122. Are the Makoki stones what transformed the Toa Igniters?
2A: No
3Well THAT certainly clears some things up...
416. Won't the Toa Nuva even play a small role in 2007/beyond? What I mean is, it's their destiny that matters, which is sooo vital to bring peace back to the universe that way...
5A: Well, I would expect they will play a large role at some point in the future, because they have to awaken Mata Nui. By the time that happens or is close to happening, it will make sense to re-release the figures, I would think. But we have not planned out that far yet.
6Well, I'm not surprised at this, but it is some welcome news. After all, it would make sense to release them after a considerable amount of time has passed...And, of course, it's nice to know that they will be getting back into the limelight later


1Three more Pm from Greg (forgot to post them here).
39My newest one:
2Hi Greg.Just some more questions.
31)You said that Vezok`s water daggers are made out of water.What happens when it hits the target?Does it cut through the target like a real knife or splash water on the enemy?
42)Why does Hakann in Bl#1 complain about how he could be morepowerfull when his lava launcher launches lava,which is almost the same as fire?
53)In Vezok`s bio it says that he can resist sea water.Bu it still has a corroding effect on him.How exactly does this help him?
64)Did the Piraka know of Vezon before they came to Voya-Nui?
75)The matoran on Voya-Nui all say that their island came off a bigger land masswhen their was an explosion then they landed where Voya-Nui is now.Did Voya-Nui fly into the air and come smack into the ocean or did Voya-Nui just break off and drift into the sea?
86)Is the creator of the Doomtoran`s new body someone we know already or someone else?
97)Where did the Doomtoran get their tools from?
10Thanks Greg for you time.
121) Well, in the first comic, he uses them to splinter a tree 132) Yes, but that's all it does -- think of all the things Vakama or Tahu have been able to do by controlling fire and heat -- way more than just shooting a ball of lava. 143) I am not sure why the line about it still affecting him is in there -- I did not write that. 154) Can't answer it 165) Again, that is something that gets revealed in later storyline 176) Can't answer it 187) Karzahni gave them to them
19Hi once again Greg.
201)What is the name of the new march comic?
212)When does Umbra first appear in the story?
223)Does Brutaka have four arms as seen in the set?
234)When do Axonn and Brutaka first have a major role in the comics?
245)Was Vezon on Voya-Nui before the Piraka?
256)I think you have said before that the Piraka will appear next year in some form, will they be the same for 2008?
267)Can Vezok`s harpoon be used to shoot at foes not only to pull him through the water?
278)Will Axonn and Brutaka appear in the March issue?
28Thanks once again for your time Greg.
301) "If a Universe Ends ..." 312) Book 5 323) I never noticed him having four arms 334) Issue 2 345) Yes 356) Don't know 367) Yes 378) Axonn appears briefly
38I am taking a break from BZP for a few weeks, so please hold other questions until closer to March
39My newest one:
40In your last PM you said that you were going to be gone for a few weeks.I just noticed that you are online so I am going to ask some questions.
411)Right here it seems like Brutaka have four arms,two you can see clearly and another two that seem to sprout from his back.Does he use those?
422)When exactly will Umbra be released for the US?
433)Are the Toa Inika`s mask powers new,not any old powers?
444)Could you tell me what the name of Axonn and Brutaka`s masks (not powers)?
455)Are the combiners this year Rahi or a Kiata of some sort?
466)Do all the Piraka`s second power take a bit of their strength away every time they use it?
476)When it says Vezok`s power to absorb the powers next to him,does it mean that he takes them away and the foe cannot use them?
487)Can he use the power he absorbed?
49Thanks once again for your time.
511) That doesn't look like four arms to me, looks like two. 522) I would assume summer or possibly early fall. Nothing else is coming out for BIONICLE before July at the earliest, I don't think -- traditionally, we have two release periods, January and July-August, with occasionally a store exclusive out in October. 533) All new 544) Nope -- that info will be out in the EU LEGO Magazines in a couple weeks 555) Not planned to be Kaita at this time 566) No, just means he can use them too 577) Yes
12 quetsions about Karzahni and Irnakk
2Mr. Farshtey,
3I know you said Karzhani doesn't play a direct role in the transforming of Jaller and Co. but, does he play an indirect role like how they look their powers, etc. 4Who is Irnakk? 5Thanks for taking the time to read theses questions. 6Vash
71) Follow the story and find out 82) Not dicussing this yet, it's a summer set
1I'm really hopign you'll be abel to answer these.
21) Does Takanuva have the same destiyn as the other Toa Nuva?
32) If, hypohtetically speaking, all of the Toa Nuva became Turaga, would Takaunva be the turaga of one small province, or of a whole island, like dume - or not be a turaga of anything?
43) Is the fact that 'the recorder' records everything that The Shadowed One says ever going to be used as a plot device, e.g evidence for blackmail or location of dark hunter booty?
51) No, he does not 62) Small point -- Takanuva is not a Toa Nuva. But to get to your question, there's no way to know -- he would most likely become a Turaga wherever one was needed, if he chose to become a Turaga. He might not necessarily be with the ex-Toa Nuva. 73) You never know, but I would not advise blackmailing TSO if you hope to live a long and healthy life
1Hey Greg, 2I don't have that many questions today, and they aren't all on the new Toa.
31. When will the Voya-Nui Online Game be up?
42. In the game do we play as Jaller and co.?
53. Personality wise, is Jaller as much of a hot-head as Tahu, is Matoro as cold as Kopaka?
64. Who leads the Inika (I would like to put the 'Matoro is leader' thing to rest)?
75. In Island of Doom Dume seemed irratable or short-tempered. Is this from being alone 1000 yeears, or was he always this way?
86. In BL1 Hakaan mentions how Zaktan "rarely lets his protodites out to play anymore." is this because his protodites are harder and harder to control?
97. Can you give me some examples of how Takanuva uses light as a power?
10Thanks in advance 11ToaLhikan007
121) As of last Friday, it is still in playesting so it won't have the glitches MNOLG2 had. 132) I haven't played the game, so no idea. 143) I would not say Jaller is a hothead like Tahu is, no. Jaller has spent 1000 years leading the Ta-Koro Guard, so he had to learn to think and not just react to things. And no, Matoro is much more humble than Kopaka is. 154) No need to answer this now, and also, just because someone is the leader this year does not mean he/she will still be leader next year. 165) Neither. Dume is irritable because he just found out the universe is coming to an end. Wouldn't you be a grouch under those circumstances? 176) No. Remember, each protodite has a piece of his consciousness -- they are not separate creatures from him, they are him. It would be like if I put your mind into a swarm of bees -- each bee would be a part of you, with your mind. 187) Sure. If I were Takanuva, I could do bursts of light to blind my foes, or use light as a laser, or absorb all light from a room so my enemy can't see me, etc. I might even be able to create things made out of solid light, the way Green Lantern can.
19I find the answer to number 4 quite odd. 20Other than that, pretty cool.
31. When will the Voya-Nui Online Game be up?
42. In the game do we play as Jaller and co.?
53. Personality wise, is Jaller as much of a hot-head as Tahu, is Matoro as cold as Kopaka?
64. Who leads the Inika (I would like to put the 'Matoro is leader' thing to rest)?
75. In Island of Doom Dume seemed irratable or short-tempered. Is this from being alone 1000 yeears, or was he always this way?
86. In BL1 Hakaan mentions how Zaktan "rarely lets his protodites out to play anymore." is this because his protodites are harder and harder to control?
97. Can you give me some examples of how Takanuva uses light as a power?
10Thanks in advance 11ToaLhikan007
121) As of last Friday, it is still in playesting so it won't have the glitches MNOLG2 had. 132) I haven't played the game, so no idea. 143) I would not say Jaller is a hothead like Tahu is, no. Jaller has spent 1000 years leading the Ta-Koro Guard, so he had to learn to think and not just react to things. And no, Matoro is much more humble than Kopaka is. 154) No need to answer this now, and also, just because someone is the leader this year does not mean he/she will still be leader next year. 165) Neither. Dume is irritable because he just found out the universe is coming to an end. Wouldn't you be a grouch under those circumstances? 176) No. Remember, each protodite has a piece of his consciousness -- they are not separate creatures from him, they are him. It would be like if I put your mind into a swarm of bees -- each bee would be a part of you, with your mind. 187) Sure. If I were Takanuva, I could do bursts of light to blind my foes, or use light as a laser, or absorb all light from a room so my enemy can't see me, etc. I might even be able to create things made out of solid light, the way Green Lantern can.
19I find the answer to number 4 quite odd. 20Other than that, pretty cool.
11. Can we have a quote from BL2?
22. Could we get a quote from Axonn?
33. Could we get a quote from Brutaka?
44. Could we get a quote from Vezon?
55. Could we get a quote from Umbra?
66. Could we get a quote from Karzahni?
77. Do you ever get tired of too many questions?
88. Is Umbra a book-only character?
99. Is the part of the Island that Voya-Nui blew off of still intact?
1010. How would you describe Karzahni?
1111. Who is your favorite character this year and why?
1212. Is Fenrakk an intelligent Rahi, or a wild Rahi?
1313. Is this press release from ToyFair true?
141-6) I really don't have time to dig up quotes at present. 158) No, Umbra is a set. Book-only characters are not sets. 169) You'll find out later in the storyline 1710) ?? Not sure what you mean 1811) Probably Zaktan 1912) Again, you'll find out, we haven't gotten to him yet 2013) Didn't write it, haven't read it, no idea.
2110. I mean, like, what is his personality?
2213. I mean the part about Vezon:23In an attempt to get hold of the Mask of Life, the mysterious 7th Piraka has been fused to the back of the Fenrakk spider.This lethal pair now waits for anyone brave – or foolish – enough to get hold of the mask.
24Is that true?
2510) You'll find out in Book 2 2613) Although that is in an official LEGO press release, I personally am not going to discuss its accuracy or Vezon's role in the story, because all that will do is ruin story for people later in the year.
1Reidak appaprently 'picks his teeth with rahkshi'. Have the piraka ever encountered them (for instance, in a BoM army) in their past, or was Reidak just bluffing to sacre Lewa by saying he'd destroyed the toas enemy?
2Yes, they have encountered them. The beings now known as Piraka fought in the Dark Hunter-Brotherhood of Makuta war when they were Dark Hunters.
19. Is the part of the Island that Voya-Nui blew off of still intact?
29) You'll find out later in the storyline
3I wouldn't say it's intact, since it's missing a big chunk of land. 4And that Vezon info is interesting -- I tought Vezon was riding Fenrakk, not that he was fused to it. 5And about Takanuva's powers -- if you read DC Comics, think how Dr Light can use his powers. 6Khote
1I noticed something: it has never been reveled who was to send the signal? Do ou know who it is? Can you tell us, or would the world end?
3It would have been sent automatically when the proper time came. There wasn't a particular individual who was supposed to send it. Think of it like an alarm clock -- what Makuta did was speed the clock ahead so it went off early.
5This Answer was also placed in the Official Bohrok Mystery Topic
1This first one spoils the end of BL#1, so I'll spoiler-ize it.
5Q: How long did it take for the Toa Nuva to travel to Voya-Nui in their canisters?
6A: Not that long, because canisters travel fast 7Interesting
8Q: Were the Toa Nuva asleep in their canisters, as before, or awake in them, as the Piraka were in theirs?
9A: Awake 10I wonder why that was?
11Q: How did the Piraka get canisters to travel in?
12A: You will learn more about that in BL #2, including who made the canisters to start with and why they always seem to be in groups of six 13Nice to know we'll find that stuff out
14Q: Will we get any other insights into the Matoran language ?(ex.: the word "Piraka" is an obscenity meaning "murderer and theif")
15A: Oh, I am sure you will as time goes on .. you will, for example, find out what "Inika" means in Matoran 16Cool:
17This spoils the ending of BL#1 too
21Q: Will we find out why Dume wants Takanuva to stay on Metru-Nui, despite what the other Turaga say?
22A: You pretty much already have learned that. It makes no sense at all to leave the city undefended, and no sense to keep a veteran Toa back and send a relative novice on a vital mission. 23I thought there was more to it though
24Q: How did you think Dume reacted to the arrival of the Matoran on Metru-Nui, and what does he think of the other Turaga? Also, how much of the events of the 2004 and '05 storylines did he find out for himself?
25A: Oh, I am sure whatever he didn't know the Rahaga informed him of. And I am sure he was thrilled to see the Matoran back, and probably respects the Turaga for all that they did over the past thousand years. He knows they got back to Metru Nui as soon as they possibly could. I think, though, that he may regard some of them as being a little too idealistic. 26Interesting that he talked with the Rahaga, are they still around?
27Q: How is Umbra good, when you've said that in general, anything related to the darkness is, in general, evil, when Umbra's name itself implies very close relations with darkness?
28A: Ah, Toa, a very good question -- now I will ask you one. Let's say you belong to an organization of pro-light types ... and you want to plant a guardian over an important object ... a guardian that just MAYBE any evil beings would think was evil, too ... so that rather than immediately attacking, they might try to win him over to their side through bribery or some other method ... which would give him a golden opportunity to kick their tails before they see it coming. What would you name him? Something light-oriented or something dark-oriented? (If you read BL #1, I am hoping that means you read BA #10, and are remembering that the Order of Mata Nui is a tricky bunch and not above playing with the heads of others.) 29WOW, and D'oh, I haven't read BA #10(its one of the two I haven't), but I'm going to stop of at a bookstore first thing after school tommorrow because of this. 30EDIT: I got it, I read it, and I understand
5Q: How long did it take for the Toa Nuva to travel to Voya-Nui in their canisters?
6A: Not that long, because canisters travel fast 7Interesting
8Q: Were the Toa Nuva asleep in their canisters, as before, or awake in them, as the Piraka were in theirs?
9A: Awake 10I wonder why that was?
11Q: How did the Piraka get canisters to travel in?
12A: You will learn more about that in BL #2, including who made the canisters to start with and why they always seem to be in groups of six 13Nice to know we'll find that stuff out
14Q: Will we get any other insights into the Matoran language ?(ex.: the word "Piraka" is an obscenity meaning "murderer and theif")
15A: Oh, I am sure you will as time goes on .. you will, for example, find out what "Inika" means in Matoran 16Cool:
17This spoils the ending of BL#1 too
21Q: Will we find out why Dume wants Takanuva to stay on Metru-Nui, despite what the other Turaga say?
22A: You pretty much already have learned that. It makes no sense at all to leave the city undefended, and no sense to keep a veteran Toa back and send a relative novice on a vital mission. 23I thought there was more to it though
24Q: How did you think Dume reacted to the arrival of the Matoran on Metru-Nui, and what does he think of the other Turaga? Also, how much of the events of the 2004 and '05 storylines did he find out for himself?
25A: Oh, I am sure whatever he didn't know the Rahaga informed him of. And I am sure he was thrilled to see the Matoran back, and probably respects the Turaga for all that they did over the past thousand years. He knows they got back to Metru Nui as soon as they possibly could. I think, though, that he may regard some of them as being a little too idealistic. 26Interesting that he talked with the Rahaga, are they still around?
27Q: How is Umbra good, when you've said that in general, anything related to the darkness is, in general, evil, when Umbra's name itself implies very close relations with darkness?
28A: Ah, Toa, a very good question -- now I will ask you one. Let's say you belong to an organization of pro-light types ... and you want to plant a guardian over an important object ... a guardian that just MAYBE any evil beings would think was evil, too ... so that rather than immediately attacking, they might try to win him over to their side through bribery or some other method ... which would give him a golden opportunity to kick their tails before they see it coming. What would you name him? Something light-oriented or something dark-oriented? (If you read BL #1, I am hoping that means you read BA #10, and are remembering that the Order of Mata Nui is a tricky bunch and not above playing with the heads of others.) 29WOW, and D'oh, I haven't read BA #10(its one of the two I haven't), but I'm going to stop of at a bookstore first thing after school tommorrow because of this. 30EDIT: I got it, I read it, and I understand
1So it is confirmed Umbra is an Order of Mata-Nui member:::
1Read question #10.
1That's the point.He doesn't necessarily have to be a member, just a pawn.But he is a force on the side of good.How much he actually knows about the Order, what he's guarding, etc. depends on just how... devious the Order is.
2He's got to have very close relations to the Order if they named him(which probably means he is an Order member), but then again, that probably means that no matter how close his relations are, he may be some sort of powerful guardian that serves them, and possibly not any major player in any other respect.
1That's the point. He doesn't necessarily have to be a member, just a pawn. But he is a force on the side of good. How much he actually knows about the Order, what he's guarding, etc. depends on just how... devious the Order is.
2He's got to have very close relations to the Order if they named him(which probably means he is an Order member), but then again, that probably means that no matter how close his relations are, he may be some sort of powerful guardian that serves them, and possibly not any major player in any other respect.
3I disagree; it's pretty obvious that Umbra is the OoMN member we've been looking for. The OoMN named him, and as we know, no outsiders would have that close a relationship with the Order without knowing them, and only members and the BoM know about the Order. So, there really wouldn't be OoMN "assistants" that were actually aware of it.
1What if Umbra is a creation of the OoMN, in the same way that the BoM has created many servants? It would only seem fair to name him in those circumstances.
11) Are the Rahaga still on Metru Nui with Dume (as you hinted in a previous members questioning), and if not where did they meet their demise?
22) Where and when will you release the info on inrakk?
31) The Rahaga spend time off and on on Metru Nui -- they use it as sort of a home base, but they aren't there all the time. It's where they go in between their expeditions to explore other places and help any remaining victims of the Visorak. The fact that they might not be on Metru Nui at any given time doesn't mean they're dead.
42) Probably this week, if I have time to look it up, and I don't know where yet.
1Whoops... forgot to post this here.>_< Many he couldn't answer unfortunately, but some are good. From two weeks ago or so, and I should slap a spoiler tag in as it contains some stuff about BL#1, and Greg's answer has some stuff from later:
30And BTW, yes I am planning on following up with that idea now for a BP Metru Nui story.
It will end up tying in nicely with my current plans. In case any BP fans wondered....
2Yo. Couple questions bout Piraka & various things.
- 3Vezon is male, right? I know you're not discussing that set in general so probably can't answer, but I thought I'd seen you refer to "him" as male, wanted to confirm. With respect to this topic.
- 5Hypothetically, if another Dark Hunter that wasn't of the Piraka's species (or any other evil being not of their species) had decided for whatever reason to join the six Piraka in their rebellion and quest... would that being also be called "Piraka" do you think? It's not a species name, but then fans identify the term with that species, especially if we're talking about names of sets.
6ANSWER: No, Piraka is not a species name, so yes, an ally of theirs would be considered a Piraka as well if they so chose to name him.
- 7Another weird hypothetical... about Matoran elements. A recent topic gave me the idea that I might wanna explore in a fanfic; "what if a Matoran of a weird element mysteriously came into being on Metru Nui?" Assume for the hypothetical that matoran of nonstandard elements are possible in this fanfic, and that I have a way to explain how it happened (that I probably wouldn't reveal anyways).
8My question is, if you think you can safely answer it: Is that something that'd be realistic as far as how much control Dume or whoever would have over the process? I.e. When Dume does whatever it is he does to cause a new Matoran to come into being, does he know what element they'll be or that they -will- be one of the six? If so, my idea probably wouldn't work very well and would have to be modified. (Again, you might prefer to not to touch this question; that'd be understandable.)
9ANSWER: This is one I really can't discuss, as it flirts too close to how Matoran are created.
- 10The subject of how fire differs from plasma has come up in an S&T topic now... wanted to clarify how you see this. Fire is the byproduct of combustion (usually between oxygen and something else and heat) and the matter in it shines because it is a plasma. (So in a sense it is a type of plasma.) That's the real world definition, and it seems to hold up in Bionicle. Plasma on the other hand is more like a category, and its definition is simply, matter heated so much it's in gas form and emits light and heat.
11So, in Bionicle, fire is combustion-produced flames, while plasma is hot gas that shines. A plasma Toa wouldn't be able to directly produce a flame, or directly burn up wood; he'd have to shoot plasma at something to ignite it and cause fire. And a Fire Toa can't just shoot a beam of superhot shining air directly; combustion has to be involved. Possibly a Toa of plasma could heat solids into plasma too, such as stone (metal'd be much harder) proto. A common attack would send out what looks like a brightly glowing "cloud" beam, not with discernable flames.
12That make sense?
- 14Would it be a stretch to say there could be a Toa of Lava, you think? Seems like that'd be similar to Water versus Ice. Lava versus stone/earth. As opposed to plasma or fire which can indirectly create lava by heating existing stone.
15ANSWER: Possible, but not likely. I don't see us doing it.
- 16Maybe a Toa of Water Vapor? That'd be more odd... but hey. Could control fog, clouds... scalding hot steam as an attack... could be useful, eh?
17ANSWER: Again, can't see us going there, it is too fine a difference for an audience of primarily 7-9 year olds.
- 18Okay, another one you probably can't answer... two actually. Figured I might as well ask. Is Vezon definately the same species as Vezok and the other Piraka?
- 20And the box pic we've seen for that has the label "Piraka" on it... so is Vezon considered a "Piraka?"
21ANSWER: For a time, he was, yes
22I have now read Time Trap and Island of Doom. Must say... excellent job on both... I'd place both at the top of my favorites list so far... hard to say which first, lol.I especially loved the canister thing in IoD, that rocked. The thought of these tubes existing in various places as basically "sky-hopper" launchers is really cool. It makes perfect sense, and at the same time answers part of the age old mystery about the Toa's origins. Now we can say we're pretty sure how they got into space.
23Not sure if I've really got any specific questions at the moment about either book... not much was unclear, really. Which is good. Oh, I know....
- 24Makuta is not featured in 2006's main story, I know, but we know now that the Piraka were standing near his lair after his defeat where he is currently stuck when the idea pops into their head to go to Voya Nui. If you can answer yet.... did Makuta actually give them this idea? Is that how we should read that as implying?
25ANSWER: Can't answer it.
26There's reason to think not, since more ideas keep "popping" later, plus that unreliable German catalogue description attributed it to Brutaka (and I don't expect you to answer that). Still, seems implied 'twas Makuta...
- 27If so, seems he is playing a tiny role. A setting-up role even. Assuming that's a yes (disregard this if no or can't answer...), that raises interesting questions. You had said that upon Makuta's defeat other bad guys want to rise up to fill the "power vacuum." So is that what's going on here? That the Piraka realize Makuta is defeated and they are at that moment choosing to fill the void? Or is it more like what happened in 2005, where Makuta used his mind to request Sidorak bring the Visorak, making Makuta in essence "behind" the story that year? Bit of both? (My guess is more of the former...)
28Nothing else for now I guess. Hope these don't give you a headache, lol.
29See answers above. BTW, more on the Toa's cylinders in Book 2, including who made them in the first place and why they are always in groups of six.
30And BTW, yes I am planning on following up with that idea now for a BP Metru Nui story.

1QUOTE 21. When a Matoran is given a Toa Stone, do they have to go to a Toa Suva to recieve the power in the stone?
32. When Takua became a Toa, he gave Pewku to Jaller. When Jaller becomes a Toa, what happens to Pewku?
43. Was there once much more than 1000 Matoran in Metru-Nui? Because Kodan dissapeared and I imagine Matoran were killed by Rahi and in chute accidents.
54. Will we learn about the names and powers of Brutaka and Axxon's masks eventually?
65. Since Umbra wheres a Great Ruru in This Article, Does it have the same powers as Toa Whenua's Ruru?
7Thats all for now. Thanks.
81) The Matoran who became the Toa Metru did, but that doesn't mean they would all have to. 92) Since Jaller left Metru Nui with no intention of becoming a Toa, he did not make provisions for Pewku before he left. 103) No, not much more. Remember, as Matoran died, new Matoran came into being in the city, so the numbers stayed pretty consistent. 114) Yes, in about two weeks. 125) Not answering this yet
13Not much, but I found it pretty interesting that Matoran were being made in Metru-Nui somehow.
2Here are a few questions:
31)Are there any more sets we still have to see? 42)Only the Piraka see Irnakk,because he's a myth of their species,right? 53)Does the fact Vezon doesn't have a spine and body construcion like the other Piraka have any storyline significance,or it is because their species can vary in physical appearence? 64)In the Vezon & Fenrakk set,can Vezon actually sit on Fenrakk's back,or he has always to stand up,like the box, and this pic? 75)Any chance Irnakk will come out on Europe? 86)A member said he bought Umbra in Florence (Italy).Do you think that' possible? 97)How far is the story team in planning the next years?
10Thanks in advance,
121) Yes 132) Well, he is their nightmare, so they would be the ones who had to deal with him 143) Has to do with his origin 154) Everytime I have seen the model, he has been sitting on him 165) I am sure it will, we rarely ever do US-only BIONICLE sets 176) No idea -- I know it's not coming out here for some time and have not heard anything about it being out in Europe. 187) We have a rough outline through 2008
1Hey, I just wanted to say hi and ask some stuffs.
21. Even though it's been two years for us, it's been 2 or 3 hours to a couple days for the Nuva, right?
32. I've resigned myself to not look at Jaller's team until they come out stateside because i've spoiled all the other sets for myself, but are they Mata or Metru colors?
43. Is jaller's mask still vaguely hau-ish? Is it still yellow/gold?
54. What's your favorite character setwise? Storywise? To write for?
65. Do you play Diablo I or II? If you play d2, i could hook you up with some sweet hacks.
71) It's been a couple months 82) Asking the wrong person, I don't pay that kind of attention to color 93) No, because he is no longer wearing a Hau. 104) Setwise, Exo-Toa and Vezon and Fenrakk. Storywise, Kopaka and the Piraka. To write for - Kopaka, Makuta, Hakann, Kongu. 115) I used to play I back years ago on my PC, I never played 2, I don't think. These days, I mainly play World of Warcraft.
21. Even though it's been two years for us, it's been 2 or 3 hours to a couple days for the Nuva, right?
32. I've resigned myself to not look at Jaller's team until they come out stateside because i've spoiled all the other sets for myself, but are they Mata or Metru colors?
43. Is jaller's mask still vaguely hau-ish? Is it still yellow/gold?
54. What's your favorite character setwise? Storywise? To write for?
65. Do you play Diablo I or II? If you play d2, i could hook you up with some sweet hacks.
71) It's been a couple months 82) Asking the wrong person, I don't pay that kind of attention to color 93) No, because he is no longer wearing a Hau. 104) Setwise, Exo-Toa and Vezon and Fenrakk. Storywise, Kopaka and the Piraka. To write for - Kopaka, Makuta, Hakann, Kongu. 115) I used to play I back years ago on my PC, I never played 2, I don't think. These days, I mainly play World of Warcraft.
1It has now been confirmed that the Toa Inika are indeed turned into Toa by a...strike of lightning:
1Fresh from Greg:
21I think these are some very interesting answers, particularly about the Mask of Life.
22- Fivrik
GregF me 2Hey Greg, here's a few more questions for you:
31.Do either Axxon or brutaka know Umbra? if so, how well do they know him?
42.Since we recently recieved the info on Axxon and Brutaka, I was wondering about Brutaka's mask.SPIRIT 5He wears the Kanohi Olmak, the Mask of Dimensional Doors, which allows him to transport a target to another dimension or another place.
6I thought regular Kanohi couldn't be used on other people: Can Brutaka use the mask on himself?![]()
73. Theoretically, since the zone of darkness is in the dark, could Takanuva shine light in it? On that same note, How does the Zivon see?
84. Did Roodaka have anything to do with Zaktan's protodite condition?
95. What exactly is the relationship between Roodaka and Makuta? How long have they known each other, and how did they meet?
106. Do either Axxon or Brutaka know Mata Nui is asleep? If not, that might explain why Brutaka felt Mata Nui abandoned him and the others.
117. We know that the Piraka want the Mask of Life for a ransom, but what in the world might Brutaka do with it?
12That's all,
141) They know he exists, they don't pal around with him. 152) Well, first off, the name is wrong -- it's Dimensional Gates, not Dimensional Doors. Second, look at masks like the Mask of Light or the Mask of Shadows, which create hope and fear respectively -- those are obviously being used to affect others. Mask of Mind Control is also a case of you using the mask to affect someone else (you don't mind control yourself). 163) Yes, he could, and we don't know that the Zivon can see in the dark. There's no evidence of that. 174) No. Happened well before Roodaka had anything to do with the Dark Hunters 185) Hasn't been revealed yet 196) Axonn suspects that, Brutaka thinks Mata Nui has departed the universe or is dead. 207) Brutaka most likely would try to wear it -- remember, if I grant Fivrik the power of life, I have basically given you the power of death as well ... because the power to give life implies the power to remove it as well.
21I think these are some very interesting answers, particularly about the Mask of Life.
22- Fivrik
1QUOTE 2Hey Greg, just have some random questions I've been wondering about.
31. How come the Dark Hunters always have to turn over their treasure to the Shadowed One? Wouldn't they get tired of working for him and never getting any of their own profit?
42. Why wouldn't all of the DH's leave to benefit themselves like the Piraka?
53.Will the Inika have new elemental powers?
64. Is Vezon one of the few Piraka who has enough personal discipline to use a Kanohi?
75. I just read BL#1, and it says the Vezok bites boulders in half for fun, are their teeth really that strong? That's pretty cool, he reminds me of Jaws in James Bond.
86.When will the winners of the Piraka fusion contest be notified?
9That's all for today, thanks for your time:
101) Well, they get something back -- they get exciting work, they get shelter and food, and they get protection from any enemies they have. Plus if they say, "I quit:" the Shadowed One will have them killed.
112) See answer to #1.
123) No. A Ta-Matoran, for example, becomes a Toa of Fire -- he can't become a Toa of some other element.
134) Who says he is using it? A Matoran can put on a Great Mask, but he can't use it.
145) Yes, they are
156) Sometime in March
31. How come the Dark Hunters always have to turn over their treasure to the Shadowed One? Wouldn't they get tired of working for him and never getting any of their own profit?
42. Why wouldn't all of the DH's leave to benefit themselves like the Piraka?
53.Will the Inika have new elemental powers?
64. Is Vezon one of the few Piraka who has enough personal discipline to use a Kanohi?
75. I just read BL#1, and it says the Vezok bites boulders in half for fun, are their teeth really that strong? That's pretty cool, he reminds me of Jaws in James Bond.
86.When will the winners of the Piraka fusion contest be notified?
9That's all for today, thanks for your time:
101) Well, they get something back -- they get exciting work, they get shelter and food, and they get protection from any enemies they have. Plus if they say, "I quit:" the Shadowed One will have them killed.
112) See answer to #1.
123) No. A Ta-Matoran, for example, becomes a Toa of Fire -- he can't become a Toa of some other element.
134) Who says he is using it? A Matoran can put on a Great Mask, but he can't use it.
145) Yes, they are
156) Sometime in March
1some questions about the rahaga i sent greg...
2hello, mr. greg, sir, i have a few questions about the rahaga and other things...
31.how have the metru nui matoran reacted to the rahaga? i mean, they know the stories, but the rahaga look like the rahksi that attacked their koro a few months before.....
42. when you say the rahaga are helping the 'victims of the visorak' do you mean just rahi, or other things?
53.how do the rahaga get to other islands to help? by boat?
64. did the hagah have a job before they became makuta's guards? like protecting matoran or something?
75. how were the hagah picked by makuta? were they chosen at random?
86. were other toa serving the BoM as bodyguards?
97. roodaka must hate the rahaga even more now that they helped bring the demise of the Horde. since both are still alive, does roodaka have revenge in mind?
10thank you for your time greg, and good work on BL #1. i laughed, i cried, it really moved me.
111) As you said, they have heard the stories .. and the Rahaga look like Rahkshi the way a baby bear looks like a full grown grizzly. 122) Primarily Rahi 133) Boat, underwater chute 144) Yes 155) They were chosen based on their bravery and their deeds 166) Possibly 177) Roodaka has been busy playing both sides in the Dark Hunter-Brotherhood of Makuta war
2hello, mr. greg, sir, i have a few questions about the rahaga and other things...
31.how have the metru nui matoran reacted to the rahaga? i mean, they know the stories, but the rahaga look like the rahksi that attacked their koro a few months before.....
42. when you say the rahaga are helping the 'victims of the visorak' do you mean just rahi, or other things?
53.how do the rahaga get to other islands to help? by boat?
64. did the hagah have a job before they became makuta's guards? like protecting matoran or something?
75. how were the hagah picked by makuta? were they chosen at random?
86. were other toa serving the BoM as bodyguards?
97. roodaka must hate the rahaga even more now that they helped bring the demise of the Horde. since both are still alive, does roodaka have revenge in mind?
10thank you for your time greg, and good work on BL #1. i laughed, i cried, it really moved me.
111) As you said, they have heard the stories .. and the Rahaga look like Rahkshi the way a baby bear looks like a full grown grizzly. 122) Primarily Rahi 133) Boat, underwater chute 144) Yes 155) They were chosen based on their bravery and their deeds 166) Possibly 177) Roodaka has been busy playing both sides in the Dark Hunter-Brotherhood of Makuta war
11: Ironically, Irnakk is made from Vezok, Thok and Reidak. 3 Piraka. Now, what I am wondering, is there some other set coming out that has Hakann, Zaktan and Avak?
22: If so, is he a counterpart in any way to Irnakk (ally, foe, born from the same source), or --
33: Is he some other creature entirely?
41) There isn't one that we are selling, but we will be featuring a combo model made from those three in the May issue of LEGO Magazine, with instructions on the website.
52-3) I haven't determined his origin or nature yet
1Hey Greg, since it has been revealed that the Toa Inika WERE created by lightning, and that it came from the Red Star:
21. does this mean the Red Star contains Toa Energy? 32. If so, what else does it hold, or is that something we have to wait to find out? 43. since the 'star' shoots Toa Energy down to the planet, does this mean that it is not in orbit around the planet, but hovering in the atmosphere? 54. does the Red Star have any connection to Toa Stars?
6Okay, now that THAT is out of the way, here's some more questions:
75. Have you been to the BS01 Wiki yet? 86. If the land of Karzahni is underground, how in the world did the Toa Mata get into the sky? 97. What do you suppose the reaction of the Toa Nuva when they meet the now-Toa Matoran and find out who they are?
11What I am sharing about the red star at this time is what's in the book -- no more, no less. The nature of the star and why it could do what it did is going to left to your speculation.
125) No 136) How did the Metru Nui Matoran get to Mata Nui? How did Voya Nui get to the surface? It's not like there are no openings. Also, don't assume because the Matoran who helped build the canisters was in Karzahni's realm that the Toa CAME from Karzahni's realm. His presence there simply means his work quality went down at some point. 147) I guess we'll find out.
15Check out #6


1Hey Greg, since it has been revealed that the Toa Inika WERE created by lightning, and that it came from the Red Star:
21. does this mean the Red Star contains Toa Energy? 32. If so, what else does it hold, or is that something we have to wait to find out? 43. since the 'star' shoots Toa Energy down to the planet, does this mean that it is not in orbit around the planet, but hovering in the atmosphere? 54. does the Red Star have any connection to Toa Stars?
6Okay, now that THAT is out of the way, here's some more questions:
75. Have you been to the BS01 Wiki yet? 86. If the land of Karzahni is underground, how in the world did the Toa Mata get into the sky? 97. What do you suppose the reaction of the Toa Nuva when they meet the now-Toa Matoran and find out who they are?
11What I am sharing about the red star at this time is what's in the book -- no more, no less. The nature of the star and why it could do what it did is going to left to your speculation.
125) No 136) How did the Metru Nui Matoran get to Mata Nui? How did Voya Nui get to the surface? It's not like there are no openings. Also, don't assume because the Matoran who helped build the canisters was in Karzahni's realm that the Toa CAME from Karzahni's realm. His presence there simply means his work quality went down at some point. 147) I guess we'll find out.
15Check out #6![]()
17Diyah: Spoilers: can you please use the spoiler tag:
18TMD woz 'ere
1Hey Greg, since it has been revealed that the Toa Inika WERE created by lightning, and that it came from the Red Star:
21. does this mean the Red Star contains Toa Energy? 32. If so, what else does it hold, or is that something we have to wait to find out? 43. since the 'star' shoots Toa Energy down to the planet, does this mean that it is not in orbit around the planet, but hovering in the atmosphere? 54. does the Red Star have any connection to Toa Stars?
6Okay, now that THAT is out of the way, here's some more questions:
75. Have you been to the BS01 Wiki yet? 86. If the land of Karzahni is underground, how in the world did the Toa Mata get into the sky? 97. What do you suppose the reaction of the Toa Nuva when they meet the now-Toa Matoran and find out who they are?
11What I am sharing about the red star at this time is what's in the book -- no more, no less. The nature of the star and why it could do what it did is going to left to your speculation.
125) No 136) How did the Metru Nui Matoran get to Mata Nui? How did Voya Nui get to the surface? It's not like there are no openings. Also, don't assume because the Matoran who helped build the canisters was in Karzahni's realm that the Toa CAME from Karzahni's realm. His presence there simply means his work quality went down at some point. 147) I guess we'll find out.
15Check out #6![]()
17Whoops: Thanks, Ta-metru_defender. BTW, what happened to the tag button?
18Where is the answers to question 1, 2, 3 and 4.
1Toa Power: Those sentences in the spoiler by Greg would be the "answer" to questions 1, 2, 3, and 4. Just answering at one time is a lot easier than typing the same thing four times.