1Here are some more questions for the OGD.
GregF 21.In what year did we see the thing that resurrected Hydraxon? 32.Did Nidhiki and Krekka have DH codenames and if so what where they? 43.Besides the Barraki and Nocturn, how many other Pit residents will we see? 54.If Karzahni is mutated, why doesn't he "repair" himself?
61) If I tell you that, I give it away 72) I didn't bother to come up with them because I didn't need them for the story 83) You mean ex-prisoners? None, they all beat it out of that region of the ocean when it became clear the Barraki were going to take it over. 94) Because Karzahni is not able to reverse the effects of the mutagen. Only the Mask of Life is believed to be able to do that.
101.So it's obvious, then? 112.But did they? 123.Even the Matoran warlords? 134.Is Krahka immune to the mutagen?
141) Well, if I narrow it down to a year, I cut way down on the number of possibilities, right? 152) Most likely 163) Yes. If you're a Matoran, do you want to hang around with folks like Pridak? 174) She would not be, but since she's not going to be exposed to the water, it's irrelevant
1From Greg
3Hi Greg,
4If your not too busy would you mind answering a couple of questions for me please?
51) I've recently been looking at pictures of Spinax, is that a mask on the back of his head? It looks a lot like Brutaka's. 62) Would the mask of stealth that Nidhiki wore be the same as the one Nuparu now wears, only a different colour? Could it have been a different style like Lhikan's hau? 73) Is Nuparu's mask still set to be silver, is it possible that it could still be changed to black?
8Can i post these answers?
91) I don't have the set, so couldn't say. 102) Yes 113) All the illos I have seen are silver. We don't have any Mahri sets in the office, because they don't come out for three months
1Hi GregF,
2Some questions:
31. Did Pridak placed the object Mantax is looking for in the Pit? (Object placed in the Pit 80,000 years ago, and Pridak did have a very loosily conection with the BoM. Also, he is a prisoner of the Pit and we have met him before.)
42. Does Brutaka have any conections with the BoM?
53. Does Botar have any conections with the BoM?
64. Is the object Mantax is looking for an identy card? (You know, like a VIP pass.)
75. Can the object Mantax is looking for be used to blackmail anyone?
86. Do you think a Zyglak is stronger than a PWT? (In general terms.)
97a. Does the OoMN know what's happening down in Mahri Nui? 107b. Do the DH know what's happening down in Mahri Nui? (Amphibax may have a clue.)
118. About how many years ago did the first Zyglak went to the Pit...?
129. Has Makuta taken over Maxilos? (I understand that you can't answer it, but there has been a lot of commotion about this question.)
1310. Do Maxilos and Spinax start out as "compagnons" immediately, or does Maxilos first have to "catch" Spinax?
1411a. Is Spinax a Rahi? 1511b. Are Zyglak considered Rahi?
1612. Do we know the species of the prisoner of the Pit that placed the object that Mantax is looking for?
1713. Has the object Mantax is looking for anything to do with the Zyglak?
1814. Does Hydraxonn has a conection with the BoM? (A very loosily...)
1915. Please say if the following statements about the item Mantax is looking for are true or false.
20-The object is placed by a prisoner of the Pit. 21-The prisoner of the Pit who placed the object is still alive. 22-We have met the prisoner of the Pit that placed the object before. 23-The object has a symbolic power. 24-The object is made out of stone. (It's a tablet.) 25-There is something carved in the tablet. 26-The object has something to do with the BoM. 27-The object is NOT the Ignika. 28-The prisoner of the Pit who placed the object has a very loosily conection with the Bom. 29-The object is placed there roughly 80,000 years ago. 30-The prisoner of the Pit that placed the object is NOT a Rahi. 31-The object has nothing to do with the OoMN, the DH, or Xia.
3216a The Barraki do need to sleep, right? 3316b. If the Barraki go to sleep, where do they leave there squid ammo? (The vampiric squid would leech anyone except for Kalmah.
3417. Can Brutaka fly?
35Thanks for your time.
361) No 372-3) No, they are OOMN members. 384) No 395) No 406) Probably not 417) Not right at the moment 427b) No. Amphibax is watching Voya Nui, as he was ordered to, waiting for the Piraka to leave. 438) Oh, Zyglak have been in the Pit less than 1000 years. They go where no one else wants to live, so once the old Pit was shattered, they moved into it. 449) If you know I can't answer it, why ask? 4510) They are already companions from the start. 4611a) Yes 4711b) No 4812) I don't really understand your question 4913) No 5014) No, again, Hydraxon is an OOMN member, they don't have connections to the BOM 5115) All true 5216) Yes 5316b) If you look on the sets, the squid attach to their armor in such a way that they cannot make the contact they need to to leech
1Hello Greg, the quote you gave us from Nocturn-Hydraxon fight 21.-Is it from Downfall or from BL7?
32.-(Hope you can answer it)Is the World that Feeds the World the Universe Core?, since the Crazy Matoran is a Matoran of light (Universe Core) and they built the Toa Canisters?(WtFtW)
43.-Will the Toa from the1st Team have a name and Mask Power?
54.-Do you already know if the playsets are going to be in the story?
65.-Until which comic have you write?
7that´s all, thanks in advance Greg![]()
81) Downfall 92) Can't answer it 103) Yes 114) Some will be for sure 125) I just finished #9
1Hey Greg. Just a few questions, if you don't mind:
21. Just to confirm, Reysa is dead, right? 31b. If he is, how come Sarda isn't confirmed to be dead? Both seemed (to me at least) to have disappeared under similar circumstances. 42. -Atlas Spoilers- 53. I believe you stated somewhere that if a Matoran's air bubble expires, the Matoran would drown before the mutagen started working again. Is there any particular reason the second mutation is slower? 64. -Atlas Spoilers- 75. Is Hydraxon aware that he is no longer an Order member after his resurrection? 86. Is repairing the Pit on the Order's agenda right now?
9Thanks for your time.
101) Yes 111b) Because Sarda is in the Karzahni set profiled on the BZP homepage, so we know he isn't dead. 122) - 133) Because I want drowning to be an option, otherwise there is no drama in the air bubble running out 144) - 155) No, because he doesn't realize he died, for one thing. 166) Not really, they have bigger fish to fry
1Hey Greg. Just a few questions, if you don't mind:
21. Just to confirm, Reysa is dead, right? 31b. If he is, how come Sarda isn't confirmed to be dead? Both seemed (to me at least) to have disappeared under similar circumstances. 42. -Atlas Spoilers- 53. I believe you stated somewhere that if a Matoran's air bubble expires, the Matoran would drown before the mutagen started working again. Is there any particular reason the second mutation is slower? 64. -Atlas Spoilers- 75. Is Hydraxon aware that he is no longer an Order member after his resurrection? 86. Is repairing the Pit on the Order's agenda right now?
9Thanks for your time.
101) Yes 111b) Because Sarda is in the Karzahni set profiled on the BZP homepage, so we know he isn't dead. 122) - 133) Because I want drowning to be an option, otherwise there is no drama in the air bubble running out 144) - 155) No, because he doesn't realize he died, for one thing. 166) Not really, they have bigger fish to fry
17Five is intresting... "Not really, they have bigger fish to fry" That's a funny term

1From Greg
2QUOTE3Hi Greg,
4If your not too busy would you mind answering a couple of questions for me please?
51) I've recently been looking at pictures of Spinax, is that a mask on the back of his head? It looks a lot like Brutaka's. 62) Would the mask of stealth that Nidhiki wore be the same as the one Nuparu now wears, only a different colour? Could it have been a different style like Lhikan's hau? 73) Is Nuparu's mask still set to be silver, is it possible that it could still be changed to black?
8Can i post these answers?
91) I don't have the set, so couldn't say. 102) Yes 113) All the illos I have seen are silver. We don't have any Mahri sets in the office, because they don't come out for three months
12Ok English is not my native language but what does Illos mean? 13Could it be the mask name?
1From Greg
2QUOTE3Hi Greg,
4If your not too busy would you mind answering a couple of questions for me please?
51) I've recently been looking at pictures of Spinax, is that a mask on the back of his head? It looks a lot like Brutaka's. 62) Would the mask of stealth that Nidhiki wore be the same as the one Nuparu now wears, only a different colour? Could it have been a different style like Lhikan's hau? 73) Is Nuparu's mask still set to be silver, is it possible that it could still be changed to black?
8Can i post these answers?
91) I don't have the set, so couldn't say. 102) Yes 113) All the illos I have seen are silver. We don't have any Mahri sets in the office, because they don't come out for three months
12Ok English is not my native language but what does Illos mean? 13Could it be the mask name?
14Actually you could be right... 15Do you think that is the mask name?
1I think it's short for illustration. Sorry guys.
1Here's something I got:
43BTW guys, he obviously wasn't thinking straight. I read TIME TRAP again and it states that the vahi was gold first. More Later.
2Hello Mr. Farshtey:
3This is my first time PMing you [I'm relatively new here and have a few questions that have been bugging me for quite some time:
41. When the Vahi was first released, the mask was an orange color. But when it came out again in the special edition vahki, it is now a gold color. Is there a specific reason for that or is it simply the color they chose?
52. We know that Vakama merged all the Great Disks to make the Disk of Time which he he crafted into the vahi but, what would happen to a target if Vakama had actually used it as a disk at one point? Would the disk have any sort of special "flying" ability [dodging obstacle, flying farther, return to thrower, etc.. Or do you not know because Vakama never used it that way so you didn't bother thinking about it.
63. In comic number 2 [ignition I believe it was, it said that different colored zamor spheres have different effects. Well, I have searched everywhere and can't find any list on the different powers. Did Lego decide to scrap the idea or is there actually a list somewhere out there? If you know the different powers, could you please tell me?
74. In the comic where the toa are transformed into the toa nuva, it says that Pohatu's climbing claws can be joined together to form "the legendary Kodan Ball". Why is it legendary? What does it do? What does the matoran word "Kodan" actually mean?
85. It is known that a noble mask does not have the same power level as its great mask counterpart and cannot perform abilities as strong. For example, if I am correct the noble rau just lets you read ancient/unknown text while the great rau lets you interpret and use a spoken language as well, noble mahiki lets you cast illusions while great mahiki lets you shape-shift, noble ruru lets the wearer see in the dark but great ruru actually casts physical light. Assuming I am correct in these, what are the differences between the other three: invisibility, mind-control, and telekinesis?
9And last but not least...
106. Which do you prefer? White, Milk, or Dark Chocolate?
11Thank you very much for you time and patience:
12CUL8R 13Takuma Nuva: Toa of Laser
141) Are you looking for a storyline reason? Storyline reason was exposure to liquid protodermis. 152) I didn't bother thinking about it -- I basically don't have time to consider every hypothetical, I have to focus on what is happening in the story. 163) They did have different effects, but they never really got used in the story. I would have to dig up the info for you. 174) Kodan was a Matoran who was credited with inventing the game of akilini. He disappeared on a mission with Toa of Metru Nui and is presumed dead. Because the object formed by Pohatu's claws resembled the ball used in the earliest form of akilini, Turaga Onewa nicknamed it a kodan ball. 185) Telekinesis would involve the size and weight of things you can lift or move, as well as the duration of use. Concealment would be duration only. Mind control would be duration and would probably be limited in its Noble form in terms of the strength of will you could overcome. 196) Generally dark
20Wow: Thanks for your prompt reply::: However, these answers do formulate more questions in my mind...(sorry)
211. Was the vahi gold before it fell in the protodermis and orange afterward or vice-versa?
223. Akilini, I've heard that somewhere before... What's the game like? How is it played? Or if you prefer, could you give me a link to where I can just read about it myself?
234. The toa that Kodan was with, were these the ones that left to seal off the passages around Metru-Nui but never returned (as well as Kodan)?
246 Cool: I prefer dark chocolate too: (except it does leave a strange after-taste sometimes...) 25Regarding other questions...
267. I have been seeing a lot on an "Ancient Evil" lately on BZP and I have NO idea what everyone is talking about: Where was the AE first mentioned? Just what all has been revealed about this character? Or, what's a link I can go to so you don't have to tell me all this yourself (save you some time...)?
278. If a great Hau protects the wearer of all attacks etc. he/she is aware of, what did Lihkan's noble Hau do, or is this to hypothetical right now? What about Dume's mask of regeneration?
289. Toa Norik's mask was a mask of shrinking right?
2910. What is a Zyglak?
3011. How many books have you done since Inferno?
3112. About how many PMs do you get in a day? I'd like to know because the more you get, the more I'll try to space mine apart (to help lighten your load).
32CUL8R 33Takuma Nuva: Toa of Laser
341) Orange first 353) I would suggest checking the BS01 Wiki, which I am sure has details on it from the Encyclopedia. 364) All it states in the E. is that they were sent out on a mission, doesn't say what it was. 377) AE was from 2006 storyline -- the legend stated that if the Toa did not get the Mask of Life, an ancient evil would be unleashed. Turned out to refer to Makuta. 388) A Noble Hau does the same thing, it simply is not as strong a shield and you can't keep it up for as long. And Dume's mask could be used to repair inorganic structures and objects. 399) Yes 4010) A Zyglak is a primitive species that was created from the remains of the process that created the first Matoran 4111) Bionicle Legends 6, 7, World Guide, Encyclopedia #2, and I think two EXO-FORCE books 4212) I average around 30-40 right now
43BTW guys, he obviously wasn't thinking straight. I read TIME TRAP again and it states that the vahi was gold first. More Later.
1Here's something I got:
2Hello Mr. Farshtey:
3This is my first time PMing you [I'm relatively new here and have a few questions that have been bugging me for quite some time:
41. When the Vahi was first released, the mask was an orange color. But when it came out again in the special edition vahki, it is now a gold color. Is there a specific reason for that or is it simply the color they chose?
52. We know that Vakama merged all the Great Disks to make the Disk of Time which he he crafted into the vahi but, what would happen to a target if Vakama had actually used it as a disk at one point? Would the disk have any sort of special "flying" ability [dodging obstacle, flying farther, return to thrower, etc.. Or do you not know because Vakama never used it that way so you didn't bother thinking about it.
63. In comic number 2 [ignition I believe it was, it said that different colored zamor spheres have different effects. Well, I have searched everywhere and can't find any list on the different powers. Did Lego decide to scrap the idea or is there actually a list somewhere out there? If you know the different powers, could you please tell me?
74. In the comic where the toa are transformed into the toa nuva, it says that Pohatu's climbing claws can be joined together to form "the legendary Kodan Ball". Why is it legendary? What does it do? What does the matoran word "Kodan" actually mean?
85. It is known that a noble mask does not have the same power level as its great mask counterpart and cannot perform abilities as strong. For example, if I am correct the noble rau just lets you read ancient/unknown text while the great rau lets you interpret and use a spoken language as well, noble mahiki lets you cast illusions while great mahiki lets you shape-shift, noble ruru lets the wearer see in the dark but great ruru actually casts physical light. Assuming I am correct in these, what are the differences between the other three: invisibility, mind-control, and telekinesis?
9And last but not least...
106. Which do you prefer? White, Milk, or Dark Chocolate?
11Thank you very much for you time and patience:
12CUL8R 13Takuma Nuva: Toa of Laser
141) Are you looking for a storyline reason? Storyline reason was exposure to liquid protodermis. 152) I didn't bother thinking about it -- I basically don't have time to consider every hypothetical, I have to focus on what is happening in the story. 163) They did have different effects, but they never really got used in the story. I would have to dig up the info for you. 174) Kodan was a Matoran who was credited with inventing the game of akilini. He disappeared on a mission with Toa of Metru Nui and is presumed dead. Because the object formed by Pohatu's claws resembled the ball used in the earliest form of akilini, Turaga Onewa nicknamed it a kodan ball. 185) Telekinesis would involve the size and weight of things you can lift or move, as well as the duration of use. Concealment would be duration only. Mind control would be duration and would probably be limited in its Noble form in terms of the strength of will you could overcome. 196) Generally dark
20Wow: Thanks for your prompt reply::: However, these answers do formulate more questions in my mind...(sorry)
211. Was the vahi gold before it fell in the protodermis and orange afterward or vice-versa?
223. Akilini, I've heard that somewhere before... What's the game like? How is it played? Or if you prefer, could you give me a link to where I can just read about it myself?
234. The toa that Kodan was with, were these the ones that left to seal off the passages around Metru-Nui but never returned (as well as Kodan)?
246 Cool: I prefer dark chocolate too: (except it does leave a strange after-taste sometimes...) 25Regarding other questions...
267. I have been seeing a lot on an "Ancient Evil" lately on BZP and I have NO idea what everyone is talking about: Where was the AE first mentioned? Just what all has been revealed about this character? Or, what's a link I can go to so you don't have to tell me all this yourself (save you some time...)?
278. If a great Hau protects the wearer of all attacks etc. he/she is aware of, what did Lihkan's noble Hau do, or is this to hypothetical right now? What about Dume's mask of regeneration?
289. Toa Norik's mask was a mask of shrinking right?
2910. What is a Zyglak?
3011. How many books have you done since Inferno?
3112. About how many PMs do you get in a day? I'd like to know because the more you get, the more I'll try to space mine apart (to help lighten your load).
32CUL8R 33Takuma Nuva: Toa of Laser
341) Orange first 353) I would suggest checking the BS01 Wiki, which I am sure has details on it from the Encyclopedia. 364) All it states in the E. is that they were sent out on a mission, doesn't say what it was. 377) AE was from 2006 storyline -- the legend stated that if the Toa did not get the Mask of Life, an ancient evil would be unleashed. Turned out to refer to Makuta. 388) A Noble Hau does the same thing, it simply is not as strong a shield and you can't keep it up for as long. And Dume's mask could be used to repair inorganic structures and objects. 399) Yes 4010) A Zyglak is a primitive species that was created from the remains of the process that created the first Matoran 4111) Bionicle Legends 6, 7, World Guide, Encyclopedia #2, and I think two EXO-FORCE books 4212) I average around 30-40 right now
43BTW guys, he obviously wasn't thinking straight. I read TIME TRAP again and it states that the vahi was gold first. More Later.
44Careful what you say, or GregF could go ballistic

12. We know that Vakama merged all the Great Disks to make the Disk of Time which he he crafted into the vahi but, what would happen to a target if Vakama had actually used it as a disk at one point? Would the disk have any sort of special "flying" ability [dodging obstacle, flying farther, return to thrower, etc.. Or do you not know because Vakama never used it that way so you didn't bother thinking about it.
22) I didn't bother thinking about it -- I basically don't have time to consider every hypothetical, I have to focus on what is happening in the story.
3The toy Disks of Time were stamped with code 199; meaning Ta-Metru disk, power of Time, power level 9. So it can speed up or slow down its target, like the Vahi can, and being a Ta-Metru disk it can knock obstacles out of the way.
1Hi greg, just some stuff:
21: I know you told us that you cant give away the year that the mystery person was from-the guy that put the bom contract in the pit, but could you tell me a year he/she was not from?
32: does spinax have teeth?big teeth? If so, are they used as weapons, Like a real guard dog?
43: If someone mentioned takuas name in front of a matoran of light, would they go: Hey, hows takua do'in? 5Or: Would they not even remember him after the mind wipe?
64: Were the matoran in the universe core affected by the mind wipe?
75: Can jallers mask of sonar detect stuff through the sound waves they emit, or some other way?
86: Can jaller feel disturbances in sound patterns with his mask?
97: I think I know why hydraxon isnt an order member anymore... Does it have to do with the way he was revived?
108: does hydraxon remember anything after he was revived? 11What is his goal after he wakes back up? if its not rebuilding the pit, then what?
129: If he has to round up all the former prisnors, were would he put them?
141) 2001 152) I don't have the set, so don't know at this point 163) Depends on where you are. If you bring his name up in the Matoran of Light homeland, yes, they would remember him. If you bring him up to another "seeded" Matoran of Light, they would not. 174) There weren't any in the core at that time. The core had been colonized previous to that, but no one was living there at that time. 185) Sonar works by bouncing sound waves off of objects -- it's what bats use to detect things in their path 196) No 207) Yes, sort of 218) Yes, he does. His goal is to recapture all the escaped prisoners. 229) Well, he hasn't been back to the old Pit, he probably doesn't realize how damaged it is.
23Just some stuff
1Dear Greg,
2Here are some questions I've been pondering about. Hope you can take a crack at them.
3Metru Nui Question:
41) The mask makers only knew how to make the following types of Kanohi: 6 Toa Mata, 6 Toa Metru, 7 Turaga, and 2 Toa Hagah?
51) No. Those are simply the masks you saw in use in the story, doesn't mean those are the only types of masks that existed.
6Matoran-to-Toa Question:
7Scenario: A Matoran is wearing a made-for-Matoran mask, be it a Kakama, Pakari, Noble Matatu, Noble Huna, etc.
82) When this Matoran ever does become a Toa, will the mask it is wearing become a usable great mask, regardless if it was noble shaped? 9Note: Assuming the shape of the mask matches the power of the Kanoka disk combination i.e. a low-level-telekinesis-powered Kanoka made into a Noble-Matatu mask.
102) Yes
11Turaga Questions:
123) What is the extent of a Turaga's elemental powers? 13Hypothetically: 143a) Could Turaga Whenua use his drill staff on the ground, gather the surrounding soil and thrust it at an opponent? 153b) Could Turaga Onewa slam his stone hammer on the ground and make a stone dart up and hit an opponent? 163c) Could Turaga Vakama use his fire staff to gather surrounding heat and make a fireball to launch at an opponent? 173d) Could Turaga Matau use the buzz saw on his kau kau staff to whip up a breeze strong enough to knock an opponent off balance? 183e) Could Turaga Nokama use her trident to gather surrounding moisture and force it at an opponent as a tidal splash? 193f) Could Turaga Nuju use his ice pick to create and launch icicles?
203) The quick and dirty answer to this is that if Tahu's can create a firestorm, Vakama can light a torch. Take what a Toa can do, divide it by about 500, and you have a Turaga's level of power.
214) When the Toa Mata collected the 6 types of noble Kanohi for their Turaga, was this the first time the Turaga were able to experience the 6 Kanohi powers from their fellow Turaga without switching masks with each other?
224) I would say no, because they had the masks at one time and lost them, which is why they needed to be recovered.
23Miru Questions:
245) The Miru allows its user to float and glide on air, but the user can only control vertical movement. Is this similar to experiencing zero gravity, only you have control as to how high and low you go?
255) Somewhat, yes
266) Could you "swim" in the air while the Miru is activated to give yourself limited horizontal movement?
276) You are better off gliding on air currents
287) While using the Miru, will you be a victim of strong wind currents blowing you horizontally?
297) Yes
30Toa Questions:
319) Why is it that the Toa Mata are the ONLY TOA to have access to 6 Kanohi powers which include those shared among the team? (Actually, the Turaga were able to experience this only after the Toa collected the 6 noble Kanohi for them.)
329) Because we didn't want to do "search for the masks" quests every single year in the story, nor were we putting out mask packs, so putting a lot of emphasis on mask switching wouldn't have matched the marketing priorities. And because neither the Metru nor the Inika had the time to be gathering masks, putting them on suva, and switching throughout the year. They were in the middle of emergencies. All the Mata had to deal with initially was Rahi, so they had plenty of time to get their masks in order.
3310) Are the Toa Nuva and Toa Inika the most important Toa to KEEP AS TOA since their destinies deal with the well being (both consciousness and health) of Mata Nui?
3410) I would say definitely no on the Inika, because we know at least one other Toa team in the past has had the same mission. So once they have done what they have to do, it is not MANDATED they stay as Toa. It's not really for the Nuva either, although I would prefer they remain Toa because I think they are iconic as Toa.
35Thanks for answering what you can and for making Kopaka such a cool character. I appreciate both. I look forward to reading BL7 in July. Have a great 2007:
2Here are some questions I've been pondering about. Hope you can take a crack at them.
3Metru Nui Question:
41) The mask makers only knew how to make the following types of Kanohi: 6 Toa Mata, 6 Toa Metru, 7 Turaga, and 2 Toa Hagah?
51) No. Those are simply the masks you saw in use in the story, doesn't mean those are the only types of masks that existed.
6Matoran-to-Toa Question:
7Scenario: A Matoran is wearing a made-for-Matoran mask, be it a Kakama, Pakari, Noble Matatu, Noble Huna, etc.
82) When this Matoran ever does become a Toa, will the mask it is wearing become a usable great mask, regardless if it was noble shaped? 9Note: Assuming the shape of the mask matches the power of the Kanoka disk combination i.e. a low-level-telekinesis-powered Kanoka made into a Noble-Matatu mask.
102) Yes
11Turaga Questions:
123) What is the extent of a Turaga's elemental powers? 13Hypothetically: 143a) Could Turaga Whenua use his drill staff on the ground, gather the surrounding soil and thrust it at an opponent? 153b) Could Turaga Onewa slam his stone hammer on the ground and make a stone dart up and hit an opponent? 163c) Could Turaga Vakama use his fire staff to gather surrounding heat and make a fireball to launch at an opponent? 173d) Could Turaga Matau use the buzz saw on his kau kau staff to whip up a breeze strong enough to knock an opponent off balance? 183e) Could Turaga Nokama use her trident to gather surrounding moisture and force it at an opponent as a tidal splash? 193f) Could Turaga Nuju use his ice pick to create and launch icicles?
203) The quick and dirty answer to this is that if Tahu's can create a firestorm, Vakama can light a torch. Take what a Toa can do, divide it by about 500, and you have a Turaga's level of power.
214) When the Toa Mata collected the 6 types of noble Kanohi for their Turaga, was this the first time the Turaga were able to experience the 6 Kanohi powers from their fellow Turaga without switching masks with each other?
224) I would say no, because they had the masks at one time and lost them, which is why they needed to be recovered.
23Miru Questions:
245) The Miru allows its user to float and glide on air, but the user can only control vertical movement. Is this similar to experiencing zero gravity, only you have control as to how high and low you go?
255) Somewhat, yes
266) Could you "swim" in the air while the Miru is activated to give yourself limited horizontal movement?
276) You are better off gliding on air currents
287) While using the Miru, will you be a victim of strong wind currents blowing you horizontally?
297) Yes
30Toa Questions:
319) Why is it that the Toa Mata are the ONLY TOA to have access to 6 Kanohi powers which include those shared among the team? (Actually, the Turaga were able to experience this only after the Toa collected the 6 noble Kanohi for them.)
329) Because we didn't want to do "search for the masks" quests every single year in the story, nor were we putting out mask packs, so putting a lot of emphasis on mask switching wouldn't have matched the marketing priorities. And because neither the Metru nor the Inika had the time to be gathering masks, putting them on suva, and switching throughout the year. They were in the middle of emergencies. All the Mata had to deal with initially was Rahi, so they had plenty of time to get their masks in order.
3310) Are the Toa Nuva and Toa Inika the most important Toa to KEEP AS TOA since their destinies deal with the well being (both consciousness and health) of Mata Nui?
3410) I would say definitely no on the Inika, because we know at least one other Toa team in the past has had the same mission. So once they have done what they have to do, it is not MANDATED they stay as Toa. It's not really for the Nuva either, although I would prefer they remain Toa because I think they are iconic as Toa.
35Thanks for answering what you can and for making Kopaka such a cool character. I appreciate both. I look forward to reading BL7 in July. Have a great 2007:
1more answers from GregF
2Hi Greg, thanks for the questions you answered yesterday, so: 31.-Hydraxon fights Nocturn twice, right, in BL7 and BL8?
42.-You recently said that the Toa from the 1st Team visits The Pit on his way to his realm, is it truth?
53.-The thing about The Death of Mata Nui will show up in Book7 or 8?
64.-What is your favorite 2007 titan to write so far?
7thanks in advance Greg, oh, and thanks for the Comic 9 preview
81) I have to double-check, depends on where I land in terms of word count for Book 8 92) No, I never said he was on the way to his realm. He doesn't have a realm. 103) Book 8 114) Hydraxon and Maxilos
1Hello Greg, I sent these questions a few days ago and I don't think they made it to you, so I am re sending them.
21. Is what Mantax looking for something that identifies one of the Barraki as a BoM member, such as the one who supposedly betrayed them?
32. How could the Inika beat the Piraka when the Nuva couldn't? Is it because of the lightning?
43. In the Adventures books, it seemed like when Nuju or Nokama were usually together. Was there anything between them, or was it just written like that with no reason?
54. Since Jaller is annoyed by Matoro that he is taking more control, if Matoro was about to be killed, would Jaller sacrifice his life to save Matoro, who is probably the only one of them who could use the mask of life.
65. Is there a connection between the words Matoran and Matoro?
76. In Bionicle is there an afterlife? I know they have spirits but what happens to them when the being dies?
87. Do Rahi have spirits?
98. Can Matoran only be destined to be Toa by Mata Nui, or can another make them destined to.
109. If only Mata Nui can is that why there are few Toa left because no new matoran can be destined?
11Thank you.
121) Only Makuta can be BOM members. A Barraki could not be one. 132) Couple reasons:
14a) The Nuva's actual final defeat came from a blow from behind by Brutaka -- they were beating the Piraka at that point. 15The Inika were immune to the Piraka's zamor spheres 16c) The Inika came on to the island KNOWING something had to be wrong there, because the Nuva were missing. They were braced for trouble, and they had info on the Piraka from the Matoran resistance. The Nuva first fought the Piraka with no idea they were there or what they could do. 173) There is no "anything" to be between them because there are no romances in my stories. 184) Jaller is not going to let his personal feelings get in the way of a mission. 195) No 206) This is not something we go near, because when you start talking afterlife you are talking religion and you will inevitably offend someone. 217) Yes 228) Their destinies are generally set by Mata Nui 239) No, Mata Nui has only been asleep for 1000 years, out of a 100,000 year span of history -- there are tons of Matoran in existence, but at any given time, only a very small number are destined to be Toa. The reason there are so few Toa is that Toa have a very dangerous job and it's been made more dangerous by Mata Nui's slumber and the corresponding increase in power of groups like the BOM and the Dark Hunters.
24Some more questions
251. I have been asking some questions about the afterlife in Bionicle. You said you wouldn't get into it since it will probably offend someone since it's religion. So there could be an afterlife, but you won't get into it. This is probably my last afterlife question I will ever send you.
262. Besides any Toa of Ice, who is your favorite Toa?
273. If the Inika tried to do a protodermis seal, what happens to the lightning?
284. If someone with a Mask of Water Breathing went into the Pit mutigen, would they mutate and grow gills?
295. Other than Kopaka, who is your favorite Bionicle character?
306. Do you know how much Karzahni will be?
317. This isn't Bionicle related, but have you seen a tv show called Ninja Warrior? It's a Japanese game show that's the ultimate obsticle course.
331) Or there might not be one, and I won't get into that either. 342) Kongu and Nuparu 353) You would have a solid protodermis cage with lightning in the bars 364) Yes, because their physical body would be exposed to the water so they would be mutated. 375) Makuta 386) Nope 397) No
21. Is what Mantax looking for something that identifies one of the Barraki as a BoM member, such as the one who supposedly betrayed them?
32. How could the Inika beat the Piraka when the Nuva couldn't? Is it because of the lightning?
43. In the Adventures books, it seemed like when Nuju or Nokama were usually together. Was there anything between them, or was it just written like that with no reason?
54. Since Jaller is annoyed by Matoro that he is taking more control, if Matoro was about to be killed, would Jaller sacrifice his life to save Matoro, who is probably the only one of them who could use the mask of life.
65. Is there a connection between the words Matoran and Matoro?
76. In Bionicle is there an afterlife? I know they have spirits but what happens to them when the being dies?
87. Do Rahi have spirits?
98. Can Matoran only be destined to be Toa by Mata Nui, or can another make them destined to.
109. If only Mata Nui can is that why there are few Toa left because no new matoran can be destined?
11Thank you.
121) Only Makuta can be BOM members. A Barraki could not be one. 132) Couple reasons:
14a) The Nuva's actual final defeat came from a blow from behind by Brutaka -- they were beating the Piraka at that point. 15The Inika were immune to the Piraka's zamor spheres 16c) The Inika came on to the island KNOWING something had to be wrong there, because the Nuva were missing. They were braced for trouble, and they had info on the Piraka from the Matoran resistance. The Nuva first fought the Piraka with no idea they were there or what they could do. 173) There is no "anything" to be between them because there are no romances in my stories. 184) Jaller is not going to let his personal feelings get in the way of a mission. 195) No 206) This is not something we go near, because when you start talking afterlife you are talking religion and you will inevitably offend someone. 217) Yes 228) Their destinies are generally set by Mata Nui 239) No, Mata Nui has only been asleep for 1000 years, out of a 100,000 year span of history -- there are tons of Matoran in existence, but at any given time, only a very small number are destined to be Toa. The reason there are so few Toa is that Toa have a very dangerous job and it's been made more dangerous by Mata Nui's slumber and the corresponding increase in power of groups like the BOM and the Dark Hunters.
24Some more questions
251. I have been asking some questions about the afterlife in Bionicle. You said you wouldn't get into it since it will probably offend someone since it's religion. So there could be an afterlife, but you won't get into it. This is probably my last afterlife question I will ever send you.
262. Besides any Toa of Ice, who is your favorite Toa?
273. If the Inika tried to do a protodermis seal, what happens to the lightning?
284. If someone with a Mask of Water Breathing went into the Pit mutigen, would they mutate and grow gills?
295. Other than Kopaka, who is your favorite Bionicle character?
306. Do you know how much Karzahni will be?
317. This isn't Bionicle related, but have you seen a tv show called Ninja Warrior? It's a Japanese game show that's the ultimate obsticle course.
331) Or there might not be one, and I won't get into that either. 342) Kongu and Nuparu 353) You would have a solid protodermis cage with lightning in the bars 364) Yes, because their physical body would be exposed to the water so they would be mutated. 375) Makuta 386) Nope 397) No
1Hello, Just some questions. 2Would you consider the Great Beings an organization? 3Are they in another universe, or are their whereabouts unknown? 4Did they create Artahka and Kahrzani (beings)? 5Will Artahka have a storyline influence other than BL8? 6Wil the world that feeds the world be in BL8? 7Was Kauka refering to the Mahri Nui and tha Toa Mahri in Vakama's vision (or possibly the '08 place and Toa)?
8GB #1
91) Can't answer it 102) All we know is they are not in this one 113) Yes 124) Can't discuss future storyline 135) Can't discuss future storyline 146) He was referring to the Inika.
15#1 is interesting, I wonder why he can't answer it?
1Maybe it's because he doesn't have an answer?
1What do you mean by not have an answer, like he doesn't know? Personally I dought it because it's a yes no (straightforward) question.
1Sir, these questions regard to the Brotherhood of Makuta only. Please answer as much as you can.
21. Does the Brotherhood have loads of the same empty armor in their base? 32. Can Makuta possess Rahkshi armor and still speak like he usually does? 43. Does the Brotherhood have a mental link with each other? 54. This question does not regard the Brotherhood, but does Krakua exist before or after Mata Nui's death?
6Please respond and thank you for your time.
81) No 92) Possessing Rahkshi armor would do Makuta no good. Rahkshi armor is just that -- it's armor -- it can't move on its own, unless a kraata is driving it. Makuta needs to possess living bodies that have no spirit in them or robot bodies. Rahkshi armor is neither one. 103) Not one that's on all the time, no 114) Can't answer it
12Last question was interesting. Greg did not have an answer for it.
1Hi Greg
2Something just poped into my head
3You said that the Barraki once 4controlled all of the known Univerce. 5wouldent that include Artakha. Artakha 6was part of the known univerce back then. 7So wouldent At least one of the barraki 8know were it is.
9Just some thing I thought of
11P.S Even though all people who new the location of Artakha 12were killed, this happened after the barraki were sent to the pit 13so they the therie still works.
14I never said they controlled all the known universe, just most of it. They did not, for example, control Metru Nui, they just had a trade deal with it. Artakha did not need the Barraki to run efficiently, so I doubt they managed it.
15As for your question, it is possible they know where it is, but since they were in the Pit for eternity, I doubt the OOMN felt any need to dispose of them -- they had already been disposed of, and posed no threat to Artakha or anywhere else.
16HI Greg I was wondering
17Is Karzahni going to Mahri Nui to get the Mask Of Life, or maybe is he there to get revenge on the Matoran who escaped his relm?
18I was also wondering if Karzahni could take over someones mind?
19thanks a lot
211) I can't discuss summer storyline 222) No
2Something just poped into my head
3You said that the Barraki once 4controlled all of the known Univerce. 5wouldent that include Artakha. Artakha 6was part of the known univerce back then. 7So wouldent At least one of the barraki 8know were it is.
9Just some thing I thought of
11P.S Even though all people who new the location of Artakha 12were killed, this happened after the barraki were sent to the pit 13so they the therie still works.
14I never said they controlled all the known universe, just most of it. They did not, for example, control Metru Nui, they just had a trade deal with it. Artakha did not need the Barraki to run efficiently, so I doubt they managed it.
15As for your question, it is possible they know where it is, but since they were in the Pit for eternity, I doubt the OOMN felt any need to dispose of them -- they had already been disposed of, and posed no threat to Artakha or anywhere else.
16HI Greg I was wondering
17Is Karzahni going to Mahri Nui to get the Mask Of Life, or maybe is he there to get revenge on the Matoran who escaped his relm?
18I was also wondering if Karzahni could take over someones mind?
19thanks a lot
211) I can't discuss summer storyline 222) No
11. When Mata Nui dies, will all of the things that happenned in Karzahni's vision happen?
22. Is this the reason book 8 is REALLY emotionally wrenching?
33. Does he seriously die, as in the thing the Ignika can't reverse?
4Thanks in Advance:
51) Eventually, they would, yes 62) Only part of it 73) He does die, that's all I can tell
91. Ok, thats cool.
102. Only PART of it? This must be really really REALLY emotionally wrenching.
113. Not much here. Just telling us he will definately die.
11. When Mata Nui dies, will all of the things that happenned in Karzahni's vision happen?
22. Is this the reason book 8 is REALLY emotionally wrenching?
33. Does he seriously die, as in the thing the Ignika can't reverse?
4Thanks in Advance:
51) Eventually, they would, yes 62) Only part of it 73) He does die, that's all I can tell
91. Ok, thats cool.
102. Only PART of it? This must be really really REALLY emotionally wrenching.
113. Not much here. Just telling us he will definately die.
12So, Hydraxonn did die, but he is revived, so why couldn't Mata Nui be revived?
1Hello again Mr Farshtey, I's just got a few questions about a few things I've been confused about.
2Mantax's Search 31) What triggered him to start searching? 4A: A hunch
52) How long has he been searching? 6A: Close to 1000 years
73) Is the item any piece of clothing? 8A: No
94) It is definitely NOT a Kanohi, correct? 10A: Right
115) We have never heard of nor have we seen it before, correct? It is brand-new to the story? 12A: Correct
136) Is it like an icon or symbol of power, one the BoM would respect/fear/listen to/whatever? 14A: It is a symbol, yes
15Hydraxon 161) Did he lose his OOMN job because someone evil revived him? 172) Why doesn't he remember being killed? 18A: You'll find out the answers to 1-2 in Book 7
193) Why did Takadox kill him? 20A: Because Takadox hated him.
214) Is he gonna be mutated at all? 22A: No
235) Was the someone who revived him from the Chronicles, Adventures, or Legends storyline? 24A: Can't answer it
25Zyglak 261) Do Zyglak speak Matoran? 27A: Yes
282) Why do they hate Matoran so much? Cuz they were cast aside as mistakes? 29A: Because the Matoran have led the favored lives that the Zyglak felt should have been theirs
303) Can Zyglak make more Zyglak, through the same process they were originally made? 31A: No
324) Did the Bahrag make any Zyglak? 33A: No
345) Are Zyglak immune to the mutagen? 35A: Would seem they are
366) Did they put the mutagen there? 37A: No. Mutagen got there by accident. Nobody put it there intentionally.
38Matoran of Light 391) About how many Matoran got seeded around the world? 40A: Unknown
412) Why did so many get seeded? To ensure that one of them may get the Avohkii? 42A: Because they are important to the universe, and if a hostile force had found where they live and killed all of them, it would have been bad. This way, at least some would survive.
433) Are they colored gold and white? (gold mask/body, white limbs?) 44A: In their natural form, yes
454) Can I get a little snippet of any info you may be willing to share at the moment? 46A: Nope
1Hi, Greg: 2I was just wondering if you could answer a few questions... 31) Does Jaller's mask of Sonar allow him to tell out for example, whether the person 100m away from him was a Barraki or a fellow toa? 42) Can Jaller use his mask to sense a being using a mask of stealth? 53) What do you mean by the Hanah crab adopting jaller? 64) Do the Cordak blasters have limited ammo? 75) Does Hydraxon have powers? 86) To their full extent, who is more Powerful? Axonn or Brutaka? 97) Has lego always planned to kill off Mata Nui in this year? 108) Is the toyfair description of Maxilos accurate? 119) Can you give a quote from the Makuta-Hydraxon battle? 1210) When Mata Nui dies, does that mean the Universe would crumble and cease to exist?
13Thanks a lot, Greg:
151) No. It shows you there's an object out there and it's moving, not who it is. 162) Most likely that would work 173) Well, haven't you ever had a stray dog follow you home? 184) Yes 195) Not really, no, he doesn't need them 206) Can't answer it 217) Yup 228) I haven't read it 239) Not right now, no 2410) Eventually it would, yes. As seen in Jaller's vision in Bionicle Legends #2, it takes time for the universe to end, it doesn't just wink out
256) Why can't you answer it? Is it because you don't know, or it will be revealed in future storyline? 267)Do you mean, all this time, from 2002 at least, you already knew Mata Nui would die this year? 278) It says that Maxilos was taken over by an evil intelligence. Is that accurate? 289) How about now? Please? 2910) So if Mata Nui dies, can he be brought back to life? As Hydraxon was?
30Just a few more questions, if you don't mind... 311) If Mata Nui dies, would the Toa Nuva have any more use? 322) What is Toa Jaller's tool name? 333) So how much ammo does a cordak blaster have? 344) Does Makuta fight Maxilos? 355) Can you tell me any of the unknown powers of Brutaka?
36That's all for today, Greg. Thanks:
386) Because I prefer keeping the extent of their powers a mystery 397) I knew it was a possibility 408) I can't discuss summer storyline 419) I really have no time to go quote searching at the moment 4210) It would not be possible to bring him back in the same manner, no 431) Follow the story 442) Power sword 453) Unless you carry extra, I believe it has six shots 464) No 475) No
48Guess we know what Jaller's tool name really is.

1I sent this a couple days ago.
2Okay, I have several questions: 31. When the Nuva are re-released, do you think Pohatu will be brown? 42. Is the new Karzahni set genuine? 53. What's your favorite mask? 64. Are there any plans to go back to Mata Nui, even for just a little while? 75. Is Hewkii's mask of gravity as powerful as Nuhvok Kal? 86. Have you given an official name to Jaller's crab? (Not Hahnah crab, but an actual name.)
91) If sales figures show yellow outsold brown, then I doubt we will do brown out of nostalgia. Brown doesn't sell. 102) Yes. 113) Don't really have one 124) No, not at this time. There's nothing there. 135) Yes and no -- it is very powerful, but Hewkii does not have the experience is working with gravity that Nuhvok-Kal had. 146) He's not getting a proper name, because Jaller isn't going to name him.
1I got this:
29And this:
48This to:
74Interesting, no?
2Ok, I have 2 questions on contradictions I have noticed.
31. 3 contradictions on Golden Masks:7Which one is correct, and why are the others false?
- 4The Mask Pack shows Tahu recieving his mask in an underground cavern.
- 5The MNOLG shows Lewa getting his mask from the Suva.
- 6BIONICLE Chronicles #1 shows all 6 Toa feeding their masks into statues and getting back Gold Masks.
82. 3 Contradictions on Shadow Toa:12Which one is correct, and why are the other two false?
- 9The MNOLG has no shadow Toa.
- 10BC#1 shows the 6 Toa working together to defeat eachother's ST.
- 11The Encyclopedia says that the shadow Toa were absorbed by the Toa.
13Thanks in advance,
151) Comic takes precedence over MNOG and mask pack, because MNOG and mask pack were never approved by the story team.
162) MNOG is not false on this -- they simply elected not to show that battle, doesn't mean it didn't happen. That battle was supposed to take place in the BIONICLE software game scheduled for late 2001, which got cancelled. So it wasn't a case of MNOG being "wrong," they just didn't want to duplicate everything that was supposed to be in an upcoming game. 17I lean toward the Encyclopedia on this, because the E. explanation is what I suggested Hapka do, and she decided on her own to go in a different direction.
18Oh, Ok.
19For 1, I did not mention the comic, so was BC#1 right? And if the comic was the only right one, how did the Toa get their gold masks?
20And some extra Q's:
21[ol type='1'[li]A skilled Toa of Air can create a vacuum. So Kongu could create a vaccume bubble around the Barraki. Would this be at all effective?[li]Is the Toa Nuva's armour protosteel?[li]Why do Metru Nui's Matoran have silvery Kanohi, but on Mata Nui there is no silver?[li]BS01 Wiki says that Turaga Matau wore a Za, the Telepathy Krana, and yet the Encyclopedia says that he commanded the Bohrok Swarm. If he did command the swarm, he would have to have worn a Xa. Which did he wear?[li]My logic says that the twisted Matoran in Karzahni could not be a Matoran of light because of the simple fact that no light can pass into Karzahni. Is this logic correct?[/ol Thanks in advance,
231) I would go with BC #1 in that case, since the comic really didn't go into detail on how they got them.
242) It's a good question. He can create a vacuum by removing all the air from a given space -- but there is no air to remove underwater. 252) No 263) Because the masks taken to Mata Nui by the Toa Metru were made earlier and did not have that feature. 274) Za is correct. The Xa was needed to help swarm commanders come up with strategic plans -- Matau needed no such help, so it was more important he be able to mentally flash orders faster. 285) Ah, but you are assuming the no light prohibition was in place at that time that Matoran came there, which it may not have been -- that Matoran was sent there back when Karzahni was still receiving shipments, before the rest of the universe decided something was off and he decided to turn his realm into a prison.
29And this:
30I have a question on 2 things you said I didn;t get.
31You told me:34I have a few q's on this contradictory info.
- 32Makuta uses his essence made solid to create Kraata
- 33Makuta cannot create a Kraata to make Rahkshi armour to inhabit, as it would still be him.
351. If Makuta cannot create Kraata by turning his essence solid, like you said he did, how does he create Kraata? 362. Why would Makuta's Kraata perish if exposed to EP if it is meant to go into Rahkshi Armour? 373. Is it that Makuta can only make a Kraata if he can pull it out of armour, and if he has no armour, he cannot create Kraata?
38Thanks in advance,
40I am a little confused on the second answer you said I gave you. Can you actually give me the quote that I said, rather than your interpretation of it?
41If you were asking if Makuta can possess Rahkshi armor, he would not be able to possess it by making a kraata -- a kraata is only a very small part of Makuta's essence, and it becomes a separate being when it is created. So even if he did this, most of his essence would still be floating around as energy and would eventually dissipate with no body to inhabit.
42If there is a kraata in the Rahkshi, he cannot possess it, because the kraata has a spirit of its own, and he cannot possess something that has a spirit in it.
43If there is no kraata in the Rahkshi, he can possess the Rahkshi armor, but since the armor can't move on its own, (it's not a robot), he would be in lifeless armor.
44Sorry, I cant give the quote because the quote was on my account that I used when this one was inaccessable, which I am no linger allowed to use.
45But I should have been more specific. I meant that you said Makuta can't create Kraata in the state he is in now.
47Yes, that is true. There are certain skills Makuta cannot use if he is not in a body. His mental powers remain as strong as ever, but his physical-based abilities are weaker when he is not in a body.
48This to:
49Hi Greg,
50Just a few questions
511. You said that the Inika will not be affected by the mutagen, but will they actually be exposed to it?
521b. If they were exposed to it, why weren't they affected by it?
532. What type of changes were made to the Piraka when they were exposed to the water in the path to the Mask of Life?
543. What changes have been made to Brutaka?
553b. Is Brutaka capable of breathing underwater?
564. When Vezon touched the Ignika, did it just teleport onto the back of his head, or did he put it there?
575. On the Barraki Teaser, when exactly will it end? I have Australian time on my computer, and the new website wasn't up all day today, and I think it's 4:50 am in the US.
591-1Follow the story and find out 602) Hasn't been revealed yet 613) Well, he can breathe water now 624) It fused itself to him (why would you put a mask on the back of your head?) 635) No idea. I don't work on the website
644. Yes, but I was asking how it got to the back of his head, not why it stays on. (or did it fuse to his hand?) 652. Any idea when it will get revealed? 663. Will Brutaka mutate further?
67And a new one: 68If Brutaka is immune to the mutagen (I heard his species were immune to many things, mutagen included), how is it that the CAN breath underwater?
704) No. It leapt from his hand and fused itself to the back of his head. 712) BIONICLE Legends #8 723) Brutaka is out of the story for 2007, so no decision has been made on that 734) If Brutaka were immune, he wouldn't be able to breathe water now. You asked what changes had been made to him, if he was immune, no changes would have been made to him. The mutagen simply works much more slowly on members of his species, the same way it works much more slowly on some other creatures.
74Interesting, no?
1Is the reason the mahri matoran can't breath under water have to do with how Karzahni "fixed" them? Maybe he took something or added something to them that made it turn out like that?
23) No, it's because they weren't exposed to the mutagen long enough. Almost immediately upon arriving underwater, they were taking refuge in air bubbles that protected the from the effects of the water.
3Did anyone notice this in brutaka the titans post on page 268?Proof that the mahri did get changed by the mutengen but not long enough to look like the barraki.
1Is the reason the mahri matoran can't breath under water have to do with how Karzahni "fixed" them? Maybe he took something or added something to them that made it turn out like that?
23) No, it's because they weren't exposed to the mutagen long enough. Almost immediately upon arriving underwater, they were taking refuge in air bubbles that protected the from the effects of the water.
3Did anyone notice this in bryutaka the titans post on page 268?Proof that the mahri did get changed by the mutengen but not long enough to look like the barraki.
4That's the Matoran, not the Toa. It's been known for awhile.
1Oh sorry i thought it said toa mahri...man i should get to bed soon my mind isnt working.
1Hi greg, just some stuff:
21: Are these accurate discriptions of hydraxon ansd maxilos? they are from bso1 and they got them from the toyfair 07.
3Maxilos was once just a guardian robot. He was taken over by an evil intelligence determined to destroy the Toa Mahri. Aided by his energy hound, Spinax, Maxilos uses his twin-bladed black fire sword and shoulder-mounted Cordak Blaster to seize control of The Pit.
4The powerful jailer of The Pit, Hydraxon, is a weapons master. Armed with explosive boomerangs, wrist knives, Cordak Blaster, and protected by thick armor, he is ready to join the Toa Mahri in their fight against the Barraki."
52: Is there anything special about jallers power sword other than the fact he can channel his elements through it?
63: Are these desriptions of the mahri's weapons accurate and abilities accurate? Would it be alright if you can correct them if they are wrong, by giving me the right stuff? It would be a big help:
7"With her six wing-like fins, Toa Hahli can soar through the water at amazing speeds and strike faster than the eye can see. Armed with a Cordak revolving blaster and steel claws, she's ready to fight."
8"The water turns cold as ice when Toa Matoro is around. Armed with his twin cutter and Cordak revolving blaster, he is ready for battle with anything under the sea."
9"Armed with his aqua warblade and Cordak revolving blaster, Toa Hewkii tackles the toughest sea creatures in the fight for Mahri Nui's freedom. Hewkii's chains give off an electrical charge powerful enough to stun a Takea shark."
10Toa Kongu is prepared for undersea action with his two Cordak revolving blasters and his massive body. Get in his way and you'll learn the real meaning of crossfire:
11From out of the darkness swims Toa Nuparu to challenge the evil Barraki: His Aqua Blaster Blade send shockwaves through the pit, while his shield protects him from attack. Fire the Cordak revolving blaster to drive off the fiercest enemy."
12"Toa Jaller brings new meaning to the word "fire" with his crab-mounted Cordak revolving blaster. When he brings his power sword into the fight, he and his "pet" can hit his enemy from two directions at once – an unbeatable combination:"
13Thanks a lot:
141) I can't discuss summer sets 152) No 163) See answer to #1

1Some answers from greg, some old news some perhaps new.
22Comments, Hmm, wonder when we will learn of the first toa of Water ever, and it is a trap that 23thing with Karzahni. And about 8, so we now have perhaps a (un)official Turaga Lhikan set
21: Did you see the Karzahni set?? What is that trap thing, a creatur or a just 3an object? Because it looks a little bit with imagenation as somekind of 4mutated octopus. 52: Could the Exo Toa learn to speak the Matoran Langauge. 63: could Destral transport itself next to Metru Nui? 74: What is the most important thing the First toa of Water did? 85: As Makuta a suspicion about the OoMN now he heard Axonn and Brutaka talk? 96: Is Axonn going to do something about Kardas and Tathorak? 107: When will the Bahrag return?? 118: Does the Duracell Good Guy Gold represent Turaga Lhikan?? 129: Is Turaga Dume still anger on Nokama for telling Jaller??
131) Object 142) I doubt it, I don't think they are programmed for complex speech 153) Yes 164) Helped to build Metru Nui 175) Suspicious, perhaps, but no hard evidence. 186) Not if he's smart 197) Bahrag return in Book 7 208) I think that was the old Turaga Lhikan set, yes 219) No, he has more important things to worry about. That's spilled milk now.
22Comments, Hmm, wonder when we will learn of the first toa of Water ever, and it is a trap that 23thing with Karzahni. And about 8, so we now have perhaps a (un)official Turaga Lhikan set

1From Greg
2QUOTE3Hi Greg,
4If your not too busy would you mind answering a couple of questions for me please?
51) I've recently been looking at pictures of Spinax, is that a mask on the back of his head? It looks a lot like Brutaka's. 62) Would the mask of stealth that Nidhiki wore be the same as the one Nuparu now wears, only a different colour? Could it have been a different style like Lhikan's hau? 73) Is Nuparu's mask still set to be silver, is it possible that it could still be changed to black?
8Can i post these answers?
91) I don't have the set, so couldn't say. 102) Yes 113) All the illos I have seen are silver. We don't have any Mahri sets in the office, because they don't come out for three months
12Ok English is not my native language but what does Illos mean? 13Could it be the mask name?
14"Illos" is probably a misspelling.
1Dear Greg,
2Here are some more questions I've been pondering about. Hope you can take a crack at them.
3Toa Elemental Powers Questions:
41) Can Onua turn stone into earth and vice versa since stone is just condensed earth?
52) Can Pohatu turn earth into stone and vice versa since earth is just sediments of stone?
61-2) No. We don't get that complex with the powers because we don't want our younger readers to have to take a science class to understand what we're doing.
73) Does Kopaka's elemental power include control over low temperatures i.e. producing cold winds, frozen water, and pretty much freezing anything?
83) Yes
93a) Can he control that which he freezes?
103a) No
113b) If no to 3a), how can he shoot icicles if it's frozen water and control blizzards if it's cold air?
123b) You're talking about two different things. He can create an icicle and throw it. He cannot freeze a Muaka tiger and then make the Muaka do what he wants just because he froze it.
134) Does Gali only have control over the liquid and gas form of water (no ice)?
144) No, Gali cannot control ice.
155) Can Lewa create air currents to bring nearby clouds together and form a rainstorm?
165a) Can he create air currents to break up and disperse rain clouds to let a sunny day or starry night come through?
175) Not by himself, no. Creating a rainstorm requires both him and Gali to work together.
186) Can Tahu manipulate magma or does he require Pohatu's elemental help (magma=molten rock)?
196) Neither one can manipulate magma.
20Makuta's Powers Questions:
217) Can you give me a more in depth difference between these powers?
22Electricity-Powerful electrical field can be controlled to surround or stun distant objects or creatures.
23Chain lightning-Controls devastating bolts of chain lightning that leap between multiple targets.
247) I don't see what the problem is. You use electricity to stun one target, you use chain lightning to hit multiple targets at once.
258) Can you give me a more in depth difference between these powers?
26Disintegration-Has the power to reduce even protodermis to dust.
27Molecular Disruption-Has the power to utterly disintegrate any inorganic object with a touch.
288) Molecular disruption is simply a different mode of destruction, but it can also be used for lesser effects.
299) Can you give me a more in depth difference between these powers?
30Power Scream-Power screams shatters stone and can be heard all across the island.
31Sonics-Blasts distant objects with powerful waves of sonic force.
329) Sonics is a more blanket power. Someone who controls sonics can make creatures made of sound, etc. Power scream does not allow you to do that.
33Visorak Questions:
3410) Roporak can shoot disrupting rhotuka, which causes a form of "power outage" in their targets. Is this similar to the sea squid's effect on a subject, or does the subject experience a "loss of powers" effect?
3510) The Roporak effect is much more immediate and the energy does not flow to the Visorak as it does to the sea squid.
3611) Boggarak has the rhotuka ability to dehydrate their target above water, reducing it to dust. What would happen if this rhotuka was shot at a living target?
3711) Um, they would die.
3812) Boggarak can create sonic hums, which they use to transmute solid matter into gas, stone, etc. Can you give me a more in depth description of this natural ability? Is it temporary?
3912) It is temporary, yes. Once the hum stops, so does the transmutation. If you are looking for a scientific explanation of how it works, there isn't one -- this is a comic book universe, there doesn't have to be.
4013) Suukorak produce a powerful rhotuka that creates an electrical cage around their target, which shrinks each time the target moves. Will this cage eventually crush the target, or electrify the target until the electric cage is dispersed?
4113) It woud electricify them before it crushed them.
42Sentrakh Questions:
4314) What does Sentrakh's molecular transmutation do? To perform this ability, does he need to be in contact with his target or can he trigger this ability from afar?
4415) To perform his mind wiping ability, does Sentrakh need to be in contact with his target or can he trigger this ability from afar?
4514-15) He does not need to be in physical contact to do either. As for the first question, there's an example of it in BA #10, when he starts turning all of Vakama's organic parts to stone.
46Nuva Symbol Question:
4716) When the Bohrok Kal stole the Nuva's symbols, the Toa Nuva lost their elemental powers. If the Kal were to actually put the symbols into the Nuva cube, would the Toa Nuva lose their elemental powers forever? Would the Nuva cube disappear? Basically, what would've happened to the Toa Nuva, the Nuva cube, and the Bahrag if the Kal completed their mission?
4816) The cage would have opened and the Bahrag would have been freed. If the Nuva then retrieved their symbols from the cube, their powers would have been restored.
49Piraka Questions:
5017) Reidak's vision power includes the ability to see in the dark and see the heat patterns of his target, correct?
5117) Yes
5218) When Hakann uses mental blasts, can they be seen (as waves of energy), or are they just mentally experienced?
5318) Just experienced
5419) Did Zaktan have control of air when sharing elemental powers with a fellow Skakdi?
5519) Yes
5620) Can Protodites fly? If not, how did Zaktan disperse toward a foe so quickly?
5720) Yes, they can ride on wind currents.
5821) Does Vezok need to experience a foes power in order to copy it, or does he gain the foe's ability when the foe is nearby?
5921) Power has to be used for him to copy it.
60Barraki Questions:
6122) How fast does Mantax's paralyzing head spikes take affect on a subject?
6222) Pretty darn fast
6323) How fast does Takadox's hypnosis take affect on a subject? Basically, what's the duration of eye contact needed for his hypnosis to work?
6423) A few seconds
65Death of Mata Nui Question:
6624) When Mata Nui dies, will the Bionicle universe begin to experience earthquakes, exploding volcanoes, hurricanes, tornados, tsunamis, whirlpools, storms, basically the whole lot of natural catastrophes of a Universe collapsing?
6724) A very good description of what will happen is in BIONICLE Legends #2, in which Jaller sees a vision of the end of the universe.
68Location Question:
6925) Is the world that feeds the world within the Bionicle Universe or is the Bionicle Universe within the world that feeds the world?
7025) The former
71Thanks for answering what you can and for making Takadox such a sinister character. I appreciate both.
I look forward to reading about Makuta's new form...
2Here are some more questions I've been pondering about. Hope you can take a crack at them.
3Toa Elemental Powers Questions:
41) Can Onua turn stone into earth and vice versa since stone is just condensed earth?
52) Can Pohatu turn earth into stone and vice versa since earth is just sediments of stone?
61-2) No. We don't get that complex with the powers because we don't want our younger readers to have to take a science class to understand what we're doing.
73) Does Kopaka's elemental power include control over low temperatures i.e. producing cold winds, frozen water, and pretty much freezing anything?
83) Yes
93a) Can he control that which he freezes?
103a) No
113b) If no to 3a), how can he shoot icicles if it's frozen water and control blizzards if it's cold air?
123b) You're talking about two different things. He can create an icicle and throw it. He cannot freeze a Muaka tiger and then make the Muaka do what he wants just because he froze it.
134) Does Gali only have control over the liquid and gas form of water (no ice)?
144) No, Gali cannot control ice.
155) Can Lewa create air currents to bring nearby clouds together and form a rainstorm?
165a) Can he create air currents to break up and disperse rain clouds to let a sunny day or starry night come through?
175) Not by himself, no. Creating a rainstorm requires both him and Gali to work together.
186) Can Tahu manipulate magma or does he require Pohatu's elemental help (magma=molten rock)?
196) Neither one can manipulate magma.
20Makuta's Powers Questions:
217) Can you give me a more in depth difference between these powers?
22Electricity-Powerful electrical field can be controlled to surround or stun distant objects or creatures.
23Chain lightning-Controls devastating bolts of chain lightning that leap between multiple targets.
247) I don't see what the problem is. You use electricity to stun one target, you use chain lightning to hit multiple targets at once.
258) Can you give me a more in depth difference between these powers?
26Disintegration-Has the power to reduce even protodermis to dust.
27Molecular Disruption-Has the power to utterly disintegrate any inorganic object with a touch.
288) Molecular disruption is simply a different mode of destruction, but it can also be used for lesser effects.
299) Can you give me a more in depth difference between these powers?
30Power Scream-Power screams shatters stone and can be heard all across the island.
31Sonics-Blasts distant objects with powerful waves of sonic force.
329) Sonics is a more blanket power. Someone who controls sonics can make creatures made of sound, etc. Power scream does not allow you to do that.
33Visorak Questions:
3410) Roporak can shoot disrupting rhotuka, which causes a form of "power outage" in their targets. Is this similar to the sea squid's effect on a subject, or does the subject experience a "loss of powers" effect?
3510) The Roporak effect is much more immediate and the energy does not flow to the Visorak as it does to the sea squid.
3611) Boggarak has the rhotuka ability to dehydrate their target above water, reducing it to dust. What would happen if this rhotuka was shot at a living target?
3711) Um, they would die.
3812) Boggarak can create sonic hums, which they use to transmute solid matter into gas, stone, etc. Can you give me a more in depth description of this natural ability? Is it temporary?
3912) It is temporary, yes. Once the hum stops, so does the transmutation. If you are looking for a scientific explanation of how it works, there isn't one -- this is a comic book universe, there doesn't have to be.
4013) Suukorak produce a powerful rhotuka that creates an electrical cage around their target, which shrinks each time the target moves. Will this cage eventually crush the target, or electrify the target until the electric cage is dispersed?
4113) It woud electricify them before it crushed them.
42Sentrakh Questions:
4314) What does Sentrakh's molecular transmutation do? To perform this ability, does he need to be in contact with his target or can he trigger this ability from afar?
4415) To perform his mind wiping ability, does Sentrakh need to be in contact with his target or can he trigger this ability from afar?
4514-15) He does not need to be in physical contact to do either. As for the first question, there's an example of it in BA #10, when he starts turning all of Vakama's organic parts to stone.
46Nuva Symbol Question:
4716) When the Bohrok Kal stole the Nuva's symbols, the Toa Nuva lost their elemental powers. If the Kal were to actually put the symbols into the Nuva cube, would the Toa Nuva lose their elemental powers forever? Would the Nuva cube disappear? Basically, what would've happened to the Toa Nuva, the Nuva cube, and the Bahrag if the Kal completed their mission?
4816) The cage would have opened and the Bahrag would have been freed. If the Nuva then retrieved their symbols from the cube, their powers would have been restored.
49Piraka Questions:
5017) Reidak's vision power includes the ability to see in the dark and see the heat patterns of his target, correct?
5117) Yes
5218) When Hakann uses mental blasts, can they be seen (as waves of energy), or are they just mentally experienced?
5318) Just experienced
5419) Did Zaktan have control of air when sharing elemental powers with a fellow Skakdi?
5519) Yes
5620) Can Protodites fly? If not, how did Zaktan disperse toward a foe so quickly?
5720) Yes, they can ride on wind currents.
5821) Does Vezok need to experience a foes power in order to copy it, or does he gain the foe's ability when the foe is nearby?
5921) Power has to be used for him to copy it.
60Barraki Questions:
6122) How fast does Mantax's paralyzing head spikes take affect on a subject?
6222) Pretty darn fast
6323) How fast does Takadox's hypnosis take affect on a subject? Basically, what's the duration of eye contact needed for his hypnosis to work?
6423) A few seconds
65Death of Mata Nui Question:
6624) When Mata Nui dies, will the Bionicle universe begin to experience earthquakes, exploding volcanoes, hurricanes, tornados, tsunamis, whirlpools, storms, basically the whole lot of natural catastrophes of a Universe collapsing?
6724) A very good description of what will happen is in BIONICLE Legends #2, in which Jaller sees a vision of the end of the universe.
68Location Question:
6925) Is the world that feeds the world within the Bionicle Universe or is the Bionicle Universe within the world that feeds the world?
7025) The former
71Thanks for answering what you can and for making Takadox such a sinister character. I appreciate both.