1Hello, MOCMaster 500 here. I've been thinking about these for a while now, and I was hoping that maybe you could answer these questions:
21. Will we ever find out what Dume looked like as a Toa, and/or who else was on his team? If so, could you give me at least an idea as to when?
32. Why don't the collectables' names start with 'K' anymore?
43. Will we ever see or learn anything about the "Bionicle Mainland"? It's mentioned on the Voya Nui Map.
54. Is the land of Karzahni under Voya Nui? (just wondering)
65. Besides melting and reshaping Kanoka, what other ways are there to make Kanohi?
76. Will we ever find out what the 'Stars' of Metru Nui really are, or is that a secret that will never be revealed like how Matoran are made?
87. What is the name of Roodaka's species, and is she aware that Makuta is dead?
9That's all for now,
101) At this point, we don't have any flashback stories planned that deal with that era. 112) It varies. There is no rule that says they always have to start with K, and we don't like to repeat ourselves if we don't have to. 123) Yes 134) No 145) That's pretty much it, so far as has been revealed up to now 156) Yup 167) Doesn't have an official BIONICLE name, and yes, she has probably heard rumors of what happened to him.
17Could you clarify #6 please? I'm not sure if you mean the secret of the Metru Nui stars will be revealed or not. Another thing: How is the name of the Mask of Time pronounced? I've never seen its pronounciation anywhere.
181) Yes you will find out eventually. 192) Vah-hee.
20I found #3 very interesting, and #4 cleared that up, though I wonder; how does Karzahni get to Voya Nui? Also, that debate, for me at least is finally over on that last one (That's how I've been pronouncing it anyway).

1[QUOTEQUOTE (takia toa of thunder @ Jan 22 2006, 10:40 PM) 2QUOTE 3Well, they can take the armor off of the Nuva, just like how they can take my head off of my shoulders. But can they actually take it off just like how we take off an armor in our world? I always thought that it was part of their bodies. A very hard part of their bodies. 4Khote
5Greg doesnt actually read this so don't pst your questions here, you will have to PM him your questions
7Do you think I don't know how this works? Thanks for clarifing it, Ecto . 8Khote
9Yeah....sorry bout that Khote, I dind't read it correctly the first time...umm..yeah sorry again.
5Greg doesnt actually read this so don't pst your questions here, you will have to PM him your questions
7Do you think I don't know how this works? Thanks for clarifing it, Ecto . 8Khote
9Yeah....sorry bout that Khote, I dind't read it correctly the first time...umm..yeah sorry again.
1Just go this PM back from Greg:
Greg LORDs_angellos 2Hey Greg:, another question for you:
3Voya Nui broke off of a larger continent that had no Toa on it but was well defended.Karzahni's land has no Toa on it but is obviously well defended.Voya Nui and Karzahni's land both have the same type of hostile environment.The Doomtoran got their tools from Karzahni.Both the Doomtoran and Karzahni's Matoran are deformed.Jaller & company go to to Karzahni's land when they are trying to get to Voya Nui, showing that there is most likely some connection between the two.Is Voya Nui a broken off chunk of Karzahni's continent?Thanks:
5Nope. The connection is that if you are traveling overland from Metru Nui you pass through Karzahni's realm before you reach the point where you have to travel by water to reach Voya Nui

1I just got my first Pm from Greg.
26That is cool.Vezok has the power to make water daggers out of water....
2Hi Greg.I think you migh know me from some topics.I just am going to ask you some questions.I f you cannot answer them becuase it ties intofuture storyline you don`t have to answer it.I am going to ask a few of the "Piraka Kaita" building contest at the end btu if you cannot answer those it is fine.
31)Voya-Nui has an ice ring around it.Does this stop the matoran from going out or could they get out but they don`t want to?
42)What keeps the Piraka together?In BL#1 the Piraka hate each other.Why did they go to Voya-Nui together?
53)Did the earthquake from Metru-Nui cause Voya-Nui to seperate from the mainland?
64)vezok`s other side of his weapon launches water daggers.Are they made out of water?
75)Do the Piraka have the ability to make a Kaita?
86)Can you tell when BL#2 is going to be released?
97)The new Lego magazine says that two of the Piraka combine.Do they realy combine?
10Piraka Kaita Building contest questions
111)Do you write an essay for it?
122)It says that two Piraka combine.Do you have to run down and buy two Piraka and combine them?
133)If you were going to do combine Zaktan and Thok, would you mke it white and green?
14Thanks fro your time Greg.
161) There is one safe passage by sea off Voya Nui, but the Matoran have not used it because they have no idea where to go. They don't know the island of Mata Nui exists. 172) Profit. One Piraka by himself cannot get the Mask of Life, you need a team. So you work together until you have what you want and then you betray the others and take it for yourself. 183) Yes, it was a much bigger event than people thought 194) Yup 205) Nope 216) Well, BL #1 came out in late December, which means #2 will probably be out sometime in February 227) They will in the story, yes, that is what the contest is about 231) Can if you want to, but it's not required 242) You can use any pieces from your BIONICLE collection. 253) Up to you, it has to be your vision of what the resulting creature would look like
26That is cool.Vezok has the power to make water daggers out of water....
1Dear Greg, 2Could You Please Answer Some Qusestions:
33. Could The Piraka Loot The Toa Nuva Of There Armor? (Or Is It Suck On Them Pretty Tight?) 44. Can The Piraka Use Kanohi? 5Thank You, ~BB~
63) Yes, but they would most likely do it to sell it 74) They could if they wanted to and if they had the mental discipline to do so -- the latter is the primary problem
8Hey Greg 9Some More Questions (Sorry, I Know Your Busy)
10About The Above Answers,
111. If The Piraka Stole The Nuva Armor, Why Would they Sell It? They Don't Need Wigets(sp?) Because If They Wanted Something Couldn't They Steal It? 122. Whats Wrong With The Piraka's Mental Discipline? 13New Questions: 143. Is Zaktan's Condition Reversible? 154. Can Only The Toa Nuva, Use Kanohi Nuva? 16Thanks Again ~BB~
171) Who says they would sell it for widgets? They might sell it for something else worth more to someone else, then turn around and sell that .. or for secrets .. or for influence. 182) Well, they are violent, brutal, vicious beings, not the sort who will achieve the inner discipline necessary to use a mask. 193) Not that we know of, no 204) Yes
1Yeah....sorry bout that Khote, I dind't read it correctly the first time...umm..yeah sorry again.
3No problem, man

torritorri 52) You also said that the Piraka could loot the Nuva's armor and they would probably sell it. But I thought the armor was just a very hard part of the Nuva 's bodies. So is the armor armor that you can take off, or acutally part of their bodies?
62) No, armor can be removed.
7Thanks for asking that, torritorri: 8Khote
1Hey Greg:, another question for you:
2Voya Nui broke off of a larger continent that had no Toa on it but was well defended.Karzahni's land has no Toa on it but is obviously well defended.Voya Nui and Karzahni's land both have the same type of hostile environment.The Doomtoran got their tools from Karzahni.Both the Doomtoran and Karzahni's Matoran are deformed.Jaller & company go to to Karzahni's land when they are trying to get to Voya Nui, showing that there is most likely some connection between the two.Is Voya Nui a broken off chunk of Karzahni's continent?Thanks:
4Nope. The connection is that if you are traveling overland from Metru Nui you pass through Karzahni's realm before you reach the point where you have to travel by water to reach Voya Nui.
5Wow: Greg's been revealing a lot lately.... this and also that the Great Cataclism broke Voya Nui off. You would think he would say, "I can't answer it."
1What should I do if GregF did not answer me back in like three days? Should I send my questions to him again?
1Here's the pic, uploaded to Brickshelf.
2Here are some answers from Greg. Nothing terribly important.
2Here are some answers from Greg. Nothing terribly important.
11About the first one, I suppose he could just fly over water, so as not to risk lack of oxygen.Earlier PM 31) Does Zaktan need to breathe?
41) Yes.
51) Well, Do all of his protodites need to breathe, or a few?
61) Technically, all, the same way all the cells in our body require the benefits of the oxygen we breathe in.
72) Does either Vezon or Fenrakk wear a mask?
82) I cannot discuss summer sets.
93) Have you heard about the strobe light thing? If not, look at this. How come you didn't know about it?
103) Yes, it has been mentioned to me, I have no idea what it is. I write BIONICLE, I don't need to be informed about things unless they are figuring into the storyline. Accessory sets, licensed items, things like that aren't relevant to what I do.

1[quoteTakanuva650](Takanuva650)What should I do if GregF did not answer me back in like three days?Should I send my questions to him again?Three days is not that long for someone very busy. If you think you should re-send, I'd suggest waiting at least a week because he may have gotten it. But it could've also gotten buried, as well, so he may not have seen it or just not gotten to it yet. Just give him some more time, and I'm sure he'll get to it.
2©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM

2©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM
11) How long do you estimate Metru Nui has been around?
22) You said that in BL#4 we will meet Lhikan when he was a novice Toa- does this mean we will see him on Metru Nui, or on his original home island?
32.5) Why did Lhikan and his team have to come to Metru Nui to fight the Kanohi Dragon? Did the Dragon kill the Toa Metru who were already there?
43) Duing the Toa/Dark Hunter war, did Matoran often become Toa to assist in the fighting or did Toa travel from other islands to help fight for Metru Nui?
54) Is Karzahni nearly as evil as Makuta?
65) I heard you confirmed the identities of the 2006 Toa to Black Six at the booksigning. Is this true?
71) Probably in the neighborhood of 90,000-100,000 years.
82) Neither.
92.5) There were no Toa on Metru Nui when the dragon attacked, that's why.
103) The war was primarily fought by Toa from other islands and lands. Since they were more than able to handle the situation, destiny saw no reason to transform Matoran into Toa. Had that happened, Metru Nui would have had its own team and Lhikan and his team would not have needed to stay.
114) I will leave that up to you to determine when you read about him.
125) Don't recall
15) I heard you confirmed the identities of the 2006 Toa to Black Six at the booksigning. Is this true?
2We were all talking with Greg and he mentioned the 2006 Toa.

1Yo, Greg: (I just feel pretty yo today.)
2Some questions:
31) Are all protodites in Zaktan same, or are there 'armor ones' and 'eye ones' and stuff?
42) Is single Zaktan protodite easy to defeat?
53) Is there any relation in number of protodites in Zaktan body and his inteligence? (Like, if you would cut off his arm and hide it or destroy, would Zaktan become less inteligent?)
6Thats all, yo.
91) Best way to describe this is this way. I wave a wand and turn you into LEGO bricks -- you are still you, you are just made out of bricks now. So certain bricks function as your eyes, others as your mouth, etc.
102) A single one? Yes, if you can see it, it's microscopic
113) No. Each protodite has a part of his consciousness in it. If you kill one, the portion that one had simply gets added back to the swarm as a whole.

13) Duing the Toa/Dark Hunter war, did Matoran often become Toa to assist in the fighting or did Toa travel from other islands to help fight for Metru Nui?
23) The war was primarily fought by Toa from other islands and lands. Since they were more than able to handle the situation, destiny saw no reason to transform Matoran into Toa. Had that happened, Metru Nui would have had its own team and Lhikan and his team would not have needed to stay.
3Hmm, Greg speaks of "destiny" as if it was some kind of... being. This could bring up some interesting possibilities...
4I never knew there were no Toa on Metru Nui when the dragon attacked. Another random piece of BIONICLE trivia to know.
5torritorri 6

1In the GregF discussion topic someone posted that you said that besides Lihkan and his team, Metru-Nui really had a native toa team. Since I think it's safe to assume that Dume was once a toa, does this mean that he isn't native to Metru-Nui either?
3Most likely not. It's my belief that he came to Metru Nui as a Turaga.
4More insight as to the origins of Dume.

1Below are 20 about 2006 and some general questions as well:
21. I see you have referred to the BIONICLE Mainland as the 'Voya Nui mainland'... now I've started to think -- was that what the mainland was really called? Before it was seperated? Otherwise, does the mainland even have a specific name? And is "Voya Nui" only referred to the seperated chunk of land?
3A: It most likely will have a name, but does not have an official one yet
42. This mainland... is it like Metru Nui? -- with technological advances and such? Not like just a primitive land?
5A: Hasn't been designed yet
63. Is it NORMAL for islands to be on the surface? Because to me it seems like only weird islands (Mata Nui, Voya Nui -- they must have a story reason for it) are at the surface... where most of them are always underground.
7A: In this case, no, it's not. Voya Nui should not be there.
84. How come the Encyclopedia's credited to Crystal Matrix?
9A: It's not credited to him, it's dedicated in part to him and one other BZP member because of their work on BS01, which was a big help to me in putting the book together.
105. Who's Peter Dolan?
11A: Another BZP member
126. How do you feel about Stuart Sayger joining BZP? Did you expect your artist to join here as well? Did he find out about BZP from you?
13A: Hey, up to him. I have enjoyed my time on BZP, no reason he won't too. And no, I have never talked to him about the site.
147. How did Voya Nui get it's name? Like who named it?
15A: Hasn't been revealed yet
168. Are the other Piraka aware of the connection between Vezok and Vezon?
17A: Yes
189. Which book will Vezon and Fenrakk be in?
19A: Book #3, at the end, and Book #5
2010. Is Bl#4 just going to have one flashback chapter like "Whenua's Tale" in BA#5? Or is actually the whole book a flashback of sorts?
21A: Whole book is a flashback
2211. Are Jaller & co. the new Toa?
23A: You'll find out when LEGO makes an official announcement
2412. These weapons the Matoran have... are they permanently attached to their arms like the Hordika's or just basic tools wielded by their hands?
25A: No, they are tools they can put down and pick up
2613. Do the Matoran's "alteration" have anything to do with the BoM?
27A: No
2814. Could possibly a Matoran become a DH? I mean, if Toa could, I think even Matoran or Turaga or basically anyone could become a DH, as long as they're commited. What'd'ya reckon?
29A: I tend to doubt it, if only because Matoran don't have any special powers and abilities that would be of any use to the DH.
3015. Can you just reveal one name of a Toa who became a DH? (other than Nidhiki)
31A: Nope
3216. Are the Matoran aware that Axonn and Brutaka are on their island?
33A: Follow the story and find out
3417. Will there EVER be a Axonn vs. Brutaka this year?
35A: See answer to #16
3618. Are there other Matoran on the mainland too? If so, are they the same form as the Doomtoran? (with weapons, "altered" forms, etc.)
37A: There are other Matoran on the mainland, how they look remains to be seen
3819. Why must the island of Mata Nui be "cleansed" by the Bohrok? More importantly, is that for a good or evil cause?
39A: I don't see it as either good or evil, just something that needs to be done, like cleaning your room. The "why" of it I am not allowed to discuss.
4020. This theory about the Bohrok (Mavrah's) that they used to be completely organic, is it actually TRUE?
Do you think other species, e.g. Matoran might have undergone similar processes?
41A: Again, follow the story and find out

21. I see you have referred to the BIONICLE Mainland as the 'Voya Nui mainland'... now I've started to think -- was that what the mainland was really called? Before it was seperated? Otherwise, does the mainland even have a specific name? And is "Voya Nui" only referred to the seperated chunk of land?
3A: It most likely will have a name, but does not have an official one yet
42. This mainland... is it like Metru Nui? -- with technological advances and such? Not like just a primitive land?
5A: Hasn't been designed yet
63. Is it NORMAL for islands to be on the surface? Because to me it seems like only weird islands (Mata Nui, Voya Nui -- they must have a story reason for it) are at the surface... where most of them are always underground.
7A: In this case, no, it's not. Voya Nui should not be there.
84. How come the Encyclopedia's credited to Crystal Matrix?
9A: It's not credited to him, it's dedicated in part to him and one other BZP member because of their work on BS01, which was a big help to me in putting the book together.
105. Who's Peter Dolan?
11A: Another BZP member
126. How do you feel about Stuart Sayger joining BZP? Did you expect your artist to join here as well? Did he find out about BZP from you?
13A: Hey, up to him. I have enjoyed my time on BZP, no reason he won't too. And no, I have never talked to him about the site.
147. How did Voya Nui get it's name? Like who named it?
15A: Hasn't been revealed yet
168. Are the other Piraka aware of the connection between Vezok and Vezon?
17A: Yes
189. Which book will Vezon and Fenrakk be in?
19A: Book #3, at the end, and Book #5
2010. Is Bl#4 just going to have one flashback chapter like "Whenua's Tale" in BA#5? Or is actually the whole book a flashback of sorts?
21A: Whole book is a flashback
2211. Are Jaller & co. the new Toa?
23A: You'll find out when LEGO makes an official announcement
2412. These weapons the Matoran have... are they permanently attached to their arms like the Hordika's or just basic tools wielded by their hands?
25A: No, they are tools they can put down and pick up
2613. Do the Matoran's "alteration" have anything to do with the BoM?
27A: No
2814. Could possibly a Matoran become a DH? I mean, if Toa could, I think even Matoran or Turaga or basically anyone could become a DH, as long as they're commited. What'd'ya reckon?
29A: I tend to doubt it, if only because Matoran don't have any special powers and abilities that would be of any use to the DH.
3015. Can you just reveal one name of a Toa who became a DH? (other than Nidhiki)
31A: Nope
3216. Are the Matoran aware that Axonn and Brutaka are on their island?
33A: Follow the story and find out
3417. Will there EVER be a Axonn vs. Brutaka this year?
35A: See answer to #16
3618. Are there other Matoran on the mainland too? If so, are they the same form as the Doomtoran? (with weapons, "altered" forms, etc.)
37A: There are other Matoran on the mainland, how they look remains to be seen
3819. Why must the island of Mata Nui be "cleansed" by the Bohrok? More importantly, is that for a good or evil cause?
39A: I don't see it as either good or evil, just something that needs to be done, like cleaning your room. The "why" of it I am not allowed to discuss.
4020. This theory about the Bohrok (Mavrah's) that they used to be completely organic, is it actually TRUE?

41A: Again, follow the story and find out
1Here's another batch of answers from Greg. My questions are in black, his answers are in red, and my comments are in gray.
2Hey Greg, I know you're busy, but I have a few more things to ask you:
31. Could you give me a list of the Kanohi, and how their names are pronounced? 4That would be a long list and I really don't have the time to do this. I suggest picking up a copy of the Encyclopedia, which has phonetic pronunciations for the mask names. 5Darn.
62. Where, exactly, do mask powers come from (I mean in the case that the Kanohi aren't made from Kanoka)? Also, how do Kanoka get their powers? 7In terms of Kanoka, their power is determined by the properties and purity of the liquid protodermis used to make them and the skill of the Matoran making the disks. As far as masks made in some other way, we don't know for absolute certain that there are any -- we know the Matoran of Metru Nui did not make the Mask of Light, for example, but who did and how has never been revealed. 8So, the powers come from the protodermis itself. Very interesting.
93. I know this is random, but will we see very many more winged characters in the storyline? 10No idea. Will depend on whether the set designers design winged characters. 11It was worth a shot.
124. Do Jaller, Hahli, Matoro, Nuparu, Hewkii, and Kongu become toa before or after they reach Voya Nui? 13Can't answer it 14Huh?
Well, that should throw a wrench in the works of a few theories.
155. Will we ever see noble forms of the Kaukau, Akaku, Pakari, Kakama, and Miru? 16Nothing planned like that right now. That would most likely involve introducing a bunch more Turaga into the story. 17I guess we'll have to wait for the "Turaga Nuva"
186. You mentioned that in order to get to Voya Nui, you have to go over land from Metru Nui to Karzahni's realm. How is this possible? Do the underground tunnels of Voya Nui connect to the place? 19You go through underwater chutes from Metru Nui and emerge on a narrow strip of land. Following that eventually brings you to Karzahni's realm. 20Well, that was quite informative.
217. Will we ever see any more members of The Brotherhood of Makuta? 22I don't know, we'll see what the future brings. 23Maybe he's considering it now?
2Hey Greg, I know you're busy, but I have a few more things to ask you:
31. Could you give me a list of the Kanohi, and how their names are pronounced? 4That would be a long list and I really don't have the time to do this. I suggest picking up a copy of the Encyclopedia, which has phonetic pronunciations for the mask names. 5Darn.
62. Where, exactly, do mask powers come from (I mean in the case that the Kanohi aren't made from Kanoka)? Also, how do Kanoka get their powers? 7In terms of Kanoka, their power is determined by the properties and purity of the liquid protodermis used to make them and the skill of the Matoran making the disks. As far as masks made in some other way, we don't know for absolute certain that there are any -- we know the Matoran of Metru Nui did not make the Mask of Light, for example, but who did and how has never been revealed. 8So, the powers come from the protodermis itself. Very interesting.
93. I know this is random, but will we see very many more winged characters in the storyline? 10No idea. Will depend on whether the set designers design winged characters. 11It was worth a shot.
124. Do Jaller, Hahli, Matoro, Nuparu, Hewkii, and Kongu become toa before or after they reach Voya Nui? 13Can't answer it 14Huh?

155. Will we ever see noble forms of the Kaukau, Akaku, Pakari, Kakama, and Miru? 16Nothing planned like that right now. That would most likely involve introducing a bunch more Turaga into the story. 17I guess we'll have to wait for the "Turaga Nuva"
186. You mentioned that in order to get to Voya Nui, you have to go over land from Metru Nui to Karzahni's realm. How is this possible? Do the underground tunnels of Voya Nui connect to the place? 19You go through underwater chutes from Metru Nui and emerge on a narrow strip of land. Following that eventually brings you to Karzahni's realm. 20Well, that was quite informative.
217. Will we ever see any more members of The Brotherhood of Makuta? 22I don't know, we'll see what the future brings. 23Maybe he's considering it now?

11. About the Piraka fusion contest: Can we send in a short essay with suggestions for our entry's powers, personality, etc,, or have they already been decided on?
22. Also, do we absolutely have to only use parts from our Bionicle collections, or can we use System parts sparingly to add a little more coolness? (Viking horns, for instance?)
33. Was the continent that Voya Nui broke off from by any chance part of Karzahni's realm?
44. About Zaktan, why doesn't Avak just imprison him, or Vezok absorb his powers? I don't know exactly how Vezok's power works, but it seems like he might have a shot at it.
5Thanks in advance:
71) You have that option, but it is not a requirement 82) You must use only parts of BIONICLE sets -- the winner has to be drawn into the comic and must look like it belongs in the BIONICLE universe, so system pieces are not allowed. 93) No 104) Keep reading -- they try that.
14. Do Jaller, Hahli, Matoro, Nuparu, Hewkii, and Kongu become toa before or after they reach Voya Nui? 2Can't answer it 3Huh? Well, that should throw a wrench in the works of a few theories.
4How so? Do remember that Greg is not allowed to discuss any of the 2006 summer sets. Besides, if you read this, you can see that he says that they will become Toa:
BZP Article 5I can confrim him saying that. Greg also admitted that the six sets due out later this year are Toa. Those of you who were waiting for official confirmation, there you have it. He did say, however, that the translations we found on Amazon.de were not all correctly translated and contained out-of-date information.

1Hi greg, 2sorry to bother you but i have a few questions.
31)Have you heard anythng new about the release of VNOLG? seems like it won't be out in january. 41) I was told earlier this week that it would be mid-February. We are playtesting to avoid the kind of glitches MNOLG2 had. 5darn, oh well, at least we'll probably be able to finish it
6now some exo-force quesions.
71) is keiken going to be released in any sets? 81) I think so 9good, i like keiken
102) is meca one only going to be in the venom striker tank, or is he going to be in a less expensive set? 112) Don't know offhand 12hope so, don't think I can afford a $55 set right now
133)why was genki changed to a generic warrior character? 143) Just something they decided to do in Denmark, they didn't give me a reason 15that's kind of odd, oh well, generic warrior will always be genki to me XD
16and a few off-topic questions.
171) do you play any video games?
181) I have a PS2 but really don't use it much. I mainly play World of Warcraft on my PC these days 19cool, i have a PS2 as well.
202)what T.V. shows do you watch besides lost? 212) Cold Case, House, used to be a big Alias fan until it stopped being about Jennifer Garner's character 22house:
233)do you have an account on lego.com? 243) I probably do, don't recall 25I asked because i saw a few variations on his name, but i wasn't sure if any were real.
264)about how many PMs do you get a day? 274) It varies, from about 10 to sometimes as many as 40 or 50 a day 28somehow i expected more...
29thanks, 30TC
1QUOTE 2QUOTE 3QUOTE 4I just have 1 question:
5How do Matoran get to Karzahni? Is it like how Jack Skellington got to Christmas Town in the Nightmare before Christmas? Or were bad Matoran taken there, by a messenger of sorts?
6Never saw Nightmare before Christmas, so can't answer that part of it. My guess is they were shipped there.
7How were they shipped there? Because if they knew where they were going, and the Vahki weren't around, then they would have a pretty good chance of being ableto not go. Also, in that movie, he gets there by wandering aimlessly for hours.
81) You are assuming those Matoran had any reason to fear where they were going -- legends build up over time. Until some Matoran had gone and not come back, why would any Matoran have worried about going there?
5How do Matoran get to Karzahni? Is it like how Jack Skellington got to Christmas Town in the Nightmare before Christmas? Or were bad Matoran taken there, by a messenger of sorts?
6Never saw Nightmare before Christmas, so can't answer that part of it. My guess is they were shipped there.
7How were they shipped there? Because if they knew where they were going, and the Vahki weren't around, then they would have a pretty good chance of being ableto not go. Also, in that movie, he gets there by wandering aimlessly for hours.
81) You are assuming those Matoran had any reason to fear where they were going -- legends build up over time. Until some Matoran had gone and not come back, why would any Matoran have worried about going there?
11)Have you heard anythng new about the release of VNOLG? seems like it won't be out in january. 21) I was told earlier this week that it would be mid-February. We are playtesting to avoid the kind of glitches MNOLG2 had. 3darn, oh well, at least we'll probably be able to finish it
4I am glad they are testing the game for glitches. I'd rather have it released and bug free later, than now with bugs.

1Here's some more info.
5Where in Metru Nui are these chutes? 6All over, but most of them were abandoned long ago as unsafe.
7Will the Toa Nuva become Turaga when they awaken Mata Nui? If so, would it be something like what the Toa Metru did to awaken the Matoran? 8That depends. If they awaken Mata Nui, they will have fulfilled their destiny, but then they each have to make a choice about giving up their Toa power. No, I do not think we would do it the same way as in LOMN, as we would be repeating ourselves.
9Was Turaga Dume surprised at Vakama and co.'s appearance? Or did the Rahaga inform him about it? 10The Rahaga would not have known they became Turaga, but Dume knew they had become Toa, so he probably assumed by now they would be Turaga
11How did the Rahaga get to Metru Nui? How did they stay hidden for so long with all the Matoran everywhere, plus the Vahki? How long were they there? 12They came by underwater chute and they hid in the Archives, which is so vast you can hide there for years undetected.
13Are there more of whatever Axxon and Brutaka are? 14Can't answer it at this time
15Is Karzahni a Great Being? 16No, no, he is not
17Will we have any more yellow characters? That color doesn't seem to be used enough. 18No idea, that is decided in Denmark, not by me
26. You mentioned that in order to get to Voya Nui, you have to go over land from Metru Nui to Karzahni's realm.How is this possible? Do the underground tunnels of Voya Nui connect to the place? 3You go through underwater chutes from Metru Nui and emerge on a narrow strip of land. Following that eventually brings you to Karzahni's realm. 4Well, that was quite informative.
5Where in Metru Nui are these chutes? 6All over, but most of them were abandoned long ago as unsafe.
7Will the Toa Nuva become Turaga when they awaken Mata Nui? If so, would it be something like what the Toa Metru did to awaken the Matoran? 8That depends. If they awaken Mata Nui, they will have fulfilled their destiny, but then they each have to make a choice about giving up their Toa power. No, I do not think we would do it the same way as in LOMN, as we would be repeating ourselves.
9Was Turaga Dume surprised at Vakama and co.'s appearance? Or did the Rahaga inform him about it? 10The Rahaga would not have known they became Turaga, but Dume knew they had become Toa, so he probably assumed by now they would be Turaga
11How did the Rahaga get to Metru Nui? How did they stay hidden for so long with all the Matoran everywhere, plus the Vahki? How long were they there? 12They came by underwater chute and they hid in the Archives, which is so vast you can hide there for years undetected.
13Are there more of whatever Axxon and Brutaka are? 14Can't answer it at this time
15Is Karzahni a Great Being? 16No, no, he is not
17Will we have any more yellow characters? That color doesn't seem to be used enough. 18No idea, that is decided in Denmark, not by me

1Looks like there are a lot of underwater chutes connecting Metru Nui to its environs -- makes me wonder why they weren't used anymore? They were abandoned because they were unsafe -- and probably some were blocked by the Toa that Dume/Makuta sent. If you manage to pass through the obstacle that's probably blocking them, then you have to be sure where you step -- or you could bring the entire chute down, or completely fill it with liquid protodermis from the sea. Looks like a dangerous enough journey... just to get to Voya Nui, and thus to the Piraka. Hope Jaller (And his possible Matoran companions) know what they're doing. 2Khote
1Have a look at 10 new ones here:
21. Were you involved in the storyline development for the VNOLG?
3A: Not really, no
42. When does the VNOLG story start? (after the Piraka's arrival, the Toa Nuva's...or?)
5A: No idea, but the Nuva are not in the game
63. Have you played a demo of it or something?
7A: No
84. How many books will there be in 2007?
9A: 2007? No idea, Scholastic has not done their '07 schedule yet
105. How many DHs will there be featured in the guide?
11A: Oh, don't remember offhand -- all but one of the contest ones and probably 10 more or so
126. What kind of questions (about the DH) will be answered in the guide?
13A: Can you be more specific?
147. Why was Karzahhi (plant) named after Karzahni (ancient being)?
15A: Because Makuta knew Matoran feared that name
168. Are the any plans for Makuta/BoM after 2008?
17A: We don't have story plans made past 2008 yet
189. Will the BoM/Makuta play any role in the 3-year story arc?
19A: Can't answer it
2010. Has anyone (that you know of
) on BZP guessed right about the Bohrok's reason for "cleaning" Mata Nui? Do you think it's kind of an obvious guess for us?
21A: No, no one has guessed right that I have seen, and I am not sure I would really call it "obvious"
22Cool, eh? No one around here has guessed it right... for 4 years already:
Also, it seems that it's not obvious at all:
Well, Greg has his ways of creating and confining the storyline...

21. Were you involved in the storyline development for the VNOLG?
3A: Not really, no
42. When does the VNOLG story start? (after the Piraka's arrival, the Toa Nuva's...or?)
5A: No idea, but the Nuva are not in the game
63. Have you played a demo of it or something?
7A: No
84. How many books will there be in 2007?
9A: 2007? No idea, Scholastic has not done their '07 schedule yet
105. How many DHs will there be featured in the guide?
11A: Oh, don't remember offhand -- all but one of the contest ones and probably 10 more or so
126. What kind of questions (about the DH) will be answered in the guide?
13A: Can you be more specific?
147. Why was Karzahhi (plant) named after Karzahni (ancient being)?
15A: Because Makuta knew Matoran feared that name
168. Are the any plans for Makuta/BoM after 2008?
17A: We don't have story plans made past 2008 yet
189. Will the BoM/Makuta play any role in the 3-year story arc?
19A: Can't answer it
2010. Has anyone (that you know of

21A: No, no one has guessed right that I have seen, and I am not sure I would really call it "obvious"
22Cool, eh? No one around here has guessed it right... for 4 years already:

1Don't want to be monotomous...but do you guys think of the Igniters? I haven't made up my mind yet...but I think they look promising.
1Don't want to be monotomous...but do you guys think of the Igniters? I haven't made up my mind yet...but I think they look promising.
2This topic is for posting answers to questions you asked Greg, and discussion of them (Not a lot of discussion, just some, because if there is an excessive amount, way more than there should be, then that discussion should be in S&T).
3If you want to know other's opinions on the Toa Igniters' sets, see the Sets forum. If you want to know about them storyline-wise (We know nothing but their names, so all there would be are theories), then go to Storyline and Theories.
1I'm sorry ET. And I did saw the other topic. My bad and my apologies.
15. Who's Peter Dolan?
2A: Another BZP member
3That'd be me.

513) Was the Visorak on Voya-Nui just a stray? Would a stray Visorak still be extremely dangerous? 613) It was a Visorak that got marooned there during the cataclysm
7Was that Visorak just there as a wild Rahi, or did its presence have anything to do with the Brotherhood of Makuta? And when on their own, do Visorak usually operate individually, in large swarms, or in small squads?
8How they operate depends on what their mission is. This particular Visorak was probably part of a scouting team that were on Voya Nui when the cataclysm happened. Odds are most of its colleagues have been exterminated over the years.
92. Based on the Battle for Metru Nui playset, is it safe to say that "The Matoran heavily fortified the gateway to the Coliseum, equipping it with a Rhotuka launcher, firing projectiles, catapults, and a reinforced gateway"?
10Or the Visorak did, they were the ones defending the Coliseum.
113. Is "Rhotuka" always capitalized? I know that zamor and krana are not while Kanohi and Kanoka are.
12Yes, Rhotuka always is
134. Based on the Visorak's Gate playset, is it safe to say that "The Visorak built barrier gates to keep the Toa Hordika away from the Coliseum, and the heroes were forced to storm them on their way to rescue the Matoran. The gates were full of hidden defenses, such as walls which lifted to deploy giant fireballs. The Hordika utilized catapults in order to damage these fortifications"?
155. Relating to the last question, were there multiple gates in their way? Or just that one?
176. With their return to Metru Nui, will the Matoran rely more on Rahi than they originally did there? I think a more "Dinotopian" Metru Nui feel would be very nice, especially after seeing how the mechanical Vahki went wrong. They also now have the Gukko force and Ussalry to consider.
18Hard to say. I am not sure how well an urban environment would lend itself to that, or if all those Gukko and Ussal would want to return to an underground environment once they have been aboveground.
197. Is "Shadow Kraata" capitalized? I wouldn't think so, but I saw it written as such (in an unofficial source).
20Offhand, I don't recall, I think we capitalized it but it has been three years
218. After Makuta's defeat, have kraata and Rahkshi been acting like aimless Rahi? (just confirming before it's stated as fact...)
22Yup, at least the ones in the Metru Nui area
1Since January is pretty much over, I might as well ask this.
2When you send the DH winners our models back, what would happen should they be lost in the mail? They come back and you try again?
3I ask this since I recently had problems with Netflix concerning such an issue.
5I am not sure what you mean by "lost in the mail." If for some reason the post office cannot deliver to you, then it would come back to me, most likely, yes. But then I would not have an updated address to send it out to, since I would only have the one I sent it to originally. If it is literally lost in the system, then it wouldn't come back to me because the USPS would have no idea where it was.
6You contest winners can sleep a little easier now.
7There was more to this, but it wasn't something you needed to know (unless you want to know the fallibility of mail-order rental services...).