1Hey Greg: Just a few questions...I'll understand if you can't answer a few.
21) How long have the Piraka been Dark Hunters?
32) Did the Priaka fight in the Toa/Dark Hunter War? Did they fight in the Brotherhood/ Dark Hunter war?
43) Will Voya Nui be a prominent setting for the next three years?
54) Who would win in a fight: a Rahkshi or a Piraka?
65) Which Legends novel have you had the most fun writing? Why?
76) Which of the canister villians do you like the least set-wise? story wise?
87) When you have children, would you encourage them into liking Bionicle?
91) Oh, quite a while 102) Probably yes to both 113) Can't answer it 124) Probably a Piraka, because he can outthink a Rahkshi 135) Well, I have only done two so far, so a little early for this question 146) I can't really say set wise, story wise probably the Bohrok because they couldn't speak and has so little personality.
21) How long have the Piraka been Dark Hunters?
32) Did the Priaka fight in the Toa/Dark Hunter War? Did they fight in the Brotherhood/ Dark Hunter war?
43) Will Voya Nui be a prominent setting for the next three years?
54) Who would win in a fight: a Rahkshi or a Piraka?
65) Which Legends novel have you had the most fun writing? Why?
76) Which of the canister villians do you like the least set-wise? story wise?
87) When you have children, would you encourage them into liking Bionicle?
91) Oh, quite a while 102) Probably yes to both 113) Can't answer it 124) Probably a Piraka, because he can outthink a Rahkshi 135) Well, I have only done two so far, so a little early for this question 146) I can't really say set wise, story wise probably the Bohrok because they couldn't speak and has so little personality.
1Hi again. I am starting to get really confused by info you have released now. There alot of info stating you have confirmed it, but I haven't seen where you have.
2Confirmations: 31. Have you confirmed that there are new Toa in 2006? 42. Have you confirmed that one titan is good and the other is evil? 53. Have you confirmed that Mata Nui Matoran will have an important role? 64. Have you confirmed that second set of canisters are Toa?
7Now I just have 2 other questions: 85. Does Voya-Nui have a border around it? Because I was looking at this image here, and if you see the pisture of the island, there is something around the island. 96. I was rereading the short story in the encyclopedia, it says that Nidhiki had a mission to recover some new type of laucher. Were these launchers Zamor launchers?
10Thanks Greg:
111) Not officially, no. 122) No 133) I have confirmed they definitely do have a role 144) No, I haven't discussed the summer sets at all 155) That's ice 166) Prototypes that eventually were modified to become zamor launchers, yes
1Number 3 will probably be the most interesting of this batch...
2Hi Greg, its been a while again but I have more questions. Mostly to do with Toa powers and such...
31)What would happen if both (Toa) Onewa and Krakua both used their Mask of Mind Control and Mask of Telepathy at exactly the same time?
42)How common are the elements of magnetism, plasma, gravity, etc. when it comes to comparing their numbers next to Toa who use the more common 'basic' elements of fire, earth water, air, etc.
53)How long have the Matoran on Voya Nui been on Voya Nui (since this concerns 2006, you don't have to answer this)
64)Will we ever get to see any group of Toa form a Toa Nui?
75)Reading through the Encyclopedia, I encountered something in Voporak's entry stating that he came from Sidorak's species which always destroys whatever their neighbours achieve. Just wondering but how does anyone come to dominate in a society like that when everyone will just wreck whatever achievement there is completely out of jealously?
86 Just a personal question but, what does the 'T' in Gregory T Farshtey stand for? (Personal question, no need to answer this)
9Thanks in advance for any questions you can answer
101) My guess would be Krakua would be able to sense Onewa's thoughts in the target's mind and know Onewa was controlling him. Krakua would not be able to control the mind, since his power cannot do that.
112) No idea. That is something we would need to explore in future story.
123) It's sort of a trick question -- they have been on that land mass for thousands of years, but it has only been where it is now for 1000 years.
134) Don't know. It would depend on the villain probably.
145) By being powerful enough to do a better job of wrecking and a better job of defending what you have. Remember, Voporak was a clan leader, he wasn't the ruler of the entire island. He was the ruler of one group.
156) Todd
13)How long have the Matoran on Voya Nui been on Voya Nui (since this concerns 2006, you don't have to answer this)?
23) It's sort of a trick question -- they have been on that land mass for thousands of years, but it has only been where it is now for 1000 years.

4Strange...Even I can't quite get my head aroud that...

1Huh.. Just a crazy idea: Either karzahni, that ancient evil dude, or some kind of mutant pie is moving voya nui? huh. doubt it. The more boring answer is continental drifting like we have on earth, and this world being smaller (possibly) , thusly the islands would move swiftly over thousands of years instead of millions. Just a theory or 2.
13)How long have the Matoran on Voya Nui been on Voya Nui (since this concerns 2006, you don't have to answer this)?
23) It's sort of a trick question -- they have been on that land mass for thousands of years, but it has only been where it is now for 1000 years.
4Strange...Even I can't quite get my head aroud that...
6Sounds like he's hinting that Voya Nui might be a piece of Metru Nui that broke off during the earthquake (1000 years ago). The land mass travelled to its current location then. Hmmm, Voya (voyage)...
7That would then mean the Voya Nui Matoran are originally from Metru Nui...
8BTW, anyone know what ever happened to the real Tuaga Dume? His canister was found in B2, but he wasn't brought to Mata Nui.
13)How long have the Matoran on Voya Nui been on Voya Nui (since this concerns 2006, you don't have to answer this)?
23) It's sort of a trick question -- they have been on that land mass for thousands of years, but it has only been where it is now for 1000 years.
4Strange...Even I can't quite get my head aroud that...
6Sounds like he's hinting that Voya Nui might be a piece of Metru Nui that broke off during the earthquake (1000 years ago). The land mass travelled to its current location then. Hmmm, Voya (voyage)...
7That would then mean the Voya Nui Matoran are originally from Metru Nui...
8BTW, anyone know what ever happened to the real Tuaga Dume? His canister was found in B2, but he wasn't brought to Mata Nui.
9How is that possible? Metru-Nui is underground, while Voya-nui is on the surface.
10But yeah, I think it has something to do with the fall of Mata-nui.
11And Dume was found by the Toa when they were Hordika. He stayed on Metru Nui, and helped the Rahaga rebuild it. He was there to greet the Matoran 1000 years later.
1Here are some more.
2QUOTE 3Hi Greg, was just thinking when these questions popped up in my head.
41)Do you know any prototype names that were meant to be used in the past years but weren't and could you share them with us?
52)Could it be possible that the new toa in 2006 might not be sets?
63)How far into BL#3 are you into and any hints from the previous books to share.
74)Has Lego ever given out Red Herrings to keep Bzpower members offtrack? That would be fun.
85)Could you reveal the title of next years BIONICLE #1 comic?
96)What other juicy contents will there be inside the comic or will the whole comic be dedicated to the 20 page comic?
10Off topic questions
117)Do you watch LOST?
12Thanks for your time.
13-Toa Voya
141) No, I don't. That sort of thing would mainly be circulated around Denmark, since that is where the sets get named. It doesn't end up reaching here in the US. 152) I'm not discussing the summer sets at all at this point. 163) I am a little less than halfway through. 174) Oh, sure. Every now and again if people on here guess right too early, I toss up a smokescreen without outright telling untruths. I just try to plant seeds of doubt. 185) Yes, I can do that -- title is "If a Universe Ends ..." 196) There will be product pages and such like we usually have, but at this point, I don't know what will be on them yet. We will probably meet on that after Thanksgiving. 207) Yup -- so do my staff writers. We have a meeting about it every Thursday morning
22Haha, they do watch lost.
23Anyway, I really think that "If a universe ends" will be one comic that I would be looking forward to. Plus...Red Herrings from Greg...whoa...
24Toa Voya
2QUOTE 3Hi Greg, was just thinking when these questions popped up in my head.
41)Do you know any prototype names that were meant to be used in the past years but weren't and could you share them with us?
52)Could it be possible that the new toa in 2006 might not be sets?
63)How far into BL#3 are you into and any hints from the previous books to share.
74)Has Lego ever given out Red Herrings to keep Bzpower members offtrack? That would be fun.
85)Could you reveal the title of next years BIONICLE #1 comic?
96)What other juicy contents will there be inside the comic or will the whole comic be dedicated to the 20 page comic?
10Off topic questions
117)Do you watch LOST?
12Thanks for your time.
13-Toa Voya
141) No, I don't. That sort of thing would mainly be circulated around Denmark, since that is where the sets get named. It doesn't end up reaching here in the US. 152) I'm not discussing the summer sets at all at this point. 163) I am a little less than halfway through. 174) Oh, sure. Every now and again if people on here guess right too early, I toss up a smokescreen without outright telling untruths. I just try to plant seeds of doubt. 185) Yes, I can do that -- title is "If a Universe Ends ..." 196) There will be product pages and such like we usually have, but at this point, I don't know what will be on them yet. We will probably meet on that after Thanksgiving. 207) Yup -- so do my staff writers. We have a meeting about it every Thursday morning
22Haha, they do watch lost.

24Toa Voya
1Well, if Voya Nui moves, then a more literal translation would probably be something like the "Voyaging Island," since the island "voyages" around. This should be discussed in some other topic, though.
1Yes, it should be discussed in another topic. The 2006 Topic. But... I'll say this: Voya Nui was moved 1000 years ago. Great quake anyone? That probably moved it. If not, Voya Nui might be on some sort of continental plate.
1Yeah, it has to be some sort of continental plate movement that put Voya Nui in the place it is now.
1Here are some more.
2QUOTE 3Hi Greg, was just thinking when these questions popped up in my head.
41)Do you know any prototype names that were meant to be used in the past years but weren't and could you share them with us?
52)Could it be possible that the new toa in 2006 might not be sets?
63)How far into BL#3 are you into and any hints from the previous books to share.
74)Has Lego ever given out Red Herrings to keep Bzpower members offtrack? That would be fun.
85)Could you reveal the title of next years BIONICLE #1 comic?
96)What other juicy contents will there be inside the comic or will the whole comic be dedicated to the 20 page comic?
10Off topic questions
117)Do you watch LOST?
12Thanks for your time.
13-Toa Voya
141) No, I don't. That sort of thing would mainly be circulated around Denmark, since that is where the sets get named. It doesn't end up reaching here in the US. 152) I'm not discussing the summer sets at all at this point. 163) I am a little less than halfway through. 174) Oh, sure. Every now and again if people on here guess right too early, I toss up a smokescreen without outright telling untruths. I just try to plant seeds of doubt. 185) Yes, I can do that -- title is "If a Universe Ends ..." 196) There will be product pages and such like we usually have, but at this point, I don't know what will be on them yet. We will probably meet on that after Thanksgiving. 207) Yup -- so do my staff writers. We have a meeting about it every Thursday morning
22Haha, they do watch lost.23Anyway, I really think that "If a universe ends" will be one comic that I would be looking forward to. Plus...Red Herrings from Greg...whoa...
24Toa Voya
25Indeed, I've noticed that he sometimes encourages false rumours by backing them up with actual evidence, that, while true, he takes out of context to drive us off course. He's not being dishonest there, it's actually quite funny... I think he did that with the whole, Takua/Takanuva thing. He never said that he wasn't, but he pushed the evidence that way. I think I'll be watching out for that in future.

26Lol, they have meetings to discuss Lost. You gotta love the work ethic in that place.
1Perhaps we should just rely less on Greg when discussing story aspects. I'm just saying, if he is potentially leading us astray we can't be so dern needful of him. No offense to the big guy of course.
11) No, I don't. That sort of thing would mainly be circulated around Denmark, since that is where the sets get named. It doesn't end up reaching here in the US.
2Off topic, but i have a rhaga poster that lists iruini as lahka, norik as tahkan, bomonga as nuukor, kualas as kuuls, and pouks as puks. Gaaki is still gaaki.
3Anyway, I find it intersting that the "F-Man" (lol?) wouldn't know prototype names.
11) No, I don't. That sort of thing would mainly be circulated around Denmark, since that is where the sets get named. It doesn't end up reaching here in the US.
2Off topic, but i have a rhaga poster that lists iruini as lahka, norik as tahkan, bomonga as nuukor, kualas as kuuls, and pouks as puks. Gaaki is still gaaki.
3Anyway, I find it intersting that the "F-Man" (lol?) wouldn't know prototype names.
4He doesn't need to know the names. Also, those are really old prototype names that got printed by accident...pretty old news, actually.
1Hey guys...I'm back with a quote (yes a quote) from BL#3::: 2Heard it here first.
3Hey Greg.
4Some questions...
51)Any hints on what the second Bionicle Guidebook will be about? Could it be a Bionicle Mythology Book?
62)Could you give me a quote from Garan or any other of the 06' Characters? That would be so cool.
73)This 'ancient evil'... Is it currently hibernating or is it alive?
84)Is Lewa's air katana breaking part of why the Toa Nuva aren't featured all year round for 2006?
95)Well...I've been waiting for the online comics (Dume's Story) for a long time and it seems like nothing is happening...Is there anything you could reveal?
10Thanks for your time.
11Toa Voya
12(Heh heh...this time I checked my spelling. )
131) It's actually up in the air if we are doing a second guidebook. We may do a 5th novel instead. Scholastic hasn't made a decision yet. 142) "You don't know Matoran very well," Garan said defiantly. 15"Sure I do," snorted Vezok. "Whining little creeps always running to a Toa or a Turaga whenever anything goes wrong – that's what Matoran are." -- BL 3 163) Oh, no, it's alive 174) Not really, no 185) Odds are the scripts will wind up on BZP.
20Cool ain't it? A fifth novel.
21Toa Voya

3Hey Greg.
4Some questions...
51)Any hints on what the second Bionicle Guidebook will be about? Could it be a Bionicle Mythology Book?
62)Could you give me a quote from Garan or any other of the 06' Characters? That would be so cool.
73)This 'ancient evil'... Is it currently hibernating or is it alive?
84)Is Lewa's air katana breaking part of why the Toa Nuva aren't featured all year round for 2006?
95)Well...I've been waiting for the online comics (Dume's Story) for a long time and it seems like nothing is happening...Is there anything you could reveal?
10Thanks for your time.
11Toa Voya
12(Heh heh...this time I checked my spelling. )
131) It's actually up in the air if we are doing a second guidebook. We may do a 5th novel instead. Scholastic hasn't made a decision yet. 142) "You don't know Matoran very well," Garan said defiantly. 15"Sure I do," snorted Vezok. "Whining little creeps always running to a Toa or a Turaga whenever anything goes wrong – that's what Matoran are." -- BL 3 163) Oh, no, it's alive 174) Not really, no 185) Odds are the scripts will wind up on BZP.
20Cool ain't it? A fifth novel.

21Toa Voya
1Can we please continue this in the 2006 topic? Remember, this is OGD
3You thought I didn't know that? You insult me, Rayg
Anyway, My point was that I thought greg might need prototype names to come up with ideas. It might get tedious saying, "Well, the blue matoran with the kaukau olda walks up to the brown matoran with a noble-style ruru in black and says..." You know what I mean?
2He doesn't need to know the names. Also, those are really old prototype names that got printed by accident...pretty old news, actually.
3You thought I didn't know that? You insult me, Rayg

2He doesn't need to know the names. Also, those are really old prototype names that got printed by accident...pretty old news, actually.
3You thought I didn't know that? You insult me, RaygAnyway, My point was that I thought greg might need prototype names to come up with ideas. It might get tedious saying, "Well, the blue matoran with the kaukau olda walks up to the brown matoran with a noble-style ruru in black and says..." You know what I mean?
4For previous books, he's said that used the names of the Muppet characters as place holders.
1I can imagine...
2Miss Piggy stared at Animal, daring him to move, unleashing fireballs all around him. Gonzo and Kermit could only stand by and watch as Miss Piggy melted the floor around Animal
3Now THAT is a book I'd read![]()
4That reads like an exerpt from the most poorly-concieved fanfiction ever.
1wow: COOL: that ancient evil is ALVIE: so uh.... what is it:?
1heh heh, I'm back... Check this out.
2QUOTE 3Hi again Greg.
4Just one question.
5(Please note: When i say Cansisters, I mean the ones in the story.) 6It occured to me that in the bionicle comics, there was only one set of cansister characters that were dismantled (in Pieces, in other words) and that they were the 2001 Toa. Does this apply to all the characters that come from the cansisters? Perhaps the Piraka were also dismantled before they reached Voya Nui? Or is there a story purpose on why the Toa 'Olda' were actually in pieces? If so, does it have anything to do with the person who created the Cansisters of the Toa 'Olda'?
7Thanks. 8Toa Voya
9Actually, you are right, only the Toa Olda were disassembled, and the reasons for that are explained in one of the first two books next year.
11Toa Voya
2QUOTE 3Hi again Greg.
4Just one question.
5(Please note: When i say Cansisters, I mean the ones in the story.) 6It occured to me that in the bionicle comics, there was only one set of cansister characters that were dismantled (in Pieces, in other words) and that they were the 2001 Toa. Does this apply to all the characters that come from the cansisters? Perhaps the Piraka were also dismantled before they reached Voya Nui? Or is there a story purpose on why the Toa 'Olda' were actually in pieces? If so, does it have anything to do with the person who created the Cansisters of the Toa 'Olda'?
7Thanks. 8Toa Voya
9Actually, you are right, only the Toa Olda were disassembled, and the reasons for that are explained in one of the first two books next year.
11Toa Voya
1Questions normal, answers bold, comments italic.
21. If the primary reason Voya Nui is dangerous is the island itself, I don't see how the Matoran becoming warriors could help them. Sword skills are useless against lightning storms and volcanic eruptions. 31) Well, if you have to, for example, dig under rock to find water, it is helpful to have pulse bolts to do that with. If lighting strikes bring trees down, it is helpful to have power carvers on hand. Remember, guns are the only weapons that can't be used as anything but a weapon, and the Matoran don't have guns. 4Good to know. Power carvers, eh?
52. So, the Piraka have four methods of fighting: Elemental powers, eye-based attacks, Zamor launchers, and weapons. Is this right? 62) Actually, five, because they have an extra power on top of that. 7...holy Jeebus.
83. So, does Reidak have three eyes or not? He clearly has three on the set, but only two are lit up on the poster. Is the third one actualy an eye, or something else? 93) Since I don't have the set, no idea 10It doesn't seem like it's an eye from the official images, so what is it?
114. Will we be seeing Voya Nui Matoran in the comics or books other than the six released as sets? 124) Yes. 13Cool.
145. If the Piraka fight amongst themselves, do they ever coerce enslaved Matoran into doing their dirty work? I know the Matoran are nowhere near as powerful as they are, but I can see one of the more intelligent Piraka using them as bait or a distraction. 155) No. The Piraka need the Matoran to help find the treasure, they aren't going to waste them on proxy fights. 16Hmm...I think looking for treasure falls under the category of "dirty work," don't you?
21. If the primary reason Voya Nui is dangerous is the island itself, I don't see how the Matoran becoming warriors could help them. Sword skills are useless against lightning storms and volcanic eruptions. 31) Well, if you have to, for example, dig under rock to find water, it is helpful to have pulse bolts to do that with. If lighting strikes bring trees down, it is helpful to have power carvers on hand. Remember, guns are the only weapons that can't be used as anything but a weapon, and the Matoran don't have guns. 4Good to know. Power carvers, eh?
52. So, the Piraka have four methods of fighting: Elemental powers, eye-based attacks, Zamor launchers, and weapons. Is this right? 62) Actually, five, because they have an extra power on top of that. 7...holy Jeebus.
83. So, does Reidak have three eyes or not? He clearly has three on the set, but only two are lit up on the poster. Is the third one actualy an eye, or something else? 93) Since I don't have the set, no idea 10It doesn't seem like it's an eye from the official images, so what is it?
114. Will we be seeing Voya Nui Matoran in the comics or books other than the six released as sets? 124) Yes. 13Cool.
145. If the Piraka fight amongst themselves, do they ever coerce enslaved Matoran into doing their dirty work? I know the Matoran are nowhere near as powerful as they are, but I can see one of the more intelligent Piraka using them as bait or a distraction. 155) No. The Piraka need the Matoran to help find the treasure, they aren't going to waste them on proxy fights. 16Hmm...I think looking for treasure falls under the category of "dirty work," don't you?
12. So, the Piraka have four methods of fighting: Elemental powers, eye-based attacks, Zamor launchers, and weapons. Is this right? 22) Actually, five, because they have an extra power on top of that. 3...holy Jeebus.
4And the Nuva are supposed to beat this with a broken katana, some dull axes, flaming little shards of metal, boots and claws, chainsaws, and some icicles. Oh boy.
1Here are some more...
2Hi Greg.
3Just want to ask ya,
41)Will the Piraka be the major villians for the whole of 2006? Or will there be fictional chracters like Khraka or Lariska as well?
52)How different will the story be between the books and the comics?
63)Are you planning to write anymore animations for Bionicle next year?
74)Are the creators of Bionicle the same creators as Knights Kingdom?
85)I remember from somewhere it said that the Bohrok would most likely have to finish their misson. (Cleaning Mata Nui). Will this mean that we would see them again?
96)Now that the titan set pictures are revealed, what are the mask names? (If you can reveal that is.)
107)How soon will that titans make it into the story? (Less than half a year? From the begining? Or at the end of the year?)
118)You said that the Piraka do not know of the consequences of taking the "Great Treasure". How did they even come to know off it in the first place?
129)Do all heroes have to be toa? Or will BIONICLE introduce a new type of hero in a different Species?
13That'll be all...
14Thanks so much Greg.
15Toa Voya
161) It's pretty much the Piraka, except for Karzahni making an appearing in book 2. 172) Since I have only written one comic, hard to say. 183) Not up to me, that's up to the web producer. 194) No. 205) It's possible, but not for some time 216) I don't have that info on me, I am at home. 227) They show up in the books from the start, one is in the comic in March, but they don't figure PROMINENTLY until fall. 238) Can't answer it right now 249) Right now, we don't have plans to produce different kinds of heroes for a simple reason. "Toa," in the marketplace, has been defined to be hero -- if we put Toa in the set's name, customers immediately know he's the good guy. If we come up with some totally different kind of canister hero, then we have to spend a lot of time and money to brand them as heroes. Remember, most BIONICLE fans never come to BZP so just saying it here wouldn't work.
26So...that means that there will be new Toa sets this year...at least I think.
27Toa VOya
2Hi Greg.
3Just want to ask ya,
41)Will the Piraka be the major villians for the whole of 2006? Or will there be fictional chracters like Khraka or Lariska as well?
52)How different will the story be between the books and the comics?
63)Are you planning to write anymore animations for Bionicle next year?
74)Are the creators of Bionicle the same creators as Knights Kingdom?
85)I remember from somewhere it said that the Bohrok would most likely have to finish their misson. (Cleaning Mata Nui). Will this mean that we would see them again?
96)Now that the titan set pictures are revealed, what are the mask names? (If you can reveal that is.)
107)How soon will that titans make it into the story? (Less than half a year? From the begining? Or at the end of the year?)
118)You said that the Piraka do not know of the consequences of taking the "Great Treasure". How did they even come to know off it in the first place?
129)Do all heroes have to be toa? Or will BIONICLE introduce a new type of hero in a different Species?
13That'll be all...
14Thanks so much Greg.
15Toa Voya
161) It's pretty much the Piraka, except for Karzahni making an appearing in book 2. 172) Since I have only written one comic, hard to say. 183) Not up to me, that's up to the web producer. 194) No. 205) It's possible, but not for some time 216) I don't have that info on me, I am at home. 227) They show up in the books from the start, one is in the comic in March, but they don't figure PROMINENTLY until fall. 238) Can't answer it right now 249) Right now, we don't have plans to produce different kinds of heroes for a simple reason. "Toa," in the marketplace, has been defined to be hero -- if we put Toa in the set's name, customers immediately know he's the good guy. If we come up with some totally different kind of canister hero, then we have to spend a lot of time and money to brand them as heroes. Remember, most BIONICLE fans never come to BZP so just saying it here wouldn't work.
26So...that means that there will be new Toa sets this year...at least I think.
27Toa VOya
1My latest from Greg....
2It has been a while and I have a few questions I hope you can answer.
31. I have been thinking about the whole why the Toa Nuva are going to Voya Nui thing. Now, since Voya Nui has only been in its current location 1000 years, same time as Mata Nui feel asleep, I think I know why this is a step to awakening him. Could it be that the Toa Nuva also have to help liberate places that have been taken over since Mata Nui fell asleep so that he can be awakened?
42. For me, the Toa are the most interesting part of the story....I love the sets and their histories. Since it is unlikely we will have to go back to another flashback, anytime soon at least, do you think LEGO would allow you to do an Encyclopedia-type Reference book on all Toa, where you could have power to fill in details without going into too many specifics on Toa of the past: Lhikan's group, Dume's group, the Hagah?
53. Are there any surprise sets planned for us this year?
64. You have seen all the main sets for this year, correct? Could you at least tell us whether the second canister sets, the heroes, have a new feature? Or at least do they vary in some way from each other, aka no cloning?
75. I am guessing that the new Toa are replacing the Toa Nuva as the main characters. This is what you meant by the Toa Nuva may be present, but not always the main focus, right?
85b. Sooner or later, LEGO is going to have to do something with the Toa Nuva: transform them, give them new builds, or re-release them because they are the Toa that are to awaken Mata Nui. Has LEGO planned for this already?
9Thanks for you time.
111) There is a connection to Mata Nui, but it is not about actually waking him up. 122) LEGO certainly would, just a question on whether Scholastic would be interested or not. 133) There are account exclusives, but I don't know much about them as yet. 144) They do have a new feature and I feel they are fairly different from each other, though I have not examined them closely yet. 155) Can't answer it 166) In terms of sets? No, because we are a ways off from awakening Mata Nui.
2It has been a while and I have a few questions I hope you can answer.
31. I have been thinking about the whole why the Toa Nuva are going to Voya Nui thing. Now, since Voya Nui has only been in its current location 1000 years, same time as Mata Nui feel asleep, I think I know why this is a step to awakening him. Could it be that the Toa Nuva also have to help liberate places that have been taken over since Mata Nui fell asleep so that he can be awakened?
42. For me, the Toa are the most interesting part of the story....I love the sets and their histories. Since it is unlikely we will have to go back to another flashback, anytime soon at least, do you think LEGO would allow you to do an Encyclopedia-type Reference book on all Toa, where you could have power to fill in details without going into too many specifics on Toa of the past: Lhikan's group, Dume's group, the Hagah?
53. Are there any surprise sets planned for us this year?
64. You have seen all the main sets for this year, correct? Could you at least tell us whether the second canister sets, the heroes, have a new feature? Or at least do they vary in some way from each other, aka no cloning?
75. I am guessing that the new Toa are replacing the Toa Nuva as the main characters. This is what you meant by the Toa Nuva may be present, but not always the main focus, right?
85b. Sooner or later, LEGO is going to have to do something with the Toa Nuva: transform them, give them new builds, or re-release them because they are the Toa that are to awaken Mata Nui. Has LEGO planned for this already?
9Thanks for you time.
111) There is a connection to Mata Nui, but it is not about actually waking him up. 122) LEGO certainly would, just a question on whether Scholastic would be interested or not. 133) There are account exclusives, but I don't know much about them as yet. 144) They do have a new feature and I feel they are fairly different from each other, though I have not examined them closely yet. 155) Can't answer it 166) In terms of sets? No, because we are a ways off from awakening Mata Nui.
15b. Sooner or later, LEGO is going to have to do something with the Toa Nuva: transform them, give them new builds, or re-release them because they are the Toa that are to awaken Mata Nui. Has LEGO planned for this already?
2So true.
3Of course whe awakening is far off; I think it would be near the very end. If lego keeps making bionicle until there is no fanbase, that means mata nui will awaken when everyone cares least. Which sucks, by the way.