1This first Toa... A Toa of Water... Will be only briefly mentioned in the second encyclopedia volume, yes? Well, why only briefly? Why not even state her name? That brings up a haunting question in the back of my mind... Is her single appearance a flashback of sorts? A simple statement saying that she was the first Toa? As in she is dead and and this recollection is but a memory? Or is she still alive (highly unlikely if you ask me), and we are told where she is now?
21) She is mentioned, I believe, in the timeline in the March issue of BrickMaster. She isn't given a name because it costs $9000 or so to clear a name through Legal. If she's not actually going to appear in story, beyond a mention that she existed and the role she played, there is no reason to waste a name off the pre-approved name list on her. She isn't appearing in a flashback because she isn't appearing in one of the books or comics.
3So, umm, she's dead then, right?
4I actually haven't decided that, but regardless, she's not appearing in the story.

1This first Toa... A Toa of Water... Will be only briefly mentioned in the second encyclopedia volume, yes? Well, why only briefly? Why not even state her name? That brings up a haunting question in the back of my mind... Is her single appearance a flashback of sorts? A simple statement saying that she was the first Toa? As in she is dead and and this recollection is but a memory? Or is she still alive (highly unlikely if you ask me), and we are told where she is now?
21) She is mentioned, I believe, in the timeline in the March issue of BrickMaster. She isn't given a name because it costs $9000 or so to clear a name through Legal. If she's not actually going to appear in story, beyond a mention that she existed and the role she played, there is no reason to waste a name off the pre-approved name list on her. She isn't appearing in a flashback because she isn't appearing in one of the books or comics.
3So, umm, she's dead then, right?
4I actually haven't decided that, but regardless, she's not appearing in the story.
5Maybe I shouldn't have been so confusing with that first PM.
6I don't understand it either. But I didn't know the first Toa was a Toa of Water. That sounds... strange. I think Greg makes sense, but you don't.

11.Will the matoran of metru-nui go back to usuing kanoka disks? 22.Was the reason OOMN gave Ehlek's species's protsteel claws because it's BOM armour's only weakness? 36) It's possible, yes 47) Yes
5Nothing really important here...I think. And by the way Vesuvius, Hydraxon probably challenged Nocturn 'cause he will or already has got the mask of Life
5Nothing really important here...I think. And by the way Vesuvius, Hydraxon probably challenged Nocturn 'cause he will or already has got the mask of Life
1This first Toa... A Toa of Water... Will be only briefly mentioned in the second encyclopedia volume, yes? Well, why only briefly? Why not even state her name? That brings up a haunting question in the back of my mind... Is her single appearance a flashback of sorts? A simple statement saying that she was the first Toa? As in she is dead and and this recollection is but a memory? Or is she still alive (highly unlikely if you ask me), and we are told where she is now?
21) She is mentioned, I believe, in the timeline in the March issue of BrickMaster. She isn't given a name because it costs $9000 or so to clear a name through Legal. If she's not actually going to appear in story, beyond a mention that she existed and the role she played, there is no reason to waste a name off the pre-approved name list on her. She isn't appearing in a flashback because she isn't appearing in one of the books or comics.
3So, umm, she's dead then, right?
4I actually haven't decided that, but regardless, she's not appearing in the story.
5Maybe I shouldn't have been so confusing with that first PM.
6I don't understand it either. But I didn't know the first Toa was a Toa of Water. That sounds... strange. I think Greg makes sense, but you don't.![]()
7I doubt we will be seeing that Toa for a while.
1Hi, Greg.
2I have few questions.
3Q1) If Matoran's mask is taken off, what happens? 4A1) Eventually, he will go into a coma if a mask is not replaced 5Comments: Okay, just wanted that to be sure.
6Q2) Is that true that Kanohi Tryna is Matoro's mask, or is that other Ice Toa's? 7A2) It is Matoro's mask. 8Comments: Wikipedia said that was some Ice Toa's...
9Q3) What is Hand of Artakha? 10A3) Hand of Artakha was a group that predated the Order of Mata Nui, and eventually disbanded and most of the members became Order members 11Comments: Simply I didn't know that.
12Q4) Is that true 2008's location is "city in the sky"? 13A4) I cannot discuss 2008, except to say the info from Scholastic's site needs to be read keeping in mind that they have no 2008 story bible, no pics of '08 sets, and no '08 books or book summaries to base their write-up on. 14Comments: Okay, so that isn't maybe right info.
15Q5) Has that Piraka-poem ("where evil afloats, secret brings hope...") something to do with the future story? 16A5) Yes 17Comments: Oh, nice....
18Q6) The other ones of Nocturn's breed, are they as strong as him? 19A6) Some are, yes. 20Comments: Interesting... So there are more creatures that are physically stronger than Makuta...
21Q7) Who is Sarda? And Idris? 22A7) Matoran who appeared in Book 6 23Comments: I haven't read the sixth book, and just want to know, because a lot of people have talked about them.
24Q8) Are there also six members in the first Toa team? 25A8) There were. 26Comments: So, nothing has been changed...
27Q9) Did Dekar find the Ignika, or was that someone else? 28A9) Kyrexh found it and gave it to Dekar 29Comments: Right, many people have talked about that. So mini-movie lies:: It's not so big deal, still.
30Q10) Was Takua Matoran of Light, or Fire? 31Light 32Comments: Nice, so thats not just BZP-speculation.
2I have few questions.
3Q1) If Matoran's mask is taken off, what happens? 4A1) Eventually, he will go into a coma if a mask is not replaced 5Comments: Okay, just wanted that to be sure.
6Q2) Is that true that Kanohi Tryna is Matoro's mask, or is that other Ice Toa's? 7A2) It is Matoro's mask. 8Comments: Wikipedia said that was some Ice Toa's...
9Q3) What is Hand of Artakha? 10A3) Hand of Artakha was a group that predated the Order of Mata Nui, and eventually disbanded and most of the members became Order members 11Comments: Simply I didn't know that.
12Q4) Is that true 2008's location is "city in the sky"? 13A4) I cannot discuss 2008, except to say the info from Scholastic's site needs to be read keeping in mind that they have no 2008 story bible, no pics of '08 sets, and no '08 books or book summaries to base their write-up on. 14Comments: Okay, so that isn't maybe right info.
15Q5) Has that Piraka-poem ("where evil afloats, secret brings hope...") something to do with the future story? 16A5) Yes 17Comments: Oh, nice....
18Q6) The other ones of Nocturn's breed, are they as strong as him? 19A6) Some are, yes. 20Comments: Interesting... So there are more creatures that are physically stronger than Makuta...
21Q7) Who is Sarda? And Idris? 22A7) Matoran who appeared in Book 6 23Comments: I haven't read the sixth book, and just want to know, because a lot of people have talked about them.
24Q8) Are there also six members in the first Toa team? 25A8) There were. 26Comments: So, nothing has been changed...
27Q9) Did Dekar find the Ignika, or was that someone else? 28A9) Kyrexh found it and gave it to Dekar 29Comments: Right, many people have talked about that. So mini-movie lies:: It's not so big deal, still.
30Q10) Was Takua Matoran of Light, or Fire? 31Light 32Comments: Nice, so thats not just BZP-speculation.
1Me again with some new stuff: 2Answers: Bold 3Comments: Italic
41) In BA9 the Toa Hordika travel in chutes and Nokama wonders why those chutes still work, was this caused by "the world that feeds the world"? 51) No
62) Can we assume that the Kanohi Nuva were made the same way than the original six that were worn by the Toa Nuva: normal Kanohi put in energized protodermis? 72) I think that's reasonable 8So now we know how the Kanohi Nva were made
93) Once the Bahrag are free, would they aso create new Krana Kal for a new Bohrok Kal team, since this is vital for their mission? 103) It's not vital to their mission, but they will probably do it anyway 11That raises the question whether the Bahrag can create Bohrok Kal themselves, doesn't it?
124) Were the Toa Hagah part of the BoM army that defeated the Barraki? 134) No
145) If so were they promoted to Makuta's personal guard because they proved so well during that war? 155) See answer to 4) 16Mhm...somewhow I thought that would have been reasonable
176) How is the Bionicle.com web-designer doing? I hope she is not seriously ill? 186) She is better, just swamped
197) So Karzahni is travelling to Mahri Nui, does that mean he will also be affected by the mutagen? 207) Yup 21That was to be expected;but that means Karzahni can never return to his realm since he is a water breather now??
228) If so, which picture will be appearing in the Atlas? The mutated or non-mutated Karzahni? 238) Non-mutated
249) Did Karzahni leave some kind of guardian in his realm, so the Toa Nuva have trouble to get Jaller & Co's Kanohis back? 259) I haven't decided 26Intersesting:::: I guess Karzahni can't be unguarded when it's master is gone:
2710) Will we meet the species that had the the potenital to replace the Matoran this year? 2810) Yes 29I thought I ask this, since we havn't discussed that for a long time:
3011) If so in what context? The Pit? Kazahni? Or as a substory? 3111) March and May comic 32Yeah not so long:::: But I wonder where they are: Pit? stone cord???
3312) How far is rebuilding of Metru Nui done right now? 3412) Well, something like that takes a long time to do and they have only been back a few weeks
3513) Would a fully rebuilt Metru Nui with it's Matoran working improve Mata Nui's situation or at least slow down the dying-process a ittle bit? 3613) It would make it possible to wake him up, it won't affect his dying 37That's good to know: as long as Metru Nui isn't rebuilt Mata Nui can't wake up:::
3814) There will be a timeline in Brickmaster-magazine in March right? Will this timeline be accessible somehow in countries without Brickmaster? 3914) I am sure it will get posted on BZP, and I know BZP is incorporating it into one of their own 40So everbody in the US & CAN: Post the stuff from the timeline here for everyone:::::::
4115) Carvings show the Bahrag put something into a pool (of EP?) and doing so create Krana, did they put something organic into that pool (since Krana are organic)? 4215) I can't discuss this 43Am I close to the tuth?
4416) Does that something that is put into the pool come from the Bahrag itself? 4516) See answer to #15
46And my next post:
47Answers: Bold 48Comments: Italic
492) Does the island of Mata Nui have another name (since Vakama named it after the Great Spirit after they arrived there)? 502) No, because no one lived there before them. So there was no one to give it a name.
513) Reading BA4 I realized something: when Makuta caused the Great Catclysm and revealed his titan form the book says that the Toa realized it was Makuta but in a gian's shape with wings and infected armor. So they must have known Makuta in anoher shape. Was he like a Matoran, a Turaga or a Toa (just speaking about the size of his body)? 523) I have no idea what shape he might have appeared to them in, as he is a shapeshifter and can look however he wants.
534) In BL6 it says Pridak saw the banners with a Mask he had not seen before and that this mask had been the Kraahkan. In another Pm you told someone that Shadow has always been an evil element in Bionicle so therefore there would never be a Toa of shadows: 54THen why did Makuta wear a mask of an evil element when he was still good 80.000yr back and noone was suspicious? Or did Makuta just call his mask a Mask of Shadows after he had turned evil? 554) I never said shadow was always an evil element. I said it came to be associated with evil because of what the Makuta did, the same way the swastika became associated with evil because of the Nazis. But why would you need a Toa of Shadows when you already have an entire Brotherhood with that power, with members stationed all over the universe? If you need that power, you could ask them to use it.
565) Does the Matoran society have physicians? Or do just the Turaga have a certain knowledge about healing and more damaged ones weres sent to Karzahni? 575) They generally do not need them, because Matoran are mostly mechanical and their organic parts are well-shielded.
586) This i something I did not really get back in 2005 (long time ago): The Toa Lihikan set featured a Kanohi. Was this Kanohi a Great Hau in a modified shape, or was it in deed a Noble Hau for Turaga Lhikan (when Jaller's broken mask was replaced by Turaga Lhikan's it changed into the Hau we know, so Lhikan's mask looked different from the great Hau model used on Mata Nui)? 596) It was a Great Hau in a different shape, like the one he wore in the movie
607) When will we learn about the shadow plague? The Encyclopedia? 617) I think so, yes
628) Speaking about the shadow plague, could the Makuta Nui combiner model play a role? I think the official text said "in this terrifying from, Makuta spreads fear among the Matoran"? 638) No. Makuta can spread fear with the Mask of Shadows, regardless of his form
649) Do you know whether the Mask of Life version from the Creeps-from-the-deep-video will be released in plasic this year? Maybe as a promo? 659) Not this year, no, not as far as I know. By the time it was decided that we liked that design, it was too late to add it to the assortment for 2007.
6611) May I just take a wild guess: Were the Toa Mata the characters that we have encountred who had already been to the world that feeds the world? 6711) Not going to discuss this yet 68Interesting, uhm???
41) In BA9 the Toa Hordika travel in chutes and Nokama wonders why those chutes still work, was this caused by "the world that feeds the world"? 51) No
62) Can we assume that the Kanohi Nuva were made the same way than the original six that were worn by the Toa Nuva: normal Kanohi put in energized protodermis? 72) I think that's reasonable 8So now we know how the Kanohi Nva were made
93) Once the Bahrag are free, would they aso create new Krana Kal for a new Bohrok Kal team, since this is vital for their mission? 103) It's not vital to their mission, but they will probably do it anyway 11That raises the question whether the Bahrag can create Bohrok Kal themselves, doesn't it?
124) Were the Toa Hagah part of the BoM army that defeated the Barraki? 134) No
145) If so were they promoted to Makuta's personal guard because they proved so well during that war? 155) See answer to 4) 16Mhm...somewhow I thought that would have been reasonable
176) How is the Bionicle.com web-designer doing? I hope she is not seriously ill? 186) She is better, just swamped
197) So Karzahni is travelling to Mahri Nui, does that mean he will also be affected by the mutagen? 207) Yup 21That was to be expected;but that means Karzahni can never return to his realm since he is a water breather now??
228) If so, which picture will be appearing in the Atlas? The mutated or non-mutated Karzahni? 238) Non-mutated
249) Did Karzahni leave some kind of guardian in his realm, so the Toa Nuva have trouble to get Jaller & Co's Kanohis back? 259) I haven't decided 26Intersesting:::: I guess Karzahni can't be unguarded when it's master is gone:
2710) Will we meet the species that had the the potenital to replace the Matoran this year? 2810) Yes 29I thought I ask this, since we havn't discussed that for a long time:
3011) If so in what context? The Pit? Kazahni? Or as a substory? 3111) March and May comic 32Yeah not so long:::: But I wonder where they are: Pit? stone cord???
3312) How far is rebuilding of Metru Nui done right now? 3412) Well, something like that takes a long time to do and they have only been back a few weeks
3513) Would a fully rebuilt Metru Nui with it's Matoran working improve Mata Nui's situation or at least slow down the dying-process a ittle bit? 3613) It would make it possible to wake him up, it won't affect his dying 37That's good to know: as long as Metru Nui isn't rebuilt Mata Nui can't wake up:::
3814) There will be a timeline in Brickmaster-magazine in March right? Will this timeline be accessible somehow in countries without Brickmaster? 3914) I am sure it will get posted on BZP, and I know BZP is incorporating it into one of their own 40So everbody in the US & CAN: Post the stuff from the timeline here for everyone:::::::
4115) Carvings show the Bahrag put something into a pool (of EP?) and doing so create Krana, did they put something organic into that pool (since Krana are organic)? 4215) I can't discuss this 43Am I close to the tuth?
4416) Does that something that is put into the pool come from the Bahrag itself? 4516) See answer to #15
46And my next post:
47Answers: Bold 48Comments: Italic
492) Does the island of Mata Nui have another name (since Vakama named it after the Great Spirit after they arrived there)? 502) No, because no one lived there before them. So there was no one to give it a name.
513) Reading BA4 I realized something: when Makuta caused the Great Catclysm and revealed his titan form the book says that the Toa realized it was Makuta but in a gian's shape with wings and infected armor. So they must have known Makuta in anoher shape. Was he like a Matoran, a Turaga or a Toa (just speaking about the size of his body)? 523) I have no idea what shape he might have appeared to them in, as he is a shapeshifter and can look however he wants.
534) In BL6 it says Pridak saw the banners with a Mask he had not seen before and that this mask had been the Kraahkan. In another Pm you told someone that Shadow has always been an evil element in Bionicle so therefore there would never be a Toa of shadows: 54THen why did Makuta wear a mask of an evil element when he was still good 80.000yr back and noone was suspicious? Or did Makuta just call his mask a Mask of Shadows after he had turned evil? 554) I never said shadow was always an evil element. I said it came to be associated with evil because of what the Makuta did, the same way the swastika became associated with evil because of the Nazis. But why would you need a Toa of Shadows when you already have an entire Brotherhood with that power, with members stationed all over the universe? If you need that power, you could ask them to use it.
565) Does the Matoran society have physicians? Or do just the Turaga have a certain knowledge about healing and more damaged ones weres sent to Karzahni? 575) They generally do not need them, because Matoran are mostly mechanical and their organic parts are well-shielded.
586) This i something I did not really get back in 2005 (long time ago): The Toa Lihikan set featured a Kanohi. Was this Kanohi a Great Hau in a modified shape, or was it in deed a Noble Hau for Turaga Lhikan (when Jaller's broken mask was replaced by Turaga Lhikan's it changed into the Hau we know, so Lhikan's mask looked different from the great Hau model used on Mata Nui)? 596) It was a Great Hau in a different shape, like the one he wore in the movie
607) When will we learn about the shadow plague? The Encyclopedia? 617) I think so, yes
628) Speaking about the shadow plague, could the Makuta Nui combiner model play a role? I think the official text said "in this terrifying from, Makuta spreads fear among the Matoran"? 638) No. Makuta can spread fear with the Mask of Shadows, regardless of his form
649) Do you know whether the Mask of Life version from the Creeps-from-the-deep-video will be released in plasic this year? Maybe as a promo? 659) Not this year, no, not as far as I know. By the time it was decided that we liked that design, it was too late to add it to the assortment for 2007.
6611) May I just take a wild guess: Were the Toa Mata the characters that we have encountred who had already been to the world that feeds the world? 6711) Not going to discuss this yet 68Interesting, uhm???
12. the ignika will have more than one guardian right? the first being nocturn, and the second being gadunka?
22b. if so, will nocturn be in possession of the ignika in legends #7?
32) Gadunka is not a guardian of the Ignika. Don't believe everything you hear from press kits that aren't written by the folks who make the story.
42b) Nocturn will be in possession, but he is not a guardian either.
5so, neither gadunka or nocturn is the guardian, i guess we can start guessing now.
1Here are questions I asked that GregF answered. And I didn't look through every page, so sorry if anybody already asked and posted any of these questions"
2Me: 3Do you happen to know anything about what will happen in 2009? 4Does Jaller Mahri's Hahnah crab have a name? 5Does Hydraaxon have a Kanohi or is he like Maxilos and it's just his face? 6Were you part of BIONICLE since 2001? 7Do you know how to get Mctoran Tamaru?
8If you don't know some of these, just say no. 9Thanks: 10TToF
11GregF 121) Yes, some of it 132) No 143) That's his face 154) Yes 165) None of the McDonald's Matoran are still available through LEGO or McDonald's. Your best bet would be eBay.
2Me: 3Do you happen to know anything about what will happen in 2009? 4Does Jaller Mahri's Hahnah crab have a name? 5Does Hydraaxon have a Kanohi or is he like Maxilos and it's just his face? 6Were you part of BIONICLE since 2001? 7Do you know how to get Mctoran Tamaru?
8If you don't know some of these, just say no. 9Thanks: 10TToF
11GregF 121) Yes, some of it 132) No 143) That's his face 154) Yes 165) None of the McDonald's Matoran are still available through LEGO or McDonald's. Your best bet would be eBay.
1Here are questions I asked that GregF answered. And I didn't look through every page, so sorry if anybody already asked and posted any of these questions"
2Me: 3Do you happen to know anything about what will happen in 2009? 4Does Jaller Mahri's Hahnah crab have a name? 5Does Hydraaxon have a Kanohi or is he like Maxilos and it's just his face? 6Were you part of BIONICLE since 2001? 7Do you know how to get Mctoran Tamaru?
8If you don't know some of these, just say no. 9Thanks: 10TToF
11GregF 121) Yes, some of it 132) No 143) That's his face 154) Yes 165) None of the McDonald's Matoran are still available through LEGO or McDonald's. Your best bet would be eBay.
17Just FYI, No Mctoran Tamaru ever existed.
1Not necessarily ground-breaking, but new info nonetheless.
9That actually suprises me, I thought the Mata were unique in the way they were never Matoran. Now we know of seven:
2Hi Greg, I remember you saying a while back that the storyline reason for the way the Toa Mata look the way they do (small, unarmored) is because they are very, very old Toa. If the first Toa ever is even older than they are, then what kind of condition would she be in? Would she be even more basic and prototypical than the Mata were? 3Also, was the first Toa created created as a Toa, like the Mata were, or was she a Matoran granted Toa powers? 4Thanks:
51) No, because the set designer is not going to take his design six steps backward. He is not thinking in terms of story considerations like that, it's not his job. It's my job to take his designs and work them into story. 62) I don't think he was created as a Toa, no.
7Ah, sorry, I was asking about the first Toa created, the one that's not going to be a set - a female Toa of Water right? She's the one that I thought, storywise at least that would be of simplest build. I know she only gets a short reference and it's not really relevant, but I thought it would make sense that her design would be more basic than any Toa we've seen. Was this Toa once a Matoran?
8No, she was not a Matoran.
9That actually suprises me, I thought the Mata were unique in the way they were never Matoran. Now we know of seven:
11.How many Toa were on the first Toa team? 2Six 32.Is the first Toa a member of the first Toa team? 4No 53.Are the members of the species that could have been dominant taller than Matoran? 6A lot taller
71.Were they all Toa of the six basic elements(i.e.water, air, fire, stone, etc.) 8Haven't decided yet 93.Are they taller than Toa? 10Yes
11The answers are in bold. Interesting, how the potential dominant species are about titan-sized.
11. Can the Mask of Life raise someone from the dead if the wearer is strong enough? 2A. No
32. Can the Mask of Life keep the wearer alive as long the wearer is wearing it? 4A. Probably not, no
53. Can the Mask of Life take away life as Zaktan stated? "And with power over life also comes the power over death" or something... 6A. Yes
74. Bionicle Legends #6 - City of the Lost, For my sister Debbie, who always found me whenever I was lost."
How often did you get lost? 8A. It's a metaphor J
95. How many sisters and brothers do you have? 10A. 5
116. Can the mask of Light, m.o. Time, and/or the m.o. Life be infected? 12A. Probably
137. Can an infected mask be cleansed? 14A. Yes
158. Can powerless Matoran masks get infected? 16A. Yes
17"9: do you guys have an idea what comes after 08?" 18That's kinda similar to this string.. This may help. Apparently they have planned up to 2021 192. When the first (BIONICLE) comic was released, how far in the storyline had you planned up to? I'm guessing up to the end of the Kal. 20A. The head of the story team already had the first seven "books" of BIONICLE mapped out (the first book was 2001-2003) 212. They had seven "books" planned out and the first one was 3 years long? So they had roughly 21 years mapped out? 22A. Yup 232. OK, so, ever since 2000, the story team had up to 2021 planned up to, as of now how far do they have planned up to? or do they not worry about because BIONICLE most likely won't last over 21 years? 24A. I wouldn't say that -- GI Joe has been around since before I was born, so over 41 years. So has Barbie. At any rate, at this point we are still within the seven original books, so no need to plan beyond that until we get close to the end of those.
25"Do you know how to get Mctoran Tamaru?" 26Tamoru? I thought there was only: Jaller, Onepu, Macku, Kongu, Hewkii. and Matoro...?
32. Can the Mask of Life keep the wearer alive as long the wearer is wearing it? 4A. Probably not, no
53. Can the Mask of Life take away life as Zaktan stated? "And with power over life also comes the power over death" or something... 6A. Yes
74. Bionicle Legends #6 - City of the Lost, For my sister Debbie, who always found me whenever I was lost."

95. How many sisters and brothers do you have? 10A. 5
116. Can the mask of Light, m.o. Time, and/or the m.o. Life be infected? 12A. Probably
137. Can an infected mask be cleansed? 14A. Yes
158. Can powerless Matoran masks get infected? 16A. Yes
17"9: do you guys have an idea what comes after 08?" 18That's kinda similar to this string.. This may help. Apparently they have planned up to 2021 192. When the first (BIONICLE) comic was released, how far in the storyline had you planned up to? I'm guessing up to the end of the Kal. 20A. The head of the story team already had the first seven "books" of BIONICLE mapped out (the first book was 2001-2003) 212. They had seven "books" planned out and the first one was 3 years long? So they had roughly 21 years mapped out? 22A. Yup 232. OK, so, ever since 2000, the story team had up to 2021 planned up to, as of now how far do they have planned up to? or do they not worry about because BIONICLE most likely won't last over 21 years? 24A. I wouldn't say that -- GI Joe has been around since before I was born, so over 41 years. So has Barbie. At any rate, at this point we are still within the seven original books, so no need to plan beyond that until we get close to the end of those.
25"Do you know how to get Mctoran Tamaru?" 26Tamoru? I thought there was only: Jaller, Onepu, Macku, Kongu, Hewkii. and Matoro...?
1how do u pm gregg???

1Amazingly, I PMed Greg twice and I still didn't get a reply. 

1Here is a few,
2Hi Greg,
3I just have a few questons for you,
41) Did Takadox kill the pit jailer before or after the great cataclysm ?
51a) If before did the pit mutagen in any way connected to the pit jailers reseruction ?
62) Do you have any idea how much the toa from the first toa team will cost ?
73) Did the toa from the fitst toa team have a different destiny from his temates ?
8Thats all for now,
9Toa Redeye
101) After 112) No 123) We haven't gotten to that story yet, and I haven't written it yet, so too soon to discuss it
13I thought I was onto to something with #1
2Hi Greg,
3I just have a few questons for you,
41) Did Takadox kill the pit jailer before or after the great cataclysm ?
51a) If before did the pit mutagen in any way connected to the pit jailers reseruction ?
62) Do you have any idea how much the toa from the first toa team will cost ?
73) Did the toa from the fitst toa team have a different destiny from his temates ?
8Thats all for now,
9Toa Redeye
101) After 112) No 123) We haven't gotten to that story yet, and I haven't written it yet, so too soon to discuss it
13I thought I was onto to something with #1

1Have fun reading:
166Hahaha, is their a maximum of characters in a post? Since the rest of the PM isn't showed.
167Longest post ever.
168EDIT: a part of this PM is already posted once.
2Hi GregF,
31a. Maxilos=Makuta? 41b. If Makuta manage to get a new body, will he have all his 42 Rahkshi powers again?
52. The Kanohi Kraakhan was trowed into the silver sea by Reidak? Is the Kraakhan still there?
63. The Piraka betrayed TSO, what have they done? (Stealing the Zamor Spheres?)
74. 3 Strongest Rahi: Kardas, Gadunka and Tathorak? If not, wich are the 3 strongest Rahi...
85. What's Takuanuva doing at the moment? Join the Toa Nuva on their special mission?
96. Who's stronger (in general terms): Brutaka or Roodaka?
107. Where's the Mask of Time at the moment?
118. The Piraka want to Ignika, like a robber wants a diamant, since it worth much, how do the Piraka get 'paid'?
129. (Let's assume Brutaka is alife.) After time will past, will outward mutations eventually appear?
1310. Did Brutaka already possesed his Kanohi Olmak when he 'came into being', or was it given to him by someone?
1411. Brutaka Vs. the Barraki; who would win?
1512. How ís your Dutch?
16Thanks for your time.
171) Maxilos is a summer set, meaning I can't discuss him 181b) He would have most, but probably not all. For example, Makuta's armor is designed for shapeshifting, so it changes as he wants it to. A new body would not have that ability. 192) Yes 203) They went off on their own to loot Makuta's lair, without permission and with no intention of sharing any loot they found 214) I wouldn't put Gadunka in there, and you're forgetting the Kanohi Dragon, the Razor Whale, etc. 225) He is guarding Metru Nui 236) Brutaka. Roodaka doesn't rely on physical strength to win battles so much. 247) With Vakama 258) Well, let's say the Toa want it and the Brotherhood of Makuta wants it. So the Piraka promise the Toa they will never give it to the BOM, in return for the Toa promising never to try to stop anything the Piraka do ever again. 269) It's possible 2710) Can't answer it 2811) Brutaka is a lot more powerful than any one individual Barraki, but there are six of them with huge armies, so it's hard to predict 2912) I don't speak any Dutch.
30Hi GregF,
31A few reactions:
322) So, if Makuta gets a new body... can he use the Kraakhan again? 337) And Vakama is protected by Takuanuva? Since now Vakama is a Turaga, he isn't so strong anymore, so someone need to protect him... 348) Are the Piraka aware of the enormous power of the Ignika? 3510) Since it's not relevant to the story, right?
36A few extra questions:
371. You said Vezon was after the Ignika, since the Ignika is in Mahri Nui, will Vezon go there, and be mutated?
382. Do the Piraka still breath air?
393. Who do you think is the smartest Bionicle character (don't count the Great Being and the Great Spirit Mata Nui...)?
404. When I asked if Axonn and Brutaka were already friends before they joined the Order, you said: "I'm not sure if they knowed eachother then." But they were both in the Hand of Artakha, did they never met while they were in the Hand of Artakha?
415. In the coming Bionicle Atlas, will we learn some more about the OoMN and their 'headquarter'?
426. Brutaka is no longer an Order member, right?
437. Axonn & Brutaka were not prototype Toa, right?
448a. Does Brutaka belong to a species? 458b. If so, are they murdered by the Barraki? (When they still were warlords?)
469. Makuta wanted to execute the Barraki... but Botar intervened, why didn't the Order want to execute the Barraki? I mean, they killed so much innocent people.
4710. Does Zaktan know about the ultimate victory of the BoM?
48Thanks for your time.
492) Yes 507) It hasn't really been necessary. The only person who knows Vakama has it is Makuta, and Makuta knows if he goes after it, Vakama will destroy it. 518) Yes 5210) Just not something I have worried about
531) Can't answer it 542) At this point, yes 553) No idea 564) The Hand was scattered pretty far and wide, so they may not have met then 575) Yes 586) Technically, no 597) No 608) Yes 618b) No. The Barraki's job was to keep order, not slaughter entire species 629) Because that is what the Pit is for 6310) In general
64Hi GregF,
65First a few reactions:
668) Why don't they want to use it?
676)So he is still considered as a member? 687)So they were prototype toa? If so, why didn't the HoA or the BoM didn't create any more like them, I mean Axonn and Brutaka are pretty powerfull...
69A few extra questions:
701. If the Barraki should manage to use the Ignika and become airbreathers again (leave Ehlek), even if they manage to get on the land, their practicly lost right? I mean, the BoM hates them... the OoMN will go after them... and if they don't join the DH, TSO will order to kill them since they are of no use to him then.
712. Mantax is searching for something valuable in the ruins of the Pit, is it valuable to everyone, or only to Mantax?
723. If I say: "evil intelligence", wich Bionicle character pops up in your mind?
734. In BL6 Brutaka says towards Ehlek and Carparar: "Ah, you were important once." Does that mean he knows a lot about the League of Six Kingdoms and such?
745. Since Brutaka is shielded against telepatic attacks, does that mean that Takadox can't hypnotise him?
756. Can Artakha Bulls fly?
767. Why are all Rahi afraid for the Visorak? (The BoM almost created every species of Rahi.)
778. Makuta gets a new body, will it be stronger then his Shadow Titan Form? And when Makuta was in his Shadow Titan Form, Nidikhi and Krekka were still part of him, right?
789. If Brutaka should survive the attack of the giant squid, what do you think he's planning to do next then?
7910. What do you think is the strongest Rahi?
80Thanks for your time.
818) Piraka cannot wear masks, and they don't realize it can be used if you aren't wearing it. 826) I said he wasn't a member 837) I meant no, they were not prototype Toa. Toa are never made in that size model.
841) You forget that the DH and the BOM are busy warring with each other, and the OOMN is busy gearing up for war with the BOM. So it might be no one would notice they were back until it was too late.
852) It's valuable to the Barraki
863) No, no, sorry, not getting me that way -- I am not commenting on future storyline
874) Sure. Most people do. It's not like they were a secret organization.
885) No. Hypnosis is not telepathy.
896) Not to my knowledge, no
907) Same reason a lot of people are afraid of spiders or snakes -- it's instinctive
918) I can't discuss what his new body will be like
929) We'll see. His role in this year's story is over, I know that
9310) Of the ones we have seen so far, I would say the Tahtorak
94Hi GregF,
95First a few reactions:
968) I understand, I mean, Vezon is also a Piraka but he could use the Ignika. 976 & 7) Just to clear things up for me.
981) Can the Barraki set up armies so fast then? And if it should happen, why don't the BoM and the OoMN gang up? I mean, war is peace. (Expression in my country.)
992) Is it/are it (a) weapon(s)?
1003) Sorry, could give it a try...
1016) There's that topic that Artakha is the City of the Sky... So, just curious if Artakha Bulls could fly...
1028) You can still answer the second part: And when Makuta was in his Shadow Titan Form, Nidikhi and Krekka were still part of him, right? And about the first part, I think the Shadow Titan Form is more powerful... Makuta (2003 set) looks better than Maxilos...
1039) I think Brutaka doesn't deserve to die that way, but it's your choice...
10410) I do count Kardas as a Rahi, I think you should take that in your conclusion...
105A few additional questions:
1061. Are you planning on making an OoMN guide, if so, will it be written in the same persective as in the DH guide (TSO telling)
1072. What's the official release date of the Atlas?
1083. You said that the Barraki do have more "team spirit" than the Piraka... But, all the Barraki don't want Pridak as their leader... they all want to be the leader themself... also, Kalmah did an attempt to become the leader, but he loosed the battle (and one eye), why don't they gang up against him? Does he has the same thing as, maybe a to extreme example, (sorry if is this to rude), Adolf Hitler, I mean he was one of the "best" dictators.
1094. Does Zyglak already exist in the story, or has he still to be created?
110Thanks for your time.
111N.B. Sorry for question 3.
1121) When did Vezon ever actually use the power of the Ignika? He used powers the Ignika granted to him, he never used the mask itself
1131) The BOM cannot ally with the OOMN, because they don't know the OOMN exists and the OOMN doesn't want them to know. And yes, given their reps, the Barraki probably could attract a lot of mercenaries and thugs fairly quickly 1142) No
1156) Artakha is not a city in the sky, it's an island on an ocean
1168) What form are you referring to?
11710) I did count Kardas. I still think, if you are talking sheer physical strength, then Tahtorak is more powerful. Whether that means he would BEAT Kardas is another matter, but in terms of sheer muscle, he is more powerful
1181) Scholastic has no plans to do more guides after this year's Encyclopedia
1192) April 1, I believe
1203) Actually, we don't know that Kalmah tried to seize the leadership role, he simply didn't want to do something Pridak told him to do. If he had actually tried to overthrow Pridak, he would be dead now. The Piraka are basically a gang of thieves; the Barraki are like a military alliance between nations -- they don't have to like each other, but they know they need each other.
1214) Zyglak already exists
122Hi GregF,
123First a few reactions:
1241) At the time the BoM was still good, was the Order already active?
1254) Is it a bad guy? If so, was it a prisoner of the Pit?
126A few extra questions:
1271. Karzahni; good or evil?
1282. Did Brutaka already know he could get sent to the Pit when he "joined" the Piraka?
1293. BS01 states that Maxilos is a robot (without a spirit), does that mean Takadox still could control him?
1304. Will we (as readers) leave the water in 2007 or in 2008? (I mean going to another place with the storyline.)
1315. Do Hydraxonn and Brutaka know eachother? If so, why wouldn't he gang up with Hydraxonn? I mean, Hydraxonn is a lot more powerfull than an individual Barraki... and Hydraxonn probably doesn't know that Brutaka isn't considered as a Order member anymore...
1326. Why did the Makuta of Zakaz left the BoM?
1337. What's the most dangerous Rahi?
1348a. What do you think is the worst weapon, storylinewise? 1358b. What do you think is the best weapon, storylinewise?
1369a. Is Mantax searching for a Kanohi in the ruins of the Pit? 1379b. Is Mantax searching for data of an organisation in the Pit? 1389c. Is Mantax searching for the corpse of Hydraxonn in the Pit? 1399d. Is Mantax searching for the corpse of someone else?
14010. What's your favorite Barraki?
14111. In Ignition #1 Zaktan and Hakann have a battle, Zaktan can kill Hakann, but he doesn't because Hakann is still of use to him? What use? (Does Zaktan or one of the other Piraka have any clue about what's Hakann doing for TSO?)
142Thanks for your time.
1431) Yes 1444) You'll find out when it appears in the story. And it's not an "it," singular, it's a species
1451) I would say evil -- you can argue insane too, but I am pretty sure he knows in some part of him what he is doing is wrong, so he is not the legal definition of crazy.
1462) Yes
1473) I am not going to discuss BS01's spoilers, sorry
1484) Not in 2007, I can tell you that
1495) I don't know that they do know each other, and even if they did, Hydraxon really doesn't care about the Ignika -- that's not his focus.
1506) Gets revealed in the Atlas, so I am not revealing that info here until the book comes out.
1517) That is a very subjective question, so I really don't see how I can answer it. One Matoran might tell you it is Tahtorak or Kardas or the Kanohi Dragon, but another might say the doom viper. What's more dangerous - a hippo, which accounts for more human deaths in Africa than any other large animal, or a mosquito who carries malaria?
1528) I am not going to answer a "worst" question -- I work for LEGO, I don't deal in "worst" aspects of the line.
1539) No, no, no and no
15410) Takadox
15511) Well, look at as Zaktan does. At some point, they are going to go on a dangerous journey to find the Mask. If he has five people in front of him, that's five others who will get killed before an enemy goes after him. If Hakann's not there, the enemy only has to kill four people before getting to Zaktan.
156Hi GregF,
157A few reactions:
1584) So Zyglak is one of many?
1593) Let me put it this way, can Takadox control the body of a robot, who is spiritless?
1604) Then there is still hope for Brutaka...
1619) Is Mantax searching for a thing or for a living "person" (or what used to live)?
162Thanks for your time.
1634) Yes 1643) I would say no. Takadox's power is hypnosis, which deals with the conscious and the subconscious mind. Robots do not have a subconscious, they don't even have minds as we know them -- it would be like trying to hypnotize a toaster and make it do your bidding. 1659) An object
166Hahaha, is their a maximum of characters in a post? Since the rest of the PM isn't showed.

168EDIT: a part of this PM is already posted once.
1Oh thanks for the questions and answers Mutated Brutaka, it was good reeding.
11. Do the Hydruka carry solidified air launchers in both the set and storyline or just in the set? 2A. They don't carry weapons. Those are natural tools of theirs.
32. How does Toa Nuporu fire his shoulder-mounted Zamor launcher? 4A. Most likely mentally
53. Could there be such a thing as a Matoran Hordika, or a Turaga Hordika? 6A. That depends on if Visorak venom affected them that way
74. How can a infected mask be cleansed? 8A. It requires all six Toa working together to do it
95. Can a Toa Nuva share his or her Kanohi Nuva power with a Matoran, Turaga, or a Toa Inika? 10A. Yes
116. Did you say that the red around Pridak's mouth and weapons isn't blood? What else could it be, red sharpie ink? 12A. Simple. Look at the pieces. The red is mixed in with the white of his pieces, not layered on top as it would be if it were blood. He is simply two-toned -- his body is red and white -- the same way Carapar is yellow and black. I don't see anyone on here screaming that Carapar must have been rolling in ashes or printer's ink.
137. Is Makuta (the Metru Nui one) currently in the Pit or Mahri Nui? (At the time of BIONICLE Legends 6) 14A. Not at the time of Bionicle Legends #6, no
158. Is Mahri Nui in the Pit, or the other way around?
16A. Mahri Nui is lodged in rocks just above the black water, which has become the new Pit after the destruction of the old one
179. I'm really confused on the order of these events... Here, I'll number them, and you list the numbers in the order they happened if you would; 181) Mahri Nui descends. ------- 2) The mutagen originates. -------3) Earthquake in the Pit.-------- 4) Jailer dies.-------- 5) Mask of life enters the water. (are 1 & 3 the same?) 19A. Let me see if I can make it clear --
20Great Cataclysm happens (the big quake) 21Voya Nui breaks off the mainland and shoots to the top of the ocean 22Mutagen originate 23Great Cataclysm shatters Pit 24Jailer dies, after being wounded in the quake
25A hundred years later, Mahri Nui is built by Matoran of Voya Nui
26Six hundred years after that, Mahri Nui breaks off and sinks
27And 300 years or so later, Toa Inika come to Voya Nui and mask dives into the water.
28>>>>>>>>>I dare someone to ask him about Caraper, then say I put you up to it (#6)<<<<<<<<<<
32. How does Toa Nuporu fire his shoulder-mounted Zamor launcher? 4A. Most likely mentally
53. Could there be such a thing as a Matoran Hordika, or a Turaga Hordika? 6A. That depends on if Visorak venom affected them that way
74. How can a infected mask be cleansed? 8A. It requires all six Toa working together to do it
95. Can a Toa Nuva share his or her Kanohi Nuva power with a Matoran, Turaga, or a Toa Inika? 10A. Yes
116. Did you say that the red around Pridak's mouth and weapons isn't blood? What else could it be, red sharpie ink? 12A. Simple. Look at the pieces. The red is mixed in with the white of his pieces, not layered on top as it would be if it were blood. He is simply two-toned -- his body is red and white -- the same way Carapar is yellow and black. I don't see anyone on here screaming that Carapar must have been rolling in ashes or printer's ink.
137. Is Makuta (the Metru Nui one) currently in the Pit or Mahri Nui? (At the time of BIONICLE Legends 6) 14A. Not at the time of Bionicle Legends #6, no
158. Is Mahri Nui in the Pit, or the other way around?
16A. Mahri Nui is lodged in rocks just above the black water, which has become the new Pit after the destruction of the old one
179. I'm really confused on the order of these events... Here, I'll number them, and you list the numbers in the order they happened if you would; 181) Mahri Nui descends. ------- 2) The mutagen originates. -------3) Earthquake in the Pit.-------- 4) Jailer dies.-------- 5) Mask of life enters the water. (are 1 & 3 the same?) 19A. Let me see if I can make it clear --
20Great Cataclysm happens (the big quake) 21Voya Nui breaks off the mainland and shoots to the top of the ocean 22Mutagen originate 23Great Cataclysm shatters Pit 24Jailer dies, after being wounded in the quake
25A hundred years later, Mahri Nui is built by Matoran of Voya Nui
26Six hundred years after that, Mahri Nui breaks off and sinks
27And 300 years or so later, Toa Inika come to Voya Nui and mask dives into the water.
28>>>>>>>>>I dare someone to ask him about Caraper, then say I put you up to it (#6)<<<<<<<<<<
1Greg emailed me back.
2Hi again...
3do you know how many books will be coming out in 2008?
5No, not yet
6In book #3 brutaka thought that he did not have as much fun with his mask since he dropped a tatorak in metru nui. In the rahi guide it said pouks later predicted that it wanted to know how it got to metru nui. did the tatorak get there because of brutaka?
2Hi again...
3do you know how many books will be coming out in 2008?
5No, not yet
6In book #3 brutaka thought that he did not have as much fun with his mask since he dropped a tatorak in metru nui. In the rahi guide it said pouks later predicted that it wanted to know how it got to metru nui. did the tatorak get there because of brutaka?
1I hope that Tahtorak will take revenge on Brutaka.
1Oh, um I sent one yesterday and got the reply this morning. One time when I was waiting for a reply for two weeks I PMed him and told him how long it had been and the subject of the first one and he found it and replied.
1I hope that Tahtorak will take revenge on Brutaka.
2That won't happen, Brutaka is in the black water, mutated, and the Tahtorak is... were is it? So unless the Tahtorak moves to Mahri Nui, no fight will occure. And we don't even know if Brutaka is still alive...
3@The Great One: I asked him why he didn't answered all my PM's, he answered that he gets about 50-75 PM's a day, and he can't read all... So, just send him a PM again...
1Tahtorak is in Metru Nui if I understand correctly.
1Tahtorak is in Metru Nui if I understand correctly.
2".....the same way Carapar is yellow and black. I don't see anyone on here screaming that Carapar must have been rolling in ashes or printer's ink." Can someone please PM Greg and (among other, bonified questions) ask him about Caraper rolling around in underwater ashes? Then tell him I put you up to it.
3Why would someone ask him that? He clearly stated in your earlier post that the red around Pridak's face was his natural coloring, just like Carapar's black. He already gave you your answer. Please think things before asking them.
4And Tahtorak isn't on Metru Nui. After escaping the Zone of Darkness through Brutaka's dimensional gate, Krahka transformed in a flying creature and flew back to Metru Nui. Tahtorak remained in Voya nui, and will fight Kardas although maybe we won't see the actual fight. 5Khote
1Khote, it would just be a joke, if I wanted an actual answer I would ask him myself. 2"I don't see anyone on here screaming that Carapar must have been rolling in ashes or printer's ink" 3You see, someone would be screaming about Caraper.... Anyway, it would just be funny, an in-joke. "Please think things before asking them" do YOU understand now?
4Appearently your the one not thinking things through. If someone were to ask that it would do nothing more than waste Greg's time. He's kind enough to answer peoples questions. To have someone ask a pointless question like that just to get yourself a couple of laughs is disrespectful to Greg. No one else besides yourself would think thats funny but your asking them to do it.
5And it's not an "it," singular, it's a species
6The zyglak seem to be the species that was almost the dominant species over the matoran Greg mentioned before.
1Ok sorry. I seem to have only gotten on peoples nerves. 

1more questions i asked...
2These are about the matoran of mata nui.
31. How did the turaga 'fix' the matoran of mata nui to make them stronger?
42. were the matoran asleep when they were 'fixed'?
53. before they got fixed did they look like mcd matoran?
61) They taught them how to rebuild themselves 72) No 83) Yes
9Remember, the first time we see the Toa in 2001, they are in pieces and have to rebuild themselves. You are talking about beings who are mechanical parts linked together by organic muscle, so it is not that hard to disassemble and reassemble.
10That would be weird trying to take yourself apart and then rebuilding yourself.
2These are about the matoran of mata nui.
31. How did the turaga 'fix' the matoran of mata nui to make them stronger?
42. were the matoran asleep when they were 'fixed'?
53. before they got fixed did they look like mcd matoran?
61) They taught them how to rebuild themselves 72) No 83) Yes
9Remember, the first time we see the Toa in 2001, they are in pieces and have to rebuild themselves. You are talking about beings who are mechanical parts linked together by organic muscle, so it is not that hard to disassemble and reassemble.
10That would be weird trying to take yourself apart and then rebuilding yourself.
1Don't know if this is of any use to anybody, but here is some small tidbits of info.
2Hey Greg. Just got some questions:[ol type='1'[li]Has Kalmah always have three eyes? 31a. If not, was Kalmah blinded before his exile, before the Great Cataclysm or in the last 1000 years?[li]Was the original Pit like a prison on Earth or a cave?[li]Was the original Pit flooded? 43a. If so, how did the Barraki survive? Was their enough muatgen to give them gills?[li]Will we see a picture of the first Toa ever in the Encyclopedia? If so, will she have a name?[li]About how many years of story line do you have planned so far? (Not including this year or any before it?)[li]I read some where that the story won't end when Mata-Nui is awakened. Is this true?[li]Have you seen Sarda and Idris (Sets)? If so, what Kanohi do they have?[/ol
51) Yes, and last 1000 years 62) It was a cave with cells 73) Yes 84) Yes, the ability to breathe water is given pretty quickly, within a few minutes -- otherwise, Brutaka would have drowned as well 95) No and no. It is impossible to show a pic of her because no set exists of her 106) We are planning 2009-2011 right now 117) That is the plan, yes 128) No, I haven't seen the sets
133-4) No, what I meant there was before the Cataclysm. Because in BL6, Pridak states that the Barraki Hate all those who could breathe air like they no longer could. Pridak tells this to Defilak before the flooding of the original Pit and their mutation.
14He's not referring to their not being able to breathe air because they can't in that scene -- he's referring to the fact that they are stuck in cells, cannot walk the land and breathe the air anymore because they are prisoners.
1Don't know if this is of any use to anybody, but here is some small tidbits of info.2Hey Greg. Just got some questions:[ol type='1'[li]Has Kalmah always have three eyes? 31a. If not, was Kalmah blinded before his exile, before the Great Cataclysm or in the last 1000 years?[li]Was the original Pit like a prison on Earth or a cave?[li]Was the original Pit flooded? 43a. If so, how did the Barraki survive? Was their enough muatgen to give them gills?[li]Will we see a picture of the first Toa ever in the Encyclopedia? If so, will she have a name?[li]About how many years of story line do you have planned so far? (Not including this year or any before it?)[li]I read some where that the story won't end when Mata-Nui is awakened. Is this true?[li]Have you seen Sarda and Idris (Sets)? If so, what Kanohi do they have?[/ol
51) Yes, and last 1000 years 62) It was a cave with cells 73) Yes 84) Yes, the ability to breathe water is given pretty quickly, within a few minutes -- otherwise, Brutaka would have drowned as well 95) No and no. It is impossible to show a pic of her because no set exists of her 106) We are planning 2009-2011 right now 117) That is the plan, yes 128) No, I haven't seen the sets
133-4) No, what I meant there was before the Cataclysm. Because in BL6, Pridak states that the Barraki Hate all those who could breathe air like they no longer could. Pridak tells this to Defilak before the flooding of the original Pit and their mutation.
14He's not referring to their not being able to breathe air because they can't in that scene -- he's referring to the fact that they are stuck in cells, cannot walk the land and breathe the air anymore because they are prisoners.
15Hold on, there's going to be a picture of Karzhahni amd there isn't a set of him:
11. Do the Hydruka carry solidified air launchers in both the set and storyline or just in the set? 2A. They don't carry weapons. Those are natural tools of theirs.
32. How does Toa Nuporu fire his shoulder-mounted Zamor launcher? 4A. Most likely mentally
53. Could there be such a thing as a Matoran Hordika, or a Turaga Hordika? 6A. That depends on if Visorak venom affected them that way
74. How can a infected mask be cleansed? 8A. It requires all six Toa working together to do it
95. Can a Toa Nuva share his or her Kanohi Nuva power with a Matoran, Turaga, or a Toa Inika? 10A. Yes
116. Did you say that the red around Pridak's mouth and weapons isn't blood? What else could it be, red sharpie ink? 12A. Simple. Look at the pieces. The red is mixed in with the white of his pieces, not layered on top as it would be if it were blood. He is simply two-toned -- his body is red and white -- the same way Carapar is yellow and black. I don't see anyone on here screaming that Carapar must have been rolling in ashes or printer's ink.
137. Is Makuta (the Metru Nui one) currently in the Pit or Mahri Nui? (At the time of BIONICLE Legends 6) 14A. Not at the time of Bionicle Legends #6, no
158. Is Mahri Nui in the Pit, or the other way around?
16A. Mahri Nui is lodged in rocks just above the black water, which has become the new Pit after the destruction of the old one
179. I'm really confused on the order of these events... Here, I'll number them, and you list the numbers in the order they happened if you would; 181) Mahri Nui descends. ------- 2) The mutagen originates. -------3) Earthquake in the Pit.-------- 4) Jailer dies.-------- 5) Mask of life enters the water. (are 1 & 3 the same?) 19A. Let me see if I can make it clear --
20Great Cataclysm happens (the big quake) 21Voya Nui breaks off the mainland and shoots to the top of the ocean 22Mutagen originate 23Great Cataclysm shatters Pit 24Jailer dies, after being wounded in the quake
25A hundred years later, Mahri Nui is built by Matoran of Voya Nui
26Six hundred years after that, Mahri Nui breaks off and sinks
27And 300 years or so later, Toa Inika come to Voya Nui and mask dives into the water.
28>>>>>>>>>I dare someone to ask him about Caraper, then say I put you up to it (#6)<<<<<<<<<<
29What?: But gerg stated somewhere in the previous pages that Pridak has blood on him: [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img]

1Hi again Greg, I have these other questions...
21.-In BIONICLE, do the organic beings evolve as we see evolution?
32.-Do the Matoran of Light know about their condition about Matoran of Light?
43.-Does the special Zamor that Axonn gave to the Inika contain Axonn´s energies?(As the one that contained Vezok´s energies)
54.-What should I give in change to make a deal with Xia?
65.-Does this year playsets play some role in the history as the last year ones?
76.-I have seen that you have a Bionicle.com in russian and other languages,but, why not one in spanish?![]()
8This is one that a philosopher friend from Chile asked me to ask you, he is a future paleontologist, this is why he is interested in things like this... 9a)Whay do the Great Beings create universes
10That´s all for now Greg, thanks in advance![]()
111) Hard to say, because we have spent very little time in the story on purely organic beings, other than krana and the kraata (and we already know their situation) 122) Huh? 133) No 144) I don't understand your question 155) Probably 166) I have nothing to do with the web, so can't answer it 177) Ask your friend in return why he builds LEGO models -- the answer will be the same as the one the Great Beings would give you
11. Is toa Krakua the toa from the FTT coming out in summertime?
22. Is the kanohi Seletu Hewki found in BL2 Krakua's?
33. Is toa Krakua alive right now?
51) No. Krakua comes from Vakama's future, he was not a member of the first Toa team. Remember, he tells Vakama that if Vakama doesn't take the right action, Krakua will never exist. He therefore can't be from the past. 62) Most likely not 73) I can't answer that
22. Is the kanohi Seletu Hewki found in BL2 Krakua's?
33. Is toa Krakua alive right now?
51) No. Krakua comes from Vakama's future, he was not a member of the first Toa team. Remember, he tells Vakama that if Vakama doesn't take the right action, Krakua will never exist. He therefore can't be from the past. 62) Most likely not 73) I can't answer that
1I really am sorry about the Caraper thing, please don't hold it against me.
11) If there's a Mask of Time, is there a Mask of Space? Because it would logical to have one. 2Not as yet there isn't, no. There wasn't even a Mask of Time until 1000 years ago
32) What is the Barraki's curse? Is it blinding light? 4No. Remember, the only Barraki who will get cursed is the one who touched it -- not all of them -- and the light is not a manifestation of a curse
32) What is the Barraki's curse? Is it blinding light? 4No. Remember, the only Barraki who will get cursed is the one who touched it -- not all of them -- and the light is not a manifestation of a curse