11. How long does it take for the mutagenic agent to take effect? 22. How would you explain a Po-matoran being yellow? Could it be the agent. 33a. Is there any specific way the agent affects something? 43b. If so, what where the matoran changed to.9Could #1 say Toa Inika to Toa Mahri
5RWM61) Pretty quick 72) I would say no. We have seen brown Po-Matoran for most of the story, but only from two cities -- Metru Nui and Voya Nui. Where is it written there could not be different colors for different elements from different regions of the universe? We know, for example, that the Matoran of Voya Nui did not come from there originally -- Velika and Dekar could have been initially shipped to Karzahni from very different places, and then simply sent off together to Voya Nui by Karzahni. We also know that Matoran connected to different elements often wear different mask colors (for example, yellow and red in Ta-Koro) -- is it such a stretch to think that in some places they have different body colors as well? 83) No
101a. Are there other members of the fourth faction besides the barraki? 111b. Would the members be the people in their armies? 122. Was Nocturn with the barraki on 80,000 years ago?
13RWM141) No 151b) I would not consider what amount to mercenaries to actually be members of a faction 162) No
1Hello mister Farstey,
2I hade a couple quik questions, if you don't mind.
31. How can Pridak controll an army of Takea sharks if he is in the "upper world"?
42. The mutation agent. Is this a creature? or some substance in the water? 5I am asking this becouse I Englis is not my motherlanguage so I don't know if the word agent can refer to difrent things.
63. The Barakki control armies. How can they recruit undersea creatures?
74. The armies of the barakki were always shark/ray etc.? or were they land creatures in the past?
8Thats all. 9Thanks in advance
101) Not sure I understand your question. The island of Mata Nui is on the surface as well, yet there were Takea sharks in the waters around that island. 112) It's a substance in the water 123) Force of will 135) No. Prior to being exiled to the Pit, their armies were all land-dwellers.
14Strage thing bout the sharks tough
1Well, Takea sharks did look biomechanical in their pictures. So did the Keras crabs, and they lived on the surface world as well. But I wonder if they are?
11. Do you pronounce Pridak PREE-dak, or PRY-dak (like to pry from one's grip or something)? 21) Pry-dack
32. I'll understand if you can't answer this: You said that the trick to finding Mata Nui is knowing you've found him. Is he disguised so he looks different than his actual physical form? 42) Can't answer it
53. Do you know when will Vezon & Kardas be on Shop @ Home? 63) My info is that Kardas will not be available on Shop At Home. Not every exclusive set gets there, and in that case, S&H only had a very limited amount which are already gone. You will need to order Kardas through the store that is offering it, which I believe is Toys R Us.
7It's actually a Target set, so you don't get confused.

1Mr. Farshtey:
2Just a few interrelated questions I have:
31. Is the mutagen found on or near the Island of Voya-Nui in any way associated with the one used to create the Bohrok-Kal? 41) No.
52. Did the Bahrag themselves create the Bohrok-Kal? 62) Yes, they did.
73. If a Toa were somehow exposed to the same mutagen that created the Bohrok-Kal, Krana-Kal, and Kraata-Kal, and if it were their destiny to be changed, could they become Toa-Kal? Now, if it were possible, could the exposed Toa's Kanohi become a Kanohi-Kal? Would such a change modify the original Kanohi power of the exposed mask? Again, if it were possible, could an exposed Toa with one of the six common elements (fire, water, stone, air, ice or earth) receive modified powers such as electricity, magnetism, plasma, vacuum, sonics, or gravity? After all, with the exception of acid being substituted for air, the powers of the Bohrok-Kal were derived from Bohrok of common elements. Also, if they could gain new powers would they have to be the same elements as the Bohrok-Kal, after all, when muteated the Kraata-Kal did not receive one of the six Bohrok-Kal's powers? 83) It's impossible to answer this question without having defined what the substance was. However, note that the Bohrok had elemental powers, but not Toa elemental energy -- so it is doubtful that a Toa's base elemental power could be so easily altered.
9Thank you in advance for your time and answers...........~
1Hi Greg, I've got four questions for you today:
2I was thinking (and reading over BC2, as well as 2002's comics) about when the Bahrag said "You dare oppose your brothers. Therefore you must fall. Mata Nui will be cleansed:" A lot of people have tried to interpret this and I know you said that there was significance to this quote and I wanted to see if I figured it out.
31) By "Brothers" the Bahrag meant themselves/the Bohrok correct?
42) Did they mean that the Toa were opposing fellow fulfillers of Mata Nui's will?
53) If not, are you willing to tell me what they meant?
64) If no to three, when will we find out?
7- Toa Lhikan Hordika
81) They meant the Bohrok 92) In part, yes
102) Just out of curiousity (if you can't say, I understand), how exactly do you mean in part?
11- Toa Lhikan Hordika
122) If I wanted you to know that now, I would have explained what the other part was

1yes, good info........obviously, it would have an importance in the story or greg would have explained it....
1More questions:
2Message Forwarded From GregF
3Questions about Barakki...
41)Let's say all the Barakki except Takadox are more or less 5 feet. Takadox's info says he's taller than the others. Could you estimate his height in feet?
52)Is it possible for a male Toa of Water, not from Voya Nui, Metru Nui, or Mata Nui?
63) Can Zaktan's blades flip into just one?
74) Was Takadox being sacastic in the quote from BL7, where he says to Kalmah:"For one thing, you're not that smart."?
85) what would be the estimated number for each of the Barakki's armies? 10,000?
9Thanks for your time
101) I am not sure where this five feet figure came from. The Barraki sets are roughly the same size as the Toa sets, and the Toa we know average 7.2 feet 112) No 123) In set or in story? 134) No, he was being insulting 145) Thousands, easily
15In number 3, I meant in the story, if he can flip the blades into just one blade. 16As for number 1, Takadox is maybe 7"5 feet.
17In the story, yes, because the blades are made of protodites so they can change shape.

3Questions about Barakki...
41)Let's say all the Barakki except Takadox are more or less 5 feet. Takadox's info says he's taller than the others. Could you estimate his height in feet?
52)Is it possible for a male Toa of Water, not from Voya Nui, Metru Nui, or Mata Nui?
63) Can Zaktan's blades flip into just one?
74) Was Takadox being sacastic in the quote from BL7, where he says to Kalmah:"For one thing, you're not that smart."?
85) what would be the estimated number for each of the Barakki's armies? 10,000?
9Thanks for your time
101) I am not sure where this five feet figure came from. The Barraki sets are roughly the same size as the Toa sets, and the Toa we know average 7.2 feet 112) No 123) In set or in story? 134) No, he was being insulting 145) Thousands, easily
15In number 3, I meant in the story, if he can flip the blades into just one blade. 16As for number 1, Takadox is maybe 7"5 feet.
17In the story, yes, because the blades are made of protodites so they can change shape.
18#2 I just wanted to be sure of.
1Hi, Greg, I've just got a few questions.
21a) Was Hahli a teacher or a student on Metru Nui? 31b) Was Kotu a teacher or a student on Metru Nui? 42) Does Mahri mean anything in the Matoran language? You do not need to tell me what, but does it? 53)Out of all the years you have been writing for Bionicle, which character did you least like writing for? 64) How canon are the CDs that came free with the Toa Metru in early 2004? 75) Is there anything in the CDs which is not canon? 86) Some people are claiming that they have seen Toa Mahri posters in their local toy stores. Should these posters have been put up yet, was it allowed by Lego, or are they just bluffing?
9Thanks for your time,
10Hahli Inika
111) Students 122) Not that I know of 133) Least? The Le characters are always hardest, because of the treespeak 144) I haven't seen them, so can't say 155) See answer to #4 166) I think they are bluffing, because those posters do not even exist yet.
17It was out of pure curiosity that I asked these. Plus, please may all the bluffers stop now. GregF has confirmed it.
1Here's a few on the Red Star:
2I've been in and out of that Red Star topic and I guess I have a few questions about it:
31. Is this star only visible to residents above ground like on Mata Nui/Voya Nui, or can it be seen from Metru Nui as well? 41b. If no, is there any significance to this?
52. How long has the Red Star been up in the sky for?
63. Is this "star" sentient? 73b. Is it even a star at all?
84. And is there any connection between the Red Star and Mata Nui?
9As always, thanks in advance.
111) It's only visible from the islands on the surface of Mata Nui's ocean. 122) Can't answer it 133) No 143b) Can't answer it 154) Can't answer it
1Just some quick answers, to add to Greg's responses:
2re: Kardas availability - Kardas is actually available at Target, not Toys R Us.
3re: Toa Metru CDs - they're more or less canon; as their basic plots were included in Mystery of Metru Nui, and some of the puzzles were mentioned as well.
4And Ace, you have to PM Greg to get answers; he rarely posts in this topic. But for your PS: "Faux-rok"* are fake Bohrok, built to serve the BOM but sabotaged by their makers.
5*I know most people spell it "Fohrok" but I like this play on words better ("faux" - pronounced "foh" - is a fancy word for "fake").
2re: Kardas availability - Kardas is actually available at Target, not Toys R Us.
3re: Toa Metru CDs - they're more or less canon; as their basic plots were included in Mystery of Metru Nui, and some of the puzzles were mentioned as well.
4And Ace, you have to PM Greg to get answers; he rarely posts in this topic. But for your PS: "Faux-rok"* are fake Bohrok, built to serve the BOM but sabotaged by their makers.
5*I know most people spell it "Fohrok" but I like this play on words better ("faux" - pronounced "foh" - is a fancy word for "fake").
1Here's a few on the Red Star:
2I've been in and out of that Red Star topic and I guess I have a few questions about it:
31. Is this star only visible to residents above ground like on Mata Nui/Voya Nui, or can it be seen from Metru Nui as well? 41b. If no, is there any significance to this?
52. How long has the Red Star been up in the sky for?
63. Is this "star" sentient? 73b. Is it even a star at all?
84. And is there any connection between the Red Star and Mata Nui?
9As always, thanks in advance.
111) It's only visible from the islands on the surface of Mata Nui's ocean. 122) Can't answer it 133) \No 143b) Can't answer it 154) Can't answer it
17JUST a THEORY: 18on 3b, he saidhe couldnt answer it so it must be inportant, or maybe the Red Star really isnt just a star? 19MAYBE ITS MATA NUI HIMSELF
1Just some quick answers, to add to Greg's responses:
2re: Kardas availability - Kardas is actually available at Target, not Toys R Us.
3re: Toa Metru CDs - they're more or less canon; as their basic plots were included in Mystery of Metru Nui, and some of the puzzles were mentioned as well.
4And Ace, you have to PM Greg to get answers; he rarely posts in this topic. But for your PS: "Faux-rok"* are fake Bohrok, built to serve the BOM but sabotaged by their makers.
5*I know most people spell it "Fohrok" but I like this play on words better ("faux" - pronounced "foh" - is a fancy word for "fake").
6Thanks for the little FYI

11) Can a Toa of Water also control pH of liquids, or does the pH of the water they control stay the same? If they can, does that mean they can control acids or bases too? 22) Can Toa of Electricity(if they exist) use electricity so it works like one of those AEDs that can cause a heart to pulse again? If it can happen, would that essentially be like reviving people? Or do Bionicle characters not have real hearts, just heartlights, and therefore can't be revived? 33) Are the plants created by Plant Toa dependent on nutrients and air? Or can the Toa provide energy that keeps the plants surviving in a vacuum or something? 44) When Kraata are transformed into Rahkshi by protodermis, would they still be able to think, or would they just be suits of armor without brains? 55) Are users of Kanohi Iden able to project their astral selves into other people's bodies? 66) Is shadow always related to evil? Or can there be a Toa of Shadow? 77) In the Toa-Dark Hunter War, there were 300 Toa. Did all those extra Toa come from different lands before the war, or were they created after the war started?
8I know not all of my questions will be answered, but I hope you can find time to look through them. I also would like to say that I would really like for the 7th Bionicle Legends book to reveal the secret of the Krana, and hope that that part can be added in again.
9Thanks, 10Black Chimaera Epsilon
111) No, their control is not that delicate. 122) Thus far, we have seen no evidence that the heart is one of the organic organs of a BIONICLE being -- so far, we only have proof the lungs are organic. 133) They would be normal plants, dependent on nutrients and air, because a Toa of Plants would have no control over air and thus not be able to provide it. 144) Suits of armor without brains, which is why a kraata is needed to "drive" it 155) Only if there is no spirit in that body and if it is a living or mechanical body. 166) There cannot be a Toa of Shadow, no, because shadow is considered an evil element in the BIONICLE universe. It would be like your city being saved by Super-Nazi. 177) All came from different lands.
18These are some pretty confusing questions, but hope you like them anyway. 19I think the most interesting thing in the answers is that the plants that Toa of the "Green" summon are dependent on air, which is a weakness against them.
1Hi greg, I have some questions about the Barraki
21. Is there a storyline reason for Takadox having a glow in the dark head?
32. Is there a storyline reason for Carapar having greenish-gray and yellow armor?(algea)
43. Is Nocturn a combiner model?
54. I noticed that Exo-Force is like Exo-Toa and that they are both about going into large machines, is that a coincidence?
65.Did the person who thought of the exo-toa name, invent exo-force's name?
76. About how long does it take you to write one of the Bionicle books?
8Thanks in advance
91) Not that I know of, although there are many sea creatures in our world who are bioluminescent 102) Nope 113) Nope 124) Battle machines are a staple of anime, which is what Exo-Force is based on. 135) No idea, I don't know who created E-F. The name would obviously have been run through trademark searches before we could use it. 146) Around two months, working weekends only
1A bit of Nocturn info:
2Hey Greg. Thanks for sharing the Barraki info with us. But now, a few questions:
31. So the Barraki have gone from commanding thugs and mercenaries to commanding sea life. Do they see this as a setback? 42. I heard somewhere that Nocturn is Ehlek's lieutenant. Is this true? 53. Is Nocturn's regeneration his own power, or is it the work of something else? 64. Is he always so... monosyllabic? 75. What did he do to get banished?
8Thanks for your time.
91) Yup 102) Yes 113) Just a natural ability of his species 124) Nocturn is not the brightest tool in the shed 135) Broke something
1Few more from Mr. Farshtey:
21) Do pit war tortoises show up in the Atlas (alongside things like crystal serpents)? 31) No, they show up in January BrickMaster.
42) Do Artakha bulls appear in the Atlas? 52) No.
63) Is/was Nocturn part of an organization (the Hand of Artakha comes to mind)? 73) No

1Hi Greg, I was in the OGD when a thought struck me about the Red Star.
21. Is the Red Star Artahka? The OoM base? Where Mata Nui is? 3I also have some other questions.
42. Do Toa, matoran, & turaga have bones?
53. Do you have any Barraki?
64. Which one is your favorite?(setwise and storywise)
81) No, no, and no 92) I don't have this info 103) No, they are not in the company store yet 114) Takadox is my favorite story wise, Carapar is probably my favorite set wise
1Hello again. I have messaged you inquiring about something I think should be addressed. Now, throughout the years we've had many sources for our storyline-movies, games, books, the like-that have all been very entertaining, but frequently have had little to do with each other and have not tied in well with the "official" storyline. Now, obviously this is a problem, but I'm wondering if it wouldn't be something that could be solved easily. I'm wondering how much interest the Lego Company would have in some sort of "storyline guru" that basically knew the ins and outs of how the entire story went, from 2001 to today and beyond, and would constantly be on call to anyone who needed clarification of storyline info (within the company) or any outside people working on media for the line. This would be different from your job, instead of writing the story it would be more of an archiver of it. It seems like it would be an good way to keep everyone consistant within the universe, cutting down on confusion and hopefully helping the line sell better. So my question, in abridged form-do you think the Lego Company may ever consider hiring someone to just keep the storyline totally together with itself, and eliminating contradictions within it?
2This has been proposed multiple times since 2003, both with an eye toward my doing it and with an eye toward hiring someone else to do it. Management has consistently said no.
3What we are doing toward this is trying to make sure we have a story bible and style guide that is sent out to licensees that they are supposed to work from. In general, though, of the things you cited, it is games that have primarily strayed from official storyline -- movie is official, and books are based on the movies. So except for relatively minor things (like flying Rahaga), there hasn't been a lot of inconsistency there. Games will pretty much always be inconsistent with storyline, I think, because games require certain things -- like power ups and mini quests, etc. -- that the main storyline does not include. So while games COULD and SHOULD be closer, I think there is a limit to how close they ever will be.
5Yes, it was games that pretty much inspired this conversation-although the Flash movies on Bionicle.com also had me a little confused (What with the Inika appearing out the tomb-like masks in a chamber near the Mask of Life). Anyway, I'm hoping in the future they would consider it at least for more major game releases like Bionicle Heroes...just small things, like keeping the mask powers more consistant, would have been great in my opinion (It wouldn't have been such a stretch, in my opinion, to have say Kongu levitating Lego peices to build stuff, or even Nuparu if you imagine he is just inventing things, but the idea that Hewkii is doing it seems off. Not to mention the whole Stone/Earth mix-up, but meh.)
6I agree with you, and I do expect the web to get better now that Leah (who has a lot of respect for storyline) is back on it and I am writing most of it (which I was not doing in 2005-2006 -- in fact, I did virtually nothing for the site those couple years). As far as games go, I am not holding my breath -- my experience with game designers is that they sincerely want to get things right, but in the end their job is to make a good game, and if they have to sacrifice story points in that effort, then they do it (and having spent 7 years as a game designer, trust me, that is the way it is). In the case of BIONICLE Heroes, they wanted to do a shooter, which meant they needed lots of bad guys, and you wound up with Bohrok and Roodaka running around Voya Nui. No amount of, "Hey, that makes no sense in the story" was going to change that.
1I asked himif I could know anything about 2007 and he said "NOPE"
1Hi Greg, I just had one simple question:
21) What would you call the Kanohi Tryna?
3You know, like a Kanohi Hau is a Mask of Shielding, Pakari=Strength etc.
4Thanks in advance Greg.
5- Toa Lhikan Hordika
6Not answering questions on the mask yet, TLH, sorry. Just intended this as a sneak peek, not looking to release info on it yet

1Where did you get that name, "Tryna"?
2[Mind note: laugh about the perfect phonetic resemblance between that word and a Spanish one. 3[2nd mind note: laugh again because of the perfect phonetic resemblance with yet another Spanish word.
4What are you talking about? Spanish is my first language, and I don't remember any word that sounds like "Tryna." 5Khote
21: A lot of Nocturn info has seeminly popped up, could you sorta fill me in on everything we know bout him/her?
32: Is Nocturn Male or Female? (guessing male, everyone's male )
43: I've read that Nocturn was sent to the Pit because he/she 'broke something'. Have we seen/heard about this 'something' before? (Has to be pretty important to get sent to the Pit for breaking it...)
54: Can you reveal anything about what Nocturn broke?
65: Is this broken 'something' currently fixed, or still broken?
76: I've read in a Toa Inkia = Toa Mahri topic that you said the Inika will not be affected by the sea's mutagen. Will this mutagen affect Brutaka when he is sent to the Pit?
87: Now, Pridak eats organic food the 'human way'. Do the other Barraki eat the 'human way' too? (ie, through their mouths)
97b: Are any of the Barraki vegitarian? As in, they might only eat seaweed or something?
108: How exactly did the Barraki bust out of the Pit? I mean, it musn't have been easy. (could you reveal anything bout this?)
129: Do you expect that Lego will eventually have every main colour as a leader? (Seeing as we've gone Red [up to 2005], Green (Zaktan), Black (Garan) and now White (Pridak)? Only Brown and Blue are left...)
1310: Why does the set version of Pridak seem to (in every pic i've seen of him) has blood seeminly splattered almost over his whole head, while the cover art only shows it on his face?
1410b: Will the 'amount of blood' change with every set? (Like some may have it just on his mouth, and others all over his head?)
1511: To your knowedge, are the Barraki sets waterproof?
161) All I have released is that he is a lieutenant of Ehlek's 173) No, you have not. 184) Nope - gets revealed in Book 7 195) Still broken - can't be fixed 206) It better, or he'll drown 217) Yup 227b) Nope 238) You mean the original Pit? The walls were shattered by the Great Cataclysm 249) I can't assure that, no. 2510) Since it is a matter of co-injecting of color, I suppose it is possible that there will be a variety of effects. I have not seen two of the sets side by side, so no idea if there are differences. 2611) The Barraki sets are completely made of plastic and rubber-like material (for tentacles and such), so I guess they are as waterproof as any LEGO set is. Same materials.
275 and 6 are interesting... basically confirmed Brutaka's gonna mutate somehow

1I would assume that Nocturn broke this item on purpose, seeing as beings are sent to the pit when they are too far from redemption. I don't see the OOMN dooming someone to an eternity in the pit for being clumsy. (wasn't JarJar Binks banished from his world for breaking something?)
2--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3Urr: My pms haven't been getting to Greg, and I'm getting tired of trying to remember what I asked him. I'll get the answers here as soon as my stupid message gets through. This is becoming very frustrating.
2--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3Urr: My pms haven't been getting to Greg, and I'm getting tired of trying to remember what I asked him. I'll get the answers here as soon as my stupid message gets through. This is becoming very frustrating.
11) How exactly are Kanoka made? 22) All Barraki are male, right? 33) Can you already reveal to which islands the remaining entries in the atlas belong (Daxia, Destal...)? 44) Does a Kraata contain Antidermis? 55) Does a Rahkshi contain Antidermis? 66) Does an Infected Kanohi contain Antidermis? 77) Does Antidermis contain Elemental Darkness Energy? 88) Is this theory correct? 99) If the Bohrok had completed their task to "clean" Mata Nui, what would they have done afterwards? 1010) How many different colors can the squids the Barraki shoot have? (set-wise) 1111) Do the squids all have the same abilities? 1212) Are Zaktan's Protodites the only Piraka power which isn't of natural origin? 1313) Since BL7 is now defenitely gone, what do we miss of the 2007 story now?
141) Purified liquid protodermis is heated and cooled in a mold 152) Yes 163) No 174) Yes, most likely 185) Not really, it would be inert because Rahkshi are inorganic armor 196) No, I don't think so 207) Controls it, I wouldn't say contains it 218) No, it's not, anymore than the humans who live on Long Island were made from the tuna fish in Long Island sound. 229) Gone back to sleep in their canisters 2310) Don't know 2411) Haven't decided yet 2512) No. 2613) That depends on how much of it I am able to fit on BIONICLE.com. Too soon to tell what will and won't be included