1Hi Greg, I just have one question for you today:
21) Any idea when Shop@Home will be carrying Umbra? I've asked them several times, if they have a date or even a month and they say that they might not get him until next year:?
3Thanks in advance Greg.
4- Toa Lhikan Hordika
5I only know his in-store date, which is November. I'm not sure if we have even been asked to do catalog copy for him.

1Hi it's me again. 21. Is the toa that controls plantlife a male or female? 1b. Are all toa of that kind the same gender?
32. Is the toa that controls plantlife officially called any of these? 4Toa of The Green
5Toa of Veggitation
6Toa of Plantlife
7Toa of Plants
83. Is electricity considered a toa element? 3b. What about space, rahi (wildlife), energy, or force?
9Thanks in advance![]()
101) Male, and yes 112) The unofficial name is Toa of the Green, it does not have an official name yet. 123) Until a Toa shows up in the story with that element, it cannot be considered a Toa element. Space, energy and force I can already tell you are much too broad of categories to be considered Toa elements.
1Howdy Greg,![]()
2It is October now, and every year around this time, the new comic always has some info on the sets coming out the following year. Last year, we were given a teaser of the Piraka, and the year before that a page spread of the Rahaga was shown.
3Will the next magazine have any of the sort this time around, and do you happen to know when the next magazine is out?
4Also, unrelated to the previous one, will next year be dark like 2005 was, or will it keep about the same levels as the current year?
5Pretty excited about the end of this year and the next. Story team has done a great job.Thanks in advance, 6-Dave
71) Mid-November. We are planning a teaser page for BIONICLE 2007, but I do not know at this point if it is going to show sets or not.
82) I am not far enough into story for 2007 to be able to answer this.
9So... one and a half months to the first teaser...
10... unless set pictures leak before then...
1QUOTE 2QUOTE 3QUOTE 4Hey Greg, 5I have some more questions to ask...
6#1. Will Antidermis play a part in '07?
7ANSWER: I cannot discuss 2007.
8#2. Is each {Piraka's Species}of the individuals completly unique in color and design? Do they follow into the usual elemental subcatigories?
9ANSWER: I doubt they are unique in color and design.
10#3. Are there females of the Piraka's species?
11ANSWER: Not that we have seen thus far
12#4. What class of Rahi does a Burnak fit into? Or a Gafna?
13ANSWER: Not sure what you mean by "class"
14#5. Will Vezok ever have his missing half returned?
15ANSWER: Can't discuss future storyline
16#6. What does "Kardas" mean when translated from Matoran?
17ANSWER: I haven't come up with an English word for it yet
18#7. Are there other Great Spirits in this universe? If so, could any of them help Mata-Nui out?
19ANSWER: Not in this universe, no.
20#8. Is there any evil power that is above even the Brotherhood of Makuta in power? {Not Specifics, 'cause I know you probably couldn't discuss it then.}
21ANSWER: Again, not in this universe.
22#9. How do additional Rahi come into existance? Do they lay eggs? Do they reproduce in some way or another, say, by splitting in two? 23#10. How are Matoran summoned?{Created by Turaga Dume?}
24ANSWERS: I am not allowed to discuss how BIONICLE beings come into being.
25#11. Is there any significance to most females being blue?
27#12. Will we learn the name of the Matoran's Species? Or is it Matoran?
28ANSWER: It's Matoran.
29#13. Are there any additional Matoran Legends that involve no Plot Spoilers that we could hear, or hear a summery of?
30ANSWER: I don't really have time to throw things like that out.
31I understand if some of these can't be answered, but regardless, I appreciate your time. KUTGW:
33See answers above, 34Greg
35What I meant by class was, What kind of Rahi are Burnak? Or Gafna, for that matter: i.e cat, dog, lizard, insect?
36I didn't do any work on the game, so not familiar with them. I am sure if you play it you will be able to tell what they behave like.
37Heh, I had trouble telling what the Burnak was.
1Hi Mr. F. I have just a couiple questions about the Kardas Dragon:
21. Is Kardas the dragon's name, or the type of dragon it is?
32. I heard that you haven't come up with an English meaning of the word Kardas. But if I could make a suggestion, could it mean "Resurrected" Dragon?
51) Sort of both 62) Only thing is, he's not really resurrected -- because the curse means Fenrakk can't die as long as Vezon has the mask, so all he did was transform into a stronger form.
7Looks like Fenrakk didn't die at all, just transformed into a stronger, second boss form as many have suggested.
11) Sort of both 22) Only thing is, he's not really resurrected -- because the curse means Fenrakk can't die as long as Vezon has the mask, so all he did was transform into a stronger form. 3Looks like Fenrakk didn't die at all, just transformed into a stronger, second boss form as many have suggested.
4this is what I thought happened, this clears up alot of stuff.
11) Mid-November. We are planning a teaser page for BIONICLE 2007, but I do not know at this point if it is going to show sets or not.
22) I am not far enough into story for 2007 to be able to answer this.
3So... one and a half months to the first teaser...
4... unless set pictures leak before then...

1Ok, got a little idea when checking the list of mask names we already have. Strangely, this idea has more to do with the Matoran of Light. You once stated that the names of the Kanohi are the Matoran names for their powers. So it is logical that "Avohkii" means light. 2Theory 1) The Matoran of Light are thus called "Avohkii Matoran." 3Theory 2) Avohkii means light, but there is always a full word and a prefix for an element, so the Matoran names always have the prefix instead of the full word. And since we don't know the prefix for light, we can't guess the name.
4Could you state one of these theories?
6Yes, there is always a prefix, and it hasn't been revealed yet
7Thought it might be interesting.
8Nuhrii the Metruan
1Which they most likely will...we got piraka pictures pf the Piraka,Doomatoran,and Titans in what?October of '05?
2And we just got the small set pics in what, October of '06? We'll probably get the rest of the Barraki pics later this month. 3It is sort of wierd though- it's like a pattern. And it's not the same company, from what I know.
1But it was ok to have the book cover and the set descriptions on the front page? I don't understand the difference...
2Book cover was released by a well-known company, sanctioned by Lego, to create hype for the release. The Images were stolen by some fool who doesn't understand what a Non-disclosure agreement means and were released without Lego's permission in any way, shape, or form. In fact, they went against Lego in releasing them. That is the difference.
1Sometimes the LEGO company doesn't want people to see the pics ahead of time. That way another company can produce something similar before LEGO releases them 

1Hi just one question about makuta
2Is makuta in any way related to the ancient evil?
3Related in what way?
4I mean does he have a connection with the ancient evil in any way.
5Yes ... for one thing, both are evil.
6Notice the "Yes..." 7Mabye its something, mabye its nothing, I don't know you decide
1More information on Takua:
2QUOTE 3Hello Mr.F, hope i'm not bothering you. Got some questions about Takua to ask you:
41) Was Takua originally from Metru Nui or some other places?
52)Takua was red to blend in with the Ta-matorans, so what was his original color scheme?
6Thanks in advance:
71) Elsewhere 82) Unfortunately, as much as I would like to, I can't answer that. Right now, we have plans to maybe introduce other Matoran into the story later on like Takua, and I don't know what colors the artists will decide to use for them. So if I give you an answer, it might well end up being wrong.
1My custard-more Matoran of Light? 2Vahiki
3huh? whats a "custard-more matoran of light"? and how did you get one? AND HOW IS THAT A QUESTION?:?: 4i'm cool.
5EDIT: oh, wait, i get it. never mind. sumthin's wrong with me...

6im getting answers from greg, so dont worry, this isnt spam... 7[url=http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g254/bla...tos/Kurtrak.jpghttp://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g254/bla...tos/Kurtrak.jpg
8hey, i got a website...kinda... 9i dont know how that link got there, but ill leave it. anyway, my bionicle is cool.. 10HERE THEY ARE...
11hello i obviously have questions.
121. how come you guys are only selling 4 mini sets? 131) Because the small sets don't make that much money, so it doesn't make business sense to produce six of them.
142.you said to someone that you guys plan to release Matoran like Takua. what do you mean by this? 152) No, I didn't say that. I said someday maybe we might want to do something with those Matoran -- not necessarily as sets, but possibly in story -- at which point the artists would decide how they looked.
16thanks, kurtrahk
1Hi Greg I just have a few questions for now 21. Do you know what masks Karzahni's mask looks like?
32. About the thing that was holding matoros hand in the tunnel that consumes light, what story year is he from?(I thought I heard somewhere that he's from earlier in the story)
43. If the Toa Inika were to become turaga would they still have glowing faces and electricity coursing through their bodys?
54. If the Nuva were to become turaga would they be as powerful as a toa mata?4b. Would they be able to share mask powers?
65. I know there could never be such a thing as a toa of time, but if there was a turaga of time do you think he would be as powerful as a Toa Nuva?5b. What about a Toa Kaita Nuva?
81) Yes, sort of 92) You'll find out when Book 5 comes out, but I haven't said anything about what story year he is from, so anything you have heard has been rumor 103) Yes 114) No. 124b) Yes 135) No, a Turaga can never be as powerful as a Toa because he won't have a Toa's level of elemental powers.
1Hello Greg:2I have some questions:
31) When will we learn more about the 2007 story/sets? Can you already give us any information about next year, no matter how much?![]()
42) Are the Toa Inika the first Toa to be created by the Red Star or did this ever happen before?
53) Is the Toa of the Green male or female? Some people say you said he's male and some other say you said she's female.
64) Which gender do the Toa of Gravity and the Toa of Plasma have?
75) How important is the story to the set designers?
86) What's about BL7? Has Scholastic already reacted on the E-Mails?
9Thanks a lot for answering:![]()
111) Ordinarily, set images start to come out around fall ToyFair which is later this month. As for story, I am not in a rush, because people still don't know how 2006 even ends, so why spoil the ending for them by talking about '07 story? 122) Far as we know, it has not happened in that way before. 133) It says he's male in the book. 144) I would tend to think they are both male. 155) Set designers do their work first, generally. But overall things like environment matter -- for example, it would make no sense to create villains with wings, say, if your story was being set underwater. 166) I know they are taking note of how many they are getting, but as I have said, th emails are nice, but what is going to change their mind is book sales. Book sales dropped from a high of 100,000 in January of 2004 to around 35,000 this year. 300 emails is great, but it doesn't change that big of a drop in book sales. It lets them know you guys care, and that does matter, but Barnes and Noble and Waldenbooks need to see their sales go up before they start clamoring for more books.
1Hi these are about the Inika. 21. Are any of the Inika destined to wear the mask of life?
32. Can the Inika form a kaita?
43. If the Inika were to trade masks with each other would the mask change colors? 3b. Would the masks be reluctant?
54. Why didn't the Inika have glow in the dark faces?(I forgot)
65. If Jaller were to become a toa with his noble Hau, what kind of mask would it change into?5b. Would it change into a Great Mask?5c. Would it turn into a Great-Noble Mask?5d.Would it stay a Noble Mask?
76. If the Inika become turaga, would they still have elemental powers? Because you told me earlier that they would still have electricity in them.
81) Sorry, can't answer it. 92) Probably 103a) Yes. 3b) Initially, maybe a little 114) Because LEGO dropped that feature of the model -- they weren't happy with how it was working. 125) A Great Hau. 136) Yes, all Turaga have a low level of elemental power, just nowhere near that of a Toa
14On #3 I thought they might be a little reluctant.

1Some q's:
21. Were the Piraka's advertising nicknames their Dark Hunter codenames?
32. I saw that you said that Amphibax and Firedracax were not codenames, but real names. Is this true?
43. Will there be an English translation of "Kardas"?
54. What about the Zamor Promo? Was that supposed to be the Wal-Mart Zamor Shooting Contest?
65. You said that Brutaka would be in future storyline, and I think you also said BL6. Will he join the Dark Hunters?
76. How did the Piraka learn to understand/speak/read/write the Matoran language?
87. Are there any more characters this year that have names that mean something in Matoran, like Kardas, Piraka, Inika, Vezon, Umbra, etc.?
98. What would happen if someone entered the Rahi contest with the Rahi Nui, or the Dark Hunters contest with the Recorder, Lariska, Triglax, etc.?
109. You said that the Mask of Stealth would 'appear in plastic' next year. Some people think that it's one of the new Inika masks, and that there'll be another Inika combiner to make another Toa, this time Nidhiki. What do you make of this?
1110. Are there any other masks 'appearing in plastic' next year that we already know about?
1211. What is Umbra's real name? I saw it stated that Umbra was just a codename, and that he had another name.
1312. Anything stloryline-wise planned for the two-way Piraka combiners or the Nui Caves?
1413. Where is this "Matoran Fortress"? What was its original purpose? It's not referring to the Matoran village, is it?
1514. A while back, you said that there was another Ignika guardian. Were you referring to Kardas? Or was it something else?
1615. What did the Piraka do instead of facing Umbra?
1716. Is Umbra really an OoMN servant, or does he even know about them?
1817. Is Krakua currently a Voya Nui Matoran or a Lost Land Matoran?
201) No 212) Yes 223) I don't have one planned at the moment. There are a lot of BIONICLE terms we don't translate. 234) No. The zamor promotion that was discussed with me had to do with putting a special zamor into some Toa canister sets for Christmas. No idea if it's happening or not. 245) I can't discuss future storyline. 256) Matoran is basically a universal language in this universe, because they are the most populous intelligent species. 267) Well, protodax probably would. 278) Rahi Nui I might have an issue with, because we have described what that model would look like. The others I wouldn't as major an issue with, just because we never said what they looked like so it would depend on the model's design whether it won or not. Of course, they might lose some points on the "originality" score. 289) At this point, we have no plans to do a set or combiner of Toa Nidhiki. 2910) No. 3011) Hasn't been revealed. He has only ever been referred to as Umbra in the story, dating back 100,000 years. 3112) Nope. I already have too many characters to deal with in the story without trying to work combiners in too. 3213) No, the Matoran fortress is up on a peak apart from where the village is. And its original purpose was to be a fortress. Remember, Voya Nui has never had any Toa, they had to defend themselves. 3314) Without giving me the context of what I said, I can't answer this. I answer 200-300 questions every couple days. 3415) You'll find out in Bionicle Legends #5 3516) No, he doesn't know about them. He just knows his job is to guard the mask, and that's all he needs to know. 3617) Neither.
1Here's some stuff I asked Greg.
2Hi Greg, I sent an email to you like 2 weeks ago and you never responded so I'm sending another 1. Don't worry I understand, you're a very busy person.
31) Is it possible to repair Toa Lewa Nuva's air Katana? Is it still in the spot where Reidak broke it?
42) By when would the books sales have to go high enough so book C would be brought back?
53) When did you decide that Takua was previously a matoran of light?
64) Would you like the fact that the Toa Inika and Toa Nuva would work together as a team? Could you ever write a book of them working together?
75) Does the storyteam tell you what to write? Or do they discuss the basics and you fill in the details?
86) If there would be a Bionicle movie in 2 or 3 years, would some characters voice's have to be changed becuase the voice actor is no longer available?
97) Can you tell me some part in the storyline you didn't want happening because the storyteam decided on it? Can you tell me what you wanted to happen instead?
108) Have you ever visited Canada?
119) Do you think comics are a valid source of information.
1210) What's the latest set you've purchased?
1311) Were the Toa Nuva defeated and out of action mainly becuase you need to advertise sets that are currently available?
14That's all the questions I have for now. Thanks for your time Greg.
151) Yes, it would be possible -- it's just a tool. Odds are Lewa had it when he was defeated. 162) No idea. That is something only Scholastic would know. At this point, though, I am at the deadline for the July book. 173) Only makes sense. He never fit in as a Ta-Matoran, and no other Matoran has ever turned into a Toa of another element. I hate exceptions to story rules, I think they make things more confusing than they need to be. 184) Actually, no. Trying to get six characters equal screen time in a 20,000 word book is hard enough -- trying to have a story with 12 heroes in it would be unwieldy and cumbersome. 195) The story team agrees on the skeleton of the story, and then I fill in the substance and the details. 206) Offhand, I can't see why. If the movie were about the Toa Inika, they have never been featured as Toa in a movie, so they would need new actors anyway. Only reason voices might have to change is if the movie featured the Toa Nuva, and at any rate, we have no more movies planned. 217) No, I can't discuss things like that. It's unprofessional. 228) No. 239) A valid source of what kind of information? 2410) Vezon and Fenrakk 2511) It happened for two reasons. One was that I was not allowed to show them in the comic, because they are not current sets, yet I felt it was important that something be said about what happened to them. Second was, as I said, I can't tell a concise story with 12 heroes running around in it, it's too big a team for the amount of space I have.
1Here's my latest bach of questions answered (for the most part) by Greg.

326-28) Is the AE influencing Zaktan in any way? Is Makuta influencing Zaktan in any way? Is any character that we have heard of before influencing Zaktan in any way?
526-28) Before I can answer this, you need to define for me what you mean by "influencing".
71) Definition of Influencing: guiding, informing, assisting, etc.
8In addition to that, I also have some new questions:
92) We know that Jaller and Hahlii's teal Zamor spheres contain energized protodermis that counteracts the Piraka's virus. What do the orange sphere's carried by Nuparu and Hewkii do? Same question again for the blue ones carried by Kongu and Matoro.
103) Can you confirm that 2007's location is the Lost Land under the Voya Nui bay?
114) Did the Piraka have to fight Umbra like the Inika did in Comic #4? The Piraka were already ahead of the Inika, after all. If the Piraka didn't have to fight him, why was that?
141) Not on an ongoing basis, no 152) They all contain energized protodermis. 163) No, I cannot discuss 2007 174) Because they walked into a trap earlier on (as revealed in Bionicle Legends #5), the escape route from which brings them up near the Lava Chamber Gate
181) So sombody/something is influencing Zaktan's actions and/or thoughts sparaticly? 192) Oh, okay. So then why are they in different colors? Is there some storyline reason for that, or is it just to diversefy the sets? 203) I figured as much, np. 214) Ah, okay, cool.
221) I didn't say that either. 232) Set diversification -- remember, sets come first, story comes second.
Some interesting info concerning Takua...
Oh,That's really cool.
9Thanks for your time:

82Hey Greg,
3Just one little question that's been bogging me for some time now...If you say the Takua was a Matoran of light why wasn't he Gold White or even Yellow?Also why was Red and Blue?
4Thanks for you time:
5Simple. The point was to have him be able to live among the Matoran of Metru Nui without being obviously different. Since his colors are on his mechanical parts, not his organic tissue, it was simply a matter of changing the colors of his mechanical parts.
6Oh,Cool,So then why was he multicolored?That kinda made him stand out.
7Maybe because the work was done by someone who isn't sure what Ta-Matoran in Metru Nui looked like? Also, behind the scenes, he looks as he does because that is how he was designed for the 2000 video game, and we had to work with that.

9Thanks for your time:
1All Kanohi do that; the color depends on the wearer. Say, Kopaka gave his mask to Tahu. It would be gray during transition, then red when Tahu put it on.
1All Kanohi do that; the color depends on the wearer. Say, Kopaka gave his mask to Tahu. It would be gray during transition, then red when Tahu put it on.
2but think: what if they could control it? 3ex: a blue organic elda crawls over a brown rock and decides to blend in. a second later, it turns the exact shade of brown.
4eh? anyone? can i have a witness?

6kurtrahk 7i find it odd that The Traitor joined after me, yet has posted more than me 82 explainations: he likes bionicle more than me, or has more time on the computer. i think its the latter.
1but think: what if they could control it? 2ex: a blue organic elda crawls over a brown rock and decides to blend in. a second later, it turns the exact shade of brown.
3eh? anyone? can i have a witness?
5kurtrahk 6i find it odd that The Traitor joined after me, yet has posted more than me 72 explainations: he likes bionicle more than me, or has more time on the computer. i think its the latter.
8Its probably both but mostly the latter, im homeschooled

9And someone should ask about the elda-rock thing.
10All Kanohi do that; the color depends on the wearer. Say, Kopaka gave his mask to Tahu. It would be gray during transition, then red when Tahu put it on.
11I know that, I was asking because the masks are organic and sentient and might not want to swich colors.

1Hi, i have been wondering three things.
21. Since Vezon can survive in lava( i dont think its a natrual power he has) has that something to do with the mask of life? like dose it keep you alive in harsh enviorment or against impossible odds. like being submeged in molten lava?
32. Is senthrak, being unliving, does that means that he is like some sort of zombie or a revenant? 2b, if he was, was he ever truly alive?
43. A vahki dosent posses a spirit right so could it be possible for Matoro to take over say a vahki, a Borhok with out a krana or anny other mechanical thing like a Rhakshi suit?
61) The curse it levied on Vezon is such that he cannot die as long as he has the mask. That is to prevent Vezon from killing himself to escape an eternity of guarding the Ignika. 72) He was alive at one time, yes. He is as he is now because of experiments done by the Shadowed One. 83) It is possible for a spirit to possess an entirely mechanical being, yes.
1Hey, Greg, I was thinking - we now know Takua was pretending to be a Ta-Matoran for quite a while. Is it possible that "Takua" was just a fake name to go with this identity? I'm thinking that he possibly forgot his true name (either from the spheres or that bout of amnesia in 2001) and only remembered when he put on the Mask of Light.
21) No, Takua is his legitimate name.
3While I think of it, why was he trying to hide in Metru Nui anyway? Was he running away from some threat against him or something?
42) Who said it was his choice to go there?
5About Jovan: What power did his Zamor Spheres have? And what tool did he carry as a Turaga?
63) Don't have this info at this point.
21) No, Takua is his legitimate name.
3While I think of it, why was he trying to hide in Metru Nui anyway? Was he running away from some threat against him or something?
42) Who said it was his choice to go there?
5About Jovan: What power did his Zamor Spheres have? And what tool did he carry as a Turaga?
63) Don't have this info at this point.
1Recently you said that someone could use an Iden to posess a fully mechanical being, such as a Bohrok or Vahki. Now, if this mechanical being was destroyed while the Iden users spirit was still in it, would they be destroyed too, or simply ejected from the being?
3If the spirit is present in the being when it is destroyed, it would be destroyed too. The spirit would have to exit prior to its destruction to survive.
4I thought it would, but I just wanted to be sure.

1guess what i have? no seriously. you'll never guess.
37i'm still serious. you'll never guess.
38i thought it was the latter because ive been collecting bionicles ever since they came out. when i saw the tohunga, i said, "oh, cool, robot-like thingies:"
2hello, Mr. Farshtey,
31. you said that if inika traded masks, the mask could change colors. does this happen to whoever would put them on? example: krakua puts on kongu's suletu and it turns grey. eh? can i have a witness? 41) Yes. That dates back to 2001. All masks (with the exception of the legendary ones) are gray when not worn. When they are put on, they turn the color of whatever character is wearing them.
52. also, you told someone that since both onua and jovan have the same color scheme, black and grey can represent earth or magnetism. now, i think that is not so. kopaka is white w/ a side color of grey. but matoro is white w/ a side color of blue. what i think is this: Jovan is metalic-grey w/ a side color of black, and Onua is black w/ a side color of grey. is this theory plausable? 62) I really pay very little attention to this sort of thing, as I don't think visually, I think in words. 7comment: darn, i thought i was on to something.
83. is the following color scheme accurate?
9fire=red 10water=blue 11air=green 12ice=white 13stone=brown (usually) 14earth=black 15light=gold 16magnetism=metalic-grey 17flora=blue-green 18sonics=grey 19plasma=? 20gravity=?
21please correct me if im wrong with any.
223) It's impossible for me to comment on Toa types who do not exist as sets. Also, wouldn't Light be considered white and gold? 23comment: i always considered it gold.
244. do you know what colors grav. and plas. toa have? 254) Again, I can't comment on that, because they don't exist as sets. If I say purple and orange or something, and then we do them as sets in totally different colors, I have given you wrong info.
265.have you been to the following: 27homestarrunner.com 285) No
296. do you watch the following: 30The Office 31LOST 32House 33Smallville 346) Lost, and sometimes House, although not as much as I used to.
35thanks for your time. hey, i spelled thanks right... finally... 36kurtrahk
37i'm still serious. you'll never guess.
38i thought it was the latter because ive been collecting bionicles ever since they came out. when i saw the tohunga, i said, "oh, cool, robot-like thingies:"
Drakhan GregF 1While I think of it, why was he trying to hide in Metru Nui anyway? Was he running away from some threat against him or something?
22) Who said it was his choice to go there?
31. Does this mean that Takua was forced to go to Metru Nui?
42. Right now, what is going on in Metru Nui?
53. How does Takanuva feel about his best friend on a dangerous journey?
64. Could we call a Matoran of Light an Avotoran (I thought it up myself)?
75. About how much infor mation does Turaga Dume know about the Makuta and the BoM? Does he know of the OoMN?
8Thanks Mr. F
91) I would say "selected to" rather than forced. 102) They are rebuilding the city 113) He wishes he could be with Jaller at this crucial time to help, and he is worried, but there isn't much he can do about it. 124) A Matoran of Light would have a prefix, the same way other Matoran do, and I haven't decided what that is yet. 135) No, he does not know of the OOMN. Other than the people Axonn told on Voya Nui, no one other than members knows about the OOMN. He certainly knows of the existence of the BOM and of Makuta, because the BOM is not a secret organization.
14Aww, I guess that rules out the Avotoran idea. I guess an Avo-Matoran wouldn't be that bad, but I still like the sound of an Avotoran.
1#1 has a possible confirmation of why Takua was sent to Metru Nui, although some of you have probably thought of it yourself already.
111) That's as good a theory as any. 122) Not to my knowledge, no. 133) You'll find out if they fight. 144) No. 155) We have never met the leader of the OOMN in the story, so no way to know. 166) Initially, yes. 177) I can't answer this at this point 188) Barraki
2hey greg, its been a while
31) recently you said that takua was "selected" to go to Metru Nui. Was this because he was the one matoran of light destined to become a toa?
42)Are any other matoran of light destined to become toa?
53)if the dark hunter codenamed "dweller" attacks takanuva, who will win?
64)Does the ancient evil appear in Bionicle Legends#5 other than in the anitdermis form?
75)Is the leader of the OoMN more powerful than makuta?
86)When you say the barakki are comparable to a sort of haunted house theme where people dissapear one by one, does that mean that there will be less direct fighting between the inika and the barakki?
97)Not sure if you can answer this but, which color barakki is the leader, if they have one?
108)how do you spell barakki?
111) That's as good a theory as any. 122) Not to my knowledge, no. 133) You'll find out if they fight. 144) No. 155) We have never met the leader of the OOMN in the story, so no way to know. 166) Initially, yes. 177) I can't answer this at this point 188) Barraki