1This question doesn't have anything to do with the '06 storyline at all, it was just bothering me for long time:
2I've just been a little buggered by this: What are the spinner powers ofthe Parakrekks, cable crawler, Protocairns, Frostelus, chute lurker, and Gate Guardian? I'm just wondering since we never found them out.
3I never assigned any to them, I don't think
4Looks like I'll have to make some up, then.
5The Cable Crawler's spinner is vertigo. Greg must have just forgotten because all the others don't have official powers.
6Edit: Also, I just noticed I hadn't posted this answer from Greg yet: 7MAJOR '06 SPOILERS::8What I am curious is why the Piraka are trying to unleash an ancient evil that could destroy the universe. Wouldn't they be destroyed as well? Why would they want that? Come to think of it, if the Piraka's mission is really that serious, why don't the Toa Nuva ally with the Dark Hunters, the Brotherhood, the Order, and everybody else who doesn't want to be killed(quite a large number, I presume) and kick the Piraka's but?
10You are assuming the Piraka know what the consequences of their actions would be. We have never said that. The Piraka are motivated by lust for power and greed, something which has more than once blinded otherwise intelligent beings to potential disasters in the making.
13Are you sure you haven't posted that? I remember reading it somewhere abouts.
17) Was Mata Nui really in pain before his slumber?
27) If he was, guess who caused it?
3Makuta, perhaps? Well, who else...?
4There's also another question you raised at the end of your post, Bionicle#1, it's 'What difference would it make if Mata Nui was awake?' Things actually appear to be the same as they are when he was awake (beginning of LoMN) In other words, why should the Toa even bother to awaken him -- there's not going to be much changed, is there? Remember Makuta's quote from MoL --
5Now, I'm going to protect Mata Nui from YOU. Sleep spares him pain, awake, he suffers...
6See that? It'll just be a burden if he gets awake -- he'll be in pain, just like he was a few hundred years before his slumber...
7Really should be discussing this in an S&T topic... but short answer. When he fell asleep, bad things happened that wouldn't have otherwise. So there's obviously things he would do or that would happen as a result of him being awake that are good. Details are better suited to another topic....
1Just a couple, questions answers
21. I'm really confused about the origin of the Toa Olda. Could you give me an idea of when the Toa were created, where they came from, and why?
31) Well, you should be confused, because that information has never been revealed in the story.
42. What are these three events in chronological order: Founding of Metru Nui, Toa Hagah are mutated into Rahaga, Toa-DH war?
52) Founding of Metru Nui, Toa-DH war, Toa Hagah become Rahaga.
21. I'm really confused about the origin of the Toa Olda. Could you give me an idea of when the Toa were created, where they came from, and why?
31) Well, you should be confused, because that information has never been revealed in the story.
42. What are these three events in chronological order: Founding of Metru Nui, Toa Hagah are mutated into Rahaga, Toa-DH war?
52) Founding of Metru Nui, Toa-DH war, Toa Hagah become Rahaga.
1QUOTE (LORDs_angellos @ Nov 4 2005, 03:34 PM) 2QUOTE (paintballgunner @ Nov 3 2005, 09:19 PM) 3This question doesn't have anything to do with the '06 storyline at all, it was just bothering me for long time:
4I've just been a little buggered by this: What are the spinner powers ofthe Parakrekks, cable crawler, Protocairns, Frostelus, chute lurker, and Gate Guardian? I'm just wondering since we never found them out.
5I never assigned any to them, I don't think
6Looks like I'll have to make some up, then.
7The Cable Crawler's spinner is vertigo. Greg must have just forgotten because all the others don't have official powers.
8Edit: Also, I just noticed I hadn't posted this answer from Greg yet: 9MAJOR '06 SPOILERS::
10Click For Spoiler 11Click For Spoiler 12QUOTE 13QUOTE 14What I am curious is why the Piraka are trying to unleash an ancient evil that could destroy the universe. Wouldn't they be destroyed as well? Why would they want that? Come to think of it, if the Piraka's mission is really that serious, why don't the Toa Nuva ally with the Dark Hunters, the Brotherhood, the Order, and everybody else who doesn't want to be killed(quite a large number, I presume) and kick the Piraka's but?
16You are assuming the Piraka know what the consequences of their actions would be. We have never said that. The Piraka are motivated by lust for power and greed, something which has more than once blinded otherwise intelligent beings to potential disasters in the making.
19Are you sure you haven't posted that? I remember reading it somewhere abouts.
20Yup. I know
21i've heard it before.
1Here are my answers- nothing really new, though.
21. When will we find out who are what the second set of canister sets are for 2006. (are they toa, something else) 32. Can you say what the new colors you are doing for bionicle sets are? 43. Do the Piraka come out first in the U.S. or the other set of canisters? 54. Is there any chance that the first set of canister sets will come out before Christmas like the toa hordika did last year? 6Thank you very much for your time.
71) No idea. I am not sure which ToyFair they will first be shown at, this month's or Feb. 82) Nope 93) Piraka come out first everywhere 104) Offhand, I don't think so. You never know, but all I have heard is that Matoran are out before Christmas, Piraka out in Jan.
1Well... *cracks knuckles* here are some random questions and answers for you:
48Find something interesting?
GregF AaronCrane 2I heard someone say that LEGO intended to keep BIONICLE around for about 20 years. I believe it was *onuanuvafan*. Anyway, I was curious exactly how long it is intended to last--the end of the three-year arc of 2006-2009? Ten years? Twenty years? As long as it is popular? *gasp* INFINITE?![]()
4Your fourth choice -- as long as it's popular. If the sets continue to sell well, why would we want to shut it down? The only thing that would permanently end BIONICLE would be if the sets stop selling well and the company decided something else might sell better.
GregF AaronCrane 5This is being discussed in a topic in the "Storyline & Theories" forum.
6Now then: I know the Kanohi Komau has the power to control the minds of others, but can it also block out memories and create false memories in their minds?
8Yeah, I saw that. I don't have any plans to use the mask in that way and that is not really my concept of what that mask is used for. I do agree that hypnosis can do that sort of thing, but the Komau is not hypnosis. You are taking control of someone for a brief period, and we have no proof that commands given during that period will last beyond the point when the mask's effect ends.
GregF AaronCrane 9When the Great Spirit gave the Matoran the three virtues, and thereafter construction of Metru Nui began, did he direct them to a new island to build on, or did he instruct them to build Metru Nui on an island they already lived on?
11They were not already living on the island when they built Metru Nui
GregF AaronCrane GregF AaronCrane 12What was that mind link Gali had with Takua in MNOLG I? Was it a psychic ability? Some other mental link?
13What does the back of the Mask of Light read, if anything?
14If the Bohrok-Kal have more than one krana, does that mean they have another personality per krana? If so, do they have another memory per krana as well?
15What are these "7 books" I read about in the GregF database?
171) It was a Toa ability used only in that game -- it is part of official canon, but in general not something the story team was that enthused over, so we haven't used it since 182) Are you talking about the mask in the story or the mask in the toy? 193) No 204) The original head of the story team, Bob Thompson, had broken up BIONICLE into 7 books in his head. He is no longer with LEGO and we no longer have it structured that way
211) Thought so... 222) The mask in the movie. 233) Really? Then they share one consciousness in eight krana? 244) Then how do you have it structured?
262) All I know of it is what Nokama read in the film. There is no other listing in the script of what it says. 273) Krana-kal personalities don't differ all that widely, so there is really no difference in how one behaves with one in as opposed to another. 284) Year by year, basically. Seven books implies at the end of the seven, you are done. That is not how we see things -- we are done when the sets stop selling, not before.
GregF AaronCrane 29Here is a cover placeholder for Legends #3. Does the mask have any significance?
31At this point, no idea who that character is. They got that art from Denmark and I have not seen it before
GregF AaronCrane 32Makuta: "Now, I will protect Mata Nui from you:" 33Takanuva: "Protect him?" 34Makuta: "Sleep spares him pain: Awake--he suffers:"
35What was Makuta talking about? Was he trying to confuse Takanuva, or did he genuinely think he was protecting Mata Nui (which I doubt)?
37Knowing Makuta, there is some grain of truth in it. Let me give you a hypothetical -- Mata Nui is "sick" and lapsed into a "coma." So if he were awake, he would still be "sick." On the other hand, Makuta acting like he wants to spare him that is hypocritical, since Makuta MADE him sick in the first place.
GregF AaronCrane 38Why is it called the "BIOlogical chroNICLE"?![]()
40Cause that is what the original head of the story team decided it was called.
GregF AaronCrane 41If Makuta and Mata Nui are called "brothers" in the legends (though there is no such thing as siblings in BIONICLE), are the other members of the Brotherhood of Makuta considered his "brothers"?
43Considered Mata Nui's brothers? It's possible. We will know when we meet more of them, I guess
GregF AaronCrane 44In MoL, did Takanuva really "carve" his face out of the rock, or was his mask already carven underneath the face?
45I suspect it to be the second one, but for varification purposes I am asking you.
47All I can tell you is that it looked to me like he was removing the rock to reveal it already there.
48Find something interesting?
1Here are my answers- nothing really new, though. 2[QUOTE 31. When will we find out who are what the second set of canister sets are for 2006. (are they toa, something else)
41) No idea. I am not sure which ToyFair they will first be shown at, this month's or Feb.
5I can answer this, they'll be shown at the ToyFair in Feb. 6The Fall ToyFair already came and went with a disapointing showing of companies. (There was less than 20 companies, from what I've seen on the Toy News sites. Lego wasn't there.)
7And that new mask is pretty nifty.
1[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTEHello Greg, I have some questions
21. Besides Piraka, Visorak and Rahi. What makes Voya Nui so dangerous?
32. What keeps the Matoran safe in the middle of the island?
43. What sort of weather does Voya Nui get?
54. You said your were going to write for another non Bionicle lego brand, which one? Knights kingdom?[/QUOTE]
61) Visorak and Rahi really are not a huge issue on Voya Nui. It is simply an inhospitable place ... I am sure you can point to places on Earth where it would be very dangerous to live.
72) Themselves.
83) A lot of lightning storms.
94) I can't discuss it yet, it is one of the new lines for 2006.
11Ok well, Do the Piraka pretend to help the Matoran like Makuta but plan to betray them later. Or just use them so they dont cause a thorn in their side while they do their mission?[/QUOTE]
12The Piraka want something that is on Voya Nui. They have two choices of how to get it -- attack the island and have to fight all the Matoran to get what they want (they would win, but it would be time-consuming) -- or get on to the island posing as Toa and not have to worry about Matoran resisting them. They choose the latter course.[/QUOTE]
13Yes please ignore the pm I sent before this, It was an accident. But how many Matoran are on the island? More than Metru-Nui? Also How can the Matoran not have had any Toa if they only havent had a Turaga for 1000 years?[/QUOTE]
14The fact that you have or don't have a Turaga has nothing to do with whether you have Toa or not. There's no connection. A Turaga is a former Toa, true, but not necessarily a Toa who lived where you do. And I would say there are overall fewer Matoran on Voya Nui than there were on Mata Nui -- that was not always the case, but it is the case as the story opens.[/QUOTE]
15Ok. Since the Piraka have launchers and they dont look like they launch Kanoka or Rhotuka do they launch the new colectible?[/QUOTE]
16They launch something, it's too early to discuss what[/QUOTE]
21. Besides Piraka, Visorak and Rahi. What makes Voya Nui so dangerous?
32. What keeps the Matoran safe in the middle of the island?
43. What sort of weather does Voya Nui get?
54. You said your were going to write for another non Bionicle lego brand, which one? Knights kingdom?[/QUOTE]
61) Visorak and Rahi really are not a huge issue on Voya Nui. It is simply an inhospitable place ... I am sure you can point to places on Earth where it would be very dangerous to live.
72) Themselves.
83) A lot of lightning storms.
94) I can't discuss it yet, it is one of the new lines for 2006.
11Ok well, Do the Piraka pretend to help the Matoran like Makuta but plan to betray them later. Or just use them so they dont cause a thorn in their side while they do their mission?[/QUOTE]
12The Piraka want something that is on Voya Nui. They have two choices of how to get it -- attack the island and have to fight all the Matoran to get what they want (they would win, but it would be time-consuming) -- or get on to the island posing as Toa and not have to worry about Matoran resisting them. They choose the latter course.[/QUOTE]
13Yes please ignore the pm I sent before this, It was an accident. But how many Matoran are on the island? More than Metru-Nui? Also How can the Matoran not have had any Toa if they only havent had a Turaga for 1000 years?[/QUOTE]
14The fact that you have or don't have a Turaga has nothing to do with whether you have Toa or not. There's no connection. A Turaga is a former Toa, true, but not necessarily a Toa who lived where you do. And I would say there are overall fewer Matoran on Voya Nui than there were on Mata Nui -- that was not always the case, but it is the case as the story opens.[/QUOTE]
15Ok. Since the Piraka have launchers and they dont look like they launch Kanoka or Rhotuka do they launch the new colectible?[/QUOTE]
16They launch something, it's too early to discuss what[/QUOTE]
1Yes please ignore the pm I sent before this, It was an accident. But how many Matoran are on the island? More than Metru-Nui? Also How can the Matoran not have had any Toa if they only havent had a Turaga for 1000 years?
2The fact that you have or don't have a Turaga has nothing to do with whether you have Toa or not. There's no connection. A Turaga is a former Toa, true, but not necessarily a Toa who lived where you do. And I would say there are overall fewer Matoran on Voya Nui than there were on Mata Nui -- that was not always the case, but it is the case as the story opens.
3That really intriguing -- it means previously there were more Matoran on Voya Nui than Mata Nui: Something must have happened to the inhabitants of the island that resulted in the decrease of their numbers... seems like those lightning storms are really nasty -- must have killed/struck countless Matoran, or maybe there was something/unknown evil that interfered...? *shrugs*
1QUOTE (LORDs_angellos @ Nov 4 2005, 03:34 PM) 2QUOTE (paintballgunner @ Nov 3 2005, 09:19 PM) 3This question doesn't have anything to do with the '06 storyline at all, it was just bothering me for long time:
4I've just been a little buggered by this: What are the spinner powers of the Parakrekks, cable crawler, Protocairns, Frostelus, chute lurker, and Gate Guardian? I'm just wondering since we never found them out.
5I never assigned any to them, I don't think
6Looks like I'll have to make some up, then.
7The Cable Crawler's spinner is vertigo. Greg must have just forgotten because all the others don't have official powers.
8Edit: Also, I just noticed I hadn't posted this answer from Greg yet: 9MAJOR '06 SPOILERS::
10Click For Spoiler 11Click For Spoiler 12QUOTE 13QUOTE 14What I am curious is why the Piraka are trying to unleash an ancient evil that could destroy the universe. Wouldn't they be destroyed as well? Why would they want that? Come to think of it, if the Piraka's mission is really that serious, why don't the Toa Nuva ally with the Dark Hunters, the Brotherhood, the Order, and everybody else who doesn't want to be killed(quite a large number, I presume) and kick the Piraka's but?
16You are assuming the Piraka know what the consequences of their actions would be. We have never said that. The Piraka are motivated by lust for power and greed, something which has more than once blinded otherwise intelligent beings to potential disasters in the making.
18~ ~
4I've just been a little buggered by this: What are the spinner powers of the Parakrekks, cable crawler, Protocairns, Frostelus, chute lurker, and Gate Guardian? I'm just wondering since we never found them out.
5I never assigned any to them, I don't think
6Looks like I'll have to make some up, then.
7The Cable Crawler's spinner is vertigo. Greg must have just forgotten because all the others don't have official powers.
8Edit: Also, I just noticed I hadn't posted this answer from Greg yet: 9MAJOR '06 SPOILERS::
10Click For Spoiler 11Click For Spoiler 12QUOTE 13QUOTE 14What I am curious is why the Piraka are trying to unleash an ancient evil that could destroy the universe. Wouldn't they be destroyed as well? Why would they want that? Come to think of it, if the Piraka's mission is really that serious, why don't the Toa Nuva ally with the Dark Hunters, the Brotherhood, the Order, and everybody else who doesn't want to be killed(quite a large number, I presume) and kick the Piraka's but?
16You are assuming the Piraka know what the consequences of their actions would be. We have never said that. The Piraka are motivated by lust for power and greed, something which has more than once blinded otherwise intelligent beings to potential disasters in the making.
18~ ~
1What will happend in the BL 3 and 4 2006.
1Toa Lanha, you need to PM GregF your question, he won't answer it if you post it here. And he probably won't be able to answer them anyway, as they are 2006 storyline.
1What will happend in the BL 3 and 4 2006.
2You can also visit the Official 2006 Topic.
3I also have something to add, though it probably isn't much of news to many:
4All I can tell you is this -- in my opinion, and the way I am writing the story, they were not Matoran (...) Is it possible my opinion could prove to be wrong? Possible, but doubtful.
5Those are the two main sentences in an answer I recently received from GregF. The nice thing about it is that now I know how likely GregF's opinion is to be right; and that's very likely.
1Here's what I asked him and the answers-
11The Silver Kanohi question has been driving me crazy.
2I know you probaby get alot of pms, but since this is my first, can you answer it?
3My first Q- Who is Sentrahk?
4My second Q- What are the original Toa Olda Silver Masks for ?
5Finally- How can I get back issues of the Bionicle comics?
7BZPower member Jacob83093
81) Sentrahk is The Shadowed One's right hand being. He's a member of the Dark Hunters, and appears in BA #10 92) They really never played a part in the storyline 103) Depends on how far back you want to go. If you are looking for 2001-2003 issue, you might still be able to find a copy of the BIONICLE graphic novel that collects the first three years of comics. If you are looking for 2004-2005 issues, you can call LEGO Customer Service and they might be able to dig some up for you
11The Silver Kanohi question has been driving me crazy.

1All I can tell you is this -- in my opinion, and the way I am writing the story, they were not Matoran (...) Is it possible my opinion could prove to be wrong? Possible, but doubtful.
2Those are the two main sentences in an answer I recently received from GregF. The nice thing about it is that now I know how likely GregF's opinion is to be right; and that's very likely.
3May I ask what you aare referring to, munkeymunkey? I'm not really sure.
4torritorri 5

1Would you say other than Karazhni's island, Artahka?, Metru Nui/Mata Nui, & Voha Nui, are there any other islands in that vast ocean? I s it a ocean, or is it one huge watery planet? How far apart are Voha & Mata Nui?
2Voya Nui and Mata Nui are pretty far apart -- so much so that neither island's population had any idea the other island was there. As far as the rest of your question goes, I can't answer it -- doing so would paint us into a corner story wise. (What if I said there were, oh, 12 other islands, and then we decided later on there were 20? I would have given you a wrong answer.)
3Also, keep in mind that Mata Nui and Voya Nui are in one ocean -- Metru Nui and Karzahni's realm (which is not an island, really) are in quite another. Metru Nui being under Mata Nui is not in a salt water ocean, it's in liquid protodermis.
1All I can tell you is this -- in my opinion, and the way I am writing the story, they were not Matoran (...) Is it possible my opinion could prove to be wrong? Possible, but doubtful.
2Those are the two main sentences in an answer I recently received from GregF. The nice thing about it is that now I know how likely GregF's opinion is to be right; and that's very likely.
3May I ask what you aare referring to, munkeymunkey? I'm not really sure.
4torritorri 5![]()
6He's talking about how the Toa Nuva were never Matoran.
1Karzahni's realm's not really an island? I think that means it's underground. Maybe under Metru Nui? It makes sense, because Jaller goes there.
3My thoery is that the Atahka and the Karzahni is two other dimension would like Heaven and ######.
6Yes but don,t you see movies maybe there was some kind of portal/gate into Karzahni's realm and that is Jaller walked throught and endup in Karzahni's realm.
1Karzahni's realm's not really an island? I think that means it's underground. Maybe under Metru Nui? It makes sense, because Jaller goes there.
3My thoery is that the Atahka and the Karzahni is two other dimension just like Heaven and ######.
4that have hited my mind o. but then again bionicle like to move away from such things
1Hi Greg.I was just wondering about a couple things regarding Voya-Nui.
21.You've said several times that all the Matoran live in one location because the island is far too dangerous.What do the different colored dots then in this pic signify?
32.You mentioned that Dalu is the warrior of the Matoran group we meet.Can you tell us the professions of the others?
43.Is Mount Valmai significant in the storyline, or is going to be like the tales of Lhii on Mata Nui?
61) That will be revealed in the January issue of LEGO Magazine 72) Balta and Velika are both inventors; Piruk sort of acts as a spy for the group; Garan is the leader; and Kazi doesn't really have a set role. 83) Yes, Mount Valmai is very significant in 2006
9There's some of dat stuff.
10And on the Karzahni note:
11As far as my memory reaches Greg has confirmed that he's neither the anicent evil or a set. The set I'm more sure of, because he actually asked BZP what color he should make Karzahni, which I don't think the rest of TLC would really agree with. He's strictly books, where Greg's got control.
1Hi Greg. I was just wondering about a couple things regarding Voya-Nui.
21. You've said several times that all the Matoran live in one location because the island is far too dangerous. What do the different colored dots then in this pic signify?
32. You mentioned that Dalu is the warrior of the Matoran group we meet. Can you tell us the professions of the others?
43. Is Mount Valmai significant in the storyline, or is going to be like the tales of Lhii on Mata Nui?
61) That will be revealed in the January issue of LEGO Magazine 72) Balta and Velika are both inventors; Piruk sort of acts as a spy for the group; Garan is the leader; and Kazi doesn't really have a set role. 83) Yes, Mount Valmai is very significant in 2006
9There's some of dat stuff.
10And on the Karzahni note:
11As far as my memory reaches Greg has confirmed that he's neither the anicent evil or a set. The set I'm more sure of, because he actually asked BZP what color he should make Karzahni, which I don't think the rest of TLC would really agree with. He's strictly books, where Greg's got control.
12Hmm... I was wondering as soon as I saw that ad what Mount Valmai was... can't wait to find out in January, should be very interesting...
13And so Garan is the leader? Dunno why, but I sort of expected that. Maybe it's just because the earth-element characters normally get the short straw in terms of characterization. It'll be good to see the politics of this situation play out...

2About the Piraka:
31. Now that the official Piraka image is being circulated with the Matoran sets, Are the original leaked pictures fair game as far as avs, banners and sprite sheets go?
42. I can't really tell, but in the official Piraka imade, Reidak looks suspiciously brown. Is he still black and gold like in the leaked pictures or did he have a colour change?
53. I think I'll ask again now that the official pic is out: Does Reidak really have three eyes?
64. Do the spikes around the shoulders of the Piraka bear any significance whatsoever, or are they just decorative? (I hope that's a good enough adjective...)
7About Voya Nui:
85. You mentioned that Voya Nui has several other important locations on it which will be detailed in January. Are those locations the things that are represented by the various coloured dots on the textured map (On the Matoran boxes)?
96. The Matoran village is represented on the textured map by that red splotch, correct?
10And just a question that's been bugging me for a while:
117. Does the Kraata/Krana hybrid creature bear any relationship to Karzahni since they both allow the "victim" to see the future/alternate futures?
12Thanks for your time![]()
141) I personally do not feel those are good images of the Piraka, so while I can't go, "No: No:" I still think they are not the best images you could use. 152) Reidak is black 163) Don't know, don't have the set 174) We call them spines, actually, they are some of the new pieces for these sets 185) Think so 196) I haven't looked at the map on the packaging so couldn't tell you 207) Not sure yet. But I consider Karzahni's power to be quite different from the kraata/krana hybrid. He is showing you "what ifs," the hybrid is showing what will be.
21Nothing really new...

1Well, here are some interesting answers:
14So, these Matoran are resisting the Piraka. Interesting..And who is Xena? I wonder what Kazi knows that is so important.
2Hi Greg: Member Panda King has confirmed that Kazi does not have a head-it's just a Matatu on a ball socket. Is there a storyline reason for this? Why does he not have a head? Also, -Shannara- said that you'd said he really had no set role(ie Gara is leader, Piruk is spy). Is he a robot or something? 3Also, a few other questions on the Voyatoran: 4Why are Balta and Velika inventors? What can they invent? And why? 5If Piruk is a spy, what does he spy out? Is there something or someone that is out to get the Matoran? 6How much of a warrior is Dalu? 7Thanks Greg:8-Voriki
91) First I have heard of it. I haven't built the sets 102) No, he's not a robot. He just does not have as well defined a role as the others do. His role has more to do with what he knows than what he does. 113) Well, this is a Matoran resistance group -- someone has to make the weapons 124) Yes, the Piraka 135) Think Xena
14So, these Matoran are resisting the Piraka. Interesting..And who is Xena? I wonder what Kazi knows that is so important.
1*Waves arms* Big news: BIG NEWS: New info on the Piraka's powers:
17So, tandem elemental powers, and powers connected to their eyes...Well, this says two things: They almost definitely have light-up eyes, and their eyes aren't directly related to their bodies. This either means they're all cyborgs, or they all have surgicall-implanted Sharingan. I'm hoping for the latter.
32*Imagines a Piraka holding a stuggling Matoran by the ankle Krekka-style* Well, they've certainly got quite a job ahead of them.
2So, I finally got to see the official poster for the Piraka, and I have to say congratulations, Mr. Farshtey.You've done it again.Or rather, you've done it like never before.These guys still have the Bionicle feel to them, but at the same time look new and downright creepy.However, I am left with a few questions...
31. Is Hakann's weapon really supposed to be a "gun" of some sort?It seems nothing like a melee weapon of any kind, has a sort of "barrel" coming out of the end, and in the preliminary image (don't worry, I looked at it after seeing the official poster) he's firing a laser from the end.So, what's the deal?
42. Not only that, but from what I can see, Thok and Avak also have weapons that look vaguely gunlike.Do they use them like guns in channeling their powers, or do they use them as melee weapons or tools in some obscure way?
53. Is it "Reidak" or "Reiadak?"
64. Will we get some more in-depth info about personalities, powers, etc. in the January mag?
7Thanks for your time once again.
81) We don't really call it a gun -- we call it a lava launcher 92) Avak does not have something that works like a gun (in addition to his launcher) -- Thok does, it shoots ice 103) Reidak 114) Yes
12Wait, I thought you said the Piraka didn't have elemental powers?
13Oh, and when you said the Piraka have two powers, did you mean one "normal" power that comes from themselves and one power that comes from their launcher? Like saying Tahu has two powers: Fire and Shielding, even though Shielding isn't really his power, it comes from his mask?
14Thanks once again.
151) Changed my mind when it came down to writing the descriptions, but it is a different situation than with Toa. Only Hakann and Thok have weapons that have anything to do with elemental powers. The natural elemental abilities of the Piraka can only be used in tandem -- for example, Avak can only use a stone power if he is working with another Piraka who is using his elemental power too. So Avak and Hakann could create a fire and stone giant, but neither could create anything elemental like that on their own.
162) No, I meant one natural power that comes from themselves and one power that is connected to their eyes.
17So, tandem elemental powers, and powers connected to their eyes...Well, this says two things: They almost definitely have light-up eyes, and their eyes aren't directly related to their bodies. This either means they're all cyborgs, or they all have surgicall-implanted Sharingan. I'm hoping for the latter.
18Well, here are some interesting answers: 19Hi Greg: Member Panda King has confirmed that Kazi does not have a head-it's just a Matatu on a ball socket. Is there a storyline reason for this? Why does he not have a head? Also, -Shannara- said that you'd said he really had no set role(ie Gara is leader, Piruk is spy). Is he a robot or something? 20Also, a few other questions on the Voyatoran: 21Why are Balta and Velika inventors? What can they invent? And why? 22If Piruk is a spy, what does he spy out? Is there something or someone that is out to get the Matoran? 23How much of a warrior is Dalu? 24Thanks Greg:25-Voriki
261) First I have heard of it. I haven't built the sets 272) No, he's not a robot. He just does not have as well defined a role as the others do. His role has more to do with what he knows than what he does. 283) Well, this is a Matoran resistance group -- someone has to make the weapons 294) Yes, the Piraka 305) Think Xena
31So, these Matoran are resisting the Piraka. Interesting..And who is Xena? I wonder what Kazi knows that is so important.
32*Imagines a Piraka holding a stuggling Matoran by the ankle Krekka-style* Well, they've certainly got quite a job ahead of them.
1I got these fairly early today, but the server messed up on me, and I was only able to post now. 21) is missing because it was a personal question.
112) Okay, you get to be the first to know -- it's black.
123) Yes
134) No, the Matoran sets do not come with anything extra like that.
145) I wasn't referring to their masks. I was referring to the masks on the second set of canister figures in 2006.
156) Both. Once the Matoran begin to suspect the Piraka are not Toa, the Piraka take steps to enslave them.
167) Not until closer to when they are out.
178) I don't want to reveal this yet.
32) Last time I PMed you, I asked if you could tell me what colour the doomtoran leader is, and you said you'd ask if you could tell me. Can you tell me now? (I suspect Dalu)
43) And is he/she one of the matoran sets?
54) Normally, the 4-dollar sets have the following year's collectible. Do the doomtoran have the collectible? I can't see anything, but I couldn't really see anything on the Piraka either, except for those launchers.
65) When you said the Doomtoran's masks are in a different texture, I assumed you meant they would be different colours of the Toa Metrus masks. Now that I see they aren't, did you mean a different plastic? They sorta look different.
76) At first, it sounded like the Piraka just walked onto Voya-nui, and pretended they were toa, to simply get matoran to trust them, and maybe give them a few things, what with the Matoran trusting them completely. But in the ad, it says the Matoran are now enslaved, and the Piraka are being openly evil. Which is more accurate?
87) When can you tell us the Piraka powers?
98) If the doomtoran trust the Piraka, how do they react when the Toa Nuva arrive? Do the Piraka convince them the Nuva are here for evil? Or do the doomtoran sorta divide, some trusting the Nuva, some trusting the Piraka?
10Thats all for now. Thanks in advance:
112) Okay, you get to be the first to know -- it's black.
123) Yes
134) No, the Matoran sets do not come with anything extra like that.
145) I wasn't referring to their masks. I was referring to the masks on the second set of canister figures in 2006.
156) Both. Once the Matoran begin to suspect the Piraka are not Toa, the Piraka take steps to enslave them.
167) Not until closer to when they are out.
178) I don't want to reveal this yet.
1QUOTE 2yo greg, I got some questions for you
31.) does Makuta know about voya nui?
42.)is the member of the OOMN already on voya nui?
53.)are the voya nui matoran any stronger or weaker than the metru nui matoran?
64.) how strong are the piraka (compared to say the toa nuva)?
75.) what part of 2006 are you most looking forward to?
86.) does the BOM care about this ancient evil (or are they the ones who unleashed it)?
97.)will we see any of roodaka in 06?
101) During the Mask of Light storyline, he most likely had some inkling it was there 112) Can't answer it 123) Physically, they are probably weaker, but they have weapons and the Metru Nui Matoran do not 134) I would say they are about equal 145) All of it 156) Can't answer it 167) As a character in the story? No
31.) does Makuta know about voya nui?
42.)is the member of the OOMN already on voya nui?
53.)are the voya nui matoran any stronger or weaker than the metru nui matoran?
64.) how strong are the piraka (compared to say the toa nuva)?
75.) what part of 2006 are you most looking forward to?
86.) does the BOM care about this ancient evil (or are they the ones who unleashed it)?
97.)will we see any of roodaka in 06?
101) During the Mask of Light storyline, he most likely had some inkling it was there 112) Can't answer it 123) Physically, they are probably weaker, but they have weapons and the Metru Nui Matoran do not 134) I would say they are about equal 145) All of it 156) Can't answer it 167) As a character in the story? No
1Great New Spoilers aout the 2006 Matoran from Greg:
2Can you tell me what Dalu and Garan's tool powers are? Since you told us what Kazi's powers are (and they are awesomeI thought you might be able to tell us at least some of the others.
4Garan's weapons fire pulse bolts -- the furhter they travel, the more powerful they become -- and Dalu can temporarily increase one attribute of another (increase their speed, strength, etc.)

1Great info from Greg: 2Can you tell me what Dalu and Garan's tool powers are?Since you told us what Kazi's are (and they rock) I though you might be able to. 3-Angellos
4Garan's weapons fire pulse bolts -- the furhter they travel, the more powerful they become -- and Dalu can temporarily increase one attribute of another (increase their speed, strength, etc.)
6Nice...Pulse bolts sound interesting (Although I don't quite understand what those precisely are
). Dalu has a neat power too...That would really be useful sometimes...


1Possible Spoilers:
101) No, you haven't seen the last of it, but I am not planning to spend story time there in 2006. I don't have the room to do that. 112) You will have to follow the story and find out 123) Because it takes a really long time for that to happen. Remember, 1000 years to beings who can live 100,000 years or more is nothing 134) If you recall, they are never shown introducing themselves in B2, so the implication is they were at least aware of who each other was. There is never a scene where Vakama goes, "I'm Vakama," yet they all know his name. 145) I doubt you would be able to do it simulataneously with the tech available in Metru Nui, so no 156) The game was based on the book. They chose that book because it was something they could do that would not infringe on movie plot and had a lot of room for extra stuff in it.
2Hello Greg. I just finished time trap and now I'm starting to think that you should write the screenplays for the Bionicle Movies. I hope you don't mind me asking:
31) Have we seen the Last of Metru Nui? Will there be some "flashbacks" of what Takanuva is doing there?
42) How does Jaller get to the Karzahini?
53) If a Kanoka's power can wear out, why haven't we seen a Kanohi wear out? (I'm sure Vakama has used his mask plenty of time in 1000 years.)
64) In Time Trap, while Vakama is a Matoran again, Nokama seems to know who he is. Why does Nokama know Vakama if they did not meet until they were transformed into Toa?
75) If I combinded Vakama, Nokama, and etc.'s Toa disks together, would I get a disk of Protodermis?
86) Was Maze of Shadows made into a Video Game because the book was a bestseller, Or was Maze of Shadows (the book) based off the video game?
9Thanks a ton: Keep up the Great work on the books:
101) No, you haven't seen the last of it, but I am not planning to spend story time there in 2006. I don't have the room to do that. 112) You will have to follow the story and find out 123) Because it takes a really long time for that to happen. Remember, 1000 years to beings who can live 100,000 years or more is nothing 134) If you recall, they are never shown introducing themselves in B2, so the implication is they were at least aware of who each other was. There is never a scene where Vakama goes, "I'm Vakama," yet they all know his name. 145) I doubt you would be able to do it simulataneously with the tech available in Metru Nui, so no 156) The game was based on the book. They chose that book because it was something they could do that would not infringe on movie plot and had a lot of room for extra stuff in it.