1By 'illos' I think he means illustrations. 2He hasn't seen the illustarions of the mask yet.
3yes but usually greg says he hasnt seen the set. and if he meant illustrations he could have just said that, i think he let slip the name
4No. Illos is a really common way of saying illustrations it in the designing industry. Sometimes people need to be curt, or just don't like to type as much.
1By 'illos' I think he means illustrations. 2He hasn't seen the illustarions of the mask yet.
3yes but usually greg says he hasnt seen the set. and if he meant illustrations he could have just said that, i think he let slip the name
4No. Illos is a really common way of saying illustrations it in the designing industry. Sometimes people need to be curt, or just don't like to type as much.
5Shouldn't we get back onto OGD, and stop the discussion of what Illos means? After all, question answered. Illos is short for illustration.
6And I wonder what would happen right after the death of Mata Nui...

1I don't know how to do it anyother way, so I'm just going to re-type my disscussions with GregF.
2March 14 2007
3Hi Greg. I'm scotttjt and I'm a huge fan of yours. Anyway, I was wondering if I 4could ask you a few questions.
51. Could there ever be a Toa of Protodermise (like he's able to control crystle protodermis, but not energiezed protodermise)?
62. Are the Zyglak smart (like on a Matoran level), dumb (like Krekka), or smart on a Rahi level (like Kikonalo)?
73. I've read Nocturn should be available as a Wal-Mart exclusive sometime between late winter and spring, but I haven't seen him anywhere(exept on the internet). When will he be available in stores?
84. Another question about the Zyglak. Are they considered Rahi?
95. Will we ever see Keetongu and/or the Rahaga agian?
106. Who is your favorite Order of Mata Nui member? Mine is Axonn.
117. Could you straighten out this list of very strong beings in the bionicle story? 121. takutanuva 132. nocturn 143. makuta 154. keetongu 165. axonn 176. brutaka 187. botar 198. sidorak 209. krekka 2110. reidak 2211. carapar 2312. voparok
248. Will we ever see Voparok agian?
25Well thats all for now. Talk to you later.
261) I think that is too broad a category for a Toa. I mean, everything in the BIONICLE universe is made of protodermis, so a Toa of Protodermis would control everything. 272) First choice 283) He's out already, has been for a while. If he's not at your Wal-Mart, you may want to see if they can order him for you. 294) I don't consider them Rahi, no 305) It's possible 316) Well, only two have shown up in the story so far, so it's sort of a 50-50 choice, right? 327) Sorry, I don't have time to do this. 338) Don't know yet, maybe
34March 15 2007
35Dear Greg, I was wondering if I could ask you some questions.
361. Do Carapar's Pit War Turtles really have Squid Launchers mounted on their 37shells like on the set?
382. Which one of your Bionicle books do you like the best? Mine is BA#10 Time 39Trap(so far).
403. Which is your favorite Barraki?
414. Will the Kanohi Vahi(mask of time) ever be used agian?
425. Who has more raw brute stregnth, Keetongu or Brutaka?
436. Is Pridak's Shark Tooth Blade an actual tool, or is it part of his anatomy?
447. Same question for Takadox's knives, and Ehlek's Tri-Talons.
458. This maybe a dumb question, but here goes. Where the Bohrok from Mask 46of Light being controled by those strange worms from the Maze of Shadows 47game?
489. Another dumb question. Is the female Dark Hunter Lariska a member of 49Roodaka's species? Because, that is how I picture her when I read the 50books.
5110. Last question. Can the Kardas Dragon fly? I ask because Kardas just 52looks to bulky for flight, even though he has wings.
53Thanks for looking. See ya:
541) Yes 552) That's my favorite too 563) Takadox 574) It's pretty much impossible for me to answer an "ever again" question -- ever again for BIONICLE could be anytime in the next 5, 10, 20 years, depending on how long the line lasts. 585) Brutaka 596) Tool 607) Tool in the case of Takadox, part of body in case of Ehlek 618) The only Bohrok I recall from Mask of Light were frozen ones left over from the Bohrok invasion. They aren't active in the movie. 629) No 6310) Yes, he can fly. Many dragons in mythology have small wings, yet are still able to fly.
64March 18 2007
65scotttjt here, and I have a few questions for Greg.
661. Would you call the masks Toa Kaita wear(Mask of Wisdom, Mask of Valor, 67etc.) Kanohi Kaita?
682. Would Keetongu be able to use Kanohi Mask powers.
693. You say Matoran can detect the power inside Great and/or Noble Masks. So 70why didn't Jaller ever coment about the mask(Turaga Lhikan's old mask) he 71had on for nearly 1,000 years?
724. Does Botar have any other powers other than teleportation?
735. When will we hear more about the "slight changes" the Piraka were going 74through in Bionicle Legends#5? You know, after the got out of the water, on their way 75to the MoLi.
766. Which is your favorite Bohrok-Kal? Mine is Tahnok-Kal.
777. When do you plan to write more about the Dark Hunter Dweller's mission to 78attack Takanuva?
798. Will Makuta ever take on his so far unused Makuta Nui form?
809. Do you ever plan to include another BoM member in the storyline in the next 81few years?
8210. Which of Makuta's forms do you like best?
831. Shadow Titan 842. Ultimate Dume 853. Infected Matoran 864. Vortex 875. Antidermis 886. Takutanuva 897. Turaga 908. Makuta Nui
91Well, that is it. See ya:
921) I guess you could 932) No 943) When did I say that? 954) I am sure he does 965) Bionicle Legends #8 976) It's been so long since I wrote about them, I don't remember 987) I have no room to write about it right now 998) No idea 1009) Yes 10110) Probably his classic armored form, circa BA #10
102March 25 2007
103scotttjt here, and I was wondering if you could answer a few questions for me.
1041. I've recently learned that most Rahi were created by the BoM (with the 105exeptions of Keetongu and the Manas). Were the Artakha Bulls, Mana-ko, and 106Tahtorak created by them?
1072. Another question about the Mana-Ko. If they weren't created by the BoM, were 108they mutated from or in any way related to the Manas crabs?(after all their 109names and appearences are similar)
1103. I know the Bahrag and Bohrok wield elemental powers, but can they control 111already existing elements?(like absorbing fire, creating tital waves, or 112causing earthquakes)
1134. What will the Bahrag, Bohrok, and Bohrok Va do once they've "cleaned" Mata 114Nui? Just goe back to sleep?
1155. Who do you think would win in a war- The Bohrok swarms or the Visorak 116hordes?
1171) More than likely 1182) There does seem to be a relation to the Manas, yes 1193) I doubt it 1204) Yup, until the call comes again 1215) Impossible to say -- there are too many variables in any battle to predict a winner
122April 2 2007
123Dear Greg,
124I sent you some question last week and never got a reply, which is okay since alot happened on BZ last week. So here they are agian.
1251. How did the Mata Nui Turaga (or at least Vakama) know about the Kanohi Nuva 126that were hidden all over the island. I thought the Kanohi Nuva originally came 127from Artakha.
1282. On a previous message you said that Ehlek's Tri-Talons were part of his 129anatomy. Do they act as both fingers, for manipulating, and weapons, or are 130they only weapons.
1313. Nocturn is Ehlek's lietunute right? Does this mean that Nocturn has at least some 132command over Ehlek's Venom Eel army?
1334. Can Kalamah regenerate parts of his body like a real squid? Not regrow an 134entire limb like Nocturn, but can he regrow something like his tentacle?
1355. Who comes up with all of the charaters we see in Bionicle? You or someone 136else?
1376. When are we going to find out what the Toa Mahri's mask powers do? I know 138what the masks of Reanimation, Kindred and Stealth do, but not the masks of 139Gravity, Sonar, and Summoning.
1401) They did, but remember, Vakama has visions of things. 1412) They mainly act as claws. 1423) Yes 1434) Yes, though evidently not his eye 1445) The models are done by the set designers, then the story team comes up with general ideas of who they are (good guy, bad guy, etc.) and then I flesh them out more as I get to the actual writing. 1456) Well, it's April, the sets don't come out until July, so I don't see the rush.
146April 6 2007
147scotttjt here, and I was wondering if you could answer a few questions for me.
1481. Could a Toa of Gravity create a small black hole to absorb attacks? After all, a 149black hole is nothing more than a sphere of gravity.
1502. I know you problably can't answer this, but here it goes. Why isn't Hydraxon 151considered a member of the OoMN anymore?
1523. Were the Barraki that made up the League of Six Kingdoms the universes only 153Barraki warlords, or could any warlord in Bionicle be considered a Barraki?
1544. Will we se Artakha (the being) in the story anytime soon?
1555. Are Matoran who are destend to be Toa destend to transform at a certion time? 156Because if not, Takua would have transformed the instant he touched the Mata 157Nui Toa Stones or the MoL.
1586. Who is stronger physically - Nocturn (in his enraged state) or Makuta?
1597. Who is stronger physically- Nocturn (in his enrged state) or Takutanuva?
1608. Did Ehlek have his electrical spines before he was mutated?
1619. Same question for Takadox's hypnosis.
16210. Who is your favorite - Zaktan or Pridak?
16311. I read in Bionicle World that the waters of the Pit mutate both living, and 164none-living beings. Does this mean Maxilos will turn evil by the Pit's mutagen?
16512. If there was a Bionicle movie about the Barraki, how do you think the 166Barraki's voices would sound? I got thee idea for this from a question you 167answered on BZ only it was about the Piraka.
168Thanks, Greg
1691) It's an interesting suggestion, only how does he keep from being drawn in himself, or for that matter, drawing in everything in the surrounding area? 1702) Has to do with the means of his return to life 1713) They were the only Barraki 1724) He will make an appearance in Bionicle Legends #8, but you will not physically see him, because no one physically sees him. 1735) Yes -- because otherwise, as you say, Takua might have transformed long before he was ready to take on the responsibility. 1746) No idea, they've never fought 1757) Same answer 1768) No 1779) Yes, but not to the great extent he has it now 17810) Zaktan 17911) No. Mutation does not mean your orientation gets changed. Mutation is physical, not spiritual. 18012) No idea
2March 14 2007
3Hi Greg. I'm scotttjt and I'm a huge fan of yours. Anyway, I was wondering if I 4could ask you a few questions.
51. Could there ever be a Toa of Protodermise (like he's able to control crystle protodermis, but not energiezed protodermise)?
62. Are the Zyglak smart (like on a Matoran level), dumb (like Krekka), or smart on a Rahi level (like Kikonalo)?
73. I've read Nocturn should be available as a Wal-Mart exclusive sometime between late winter and spring, but I haven't seen him anywhere(exept on the internet). When will he be available in stores?
84. Another question about the Zyglak. Are they considered Rahi?
95. Will we ever see Keetongu and/or the Rahaga agian?
106. Who is your favorite Order of Mata Nui member? Mine is Axonn.
117. Could you straighten out this list of very strong beings in the bionicle story? 121. takutanuva 132. nocturn 143. makuta 154. keetongu 165. axonn 176. brutaka 187. botar 198. sidorak 209. krekka 2110. reidak 2211. carapar 2312. voparok
248. Will we ever see Voparok agian?
25Well thats all for now. Talk to you later.
261) I think that is too broad a category for a Toa. I mean, everything in the BIONICLE universe is made of protodermis, so a Toa of Protodermis would control everything. 272) First choice 283) He's out already, has been for a while. If he's not at your Wal-Mart, you may want to see if they can order him for you. 294) I don't consider them Rahi, no 305) It's possible 316) Well, only two have shown up in the story so far, so it's sort of a 50-50 choice, right? 327) Sorry, I don't have time to do this. 338) Don't know yet, maybe
34March 15 2007
35Dear Greg, I was wondering if I could ask you some questions.
361. Do Carapar's Pit War Turtles really have Squid Launchers mounted on their 37shells like on the set?
382. Which one of your Bionicle books do you like the best? Mine is BA#10 Time 39Trap(so far).
403. Which is your favorite Barraki?
414. Will the Kanohi Vahi(mask of time) ever be used agian?
425. Who has more raw brute stregnth, Keetongu or Brutaka?
436. Is Pridak's Shark Tooth Blade an actual tool, or is it part of his anatomy?
447. Same question for Takadox's knives, and Ehlek's Tri-Talons.
458. This maybe a dumb question, but here goes. Where the Bohrok from Mask 46of Light being controled by those strange worms from the Maze of Shadows 47game?
489. Another dumb question. Is the female Dark Hunter Lariska a member of 49Roodaka's species? Because, that is how I picture her when I read the 50books.
5110. Last question. Can the Kardas Dragon fly? I ask because Kardas just 52looks to bulky for flight, even though he has wings.
53Thanks for looking. See ya:
541) Yes 552) That's my favorite too 563) Takadox 574) It's pretty much impossible for me to answer an "ever again" question -- ever again for BIONICLE could be anytime in the next 5, 10, 20 years, depending on how long the line lasts. 585) Brutaka 596) Tool 607) Tool in the case of Takadox, part of body in case of Ehlek 618) The only Bohrok I recall from Mask of Light were frozen ones left over from the Bohrok invasion. They aren't active in the movie. 629) No 6310) Yes, he can fly. Many dragons in mythology have small wings, yet are still able to fly.
64March 18 2007
65scotttjt here, and I have a few questions for Greg.
661. Would you call the masks Toa Kaita wear(Mask of Wisdom, Mask of Valor, 67etc.) Kanohi Kaita?
682. Would Keetongu be able to use Kanohi Mask powers.
693. You say Matoran can detect the power inside Great and/or Noble Masks. So 70why didn't Jaller ever coment about the mask(Turaga Lhikan's old mask) he 71had on for nearly 1,000 years?
724. Does Botar have any other powers other than teleportation?
735. When will we hear more about the "slight changes" the Piraka were going 74through in Bionicle Legends#5? You know, after the got out of the water, on their way 75to the MoLi.
766. Which is your favorite Bohrok-Kal? Mine is Tahnok-Kal.
777. When do you plan to write more about the Dark Hunter Dweller's mission to 78attack Takanuva?
798. Will Makuta ever take on his so far unused Makuta Nui form?
809. Do you ever plan to include another BoM member in the storyline in the next 81few years?
8210. Which of Makuta's forms do you like best?
831. Shadow Titan 842. Ultimate Dume 853. Infected Matoran 864. Vortex 875. Antidermis 886. Takutanuva 897. Turaga 908. Makuta Nui
91Well, that is it. See ya:
921) I guess you could 932) No 943) When did I say that? 954) I am sure he does 965) Bionicle Legends #8 976) It's been so long since I wrote about them, I don't remember 987) I have no room to write about it right now 998) No idea 1009) Yes 10110) Probably his classic armored form, circa BA #10
102March 25 2007
103scotttjt here, and I was wondering if you could answer a few questions for me.
1041. I've recently learned that most Rahi were created by the BoM (with the 105exeptions of Keetongu and the Manas). Were the Artakha Bulls, Mana-ko, and 106Tahtorak created by them?
1072. Another question about the Mana-Ko. If they weren't created by the BoM, were 108they mutated from or in any way related to the Manas crabs?(after all their 109names and appearences are similar)
1103. I know the Bahrag and Bohrok wield elemental powers, but can they control 111already existing elements?(like absorbing fire, creating tital waves, or 112causing earthquakes)
1134. What will the Bahrag, Bohrok, and Bohrok Va do once they've "cleaned" Mata 114Nui? Just goe back to sleep?
1155. Who do you think would win in a war- The Bohrok swarms or the Visorak 116hordes?
1171) More than likely 1182) There does seem to be a relation to the Manas, yes 1193) I doubt it 1204) Yup, until the call comes again 1215) Impossible to say -- there are too many variables in any battle to predict a winner
122April 2 2007
123Dear Greg,
124I sent you some question last week and never got a reply, which is okay since alot happened on BZ last week. So here they are agian.
1251. How did the Mata Nui Turaga (or at least Vakama) know about the Kanohi Nuva 126that were hidden all over the island. I thought the Kanohi Nuva originally came 127from Artakha.
1282. On a previous message you said that Ehlek's Tri-Talons were part of his 129anatomy. Do they act as both fingers, for manipulating, and weapons, or are 130they only weapons.
1313. Nocturn is Ehlek's lietunute right? Does this mean that Nocturn has at least some 132command over Ehlek's Venom Eel army?
1334. Can Kalamah regenerate parts of his body like a real squid? Not regrow an 134entire limb like Nocturn, but can he regrow something like his tentacle?
1355. Who comes up with all of the charaters we see in Bionicle? You or someone 136else?
1376. When are we going to find out what the Toa Mahri's mask powers do? I know 138what the masks of Reanimation, Kindred and Stealth do, but not the masks of 139Gravity, Sonar, and Summoning.
1401) They did, but remember, Vakama has visions of things. 1412) They mainly act as claws. 1423) Yes 1434) Yes, though evidently not his eye 1445) The models are done by the set designers, then the story team comes up with general ideas of who they are (good guy, bad guy, etc.) and then I flesh them out more as I get to the actual writing. 1456) Well, it's April, the sets don't come out until July, so I don't see the rush.
146April 6 2007
147scotttjt here, and I was wondering if you could answer a few questions for me.
1481. Could a Toa of Gravity create a small black hole to absorb attacks? After all, a 149black hole is nothing more than a sphere of gravity.
1502. I know you problably can't answer this, but here it goes. Why isn't Hydraxon 151considered a member of the OoMN anymore?
1523. Were the Barraki that made up the League of Six Kingdoms the universes only 153Barraki warlords, or could any warlord in Bionicle be considered a Barraki?
1544. Will we se Artakha (the being) in the story anytime soon?
1555. Are Matoran who are destend to be Toa destend to transform at a certion time? 156Because if not, Takua would have transformed the instant he touched the Mata 157Nui Toa Stones or the MoL.
1586. Who is stronger physically - Nocturn (in his enraged state) or Makuta?
1597. Who is stronger physically- Nocturn (in his enrged state) or Takutanuva?
1608. Did Ehlek have his electrical spines before he was mutated?
1619. Same question for Takadox's hypnosis.
16210. Who is your favorite - Zaktan or Pridak?
16311. I read in Bionicle World that the waters of the Pit mutate both living, and 164none-living beings. Does this mean Maxilos will turn evil by the Pit's mutagen?
16512. If there was a Bionicle movie about the Barraki, how do you think the 166Barraki's voices would sound? I got thee idea for this from a question you 167answered on BZ only it was about the Piraka.
168Thanks, Greg
1691) It's an interesting suggestion, only how does he keep from being drawn in himself, or for that matter, drawing in everything in the surrounding area? 1702) Has to do with the means of his return to life 1713) They were the only Barraki 1724) He will make an appearance in Bionicle Legends #8, but you will not physically see him, because no one physically sees him. 1735) Yes -- because otherwise, as you say, Takua might have transformed long before he was ready to take on the responsibility. 1746) No idea, they've never fought 1757) Same answer 1768) No 1779) Yes, but not to the great extent he has it now 17810) Zaktan 17911) No. Mutation does not mean your orientation gets changed. Mutation is physical, not spiritual. 18012) No idea
1Interesting. Next time though, you can click "Reply" on Greg's PM to you, then copy and paste what you see there. A lot easier than re-typing it, and easier to read. 

1Wow, you actually retyped the whole thing? I've tried that before, very tiring. You could just try copying and pasting the entire discussion, then wrap them in quotes.
1Hello Mr. F, I've got a few question for you again:
21. Is Jaller's crab affected by the mutagen?
32. You've just told us that Mata Nui dies in Book 8. A lot of people have been shocked and have even thought that that was it for Bionicle.. But how can it be, since you said that the Nuva will be released to awaken Mata Nui sometime later on. So there must be a way to save Mata Nui if he dies right, seeing as how there is a storyline for 2008 and beyond? 42b. Anything you can share with us about Mata Nui (i.e. a power etc) while I'm asking?
53. Is Mata Nui on Artakha? 63b. And why is it so easy to find him (Mata Nui)?
74. How aware is Artakha about the Universe's current status?
85. Do the Nuva complete their mission at the end of this year?
96. Will we see the Karzahni Matoran of Light again someday? 106b. Can you assume that that Matoran is also a different colour than the traditional gold and white?
11That's it for now, thank you.
121) It's possible it was some time in the past 132) I cannot discuss Mata Nui's abilities. As for the story question, answer is simple -- follow the story and find out. Now people have more incentive to read the comics and/or books and find out what happens. 143) No 153b) If I told you that, I would be telling you where he was. 164) Very aware 175) I cannot discuss future storyline 186) No idea 196b) Yes.
1Hi greg, just some stuff:
21: I heard that you said that nocturn broke his island by hitting its weak point. do all islands have this weak point?
32: Who is your fav. mahri, setwise and storywise? If you havent seen the sets, here is a link: clicky
43: Who do you think is the most evil being (excluding makuta) we have seen so far?
54: Why does artahka hide from everyone? I see no gain from it.
65: Is there only six shots in a cordak because they are so powerful?
76: Is a shot from a cordak more powerful than, say, a grenade?
87: Jaller's and matoro's current relationship, could this cause some major tension later in the year?
98:how does artahka feel about having the nuva on his island?
109: Would everyone in the bionicle universe be able to sense if mata nui croaked? 11like a wave of power almost?
1210: how long do you think the inika/mahri would have before the whole universe collapsed after mata nui died? Days?
1311: when do you think you can give any info out on the first toa coming out as a set this year? I have looked everywhere and I cant even find his name:
1412: How smart is the first toa? ?/10
1513: last thing for now, does the first toa's vehichle have a name?
171) All solid objects do, that is how diamond cutters cut diamonds 182) Matoro is my favorite storywise, I don't have a favorite set-wise 193) Karzahni 204) That's because you're not Artakha. Obviously he does see some gain from it. 215) There are only six shots because that is how many spaces there are in the weapon for ammo 226) No, not necessarily 237) Any "later in the year" question will get answered later in the year 248) They are there because he invited them 259) Yes 2610) Yes, few days 2711) His name is Lesovikk
2812) I haven't written about him yet, so don't know 2913) Don't know
30Looky: I got the first toa's name:

1Not much here:
91. Ok, great:
102. Also great:
113. Darn, I thought he would know.
12Edit: Lesovikk is the name of the Toa from the first toa team, eh? Cool: Hey, have you noticed that Lewa and Lesovikk both start with Le. Interesting.
21. When will you be able to reveal the Toa Mahri's mask names?
32. What book do we find out what Makuta's new form is?
43. I know you said it's up to the BIONICLE.com manager when the story about the Toa Nuva goes up, but did she tell you what month or season it will be up in?
51) Probably start later in the month 62) Bionicle Legends #7 73) Nope
91. Ok, great:
102. Also great:
113. Darn, I thought he would know.
12Edit: Lesovikk is the name of the Toa from the first toa team, eh? Cool: Hey, have you noticed that Lewa and Lesovikk both start with Le. Interesting.
1You can combine the abilities of two Kanohi, right? Like, say, the Tryna and Ignika?(Just goin' on a hunch...)
2The only time we have seen that done is with the Mask of Speed and Levitation, and that was because they were being worn by Nuva who could share mask powers. If your theory is the Tryna plays some role in bringing Mata Nui back, sorry, not the case. The Ignika cannot bring back the dead on its own, and the Tryna can reanimate the shell, not the spirit.
3Actually it was Hydraxon, but same principle.

1Atlas, just to let you know, I know that lesovikk is a toa of air from the first toa team. I was just to lazy to type the mouthful
16Edit: Apperantly the B.O.M wanted mata nui to die, for it is part of their grand scheme... very interesting:

2Hi Greg, just some stuff I was wondering about the replie I got from you. Also, thanks a lot for giving me Lesovikk's name:
31: What gain does artahka see from never showing himself?
42: Will the nuva be on artahka when mata nui dies?
53: If not, was the whole reason artahka called the nuva to his island about mata nui's death?
64: I hope you can answer this, will next year's storyline only be a few days since mata nui just died?
75: does makuta have a backup plan in case mata nui did die? Was he caught off guard by this?
86: What would be the order's and the bom's reaction to M.N death?
101) Unclear. It is possible he is just a recluse, it is also possible he prefers others not knowing just how powerful he is or isn't. 112) No 123) No 134) 2008 picks up right where 2007 leaves off 145) No, this was all part of his grand scheme. 156) The BOM will be fine with it, if all goes as planned -- the Order, of course, would not be happy about it
16Edit: Apperantly the B.O.M wanted mata nui to die, for it is part of their grand scheme... very interesting:
1it's not much but whatever. i asked these today
2hi Greg, i was reading the OGD and someone asked you what the Toa of Air from the 1st Toa Team's name was and you gave told him: Lesovikk. So i just have a question about that.
31. Does his name have Le in it to represent his element like Lewa?
42. Does the thing that Mantax is looking for allow the holder to use something that belongs to the BoM?
53. A member of BZP asked if you were going to have a BoM member other than Makuta in the storyline and you said yes. Will that/the member(s) be in the main storyline or like a side thing?
64. Will the prisoner in the Pit that hid the item Mantax is looking for be featured in any of the books? 74b. Will he be a set? 84c. Will he fight anyone? 94d. If he does fight who does he?
10Thanks in advance: atlas
111) No 122) No 133) Main 144) Can't answer it
15EDIT: Vesuvius, that's what i though i just said it to make sure =
2hi Greg, i was reading the OGD and someone asked you what the Toa of Air from the 1st Toa Team's name was and you gave told him: Lesovikk. So i just have a question about that.
31. Does his name have Le in it to represent his element like Lewa?
42. Does the thing that Mantax is looking for allow the holder to use something that belongs to the BoM?
53. A member of BZP asked if you were going to have a BoM member other than Makuta in the storyline and you said yes. Will that/the member(s) be in the main storyline or like a side thing?
64. Will the prisoner in the Pit that hid the item Mantax is looking for be featured in any of the books? 74b. Will he be a set? 84c. Will he fight anyone? 94d. If he does fight who does he?
10Thanks in advance: atlas
111) No 122) No 133) Main 144) Can't answer it
15EDIT: Vesuvius, that's what i though i just said it to make sure =
1I got these answers from Greg Farshtey today.
21. Who created the Krana and how were they created? (I heard that they were made by the Great Beings using the same process that created the Matoran and the Zyglak, but I may be wrong.)
31) The Great Beings created the first krana, and later the Bahrag made the rest.
42. How did Voya Nui rise to the surface of the Bionicle planet after it broke off from the Bionicle Mainland? Did it just "float" to the surface, or was it blasted through the surface by some kind of explosion?
52) It was blasted to the surface by the force of the Great Cataclysm
63. Is Mata Nui the only Great Spirit?
73) Only one we know of in the story
84. How large is the Bionicle planet, relative to Earth?
94) Impossible for me to say - that data is not in the story bibles because it isn't relevant to the story we're telling
105. Is the Bionicle planet mostly empty, or are there inhabited areas throughout it?
115) See answer to #4
126. What types of beings are Artakha and Mata Nui?
136) Mata Nui is a Great Spirit. Artakha is not
147. In the past, there have been storyline references to some sort of Bionicle "Paradise." 15Does this refer to: (A: Artakha), (B: some other place), or (C: no longer canon)?
167) Artakha is considered a paradise in Matoran legend
178. Is one Kio equal to one mile? If not, what is it equal to?
188) One kio is equal to .85 miles
19Well, now I have a definite answer for how long a kio is:
21. Who created the Krana and how were they created? (I heard that they were made by the Great Beings using the same process that created the Matoran and the Zyglak, but I may be wrong.)
31) The Great Beings created the first krana, and later the Bahrag made the rest.
42. How did Voya Nui rise to the surface of the Bionicle planet after it broke off from the Bionicle Mainland? Did it just "float" to the surface, or was it blasted through the surface by some kind of explosion?
52) It was blasted to the surface by the force of the Great Cataclysm
63. Is Mata Nui the only Great Spirit?
73) Only one we know of in the story
84. How large is the Bionicle planet, relative to Earth?
94) Impossible for me to say - that data is not in the story bibles because it isn't relevant to the story we're telling
105. Is the Bionicle planet mostly empty, or are there inhabited areas throughout it?
115) See answer to #4
126. What types of beings are Artakha and Mata Nui?
136) Mata Nui is a Great Spirit. Artakha is not
147. In the past, there have been storyline references to some sort of Bionicle "Paradise." 15Does this refer to: (A: Artakha), (B: some other place), or (C: no longer canon)?
167) Artakha is considered a paradise in Matoran legend
178. Is one Kio equal to one mile? If not, what is it equal to?
188) One kio is equal to .85 miles
19Well, now I have a definite answer for how long a kio is:
1Sorry to PM you twice in two days, but if you answer these questions my curiosity should be satisfied for a while.
21. While watching the Barraki short movie on Bionicle.com I noticed that Pridak 3"combined" his legs and feet to form a fish-like "tail" so he could swim faster. 4Can he really do that, or was that something the animaters thought up?
52. How would you picture a Tarakava would look in real-life? I've always pictured 6it as large croc or dinosaur with large forarms and claws, with the body of a 7sea snake or eel.
83. When are we going to learn more about the Toa Nuva's Nuva Symbles?
94. Is the longest tentecale on the Mantax set one of his head tentecales, that 10conduct lightning, or a tail?
115. We all know Turaga have weak elemental powers. I know a Turaga of Fire 12would have resistance to intence heat. But could a Turaga of Fire be able to 13launch something like weakened fire balls or fire bolts?
146. Which is stronger physically - a Toa of Earth or a Toa of Stone?
157. Who do you think would win in a fight - Kardas Dragon or Kanohi Dragon?
168. I was thinking about this last night. Say someone dies. Would someone else be 17able use the Mask of Time to reverse time around that someone until it reaches 18a point where they are alive?
199. When is the next bionicle comic comeing out?
201) Since I don't believe the set can do it, he doesn't do it in the story 212) I haven't really 223) What is it you want to know? 234) I believe that is his conductor tentacle 245) Probably not 256) Varies based on the individual 267) No idea, I don't make predictions like that 278) No. The Vahi can speed up time or slow down time around a target, it cannot reverse time 289) May
1I have several Spinax-related questions:
21. Is Spinax a species name as in "Spinax Energy Hound," or is it just a name like Pewku?
32. Is Spinax affected by the mutagen?
43. Do Energy Hounds usually live on land, or do all of them live underwater? 'Cause it seems kind of strange for a dog to live underwater...
51) It's a proper name 62) He may well have been over the last 1000 years 73) Normally, he would not be a sea creature, that's correct
15. Who has more raw brute stregnth, Keetongu or Brutaka?
25. Brutaka
3Hmm interesting. Keetongu is strong enough to wrestle with Makuta(who is STRONGER then Axonn) yet he isn't stronger then Brutaka. Answer? Well Greg told me that Keetongu is more beastial and thus puts alot more effort into throwing around muscle then say Makuta, Axonn or Brutaka.
1I have several Spinax-related questions:
21. Is Spinax a species name as in "Spinax Energy Hound," or is it just a name like Pewku?
32. Is Spinax affected by the mutagen?
43. Do Energy Hounds usually live on land, or do all of them live underwater? 'Cause it seems kind of strange for a dog to live underwater...
51) It's a proper name 62) He may well have been over the last 1000 years 73) Normally, he would not be a sea creature, that's correct
8Imagine dogs underwater. I wonder how they would swim? maybe a doggy paddle, lol.
1Hi Greg, 2I have come up with some questions lately; would be very kind if you could answer them.
31) When Mata Nui dies, is it still possible for Matoran to come into being? 41) Once he's dead, no
52) Can Matoran acquire the destiny to become a Toa (maybe by very courageous lives) or do Matoran only receive that destiny when they are created? 62) You cannot acquire a destiny through things you do.
73) Since I believe "the world that feeds the world" really feeds something to other islands I have come up with two thoughts: 8a) is it flames (or heat)? I remember the quote from the Matoran from BL2 (plus the Piraka.com poem "ignite the flame of the heart") 9
is it elemental energy in general? 103) Closer to b than a
114) Have you recently talked o he we producer when the storyline will start there? I think they should use the time between BL6 & 7 (which is about six monhs
to show maybe the Toa Nuva story there: 124) No, I haven't talked to her since I got back from Billund
13Look at answer to 3) Very nice: I wonder what the wold that feeds the world feeds to he world:
31) When Mata Nui dies, is it still possible for Matoran to come into being? 41) Once he's dead, no
52) Can Matoran acquire the destiny to become a Toa (maybe by very courageous lives) or do Matoran only receive that destiny when they are created? 62) You cannot acquire a destiny through things you do.
73) Since I believe "the world that feeds the world" really feeds something to other islands I have come up with two thoughts: 8a) is it flames (or heat)? I remember the quote from the Matoran from BL2 (plus the Piraka.com poem "ignite the flame of the heart") 9

114) Have you recently talked o he we producer when the storyline will start there? I think they should use the time between BL6 & 7 (which is about six monhs

13Look at answer to 3) Very nice: I wonder what the wold that feeds the world feeds to he world:
1Sorry to PM you twice in two days, but if you answer these questions my curiosity should be satisfied for a while.
21. While watching the Barraki short movie on Bionicle.com I noticed that Pridak 3"combined" his legs and feet to form a fish-like "tail" so he could swim faster. 4Can he really do that, or was that something the animaters thought up?
52. How would you picture a Tarakava would look in real-life? I've always pictured 6it as large croc or dinosaur with large forarms and claws, with the body of a 7sea snake or eel.
83. When are we going to learn more about the Toa Nuva's Nuva Symbles?
94. Is the longest tentecale on the Mantax set one of his head tentecales, that 10conduct lightning, or a tail?
115. We all know Turaga have weak elemental powers. I know a Turaga of Fire 12would have resistance to intence heat. But could a Turaga of Fire be able to 13launch something like weakened fire balls or fire bolts?
146. Which is stronger physically - a Toa of Earth or a Toa of Stone?
157. Who do you think would win in a fight - Kardas Dragon or Kanohi Dragon?
168. I was thinking about this last night. Say someone dies. Would someone else be 17able use the Mask of Time to reverse time around that someone until it reaches 18a point where they are alive?
199. When is the next bionicle comic comeing out?
201) Since I don't believe the set can do it, he doesn't do it in the story 212) I haven't really 223) What is it you want to know? 234) I believe that is his conductor tentacle 245) Probably not 256) Varies based on the individual 267) No idea, I don't make predictions like that 278) No. The Vahi can speed up time or slow down time around a target, it cannot reverse time 289) May
29I have Pridak, and I can put his feet in the shark mode you see in the short Bionicle movie. So, I suggest he also does in the story.
1I want to PM this question but Greg isn't around so maybe one of you can help please
2Um, do any of you know how may ISLANDS there are in the bionicle world
4If you mean the book, 11. 5I you mean the planet itself, Greg doesn't like to give out numbers that are definate because if he needs to change it he can't do so with ease.
1I want to PM this question but Greg isn't around so maybe one of you can help please
2Um, do any of you know how may ISLANDS there are in the bionicle world
4If you mean the book, 11. 5I you mean the planet itself, Greg doesn't like to give out numbers that are definate because if he needs to change it he can't so so with ease.
6Can you pleas name them because I can only think of Mata Nui, Metru Nui and Voya Nui
11. Is Spinax a proper name, or a species?
22. If the former, is the species he is of called "Energy Hounds?"
31) Proper name 42) That's an accurate description of them, I don't know if it is the actual species name
5I asked this befor coming here and seeing the first question on the last page, of course.

11. Is Spinax a proper name, or a species?
22. If the former, is the species he is of called "Energy Hounds?"
31) Proper name 42) That's an accurate description of them, I don't know if it is the actual species name
5I asked this befor coming here and seeing the first question on the last page, of course.But I still wanted to know if it was a species name.
6Energy hounds sounds like an appropiate species name in general. Though, for example animals on mata Nui i.e. Tarakava. They all have unique names, so...? Guess not.
1You said that when Mata Nui dies, the population of the Universe will feel it, and know he's dead. 2Who will "feel" it the most, and who will "feel" it first?
3Thanks in advance,
5Far as I know, there is no most or first -- it's a universal sensation
6Oh, I see. I assumed that it started from a certain point, and a "wave" was sent out from that central point. *shrugs*
7So what kind of "sensation" is it? Just a feeling that you know that Mata Nui has died? Some sort of disaster?
8It is described in Book 8 as a feeling like the universe suddenly shifted ... and everyone who feels it knows what has happened
1QUOTE 21.In which book does Lesovikk appear? 32.What mask does he wear? 43.Has a bom's armor ever been shattered before the Makuta of Metru Nui's? 54.How do the Barraki react to Mata Nui's death? Are they angry that they have been denied vengence? 65.Is it Mata Nui's Body that dies or is it his spirit? 76.How long had Mata Nui's death been planed for?2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006? 87.When he dies, will it affect the surface world? 98.How will the Bahrag/Bohrok react? 109.Is it possible for anyone to become a new Great Spirit? 1110.You said that when Mata Nui dies no more matoran can come into being.Does this mean that Mata Nui infuses them with life,and since he's dead no more can be given life? 1211.How long has Maxilos known Spinax? 1312. Will the Ignika still be used? 1413. Which place will be destroyed first when Mata Nui dies? 1514. Did Makuta know he could take over certain bodies before his was shattered? 16SV
171) He's not going to be in a book -- web only. 182) Don't know, haven't seen the set 193) No 204) The Barraki have no real interest in vengeance on Mata Nui -- he never did anything to them. They want vengeance on the BOM. 215) Both 226) All along 237) You mean outside the domes? In some way 248) How would you react if you knew the world was ending? 259) No 2610) It means what is needed to create them will no longer exist 2711) Long time 2812) I can't discuss future storyline 2913) Follow the story 3014) Yes
171) He's not going to be in a book -- web only. 182) Don't know, haven't seen the set 193) No 204) The Barraki have no real interest in vengeance on Mata Nui -- he never did anything to them. They want vengeance on the BOM. 215) Both 226) All along 237) You mean outside the domes? In some way 248) How would you react if you knew the world was ending? 259) No 2610) It means what is needed to create them will no longer exist 2711) Long time 2812) I can't discuss future storyline 2913) Follow the story 3014) Yes
11. Do Toa of earth have power over sand? 2A. No 31. T.o. stone? 4A. No. We have too many fans who wouldn't realize sand is just ground down stone, and would get confused if the Toa of Stone was controlling sand. So we just don't do that.
52. Can the Toa gain anything from Mata Nui being barren? 6A. Not the Toa personally, no 72. OK, in the BIONICLE World it said "Mata Nui won't expect anything less." Is MN the only on e that wants it barren? 8A. Pretty much
93. How did Ahkmou get from Metru Nui to Mata Nui (after meeting Makuta)? 10A. Same way that the Toa Metru got back there, via tunnel 113. Did he face a bunch of Rahi like the Metru did? 12A. No, because he was under Makuta's protection
134. Will a BIONICLE book (Chapter book) ever have a longer word count? 14A. I doubt it. 20,000 words is the standard length for Scholastic chapter books.
155. How do Kanohi and powerless masks attach to characters story-line wise? A strap or what? 16A. Magnetically 175. Do their heads repel each other? ("You may now kiss the bride," "aaaAAAGGG: I can't:") 18A. Not that I am aware of 195. Does that mean Kanoka and other solidified protodermis can hang on people's faces? 20A. No, because there is no proof it is magnetic before it becomes a mask
216. When are you going to post the 2000 words of the original Bionicle Legends 7? 22A. They are being serialized for BIONICLE.com 236. Will you add/update it to kinda complete it? 24A. Yes 256. Will it be printer friendly? And what is the title? 26A. Title is "Invasion," at least that was the original title, and I have no idea on the printer thing - I don't work on the web site. 276. Any idea how much longer? 28A. No idea, I don't work for the website. It's managed out of Denmark
297. Do you know if it^ will have a number? Like Legends0 or something? 30A. No, it won't
318. When you are writing a book, do you usually have to cut down or put in more words? For me it's cutting down. 32A. Usually neither
339. When the Nuva are the main focus. Is it possible that the books will be Chronicles 5? 34A. No, I don't think so
3510. I ordered the C1-4 box set from Wal-Mart.com and it came with Lhikahn's golden Hau, not the poisoned Hau Nuva. I e-mailed and they didn't answer, any advice? 36A. The reason you got a different mask is that the boxed set sold so well Scholastic and LEGO ran out of the poisoned Hau masks. So they substituted.
52. Can the Toa gain anything from Mata Nui being barren? 6A. Not the Toa personally, no 72. OK, in the BIONICLE World it said "Mata Nui won't expect anything less." Is MN the only on e that wants it barren? 8A. Pretty much
93. How did Ahkmou get from Metru Nui to Mata Nui (after meeting Makuta)? 10A. Same way that the Toa Metru got back there, via tunnel 113. Did he face a bunch of Rahi like the Metru did? 12A. No, because he was under Makuta's protection
134. Will a BIONICLE book (Chapter book) ever have a longer word count? 14A. I doubt it. 20,000 words is the standard length for Scholastic chapter books.
155. How do Kanohi and powerless masks attach to characters story-line wise? A strap or what? 16A. Magnetically 175. Do their heads repel each other? ("You may now kiss the bride," "aaaAAAGGG: I can't:") 18A. Not that I am aware of 195. Does that mean Kanoka and other solidified protodermis can hang on people's faces? 20A. No, because there is no proof it is magnetic before it becomes a mask
216. When are you going to post the 2000 words of the original Bionicle Legends 7? 22A. They are being serialized for BIONICLE.com 236. Will you add/update it to kinda complete it? 24A. Yes 256. Will it be printer friendly? And what is the title? 26A. Title is "Invasion," at least that was the original title, and I have no idea on the printer thing - I don't work on the web site. 276. Any idea how much longer? 28A. No idea, I don't work for the website. It's managed out of Denmark
297. Do you know if it^ will have a number? Like Legends0 or something? 30A. No, it won't
318. When you are writing a book, do you usually have to cut down or put in more words? For me it's cutting down. 32A. Usually neither
339. When the Nuva are the main focus. Is it possible that the books will be Chronicles 5? 34A. No, I don't think so
3510. I ordered the C1-4 box set from Wal-Mart.com and it came with Lhikahn's golden Hau, not the poisoned Hau Nuva. I e-mailed and they didn't answer, any advice? 36A. The reason you got a different mask is that the boxed set sold so well Scholastic and LEGO ran out of the poisoned Hau masks. So they substituted.
1I saw somewhere in OGD (don't know where) you implied that Hydraxon gives the Mahri their equipement (armour and weapons). Is this true?
2No, I never said that. What I did say is that the Cordak blasters originally came from an armory that had been in the old Pit, which was raided by the Barraki. Hydraxon doesn't give the Mahri anything but trouble
3Does he cause trouble just in the beginning or always? 4If so in which book?
5GB #1
67 and 8, and pretty much all the way through
7The last bit is interesting. Hmmm...
8Edit: Really? Hmmmm...
1Interesting stuff here:
281. Okay, cool
292. I guess they don't know everything
303. I wonder what their plan is
314. That's fast
325. Yes:
337. Too bad he hasn't seeen it yet
348. Too bad
359. I asked these a week ago, so old news
3610. Too bad
3711. Cool:
21. How often do you mind me asking questions? A few a day? A week? Longer than that?
32. You stated earlier that the Order of Mata Nui won't be happy with Mata Nui's death. Will they act shocked, or did they really expect this to happen? 42b. Will the entire principle (the will of Mata Nui) of the Order be lost? As in, will what happened to Brutaka happen to a lot of other members of the order? 52c. Will the order be weakened by Mata Nui's death?
63. If the Brotherhood is okay with the death, does this mean bad things won't happen to them?
74. How long after the death of Mata Nui would the cataclysms (the Coliseum falling) happen?
85. Will the Matoran of Light be in any upcoming books?
97. When will you be able to reveal Lesovikk's mask power?
108. Does Maxilos's staff have a power?
119. Is it just a coincidence that Lewa and Lesovikk both start with Le?
1210. Did Lesovikk ever meet the Toa Mata before they went to Mata Nui?
13Exo Force Question:
1411. What is the latest Exo Force book you've written, and what is the title of it?
151) As often as you have them to ask 162) No, they did not expect it to happen 172b) I would say no, simply because of the time element -- the universe would end within a few days of Mata Nui dying 182c) Same answer. If there is only a few days left to existence, will it matter? 193) No, just means they have a contingency plan, as they always do. 204) Few days, max 215) Yes 227) When I see the set and figure out if it is a new mask or not 238) Don't think so 249) Yes 2510) Don't think so 2611) EXO-FORCE 6:Golden Doom
281. Okay, cool
292. I guess they don't know everything

303. I wonder what their plan is
314. That's fast
325. Yes:

337. Too bad he hasn't seeen it yet
348. Too bad
359. I asked these a week ago, so old news
3610. Too bad
3711. Cool:
1Hey Greg. Just a few questions regarding the Toa Mahri (love the sets, by the way. Hat's off to LEGO).
21) Are the Toa Mahri able to breath both in and out of the water? Or only in the water?
32) Are the Toa Mahri going to be like the Nuva or the Hordika? (IE: Nuva, permanent change, and new forms are like upgrades, vs. Hordika, here the new forms where temporary until they could be healed, and their new forums where like a downgrade.)
4I'm hoping for the former on both questions.
61) Water only 72) No, they will be staying in Mahri form -- no more major transformations to my knowledge
8There you go, The Mahri will not be changing back to the Inika.
1Hello, Greg. I have a question concerning the Mask of Gravity. In order to make a Mask of Fire, one would need to forge a Disk of Fire, like the one Vakama had, correct? Well, does that mean that the Mask of Gravity was made using a Disk of Gravity?
2It's possible. But since it was not forged in Metru Nui, it's possible the mask-making process is done differently where it was made.
1Can anyone tell me what a Lesovikk is? And if the mahri stay like the mahri, then the mask of life will have to be used under water.
1Lesovikk is the Toa of Air from the first Toa Team.
1Just one question, had a slight brainwave.
2Is the 'World that feeds the World' related to the Fire Pits of Ta-Metru?
3Thanks in advance.
4Related in what way?
5Well, I was thinking along these lines:Toa Of Kenn 63) Since I believe "the world that feeds the world" really feeds something to other islands I have come up with two thoughts: 7a) is it flames (or heat)? I remember the quote from the Matoran from BL2 (plus the Piraka.com poem "ignite the flame of the heart") 8b ) is it elemental energy in general? 93) Closer to b than a
10Is the WtftW what is providing the Fire Pits with fire (and, I would assume, other places needing elemental energy in such a way)?
11I think that is a reasonable assumption
1Hello, I have some questions for you.
21. Did Pridak or Nocturn place the thing Mantax is looking for in the Pit?
32. If a Toa with a mask of water breathing on went into the mutagen, their body would change, but would they grow gills?
43. Will we ever see or hear about Krahka's true form?
54. Does what Mantax is looking for say which of the Barraki betrayed the others?
65. Can mutated Karzahni still use his mask?
76. Who names Bionicle beings, such as Matoran? Do they give themselves their own names?
87. Is Lariska from a species we know of?
98. How similar to an afterlife would Artahka and Karzanhi be? Do matoran remain there for eternity, or do they die eventually?
109. Will the BoM/DH war be part of the main story sometime? Maybe the Order recruiting a group of Toa, such as the Nuva so we know about the war more?
1110. What are Shadow Stealer's intentions as of now?
1211. If he kills the Shadowed One, will he lead the DH?
1312. How do you pronouce the name of Lesovikk?
14That's it for now, thank you. Sorry for the afterlife question.
151) I'm not revealing who placed the item there until Book 8 162) Yes, because any part of their body being exposed to the mutagen means they would transform, and in this case, into a water breather 173) No plans for that 184) Ah, you are getting very warm 195) Yes 206) My assumption would be they are named on their creation, most likely by their Turaga if they have one. 217) Nope 228) They do not remain for eternity, because anything that is organic dies eventually of breakdowns associated with age. Matoran just have very long lifespans. Artakha and Karzahni are not the afterlife, they are just different places to live. 239) The Order is not getting involved in the war. 2410) In terms of what? 2511) Less-oh-vick
21. Did Pridak or Nocturn place the thing Mantax is looking for in the Pit?
32. If a Toa with a mask of water breathing on went into the mutagen, their body would change, but would they grow gills?
43. Will we ever see or hear about Krahka's true form?
54. Does what Mantax is looking for say which of the Barraki betrayed the others?
65. Can mutated Karzahni still use his mask?
76. Who names Bionicle beings, such as Matoran? Do they give themselves their own names?
87. Is Lariska from a species we know of?
98. How similar to an afterlife would Artahka and Karzanhi be? Do matoran remain there for eternity, or do they die eventually?
109. Will the BoM/DH war be part of the main story sometime? Maybe the Order recruiting a group of Toa, such as the Nuva so we know about the war more?
1110. What are Shadow Stealer's intentions as of now?
1211. If he kills the Shadowed One, will he lead the DH?
1312. How do you pronouce the name of Lesovikk?
14That's it for now, thank you. Sorry for the afterlife question.
151) I'm not revealing who placed the item there until Book 8 162) Yes, because any part of their body being exposed to the mutagen means they would transform, and in this case, into a water breather 173) No plans for that 184) Ah, you are getting very warm 195) Yes 206) My assumption would be they are named on their creation, most likely by their Turaga if they have one. 217) Nope 228) They do not remain for eternity, because anything that is organic dies eventually of breakdowns associated with age. Matoran just have very long lifespans. Artakha and Karzahni are not the afterlife, they are just different places to live. 239) The Order is not getting involved in the war. 2410) In terms of what? 2511) Less-oh-vick