1Hello Greg, I hope these will be easy![]()
21.-Will the Inika be in BL6?
32.-Will the Inika meet Dekar or Defilak next year?
43.-Will The Inika meet the Mahri?
54.-Will we know about the Nuva´s new mission in 2007?
6thanks in advance
71) No 82-3) You''ll find out when we tell the story 94) I think so, yes
10No Inika in BL6?, that´s sad

1My questions
16His reply
2Hi Greg. I have some questions for you
31. Is toa Iruini's mask in the shape of the mask of stealth
42. Are the toa Hagah's masks in the shapes of the masks of the toa of the first toa team
53. Will we learn more about Dume's toa team
64. Does the member of the first toa team we will meet have a regular element or a legendary element
75. What caused the 6 month time slip
86. Is the Brotherhood of Makuta doing anything other then fighting the Dark Hunters
97. Will the Dark Hunters be in any more books soon
108. Is anybody we know of besides the Barakii in the pit
119. How did Makuta make Mata Nui fall asleep
1210. Why doesn't Artahka do something about Mata Nui's situation
1311. since time is the 4th deminsion, can a person wearing the mask of deminsional gates travel through time
1412. Can the mask of deminsional gates send something big (like an island) into another deminsion
15Well that's all I have for now. Thanks in advance.
16His reply
171) No. It would make no sense for Iruini to be wearing a mask in tribute to a Toa who betrayed his friends. 182) No. 193) I don't have plans for that, no, because we aren't planning more flashback stories. 204) Regular 215) Mata Nui did in cooperation with the Order 226) Yes 237) Probably '08 248) Brutaka is 259) Hasn't been revealed 2610) Like what? It is the Inika's destiny to save his life, and the Nuva's destiny to wake him up, so Artakha cannot do either. 2711) No. There is no time travel in BIONICLE. Time travel is the quickest way to wreck a continuing storyline. 2812) Not the mask itself, but if one had a larger version with more power, it's possible.
1Hi Greg, I was wondering if you could answer these.
21. Since the Barraki are available on Toys R Us.com and we're only about 30 days away from January, could you please possibly list each Barraki's powers? I would appreciate it very very much.
32. Is Umbra from Artahka?
43. Is "Umbra" his original name, or just a nickname?
54. Do others of his species have wheels on their feet?
6Thanks for answering, even if you are unable to answer the first one.
7-the Traitor
81) I will, yes, when I am back from the holiday 92) No 103) Umbra is what the Great Beings named him 114) There are no others of his species
6So we now know what Umbra's (I believe Greg had meant to say Rhotuka) Rhotuka power is: 7I think he misunderstood my question though?
2Hi Greg I know this hasn't been touched on yet but since Umbra is over 100,000 years old is it possible that he might have been created along with Artakha and Karzhani (the beings) ?
4He was created by the Great Beings, yes.
5BTW, you get to be the first person to know his zamor power -- it creates hard light projections
6So we now know what Umbra's (I believe Greg had meant to say Rhotuka) Rhotuka power is: 7I think he misunderstood my question though?
11.)You said the Great Beings were somewhere else when they created Artakha...Where 'else'? Where 'else' is there?
22.)Are all of the Great Beings of the same power level? I mean, are some stronger than others?
33.) So Great Beings are physical beings? I always imagined them as spirits.
44.)How many Toa teams actually got the mask of life?
56.)You said the mask has to be somewhere before it can be used...Is that placed the 2007 location? The 'lost land'? 66b.) If not...Why did the mask go there? Clearly there are some...problems there, but I don't see the mask leading the Inika there to save those matoran.
77.) How dire is the Lost Land's matron's predicument? I mean, are they dying, starving? Being attack by vicious crabs? *Glances at Pridak*
88.) Are the Lost Land's matoran living IN the water, or in the air?
911.)Will Krakha and that..Tahnorak, or however you spell it, play a role in 2007? If so, how big?
1012.) How is Krakha's sanity right now? She was stuck a thousand years in complete darkness with the only being to talk to her only willing to say one sentance. 1112b.) Speaking of which...How did they avoid starving? I don't see any food growing there, much less enough for a five-story lizard. 1212c) On that, why did she stay with Tahnorak at all?
1313.) On a note to that, is krahka still 'good'? I mean, she seemed good in 2005, but what she was doing was partially for personal gain....
1414.) Will the piraka play a role in 2007? If so, above or below the waves?
151) Overall, I can't answer it, but do recall what has been stated repeatedly -- that the Great Beings have left the Matoran universe. That means there has to be an "else" for them to go to. 162) I haven't decided 173) No, they do have physical forms. 184) One 196) No 206b) Because that is on the way to where it has to go. 217) You'll find out when we start the story. 228) See answer to #7 2311) No 2412) Krahka is fine. 2512b) Simple. Tahtorak, like some creatures in our world (like crocs) doesn't need to eat all that often ... and Krahka just morphed into something that didn't need to eat more than once every few thousand years 2612c) Why not? He wasn't a threat to her, and it is always better to have company than to be alone. 2713) I have always seen Krahka as a shade of gray character. She's not a hero, she's not evil ... she is somewhere in the middle, where most Rahi are. 2814) Before the change in the book schedule, they were going to, now I do not know when/if I will be able to fit them in.
29Ah, poor greg. Having to answer questions on the night before Thanksgiving. Or THanksgiving itself, I didn't even check the time I got this. Anyway.... Matoran with amnesia. How odd.
1Me:2Hi Greg I know this hasn't been touched on yet but since Umbra is over 100,000 years old is it possible that he might have been created along with Artakha and Karzhani (the beings) ?
3Him:4He was created by the Great Beings, yes.
5BTW, you get to be the first person to know his zamor power -- it creates hard light projections
6So we now know what Umbra's (I believe Greg had meant to say Rhotuka) Rhotuka power is: 7I think he misunderstood my question though?
8Hmm, and here I thought he would stay adamant against giving him more powers (Rhotuka or Zamor, whichever he meant.) I just hope the mask stays the same-it's a powerless Ruru, let's just keep it that way.
1Me:2Hi Greg I know this hasn't been touched on yet but since Umbra is over 100,000 years old is it possible that he might have been created along with Artakha and Karzhani (the beings) ?
3Him:4He was created by the Great Beings, yes.
5BTW, you get to be the first person to know his zamor power -- it creates hard light projections
6So we now know what Umbra's (I believe Greg had meant to say Rhotuka) Rhotuka power is: 7I think he misunderstood my question though?
8Hmm, and here I thought he would stay adamant against giving him more powers (Rhotuka or Zamor, whichever he meant.) I just hope the mask stays the same-it's a powerless Ruru, let's just keep it that way.
9Well seeing as how Umbra comes with a Rhotuka Spinner and not a Zamor Sphere launcher, I'd go with Rhotuka Spinner.
1I'm pretty positve that Bionicle Legends#5 spoliers are not allowed yet.
11.If there were enough demand, would you write bios for the 2-way Piraka Combiners, Exo-Raptor, or Bahrag Spider?
22.Is the Boxor Alternate Model in the storyline, like an advanced Boxor?
33.Will there be combiners for Matoran, Hydruka, Barraki, or anything next year?
54.Could you give me a tidbit from the story bible about the Nui Caves?
65.If the 2-way Piraka combos were in the story, would they be Rahi?
76.What are the Piraka classified as, Primates, Reptiles, etc?
81) It's really not a question of demand. It's more a question of how I spend my time -- do I spend it working on 2007 and 2008 stuff that will be in the story, or go back and do bios for characters who never appeared in the story and aren't going to? 92) Not that I am aware of. If it wasn't online or in the comics, then it wasn't in the story. 103) Not ones in the instructions, but we will have Barraki combos in the magazine and in BrickMaster. 114) Nothing really to share on them. They aren't mentioned much in the bible. 125) Most likely they would have been 136) I don't know if you can classify them using Earth biology
1QUOTE 2QUOTE 3Hello Greg, I hope these will be easy
41.-Will the Inika be in BL6?
52.-Will the Inika meet Dekar or Defilak next year?
63.-Will The Inika meet the Mahri?
74.-Will we know about the Nuva´s new mission in 2007?
8thanks in advance
91) No 102-3) You''ll find out when we tell the story 114) I think so, yes
12No Inika in BL6?, that´s sad
13well its probably a sure thing that the mahri are the inika its the inikas destiny to save mata nui they have to be in 2007 what they gonna do just sit around on voya nui and watch the rahi while the barraki have the mask of life im not sure but i think greg not knowingly comfirmed that the inika become the mahri some how
1Or maybe the story just doesn't focus on the Inika in the first book? They did the same thing with the first two books this year.
1Or maybe the story just doesn't focus on the Inika in the first book? They did the same thing with the first two books this year.
2Correct. 3The first book of this year focuses on the Barakki. . . and I'm assuming their arival to the Pit, etc. I hope it goes into detail the personalities of the Matoran. The S@H bios just weren't enough.
1I got some answers from Greg about a couple of things that are bothering me(but unfortunately nothing about Jovan.)
2I assume we won't be going in detail into Jovan's team's quest for the Moli, so I had some questions.If you haven't decided, then just give what it might be or nothing.
31.What were the fears of Jovan's team when they went in the Chamber of Fear?
42.Did they face the canisters like the Piraka or the Protodax, Umbra, and Chamber of Death route? 52b.If it was canisters, did they make it through?
6Now I have some more questions.
73.You said that Jovan's team was the only team to get the Moli.Did anyone else start to go down there?
84.Did they seal off the 777 stairs that were unveiled by Hakann's heat vision?
95.Is the Chamber of the Moli under Valmai, meaning it stretches from its entrance to Valmai?
106.Was Valmai ever dormant?
117. Did the Great beings know where the Ignika was to be used?
128.Does Mata nui know?
139.Does anyone who was not on Voya Nui at the time of the Moli's ascent know it has been taken?
14Thanks in advance.
151-2) Not stuff I have worried about. I have to focus on story I am actually going to tell, so I can't spend time on details of story I am not telling. 163) Non-Toa have, yes 174) No. The mask did that. 185) Not directly under, no 196) Not to my knowledge 207) Yes 218) Probably, yes 229) Yes. The Dark Hunters watching the island would have seen it plunge into the water.
23Number 7 seems interesting.
2I assume we won't be going in detail into Jovan's team's quest for the Moli, so I had some questions.If you haven't decided, then just give what it might be or nothing.
31.What were the fears of Jovan's team when they went in the Chamber of Fear?
42.Did they face the canisters like the Piraka or the Protodax, Umbra, and Chamber of Death route? 52b.If it was canisters, did they make it through?
6Now I have some more questions.
73.You said that Jovan's team was the only team to get the Moli.Did anyone else start to go down there?
84.Did they seal off the 777 stairs that were unveiled by Hakann's heat vision?
95.Is the Chamber of the Moli under Valmai, meaning it stretches from its entrance to Valmai?
106.Was Valmai ever dormant?
117. Did the Great beings know where the Ignika was to be used?
128.Does Mata nui know?
139.Does anyone who was not on Voya Nui at the time of the Moli's ascent know it has been taken?
14Thanks in advance.
151-2) Not stuff I have worried about. I have to focus on story I am actually going to tell, so I can't spend time on details of story I am not telling. 163) Non-Toa have, yes 174) No. The mask did that. 185) Not directly under, no 196) Not to my knowledge 207) Yes 218) Probably, yes 229) Yes. The Dark Hunters watching the island would have seen it plunge into the water.
23Number 7 seems interesting.
1hmmmm so if the DH saw the mask go under water, would they fgollow it out of curiosity??
1Here's some of the questions I asked. Be warned, though. As two of them have Ignition #5 spoilers in them:
2Hi Greg: I have some questions for you:
31) Are you having a nice Thanksgiving?
42) On the part of Ignition #5 it showed Vezok frozen. Who froze him? Weren't 5him and the other Piraka knocked out? Did Matoro freeze him?
63) You said Vezon was orginally going to appear in Bionicle Legends#7, but 7since there wasn't enough room in it, it was scraped. But the question is, 8how would Vezon get unfrozen? Because in the 5th Iginition comic he and Kardas 9were frozen in time and space.
10That's all for now and Happy Thanksgiving: 11From, Toa Nuhrii: Toa of Sugar.
121) Yes 132) He wasn't frozen, he was in a stasis field 143) Because the power of the zamor sphere that caused that would eventually 15expire.
31) Are you having a nice Thanksgiving?
42) On the part of Ignition #5 it showed Vezok frozen. Who froze him? Weren't 5him and the other Piraka knocked out? Did Matoro freeze him?
63) You said Vezon was orginally going to appear in Bionicle Legends#7, but 7since there wasn't enough room in it, it was scraped. But the question is, 8how would Vezon get unfrozen? Because in the 5th Iginition comic he and Kardas 9were frozen in time and space.
10That's all for now and Happy Thanksgiving: 11From, Toa Nuhrii: Toa of Sugar.
121) Yes 132) He wasn't frozen, he was in a stasis field 143) Because the power of the zamor sphere that caused that would eventually 15expire.
1Hiyah. I know that not all elements of of the MNOLG are canon, but what about the underground sundial? Will we ever learn what happened every day at four o'clock? I'm very interested about the subject, myself. Was it something really significant, or was it something like it would open each day to let rahi in to be infected by Makuta?
2The sundial is canon. However, I recently contacted the web producer for info on it, and have not heard back yet. I wasn't involved in writing MNOG and have no idea what the writers of the game intended the sundial to be or what role it was supposed to fulfill.
1Hello Mr. F: I have some questions: Hope you had a good Thanksgiving: Thank you in advance.
21) If I bought 2 Barraki and built 1, would I be able to build the other without the instructions?
32) Are the Matoran leaders from the Great Disruption still alive?
43) In BL5, when hit by Irnakk's Zamor Spheres, Reidak and Vezok begin to battle one another. What were they expeiriencing when hit by the spheres?
54) Could you pretty please reveal the Barraki's powers?
65) Why did you become the author of the Bionicle books? What happened to C. A. Hapka?
76) How do you become a member of the OOMN?
87) What colors can Sidorak's species be?
98) Are there any physical signs that Mata Nui is dying other than he is sleeping?
108b) If so, what are they?
119) Basically, it's easy to get to Mata Nui the trick is finding where he is right?
1210) Does the OOMN know where Mata Nui is?
1311) Why do the Xians deny knowing where the Kanohi Dragon is?
1412) Are all the people of Zakaz brutal and I guess evil/bad like the Piraka?
1513) Does Xia supply the BOM?
1614) Does the BOM have a navy or at least a fleet of ships?
1715) What will the OOMN do if Botar ever goes rogue?
18Thank you for your time Mr. Farshtey.
191) Since I have not built any (we don't have them in the company store yet) it is impossible for me to answer this accurately. 202) Probably 213) The fact that neither one could beat the other 224) Not until later in the week. 235) Cathy Hapka is a freelance writer with a lot of credits -- if you look her up on Amazon, you'll see that. Scholastic had worked with her before and so felt comfortable using her. After about a year, Cathy decided she wanted to move on to other projects and Scholastic decided to use me. Having someone on the story team write the books makes for less LEGO approval issues. Cathy is out there doing other books. 246) You get recruited 257) Really not something I am worrying about 268) Such as what? 279) I would say it is easy and it is not really a trick. The trick is knowing you've found him. 2810) No 2911) First off, Xian is not the correct name. Second, why should they admit to having something they might be able to use and let someone else come seize it? 3012) It's a very violent place, yes 3113) It supplies whoever is willing to pay 3214) Haven't decided. 3315) You're asking a hypothetical and there are no plans for that to happen, so not much point in my answering it
21) If I bought 2 Barraki and built 1, would I be able to build the other without the instructions?
32) Are the Matoran leaders from the Great Disruption still alive?
43) In BL5, when hit by Irnakk's Zamor Spheres, Reidak and Vezok begin to battle one another. What were they expeiriencing when hit by the spheres?
54) Could you pretty please reveal the Barraki's powers?
65) Why did you become the author of the Bionicle books? What happened to C. A. Hapka?
76) How do you become a member of the OOMN?
87) What colors can Sidorak's species be?
98) Are there any physical signs that Mata Nui is dying other than he is sleeping?
108b) If so, what are they?
119) Basically, it's easy to get to Mata Nui the trick is finding where he is right?
1210) Does the OOMN know where Mata Nui is?
1311) Why do the Xians deny knowing where the Kanohi Dragon is?
1412) Are all the people of Zakaz brutal and I guess evil/bad like the Piraka?
1513) Does Xia supply the BOM?
1614) Does the BOM have a navy or at least a fleet of ships?
1715) What will the OOMN do if Botar ever goes rogue?
18Thank you for your time Mr. Farshtey.
191) Since I have not built any (we don't have them in the company store yet) it is impossible for me to answer this accurately. 202) Probably 213) The fact that neither one could beat the other 224) Not until later in the week. 235) Cathy Hapka is a freelance writer with a lot of credits -- if you look her up on Amazon, you'll see that. Scholastic had worked with her before and so felt comfortable using her. After about a year, Cathy decided she wanted to move on to other projects and Scholastic decided to use me. Having someone on the story team write the books makes for less LEGO approval issues. Cathy is out there doing other books. 246) You get recruited 257) Really not something I am worrying about 268) Such as what? 279) I would say it is easy and it is not really a trick. The trick is knowing you've found him. 2810) No 2911) First off, Xian is not the correct name. Second, why should they admit to having something they might be able to use and let someone else come seize it? 3012) It's a very violent place, yes 3113) It supplies whoever is willing to pay 3214) Haven't decided. 3315) You're asking a hypothetical and there are no plans for that to happen, so not much point in my answering it
1-- "What in the story not the marketing dictates the red guy has to be leader?" You talk about them as if they are two different things. They're not. Story exists to sell sets. Also, I would point out that the green Piraka was the leader and the white Barraki is the leader , so your theory already does not hold water.
2Got it from a topic over in S&T: Pridak is the leader of the Barraki:
1QUOTE 2Dear GregF:
3I have several questons concerning Mata-Nui's "health?"
41) Does Mata-Nui's health hinge on Metru-Nuis productivity or a large part of it?
52) Can it be any island. IE if the Mata-Nui was awake and the Matoran where well on Mata-Nui (island) would it be the same?
63) Can you give a hint of where the Ignika needs to be to work?
74) What is the status on the controversol Bionicle Legends book? 84b) If it has been cancled can you tell us the Bohrok secret now?
95) Can the Pit have sentences. IE You spend five years in the pit or ten or ten thousand?
106) What was the origanal pit like?
117) Why can't Brutaka Olmak his way out?
128) Is there more than one being with Botars job?
139) Can you tell me some of Botars powers?
1410) How would Mata-Nui treat Makuta when he wakes up? 1510b) How would Makuta act towards him?
1611) Where the BOM pretty much scientists and geneticists? If so what for?
17Last Q) One of the Matoran said that maybe the Bohrok "evolved" to the point of being totaly mechanicle (the BOM also "evolved" you said.), how is that possible seeing as there is no reproduction in bionicle so genes can't be passed on and small mutations ocure. How do things evolve in Bionicle?
18Sincerly 19-Leviathen. [/QUOTE]
201) To some extent, yes 212) No. Has nothing to do with the health of the Matoran, has to do with them working in Metru Nui 223) No 234) It is way past the point where it could get on the schedule where it needed to be -- to work within the story, it had to be a spring '07 book, I am now finishing the book for October '07. The info will be in the Encyclopedia and possibly on BIONICLE.com next year. 245) Pit is for eternity. 256) A prison in a dome 267) He could, but he would just be hunted down and sent back there. 278) No 289) No 2910) Mata Nui would probably not be too pleased 3010b) Makuta would probably be defiant. What would be the point of being anything else? 3111) I wouldn't say geneticists, no, because to be a geneticist, there must be genes and biological reproduction, which there isn't in BIONICLE 3212) Well, we say that, for example, computers have evolved from being big, clunky things in the '90s to the mini-laptops we have now -- no genes involved there. We also know that transformation plays a part in BIONICLE, which can be a form of evolution. If a being changes, that can be considered an evolution.
33Just some stuff I got from Greg. Specificly some very useful stuff about how much Metru-Nui hinges on Mata-Nui.
3I have several questons concerning Mata-Nui's "health?"
41) Does Mata-Nui's health hinge on Metru-Nuis productivity or a large part of it?
52) Can it be any island. IE if the Mata-Nui was awake and the Matoran where well on Mata-Nui (island) would it be the same?
63) Can you give a hint of where the Ignika needs to be to work?
74) What is the status on the controversol Bionicle Legends book? 84b) If it has been cancled can you tell us the Bohrok secret now?
95) Can the Pit have sentences. IE You spend five years in the pit or ten or ten thousand?
106) What was the origanal pit like?
117) Why can't Brutaka Olmak his way out?
128) Is there more than one being with Botars job?
139) Can you tell me some of Botars powers?
1410) How would Mata-Nui treat Makuta when he wakes up? 1510b) How would Makuta act towards him?
1611) Where the BOM pretty much scientists and geneticists? If so what for?
17Last Q) One of the Matoran said that maybe the Bohrok "evolved" to the point of being totaly mechanicle (the BOM also "evolved" you said.), how is that possible seeing as there is no reproduction in bionicle so genes can't be passed on and small mutations ocure. How do things evolve in Bionicle?
18Sincerly 19-Leviathen. [/QUOTE]
201) To some extent, yes 212) No. Has nothing to do with the health of the Matoran, has to do with them working in Metru Nui 223) No 234) It is way past the point where it could get on the schedule where it needed to be -- to work within the story, it had to be a spring '07 book, I am now finishing the book for October '07. The info will be in the Encyclopedia and possibly on BIONICLE.com next year. 245) Pit is for eternity. 256) A prison in a dome 267) He could, but he would just be hunted down and sent back there. 278) No 289) No 2910) Mata Nui would probably not be too pleased 3010b) Makuta would probably be defiant. What would be the point of being anything else? 3111) I wouldn't say geneticists, no, because to be a geneticist, there must be genes and biological reproduction, which there isn't in BIONICLE 3212) Well, we say that, for example, computers have evolved from being big, clunky things in the '90s to the mini-laptops we have now -- no genes involved there. We also know that transformation plays a part in BIONICLE, which can be a form of evolution. If a being changes, that can be considered an evolution.
33Just some stuff I got from Greg. Specificly some very useful stuff about how much Metru-Nui hinges on Mata-Nui.

19) Basically, it's easy to get to Mata Nui the trick is finding where he is right? 29) I would say it is easy and it is not really a trick. The trick is knowing you've found him.
3:::GYAH::: So obviously Mata Nui does not resemble what anyone would expect him to look like. I picture a massive white and gold being sleeping on a stone table... so thats not what he looks like now. If you look at the great spirit Mata Nui and do not recognize him, he is obviously does not look out of the ordinary.
1:::GYAH::: So obviously Mata Nui does not resemble what anyone would expect him to look like. I picture a massive white and gold being sleeping on a stone table... so thats not what he looks like now. If you look at the great spirit Mata Nui and do not recognize him, he is obviously does not look out of the ordinary.
2Interesting. What if he was disguised, so that nobody disturbed him?
3Or maybe he looks exactly like a Fikou.
2Since you confirmed Pridak is the Barraki leader, I decided to ask some questions on him
31. What type of a leader is he? Demanding, Selfish? 42. He has always been the leader right? 53. Do the others accept him as a leader? 64. Would it be possible you could give me any random fact about him? Power, weapon? Its alright if you would prefer not to
7Thanks Greg
2Since you confirmed Pridak is the Barraki leader, I decided to ask some questions on him
31. What type of a leader is he? Demanding, Selfish? 42. He has always been the leader right? 53. Do the others accept him as a leader? 64. Would it be possible you could give me any random fact about him? Power, weapon? Its alright if you would prefer not to
7Thanks Greg
81) Hard. Unsympathetic. Ruthless. 92) Yes 103) With some reservations ... they respect him, but they also bristle a little at his attitude, because they are all rulers and conquerors and don't want to be treated like followers. 114) Beyond his shark like abilties, we didn't give Pridak any special powers. He doesn't really need them, and BZP has complained all year about the Piraka having too many powers, so we cut way back on that.
1On Topic: 2Whoah: This Pridak info is awesome: Shark abilities eh? That would be Sonar, Sense blood, and very bad eyesight. There has to be a little bit of supernatural power in there Greg:
5Ok, though this is off Topic, the game does not follow the exact storyline. If I am not mistaken, the Piraka transformed the Matoran into those villains. Not enslaved them. Also, Balta, I believe is the Hero of the game. He found the Kanohi Calix and put it on. As you find more masks in the level, you become that Toa.
4Why in "bionicleheroes" participate bohrok, rahkshi, vahki, visorak, roodaka and sidorak if they already for a long time are dead?![]()
5Ok, though this is off Topic, the game does not follow the exact storyline. If I am not mistaken, the Piraka transformed the Matoran into those villains. Not enslaved them. Also, Balta, I believe is the Hero of the game. He found the Kanohi Calix and put it on. As you find more masks in the level, you become that Toa.
1You say that the trick to finding Mata Nui is knowing that you've found him. Does that mean:
2a: Mata Nui is "asleep", like say a sleeper agent. He's walking around, but unaware of who he really is?
3b: Something other than what would appear to be a sentient life?
42: Not sure if you can answer this, but may you please list the Barraki's powers?
53: What is in the water that changes things?
64: Are there other Matoran types other than Fire, Ice, Water, Stone, Earth, Air, and Light?
75: Is there something special about the six standard Matoran types which he have known for the past years?
86: Are certain Matoran types from certain regions. IE: A Matoran of Sonics would be from a totally different island than a Toa of Fire?
97: Are Matoran of Light from Artakha?
108: Will the BoM play a larger role in 2007?
119: What exactly makes the Barraki work together as a team?
129a: What exactly would have caused them to work together?
1310: I take it that Vezon would be rather vindictive against the Ignika and the Toa right about now. Will we see more of him next year?
14Thanks for your time:
15Closer to B than A.
162) Doing this later in the week 173) A mutagenic agent 184) Yes 195) Only that they live on Metru Nui 206) Not really, no 217) No 228) No 239) The Barraki have an alliance that dates back 80,000 years 2410) That was the original plan, but with the change to the book schedule, I may not have room
1Here's some stuff I got from Mr. Farshtey a little bit ago, containing some really interesting stuff about the water off of Voya Nui and other 2007 notes of interest...
21) Is the mutagenic agent in the waters surrounding Voya Nui/Mahri Nui related to something that we know of already (Visorak venom, Roodaka's Rhotuka, whatever it was that transformed six Bohrok into Bohrok-Kal and a kraata into a Kraata-Kal)? 31) Not that I am aware of 42) Is that agent what caused Defilak and Dekar to look like what they do now? 52) Yes 63) Does that agent affect everybody (i.e. Brutaka, etc.)? 73) Almost everybody -- we know of at least one case of immunity 84) How long does it take for noticeable effects to occur (i.e. with Visorak venom and Roodaka's Rhotuka, the effect was instantaneous)? 94) Depends on how much you are exposed to 105) Did Pridak's becoming the leader of the Barraki have something to do with the Barraki's alliance (i.e. as a term of the alliance agreement, etc.)? 115) No, it was more by right of being the most dominant personality 126) So, basically the Pit is supposed to be a death sentence (since one is condemned to be exiled in there for an eternity with the rest of the scum of the universe)? 136) Pretty much. I liken it to a medieval device, a hole in the floor of a dungeon called an "oubliette" (sp?) which translated into "little place of forgetting." You tossed people you didn't like down the hole and then just forgot they were there.

11) Could there ever be the possibility of a non-humanoid Toa? I know you mentioned something about it way back when everyone was trying to figure out how Nidhiki got his odd form, but it was never elaborated on. So if a Matoran's visualization of a Toa was a non-humanoid being, could that Matoran become a non-humanoid Toa? 21) I think it would have to be a case of a humanoid Toa turned into a non-humanoid and yet remaining as a Toa. I can't see a Matoran turning into a non-humanoid.
32) What would happen if a Matoran became a Toa while not wearing a mask? Would he simply become a maskless Toa? Or would something else happen? 42) Most likely, he would be a maskless Toa initially
53) The six suva on Mata-Nui, were they just replicas of the Toa Suva from Metru-Nui? 63a) Also, did the Toa Metru make them? 73) It is possible the design was based off the Toa Suva, but they were built by the Matoran.
84) In the OGDT someone recently posted an answer from you where they used the term "Xian" to describe the inhabitants of Xia, and you said that "Xian" was not the correct term to use. What exactly did you mean by that? (did you just mean that "Xian" is not the species name?) 94) Exactly. Xia is the island name, Xian is not the name of the inhabitants
106) You may not be able to answer this one: You've said that the Barraki's powers have been toned down quite a bit this year, does that mean that they all just have one or two power(s) each? (if they have any power at all) Or does it mean that the strength (or the effects) of their powers is not as dangerous? 116) It means fewer powers in number, by a lot.
128) Do you know if any new (or how many) Matoran word definitions will be released this year? 138) Impossible for me to say at this point, because there will be a lot of story told on BIONICLE.com etc. that hasn't been written yet
1I think maybe this is interesting:
2Hi, Mr. Farshtey. I want to ask about a geographical fact:
3-Karzahni is in an underground dome. Jaller and his companions took their canisters there and Voya Nui is on surface's planet. How these Matorans had travelled from Karzahni to Voya Nui?
4Thank you for your time.
5Toa travel canisters can move through solid rock as well as travel underwater, so taking them to Voya Nui was not that hard.
1Some more from Mr. Farshtey:
21) Where did the Takadox quote come from? 31) Book 7 42) Does the fact that the inhabitants of Xia deny the Kanohi Dragon's existence on their island appear in the Atlas/Encyclopedia? 52) Don't recall 63) Out of curiosity--are Roodaka and her species (and a Kanohi Dragon of course) the only ones on their island? 73) There are a very, very small amount of Rahi species on Xia -- most Rahi cannot survive there. And yes, her species is the only intelligent species on the island. There are no Matoran there.

1I think maybe this is interesting:
2Hi, Mr. Farshtey. I want to ask about a geographical fact:
3-Karzahni is in an underground dome. Jaller and his companions took their canisters there and Voya Nui is on surface's planet. How these Matorans had travelled from Karzahni to Voya Nui?
4Thank you for your time.
5Toa travel canisters can move through solid rock as well as travel underwater, so taking them to Voya Nui was not that hard.
6Well, in Bionicle Legends #2, when they entered the canisters, it said that they went through solid rock with ease, so I don't think this is interesting.
7EDIT: Just got this from Greg:
8Are the Barraki's armies organic or biomechanical? I suppose they're organic, coming from the outer Pit (which I think is the bottom of the surface sea), because I don't think that some squids would be banished to the Pit (Now known as the inner Pit, right?). 9Their armies are organic
10When you say that Kalmah "breeds" the squids, you mean that he trains them and stuff, not that he produces them, right? I know it sounds dumb, but some members are asking about this. 11No, Kalmah does not produce the squid. The squid are purely organic and hatch from eggs
1I have seven other questions considered spoilers, the answers to which I'll post in two weeks.
3Mr. Farshtey:
4Just a few questions I have:
51. How do you pronounce the Voya-Nui Ta-Matoran Dezalk's name? 61) DAY-zallk.
72. Will Axonn be "disavowed" by the Order of Mata Nui for revealing himself to the Matoran of Voya-Nui? 82) No. He did what he had to do, he really had no other choice.
93. Will we see a new Vezon "headpiece" (in plastic) without the fused Ignika? 103) No, because there are no plans to re-release Vezon as a set.
114. Is it true that we will "see" the Piraka again in some form in 2008, and if so will it be in plastic? 124) No product plans are finalized for 2008 yet, but I know of no plans to re-release the Piraka as sets. 13I do expect them to pop back up in story, however.
14Thank you in advance for your time and answers...........~
1Some more info from Mr. Farshtey, including a confirmation and something from a long time back...
23) Do you think Axonn is the only one who is...uncomfortable around Botar?33) No, I think Botar makes everyone uncomfortable.
41) Where does the Kalmah quote come from? 51) Book 7
62) Okay, this is a really big question:
7I have gathered a lot of info on the Barraki, the Fourth Faction, and Makuta:19All this to say (the longhand way of course)...
- 8The Barraki's main goal is to become what they once were: conquerors and rulers.
- 9The Barraki hates the Brotherhood, and wants all of its members dead.
- 10The BoM thinks that the Barraki are a threat to it.
- 11The Barraki know of the Makuta of Metru Nui.
- 12Makuta (the one we all know and love) has met the Barraki, and he dislikes them a lot. (You've hinted that this is partly because Makuta sees himself in them.)
- 13The Barraki know of the Fourth Faction, and vice versa.
- 14Both the Barraki and some of the BoM's most bitter enemies make a debut in 2007.
- 15The BoM has not fought the aforementioned bitter enemies for around 80,000 years--roughly the same amount of time the Barraki have been in the Pit.
- 16The Fourth Faction is alive today, and "they want to be more than they are."
- 17The Fourth Faction's alliance with the island of Xia had to do with weaponry. Barraki are "warlords," and they think in military terms.
- 18The Fourth Faction has made other alliances, apart from Xia. The Barraki are bound by an alliance.
20a. Are the Barraki the Fourth Faction? 21b. If not a., are the Barraki part of the Fourth Faction? 22c. Are the Barraki the BoM's bitter enemies? 232a) They were, yes 242c) Yes
253) Does the "first thing made by the Great Beings" fact appear in the Atlas/Encyclopedia? 263) Encyclopedia

[img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img] You betrayed Greg Farshtey: [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img] [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img]
2In that quote he says that you can't post it till City of the Lost comes out. [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img]