1This question is directed at you guys, not Mr. Farshtey, so please don't tell me he "rarely visits this topic".![]()
2Where was the "Toa of the Green" or the "Toa of Flora" revealed? Was he in Bionicle Legends #4? I have the book, but I haven't seen him (of course, I've only skimmed through it).
3Thanks, 4Sidorak The Hunter
5Yeah, it mentions a blue-green Toa somwhere, but I'll have to recheck.
5I believe that they don't actually mention the name as Toa of the Green or anything, they just describe it as a blue green Toa with Plant powers...1This question is directed at you guys, not Mr. Farshtey, so please don't tell me he "rarely visits this topic". ![]()
2Where was the "Toa of the Green" or the "Toa of Flora" revealed? Was he in Bionicle Legends #4? I have the book, but I haven't seen him (of course, I've only skimmed through it).
3Thanks, 4Sidorak The Hunter
1what's this caravan/lava crawler look like? i'm still waiting for the agust issue: 

1Guys, can you try to stay on topic? 2If that's all it says, where did all this talk about 'Toa of the Green' come from?
4It's probably just an easier way to describe a Toa that controls plant life. Seeing as "the Green" is another word for plants. 5For example, Kopaka is a Toa with white armor who can lower temperature, but he is called the Toa of Ice.
1Mr.F, are we allowed to share BL4 spoilers yet? I have the book and I am anxious to tell BZP about it.
2The last time I spoke with someone at BZP about it, we agreed to wait until two weeks after the official release date, which was 10/1. The problem with "telling BZP about it" is then people don't need to buy the book and book sales stay flat. We need book sales to go up to make sure the series doesn't wind up getting cancelled somewhere down the road.
4So NO spoilers yet folks.
5EDIT: Oh and just a little treat for some of you who consider it to BE a treat (I am referring to Mata Nui BTW):
6And you said he was in a Physical place right? Could anyone waltz into that area?
7Sorry to bother you again. But that'll be all today.
82) Yes, he is, and yes, it is quite easy to get to him.
9EEP, I'm quite sorry but my curiosity is strong. 2 more and I swear that'll be all.
101. Is Mata Nui "sanctuary" if you will, a place we've already been to? If not has anyone we know been there already?
11Thank you MR.F for your uber-smartness.
121) Can't answer it
13I cut most of the question as they had relation to BL4, but when it comes out I'll post up all the questions and answers. Some of them are REALLY good too

11: Will Botar deal with the Piraka when he reaches Voya Nui, along with Brutaka?
22: Is Botar also after Vezon?
31) Nope 42) Nope -- what did Vezon do? He tried to get the mask, but the mask let him come and turned him into its guardian. If the Toa get the mask, then what real threat does Vezon pose to the universe or the will of Mata Nui? Brutaka, on the other hand, betrayed the Order and has to be punished for it, so there is no choice as far as what happens to him.
1I see a lot of discussion about the Toa of the Green. Let me sum it up for you guys:
2Bionicle Legends 4 mentions a Toa with blue-green armor with control over plant life. Greg has told BZP members that he is a Toa of the Green.
3why wloud you summon this up?
4this is the official greg topic, please keep it that way. everyone who wants to know about the toa can read or go to the elements topic
1I have a theiry, I was thinking, are the Piraka really Barraki?
2Not only the name similarities but:
3The Barraki have spikes and so do the Piraka, I was thinking that maybe when the Inika go to the sunken part to save the matoran, maybe the Piraka follow them but a new bad guy beats them, they get so beaten that they get powered down, as a result, they transform into the Barraki. To explain the name changes, maybe when they woke up, they lost their memory then the bad guy told them a fake story and gave them the fake names of Ehlek etc. Is this anything close to the real thing? If so, how close?
4No, there is no connection between the Piraka between and the Barraki.
5Awwww, another question:
6After the Inika get all of the matoran off the underwater island and bring them back to Voya Nui, do the 12 toa have any intention of bringing the entire VN population including the MRT to Metru Nui where the Twelve Toa can protect them and they have 7 Turaga to lead them.
7Last Question: Are the Piraka and MRT done when the Inika go to the sunken island? Will the MRT and Piraka ever come back in the story?
81) You're asking a question without any basis in fact. There aren't 12 Toa involved next year, and who said anything about bringing Matoran back to Voya Nui? Don't jump to conclusions about the storyline -- we just settled what it is going to be this past week. 92) What's an MRT?
101. Well, my basic question was: Will the VN (Voya Nui) matoran be brought back to Metru Nui by the Toa Nuva or Inika, if there aren't 12 Toa next year, what happens to the other group of Toa?
112. MRT= Matoran Resistance Team
121) Since I can't discuss future storyline, there is no way for me to answer this. 132) The MRT will probably make a brief appearance next year, I don't know about the Piraka yet. But I expect the Piraka to show up again sometime in 2007 or 2008.
141. Awwwwwww but I understand
152. I hope so
1GregF gave me an answer to a question, and it was very interesting so I thought I'd share it.
2ShadowVoporak: Did Mata nui make any more Toa before the Toa Mata? 3Greg: The first Toa was actually made by the Great Beings some time before the Toa Mata came into existence.
4Tell me what you think.
5Dume was the first Toa
1As stated above, no Dume was not the First Toa. But I have some information about the First Toa. Minor Spoiler
2Morning Mr.F: I saw something in a topic and I was wondering if you could elaborate on it.
3You told Shadow Voporak that the First Toa were indeed created by the Great Spirits
41. Can you confirm this?
52. Will they be in the Atlas or the Encyclopedia?
63. Have we encountered any of these First Toa yet? 73b. Was Dume's team the ones created by the GB?
91) If I told him, doesn't that mean it is already confirmed? 102) Mentioned in both. 113) No, and no.
12Yes, I guess it was confirmed. Just a couple questions more.
131. Were they very powerful?
142. What types were they and how many of them were there?
15Sorry, not giving away this info yet. I will tell you one thing, though -- note what I said to him in my answer. I never referred to a TEAM of Toa being created by the GBs -- I referred to the "first Toa," singular.
1Questions, answers.
23-Chicken Little-
2Hello, Mr. Farshtey; I sent a PM to you a while ago, but I'm not sure whether you received it or not.
31) Would you consider this theory plausible? Some of it is far-fetched guessing, but at it's most basic, I'm asking if the building of the Toa canisters is associated with the forging of the Ignika.
41) No, there's no connection between the two. The Toa Mata's job is to wake up Mata Nui, not save his life, and the Ignika is for saving his life.
5Rats, thought I was onto something.
62) Did Avak construct Lariska's mechanical arm?
72) Doubtful
8Worth a shot.
93) Was Zaktan a Dark Hunter at the time of the Dark Hunter-Toa war on Metru Nui?
103) Yes
114) Was Avak?
124) Yes
135) Did Zaktan use the abilities that being made of protodites allowed him (dispersing into a cloud to dodge and fly, etc.) at the time of the Dark Hunter-Toa war on Metru Nui? Or was this before he "revealed" it to the Shadowed One?
145) He didn't reveal it to TSO, TSO caused it. And there's no evidence Zaktan was in Metru Nui during the war.
156) How would you describe the warfare in the Dark Hunter-Toa war on Metru Nui? Guerilla strikes from the Dark Hunters, or perhaps the occasional strike made by large numbers of soldiers?
166) Mostly guerilla strikes.
177) In BA #10, the Shadowed One turns to Lariska to watch the Dark Hunter base during his absence. In the Dark Hunter Guide, he says that Ancient is his most trusted operative besides Sentrakh. Was the reason he left the base to Lariska rather than Ancient because Ancient was on a mission? Or rather because Ancient simply didn't exist as a character at the time you wrote BA #10?
187) Both. I couldn't have him leave it to Ancient since Ancient is a fan-built model and the character didn't exist at that point.
198) You may or may not recall, but I asked you a month or two ago abut writing a BZP exclusive Lariska entry (similar to the Dark Hunter Guide), to which you responded was a good idea. Any word on if you plan to write that, or has your schedule been too full to get around to that?
208) Been much too busy.
21Thank you very much in advance,
22-Chicken Little-
23-Chicken Little-
1Hello greg. I have a few questions:
21: Since Hewkii is chained to his axe, wouldn't he be able to use his mask of accuracy to throw his axe at a cliff or something like that, and since of the chain, he would fly along too, and reach the cliff so he could climb up?
32: Will the Barraki of stone be Yellow or Brown? Or some other color?
43: Will Light-up things be making a return next year, or are they a 2006-only thing?
54: What exactly happened to all the matoran the Inika freed in Power Play?
65: Is there such a thing as a Toa of Electricity?
91) Depends on if he throws it hard enough that it can pull someone of his weight along behind it. 102) I can't discuss 2007 113) See answer to #2 124) They went to the Matoran fortress 135) Not in the story thus far, no
GregF PeabodySam 1All right, GregF, here's a question that has been bugging me for some time.
2Will Dezalk ever have a more important role that just being the first "Zamor'ed" Matoran? It just doesn't makes sense that LEGO would go through the work of making sure that the word 'Dezalk' won't cause any culture to get angry, just so they could name someone who would be nothing more than a Matoran who gets "Zamor'ed" and there's not even a picture of him. 3So what I'm asking is, will Dezalk have a more important role than being the first "Zamor'ed" Matoran?
4Nothing planned at the moment.
5Aw, man.

1got some answers and LOOK AT #6.
15THERE WILL BE A SET WITH A MASK OF STEALTH AND IT WILL HAVE A NAME::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 16GUESS WHO'S HAPPY??
2hi sorry if im bugging you.
31. are there going to be anymore toa soon? 42. are you guys going to upgrade the toa/taka nuva soon? 51-2) Can't discuss future storyline/sets
63.in Power Play, it says somewhere "Nuparu's team". does this mean Nuparu is the Inika leader? 73) No. The team is Nuparu's, Matoro's, Jaller's, anyone who belongs to it.
84.does Jaller get lhikan's mask back? 94) See answer to #1
105.we all know what a great kanohi hau looks like, so is lhikans mask the noble version? 115) No. It is simply a Great Hau designed someplace other than Metru Nui. Mask shapes are decided on by the mask designers and by tradition, they don't all automatically become the exact same shape
126. will karzahni's and nidhiki's masks ever have official names? will there ever be a set version of them? 136) Nidhiki's will, yes, do not know about Karzahni's
14thank you for answering, kurtrahk
15THERE WILL BE A SET WITH A MASK OF STEALTH AND IT WILL HAVE A NAME::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 16GUESS WHO'S HAPPY??
1If peole are wondering about the whole "first Toa" thing...
5The Atlas just keeps getting better and better:
2Recently you told members about the first Toa, who was created by the great beings. When will we find out about him/her?
3Thanks for your time, and I understand if you can't answer this.
5The Atlas just keeps getting better and better:
1got some answers and LOOK AT #6. 2THERE WILL BE A SET WITH A MASK OF STEALTH AND IT WILL HAVE A NAME::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 3GUESS WHO'S HAPPY??
4He didn't say there will be a set with Nidhiki's Kanohi of Stealth, just that it would recieve a name.

5If peole are wondering about the whole "first Toa" thing... 6Atlas
7The Atlas just keeps getting better and better:
8Yes it does.

11) Would you consider this theory plausible? Some of it is far-fetched guessing, but at it's most basic, I'm asking if the building of the Toa canisters is associated with the forging of the Ignika.
21) No, there's no connection between the two. The Toa Mata's job is to wake up Mata Nui, not save his life, and the Ignika is for saving his life.
3Rats, thought I was onto something.
42) Did Avak construct Lariska's mechanical arm?
52) Doubtful
66) How would you describe the warfare in the Dark Hunter-Toa war on Metru Nui? Guerilla strikes from the Dark Hunters, or perhaps the occasional strike made by large numbers of soldiers?
76) Mostly guerilla strikes.
8Thank you very much in advance ,
9-Chicken Little-
10Hmm a querialla strike. That a really bad war then you know. You never know if there would 11be an enemy around. That's made me wonder, would there be matoran casualities?/ 12Too bad Avak didn't construct lariska's arm, would be very neat though. I wonder who did then. 13Is this already know who constructed her arm??
1Some Takua info from Greg
33. So what type of Matoran is Takua? And how did he end up in Ta-Metru on Metru Nui? And are they other non-Ga,Ta,Le,Onu,Po,Ko Matoran living on Mata Nui? (currently on Metru Nui.)
43) We know there must be other kinds of Matoran, because we have seen mentions of Toa of Gravity, Toa of Sonics, etc., and you can only become a Toa of an element you were a Matoran of. Therefore, Takua was a Matoran of Light.
1He didn't say there will be a set with Nidhiki's Kanohi of Stealth, just that it would recieve a name.It could show up in, say, that Atlas. And with all the other things popping up in there, it seems very likely. 2Yes it does.
3Well, remember that the Toa will recieve new masks next year. I don't see any real point in making a name for a mask that won't be released, especially because Greg saw no need to give it a name back when he first used it as Toa Nidhiki's mask. And remember, they reused Krakua's Suletu for Toa Kongu, so why not reuse Toa Nidhiki's Mask of Stealth?
4Also, I'm gonna go out on a bit of a limb here and say it'll probably be Matoro's mask. It would be in keeping with the whole "spy" motif he's got.
1So Takua was a Matoran of Light. Very very cool...
2Another really cool answer, to support Cathexis's theory:
2Another really cool answer, to support Cathexis's theory:
31) You said that the Mask of Stealth would have a name. Where will that name show up? 41) All over the place next year
52) Do you think the "krana origin" info will appear in the Encyclopedia? 62) Don't know, I haven't started writing that yet

11) You said that the Mask of Stealth would have a name. Where will that name show up? 21) All over the place next year
3Awesome. That pretty much confirms it. Of course, the mask could still belong to a Titan, and not a Toa, but if 2007 is really underwater, I think the big sets are gonna be crabs, serpents, or other colossal evil ndersea life.
1QUOTE 2hey mr.F i have some questions for you.
31. how are the new inika masks going to be sold, through mask packs or through a whole resell of inika?and when? 4please tell me at least a hint
5No mask packs planned for next year. 6i guess this means their gonig to do a complete resell which means the inika are going tohave a change of some sort
31. how are the new inika masks going to be sold, through mask packs or through a whole resell of inika?and when? 4please tell me at least a hint
5No mask packs planned for next year. 6i guess this means their gonig to do a complete resell which means the inika are going tohave a change of some sort
1Hi Greg. Me again. As you may have guessed I have some questions
21.) Vezok can absorb and then Mimic Elemental powers, but what about Mask Powers?
32.) Makuta put all the Matoran on Metru Nui into the stasis pods, but what about all the other Matoran (the ones on the Mainland for example)? Was he planning to deal with them later on, or was there another BoM operative initiating the same Plan?
41) No, those are not natural abilities. 52) No need for him to do that. He was trying to seize control of Metru Nui -- the rest of the universe could be dealt with by the Visorak horde.
~Makaru~ 1...I was wondering if you could clear up some of the mysteries already present.[ol type='1'[li]Are the Barakki the enemies for 2007 (if not, the rest of the questions are pretty much moot.)[li]What is the correct spelling of Barakki?[li]How accurate are the Bios in this article and in this article?[li]In that same vein, is this Ehlek?[li]Is there anything you can tell us about the sets yet (IE price, special features, release date, etc.)?[li]This is an image found in the VNOLG by Chrystal Matrix. Does it resemble any of the Barakki?[li]I know this is a long shot, but is there anything you can divulge about the Barakki? Anything at all.[/olThank you again in advance for your time. Even one answer would be greatly appreciated. 2~Makaru~
GregF 3Correct spelling is Barraki.
4Other than that, I cannot discuss anything about 2007.
1Good evening, Mr. Farshtey; just a few questions that I just got to thinking about.
21) You recently told someone that the Mask of Stealth will be given an official name in the Atlas. Can you confirm that we will see the actual mask, be it as an illustration or in set form, sometime in 2007 (I'm currently working on a project that shows the Mask of Stealth, and knowing this could delay production until I've seen the official mask) ?
32) Is it possible that there were Matoran casualties during the Dark Hunter/Toa war?
43) Who would you say was in charge of the Dark Hunters in the city at the time? (i.e. did the Shadowed One relay attack strategies to them, was a Dark Hunter acting as a commander in the field, etc.)
54) You once said that the story team has the story planned out for the next twenty years or so, but you've also said that story follows sets. How does that work out?
6Thanks in advance,
7-Chicken Little-
81) No, I didn't say it would be in the Atlas -- it will be next year, but not in the Atlas. And yes, a version of the mask will be in plastic next year. 92) It's possible, sure. 103) Probably Ancient 114) The 20 year outline is very rough, and dates back to the beginning of BIONICLE -- and in the wake of the changes we decided on last week, has pretty much been scrapped in favor of something that is more wide open, flexible, and requires less knowledge of past storyline to make sense of. The results of our meeting still have to be approved by top management, though.
12So there goes that 20-year story bible. =P
13-Chicken Little-
1Here's big batch of questions I got a while ago that I forgot to post here.


3Hey Mr. Greg: Got some questions for you if you don't mind.41) Krakua told Vakama that he would send six heroes into danger. You have confirmed that Krakua was speaking about the Toa Inika. Since Vakama had nothing at all to do with Jaller & company becoming Toa, is this event still future?
52) Would you say that Axonn is stronger or weaker than the guardians of the MOLI? As in Protodax, Vezon & Fenrahk, Umbra etc.
63) Do all the different guardians of the MOLi work together, or do they try to stop intruders separately?
74) Must the Toa Inika pass through the Nightmare Chamber to get the MOLi?
85) Did Makuta intend for Mata Nui to eventually die?
96) Why hasn't the OoMN mobilized themselves to fight their way to the MOLi? Since Axonn knows that Mata Nui is dying, I assume the rest of the Order knows as well.
107) In comic #1 Axonn says that if the Piraka get the MOLi Mata Nui will die. Is this just referring to the fact that since the Piraka would have it the Toa couldn't use it, or would the Piraka getting the mask actually kill Mata Nui right away?
118) How did Onua get his quake breakers back in BL2? I thought Zaktan took them.
129-10) Does Makuta know about the Ancient Evil? What about the OoMN?
1311) Was Mata Nui(the island) ever inhabited before the arrival of the Toa? If not, why would it be so important for the Bohrok to cleanse it?
1412) Is the connection between the Toa and the Bohrok the fact that the same Matoran who built the Toa's canisters build the Bohrok's canisters?
1513) When will we learn more about the "world that feeds the world"? Is it the Red Star?
1614) Are all of the members of the Toa team that used the MOLi dead like the Toa of Magnetism, or are some still alive? As Turaga or otherwise.
1715) Will the Toa Inika have some role to play throughout the next three years?
1816) Is there any chance that Brutaka could be convinced to fight with the Toa Inika against the MOLi's guardians, since they could bribe him with their zamors? The Inika are going to need all the help they can get to capture the mask...
1917) The Piraka are the kind of enemy that a Toa wouldn't have any qualms about melting into a pile of slag, right? I mean, they are willfully evil, not like rahi or something...
2018) Exactly how powerful is the Piraka's armor? Zaktan blasted Hakann at point-blank range with his LV in comic #1, and Hakann didn't seem hurt at all. He should be dead:
2119) Why doesn't Brutaka just take the Zamors from the Piraka by force?
2220-21) Brutaka carries a double-bladed sword. Swords are sharp. When one is hit on the head with a double-bladed sword by a being twice your size, usually one loses ones head. How in the world would it be possible for the Toa Nuva to still be alive? If Brutaka didn't saber them, what did he do?
2322) Do Axonn and Brutaka use their axe and sword as physical, lethal weapons, or do they just use them to channel power?
2423) Does Axonn have any qualms about killing the Piraka, after all that they have done to the Matoran?
2524) Was Krahka holding Matoro's hand in the tunnel?
2625) Was Karzahni's vision of Takua's death a possible reality, or is it exactly what would have happened? I'm leaning toward the former, since even if Takua died, the Rahkshi had already been whipped, and the Toa Nuva, even without the TOL, would have certainly tried to invade Makuta's lair and destroy him for good, since they now knew that the he was back.
2726-28) Is the AE influencing Zaktan in any way? Is Makuta influencing Zaktan in any way? Is any character that we have heard of before influencing Zaktan in any way?
28Thank you so much for taking the time to answer all these questions....
301) Ah, but he did. Vakama could have chosen, Dume or no Dume, to send Matoran out to bring back Jaller and his group. He chose not to. As for Krakua's statement, if Jaller's group does not become Inika and does not succeed in their task, the universe ends and Krakua never comes to be.
312) Stronger than some, like Protodax, about equal with some others.
323) Mostly separately, although Umbra and the Protodax are very close to each other geographically
334) Yes
345) Not when he put him to sleep, no
356) Simple. They are not the ones intended to use it. So their getting it would only result in their being cursed.
367) The former -- if the Toa don't get it, Mata Nui dies because they won't be able to use it as it is supposed to be used.
378) And the Piraka thought Zaktan took them too, and he thought they took them. He was way more interested in the masks than the tools, which are basically powerless objects.
389) Yes, he does
3910) Yes, they do
4011) No, it was not inhabited, but that is irrelevant. They weren't there to kill the inhabitants, they were there to get rid of the trees, rivers, mountains, etc. No one needs to be living there for there to be trees and mountains.
4112) Nope
4213) Yes, you will, and no, it's not the Red Star
4314) Some may still be alive
4415) I can't discuss future storyline
4516) No, because it is the virus in the zamors that strengthens Brutaka. The Toa zamors don't have virus in them.
4617) Toa do not kill unless there is absolutely no other choice.
4718) But at what strength level? How do you know it was a full power blast? Zaktan was trying to chastise Hakann, not murder him. As he points out in Book 5, if you kill your allies, you have to know one to throw to your foes later so you can escape.
4819) Because he wants the Piraka to get the mask so he can take it from them. Why make enemies of them?
4920-21) Simple. It's called "hitting with the flat of the sword."
5022) They use them for both.
5123) Knowing Axonn, he might not.
5224) No, the tunnel did not pass through the zone of darkness.
5325) Actually, the Rahkshi were still actively fighting when Takua was attacked. And don't forget, three of them had already been frozen by Kopaka and come back. So let's say it was the most likely of all possible futures he was showing.
5426-28) Before I can answer this, you need to define for me what you mean by "influencing".
1Look at number three.
2Hi Greg this is my first time. 31. I read that Vezon got his cape as a result of his origin, so does that mean anyone who is created the same way Vezon was will have a cape?
42. Vahki are like police, visorak are like soldiers, piraka are like pirates, so what are barakki?
53. Can the Mask of Life be in the shape of other already exsistant kanohi?
64. Was the matoran civil war started by matoran?4b. What about turaga?
7Thats all for now so thanks in advance.![]()
81) No. It means the set designers gave him a cape and I needed to come up with a story reason for it. 92) I can't discuss 2007 103) It most likely would not do that, because it would not want someone to grab it by mistake thinking it was a Hau or something 114) I am not sharing info on this