1A few questions on elements:
2Just a few questions concerning elements today:
31. Now that it has been confirmed that Toa of Magnetism, Plasma, Gravity and sonics exist, can you at least confirm, to a point, that Toa of Electricity and Vacuum exist (In continuation of the Kal-Power pattern)?
42. Is it possible to have female Toa in an element other than Water?
53. Considering that most Bionicle creatures have some sort of metallic exo-skeleton, isn't a Toa of Magnetism, theoretically, the post powerful Toa type? He could attract or repel anybody who came near him...He could create pseudopods of molten metal...He could magnetize any creatures with a metallic Exo-Skeleton together, completely immobilizing them...He could instantly assemble any tool he needed from scrap metal by manipulating the pieces...And he could, if he were incredibly insane, dismember any creature with said exo-skeleton. Does this sound accurate to you, or are there limitations to incredible power like this?
64. If Toa which had the six Kal powers for elements were created, what colours would you make them? I'm asking because I was wondering whether Gravity, Vacuum etc. have a definitive colour associated with them, like red is associated with Fire and green is associated with Air etc.
75. Are there any plans to create Toa with the six Kal powers?
8Thank you for your time9~
101) No, I can't. Until and unless you actually see them appear in the storyline, there is no reason to believe they exist. 112) Not that we have seen so far. 123) We would most likely limit his power -- for example, we know many creatures have metallic armor, but we don't know that all of them do -- some of it may be in a non-metallic form. And if such a Toa was in the story, we don't want to unbalance things by making him way more powerful than his partners. 134) You are asking the wrong person. This decision would be made by the set designers and I would have no input on this. 145) No.

1Interesting ones bolded
2Hi Greg
31. Alot of people have been rather confused by the Kanohi Calix's abilities and limitations. Could you be more specific? 41) Can you be more specific in your question? I have pretty much already tried to explain this a few times ... I think the best thing to do is for people to wait until they see the mask in action, and then it will be clearer to them.
52. Could you tell me what you think is the most biggest, unexpected event that you wrote about in one upcoming Legends books? 62) I cannot discuss future storyline
73. Could I possibly get a quote from Lhikan in BL4? 83) I don't have a copy of BL4, lost it to a virus couple months ago
94. Do we find out who the Ancient Evil really is? 104) Most of you will guess it by the end of the year, is my guess
115. Do we find out who created the Makoki stone(s) and what their true purpose is? 125) Yes, you do
136. I saw on a topic that the Makoki stoned was smashed by TSO for more ransom. Can you confirm this? 146) That was his intent, yes
157. So far, what is your favourite BL book? 167) 4
178. Are you already writing BL7? 188b. Is there a title already? 198) No, I have not started 7 yet. I have to do EXO-FORCE 3 and the BIONICLE Atlas first.
209. You mentioned that the Toa of Magnetism was the Voya Nui Turaga. Is it just a coincidence that there are Toa with the same elements as the Kal or is there some signifigance? 219) Do you mean is there a connection between them and the Kal? No, not that I know of
2210. This is just a guess, but you said that in 2007, the Piraka may be back in a different form. My theory is that the Piraka are in a different form after touching the Ignika. Is this plausible? 2310) No, is not because of the Ignika
2411. Can you confirm that TSO was the one who made Zaktan become a swarm of protodites with his eyebeams? 2511) Yes
2612. Mata Nui has a physical form of some sort. Is he in the form of a Toa? 2712) No
2813. Will the tablet Vezok found be mentioned in BL4, 5? 2913) No
3014. Does the tablet have anything to do with Vezon's origin? 3114) No
3215. Could you give me a Vezon quote if you have any time? 3315) I really don't have the time
3416. What exactly is the Zone of Darkness? 3516) It's a pocket dimension
3617. Will Artakha be included in and Legends books? 3717) No
3818. How exactly did the Ignika become active around the time of the Voya Nui Turaga? 3918) The Ignika is always active -- it is simply a matter of when someone comes to take it to serve its purpose.
4019. Was the Toa of Magnetism originally from Voya Nui? 4119) No, he was not. There have never been any Toa stationed on Voya Nui.
4220. The AE was released once before right? 4320b. If "yes" then was it when the Toa of Magnetism's team put the Ignika into action? 4420) Actually, we have never stated anything about if or how often the AE has been unleashed. And the AE is only unleashed this time if the Toa do NOT get the mask, not if they do. So the Toa team of old getting it would not have resulted in this.
4521. For what purpose did they use the mask for back then? Did it have any relation to Mata Nui? 4621) Can't answer it
47Thanks in advance.
48Just some Q&A. Too bad that the tablet Vezok found won't be included.
2Hi Greg
31. Alot of people have been rather confused by the Kanohi Calix's abilities and limitations. Could you be more specific? 41) Can you be more specific in your question? I have pretty much already tried to explain this a few times ... I think the best thing to do is for people to wait until they see the mask in action, and then it will be clearer to them.
52. Could you tell me what you think is the most biggest, unexpected event that you wrote about in one upcoming Legends books? 62) I cannot discuss future storyline
73. Could I possibly get a quote from Lhikan in BL4? 83) I don't have a copy of BL4, lost it to a virus couple months ago
94. Do we find out who the Ancient Evil really is? 104) Most of you will guess it by the end of the year, is my guess
115. Do we find out who created the Makoki stone(s) and what their true purpose is? 125) Yes, you do
136. I saw on a topic that the Makoki stoned was smashed by TSO for more ransom. Can you confirm this? 146) That was his intent, yes
157. So far, what is your favourite BL book? 167) 4
178. Are you already writing BL7? 188b. Is there a title already? 198) No, I have not started 7 yet. I have to do EXO-FORCE 3 and the BIONICLE Atlas first.
209. You mentioned that the Toa of Magnetism was the Voya Nui Turaga. Is it just a coincidence that there are Toa with the same elements as the Kal or is there some signifigance? 219) Do you mean is there a connection between them and the Kal? No, not that I know of
2210. This is just a guess, but you said that in 2007, the Piraka may be back in a different form. My theory is that the Piraka are in a different form after touching the Ignika. Is this plausible? 2310) No, is not because of the Ignika
2411. Can you confirm that TSO was the one who made Zaktan become a swarm of protodites with his eyebeams? 2511) Yes
2612. Mata Nui has a physical form of some sort. Is he in the form of a Toa? 2712) No
2813. Will the tablet Vezok found be mentioned in BL4, 5? 2913) No
3014. Does the tablet have anything to do with Vezon's origin? 3114) No
3215. Could you give me a Vezon quote if you have any time? 3315) I really don't have the time
3416. What exactly is the Zone of Darkness? 3516) It's a pocket dimension
3617. Will Artakha be included in and Legends books? 3717) No
3818. How exactly did the Ignika become active around the time of the Voya Nui Turaga? 3918) The Ignika is always active -- it is simply a matter of when someone comes to take it to serve its purpose.
4019. Was the Toa of Magnetism originally from Voya Nui? 4119) No, he was not. There have never been any Toa stationed on Voya Nui.
4220. The AE was released once before right? 4320b. If "yes" then was it when the Toa of Magnetism's team put the Ignika into action? 4420) Actually, we have never stated anything about if or how often the AE has been unleashed. And the AE is only unleashed this time if the Toa do NOT get the mask, not if they do. So the Toa team of old getting it would not have resulted in this.
4521. For what purpose did they use the mask for back then? Did it have any relation to Mata Nui? 4621) Can't answer it
47Thanks in advance.
48Just some Q&A. Too bad that the tablet Vezok found won't be included.
1Here are my questions, interesting one is bold:
21) could the antidermis be the same energy that is leaking out of makutas armour in time trap?
32) When in bl1 the piraka find makutas armour they all know about the moli at once. Could this be because the stuff leaking out in time trap has affected them?
43) have any of the 01 -03 villains got to do with zaktan knowing everything?
54) who sent the olda if mata nui was asleep?
65) I know mata nui is asleep in metru nui but how do you get to him?
76) axonns powers that we know of so far: 8telekensis 9energy from his axe 10truth 11making lava balls from his hands
12are there any more?
137) Is vezon the Oomn member?
148) do axonn and brutaka get fused together to make botar?
159) do any people get fused togther this year?
1610) if vezon has the spear of fusion why doesnt he unfuse himself from Fenrakk?
18Toa Tavah
191) It could be a lot of things. 202) I am not clear on your question. Time Trap took place 1000 years before this story, Makuta's energy has not been leaking all that time. 213) Ummmm ... well ... he gets pointed in the right direction by an '04-'05 villain. 224) The Olda's purpose is and always way to awaken Mata Nui if he ever "went to sleep." Therefore, it would make no sense if he had to be the one to send them, since he would be sleeping. 235) We have never stated Mata Nui is in Metru Nui. 246) The whole lava balls thing is not accurate, and I am purposely not listing all his powers because it makes him more mysterious 257) Oh, no 268) No 279) Yes -- we had a Piraka Fusion contest in the LEGO Magazine, and the winner appears in the November comic, so yes, two Piraka get fused together 2810) Because the Ignika wouldn't like that
29no. 3 is very interesting...
21) could the antidermis be the same energy that is leaking out of makutas armour in time trap?
32) When in bl1 the piraka find makutas armour they all know about the moli at once. Could this be because the stuff leaking out in time trap has affected them?
43) have any of the 01 -03 villains got to do with zaktan knowing everything?
54) who sent the olda if mata nui was asleep?
65) I know mata nui is asleep in metru nui but how do you get to him?
76) axonns powers that we know of so far: 8telekensis 9energy from his axe 10truth 11making lava balls from his hands
12are there any more?
137) Is vezon the Oomn member?
148) do axonn and brutaka get fused together to make botar?
159) do any people get fused togther this year?
1610) if vezon has the spear of fusion why doesnt he unfuse himself from Fenrakk?
18Toa Tavah
191) It could be a lot of things. 202) I am not clear on your question. Time Trap took place 1000 years before this story, Makuta's energy has not been leaking all that time. 213) Ummmm ... well ... he gets pointed in the right direction by an '04-'05 villain. 224) The Olda's purpose is and always way to awaken Mata Nui if he ever "went to sleep." Therefore, it would make no sense if he had to be the one to send them, since he would be sleeping. 235) We have never stated Mata Nui is in Metru Nui. 246) The whole lava balls thing is not accurate, and I am purposely not listing all his powers because it makes him more mysterious 257) Oh, no 268) No 279) Yes -- we had a Piraka Fusion contest in the LEGO Magazine, and the winner appears in the November comic, so yes, two Piraka get fused together 2810) Because the Ignika wouldn't like that
29no. 3 is very interesting...
1Hi Greg: Can you answer these questions:
21)You said that Makuta knew of the Ignika's power and that was why he didn't want to use it. Is it because it has such a frightening power?
32) Can a Kanohi as powerful as the Avohkii or thye Kraahkan be destroyed?
43) How will Jaller discover his mask power?
54) What will be his reaction?
65) If Bionicle was to end, would you almost eberything about the Great Beings, etc...?
76) If Matoro used his mask, and somebody kicked him, would he feel the kick?
87) Can Vezon's staff be used to fuse any beings together, or just a few people? (Like EP would either transform things or destroy them)
98) In BL 2, when Dali "improved" Gali's vison, could she see the paralel dimensions she saw be accessed using Brutaka's mask?
10And I have a couple of Exo-Force questions:
119) Has a second year of Exo-Force been planned, or at least be considered?
1210) Takeshi is piloting the Mountain Defender), is that just because he's a better pilot, or was it agreed with Hikaru that he would be the one to pilot it?
1311a.) Will Striking Venom come with Mecha-One?
1411b) Will Mecha-One come in any other sets?
1512) In order to have time to repair the machines, why don't the humans just destroy the bridges?
16Thank you for answering these questions
171) He knows that if you aren't meant to use it, it does bad things to you. 182) Any Kanohi can be destroyed, even the Vahi 193) Follow the story and find out 204) See answer to #3 215) Depends on when it ends and how much time and space I have to wrap things up. 226) No. In spirit form, he won't feel anything done to his body. 237) It can fuse as many beings as are bathed in its power 248) No idea 259) Yes, there is definitely going to be a second year 2610) Hikaru already has a new battle machine in the Sentai Fortress set. 2711) I would have to check -- I think he does come in Striking Venom, yes 2812) I have asked that question myself a number of times.
11: Could you please tell me what Nuparu and Hewkii's tools do? 22: Is Vezon officially good, Evil or none? 33: what is behind the Inika's masks in the Story? 44: If Both the BOM and DH want metru nui, how come 1000 years later, it is still uninhabited. 55: are there any more of Vezon's powers we have not yet heard of? 66: Are there still any Vakhi around 1000 years later?
71) Toa aren't out yet, so not discussing this yet 82) Vezon is evil and crazy 93) The Toa's features glow so bright you can't make them out, which is why the masks have a glow in the dark sphere behind them in the sets 104) Because the BOM and DH have also been at war with each other for the last 1000 years. Plus, they wanted the city when it was inhabited, not abandoned and dead. 115) I don't know which ones you have heard of, so can't answer this 126) I doubt it. The few that were left after the cataclysm were probably killed by Visorak. It is possible there may be some in other places, though, if the Matoran of Metru Nui shared the tech with other islands
71) Toa aren't out yet, so not discussing this yet 82) Vezon is evil and crazy 93) The Toa's features glow so bright you can't make them out, which is why the masks have a glow in the dark sphere behind them in the sets 104) Because the BOM and DH have also been at war with each other for the last 1000 years. Plus, they wanted the city when it was inhabited, not abandoned and dead. 115) I don't know which ones you have heard of, so can't answer this 126) I doubt it. The few that were left after the cataclysm were probably killed by Visorak. It is possible there may be some in other places, though, if the Matoran of Metru Nui shared the tech with other islands
1Hi, Greg, I was just thinking about how TSO changed Zaktans body in to a bunch of protodites, and I wanted to take a guess on how this happened. I also have a few other questions
21) Did Zaktan's body transformation from coherent being to protodites (done by TSO's eyebeams) have anything to do with Zaktan's non-vision power. You know like how Thok can bring inanimate objects to life, Vezon can absorb other's powers etc.
32) Is the 2007 islands name Akua Nui?
43) Was Vezon fused to Fenrakk from his staff or the Ignika?
54) Why does Vezon believe that if he is seperated from Fenrakk, he'll be killled?
65) Did Vezon always have his Fusion Spear or did he get if after he touched the Ignika.
76) About how long (in the storyline) will it take for the whole 3-year arc to pass?
87) How long (storyline-wise) would you say the 01-03 and 04-05 arcs lasted?
98) Just out of curiousity, how come you can't tell us what the Bahrag used to make the Krana, if the Bohrok story arc was 4 years ago, and you can't really give them that much of a major role in the story anymore (correct me if I'm wrong)?
109) Can you comfirm the number (I'm not asking for the names) of guardians there are for the Ignika? I know that there's Umbra, Protodax, Irnakk, Vezon, and Fenrakk.
1110) Are there going to be any Toa transformations next year?
1211) Do you think (likely or unlikely would be appreciated as an answer) that (as sets) by the time BIONICLE ends, all of the OoMN and BoM members will be released?
13I think that's it for now. Thanks so much for your time Greg, your a blessing to us all.
14- Toa Lhikan Hordika
151) No 162) Since you've been a member for 18 months now, TLH, you should probably know by now -- I am not going to discuss the next year of BIONICLE when there is still six months, three novels, and a bunch of sets to go in this one. First, it would just be dumb, since I need people focused on this year's sets, and two, I would get fired. 173) Ignika 184) He doesn't believe that. He believes the only way the Ignika can be removed from his head is if he's dead. 195) He did not get it from the Ignika, he has almost always had it. 206) Hard for me to say at this point 217) '04-'05 was probably about a month to six weeks; '01-'03 probably about a year all together. 228) The fact that I can't make them focus in the story doesn't mean they or the krana will never have importance again. 239) Number of guardians varies depending on how many the Ignika feels it needs at a given time 2410) I cannot discuss 2007 sets or storyline 2511) Oh, I doubt that very much. Members of those orgs would be, like Axonn, probably $19.99 sets, and we only do two of those a year, and not every year is going to focus on those orgs.

11. I think you've got this question frequently, but I've never seen a solid answer for this. On Bionicle.com under Axonn's product information, it says that he's, "Virtually invulnerable and able to make lava balls with his bare hands ;" however, I thought it was stated earlier that he couldn't. Can you validate the bold statement or disprove it? 21) Yes, I can disprove it.
32. I noticed in Bionicle Ignition #2 that after Axonn threw his axe at the bolder Reidak was holding, his axe returned to him from midair. Can Axonn control the movement of his axe in air, and if so, do Brutaka or Toa share this ability with their own weapons? 42) This is something special Axonn can do -- his weapon, if thrown, always returns to him.

1The answer that Zaktan was directed to the right direction by a 04-05 villian was very interesting.It could probably be Makuta, Krekka, Nidhiki or Roodaka.
1Below are 20 Q&As based on 2006 and the Bohrok...
21. Protodites are microscopic. Since there are no microscopes in BIONICLE, (I think) then how do they know they exist?
3A: I wasn't aware we ever said there are no microscopes -- after all, there are telescopes, and the tech is not all that different.
42. About the Voyaraga that was a Toa of Magnetism: I was thinking that Magnetism might be a female element, (remember Gahlok-Kal?) so was the Voyaraga female? In other words, was his/her colour blue?
5A: No, blue characters are water-based, and I had no intent of the character being female.
63. I have a theory about what the Bahrag use to generate krana: certain kinda Kanohi destined to tranform, hence the similarities between the two. Am I close?
7A: Not so far as I know -- remember, krana are alive, Kanohi are not.
84. What is antidermis and it's role in the story?
9A: Antidermis is the virus the Piraka use to enslave the Matoran of Voya Nui
105. What are protodax and what role do they play in the story? Where are they found?
11A: Protodax are protodites enlarged trillions of times by the power of the Mask of Life and used as guardians for it
126. Since Zaktan is made of protodites, can he shapeshift, just like Matau?
13A: To an extent, but he can't change his color so he's really not going to fool anyone.
147. Where are the Toa Nuva now? What are they gonna do?
15A: The Toa Nuva have been captured by the Piraka and are in an unknown location.
168. What is the Inika's destiny?
17A: Follow the story and find out
189. Why did the Ignika stick to the back of Vezon's head? Can he take it off?
19A: No, he can't. Put yourself in the Ignika's "shoes" -- what's the best way to get Vezon to guard you with his life? Fuse to him so that he thinks the only way you can be removed is if he dies.
2010. What is Fenrakk actually?
21A: He's a Rahi
2211. What did the Voyaraga's Toa team use the Ignika for?
23A: Can't answer it
2412. Why did the Great Beings forge the Ignika all those years ago? Don't they know that it'll be greatly sought after one day if the world knows about it?
25A: Yes, that is why it has guardians. They forged it because they knew it might be needed someday.
2613. Why did they chose to hide it on Voya Nui?
27A: Had to hide it somewhere, and the continent Voya Nui was once part of was the most logical place to put it
2814. Where were the Olda shot out in their canisters from?
29A: Can't answer it
3015. Will there be more Dark Hunters next year?
31A: Doubtful
3216. Throughout the 3-year story arc, will we get to know any BoM members?
33A: Hard for me to say, because 2008 is not detailed yet
3417. Are there other islands that needed "cleansing" by the Bohrok?
35A: No
3618. Why were the Bohrok only to level the island when there would be no inhabitants?
37A: Because if they level it with inhabitants there, the inhabitants could be harmed. But the point was moot because there were never supposed to BE any inhabitants there.
3819. What would happen if the Bohrok failed their mission? That is, if they never got to level the island in time?
39A: Can't answer it
4020. I heard here on BZP that their mission was to, among other things, keep the Metru Nui sun-holes clear... Is that so?
41A: No, I am not aware of that. However, given the condition of the suns, they would naturally have been removing the things blocking them/covering them, because they were not there in the before time.

21. Protodites are microscopic. Since there are no microscopes in BIONICLE, (I think) then how do they know they exist?
3A: I wasn't aware we ever said there are no microscopes -- after all, there are telescopes, and the tech is not all that different.
42. About the Voyaraga that was a Toa of Magnetism: I was thinking that Magnetism might be a female element, (remember Gahlok-Kal?) so was the Voyaraga female? In other words, was his/her colour blue?
5A: No, blue characters are water-based, and I had no intent of the character being female.
63. I have a theory about what the Bahrag use to generate krana: certain kinda Kanohi destined to tranform, hence the similarities between the two. Am I close?
7A: Not so far as I know -- remember, krana are alive, Kanohi are not.
84. What is antidermis and it's role in the story?
9A: Antidermis is the virus the Piraka use to enslave the Matoran of Voya Nui
105. What are protodax and what role do they play in the story? Where are they found?
11A: Protodax are protodites enlarged trillions of times by the power of the Mask of Life and used as guardians for it
126. Since Zaktan is made of protodites, can he shapeshift, just like Matau?
13A: To an extent, but he can't change his color so he's really not going to fool anyone.
147. Where are the Toa Nuva now? What are they gonna do?
15A: The Toa Nuva have been captured by the Piraka and are in an unknown location.
168. What is the Inika's destiny?
17A: Follow the story and find out
189. Why did the Ignika stick to the back of Vezon's head? Can he take it off?
19A: No, he can't. Put yourself in the Ignika's "shoes" -- what's the best way to get Vezon to guard you with his life? Fuse to him so that he thinks the only way you can be removed is if he dies.
2010. What is Fenrakk actually?
21A: He's a Rahi
2211. What did the Voyaraga's Toa team use the Ignika for?
23A: Can't answer it
2412. Why did the Great Beings forge the Ignika all those years ago? Don't they know that it'll be greatly sought after one day if the world knows about it?
25A: Yes, that is why it has guardians. They forged it because they knew it might be needed someday.
2613. Why did they chose to hide it on Voya Nui?
27A: Had to hide it somewhere, and the continent Voya Nui was once part of was the most logical place to put it
2814. Where were the Olda shot out in their canisters from?
29A: Can't answer it
3015. Will there be more Dark Hunters next year?
31A: Doubtful
3216. Throughout the 3-year story arc, will we get to know any BoM members?
33A: Hard for me to say, because 2008 is not detailed yet
3417. Are there other islands that needed "cleansing" by the Bohrok?
35A: No
3618. Why were the Bohrok only to level the island when there would be no inhabitants?
37A: Because if they level it with inhabitants there, the inhabitants could be harmed. But the point was moot because there were never supposed to BE any inhabitants there.
3819. What would happen if the Bohrok failed their mission? That is, if they never got to level the island in time?
39A: Can't answer it
4020. I heard here on BZP that their mission was to, among other things, keep the Metru Nui sun-holes clear... Is that so?
41A: No, I am not aware of that. However, given the condition of the suns, they would naturally have been removing the things blocking them/covering them, because they were not there in the before time.
1Okay girls n' boys, some dubious answers for you all...
Me 21) Okay, just a silly guess, but is the suposed fusion of two pirakak from the fusion contest, caused by the 'horrible accident' of an encounter with Vezon's staff?
32) Does the ignika have any control over the bad things it does to people?
43) Does Vezon have any hope of remainign alive f he is separated from the Ignika and/or fenrakk?
5thanks for your time and well done on finishing BL6 so soon.
GregF 61) It's no accident 72) Yes 83) He doesn't think so
1Re:Questions 2[ Forward PM | Reply 3Personal Message 4GregF Re:Questions, Jun 4 2006, 01:17 PM
5Bionicle Comic Writer
6Group: Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens 7Posts: 3386 8Member No.: 581 9Joined: 25-March 02
10QUOTE 111) Did Zaktan know before the events of Voya Nui of 2001 onwards? 122) Lots of people on BZP have been saying that Roodaka is in BL#4, is it true? 133) Are any of the BOM members hiding while they think Makuta's dead? 144) Who's older, the Toa Mata or Dume's team? 155) Are the Toa Nuva featured in Power Play? 166) Can you give me a Matoro quote? 177) Is it Vezok and Avak who steal Brutaka's powers? 188) What is the title of Comic 3? 199) Does the Shadowed One think Makuta's been killed by Toa? 2010) Will you have to work on BL#7 after you've finished the Bionicle Atlas and BL#6? 2111) Can you confirm that Makuta isn't controlling Zaktan? 2212) Who is the most intent on finding the Toa Nuva? 2313) Who is the most intent on finding the Ignika? 2414) Why does every island have 'Nui' at the end of it? Voya Nui, Metru Nui, Mata Nui . . . 2515) Does Vezon's name mean double? 2616) Is the connection between Vezok and Vezon fully revealed in BL#4? 2717) Is Antidermis the energy that Makuta's armours left out? 2818) Can you tell me the Piraka's worst fears? 2919) Is Vezon's Spear of Fushion the reason of two of the Piraka joining? 3020) Are their more protectors of the Ignika than we know about? 3121) Will Vezon ever use his eye power in the books? 3222) How does the Ignika 'choose' who can and who can't wear it? 3323) Does Kongu ever use the Suletu in the books? 3424) Who do the Toa Inika meet first on Voya Nui? 3525) Can you tell me the names of the Toa Inika's tools? 3626) If not, can you confirm the name of Jallers tool is Energized Flame Sword? 3727) Who has the most effective powers out of the Toa Inika? 3828) Do the Piraka all come from the same island? 3929) How come they don't live their anymore? 4030) Which is your favourite battle in Power Play? Nuparu vs Zaktan, Jaller vs Vezok etc
411) I don't understand your question. Do you mean did he know what was going on on Mata Nui? No. 422) She makes a cameo appearance, yes 433) No, BOM members do not hide 444) Most likely the Toa Mata 455) No 466) I really have no time to go quote searching right now 477) No 488) Don't remember offhand 499) He thinks it's possible 5010) Yes 5111) Controlling? No, he is not controlling him. 5212) Kongu 5313) There is no one "most intent," they are all intent on it 5414) Because that is the system we have set up -- if we called it "Metru<fill in the blank>" people would be confused not knowing if it was a location or a character. Nui lets them know it is a location. 5515) Yes, in Matoran 5616) Yes 5717) Can't answer it 5818) Nope 5919) Yes 6020) I don't know which ones you know about 6121) Yes 6222) It knows whose destiny it is 6323) Yes 6424) Read Book 3 and find out 6525) Not yet, no, sets are not out yet 6626) See answer to #25 6727) How are you measuring effectiveness? 6828) Yes 6929) Because they wanted wealth, and you can get that better somewhere else 7030) I don't really have a favorite
5Bionicle Comic Writer
6Group: Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens 7Posts: 3386 8Member No.: 581 9Joined: 25-March 02
10QUOTE 111) Did Zaktan know before the events of Voya Nui of 2001 onwards? 122) Lots of people on BZP have been saying that Roodaka is in BL#4, is it true? 133) Are any of the BOM members hiding while they think Makuta's dead? 144) Who's older, the Toa Mata or Dume's team? 155) Are the Toa Nuva featured in Power Play? 166) Can you give me a Matoro quote? 177) Is it Vezok and Avak who steal Brutaka's powers? 188) What is the title of Comic 3? 199) Does the Shadowed One think Makuta's been killed by Toa? 2010) Will you have to work on BL#7 after you've finished the Bionicle Atlas and BL#6? 2111) Can you confirm that Makuta isn't controlling Zaktan? 2212) Who is the most intent on finding the Toa Nuva? 2313) Who is the most intent on finding the Ignika? 2414) Why does every island have 'Nui' at the end of it? Voya Nui, Metru Nui, Mata Nui . . . 2515) Does Vezon's name mean double? 2616) Is the connection between Vezok and Vezon fully revealed in BL#4? 2717) Is Antidermis the energy that Makuta's armours left out? 2818) Can you tell me the Piraka's worst fears? 2919) Is Vezon's Spear of Fushion the reason of two of the Piraka joining? 3020) Are their more protectors of the Ignika than we know about? 3121) Will Vezon ever use his eye power in the books? 3222) How does the Ignika 'choose' who can and who can't wear it? 3323) Does Kongu ever use the Suletu in the books? 3424) Who do the Toa Inika meet first on Voya Nui? 3525) Can you tell me the names of the Toa Inika's tools? 3626) If not, can you confirm the name of Jallers tool is Energized Flame Sword? 3727) Who has the most effective powers out of the Toa Inika? 3828) Do the Piraka all come from the same island? 3929) How come they don't live their anymore? 4030) Which is your favourite battle in Power Play? Nuparu vs Zaktan, Jaller vs Vezok etc
411) I don't understand your question. Do you mean did he know what was going on on Mata Nui? No. 422) She makes a cameo appearance, yes 433) No, BOM members do not hide 444) Most likely the Toa Mata 455) No 466) I really have no time to go quote searching right now 477) No 488) Don't remember offhand 499) He thinks it's possible 5010) Yes 5111) Controlling? No, he is not controlling him. 5212) Kongu 5313) There is no one "most intent," they are all intent on it 5414) Because that is the system we have set up -- if we called it "Metru<fill in the blank>" people would be confused not knowing if it was a location or a character. Nui lets them know it is a location. 5515) Yes, in Matoran 5616) Yes 5717) Can't answer it 5818) Nope 5919) Yes 6020) I don't know which ones you know about 6121) Yes 6222) It knows whose destiny it is 6323) Yes 6424) Read Book 3 and find out 6525) Not yet, no, sets are not out yet 6626) See answer to #25 6727) How are you measuring effectiveness? 6828) Yes 6929) Because they wanted wealth, and you can get that better somewhere else 7030) I don't really have a favorite
1Here is some new info from Greg, some of it is pretty interesting, especially one of Fenrakks powers...
131) Maybe, but why bother? Suppose its body lost in battle, then what? Suppose in a fight, the mask got damaged or destroyed, then what?
142) Acidic saliva and great strength
153) No
164) 100,000 years
175) Not like you can, no
186) He has to throw it. This is not a mask of telekinesis.
197) Well, for example -- let's say you are going into a winding tunnel and it is full of enemies. Matoro's spirit can rocket ahead, passing right through walls, and scout the whole way unseen by the enemy. Or suppose the Matoran rebels have gone missing ... Matoro can search for them in spirit form, flying right through mountains without any of the Piraka seeing him.
208) Yes, it can be used offensively
219) I really don't know, to be honest. One of the challenges is that BIONICLE mainly appeals to boys (and young men) -- there are female fans, but they are in the minority. For a "family" movie to work at the box office, like Shrek or something, entire families have to go multiple times to see it. I am not sure entire families would want to go multiple times to see a BIONICLE movie unless everyone in the house was a fan.
2Hey Greg. Here are a few things I have been wondering about.
31. If the Ignika is so powerful and can create so many guardians, couldn't it create a body for itself and become it's own entity?
42. Does Fenrakk have any other powers besides Vezon's kinetic abilities?
53. Can he use Vezon's future sight?
64. How old would you say the Ignika is?
75. Can the Ignika talk?
86. How exactly does the Sanok work? Does Hewkii stare at an object, and then it zooms towards its target, or does he have to throw an object towards his enemy?
97. What exactly is the purpose of Matoro's mask? What kinds of things can his spirit form do?
108. Could Vezons staff be used offensively? e.g. (he fuses an enemy to a rock and they are stuck on it forever.)
119. Do you think a theatrical BIONICLE movie would do well?
12Thank you for your time, Greg.
131) Maybe, but why bother? Suppose its body lost in battle, then what? Suppose in a fight, the mask got damaged or destroyed, then what?
142) Acidic saliva and great strength
153) No
164) 100,000 years
175) Not like you can, no
186) He has to throw it. This is not a mask of telekinesis.
197) Well, for example -- let's say you are going into a winding tunnel and it is full of enemies. Matoro's spirit can rocket ahead, passing right through walls, and scout the whole way unseen by the enemy. Or suppose the Matoran rebels have gone missing ... Matoro can search for them in spirit form, flying right through mountains without any of the Piraka seeing him.
208) Yes, it can be used offensively
219) I really don't know, to be honest. One of the challenges is that BIONICLE mainly appeals to boys (and young men) -- there are female fans, but they are in the minority. For a "family" movie to work at the box office, like Shrek or something, entire families have to go multiple times to see it. I am not sure entire families would want to go multiple times to see a BIONICLE movie unless everyone in the house was a fan.
1Here are some questions that I asked Greg:
2Hello, Greg. I have a few questions.
31. Will the Kanohi of Elemental Energy ever be in the story?
42. Will we ever see the Toa Hagah in the storyline?
53. How about Lhikan's Team?
64. Dume's Team?
75. Regarding the Bionicle Heroes game, what do you mean when you say that you don't play as the Toa Inika or the Piraka, but you play as some Krahka-like being.
91) Probably not, that was a video game only thing 102) No idea. The overall impression I have had from BZP is that they don't like flashback stories, so we don't have any more planned at this time. 113) Lhikan's team appears briefly in Book 4 this year 124) No plans for that right now 135) Because your character can change forms from one Toa to another during the course of the game.
14I would like the the Kanohi of elemental energy to appear in a set...
17I've got some more questions.
191. Can the Kanohi Suletu be used to take over people's bodies and control their minds?
202. When the Bahrag said "You cannot imagine what you have unleashed:', did they mean the Bohrok-Kal? This has probably been answered before...
213. How much time of history was recorded on the tablets in the Cavern of Historical Records on Voya Nui?
224. How big is the Bionicle Mainland? It's a continent so, is it bigger than Mata Nui? Because even though Mata Nui is an island, it is roughly 65 times the size of Metru Nui...
235. Do matoran still live on the Mainland?
246. Will the Toa Nuva become Turaga this year?
257. If not, will they die?
26Thanks in advance:
27Kraahkan-User 3000
28Answers: 291) No, we already have a mask of Mind Control -- the Komau. There's no need for a second one. 302) Yes 313) Quite a bit 324) Can't answer it 335) Yes 346) No. The Toa Nuva can only become Turaga if they a - awaken Mata Nui and b -- choose to give up their Toa power. This story arc is not about awakening Mata Nui, it's about saving his life. 357) No.
36Duh...I should've remembered the Komau
2Hello, Greg. I have a few questions.
31. Will the Kanohi of Elemental Energy ever be in the story?
42. Will we ever see the Toa Hagah in the storyline?
53. How about Lhikan's Team?
64. Dume's Team?
75. Regarding the Bionicle Heroes game, what do you mean when you say that you don't play as the Toa Inika or the Piraka, but you play as some Krahka-like being.
91) Probably not, that was a video game only thing 102) No idea. The overall impression I have had from BZP is that they don't like flashback stories, so we don't have any more planned at this time. 113) Lhikan's team appears briefly in Book 4 this year 124) No plans for that right now 135) Because your character can change forms from one Toa to another during the course of the game.
14I would like the the Kanohi of elemental energy to appear in a set...

17I've got some more questions.
191. Can the Kanohi Suletu be used to take over people's bodies and control their minds?
202. When the Bahrag said "You cannot imagine what you have unleashed:', did they mean the Bohrok-Kal? This has probably been answered before...
213. How much time of history was recorded on the tablets in the Cavern of Historical Records on Voya Nui?
224. How big is the Bionicle Mainland? It's a continent so, is it bigger than Mata Nui? Because even though Mata Nui is an island, it is roughly 65 times the size of Metru Nui...
235. Do matoran still live on the Mainland?
246. Will the Toa Nuva become Turaga this year?
257. If not, will they die?
26Thanks in advance:
27Kraahkan-User 3000
28Answers: 291) No, we already have a mask of Mind Control -- the Komau. There's no need for a second one. 302) Yes 313) Quite a bit 324) Can't answer it 335) Yes 346) No. The Toa Nuva can only become Turaga if they a - awaken Mata Nui and b -- choose to give up their Toa power. This story arc is not about awakening Mata Nui, it's about saving his life. 357) No.
36Duh...I should've remembered the Komau
1Hi Greg, I just have one question today:
21) Do we know of the element (being) the Bahrag used to create the Krana?
3Can't answer it
41) They didn't use Kraata did they (I only ask that because of the name similarity seeing as they are hardly coincidences in BIONICLE)?
52) Since you can't answer the initial question, can I ask, what importance does it still have in the storyline, that makes it so that you can't answer us?
6I hope that you can answer at least one of these. Thanks for your time Greg.
7- Toa Lhikan Hordika
81) Doubt very much they used kraata. 92) It may have importance later on, and frankly, if we give you answers to everything, there will be nothing left for you to speculate on -- and, why waste the answers on BZP when I can use them a story down the road?

14) who sent the olda if mata nui was asleep? 24) The Olda's purpose is and always way to awaken Mata Nui if he ever "went to sleep." Therefore, it would make no sense if he had to be the one to send them, since he would be sleeping.
3Wait, the Toa Olda have been active before right? I mean that's why they didn't have to learn their mask and elemental powers, isn't it? If their sole purpose was always to awaken Mata Nui if he ever "went to sleep", and Toa are created in times of crisis, then why were they active before they were sent to Mata Nui?
4Simple. Okay, you have six Toa whose job is to act in a time of crisis, when Mata Nui is disabled, right? What good will it do you to send in total novices in a situation like that? If you can have them active beforehand, and therefore experienced, why wouldn't you do it? (Do you want firefighters to just sit around all day when there are no fires, or do you want them out practicing?)
5So the Toa Olda were "practicing" somewhere before they were canned and sent to Mata Nui...
11) Basically, because they see no point. My feeling has always been that Makuta knew that the Toa and Matoran would make it back to Metru Nui eventually -- so he intentionally lost the fight to Takanuva, allowing them to go back there thinking they had won. (Granted, he didn't expect to be crushed by a door, but hey, stuff happens.) This way, they would be a -- occupied with rebuilding for some time and b -- convinced the danger from Makuta was largely over, and thus ignore what he was REALLY up to.
2I got this off of the Official Greg discussion.
31) I just have to know, does this mean that he is alive, if he was "REALLY" up to something?
42) When Vakama was talking to Krakua, and he was told that he would send six heroes into the darkness who would brave the lightning, was he talking about the Toa Nuva, or the Inika or both?
53) Why exactly does Umbra have a Kanohi if it's powerless?
64) When will we learn what the Bahrag used to make the Krana?
75) In the Dark Hunters Guide, you wrote that Avak had already possessed his caging power before they recruited him, but in BL1, you wrote that he got the power after he became a Dark Hunter. Which one was it?
86) Was it The Shadowed One's eyebeams that brought the protodite condition to Zaktan or was he already like that.
96.2) If "he was already like that," can you tell me who did it to him?
107) Why is Vezon insane? I believe I read somewhere around here that he was always insane. What caused it?
11Thanks for your time.
12- Toa Lhikan Hordika
131) As I said, his plan did not include being crushed by a door. So time will tell if he survived or not. 142) The Inika. 153) Because that is what his creators gave to him. 164) No idea, since neither Bahrag nor krana are a focus of the story right now. 175) Can you give me the quote from BL #1? I don't have time to search for what you are referring to. 186) He was not already like that, no. 197) Has to do with his origin
20I don't know if you got the reply to this message, but I gave you the quote, so here it is again:
Avak 21"Now where was I?" said the Piraka. "Oh, yes, once I realized no escape-proof cell could be built, I went to the head of the Dark Hunters with the problem. He sent me to the Brotherhood of Makuta, and they...did things to me."
22Kopaka hurled hailstones the size of boulders, only see Avak bat them aside. Then the Piraka paused, as if lost in thought. The next instant, a cage made of flaming bars had sprung into existence around Kopaka."
23"Now I make my own cells," Avak finished. "Any kind I need."
24You are correct that there is an apparent contradiction. According to Avak, he did not develop his ability until he joined the DH, but TSO says he had it beforehand. TSO has no reason to lie in his own journal -- so why would Avak lie?
25Let's examine this -- TSO never says that Avak worked for the BOM. He simply says he was a jailer. It is Avak who brings up the reference to the BOM -- a group he knows to enemies of the Toa.
26So what you have here is Avak playing an angle ... if the Toa should defeat the Piraka, he has implied to them that he might have knowledge of the BOM - making him a valuable prisoner.
28Wow, Avak is a confusing liar.

1A few questions I asked greg a while ago.
2Hi Greg. I have a few questions if you have the time. 31. How are you progressing with the books? 42. Do you ever come to Atlanta for anything and if you do can you tell me when you come. I REALLY like to meet you. 53. Is Voporak going to be in any of the Legend books like in flashbacks? 64)How many "Legends" books are you planning to make? 75)Are you planning to make any more guides besides the "Dark Hunter Guide"?
81) Start BIONICLE Legends #6 92) So far, I haven't -- they don't seem to send me places for signings I have to fly to, except for Comic-Con 103) Don't know yet. He may appear other places, however 114) At this point, I only have the publishing schedule through 2007, which covers books 6-10. I won't have a schedule for 2008 until middle of next year. 125) Not this year, no. We have another guide coming out in 2007.
13Edit: My bad Sernikai.
2Hi Greg. I have a few questions if you have the time. 31. How are you progressing with the books? 42. Do you ever come to Atlanta for anything and if you do can you tell me when you come. I REALLY like to meet you. 53. Is Voporak going to be in any of the Legend books like in flashbacks? 64)How many "Legends" books are you planning to make? 75)Are you planning to make any more guides besides the "Dark Hunter Guide"?
81) Start BIONICLE Legends #6 92) So far, I haven't -- they don't seem to send me places for signings I have to fly to, except for Comic-Con 103) Don't know yet. He may appear other places, however 114) At this point, I only have the publishing schedule through 2007, which covers books 6-10. I won't have a schedule for 2008 until middle of next year. 125) Not this year, no. We have another guide coming out in 2007.
13Edit: My bad Sernikai.
1QUOTE 2Hello Greg. I have some questions.
3What did Zaktan mean by the phrase" death from life, life from death"?
4What catagory of creatures whould the shadowed one fall under? ( humans is classified as mammals)
5What kind of mental illnes does Vezon suffers from? I know he is paranoid but has he more? Like Claustrophobia? does he hear voices? Does he think he is two persones?
6Is it true that Vezon has no skin on his face? That his real face is a grining skinless skull?
7Does Hakann launch streams of Lava from his weapon or super hot plasma rays?
8The mask of life cant give life back to dead persones can it?
9Since ther is a mask of light and a mask of shadows does it exist a mask of death as a opposite to the amsk of life?
10Why did Vezon go after the mask all by him self?
11other questions:
12What kind of RPG did you wrote for?
131) Hasn't been revealed yet 142) Mammals breathe air, so does TSO, so he would be a mammal as well 153) He's a paranoid schizophrenic 164) No, that is not true -- Vezon's face is the same as the other Piraka's, just the set is a little different because of the need to have the MoLi as the back of the headpiece 175) Balls of molten magma 186) No, it cannot 197) Maybe, who knows? 208) Why share it if he didn't have to? 219) I wrote for Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Tales from the Crypt, Bloodshadows, Torg, Shatterzone, Paranoia, and a few others
3What did Zaktan mean by the phrase" death from life, life from death"?
4What catagory of creatures whould the shadowed one fall under? ( humans is classified as mammals)
5What kind of mental illnes does Vezon suffers from? I know he is paranoid but has he more? Like Claustrophobia? does he hear voices? Does he think he is two persones?
6Is it true that Vezon has no skin on his face? That his real face is a grining skinless skull?
7Does Hakann launch streams of Lava from his weapon or super hot plasma rays?
8The mask of life cant give life back to dead persones can it?
9Since ther is a mask of light and a mask of shadows does it exist a mask of death as a opposite to the amsk of life?
10Why did Vezon go after the mask all by him self?
11other questions:
12What kind of RPG did you wrote for?
131) Hasn't been revealed yet 142) Mammals breathe air, so does TSO, so he would be a mammal as well 153) He's a paranoid schizophrenic 164) No, that is not true -- Vezon's face is the same as the other Piraka's, just the set is a little different because of the need to have the MoLi as the back of the headpiece 175) Balls of molten magma 186) No, it cannot 197) Maybe, who knows? 208) Why share it if he didn't have to? 219) I wrote for Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Tales from the Crypt, Bloodshadows, Torg, Shatterzone, Paranoia, and a few others
1I have something pretty big that hasn't been brought up before...
2Just one question, really. Around here, attention is shifting more and more towards the Inika, so I was wondering about the Matoran resistance. Do they still have some great importance to the story, and what roles do they play in BL5 (what are they doing)?
3Thank you. 4Bolt.
5They play a very important role in BL #5, actually. Their job is to find and rescue the Toa Nuva.
1What catagory of creatures whould the shadowed one fall under? ( humans is classified as mammals)
22) Mammals breathe air, so does TSO, so he would be a mammal as well
3Woah what is up with this? TSO is a mammal? Mammals have hair, produce milk, and give live birth . None of these is a characteristic of any Bionicle creature. Can someone explain this?
4Edit: Oh I see now. In the real world. I guess he wouldnt fall under bird or fish or anything so he fits under mammal. Sorry
1Woah what is up with this? TSO is a mammal? Mammals have hair, produce milk, and give live birth . None of these is a characteristic of any Bionicle creature. Can someone explain this?
2He was just using it as a general term, I think. Something around the lines of, "If he existed in human life he would be a mammal." Not 100% sure if that's correct or not, but I think it's reasonable

41. Did the Toa Mata exist before Umbra?
52a. Who would you say is/was the strongest Toa, physically? 6b. Mentally?
73. Did touching the Ignika make Vezon's staff go crazy, thus fusing him to Fenrakk (and the mask to him), or was that just what it decided to do to him (no relation to his staff power)?
84. One of the Dark Hunter contest winners (Prototype) mentioned a staff that fused two Toa together into a monster; any connection between this and Vezon's staff?
95. Will all of Axonn and Brutaka's powers be revealed by some point in time?
106. As for Toa Inika leaders: it's confirmed that it won't be Hahli, Nuparu, Hewkii, or Matoro, right?
11And, as always, thanks in advance
121) No 132) Of which Toa group? 143) No -- the Ignika had nothing to do with Vezon's origin 154) Yes 165) No idea, probably not 176) Right
1I aksed him if he can say anything about the six new villians in BL#6, and this is his very interesting reply:
4Personally I find it interesting that there are no Toa in the book
2here it says that in the book there will be six new villians. Is there anything, no really anything at all u can tell us about them?
3I would not rely on that info, since it also says the book is about a Toa journey, and there are no Toa in that book. Also, I cannot discuss 2007 in any way, shape or form.
4Personally I find it interesting that there are no Toa in the book
1I aksed him if he can say anything about the six new villians in BL#6, and this is his very interesting reply: 2I would not rely on that info, since it also says the book is about a Toa journey, and there are no Toa in that book. Also, I cannot discuss 2007 in any way, shape or form.
3Personally I find it interesting that there are no Toa in the book
4There is nothing true about the info on the site exept the title of the book and he said he is not going to discuss the "info" on the site anymore
5and here are some questions
6Here are some more questions and thanks again for answering the last ones:
71)Was voporak mutated by every mutating power we know of (ep, roodakas spinner,the kal stuff and the x into krana thing) exept visorak venom many others?
82)There is a dark hunter (can't remember witch one) that "Must strike takanuva while he is weak" is this mentally or pshycally?
93) I read in the official Gregf topic that fennraks powers (alone) are acidic saliva and massive strenght
10a Does every Fennrak own this power?
11b Has Vezon access to them?
124)Is NOTHING of the description on the scolastic website exept the title of BL#6 not true?
135)Is everyone of the piraka's species evil?
146)Are the exo-toa suits going to be used in this story arc or at least rebuild?
157) Are there more types of matoran than the 6 we know of?
168) If any of the inika blasts reidak with their elemental powers and then another one blasts him will he be affected by the whole attack or the blast without the lightning?
17Thanks in advance and good luck on writing the legend books:
181) No. Voporak was mutated by the Brotherhood 192) If you can't remember the entry, I can't help you -- I don't have time to search the book, and I wrote it almost a year ago. 203) Fenrakk spawn are not as strong, and no Vezon cannot use those powers himself. 214) I am not going to discuss that site any further, as I am not allowed to discuss 2007 225) I wouldn't say evil, no. But they live in a hostile place and they do what they have to to survive. 236) No idea. No plans for them right now. It is true that Nuparu salvaged some of the armor, but that armor is in Metru Nui, and he's not 247) Probably 258) I don't understand your question. Toa Inika cannot fire blasts that don't have lightning in them
268) I mean when he is struck by 2 blasts from diffrent inika will he be affected by the lightning from the first and not from the second?
27He would only gain a resistance if he was actually DEFEATED by the lightning-laced elemental blast, not just by being struck by it.
Got a new bunch of questions from Greg. No.2 seems interestiong for all you set junkies.

2Hey Greg:
3Just a few questions....
41.Can you describe the 2007 sets like you described the '06 ones as "Freakin Amazing"or "Best bad guys since the Rahkshi"?
52.How do the Toa Inika's masks fit on?From mouth holes or pins like the Piraka?
63.Will the Toa Inika be in the 2006-09 Ark alot?
74.If possible(I know your on a tight schedule) could you dig up a Inika Quote for me Preferably Matoro or Jaller?
85.About how many PMs do receive and answer a day?
9Thanks so much: 10Legend
111) I cannot discuss 2007 in any way, shape or form. It's June of 2006, the Toa Inika are not even out yet -- way too soon to discuss next year. 122) Neither. You slip them on over the glow-in-the-dark ball piece. 133) I can't discuss future storyline 144) Sorry, no time 155) It varies.
1Hey Greg, this past week I've been getting caught up with the storyline, reading 'Web of Shadows' through 'Dark Destiny', and a few questions have arisen:
3In 'Web of Shadows', Nuju is quoted as saying "when they're written for a creature that has not been since the before time?" Apparently the use of the term 'before time' predates Mata Nui (Island), but what could Nuju be referring to?4Ancient history 5Hmmm... I'll have to run that one by him again sometime.
7From what I have gathered from 'Maze of Shadows' and 'Time Trap', the kratta-krana hybrid has the ability to trigger visions for Vakama. How does Makuta know this? Do these visions induced by the creature only happen to Vakama, or can it happen to anyone? 8Happens to anyone -- Onewa was the first to encounter that creature, not Vakama. And Makuta knows about the creature because Makuta knows lots of things. 9WOW: ANYONE?
11How is Vakama responsible for Krakua's exisence? If you can't answer that, could you let me know how long until we find out? 12Simple. If Vakama prevented the Toa Nuva and Toa Inika from doing their jobs, the universe ends, the future doesn't exist, and Krakua never comes to be. 13Well, that one was a no-brainer.
15If Makuta welded Keetongu's Rhotuka launcher compartment shut, how can he defend himself? 16He'll have to get it un-welded 17Yeah, but how? BTW, is that even a word?
19In 'Time Trap', Vakama created an Energized Protodermis 'bomb'. How powerful are the blasts of these? 205) Pretty darn powerful 21I wouldn't want to be nearby one of those when it goes off.
23Also in 'Time Trap', Makuta begins to lose energy that is the same color as antidermis. Is there a connection? 24Follow the story and find out 25I think there is a connection
27Since Toa can channel their power through their hands and outer bodies, can they use their eyes the same way? 28Nope 29Drat. That would've been cool.
1QUOTE 2Lots of Questions this time:
31. Are Voporak and Ancient DEFINITELY travelling to Mata Nui to seek out the Vahi following Tahu's use of it?
42. Is the Shadowed One aware of the island of Mata Nui's existance?
53. When will you come up with bios for the 3 Piraka combiners? (the official ones, not the ones from the contest)
64. Do you already have a story name for the Piraka Fusion Contest's grand prize winner?
75. Why were the Matoran of Metru Nui so unaware of past events? Example: None of the six Toa Metru seemed to know who Nidhiki really was, even though Nidhiki was once a Toa on Lhikan's team.
86. Did the Kanohi Dragon ever go to Voya Nui? The Resistance Team seems to be aware of it, since Velika used it as an example in one of his riddles.
97. Garan says to Onua when he thinks that the Toa Nuva are not really Toa "And there is no island of Mata Nui, or we would know about it", and Balta, when Axonn tells him the Legend of Mata Nui, Balta responds with "I have heard...rumors...of such a thing." Does this mean that the Voyatoran are aware of events happening outside of Voya Nui?
108. Will we ever see the other winners of the Piraka Fusion Contest in the story?
119. Does anyone die this year?
1210. How did the Shadowed One learn of Takanuva's existence?
13Thanks in advance:
151) Yes, but keep in mind it was not used ON Mata Nui, but underneath it. 162) He is now, I'm sure -- the Matoran had to return to Metru Nui from somewhere 173) I'm not going to, as they play no role in the storyline 184) There actually was no need to name it, given the circumstances of its appearance 195) Because the events Nidhiki was involved in happened tens of thousands of years before, and he looked a lot different in LOMN. Lhikan remembered him because they had been close before, but the Matoran didn't hang out with him back then -- Toa Nidhiki did not associate himself with Matoran. 206) It may have 217) Don't forget, they read the stars the same as the Matoran of Mata Nui do. 228) No. Only the grand prize winner was slated for inclusion. 239) I can't answer that 2410) News travels fast in the BIONICLE universe, especially when you have spies everywhere.
31. Are Voporak and Ancient DEFINITELY travelling to Mata Nui to seek out the Vahi following Tahu's use of it?
42. Is the Shadowed One aware of the island of Mata Nui's existance?
53. When will you come up with bios for the 3 Piraka combiners? (the official ones, not the ones from the contest)
64. Do you already have a story name for the Piraka Fusion Contest's grand prize winner?
75. Why were the Matoran of Metru Nui so unaware of past events? Example: None of the six Toa Metru seemed to know who Nidhiki really was, even though Nidhiki was once a Toa on Lhikan's team.
86. Did the Kanohi Dragon ever go to Voya Nui? The Resistance Team seems to be aware of it, since Velika used it as an example in one of his riddles.
97. Garan says to Onua when he thinks that the Toa Nuva are not really Toa "And there is no island of Mata Nui, or we would know about it", and Balta, when Axonn tells him the Legend of Mata Nui, Balta responds with "I have heard...rumors...of such a thing." Does this mean that the Voyatoran are aware of events happening outside of Voya Nui?
108. Will we ever see the other winners of the Piraka Fusion Contest in the story?
119. Does anyone die this year?
1210. How did the Shadowed One learn of Takanuva's existence?
13Thanks in advance:
151) Yes, but keep in mind it was not used ON Mata Nui, but underneath it. 162) He is now, I'm sure -- the Matoran had to return to Metru Nui from somewhere 173) I'm not going to, as they play no role in the storyline 184) There actually was no need to name it, given the circumstances of its appearance 195) Because the events Nidhiki was involved in happened tens of thousands of years before, and he looked a lot different in LOMN. Lhikan remembered him because they had been close before, but the Matoran didn't hang out with him back then -- Toa Nidhiki did not associate himself with Matoran. 206) It may have 217) Don't forget, they read the stars the same as the Matoran of Mata Nui do. 228) No. Only the grand prize winner was slated for inclusion. 239) I can't answer that 2410) News travels fast in the BIONICLE universe, especially when you have spies everywhere.
1Howdy folks: Below are 20 more Q's... although many couldn't be answered.
21. Did the red star ALWAYS exist? For some reason, I always think of it as appearing in the sky only after Mata Nui went to sleep... a.k.a. after LoMN.
32. If yes to 1, prior to migrating to Mata Nui, did the Matoran on Metru Nui know anything about the red star? I'm assuming not, since it was not visible from there...
43. Was Mata Nui (island) ALWAYS aboveground?
54. If yes to 4, is there any storyline significance as to why only Mata Nui is aboveground, whereas other island aren't? (with the exception of Voya Nui, because it broke off from an underground continent, thus floating and moving on the surface)
65. If yes to 5, is that storyline significance connected to the Bohrok?
7(1-5) A: Can't answer it
86. Is there one and only one pair of Bahrag? That is, might there be another legion of Bohrok at another place, where, assuming, there would be another pair of commanding Bahrag there?
9A: There is only one pair of Bahrag
107. Is the Bohrok's "home" Mata Nui? I mean, did they originate from somewhere else? Or have they ALWAYS been on Mata Nui, not having to come from someplace else?
11A: The Bohrok aren't on Mata Nui, they're underneath it, so they are not "from" Mata Nui.
128. If they did come from elsewhere, are there still some of them "there"? Or have they all come to hibernate in Mata Nui?
13A: The vast majority are under Mata Nui or Metru Nui.
149. This process where the Bohrok biologically evolved to a state where no organic tissue remains (BTW, it's freaking cool: Thanks for making such a fact
, has it happened to other species? Or why hasn't it happened to other species e.g. Matoran? Or is it just a characteristic of the Bohrok that they evolve far faster than others? Was it, perhaps, their destiny?
15A: Can't answer it
1610. You once said that the Bohrok were ALWAYS intended to hold krana. How does that fit, now that you've revealed that they were once as biological as the Matoran? If they were once like that, what were the krana needed for then? Now, the krana just acts like a "brain" which controls the now totally-mechanical Bohrok...
17A: Note the word "intended" -- the mechanical version of the Bohrok were always intended to hold krana. I have not said if the Bohrok were once organic Bohrok or if they were a completely different species altogether who evolved into mechanical Bohrok.
1811. Is the character which told stuff to Zaktan in Bl#4 Roodaka? I mean, the '04-05' character which told him about the MoLi, the Nuva, and such?
19A: It was not a character
20My bet it that it was the Kratana: It's gotta be it -- it ain't a character, and it shows the future:::
2112. I suppose the AE's identity is this year's secret, eh? Every year has a "secret", like last year's was the identity of the traitor...
22A: Yup
2313. Is the AE a character that we already know of?
24A: Can't answer it
2514. How long has the AE been on Voya Nui?
26A: Who says it is?
27I thought it was...
then where else could it be?
2815. Has the AE been unleashed before?
29A: Yes
3016. Who knows about the AE? I mean who knows it exists and stuff...
31A: A lot of people
3217. If Umbra wears a powerless Kanohi, is it technically just a Matoran mask? Crafted from level 1-6 disks? So it's just like Matoran Whenua's Ruru?
33A: Or simply ornamentation, or something he salvaged from a fallen foe
3418. Is Takanuva gonna play any role at all this year?
35A: Not for the rest of this year, no
36Now for some off-topic Q's:
3719. What do you think of the recently aired LOST Season Finale?
38A: A lot to digest.
3920. Who is your favourite character in LOST and why?
40A: Probably Sawyer or Sayid, because they actually take action. Jack always strikes me as too trusting and naive.
41Cool, eh? The AE's gotta be Makuta (or something to do with him) he's not on Voya Nui: Man, this is gonna be the third time that walking scrap of shadow cheated death...

21. Did the red star ALWAYS exist? For some reason, I always think of it as appearing in the sky only after Mata Nui went to sleep... a.k.a. after LoMN.
32. If yes to 1, prior to migrating to Mata Nui, did the Matoran on Metru Nui know anything about the red star? I'm assuming not, since it was not visible from there...
43. Was Mata Nui (island) ALWAYS aboveground?
54. If yes to 4, is there any storyline significance as to why only Mata Nui is aboveground, whereas other island aren't? (with the exception of Voya Nui, because it broke off from an underground continent, thus floating and moving on the surface)
65. If yes to 5, is that storyline significance connected to the Bohrok?
7(1-5) A: Can't answer it
86. Is there one and only one pair of Bahrag? That is, might there be another legion of Bohrok at another place, where, assuming, there would be another pair of commanding Bahrag there?
9A: There is only one pair of Bahrag
107. Is the Bohrok's "home" Mata Nui? I mean, did they originate from somewhere else? Or have they ALWAYS been on Mata Nui, not having to come from someplace else?
11A: The Bohrok aren't on Mata Nui, they're underneath it, so they are not "from" Mata Nui.
128. If they did come from elsewhere, are there still some of them "there"? Or have they all come to hibernate in Mata Nui?
13A: The vast majority are under Mata Nui or Metru Nui.
149. This process where the Bohrok biologically evolved to a state where no organic tissue remains (BTW, it's freaking cool: Thanks for making such a fact

15A: Can't answer it
1610. You once said that the Bohrok were ALWAYS intended to hold krana. How does that fit, now that you've revealed that they were once as biological as the Matoran? If they were once like that, what were the krana needed for then? Now, the krana just acts like a "brain" which controls the now totally-mechanical Bohrok...
17A: Note the word "intended" -- the mechanical version of the Bohrok were always intended to hold krana. I have not said if the Bohrok were once organic Bohrok or if they were a completely different species altogether who evolved into mechanical Bohrok.
1811. Is the character which told stuff to Zaktan in Bl#4 Roodaka? I mean, the '04-05' character which told him about the MoLi, the Nuva, and such?
19A: It was not a character
20My bet it that it was the Kratana: It's gotta be it -- it ain't a character, and it shows the future:::
2112. I suppose the AE's identity is this year's secret, eh? Every year has a "secret", like last year's was the identity of the traitor...
22A: Yup
2313. Is the AE a character that we already know of?
24A: Can't answer it
2514. How long has the AE been on Voya Nui?
26A: Who says it is?
27I thought it was...

2815. Has the AE been unleashed before?
29A: Yes
3016. Who knows about the AE? I mean who knows it exists and stuff...
31A: A lot of people
3217. If Umbra wears a powerless Kanohi, is it technically just a Matoran mask? Crafted from level 1-6 disks? So it's just like Matoran Whenua's Ruru?
33A: Or simply ornamentation, or something he salvaged from a fallen foe
3418. Is Takanuva gonna play any role at all this year?
35A: Not for the rest of this year, no
36Now for some off-topic Q's:
3719. What do you think of the recently aired LOST Season Finale?
38A: A lot to digest.
3920. Who is your favourite character in LOST and why?
40A: Probably Sawyer or Sayid, because they actually take action. Jack always strikes me as too trusting and naive.
41Cool, eh? The AE's gotta be Makuta (or something to do with him) he's not on Voya Nui: Man, this is gonna be the third time that walking scrap of shadow cheated death...
1Re:Questions 2[ Forward PM | Reply 3Personal Message 4GregF Re:Questions, Jun 6 2006, 08:21 PM
5Bionicle Comic Writer
6Group: Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens 7Posts: 3394 8Member No.: 581 9Joined: 25-March 02
10QUOTE 111) Is their a reason why Hakann obliterates Rahi? 122) Is it Hakann and Thok who steal Brutaka's powers? 133) If so, how do they do it? 144) What does Vezon's name mean? 155) Can you give me a Power Play quote? 166) Do all the playsets of 2006 have a storyline reason? 177) Will Brutaka have to choose between saving Mata Nui and gaining the Ignika? 188) Is Axonn in Power Play? 199) What role does he play? 2010) When will you reveal more about 2007?
211) They block his view 222-3) Follow the story and find out 234) Double 245) Nope 256) No, not all of them 267) No - Brutaka couldn't care less about saving Mata Nui 278) Yes 289) Read the book and find out 2910) Late fall, early winter.
5Bionicle Comic Writer
6Group: Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens 7Posts: 3394 8Member No.: 581 9Joined: 25-March 02
10QUOTE 111) Is their a reason why Hakann obliterates Rahi? 122) Is it Hakann and Thok who steal Brutaka's powers? 133) If so, how do they do it? 144) What does Vezon's name mean? 155) Can you give me a Power Play quote? 166) Do all the playsets of 2006 have a storyline reason? 177) Will Brutaka have to choose between saving Mata Nui and gaining the Ignika? 188) Is Axonn in Power Play? 199) What role does he play? 2010) When will you reveal more about 2007?
211) They block his view 222-3) Follow the story and find out 234) Double 245) Nope 256) No, not all of them 267) No - Brutaka couldn't care less about saving Mata Nui 278) Yes 289) Read the book and find out 2910) Late fall, early winter.
1Some things that were nagging me ;-
2I have a couple of questions, could you please take time out of your busy schedule to answer them?
31. Are the Kanohi Inika organic? 41a. If yes, do they have any relation to Krana?
52. Did Karzhanni (sp?) make the Kanohi Inika different to normal masks? 62b. If not, who did?
7I could not see this question answered anywhere else :-
83. If the Inika were to become Turaga, would there Noble Kanohi still be different to regular Kanohi, and would they still retain their lightening poweres?
91) Yes 102) No. They are only organic because of the lightning from the red star. 112) Karzahni did not make them. And they were normal masks when he gave them to the Matoran. See answer to #2 123) Most likely, yes
133 is kinda cool.
2I have a couple of questions, could you please take time out of your busy schedule to answer them?
31. Are the Kanohi Inika organic? 41a. If yes, do they have any relation to Krana?
52. Did Karzhanni (sp?) make the Kanohi Inika different to normal masks? 62b. If not, who did?
7I could not see this question answered anywhere else :-
83. If the Inika were to become Turaga, would there Noble Kanohi still be different to regular Kanohi, and would they still retain their lightening poweres?
91) Yes 102) No. They are only organic because of the lightning from the red star. 112) Karzahni did not make them. And they were normal masks when he gave them to the Matoran. See answer to #2 123) Most likely, yes
133 is kinda cool.
1Not a character? The only creature I can find which is not a character is the Tahtorahk, though I can be wrong. 

1Howdy folks: Below are 20 more Q's... although many couldn't be answered.![]()
21. Did the red star ALWAYS exist? For some reason, I always think of it as appearing in the sky only after Mata Nui went to sleep... a.k.a. after LoMN.
32. If yes to 1, prior to migrating to Mata Nui, did the Matoran on Metru Nui know anything about the red star? I'm assuming not, since it was not visible from there...
43. Was Mata Nui (island) ALWAYS aboveground?
54. If yes to 4, is there any storyline significance as to why only Mata Nui is aboveground, whereas other island aren't? (with the exception of Voya Nui, because it broke off from an underground continent, thus floating and moving on the surface)
65. If yes to 5, is that storyline significance connected to the Bohrok?
7(1-5) A: Can't answer it
86. Is there one and only one pair of Bahrag? That is, might there be another legion of Bohrok at another place, where, assuming, there would be another pair of commanding Bahrag there?
9A: There is only one pair of Bahrag
107. Is the Bohrok's "home" Mata Nui? I mean, did they originate from somewhere else? Or have they ALWAYS been on Mata Nui, not having to come from someplace else?
11A: The Bohrok aren't on Mata Nui, they're underneath it, so they are not "from" Mata Nui.
128. If they did come from elsewhere, are there still some of them "there"? Or have they all come to hibernate in Mata Nui?
13A: The vast majority are under Mata Nui or Metru Nui.
149. This process where the Bohrok biologically evolved to a state where no organic tissue remains (BTW, it's freaking cool: Thanks for making such a fact, has it happened to other species? Or why hasn't it happened to other species e.g. Matoran? Or is it just a characteristic of the Bohrok that they evolve far faster than others? Was it, perhaps, their destiny?
15A: Can't answer it
1610. You once said that the Bohrok were ALWAYS intended to hold krana. How does that fit, now that you've revealed that they were once as biological as the Matoran? If they were once like that, what were the krana needed for then? Now, the krana just acts like a "brain" which controls the now totally-mechanical Bohrok...
17A: Note the word "intended" -- the mechanical version of the Bohrok were always intended to hold krana. I have not said if the Bohrok were once organic Bohrok or if they were a completely different species altogether who evolved into mechanical Bohrok.
1811. Is the character which told stuff to Zaktan in Bl#4 Roodaka? I mean, the '04-05' character which told him about the MoLi, the Nuva, and such?
19A: It was not a character
20My bet it that it was the Kratana: It's gotta be it -- it ain't a character, and it shows the future:::
2112. I suppose the AE's identity is this year's secret, eh? Every year has a "secret", like last year's was the identity of the traitor...
22A: Yup
2313. Is the AE a character that we already know of?
24A: Can't answer it
2514. How long has the AE been on Voya Nui?
26A: Who says it is?
27I thought it was...then where else could it be?
2815. Has the AE been unleashed before?
29A: Yes
3016. Who knows about the AE? I mean who knows it exists and stuff...
31A: A lot of people
3217. If Umbra wears a powerless Kanohi, is it technically just a Matoran mask? Crafted from level 1-6 disks? So it's just like Matoran Whenua's Ruru?
33A: Or simply ornamentation, or something he salvaged from a fallen foe
3418. Is Takanuva gonna play any role at all this year?
35A: Not for the rest of this year, no
36Now for some off-topic Q's:
3719. What do you think of the recently aired LOST Season Finale?
38A: A lot to digest.
3920. Who is your favourite character in LOST and why?
40A: Probably Sawyer or Sayid, because they actually take action. Jack always strikes me as too trusting and naive.
41Cool, eh? The AE's gotta be Makuta (or something to do with him) he's not on Voya Nui: Man, this is gonna be the third time that walking scrap of shadow cheated death...
43Woah: I didn't know that Greg was a LOST fan. That's awesome. Just to clarify something, the whole Bohrok being organic once upon a time was a theory developed by Nuparu, not a fact.

1I have another few questions feel free to let me wait if you don't have enough time.
21) What level where the kraata using the rahkshi suits on mata nui?
32)Why did Jaller pick Matoro? After all he was one of the seven who kept the secrets of metru nui hidden. (Not that i have problems with that i was just asking)
43)Why did Lhikans Turaga mask look so much like his toa mask the 6 other turaga that we saw as turaga and toa had very diffrent masks
54)Is the stuff that the Bahrag use to make krana and the stuff they used to make the kal affected by destiny?
65)Why isn't Voya nui under constant attack? I can imagine many beings that want one of the most powerfull masks in existance.
76)Did the 6 Piraka we know of ever met before they became dark hunters?
81) I don't think the story bible ever specified 92) Jaller understands duty -- and that was what Matoro was doing, he was doing his duty to the Turaga 103) Cause that is how the movie animators designed it, probably so audiences would recognize he was the same character 114) Can't answer it 125) Not that many beings know it's there. The BOM and the OOMN know, but the Toa never did, and the Dark Hunters didn't know either until the Piraka found out. And those who do know of it knows what it does to those who try to steal it. 136) In some cases, yes. Vezok and Hakann knew each other, for example.
11) What name would you have for Irnakk's vision power (being able to convert a being into a thought)?
22) Could Makuta be considered ancient?
33) Is there any way that Makuta could get a physical form back (that is if he's still alive)?
44) When the Piraka found Makuta's armor, how was that not his body? I'm confuse here, can you please clarify the different between his armor and his body?
55) Does TSO have any powers that we're not aware of?
65.2) If yes, can you reveal any.
76) Do you intend of staying with LEGO until BIONICLE ends?
8I guess that's it today. Thanks in advance Greg.
9- Toa Lhikan Hordika
101) I haven't come up with a name for it yet 112) Well, he has been around a long time, although he is probably younger than Umbra 123) If he was still alive, possibly 134) Simple. Makuta no longer has a physical body. He is energy contained by armor. When the armor was shattered, it could no longer house the energy. 145) Don't think so 156) I don't have any plans to leave LEGO -- if BIONICLE were to end, I am sure there would be other things for me to work on, plus my regular job is Editor in Chief of LEGO Magazine.
16Just want to ask a couple more questions that have spawned up because of your anwers.
173) If Makuta were alive, how exactly could he give himself a new body?
18Thank again Greg.
19- Toa Lhikan Hordika
203) Hasn't been revealed yet
21Notice the yet part. The big M may still be around.

1QUOTE 2I have some Dark Hunter questions:
31a.Will we see Lariska again in the story? 4b.Will we ever see what Lariska looks like? 5c. Why wasn't Lariska in the DH Guide?
62a.Will we ever see what Triglax looks like? 7b.Why wasn't Triglax in the DH Guide? 8c.Will Triglax ever be in the storyline?
93a.Will we see what the Recorder looks like? 10b.Will he be back in the story? 11c.Why wasn't he in the DH Guide?
124a.Will we see Voporak again? 13b.Why wasn't he in the DH Guide?
145a.Why wasn't Roodaka in the DH Guide? 15b.Will we ever see her as a major character in the story again?
166a.Why wasn't the Rahi Nui in the DH Guide? 17b.Did the Shadowed One know of the Rahi Nui? 18c.Will we see the Rahi Nui return in the official canon? 19d.Will we ever see an official picture of the Rahi Nui? I bet that would look so 20cool .......
211a) Yes, in Book 4 221b) Since there is no set of her, probably not 231c) Because there is no set of her, thus nothing to take a photo of
242a) No idea 252b) See answer to 1c 262c) No idea.
273a) No idea 283b) See answer to 1c 293c) If there is a logical place for him to show up, maybe
304a) Probably 314b) Because he was on loan to the DH by the Brotherhood, and I would assume they took him back again after the war between the DH and the Brotherhood began
325a) Roodaka is not a Dark Hunter, that's why 335b) She will show up in the story again, but probably not as a main focus, because main foci of stories have to be current sets.
346a) Rahi Nui is a Rahi, it is not a Dark Hunter. And there is no set of him, thus nothing to photograph 356b) Yes 366c) It already is in the official canon - BIONICLE Chronicles #4 and BIONICLE Adventures #6 376d) Again, no set equals no pic
38For 6c I meant will we see it again?
39I don't have plans for its return at this moment.
31a.Will we see Lariska again in the story? 4b.Will we ever see what Lariska looks like? 5c. Why wasn't Lariska in the DH Guide?
62a.Will we ever see what Triglax looks like? 7b.Why wasn't Triglax in the DH Guide? 8c.Will Triglax ever be in the storyline?
93a.Will we see what the Recorder looks like? 10b.Will he be back in the story? 11c.Why wasn't he in the DH Guide?
124a.Will we see Voporak again? 13b.Why wasn't he in the DH Guide?
145a.Why wasn't Roodaka in the DH Guide? 15b.Will we ever see her as a major character in the story again?
166a.Why wasn't the Rahi Nui in the DH Guide? 17b.Did the Shadowed One know of the Rahi Nui? 18c.Will we see the Rahi Nui return in the official canon? 19d.Will we ever see an official picture of the Rahi Nui? I bet that would look so 20cool .......
211a) Yes, in Book 4 221b) Since there is no set of her, probably not 231c) Because there is no set of her, thus nothing to take a photo of
242a) No idea 252b) See answer to 1c 262c) No idea.
273a) No idea 283b) See answer to 1c 293c) If there is a logical place for him to show up, maybe
304a) Probably 314b) Because he was on loan to the DH by the Brotherhood, and I would assume they took him back again after the war between the DH and the Brotherhood began
325a) Roodaka is not a Dark Hunter, that's why 335b) She will show up in the story again, but probably not as a main focus, because main foci of stories have to be current sets.
346a) Rahi Nui is a Rahi, it is not a Dark Hunter. And there is no set of him, thus nothing to photograph 356b) Yes 366c) It already is in the official canon - BIONICLE Chronicles #4 and BIONICLE Adventures #6 376d) Again, no set equals no pic
38For 6c I meant will we see it again?
39I don't have plans for its return at this moment.
1Heres a set of Qs i asked Greg today..
2Q. Is the Bom worried about the DHs? Do they consider them a threat at all? 3A. Well, the war has lasted 1000 years, so i would think they are.
4Q. Would it be fought in any of these locations... 5Mainland? 6Lhikans homeland? 7DH island? 8BOM island? 9Metru-nui? 10A. I know it is not being fought in Metru-nui, the other places are certainly possibilities.
11Q. Does The Shadowed One fear BOM members/the BOM? 12A. I wouldnt say fear, i would say respects their power.
13Q. The DH silence has kidnapped BOM members. Is this an advantage? 14A. Sure
15Q. Will it play(the war)any major role in the future? 16A. Dont know
17Q. Will the DHs be wrecked completely if they lose? 18A. Yes
19Q. Did Vezok intend Vezon to be created? 20A. No
21Q. In the DH guide, The Shadowed One says Vezons page has been ripped out and burned. Is this because of Vezon himself? Is it that his creation is more horrorfying them we know... 22A. I think the DH thought they could use Vezon, and when it didnt work out that way, he sort of got on their bad list.
23Q. Is his connection with Vezok, 'mental' in any way? 24A. No
25Q. When Umbra turns into light, can he move around and change his shape? 26A. He can certainly move, but he doesnt really have a need to change shape --he is a beam of light.
27Q. Will the Protodax, the piraka combos, or the matoran combos be in BL#5(or any other book). 28A. Protodax will, combos will not.
29Q. Is botar a rahi? 30A. No
31Q. Does he have any powers? Are they significent? 32A. Yes
33Q. Is he an OOMN member 34A. Not going to reveal that yet
35Q. The three titan combo model-is it a great being or something else? 36A. Not a great being, no, we have no plans for a great being set.
37Q. And what will happen to the BOM if mata-nui awakes? Will he punish them? 38A. Probably
39Q. Is mata-nui the leader of the OOMN? 40A. No. The OOMN serves his will, but he is not the head of the organization, anymore then say hugh jackman is the head of his own fan club
41Q. And is the Frostelus part of the BOM army? Seeing as they didnt attack the visorak on metru-nui, norik and iruini fought them, and they will appear in BL#4(in the DH/BOM war?). 42A. No, the frostelus are not part of the BOM army.
43So thats it.
2Q. Is the Bom worried about the DHs? Do they consider them a threat at all? 3A. Well, the war has lasted 1000 years, so i would think they are.
4Q. Would it be fought in any of these locations... 5Mainland? 6Lhikans homeland? 7DH island? 8BOM island? 9Metru-nui? 10A. I know it is not being fought in Metru-nui, the other places are certainly possibilities.
11Q. Does The Shadowed One fear BOM members/the BOM? 12A. I wouldnt say fear, i would say respects their power.
13Q. The DH silence has kidnapped BOM members. Is this an advantage? 14A. Sure
15Q. Will it play(the war)any major role in the future? 16A. Dont know
17Q. Will the DHs be wrecked completely if they lose? 18A. Yes
19Q. Did Vezok intend Vezon to be created? 20A. No
21Q. In the DH guide, The Shadowed One says Vezons page has been ripped out and burned. Is this because of Vezon himself? Is it that his creation is more horrorfying them we know... 22A. I think the DH thought they could use Vezon, and when it didnt work out that way, he sort of got on their bad list.
23Q. Is his connection with Vezok, 'mental' in any way? 24A. No
25Q. When Umbra turns into light, can he move around and change his shape? 26A. He can certainly move, but he doesnt really have a need to change shape --he is a beam of light.
27Q. Will the Protodax, the piraka combos, or the matoran combos be in BL#5(or any other book). 28A. Protodax will, combos will not.
29Q. Is botar a rahi? 30A. No
31Q. Does he have any powers? Are they significent? 32A. Yes
33Q. Is he an OOMN member 34A. Not going to reveal that yet
35Q. The three titan combo model-is it a great being or something else? 36A. Not a great being, no, we have no plans for a great being set.
37Q. And what will happen to the BOM if mata-nui awakes? Will he punish them? 38A. Probably
39Q. Is mata-nui the leader of the OOMN? 40A. No. The OOMN serves his will, but he is not the head of the organization, anymore then say hugh jackman is the head of his own fan club
41Q. And is the Frostelus part of the BOM army? Seeing as they didnt attack the visorak on metru-nui, norik and iruini fought them, and they will appear in BL#4(in the DH/BOM war?). 42A. No, the frostelus are not part of the BOM army.
43So thats it.
1Only one question today:
2When are Takanuva and the Turaga of Metru Nui returning to the series? Are they even going to return within 2006 (after BL#2, of course)?
4Takanuva's role is still a little unclear, because we are still meeting on 2007 and 2008. Since the quest for the Mask of Life does not take place in or around Metru Nui, I doubt the Metru Nui Turaga will get much screen time during this story.
5-VK (who was just wondering)-