1Ummm.....TLH? You SWORE to Greg you wouldn't post that, I don't think that's exactly the greatest way to show your trust. 2Anyway...
3The Piraka popping back eh? Awesome, I'm hoping the ame is for Vezon. Or maybe Only certian mebers of the Piraka show up? Becoming rogue Piraka....but...wait....The Piraka ARE rogue, how can they go rogue again? Can a rogue go rogue?: *Head explodes*
3The Piraka popping back eh? Awesome, I'm hoping the ame is for Vezon. Or maybe Only certian mebers of the Piraka show up? Becoming rogue Piraka....but...wait....The Piraka ARE rogue, how can they go rogue again? Can a rogue go rogue?: *Head explodes*
1Edit: OK, but make sure Greg gives you permission to post it next time.
Sorry if you felt like I was flaming you I wasn't meaning to.

[img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img] You betrayed Greg Farshtey: [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img] [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img]
2In that quote he says that you can't post it till City of the Lost comes out. [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img]
3Did it say that? I didn't read over it before I posted it.
4I edited the post, I should have asked Greg. The only reason I posted it was because jetslandingboard posted the same thing about the 4th Faction.

1Ok, I have just a few questions on Voya-Nui and a few other things.
21) I read that Voya-Nui was not on the coast of the mainland. If this is true, is there just a giant hole there now?
32) Did anyone on the mainland witness Voya-Nui ascending out of its original location?
43) Is there anything you can reveal about how Krana are made or are you saving it all for the encyclopedia/online?
5Thanks for your time.
71) Yup 82) Yes, possibly 93) Nope, no point in just doing the reveal on one fan site, when I could put it where lots more people will see it
10Just some questions I thought up about Voya-Nui while sitting in Spanish clash.
1Just a bit on Pridak, Rahi, and BL7, plus some little thing on Aqua Raiders.
14So, from what Greg said, I'm assuming that BL7 is beyond saving now. However, if we're lucky, its content may be found on Bionicle.com:
2I've got a couple questions about 2007. If you can't answer them because it's not yet 2007, then I'm okay with that.
31. Matoran "eat" by making physical contact with their food. As Pridak has blood found around his mouth, I'm assuming the same does not apply to him. Does Pridak eat the way Earth beings eat, through his mouth? 41b. Would the same go for some Rahi, such as the Muaka?
52. Any word on the saving of BL7?
63. For Aqua Raiders: Is Aqua Raiders a theme with a direct storyline, like Exo-Force, Bionicle, or Orient Expedition? Or is it a theme with a vagueo storyline, like Vikings, Pirates, or Space? 73b. Would Aqua Raiders be part of the Aquazone theme? If so, is it at all related to the original Aquaraiders?
8Thanks in advance:
91) Yes 101b) Many Rahi eat that way, because they don't know they don't have to. 112) Bionicle Legends #7 was originally supposed to be a story set before the coming of the Toa Mahri in May-June. I am now working on books for next fall, so it is too late to add it back into the schedule. The plan right now is to get at least some of the content on BIONICLE.com 123) Very basic storyline, not a BIONICLE or EXO-FORCE type of thing. 133b) No, it's not. Most of the kids this is aimed at were babies when Aquazone was around and wouldn't even remember it, so there wasn't much point in tying the two together.
14So, from what Greg said, I'm assuming that BL7 is beyond saving now. However, if we're lucky, its content may be found on Bionicle.com:
1Okay, here's one that's okay to post right now. Please forgive me for what I posted earlier and let's just forget it happened until I can post it:

2Hi Greg, it's been a while since I've PMed you. I've got a couple of questions today:
31) Umbra's Rhotuka, you said has the power to create solid light projections. What exactly would you call it? For example, Vakama Hordika's spinner was called a Fire Rhotuka Spinner, Sidorak=Command Rhotuka etc. Again, what would you call Umbra's Rhotuka?
42) What exactly is the Hand of Artakha (would you mind giving me a small explanation)?
53) Are they a fifth Faction or a Faction that no longer exists, or what?
75) As far was what may be on bionicle.com, what will be in there that you were able to salvage from Invasion? Will it have Vezon slamming Matoro into a wall? The Toa Nuva and the Bahrag?
8Thanks in advance Greg.
9- Toa Lhikan Hordika
101) Probably a hologram rhotuka 112-3) Info on HoA will be in next year's Encyclopedia 12BL5 135) Well, at this point, it looks like the web version will be about 3600 words total, where the book would have been 20,000 words, so no way for me to tell how much I will be able to fit in. Odds are Vezon will not show up at all. The Nuva and the Bahrag will be in the Book 7 that gets published

1EDIT: The only reason I posted it was because Jets posted pretty much the same thing.
2Another EDIT: Sorry for doing that guys, I really didn't have any bad intentions. I just figured it was okay, but I was wrong and it won't happen again.
3It's not that bad folks. I mean if the President told you not to tell anyone some secret that he then told the world the next day, do you really think he would care, as the cat is already out of the bag? But any which way, he made a simple mistake, no need to have so many redundant posts telling him to edit his post.
4Also, any Bionicle Legends#5 spoiler, minor or not is still not allowed. I mean even saying to a theory: "Read Bionicle Legends#5" is a spoiler as it alludes to the fact that something of the sort happens in the book. December 15 hasn't passed yet

7P.S. - TLH, you make a good point, but did we know what you just said prior to these words? ("which we found out (not in BL5) have a mutagenic agent in them. ")
1OK everyone leave TLH alone now it was an honest mistake, he meant good not bad. I have a whole bunch of PM's I never got around to posting: (I have made no changes, other than taking out a few blank lines) I know some is old news but some are from a while ago, but some is very interesting.
2[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTEHi, Greg:: I was hoping you could answer a few questions of mine... 3Here they are:
41. Since Matoran carve masks, does that mean that they can carve the Kanoka into any shape of mask they want and it will still have the same power? 52. Does it take 1,000 or 100 Kio to = 1 Mio?I've heard both.I've also heard that Toa are 1 Bio and 1.6 Bio, which is right?And how long are Bios,Kios,and Mios compared to feet/yards/miles? 63. What is the difference between Koli and Kohlii? 74. Is the Ultimate Dume promo mask Kanohi Kraahkan?If not, what Kanohi is it? 85. Would you think about posting a topic w/ the rules of Akalini, like you did with Kohlii? 96. Is the Target promo Disk of Time in the US going to be the same patter as the already released one, I think it was in Europe? 107. Are there any more Kabaya BIONICLE promotions planned?
11Thanks for your time, 12Dylan[/QUOTE]
131) Yes. But you don't want to carve a mask of shielding, say, in the shape of a mask of translation, because in an emergency a Toa will end up grabbing the wrong mask. It's like making a stop sign triangular and yellow -- you can do it, but it's a bad idea.
142) The bio-kio thing you should use is the most recent. 1.6 bio is correct. And there are no real world equivalents to BIONICLE measurements.
153) None. We changed the spelling because we are not allowed to use the original spelling anymore.
164) Yes, it is
175) I don't have rules for akilini. I only had them for kolhii because the head of the story team drew them up
186) Yes
197) I don't know what Kabaya is, sorry. 20[/QUOTE]
21Thanks for the answers:Kabaya is a Japanese candy company.They have packaged 4 of the 6 Turaga, 4 of the 6 Bohrok-Va and 4 of the 6 MoL/Mask of Light Matoran with candy and in a different box.They are the same models,except they come with exclusive building instructions for combiners.Thanks again::::::::
22~Dylan/Turaga of Force[/QUOTE]
23Ah, okay. That sort of promotion would be handled by LEGO's Asia/Pacific arm, so I wouldn't get that kind of info.
24Greg 25[/QUOTE]
26In BIONICLE Adventures #5 Voyage of Fear, Nokama said that she guessed that something was 65 feet long. I don't remember what it was, but it was under-water. How many bio is that? And how many bio are the 3 forms of Matoran and how many bio are Turaga? Also, are both the UK and US copper Hunas masks of Victory? What about the copper Komau?
27Thanks, 28Dylan[/QUOTE]
29I use feet in the books because most readers are not hardcore BIONICLE fans who will know what a bio is. Since there are no real world equivalents (other than, say, comparing the size of a Turaga to a Toa), I can't give you how many bios something is. And my understanding is that all copper masks are victory masks. 30[/QUOTE]
31[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTEHi, Greg: A while back I sent you a few questions, and I never got a reply. So I resent them. Still no reply. I know the answers to some of them now.(that were about Dume, the imposter Dume, and Nivawk) But here a a few questions I still have:
321)When Toa wear Noble masks, do the masks become a darker color, like the Great Kanohi, or do they become the lighter color like when the Turaga wear them?
332)I know that Matoran, Toa, and Turaga eat and drink from the books. Do they need to in order to stay alive? And do the Rahi eat/drink, and do they need to?
34Thanks, 35Dylan[/QUOTE]
361) Although it is not reflected in the plastic, my belief is that they would become the Toa's color.
372) Yes and yes. Although the head of the story team probably wouldn't agree with me
, I believe that anything that has organic tissue as a part of its substance requires some kind of nutrition and some kind of periodic rest. However, for the most part, BIONICLE creatures do not eat and digest the way we do.
39Thanks for your answers:: A few more questions:
401)What is the purpose of the silver masks that came with the first type of Krana mask packs? Are they in the storyline?
412)What is the difference between parasitic Krana and normal Krana? Are parasitic Krana the ones that come with Bohrok? And do the Bohrok ever wear the Krana that the Bohrok Va sets come with and are those Krana even in the story?
42Thanks again::
441) Silver masks have three Kanohi powers apiece, unlike gold masks which have all six.
452) All krana are parasitic. And the krana the Bohrok Va carry are replacements for the ones in the Bohrok. When they are fitted into a Bohrok, they change to the Bohrok's color 46[/QUOTE]
47[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTEHi, Greg: I have a few more questions.
481) Where/when did the Toa find the silver masks? Was it on their search for the 72 Kanohi?
492) Am I correct that the silver Kaukau, Akaku, and Miru each contain the powers of Under-Water Breathing, X-Ray Vision, and Levitation? And that the silver Hau, Pakari, and Kakama each contain the powers of Shielding, Strength, and Speed?
503) How many Kanoka can be combined into one?
514) What happens to the power level/last digit when Kanoka are combined? Does it average them out, so, let's say a 357 and a 615 were combined, it would end in 6? Or does it add the power levels together?
525) What happens to the pattern and 1st digit?
536) What about the middle digit? Like when disks are combined to make a disk or Speed or X-Ray Vision, etc., what would the 2nd digit be?
547) Do you know if the Rhotuka Contest (on BIONICLE.com's "The Buzz") will be at The LEGO Imagination Center at The Mall of America? And what the objective will be?(weather it's to make it go the highest, or the farthest, or something else)
558) Do the Toa Metru ever combine into the Toa Nui(combiner of all 6; isn't that what it's called? Because the Turaga and Matoran combiners of 6 are Turaga Nui and Matoran Nui) that Krahka turns into in BA #3?
569) Do you know of any plans for making more wild Rahi anytime soon? (I don't mean something like the Visorak or Keetongu, I mean like the original Rahi sets (Muaka and Kane-Ra, Nui-Rama, etc.) or the Master Builder Set or Gukko and Pewku.)
57That's all for now, and thanks for your time::
591) The silver masks were really never a part of official storyline -- they were something produced for sale that we then had to shoehorn in. So they aren't covered in the story bible. 602) Yes 613) As many as you want to. 624) Matoran do not combine Kanoka with differing power levels, so it has not been an issue. 635) First digit would be changed to whichever metru the new disk is made in. 646) Don't know. Since we weren't producing those disks in plastic, it wasn't that relevant to the storyline. 657) No idea, this is the first I have heard of it. 668) No. Toa Metru do not even know how to form a Kaita, let alone a Nui. Remember, except for Lhikan briefly, they never had anyone to teach them to be Toa. 679) Not offhand, no. The original 2001 Rahi sets did not sell well, which is why we did not do more. And they were produced because they were the primary enemies in 2001 -- they really aren't in 2006, so no need to make sets of them.
69First, I know I've been asking you quite a few questions lately, probably about the last half-year to year so, sorry if I'm bothering you. Okay, thanks:: But, you said that you can combine as many Kanoka as you want, but when Kanoka first came out (if I'm not mistaken, it was an FAQ answered by you for BZP) and you said a limited number can be combined. And there can't be infinite different powers, if you can make infinite different combinations, can there be? It doesn't make sense.
71Why can't there be infinite powers? Well, actually, I doubt they are infinite, because there are not infinite combinations -- but there are an awful lot of possible combinations, because if AB=C, and ABD=E, CD does not necessarily equal E too.[/QUOTE]
72[QUOTE[QUOTEHi Greg, I've got a few questions.
731) For the Dark Hunter building challenge, we don't have to name our DH, right? (Are you judging this contest?)
742) Who is Lariska?
753) I am planning on trying to get a job with LEGO when I am old enough, and I'm wondering what classes I should take in high school/college/what degrees I need in order to become a Master Model Builder. What about working for the LEGO Club, and maybe have a job similar to yours?
764) Do you know of any Matoran symbols besides 26 letters, numbers 0-9, period, and hyphen?
78Dylan/ :T:
791) No, you don't need to name it.
802) Lariska is a female Dark Hunter originally created to appear briefly in Book 10.
813) Well, it depends on what you want to do. My job is editing and writing, so that is more communication/creative writing/journalism, courses like that. Model building, on the other hand, is more art and design and architecture-based, so a very different set of skills. So it depends on what direction most appeals to you. I can tell you there are model builders in the company (four in CT, some at LEGOLAND CA, others in Denmark) than there are people in my job -- myself and my staff writer are pretty much it.
824) Nope.
83Greg 84[/QUOTE]
85[QUOTE[QUOTEHi, Greg: I have a few questions:
861) Are all Toa that were transformed by Toa Stones Toa Metru? And was Lhikan a Toa Metru and were the Hagah?
872) Can I have any information on the 2006 Matoran?
883) Do you know when BA #10# Time Trap is being released? (I love your books and comics
90~Dylan/ :T:
:F: [/QUOTE]
911) No. Toa Metru simply means they are Toa of Metru Nui. Lhikan would have been at best an honorary Toa Metru, because while he protected the city he was not from the city. And the Toa Hagah never visited Metru Nui when they were Toa.
922) Nope
933) Probably in stores sometime around the end of November[/QUOTE]
94[QUOTE[QUOTEHi, Greg: I've got a few more questions...
951) If the Toa Metru/Toa Hagah, had had infected masks before being ,mutated, what would have happened? Would they have had infected 'heads'?
962) Do the fake Bohrok/'Fohrok' carry any type of Krana, or mechanical replacement?
973) I saw an eBay listing with an infected head, and some BIONICLE scenery. I emailed the person auctioning the stuff, he said he had found the infected head at Comic-Con a few years back, and that there were bags, with 4 BIONICLE (non-studded) light-gray stones, aswell as a white BIONICLE (non-studded) bone piece. Do you know anything of this scenery? And, after I had alreadytalked to him about that, he had gotten to go to Comic-Con 2005, and here is a quote from his email:
98[QUOTEI made my way to the guys behind the counter and happened to ask them about the 'infected head' and the two of them both confirmed that there were infected heads given out in 2000 as a CCI Lego exclusive. I described the head in full detail and they both confirmed that the item truly exists. One of them also mentioned it as a limited piece to only 500. So in all, yes, this is a real infected head. [/QUOTE]
99I am asuming the 2 people he is talking about are you and Toby, do you remember this? Is all of this true? BTW, he is talking about when he was at Comic-Con 2005.
1004) Would you guess, that there will ever be a BIONICLE movie in theaters?
1015) Will any future movies, be about an hour, like the others, or could they get a lot longer?
102Thanks for your time:
1041) Most likely their appearance would have been different. But since Makuta was not infecting masks during that period of history, point is moot. 1052) No. 1063) He did not speak to me or Toby, there were other people at the booth besides us. There was an infected mask piece that was part of a Rahi set in 2001, that is all I know of. And as for scenery, never heard of that - all we were doing in those days was action figures, not sets, so unless these were accessories I cannot see them being scenery. 1074) No way of knowing. It depends on if BIONICLE continues to sell well and if a movie studio is interested in doing it and if other similar kinds of movies do well. If they don't, there probably would not be interest by the studios. The hard thing for BIONICLE is that it is mostly a boys' thing, so the odds that families will go back to see the movie again and again are lowered -- and it is the movies whole families go to, like Shrek and the Incredibles, that make good money. 1085) Standard length of animated movies, unless they are Shrek, is 70 minutes roughly. Even the Batman: Mask of the Phantasm film, which was a theatrical release, was around that length. Animation is expensive to produce.[/QUOTE]
109[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE 1101) Most likely their appearance would have been different. But since Makuta was not infecting masks during that period of history, point is moot.[/QUOTE]
111Would they still be under Makuta's control? And could they be cleansed, as Kanohi can?
112[QUOTE3) He did not speak to me or Toby, there were other people at the booth besides us. There was an infected mask piece that was part of a Rahi set in 2001, that is all I know of. And as for scenery, never heard of that - all we were doing in those days was action figures, not sets, so unless these were accessories I cannot see them being scenery. 113[/QUOTE]
114I know that infected Hau were available with Muaka and Kane-Ra, and in the original mask packs, although the seller claims to have had an infected head. I have an email, with pictures of the infected head, and another with info he got on it, so if you want, I'll forward it to you.
115Also, one more question: Can Kanoka disks be infected?
1181) Yes, and probably not 1192) There are infected masks, I know nothing of an infected head piece. To me, that sounds like it might have been something he made himself. 1203) Since kolhii balls can be, I would assume Kanoka disks can be too.[/QUOTE]
121I was reading the Kanoka FAQ a few minutes ago, and saw something that seemed to be a mistake. I had noticed this before, never got around to asking you. In the FAQ you said that level 8 disks are used to make Great Disks. Did you mean Great Masks?
122[QUOTELevel 1-6 disks are used to make Matoran masks, because all the power of the disk leeches out during the mask-masking process, so the masks do not have power. Level 7 disks are used to make Noble Masks. Level 8 disks are used to make Great Disks.[/QUOTE]
123Also, are you able to give out any info on the '06 ollectibles? I would love the Kanohi Mask Packs to come back...
125~Dylan/ :T:
:F: [/QUOTE]
1261) Yes, should have been masks. 1272) There will be some new masks with the figures next year, but no, they are not the collectable. Hopefully, they will be again at some point, as we all miss them.[/QUOTE]
128A few more questions:
1291) I have been wondering, for a while, do Rahi wear masks even when not wearing infected masks?
1302) Are the masks on Fikou Tree Spider models and Hoi Turtle models supposed to be masks?
1313) I found this link, and I was wondering, is it accurate (other than of course, at the very bottom the two made-up ones)? Or if you don't want to read it all/check it all, do you have that ino somewhere else that you could link me to/copy paste?
133~Dylan/ :T:
:F: [/QUOTE]
1341-2) Evidently, some do wear masks or else have aspects of their body that look like masks, as many have been pictured with them. 1352) No, it's not accurate. No models exist of any Rahkshi besides the six we came out with as sets. This is someone's suggestion for how to build them, which is great, but it is not official at all. [/QUOTE]
136Sorry, if I am bothering you... I know I have been asking a lot of questions lately and I am sure you get a lot every day... but it'd be great if you'd give me a few more answers:
1371) Do you know, as far as Rahi that are made as sets, what Rahi wear masks only when wearing infected masks, and what Rahi wear masks always? (or, with the Hoi and Fikou, if the orange Pakari are just body parts) For: Muaka, Kane-Ra, Hoi, Fikou, Nui-Rama, Tarakava, and Nui-Jaga If you know that's great otherwise no big deal. 1382) Are Manas actually Rahi, or just robots? And if they are Rahi, same thing, do they wear masks even when not under Makuta's control? 1393) With Rahkshi Kaita Vo (Guurahk, Kurahk, and Vorahk), which of the three Rahkshi back pieces does its Kraata go in (as far as I know it only has one Kraata, a Vorahk Kraata)? I am asuming it goes in the black back pieces but I'm not sure. 1404) Do you think that there is a very good chance that you would ever do a book signing at The LEGO Imagination Center, at the Mall of America (or do you only do book signings at book stores?)?
141Thanks again:
142~Dylan/ :T:
:F: [/QUOTE] 1431) No, I don't. All the 2001 Rahi were put together long before I got involved with BIONICLE, so I don't have much info on them. 1442) Manas are biomechanical 1453) No idea 1464) That is up to Scholastic, as they schedule and pay for the signings. I don't know if the LEGO store there carries my books or not ... so far, Scholastic has only been willing to have me do signings that were within driving distance for me, because airfare and hotel is so expensive.[/QUOTE]
147TLIC has some of your BIONICLE books... about half I'd say.[/QUOTE]
148Another issue that I have heard come up is that anytime I am traveling (even for the San Diego trip this year) is time I am not writing. Scholastic doesn't like to take me away from the computer if they can help it. Somebody suggested once I do a signing tour for the comic, but since comic stores can't carry it, I can't see why any of them would want me to appear.[/QUOTE]
149[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTEHi Greg, I have a few more questions: 1501) Are the 2006 Matoran going to be the Matoran from Karzahni's Island, or the IOD, or sets from both? 1512) Are the collectibles going to be the Matoran's tools? (I heard that they will have tools that "actually work") 1523) Is there going to be a Lariska set/combiner model? 1534) Are Krahka and/or the Tahtorak ever going to escape the Zone Of Darkness? 1545) Do you know when/can you tell me when Mata Nui is going to be awakened (what year)? 1556) How many canister sets are going to be released in 2006? What will they be (Toa, the False Toa, etc.)? 1567) Are there plans for any sets/combiners/instructions for "Fohrok"? 1578) How many Matoran are currently on Mata Nui? (excluding Takanuva, the 6 Toa Nuva, and the 6 Turaga, and anyone else no longer a Matoran on Mata Nui) 1589) At the begining of Metru Nui, how many Matoran were on Metru Nui? (if they were on Metru Nui at the time then including Vakama, Nokama, etc. and Lhikan, Dume, Kodan, Ihu, and anyone else) 15910) Was Kodan the Chronicler of Metru Nui? 16011) Are Mavrah, Ihu, Kodan, and Lhikan the only Matoran/Toa/Turaga known so far to have died for good (i.e. Jaller died but is alive again)? 16112) Is Metru-Nui Treespeak called Chutespeak? 16213) Are there plans for a set/combiner of Krakua? 16314) Is Krakua the only official Toa from the building challenge? 16415) Are there plans for a set/combiner of the winning DH? 16516) Are any of the DH entries besides grand prize winner official? 16617) And info./picture(s)/instructions of Brakas?
167Thanks for your time:
1691) Karzahni's land only appears in part of Book 2, it is not part of main storyline 1702) No 1713) Not to my knowledge, no. Again, she plays only a very small part in one book this year, she is not in next year's story 1724) Depends on if I can come up with a good reason to bring them back into the story 1735) I can't discuss that 1746) I am not allowed to discuss 2006 product. 1757) Fohrok look just like Bohrok, they are just a different color. And they appear in one panel of one comic, so hardly worth doing sets for 1768) Excluding Takua, 999 1779) 1006 17810) Read the Encyclopedia and find out 17911) They are the only ones we have mentioned as having died, but they are not the only characters ever to have died in the history of the BIONICLE universe 18012) Yes 18113) No, we don't own the rights to produce a set of Krakua, it is a fan-built model 18214) Yes 18315) No, for one thing, there are 35 winners, and for another, we won't own the rights to produce them as sets. 18416) There is no grand prize winner. There are 35 winners who will be in the guide next year 18517) Not to my knowledge[/QUOTE]
186Thabnks for all the answers: I am a little confused about 2 of your answers though:
187[QUOTE8) How many Matoran are currently on Mata Nui? (excluding Takanuva, the 6 Toa Nuva, and the 6 Turaga, and anyone else no longer a Matoran on Mata Nui)
1889) At the begining of Metru Nui, how many Matoran were on Metru Nui? (if they were on Metru Nui at the time then including Vakama, Nokama, etc. and Lhikan, Dume, Kodan, Ihu, and anyone else)[/QUOTE]
189[QUOTE8) Excluding Takua, 999 1909) 1006[/QUOTE]
1911) I would think there'd be more than 7 more, but I am asuming you mean Takua, and Vakama, Nokama, Matau, Nuju, Onewa and Whenua are the other 7 right?
1922) But how about Dume, Lhikan, Nidhiki and everyone in Lhikan's group? Were they Toa before they cam to Metru-Nui?
1933) I would think there'd be at least 1009 on Metru-Nui at first because of Ihu, Kodan, and Mavrah, so what about those 3?
1944) On BIONICLE Sector 01, I saw that the Kaita of Tahnok-Kal, Pahrak-Kal, and Nuhvok-Kal is called Kaita Za-Kal and is controlled by Krana Za-Kal, does that mean that the original Kaita of Tahnok, Pahrak, and Nuhvok is controlled by Krana Za? Same thing with bLehvak, Gahlok, and Kohrak with Krana Ja.
1961) If you are referring to the Metru Nui question, Takua is counted as one of the 1000, with Vakama and his team counted as the extra 6. 1972) Yes, they were. Lhikan, Dume and Nidhiki are not from Metru Nui 1983) I counted from the beginning of the '04 story. Mavrah was not living on Metru Nui at that time and Ihu and Kodan were already dead. 1994) It wasn't necessary to specify which krana controlled the original Kaita, simply because the Kal kaita had three krana in the model. The original Kaita did not, to my recollection. That is why we had to specify which one was in control[/QUOTE]
200[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTEHi Greg, I have a few more questions...
2011) In comparrison, what are the power levels of Toa Olda, Toa Nuva, Takanuva, Toa Hordika, Toa Metru (does Lhikan have the same power level as regular Toa Metru? I think he does...), and Toa Hagah? How about Krakua, Toa of Gravity, Toa Dume, and Toa Nidhiki?
2022) Do you know of a BA collection like the Chronicles Hard Cover collection?
2033) Do you know if any of the 2006 prototype sets are going to be at Toy Fair?
204BTW BA 10 was great: The best of the BIONICLE Adventures: You did a very nice job on that one:
2061) With the exception of the Toa Nuva, all other Toa are at roughly the same power level. 2072) Yes, there is a topic on this in Movies and Books forum 2083) You don't bring prototypes to Toy Fair, you bring the actual models. So they will be there, yes, at least the stuff for first half of the year release[/QUOTE]
209OKI'l, check out the MaB forum. Also, are these the actual prototypes, or fakes?
212Sorry, T, I am not allowed to discuss those images.[/QUOTE]
213[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTEHi Greg, if not too much trouble could you confirm if I am right about all of the following?
214999 Matoran from Metru Nui, Takanuva, and the 6 Turaga aswell as the 6 Rahaga and Dume are on Metru-Nui and Pewku is the only Rahi they brought along.
215All the Bohrok and Va are on Mata Nui not longer controlled by Bahrag or Krana.
2166 Toa Nuva, Voya Nui Matoran, Piraka, and Brutaka and Axonn are on Voya-Nui.
217Rahkshi, Kal, and Bahrag are defeated on Mata Nui.
218Ussanui is left behind on Mata Nui.
219Makuta is in his lair under Mata Nui, defeated.
220The Vahki are on Metru Nui.
221DH, OOMN, and BoM are not on Mata Nui or Metru Nui.
222The Visorak are free on other islands aswell as Keetongu and the colonyl drones.
223Sidorak is on Metru-Nui defeated.
224Roodaka-who knows what happened to her?:?
225'06 Toa-who knows?:?
226Tahtorak, Krahka, Zivon in the realm of darkness.
227Kahgarak are with the Visorak.
228Thanks for your time Greg:
229Merry Christmas::
230~Dylan/ :T:
2311) The Rahaga are only on Metru Nui off and on, they don't live there. 2322) The Bohrok are all back in their nests, sleeping, post Bohrok-Kal storyline 2333) Yes 2344) Rahkshi are defeated, Kal are destroyed, Bahrag are imprisoned 2355) No -- Ussanui is wrecked in Makuta's lair beneath Mata Nui 2366) Yes, Makuta is buried under rubble 2377) The Vahki are pretty much all destroyed 2388) Not at present, no 2399) Yes 24010) Sidorak is dead 24111) Roodaka is elsewhere, still alive 24212) Uh huh 24313) Yes 24414) Yes[/QUOTE]
245With the Bohrok asleep what about the Va? And where are the Krana? Alos then Pewku is the only Rahi they brought along? And are there any Vahki left not destroyed or any Krahli?
2481) Va would be back in the nests as well, but not asleep 2492) The krana that the Matoran had access to were buried in a pit in one of the online animations 2503) Yes, but there are no doubt Rahi still living on Metru Nui, not all of them went to Mata Nui 2514) Odds are all the Vahki are destroyed, and the Kralhi are not on Metru Nui 252[/QUOTE]
253[QUOTE[QUOTEHi Greg, I have a few quick questions.
2541) Are Umbra, Irnakk, that giant Protodite, Vezon and Fenrakk all currently guarding the MoLi?
2552) Is anyone else currently guarding the MoLi?
2563) Storyline-wise, is the MoLi actually on the top of Vezon's head?
2574) I'm not asking what they are called or for pictures (I know we can't have those) but can I have the number of sets we don't know about yet that are released this year?
2585) Are you at Comic-Con every July? I might come next Summer
2601) Irnakk is only guarding when the Piraka enter the zone of fear, because he is created from their fears. If someone else goes in there, they would encounter someone/something else. 2612) There are various booby traps along the way. 2623) I always refer to it as being fused to the back of his head. 2634) I don't think there are any more that you guys don't know about yet. The last two to be revealed were the store-exclusive playset, and the three-titan combo, and news on both of those has been on BZP. 2645) No idea what the plans are for next summer. If LEGO goes, I am generally there.[/QUOTE]
265[QUOTE[QUOTEHi Greg, I have a few more questions:
266First off, I read this: [QUOTEWe also have been told through sources that the only way the Nuva would re-enter the story is if there were Sets involving them.[/QUOTE]
2671) Is this true? 2682) But the Toa Nuva haven't awakened Mata Nui, so they never completed their destiny... So how can they not come back? 2693) Is the Toa Inika's destiny finding the MoLi? 2704) If not, what is the Inika's destiny? 2715) Can you please post in this topic? I am very curious for the answer... 2726) Is the "k" the only letter that is different in the Voya Nui alphabet (vertical line instead of horizontal)? 2737) What, specifically, was the destiny of the Toa Metru? 2748) Do all Toa have a destiny, or some just a duty (ie Hagah protecting BoM, seems to just be a duty)?
2771) They will not be main focus of the story or back in the comics until and unless they are re-issued as sets. They might appear elsewhere, books or web. 2782) You are putting the cart before the horse. We haven't told the story of Mata Nui being awakened yet, and I am assuming that story would star the Toa Nuva, meaning they might have to be re-released in some form. But that is a while down the road -- right now, they have only been out of stores three years, which is nothing in retail terms, and stores wouldn't be interested in seeing them back this soon. 2793) Partly 2806) I didn't create the alphabet, so no idea. 2817) Saving the Matoran of Metru Nui. 2828) All have a destiny. You are correct that the Rahaga's duty was protect the BOM -- but that was not their destiny -- their destiny was to save the Mask of Light from the Brotherhood.[/QUOTE]
283[QUOTE[QUOTEHi Greg, I have a few questions involving Zamor.
2841) What are the powers of the silver and gray Zamors?
2852) What color is the Zamor that gave Brutaka's power back?
2863) What color is the Zamor Axonn gave to the Toa Inika?
2874) In th playsets, the Zamors are larger scale. Is this just so the sets look better, or is there any storyline info on this?
2885) Is the City of the Lost the underwater part of Voya Nui?
2896) Is the island where Voya Nui was, and the sunken part, the BIONICLE mainland?
2907) I hear that Xia is done, and that Roodaka's homeland are done in the atlas... Does this mean the Roodaka's homeland is Xia?
2918) What is/are you favorite set(s)? The Rahkshi seem to be...
2929) Are there Krana on Voya Nui?
29310) Are there Kraata on Voya Nui?
29411) What will the Toa Inika have to face, besides Brutaka, the Piraka, the chamber of fear, the Protodax, Vezon and Fenrakk on their search for the MoLi?
29512) Where is the Protodax?
29613) What will the Toa Inika find in the Chamber of Fear?
29714) I see the GITD feature of the Inika heads is canceled, does this make you mad, seeing as their heads glow in the storyline?
29815) Any storyline reason that there are 3 colors of Inika Zamor spheres? They all have EP...
29916) The winning Piraka fusion creation is blue and gold, does this mean that Vezok and Avak (seems closest to gold...) will be the ones to combine? If not, which ones will?
30017) Who, if anyone, will battle against Botar in 2006?
30118) Have any 2007, or late 2006 teasers you can give me?
302I guess there were more than just a few Zamor questions...
304Dylan M/

3051-3) I don't have this info at my fingertips at the moment 3064) The former 3075) I can't discuss 2007 3086) Sunken part was not a part of the original continent, no 3097) Read the Atlas and find out -- the entire book is done at this point. 3108) Exo-Toa, Vezon and Fenrakk, Kardas, Brutaka, Rahkshi 3119-10) No. Axonn and Brutaka would have exterminated any kraata there, and there is no reason for krana to be there because the Bohrok have no dealings with Voya Nui 31211) Follow the story and find out 31312) On the staircase 31413) See answer to #11 -- I am not on here to give away plot spoilers. 31514) No, because I am sure the decision was made for a good reason, and there still would have needed to be a glow in the story to explain the lack of facial features in the sets. 31615) Nope 31716) See answer to #11 31817) Nobody battles him. You don't pick fights with Botar. 31918) No.[/QUOTE]
320[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTEAfter multiple questions, here are the powers for the zamor spheres in the accessory pack:
321Gold -- Reverses the effect of the zamor used to steal Brutaka's powers -- so essentially a power siphon.
322Silver - Binds a target to the next nearest living being with an energy chain
323Black - "Marks" a target so that he can be tracked anywhere he goes via an energy pulse
324Thank you so much for this info Greg: But I though the one Hakann launched at Brutaka was gold... If you don't mind, if you know, a few more questions:
3251) Are the power thief, and the power return Zamor both gold? 3261.2) Is there more than one gold Zamor?
3272) Is there more than one binding Zamor? 3282.2) Who has the binding Zamor?
3293) Is there more than one tracking Zamor? 3303.2) Who has the tracking Zamor?
3314) What color is the glowing one Axonn gives the Inika, and what power, if you can say?
3325) Thank you for joining BZP to give members a chance to ask you questions:
3336) Great job on the EXO-FORCE book
And PowerPlay
3341) In the comic, Hakann's zamor is pictured as blue, and since a lot more people read the comic than the books, I did not want to contradict that. 3352) Yes, and no one does -- it does not appear in the story. 3363) Same answer as #2 3374) I can't speak to the color, because it depends on if we do it as a store exclusive in the fall, and its power relates to Vezon 338[/QUOTE]
339Thank you Greg: A few more questions in reply:
3401) What store would it (the Zamor promo) be, and what set would it come with? 3412) Is there only one gold Zamor on the BIONICLE world? 3423) So then blue is the official color of the power thief?
343And I thought of one more:
3444) Is Voya Nui the only island with Zamor?[/QUOTE]
3451) No idea, because it is not set yet. 3462) Probably 3473) Looks that way 3484) No. Remember that the Piraka stole prototypes of the launchers back when they were Dark Hunters, which is how Avak knew how to make them. So the tech must exist elsewhere. 349[/QUOTE]
350But wasn't that Voya Nui they took it from? They wouldn't share it with others, being they became Piraka, and they are currently on Voya Nui... BTW, I think if there is a promo Zamor it should be Glow-in-the-dark of light-up. I am getting offline now, I will read your reply tomorrow. Thank you:[/QUOTE]
351No, it wasn't. The Piraka never came to Voya Nui before the events of this year. As Dark Hunters, they traveled to many different islands on missions.[/QUOTE]
352[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTEHi Greg, I know you can't give major spoilers, bu I was wondering if you can confirm any of my theory true/untrue?
353I think that Makuta, the Ancient Evil, and the Antidermis are one thing. That Makuta's current form is Antidermis. Even though not completely official, Piraka.com mentions Makuta having used the last of his power to transform, and that he is working with the Piraka. And what else might the AE be? I think it is Makuta.
354And all of the following info I have is true, right?
355The Antidermis is alive, so is the AE, and unless he got killed, so is Makuta. To add to that, Zaktan talks to 356the Antidermis
357The AE is awake, and the Antidermis seems to be as well, because Zaktan talks to it.
358Makuta, like the Antidermis, is green and black energy.
359Please answer whatever you can: Thank you Greg, I understand if you can't:[/QUOTE]
360As you say, Piraka.com is not official, I would not base your theory on it because BZPers won't take it seriously then.
361You are also working on the assumption Makuta is alive -- what are you basing that on?
362And of course the antidermis is alive -- all viruses are living things.
363Zaktan does not talk to the virus because he considers it to be intelligent, he talks to it because all great villains make speeches to themselves.
364Anyway, regardless of whether you are in the ballpark or you're not, I can't say so, because it would be (one way or the other) ruining the story for you, which is not what I am on here to do. 365[/QUOTE]
366Alright, well, I have questions not involving this, I'm not sure if you will know, but might as well ask:
3671) Have BIONICLE comics ever been available in Africa? 3682) Australia? 3693) Asia? 3704) South America 3715) Canada 3726) Mexico

375Canada does get the BIONICLE comic every issue, and has since 2001. There are no LEGO Clubs in Africa, Mexico, or South America, so answer's no. Australia and Japan did at one time get their own versions of LEGO Magazine, but I am pretty sure the Japanese one did not include in the comic and I tend to doubt the Australian one did either. US and Canada are the only places that get every issue every year, while some parts of Europe get a couple issues a year. 376[/QUOTE]
377Thanks for these answers: Is Japanese the only Asian version? And is the Canada version identical to the US version? What language is Canada magazine/comic? (I assume English or French...)
378Thanks again::[/QUOTE]
379There is both an English and a French version of the Canadian comic, both of which are four pages shorter (usually four less ad pages). At this point, there is no longer a Japanese Club magazine. 380[/QUOTE]
381[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTEHi Greg, I know you can't give major spoilers, bu I was wondering if you can confirm any of my theory true/untrue?
382I think that Makuta, the Ancient Evil, and the Antidermis are one thing. That Makuta's current form is Antidermis. Even though not completely official, Piraka.com mentions Makuta having used the last of his power to transform, and that he is working with the Piraka. And what else might the AE be? I think it is Makuta.
383And all of the following info I have is true, right?
384The Antidermis is alive, so is the AE, and unless he got killed, so is Makuta. To add to that, Zaktan talks to 385the Antidermis
386The AE is awake, and the Antidermis seems to be as well, because Zaktan talks to it.
387Makuta, like the Antidermis, is green and black energy.
388Please answer whatever you can: Thank you Greg, I understand if you can't:[/QUOTE]
389As you say, Piraka.com is not official, I would not base your theory on it because BZPers won't take it seriously then.
390You are also working on the assumption Makuta is alive -- what are you basing that on?
391And of course the antidermis is alive -- all viruses are living things.
392Zaktan does not talk to the virus because he considers it to be intelligent, he talks to it because all great villains make speeches to themselves.
393Anyway, regardless of whether you are in the ballpark or you're not, I can't say so, because it would be (one way or the other) ruining the story for you, which is not what I am on here to do. 394[/QUOTE]
395Alright, well, I have questions not involving this, I'm not sure if you will know, but might as well ask:
3961) Have BIONICLE comics ever been available in Africa? 3972) Australia? 3983) Asia? 3994) South America 4005) Canada 4016) Mexico

404Canada does get the BIONICLE comic every issue, and has since 2001. There are no LEGO Clubs in Africa, Mexico, or South America, so answer's no. Australia and Japan did at one time get their own versions of LEGO Magazine, but I am pretty sure the Japanese one did not include in the comic and I tend to doubt the Australian one did either. US and Canada are the only places that get every issue every year, while some parts of Europe get a couple issues a year. 405[/QUOTE]
406[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTEHi Greg, I read a quote of you mentioning Krahka being in Bionicle Legends 5 so does this mean Krahka is the returning hero? Also, I have 70 other questions for you, how many can you handle at a time? if you only want me to send, for example, 5 per week so you don't get too bogged down, that's fine, but I keep coming up with questions being I like your (and the rest of the story team's) BIONICLE story:
409No, Krahka is not who I was referring to. I don't consider Krahka a "hero" -- although she helped the Toa Metru against the Visorak, she did it for her own reasons, not out of heroism.
410I am glad you like the story so much: I would suggest not sending more than 20 questions per PM -- I can handle 20, more than that it gets kind of confusing:
411Thanks for the info: As soon as I get a reply to the 20, should I send the next 20 or hold off for a while? Here's the first 19: (20 and 21 go together)
4121) I saw someone's question about Makuta, and I like that question. I am also interested in the answer. Here it is: [QUOTEIs Makuta truely evil enough to kill himself by purposely putting Mata Nui in his dying state, of which if he dies that all in the Bionicle universe - that includes Makuta - will die?[/QUOTE]
4132) Does Vezon carry a shield when riding Kardas? I know that it is a set thing, but in the official storyline does that shield exist and does it belong to Vezon, or does he only have a staff? (if he only has a staff, when I buy the Kardas I won't give him the shield
) 4143) I heard that some of the Inika's 'swords' can cut through almost anything like Lightsabers. Can all 6? 4153b) If not, which one(s) can? 4164) Can any 6 Toa of different elements make Protodermis, or just fire, ice, air, water, stone, and earth? 4175) Is Naming Day still official, for example, Jaller used to be Jala? 4186) Krahka is called "The Krahka" so this means Krahka is a species name, right? 4197) Are all commercial and movie pronounciations (sp?) official? 4208) The movie pronounces Lewa "Lee-wuh" but the guide says "Lay-wuh" which is official? 4219) Is it true that when a Matoran transforms, they take the shape of what they think of Toa as? (The Toa Metru took a shape like Lhikan, Takanuva like the Toa Nuva...) 42210) Are 3 seperate Toa working together, or a Toa Kaita more powerful? 42311) Are 6 seperate Toa working together or a Toa Nui more powerful? 42412) Are 2 Toa Kaita or one Toa Nui more powerful? 42513) I hear that a Toa Nui would have averagely the same power level as a Great Being... So then a Toa Nui could defeat Mata Nui? 42614) Since six Toa can make protodermis, is a Toa Nui like a Toa of protodermis? 42715) I hear that Botar is not and may never be on Voya Nui. The comic shows Axonn and Brutaka and it says "Who will survive the coming of Botar?" so does this mean that whereever Botar goes to, Axonn and Brutaka will go to that island? 42816) I hear that Kardas is a proper name. Is Kardas the only one of his/her species? 42917) Is Kardas male or female? 43018) Is the Fenrakk Vezon rides male of female? 43119) Is the MoLi male or female, or neither? 432[/QUOTE]
4331) You are assuming that Makuta -- if he is still alive -- doesn't have a back-up plan in place. Makuta almost always has a back-up plan. Keep in mind that the Piraka are after the Mask of Life, but there is no proof that Makuta does not want Mata Nui's life to be saved.
4342) In the story, he still has his spear.
4353) No, because all six don't have swords.
4364) It's impossible to say, because we have not even seen six other Toa elements yet.
4375) Yes, far as I am concerned it is
4386) Yes
4397) Yes
4408) Lewa pronunciations are all over the place, even in the office, so for clarity's sake, go with the guide.
4419) Barring external influences, yes.
44210) I would give the edge to a Toa Kaita
44311-14) No Toa Nui has ever existed, except in myth, so it's impossible to answer these questions.
44415) It has never been stated that Botar will never be on Voya Nui, only that he isn't now.
44516) Yes
44617) Male
44718) Male
44819) Neither, it's an object. Objects don't have genders.[/QUOTE]
449[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTEAccidentally deleted your last PM with questions -- can you resend? And no, I don't have #20-39 in my inbox.
451Did you get my previous reply to this? Unfortunately, I don't have them saved
However I remember 2 of them:
4521) Is the mask of elemtal energy in the official storyline?
453ANSWER: Yes, it is considered official, but it's never showing up outside of the video game.
4542) When you take it off, do you keep the energy it gave you until you use up the energy, or does the added energy go away when you remove it?
455ANSWER: I didn't bother to come up with rules for how it works, it's just a power-up in the game.
456Here's some other BIONICLE questions:
4571) When two Kanoka are combined (or more) are they the same size as one that isn't merged with others? 4581b) Is it the same weight? 4591c) Is it the same density?
460ANSWER: They are the same size, things like weight and density I haven't worried about.
4612) Is Turaga Lhikan going to be given out at mcdinalds?
462ANSWER: No.
4633) Are the sets at mcdonalds going to be the ones listed here?
464ANSWER: No, as the topic says, those are EU promo sets. Pics of the McDonald's sets have already been shown on BZP.
4654) Was Makuta wearing Dume's mask when he was an imposter, making Dume maskless? I thought I read that in a book, but in the movie the Dume in that sphere still has a mask...
466ANSWER: Makuta was wearing the same mask as Dume, just not Dume's mask. There is more than one Noble Mask of Regeneration in existence.
4675) Does Mata Nui wear a mask? 4686) If so, what shape and color and power is it? (If you can answer this that is...) I assume a Hau because Axonn says that Hau is the symbol of Mata Nui in one of the Ignition comics.
469ANSWER: Can't answer 5 or 6.
4707) Are you just keeping the secret of the red star from us, or don't you know what it is yet?
471ANSWER: I have known since 2001.
4728) Are the Piraka species ever colored differently than the 6 sets?
473ANSWER: It's certainly possible.
4749) When will we find out Makuta's true form?
475ANSWER: As the Piraka speculated in Bionicle Legends #4, Makuta has no physical body anymore -- he is energy encased in armor.
47610) What does "the heavens" mean in BIONICLE? The sky, paradise, or something else?
477ANSWER: Can't answer it.
47811) Are Toa, Matoran, Turaga, Rahi, etc bodies made of Protodermis? 47912) Are any plants made of Protodermis? 48013) Are any not made of Protodermis?
48111-13 - The only things in BIONICLE NOT made of protodermis are some of the plants on Mata Nui, some of the seabirds on Mata Nui, and the seawater around Mata Nui and Voya Nui.
48214) Are all of the maps here official maps?
483ANSWER: No. Those are maps made by a fan. They do not come from LEGO Company.
48415) Is the grand prize winner's story about Bohrok in the Maze of Shadows game official? Here is the topic.
485ANSWER: Yes.
48616) Has Makuta ever become Makuta Nui?
487ANSWER: Not in the storyline.
48816b) Does he need to combine with anyone/anything to become Makuta Nui?
489ANSWER: Not that I know of.
49017) Is it true that Makuta can take any shape/form he wants, or is this limited?
491ANSWER: Far as we know, it is any shape he wants.
49218) I hear the AE was already released as a set. Is this true? 49319) When the AE was in a set, was it good, evil, or neutral?
494ANSWER: I don't think I have ever said it was a set in the past, sounds like BZP rumor to me.
49520) I hear the Bahrag serve Mata Nui. Is this true?
496ANSWER: They are part of his plan, yes.
49721) Are they OoMN members?
498ANSWER: No.
499And a few EXO-FORCE questions:
5001) Who is Jin?
501ANSWER: That was the old name for Ryo, before we changed it.
5022) What is the name of that guy with black hair dressed like Ryo?
503ANSWER: Don't know who you're referring to.
5043) Are all EXO-FORCE members male?
505ANSWER: The pilots are, yes.
5064) Who is Genki?
507ANSWER: Old name for the gunner in the Gate Assault set, which was dropped.
5085) Are the pictures of 6 of next years sets, along with the other 2007 set pics, at eurobricks, leaked? 5096) Are there any sets coming out next year besides those 6? 5107) Will Ha-Ya-To still be in the sets/storyline in 2007?[/QUOTE]
511ANSWER: I can't discuss 2007.
512See answers above. 513Greg
515Sorry if I'm bothering you, I'm not sure if you got my reply a few days ago. The EXO-FORCE character I was talking about is the gate assault gunner, that you said was going to be called Genki.
5162) Is it okay if fans discuss/show each other the pictures shown at Eurobricks?
517Now onto the questions continueing from the last PM:
51822) The mainland is in a dome, correct? 51923) Voya Nui was part of the mainland, right? 52024) In legends some Matoran (or other beings) think that Makuta is a 3-headed creature. Has he ever/can he become a 3-headed creature? 52125) Is there more than one dome beneath Mata Nui? 52226) Do all domes have islands in them? 52327) I hear that the Toa Nuva can take off their armor. Can any other Toa? 52427b) How much armor can Toa Nuva take off? Just chest and/or shoulder? 52527c) How much armor can other Toa take off? 52627d) Can Toa remove anything besides weapons, Kanohi, and armor? 52728-31) By organic, I mean part of them, rather than being tools. 52828) Are Nuparu's claws organic? 52929) Are Gali's hooks organic? 53030) Are Onua's claws organic? 53131) Are the tan "shoes" on Pohatu organic? 53232) Do all Rahi eat by absorbing energy? 53333) Gali seems to care a lot about Rahi. Does this mean she is a vegetarian? (like me) LOL 53434) I hear Piraka rode Tahtorak. Did they just ride the one Brutaka teleported to Metru Nui, or other ones? 53535) You know the name of TSO, and you said we will probably never know, meaning it probably doesn't have a future role. So will you tell me what it is? (also, if you are willing to give it to me, but don't want me to post it in the OGDT, let me know
) 53636) When someone absorbs energy from / "eats" fish or other Rahi does the Rahi get killed? 53737) Is/was Metru Nui part of the mainland? 53838) Was Takua a Ta-Matoran? 53939) If not, what type of Matoran was he? 54040) Is he the only Matoran of his type? 54141) Is the following correct? 542-The island city of Metru-Nui is contained within the most prominent of the domes. 543-No islands or domes exist North, West, or East of the Metru-Nuian Dome. All Bionicle locations are situated south of this Dome. 544-Metru-Nui does not share its dome with any other islands. 545-Roodaka's, Sidorak's, and Keetongu's home islands share a dome south of Metru-Nui. 546-When Voya-Nui was still connected to the Mailand it was not on the coast, but inland. 547-The Mainland is far larger than Mata-Nui. 54842) Any chance we can get the old wall of history back on BIONICLE.com? (with the mini animations and stories)
5512) I can't give permission for that, sorry -- it would be condoning leaks, which I don't have the authority to do.
55222) Yes 55323) Yes 55424) He can become whatever he wishes, just about, he's a shapeshifter. 55525) Not directly beneath the island, no 55626) No, some have continents 55727) Yes, they and all Toa can take off their armor. 55827d) Well, when we first see the Toa in 2001, they are missing arms and legs. 55928) Yes 56029) I would have to go back and see what we said about them way back when 56130) Since he throw them, I would say no. 56231) Yes, those are his feet 56332) Yes, but not realizing that all they have to do is make physical contact, many bite and chew their food. 56433) Being a Toa of Water, Gali is very much in tune with nature. 56534) Actually, they never met the one Brutaka teleported. 56635) No 56736) Yes - hence there being a fish market on Mata Nui in MNOG 56837) No, it was not. 56938) No. 57039) A Matoran of Light 57140) Unknown at present 57241) The first three are correct. We have never said anything about Roodaka's, Sidorak's and Keetongu's homes being anywhere near each other, nor have we said whether Voya Nui was inland or on the coast -- that is all BZP speculation. And the mainland is ... possibly larger than Mata Nui, but I haven't decided yet. 57342) That is up to BIONICLE.com web producer Leah Weston, I have no say in it. 574[/QUOTE]
575Thanks for the info, Greg: So its confirmed that Takua was a Matoran of light: 5761) Did Takua know that he was a Matoran of light? 5772) What is the prefix for light? (ie Ga, Ta, Ko, Le, Po, Onu) 5783) What is the name of the exo-force gate assault gunner?
579Now onto the continuation (this is the rest of them
580I understand if you can't answer any/all of these BoM/Makuta questions.
58143) In BL4, Makuta is refered to as the Makuta of Metru Nui. Does this mean Makuta is a title/job (ie a Dark Hunter) or a species? 58244) Is Makuta or Makutas plural for Makuta? 58345) Are all BoM members Makuta? (whether it is a species or job...) 58446) Do all BoM members have the same job? 58547) Are all BoM members the same species? 58648) Can all BoM members produce Kraata? 58748b) If so, do they produce Kraata of the same powers as other members do? (with the same powers: poison, fear, anger, sleep, confusion, etc.) 58849) Do all of the Makuta of Metru Nui's species have the same powers? 58950) Do all BoM members have the same powers? 59051) Can all of the Makuta of Metru Nui's species produce Kraata? 59151b) If so, do they produce Kraata of the same powers as others of their species do? (with the same powers: poison, fear, anger, sleep, confusion, etc.) 59252) Can the Makuta of Metru Nui/others of his species choose what Kraata type they create?
59353) You have confirmed that the AE is for sure the Antidermis, correct? (I still think its Makuta, the green/black energy thing makes the Antidermis and Makuta seem identical.) 59454) Do you know of any contests coming up that contribute to the official storyline? (ie the BZP S&T contests, the DH contest, the Rahi contest, the Toa contest, etc.) 59555) Are the Toa Metru mini CDs official? (the movies, Matoran names and appearances, etc.) 59656) Are the animations and stories that were at the wall of history at BIONICLE.com official? 59757) Do you have access to the animations and/or stories? 59858) Is it true that Mavrah wore a purple Pakari in the shape of a great Pakari?
6011) No 6022) We haven't determined it 6033) He doesn't have a name, he's a generic trooper in the story.
60443) Yes 60544) Makuta is both singular and plural 60645) Can't answer it 60746) Can't answer it 60847) Can't answer it 60948) Can't answer it 61049) Can't answer it 61149) Can't answer it 61250) Can't answer it 61351) Can't answer it 61452) Makuta does choose which kind of kraata he creates, yes. Otherwise, he could never make Rahkshi that he needs in a given situation. 61553) Yes 61654) No 61755) Never saw them, so couldn't say. 61856) Again, I am not familiar enough with what's there. 61957) No. I don't work on the web side of things, that is handled in Denmark. 62058) I may have said that, really don't recall. How he looked isn't that important to the story.[/QUOTE]
621OK, thanks: But is Makuta a species, or is it a title? Thanks a lot for all the answers:[/QUOTE]
622Makuta is a title 623[/QUOTE]
624So you can't tell me if all BoM members are Makuta, or if they are all the same species? Well, a few more questions:
6251) Is the Makuta of Metru Nui the only of his species? 6262) I remember one of my previous questions now. I don't remember exaclty what it was, but OoMN members and even Mata Nui don't seem to be all good. So my question is, is Mata Nui purely good? 6273) Who has the most good in them, in order? Toa, OoMN members, Mata Nui 6284) Makuta (of Metru Nui) is the most powerful BoM member right? 6295) Are you willing to give me any more info about Makuta and/or the BoM?
6311) No. 6322) What makes you feel Mata Nui is not all good? Mata Nui has been asleep pretty much the entire storyline, so what evil thing has he done? As for the OOMN -- the OOMN are like the CIA. Some of the things they do are violent and messy, but they are done for a good cause -- and so the Toa and the Matoran don't have to do them. 6333) I don't think you can quantify levels of goodness. 6344) He is the most skilled and experienced. 6355) Not right now, no. [/QUOTE]
636I pretty much get the feeling of Mata Nui not being all good because the OoMN members serve Mata Nui as much as they can and do violent stuff sometimes. I have 2 questions.
6371)Do you know when US fans get Jovan instructions? 6382 Why isn't Kongu's mask symmetrical? I know its because of the set designers' choice (most likely) but is there a story reason?[/QUOTE]
6391) Well, again, the CIA serves the US and does nasty, violent things -- does that make the US evil? 6401) Leah is working on getting them up now 6412) No, there isn't a story reason 642[/QUOTE]
643OK, thanks: I am excited to get Jovan instructions
I have one more question: I saw instructions for 9 promo sets, are they going to be available in US? (Good guy, bad guy, Turaga Lhikan, etc.)[/QUOTE]
644Far as I know, those are European promo sets, and I am not sure if they even ever came out.[/QUOTE]
6461) Why wasn't Kotu in the encyclopedia? 6471.2) Will she be in the 2nd?
6482) Have all of the Rahi mentioned in the Rahi guide other than Manas, Rahi Nui, and Vatuka been seen on Metru Nui (or in the tunnels under Metru Nui?) 6492.2) Has the Rahi Nui?
6503) Have any Rahi besides Kikanalo, Visorak, and the VNOG Rahi been seen on Voya Nui that you know of?
6531) Odds are the answer is simply that we are not allowed to use that name. Many of the Matoran names from the online games were never approved by Legal at the time, and once checked, we were told we could not use them for trademark reasons or because they meant something in other languages.
6542) Yes, but Rahi Nui was not seen in the city itself -- it was fought by the Toa Metru in the tunnels leading up to Mata Nui.
6553) Not too many. Voya Nui is not a place that is very hospitable to any living thing.[/QUOTE]
656I thought Kotu was official. She was the only one, besides some that are in the encyclopedia, that had a bio and picture on the old BIONICLE.com. I thought that you just forgot to include her? Can you please look into this because it would be great to have her in the next encyclopedia.[/QUOTE]
657Having a bio and pic on old BIONICLE.com doesn't really mean anything, because the whole problem is BIONICLE.com wasn't clearing Matoran names through Legal before using them, as now we have to. I will double-check the name list for you, though, and see if there was any note on use of the name. If there isn't, I will get her into volume 2.[/QUOTE]
658It doesn't all fit in one post so I will post the rest shortly
2[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTEHi, Greg:: I was hoping you could answer a few questions of mine... 3Here they are:
41. Since Matoran carve masks, does that mean that they can carve the Kanoka into any shape of mask they want and it will still have the same power? 52. Does it take 1,000 or 100 Kio to = 1 Mio?I've heard both.I've also heard that Toa are 1 Bio and 1.6 Bio, which is right?And how long are Bios,Kios,and Mios compared to feet/yards/miles? 63. What is the difference between Koli and Kohlii? 74. Is the Ultimate Dume promo mask Kanohi Kraahkan?If not, what Kanohi is it? 85. Would you think about posting a topic w/ the rules of Akalini, like you did with Kohlii? 96. Is the Target promo Disk of Time in the US going to be the same patter as the already released one, I think it was in Europe? 107. Are there any more Kabaya BIONICLE promotions planned?
11Thanks for your time, 12Dylan[/QUOTE]
131) Yes. But you don't want to carve a mask of shielding, say, in the shape of a mask of translation, because in an emergency a Toa will end up grabbing the wrong mask. It's like making a stop sign triangular and yellow -- you can do it, but it's a bad idea.
142) The bio-kio thing you should use is the most recent. 1.6 bio is correct. And there are no real world equivalents to BIONICLE measurements.
153) None. We changed the spelling because we are not allowed to use the original spelling anymore.
164) Yes, it is
175) I don't have rules for akilini. I only had them for kolhii because the head of the story team drew them up
186) Yes
197) I don't know what Kabaya is, sorry. 20[/QUOTE]
21Thanks for the answers:Kabaya is a Japanese candy company.They have packaged 4 of the 6 Turaga, 4 of the 6 Bohrok-Va and 4 of the 6 MoL/Mask of Light Matoran with candy and in a different box.They are the same models,except they come with exclusive building instructions for combiners.Thanks again::::::::
22~Dylan/Turaga of Force[/QUOTE]
23Ah, okay. That sort of promotion would be handled by LEGO's Asia/Pacific arm, so I wouldn't get that kind of info.
24Greg 25[/QUOTE]
26In BIONICLE Adventures #5 Voyage of Fear, Nokama said that she guessed that something was 65 feet long. I don't remember what it was, but it was under-water. How many bio is that? And how many bio are the 3 forms of Matoran and how many bio are Turaga? Also, are both the UK and US copper Hunas masks of Victory? What about the copper Komau?
27Thanks, 28Dylan[/QUOTE]
29I use feet in the books because most readers are not hardcore BIONICLE fans who will know what a bio is. Since there are no real world equivalents (other than, say, comparing the size of a Turaga to a Toa), I can't give you how many bios something is. And my understanding is that all copper masks are victory masks. 30[/QUOTE]
31[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTEHi, Greg: A while back I sent you a few questions, and I never got a reply. So I resent them. Still no reply. I know the answers to some of them now.(that were about Dume, the imposter Dume, and Nivawk) But here a a few questions I still have:
321)When Toa wear Noble masks, do the masks become a darker color, like the Great Kanohi, or do they become the lighter color like when the Turaga wear them?
332)I know that Matoran, Toa, and Turaga eat and drink from the books. Do they need to in order to stay alive? And do the Rahi eat/drink, and do they need to?
34Thanks, 35Dylan[/QUOTE]
361) Although it is not reflected in the plastic, my belief is that they would become the Toa's color.
372) Yes and yes. Although the head of the story team probably wouldn't agree with me

39Thanks for your answers:: A few more questions:
401)What is the purpose of the silver masks that came with the first type of Krana mask packs? Are they in the storyline?
412)What is the difference between parasitic Krana and normal Krana? Are parasitic Krana the ones that come with Bohrok? And do the Bohrok ever wear the Krana that the Bohrok Va sets come with and are those Krana even in the story?
42Thanks again::
441) Silver masks have three Kanohi powers apiece, unlike gold masks which have all six.
452) All krana are parasitic. And the krana the Bohrok Va carry are replacements for the ones in the Bohrok. When they are fitted into a Bohrok, they change to the Bohrok's color 46[/QUOTE]
47[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTEHi, Greg: I have a few more questions.
481) Where/when did the Toa find the silver masks? Was it on their search for the 72 Kanohi?
492) Am I correct that the silver Kaukau, Akaku, and Miru each contain the powers of Under-Water Breathing, X-Ray Vision, and Levitation? And that the silver Hau, Pakari, and Kakama each contain the powers of Shielding, Strength, and Speed?
503) How many Kanoka can be combined into one?
514) What happens to the power level/last digit when Kanoka are combined? Does it average them out, so, let's say a 357 and a 615 were combined, it would end in 6? Or does it add the power levels together?
525) What happens to the pattern and 1st digit?
536) What about the middle digit? Like when disks are combined to make a disk or Speed or X-Ray Vision, etc., what would the 2nd digit be?
547) Do you know if the Rhotuka Contest (on BIONICLE.com's "The Buzz") will be at The LEGO Imagination Center at The Mall of America? And what the objective will be?(weather it's to make it go the highest, or the farthest, or something else)
558) Do the Toa Metru ever combine into the Toa Nui(combiner of all 6; isn't that what it's called? Because the Turaga and Matoran combiners of 6 are Turaga Nui and Matoran Nui) that Krahka turns into in BA #3?
569) Do you know of any plans for making more wild Rahi anytime soon? (I don't mean something like the Visorak or Keetongu, I mean like the original Rahi sets (Muaka and Kane-Ra, Nui-Rama, etc.) or the Master Builder Set or Gukko and Pewku.)
57That's all for now, and thanks for your time::
591) The silver masks were really never a part of official storyline -- they were something produced for sale that we then had to shoehorn in. So they aren't covered in the story bible. 602) Yes 613) As many as you want to. 624) Matoran do not combine Kanoka with differing power levels, so it has not been an issue. 635) First digit would be changed to whichever metru the new disk is made in. 646) Don't know. Since we weren't producing those disks in plastic, it wasn't that relevant to the storyline. 657) No idea, this is the first I have heard of it. 668) No. Toa Metru do not even know how to form a Kaita, let alone a Nui. Remember, except for Lhikan briefly, they never had anyone to teach them to be Toa. 679) Not offhand, no. The original 2001 Rahi sets did not sell well, which is why we did not do more. And they were produced because they were the primary enemies in 2001 -- they really aren't in 2006, so no need to make sets of them.
69First, I know I've been asking you quite a few questions lately, probably about the last half-year to year so, sorry if I'm bothering you. Okay, thanks:: But, you said that you can combine as many Kanoka as you want, but when Kanoka first came out (if I'm not mistaken, it was an FAQ answered by you for BZP) and you said a limited number can be combined. And there can't be infinite different powers, if you can make infinite different combinations, can there be? It doesn't make sense.

71Why can't there be infinite powers? Well, actually, I doubt they are infinite, because there are not infinite combinations -- but there are an awful lot of possible combinations, because if AB=C, and ABD=E, CD does not necessarily equal E too.[/QUOTE]
72[QUOTE[QUOTEHi Greg, I've got a few questions.
731) For the Dark Hunter building challenge, we don't have to name our DH, right? (Are you judging this contest?)
742) Who is Lariska?
753) I am planning on trying to get a job with LEGO when I am old enough, and I'm wondering what classes I should take in high school/college/what degrees I need in order to become a Master Model Builder. What about working for the LEGO Club, and maybe have a job similar to yours?
764) Do you know of any Matoran symbols besides 26 letters, numbers 0-9, period, and hyphen?
78Dylan/ :T:

791) No, you don't need to name it.
802) Lariska is a female Dark Hunter originally created to appear briefly in Book 10.
813) Well, it depends on what you want to do. My job is editing and writing, so that is more communication/creative writing/journalism, courses like that. Model building, on the other hand, is more art and design and architecture-based, so a very different set of skills. So it depends on what direction most appeals to you. I can tell you there are model builders in the company (four in CT, some at LEGOLAND CA, others in Denmark) than there are people in my job -- myself and my staff writer are pretty much it.
824) Nope.
83Greg 84[/QUOTE]
85[QUOTE[QUOTEHi, Greg: I have a few questions:
861) Are all Toa that were transformed by Toa Stones Toa Metru? And was Lhikan a Toa Metru and were the Hagah?
872) Can I have any information on the 2006 Matoran?
883) Do you know when BA #10# Time Trap is being released? (I love your books and comics

90~Dylan/ :T:

911) No. Toa Metru simply means they are Toa of Metru Nui. Lhikan would have been at best an honorary Toa Metru, because while he protected the city he was not from the city. And the Toa Hagah never visited Metru Nui when they were Toa.
922) Nope
933) Probably in stores sometime around the end of November[/QUOTE]
94[QUOTE[QUOTEHi, Greg: I've got a few more questions...
951) If the Toa Metru/Toa Hagah, had had infected masks before being ,mutated, what would have happened? Would they have had infected 'heads'?
962) Do the fake Bohrok/'Fohrok' carry any type of Krana, or mechanical replacement?
973) I saw an eBay listing with an infected head, and some BIONICLE scenery. I emailed the person auctioning the stuff, he said he had found the infected head at Comic-Con a few years back, and that there were bags, with 4 BIONICLE (non-studded) light-gray stones, aswell as a white BIONICLE (non-studded) bone piece. Do you know anything of this scenery? And, after I had alreadytalked to him about that, he had gotten to go to Comic-Con 2005, and here is a quote from his email:
98[QUOTEI made my way to the guys behind the counter and happened to ask them about the 'infected head' and the two of them both confirmed that there were infected heads given out in 2000 as a CCI Lego exclusive. I described the head in full detail and they both confirmed that the item truly exists. One of them also mentioned it as a limited piece to only 500. So in all, yes, this is a real infected head. [/QUOTE]
99I am asuming the 2 people he is talking about are you and Toby, do you remember this? Is all of this true? BTW, he is talking about when he was at Comic-Con 2005.
1004) Would you guess, that there will ever be a BIONICLE movie in theaters?
1015) Will any future movies, be about an hour, like the others, or could they get a lot longer?
102Thanks for your time:
1041) Most likely their appearance would have been different. But since Makuta was not infecting masks during that period of history, point is moot. 1052) No. 1063) He did not speak to me or Toby, there were other people at the booth besides us. There was an infected mask piece that was part of a Rahi set in 2001, that is all I know of. And as for scenery, never heard of that - all we were doing in those days was action figures, not sets, so unless these were accessories I cannot see them being scenery. 1074) No way of knowing. It depends on if BIONICLE continues to sell well and if a movie studio is interested in doing it and if other similar kinds of movies do well. If they don't, there probably would not be interest by the studios. The hard thing for BIONICLE is that it is mostly a boys' thing, so the odds that families will go back to see the movie again and again are lowered -- and it is the movies whole families go to, like Shrek and the Incredibles, that make good money. 1085) Standard length of animated movies, unless they are Shrek, is 70 minutes roughly. Even the Batman: Mask of the Phantasm film, which was a theatrical release, was around that length. Animation is expensive to produce.[/QUOTE]
109[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE 1101) Most likely their appearance would have been different. But since Makuta was not infecting masks during that period of history, point is moot.[/QUOTE]
111Would they still be under Makuta's control? And could they be cleansed, as Kanohi can?
112[QUOTE3) He did not speak to me or Toby, there were other people at the booth besides us. There was an infected mask piece that was part of a Rahi set in 2001, that is all I know of. And as for scenery, never heard of that - all we were doing in those days was action figures, not sets, so unless these were accessories I cannot see them being scenery. 113[/QUOTE]
114I know that infected Hau were available with Muaka and Kane-Ra, and in the original mask packs, although the seller claims to have had an infected head. I have an email, with pictures of the infected head, and another with info he got on it, so if you want, I'll forward it to you.
115Also, one more question: Can Kanoka disks be infected?
1181) Yes, and probably not 1192) There are infected masks, I know nothing of an infected head piece. To me, that sounds like it might have been something he made himself. 1203) Since kolhii balls can be, I would assume Kanoka disks can be too.[/QUOTE]
121I was reading the Kanoka FAQ a few minutes ago, and saw something that seemed to be a mistake. I had noticed this before, never got around to asking you. In the FAQ you said that level 8 disks are used to make Great Disks. Did you mean Great Masks?
122[QUOTELevel 1-6 disks are used to make Matoran masks, because all the power of the disk leeches out during the mask-masking process, so the masks do not have power. Level 7 disks are used to make Noble Masks. Level 8 disks are used to make Great Disks.[/QUOTE]
123Also, are you able to give out any info on the '06 ollectibles? I would love the Kanohi Mask Packs to come back...
125~Dylan/ :T:

1261) Yes, should have been masks. 1272) There will be some new masks with the figures next year, but no, they are not the collectable. Hopefully, they will be again at some point, as we all miss them.[/QUOTE]
128A few more questions:
1291) I have been wondering, for a while, do Rahi wear masks even when not wearing infected masks?
1302) Are the masks on Fikou Tree Spider models and Hoi Turtle models supposed to be masks?
1313) I found this link, and I was wondering, is it accurate (other than of course, at the very bottom the two made-up ones)? Or if you don't want to read it all/check it all, do you have that ino somewhere else that you could link me to/copy paste?
133~Dylan/ :T:

1341-2) Evidently, some do wear masks or else have aspects of their body that look like masks, as many have been pictured with them. 1352) No, it's not accurate. No models exist of any Rahkshi besides the six we came out with as sets. This is someone's suggestion for how to build them, which is great, but it is not official at all. [/QUOTE]
136Sorry, if I am bothering you... I know I have been asking a lot of questions lately and I am sure you get a lot every day... but it'd be great if you'd give me a few more answers:
1371) Do you know, as far as Rahi that are made as sets, what Rahi wear masks only when wearing infected masks, and what Rahi wear masks always? (or, with the Hoi and Fikou, if the orange Pakari are just body parts) For: Muaka, Kane-Ra, Hoi, Fikou, Nui-Rama, Tarakava, and Nui-Jaga If you know that's great otherwise no big deal. 1382) Are Manas actually Rahi, or just robots? And if they are Rahi, same thing, do they wear masks even when not under Makuta's control? 1393) With Rahkshi Kaita Vo (Guurahk, Kurahk, and Vorahk), which of the three Rahkshi back pieces does its Kraata go in (as far as I know it only has one Kraata, a Vorahk Kraata)? I am asuming it goes in the black back pieces but I'm not sure. 1404) Do you think that there is a very good chance that you would ever do a book signing at The LEGO Imagination Center, at the Mall of America (or do you only do book signings at book stores?)?
141Thanks again:
142~Dylan/ :T:

147TLIC has some of your BIONICLE books... about half I'd say.[/QUOTE]
148Another issue that I have heard come up is that anytime I am traveling (even for the San Diego trip this year) is time I am not writing. Scholastic doesn't like to take me away from the computer if they can help it. Somebody suggested once I do a signing tour for the comic, but since comic stores can't carry it, I can't see why any of them would want me to appear.[/QUOTE]
149[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTEHi Greg, I have a few more questions: 1501) Are the 2006 Matoran going to be the Matoran from Karzahni's Island, or the IOD, or sets from both? 1512) Are the collectibles going to be the Matoran's tools? (I heard that they will have tools that "actually work") 1523) Is there going to be a Lariska set/combiner model? 1534) Are Krahka and/or the Tahtorak ever going to escape the Zone Of Darkness? 1545) Do you know when/can you tell me when Mata Nui is going to be awakened (what year)? 1556) How many canister sets are going to be released in 2006? What will they be (Toa, the False Toa, etc.)? 1567) Are there plans for any sets/combiners/instructions for "Fohrok"? 1578) How many Matoran are currently on Mata Nui? (excluding Takanuva, the 6 Toa Nuva, and the 6 Turaga, and anyone else no longer a Matoran on Mata Nui) 1589) At the begining of Metru Nui, how many Matoran were on Metru Nui? (if they were on Metru Nui at the time then including Vakama, Nokama, etc. and Lhikan, Dume, Kodan, Ihu, and anyone else) 15910) Was Kodan the Chronicler of Metru Nui? 16011) Are Mavrah, Ihu, Kodan, and Lhikan the only Matoran/Toa/Turaga known so far to have died for good (i.e. Jaller died but is alive again)? 16112) Is Metru-Nui Treespeak called Chutespeak? 16213) Are there plans for a set/combiner of Krakua? 16314) Is Krakua the only official Toa from the building challenge? 16415) Are there plans for a set/combiner of the winning DH? 16516) Are any of the DH entries besides grand prize winner official? 16617) And info./picture(s)/instructions of Brakas?
167Thanks for your time:
1691) Karzahni's land only appears in part of Book 2, it is not part of main storyline 1702) No 1713) Not to my knowledge, no. Again, she plays only a very small part in one book this year, she is not in next year's story 1724) Depends on if I can come up with a good reason to bring them back into the story 1735) I can't discuss that 1746) I am not allowed to discuss 2006 product. 1757) Fohrok look just like Bohrok, they are just a different color. And they appear in one panel of one comic, so hardly worth doing sets for 1768) Excluding Takua, 999 1779) 1006 17810) Read the Encyclopedia and find out 17911) They are the only ones we have mentioned as having died, but they are not the only characters ever to have died in the history of the BIONICLE universe 18012) Yes 18113) No, we don't own the rights to produce a set of Krakua, it is a fan-built model 18214) Yes 18315) No, for one thing, there are 35 winners, and for another, we won't own the rights to produce them as sets. 18416) There is no grand prize winner. There are 35 winners who will be in the guide next year 18517) Not to my knowledge[/QUOTE]
186Thabnks for all the answers: I am a little confused about 2 of your answers though:
187[QUOTE8) How many Matoran are currently on Mata Nui? (excluding Takanuva, the 6 Toa Nuva, and the 6 Turaga, and anyone else no longer a Matoran on Mata Nui)
1889) At the begining of Metru Nui, how many Matoran were on Metru Nui? (if they were on Metru Nui at the time then including Vakama, Nokama, etc. and Lhikan, Dume, Kodan, Ihu, and anyone else)[/QUOTE]
189[QUOTE8) Excluding Takua, 999 1909) 1006[/QUOTE]
1911) I would think there'd be more than 7 more, but I am asuming you mean Takua, and Vakama, Nokama, Matau, Nuju, Onewa and Whenua are the other 7 right?
1922) But how about Dume, Lhikan, Nidhiki and everyone in Lhikan's group? Were they Toa before they cam to Metru-Nui?
1933) I would think there'd be at least 1009 on Metru-Nui at first because of Ihu, Kodan, and Mavrah, so what about those 3?
1944) On BIONICLE Sector 01, I saw that the Kaita of Tahnok-Kal, Pahrak-Kal, and Nuhvok-Kal is called Kaita Za-Kal and is controlled by Krana Za-Kal, does that mean that the original Kaita of Tahnok, Pahrak, and Nuhvok is controlled by Krana Za? Same thing with bLehvak, Gahlok, and Kohrak with Krana Ja.
1961) If you are referring to the Metru Nui question, Takua is counted as one of the 1000, with Vakama and his team counted as the extra 6. 1972) Yes, they were. Lhikan, Dume and Nidhiki are not from Metru Nui 1983) I counted from the beginning of the '04 story. Mavrah was not living on Metru Nui at that time and Ihu and Kodan were already dead. 1994) It wasn't necessary to specify which krana controlled the original Kaita, simply because the Kal kaita had three krana in the model. The original Kaita did not, to my recollection. That is why we had to specify which one was in control[/QUOTE]
200[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTEHi Greg, I have a few more questions...
2011) In comparrison, what are the power levels of Toa Olda, Toa Nuva, Takanuva, Toa Hordika, Toa Metru (does Lhikan have the same power level as regular Toa Metru? I think he does...), and Toa Hagah? How about Krakua, Toa of Gravity, Toa Dume, and Toa Nidhiki?
2022) Do you know of a BA collection like the Chronicles Hard Cover collection?
2033) Do you know if any of the 2006 prototype sets are going to be at Toy Fair?
204BTW BA 10 was great: The best of the BIONICLE Adventures: You did a very nice job on that one:
2061) With the exception of the Toa Nuva, all other Toa are at roughly the same power level. 2072) Yes, there is a topic on this in Movies and Books forum 2083) You don't bring prototypes to Toy Fair, you bring the actual models. So they will be there, yes, at least the stuff for first half of the year release[/QUOTE]
209OKI'l, check out the MaB forum. Also, are these the actual prototypes, or fakes?
212Sorry, T, I am not allowed to discuss those images.[/QUOTE]
213[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTEHi Greg, if not too much trouble could you confirm if I am right about all of the following?
214999 Matoran from Metru Nui, Takanuva, and the 6 Turaga aswell as the 6 Rahaga and Dume are on Metru-Nui and Pewku is the only Rahi they brought along.
215All the Bohrok and Va are on Mata Nui not longer controlled by Bahrag or Krana.
2166 Toa Nuva, Voya Nui Matoran, Piraka, and Brutaka and Axonn are on Voya-Nui.
217Rahkshi, Kal, and Bahrag are defeated on Mata Nui.
218Ussanui is left behind on Mata Nui.
219Makuta is in his lair under Mata Nui, defeated.
220The Vahki are on Metru Nui.
221DH, OOMN, and BoM are not on Mata Nui or Metru Nui.
222The Visorak are free on other islands aswell as Keetongu and the colonyl drones.
223Sidorak is on Metru-Nui defeated.
224Roodaka-who knows what happened to her?:?
225'06 Toa-who knows?:?
226Tahtorak, Krahka, Zivon in the realm of darkness.
227Kahgarak are with the Visorak.
228Thanks for your time Greg:
229Merry Christmas::
230~Dylan/ :T:

2311) The Rahaga are only on Metru Nui off and on, they don't live there. 2322) The Bohrok are all back in their nests, sleeping, post Bohrok-Kal storyline 2333) Yes 2344) Rahkshi are defeated, Kal are destroyed, Bahrag are imprisoned 2355) No -- Ussanui is wrecked in Makuta's lair beneath Mata Nui 2366) Yes, Makuta is buried under rubble 2377) The Vahki are pretty much all destroyed 2388) Not at present, no 2399) Yes 24010) Sidorak is dead 24111) Roodaka is elsewhere, still alive 24212) Uh huh 24313) Yes 24414) Yes[/QUOTE]
245With the Bohrok asleep what about the Va? And where are the Krana? Alos then Pewku is the only Rahi they brought along? And are there any Vahki left not destroyed or any Krahli?
2481) Va would be back in the nests as well, but not asleep 2492) The krana that the Matoran had access to were buried in a pit in one of the online animations 2503) Yes, but there are no doubt Rahi still living on Metru Nui, not all of them went to Mata Nui 2514) Odds are all the Vahki are destroyed, and the Kralhi are not on Metru Nui 252[/QUOTE]
253[QUOTE[QUOTEHi Greg, I have a few quick questions.
2541) Are Umbra, Irnakk, that giant Protodite, Vezon and Fenrakk all currently guarding the MoLi?
2552) Is anyone else currently guarding the MoLi?
2563) Storyline-wise, is the MoLi actually on the top of Vezon's head?
2574) I'm not asking what they are called or for pictures (I know we can't have those) but can I have the number of sets we don't know about yet that are released this year?
2585) Are you at Comic-Con every July? I might come next Summer

2601) Irnakk is only guarding when the Piraka enter the zone of fear, because he is created from their fears. If someone else goes in there, they would encounter someone/something else. 2612) There are various booby traps along the way. 2623) I always refer to it as being fused to the back of his head. 2634) I don't think there are any more that you guys don't know about yet. The last two to be revealed were the store-exclusive playset, and the three-titan combo, and news on both of those has been on BZP. 2645) No idea what the plans are for next summer. If LEGO goes, I am generally there.[/QUOTE]
265[QUOTE[QUOTEHi Greg, I have a few more questions:
266First off, I read this: [QUOTEWe also have been told through sources that the only way the Nuva would re-enter the story is if there were Sets involving them.[/QUOTE]
2671) Is this true? 2682) But the Toa Nuva haven't awakened Mata Nui, so they never completed their destiny... So how can they not come back? 2693) Is the Toa Inika's destiny finding the MoLi? 2704) If not, what is the Inika's destiny? 2715) Can you please post in this topic? I am very curious for the answer... 2726) Is the "k" the only letter that is different in the Voya Nui alphabet (vertical line instead of horizontal)? 2737) What, specifically, was the destiny of the Toa Metru? 2748) Do all Toa have a destiny, or some just a duty (ie Hagah protecting BoM, seems to just be a duty)?
2771) They will not be main focus of the story or back in the comics until and unless they are re-issued as sets. They might appear elsewhere, books or web. 2782) You are putting the cart before the horse. We haven't told the story of Mata Nui being awakened yet, and I am assuming that story would star the Toa Nuva, meaning they might have to be re-released in some form. But that is a while down the road -- right now, they have only been out of stores three years, which is nothing in retail terms, and stores wouldn't be interested in seeing them back this soon. 2793) Partly 2806) I didn't create the alphabet, so no idea. 2817) Saving the Matoran of Metru Nui. 2828) All have a destiny. You are correct that the Rahaga's duty was protect the BOM -- but that was not their destiny -- their destiny was to save the Mask of Light from the Brotherhood.[/QUOTE]
283[QUOTE[QUOTEHi Greg, I have a few questions involving Zamor.
2841) What are the powers of the silver and gray Zamors?
2852) What color is the Zamor that gave Brutaka's power back?
2863) What color is the Zamor Axonn gave to the Toa Inika?
2874) In th playsets, the Zamors are larger scale. Is this just so the sets look better, or is there any storyline info on this?
2885) Is the City of the Lost the underwater part of Voya Nui?
2896) Is the island where Voya Nui was, and the sunken part, the BIONICLE mainland?
2907) I hear that Xia is done, and that Roodaka's homeland are done in the atlas... Does this mean the Roodaka's homeland is Xia?
2918) What is/are you favorite set(s)? The Rahkshi seem to be...
2929) Are there Krana on Voya Nui?
29310) Are there Kraata on Voya Nui?
29411) What will the Toa Inika have to face, besides Brutaka, the Piraka, the chamber of fear, the Protodax, Vezon and Fenrakk on their search for the MoLi?
29512) Where is the Protodax?
29613) What will the Toa Inika find in the Chamber of Fear?
29714) I see the GITD feature of the Inika heads is canceled, does this make you mad, seeing as their heads glow in the storyline?
29815) Any storyline reason that there are 3 colors of Inika Zamor spheres? They all have EP...
29916) The winning Piraka fusion creation is blue and gold, does this mean that Vezok and Avak (seems closest to gold...) will be the ones to combine? If not, which ones will?
30017) Who, if anyone, will battle against Botar in 2006?
30118) Have any 2007, or late 2006 teasers you can give me?
302I guess there were more than just a few Zamor questions...
304Dylan M/

3051-3) I don't have this info at my fingertips at the moment 3064) The former 3075) I can't discuss 2007 3086) Sunken part was not a part of the original continent, no 3097) Read the Atlas and find out -- the entire book is done at this point. 3108) Exo-Toa, Vezon and Fenrakk, Kardas, Brutaka, Rahkshi 3119-10) No. Axonn and Brutaka would have exterminated any kraata there, and there is no reason for krana to be there because the Bohrok have no dealings with Voya Nui 31211) Follow the story and find out 31312) On the staircase 31413) See answer to #11 -- I am not on here to give away plot spoilers. 31514) No, because I am sure the decision was made for a good reason, and there still would have needed to be a glow in the story to explain the lack of facial features in the sets. 31615) Nope 31716) See answer to #11 31817) Nobody battles him. You don't pick fights with Botar. 31918) No.[/QUOTE]
320[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTEAfter multiple questions, here are the powers for the zamor spheres in the accessory pack:
321Gold -- Reverses the effect of the zamor used to steal Brutaka's powers -- so essentially a power siphon.
322Silver - Binds a target to the next nearest living being with an energy chain
323Black - "Marks" a target so that he can be tracked anywhere he goes via an energy pulse
324Thank you so much for this info Greg: But I though the one Hakann launched at Brutaka was gold... If you don't mind, if you know, a few more questions:
3251) Are the power thief, and the power return Zamor both gold? 3261.2) Is there more than one gold Zamor?
3272) Is there more than one binding Zamor? 3282.2) Who has the binding Zamor?
3293) Is there more than one tracking Zamor? 3303.2) Who has the tracking Zamor?
3314) What color is the glowing one Axonn gives the Inika, and what power, if you can say?
3325) Thank you for joining BZP to give members a chance to ask you questions:
3336) Great job on the EXO-FORCE book

3341) In the comic, Hakann's zamor is pictured as blue, and since a lot more people read the comic than the books, I did not want to contradict that. 3352) Yes, and no one does -- it does not appear in the story. 3363) Same answer as #2 3374) I can't speak to the color, because it depends on if we do it as a store exclusive in the fall, and its power relates to Vezon 338[/QUOTE]
339Thank you Greg: A few more questions in reply:
3401) What store would it (the Zamor promo) be, and what set would it come with? 3412) Is there only one gold Zamor on the BIONICLE world? 3423) So then blue is the official color of the power thief?
343And I thought of one more:
3444) Is Voya Nui the only island with Zamor?[/QUOTE]
3451) No idea, because it is not set yet. 3462) Probably 3473) Looks that way 3484) No. Remember that the Piraka stole prototypes of the launchers back when they were Dark Hunters, which is how Avak knew how to make them. So the tech must exist elsewhere. 349[/QUOTE]
350But wasn't that Voya Nui they took it from? They wouldn't share it with others, being they became Piraka, and they are currently on Voya Nui... BTW, I think if there is a promo Zamor it should be Glow-in-the-dark of light-up. I am getting offline now, I will read your reply tomorrow. Thank you:[/QUOTE]
351No, it wasn't. The Piraka never came to Voya Nui before the events of this year. As Dark Hunters, they traveled to many different islands on missions.[/QUOTE]
352[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTEHi Greg, I know you can't give major spoilers, bu I was wondering if you can confirm any of my theory true/untrue?
353I think that Makuta, the Ancient Evil, and the Antidermis are one thing. That Makuta's current form is Antidermis. Even though not completely official, Piraka.com mentions Makuta having used the last of his power to transform, and that he is working with the Piraka. And what else might the AE be? I think it is Makuta.
354And all of the following info I have is true, right?
355The Antidermis is alive, so is the AE, and unless he got killed, so is Makuta. To add to that, Zaktan talks to 356the Antidermis
357The AE is awake, and the Antidermis seems to be as well, because Zaktan talks to it.
358Makuta, like the Antidermis, is green and black energy.
359Please answer whatever you can: Thank you Greg, I understand if you can't:[/QUOTE]
360As you say, Piraka.com is not official, I would not base your theory on it because BZPers won't take it seriously then.
361You are also working on the assumption Makuta is alive -- what are you basing that on?
362And of course the antidermis is alive -- all viruses are living things.
363Zaktan does not talk to the virus because he considers it to be intelligent, he talks to it because all great villains make speeches to themselves.
364Anyway, regardless of whether you are in the ballpark or you're not, I can't say so, because it would be (one way or the other) ruining the story for you, which is not what I am on here to do. 365[/QUOTE]
366Alright, well, I have questions not involving this, I'm not sure if you will know, but might as well ask:
3671) Have BIONICLE comics ever been available in Africa? 3682) Australia? 3693) Asia? 3704) South America 3715) Canada 3726) Mexico

375Canada does get the BIONICLE comic every issue, and has since 2001. There are no LEGO Clubs in Africa, Mexico, or South America, so answer's no. Australia and Japan did at one time get their own versions of LEGO Magazine, but I am pretty sure the Japanese one did not include in the comic and I tend to doubt the Australian one did either. US and Canada are the only places that get every issue every year, while some parts of Europe get a couple issues a year. 376[/QUOTE]
377Thanks for these answers: Is Japanese the only Asian version? And is the Canada version identical to the US version? What language is Canada magazine/comic? (I assume English or French...)
378Thanks again::[/QUOTE]
379There is both an English and a French version of the Canadian comic, both of which are four pages shorter (usually four less ad pages). At this point, there is no longer a Japanese Club magazine. 380[/QUOTE]
381[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTEHi Greg, I know you can't give major spoilers, bu I was wondering if you can confirm any of my theory true/untrue?
382I think that Makuta, the Ancient Evil, and the Antidermis are one thing. That Makuta's current form is Antidermis. Even though not completely official, Piraka.com mentions Makuta having used the last of his power to transform, and that he is working with the Piraka. And what else might the AE be? I think it is Makuta.
383And all of the following info I have is true, right?
384The Antidermis is alive, so is the AE, and unless he got killed, so is Makuta. To add to that, Zaktan talks to 385the Antidermis
386The AE is awake, and the Antidermis seems to be as well, because Zaktan talks to it.
387Makuta, like the Antidermis, is green and black energy.
388Please answer whatever you can: Thank you Greg, I understand if you can't:[/QUOTE]
389As you say, Piraka.com is not official, I would not base your theory on it because BZPers won't take it seriously then.
390You are also working on the assumption Makuta is alive -- what are you basing that on?
391And of course the antidermis is alive -- all viruses are living things.
392Zaktan does not talk to the virus because he considers it to be intelligent, he talks to it because all great villains make speeches to themselves.
393Anyway, regardless of whether you are in the ballpark or you're not, I can't say so, because it would be (one way or the other) ruining the story for you, which is not what I am on here to do. 394[/QUOTE]
395Alright, well, I have questions not involving this, I'm not sure if you will know, but might as well ask:
3961) Have BIONICLE comics ever been available in Africa? 3972) Australia? 3983) Asia? 3994) South America 4005) Canada 4016) Mexico

404Canada does get the BIONICLE comic every issue, and has since 2001. There are no LEGO Clubs in Africa, Mexico, or South America, so answer's no. Australia and Japan did at one time get their own versions of LEGO Magazine, but I am pretty sure the Japanese one did not include in the comic and I tend to doubt the Australian one did either. US and Canada are the only places that get every issue every year, while some parts of Europe get a couple issues a year. 405[/QUOTE]
406[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTEHi Greg, I read a quote of you mentioning Krahka being in Bionicle Legends 5 so does this mean Krahka is the returning hero? Also, I have 70 other questions for you, how many can you handle at a time? if you only want me to send, for example, 5 per week so you don't get too bogged down, that's fine, but I keep coming up with questions being I like your (and the rest of the story team's) BIONICLE story:
409No, Krahka is not who I was referring to. I don't consider Krahka a "hero" -- although she helped the Toa Metru against the Visorak, she did it for her own reasons, not out of heroism.
410I am glad you like the story so much: I would suggest not sending more than 20 questions per PM -- I can handle 20, more than that it gets kind of confusing:

411Thanks for the info: As soon as I get a reply to the 20, should I send the next 20 or hold off for a while? Here's the first 19: (20 and 21 go together)
4121) I saw someone's question about Makuta, and I like that question. I am also interested in the answer. Here it is: [QUOTEIs Makuta truely evil enough to kill himself by purposely putting Mata Nui in his dying state, of which if he dies that all in the Bionicle universe - that includes Makuta - will die?[/QUOTE]
4132) Does Vezon carry a shield when riding Kardas? I know that it is a set thing, but in the official storyline does that shield exist and does it belong to Vezon, or does he only have a staff? (if he only has a staff, when I buy the Kardas I won't give him the shield

4331) You are assuming that Makuta -- if he is still alive -- doesn't have a back-up plan in place. Makuta almost always has a back-up plan. Keep in mind that the Piraka are after the Mask of Life, but there is no proof that Makuta does not want Mata Nui's life to be saved.
4342) In the story, he still has his spear.
4353) No, because all six don't have swords.
4364) It's impossible to say, because we have not even seen six other Toa elements yet.
4375) Yes, far as I am concerned it is
4386) Yes
4397) Yes
4408) Lewa pronunciations are all over the place, even in the office, so for clarity's sake, go with the guide.
4419) Barring external influences, yes.
44210) I would give the edge to a Toa Kaita
44311-14) No Toa Nui has ever existed, except in myth, so it's impossible to answer these questions.
44415) It has never been stated that Botar will never be on Voya Nui, only that he isn't now.
44516) Yes
44617) Male
44718) Male
44819) Neither, it's an object. Objects don't have genders.[/QUOTE]
449[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTEAccidentally deleted your last PM with questions -- can you resend? And no, I don't have #20-39 in my inbox.
451Did you get my previous reply to this? Unfortunately, I don't have them saved

4521) Is the mask of elemtal energy in the official storyline?
453ANSWER: Yes, it is considered official, but it's never showing up outside of the video game.
4542) When you take it off, do you keep the energy it gave you until you use up the energy, or does the added energy go away when you remove it?
455ANSWER: I didn't bother to come up with rules for how it works, it's just a power-up in the game.
456Here's some other BIONICLE questions:
4571) When two Kanoka are combined (or more) are they the same size as one that isn't merged with others? 4581b) Is it the same weight? 4591c) Is it the same density?
460ANSWER: They are the same size, things like weight and density I haven't worried about.
4612) Is Turaga Lhikan going to be given out at mcdinalds?
462ANSWER: No.
4633) Are the sets at mcdonalds going to be the ones listed here?
464ANSWER: No, as the topic says, those are EU promo sets. Pics of the McDonald's sets have already been shown on BZP.
4654) Was Makuta wearing Dume's mask when he was an imposter, making Dume maskless? I thought I read that in a book, but in the movie the Dume in that sphere still has a mask...
466ANSWER: Makuta was wearing the same mask as Dume, just not Dume's mask. There is more than one Noble Mask of Regeneration in existence.
4675) Does Mata Nui wear a mask? 4686) If so, what shape and color and power is it? (If you can answer this that is...) I assume a Hau because Axonn says that Hau is the symbol of Mata Nui in one of the Ignition comics.
469ANSWER: Can't answer 5 or 6.
4707) Are you just keeping the secret of the red star from us, or don't you know what it is yet?
471ANSWER: I have known since 2001.
4728) Are the Piraka species ever colored differently than the 6 sets?
473ANSWER: It's certainly possible.
4749) When will we find out Makuta's true form?
475ANSWER: As the Piraka speculated in Bionicle Legends #4, Makuta has no physical body anymore -- he is energy encased in armor.
47610) What does "the heavens" mean in BIONICLE? The sky, paradise, or something else?
477ANSWER: Can't answer it.
47811) Are Toa, Matoran, Turaga, Rahi, etc bodies made of Protodermis? 47912) Are any plants made of Protodermis? 48013) Are any not made of Protodermis?
48111-13 - The only things in BIONICLE NOT made of protodermis are some of the plants on Mata Nui, some of the seabirds on Mata Nui, and the seawater around Mata Nui and Voya Nui.
48214) Are all of the maps here official maps?
483ANSWER: No. Those are maps made by a fan. They do not come from LEGO Company.
48415) Is the grand prize winner's story about Bohrok in the Maze of Shadows game official? Here is the topic.
485ANSWER: Yes.
48616) Has Makuta ever become Makuta Nui?
487ANSWER: Not in the storyline.
48816b) Does he need to combine with anyone/anything to become Makuta Nui?
489ANSWER: Not that I know of.
49017) Is it true that Makuta can take any shape/form he wants, or is this limited?
491ANSWER: Far as we know, it is any shape he wants.
49218) I hear the AE was already released as a set. Is this true? 49319) When the AE was in a set, was it good, evil, or neutral?
494ANSWER: I don't think I have ever said it was a set in the past, sounds like BZP rumor to me.
49520) I hear the Bahrag serve Mata Nui. Is this true?
496ANSWER: They are part of his plan, yes.
49721) Are they OoMN members?
498ANSWER: No.
499And a few EXO-FORCE questions:
5001) Who is Jin?
501ANSWER: That was the old name for Ryo, before we changed it.
5022) What is the name of that guy with black hair dressed like Ryo?
503ANSWER: Don't know who you're referring to.
5043) Are all EXO-FORCE members male?
505ANSWER: The pilots are, yes.
5064) Who is Genki?
507ANSWER: Old name for the gunner in the Gate Assault set, which was dropped.
5085) Are the pictures of 6 of next years sets, along with the other 2007 set pics, at eurobricks, leaked? 5096) Are there any sets coming out next year besides those 6? 5107) Will Ha-Ya-To still be in the sets/storyline in 2007?[/QUOTE]
511ANSWER: I can't discuss 2007.
512See answers above. 513Greg
515Sorry if I'm bothering you, I'm not sure if you got my reply a few days ago. The EXO-FORCE character I was talking about is the gate assault gunner, that you said was going to be called Genki.
5162) Is it okay if fans discuss/show each other the pictures shown at Eurobricks?
517Now onto the questions continueing from the last PM:
51822) The mainland is in a dome, correct? 51923) Voya Nui was part of the mainland, right? 52024) In legends some Matoran (or other beings) think that Makuta is a 3-headed creature. Has he ever/can he become a 3-headed creature? 52125) Is there more than one dome beneath Mata Nui? 52226) Do all domes have islands in them? 52327) I hear that the Toa Nuva can take off their armor. Can any other Toa? 52427b) How much armor can Toa Nuva take off? Just chest and/or shoulder? 52527c) How much armor can other Toa take off? 52627d) Can Toa remove anything besides weapons, Kanohi, and armor? 52728-31) By organic, I mean part of them, rather than being tools. 52828) Are Nuparu's claws organic? 52929) Are Gali's hooks organic? 53030) Are Onua's claws organic? 53131) Are the tan "shoes" on Pohatu organic? 53232) Do all Rahi eat by absorbing energy? 53333) Gali seems to care a lot about Rahi. Does this mean she is a vegetarian? (like me) LOL 53434) I hear Piraka rode Tahtorak. Did they just ride the one Brutaka teleported to Metru Nui, or other ones? 53535) You know the name of TSO, and you said we will probably never know, meaning it probably doesn't have a future role. So will you tell me what it is? (also, if you are willing to give it to me, but don't want me to post it in the OGDT, let me know

5512) I can't give permission for that, sorry -- it would be condoning leaks, which I don't have the authority to do.
55222) Yes 55323) Yes 55424) He can become whatever he wishes, just about, he's a shapeshifter. 55525) Not directly beneath the island, no 55626) No, some have continents 55727) Yes, they and all Toa can take off their armor. 55827d) Well, when we first see the Toa in 2001, they are missing arms and legs. 55928) Yes 56029) I would have to go back and see what we said about them way back when 56130) Since he throw them, I would say no. 56231) Yes, those are his feet 56332) Yes, but not realizing that all they have to do is make physical contact, many bite and chew their food. 56433) Being a Toa of Water, Gali is very much in tune with nature. 56534) Actually, they never met the one Brutaka teleported. 56635) No 56736) Yes - hence there being a fish market on Mata Nui in MNOG 56837) No, it was not. 56938) No. 57039) A Matoran of Light 57140) Unknown at present 57241) The first three are correct. We have never said anything about Roodaka's, Sidorak's and Keetongu's homes being anywhere near each other, nor have we said whether Voya Nui was inland or on the coast -- that is all BZP speculation. And the mainland is ... possibly larger than Mata Nui, but I haven't decided yet. 57342) That is up to BIONICLE.com web producer Leah Weston, I have no say in it. 574[/QUOTE]
575Thanks for the info, Greg: So its confirmed that Takua was a Matoran of light: 5761) Did Takua know that he was a Matoran of light? 5772) What is the prefix for light? (ie Ga, Ta, Ko, Le, Po, Onu) 5783) What is the name of the exo-force gate assault gunner?
579Now onto the continuation (this is the rest of them

580I understand if you can't answer any/all of these BoM/Makuta questions.
58143) In BL4, Makuta is refered to as the Makuta of Metru Nui. Does this mean Makuta is a title/job (ie a Dark Hunter) or a species? 58244) Is Makuta or Makutas plural for Makuta? 58345) Are all BoM members Makuta? (whether it is a species or job...) 58446) Do all BoM members have the same job? 58547) Are all BoM members the same species? 58648) Can all BoM members produce Kraata? 58748b) If so, do they produce Kraata of the same powers as other members do? (with the same powers: poison, fear, anger, sleep, confusion, etc.) 58849) Do all of the Makuta of Metru Nui's species have the same powers? 58950) Do all BoM members have the same powers? 59051) Can all of the Makuta of Metru Nui's species produce Kraata? 59151b) If so, do they produce Kraata of the same powers as others of their species do? (with the same powers: poison, fear, anger, sleep, confusion, etc.) 59252) Can the Makuta of Metru Nui/others of his species choose what Kraata type they create?
59353) You have confirmed that the AE is for sure the Antidermis, correct? (I still think its Makuta, the green/black energy thing makes the Antidermis and Makuta seem identical.) 59454) Do you know of any contests coming up that contribute to the official storyline? (ie the BZP S&T contests, the DH contest, the Rahi contest, the Toa contest, etc.) 59555) Are the Toa Metru mini CDs official? (the movies, Matoran names and appearances, etc.) 59656) Are the animations and stories that were at the wall of history at BIONICLE.com official? 59757) Do you have access to the animations and/or stories? 59858) Is it true that Mavrah wore a purple Pakari in the shape of a great Pakari?
6011) No 6022) We haven't determined it 6033) He doesn't have a name, he's a generic trooper in the story.
60443) Yes 60544) Makuta is both singular and plural 60645) Can't answer it 60746) Can't answer it 60847) Can't answer it 60948) Can't answer it 61049) Can't answer it 61149) Can't answer it 61250) Can't answer it 61351) Can't answer it 61452) Makuta does choose which kind of kraata he creates, yes. Otherwise, he could never make Rahkshi that he needs in a given situation. 61553) Yes 61654) No 61755) Never saw them, so couldn't say. 61856) Again, I am not familiar enough with what's there. 61957) No. I don't work on the web side of things, that is handled in Denmark. 62058) I may have said that, really don't recall. How he looked isn't that important to the story.[/QUOTE]
621OK, thanks: But is Makuta a species, or is it a title? Thanks a lot for all the answers:[/QUOTE]
622Makuta is a title 623[/QUOTE]
624So you can't tell me if all BoM members are Makuta, or if they are all the same species? Well, a few more questions:
6251) Is the Makuta of Metru Nui the only of his species? 6262) I remember one of my previous questions now. I don't remember exaclty what it was, but OoMN members and even Mata Nui don't seem to be all good. So my question is, is Mata Nui purely good? 6273) Who has the most good in them, in order? Toa, OoMN members, Mata Nui 6284) Makuta (of Metru Nui) is the most powerful BoM member right? 6295) Are you willing to give me any more info about Makuta and/or the BoM?
6311) No. 6322) What makes you feel Mata Nui is not all good? Mata Nui has been asleep pretty much the entire storyline, so what evil thing has he done? As for the OOMN -- the OOMN are like the CIA. Some of the things they do are violent and messy, but they are done for a good cause -- and so the Toa and the Matoran don't have to do them. 6333) I don't think you can quantify levels of goodness. 6344) He is the most skilled and experienced. 6355) Not right now, no. [/QUOTE]
636I pretty much get the feeling of Mata Nui not being all good because the OoMN members serve Mata Nui as much as they can and do violent stuff sometimes. I have 2 questions.
6371)Do you know when US fans get Jovan instructions? 6382 Why isn't Kongu's mask symmetrical? I know its because of the set designers' choice (most likely) but is there a story reason?[/QUOTE]
6391) Well, again, the CIA serves the US and does nasty, violent things -- does that make the US evil? 6401) Leah is working on getting them up now 6412) No, there isn't a story reason 642[/QUOTE]
643OK, thanks: I am excited to get Jovan instructions

644Far as I know, those are European promo sets, and I am not sure if they even ever came out.[/QUOTE]
6461) Why wasn't Kotu in the encyclopedia? 6471.2) Will she be in the 2nd?
6482) Have all of the Rahi mentioned in the Rahi guide other than Manas, Rahi Nui, and Vatuka been seen on Metru Nui (or in the tunnels under Metru Nui?) 6492.2) Has the Rahi Nui?
6503) Have any Rahi besides Kikanalo, Visorak, and the VNOG Rahi been seen on Voya Nui that you know of?
6531) Odds are the answer is simply that we are not allowed to use that name. Many of the Matoran names from the online games were never approved by Legal at the time, and once checked, we were told we could not use them for trademark reasons or because they meant something in other languages.
6542) Yes, but Rahi Nui was not seen in the city itself -- it was fought by the Toa Metru in the tunnels leading up to Mata Nui.
6553) Not too many. Voya Nui is not a place that is very hospitable to any living thing.[/QUOTE]
656I thought Kotu was official. She was the only one, besides some that are in the encyclopedia, that had a bio and picture on the old BIONICLE.com. I thought that you just forgot to include her? Can you please look into this because it would be great to have her in the next encyclopedia.[/QUOTE]
657Having a bio and pic on old BIONICLE.com doesn't really mean anything, because the whole problem is BIONICLE.com wasn't clearing Matoran names through Legal before using them, as now we have to. I will double-check the name list for you, though, and see if there was any note on use of the name. If there isn't, I will get her into volume 2.[/QUOTE]
658It doesn't all fit in one post so I will post the rest shortly
1Here's more:
2OK, thank you. Have you found out yet? Also I have a few more questions:
31) Is whoever consumed the light of Takanuva and the lightstones the one who grabbed Matoro's hand?
42) Is that character that Takanuva saw that resembled a Matoran a Matoran from Karzahni's realm? If not what is it?
53) Are the Matoran of Voya Nui from Karzahni's realm? (I assume so because they have tools and seem rebuilt)
64) Do the Matoran enslaved by Antidermis look different? I have evidence that they do and that they don't.
75) Why don't the Inika look like the Nuva if they know Toa looking like Nuva?
86) When Jaller and co went to K's realm, did they get rebuilt/get new tools or just new masks?
97) If Karzahni had not messed with them, would the Inika still look the same as they do now, other than the masks they wear?
108) When there were 3,000 Toa, was it exactly or approximately 3000?
119) Is it exactly or approx. 50 Toa that currently exist?
1210) Are the Nuva, Inika and Takanuva some of the 50?
1311) How many Turaga have there ever been at once?
1412) How many Turaga are there currently?
17Yes, Kotu will be in Vol. 2
181) No 192) Yes 203) Yes 214) It says in the book that their eyes gleam red 225) Because they aren't Nuva. Nuva look different than any other Toa -- they have more armor, for one thing. 236) All they got was masks, they weren't there long enough to get rebuilt 247) Yes 258) 3000 is the most there has ever been at one time 269) 50 2710) Yes 2811-12) Not something I have worried about[/QUOTE]
29Thanks: I have 2 more questions.
301) Is the cave toad called Mahika or Makika? I've seen both. 312) Are bog snake and Kuna the same thing? (if not, Kuna should be in the 2nd encyclopedia)
32I also found some more things that aren't in the encyclopedia, that I hope will be in the 2nd.
33Devourer 34Frost Leech 35Hoi 36Mana Ko 37Mukau 38Vako 39Rock worm 40Kanohi Kiril 41Kanohi Rua
42Also, in case you'd want to, I'll point out that you could mention the mutant Kikanalo in the Kikanalo entry (the ones mutated by Visorak in one of the comics) and also the mutant Kane-Ra could be mentioned in the Kane-Ra entry. And I think there was also a mutant Ussal guarding the Onu Metru great disk, and if I recall correctly there was a 2-headed Tarakava. I hope that some or all of this that was missed in the first can be included in the 2nd:
441) I will have to check the official name 452) It's not listed as Kuna because we are not allowed to use that term anymore. 463) Vako and Hoi were not listed because we are not allowed to use those terms; Mukau was not listed because the former head of the story team hated that name; Mana Ko was not listed because it never played any role in the story prior to this year, so there was nothing to say about it. 474) Some of these things were not mentioned because they did not exist yet when the book was written. Keep in mind that the Encyclopedia was written in late 2004. 48[/QUOTE]

2OK, thank you. Have you found out yet? Also I have a few more questions:
31) Is whoever consumed the light of Takanuva and the lightstones the one who grabbed Matoro's hand?
42) Is that character that Takanuva saw that resembled a Matoran a Matoran from Karzahni's realm? If not what is it?
53) Are the Matoran of Voya Nui from Karzahni's realm? (I assume so because they have tools and seem rebuilt)
64) Do the Matoran enslaved by Antidermis look different? I have evidence that they do and that they don't.
75) Why don't the Inika look like the Nuva if they know Toa looking like Nuva?
86) When Jaller and co went to K's realm, did they get rebuilt/get new tools or just new masks?
97) If Karzahni had not messed with them, would the Inika still look the same as they do now, other than the masks they wear?
108) When there were 3,000 Toa, was it exactly or approximately 3000?
119) Is it exactly or approx. 50 Toa that currently exist?
1210) Are the Nuva, Inika and Takanuva some of the 50?
1311) How many Turaga have there ever been at once?
1412) How many Turaga are there currently?
17Yes, Kotu will be in Vol. 2
181) No 192) Yes 203) Yes 214) It says in the book that their eyes gleam red 225) Because they aren't Nuva. Nuva look different than any other Toa -- they have more armor, for one thing. 236) All they got was masks, they weren't there long enough to get rebuilt 247) Yes 258) 3000 is the most there has ever been at one time 269) 50 2710) Yes 2811-12) Not something I have worried about[/QUOTE]
29Thanks: I have 2 more questions.
301) Is the cave toad called Mahika or Makika? I've seen both. 312) Are bog snake and Kuna the same thing? (if not, Kuna should be in the 2nd encyclopedia)
32I also found some more things that aren't in the encyclopedia, that I hope will be in the 2nd.
33Devourer 34Frost Leech 35Hoi 36Mana Ko 37Mukau 38Vako 39Rock worm 40Kanohi Kiril 41Kanohi Rua
42Also, in case you'd want to, I'll point out that you could mention the mutant Kikanalo in the Kikanalo entry (the ones mutated by Visorak in one of the comics) and also the mutant Kane-Ra could be mentioned in the Kane-Ra entry. And I think there was also a mutant Ussal guarding the Onu Metru great disk, and if I recall correctly there was a 2-headed Tarakava. I hope that some or all of this that was missed in the first can be included in the 2nd:
441) I will have to check the official name 452) It's not listed as Kuna because we are not allowed to use that term anymore. 463) Vako and Hoi were not listed because we are not allowed to use those terms; Mukau was not listed because the former head of the story team hated that name; Mana Ko was not listed because it never played any role in the story prior to this year, so there was nothing to say about it. 474) Some of these things were not mentioned because they did not exist yet when the book was written. Keep in mind that the Encyclopedia was written in late 2004. 48[/QUOTE]
49Hi Greg, I have a few questions.
501) Did you find out if the cave toad is Mahika or Makika?
512) Is Defilak cursed?
523) In what way is Dekar cursed?
534) Are Onua's claws tools, or his hands?
545) Are any of the following books going to be available in the US?
55Annual 56Facts and figures (sticker book) 57Island of Hope... Island of Doom 58Guard the Secret 59Toa Inika (mini book) 60Piraka (mini book) 61Matoran (mini book) 62Voya Nui (mini book)
631) No, I have been kind of busy 642) No, Defilak has not touched the mask. Dekar touched the mask. 653) You'll find out in 2007. It's still 2006. 664) Onua or Onua Nuva? 675) No, they are UK only.
68OK,thanks, and I was refering to the original Onua.
69Original Onua's claws were not detachable.
70OK. I have 3 more questions:
711) Are the Rahi goats called Maha or Mahi? 722) Is the Ga-Wahi reef Papa Nihu or Papu Niho? 733)The Temple of the Great Spirit is the same thing as the Great Temple, right?
741-2) Don't remember 753) In Metru Nui, yes
76Hi Greg, I hope you had a good thanksgivingI have a few questions:
771) When Matau, Vakama and Nokama got out of the chute by making a hole in it with their Toa tools, how come it didn't break?
781.2) Did a force sphere form?
792) When you mentioned that Umbra's zamor power is to create hard light projections, did you mean his Rhotuka power?
803) What is Umbra's Kanohi power?
814) Does the true Dume have a black face and orange eyes?
825) What made Vakama think that he could make a Vahi with any random Kanoka? (in LoMN he was trying to make it with other disks)
836) When Onewa, Nuju and Whenua escaped the DH prison, I got kind of confused. When they escaped were they in a desert or were they in a cave which led to a desert? (I assume that either way, after the desert they met up with the other 3 Toa)
846.2) Is the Prison Cave where they met the others or the cave that the DH prison is in?
857) Did Dume have a mask on in his sphere? BA4 says no, the movie says yes.
868) In B2, Nokama put her Toa stone in a Ko symbol. Was this a mistake on the part of the movie creators, meaning that in the canon she put it in the Ga symbol?
879) How does a Matoran leave a Chute?
8810) Are the non-legal Rahi names (Hoi, Vako, and Kuna) canon or not?
8911) If you have found out yet, is the cave toad Mahika or Makika, the goat Maha or Mahi, and the reed Papa Nihu or Papu Niho?
90I also have a few more things that were not in the first encyclopedia/things that should be added.
91Daxia 92Xia 93Odina 94Crystal Serpent 95Squid ammo 96Destal 97The Pit 98Solidified Air Bubble 99Solidified Air Bubble launcher 100Mask of Kindred (whatever it's called) 101Other 2007 masks 102The Jailer from the Pit 103Nocturn 1042007 characters not yet known to fans 105Kanohi of Elemental Energy 106Dark Cage (held Matoran in BIONICLE: The Game) 107Sarda (mention in Matoran entry)
108And I also have a suggestion: I think that Vako and Hoi should have new names that are real world words so they can be in the encyclopedia, like Kuna is called bog snake. I have suggestions: Vako - Ice Rhino and Hoi - Swamp Turtle
109And I have a few more things that might have been missed in the first encyclopedia, I didn't check:
110Force Sphere 111Troller 112Prison Cave 113Sundial Chamber (Coliseum) 114Sundial (MNOLG) 115Nui Caves
116Please reply and thanks a lot:::
1171) Wasn't a big enough hole to affect the entire structure. 1181.2) No 1192) Yes 1203) He doesn't have one. 1214) He has the face he is shown to have in the canister in B2 1225) What other option did he have? He worked with the materials he had at hand. He had no idea what was needed to make a Vahi, no one had ever made one before. 1236) I would have to go back and watch the movie, which I haven't done in about two years. 1247) I go with the book, since I wrote it. 1258) Most likely, the movie people saw no reason to worry about which slot she was placing it in. 1269) At random intervals, the speed slows down and the magnetic force becomes permeable so you can jump out 12710) No, they're not. If a name has not been approved by Legal and can't be used, it can't be canon, because we cannot mention them again. 12811) Haven't had time to worry about it 12912) The stuff you are listing is from '06 and '07, and that stuff is already being included. The book is coming out in October '07, so obviously anything from '07 revealed before that is going to be in there. I don't plan to include the Kanohi of Elemental Energy because a - it has no BIONICLE name and b - while it is canon, it did not play any significant role. It was a power-up in a game and never appeared in storyline other than that. It would be like including the little Shield coins you collect in Marvel Ultimate Alliance in a Marvel Encyclopedia. And you already made the suggestion about alt. names for those Rahi, thank you.
130Sorry, I forgot I had already suggested giving the Hoi and Vako alt. names. I have a few more q's:
1311) What order of presedence (sp?) do the following come in? 132Movies 133Video games 134Comics 135Books 136Board games 137LEGO magazines 138BIONICLE.com 139S@H bios
1402) Are any of the 2007 combo models going to be canon?
1413) As for Makuta infecting Rahi, I heard somewhere that Rahi wear masks and they just have to be infected, and somewhere else that Rahi don't wear masks. Which is correct?
1424) Are the masks on Fikou, Hoi and Mukau Kanohi or part of their body?
1435) Are the collectibles that aren't mentioned in the story (dark gray and silver Zamor, silver Kanohi olda) canon or not?
1446) Are the combos that don't appear in the story (alt. Bahrag, Boxor and Exo, Makuta Nui, Matoran Kaita (from mcdonalds Matoran) Matoran Nui and Rahi (from 03 Matoran), and the 2-way Piraka combos) canon or not?
1457) Are all 3 versions of the Gukko canon? (Jaga combo, Master Builder version, and 2003 set)
1467.2)) If so, why do some look different/bigger/smaller than others?
147Thank you:
1491) I would say books and comics come first ... movies next ... LEGO Magazine and most of BIONICLE.com after that ... S&H bios after that .. video and board games are generally not canon, so they are at the bottom of the list. 1502) Only one combo model exists at this time, and it is canon. 1513) Rahi can wear masks, they don't have to wear masks. 1524) Not familiar with the models, so can't comment. 1535) Yes, because they do have listed powers. 1546) No, they're not, because they never appeared in story and usually have no bios or anything written for them. They are simply alt. models. 1557) Again, you are asking me about stuff I am not familiar with. I wasn't asking to write story about Jaga combos and Master Builder models, only the 2003 set, so I paid no attention to those. However, I would point out that even among creatures in our world, different breeds of the same creature (for example, dogs and cats) can look different from each other.
156OK, thank you: I have a few more questions. What sets make the combo model that exists?
1572) Have you seen the Toa Mahri, if so do you like them?
1583) Since UD is way diff than in the movie, and the original Makuta set, I assume that the UD set is non-canon?
1594) What texture are the squid ammo? (rubbery or hard plastic)
1605) Are the kabaya combos canon?
1611) I think it's Carapar, Mantax and Ehlek 1622) Yes, and yes 1633) No, sets are always canon. The movie is simply a different artistic interpretation of it. 1644) Rubbery. 1655) I have never heard of this
166OK, glad that the squid ammo are rubbery, so far all the organic creatures are rubberyBut with UD, all that happened to Makuta between LoMN and MoL was his wings got cut off... so why does he look different that the MoL set?
167Oh, I see what you're asking. Keep in mind that Makuta is a shapeshifter, and that 1000 years goes by between LOMN and MOL. Makuta can look however he likes -- as Dume in LOMN, as a Matoran in MNOG, as an armored giant in MOL.
168Oh, OK, that clears up a lot, thanksA few more questions, I think this is the last of them:
1691) Sets take precedense even over comics and books right?
1702) Are the Bohrok Kaita and Bohrok Va Kaita canon?
1713) If so, are they formed by Bohrok and Bohrok Va merging or not?
1724) If not, how many exist?
1735) The Turaga Nui was formed once, correct?
1741) Sets are always canon, comics are artistic interpretation of the sets 1752) They never appeared in the story, but I tend to think they are canon since they could potentially have existed 1763) Yes, they are 1775) Not to my knowledge. As of the 2005 Encyclopedia, that had not happened. The Matoran Nui has been formed at least twice
178So the Kaita (Bohrok and Va) are potentially canon, like Akamai Nuva?
12 Why isn't Kongu's mask symmetrical? I know its because of the set designers' choice (most likely) but is there a story reason? 22) No, there isn't a story reason
3Actually, I think there is a story reason: the Matoran found it half-buried on their way to Voya Nui/Karzahni in Bionicle Legends #2. 4Khote
1were did the toa mata come from?
1Turaga of force, wats up with the unusually long posts?
2NOOOOOOO GGreg said to ToF there is only ONE combo model in 2007:::: drat: does leggohave a thingg against combos?
3EDIT: Why do i some how always type 2 G's?
4He never said that there will only be one. He only said that there is just one that's cannon as of right now. In other words, they're working on new combo models.

11.What happened to the pit in ga-koro where they put all the krana? 22.Are turaga powerful?
3You have to send a PM to GregF with these questions 4he'll answer them for you if you ask nicely 5He doesn't visit this topic,this is where we can post our questions and the answer we got from him 6That way he doesn't have to answer the same questions 20 times a day.
7I can't help with your first question,but I might be able to answer your second one. 8Most Turaga were once Toa,so they have the experience and knowledge which a common Matoran doesn't posses(normally) 9Also they have a little bit of elementaml energy...not much(Tahu could set an entire forest on fire with one shot,Vakama could light a campfire) 10And for physical strength...I doubt they're physically stronger than the average Matoran,probably weaker,since they are more seen as elders
1Here are some answers to some questions I asked.
2QUOTE 3Hi Mr. Farshtey could you answer some quick questions?
41) Is it the destiny of most matoran to turn into toa?
52) Are most the Brotherhood of Makuta's members Makutas (The species)?
63) Is the mutagenic agent in the waters of Voya Nui sentient?
74a) Is Mata Nui a Matoran that does not know he is Mata Nui? 84b) Is Mata Nui a tree or a land mass?
95) Could you give me quick Nocturn description?
106) Are there any more of the Barrakis species?
117a) If any other Piraka besides Zaktan got hit by The Shadowed One's eyebeems, would they also turn into Protodites? 127b) Are all of the piraka's species made out of protodites just stuck together?
138) Who made the Great Disks?
149) Which one of the Barraki could breath under water before he entered the Pit?
1510) Could you give me the order that you are going to reveal the Barrakis powers?
16Thanks for your time Mr. Farshtey:
171) No. Very, very few Matoran are destined to become Toa. 182) All of the members are 193) No 204) I cannot discuss Mata Nui's physical form 215) Nope 226) Of their individual species, yes ... of beings with the title Barraki, no 237a) No 247b) No 258) Can't answer it 269) Ehlek 2710) I don't know myself yet .. there are three more to go, depends on who I am in the mood to talk about next
28Well there they are, not much interesting info but still good.
2QUOTE 3Hi Mr. Farshtey could you answer some quick questions?
41) Is it the destiny of most matoran to turn into toa?
52) Are most the Brotherhood of Makuta's members Makutas (The species)?
63) Is the mutagenic agent in the waters of Voya Nui sentient?
74a) Is Mata Nui a Matoran that does not know he is Mata Nui? 84b) Is Mata Nui a tree or a land mass?
95) Could you give me quick Nocturn description?
106) Are there any more of the Barrakis species?
117a) If any other Piraka besides Zaktan got hit by The Shadowed One's eyebeems, would they also turn into Protodites? 127b) Are all of the piraka's species made out of protodites just stuck together?
138) Who made the Great Disks?
149) Which one of the Barraki could breath under water before he entered the Pit?
1510) Could you give me the order that you are going to reveal the Barrakis powers?
16Thanks for your time Mr. Farshtey:
171) No. Very, very few Matoran are destined to become Toa. 182) All of the members are 193) No 204) I cannot discuss Mata Nui's physical form 215) Nope 226) Of their individual species, yes ... of beings with the title Barraki, no 237a) No 247b) No 258) Can't answer it 269) Ehlek 2710) I don't know myself yet .. there are three more to go, depends on who I am in the mood to talk about next
28Well there they are, not much interesting info but still good.

1Hi Greg: Your BRD topic is becoming very popular, and I have a few questions about those underwater critters-
21) Are all the Barraki's armies (present time) sentient?
31) Um, yes. Non-sentient would mean that you can't sense anything, which would mean their armies consisted of rocks and dirt.
42) By breeding do you mean Kalmah is a caretaker and over sees the squid population of his army?
52) Yes, like a trout breeder in our world
63) Are all the squids that they use in the launchers hatchlings? Because you said that he commanded GIANT squids...
73) He commands giant squid -- that's a different species than the small squid he breeds
84) Do the launchers they hold in the story actual launch the squids or do they just point at target and release the hungry squid that chases after the target?
94) They do launch the squids, yes. Squid don't swim that fast. If you are just pointing them at a target, the target will have time dodge if they are just swimming.
105) If 2 and 3 are right, would it be possible that if Kalmah leave some hatchlings to their kin- they would grow into new warriors to serve Kalmah?
115) No
126) If a squid's host is dead, 13a)would it wander back to Kalmah, 14b)hunt some other thing, or 15c)die as well?
166) It would probably just return to its cavern
177) Are all Kalmah's giant squids/hatchlings red and orange and yellow?
187) No
198) Is Kalmah's tentacle his weapon or did he grow it during his exposure to the water?
208) That was part of his mutation
219) Is it possible the Barraki would mutate further because they are at such depths for a long time?
229) No, they are pretty much done as far as I know
24Interesting... yes?
25Vezok-Piraka of Water
1Hello Mr. F: I got some questions:
21) Are the Barraki the type of general that charges in the front lines with their troops into battle, or will they just send their troops with instructions?
32) Is it possible the new Matoran hating species is TSO's? In the DH Guide he mentions that while the "Matoran were blessed by the loving gaze of Mata Nui", his people were left out in the cold.
43) How friendly are the Barraki with each other?
54) You told me recently that Botar wouldn't take Brutaka's mask because the Pit isn't a death sentence. However, is it possible that he would switch the Olmak with another mask?
65) Why don't the Mahri Nui Matoran remember Voya Nui?
76) Axonn vows to free Brutaka. Would this act be bad enough to get Axonn sent to the Pit?
87) Many years ago, before the Toa Metru were even Toa, before the Great Cataclysm, Dume was named leader of Metru Nui. Why him?
98) If TSO has a tail, how does he sit in a throne?
109) If some Matoran went down the 777 stairs with no intention of getting the MoLi just to talk to Umbra or something, would Umbra kill them?
1110) Could Makuta escape the Pit (if he was in there) using teleportation?
1211) What prevents prisoners from leaving the Pit now that its under water?
1312) Why are Toa of Fire leaders of their teams so far in the story?
1413) Is it possible the Piraka were hoping to some how free Tahtorak? In their fortress they had carvings of Tahtorak being ridden.
1514) The BOM does not know of the OOMN's existence correct?
1615) If yes to 14, doesn't the BOM wonder where the Barraki are? I mean if 6 of your worst enemies just vanished to the Pit because of Botar, you would wonder where they are.
1716) In BL1 Vezok mentions repeatedly failing a test in opening a vault without a trace. However, in BL4 he is revealed to be a cunning thief and strategist. So what's the truth?; I mean, if you suck at leaving no trace, your not that good.
1817) Could the DH survive a mass attack on their base by Toa? 1917b) the BOM? 2017c) the Barraki's pre-Pit armies? 2117d) the Barraki's Pit armies?
2218) Why wasn't Mata Nui's health in danger during the Toa-DH War? Work in Metru Nui had stopped, the Matoran had barricaded themselves in the Coliseum, and the city was being destroyed.
2319) What was Zaktan's voice like before he became the protodite thing he is today?
2420) In BL3, when Axonn comes in, Jaller says "Who are you? What are you?" but later on the same page he says "...were Toa, Axonn:" Whats with that?
2521) Is Keetongu's species dead or just trapped in Visorak webbing?
2622) Why was Makuta's mask attacking Reidak?
2723) Why did Hakkan grab the Spear of Fusion?
2824) In BL3, Brutaka tells Hewkii that he has ridden the tornado and filled the earthquake with fear. Is this just a figure of speech or did he actually do this?
2924b) If its a figure of speech, could you give an example of what he has done please?
3025) Can the Toa Nuva share mask powers with other Toa other than Toa Nuva?
3126) Was it the attack that had begun killing Mata Nui or was it the 1,000 year abandonment of Metru Nui?
3227) How much influence does Roodaka have on Xia?
3328) Would Turaga Dume ever ally or work with Zakaz or Xia?
34T.Y. Mr. Greg: More later:
351) I see them more as fighters 362) No, good guess, though. But this species is a new one, you would not have heard of them before 373) About as friendly as you would be with people you were stuck with for 80,000 years 384) Doubtful. 395) Trauma of their city sinking and some of their friends drowning 406) Yup 417) Well, he had no doubt had a wonderful record as a Toa, so Metru Nui probably felt lucky to have him as a Turaga 428) Same way your cat sits on a couch 439) I doubt they would ever make it as far as Umbra. 4410) Possibly, but Botar would go right after him again 4511) The fact that they can't breathe air anymore. 4612) Because red sets sell best 4713) No, those were other members of his species, not him personally. Tahtorak is a species name, not a proper name 4814) Not for certain, no 4915) They know (in general) where they are 5016) But Vezok's skillful entrance into the Toa tower did not involve leaving no trace -- he just broke the lock off. The point of Bionicle Legends #1 was that he was not adept enough to open a lock without leaving a trace, and that was still true in Bionicle Legends #4. 5117) We will see if that ever happens. Any student of history knows you cannot predict a battle before it happens 5218) It probably would have been, had the war lasted longer. The Toa-DH war lasted months ... the Great Disruption in Metru Nui that DID imperil his health lasted 400 years. 5319) Only sounded like one voice, not thousands 5420) He's not asking "Who are you?" like "what's your name?" -- he is asking who are you as in, who do you represent, why are you here? 5521) Probably wiped out 5622) Because Reidak wanted to use it for personal gain -- it was like a car alarm going off 5723) Because he's a thief, and that's what thieves do, especially with things that look like weapons 5824) He's boasting 5925) Yes. They can share them with Turaga and Matoran too, that's why Tahu was able to shield Takua from the lava in MOL 6026) Neither, really. The abandonment certainly was a factor, but there were other significant factors as well. 6127) Some, but she's not its ruler 6228) He would never have allied with Zakaz. He most likely did do business with Xia in the past, directly or indirectly, but wouldn't now.
21) Are the Barraki the type of general that charges in the front lines with their troops into battle, or will they just send their troops with instructions?
32) Is it possible the new Matoran hating species is TSO's? In the DH Guide he mentions that while the "Matoran were blessed by the loving gaze of Mata Nui", his people were left out in the cold.
43) How friendly are the Barraki with each other?
54) You told me recently that Botar wouldn't take Brutaka's mask because the Pit isn't a death sentence. However, is it possible that he would switch the Olmak with another mask?
65) Why don't the Mahri Nui Matoran remember Voya Nui?
76) Axonn vows to free Brutaka. Would this act be bad enough to get Axonn sent to the Pit?
87) Many years ago, before the Toa Metru were even Toa, before the Great Cataclysm, Dume was named leader of Metru Nui. Why him?
98) If TSO has a tail, how does he sit in a throne?
109) If some Matoran went down the 777 stairs with no intention of getting the MoLi just to talk to Umbra or something, would Umbra kill them?
1110) Could Makuta escape the Pit (if he was in there) using teleportation?
1211) What prevents prisoners from leaving the Pit now that its under water?
1312) Why are Toa of Fire leaders of their teams so far in the story?
1413) Is it possible the Piraka were hoping to some how free Tahtorak? In their fortress they had carvings of Tahtorak being ridden.
1514) The BOM does not know of the OOMN's existence correct?
1615) If yes to 14, doesn't the BOM wonder where the Barraki are? I mean if 6 of your worst enemies just vanished to the Pit because of Botar, you would wonder where they are.
1716) In BL1 Vezok mentions repeatedly failing a test in opening a vault without a trace. However, in BL4 he is revealed to be a cunning thief and strategist. So what's the truth?; I mean, if you suck at leaving no trace, your not that good.
1817) Could the DH survive a mass attack on their base by Toa? 1917b) the BOM? 2017c) the Barraki's pre-Pit armies? 2117d) the Barraki's Pit armies?
2218) Why wasn't Mata Nui's health in danger during the Toa-DH War? Work in Metru Nui had stopped, the Matoran had barricaded themselves in the Coliseum, and the city was being destroyed.
2319) What was Zaktan's voice like before he became the protodite thing he is today?
2420) In BL3, when Axonn comes in, Jaller says "Who are you? What are you?" but later on the same page he says "...were Toa, Axonn:" Whats with that?
2521) Is Keetongu's species dead or just trapped in Visorak webbing?
2622) Why was Makuta's mask attacking Reidak?
2723) Why did Hakkan grab the Spear of Fusion?
2824) In BL3, Brutaka tells Hewkii that he has ridden the tornado and filled the earthquake with fear. Is this just a figure of speech or did he actually do this?
2924b) If its a figure of speech, could you give an example of what he has done please?
3025) Can the Toa Nuva share mask powers with other Toa other than Toa Nuva?
3126) Was it the attack that had begun killing Mata Nui or was it the 1,000 year abandonment of Metru Nui?
3227) How much influence does Roodaka have on Xia?
3328) Would Turaga Dume ever ally or work with Zakaz or Xia?
34T.Y. Mr. Greg: More later:
351) I see them more as fighters 362) No, good guess, though. But this species is a new one, you would not have heard of them before 373) About as friendly as you would be with people you were stuck with for 80,000 years 384) Doubtful. 395) Trauma of their city sinking and some of their friends drowning 406) Yup 417) Well, he had no doubt had a wonderful record as a Toa, so Metru Nui probably felt lucky to have him as a Turaga 428) Same way your cat sits on a couch 439) I doubt they would ever make it as far as Umbra. 4410) Possibly, but Botar would go right after him again 4511) The fact that they can't breathe air anymore. 4612) Because red sets sell best 4713) No, those were other members of his species, not him personally. Tahtorak is a species name, not a proper name 4814) Not for certain, no 4915) They know (in general) where they are 5016) But Vezok's skillful entrance into the Toa tower did not involve leaving no trace -- he just broke the lock off. The point of Bionicle Legends #1 was that he was not adept enough to open a lock without leaving a trace, and that was still true in Bionicle Legends #4. 5117) We will see if that ever happens. Any student of history knows you cannot predict a battle before it happens 5218) It probably would have been, had the war lasted longer. The Toa-DH war lasted months ... the Great Disruption in Metru Nui that DID imperil his health lasted 400 years. 5319) Only sounded like one voice, not thousands 5420) He's not asking "Who are you?" like "what's your name?" -- he is asking who are you as in, who do you represent, why are you here? 5521) Probably wiped out 5622) Because Reidak wanted to use it for personal gain -- it was like a car alarm going off 5723) Because he's a thief, and that's what thieves do, especially with things that look like weapons 5824) He's boasting 5925) Yes. They can share them with Turaga and Matoran too, that's why Tahu was able to shield Takua from the lava in MOL 6026) Neither, really. The abandonment certainly was a factor, but there were other significant factors as well. 6127) Some, but she's not its ruler 6228) He would never have allied with Zakaz. He most likely did do business with Xia in the past, directly or indirectly, but wouldn't now.
1soo tso just kinda lies on his throne like a mat orsomethin?thats not very imposing to the dark hunters.......its kinda weird too....and creepy...and awkward.....
1soo tso just kinda lies on his throne like a mat orsomethin?thats not very imposing to the dark hunters.......its kinda weird too....and creepy...and awkward.....
2He probably sits on hind legs or something...still, that's kind of awkward and unintmidating...
4Guys, I think Grg is saying the same way your cat CURLS IT'S TAIL UP on the couch. TSO probably sits like you or me, and his tail is curled up behind him.
1Does it mean that everytime a toa takes off his mask, does he turn back into a darkish color?
1Yeah, kind of like how a cat can sit up. Maybe.
2Anyway, here's a few more things from Mr. Farshtey:
2Anyway, here's a few more things from Mr. Farshtey:
31) Does the Pridak quote come from Book 7, by any chance? 41) All the quotes I am using for this topic come from Book 7
52) Do the Barraki fear the Pit jailer's reappearance, or could they care less ("Oh hey, here's the jailer, back from the dead--let's kill him again")? 62) They killed him once, so why should they?
73) Does the jailer know who killed him? 83) I can't answer this
94) Does the jailer belong to any organization? 104) Yes, he is an OOMN member

1Yeah, kind of like how a cat can sit up. Maybe.
2Anyway, here's a few more things from Mr. Farshtey:31) Does the Pridak quote come from Book 7, by any chance? 41) All the quotes I am using for this topic come from Book 7
52) Do the Barraki fear the Pit jailer's reappearance, or could they care less ("Oh hey, here's the jailer, back from the dead--let's kill him again")? 62) They killed him once, so why should they?
73) Does the jailer know who killed him? 83) I can't answer this
94) Does the jailer belong to any organization? 104) Yes, he is an OOMN member
12YES: I was hoping we'd see more OOMN members in 2007, and the fact that he's a set makes it better. Thanks for the info Jets :happy : .

1Thank Mr. Farshtey.
I don't come up with answers to these questions...
2Here are a few more from a PM Mr. Farshtey just answered:
11Comments: 121) Well, knowing the answer to #2 (and assuming that Mr. Farshtey wasn't attempting to be sneaky with that answer), I suppose it's logical to assume that they do know each other, since they obviously inhabit the same domain... 132) Hope that this answer can be taken as a "yes." 143) Ooh... 154) Now THIS is surprising. Just like the Pit jailer knowing who killed him...I don't know which is more surprising, those questions Mr. Farshtey can answer or those he can't...

2Here are a few more from a PM Mr. Farshtey just answered:
31) Do the Pit jailer and Nocturn know each other? 41) Not going to answer this yet, since neither is in the story for some time 52) Nocturn is currently in the Pit, correct? 62) Would be hard to fit him into the story if he wasn't 73) Does the fact that Pridak can rip apart BoM armor with his teeth have anything to do with storyline, or does that just appear in the Encyclopedia or something? 83) I think it has to do with the story, yes 94) BoM armor is just thick solid protodermis, right? 104) Can't answer it
11Comments: 121) Well, knowing the answer to #2 (and assuming that Mr. Farshtey wasn't attempting to be sneaky with that answer), I suppose it's logical to assume that they do know each other, since they obviously inhabit the same domain... 132) Hope that this answer can be taken as a "yes." 143) Ooh... 154) Now THIS is surprising. Just like the Pit jailer knowing who killed him...I don't know which is more surprising, those questions Mr. Farshtey can answer or those he can't...

1Jet, GREAT info. I think number 4 is the most revealing and interesting even though he doesn't answer it. His not wanting to answer it tells us a LOT. And the jailer is an OOMN member
2Jet, GREAT info. I think number 4 is the most revealing and interesting even though he doesn't answer it. His not wanting to answer it tells us a LOT. And the jailer is an OOMN member

2Jet, GREAT info. I think number 4 is the most revealing and interesting even though he doesn't answer it. His not wanting to answer it tells us a LOT. And the jailer is an OOMN member