1Sorry to bother you but I have a theory:
2Zaktan is made of protodites and can become solid or intangible (by becoming a gas or "swarm").
3The skin of the zamor spheres is solid and can become intangible temporarily, this allows zamor spheres to be filled with substances and to release these substances onto whatever thay hit.
4If we add these two facts what do we get? We come to the conclusion that zamor spheres are made of protodites like those of Zaktan. This explains why Zaktan knows the secret of the zamor spheres. Perhaps his protodites can communicate with or hack into the zamor protodites, allowing him to discover why thay can enslave people and what their other propertys are.
5Please tell me if this theory is correct. Thankyou for your time.
6Nice theory, but no -- the secret Zaktan knows is the nature of what's inside the spheres, not the substance of the spheres themselves.
7I was wrong but at least we know more detail about what Zaktan knows. I wonder what is inside those spheres...
1Hey greg, hope you don't mind:
21) Will the DH Guide contain info on Lariska?
31a) If yes, will there be a photo of her?
42) How much influence do you have on the story?
53) How many of your charecters (such as Kraata/Krana, Lariska, Karzahni (both), Krahka, etc.) including new ones will be in 2006?
64) Why didn't the Turaga have a central population on Mata Nui? I mean, you have this Island with tons of Infected Rahi, easy to get lost, and Mata Nui knows what other reasons.
75) According to BA7, the Vahki's new mission is to elimanate all things living so there will be no disorder. If Dume stayed on Metru Nui, why didn't the Vahki attack him?
86) If you break the Disk of Time, will the universe end also?
97) Let's say if a Visorak fired a spinner at Vakama Hordika. Could Vakama charge that spinner up?
107a) If above is yes, then could he control the spinner?
11Thank you for your time and patience:
121) No, because there is no set of her and thus no pic to show 132) A lot these days 143) At this point, Karzahni is the only one of my characters who appeared in the 2006 story so far 154) Because there were no infected Rahi when they got there, and each group of Matoran was more comfortable in a region that approximated their home on Metru Nui. If you have read BA #10 (and you may not have or may not have had access to the book), Makuta did not start attacking Mata Nui until a full year after the Matoran were awakened. 165) I have no doubt they tried, but I also have no doubt there aren't many Vahki left functioning after the Visorak invasion 176) Probably 187) No. Rhotuka spinners are made up of your own personal energy, which is why every character (or in the case of Visorak, breed) has its own power. Vakama can charge up his own spinners with this tools, not those of others.
19I have read Time Trap. But Makuta said he would give Vakama one year of peace, so that would give him the message Makuta will return. If he knew that, why didn't he suggest that?
20I don't mean to argue with you, I really like how you do all this stuff for us.
21You're not arguing, Tacku. But Vakama had no idea how Makuta would strike. There is something to be said for being all together for defense, but there is also something to be said for not bunching up so you can't all be taken out with one attack. If Makuta attacked, say, Ta-Koro first, Vakama may have figured the other villages would thus have some warning before he hit there and maybe time for the other Matoran to go into hiding. If all the Matoran were in Ta-Koro, they would all be dead or captured in one strike.
21) Will the DH Guide contain info on Lariska?
31a) If yes, will there be a photo of her?
42) How much influence do you have on the story?
53) How many of your charecters (such as Kraata/Krana, Lariska, Karzahni (both), Krahka, etc.) including new ones will be in 2006?
64) Why didn't the Turaga have a central population on Mata Nui? I mean, you have this Island with tons of Infected Rahi, easy to get lost, and Mata Nui knows what other reasons.
75) According to BA7, the Vahki's new mission is to elimanate all things living so there will be no disorder. If Dume stayed on Metru Nui, why didn't the Vahki attack him?
86) If you break the Disk of Time, will the universe end also?
97) Let's say if a Visorak fired a spinner at Vakama Hordika. Could Vakama charge that spinner up?
107a) If above is yes, then could he control the spinner?
11Thank you for your time and patience:
121) No, because there is no set of her and thus no pic to show 132) A lot these days 143) At this point, Karzahni is the only one of my characters who appeared in the 2006 story so far 154) Because there were no infected Rahi when they got there, and each group of Matoran was more comfortable in a region that approximated their home on Metru Nui. If you have read BA #10 (and you may not have or may not have had access to the book), Makuta did not start attacking Mata Nui until a full year after the Matoran were awakened. 165) I have no doubt they tried, but I also have no doubt there aren't many Vahki left functioning after the Visorak invasion 176) Probably 187) No. Rhotuka spinners are made up of your own personal energy, which is why every character (or in the case of Visorak, breed) has its own power. Vakama can charge up his own spinners with this tools, not those of others.
19I have read Time Trap. But Makuta said he would give Vakama one year of peace, so that would give him the message Makuta will return. If he knew that, why didn't he suggest that?
20I don't mean to argue with you, I really like how you do all this stuff for us.
21You're not arguing, Tacku. But Vakama had no idea how Makuta would strike. There is something to be said for being all together for defense, but there is also something to be said for not bunching up so you can't all be taken out with one attack. If Makuta attacked, say, Ta-Koro first, Vakama may have figured the other villages would thus have some warning before he hit there and maybe time for the other Matoran to go into hiding. If all the Matoran were in Ta-Koro, they would all be dead or captured in one strike.
1I don't know if some of this information is already known, but here is some info on Copper Masks.
12The main one I found interesting was 5.
21.When Matoran get a Copper Mask of Victory, is it in the shape of their own mask, or just any mask?
32.What do they do with it? (Put it on, display it...)
43.Can Copper Masks of Victory be worn?
54.Did Metru Nui have any Copper Masks of Victory?
65.Does Voya Nui have any Copper Masks of Victory, or do they have no activity that results in one?
71) It's possible it is in the shape of their mask 82) Display it 93) Yes, but they don't wear them 104) Yes 115) No
12The main one I found interesting was 5.
1Sorry to bug you again, Greg. I was wondering...
21) We know the Toa Nuva are the stars of BL 1 & 2, but will they have a role in 3 & 4/5? (You said that one novel will be about the past of the Piraka.)
3Greg: They may appear, but it would not be in the flashback book because they never met the Piraka before Voya Nui.
52) If 1 is yes, then how big?
6Greg: I can't answer that until the books are written.
73) Sence 4 or 5 will be about the Past of the Piraka, will this be an oppertunity for Lariska to return?
8Greg: Maybe, we'll see
104) How long ago did the Piraka went rouge?
11Greg: Not long before the start of 2006 storyline - maybe a few weeks or a month
125) When will Axxon and Brutaka appear in the books?
13Greg: Pretty early on
146) Do the Matoran know about Nidhiki's betrayel?
15Greg: No. Telling Matoran, "Hey, a Toa went evil:" would undermine confidence in all Toa, everywhere, so they were never told
16Thank you for your time:
17Lariska MIGHT be coming back:
1QUOTE 2yo mr farshtey got some questions related to the OOMN, axonn and brutaka:
31.) the OOMN wear kanohi, are they regular great kanohi, or are they some form of new kanohi (like would an OOMN member wear a regular great kanohi or some higher form of it?)
42.) do the piraka know about axonn and brutaka?
53.) did the OOMN have guardians like the hagah?
64.) when will we find out more about Axonn and brutaka?
75.) what kind of kanohi did the voya turaga have?
86.)if some of Zaktan's protodites were destroyed, what would happen?
97.) if the OOMN is so secretive, why show themselves now on voya nui? or what's going down on voya nui so big that toa can't handle it?
108.)because your a LOST fan, are we gonna be seeing any of its elements in voya nui (like strange things that seem out of place etc.)?
119.) will the summer toa have zamors as well, or is it piraka only?
121) Hasn't been decided yet -- also, I do not know that ALL OOMN members are the same. We may decide some wear Kanohi, some don't. 132) Eventually, they do, yes, they don't when they first get there 143) Nope. They don't need them, they are not a public group. It would be like a secret agent having bodyguards. 154) Once the 2006 story starts 165) No idea. He's dead, so I never saw him. 176) Odds are he would have less 187) It's not so much what is happening as what the island hides. 198) Probably not -- LOST does what it does because it has its story to tell. We have our story to tell, so I can't really warp it to make it like something else 209) Yes they will
31.) the OOMN wear kanohi, are they regular great kanohi, or are they some form of new kanohi (like would an OOMN member wear a regular great kanohi or some higher form of it?)
42.) do the piraka know about axonn and brutaka?
53.) did the OOMN have guardians like the hagah?
64.) when will we find out more about Axonn and brutaka?
75.) what kind of kanohi did the voya turaga have?
86.)if some of Zaktan's protodites were destroyed, what would happen?
97.) if the OOMN is so secretive, why show themselves now on voya nui? or what's going down on voya nui so big that toa can't handle it?
108.)because your a LOST fan, are we gonna be seeing any of its elements in voya nui (like strange things that seem out of place etc.)?
119.) will the summer toa have zamors as well, or is it piraka only?
121) Hasn't been decided yet -- also, I do not know that ALL OOMN members are the same. We may decide some wear Kanohi, some don't. 132) Eventually, they do, yes, they don't when they first get there 143) Nope. They don't need them, they are not a public group. It would be like a secret agent having bodyguards. 154) Once the 2006 story starts 165) No idea. He's dead, so I never saw him. 176) Odds are he would have less 187) It's not so much what is happening as what the island hides. 198) Probably not -- LOST does what it does because it has its story to tell. We have our story to tell, so I can't really warp it to make it like something else 209) Yes they will
1Some questions about the MoL flash movies, edited for clarity:
2Questions are followed by answers
31.) Who built the shrine for the Mask of Light in the Great Temple? The Rahaga, perhaps? (I can't think of any other possible builders) 41) No, it wasn't the Rahaga -- they could not have made themselves that visible when the Matoran were active.
52.) This was not shown in the movies, but do the Rahaga also tell the other Toa about the Makoi stones? Every Toa from Whenua onwards seems to already know his mission without being told, and this detail puzzles me. 62) The Toa told each other. We just cut that out so we didn't repeat the same scene over and over.
73.) After rescuing Onewa, how does Whenua recognise him as holding a Makoi stone? Did he read about them in the archives? 83) Yup
94.) What do the Makoi stones do, anyway? Since they have been used twice to unlock some type of structure, (the shrine and Makuta's lair beneath the Kini-Nui) are they some type of skeleton key when it comes to mysterious structures? 104) Yes, they are a form of key. What they were before they were broken has not been revealed yet
115.) Who re-configured the Makoi stones to unlock the Kini-Nui, and who scattered them around Mata-Nui? 125) The Toa Metru did, as Turaga
13Clarification of the MoL shrine's location:
14Q: So if it wasn't the Rahaga that built the MoL shrine, then who did? Was that perhaps the MoL's original resting place before it was stolen by the Brotherhood? 15A: No, it wasn't, because if it had been the Metru Nui Matoran would have been aware of it. If I had to guess, I would point to the Order of Mata Nui -- we know they had agents in the city, and they certainly would have been able to take action without the residents of the city knowing it.
16Q: One last one: I just realized you had written in the Encyclopedia that the MoL shrine was in the Archives. Its location looked more like the Great Temple in the movies to me though. So where is it really located? 17A: I would go with the Encyclopedia.
18I found the answers to 4 and the possibility that the OoMN built the shrine particularly interesting.
2Questions are followed by answers
31.) Who built the shrine for the Mask of Light in the Great Temple? The Rahaga, perhaps? (I can't think of any other possible builders) 41) No, it wasn't the Rahaga -- they could not have made themselves that visible when the Matoran were active.
52.) This was not shown in the movies, but do the Rahaga also tell the other Toa about the Makoi stones? Every Toa from Whenua onwards seems to already know his mission without being told, and this detail puzzles me. 62) The Toa told each other. We just cut that out so we didn't repeat the same scene over and over.
73.) After rescuing Onewa, how does Whenua recognise him as holding a Makoi stone? Did he read about them in the archives? 83) Yup
94.) What do the Makoi stones do, anyway? Since they have been used twice to unlock some type of structure, (the shrine and Makuta's lair beneath the Kini-Nui) are they some type of skeleton key when it comes to mysterious structures? 104) Yes, they are a form of key. What they were before they were broken has not been revealed yet
115.) Who re-configured the Makoi stones to unlock the Kini-Nui, and who scattered them around Mata-Nui? 125) The Toa Metru did, as Turaga
13Clarification of the MoL shrine's location:
14Q: So if it wasn't the Rahaga that built the MoL shrine, then who did? Was that perhaps the MoL's original resting place before it was stolen by the Brotherhood? 15A: No, it wasn't, because if it had been the Metru Nui Matoran would have been aware of it. If I had to guess, I would point to the Order of Mata Nui -- we know they had agents in the city, and they certainly would have been able to take action without the residents of the city knowing it.
16Q: One last one: I just realized you had written in the Encyclopedia that the MoL shrine was in the Archives. Its location looked more like the Great Temple in the movies to me though. So where is it really located? 17A: I would go with the Encyclopedia.
18I found the answers to 4 and the possibility that the OoMN built the shrine particularly interesting.
1hi greg, sorry to bother you but I have a few questions about zaktan
21) do the spines on the piraka do anything storyline wise? or are they just there to look cool? 31) Those are part of their organic tissue
42)does zaktan have a secondary weapon like hakanns' or is it just a decoration? 52) Yes. Zaktan has a three-bladed sword with a with a pair of tongs at the other end
63)I ordered a pack of zamor spheres-along with zaktan- and I noticed they all have a marblish pattern, is this just decoration or does it mean something? 73) Just a decoration, far as I know
84) do the piraka spheres have any relation to the matoran spheres? 94) No
105) do you have any 06 sets yet? 115) No
12not much, but it clears up zaktan's weapon.
1Not much, but it clears up some crud I've been wondering at least.
2QUOTE 3Ok, there are a lot of questions here but no story questions, and except for the last ones they're pretty easy. Thanks in advance:
41. Are the McToran disks kanoka?
52.If no, are they older or newer than kanoka?
63. If yes, what are they're numbers?
74.If no, are they more or less powerful than kanoka?
85. Are Throwbot disks kanoka?
96.If no, could a matoran theoretically use one?
107. If yes, do the matoran know what the heck the throwbots on the disk are?
11Some matoran life process thingies:
128.If a matoran dies of old age/disease, can the armor on they're bodies be used as parts when the organic rots/is removed?
139. What are the signs of bionicle aging? Kanohi wrinkles? Rusty armor?
14Krana/Kraata hybrid thingy:
15(By the way, i haven't read any of the books. I get no allowance so I always buy sets if i'm gonna spend $ on bionicles.)
1610.Is it more like a krana or like a kraata? Like, a krana with a tail that hisses or a talking kraata with a face?
1711. Could it fit in a Bohrok? Rakshi? Both?
1812.Does it have a hybrid "Bohrokshi" armor somewhere?
1913. Was it made this way or mutated?
2014.If made that way, how? Krana are the bahrag's deal, and kraata are makuta's...
21And some Zaktan/protodite questions...
2215. If Zaktan had, like, one armsworth of protodites destroyed, and instead of giving up his body parts, he decided to spread out his protodites, would he become unstable on a molecular level?
2316.If so, could a superconcentrated laser (like a really really concentrated Takanuva beam,) cause a nuclear explosion, blowing zaktan to bits?
2417. If zaktan had been obliterated into one single remaining protodite by some stupid scenario like the above, would it be his whole consciousness? (*squeeky helium voice* I'll be back:::: *squish*)
25And, to wrap it up,...
2618. Could you try to convince the new artist to join BZP?
27Thank you for your time: 28~ToFB
291) No. They are made of the BIONICLE equivalent of bamboo. 302) Newer, they were made on Mata Nui 314) Less, they have no powers 325-7) Throwbots have nothing to do with the BIONICLE universe. That's a totally different play universe, there is no connection. 338) Yes, but it probably would be considered to be desecration 349) Matoran have extremely long lifespans, so aging is really not an issue. These are beings who can live thousands, possibly even hundreds of thousands of years. 3510) It's a hybrid, so it's half of both. If you are asking what it looks like it hasn't been described beyond saying it looks like a hybrid. I don't think in pictures, I think in words. 3611) Doubt it 3712) No 3813) Hasn't been revealed yet 3914) See answer to #13 4015) Nope -- he can spread his protodites out into a massive cloud and float through the air without becoming molecularly unstable 4116) Nope 4217) My guess is that if parts of him are destroyed, the aspects of his consciousness within them simply transfer into other intact parts. 4318) I am sure Stuart is aware of BZP and will join if he sees fit. My guess is he is pretty busy, since I don't think BIONICLE is the only thing he does, so he may not have time to interact on here. Going to be up to him.
2QUOTE 3Ok, there are a lot of questions here but no story questions, and except for the last ones they're pretty easy. Thanks in advance:
41. Are the McToran disks kanoka?
52.If no, are they older or newer than kanoka?
63. If yes, what are they're numbers?
74.If no, are they more or less powerful than kanoka?
85. Are Throwbot disks kanoka?
96.If no, could a matoran theoretically use one?
107. If yes, do the matoran know what the heck the throwbots on the disk are?
11Some matoran life process thingies:
128.If a matoran dies of old age/disease, can the armor on they're bodies be used as parts when the organic rots/is removed?
139. What are the signs of bionicle aging? Kanohi wrinkles? Rusty armor?
14Krana/Kraata hybrid thingy:
15(By the way, i haven't read any of the books. I get no allowance so I always buy sets if i'm gonna spend $ on bionicles.)
1610.Is it more like a krana or like a kraata? Like, a krana with a tail that hisses or a talking kraata with a face?
1711. Could it fit in a Bohrok? Rakshi? Both?
1812.Does it have a hybrid "Bohrokshi" armor somewhere?
1913. Was it made this way or mutated?
2014.If made that way, how? Krana are the bahrag's deal, and kraata are makuta's...
21And some Zaktan/protodite questions...
2215. If Zaktan had, like, one armsworth of protodites destroyed, and instead of giving up his body parts, he decided to spread out his protodites, would he become unstable on a molecular level?
2316.If so, could a superconcentrated laser (like a really really concentrated Takanuva beam,) cause a nuclear explosion, blowing zaktan to bits?
2417. If zaktan had been obliterated into one single remaining protodite by some stupid scenario like the above, would it be his whole consciousness? (*squeeky helium voice* I'll be back:::: *squish*)
25And, to wrap it up,...
2618. Could you try to convince the new artist to join BZP?
27Thank you for your time: 28~ToFB
291) No. They are made of the BIONICLE equivalent of bamboo. 302) Newer, they were made on Mata Nui 314) Less, they have no powers 325-7) Throwbots have nothing to do with the BIONICLE universe. That's a totally different play universe, there is no connection. 338) Yes, but it probably would be considered to be desecration 349) Matoran have extremely long lifespans, so aging is really not an issue. These are beings who can live thousands, possibly even hundreds of thousands of years. 3510) It's a hybrid, so it's half of both. If you are asking what it looks like it hasn't been described beyond saying it looks like a hybrid. I don't think in pictures, I think in words. 3611) Doubt it 3712) No 3813) Hasn't been revealed yet 3914) See answer to #13 4015) Nope -- he can spread his protodites out into a massive cloud and float through the air without becoming molecularly unstable 4116) Nope 4217) My guess is that if parts of him are destroyed, the aspects of his consciousness within them simply transfer into other intact parts. 4318) I am sure Stuart is aware of BZP and will join if he sees fit. My guess is he is pretty busy, since I don't think BIONICLE is the only thing he does, so he may not have time to interact on here. Going to be up to him.
1I have a Q about Voya-Nui. Exactly how far away from Mata-Nui is Voya-Nui?
2I can't give you exact miles, but it is quite a long way away. It would take several days to reach there by boat.
3Ah, speaking o' which, what kind of boat to the Nuva Sail to Voya-N with? (Raft, common Ga-Koro boat, fancy cruise ship)
4Who said they use a boat?
5Just a simple question, but I found that the Toa Nuva don't get to Voya-Nui in a boat, but by some other means.
1A few interesting things here...
21. I am assuming that there is no periodic table in Bionicle, but iI was wondering since protodermis is what most things are made up of, what impurities could effect kanoka?
3Everything is made of protodermis. And all substances can have impurities in them, of one kind or another. If you want more detail than that, sorry, I am not a chemist.
42. If say, a Vahki had Hau components, would the Vahki have to see the attack?
5Yes. Hau can't protect you from ambushes.
63. Does the Hau protect against gas and energy, such as fire. What I mean is, someone chucks the equivalent of nerve gas at Tahu. He uses his mask. Is Tahu safe or a vegetable
? The same applies to fire or other energy?
7We have stated the Hau protects you from physical attack. Gas or fire would be a physical attack.
84. Could an airship be protected by a Hau without a lookout or optical receptors?
9We have stated the Hau protects you from physical attack. Gas or fire would be a physical attack.
105.Could Lewa cause an implosion within the mask of shieldings bubble? could Tahu heat it up, Kopaka cool it down, and could Gali make it unseasonably humid
11It's a good question. We know the Bohrok-Kal was able to affect gravity within the shield. Arguably, using an elemental power to affect the air by heating it or cooling it would not be viewed by the Hau as a physical attack on the wearer.
126. Let's say an air ship has a long range, automatic, 50 cal... kanoka launcher
. It also has a Hau up. Can an outgoing projectile escape the shield?
13Yes. Hau protects you (the person who is using it), it doesn't prevent you from acting. What would affect you, though, is that you have to maintain an intense level of concentration to keep the shield up -- when you divide it by trying to fire a weapon or use an elemental power, odds are the shield will collapse.
21. I am assuming that there is no periodic table in Bionicle, but iI was wondering since protodermis is what most things are made up of, what impurities could effect kanoka?
3Everything is made of protodermis. And all substances can have impurities in them, of one kind or another. If you want more detail than that, sorry, I am not a chemist.
42. If say, a Vahki had Hau components, would the Vahki have to see the attack?
5Yes. Hau can't protect you from ambushes.
63. Does the Hau protect against gas and energy, such as fire. What I mean is, someone chucks the equivalent of nerve gas at Tahu. He uses his mask. Is Tahu safe or a vegetable

7We have stated the Hau protects you from physical attack. Gas or fire would be a physical attack.
84. Could an airship be protected by a Hau without a lookout or optical receptors?
9We have stated the Hau protects you from physical attack. Gas or fire would be a physical attack.
105.Could Lewa cause an implosion within the mask of shieldings bubble? could Tahu heat it up, Kopaka cool it down, and could Gali make it unseasonably humid

11It's a good question. We know the Bohrok-Kal was able to affect gravity within the shield. Arguably, using an elemental power to affect the air by heating it or cooling it would not be viewed by the Hau as a physical attack on the wearer.
126. Let's say an air ship has a long range, automatic, 50 cal... kanoka launcher

13Yes. Hau protects you (the person who is using it), it doesn't prevent you from acting. What would affect you, though, is that you have to maintain an intense level of concentration to keep the shield up -- when you divide it by trying to fire a weapon or use an elemental power, odds are the shield will collapse.
1Hi, Greg. I have a few questions.
21. When will BL1 be released in the US?
32. How are Matoran created?
43. How many books will be in the BIONICLE Legends series?
54. Why can't Piraka use their elemental powers individually?
61) Probably in stores mid-January 72) Can't answer it, not allowed 83) 5 novels next year, do not know how many total in the series 94) Because this way, each Piraka is forced to keep at least one other one alive if he wants to ever use his elemental powers.
10My comments:
111. Cool:: I can't wait:: 122. I expected he couldn't answer that. 133. That's a lot of books: (That's a good thing.) 144. I doubt that'll make the Piraka even consider not killing each other, though.
Mad- Elite Dark Hunter
Mad- Elite Dark Hunter
1I have a Q about Voya-Nui. Exactly how far away from Mata-Nui is Voya-Nui?
2I can't give you exact miles, but it is quite a long way away. It would take several days to reach there by boat.
3Ah, speaking o' which, what kind of boat to the Nuva Sail to Voya-N with? (Raft, common Ga-Koro boat, fancy cruise ship)
4Who said they use a boat?
5Thanks for the quote Mad: If they don't use a boat, either they use an airship or some other flying machine, or there is an entrance to Voya Nui from Metru Nui or some other part of the underground system.
Mad- Elite Dark Hunter
Mad- Elite Dark Hunter
1I have a Q about Voya-Nui. Exactly how far away from Mata-Nui is Voya-Nui?
2I can't give you exact miles, but it is quite a long way away. It would take several days to reach there by boat.
3Ah, speaking o' which, what kind of boat to the Nuva Sail to Voya-N with? (Raft, common Ga-Koro boat, fancy cruise ship)
4Who said they use a boat?
5Thanks for the quote Mad: If they don't use a boat, either they use an airship or some other flying machine, or there is an entrance to Voya Nui from Metru Nui or some other part of the underground system.
7Who says that they need a vehicle at all? They could just fly there: Lewa can share his levitation power and use winds to make them move fast.

1That would take a while, though, and would certainly be a severe tax on Lewa's power, effectively making him useless if they're attacked. 2Greg said that the Piraka had to go in the spheres because it was the only way to get to Voya Nui from their location. I wonder if the Nuva will have to go the same way?
Master of the Rahkshi

1Hmmm...If the Toa don't take a boat, what else is there? Teleport Kanoka, p'raps?
3Too random. They could end up anywhere within a certain radius. North, South, straight up, straight down, diagonal. Getting to Voya Nui would probably take a series of very fortunate accidents. If not by boat, by canister or by air would both be likely possibilities. Unless there is some kind of transit system underground, or some kind of vehicle the Toa Nuva can use in underground tunnels. Which isn't that likely. Underwater chutes, while possible, would be very risky and hard to explain the existence of. If not boat, then what?
4Then again, Greg himself has said he throws us the occasional twister to keep us off guard, so we don't get everything before it actually happens. It's perfectly possible the Toa Nuva travel by boat. But it's such a small thing, confusion tactics don't make much sense. Unless how they travel is important. Or Greg is having some fun. Or the Toa Nuva indeed travel some other way. Just not Teleport Kanoka

1That would take a while, though, and would certainly be a severe tax on Lewa's power, effectively making him useless if they're attacked. 2Greg said that the Piraka had to go in the spheres because it was the only way to get to Voya Nui from their location. I wonder if the Nuva will have to go the same way?
3Master of the Rahkshi
4They could always use the canisters that they arived in on Mata Nui to get there...
1I have quite the info from Greg. Regular font are my questions, bold are Greg's answers, and italics are my comments:
2Not sure if it needs a spoiler tag, but just in case.
3Kanohi Powers
41) Okay, say that as Matoran, Vakama never gave Nuju the telescopic eye addition on his mask. When transformed into Toa, would Nuju's Great Matatu not have the scope and be symmetrical like the other Toa Metru's?
51) No. The eyepiece is an add-on, which is why it was still there when he became a Toa.
6Thought so, but wanted some clarification.
72) For that matter, was there any specific reason Vakama made Nuju's mask like that? Did he owe Nuju a debt or something?
82) Nuju asked him to. He's a mask maker, he does what people need him to do.
9Never knew Vakama was a freelance mask maker.
103) While Onewa's Kanohi Komau is Mind Control, can he use the Great version to block out enemy mind attacks? For example, if Makuta tried to use mind control powers on Toa Onewa, or tried to plant information in his head like he did to Lhikan, could Onewa use his mask to block them?
113) No. It is not a defensive mask. It is an offensive mask.
12Interesting. I had always though Kanohi could be used both offensively and defensively.
134) Does Gali actually have to "activate" her mask power like the others, or is it constantly working? If she fell into a lake unexpectedly, would she have to activate it before she ran out of air?
144) Yes.
15I had been wondering about that for a long time. I guess this makes sense.
165) We've learned that, for the most part, Great Masks have "extra" powers that the Noble versions don't. Considering the fact that the Great Hau can block physical attacks, as long as they're expected, what power was lost when Lhikan became a Turaga? Is it just a way weaker shield?
175) It is both a weaker shield and it does not last for as long as the Great Mask shield does.
18Ahhhhh. That explains a lot. Been thinking about that one for a while, too.
19Past and Future Story
201) In Time Trap, the Karzahni plant told Vakama that members of the Order of Mata Nui had been on Metru Nui before, unknown to the Matoran. Have we ever met any of those members in the 04-05 storylines and not known?
211) No. You have never met any OOMN members in the story from 2001-2005.
22After rereading Time Trap, what the Karzahni had said intrigued me. Would've been interesting if we had met some of the Order before.
232) While Makuta was on Metru Nui, did he know there were members of the Order there? Or Turaga Dume, or Lhikan?
242) Dume and Lhikan did not even know there was an OOMN. And my guess is Makuta did not know either. The Brotherhood knows the OOMN exists, doesn't mean they have any idea where they are or what they're doing.
25The Order must have secrecy as a high priority. Granted, it'd make sense that the Brotherhood knows, but I had no idea Dume didn't know.
263) Did Lhikan and/or his team of Toa ever come in contact with the Toa Hagah/Rahaga? Roodaka and/or Sidorak?
273) No and no
28That one just popped into my head while driving to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert. I actually wouldn't be all that surprised if the answers were yes.
294) Toa Krakua told Vakama of things that would happen in the 2006 story(or so I've been told). Like, the Toa Nuva(I'm assuming) would have to go through all these trials. Were all of the things he mentioned on Voya Nui and Karzahni's realm, or were there other places?
304) Krakua's statement referred to the entire three year story arc, and it did not refer to the Toa Nuva
31Woah. Woah. *gasps for breath* Krakua was NOT referring to the Nuva? If Vakama has to send the new Toa to these places...I thought Vakama stayed on Metru Nui. Verrrrry interesting.
325) When the Shadowed One returned to the Dark Hunter island from Metru Nui, being all ancient from Voporak, did he dare have the guts to tell at least some of the Dark Hunters what Makuta had done to him?
335) He wouldn't have done that, because it would be none of their business.
34Didn't think so. TSO has an ego that conflicts with Makuta's.
356) How long were the Piraka Dark Hunters before they went rogue?
366) Oh, centuries
37So they had been DHs for quite some time. That means something major must have happened to make them go rogue to an organization they've been a part of for so long.
387) During the incidents of "Birth of a Dark Hunter", did Roodaka really want to be a Dark Hunter, or was she working for the Brotherhood at the time?
397) Roodaka really had no interest in becoming a Dark Hunter, she simply wanted training. At that point, she was not yet employed by the Brotherhood.
40Huh. I guess ol' Roody hasn't been viceroy as long as we thought.
418) Does Makuta know of Voya Nui?
428) My guess would be that yes, he does, but he probably did not initially realize the importance of it. Or he may have, and Voya Nui was central to his plans all along, until the plans were cut off by losing to Takanuva.
43That ought to have some people theorizing.
449) One last thing: In Time Trap, just after Makuta destroyed the Karzahni plant, you wrote that his breastplate was cracked, and his energy leaked from him, making him weaker. You also said that the significance of the giant door in Mask of Light was that you needed it to crack his armor. Was this why? To make him too weak to do much for at least the three-year arc?
459) The leak definitely does come into play, that's all I can say about that right now.
46Welletsy welletsy welletsy. That intrigues me just as much as #4 did. Man, I'm good at figuring out stuff(except math. still lost on that):
47So...#4 and #9 of the story answers have me most interested. Apparently Time Trap had more foreshadowing of the next three years than we thought. Comment, make theory topics on these in S&T if ya want, whatever.
2Not sure if it needs a spoiler tag, but just in case.
3Kanohi Powers
41) Okay, say that as Matoran, Vakama never gave Nuju the telescopic eye addition on his mask. When transformed into Toa, would Nuju's Great Matatu not have the scope and be symmetrical like the other Toa Metru's?
51) No. The eyepiece is an add-on, which is why it was still there when he became a Toa.
6Thought so, but wanted some clarification.
72) For that matter, was there any specific reason Vakama made Nuju's mask like that? Did he owe Nuju a debt or something?
82) Nuju asked him to. He's a mask maker, he does what people need him to do.
9Never knew Vakama was a freelance mask maker.
103) While Onewa's Kanohi Komau is Mind Control, can he use the Great version to block out enemy mind attacks? For example, if Makuta tried to use mind control powers on Toa Onewa, or tried to plant information in his head like he did to Lhikan, could Onewa use his mask to block them?
113) No. It is not a defensive mask. It is an offensive mask.
12Interesting. I had always though Kanohi could be used both offensively and defensively.
134) Does Gali actually have to "activate" her mask power like the others, or is it constantly working? If she fell into a lake unexpectedly, would she have to activate it before she ran out of air?
144) Yes.
15I had been wondering about that for a long time. I guess this makes sense.
165) We've learned that, for the most part, Great Masks have "extra" powers that the Noble versions don't. Considering the fact that the Great Hau can block physical attacks, as long as they're expected, what power was lost when Lhikan became a Turaga? Is it just a way weaker shield?
175) It is both a weaker shield and it does not last for as long as the Great Mask shield does.
18Ahhhhh. That explains a lot. Been thinking about that one for a while, too.
19Past and Future Story
201) In Time Trap, the Karzahni plant told Vakama that members of the Order of Mata Nui had been on Metru Nui before, unknown to the Matoran. Have we ever met any of those members in the 04-05 storylines and not known?
211) No. You have never met any OOMN members in the story from 2001-2005.
22After rereading Time Trap, what the Karzahni had said intrigued me. Would've been interesting if we had met some of the Order before.
232) While Makuta was on Metru Nui, did he know there were members of the Order there? Or Turaga Dume, or Lhikan?
242) Dume and Lhikan did not even know there was an OOMN. And my guess is Makuta did not know either. The Brotherhood knows the OOMN exists, doesn't mean they have any idea where they are or what they're doing.
25The Order must have secrecy as a high priority. Granted, it'd make sense that the Brotherhood knows, but I had no idea Dume didn't know.
263) Did Lhikan and/or his team of Toa ever come in contact with the Toa Hagah/Rahaga? Roodaka and/or Sidorak?
273) No and no
28That one just popped into my head while driving to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert. I actually wouldn't be all that surprised if the answers were yes.
294) Toa Krakua told Vakama of things that would happen in the 2006 story(or so I've been told). Like, the Toa Nuva(I'm assuming) would have to go through all these trials. Were all of the things he mentioned on Voya Nui and Karzahni's realm, or were there other places?
304) Krakua's statement referred to the entire three year story arc, and it did not refer to the Toa Nuva
31Woah. Woah. *gasps for breath* Krakua was NOT referring to the Nuva? If Vakama has to send the new Toa to these places...I thought Vakama stayed on Metru Nui. Verrrrry interesting.
325) When the Shadowed One returned to the Dark Hunter island from Metru Nui, being all ancient from Voporak, did he dare have the guts to tell at least some of the Dark Hunters what Makuta had done to him?
335) He wouldn't have done that, because it would be none of their business.
34Didn't think so. TSO has an ego that conflicts with Makuta's.
356) How long were the Piraka Dark Hunters before they went rogue?
366) Oh, centuries
37So they had been DHs for quite some time. That means something major must have happened to make them go rogue to an organization they've been a part of for so long.
387) During the incidents of "Birth of a Dark Hunter", did Roodaka really want to be a Dark Hunter, or was she working for the Brotherhood at the time?
397) Roodaka really had no interest in becoming a Dark Hunter, she simply wanted training. At that point, she was not yet employed by the Brotherhood.
40Huh. I guess ol' Roody hasn't been viceroy as long as we thought.
418) Does Makuta know of Voya Nui?
428) My guess would be that yes, he does, but he probably did not initially realize the importance of it. Or he may have, and Voya Nui was central to his plans all along, until the plans were cut off by losing to Takanuva.
43That ought to have some people theorizing.
449) One last thing: In Time Trap, just after Makuta destroyed the Karzahni plant, you wrote that his breastplate was cracked, and his energy leaked from him, making him weaker. You also said that the significance of the giant door in Mask of Light was that you needed it to crack his armor. Was this why? To make him too weak to do much for at least the three-year arc?
459) The leak definitely does come into play, that's all I can say about that right now.
46Welletsy welletsy welletsy. That intrigues me just as much as #4 did. Man, I'm good at figuring out stuff(except math. still lost on that):
47So...#4 and #9 of the story answers have me most interested. Apparently Time Trap had more foreshadowing of the next three years than we thought. Comment, make theory topics on these in S&T if ya want, whatever.
14) Toa Krakua told Vakama of things that would happen in the 2006 story(or so I've been told). Like, the Toa Nuva(I'm assuming) would have to go through all these trials. Were all of the things he mentioned on Voya Nui and Karzahni's realm, or were there other places?
24) Krakua's statement referred to the entire three year story arc, and it did not refer to the Toa Nuva
3Woah. Woah. *gasps for breath* Krakua was NOT referring to the Nuva? If Vakama has to send the new Toa to these places...I thought Vakama stayed on Metru Nui. Verrrrry interesting.
4Along with the fact that the new Toa are not from Voya Nui, this really supports the theory of Jaller and co becoming the 2006 Toa.
14) Toa Krakua told Vakama of things that would happen in the 2006 story(or so I've been told). Like, the Toa Nuva(I'm assuming) would have to go through all these trials. Were all of the things he mentioned on Voya Nui and Karzahni's realm, or were there other places?
24) Krakua's statement referred to the entire three year story arc, and it did not refer to the Toa Nuva
3Woah. Woah. *gasps for breath* Krakua was NOT referring to the Nuva? If Vakama has to send the new Toa to these places...I thought Vakama stayed on Metru Nui. Verrrrry interesting.
4Along with the fact that the new Toa are not from Voya Nui, this really supports the theory of Jaller and co becoming the 2006 Toa.
5This is pretty easily disproved. The six new Toa have new masks. Jaller and friends have old masks. Becoming Toa, they still would have old masks. Thus, the problem with the theory.
1greg never said they DONT take ab oat. He just said they might not.
1Jaller and co. could go through another type of change that we have yet to see. (Perhaps Energized Proto?) Therefore their masks change. But don't you think the possibility of Jaller and Co. is getting more and more?
2Toa Voya
3No. I've seen nothing even close to conclusive that would put them in the spot of Toa. Heck, I'm pretty sure there is even a quote around here that disproves it entirely...I'll have to PM the Greg man, but I believe it was something about the Toa being new characters/from a new place.
1That would take a while, though, and would certainly be a severe tax on Lewa's power, effectively making him useless if they're attacked. 2Greg said that the Piraka had to go in the spheres because it was the only way to get to Voya Nui from their location. I wonder if the Nuva will have to go the same way?
3Master of the Rahkshi
4They could always use the canisters that they arived in on Mata Nui to get there...
5Or maybe there is some kind of tunnel or pathway from metru nui to voya nui as there was from metru nui to mata nui. Then they could just walk and adventure to voya nui.
1Maybe Jaller and Co. will put on new masks, transforming them?
13) Did Lhikan and/or his team of Toa ever come in contact with the Toa Hagah/Rahaga? Roodaka and/or Sidorak?
23) No and no
3I'm not so sure about that answer. But maybe it's that Greg doesn't count Nidhiki as part of Lhikan's team after he went bad, since we know from comic #25 that Nidhiki was heading towards the Rahaga's cage (So maybe he had seen them before), and Roodaka was also there (So probably he has seen her before too, or maybe after the Hagah escaped and were mutated. You know, it shouldn't have taken that long for Nidhiki to reach the cage, and the Toa fought Roodaka just at the cage's side). 4Khote
14) Toa Krakua told Vakama of things that would happen in the 2006 story(or so I've been told). Like, the Toa Nuva(I'm assuming) would have to go through all these trials. Were all of the things he mentioned on Voya Nui and Karzahni's realm, or were there other places?
24) Krakua's statement referred to the entire three year story arc, and it did not refer to the Toa Nuva
3Woah. Woah. *gasps for breath* Krakua was NOT referring to the Nuva? If Vakama has to send the new Toa to these places...I thought Vakama stayed on Metru Nui. Verrrrry interesting.
4Along with the fact that the new Toa are not from Voya Nui, this really supports the theory of Jaller and co becoming the 2006 Toa.
5This is pretty easily disproved. The six new Toa have new masks. Jaller and friends have old masks. Becoming Toa, they still would have old masks. Thus, the problem with the theory.
6That point isn't valid because Matoran masks are powerless. A transformed Matoran doesn't know what type of mask power that he has. LOMN proved that. If Vakama new that his mask would transform into a Huna I am sure that he would have been using it right away. My point is that it is entirely possible, as far as we know, for a Matoran who was wearing a mask shaped like a Hau to get a mask with a totally different mask power when he becomes a Toa.

5Or maybe there is some kind of tunnel or pathway from metru nui to voya nui as there was from metru nui to mata nui. Then they could just walk and adventure to voya nui.1That would take a while, though, and would certainly be a severe tax on Lewa's power, effectively making him useless if they're attacked. 2Greg said that the Piraka had to go in the spheres because it was the only way to get to Voya Nui from their location. I wonder if the Nuva will have to go the same way?
3Master of the Rahkshi
4They could always use the canisters that they arived in on Mata Nui to get there...
6greg never said they DONT take a boat. He just said they might not.
8Remember that GregF is fond of misdirection via pointing out the obvious.GregF 7Who said they use a boat?
9The fact that is wasn't said doesn't make it untrue.
14) Toa Krakua told Vakama of things that would happen in the 2006 story(or so I've been told). Like, the Toa Nuva(I'm assuming) would have to go through all these trials. Were all of the things he mentioned on Voya Nui and Karzahni's realm, or were there other places?
24) Krakua's statement referred to the entire three year story arc, and it did not refer to the Toa Nuva
3Woah. Woah. *gasps for breath* Krakua was NOT referring to the Nuva? If Vakama has to send the new Toa to these places...I thought Vakama stayed on Metru Nui. Verrrrry interesting.
4Along with the fact that the new Toa are not from Voya Nui, this really supports the theory of Jaller and co becoming the 2006 Toa.
5This is pretty easily disproved. The six new Toa have new masks. Jaller and friends have old masks. Becoming Toa, they still would have old masks. Thus, the problem with the theory.
6That point isn't valid because Matoran masks are powerless. A transformed Matoran doesn't know what type of mask power that he has. LOMN proved that. If Vakama new that his mask would transform into a Huna I am sure that he would have been using it right away. My point is that it is entirely possible, as far as we know, for a Matoran who was wearing a mask shaped like a Hau to get a mask with a totally different mask power when he becomes a Toa.
8A mask of shielding would still be made with a shielding kanoka, just at a level that is below 7. Mask shapes always correspond with their powers (except in rare exceptions, like the Hagah), otherwise it would be far too confusing. Macku still wears a mask of invisibility, it is just a mask of invisibility that was made with, say, a level 6 disk, meaning it has no accessable power. When a Matoran is transformed into a Toa, the Toa power stored in the Toa stone (or whatever transforming substance is used) will grant the Matoran their mask powers as well as their elemental ones, and those mask powers will correspond with the disk that was used to make the mask. As masks are always crafted into the shapes matching the disk's power, there is no chance a Toa would end up with a different mask power.
9There is also no chance that a Toa would be transformed and would end up with a mask that's a different shape. Toa wear great masks, and a Matoran replica mask will be altered with their appearance to reflect that. Using Macku as an example again, she could not be transformed into a Toa and end up wearing a mask shaped like a Miru, because she wears a Huna.
10Also, regarding your point about Vakama and his mask power; just because a Toa knows what power their mask has doesn't mean they can automatically use their mask. You'd probably have to know how to access it rather than just what you're trying to access. It'd be like trying to pick up a hammer through a closed door. You know the hammer's there, but you have to be able to open the door before you can reach it.
1Since you gave use quotes for Legends 1 and 3, can you give us one from 2?
2Okay --
3Karzahni shook his head sadly. "Such spirit – it will be a shame to snap it like a twig. I could show you horrors, Matoran, that would render you a mindless, screaming hulk. Will your friends show you the same loyalty when you are a gibbering lunatic, or will they turn away in disgust? It might be interesting to find out."
1Well, slightly off topic, but as for loyalty to a gibbering lunatic...
2Bloo from Foster's home from imaginary friends:
4LOL, Mac didn't seem to have a problem with that..
7Then again, lol....
8Anyway, back on topic, that was a pretty cool quote. I wonder if anything could actually be that bad?
2Bloo from Foster's home from imaginary friends:
4LOL, Mac didn't seem to have a problem with that..
7Then again, lol....
8Anyway, back on topic, that was a pretty cool quote. I wonder if anything could actually be that bad?
14) Toa Krakua told Vakama of things that would happen in the 2006 story(or so I've been told). Like, the Toa Nuva(I'm assuming) would have to go through all these trials. Were all of the things he mentioned on Voya Nui and Karzahni's realm, or were there other places?
24) Krakua's statement referred to the entire three year story arc, and it did not refer to the Toa Nuva
3Woah. Woah. *gasps for breath* Krakua was NOT referring to the Nuva? If Vakama has to send the new Toa to these places...I thought Vakama stayed on Metru Nui. Verrrrry interesting.
4Along with the fact that the new Toa are not from Voya Nui, this really supports the theory of Jaller and co becoming the 2006 Toa.
5This is pretty easily disproved. The six new Toa have new masks. Jaller and friends have old masks. Becoming Toa, they still would have old masks. Thus, the problem with the theory.
6That point isn't valid because Matoran masks are powerless. A transformed Matoran doesn't know what type of mask power that he has. LOMN proved that. If Vakama new that his mask would transform into a Huna I am sure that he would have been using it right away. My point is that it is entirely possible, as far as we know, for a Matoran who was wearing a mask shaped like a Hau to get a mask with a totally different mask power when he becomes a Toa.
8A mask of shielding would still be made with a shielding kanoka, just at a level that is below 7. Mask shapes always correspond with their powers (except in rare exceptions, like the Hagah), otherwise it would be far too confusing. Macku still wears a mask of invisibility, it is just a mask of invisibility that was made with, say, a level 6 disk, meaning it has no accessable power. When a Matoran is transformed into a Toa, the Toa power stored in the Toa stone (or whatever transforming substance is used) will grant the Matoran their mask powers as well as their elemental ones, and those mask powers will correspond with the disk that was used to make the mask. As masks are always crafted into the shapes matching the disk's power, there is no chance a Toa would end up with a different mask power.
9While that makes sense, what proof do you have of that? It seems to me that it would be a waste to bother mixing a specific power just to get rid of the power upon making it a mask, on the off chance that someday the Matoran will become a Toa. I can very easily see maskmakers just using whatever Kanoka they can and shaping it like whatever mask they want for Matoran Kanohi. In fact, there were images in 2004 that showed carver's masks and what disks they made them from, and the disks were just standard 8-basic powers disks, not mixed to form other disks. That might not be 100% official, but it's there. And we know that mask shape does not determine power, and that some masks -do- exist with the "wrong" shape. Norik. Also, the prize for winning Akalini is the disk you used (which is generally if not always of the eight basic powers) gets made into a mask. Matoran mask, since most disks are of lesser power that are used. There again, you could have mismatched shapes/powers.
10There is also no chance that a Toa would be transformed and would end up with a mask that's a different shape. Toa wear great masks, and a Matoran replica mask will be altered with their appearance to reflect that. Using Macku as an example again, she could not be transformed into a Toa and end up wearing a mask shaped like a Miru, because she wears a Huna.
11Also, regarding your point about Vakama and his mask power; just because a Toa knows what power their mask has doesn't mean they can automatically use their mask. You'd probably have to know how to access it rather than just what you're trying to access. It'd be like trying to pick up a hammer through a closed door. You know the hammer's there, but you have to be able to open the door before you can reach it.
12Yes, but the Toa Metru actually didn't know what the powers were. That was confirmed. When they discovered their powers, they would say "shapeshiftin" or whatnot, as if they just realized it. If they knew what the powers were beforehand why would they do that?
1Since you gave use quotes for Legends 1 and 3, can you give us one from 2?
2Okay --
3Karzahni shook his head sadly. "Such spirit – it will be a shame to snap it like a twig. I could show you horrors, Matoran, that would render you a mindless, screaming hulk. Will your friends show you the same loyalty when you are a gibbering lunatic, or will they turn away in disgust? It might be interesting to find out."
4We know Jaller meets Karzahni, and Karzahni refers to him as 'matoran'. More proof that Jaller and co. aren't the new toa.
5____ 6/ ___ /\/\5
1Since you gave use quotes for Legends 1 and 3, can you give us one from 2?
2Okay --
3Karzahni shook his head sadly. "Such spirit – it will be a shame to snap it like a twig. I could show you horrors, Matoran, that would render you a mindless, screaming hulk. Will your friends show you the same loyalty when you are a gibbering lunatic, or will they turn away in disgust? It might be interesting to find out."
4We know Jaller meets Karzahni, and Karzahni refers to him as 'matoran'. More proof that Jaller and co. aren't the new toa.
5____ 6/ ___ /\/\5
7Not necessairly. It only means Jaller and co. aren't Toa whenever that part of the book happens.
1Since you gave use quotes for Legends 1 and 3, can you give us one from 2?
2Okay --
3Karzahni shook his head sadly. "Such spirit – it will be a shame to snap it like a twig. I could show you horrors, Matoran, that would render you a mindless, screaming hulk. Will your friends show you the same loyalty when you are a gibbering lunatic, or will they turn away in disgust? It might be interesting to find out."
4We know Jaller meets Karzahni, and Karzahni refers to him as 'matoran'. More proof that Jaller and co. aren't the new toa.
5____ 6/ ___ /\/\5
7Not necessairly. It only means Jaller and co. aren't Toa whenever that part of the book happens.
8However, we all also know that Makuta has called the Toa Metru (or Takanuva - can't remember) Matoran... Maybe Karzhani's doing it as an itimidation? Or, Jaller could be in a flashback or like what happened to Vakama in Time Trap.
9TMD woz 'ere
1Hang on a minute...That quote takes place somewhere in Book 2, right? Well, Greg said that the next canisters make their first appearance in the last little bit of Book 2. So if Jaller and Co. are the next Toa, then Jaller would still be in his Matoran form during the time of that quote, 'kay?
2Frankly, I'm absolutely praying that Jaller & Co. are the next Toa, 'cuz they're all wholly awesome characters
2Frankly, I'm absolutely praying that Jaller & Co. are the next Toa, 'cuz they're all wholly awesome characters
