics usually repeat what was shown in the books. Since there's no movie to worry about this year, will the books and comics be more seperate?
3227.) I remember reading that Vakama made the Kanohi Nuva with EP. Was this idea scrapped?
3328.) Is it pronounced "Voi-a" or "Voe-ya"?
3429.) So Voya Nui is south of Mata Nui. Is it a great distance or surprisingly close?
3530.) Was the OoMN doing anything to try to awaken the Great Spirit in the 1000 years on Mata Nui?
3631.) How do the Turaga know that the Matoran must return to Metru Nui to awaken the spirit? Visions?
3732.) What ever happened to the contest idea of an art contest to come up with shapes for the Masks of Stealth and Telepathy? Is that still a future possibility?
3833.) Are the web people waiting for the MoL story to finish before posting the Dume comics?
3934.) Does Lariska have more than two knives?
4035.) Which of your creations do you like better, Lariska or Krahka?
4136.) Without going back to look, I think in BA 10, Matoran Vakama was writing ong a stone tablet. With robots, power plants, and airships, do Metru Nui Matoran really have nothing better than stone and a chissel to write with?
4237.) So, somewhere it says that Roodaka plays both sides in the DH/BoM war. Where? You said the September comic once, but that comic takes place before WoS.
4338.) In 2006, will we learn anything about the Krana/Kraata?
4439.) Did you like WoS's rendition of a Muaka? I didn't, I thought it was a mutated ash bear at first.
45Thanks for all your time.
461) Not going to answer that, because I would be painting myself into a story corner. 471b) Yes, and Matau did so in BA #7. Don't assume there are automatically Toa of every Kal power. 482) Because anything like that risks a physical battle over the mask which could damage it. 493) But it was never said her mutation ability gave him his powers -- the BOM did that. She may have changed his appearance, but not given him time powers. Think of it -- the things you have seen her mutate so far have for the most part been LESSENED in power, not INCREASED in power. 504) Nope 515) Because the movie people chose not to have him do so. 526) It's stated in the movie, I think, or the novelization of the movie and the price is psychic backlash. It hurts. A lot. 537) True, but in that case he was shapeshifting his physical form into an intangible form -- turning his armor into mist, basically -- but his armor was not damaged. When he shapeshifted back, it was still intact. That was not the case in this situation, his armor was cracked, so whatever he shapeshifted into, that crack would still be there. (I also, frankly, pay very little attention to MNOLG1, because it was never approved by the story team) 548) Hasn't been revealed yet 559) Again, you are making assumptions that certain Toa powers exist that there is as yet no proof of. 5610) TSO's staff creates solid, crystalline protodermis, he has destructive eyebeams, and his spinner induces madness. Sentrakh has the powers of illusion, darkness, molecular rearrangement, and mind wipe, and his spinner causes dematerialization. 5710b) Protodermis is a very versatile element, appearing in a number of different forms and consistencies. It is essentially the BIONICLE equivalent of matter, because everything is made of it. 5811) That is essentially where a fantasy element has to come into this, because the moviemakers decided to do it and then I had to come up with an explanation for it. So I am going with an electro-magnetic field that acted upon the metal of the Hordika's armor. 5912) Yes, but it really isn't that challenging. There is usually a point in the movie where all these things get inserted. 6013) Just in my head. 6114) Never said that, no 6215) No. They work for the BOM, but are not members. They are nowhere near the power level of a BOM member. 6316) Yes, he was 6417) Below 6518) Well, some names can get through without those suffixes -- look at Axonn in 2006. We have a long list of approved names we can pick from when we need a name. 6619) Basically, they want it because it is powerful and everyone else wants it, which gives them a bargaining chip. Voporak is great, but his power over you only works if he is in physical contact with you, and it only speeds up time, not slows it down. Also, keep in mind Voporak is only on loan to the DH by the BOM. 6720) Work for what? One of his priorities during that time was to keep the Matoran too harried and busy to consider going back to Metru Nui. He knew the Turaga remembered it, even if they didn't. And what could he escalate to that would not result in a lot of dead Matoran? 6821) Great Masks and Vahi were already hidden. Rahi could get the Noble Masks from the koro, where they were out in the open on the suva. 6922) True, but think of it this way. Okay, Vakama already made it clear he was willing to destroy it rather than let Makuta have it. So Makuta sends 1000 Muaka and Kane-Ra to storm Ta-Koro and get it -- but what if Vakama sees them first? What if he can get to the hiding place before they do, and destroys it? Why take that chance? Makuta knows where it is, he knows Turaga Vakama cannot use it for anything, why risk its destruction and the end of time? He had the Vahi 10 feet away from him and let Vakama walk out with it, so obviously he is aware of the consequences of something happening to the mask. 7023) Months 7123b) Ahkmou was confused when he got out of the cylinder, which is to be expected. But he did, in the end, remember everything thanks to Makuta ... it was simply shaped by Makuta's ability to persuade. 7224) I can tell you right now. They spent part of their time on Metru Nui helping to rebuild, and part of their time journeying to other islands to help free Rahi who had been trapped by the Visorak. 7325) So far, he can do what we have seen him do. Whether future stories reveal other abilities, time will tell. 7426) Not really, no, because not everyone who reads the comics reads the books, and vice versa. So the same basic story has to be told in both, with just more added in the books. Both have to follow the story bible. 7527) Yup 7628) I pronounce it Voi-a, and since there will be no movie, it will stay that way
7729) Pretty far away. 7830) They can't, really. It is not their destiny to do so. It's Tahu and company's destiny to do so. 7931) No, more like logic. When they lived on Metru Nui, everything was fine. When Metru Nui got damaged and they had to leave, everything went south. Logic dictates going back would be a good thing. Also, the fact that Makuta didn't want them to go there was a decent clue. 8032) Dunno. 8133) No idea what they are waiting for. 8234) Probably 8335) I don't have a favorite, anymore than a father would of his two daughters. I have simply worked with Krahka a lot more, but they are both interesting characters. 8436) Yes. Some tech things we simply decided to leave out of this universe, and paper and pencil are two of them. 8537) Yes, but the ad page for Roodaka does not. It says it in the trivia section of the central ad spread for the three titans sets. 8638) Don't think so, Bohrok and Rahkshi play no role on Voya Nui. More focus is put on the original Toa and how they got to Mata Nui, etc., at least in the books. 8739) I will admit I didn't know what it was at first - they obviously did not work from the set -- but movie people do that.
31.) So, there are Toa of Gravity and Sonics, so presumably there are also Toa of Electricty and the rest. So which type of powers are more common? At first you'd think Gravity & Co. would be more rare, since it took Bahrag energies and EP to make the Kal powers. Then again, Makuta has the Kal powers, so perhapes Fire & Co. are more special. So are Gravity, etc., Toa fewer in number than Fire?
41B.) Would there really be a Toa of Vacuum? If Tahu can absorb all the heat out of an area, couldn't a Toa of Air empty an area of its air?
52.) In BA10, Makuta demonstrates his ability to control gravity and the ability to teleport things. So why doesn't her summon the Vahi into his hands by one of those methods?
63.) It was said that Roodaka's Rhotuka helped create Voporak. Exactly what are the limits of her mutation capabilities? She must hav limits, or else she could create a being whose power was greater than Mata Nui's and make him loyal to her.
74.) Do all members of Roodaka's species have mutation spinners?
85.) Why did Keetongu not mutate when hit with Roodaka's spinner? It didn't look like he caught it on his shield.
96.) I read somewhere that Roodaka paid a "price" for chipping off part of Makuta's prision. Where was this stated and what was the price?
107.) In BA 10, it says Makuta needs his armor to hold in his dark energy. How can this be? I'm pretty sure Makuta evaporated into near-nothing at the end of 2001. "For I am Nothing." So he's existed without armor, and it didn't take him too aweful long to restore his dark power.
118.) What caused the water spout of doom in BA 10?
129.) If the 6 powers of Electricity, Gravity, and the rest were combined by Toa, would it also make Protodermis?
1310.) In a few words, can you tell me all known powers of the Shadowed One and Sentrahk?
1410B.) If the Shadowed One can create "solid protodermis"... what exactly does that mean? Stone and Metal are both solid proto, aren't they? How is this different? Right down to it, how are of these things still considered "protodermis" if they are so different from eachother?
1511.) In WoS, how did the Hordika grab their Rhotuka to fly if Rhotuka are nothing but energy?
1612.) The last two years have had difficult-to-piece-together stories. I mean, the events of the comics meshing with LomN, and now the MoL story fitting in with comics and WoS. Will these small-ish events be covered and resolved in your timeline?
1713.) Do you have any type of list of unsolved Bionicle mysteries? It's hard to keep track of all of them. (Great Disk origin, Red Star, Bohrok origin, Bohrok/Toa relationship, Krana/Kraata thing, Metru Nui stars, they go on and on.)
1814.) I read someplace that the BoM are all one species? As in, all like the Makuta we know? Can you confirm or deny this info or having said it?
1915.) Are Roodaka and Sidorak actually members of the BoM?
2016.) Was Karzhani telling the truth about the stars in BA 10?
2117.) Is the Shadowed One's island below or above the surface?
2218.) The reason for all of the "K" and "ahk" names is that they are easier to approve for legal reasons. If this is the case, how did "Lariska" and the other breifly-mentioned DH name come about? (I ask, being hopeful because 10000 "ahk"s kind of blurr together.)
2319.) Why do the DHs want the Vahi so badly if they have Voporak? Did they know that if destroyed it would destroy everything? Or did they only want it so nobody else could have it?
2420.) Is it true that for nearly 1000 years, Makuta did little more than harass the Matoran with Rahi attacks? After a few 100 years, would he not have decided that the tactic wasn't going to work?
2521.) So if the Rahi stole the Noble Masks from the Turaga, according to the Encyclopedia, why didn't they steal the Great masks and Vahi?
2622.) Even if Vakama hid the Vahi, logically, surely an island full of Rahi could have found it in 1000 years, couldn't they have?
2723.) When did the Matoran loose their memory? They seemed to have it when they were first released. Was it a matter of days, years, or centuries?
2823B.) Why did Ahkmou have no memory? Was it that he was awakened by Makuta's dark energy?
2924.) Will we ever learn what the Rahaga did in the 1000 years? It would only take a small paragraph of "So what've you been up to?"
3025.) Can Keetongu do ANYTHING besides repair Hordika-venom damage? (Besides his Rhotuka of course.)
3126.) They last few years have suffered in that the comics usually repeat what was shown in the books. Since there's no movie to worry about this year, will the books and comics be more seperate?
3227.) I remember reading that Vakama made the Kanohi Nuva with EP. Was this idea scrapped?
3328.) Is it pronounced "Voi-a" or "Voe-ya"?
3429.) So Voya Nui is south of Mata Nui. Is it a great distance or surprisingly close?
3530.) Was the OoMN doing anything to try to awaken the Great Spirit in the 1000 years on Mata Nui?
3631.) How do the Turaga know that the Matoran must return to Metru Nui to awaken the spirit? Visions?
3732.) What ever happened to the contest idea of an art contest to come up with shapes for the Masks of Stealth and Telepathy? Is that still a future possibility?
3833.) Are the web people waiting for the MoL story to finish before posting the Dume comics?
3934.) Does Lariska have more than two knives?
4035.) Which of your creations do you like better, Lariska or Krahka?
4136.) Without going back to look, I think in BA 10, Matoran Vakama was writing ong a stone tablet. With robots, power plants, and airships, do Metru Nui Matoran really have nothing better than stone and a chissel to write with?
4237.) So, somewhere it says that Roodaka plays both sides in the DH/BoM war. Where? You said the September comic once, but that comic takes place before WoS.
4338.) In 2006, will we learn anything about the Krana/Kraata?
4439.) Did you like WoS's rendition of a Muaka? I didn't, I thought it was a mutated ash bear at first.
45Thanks for all your time.
461) Not going to answer that, because I would be painting myself into a story corner. 471b) Yes, and Matau did so in BA #7. Don't assume there are automatically Toa of every Kal power. 482) Because anything like that risks a physical battle over the mask which could damage it. 493) But it was never said her mutation ability gave him his powers -- the BOM did that. She may have changed his appearance, but not given him time powers. Think of it -- the things you have seen her mutate so far have for the most part been LESSENED in power, not INCREASED in power. 504) Nope 515) Because the movie people chose not to have him do so. 526) It's stated in the movie, I think, or the novelization of the movie and the price is psychic backlash. It hurts. A lot. 537) True, but in that case he was shapeshifting his physical form into an intangible form -- turning his armor into mist, basically -- but his armor was not damaged. When he shapeshifted back, it was still intact. That was not the case in this situation, his armor was cracked, so whatever he shapeshifted into, that crack would still be there. (I also, frankly, pay very little attention to MNOLG1, because it was never approved by the story team) 548) Hasn't been revealed yet 559) Again, you are making assumptions that certain Toa powers exist that there is as yet no proof of. 5610) TSO's staff creates solid, crystalline protodermis, he has destructive eyebeams, and his spinner induces madness. Sentrakh has the powers of illusion, darkness, molecular rearrangement, and mind wipe, and his spinner causes dematerialization. 5710b) Protodermis is a very versatile element, appearing in a number of different forms and consistencies. It is essentially the BIONICLE equivalent of matter, because everything is made of it. 5811) That is essentially where a fantasy element has to come into this, because the moviemakers decided to do it and then I had to come up with an explanation for it. So I am going with an electro-magnetic field that acted upon the metal of the Hordika's armor. 5912) Yes, but it really isn't that challenging. There is usually a point in the movie where all these things get inserted. 6013) Just in my head. 6114) Never said that, no 6215) No. They work for the BOM, but are not members. They are nowhere near the power level of a BOM member. 6316) Yes, he was 6417) Below 6518) Well, some names can get through without those suffixes -- look at Axonn in 2006. We have a long list of approved names we can pick from when we need a name. 6619) Basically, they want it because it is powerful and everyone else wants it, which gives them a bargaining chip. Voporak is great, but his power over you only works if he is in physical contact with you, and it only speeds up time, not slows it down. Also, keep in mind Voporak is only on loan to the DH by the BOM. 6720) Work for what? One of his priorities during that time was to keep the Matoran too harried and busy to consider going back to Metru Nui. He knew the Turaga remembered it, even if they didn't. And what could he escalate to that would not result in a lot of dead Matoran? 6821) Great Masks and Vahi were already hidden. Rahi could get the Noble Masks from the koro, where they were out in the open on the suva. 6922) True, but think of it this way. Okay, Vakama already made it clear he was willing to destroy it rather than let Makuta have it. So Makuta sends 1000 Muaka and Kane-Ra to storm Ta-Koro and get it -- but what if Vakama sees them first? What if he can get to the hiding place before they do, and destroys it? Why take that chance? Makuta knows where it is, he knows Turaga Vakama cannot use it for anything, why risk its destruction and the end of time? He had the Vahi 10 feet away from him and let Vakama walk out with it, so obviously he is aware of the consequences of something happening to the mask. 7023) Months 7123b) Ahkmou was confused when he got out of the cylinder, which is to be expected. But he did, in the end, remember everything thanks to Makuta ... it was simply shaped by Makuta's ability to persuade. 7224) I can tell you right now. They spent part of their time on Metru Nui helping to rebuild, and part of their time journeying to other islands to help free Rahi who had been trapped by the Visorak. 7325) So far, he can do what we have seen him do. Whether future stories reveal other abilities, time will tell. 7426) Not really, no, because not everyone who reads the comics reads the books, and vice versa. So the same basic story has to be told in both, with just more added in the books. Both have to follow the story bible. 7527) Yup 7628) I pronounce it Voi-a, and since there will be no movie, it will stay that way

1Hey guys. Here's my batch...also, Jimmybob..I don't mean to be rude, but could you edit Greg's answers to your questions? It's a bit of a pain to read the questions, then get to the answers...and having to scroll up again cause you've forgotten what the question to the answer was.
2Anyways, not really on topic with Bionicle, but on Brickmaster.
3I'm wanting to renew my subscription, but it doesn't look like I'll be able to renew in time for the Novemeber issue. Would I go back to recieving the regular Lego Bionicle comic, or would I have to contact Lego to get them sending that to me?
4If your sub to BM lapses, you will have to contact Customer Service to re-up for the free magazine. When you join BM, your free sub is cancelled so that you don't get two magazines every month. So you have to renew your free membership to get that again.
2Anyways, not really on topic with Bionicle, but on Brickmaster.
3I'm wanting to renew my subscription, but it doesn't look like I'll be able to renew in time for the Novemeber issue. Would I go back to recieving the regular Lego Bionicle comic, or would I have to contact Lego to get them sending that to me?
4If your sub to BM lapses, you will have to contact Customer Service to re-up for the free magazine. When you join BM, your free sub is cancelled so that you don't get two magazines every month. So you have to renew your free membership to get that again.
2After seeing the 2006 preview, I have a few questions about it.
31) Does Nui, in the Matoran language, mean "island", "great", or both?
42) Will will be able to guess a meaning for "Voya", i.e. Mata = Spirit, Metru = City.
53) Is Voya Nui on Mata Nui level, or on Metru Nui level?
64) Relative to the time the Toa Nuva arrive on Voya Nui, when do the Piraka get there?
75) When it says that the Piraka are doing something to threaten the entire universe, is that an exaggeration?
86) Does the ice in the water indicate possible encounters with frostellus?
97) Are the Piraka their own species?
10And I think that's all.BTW, I am really excited for 2006.
111) Not something I have really ever worried about. I would say it meaning "island" wouldn't make much sense, because then "Turaga Nui" would mean "Turaga Island?"
122) Can't predict what you guys can guess![]()
133) Mata Nui level
144) Before the Toa Nuva
155) No, it's not an exaggeration
166) No
177) I hadn't really thought of them in species terms. They are all ex-Dark Hunters, but it is possible they originated from the same island
19Click For Spoiler[\"30dc77ce3cd4e7a913b90079e53943f0\" style=\"display:none\]Ex-darkhunters: This is gonna be great:
1Hey Greg, how are you doing? I hope you can answer some of these following questions.I really loved Time Trap and believe that it is your best work to date. The pace of the novel was excellent and I couldn't put it down.
21) In BA#10, when the krana/kraata creature attacked him, was Vakam in the vault?
31) In what vault?
42) What was in that room that he wanted to find besides the krana/kraata creature?
52) He finally suspected who was behind what was going on. He wasn't looking for the creature, he was looking for Makuta
63) Why does the krana/kraata creature always induce images of the future when it attaches to someone's face?
73) Cause that is part of its power
84) Was the krana/kraata creature made by mutation or is it a natural organism?
94) To be honest, I haven't decided yet
105) What is the krana/kraata creature's origin?
115) Same answer as #4
126) Is the krana/kraata creaure a rare creature or can you find many of them around the island and underground?
136) I would say it is fairly rare
147) How does the krana/kraata creature give the being in whom it attaches itself to visions of the future?
157) Again, that is its power -- it is a form of telepathy
168) If Makuta hadn't taken the krana/kraata creature off of Vakama, what would the Toa from the future said?
178) If I wanted you to know that, I would have had him say it in the book
189) Was the krana/kraata creature made by the Order of Mata Nui? If so, was that why it was in a vault?
199) See answer to #4
2010) Does the Order of Mata Nui have bases like the Brotherhood?
2110) Good question. My assumption is they would have at least one.
2211) I asked earlier if the Brotherhood used to serve a higher being and you said yes. Am I right in saying that that being is Mata Nui?
2311) Yes
2412) How recently have the Piraka landed on Voya Nui?
2512) Oh, pretty recently. They don't get to Voya Nui until some weeks after the Toa Nuva get to Metru Nui
2613) How did they know to go there?
2713) Can't reveal that yet
2814) Do the Piraka have any special powers?
2914) Yes
30Follow Up: I asked if he could specify on any powers and he siad he couldn't say until 2006.
3115) In Maze of Shadows, the Toa found the black vial in the vault to transport the Energized Proto and it was said to be made of a mysterious material. Do you have any particular name for this material?
3215) Not yet, no
3316) Will there be any other appearances of the krana/kraata creature in the future?
3416) Maybe, I kinda like it
3517) Does the krana/kraata creature have a specific name? If so, what is it?
3617) Not yet it doesn't, no
3718) How long has the Ancient evil been asleep?
3818) Can't answer it
3919) When Makuta's armor is breached and dark energy leaks out, how does he recover that lost energy?
4019) Not very easy to do. I don't know that he can "recover" it anymore than you can recover blood that leaks out of a wound.
4120) At the time of the Mask of Light, has Makuta fully recovered from the injury the Shadowed One gave him?
4220) Yes
4321) I believe you once stated that krana are also created by another source other than Makuta. Does this other source have anything ot do with the Ancient Evil?
4421) Krana are not created by Makuta. Krana are created by the Bahrag. Kraata are created by Makuta
45Follow Up: I meant kraata, but Greg said that he didn't remember saying that.
4622) If not, can you give us any info on the other source?
4723) Is the plant Karzahni still alive?
4823) Most likely not, but you never know with me
4924) Why doesn't the being Karzhani know anything about Mata Nui or Makuta?
5024) That gets explained in Book 2, so don't want to reveal it yet
51That's all. Thanks:
1Just one today
-- more about the Toa Olda
2Q: In the introduction movie in BIONICLE: The Game, Turaga Vakama says:
4Is that quote accurate? I remember I asked you a similar question last year, and you said that they (Great Beings) were responsible for that in the beginning. Could you sort of confirm what you said, and also, how much of a role did they (Great Beings) play in the Coming of the Olda? I thought it was more of Mata Nui creating the Olda as safeguards...
5A: But there is no contradiction -- because if Mata Nui did create them (and remember, he gets credited for everything), the Great Beings still created him. And since Mata Nui was not in any condition to send the Toa to save himself, obviously the Great Beings would get credit for doing it.

2Q: In the introduction movie in BIONICLE: The Game, Turaga Vakama says:
3...the Great Beings sent us the Toa (Olda), who are able to defeat the Makuta...
4Is that quote accurate? I remember I asked you a similar question last year, and you said that they (Great Beings) were responsible for that in the beginning. Could you sort of confirm what you said, and also, how much of a role did they (Great Beings) play in the Coming of the Olda? I thought it was more of Mata Nui creating the Olda as safeguards...
5A: But there is no contradiction -- because if Mata Nui did create them (and remember, he gets credited for everything), the Great Beings still created him. And since Mata Nui was not in any condition to send the Toa to save himself, obviously the Great Beings would get credit for doing it.
1Hey guys, here's another PM from Greg:

3Do the Hordika have one tool like in the movie or two tools like in the comics, flash movies, and books? Also, are their tools fused to their bodies like in the movie or are they not like in the comics and flash movies?
5In this case, comic and books are accurate. They needed to make changes in the movie for the purposes of their animation, but the models are the official look of the characters.
1Small one this time. For me, anyway.

2Hi, Greg.Me again.I know I just PM'd you a couple weeks ago, but I recently had a little "brain-blast" and I desperately need these questions answered.(Well, maybe not desperately, but you get the idea.)
31. Is Lariska around in the "Present Day?"
42. Will TSO get a mention in 2006?I mean, I doubt he'll make an actual appearance, but with the Piraka being rogue Dark Hunters, he's bound to come up in conversation, right?
53. Are all members of the Brotherhood considered to be Mata Nui's "brothers," since they're sworn to serve him (at least, they're supposed to...), or just the Makuta we know of?
64a. Does Makuta have a proper name? 74b. If so, why doesn't he use it?
85. Here's the big one: was it the Order who hid the Nuva masks on Mata Nui?I know the masks just "appeared" one day, and that the Turaga weren't the ones who hid them, and I remember that the Order needs the Nuva's help to awaken Mata Nui...so, am I hot, or cold?
9Thanks as usual, 10Cathexis
111) I haven't decided yet, but probably 122) TSO narrates the Dark Hunters Guide in 2006 133) I would assume they all are 144) Can't answer it 155) It's a good question. If the Toa being dunked in EP was meant to transform them into Nuva, then it would make sense. If on the other hand their dunking was meant as a death trap and it went wrong, it probably would not make sense. So the answer is I haven't decided yet.
Greg just answered these questions 6 MINUTES after I sent them to him:
Great man, Greg...
2These questions are based on today's 2006 teasers:
Enjoy: Not much revealed though...
31. Is that pod a Matoran pod?
4A: No
52. Who is in that pod? A Piraka?
63. Are there 5 other pods like those?
74. Will whatever is in there be sold in those kind of canisters?
85. What was that "SKRIEK" for?
96. Why is Voya Nui called the Island of Doom?
107. Who sent the Piraka to Voya Nui?
11A: (2-7) Can't answer it, not going to ruin 2006 story -- it's called a teaser because we want to tease you, not give you info now.
128. Do the Matoran on Voya Nui know of the existance of Mata Nui(island), and more importantly, Metru Nui?
13A: No, they do not
149. Why didn't the Visorak ever invade Voya Nui?
15A: Because the Visorak did not know it was there
1610. Will the Toa Nuva be "hanging around" on Metru Nui for a while first? Or immediately travel to Voya Nui?
17A: They are only on Metru Nui a few weeks at most before they leave
18Awwww... looks like we'll just have to stick to that for the time being... it was just a teaser, you know.

2These questions are based on today's 2006 teasers:

31. Is that pod a Matoran pod?
4A: No
52. Who is in that pod? A Piraka?
63. Are there 5 other pods like those?
74. Will whatever is in there be sold in those kind of canisters?
85. What was that "SKRIEK" for?
96. Why is Voya Nui called the Island of Doom?
107. Who sent the Piraka to Voya Nui?
11A: (2-7) Can't answer it, not going to ruin 2006 story -- it's called a teaser because we want to tease you, not give you info now.
128. Do the Matoran on Voya Nui know of the existance of Mata Nui(island), and more importantly, Metru Nui?
13A: No, they do not
149. Why didn't the Visorak ever invade Voya Nui?
15A: Because the Visorak did not know it was there
1610. Will the Toa Nuva be "hanging around" on Metru Nui for a while first? Or immediately travel to Voya Nui?
17A: They are only on Metru Nui a few weeks at most before they leave
18Awwww... looks like we'll just have to stick to that for the time being... it was just a teaser, you know.
1Some really neat spoilers about the intentions of the Piraka:
2What I am curious is why the Piraka are trying to unleash an ancient evil that could destroy the universe. Wouldn't they be destroyed as well? Why would they want that? Come to think of it, if the Piraka's mission is really that serious, why don't the Toa Nuva ally with the Dark Hunters, the Brotherhood, the Order, and everybody else who doesn't want to be killed(quite a large number, I presume) and whip the Piraka?
4You are assuming the Piraka know what the consequences of their actions would be. We have never said that. The Piraka are motivated by lust for power and greed, something which has more than once blinded otherwise intelligent beings to potential disasters in the making.