1Few more from Mr. Farshtey:21) Do pit war tortoises show up in the Atlas (alongside things like crystal serpents)? 31) No, they show up in January BrickMaster.
42) Do Artakha bulls appear in the Atlas? 52) No.
63) Is/was Nocturn part of an organization (the Hand of Artakha comes to mind)? 73) No
9What is the Hand of Arahka?
1QUOTE 2Hi Greg. 3As usual, I only have a few questions. So 41.If one of the Barraki died/was killed, would Pridak care? 52. Will we see more of Tahtorahk and Krahka? 63.Are there limitations to the Tryna? It seems that you would be nearly unstoppable depending on the location(A graveyard, for example). 74.Will Vezon&Kardas ever be freed from the Zamor's powers? 8Well, that's all. 9Bye, Greg.
101) I would say yes, because it would weaken his force 112) Eventually, I hope * 123) Sorry, I am not discussing the mask -- that section of the story was meant as a sneak peek, not for me to give out details 134) They already were. Kardas was out of the stasis field before the Inika even left the chamber, that is how Matoro lost the mask 14*Yayz:
101) I would say yes, because it would weaken his force 112) Eventually, I hope * 123) Sorry, I am not discussing the mask -- that section of the story was meant as a sneak peek, not for me to give out details 134) They already were. Kardas was out of the stasis field before the Inika even left the chamber, that is how Matoro lost the mask 14*Yayz:
2The Hand of Artakha is an ancient organization of (presumably) heroes that existed before the coming of the Toa. Why the Great Spirit Mata Nui chose the Toa over the Hand, where the Hand's members are now, and what beings make up this organization (we only know of one, the Dark Hunter codenamed "Shadow Stealer") will be revealed in the Encyclopedia Vol. 2, coming next fall.1What is the Hand of Arahka?
3Long-winded version courtesy of

1I got some nice info revealing BArraki Leader, and 2007 Comics.
21-will Brutaka mutate? 32-Is nocturn good or evil? 43-Are BL5 Spoilers allowe dyet, under a spoiler tag? 54-When is the Zamor Promo coming out? 65-When will the other Hydruka and MAhritoran coming out? 76-What store? 87-Is it true there will be a Bionicle Slurpee promo at 7-11? 98-Who is the current leader of the BArraki? 109-Does Kalmah have a whip? 1110-There are playsets in 07, right/ 1211-Do you know if Stuart Sayger is staying to draw 2007 comics? 1312-What will come witht he January-Febuary lego magazine if Comic 1 isnt untill MArch? 1413-Will the toa that was one of the first toa be a promo set? 1514-Will we perhaps see the Rahaga and Keetongu in 2007? =D 1615-As Vezon is in 2007, will Kardas or Fenrakk be? 1716-Are there any plans to use brown again? 1817-Are Polyps considered Rahi? 1918-Will the Inika get a new leader in 2007? 2019-Would you say in 2007 Hahli could be the most powerful as she is a Toa of Water in an Underwater city/ 2120-Is it true that Mahri means sea?
22Thanks for the time and Awsners
241) You'll find out next year 252) Evil 263) No. Official release date for the book was 12/1, spoilers start on BZP two weeks after release date 274) It's not, evidently. If it was going to, it would be out by now 285) There are only four small sets next year, so they are all out 297) Have heard nothing about that 308) Pridak 319) No 3210) Don't know 3311) Yes 3412) Poster 3513) I can't discuss future set plans 3614) No. Neither can breathe underwater 3715) Vezon may not be, due to the change in the book schedule 3816) No idea. That depends on sales figures for Hewkii. 3917) Yes and no -- they are creatures, but they are not bio-mechanical and Matoran are not familiar with them, so they may not have named them Rahi 4018) I can't discuss this 4119) See answer to #18 4220) "Mare" in Latin means sea, I believe, but we have not assigned a Matoran word to Mahri.
43On #4 and #5-
44#4-So, The Zamor Promo has been cancelled? It won't come out? By that i mean the Mysterious Zamor from Axxon, not the Wal-MArt shooting competition. 45#5-Isn't there a store exslusive Matoran and Hydruka you said something about?
471) Far as I know. It was mentioned to me early in the year as something we might do, not something was definite. 482) No. There are two additional Matoran probably coming out with a store exclusive set in 2007, but that is not until summer so too early to discuss it
11I tried bzp I tried
but greg just won't even give a hint as to who the mahri are.

2Hi greg sorry for bugging you again before you ever read my other pm about the cordak blasters. Anyway heres my questions:
3a) you said awhile ago as of this second ther were 50 toa left in existance right?
4b)after the toa mahri how many toa are there (there should be 56 but just incase if some toa die or become turaga or get a name change and new features maybe)
5c) is there going to be mask packs or something like mask packs next year (other than sqid ammo refill packs)
6Thanks in advance
8a) Yes 9Not going to answer this, because it seems like sort of a sneaky way of finding out if the Inika are the Mahri 10c) No. While I and some others on the team would like mask packs back, a search for masks is not part of the '07 story, and the focus groups don't seem to care about masks - they just want more and bigger weapons.
11I tried bzp I tried


1I personally believe that the Inika are the Mahri.
2Greg said that they would be our Toa throughout this story arc, and when asked about the Nuva and Inika working together, he stated something along the lines of it being too many Toa to write for....
3And especially now that a book has been cancelled....
2Greg said that they would be our Toa throughout this story arc, and when asked about the Nuva and Inika working together, he stated something along the lines of it being too many Toa to write for....
3And especially now that a book has been cancelled....
1Hey, Mr. Farshty:
2I've some questions:
31) On Walmart.com, the description for Umbra says: "Umbra wields a large, double-bladed staff that's equipped with a Rhotuka launcher with the power to make enemies melt. His mask is Naynu, the great mask of lasers, which lets him turn himself into a beam of light." Is this info reliable?
42) Which Barraki is your favorite?
5I had another big(importance-to-storyline wise) question concerning the Barraki but I can't remember it at the moment so I might be geting back to you later.
6Thanks in advance:![]()
71) No, it's pretty much completely inaccurate. Umbra cannot melt people and he has no mask name or mask power. 82) Takadox
9Thanks again GregF:

1c) No. While I and some others on the team would like mask packs back, a search for masks is not part of the '07 story, and the focus groups don't seem to care about masks - they just want more and bigger weapons.
2It seems the only way for us to get the Kanohi packs back is to infiltrate the focus groups...

1Yes, we should......Why are kids these days obsesed about bionicle weponry? I just dont get it.....
1OK, I posted this theory:2Ok, so the Ancient Evil is Makuta. Antidermis is a form of The ancient Evil. So, maybe kraata (and possibly Krana) are made from Antidermis. Also, the Kraata infected the masks, which enslaved whoever wore them. Same with Antidermis. It enslaves people.3I was wondering if it was correct or not. If you can't discuss this, as it comes later next year or something, that's fine.
4Krana are not made from antidermis, because krana are not made by Makuta. Given that antidermis is the essence of Makuta and kraata are made from that essence, it stands to reason that there is some connection between the two
5Just thought that was interesting.
1Here's some more:
2After reading Ehlek's bio in your forum topic, I have some more questions:
3Does the Ehlek trivia mentioned below mean anything for storyline?
41) Native to the waters (or rather, liquid protodermis) around Zakaz, Piraka home island [hey, does that mean the Ehlek knows a thing or two about the Piraka's species, and even the Piraka themselves? 51) Not really, no -- they didn't have dealings with the land-dwellers on Zakaz
62) Former army included current Dark Hunter "Amphibax" (perhaps in Bionicle Legends #6 prologue...?) 72) No, that is only mentioned in Encyclopedia
83) Tampered with by OoMN for anti-BoM force 93) Well, that is part of their back story, I am not sure how vitally important it will be
11Second question:
12Are the Inika the "one case of immunity" to the Voya Nui water mutagen? ('Cause if they are, it seems like more than one case.) 134) No, the Inika would not be immune to it.

1Some of these questions may seem like old news, but I still needed answers to them.
28So that means that MNOG2 is wrong. Nuhrii, Orkham, and Tehutti did not change their names. I still wish I knew what Ehrye and Vhisola were doing on Mata Nui for all that time.
21a. I've read that after the Toa Nuva defeated the Bohrok-Kal and retrieved their Nuva Symbols, the symbols were hidden where they could not be stolen again. Did they bring the symbols to Metru Nui? 31b. If so, where are they hidden now? 42. Was Kini-Nui built before or after the Toa Metru became Turaga? 53. I've heard that all the Turaga (excluding Dume) and all the Matoran (excluding Takua) are all the same age. How old are they? 64. I am curious about what happened to the Matoran who knew the locations of the Great Disks. I know that Nuhrii became part of the Guard in Ta-Koro, Orkham was in the Gukko Force, Tehutti became a miner, and Ahkmou became a shopkeeper (before and after abandoning Makuta), but we never heard from Vhisola or Ehrye. What were their jobs on Mata Nui? 75. When exactly did Ahkmou abandon his service to Makuta? 86. Did Orkham change his name to Orkan on Mata Nui? Same question with Nuhrii and Tehutti changing their names to Nuri and Tehuti, respectively. According to MNOG2, they did, but I'm not sure. 97. Why is Pewku bigger than other Ussal crabs? I've seen the Kal animations, and I know she wasn't that big before the Kal attacked. How did she get like that? 108. I've heard rumors that Kapura might be Takua's replacement for the Kolhii team and that Kotu will replace Hahli. Are these theories correct in any way? 119. You've said recently that the reason some Matoran, such as Jaller, Kongu, and Kopeke, are shown wearing one mask on Metru Nui, but a different one on Mata Nui, is because their original mask was damaged. Where did the Turaga get all these extra masks? Did they bring them in the airships from Metru Nui? Where did they keep them? 1210. What does the word "Mahri" mean in the Matoran language? 1311. Now that the Matoran have returned to Metru Nui, will they be able to continue making Kanoka disks? 1412. Is there a storyline reason for why the first syllables in the Toa Nuva's names are the prefixes for their elements?
151) Yes 161b) Most likely Coliseum or Great Temple 172) It was partially built before they got there, and the rest of it was built after they became Turaga 183) No, that is not accurate 194) No idea, not something I have worried about 205) After the events of MOL, when he thought Makuta was dead 216) No. The MNOG2 names were never legally approved, so they are not canon. 227) Evolved with age 238) This really isn't something I have thought about -- the Matoran are a little too busy worrying about the universe maybe ending to worry about who is going to play kolhii this week 249) Yes, they did, and they were kept in the koro 2510) We haven't assigned a name to it, but my own personal pick would probably be "on the coast" or something like that 2611) Once they relearn how to do it, yes 2712) Yes. Remember, those Toa were never Matoran -- all they have ever been is Toa and representatives of their elements
28So that means that MNOG2 is wrong. Nuhrii, Orkham, and Tehutti did not change their names. I still wish I knew what Ehrye and Vhisola were doing on Mata Nui for all that time.

1Greg, when writing a bionicle book do you invision it as movie bionicle characters or set bionicle characters?
1You have to Pm Greg. He never checks this topic.....
1Are the Inika the "one case of immunity" to the Voya Nui water mutagen? ('Cause if they are, it seems like more than one case.) 24) No, the Inika would not be immune to it.
3Wouldn't that be Vezok? He is naturally resistant to the waters surrounding Voya Nui, so it would make sense that the mutagen does not affect him.
4Yes, we should......Why are kids these days obsesed about bionicle weponry? I just dont get it.....
5I was thinking about wrighting them. Weapons arn't all. I'd just be glad if we had collectible collectibles. Like the Kanoka.
6Its no use really. The company is focusing on those kids, who want the weapons, so that is what Lego will produce.
1You say that the trick to finding Mata Nui is knowing that you've found him. Does that mean:
2a: Mata Nui is "asleep", like say a sleeper agent. He's walking around, but unaware of who he really is?
3b: Something other than what would appear to be a sentient life?
4Thanks for your time:
5Closer to B than A.
6I think that would be great if they found Mata Nui and he was disguised as a big Mata Nui Stone.
1Are the Inika the "one case of immunity" to the Voya Nui water mutagen? ('Cause if they are, it seems like more than one case.) 24) No, the Inika would not be immune to it.
3Uh, that contradicts this...

4I've read in a Toa Inkia = Toa Mahri topic that you said the Inika will not be affected by the sea's mutagen.
5So will they be affected or not

1QUOTE 2Hey Greg could you put these OOM members into order of rank and power please?
6The Jailer in the Pit [Can you reveal anything at all about him? please
7Also, will the first toa ever be available as a combiner or a set?
91) I really can't, because I am not divulging the extent of their powers 102) No plans for that. A member of the first Toa TEAM will be a set next year, though, as I understand it
11Number two is intresting.
6The Jailer in the Pit [Can you reveal anything at all about him? please
7Also, will the first toa ever be available as a combiner or a set?
91) I really can't, because I am not divulging the extent of their powers 102) No plans for that. A member of the first Toa TEAM will be a set next year, though, as I understand it
11Number two is intresting.
1Are the Inika the "one case of immunity" to the Voya Nui water mutagen? ('Cause if they are, it seems like more than one case.) 24) No, the Inika would not be immune to it.
3Uh, that contradicts this...![]()
4I've read in a Toa Inkia = Toa Mahri topic that you said the Inika will not be affected by the sea's mutagen.
5So will they be affected or not![]()
6Not if the Inika are never exposed to it. Think: If the Inika are not immune to it, but don't get affected by it, then they are never exposed to it.


1hint how he capitalized team it probably means it wont be the first toa but one i the first team:
1hint how he capitalized team it probably means it wont be the first toa but one i the first team:
2Well basically... yes

4And I decided to slip in a Greg quote, as I don't usually do it that often...

5From the Barraki revealed topic...
6Another interesting note is that Ehlek's species was tampered with by the Order of Mata Nui in an attempt to engineer a race specially designed to combat the Brotherhood of Makuta.
7Now when was this exactly? SPIRIT seems to think that this tampering meant that Ehlek was tampered with, which would be hard as he's been in the Pit for 80,000 years. And it seems odd as not even Toa started to suspect the BoM for a while, earliest date we have was 7000 years ago.
8So when was this, and were all of his species meddled with, or just a select few? And what happened with the result? We we learn about that result?
9And for one other question, before Ehlek's weapon was a "Cordak Blaster" of sorts. Now it has been changed to "Squid Launcher." Is this blaster a prototype from way back, or something later on?
12But the OOMN was preparing for a possible betrayal by the BOM long before the more idealistic Toa ever thought of it.
13Blaster was a mistype by me, which is why it was corrected.
14Interesting that it appears the OoMN were suspicious far before the Toa were, and some Toa were suspecting around 7,000 years ago:
1Are the Inika the "one case of immunity" to the Voya Nui water mutagen? ('Cause if they are, it seems like more than one case.) 24) No, the Inika would not be immune to it.
3Uh, that contradicts this...![]()
4I've read in a Toa Inkia = Toa Mahri topic that you said the Inika will not be affected by the sea's mutagen.
5So will they be affected or not![]()
6Oh, no, I think Greg meant something different from saying "the Inika would not be affected..." when he said "the Inika will not be affected...," as in the Toa Inika will not encounter the mutagen in the story and therefore will not be affected by it. That's how I understood it, but you're right, it's not impossible that it's an accidental contradiction in his quotes.
1Lots of goodies here...
35Looks like:
2If you think about it, the OOMN is in the perfect position to orchestrate the coup against the BOM, a decade or three down the line...
31: Does Botar know about the Pit being cracked open? 42: If he does, why does he keep sending people to an insecure prison? 51) No, or he wouldn't keep bringing people down there
63: Does the OOMN in general know? 73) No
84: Is there a "central OOMN command" or something like that that makes decisions and long-range planning, and gives Botar his "hit list"? 94) Not that we have seen so far
105: How much communication is there between OOMN members on different islands? 115) Depends on the island. Axonn and Brutaka had very little contact, it seemed, but others probably travel more freely and have more
126: How likely would it be that other Toa in the world are reachable by an OOMN member? 136) Hard to say, without knowing where the remainder of the 38 extant Toa (after the Metru and the Nuva) are and where the OOMN members are.
147: How much does the OOMN in general know about recent developments (i.e. Olda activated, Metru Nui repopulated, Inika created, MOLi retrieved, freed Barraki being dealt with)? 157) They would know most of that, except for the part about the Barraki
168: Assuming they know the above, would the OOMN start/be planning for serious action? I mean, 13 (or 19new Toa is a serious increase in ability. Not to prewar levels, but one heck of an improvement. Especially with six ex-Hagah to whip them into shape: 178) The OOMN are definitely planning for a potential critical battle in future, yes
189: Would an ingeniously sneaky and far-seeing Toa, instead of crippling the Barraki, ally with them and offer them a shot at the BOM when the time is right? 199) Hard part is how to do that ... because the Barraki cannot breathe air.
2010: When you said there were ~50 Toa left, did that include the Inika and Nuva, Nuva and not Inika, or were all of them Toa we haven't met yet? 2110) Included the Inika and the Nuva.
2211: Will the Inika go back to Metru Nui with the Nuva, assuming they aren't the Mahri? 2311) I can't discuss this
2412: Brutaka is pretty much a background character in '07, right? I mean, except for basically ordering the Barraki to get it for him. 2512) Yes, but he may well be back in '08 as well. I have uses for him.
2613: How busy is Botar, anyway? He wouldn't happen to have time to, say, be the OOMN's postman, would he? 2713) No, he would not
2814: Would you consider all of the Toa in existence as of end of '06 to be veterans? The Nuva definitely are, the Inika are, and the ones we haven't met yet would have to be to live this long, wouldn't they? 2914) I would say yes
3015: The Barraki assume that all Toa are too weak-hearted. You also said that the Mahri are in a war to save the universe, and "check kindness at the door". Does this mean that the Barraki will come to respect the Mahri, even in some small, back-of-the-mind way? 3115) I think that is a possibility, yes.
3216: Finally, why would the Barraki, being intelligent and not greedy like the Piraka, and knowing from Brutaka about the curse (hopefully), actually want to keep the Mask of Life? They have no actual hatred for Toa, and they aren't purely evil, so they wouldn't automatically reject the idea. If Brutaka didn't tell them about the curse, the Mahri certainly can, as we've seen Mantax and the water Mahri talking together. It's harmful to them if they keep it, both via the curse and having a bunch of angry Toa after them. And it's beneficial to them to have the universe they live in survive. It seems to me that Brutaka is the only reason why they're going after the mask, and he isn't much of a threat to them if he objects, since they are more used to fighting underwater, and since they already took down the jailer. Also, if the mask leaves with the Inika, it ceases to be a possible threat to them. The Barraki are smart, not evil. 3316) The Barraki are both smart and evil. Brutaka does not tell them about the curse -- he still wants the mask for himself, so obviously he doesn't care about it or doesn't fear it. Now, the Barraki DO know about it on their own -- but their attitude is, what can the mask do to them that is worse than what has already been done? They see the mask as the key to their freedom and a return to power, and if they have to bear a curse to do that, then they'll do it. As for the whole "needed to save Mata Nui" thing -- if you were a Barraki, and your opponents told you that, would you buy it?
34And so it begins...
35Looks like:
- 36Botar doesn't need to go to the Pit himself to drop off prisoners
- 37The OOMN isn't as widespread as we thought it was
- 38Botar has lots of work
- 39The Barraki, who don't like using masks, think they can use the Inika somehow to get power. Same way as the Piraka?
- 40The OOMN is planning something big...
1QUOTE 21. You stated that Kini-Nui was partially built before the Toa Metru arrived. Is this by some other being, the protodermis leak, or you just meaning the site being available? 32. Kini-Nui means Great Temple in Matoran, right? 43. Since antidermis and kraata are made from the same stuff, couldn't Makuta condense himself into a kraata? 54. How valuable a minion did Makuta consider Ahkmou? 65. If Ahkmou learned Makuta was alive, would he return to Makuta's service? 76. Just how did the Matruan learn where the Great Disks were? 87. Could Onewa be held responsible in any way for Ahkmou's defection?
9Thanks in advance, 10Matoran Hewkii
111) Some other being 122) I don't think we ever stated what Kini-Nui translates as. 133) No. Kraata are much smaller than Matoran or even Turaga, and that would involve probably too much lost mass. 144) Ahkmou was a pawn. Makuta does not attach value to others except insofar as they can do something for him, and Ahkmou was not terribly successful. 155) It depends on if Ahkmou believes Mata Nui's death would be a bad thing. 166) They stumbled on them, mostly 177) I don't think so, no. Ahkmou was a creep from day one, and then his pod was lost and recovered by Makuta. If you want to blame someone, blame Mavrah, it was his creatures that attacked the boat.
9Thanks in advance, 10Matoran Hewkii
111) Some other being 122) I don't think we ever stated what Kini-Nui translates as. 133) No. Kraata are much smaller than Matoran or even Turaga, and that would involve probably too much lost mass. 144) Ahkmou was a pawn. Makuta does not attach value to others except insofar as they can do something for him, and Ahkmou was not terribly successful. 155) It depends on if Ahkmou believes Mata Nui's death would be a bad thing. 166) They stumbled on them, mostly 177) I don't think so, no. Ahkmou was a creep from day one, and then his pod was lost and recovered by Makuta. If you want to blame someone, blame Mavrah, it was his creatures that attacked the boat.
1QUOTE 21. You stated that Kini-Nui was partially built before the Toa Metru arrived. Is this by some other being, the protodermis leak, or you just meaning the site being available? 32. Kini-Nui means Great Temple in Matoran, right? 43. Since antidermis and kraata are made from the same stuff, couldn't Makuta condense himself into a kraata? 54. How valuable a minion did Makuta consider Ahkmou? 65. If Ahkmou learned Makuta was alive, would he return to Makuta's service? 76. Just how did the Matruan learn where the Great Disks were? 87. Could Onewa be held responsible in any way for Ahkmou's defection?
9Thanks in advance, 10Matoran Hewkii
111) Some other being 122) I don't think we ever stated what Kini-Nui translates as. 133) No. Kraata are much smaller than Matoran or even Turaga, and that would involve probably too much lost mass. 144) Ahkmou was a pawn. Makuta does not attach value to others except insofar as they can do something for him, and Ahkmou was not terribly successful. 155) It depends on if Ahkmou believes Mata Nui's death would be a bad thing. 166) They stumbled on them, mostly 177) I don't think so, no. Ahkmou was a creep from day one, and then his pod was lost and recovered by Makuta. If you want to blame someone, blame Mavrah, it was his creatures that attacked the boat.
18That's cool: I knew none of the answers to this question.
1Some of the answers to these kind of suprised me.
161. I really expected an answer to this. Greg has said everything in the Bionicle universe is made of protodermis. But we know the water on the surface is not. I wonder why he can't answer it? 172. I thought a Matoran seeing an organic creature would be like a person seeing a Kikanalo. If I saw one of those, and I wasn't a Bionicle fan, I wouldn't know what to call it. Definately not an animal. 183. So the waters around Voya Nui are ice cold, corrosive, and mutagenic? Quite a hostile place indeed. 194/5. Nothing new here. I just don't have the encyclopedia.
2Hey Greg, I have a few questions 31. The purely organic beings in the Bionicle universe--are they made out of protodermis? 42. Are organic creatures considered Rahi? Or are they like alien species to the Matoran? 53. Vezok is resistant to the waters around Voya Nui. Does that mean he is resistant to the mutagen? 64. Will the member of the first Toa team be packaged with the two other Mahri Nui Matoran as a store exclusive? 75. Can you tell us who built the Exo-Toa yet? 8Also, just thought I'd let you know, my Bionicle MOCing experience got me an A in one of my college mechanical engineering classes. We had to build a Lego robot. 9Thanks in advance:
101) Can't answer it 112) To the Matoran, they would be, probably. A fish is a fish to a Matoran. 123) No. Vezok is resistant to corrosive water -- water that eats you away -- not mutagenic water. 134) I can't discuss future product plans 145) They were constructed on the orders of the BOM -- that was revealed in the '05 Encyclopedia. 156) Congratulations:
161. I really expected an answer to this. Greg has said everything in the Bionicle universe is made of protodermis. But we know the water on the surface is not. I wonder why he can't answer it? 172. I thought a Matoran seeing an organic creature would be like a person seeing a Kikanalo. If I saw one of those, and I wasn't a Bionicle fan, I wouldn't know what to call it. Definately not an animal. 183. So the waters around Voya Nui are ice cold, corrosive, and mutagenic? Quite a hostile place indeed. 194/5. Nothing new here. I just don't have the encyclopedia.
1Greg, How will look it under water Brutaka? Do force will lose ?
13. So the waters around Voya Nui are ice cold, corrosive, and mutagenic? Quite a hostile place indeed.
2Voya Nui water is corrosive -- This is probably the most common 2006 myth out there. It came from the fact that Vezok has a resistance to water--when members asked Greg what that meant, he said there was corrosive water in some places in the Bionicle universe, and this is what Vezok has a resistance to. Somehow, however, members got "some places" mixed up with Voya Nui. Vezok is on Voya Nui in 2006 after all, so members concluded that the ocean surrounding it was corrosive. Well, no. First of all, Voya Nui is on the surface of the planet, and we already know what that water is like--it's the same ocean surrounding Mata Nui. It's water, or at least something close enough to it to be called "normal" water, as opposed to liquid protodermis. Barring some sort of local water shift that for some reason didn't spread to the whole ocean, there's just no way Voya Nui water could be corrosive and Mata Nui's water not be. Also, Vezok is on Voya Nui, yes, but it's not his native island, so there's really no reason his natural resistance would have anything to do with Voya Nui. (For the record, we don't know if there's corrosive water at the Piraka home island either, so please don't start that rumor.) And more importantly, when asked, Greg said that no, Voya Nui water is not corrosive, but that there is corrosive water somewhere "nearby." No word yet on where that is.

1Here is my last Greg F post:
2QUOTE 3Hello Greg, 4I have thought about some questions regarding the storyline. I hope some are interesting for you to answer. Hope some of the questions have not already been asked to you for several times. Anyway would be cool if you could answer them: 5Wish you a nice weekend:
61) The Ignika seems to do some "island hopping" (although Mahri Nui not being an island): from Voya Nui to mahri Nui, from Mahri Nui to... well because the 3rd storylien arc is supposed include 2008 as the last year, I guess the Igika would hop from Mahri Nui to the place where it needs to be used. Q: Is this place Artakha ( now that we know this was the first place created and the Ignika was one of the first objects being created)?
72) How many Toa Mahri will there be in 2007. Is it a full team of six Toa (they are supposed to be summer sets, aren't they?) or are there less members of that team?
83)Why do the Rahi armies follow the Barraki? Rahi are not evil (they are not good ones as well) creatures, so why would they accept villains to lead them? Do the Barraki force the Rahi(A), or do they promise something to them( , or is it the mutagenic agent in the water which makes them obey ©
94)This is a personal question: Which of the organisations in the Bionicle universe do you like most? I mean from their role in the storyline and the characters of their members? The Brotherhood, the Order, the Dark Hunters, the Hand of Artakha or the Fourth Faction/Barraki?
105)Although it was stated Nocturn is Ehlek's lieautenant and that he once had an arm with a tentacle, his name made me wonder if he had a connection to a "shadowy band of brothers". So is Nocturn the rogue Brotherhood member? (Though I do not guess it's right)
116) Do you think (I guess there are no concrete plans yet) we will see Voporak again? He is still searching for the Vahi which is in Metru Nui more or less unguarded now.
127) This one is more interesting: Does every team of Toa have the potential to form Toa Kaita (although they never have formed one so far and maybe do not know they could form one)? Or is this exclusive to the Toa Mata/Nuva? If it is like this does this have to do something with the fact that the Toa Mata have never been Matoran?
138) At which point was decided to gibe Bionicle this broad storyline? I guess when the first sets appeared in 2001 the storyline was kept rather simple? When was the change (if there was one) with the Bohrok maybe?
149)Just a guess: Is the civilization which had the potential to be the leading civilization the Frostelus (they are describes as being something between Rahi and Matoran)?
1510) Is Krahka's and Tahtorak' storyline appearance most likely finished when arising from the Zone of Darkness in BL5?
1611) How many members does the Brotherhood of Makuta approximately have (right now)?
1712)Was the Makoki Stone always connected in a way to the Mask of Light (A)? Both were guarded in Toa fortresses and eventually stolen? Or did the Rahaga just use the parts of the stone as the keys to the Mask? And if there was no connection to the Avohkii why was the makoki Stone so important ( ?
1813) Were the BoM also the "geneticists" of the organic upper world? I mean they transformed beings to the Morbuzahk and Karzahni plant which were totally organic. Or did they just by chance grab something organic and transformed it?
1914) Will we see the non-organic forms of the Inika's Kanohi in the storyline?
2015) Connected to 14: Will Toa Krakua (wearing a Suletu - organic or metallic-) be part of a Toa team the storyline will focus on (so will he be a set someday?), or will he be an "extra-character"?
21So these are my questions and please: BRING THE KANOHI BACK AS A COLLECTIBLE ONE DAY::: Ammo is boring:
231) No, the Inika are not going to Artakha. 242) Six 253) It's sheer willpower. Rats and bats and wolves are not evil, but they follow Dracula. 264) Probably the Order. 275) No. A BOM member, even a rogue one, would never consent to follow the orders of lesser beings, nor is Nocturn smart enough to be a Makuta. 286) I hope so. 297) They all have that potential, the trick is having the knowledge of how to do it. The Metru had no one to teach them how to do it, so they never did. 308) Actually, the "seven books" of BIONICLE were all created prior to 2001. It was simply a question of whether BIONICLE would be successful so that the story could continue. Also, how broad a story you can tell depends on how many avenues you have to tell it through -- if there were no books, a lot of things and events would never have happened for lack of room. 319) No. You have not met or heard of this species before in the story. 3210) I haven't decided. 3311) I can't answer this 3412) For two reasons -- one, it has inscriptions on it that give a detailed report on the BOM, its strengths, its weaknesses. And two, it serves as a key to a number of places, including Kini-Nui. 3513) They did not transform existing beings into plants. They created the plants. As for what involvement they have had with the world outside the domes, all I can refer you to is the fact that no one from the domes was ever intended to live outside of them. 3614) Not unless they are made in plastic, no. 3715) We don't own the rights to make him a set, he is a fan-built model.
38However there are some things I wondered about: 39COMMENTS:
401) I asked about the Masko of Life the Ignika and not the Toa Inika. So Greg just told me the Inika are not going to Artakha (maybe they will be called diefferently by then) but somehow I feel that Artakha should be the place where the Inika must be used.
412) That would SOMEHOW proof that the Inika become the Mahri because they are six, and on VoysNui /Mahri Nui were not Toa located during the time of the Great Cataclysm. So if the Mahri are not the Inika those must be "hired" Toa to protect the city.
427) Interesting if you ask me, BUT who taught the Toa Mata to merge into a Kaita? I think it just came to their minds as a feeling, noone has taught them this: UNLESS they were taught this before they came to Mata Nui. So basically we could have seen A Toa Inika Kaita, coll....
4311) Interesting he won't tell us:::
4412) Why should the Makoki Stone be guarded for being a key to Kini Nui, which was not even built prior to the Great Cataclysm. I mean Kini Nui was the Great Temple at Mata Nui... AND we were taught that the inscriptions on the Makoki Stone were just visible to Zaktan and (I think) Brotherhood members: Although Greg once told me the inscriptions were made by Toa (he told me in an older PM): SO WHY WOULD THEY PROTECT AN OBJECT WITH INSCRIPTIONS NOONE COULD READ??? I just saw a post 4-5 posts above mine and this is interesting: Someone else built parts of Kini Nui (probably something organic) and the key to that place came to the underwolrd domes:::::::: That's quite amazing:
4513) That's kinda nice. So the BoM was not intended to live on the outside world but maybe they just made their way to the surface.
4614) That's sad I hoped to see them someday
4715)Strange because I thought Krakua had a very important role in the future.
2QUOTE 3Hello Greg, 4I have thought about some questions regarding the storyline. I hope some are interesting for you to answer. Hope some of the questions have not already been asked to you for several times. Anyway would be cool if you could answer them: 5Wish you a nice weekend:
61) The Ignika seems to do some "island hopping" (although Mahri Nui not being an island): from Voya Nui to mahri Nui, from Mahri Nui to... well because the 3rd storylien arc is supposed include 2008 as the last year, I guess the Igika would hop from Mahri Nui to the place where it needs to be used. Q: Is this place Artakha ( now that we know this was the first place created and the Ignika was one of the first objects being created)?
72) How many Toa Mahri will there be in 2007. Is it a full team of six Toa (they are supposed to be summer sets, aren't they?) or are there less members of that team?
83)Why do the Rahi armies follow the Barraki? Rahi are not evil (they are not good ones as well) creatures, so why would they accept villains to lead them? Do the Barraki force the Rahi(A), or do they promise something to them( , or is it the mutagenic agent in the water which makes them obey ©
94)This is a personal question: Which of the organisations in the Bionicle universe do you like most? I mean from their role in the storyline and the characters of their members? The Brotherhood, the Order, the Dark Hunters, the Hand of Artakha or the Fourth Faction/Barraki?
105)Although it was stated Nocturn is Ehlek's lieautenant and that he once had an arm with a tentacle, his name made me wonder if he had a connection to a "shadowy band of brothers". So is Nocturn the rogue Brotherhood member? (Though I do not guess it's right)
116) Do you think (I guess there are no concrete plans yet) we will see Voporak again? He is still searching for the Vahi which is in Metru Nui more or less unguarded now.
127) This one is more interesting: Does every team of Toa have the potential to form Toa Kaita (although they never have formed one so far and maybe do not know they could form one)? Or is this exclusive to the Toa Mata/Nuva? If it is like this does this have to do something with the fact that the Toa Mata have never been Matoran?
138) At which point was decided to gibe Bionicle this broad storyline? I guess when the first sets appeared in 2001 the storyline was kept rather simple? When was the change (if there was one) with the Bohrok maybe?
149)Just a guess: Is the civilization which had the potential to be the leading civilization the Frostelus (they are describes as being something between Rahi and Matoran)?
1510) Is Krahka's and Tahtorak' storyline appearance most likely finished when arising from the Zone of Darkness in BL5?
1611) How many members does the Brotherhood of Makuta approximately have (right now)?
1712)Was the Makoki Stone always connected in a way to the Mask of Light (A)? Both were guarded in Toa fortresses and eventually stolen? Or did the Rahaga just use the parts of the stone as the keys to the Mask? And if there was no connection to the Avohkii why was the makoki Stone so important ( ?
1813) Were the BoM also the "geneticists" of the organic upper world? I mean they transformed beings to the Morbuzahk and Karzahni plant which were totally organic. Or did they just by chance grab something organic and transformed it?
1914) Will we see the non-organic forms of the Inika's Kanohi in the storyline?
2015) Connected to 14: Will Toa Krakua (wearing a Suletu - organic or metallic-) be part of a Toa team the storyline will focus on (so will he be a set someday?), or will he be an "extra-character"?
21So these are my questions and please: BRING THE KANOHI BACK AS A COLLECTIBLE ONE DAY::: Ammo is boring:
231) No, the Inika are not going to Artakha. 242) Six 253) It's sheer willpower. Rats and bats and wolves are not evil, but they follow Dracula. 264) Probably the Order. 275) No. A BOM member, even a rogue one, would never consent to follow the orders of lesser beings, nor is Nocturn smart enough to be a Makuta. 286) I hope so. 297) They all have that potential, the trick is having the knowledge of how to do it. The Metru had no one to teach them how to do it, so they never did. 308) Actually, the "seven books" of BIONICLE were all created prior to 2001. It was simply a question of whether BIONICLE would be successful so that the story could continue. Also, how broad a story you can tell depends on how many avenues you have to tell it through -- if there were no books, a lot of things and events would never have happened for lack of room. 319) No. You have not met or heard of this species before in the story. 3210) I haven't decided. 3311) I can't answer this 3412) For two reasons -- one, it has inscriptions on it that give a detailed report on the BOM, its strengths, its weaknesses. And two, it serves as a key to a number of places, including Kini-Nui. 3513) They did not transform existing beings into plants. They created the plants. As for what involvement they have had with the world outside the domes, all I can refer you to is the fact that no one from the domes was ever intended to live outside of them. 3614) Not unless they are made in plastic, no. 3715) We don't own the rights to make him a set, he is a fan-built model.
38However there are some things I wondered about: 39COMMENTS:
401) I asked about the Masko of Life the Ignika and not the Toa Inika. So Greg just told me the Inika are not going to Artakha (maybe they will be called diefferently by then) but somehow I feel that Artakha should be the place where the Inika must be used.
412) That would SOMEHOW proof that the Inika become the Mahri because they are six, and on VoysNui /Mahri Nui were not Toa located during the time of the Great Cataclysm. So if the Mahri are not the Inika those must be "hired" Toa to protect the city.
427) Interesting if you ask me, BUT who taught the Toa Mata to merge into a Kaita? I think it just came to their minds as a feeling, noone has taught them this: UNLESS they were taught this before they came to Mata Nui. So basically we could have seen A Toa Inika Kaita, coll....
4311) Interesting he won't tell us:::
4412) Why should the Makoki Stone be guarded for being a key to Kini Nui, which was not even built prior to the Great Cataclysm. I mean Kini Nui was the Great Temple at Mata Nui... AND we were taught that the inscriptions on the Makoki Stone were just visible to Zaktan and (I think) Brotherhood members: Although Greg once told me the inscriptions were made by Toa (he told me in an older PM): SO WHY WOULD THEY PROTECT AN OBJECT WITH INSCRIPTIONS NOONE COULD READ??? I just saw a post 4-5 posts above mine and this is interesting: Someone else built parts of Kini Nui (probably something organic) and the key to that place came to the underwolrd domes:::::::: That's quite amazing:
4513) That's kinda nice. So the BoM was not intended to live on the outside world but maybe they just made their way to the surface.
4614) That's sad I hoped to see them someday
4715)Strange because I thought Krakua had a very important role in the future.
17) Interesting if you ask me, BUT who taught the Toa Mata to merge into a Kaita? I think it just came to their minds as a feeling, noone has taught them this: UNLESS they were taught this before they came to Mata Nui. So basically we could have seen A Toa Inika Kaita, coll....
2It says in Bionicle Chronicles 1 that the knowedgle to become Kaita came to the Mata (namely Gali and Kopaka) in a vision

112) Why should the Makoki Stone be guarded for being a key to Kini Nui, which was not even built prior to the Great Cataclysm. I mean Kini Nui was the Great Temple at Mata Nui... AND we were taught that the inscriptions on the Makoki Stone were just visible to Zaktan and (I think) Brotherhood members: Although Greg once told me the inscriptions were made by Toa (he told me in an older PM): SO WHY WOULD THEY PROTECT AN OBJECT WITH INSCRIPTIONS NOONE COULD READ??? I just saw a post 4-5 posts above mine and this is interesting: Someone else built parts of Kini Nui (probably something organic) and the key to that place came to the underwolrd domes:::::::: That's quite amazing:
2No, the BoM were ignorant of the inscriptions. says in BL4. Zaktan doesn't know about either, not at least as far we know. Lhikan was also ignorant of the scratches. The only confirmed ones who know the truth about the Makoki are Vezok and the Shadowed One.

112) Why should the Makoki Stone be guarded for being a key to Kini Nui, which was not even built prior to the Great Cataclysm. I mean Kini Nui was the Great Temple at Mata Nui... AND we were taught that the inscriptions on the Makoki Stone were just visible to Zaktan and (I think) Brotherhood members: Although Greg once told me the inscriptions were made by Toa (he told me in an older PM): SO WHY WOULD THEY PROTECT AN OBJECT WITH INSCRIPTIONS NOONE COULD READ??? I just saw a post 4-5 posts above mine and this is interesting: Someone else built parts of Kini Nui (probably something organic) and the key to that place came to the underwolrd domes:::::::: That's quite amazing:
2No, the BoM were ignorant of the inscriptions. says in BL4. Zaktan doesn't know about either, not at least as far we know. Lhikan was also ignorant of the scratches. The only confirmed ones who know the truth about the Makoki are Vezok and the Shadowed One.
4The Shadowed One doesn't know about it Master of Ice and Sonic, only vezok.
5Mr. toi
1Fresh batch of Q&A:
2I don't know if you've answered this before but:
31. Do the Inika recieve new masks next year or in 08:
8They already received the masks from Karzahni before they came to Voya Nui, so those are not the new masks I was referring to.7For number 14, did you mean that they recieve new masks after the find the Ignika, or when Karzanhi gave the Matoran they twisted masks?414. A while ago, I asked you what good would the Elda be to Hahli once the Ignika was found, and you said that I was assuming that she would still have that mask at that time. Did you imply that she or all her team would recieve new masks sometime in the 3 year arc?614) Yes
5That's all for now. Thank you.
9And I have a couple other questions too:
102. Did both the Great Beings and Mata Nui create Toa? 112b. If yes, then did the Toa they created respectively have totally different appearances and powers, or were they very similar to each other? 122c. Was the Toa that appears next year from the very first Toa team created by the Great Beings?
133. With all this contraversy on the Mahri, I'd like to develop a mini theory through a series of questions here:
14-The Inika do appear throughout all of the 3 year arc, yes? If so, then that means that they must appear next year as well. 15-I recall you saying something about having too many Toa in a book would be too much for you to handle or something like that, so if the Inika and Mahri are seperate, then that'd be too much wouldn't it? 16-Also, both the Mahri and Inika want and need the Mahri.. 17-And so far, you've revealed an Ice and Water Toa on the Mahri team... (I know they are common elements but still, the Inika had those elements on their team..) 18-Another point that the Inika are the Mahri would be if you said yes to my first question, meaning the Inika do get new masks next year, maybe only temporarily to be able to stay underwater.. And maybe they'd be kinda "hordikafied" meaning that they could change into Toa with the ability to be underwater and not be affected by the mutagen; then when their job is complete, they'd be changed back to Inika.. somehow..
19All in all, if somehow those questions contribute to my basic idea, then the Inika are indeed the Mahri (but only until they are done with the 2007 locations, then the mask will lead them to the next area).
204. The next area the Ignika lead the Inika, is it somewhere we've been to before?
215. Where exactly is Makuta as of this moment? 225b. And what has Karzanhi been doing after BL2.. 23"Karzahni would never forget, either. The vision he had shared with the Matoran had shown him there was a vast Universe beyond his borders, with a power vacuum at its head. For now, this Mata Nui was no threat to anyone. If he could seize total power before the Great Spirit awakened... he could give Matoran new reasons to fear." I'm assuming he's going to break free very soon.. 245c. Oh and Artahka.. Anything you could share about him and his thoughts about Karzahni.. or rather, what he's doing now (if he's alive..)?
25I hope my questions don't confuse you.. Thank you.
261) '07 272) The Great Beings created Toa, Mata Nui set the destiny of Matoran who would become Toa 282c) Yes 293) I cannot discuss the Mahri, since they do not appear in the story until summer. 304) No. 315) He's floating on Voya Nui 325b) Figuring out what he should do next 335c) No
1Hi Greg. Sorry to bother you but I want some questions answered.
21. I just want to know; in what way do you write? I want to improve my epics so I thought I could get some inspiration from such a talented writer as yourself. 3Now some storyline questions: 42. Is the user of the Kanohi Tryna someone we know? 53. Will we ever see Mavrah again? There is an undersea theme in '07 so I thought it could be a possibility. 64. Is this thing Nocturn broke something like a rule or an object? 74b. If is an object, is it something we know of? 84c. Or is it a place? 94d. Is this thing important? 105. How many creatures are there approximately in one Barraki army? 115b. How long time did it take to establish them? 126. The jailor of the Pit... How was he "ressurected"? If the Barraki killed him, someone or something must have brought him back to life. 137. Can you give some random Pit fact? Like how many who are/were imprisoned there? 148. We know of three islands, Destal, Odina and Daxia. Are these islands going to appear in the Atlas or Encyclopedia? 158b. Can you tell us something about one of them? I understand if you can't.9. Did Ehlek's species have an own city? Since I think you said that they never had any contact with Zakaz.
16That's all for now. Thanks is advance:
171) Well, not entirely sure what you are looking to know, but in general, I do not outline if I don't absolutely have to. I find if I know the story ahead of time, I get bored. I try to get an opening scene in my head, and then I let the characters tell me the story instead of me forcing them down paths I want them to follow. 182) Can't answer it 193) Mavrah died 1000 years ago. He drowned. 204) It was a thing, not a rule, and no, you don't know of it. 215) Are you talking about the current armies? Thousands, easily. 226) You'll find that out in 2007 237) Nope 248) Yes, that is how people know of them -- because they are listed in the TOC for the Atlas. 259) Yes, they did. They were water breathers, so they would have had cities under the sea.
26That's my nine questions. I find #9 interesting... Felt kinda stupid on #3 and #8.