1Hang on a minute...That quote takes place somewhere in Book 2, right? Well, Greg said that the next canisters make their first appearance in the last little bit of Book 2. So if Jaller and Co. are the next Toa, then Jaller would still be in his Matoran form during the time of that quote, 'kay?
2Frankly, I'm absolutely praying that Jaller & Co. are the next Toa, 'cuz they're all wholly awesome characters![]()
4Or it could very well be that Vakama has sent Jaller on a Quest to awaken the 2006 Toa From there canisters. But that's just my guess.
1Hang on a minute...That quote takes place somewhere in Book 2, right? Well, Greg said thatthe next canisters make their first appearance in the last little bit of Book 2. So if Jaller and Co. are the next Toa, then Jaller would still be in his Matoran form during the time of that quote, 'kay?
2Frankly, I'm absolutely praying that Jaller & Co. are the next Toa, 'cuz they're all wholly awesome characters![]()
4Or it could very well be that Vakama has sent Jaller on a Quest to awaken the 2006 Toa From there canisters. But that's just my guess.
5That would be WAY to much like "The search for the 7th Toa" and if they are in canasters that most likely means that they will coming like the Olda did:Falling from the sky.
1Jaller will not be one of the new Toa because he wears Turaga Lhikans Noble Mask of shielding, and that is one of the first mask powers. Oh, and the canisters are not carrying Toa. Look at, I think Voya-Nui preview 2 and see for yourself.
14) Toa Krakua told Vakama of things that would happen in the 2006 story(or so I've been told). Like, the Toa Nuva(I'm assuming) would have to go through all these trials. Were all of the things he mentioned on Voya Nui and Karzahni's realm, or were there other places?
24) Krakua's statement referred to the entire three year story arc, and it did not refer to the Toa Nuva
3Woah. Woah. *gasps for breath* Krakua was NOT referring to the Nuva? If Vakama has to send the new Toa to these places...I thought Vakama stayed on Metru Nui. Verrrrry interesting.
4Along with the fact that the new Toa are not from Voya Nui, this really supports the theory of Jaller and co becoming the 2006 Toa.
5This is pretty easily disproved. The six new Toa have new masks. Jaller and friends have old masks. Becoming Toa, they still would have old masks. Thus, the problem with the theory.
6That point isn't valid because Matoran masks are powerless. A transformed Matoran doesn't know what type of mask power that he has. LOMN proved that. If Vakama new that his mask would transform into a Huna I am sure that he would have been using it right away. My point is that it is entirely possible, as far as we know, for a Matoran who was wearing a mask shaped like a Hau to get a mask with a totally different mask power when he becomes a Toa.
8But we know that jaller Does have a hahu. It was Likhan's, and we know that was a Hau.
10Karzahni shook his head sadly. "Such spirit – it will be a shame to snap it like a twig. I could show you horrors, Matoran, that would render you a mindless, screaming hulk. Will your friends show you the same loyalty when you are a gibbering lunatic, or will they turn away in disgust? It might be interesting to find out."11That means that Jaller was not alone. maybe they became Toa in Karzini's realm by putting on special masks (remember Takua?) so they could defeat him.
14) Toa Krakua told Vakama of things that would happen in the 2006 story(or so I've been told). Like, the Toa Nuva(I'm assuming) would have to go through all these trials. Were all of the things he mentioned on Voya Nui and Karzahni's realm, or were there other places?
24) Krakua's statement referred to the entire three year story arc, and it did not refer to the Toa Nuva
3Woah. Woah. *gasps for breath* Krakua was NOT referring to the Nuva? If Vakama has to send the new Toa to these places...I thought Vakama stayed on Metru Nui. Verrrrry interesting.
4Along with the fact that the new Toa are not from Voya Nui, this really supports the theory of Jaller and co becoming the 2006 Toa.
5This is pretty easily disproved. The six new Toa have new masks. Jaller and friends have old masks. Becoming Toa, they still would have old masks. Thus, the problem with the theory.
6That point isn't valid because Matoran masks are powerless. A transformed Matoran doesn't know what type of mask power that he has. LOMN proved that. If Vakama new that his mask would transform into a Huna I am sure that he would have been using it right away. My point is that it is entirely possible, as far as we know, for a Matoran who was wearing a mask shaped like a Hau to get a mask with a totally different mask power when he becomes a Toa.
8But we know that jaller Does have a hahu. It was Likhan's, and we know that was a Hau.
9EDIT:10Karzahni shook his head sadly. "Such spirit – it will be a shame to snap it like a twig. I could show you horrors, Matoran, that would render you a mindless, screaming hulk. Will your friends show you the same loyalty when you are a gibbering lunatic, or will they turn away in disgust? It might be interesting to find out."11That means that Jaller was not alone. maybe they became Toa in Karzini's realm by putting on special masks (remember Takua?) so they could defeat him.
12-As you just said, they may put on special masks to become Toa. Remember how it is known that there are 8 or technically 9 new masks. Perhaps, since Jaller has an already Great Mask, and if his group becomes Toa, then his mask will have the same powers, and will look different, thus masking it a technically new mask. And then, since the Toa Metru didn't know their powers, the others will have completely new masks and powers. Ah well, we can hope, can't we?

13My two cents.
1no one says karzahni is talking to Jaller.
1no one says karzahni is talking to Jaller.
2Well, since Jaller is the only person who travels to Karzahni, I think it's pretty obvious who he's talking to![]()
4Jaller is the only character that we know of that takes the trip. It doesn't mean that he's the only one that goes there, and in that latest quote Karzy could have been talking to any Matoran.
1no one says karzahni is talking to Jaller.
2Well, since Jaller is the only person who travels to Karzahni, I think it's pretty obvious who he's talking to![]()
4Jaller is the only character that we know of that takes the trip. It doesn't mean that he's the only one that goes there, and in that latest quote Karzy could have been talking to any Matoran.
6Don't you think that if some others went GregF would have said that? And I believe that Greg did say that Jaller was shone a nightmarish thing-a-ma-hoossit.
7Ecto, in 2003 we got 2 new masks, but 'technically' 3(the Krahken could be worn two ways). That's probably how it is this year, but only ONE mask being switcha-deeda-able.
8TMD woz 'ere
1no one says karzahni is talking to Jaller.
2Well, since Jaller is the only person who travels to Karzahni, I think it's pretty obvious who he's talking to![]()
4Jaller is the only character that we know of that takes the trip. It doesn't mean that he's the only one that goes there, and in that latest quote Karzy could have been talking to any Matoran.
6Don't you think that if some others went GregF would have said that? And I believe that Greg did say that Jaller was shone a nightmarish thing-a-ma-hoossit.
7Ecto, in 2003 we got 2 new masks, but 'technically' 3(the Krahken could be worn two ways). That's probably how it is this year, but only ONE mask being switcha-deeda-able.
8TMD woz 'ere
9I wasn't sure. It was just a theory.
10-Yes, it was Jaller Karzy was talking too.

14) Toa Krakua told Vakama of things that would happen in the 2006 story(or so I've been told). Like, the Toa Nuva(I'm assuming) would have to go through all these trials. Were all of the things he mentioned on Voya Nui and Karzahni's realm, or were there other places?
24) Krakua's statement referred to the entire three year story arc, and it did not refer to the Toa Nuva
3Woah. Woah. *gasps for breath* Krakua was NOT referring to the Nuva? If Vakama has to send the new Toa to these places...I thought Vakama stayed on Metru Nui. Verrrrry interesting.
4Along with the fact that the new Toa are not from Voya Nui, this really supports the theory of Jaller and co becoming the 2006 Toa.
5This is pretty easily disproved. The six new Toa have new masks. Jaller and friends have old masks. Becoming Toa, they still would have old masks. Thus, the problem with the theory.
6That point isn't valid because Matoran masks are powerless. A transformed Matoran doesn't know what type of mask power that he has. LOMN proved that. If Vakama new that his mask would transform into a Huna I am sure that he would have been using it right away. My point is that it is entirely possible, as far as we know, for a Matoran who was wearing a mask shaped like a Hau to get a mask with a totally different mask power when he becomes a Toa.
8But we know that jaller Does have a hahu. It was Likhan's, and we know that was a Hau.
9EDIT:10Karzahni shook his head sadly. "Such spirit – it will be a shame to snap it like a twig. I could show you horrors, Matoran, that would render you a mindless, screaming hulk. Will your friends show you the same loyalty when you are a gibbering lunatic, or will they turn away in disgust? It might be interesting to find out."11That means that Jaller was not alone. maybe they became Toa in Karzini's realm by putting on special masks (remember Takua?) so they could defeat him.
12-As you just said, they may put on special masks to become Toa. Remember how it is known that there are 8 or technically 9 new masks. Perhaps, since Jaller has an already Great Mask, and if his group becomes Toa, then his mask will have the same powers, and will look different, thus masking it a technically new mask. And then, since the Toa Metru didn't know their powers, the others will have completely new masks and powers. Ah well, we can hope, can't we?![]()
13My two cents.
14Most likely they won't. It's a lot easier to just create new characters.
14) Toa Krakua told Vakama of things that would happen in the 2006 story(or so I've been told). Like, the Toa Nuva(I'm assuming) would have to go through all these trials. Were all of the things he mentioned on Voya Nui and Karzahni's realm, or were there other places?
24) Krakua's statement referred to the entire three year story arc, and it did not refer to the Toa Nuva
3Woah. Woah. *gasps for breath* Krakua was NOT referring to the Nuva? If Vakama has to send the new Toa to these places...I thought Vakama stayed on Metru Nui. Verrrrry interesting.
4Along with the fact that the new Toa are not from Voya Nui, this really supports the theory of Jaller and co becoming the 2006 Toa.
5This is pretty easily disproved. The six new Toa have new masks. Jaller and friends have old masks. Becoming Toa, they still would have old masks. Thus, the problem with the theory.
6That point isn't valid because Matoran masks are powerless. A transformed Matoran doesn't know what type of mask power that he has. LOMN proved that. If Vakama new that his mask would transform into a Huna I am sure that he would have been using it right away. My point is that it is entirely possible, as far as we know, for a Matoran who was wearing a mask shaped like a Hau to get a mask with a totally different mask power when he becomes a Toa.
8But we know that jaller Does have a hahu. It was Likhan's, and we know that was a Hau.
9EDIT:10Karzahni shook his head sadly. "Such spirit – it will be a shame to snap it like a twig. I could show you horrors, Matoran, that would render you a mindless, screaming hulk. Will your friends show you the same loyalty when you are a gibbering lunatic, or will they turn away in disgust? It might be interesting to find out."11That means that Jaller was not alone. maybe they became Toa in Karzini's realm by putting on special masks (remember Takua?) so they could defeat him.
12-As you just said, they may put on special masks to become Toa. Remember how it is known that there are 8 or technically 9 new masks. Perhaps, since Jaller has an already Great Mask, and if his group becomes Toa, then his mask will have the same powers, and will look different, thus masking it a technically new mask. And then, since the Toa Metru didn't know their powers, the others will have completely new masks and powers. Ah well, we can hope, can't we?![]()
13My two cents.
14Most likely they won't. It's a lot easier to just create new characters.
15I wouldn't say that. As Jaller, Matoro, and the rest are predefined, thus making it a lot easier to give them a storyline as opossed to new, undefined characters with no backstory whatsoever.
16At least in my opinion.

1You've said that at least two Piraka need to be together in order to use their elemental powers. Say Vezok and Reidak are together - could they make an earthquake and geyser seperately, or would they be forced to work together to make a mudslide (I actually prefer the latter)? 2The way I have it set up, whatever they make they have to make together -- so they cannot use their powers individually, they have to combine them to do something. 3Awesome.
1QUOTE 2Hey Greg...some questions for ya.
31) Have Axxon and Brutaka met before the Piraka arrived?
42)Is dezalk a he or a she?
53)When will the $30 come into the storyline?
64)Will the mask of Life ever appear in a set?
75)Is the toa stone the only way one can become a toa?
86)Are there any new characters you created for the books? If so, could you tell us their names?
97)So...the Toa Nuva don't sail to Voya Nui...that means they either walk there or fly there. Is the answer one of the two?
108)So...the statement that Toa Krakua made to Vakama was not referring to the Toa Nuva... Was he refering to the Toa we'll play in the game?
119)There was a quote from BL#1 about this armoured figure talking to a matoran about building a great temple. Was this figure a Titan or a Piraka?
1210) Whatever happened to the Rahaga after BA#10?
13Thanks for yer time.
14Happy holidays:
15Toa Voya
161) Yes 172) He 183) Probably September 194) Can't discuss this yet 205) No 216) Not really in 2006, no, not ones you don't already know about. With the sets, there are so many new character that have to be introduced into the story there really isn't room for a lot of other ones. I may create some new ones for the fourth book next year, but that is not even started yet. 227) Nope 238) You'll find out 249) Piraka 2510) They spent most of the thousand years between WOS and 2001 story either on Metru Nui or else wandering the world saving Rahi from what the Visorak had done to them. They sort of treat Metru Nui as a base, but they are not there that often
27Toa Voya
1I have a few questions about the Mask of Life
21. Can the Mask of Life bring beings back to life?
32. The Mask of Life the item that the Piraka want?
43. Will anyone where the mask of Life?
54. Is the ancient evil dead or alive?
65. If so could the mask of life bring it back to life?
7Thanks for answering these questions for me.
81) Can't answer it 92) Yes 103) Ever? Someday, someone will, yes 114) Alive 125) See answer to #1
13Three is the one that intrests me the most.
1QUOTE 2Hey Greg...some questions for ya.
31) Have Axxon and Brutaka met before the Piraka arrived?
42)Is dezalk a he or a she?
53)When will the $30 come into the storyline?
64)Will the mask of Life ever appear in a set?
75)Is the toa stone the only way one can become a toa?
86)Are there any new characters you created for the books? If so, could you tell us their names?
97)So...the Toa Nuva don't sail to Voya Nui...that means they either walk there or fly there. Is the answer one of the two?
108)So...the statement that Toa Krakua made to Vakama was not referring to the Toa Nuva... Was he refering to the Toa we'll play in the game?
119)There was a quote from BL#1 about this armoured figure talking to a matoran about building a great temple. Was this figure a Titan or a Piraka?
1210) Whatever happened to the Rahaga after BA#10?
13Thanks for yer time.
14Happy holidays:
15Toa Voya
161) Yes 172) He 183) Probably September 194) Can't discuss this yet 205) No 216) Not really in 2006, no, not ones you don't already know about. With the sets, there are so many new character that have to be introduced into the story there really isn't room for a lot of other ones. I may create some new ones for the fourth book next year, but that is not even started yet. 227) Nope 238) You'll find out 249) Piraka 2510) They spent most of the thousand years between WOS and 2001 story either on Metru Nui or else wandering the world saving Rahi from what the Visorak had done to them. They sort of treat Metru Nui as a base, but they are not there that often
27Toa Voya
28Toa Nuva don't sail to Voya Nui and neither walk nor fly..interesting... 29They are teleported, I guess

1Dezalk is a male, obscure, Matoran of Voya Nui.
11. Does Makuta's energy reconstitutite over time, or is it gone for good? 22. Does Makuta have any grudges? 33. Just one small question about the 06'Toaoes the brown one have a personality closer to Onewa or Pohatu?
41) It can reconstitute over time, providing whatever caused it to dissipate is stopped. 52) Sure he does 63) Who said there is a brown one?
7Oooohhhh...I don't like the sound of 3. Perhaps there's a new set of elements?
1I asked him some questions a couple of days ago, and here they are...
2Q. Do matoran differ in shape from island to island? Or is this just a set thing?
3A. When Matoran differ in shape, as between Voya Nui and Metru Nui, or Mata Nui and Metru Nui, there is always a story reason for it.
4Q. Do Toa differ in shape depending on where they are from, or were the Metru just a more flexible version of Olda?
5A. Size differences among the Toa are usually because additional pieces are needed to give more points of articulation.
6Q. Were the masks the Toa Metru wore worn as widely as the ones the Toa Olda wear on Matu-Nui? For they are not worn in any comics, books, or movies I have read so far. Same goes for the Pehkui, Kiril, and Kualsi.
7A. I see your point, but what masks Matoran are shown as wearing is strictly based on what the animator/comic artist chooses to draw. No one from LEGO ever said, "Don't draw them wearing those masks:"
8Q. Why are the Kiril and Pehkui so close in apearence?
9A. Because Toa Hagah wear masks carved in the shape of the masks of past heroes as a tribute to them. An actual Pehkui does not look like a Kiril -- this one did, because it was worn by a Toa Hagah and so was carved that way as a tribute.
2Q. Do matoran differ in shape from island to island? Or is this just a set thing?
3A. When Matoran differ in shape, as between Voya Nui and Metru Nui, or Mata Nui and Metru Nui, there is always a story reason for it.
4Q. Do Toa differ in shape depending on where they are from, or were the Metru just a more flexible version of Olda?
5A. Size differences among the Toa are usually because additional pieces are needed to give more points of articulation.
6Q. Were the masks the Toa Metru wore worn as widely as the ones the Toa Olda wear on Matu-Nui? For they are not worn in any comics, books, or movies I have read so far. Same goes for the Pehkui, Kiril, and Kualsi.
7A. I see your point, but what masks Matoran are shown as wearing is strictly based on what the animator/comic artist chooses to draw. No one from LEGO ever said, "Don't draw them wearing those masks:"
8Q. Why are the Kiril and Pehkui so close in apearence?
9A. Because Toa Hagah wear masks carved in the shape of the masks of past heroes as a tribute to them. An actual Pehkui does not look like a Kiril -- this one did, because it was worn by a Toa Hagah and so was carved that way as a tribute.
11. Does Makuta's energy reconstitutite over time, or is it gone for good? 22. Does Makuta have any grudges? 33. Just one small question about the 06'Toaoes the brown one have a personality closer to Onewa or Pohatu?
41) It can reconstitute over time, providing whatever caused it to dissipate is stopped. 52) Sure he does 63) Who said there is a brown one?
7Oooohhhh...I don't like the sound of 3. Perhaps there's a new set of elements?
8No, that's probably just Greg being Greg. He likes to see us go crazy.

1This set of 20 (
Q&As could be a month old... (Nov 25) but does have some interesting points.
Have a look.
21. I know you can't discuss the summer 2006 sets, but all I want to know is: are they good or evil?
3A: Since I am not discussing them, I obviously can't discuss that.
42. Next year we will find the answers to some of our old, old questions, right? Can you give us a partial list of questions that will be answered next year?
5A: Who built the Toa Olda canisters? Were they the only such canisters out there? Why were the Toa Olda in pieces when they got to Mata Nui? Plus a little more info on the red star.
63. Is the force/being that put the Olda in their canisters good or evil?
7A: Can't answer it
84. Were they put in their canisters by force or by free will?
9A: Free will
105. Was that being Karzahni? (original)
11A: No, no
126. Does Kazi know that the "hidden treasure" is at Mount Valmai?
13A: He knows something is there
147. Are the masks that Axonn and Brutaka wear Great Masks?
15A: Yes
168. Will Krakua play any role at all in 2006 and beyond? Have we seen tha last of him?
17A: I don't know yet. It depends. If we do five novels instead of four this year, then I may be able to fit him in. If we only do four, I won't.
189. Are you considering to post Dume's story here on BZP? It's about time we found out what's up with that lone Turaga of Metru Nui...
19A: It's possible
2010. Is that story (Dume's) going to be long-winded and complex? Or just simple, straight and short?
21A: It's a four-part comic story
2211. Was Dume always the leader of Metru Nui? On the old BIONICLE.com, in the Onu-Metru bio, it said that the archives had expanded under his rule... does that hint that there might have been another leader before him? They also said that he had been the leader for as long as any Matoran could remember...
23A: I don't consider him to have always been the leader, no
2412. Is Toa Dume and his entire Toa-group older than the Olda? Or are the Olda the oldest Toa group we have met so far?
25A: Can't answer it
2613. How big is the BIONICLE planet in comparison with Earth?
27A: Can't answer it, that info does not exist because it's not relevant to the story we are telling
2814. Who's your favourite Piraka?
29A: Zaktan
3015. Who's your favourite Doomtoran?
31A: Probably Velika
3216. When did Bob Thompson leave the story team? And why?
33A: Bob left the LEGO Company to form his own production company early this year
3417. Now that he's left, who's the head of the story team? You?
35A: There isn't really a "head" because the team is so much smaller now.
3618. Can you give a slight hint (just a minor one) of 2006, please?
37A: Nope, I am trying to keep it under wraps as much as possible
38Now for some off-topic Q's:
3919. Who's your favourite character in LOST?
40A: Sawyer
4120. What do you think about Shannon's death recently in LOST?
42A: I was surprised how she died, not that she died. I knew it was going to be a woman from spoilers I had heard. And if you think about it, with Boone dead and the Shannon-Sayid story going nowhere, all she was good for was moping. There was really no place to go with her character.

21. I know you can't discuss the summer 2006 sets, but all I want to know is: are they good or evil?
3A: Since I am not discussing them, I obviously can't discuss that.
42. Next year we will find the answers to some of our old, old questions, right? Can you give us a partial list of questions that will be answered next year?
5A: Who built the Toa Olda canisters? Were they the only such canisters out there? Why were the Toa Olda in pieces when they got to Mata Nui? Plus a little more info on the red star.
63. Is the force/being that put the Olda in their canisters good or evil?
7A: Can't answer it
84. Were they put in their canisters by force or by free will?
9A: Free will
105. Was that being Karzahni? (original)
11A: No, no
126. Does Kazi know that the "hidden treasure" is at Mount Valmai?
13A: He knows something is there
147. Are the masks that Axonn and Brutaka wear Great Masks?
15A: Yes
168. Will Krakua play any role at all in 2006 and beyond? Have we seen tha last of him?
17A: I don't know yet. It depends. If we do five novels instead of four this year, then I may be able to fit him in. If we only do four, I won't.
189. Are you considering to post Dume's story here on BZP? It's about time we found out what's up with that lone Turaga of Metru Nui...
19A: It's possible
2010. Is that story (Dume's) going to be long-winded and complex? Or just simple, straight and short?
21A: It's a four-part comic story
2211. Was Dume always the leader of Metru Nui? On the old BIONICLE.com, in the Onu-Metru bio, it said that the archives had expanded under his rule... does that hint that there might have been another leader before him? They also said that he had been the leader for as long as any Matoran could remember...
23A: I don't consider him to have always been the leader, no
2412. Is Toa Dume and his entire Toa-group older than the Olda? Or are the Olda the oldest Toa group we have met so far?
25A: Can't answer it
2613. How big is the BIONICLE planet in comparison with Earth?
27A: Can't answer it, that info does not exist because it's not relevant to the story we are telling
2814. Who's your favourite Piraka?
29A: Zaktan
3015. Who's your favourite Doomtoran?
31A: Probably Velika
3216. When did Bob Thompson leave the story team? And why?
33A: Bob left the LEGO Company to form his own production company early this year
3417. Now that he's left, who's the head of the story team? You?
35A: There isn't really a "head" because the team is so much smaller now.
3618. Can you give a slight hint (just a minor one) of 2006, please?
37A: Nope, I am trying to keep it under wraps as much as possible
38Now for some off-topic Q's:

3919. Who's your favourite character in LOST?
40A: Sawyer
4120. What do you think about Shannon's death recently in LOST?
42A: I was surprised how she died, not that she died. I knew it was going to be a woman from spoilers I had heard. And if you think about it, with Boone dead and the Shannon-Sayid story going nowhere, all she was good for was moping. There was really no place to go with her character.
11. Does Makuta's energy reconstitutite over time, or is it gone for good? 22. Does Makuta have any grudges? 33. Just one small question about the 06'Toaoes the brown one have a personality closer to Onewa or Pohatu?
41) It can reconstitute over time, providing whatever caused it to dissipate is stopped. 52) Sure he does 63) Who said there is a brown one?
7Oooohhhh...I don't like the sound of 3. Perhaps there's a new set of elements?
8I don't think that means a group of classic colored sets without the brown one,maybe Greg is implying that they will be new colors as primary.Just my theory.
9So we will finally have purple pieces.


1he is a ta matoran: greg told me:
1Here's what I have.
2QUOTE 3QUOTE 4QUOTE 5Thanks for the reply Greg. I have afew other questions.
61) Why is Voya Nui called the 'floating island'?
72)There are new Toa in 2006 no?
83)Can you confirm that these new Toa will be the summer sets?
94)In a previous PM to one of the other BZP members, you stated indirectly that there would be no brown Toa. So it got me thinking... Just because a matoran comes from a Fire section of the island does it mean that he'd become ONLY a Toa of Fire?
105)If yes to q4, then where (Or perhaps, which sections of the island) do Toa of Plasma's, Gravity's and other elements come from?
11Thanks in advance.
12Toa Voya
131) Um, because it floats 142) I can't discuss summer sets 153) Nope 164) I did not say there would not be a Toa of Stone, I said there would not be a brown Toa 175) I don't understand your question -- there are no Toa on Voya Nui, so they don't come from any section of that island
181)so... this means that there'll be a Toa of stone but in a different colour?
192)For the last question, I meant how on earth do you get a Toa of plasma when matoran are divided into only 6 groups (according to the elements)? Does this mean that there is a village of Plasma, Gravity, lightning etc. ?
20Thanks again.
21Toa Voya
221) Wait and see 232) Well, you have so far seen, let's say three islands counting Voya Nui -- out of potentially hundreds or thousands. There is nothing that says ALL Matoran have to be one of those six colors. 24-Greg
25Interesting set of answers.
26Toa Voya

2QUOTE 3QUOTE 4QUOTE 5Thanks for the reply Greg. I have afew other questions.
61) Why is Voya Nui called the 'floating island'?
72)There are new Toa in 2006 no?
83)Can you confirm that these new Toa will be the summer sets?
94)In a previous PM to one of the other BZP members, you stated indirectly that there would be no brown Toa. So it got me thinking... Just because a matoran comes from a Fire section of the island does it mean that he'd become ONLY a Toa of Fire?
105)If yes to q4, then where (Or perhaps, which sections of the island) do Toa of Plasma's, Gravity's and other elements come from?
11Thanks in advance.
12Toa Voya
131) Um, because it floats 142) I can't discuss summer sets 153) Nope 164) I did not say there would not be a Toa of Stone, I said there would not be a brown Toa 175) I don't understand your question -- there are no Toa on Voya Nui, so they don't come from any section of that island
181)so... this means that there'll be a Toa of stone but in a different colour?
192)For the last question, I meant how on earth do you get a Toa of plasma when matoran are divided into only 6 groups (according to the elements)? Does this mean that there is a village of Plasma, Gravity, lightning etc. ?
20Thanks again.
21Toa Voya
221) Wait and see 232) Well, you have so far seen, let's say three islands counting Voya Nui -- out of potentially hundreds or thousands. There is nothing that says ALL Matoran have to be one of those six colors. 24-Greg
25Interesting set of answers.
26Toa Voya
1Well, Greg have never stated that there will be Toa sets next year, but he has said this two things: 21)Good guys sell better than bad guys, if they launch two sets of bad guys they won't sell that well (Like with '03, the Rahkshi and Kal). 32)No new heroes that aren't Toa, because if you read 'Toa' in the canister you will inmediately know that they're good. 4So probably we will be seeing new coloured Toa next summer
. 5Khote

1Well, you have so far seen, let's say three islands counting Voya Nui -- out of potentially hundreds or thousands. There is nothing that says ALL Matoran have to be one of those six colors.
2What he is saying there is that there are Matoran that have more colors than just red, blue, green, brown, black, and white. There is Onepu, who is Onu-Matoran, that has purple has his main color. There is Jala, that is Ta-Matoran, but has yellow as his main color. Matoro is sand-blue, and is a Ko-Matoran. And we also got Kongu, that is teal as his main color.
3If the Toa are from Metru Nui, I hope Onepu is one. Purple and black are the ultimate color-combo. 4-

1Here's my latest.
Some Toa stuff here...
2QUOTE 3Hey Greg...it's me again. Thanks for answering my previous questions... I was having a hard time trying to explain it.
4Alright...here are some Brutaka and Axxon questions...
51)Do the Titans appear in book 1?
62)I thought only Toa could wear great kanohi masks? Why can Axxon and Brutaka do so? Is this because they are some new type of species that will be introduced in 2006?
73)What makes Voya Nui float?
84)Would a Toa of Life be possible?
95) If you were a onu-matoran wearing a tan kanohi mask and you became a Toa...would you become a Toa of Earth with a Tan kanohi, a Toa of Earth with a black kanohi, or a Toa of some sort of other element?
10Thanks for ya time
11Toa Voya
121) Don't recall 132) Makuta wears a Great Kanohi mask, and he's not a Toa. We have never said it was restricted to Toa, only that Matoran and Turaga can't do it. 143) Can't answer it 154) It's an interesting question. Takanuva wears a Mask of Light and is a Toa of Light, but Tahu is not the Toa of Shielding and Lewa is not the Toa of Levitation. So wearing the Mask of Life would not make you a Toa of Life, necessarily. My concern with a Toa of Life is that I think it would unbalance the story -- that is a lot of power to give a Toa, and what villain could stand up against him? 165) If you are an Onu-Matoran, you will become a Toa of Earth, period. It is possible, I would think, that your Kanohi might change color, although I don't think there is any evidence of that ever happening.
18Providing more possibilities... lol...
19Toa Voya

2QUOTE 3Hey Greg...it's me again. Thanks for answering my previous questions... I was having a hard time trying to explain it.
4Alright...here are some Brutaka and Axxon questions...
51)Do the Titans appear in book 1?
62)I thought only Toa could wear great kanohi masks? Why can Axxon and Brutaka do so? Is this because they are some new type of species that will be introduced in 2006?
73)What makes Voya Nui float?
84)Would a Toa of Life be possible?
95) If you were a onu-matoran wearing a tan kanohi mask and you became a Toa...would you become a Toa of Earth with a Tan kanohi, a Toa of Earth with a black kanohi, or a Toa of some sort of other element?
10Thanks for ya time
11Toa Voya
121) Don't recall 132) Makuta wears a Great Kanohi mask, and he's not a Toa. We have never said it was restricted to Toa, only that Matoran and Turaga can't do it. 143) Can't answer it 154) It's an interesting question. Takanuva wears a Mask of Light and is a Toa of Light, but Tahu is not the Toa of Shielding and Lewa is not the Toa of Levitation. So wearing the Mask of Life would not make you a Toa of Life, necessarily. My concern with a Toa of Life is that I think it would unbalance the story -- that is a lot of power to give a Toa, and what villain could stand up against him? 165) If you are an Onu-Matoran, you will become a Toa of Earth, period. It is possible, I would think, that your Kanohi might change color, although I don't think there is any evidence of that ever happening.
18Providing more possibilities... lol...

19Toa Voya
1Now here are some GREAT Q&As mainly about the Encyc. and Time Trap...
31. In total, are there more DH's than Toa?
4A: Probably not
52. How did Lariska get her mechanical arm?
6A: Well, she lost the one she had and a DH inventor replaced it
73. I know you think in words, but you never described the Recorder dude that TSO "threw the length of the room"... so, how did he look like?
8A: Like you said, I don't think in pictures
94. What was the real purpose behind Makuta's illusion on Vakama?
10A: He didn't realize that Vakama did not have the Vahi and he was trying to trick it out of him, rather than have to fight him and risk damaging the mask
115. The Avohkii, like the Vahi, will all light banish from the universe if it was destroyed?
12A: We don't know that any other mask works the way the Mask of Life does. Actually, if it did, a broken Avohkii would flood the universe with light, not banish light. A broken Vahi does not banish time, it banishes orderly time
13I'm sure Greg meant Mask of Time there... just a typo -- I guess.
146. After witnessing Makuta's full potential in Time Trap, why did he even bother to bargain with a 'little Toa' (Vakama) to get the Vahi? From my point of view, he could have just teleported it right to his hands, or use the power of magnetism to glide it towards him like how he rescued Ahkmou, or even some wacky way to get it: After reading the famous "There are a thousand ways I could destroy you right now", I started to think that there even could have been "A thousand ways he could retrive the Vahi"
15A: But what if he misses? Let's face it, he thought he could handle Vakama easily once before and screwed up. If somebody is holding a test tube full of nitro, you don't want to take even the slightest risk it will drop and hit the ground.
167. Was the grey Kakama that TSO kicked away in the river belonged to one of Lhikan's brothers?
17A: Yes
18I find it very interesting that the Kraahkan was created by mask makers enslaved by the BoM: That's freaking cool:
198. Were those mask makers Matoran?
20A: Assuming the legend is true, yes
219. Did they create it before or after the BoM's revolution?
22A: Before
2310. Did they only create one Kraahkan?
24A: No idea. I tend to doubt it
2511. Knowing the BoM, I suspect that they might have killed off those creators so that they don't make such a mask again... what do you think?
26A: I don't think so. Even if they did create a mask like that, what good would it do them? The Matoran can't use it, and without the proper resources, they can't make it anyway
2712. Why was Karzahni told the truth by the OoMN about the Toa Metru's origins?
28A: Well, remember what Karzahni said -- that the OOMN member told him before he died -- who do you think was killing him at the time?
2913. My personal theory of the Metru Nui stars is that they are illusions created and maintained by Mata Nui -- same thing with how Lake Naho doesn't empty itself through the "sun hole" into Metru Nui. How close am I?
30A: No, they're real
3114. Will Metru Nui be featured in BL#1?
32A: Yes
3315. How does the OoMN know the will of Mata Nui?
34A: Can't answer it
3516. Was the dead Turaga on Voya Nui a Turaga of fire?
36A: I have no idea what element he was associated with, cause it's not relevant the story. He's been dead 1000 years.
3717. Does Turaga Dume know where the other members of his group are and their status? (like being leaders on another land, or dead, perhaps even still Toa...)
38A: He might.
3918. What happens if a Toa sacrifices his/her power before he/she fulfills their destiny?
40A: Good question. I don't see that happening, but if it did, since they can't become a Turaga they would most likely become a powerless Toa.
4119. In the old Rahkshi CDs, it says that Takanuva's "...a mighty leader of the Toa:" Then now he's staying back on Metru Nui. He should be the Nuva's leader by now:
42A: Well, the CD was not in my mind accurate. Takanuva is a novice Toa, he doesn't have the years of experience Tahu does and he is not more powerful than Tahu, so why should he be leader? It would be like giving Jimmy Olsen superpowers and suddenly saying he should run the Justice League. Based on what?
4320. "Fools, you dared oppose your brothers -- therefore Mata Nui shall be cleansed:" When the Bahrag hinted at this connection, do they mean generally all Toa or only the Olda?
44A: I would say the Olda specifically
45Isn't the last one interesting -- the Olda specifically...? I was expecting all Toa to have that relationship:

31. In total, are there more DH's than Toa?
4A: Probably not
52. How did Lariska get her mechanical arm?
6A: Well, she lost the one she had and a DH inventor replaced it
73. I know you think in words, but you never described the Recorder dude that TSO "threw the length of the room"... so, how did he look like?
8A: Like you said, I don't think in pictures
94. What was the real purpose behind Makuta's illusion on Vakama?
10A: He didn't realize that Vakama did not have the Vahi and he was trying to trick it out of him, rather than have to fight him and risk damaging the mask
115. The Avohkii, like the Vahi, will all light banish from the universe if it was destroyed?
12A: We don't know that any other mask works the way the Mask of Life does. Actually, if it did, a broken Avohkii would flood the universe with light, not banish light. A broken Vahi does not banish time, it banishes orderly time
13I'm sure Greg meant Mask of Time there... just a typo -- I guess.
146. After witnessing Makuta's full potential in Time Trap, why did he even bother to bargain with a 'little Toa' (Vakama) to get the Vahi? From my point of view, he could have just teleported it right to his hands, or use the power of magnetism to glide it towards him like how he rescued Ahkmou, or even some wacky way to get it: After reading the famous "There are a thousand ways I could destroy you right now", I started to think that there even could have been "A thousand ways he could retrive the Vahi"
15A: But what if he misses? Let's face it, he thought he could handle Vakama easily once before and screwed up. If somebody is holding a test tube full of nitro, you don't want to take even the slightest risk it will drop and hit the ground.
167. Was the grey Kakama that TSO kicked away in the river belonged to one of Lhikan's brothers?
17A: Yes
18I find it very interesting that the Kraahkan was created by mask makers enslaved by the BoM: That's freaking cool:
198. Were those mask makers Matoran?
20A: Assuming the legend is true, yes
219. Did they create it before or after the BoM's revolution?
22A: Before
2310. Did they only create one Kraahkan?
24A: No idea. I tend to doubt it
2511. Knowing the BoM, I suspect that they might have killed off those creators so that they don't make such a mask again... what do you think?
26A: I don't think so. Even if they did create a mask like that, what good would it do them? The Matoran can't use it, and without the proper resources, they can't make it anyway
2712. Why was Karzahni told the truth by the OoMN about the Toa Metru's origins?
28A: Well, remember what Karzahni said -- that the OOMN member told him before he died -- who do you think was killing him at the time?
2913. My personal theory of the Metru Nui stars is that they are illusions created and maintained by Mata Nui -- same thing with how Lake Naho doesn't empty itself through the "sun hole" into Metru Nui. How close am I?
30A: No, they're real
3114. Will Metru Nui be featured in BL#1?
32A: Yes
3315. How does the OoMN know the will of Mata Nui?
34A: Can't answer it
3516. Was the dead Turaga on Voya Nui a Turaga of fire?
36A: I have no idea what element he was associated with, cause it's not relevant the story. He's been dead 1000 years.
3717. Does Turaga Dume know where the other members of his group are and their status? (like being leaders on another land, or dead, perhaps even still Toa...)
38A: He might.
3918. What happens if a Toa sacrifices his/her power before he/she fulfills their destiny?
40A: Good question. I don't see that happening, but if it did, since they can't become a Turaga they would most likely become a powerless Toa.
4119. In the old Rahkshi CDs, it says that Takanuva's "...a mighty leader of the Toa:" Then now he's staying back on Metru Nui. He should be the Nuva's leader by now:
42A: Well, the CD was not in my mind accurate. Takanuva is a novice Toa, he doesn't have the years of experience Tahu does and he is not more powerful than Tahu, so why should he be leader? It would be like giving Jimmy Olsen superpowers and suddenly saying he should run the Justice League. Based on what?
4320. "Fools, you dared oppose your brothers -- therefore Mata Nui shall be cleansed:" When the Bahrag hinted at this connection, do they mean generally all Toa or only the Olda?
44A: I would say the Olda specifically
45Isn't the last one interesting -- the Olda specifically...? I was expecting all Toa to have that relationship:
12. How did Lariska get her mechanical arm?
2A: Well, she lost the one she had and a DH inventor replaced it
3I think I can give a better answer to that one. The Shadowed One ordered to cut her arm (Or probably cut it himself) since she stole part of a payment instead of putting all of it in the vault. Maybe some of you would like a quote, so here you go: 4[quoteConversation between Lariska and the Shadowed One BA #10: Time Trap(Conversation between Lariska and the Shadowed One @ BA #10: Time Trap)"Reporting," she said, making no effort to hide her sarcasm. 5"The Toa?" 6"Dead." 7"The Turaga?" 8"Fled." 9"The payment? 10"In the vault." 11"All of it?" the Shadowed One asked pointedly. 12Lariska glanced at her mechanical arm, then back at the ruler of the Dark Hunters. "All of it. I remember my lessons well, Shadowed One, especially the painful ones." 13There. Hope Greg doesn't sue me. 14I found it interesting that an inventor replaced her arm, and not a medic or a surgeon. The DH are pretty harsh on their methods, and don't talk about their traits with their enemies. My question is, was it an inventor slave of the DH, or was he/she part of the organization? 15About the Scribe: I made a MOC of him (Well, I thought he was an interesting character

1I asked Greg a question about the OoMN. Short answer, but might support a few theories.
2Just a quick question about the Order of Mata Nui:
31. Do the members of the Order know about each other?
5Yeah, but why wouldn't they?
6Because they are spread out around the bionicle world and solo.
7This may explain why Axonn and Brutaka know each other and have met before...
QB Jabbadeep 116. Was the dead Turaga on Voya Nui a Turaga of fire?
2A: I have no idea what element he was associated with, cause it's not relevant the story. He's been dead 1000 years.
3If I understand this right, does this mean that the Voya Nui Turaga died around the same time as the fall of Metru Nui? That would make sense, Mata Nui is put to sleep and all sorts of things go wrong.
7There ya go then, another result of Mata Nui going to sleep, a dead Turaga. This guy Mata Nui sure is important

1Number four destroys that whole "Brutaka belongs to The Brotherhood of Makuta" theory.
2Hi, Mr. Farshtey. Just a few questions:
31. How the heck is Voya-Nui floating?
42. If it's floating, how is the volcano staying active if it's not connected into the mantle of the planet? Is the Mask of Life sustaining it like it is the forest or something?
53. Did Voya-Nui become a floating island when Mata-Nui fell asleep, or was it created like that?
64. Did you really tell someone that this year a member of The Brotherhood of Makuta would be a set?
75. What would happen if one of The Brotherhood of Makuta members decided to turn good? Would he be executed or something?
86. Same as above, except with a member of The Order of Mata-Nui turning evil.
97. Are the Matoran of Voya-Nui mutated, but they don't know it?
108. If they were mutated and they can remember it, do they remember their Turaga dying?
119. Were they mutated around the same time their Turaga died (and the island was uprooted if #3 is right)?
12More as I think of them:
141) You will find out during the coming story
152) Actually, there is no proof the Mask has anything to do with the forest, the Piraka only think it does. As for the first part of your question, sorry, can't answer it.
163) It does have a connection to the great cataclysm
174) No, I did not. I said that a member of the Order of Mata Nui would be a set. There are no BOM sets this year.
185) Depends on how fast he got away and how far he went, probably, and how much of a threat he would be to the rest of the BOM
196) I can't see the OOMN saying, "We must execute him:" because that really doesn't fit the moral values of Mata Nui
207) I am not sure mutated is the right term, at least not in the same way as the Hordika could have been considered mutated. I would use the word "altered"
218) Yes, they do
229) No, no, long, long before that happened. That whole story gets told in BL #2