1Hey Greg do you mind answering these for me?
21:After a lot of thought ive come up with a teory that mantax is looking for something that once belonged to a servant if not a member of the BoM.Am I right?
32:If yes to 1 is it BoM armour?
43:Are you allowed to reveal what kind of machine that is included in the karzahni set is?can you tell me if so?
54:Can you confirm that the matoran wearing the ruru in the karzahni set is a ga matoran?
65:what is your favorite canister villain?
76:what is your favorite character to write about?
87:what was your favorite battle or fight scene to write about?
96:whats your favorite weapon in bionicle?
111) You are definitely right that it was not a member of the BOM -- only Makuta are members of the BOM, and no BOM member has ever been sent to the Pit. 122) No 133) It's a trap 144) There are two Matoran, Sarda, a Ta-Matoran, and Idris, a Ga-Matoran 155) Rahkshi 166) Makuta 177) Recent Nocturn-Hydraxon fight 188) Don't have one
21:After a lot of thought ive come up with a teory that mantax is looking for something that once belonged to a servant if not a member of the BoM.Am I right?
32:If yes to 1 is it BoM armour?
43:Are you allowed to reveal what kind of machine that is included in the karzahni set is?can you tell me if so?
54:Can you confirm that the matoran wearing the ruru in the karzahni set is a ga matoran?
65:what is your favorite canister villain?
76:what is your favorite character to write about?
87:what was your favorite battle or fight scene to write about?
96:whats your favorite weapon in bionicle?
111) You are definitely right that it was not a member of the BOM -- only Makuta are members of the BOM, and no BOM member has ever been sent to the Pit. 122) No 133) It's a trap 144) There are two Matoran, Sarda, a Ta-Matoran, and Idris, a Ga-Matoran 155) Rahkshi 166) Makuta 177) Recent Nocturn-Hydraxon fight 188) Don't have one
1Hey Greg do you mind answering these for me?
21:After a lot of thought ive come up with a teory that mantax is looking for something that once belonged to a servant if not a member of the BoM.Am I right?
32:If yes to 1 is it BoM armour?
43:Are you allowed to reveal what kind of machine that is included in the karzahni set is?can you tell me if so?
54:Can you confirm that the matoran wearing the ruru in the karzahni set is a ga matoran?
65:what is your favorite canister villain?
76:what is your favorite character to write about?
87:what was your favorite battle or fight scene to write about?
96:whats your favorite weapon in bionicle?
111) You are definitely right that it was not a member of the BOM -- only Makuta are members of the BOM, and no BOM member has ever been sent to the Pit. 122) No 133) It's a trap 144) There are two Matoran, Sarda, a Ta-Matoran, and Idris, a Ga-Matoran 155) Rahkshi 166) Makuta 177) Recent Nocturn-Hydraxon fight 188) Don't have one
19I knew it: The machine thing looks like an anemone.

1So it's a traap... For who?
1commenta on 6, I wonder for what the Makuta is affraid.
2Check Bionicle Legends #10.
3I don't, shamefully, have Bionicle Adventures 10( At least I think you mean that one since there are only 8 known Legends books I think). but anyway, I don't have the book and it is hard to get in my country, 4but could that be explained for what Makuta is afraid? Although I really want BA 10, time trap is it right?
1Message Forwarded From GregF
2Message Forwarded From GregF
3Hello sir, I just got the BL6, (Things are usually late around here, except for guides). Well, I was thinking that the number of Toa was extreamly short, well could this happen? Well, it's hard to explain, so I will write here I used a fictional Toa Airischer that I made up explain:
4Airischer swung his sword at the Dark Hunter that he was fighting. The Hunter evaded with ease and the Hunter grabbed the sword that the Toa was holding. It's hand started to spurt out blood but the Hunter faced more pain than this before and this was nothng to him. 5When Airischer saw that a wound wouldn't stop it, he started to regret his plan, 'Time for plan B,' he thought. He channeled his elemental power of electricity through his sword and to the wound. He had numbed the Hunters arm but there were 4 more limbs to go. 6Airischer then jumped and stabbed at the other shoulder. Blood started to pour out of the hunter's mouth but it regenerated immediately. 7There was cold sweat pouring from the Toa. The Dark Hunter that he was facing with had killed his whole island, his Turaga, his Matoran, all for payment, and he vowed to get revenge. He now learned that it was very hard to do. 8The Hunter struck, and stabbed him right in the stomach. Blood started to pour out of his mouth. Airischer then stabbed is opponent and they were locked together. Airischer then saw his fellow Toa, shocked. 9"Tinus:" He shouted. 10He took off his great mask and threw it at him. He then took out the six stones that he had prepared. He needed to do this, and fast. 11Airischer summoned his elemental power to stun the Hunter. It worked, momentarily, and in one swift move, he channeled his Toa power into the six stones. 12"Tinus: Take the stones:" and he threw it at him. When he saw that all were caught, he took a deep breath. 13"At least 6 more will come after me." 14With a lunge, Airischer unleashed what was left of his power and threw himself and the Dark Hunter out to the sea.
15Will this work? Like, will the Toa Stones work?
16And second, is the Mask of Gravity control made out of a Disk of Gravity, once that belonged to a Toa of Gravity?
17Problem #1: BIONICLE characters don't have blood. 18Problem #2) I don't think he would have enough time to channel his power into six stones that quickly. 19If what you're asking is can one Toa create six stones, yes, we already know that -- Lhikan did it in the second movie. I just don't think it could happen that fast. 203) It would be made out of a disk of gravity, most likely, but that doesn't necessarily mean it was a disk belonging to any specific Toa. It may have simply been an elemental powered disk.
21Then how long would it take? About the time that Lhikan took?
22At least
23I never knew that Bionicle characters don't have blood......
1i asked these questions yesterday.
20edit: i also asked this
36greg didn't understand my second number (6) question. i meant is that a ga-matoran, or is it a onu-matoran. oops, mybad, i must've worded it wrong.
2QUOTE 3Hello, I think this is my first time pming you. I'm not sure this is right, but here I go.
4My questions:
51) Do Toa have to be a certain gender? I.e. can there be a male toa of water, and a female toa of fire?
62) Why did you (or the person who thought it up) decide to give Le-Matoran tree/chutespeak. 2b) Do Matoran on other islands speak treespeak?
73) I have heard that the Toa Nuva are traveling to Mata-Nui to find the Bohrok and get them to "clean" Mata-Nui. Is this true? 3b) And why are they doing this, if the Matoran moved back to Metru-Nui
84) Who is your favorite 4a) Matoran 4b) Toa Metru 4c) Toa Inika 4d) Turaga 4e) Kanohi Mask? (Sorry for all the sub-questions.)
95) Why and who decided to make Air green, instead of clear or sky blue?
106) Is Kongu's Kanohi Selutu broken, or is that how all Selutu look?
117) Will Lego bring back brown?
12I'm sorry if the takes too long.
131) What kind of Toa you become is based on what kind of Matoran you were, and Matoran tribes do have genders. All Water Matoran are female, for example. So no, you could not have a male Toa of Water because you cannot have a male Ga-Matoran. 142) I didn't. It was something they came up with for one of the web games, I think, and then used in the movie. And no, it is slang, and slang tends to be localized to one geographic area. 153) Because it has to be done. 164) Sorry, I really don't have time for this one. 175) Set designers. 186) That's how all Suletu look. 197) Brown got dropped because brown sets don't sell. I have no idea if the yellow sets sell better. If they don't, they might go back again. If they do, really no reason to go back to brown and hurt your sales.
20edit: i also asked this
21sorry, i forgot a few questions in my previous pm.
221) If Vezon had the spear of fusion, why couldn't he unfuse himself from Fenrakk?
232) If Vezon was only fused to Fenrakk for less than a month, how did he get used to controlling him?
243) Like the above question, if he only had the MOLi for less than a month, how did he train his granted powers to be so strong?
254) Are there any Zakazians still alive (other than the 7 Piraka) and will they be of storyline importance?
265) By your opinion, do you miss the gears in Bionicle?
276) Is that blue Matoran in the Karzahni set Ga-Matoran, or is that just lighting? And, if so, is that Gar or Idris?
287) How many Matoran are still living in Mahri Nui?
291) Because it wasn't the spear that fused him to Fenrakk, it was the mask. And the spear is not more powerful than the mask. 302) He learns fast. 313) Who says he did? The mask was providing him the power, working through him, basically, so he didn't have to learn much of anything. 324) Oh, sure there are still living Skakdi. 335) It really is irrelevant to me. I am not a MOCer, so which pieces they use where don't matter to me. What matters to me is that the sets sell, and if the gears are an impediment to that, then I have no problem with getting rid of them. 346) Idris. Gar is not a Ga-Matoran. Gar is an Onu-Matoran. 357) Hundreds.
36greg didn't understand my second number (6) question. i meant is that a ga-matoran, or is it a onu-matoran. oops, mybad, i must've worded it wrong.
1adventures. it says that some Dark Hunters would make his flesh crawl, if he had flesh to Vakama
3Did he also said what for Dark Hunters would make his flesh crawl? I think it probably 4would be TSO and Ancient. Hmm, just recieved a message from Greg according the Exo Toa.
5I asked if the Exo Toa would be capable of speaking the Matoran Langauge.
6He thinks they are not programmed for such complex thing. Too bad, I hoped that they could learn it.

1Some questions..
2Hey Greg, I just have a couple questions regarding the recent Karzahni set image that came out recently:
31. The "machine" depicted beneath Karzahni, does that belong to him? 41b. Does it have and importance?
52. The Toa of Air coming out with a vehicle, will it be similar to Takanuva and the Ussanui?
6Thanks, that's all for now.
71) I can't discuss who it belongs to without giving away storyline 82) I haven't seen the set, so don't know
9Another question sprang into my head when I sent you my other PM:
101. What is Karzahni's current status?
112. Are those breathing apparatuses on Sarda and Idris, it appears so in the set pictures of them; like some sort of breathing tubes connected to their heads.
12Thanks for reading these as well.
131) What do you mean? 142) I haven't taken a close look at the sets.
15For number one, I meant like what's he up to as of this point in the story? On his way to Mahi Nui, plotting etc..
16And the twisted Matoran in his lair that helped the Inika escape, could he be a Matoran of Light? He did say he was from the WTFTH..
181) Probably mobilizing 192) He sure could be
11. Can Makuta posses Hydraxon's body? 21) No. Hydraxon's body has a spirit in it. Makuta cannot possess a body that already has a spirit inside.
32. I read a post saying that before Hydraxon was killed he was an OOMN member, why isn't he one after he is revived? 42) Has to do with how he was returned to existence.
53. Is the universe core the southern continent? 63) Can't answer it
74. Is it possible for Karzahni to be able to breathe air again and become his normal non mutated self? I would like to see him be able to leave the sea and return to land. 84) The only known cure for the mutagen is the Mask of Life.
95. Will Sarda, Idris, and Karazhni be in any of the comics or books? 105) I think they are going to be web-only.
116. Is Karzahni mutated after any sea creature? 126) Not to my knowledge
13Just some things I was curious about.
1Hello again, I have two questions for you.
21. I recently sent questions about the Karzanhi set. I asked if this is the set other than the Toa and matoran. You said somewhere that the Toa was coming with a vehicle, and there are two matoran coming out and there would also be a set we didn't know about yet. Is Karzanhi that set?
32. Why is Kopaka your favorite character? I like him because he is cold and isn't very social.
4Thank you.
51) Yes 62) My heroes have always been people -- like Sherlock Holmes, Batman, and Kopaka - who rely on their wits and don't really need other people to help them.
21. I recently sent questions about the Karzanhi set. I asked if this is the set other than the Toa and matoran. You said somewhere that the Toa was coming with a vehicle, and there are two matoran coming out and there would also be a set we didn't know about yet. Is Karzanhi that set?
32. Why is Kopaka your favorite character? I like him because he is cold and isn't very social.
4Thank you.
51) Yes 62) My heroes have always been people -- like Sherlock Holmes, Batman, and Kopaka - who rely on their wits and don't really need other people to help them.
1Awesome bit of Book 7:
2Hi Mr. Farshety. I have a question: 3Do you think that you could give me a quote or a snippet from the nocturn-hydraxon fight? It has really intrigued me. Thanks:
4Since I just happened to be reading over that scene, yes, I will do that for you.
5"I'm using my arm right now, sorry," Nocturn said. "But thanks for all the weapons – I'll take them off your body when you're dead again." 6"Start with this one," said Hydraxon, mentally triggering his other back blade. It arced up into the water and came down, pinning Nocturn's tentacle to the ocean floor. Hydraxon seized the moment to bring a leg up and kick Nocturn off of him. Then the jailer drew back his arm, ready to hurl a wrist blade right at Nocturn. 7"I'm here to bring you back," Hydraxon said. "It really makes no difference to me if some of your parts don't make the trip."
1Woah... Dude, Greg gave you a freakin' quote of the Hydraxon and Nocturn fight? You'd better have said thank you.
1Just some questions on them. 2Do Hydraxon and Maxilos exchange words in BL7? 3Is Hydraxon revived by something we have seen from another year or someone we have seem this year? 4Could theoreticaly the Ignika fuse the reanimation of the Tryna to the reanimated being (nothing to do with Hydraxon)? 5Cool Kahrzani set eh?
6GB #1
71) Don't recall 82) Not going to answer this, you'll find out in July 93) I don't understand your question 104) I think so
1commenta on 6, I wonder for what the Makuta is affraid.
2Check Bionicle Legends #10.
3I don't, shamefully, have Bionicle Adventures 10( At least I think you mean that one since there are only 8 known Legends books I think). but anyway, I don't have the book and it is hard to get in my country, 4but could that be explained for what Makuta is afraid? Although I really want BA 10, time trap is it right?
5Makuta's afraid of one thing in that book: Time going frenzy. He's possibly afraid of death as well.
1Awesome bit of Book 7:
2Hi Mr. Farshety. I have a question: 3Do you think that you could give me a quote or a snippet from the nocturn-hydraxon fight? It has really intrigued me. Thanks:
4Since I just happened to be reading over that scene, yes, I will do that for you.
5"I'm using my arm right now, sorry," Nocturn said. "But thanks for all the weapons – I'll take them off your body when you're dead again." 6"Start with this one," said Hydraxon, mentally triggering his other back blade. It arced up into the water and came down, pinning Nocturn's tentacle to the ocean floor. Hydraxon seized the moment to bring a leg up and kick Nocturn off of him. Then the jailer drew back his arm, ready to hurl a wrist blade right at Nocturn. 7"I'm here to bring you back," Hydraxon said. "It really makes no difference to me if some of your parts don't make the trip."
9Whoa. Hydraxon has telepathic powers... And he's cold.
11. what's a "LEGO Certified Professional"? I've heard of them but don't know what they are..
22. what aspect of bionicle don't you like?
31) LEGO Certified Professionals are people outside of the LEGO Company who make money working with LEGO bricks, often building sculptures for other companies, etc. LEGO selects a certain number of them to be "certified" in different regions of the country and they help us out when we need it, and we help them get discounts on bulk orders of bricks for their work.
42) Probably the need to cram so many characters into each year's storyline due to the need to have so many sets out a year. I understand it, but it makes me feel like a ringmaster sometimes when I am writing.
5Yeah I know, Kinda random.
6-God Of Noobs
1Hi Greg, it's me, wafer elite, again, (I really ask too many questions, don't I?)
21. Is the Item Mantax searching for some sort of contract? 32. Does it have some sort of power? 43. Do the islands of Keetongu's and Sidorak's homeland share a cavern with Xia? 54. About how many Islands do we know about? 65. Which Barraki do you think has the most unique personality? 76. If you could get rid of one character, which would it be? 87. Will the item Mantax is looking for play a major part in the story? 98. Will He find it? 108b. Will anyone find it? 119. Has the "Toa don't kill" rule ever been broken? 1210. Will anything bad happen if it is? 1311. What does the poison in Mantax's spikes do? 1412. Is it deadly? 1513. When the poison used, does Mantax have to wait for his venom glands to "refill", or does it constantly recharge?
161) In a sense, yes 172) No 183) A dome, you mean? I tend to think not 194) Depends on what you have read, I guess. 205) Takadox 216) There isn't one .. getting rid of a character means getting rid of a set, which means less money for LEGO 227) Not a major part, no 238) Yes 2410) It's impossible for me to say if it ever did in over 100,000 years of history. I would be surprised if a Toa had not killed someone in self-defense at some point in that timespan, and of course, Toa who went bad could have done all sorts of things. 2511) Temporary paralysis 2613) Works the same way as a snake's venom sacs do
1Awesome bit of Book 7:
2Hi Mr. Farshety. I have a question: 3Do you think that you could give me a quote or a snippet from the nocturn-hydraxon fight? It has really intrigued me. Thanks:
4Since I just happened to be reading over that scene, yes, I will do that for you.
5"I'm using my arm right now, sorry," Nocturn said. "But thanks for all the weapons – I'll take them off your body when you're dead again." 6"Start with this one," said Hydraxon, mentally triggering his other back blade. It arced up into the water and came down, pinning Nocturn's tentacle to the ocean floor. Hydraxon seized the moment to bring a leg up and kick Nocturn off of him. Then the jailer drew back his arm, ready to hurl a wrist blade right at Nocturn. 7"I'm here to bring you back," Hydraxon said. "It really makes no difference to me if some of your parts don't make the trip."
9Whoa. Hydraxon has telepathic powers... And he's cold.
10He does not have telepathic powers he was simply activated some of his equipment mentally. Its no differen't then a Toa activated his mask power mentally.
1Questions are in bold, comments in yellow...
21: Is Lariska a Vortixx? 31) Everyone on BZP seems to think she is for some reason, but she's not. 4I always thought she was... apparently not.
52: Can the Vortixx species be other colors than just black with silver armor? (I remember seeing a green one in comic #24, when Roodaka was telling her tale of climbing "The Mountain.") 62) The green one was artistic license so readers could differentiate him from Roodaka in the scene 7So, I guess that means no
83: In MoL, Kopaka used his ice powers to stop a snow storm. Was he able to do that because he was a Nuva, or can all ice toa do that? 93) All ice Toa can do that 10Cool. (pun not intended)
114: There are many different forms of Matoran, pretty much all of them mutated or rebuilt somehow. But are the Metru Nui Matoran (sets from 2004) the real form of a Matoran? Or were they transformed somehow too? 124) They are the real form of Metru Nui Matoran, doesn't mean that is the natural form of all Matoran everywhere. 13So I guess a Matoran's natural form is different depending on where he/she came from.
145: Does the Makuta of Metru Nui have an actual name? (storyline-wise) 155) Yes 16Can't wait to find out what it is:
176: Is Mata Nui (the being) a physical life form, or is he a spirit? 186) He does have a physical body 19So I guess he's a spirit who has a physical body.
207: Do the Visorak have independent thoughts, just easily manipulated, or are they just rahi? 217) I don't consider them easily manipulated, anymore than Genghis Khan's horde was easily manipulated -- they are just beings who live to conquer and are good at it. And yes, most animals are capable of individual thoughts and feelings, in my opinion. 22Just wondering.
238: Who (or what) held Matoro's hand in the cave of darkness in BL2? 248) The power of the Mask of Life 25That's interesting...
21: Is Lariska a Vortixx? 31) Everyone on BZP seems to think she is for some reason, but she's not. 4I always thought she was... apparently not.
52: Can the Vortixx species be other colors than just black with silver armor? (I remember seeing a green one in comic #24, when Roodaka was telling her tale of climbing "The Mountain.") 62) The green one was artistic license so readers could differentiate him from Roodaka in the scene 7So, I guess that means no
83: In MoL, Kopaka used his ice powers to stop a snow storm. Was he able to do that because he was a Nuva, or can all ice toa do that? 93) All ice Toa can do that 10Cool. (pun not intended)
114: There are many different forms of Matoran, pretty much all of them mutated or rebuilt somehow. But are the Metru Nui Matoran (sets from 2004) the real form of a Matoran? Or were they transformed somehow too? 124) They are the real form of Metru Nui Matoran, doesn't mean that is the natural form of all Matoran everywhere. 13So I guess a Matoran's natural form is different depending on where he/she came from.
145: Does the Makuta of Metru Nui have an actual name? (storyline-wise) 155) Yes 16Can't wait to find out what it is:
176: Is Mata Nui (the being) a physical life form, or is he a spirit? 186) He does have a physical body 19So I guess he's a spirit who has a physical body.
207: Do the Visorak have independent thoughts, just easily manipulated, or are they just rahi? 217) I don't consider them easily manipulated, anymore than Genghis Khan's horde was easily manipulated -- they are just beings who live to conquer and are good at it. And yes, most animals are capable of individual thoughts and feelings, in my opinion. 22Just wondering.
238: Who (or what) held Matoro's hand in the cave of darkness in BL2? 248) The power of the Mask of Life 25That's interesting...
1Wow, somebody could of escaped from the pit if it were still on land, or any Olmak user actually...
5I found that interesting...
2If Brutaka were to sent to the pit before the great catacylsm where there was no mutagen (Just dry air) couldn't he technically use his Kanohi Olmak to create a dimensional gate in which to escape from? Or is it a case of being stripped of you masks, tools etc.
4He could, yes -- but if he stays in this dimension, Botar will go get him again, and if he leaves, well, he faces eternity in a strange dimension, and how much fun is that?
5I found that interesting...
1Revealation of of a certain character here:
21. You said Jaller was getting annoyed with Matoro because he's taking charge of the team. Is the new leader or is he just acting like one? 31b. Why is he taking charge of the team? 41c. Can you give me an example to how Jaller's reacting?
52. You told me earlier that the Matoran of Light made some of the Toa Canisters. Was the crazy Matoran a Matoran of Light?
63. Is the LEGO Company planning to continue EXO FORCE next year?
81) No, he's not the new leader. But Matoro feels responsible for losing the mask in 2006 storyline, so he is very driven to get it back again. 91c) Just annoyed. Unlike Tahu, Jaller doesn't let him emotions rule him or get in the way of the team. 102) Yup 113) I can't discuss 2008 product line, sorry
131. I asked these a week ago, so old news.
142. Finally, the answer: EDIT: Wait, the Crazy Matoran is a Matoran of Light? He lived in The World That Feeds The World, which means: The World That Feeds The World = Universe Core? Mabey?
153. Too bad he can't discuss it.
21. You said Jaller was getting annoyed with Matoro because he's taking charge of the team. Is the new leader or is he just acting like one? 31b. Why is he taking charge of the team? 41c. Can you give me an example to how Jaller's reacting?
52. You told me earlier that the Matoran of Light made some of the Toa Canisters. Was the crazy Matoran a Matoran of Light?
63. Is the LEGO Company planning to continue EXO FORCE next year?
81) No, he's not the new leader. But Matoro feels responsible for losing the mask in 2006 storyline, so he is very driven to get it back again. 91c) Just annoyed. Unlike Tahu, Jaller doesn't let him emotions rule him or get in the way of the team. 102) Yup 113) I can't discuss 2008 product line, sorry
131. I asked these a week ago, so old news.
142. Finally, the answer: EDIT: Wait, the Crazy Matoran is a Matoran of Light? He lived in The World That Feeds The World, which means: The World That Feeds The World = Universe Core? Mabey?
153. Too bad he can't discuss it.
11. Does Jaller's Mask of Sonar allow him to locate allies and enemies?
22. What are the Kanohi names for the Mahri's masks, barring the Tryna?
3(Just as a side note, I will not post the answers until Monday, after April 1st, because it's April Fool's Day after all......)
41) It allows him to locate other things in the water, not to identify whether they are on his side or not. 52) Not sharing this info yet, it's too early
6Now we know what the new masks are capable of.
1I just want some confirmation on something:
2Is the thing that grabbed Carapar in Ignition 7 one of Kalmah's Giant Squids?
3P.S. Some more:
41. Do the cracks in the ground around the Coliseum have anything to do with the Blade Burrowers?
52. The Atlas mentions the Order getting updates and such about Mahri Nui. Are these from Hydraxon or someone else? Because you said that Hydraxon might not be considered an Order member anymore.
63. In B2, why does Vakama ask Nuju to use his telekinesis to lift him up to Makuta, when he could just use his Disk Launcher as a jetpack to fly up?
74. Was the dispute on Zakaz caused by Reidak?
85. Why doesn't the Karzahni set include his mask?
96. Is that a mask on the back of Spinax's head?
107. Did the mutagen cause Karzahni to shrink, or is this one of the innacurately sized sets?
11Thank you.
12No, one of Kalmah's squid would not have been attacking another Barraki under those circumstances.
131) No 142) Not from Hydraxon, no 153) Maybe he didn't want to waste his elemental energy powering the jet pack right before such a big battle 164) No. 175) Because has been mutated by the water 186) I don't have the set, so impossible for me to answer 197) Mutagen does all sorts of things to people
1QUOTE 2Hello. This isn't so much a question as it is commentary on where Bionicle should go-You've often complained that fitting so many characters in the story, and frankly I agree with you that having so many unique beings is extremely aggravating. Thus, I tam wondering if you and the team are considering returning to the more "mindless" sort of enemy we've had in the past...or perhaps even "mindless" heroes, for a change. Not 2-dimensional enemies, mind you, but rather "hordes" of creatures for people to fight. Also, it seems to me perhaps Thompson wasn't totally wrong in focusing more on the Matoran...don't get me wrong, the Toa are fun, but I think maybe it wouldn't hurt sales as much as it might seem, because when you work with Matoran perspectives the Toa become almighty warriors for good that can do no wrong. True, they are not that, but it does help smaller boy's fantasy's about powerful warriors...
4I am really not interested in going back to mindless hordes. They are dull to write and we have done them multiple times. The other thing is, canister sets sell better if the figures are differentiated and the personalities are unique -- horde sets tend to be clones.
5As for the Matoran, our thought is to make them stronger, more vital, more capable characters as opposed to the more comic relief characters they were in year's past, which will hopefully make the sets more desirable.
6BTW Kraahkan-User, that thing was the giant 300-foot eel.
1Wait -- I know questions are PMed to Greg, but if someone would be kind enough to ask him for me: if the "crazy Matoran" was a Matoran of Light, how was he ever able to be admitted into Karzahni's realm past the light-barrier thing that Takanuva could not pass?
1Wait -- I know questions are PMed to Greg, but if someone would be kind enough to ask him for me: if the "crazy Matoran" was a Matoran of Light, how was he ever able to be admitted into Karzahni's realm past the light-barrier thing that Takanuva could not pass?
2I'll do it and post the answer here for you.
1Wait -- I know questions are PMed to Greg, but if someone would be kind enough to ask him for me: if the "crazy Matoran" was a Matoran of Light, how was he ever able to be admitted into Karzahni's realm past the light-barrier thing that Takanuva could not pass?
2I'm pretty sure Karzahni would have un-blocked the passage for the Matoran. He does control it after all.