1Hi Greg: Got a question about the Calix.
2Kay, you told someone earlier that the mask would allow the wearer to do things he normally couldn't. So let me use your example. 3Hahli is in danger on the other side of the cliff, Jaller needs to leap over there but normally couldn't w/o the mask. 4So does this mean that if he were to jump, the mask would need to be active for him to be able to make it across or is it a constant effect?
7He would have to trigger the power for it to work, it is not a constant effect. Initially, he triggers the power without being aware of it, as these masks work a little differently than past masks have. The Toa Inika do not need to spend as much time and effort figuring out how to get their masks to work as the Toa Metru did.
1It seemed like Jaller's mask power had a passive effect.....shows what I know LOL::
1Personal Message 2GregF Re:Questions, May 24 2006, 04:35 PM
3Bionicle Comic Writer
4Group: Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens 5Posts: 3360 6Member No.: 581 7Joined: 25-March 02
8QUOTE 91) Which is your favourite Toa Inika mask power?
102) Can you now give me the name of the Toa Inika's Toa tools? If you can't give all of them can you give me just one?
113) Can you give me a quote from Power Play?
124) How many Toa tools does Hewkii have?
135) Is Zaktan and Avak the two Piraka who steal Brutaka's powers?
146) Is Zaktan definitely one of the stealers of Brutaka's powers?
157) Can you tell me who vs who in Power Play? Nuparu vs Zaktan? Jaller and Hahli vs Vezok? Hewkii and Kongu vs Thok and Avak? Matoro vs Hakann and Reidak?
161) Flight 172) Energy crossbow 183) No 194) I don't have the sets, so don't know 205) No 216) No 227) No, don't wan to give away story plot
3Bionicle Comic Writer
4Group: Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens 5Posts: 3360 6Member No.: 581 7Joined: 25-March 02
8QUOTE 91) Which is your favourite Toa Inika mask power?
102) Can you now give me the name of the Toa Inika's Toa tools? If you can't give all of them can you give me just one?
113) Can you give me a quote from Power Play?
124) How many Toa tools does Hewkii have?
135) Is Zaktan and Avak the two Piraka who steal Brutaka's powers?
146) Is Zaktan definitely one of the stealers of Brutaka's powers?
157) Can you tell me who vs who in Power Play? Nuparu vs Zaktan? Jaller and Hahli vs Vezok? Hewkii and Kongu vs Thok and Avak? Matoro vs Hakann and Reidak?
161) Flight 172) Energy crossbow 183) No 194) I don't have the sets, so don't know 205) No 216) No 227) No, don't wan to give away story plot
1Real quick: How do you say the names of these masks? you might want to add it to your first post. Also, are there BIONICLE equivalents to rubber and tar?
31) Pronunciations have been added to the initial post in the topic. 42) Not that I can think of offhand -- I think it is more likely you will run across a BIONICLE equivalent of tar faster than one for rubber, but I could be wrong
1Do you get many of your ideas for mask powers, etc. from comic book superheroes? Some of Hewkii's, Matoro's and Vezon's powers seem to closely match those of Bullseye, Dr. Strange, and Sebastian Shaw, respectively.
3I have a list of superpowers I compiled a long time back, intended for use in a superhero roleplaying game -- so I pretty much use that when I need to come up with new powers, unless I need something really specific for the storyline.
5I was just wondering this, so i asked him.
1Little more on the Kanohi powers:
15The bolded phrase is somewhat interesting...
2Just a few questions on the new Kanohi
31. I'm a bit confused on the distinction betewen the Elda and Akaku, so let me get this straight - the Akaku lets you see things that you're specifically looking for (Or through), while the Elda just shows those things to you automatically. Does this sound correct to you?
42. How, specifically, does the Sanok work? Does it simply let anything Hewkii throws tun into a missile that is always on-target, or is there something else?
53. Does Hewkii ever use the Sanok in the books?
64. What would happen if Matoro's astral form was separated from his body for too long?
75. Do you have any more Kanohi ideas in the works?
8Thanks for everything9~
101) Two very different things. Akaku is x-ray vision -- lets you see through walls, like Superman, even if you have no idea what you are looking for. Elda letsyou see things like spirit forms, or guides you (through killer headaches) toward the Mask of Life. It does not allow you to see through walls, it does allow you to sense things that are hidden.
112) It is pretty much the former. Hewkii could take, say, a pebble and use it as a deadly weapon with uncanny aim. He could throw a blade of grass so hard it could penetrate a tree trunk and hit right where he's aiming. 123) Yes 134) Not something I am going to have to deal with this year, maybe next . I haven't decided. His biggest worry is actually his physical body being killed, because if it dies, so does his spirit. 145) Not at the moment, because I have no need for more in 2006.
15The bolded phrase is somewhat interesting...

1Little more on the Kanohi powers: 21) Two very different things. Akaku is x-ray vision -- lets you see through walls, like Superman, even if you have no idea what you are looking for. Elda letsyou see things like spirit forms, or guides you (through killer headaches) toward the Mask of Life. It does not allow you to see through walls, it does allow you to sense things that are hidden.
32) It is pretty much the former. Hewkii could take, say, a pebble and use it as a deadly weapon with uncanny aim. He could throw a blade of grass so hard it could penetrate a tree trunk and hit right where he's aiming. 43) Yes 54) Not something I am going to have to deal with this year, maybe next . I haven't decided. His biggest worry is actually his physical body being killed, because if it dies, so does his spirit. 65) Not at the moment, because I have no need for more in 2006.
7The bolded phrase is somewhat interesting...
9Ooh. That doesn't sound to good for Toa Matoro next year. Sounds awesome for Toa Hewkii though. I mean, a blade of grass, that's awesome. Speaking of comic books, that sounds better than anything S.H.I.E.L.D. could do or come up with no matter how much top secret technology they have.

1I still don't understand why Greg will not tell us any of the Toa Inika's Toa tools except Kongu's since he's already told us their mask powers
1Personal Message 2GregF Re:Some questions about B4, May 26 2006, 10:32 PM
3Bionicle Comic Writer
4Group: Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens 5Posts: 3369 6Member No.: 581 7Joined: 25-March 02
8QUOTE 9Hi Greg: I've got some questions about B5.
101) Is the Mana-Ko a guardian of the mask of life?
112) Can you please give me a quote from Botar? It's alright if you can't.
123) Is Botar good or evil?
134) What are his powers?
145) Does he look for the mask of life? If yes, why?
156) Does Krahka and Tahtorak come to Voya Nui from the same reason?
16Now some random questions:
177)How would you describe the "friendship" between Avak and Hakann?
188)How did the protodax salvage the zamor launcher from a victim if the only characters known in the bionicle universe that have zamor launchers are the piraka?
199)Will the '07 island be tropical or urban? Or will it be from a new kind of island?
2010)Will the Nui caves play a role in the future storyline? I would like that, because it kind of reminds me of the old "go to the mangaia" thing.
21Thanks in advance,
231) No, it is not. 242) Nope 253) Can't answer it 264) Can't answer it 275) No, he does not 286) Both are still in the zone of darkness, so they do not come to Voya Nui by choice -- that is just where they end up 297) I would pretty much leave it in quotes 308) You are forgetting that the Piraka did not invent the launcher -- the prototype for it was stolen by Nidhiki and Krekka a long time back. 319) I cannot discuss anything about 2007 3210) Not much of one, no
33The bolded answer is interesting... If Botar isn't a guardian of the mask of life and doesn't even look for it , then why is he in Voya Nui?
3Bionicle Comic Writer
4Group: Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens 5Posts: 3369 6Member No.: 581 7Joined: 25-March 02
8QUOTE 9Hi Greg: I've got some questions about B5.
101) Is the Mana-Ko a guardian of the mask of life?
112) Can you please give me a quote from Botar? It's alright if you can't.
123) Is Botar good or evil?
134) What are his powers?
145) Does he look for the mask of life? If yes, why?
156) Does Krahka and Tahtorak come to Voya Nui from the same reason?
16Now some random questions:
177)How would you describe the "friendship" between Avak and Hakann?
188)How did the protodax salvage the zamor launcher from a victim if the only characters known in the bionicle universe that have zamor launchers are the piraka?
199)Will the '07 island be tropical or urban? Or will it be from a new kind of island?
2010)Will the Nui caves play a role in the future storyline? I would like that, because it kind of reminds me of the old "go to the mangaia" thing.
21Thanks in advance,
231) No, it is not. 242) Nope 253) Can't answer it 264) Can't answer it 275) No, he does not 286) Both are still in the zone of darkness, so they do not come to Voya Nui by choice -- that is just where they end up 297) I would pretty much leave it in quotes 308) You are forgetting that the Piraka did not invent the launcher -- the prototype for it was stolen by Nidhiki and Krekka a long time back. 319) I cannot discuss anything about 2007 3210) Not much of one, no
33The bolded answer is interesting... If Botar isn't a guardian of the mask of life and doesn't even look for it , then why is he in Voya Nui?
1Questions, Answers, Comments:
21) What would happen if you take off Matoro's mask while he's in spirit form? 3Same thing that would happen if you take off Tahu's mask while he is projecting a shield. Mask effect stops. In this case, Matoro would automatically be returned to his body.
42) Is Reidak power of 'adaptation' based, although not completely, on Doomsday's evolution power? 5That power's use in the comics actually predates Doomsday - Doomsday is circa 1992, that power was being used back in the '40s-'50s. 6A little doubt I had.
73) Umbra wears a Kanohi in the shape of a Great Ruru. Is it just for decoration, or does it have an actual power? 8I did not give him a mask power, because he is powerful enough without one. 9Just decoration, then. Or maybe he's just too ugly.
104) If I hit Reidak hard enough, he would die, right? 11He is not immortal, no.
125) Does Vezon feel the pain or the force of the punch when you hit him? 13He doesn't seem to, no. 14ZOMG:
156) A strong enough blow would kill him, right? 16Probably not, if it was a physical blow. He would just absorb the kinetic energy and strengthen so that the blow did not affect him. 17*Imagines Axonn punching Vezon. Vezon is still standing and laughing.* 18Creepy.
197) Can Vezon communicate, or at least give simple commands (like 'go right'), to Fenrakk? Does he make the spider move through the chain he carries, like you would do with a horse? 20Yes 21That's what the chain is for, then.
228) The energy Thok uses to give life to the objects is proportional to the size of the thing, right? 23Probably
249) Does the Ignika keep Vezon and Fenrakk alive? 25Yes and no. Under normal circumstances, no. 26Let's the speculation begin:
2710) The zamor spheres have to reach certain speed to turn intangible (Like the Kanoka to activate their powers), I mean, you can hold one in your hand and it won't fall through it, unless it is coming fast? 28Yes 29I needed to be sure.
3011) Hahli has headaches when she's near or far from the MoLi? 31Near 32Another little doubt.
33Enjoy: 34Khote
21) What would happen if you take off Matoro's mask while he's in spirit form? 3Same thing that would happen if you take off Tahu's mask while he is projecting a shield. Mask effect stops. In this case, Matoro would automatically be returned to his body.
42) Is Reidak power of 'adaptation' based, although not completely, on Doomsday's evolution power? 5That power's use in the comics actually predates Doomsday - Doomsday is circa 1992, that power was being used back in the '40s-'50s. 6A little doubt I had.
73) Umbra wears a Kanohi in the shape of a Great Ruru. Is it just for decoration, or does it have an actual power? 8I did not give him a mask power, because he is powerful enough without one. 9Just decoration, then. Or maybe he's just too ugly.
104) If I hit Reidak hard enough, he would die, right? 11He is not immortal, no.
125) Does Vezon feel the pain or the force of the punch when you hit him? 13He doesn't seem to, no. 14ZOMG:
156) A strong enough blow would kill him, right? 16Probably not, if it was a physical blow. He would just absorb the kinetic energy and strengthen so that the blow did not affect him. 17*Imagines Axonn punching Vezon. Vezon is still standing and laughing.* 18Creepy.
197) Can Vezon communicate, or at least give simple commands (like 'go right'), to Fenrakk? Does he make the spider move through the chain he carries, like you would do with a horse? 20Yes 21That's what the chain is for, then.
228) The energy Thok uses to give life to the objects is proportional to the size of the thing, right? 23Probably
249) Does the Ignika keep Vezon and Fenrakk alive? 25Yes and no. Under normal circumstances, no. 26Let's the speculation begin:
2710) The zamor spheres have to reach certain speed to turn intangible (Like the Kanoka to activate their powers), I mean, you can hold one in your hand and it won't fall through it, unless it is coming fast? 28Yes 29I needed to be sure.
3011) Hahli has headaches when she's near or far from the MoLi? 31Near 32Another little doubt.
33Enjoy: 34Khote
1Hhmm. Maybe If The MoLi is taken, Vezon dies:
1Hhmm. Maybe If The MoLi is taken, Vezon dies:
2I'm pretty sure that Greg meant that if Vezon is in no mortal danger, the mask is not keeping him alive. I think we are to assume he means that if Vezon was near death, the mask would keep him alive.
3As for the mask's removal killing Vezon... it is fused to his head, you rip off the mask, you're ripping off his face as well.
5EDIT: Questions from a while ago:
6Here are a few questions I've been wondering:
7STORYLINE 81) Are the returning villains guardians of the Ignika?
92) Do the Inika enter the Nightmare Zone?
10(I'm just trying to sort out fact and fiction here, because in a quote on the slightly unreliable Wiki, it said that the Inika went left, into Umbra's chamber, while the Piraka faced Irnakk in the Nightmare Zone)
113) Will Karzahni be returning? I know you were considering this after BL#2 came out...
124) Is Zivon the ancient evil?
135) Do any of the Voya Nui resistance team become Piraka-slaves or die?
146) 15a) You've said that the Piraka will be in 2007 in some form... are all six in 2007? 16And if so, are they combined into one being?
177) Just to get this straight, does Krakua's quote mean that Vakama is sending the Inika to Voya Nui? Because he didn't actually know that they left.
188) Are all Ga-Matoran in the entire universe female? (besides Voya/Mata/Metru Nui)
199) Is the Bionicle Atlas confirmed as a future book yet?
2010) When can we expect BL#6 info? (I know it's only May, but we're a needy, curious bunch)
21OTHER 221) Have you ever been inspired by another series or movie to create a certain Bionicle storyline?
232) Do you enjoy writing the books or the comics more?
243) Are you glad that Bionicle has it's BZP following?
25Thanks in advance,
271) Can't answer it 282) Yes 293) Depends on if there is a logical place to work him in 304) No plans for that at the moment 315) I am not going to reveal future plot, sorry 326) Can't answer it 337) He also didn't act to bring them back, either 348) Far as we know, yes 359) Yes, it is 3610) There is no way for me to discuss BL #6 without giving away the ending of 2006, so you are going to have to wait 371) No, because that would be considered plagiarism 382) Probably the books, though the comics I can do at work and the books I have to do on my own time 393) Most of the time![]()
1Questions, Answers, Comments:
21) What would happen if you take off Matoro's mask while he's in spirit form? 3Same thing that would happen if you take off Tahu's mask while he is projecting a shield. Mask effect stops. In this case, Matoro would automatically be returned to his body.
42) Is Reidak power of 'adaptation' based, although not completely, on Doomsday's evolution power? 5That power's use in the comics actually predates Doomsday - Doomsday is circa 1992, that power was being used back in the '40s-'50s. 6A little doubt I had.
73) Umbra wears a Kanohi in the shape of a Great Ruru. Is it just for decoration, or does it have an actual power? 8I did not give him a mask power, because he is powerful enough without one. 9Just decoration, then. Or maybe he's just too ugly.
104) If I hit Reidak hard enough, he would die, right? 11He is not immortal, no.
125) Does Vezon feel the pain or the force of the punch when you hit him? 13He doesn't seem to, no. 14ZOMG:
156) A strong enough blow would kill him, right? 16Probably not, if it was a physical blow. He would just absorb the kinetic energy and strengthen so that the blow did not affect him. 17*Imagines Axonn punching Vezon. Vezon is still standing and laughing.* 18Creepy.
197) Can Vezon communicate, or at least give simple commands (like 'go right'), to Fenrakk? Does he make the spider move through the chain he carries, like you would do with a horse? 20Yes 21That's what the chain is for, then.
228) The energy Thok uses to give life to the objects is proportional to the size of the thing, right? 23Probably
249) Does the Ignika keep Vezon and Fenrakk alive? 25Yes and no. Under normal circumstances, no. 26Let's the speculation begin:
2710) The zamor spheres have to reach certain speed to turn intangible (Like the Kanoka to activate their powers), I mean, you can hold one in your hand and it won't fall through it, unless it is coming fast? 28Yes 29I needed to be sure.
3011) Hahli has headaches when she's near or far from the MoLi? 31Near 32Another little doubt.
33Enjoy: 34Khote
35OHHH O.O Thnx for the helpful info I'm still curious as to wether or not the spider can talk to Vezon
1Some nice questions, Khote, you asked some really good ones that I wanted to know. Hmm...could it be possible that by removing the Ignika, that he would lose his power? Mooost interesting.
4Hahli: "Man, I've got this MAJOR headache. *takes Aspirin* There we go, much better
5Jaller: "NOOOOOOO"
KhoteMan 211) Hahli has headaches when she's near or far from the MoLi? 3Near
4Hahli: "Man, I've got this MAJOR headache. *takes Aspirin* There we go, much better


1Funny Mr. E. Waspinator has new info on three "mystery sets:"
7Waspinator is sleepy, go back to bed. zzzzz
2Recently, these were found by a member, can you tell me what these are?
3The bug. 4Turaga Lhikan? 5Miget Piraka:![]()
6Someone else sent me these too. I am not familiar with any of them. Assuming they are legit, they may be co-promotion items produced for Europe and not the US, as I know we have done that with EXO-FORCE.
7Waspinator is sleepy, go back to bed. zzzzz
1Recently, these were found by a member, can you tell me what these are?
2The bug. 3Turaga Lhikan? 4Miget Piraka:
5Those are really...odd. They seem to be combiners from loads of different sets. I mean, 'Turaga Lhikan' uses Lhikan, Iruini, and Vakama Hordika at least. How odd. Looks pretty interesting though.
1A question on the Turaga Lhikan and something for us Onewa fans:
2What is with this picture? Was it a scrapped design? A promo that we don't know about? Can you tell us anything about it?
3While you're here,
4Why did Tahtorak get a Bionicle name even though he was a contest entry?
5We saw in BA#8 that Onewa kind of liked Krahka. How will he feel if he finds out that Krahka survived the millenium since anyone last knew of her?
61) There were originally plans to put out a Turaga Lhikan set -- they sort of went back and forth on it. It is possible that it was produced for Europe only, I don't know.
72) Because part of the prize for winning was that the creature would appear in the BIONICLE comic, and I didn't want to just refer to it as "Hey, you."
83) No idea. There is no way at this point to know where Krahka's travels will take her or when (or if) Onewa will find out she's free.
9Ha: We have confirmation Onewa likes Krahka: Too bad there's Greg's trademark inconclusive remark about future storyline.
10~Piraka Avak~
2What is with this picture? Was it a scrapped design? A promo that we don't know about? Can you tell us anything about it?
3While you're here,
4Why did Tahtorak get a Bionicle name even though he was a contest entry?
5We saw in BA#8 that Onewa kind of liked Krahka. How will he feel if he finds out that Krahka survived the millenium since anyone last knew of her?
61) There were originally plans to put out a Turaga Lhikan set -- they sort of went back and forth on it. It is possible that it was produced for Europe only, I don't know.
72) Because part of the prize for winning was that the creature would appear in the BIONICLE comic, and I didn't want to just refer to it as "Hey, you."
83) No idea. There is no way at this point to know where Krahka's travels will take her or when (or if) Onewa will find out she's free.
9Ha: We have confirmation Onewa likes Krahka: Too bad there's Greg's trademark inconclusive remark about future storyline.
10~Piraka Avak~
1maybe he's the ae?
2Or maybe he is the third OoMN member. I remember Greg saying that there was another member out there. 3And those models... ZOMG: I just hope they come out. I NEED that Turaga Lhikan. And judging by the fact that one has a Piraka head, they shouldn't be too old. Also, they have set numbers, so... 4*Crosses fingers* 5Khote
1And those models... ZOMG: I just hope they come out. I NEED that Turaga Lhikan. And judging by the fact that one has a Piraka head, they shouldn't be too old. Also, they have set numbers, so... 2*Crosses fingers* 3Khote
4Yeah, they look quite decent indeed. Now that I think of it, what Greg says about co-promotion items sounds very credible. I've seen exclusive, small Lego sets (non-BIONICLE) like those before in some stores...
5Anyway, they look funny. The Turaga Lhikan set rocks (except for the feet, which are easily replacable) and the other two are nice as well... I have a feeling both are supposed to be Rahi, the first one an insect and the other one a small, sharp-teethed... rodent?

1Another quote for these "sets":
2Hey Greg,
3Recently, a few members have stumbled upon a site that contains a few images of some unidentified Bionicle characters. The site can be found here. Use the scroll bar at the top and select "Bionicle 1".
4These are the characters:
6I would really appreciate any information you can give -- Even if it's an "I don't know" or "I can't release any information".
7Also, please let me know if it is okay to share this pictures on BZPower at this moment.
8Thanks for your time,
11I am not familiar with the sets, though one looks vaguely like a Turaga Lhikan we talked about once. These may be co-promotion sets that are only available in Europe or something -- I know we have done those for EXO-FORCE.

1Yeah... I have questions... of doom:
21. Is Botar good or evil?
32. Does Botar have anything to do with the Ignika?
43. What does Krahka do on Voya-Nui anyway? I mean, does she help the Inika or what?
54. What were Avak and Zaktan talking about in BL#2 anyway? Zaktan doesn't seem like someone who just talks about whatever comes to mind...
65. Could you give me a quote from Brutaka in BL#3? It's okay if you can't or don't want to.
71) Not revealing that yet 82) Not directly, no 93) She may not even stay there, we don't know yet. All that is established in '06 is that she is back. She could easily morph into a flying creature or a sea creature and just leave. 104) Can you be more specific? 115) I don't have a manuscript copy of BL3 at the moment
12I might tell him what I meant on 4 sometime...
1Here are some answers to questions about the new Kanohi. Though he misinterpretted the souffle question.
2Hi Greg:
3I've been whiling away another Sunday afternoon, and I figured I would ask you to grace me with some answers.
41) The Calix allows Jaller to do things that are within reason, but still considered "Unbelievable" (Like the 'Close-Range Dodging' scenario you described). IS the Calix affected by any observers? In the sense that, some Calix abilities are 'unbelievable,' so does it the Calix's power increase if someone watching finds Jaller's task more or less believable? (I phrased this really badly, didn't I?)
52) This question is somewhat moot, BUT, if Jaller had to, say, bake a souffle, but he has had only very basic instruction, would the mask allow him to pull it off, despite his lack of instruction and such?
63) Hahli's mask allows her to see hidden things, BUT it also seems to have a special connection to the Mask of Life, what with the headaches and such. Is this connection only to the Mask of Life, or would it give the same headaches to her if she came closer to any object of such incredible power?
74) Do her headaches occur only when she comes closer to the MoLi, areawise, OR, would it alert her when she comes near, say, an object 1000 mios away from the mask, but will teleport her directly to the mask?
85) Concerning the Sanok: you said Hewkii can use objects as projectiles, and hit the exact target he's aiming for. Now, if Hewkii took an object as not aerodynamic and soft as, say, Macku's Hewkii Plush Toy, could he still throw it as far as he wants, hitting the exact target he wants, and inflicting as much damage as if he had thrown a stone the same size?
96) Could Hewkii sever, perhaps, a chain, with a blade of grass?
107) If Hewkii could do the above, could he sever/smash a chain with the Hewkii Plush?
118) I found it interesting that if Matoro's Iden was removed while he was Projecting himself, he would instantly return to his body. So, if his body was being guarded by another Toa, and his spirit was, in a way, thousands of mios away, AND, to top it off, a Piraka attacked Matoro's body and his Toa guardian, could the Toa remove the Iden from Matoro's limp body in order to bring him back to defend himself?
129) Does Matoro's body give life signs when he is Projecting himself? I think it'd be a good way to play dead.
1310) You told me earlier that the Suletu can not only project the user's thoughts, but fil a target's mind with 'mental noise.' Does this noise keep the target from properly hearing anything (By putting a buzzing in their ear or something) or would it keep the target from concentrating on a single thought or the like?
1411) The Kadin- It allows the user to fly, but can the user stop themselves in mid-fall, like someone with a Miru could?
1512) It's like Lewa Nuva flying- does the Kadin user need a running/jumping start to fly, or can they just start flying from a standing position?
16Now that those are done with, I'd just like to thank you and anyone else who contributed to the 2006 mask powers- they're simply AMAZING: Thank you for giving us this storyline-elements.
1713) One last question- Do the Gold, Silver, and 'Carbon' (As my mom calls the Dark Silver ones, and I haven't found a better name) Zamors from the Zamor packs have any powers of their own? If so, could you tell me what they happen to be?
18Thanks in advance:
191) Nope -- basically, doing it that would result in too many exceptions and story-writing headaches. So it basically comes down to what I think is possible.
202) I would say no. It has not been shown to increase his knowledge of things.
213) Only the MoLi.
224) It's a good question. Basically, the headache is the mask's way of communicating with her, letting her know she is on the right track. So it might well signal her if she was making an approach to a faster way to get to the mask.
235) Possibly not as much damage as a stone, but certainly way more damage than you would expect from a plush toy.
246) I would say it is possible -- take a piece of straw or grass and put it in hurricane force winds, and it can do a lot of damage (maybe not that much, but a lot), and that is the level of force I am giving him.
257) I think that might be pushing it.
268) Yes
279) If you look for them, yes.
2810) The latter.
2911) Yes, otherwise he would be crashing all the time.
3012) Standing start, mask provides the motive power
3113) Yes, they do, but they wound up not getting into the story this year -- maybe next. I don't have the list with me.
1Questions regular. Answers bold . Comments italicized.
33Here they are.
21. While in spirit form, can Matoro pick up things? 31) No 4Thought so.
52. Could Jaller's mask allow him to squeeze into a small space? 62) No - it can't change the shape of his body 7Just something that I had on my mind
83. Does Hahli think that the headaches that she gets when she's close to the MoLi are bad signs at first? 93) Well, no one likes a headache 10True.
114. Could Hewkii make a microscopic object into a deadly weapon? 124) I tend to doubt it, because how would he even see it? 13The reason I asked is because he told someone else that he could make a blade of grass into a deadly weapon.
145. Is there a limit to how high or far Nuparu's mask can take him? 155) He can't leave the atmosphere 16A little question that I had.
176. Can Kongu project his own thoughts into other's minds? (Say the Inika are cornered and Kongu has a strategy. Could Kongu tell the others mentally?) 186) Yes 19Thought so.
207. How far into the future can Vezon see? 217) Not that far 22I would assume that he couldn't see something 1000 years in the future after reading the answer.
238. How insane is Vezon? 248) I am not sure how you quantify this? 25Just wondered
269. Can you separate Vezon from Fenrakk? 279a. If yes, would Vezon object to it? 289) As far as Vezon knows, doing that would kill him, so yes, he would object 29Vezon's strange.
309b. Would Fenrakk? 319b) Fenrakk's job is to protect the mask, he's not just going to let you take it. 32So he would object, too.
33Here they are.
1Some answer from GregF over the BoM and Metru Nui:
2QUOTE 3Hey GregF,
4A few questions,
51: Why did the BoM not try to stop the rebuilding of Metru Nui?? 62: how big was the Toa team that used the MoLi? 73: Do the BoM know of Voya Nui and the mask of life.
81) Basically, because they see no point. My feeling has always been that Makuta knew that the Toa and Matoran would make it back to Metru Nui eventually -- so he intentionally lost the fight to Takanuva, allowing them to go back there thinking they had won. (Granted, he didn't expect to be crushed by a door, but hey, stuff happens.) This way, they would be a -- occupied with rebuilding for some time and b -- convinced the danger from Makuta was largely over, and thus ignore what he was REALLY up to. 92) Hasn't been determined yet 103) Yes-- remember, they used to work for Mata Nui. 11_____________________________________________________________________________________ 12So Makuta was letting them go back to Metru Nui. Wow, he really has a lot of back plans for everyting. 13So didn't accept being crusched under a door, heheh
Stuff happens?? Even Makuta has 14back luck
15But is it already revealed what Makuta is really up too?
2QUOTE 3Hey GregF,
4A few questions,
51: Why did the BoM not try to stop the rebuilding of Metru Nui?? 62: how big was the Toa team that used the MoLi? 73: Do the BoM know of Voya Nui and the mask of life.
81) Basically, because they see no point. My feeling has always been that Makuta knew that the Toa and Matoran would make it back to Metru Nui eventually -- so he intentionally lost the fight to Takanuva, allowing them to go back there thinking they had won. (Granted, he didn't expect to be crushed by a door, but hey, stuff happens.) This way, they would be a -- occupied with rebuilding for some time and b -- convinced the danger from Makuta was largely over, and thus ignore what he was REALLY up to. 92) Hasn't been determined yet 103) Yes-- remember, they used to work for Mata Nui. 11_____________________________________________________________________________________ 12So Makuta was letting them go back to Metru Nui. Wow, he really has a lot of back plans for everyting. 13So didn't accept being crusched under a door, heheh

1A quote from a topic Greg made today including interesting info:

2The Turaga of Voya Nui who died when the island was broken off its continent was a former Toa of Magnetism and the leader of the only other team of Toa to ever successfully reach the Mask of Life and put it to use. Just thought you might want to know ...
11) Basically, because they see no point. My feeling has always been that Makuta knew that the Toa and Matoran would make it back to Metru Nui eventually -- so he intentionally lost the fight to Takanuva, allowing them to go back there thinking they had won. (Granted, he didn't expect to be crushed by a door, but hey, stuff happens.) This way, they would be a -- occupied with rebuilding for some time and b -- convinced the danger from Makuta was largely over, and thus ignore what he was REALLY up to.
2I got this off of the Official Greg discussion.
31) I just have to know, does this mean that he is alive, if he was "REALLY" up to something?
42) When Vakama was talking to Krakua, and he was told that he would send six heroes into the darkness who would brave the lightning, was he talking about the Toa Nuva, or the Inika or both?
53) Why exactly does Umbra have a Kanohi if it's powerless?
64) When will we learn what the Bahrag used to make the Krana?
75) In the Dark Hunters Guide, you wrote that Avak had already possessed his caging power before they recruited him, but in BL1, you wrote that he got the power after he became a Dark Hunter. Which one was it?
86) Was it The Shadowed One's eyebeams that brought the protodite condition to Zaktan or was he already like that.
96.2) If "he was already like that," can you tell me who did it to him?
107) Why is Vezon insane? I believe I read somewhere around here that he was always insane. What caused it?
11Thanks for your time.
12- Toa Lhikan Hordika
131) As I said, his plan did not include being crushed by a door. So time will tell if he survived or not. 142) The Inika. 153) Because that is what his creators gave to him. 164) No idea, since neither Bahrag nor krana are a focus of the story right now. 175) Can you give me the quote from BL #1? I don't have time to search for what you are referring to. 186) He was not already like that, no. 197) Has to do with his origin

1About the Mata Nui set, I'm hoping there isn't one. It would seem to destroy the 'mystery's surroudning Mata Nui and his image. TO tell the truth, although I LOVED the Makuta set, it sorta spoiled his image. I used to love the evil Hau image. ALthough it is interesting to know Mata Nui DOES have a form. 2Many thanks to Mr. Farshtey. No use asking questions if he didn't answer them. I Thank you and LEGO:
3I don't know, I'd like there to be a Mata Nui set but not until he is actually awakened. it probably wouldn't be good marketing to release a set of a character who won't appear in the story until the end years before it actually happens.
1I was actually hoping that the would have a Mata Nui set
1Hey what if it was the Nui Caves?
16) Was it The Shadowed One's eyebeams that brought the protodite condition to Zaktan or was he already like that.
26.2) If "he was already like that," can you tell me who did it to him?
3Thanks for your time.
4- Toa Lhikan Hordika
56) He was not already like that, no.
7I just saw this in the OGD. So can you confirm that TSO eyebeams caused zaktan's protodite form? Because in the book it doesn't fully say, as TSO just wonders as we are now if it was him or something previous.
9TSO's reaction is understandable, because it was not his intent to do that to Zaktan and he doesn't understand why it happened. The full story of Zaktan's origin is in Book 4.
10Welp...I guess that we will learn in BL#4 how Zaktan truly became the way he is.
11And for the few posts above me: This topic is for posting Greg Q's and A's, not formulating theories on a means of transportation.
136) Was it The Shadowed One's eyebeams that brought the protodite condition to Zaktan or was he already like that.
146.2) If "he was already like that," can you tell me who did it to him?
15Thanks for your time.
16- Toa Lhikan Hordika
176) He was not already like that, no.
19I just saw this in the OGD. So can you confirm that TSO eyebeams caused zaktan's protodite form? Because in the book it doesn't fully say, as TSO just wonders as we are now if it was him or something previous.
21TSO's reaction is understandable, because it was not his intent to do that to Zaktan and he doesn't understand why it happened. The full story of Zaktan's origin is in Book 4.
22Welp...I guess that we will learn in BL#4 how Zaktan truly became the way he is.
23And for the few posts above me: This topic is for posting Greg Q's and A's, not formulating theories on a means of transportation.
1Have some new Q&A here...some intersting info, bolded in red.
21. Does the Order of Mata Nui have a leader? Has this character been defined by the story team? 31) I'm sure it does, but we have not defined him/her/it yet
42. Does Vezon's staff have a power, or is it just a weapon? 52) Yes, it does -- Vezon wields the Spear of Fusion, which can merge beings together or split them apart
6COMMENT: Interesting...could he have fused himself to Fenrakk? Or is the fusion a result of the Ignika causing his powers to go beserk?
73. Would Makuta have defeated the six Toa Nuva and Takanuva had they fought him together? 83) I would say no, and the reason I say that is that my feeling is Makuta threw that battle -- he wanted the Toa to think they had defeated him, so they wouldn't pay attention to his real plans
94. Will Book 4 of this year reveal anything about the Brotherhood of Makuta? 104) Yes, think so -- so will book 6 next year
115. Is there a reason why Metru-Nui is such a strategic location, that the Brotherhood and Dark Hunters want it? 125) Yes
136. I don't really understand how Lhikan's Toa could have 'closed' a gateway to Metru Nui. Its an island on a sea, and there are others islands on this sea. How can you actually 'gate' Metru-Nui from the other islands? How can there be gates large enough to close off open sea?
146) Simple -- think of it like this. You have a big wall of rock, right? And it circles the sea your island is in, and there are openings in the wall that allow you to sail to other islands. If you close the openings, you cannot get through the wall to get to any other islands.
15COMMENT: I didn't know Metru-Nui was surrounded with a barrier, I thought that was just in the Mata-Nui direction.
167. I noticed in Web of Shadows that Keetongu killed Sidorak outright, whereas a Toa would never willingly kill an enemy. This brings up two ideas; one is that Keetongu is simply not a Toa, and harbors no hard feelings for killing someone; or two, that he harbored a hate of Sidorak. Since I believe it was said that Sidorak killed off Keetongu's species, did the Rahi Keetongu on Metru Nui harbor a hate of Sidorak, a want of vengeance? 177) I am sure he did, plus Rahi have no compunctions about killing. They are beasts.
188. When Keetongu killed Sidorak, why didn't he go after Roodaka too? 198) Most likely because, as a Rahi, he naturally went for what he saw as the "alpha male" of the enemy. Sidorak was the king -- Roodaka was more the power behing the scenes.
209. I noticed that Sidorak never used his obedience spinner in the story in 2005. At all. Was there a reason not to include his spinner in the storyline? I was a little upset, it was an interesting power. 219) Just never got around to it.
2210. If Sidorak and Roodaka were to battle one another, who would say would be the victor? 2310) Probably Roodaka, she's nastier
2411. Physically, is Sidorak stronger than Roodaka? 2511) Sidorak, most likely
2612. I view Brutaka as not truly EVIL as such, but the product of a weak will, a weak faith. Do you agree with this conclusion? 2712) Yes, I do. Brutaka lost his faith in Mata Nui and had nothing to replace it with, so he is just a void inside spiritually.
2813. How does Axonn feel about Brutaka's desertion? 2913) Lousy
30COMMENT: Short and to the point.
3114. Which two Piraka, would you say, are the 'closest', the friendliest with one another? (As friendly as Piraka can get, lol.
) 3214) I really don't see any of them as being very friendly with each other -- friendship among Piraka is just a way to lay the groundwork for betrayal
3315. In the hands of a powerful being, such as Makuta, can the Vahi 'speed up time', so to speak? Could Makuta actually use it to reverse time ? 3415) The Vahi can speed up or slow down time around a particular target. No one we know of in the story would be able to make it affect the entire universe.
3516. From what I've heard concerning the Ignika and whose destiny it is to have it, am I correct in assuming that the Ignika is basically for Toa only to receive? 3616) Only particular Toa. If a Toa grabs it who isn't meant to, he will get nailed too.
3717. Now, you've said that bad things will happen if the Piraka get the Ignika. Bad things to the PIraka, since they're not destined to have it. If the Inika were to get the Ignika, and then once outside the chamber, the Piraka stole it from them, would the PIraka still be cursed, or would the Ignika's 'powers' be void? 3817) Yes, they would still be cursed.
3918. Would Axonn/Brutaka/Umbra be beings who are allowed to use the Ignika? 4018) No.
4119. Did Makuta know of the Ignika, and its location? If he did, why did he himself not try to receive it, before he presumably died? 4219) He did know if it, but he also knows what it's for -- and no sane being who actually knows the truth about it wants to use it for anything other than its intended purpose
4320. Does the Order of Mata Nui know Mata Nui is dying? If so, why don't they try to receive the Ignika? 4420) Odds are they do, and that is what Toa are for. Axonn is OOMN, but he is not the one destined to receive the mask, therefore he couldn't get it if he wanted to.
4521. Now, the Order of Mata Nui placed Umbra as a guardian. However, the Ignika can create its own guardians. I"m assuming the Ignika agreed with the Order's decision, seeing as it did nothing itself to stop Umbra from being a guardian? 4621) Yes
4822. Is there a reason why the humans made Meca One gold? Or was he gold after the robot rebellion? 4922) There is a reason, I believe, which we may explore in 2007
50Keiken: "I say we make this one gold, because I made him. Get the spray-paint:"
5123. Did the robots rebel because of greed, simple malfunction, or resentment at being used as mining tools? 5223) Hasn't been revealed yet
5324. Is Meca One in any way better than the other robots? If not, why is he the leader? 5424) Well, for one thing, he was the first to rebel, and the first to rebel usually gets to be leader.
5525. Where is the robot base located? 5625) Other side of the mountain from where the E-F fortress is
57COMMENT: He probably meant Exo-Force by E-F, or Sentai Fortress.
58Especially like the Vezon info, and how the Ignika 'accepted' Umbra. Some neat Exo-Force info as well.
21. Does the Order of Mata Nui have a leader? Has this character been defined by the story team? 31) I'm sure it does, but we have not defined him/her/it yet
42. Does Vezon's staff have a power, or is it just a weapon? 52) Yes, it does -- Vezon wields the Spear of Fusion, which can merge beings together or split them apart
6COMMENT: Interesting...could he have fused himself to Fenrakk? Or is the fusion a result of the Ignika causing his powers to go beserk?
73. Would Makuta have defeated the six Toa Nuva and Takanuva had they fought him together? 83) I would say no, and the reason I say that is that my feeling is Makuta threw that battle -- he wanted the Toa to think they had defeated him, so they wouldn't pay attention to his real plans
94. Will Book 4 of this year reveal anything about the Brotherhood of Makuta? 104) Yes, think so -- so will book 6 next year
115. Is there a reason why Metru-Nui is such a strategic location, that the Brotherhood and Dark Hunters want it? 125) Yes
136. I don't really understand how Lhikan's Toa could have 'closed' a gateway to Metru Nui. Its an island on a sea, and there are others islands on this sea. How can you actually 'gate' Metru-Nui from the other islands? How can there be gates large enough to close off open sea?
146) Simple -- think of it like this. You have a big wall of rock, right? And it circles the sea your island is in, and there are openings in the wall that allow you to sail to other islands. If you close the openings, you cannot get through the wall to get to any other islands.
15COMMENT: I didn't know Metru-Nui was surrounded with a barrier, I thought that was just in the Mata-Nui direction.
167. I noticed in Web of Shadows that Keetongu killed Sidorak outright, whereas a Toa would never willingly kill an enemy. This brings up two ideas; one is that Keetongu is simply not a Toa, and harbors no hard feelings for killing someone; or two, that he harbored a hate of Sidorak. Since I believe it was said that Sidorak killed off Keetongu's species, did the Rahi Keetongu on Metru Nui harbor a hate of Sidorak, a want of vengeance? 177) I am sure he did, plus Rahi have no compunctions about killing. They are beasts.
188. When Keetongu killed Sidorak, why didn't he go after Roodaka too? 198) Most likely because, as a Rahi, he naturally went for what he saw as the "alpha male" of the enemy. Sidorak was the king -- Roodaka was more the power behing the scenes.
209. I noticed that Sidorak never used his obedience spinner in the story in 2005. At all. Was there a reason not to include his spinner in the storyline? I was a little upset, it was an interesting power. 219) Just never got around to it.
2210. If Sidorak and Roodaka were to battle one another, who would say would be the victor? 2310) Probably Roodaka, she's nastier
2411. Physically, is Sidorak stronger than Roodaka? 2511) Sidorak, most likely
2612. I view Brutaka as not truly EVIL as such, but the product of a weak will, a weak faith. Do you agree with this conclusion? 2712) Yes, I do. Brutaka lost his faith in Mata Nui and had nothing to replace it with, so he is just a void inside spiritually.
2813. How does Axonn feel about Brutaka's desertion? 2913) Lousy
30COMMENT: Short and to the point.
3114. Which two Piraka, would you say, are the 'closest', the friendliest with one another? (As friendly as Piraka can get, lol.

3315. In the hands of a powerful being, such as Makuta, can the Vahi 'speed up time', so to speak? Could Makuta actually use it to reverse time ? 3415) The Vahi can speed up or slow down time around a particular target. No one we know of in the story would be able to make it affect the entire universe.
3516. From what I've heard concerning the Ignika and whose destiny it is to have it, am I correct in assuming that the Ignika is basically for Toa only to receive? 3616) Only particular Toa. If a Toa grabs it who isn't meant to, he will get nailed too.
3717. Now, you've said that bad things will happen if the Piraka get the Ignika. Bad things to the PIraka, since they're not destined to have it. If the Inika were to get the Ignika, and then once outside the chamber, the Piraka stole it from them, would the PIraka still be cursed, or would the Ignika's 'powers' be void? 3817) Yes, they would still be cursed.
3918. Would Axonn/Brutaka/Umbra be beings who are allowed to use the Ignika? 4018) No.
4119. Did Makuta know of the Ignika, and its location? If he did, why did he himself not try to receive it, before he presumably died? 4219) He did know if it, but he also knows what it's for -- and no sane being who actually knows the truth about it wants to use it for anything other than its intended purpose
4320. Does the Order of Mata Nui know Mata Nui is dying? If so, why don't they try to receive the Ignika? 4420) Odds are they do, and that is what Toa are for. Axonn is OOMN, but he is not the one destined to receive the mask, therefore he couldn't get it if he wanted to.
4521. Now, the Order of Mata Nui placed Umbra as a guardian. However, the Ignika can create its own guardians. I"m assuming the Ignika agreed with the Order's decision, seeing as it did nothing itself to stop Umbra from being a guardian? 4621) Yes
4822. Is there a reason why the humans made Meca One gold? Or was he gold after the robot rebellion? 4922) There is a reason, I believe, which we may explore in 2007
50Keiken: "I say we make this one gold, because I made him. Get the spray-paint:"
5123. Did the robots rebel because of greed, simple malfunction, or resentment at being used as mining tools? 5223) Hasn't been revealed yet
5324. Is Meca One in any way better than the other robots? If not, why is he the leader? 5424) Well, for one thing, he was the first to rebel, and the first to rebel usually gets to be leader.
5525. Where is the robot base located? 5625) Other side of the mountain from where the E-F fortress is
57COMMENT: He probably meant Exo-Force by E-F, or Sentai Fortress.
58Especially like the Vezon info, and how the Ignika 'accepted' Umbra. Some neat Exo-Force info as well.
11. Is the Piraka "combiner" formed from Vezon's staff?
22. If #1 is correct, do any other Piraka fall victim to it? Or the Toa Inika?
3And for BL#3... Seeing as it's 2 months early, I don't expect us to be able to, but are we allowed to discuss the spoilers in the book?
41) The one from the contest is, yes 52) I am okay with spoilers being discussed once the book is widely available. Right now, from what I am hearing from other mods and members, it is only being spotted here and there and it could just be a case of some stores putting them out early. I'd like for the mass audience to at least have the chance of buying it before the whole thing gets spoiled on here.
6Well I got the answers I wanted. We now know how the contest combiner is formed (though he didn't comment on the Inika, but that's OK). And, somebody had to ask about the spoilers. So I figured, "why not me?"
1Hi Greg, just a few.
21. Can Kongu use the Suletu to commnicate one beings thoughts directly to another?
31) Yes
42. About Krahka, does her ability to call up a particular template fade, like a memory or something to that effect?
52) No
63. Are the Piraka nicknames (from the advertisments) literal translations of their actual names(i.e Vezok means Beast, Thok means Drifter)?
73) No
84. As all things in Bionicle (or near enough everything) contains protodermis, could a Toa of Magnetism affect all of these things, even at a sightly reduced effect on things like stone proto, or can they only affect metal-like proto?
94) No, only metallic
105. Could a Toa of Magnetism do things like Magneto, or are they somewhat more limited/powerful, or simply just different?
115) Since he has not appeared in the story, I haven't really narrowed down his powers yet
126. Are their any ideas among the Story Team about what happened when the Toa team touched the Ignika all that time ago?
136) Yes, I already know pretty much the whole history of the Ignika
14Thanks in advance
21. Can Kongu use the Suletu to commnicate one beings thoughts directly to another?
31) Yes
42. About Krahka, does her ability to call up a particular template fade, like a memory or something to that effect?
52) No
63. Are the Piraka nicknames (from the advertisments) literal translations of their actual names(i.e Vezok means Beast, Thok means Drifter)?
73) No
84. As all things in Bionicle (or near enough everything) contains protodermis, could a Toa of Magnetism affect all of these things, even at a sightly reduced effect on things like stone proto, or can they only affect metal-like proto?
94) No, only metallic
105. Could a Toa of Magnetism do things like Magneto, or are they somewhat more limited/powerful, or simply just different?
115) Since he has not appeared in the story, I haven't really narrowed down his powers yet
126. Are their any ideas among the Story Team about what happened when the Toa team touched the Ignika all that time ago?
136) Yes, I already know pretty much the whole history of the Ignika
14Thanks in advance

1i hope you don't mind me PM ing you like this, but could you awnswer a few questions for me?
21: Who do you think would win the Dh, BOM war? My opinion is that the DH's could beat the BOM for a long time, but the BOM will win in thelong term.
32: What is Vezon's nickname, like Thok is the Drifter?
43:Waht are nuparu inika's powers?
51) Hard for me to say. On the face of it, you would think the BOM would win, because they are more powerful -- on the other hand, there are lots of instances in our world where more powerful armies were defeated by groups who knew how to strike from ambush, do sabotage, use the terrain, etc.
62) He doesn't have one.
73) Power over earth and his mask power is flight
21: Who do you think would win the Dh, BOM war? My opinion is that the DH's could beat the BOM for a long time, but the BOM will win in thelong term.
32: What is Vezon's nickname, like Thok is the Drifter?
43:Waht are nuparu inika's powers?
51) Hard for me to say. On the face of it, you would think the BOM would win, because they are more powerful -- on the other hand, there are lots of instances in our world where more powerful armies were defeated by groups who knew how to strike from ambush, do sabotage, use the terrain, etc.
62) He doesn't have one.
73) Power over earth and his mask power is flight