11.Waht did the barraki look like befor they got mutaated from the pit? 22.If nocturn got his head,legs or waist cut of,would be able to regenarate? 33.Why did Lego diside to make the squid launchers rubber? 44.Are Ehleks claws built in to his arm or are they held? 55.Did Ehlek get his claws when the order of Metru-nui changed his speices? 66.In bionicle city of the lost,they sed their was toa in the brotherhood of makuta.Are they dark toa? 77.Who is Karzahni? 88.AND where is evry one getting this info about hydraxon falling off a cliff and all that?
1Titanorak, you must PM GregF, as he rarely visits this topic. The link is on the first page.
11) Which was your favorite Piraka to write for? 22) If a Matoran's air bubble runs out, which will happen first, drowning or mutation? 33) Have you written any of the web-exclusive content yet? 44) Since Krakua's colors were black and gray, and black is already earth, does that mean gray is the color for Sonics?
51) Hakann and Zaktan 62) Hard to say. I am going to put my money on drowning, just cause it's more dramatic that way 73) Yes, it just hasn't gone up yet 84) No, it means that is the color of pieces that fan had to use to build his model. He didn't have the option of using any new colors.
11) Is the thing Mantax's looking for something that identifies the wielder as a BoM member / ally / servant? 21) You're warm verging on hot
32) Is Karzahni going to Mahri Nui alone, or is he taking his newly formed army? 42) I haven't decided yet
53)Why is Matoro becoming the Mahri leader? Although he is destined to carry the Ignika, that doesn't mean he's the most suited to lead the others. 63) No, it doesn't, but he is the most important member of the team as a result -- so it makes sense he would start to take more charge.
74) Does Artakha follow Mata Nui's will? 84) Yes
95) Could Makuta posses Maxilos? 105) Yes, he could
116) Will the Inika turn into the Mahri inside or outside the Cord? 126) I can't discuss this
138) If the 2008 location was indeed a city in the sky, would that be related to the fact Makuta casted his Great Shadow at the top of the Coliseum? 148) Since it's not a city in the sky, the point is moot
157 isn't that relevant at all
16Adding to the 1st questin I think the thing Mantax is looking for must be the kanohi Kraaken
17It makes sence, the thing must be somthing that signifis that person to be a member the Kraaken. And Because Barakki can where them Mantax could use it
1Adding to the 1st questin I think the thing Mantax is looking for must be the kanohi Kraaken
2It makes sence, the thing must be somthing that signifis that person to be a member the Kraaken. And Because Barakki can where them Mantax could use it
3The Kraahkan is in Metru Nui's Silver Sea. Nowhere near the Pit.
1Adding to the 1st questin I think the thing Mantax is looking for must be the kanohi Kraaken
2It makes sence, the thing must be somthing that signifis that person to be a member the Kraaken. And Because Barakki can where them Mantax could use it
3The Kraahkan is in Metru Nui's Silver Sea. Nowhere near the Pit.
4Nice try:
1Adding to the 1st questin I think the thing Mantax is looking for must be the kanohi Kraaken
2It makes sence, the thing must be somthing that signifis that person to be a member the Kraaken. And Because Barakki can where them Mantax could use it
3The Kraahkan is in Metru Nui's Silver Sea. Nowhere near the Pit.
4Nice try:
5But if it was mata nui's will that the sea drifted it down to the pit. 6I asked Greg so well see
7It could also be to makuta aide cause heed have the Kraaken again
1here are a couple 22. will there be a new toa team next year?
32) I cannot discuss 2008
4I heard the Nuva are coming out as new sets in 2008.
5Where did you hear that? It is incorrect, hey MIGHT do so but that isn't confirmed. Also the new mission of the nuva is to prepare the universe for Mata Nui's awakening like stated in one of my posts that around 5 (max) pages back.
6I know about their new mission. It MIGHT, yes, isn't confirmed, ther's a possibility. The thing is when the Nuva come out that time will probably be the end of the Bionicle. i hope that doesn't happen anytime soon, though i feel it might be likely that Mata Nui will be awakened next year; the MoLi is already here:
7here are a couple 82. will there be a new toa team next year?
92) I cannot discuss 2008
10I heard the Nuva are coming out as new sets in 2008.
11This is all that has been said:
121. The Nuva will be re-released right? 13A. Someday, yes
142. If so^ the soonest they could come out is Jan. of '08 right? 15A. They are definitely not 2007 sets
163. That means the Nuva will be the main focus again right? 17A. They have to be, they are the ones who have to wake up Mata Nui
18As i said, it need not be confirmed. I am just speculating, like many do when they write to GregF.
1here are a couple 22. will there be a new toa team next year?
32) I cannot discuss 2008
4I heard the Nuva are coming out as new sets in 2008.
5Where did you hear that? It is incorrect, hey MIGHT do so but that isn't confirmed. Also the new mission of the nuva is to prepare the universe for Mata Nui's awakening like stated in one of my posts that around 5 (max) pages back.
6Ah, what GregF said was that preparing the universe was their mission for 2007. He never said anything about 2008.
1More than once? Woo...
2Anyway, here are a few more:
2Anyway, here are a few more:
31) How do Toa canisters know where to go? (The Toa Mata/Nuva's [and the OoMN member's canisters seemed to "know" that the Piraka wanted to go to Voya Nui, as did the canisters that transported Jaller and co.) 41) Seems to be based on where you want togo [sic
52) Perhaps you can't answer this, but -- since it's confirmed by you that Voya Nui returns to the continent from which it sprang, is Voya Nui going "home" (back to the south continent) soon? 62b) If, by happy chance, you can answer the above question -- 2007? Or after? 72) Well, you know that has to happen as part of the trilogy, because Voya Nui is a part of the trilogy
83) The Matoran of Light had their memories wiped during the Time Slip, correct? 93) The ones planted in other places, yes
103b) If so, how much of their memories were wiped (I can't imagine Takua remembering that "hey, I'm not a Ta-Matoran:" or anything like that)? 113b) Based on Takua, it was pretty substantial

1Hello, hope Downfall is going well. Just some things that came across my mind. 2Have any characters we know (alive or dead)(not Great Beings) been to the mainland? 3Could the Rahaga possibly help find Destral (because they lived there)? 4Will there be any story additions on Bionicle.com any time soon? 5Does Artahka travel a lot (to be informed)? 6If not is informed by spies? 7Has Botar ever teleported to Artahka? 8Does he ever help people instead of sending bad guys to the Pit? 9How would Voya Nui be reconected to the Mainland when the cord is cut if it drifted so far?
101) Sure. All the Voya Nui and Mahri Nui Matoran, for one. 112) No. Destral is moved randomly as the BOM chooses, the Rahaga would have no way track it. 123) More likely on BIONICLEstory.com 134) No 145) No one knows how he gets his info 156) No. Botar doesn't know where it is. 167) No. 178) You'll find out
18Nothing really but someting never the less.
1Hello, hope Downfall is going well. Just some things that came across my mind. 2Have any characters we know (alive or dead)(not Great Beings) been to the mainland? 3Could the Rahaga possibly help find Destral (because they lived there)? 4Will there be any story additions on Bionicle.com any time soon? 5Does Artahka travel a lot (to be informed)? 6If not is informed by spies? 7Has Botar ever teleported to Artahka? 8Does he ever help people instead of sending bad guys to the Pit? 9How would Voya Nui be reconected to the Mainland when the cord is cut if it drifted so far?
101) Sure. All the Voya Nui and Mahri Nui Matoran, for one. 112) No. Destral is moved randomly as the BOM chooses, the Rahaga would have no way track it. 123) More likely on BIONICLEstory.com 134) No 145) No one knows how he gets his info 156) No. Botar doesn't know where it is. 167) No. 178) You'll find out
18Nothing really but someting never the less.
19Voya Nui to be connected to the mainland? How? i thought it was originally from a dome.
1Hello, hope Downfall is going well. Just some things that came across my mind. 2Have any characters we know (alive or dead)(not Great Beings) been to the mainland? 3Could the Rahaga possibly help find Destral (because they lived there)? 4Will there be any story additions on Bionicle.com any time soon? 5Does Artahka travel a lot (to be informed)? 6If not is informed by spies? 7Has Botar ever teleported to Artahka? 8Does he ever help people instead of sending bad guys to the Pit? 9How would Voya Nui be reconected to the Mainland when the cord is cut if it drifted so far?
101) Sure. All the Voya Nui and Mahri Nui Matoran, for one. 112) No. Destral is moved randomly as the BOM chooses, the Rahaga would have no way track it. 123) More likely on BIONICLEstory.com 134) No 145) No one knows how he gets his info 156) No. Botar doesn't know where it is. 167) No. 178) You'll find out
18Nothing really but someting never the less.
19Voya Nui to be connected to the mainland? How? i thought it was originally from a dome.
20The main land is in a dome.
11) Do you have any techniques when your writing books? 22) How would you describe Matoro's personality? 33) How do you veiw Matoro as a leader? 44) From first to last, which book of 2006 do you like? 55) How would you describe Jaller's view towards Matoro? 66) How would you describe Hahli's veiw towards Matoro? 77) How would you describe Hahli's veiw towards Jaller's relationship between Matoro? 88) How much of MNOG cannon?
101) Such as what? 112) Matoro is a character who is growing a lot. He starts out very uncertain, even afraid, of being a Toa. He is very aware of his limitations and feels somewhat inadequate. As time passes, he realizes the enormity of the responsibility thrust upon him and starts to grow into it. 123) Probably not as aware as he should be of the effects his actions are having on Jaller. 134) My favorite book of 2006 is #4 145) Jaller is annoyed, basically. He's stung that Matoro beat him to volunteering to die in Book 5 (and is questioning his own bravery as a result), and resents sometimes being left out of decisions. 156-7) I really haven't dealt a lot with this, because I don't want to just repeat the Gali-Tahu-Kopaka storyline. 168) The basic story is. What isn't is mostly minor things, like "taxi crabs."
17Interesting, very interesting...

1Adding to the 1st questin I think the thing Mantax is looking for must be the kanohi Kraaken
2It makes sence, the thing must be somthing that signifis that person to be a member the Kraaken. And Because Barakki can where them Mantax could use it
3The Kraahkan is in Metru Nui's Silver Sea. Nowhere near the Pit.
4Nice try:
5But if it was mata nui's will that the sea drifted it down to the pit. 6I asked Greg so well see
7It could also be to makuta aide cause heed have the Kraaken again
8Currents can't drift through dome walls, there a bit too solid.... (ha ha ha get my bad joke?) 9Nice thinking though.
1Adding to the 1st questin I think the thing Mantax is looking for must be the kanohi Kraaken
2It makes sence, the thing must be somthing that signifis that person to be a member the Kraaken. And Because Barakki can where them Mantax could use it
3The Kraahkan is in Metru Nui's Silver Sea. Nowhere near the Pit.
4ET is right, also, the object has a symbolic power, Mantax could use the Kanohi Kraakhan, so that means it has an actual power. Also, he's looking for a tablet, wich something carved into it. Placed there by someone why have met before:
11) Do you have any techniques when your writing books? 22) How would you describe Matoro's personality? 33) How do you veiw Matoro as a leader?4) From first to last, which book of 2006 do you like? 45) How would you describe Jaller's view towards Matoro? 56) How would you describe Hahli's veiw towards Matoro? 67) How would you describe Hahli's veiw towards Jaller's relationship between Matoro? 78) How much of MNOG cannon?
91) Such as what? 102) Matoro is a character who is growing a lot. He starts out very uncertain, even afraid, of being a Toa. He is very aware of his limitations and feels somewhat inadequate. As time passes, he realizes the enormity of the responsibility thrust upon him and starts to grow into it. 113) Probably not as aware as he should be of the effects his actions are having on Jaller. 124) My favorite book of 2006 is #4 135) Jaller is annoyed, basically. He's stung that Matoro beat him to volunteering to die in Book 5 (and is questioning his own bravery as a result), and resents sometimes being left out of decisions. 146-7) I really haven't dealt a lot with this, because I don't want to just repeat the Gali-Tahu-Kopaka storyline. 158) The basic story is. What isn't is mostly minor things, like "taxi crabs."

1Here are some more Q&A. The "reactions" are to answers recorded in my last post.
2First, a lot of reactions to the questions already answered:
31) So you say that Toa canisters have a sort-of limited mind reading power which allows them to know their passenger's intended destination and chart a course accordingly? 41) Yes, would explain how they got Jaller and crew to Voya Nui 5And how they got the Piraka to Voya Nui, and...
61b) Would you say that this is an innate "ability" of Toa canisters, based on their design or something? 71b) Yup. Unfortunately, sometimes they break down. 8Didn't know that Toa canisters could read minds...
93) So the Matoran of Light who stayed at home remember their lost friends...? 103) Yes 11Now that IS a surprise.
12Other questions:
131) Is the "Makuta takes over Matoro's body" storyline piece canon, like the Tahtorak-vs.-Kardas battle (canon storyline, but not shown anywhere)? 141) That depends. If the serial ever gets posted on BIONICLEstory.com, it will be. If it doesn't, it may not be. On the other hand, if it looks like it won't, I may just give the serial to BZP or some other site so it will get out there somewhere.
152) Could you order these three characters from greatest to least control over gravity? 16a. Toa Hewkii (with Mask of Gravity activated) 17b. Toa of Gravity (killed by Lariska before BIONICLE Legends #10) 18c. Nuhvok-Kal (can make gravity 0x or 1000x normal) 192) I would give the Toa and Nuhvok-Kal an edge over Hewkii, simply because they have more experience working with gravity.

1Here are a few questions I asked Greg...
2Greg, 3Hi. I have a few questions:
41.You once said that shadow is never good in Bionicle. Yet Makuta of Metru Nui wears the Mask of Shadows. Correct me if I'm wrong, but at one point wasn't he good? If a protector of the Matoran wore a mask that's powers were evil, wouldn't the Great Beings realize this and possibly get rid of him?
52.What are the Masks of Summoning, Sonar and Gravity's powers?
63.Who is your favorite Bionicle character?
74.In the story, can Pridak really go into "Shark Mode" like in the mini-movie?
85.Will we see more of the Shadowed One in the future?
96.Will any more Makutas be seen in the future?
107.On Bionicle.com it says that Mantax ate half the brood of squids. Why did he do that? Surely he knew that they were too important to be eaten.
11That's all the questions I have for now.
121) To use a little bit of an extreme example -- prior to the early 20th century, the swastika was just an obscure Indian symbol that had a positive meaning. After the Nazis used a variation of it as their symbol, it became considered a symbol for evil and no one uses it anymore. Same thing here -- after the BOM rebelled, shadow became considered an evil element because they used it. 132) I am not going into the powers yet, it's too early. 143) Kopaka 154) I am going to say that he can do in the story what his set can do, because story has to match sets as much as possible. 165) No idea at this point 176) That is a possibility 187) Important to Kalmah, not to him. Although the Barraki all use them, they also know that when push comes to shove, Kalmah would use the squid for his army. So they don't get too attached to having them. And Mantax was hungry.
1Have fun reading:
2Hi GregF,
31a. Maxilos=Makuta? 41b. If Makuta manage to get a new body, will he have all his 42 Rahkshi powers again?
52. The Kanohi Kraakhan was trowed into the silver sea by Reidak? Is the Kraakhan still there?
63. The Piraka betrayed TSO, what have they done? (Stealing the Zamor Spheres?)
74. 3 Strongest Rahi: Kardas, Gadunka and Tathorak? If not, wich are the 3 strongest Rahi...
85. What's Takuanuva doing at the moment? Join the Toa Nuva on their special mission?
96. Who's stronger (in general terms): Brutaka or Roodaka?
107. Where's the Mask of Time at the moment?
118. The Piraka want to Ignika, like a robber wants a diamant, since it worth much, how do the Piraka get 'paid'?
129. (Let's assume Brutaka is alife.) After time will past, will outward mutations eventually appear?
1310. Did Brutaka already possesed his Kanohi Olmak when he 'came into being', or was it given to him by someone?
1411. Brutaka Vs. the Barraki; who would win?
1512. How ís your Dutch?
16Thanks for your time.
171) Maxilos is a summer set, meaning I can't discuss him 181b) He would have most, but probably not all. For example, Makuta's armor is designed for shapeshifting, so it changes as he wants it to. A new body would not have that ability. 192) Yes 203) They went off on their own to loot Makuta's lair, without permission and with no intention of sharing any loot they found 214) I wouldn't put Gadunka in there, and you're forgetting the Kanohi Dragon, the Razor Whale, etc. 225) He is guarding Metru Nui 236) Brutaka. Roodaka doesn't rely on physical strength to win battles so much. 247) With Vakama 258) Well, let's say the Toa want it and the Brotherhood of Makuta wants it. So the Piraka promise the Toa they will never give it to the BOM, in return for the Toa promising never to try to stop anything the Piraka do ever again. 269) It's possible 2710) Can't answer it 2811) Brutaka is a lot more powerful than any one individual Barraki, but there are six of them with huge armies, so it's hard to predict 2912) I don't speak any Dutch.
30Hi GregF,
31A few reactions:
322) So, if Makuta gets a new body... can he use the Kraakhan again? 337) And Vakama is protected by Takuanuva? Since now Vakama is a Turaga, he isn't so strong anymore, so someone need to protect him... 348) Are the Piraka aware of the enormous power of the Ignika? 3510) Since it's not relevant to the story, right?
36A few extra questions:
371. You said Vezon was after the Ignika, since the Ignika is in Mahri Nui, will Vezon go there, and be mutated?
382. Do the Piraka still breath air?
393. Who do you think is the smartest Bionicle character (don't count the Great Being and the Great Spirit Mata Nui...)?
404. When I asked if Axonn and Brutaka were already friends before they joined the Order, you said: "I'm not sure if they knowed eachother then." But they were both in the Hand of Artakha, did they never met while they were in the Hand of Artakha?
415. In the coming Bionicle Atlas, will we learn some more about the OoMN and their 'headquarter'?
426. Brutaka is no longer an Order member, right?
437. Axonn & Brutaka were not prototype Toa, right?
448a. Does Brutaka belong to a species? 458b. If so, are they murdered by the Barraki? (When they still were warlords?)
469. Makuta wanted to execute the Barraki... but Botar intervened, why didn't the Order want to execute the Barraki? I mean, they killed so much innocent people.
4710. Does Zaktan know about the ultimate victory of the BoM?
48Thanks for your time.
492) Yes 507) It hasn't really been necessary. The only person who knows Vakama has it is Makuta, and Makuta knows if he goes after it, Vakama will destroy it. 518) Yes 5210) Just not something I have worried about
531) Can't answer it 542) At this point, yes 553) No idea 564) The Hand was scattered pretty far and wide, so they may not have met then 575) Yes 586) Technically, no 597) No 608) Yes 618b) No. The Barraki's job was to keep order, not slaughter entire species 629) Because that is what the Pit is for 6310) In general
64Hi GregF,
65First a few reactions:
668) Why don't they want to use it?
676)So he is still considered as a member? 687)So they were prototype toa? If so, why didn't the HoA or the BoM didn't create any more like them, I mean Axonn and Brutaka are pretty powerfull...
69A few extra questions:
701. If the Barraki should manage to use the Ignika and become airbreathers again (leave Ehlek), even if they manage to get on the land, their practicly lost right? I mean, the BoM hates them... the OoMN will go after them... and if they don't join the DH, TSO will order to kill them since they are of no use to him then.
712. Mantax is searching for something valuable in the ruins of the Pit, is it valuable to everyone, or only to Mantax?
723. If I say: "evil intelligence", wich Bionicle character pops up in your mind?
734. In BL6 Brutaka says towards Ehlek and Carparar: "Ah, you were important once." Does that mean he knows a lot about the League of Six Kingdoms and such?
745. Since Brutaka is shielded against telepatic attacks, does that mean that Takadox can't hypnotise him?
756. Can Artakha Bulls fly?
767. Why are all Rahi afraid for the Visorak? (The BoM almost created every species of Rahi.)
778. Makuta gets a new body, will it be stronger then his Shadow Titan Form? And when Makuta was in his Shadow Titan Form, Nidikhi and Krekka were still part of him, right?
789. If Brutaka should survive the attack of the giant squid, what do you think he's planning to do next then?
7910. What do you think is the strongest Rahi?
80Thanks for your time.
818) Piraka cannot wear masks, and they don't realize it can be used if you aren't wearing it. 826) I said he wasn't a member 837) I meant no, they were not prototype Toa. Toa are never made in that size model.
841) You forget that the DH and the BOM are busy warring with each other, and the OOMN is busy gearing up for war with the BOM. So it might be no one would notice they were back until it was too late.
852) It's valuable to the Barraki
863) No, no, sorry, not getting me that way -- I am not commenting on future storyline
874) Sure. Most people do. It's not like they were a secret organization.
885) No. Hypnosis is not telepathy.
896) Not to my knowledge, no
907) Same reason a lot of people are afraid of spiders or snakes -- it's instinctive
918) I can't discuss what his new body will be like
929) We'll see. His role in this year's story is over, I know that
9310) Of the ones we have seen so far, I would say the Tahtorak
94Hi GregF,
95First a few reactions:
968) I understand, I mean, Vezon is also a Piraka but he could use the Ignika. 976 & 7) Just to clear things up for me.
981) Can the Barraki set up armies so fast then? And if it should happen, why don't the BoM and the OoMN gang up? I mean, war is peace. (Expression in my country.)
992) Is it/are it (a) weapon(s)?
1003) Sorry, could give it a try...
1016) There's that topic that Artakha is the City of the Sky... So, just curious if Artakha Bulls could fly...
1028) You can still answer the second part: And when Makuta was in his Shadow Titan Form, Nidikhi and Krekka were still part of him, right? And about the first part, I think the Shadow Titan Form is more powerful... Makuta (2003 set) looks better than Maxilos...
1039) I think Brutaka doesn't deserve to die that way, but it's your choice...
10410) I do count Kardas as a Rahi, I think you should take that in your conclusion...
105A few additional questions:
1061. Are you planning on making an OoMN guide, if so, will it be written in the same persective as in the DH guide (TSO telling)
1072. What's the official release date of the Atlas?
1083. You said that the Barraki do have more "team spirit" than the Piraka... But, all the Barraki don't want Pridak as their leader... they all want to be the leader themself... also, Kalmah did an attempt to become the leader, but he loosed the battle (and one eye), why don't they gang up against him? Does he has the same thing as, maybe a to extreme example, (sorry if is this to rude), Adolf Hitler, I mean he was one of the "best" dictators.
1094. Does Zyglak already exist in the story, or has he still to be created?
110Thanks for your time.
111N.B. Sorry for question 3.
1121) When did Vezon ever actually use the power of the Ignika? He used powers the Ignika granted to him, he never used the mask itself
1131) The BOM cannot ally with the OOMN, because they don't know the OOMN exists and the OOMN doesn't want them to know. And yes, given their reps, the Barraki probably could attract a lot of mercenaries and thugs fairly quickly 1142) No
1156) Artakha is not a city in the sky, it's an island on an ocean
1168) What form are you referring to?
11710) I did count Kardas. I still think, if you are talking sheer physical strength, then Tahtorak is more powerful. Whether that means he would BEAT Kardas is another matter, but in terms of sheer muscle, he is more powerful
1181) Scholastic has no plans to do more guides after this year's Encyclopedia
1192) April 1, I believe
1203) Actually, we don't know that Kalmah tried to seize the leadership role, he simply didn't want to do something Pridak told him to do. If he had actually tried to overthrow Pridak, he would be dead now. The Piraka are basically a gang of thieves; the Barraki are like a military alliance between nations -- they don't have to like each other, but they know they need each other.
1214) Zyglak already exists
122Hi GregF,
123First a few reactions:
1241) At the time the BoM was still good, was the Order already active?
1254) Is it a bad guy? If so, was it a prisoner of the Pit?
126A few extra questions:
1271. Karzahni; good or evil?
1282. Did Brutaka already know he could get sent to the Pit when he "joined" the Piraka?
1293. BS01 states that Maxilos is a robot (without a spirit), does that mean Takadox still could control him?
1304. Will we (as readers) leave the water in 2007 or in 2008? (I mean going to another place with the storyline.)
1315. Do Hydraxonn and Brutaka know eachother? If so, why wouldn't he gang up with Hydraxonn? I mean, Hydraxonn is a lot more powerfull than an individual Barraki... and Hydraxonn probably doesn't know that Brutaka isn't considered as a Order member anymore...
1326. Why did the Makuta of Zakaz left the BoM?
1337. What's the most dangerous Rahi?
1348a. What do you think is the worst weapon, storylinewise? 1358b. What do you think is the best weapon, storylinewise?
1369a. Is Mantax searching for a Kanohi in the ruins of the Pit? 1379b. Is Mantax searching for data of an organisation in the Pit? 1389c. Is Mantax searching for the corpse of Hydraxonn in the Pit? 1399d. Is Mantax searching for the corpse of someone else?
14010. What's your favorite Barraki?
14111. In Ignition #1 Zaktan and Hakann have a battle, Zaktan can kill Hakann, but he doesn't because Hakann is still of use to him? What use? (Does Zaktan or one of the other Piraka have any clue about what's Hakann doing for TSO?)
142Thanks for your time.
1431) Yes 1444) You'll find out when it appears in the story. And it's not an "it," singular, it's a species
1451) I would say evil -- you can argue insane too, but I am pretty sure he knows in some part of him what he is doing is wrong, so he is not the legal definition of crazy.
1462) Yes
1473) I am not going to discuss BS01's spoilers, sorry
1484) Not in 2007, I can tell you that
1495) I don't know that they do know each other, and even if they did, Hydraxon really doesn't care about the Ignika -- that's not his focus.
1506) Gets revealed in the Atlas, so I am not revealing that info here until the book comes out.
1517) That is a very subjective question, so I really don't see how I can answer it. One Matoran might tell you it is Tahtorak or Kardas or the Kanohi Dragon, but another might say the doom viper. What's more dangerous - a hippo, which accounts for more human deaths in Africa than any other large animal, or a mosquito who carries malaria?
1528) I am not going to answer a "worst" question -- I work for LEGO, I don't deal in "worst" aspects of the line.
1539) No, no, no and no
15410) Takadox
15511) Well, look at as Zaktan does. At some point, they are going to go on a dangerous journey to find the Mask. If he has five people in front of him, that's five others who will get killed before an enemy goes after him. If Hakann's not there, the enemy only has to kill four people before getting to Zaktan.
156Hi GregF,
157A few reactions:
1584) So Zyglak is one of many?
1593) Let me put it this way, can Takadox control the body of a robot, who is spiritless?
1604) Then there is still hope for Brutaka...
1619) Is Mantax searching for a thing or for a living "person" (or what used to live)?
162Thanks for your time.
1634) Yes 1643) I would say no. Takadox's power is hypnosis, which deals with the conscious and the subconscious mind. Robots do not have a subconscious, they don't even have minds as we know them -- it would be like trying to hypnotize a toaster and make it do your bidding. 1659) An object
166Hahaha, is their a maximum of characters in a post? Since the rest of the PM isn't showed.167Longest post ever.
168EDIT: a part of this PM is already posted once.

1Hey Greg I just got a few questions. And thanks for answering my last ones.
21) Will Makuta be fighting Maxilos and Spinax too?
32) How smart are Mana-ko?
43) Theres one thing i'm wondering about the thing Mantax is looking for. How'd he find out about it?
54) Does the MoLi curse Nocturn?
65) So who starts the fight between Hydraxon and Nocturn?(Does Hy go after Noc or the other way around?
76) I read that the Rahkshi of Adaptation could and would instantly adapt to take maximum advantage of ANY situation. So do it's powers work like this? Throw it into lava it will become extremely thick skinned to cope, throw it in the sea it will grow gills, try to punch it to death and it will become like rubber so that all your blows bounce off. Is any of that accurate?
87) If Reidak were to fight this Rahkshi would the battle last forever? Since both of them would adapt to everything either of them could throw at each other include.
98) On average how intelligent are Rahkshi?
109) What is your favorite mask power out of all the Mahri?
1110) Exactly how does the mask of Gravity work? Does it allow you to control gravity? Or does it let you just control your own gravity?
1211) Could Takadox hypnotise Makuta?
13Last question
1412) What exactly did the OoMN do to it's members so that their minds couldn't be read or harmed?
15Thank you for your time.
161) Spinax, yes 172) I don't consider them that intelligent. Just very efficient. I would put them at about the level of a trained guard dog. 183) Ah, this is a case where he deduced some such thing must exist and that it probably was brought down to the Pit, so he just kept searching. He couldn't be sure he would find it. 194) Yes 205) Hydraxon goes after Nocturn, because Nocturn is an escaped prisoner 216) All but the latter. It adapts to environments, not situations. Throw it into a sub-zero environment, it will develop the ability to not freeze. Hit it with a stick and it does not adapt and become immune to such blows. 227) See answer to #6. Reidak would win. 238) Ones who are not operating under direct orders from Makuta are probably around the intelligence level of your average hyena 249) Probably Summoning, with Reanimation a close second. 2510) No, it is an offensive mask, so you can control other's gravity 2611) I tend to doubt it. I don't think Takadox has a stronger will than Makuta. 2712) Mental training, basically, the ability to throw up a psychic shield around your mind.
281) So the Rahkshi couldn't adapt to it's opponent's powers? Figured there wouldn't be much of a difference between adapting to extreme conditions and fighting a opponet. Wouldn't turning into rubber to with stand a foe's blows be a simple matter for a Rahkshi that can pretty much swim in LAVA? Was this a arbritray thing so the Rahkshi wouldn't go on an insane, unstoppable rampage?
292) If yes to number 1, I guess that would make sense, Makuta wouldn't want his Rahkshi to be completely unstoppable.
301) No, it's not arbitrary. Adapatation in this case simply means adjusting to environment, not to modes of attack. That's what the Rahkshi are capable of adapting to, so that they can function in hostile environments.
31Hmm Makuta is not going to be fight Maxilos yet he is going to fight his dog? Hmm wonder why?
1Hey Greg I just got a few questions. And thanks for answering my last ones.
21) Will Makuta be fighting Maxilos and Spinax too?
32) How smart are Mana-ko?
43) Theres one thing i'm wondering about the thing Mantax is looking for. How'd he find out about it?
54) Does the MoLi curse Nocturn?
65) So who starts the fight between Hydraxon and Nocturn?(Does Hy go after Noc or the other way around?
76) I read that the Rahkshi of Adaptation could and would instantly adapt to take maximum advantage of ANY situation. So do it's powers work like this? Throw it into lava it will become extremely thick skinned to cope, throw it in the sea it will grow gills, try to punch it to death and it will become like rubber so that all your blows bounce off. Is any of that accurate?
87) If Reidak were to fight this Rahkshi would the battle last forever? Since both of them would adapt to everything either of them could throw at each other include.
98) On average how intelligent are Rahkshi?
109) What is your favorite mask power out of all the Mahri?
1110) Exactly how does the mask of Gravity work? Does it allow you to control gravity? Or does it let you just control your own gravity?
1211) Could Takadox hypnotise Makuta?
13Last question
1412) What exactly did the OoMN do to it's members so that their minds couldn't be read or harmed?
15Thank you for your time.
161) Spinax, yes 172) I don't consider them that intelligent. Just very efficient. I would put them at about the level of a trained guard dog. 183) Ah, this is a case where he deduced some such thing must exist and that it probably was brought down to the Pit, so he just kept searching. He couldn't be sure he would find it. 194) Yes 205) Hydraxon goes after Nocturn, because Nocturn is an escaped prisoner 216) All but the latter. It adapts to environments, not situations. Throw it into a sub-zero environment, it will develop the ability to not freeze. Hit it with a stick and it does not adapt and become immune to such blows. 227) See answer to #6. Reidak would win. 238) Ones who are not operating under direct orders from Makuta are probably around the intelligence level of your average hyena 249) Probably Summoning, with Reanimation a close second. 2510) No, it is an offensive mask, so you can control other's gravity 2611) I tend to doubt it. I don't think Takadox has a stronger will than Makuta. 2712) Mental training, basically, the ability to throw up a psychic shield around your mind.
281) So the Rahkshi couldn't adapt to it's opponent's powers? Figured there wouldn't be much of a difference between adapting to extreme conditions and fighting a opponet. Wouldn't turning into rubber to with stand a foe's blows be a simple matter for a Rahkshi that can pretty much swim in LAVA? Was this a arbritray thing so the Rahkshi wouldn't go on an insane, unstoppable rampage?
292) If yes to number 1, I guess that would make sense, Makuta wouldn't want his Rahkshi to be completely unstoppable.
301) No, it's not arbitrary. Adapatation in this case simply means adjusting to environment, not to modes of attack. That's what the Rahkshi are capable of adapting to, so that they can function in hostile environments.
31Hmm Makuta is not going to be fight Maxilos yet he is going to fight his dog? Hmm wonder why?
32Let's say Maxilos is a guard robot, who usually doesn't have a Energy Hound at his side. If Makuta possessed him, he might want something that can help him find the Toa or Mask of Life. Spinax is hanging out, and Makuta must battle him to tame him, and then he chains him up and begin the hunt. Sounds reasonable, but we'll never know until we read the book.
1Here are a few questions I asked Greg...
2Greg, 3Hi. I have a few questions:
41.You once said that shadow is never good in Bionicle. Yet Makuta of Metru Nui wears the Mask of Shadows. Correct me if I'm wrong, but at one point wasn't he good? If a protector of the Matoran wore a mask that's powers were evil, wouldn't the Great Beings realize this and possibly get rid of him?
51) To use a little bit of an extreme example -- prior to the early 20th century, the swastika was just an obscure Indian symbol that had a positive meaning. After the Nazis used a variation of it as their symbol, it became considered a symbol for evil and no one uses it anymore. Same thing here -- after the BOM rebelled, shadow became considered an evil element because they used it.
7also revese sawastika was a chinese good luck symbol. So any way it wasn't "ALWAYS" evil and mabye just another element.
8hey found out that "obscure Indian symbol" was also the sybol of the Oklahoma Thunder Bird 45 Briade symbol
15. You siad that there would be a fight on Bionicle.com between Karzahni and (Makuta?), but do you know how Karzahni's would look like since there is no Karzahni set?3Hmm...so Greg hasn't confirmed or denided whether there will be a Karzahni set or not. So where are members getting the idea that he has denided it?2*GregF* 5) I have not confirmed or denied there will be a Karzahni set. I simply cannot discuss future set plans.

1Let's say Maxilos is a guard robot, who usually doesn't have a Energy Hound at his side. If Makuta possessed him, he might want something that can help him find the Toa or Mask of Life. Spinax is hanging out, and Makuta must battle him to tame him, and then he chains him up and begin the hunt. Sounds reasonable, but we'll never know until we read the book.
2... I was being sarcastic. Yeah I like a million other people have already guessed Makuta is going to pessesse Maxilos and it turns out hes gonna fight Spinax, Maxilos dog.
1Let's say Maxilos is a guard robot, who usually doesn't have a Energy Hound at his side. If Makuta possessed him, he might want something that can help him find the Toa or Mask of Life. Spinax is hanging out, and Makuta must battle him to tame him, and then he chains him up and begin the hunt. Sounds reasonable, but we'll never know until we read the book.
2... I was being sarcastic. Yeah I like a million other people have already guessed Makuta is going to pessesse Maxilos and it turns out hes gonna fight Spinax, Maxilos dog.
3Gotcha. It's hard to express sarcasm when you type, though. try putting a [/sarcasm sign after your sentences.
1More on the Makuta-Spinax fight:
21) When/where (book, online, etc.) does the Makuta-Spinax fight take place? (I guess Legends #7.) 31) Bionicle Legends #8
42) Is it safe to assume that the Toa Nuva's golden Kanohi (from 2001) were destroyed by the energized protodermis when they fell in after the battle with the Bahrag? 52) Or converted into the Nuva masks they emerged wearing

1Hi greg, just some stuff:
21: Now that we have seen karzahni: (link removed, couldn't post it,)
3I need to know:
4Is this official?
5Does the trap have any storyline signifigence?
6And, does karzahni reatain use of his mask?
81) Yes 92) It probably will 103) Yes
11There you go people, this is official. (It also seems that he can still use his mask...)
1Some answers from Greg, some are really interesting.
20commenta on 6, I wonder for what the Makuta is affraid.
21. Are the Exo Toa capable of speaking? 32. We know Karzahni goes to Mahri Nui, isn't the order trying to stop him? I don't think it would be the meaning he goes on the loose? 43. The first Toa of Water is she good with her element, like things Lhikan could do, that precise? Is she still alive. 54. Does Arthaka know what is going on in the land Karzahni? 65. Can Karzahni considered evil? Or neutral? 76. Is the Makuta of Metru ever affraid? 87. Since the events of Bionicle Legends 5 does Makuta now know that the OoMN exist? 98. How would the voice en persenality sound of Pridak and Carapar? 109. does Pridak want to reform the League?
111) I don't think we ever portrayed them as speaking 122) How do you know they're not? But they aren't going to reveal themselves to stop one would-be conqueror. 133) Yes, and I haven't decided if she's still alive yet 144) He might 155) I would think imprisoning innocent Matoran for close to 100,000 years would be pretty evil, wouldn't you? 166) Every living thing is afraid sometimes 177) No 188) Not really something I have thought about 199) He wants to reconquer his old kingdom, so yes
20commenta on 6, I wonder for what the Makuta is affraid.
1Have fun reading:
2Hi GregF,
31a. Maxilos=Makuta? 41b. If Makuta manage to get a new body, will he have all his 42 Rahkshi powers again?
52. The Kanohi Kraakhan was trowed into the silver sea by Reidak? Is the Kraakhan still there?
63. The Piraka betrayed TSO, what have they done? (Stealing the Zamor Spheres?)
74. 3 Strongest Rahi: Kardas, Gadunka and Tathorak? If not, wich are the 3 strongest Rahi...
85. What's Takuanuva doing at the moment? Join the Toa Nuva on their special mission?
96. Who's stronger (in general terms): Brutaka or Roodaka?
107. Where's the Mask of Time at the moment?
118. The Piraka want to Ignika, like a robber wants a diamant, since it worth much, how do the Piraka get 'paid'?
129. (Let's assume Brutaka is alife.) After time will past, will outward mutations eventually appear?
1310. Did Brutaka already possesed his Kanohi Olmak when he 'came into being', or was it given to him by someone?
1411. Brutaka Vs. the Barraki; who would win?
1512. How ís your Dutch?
16Thanks for your time.
171) Maxilos is a summer set, meaning I can't discuss him 181b) He would have most, but probably not all. For example, Makuta's armor is designed for shapeshifting, so it changes as he wants it to. A new body would not have that ability. 192) Yes 203) They went off on their own to loot Makuta's lair, without permission and with no intention of sharing any loot they found 214) I wouldn't put Gadunka in there, and you're forgetting the Kanohi Dragon, the Razor Whale, etc. 225) He is guarding Metru Nui 236) Brutaka. Roodaka doesn't rely on physical strength to win battles so much. 247) With Vakama 258) Well, let's say the Toa want it and the Brotherhood of Makuta wants it. So the Piraka promise the Toa they will never give it to the BOM, in return for the Toa promising never to try to stop anything the Piraka do ever again. 269) It's possible 2710) Can't answer it 2811) Brutaka is a lot more powerful than any one individual Barraki, but there are six of them with huge armies, so it's hard to predict 2912) I don't speak any Dutch.
30Hi GregF,
31A few reactions:
322) So, if Makuta gets a new body... can he use the Kraakhan again? 337) And Vakama is protected by Takuanuva? Since now Vakama is a Turaga, he isn't so strong anymore, so someone need to protect him... 348) Are the Piraka aware of the enormous power of the Ignika? 3510) Since it's not relevant to the story, right?
36A few extra questions:
371. You said Vezon was after the Ignika, since the Ignika is in Mahri Nui, will Vezon go there, and be mutated?
382. Do the Piraka still breath air?
393. Who do you think is the smartest Bionicle character (don't count the Great Being and the Great Spirit Mata Nui...)?
404. When I asked if Axonn and Brutaka were already friends before they joined the Order, you said: "I'm not sure if they knowed eachother then." But they were both in the Hand of Artakha, did they never met while they were in the Hand of Artakha?
415. In the coming Bionicle Atlas, will we learn some more about the OoMN and their 'headquarter'?
426. Brutaka is no longer an Order member, right?
437. Axonn & Brutaka were not prototype Toa, right?
448a. Does Brutaka belong to a species? 458b. If so, are they murdered by the Barraki? (When they still were warlords?)
469. Makuta wanted to execute the Barraki... but Botar intervened, why didn't the Order want to execute the Barraki? I mean, they killed so much innocent people.
4710. Does Zaktan know about the ultimate victory of the BoM?
48Thanks for your time.
492) Yes 507) It hasn't really been necessary. The only person who knows Vakama has it is Makuta, and Makuta knows if he goes after it, Vakama will destroy it. 518) Yes 5210) Just not something I have worried about
531) Can't answer it 542) At this point, yes 553) No idea 564) The Hand was scattered pretty far and wide, so they may not have met then 575) Yes 586) Technically, no 597) No 608) Yes 618b) No. The Barraki's job was to keep order, not slaughter entire species 629) Because that is what the Pit is for 6310) In general
64Hi GregF,
65First a few reactions:
668) Why don't they want to use it?
676)So he is still considered as a member? 687)So they were prototype toa? If so, why didn't the HoA or the BoM didn't create any more like them, I mean Axonn and Brutaka are pretty powerfull...
69A few extra questions:
701. If the Barraki should manage to use the Ignika and become airbreathers again (leave Ehlek), even if they manage to get on the land, their practicly lost right? I mean, the BoM hates them... the OoMN will go after them... and if they don't join the DH, TSO will order to kill them since they are of no use to him then.
712. Mantax is searching for something valuable in the ruins of the Pit, is it valuable to everyone, or only to Mantax?
723. If I say: "evil intelligence", wich Bionicle character pops up in your mind?
734. In BL6 Brutaka says towards Ehlek and Carparar: "Ah, you were important once." Does that mean he knows a lot about the League of Six Kingdoms and such?
745. Since Brutaka is shielded against telepatic attacks, does that mean that Takadox can't hypnotise him?
756. Can Artakha Bulls fly?
767. Why are all Rahi afraid for the Visorak? (The BoM almost created every species of Rahi.)
778. Makuta gets a new body, will it be stronger then his Shadow Titan Form? And when Makuta was in his Shadow Titan Form, Nidikhi and Krekka were still part of him, right?
789. If Brutaka should survive the attack of the giant squid, what do you think he's planning to do next then?
7910. What do you think is the strongest Rahi?
80Thanks for your time.
818) Piraka cannot wear masks, and they don't realize it can be used if you aren't wearing it. 826) I said he wasn't a member 837) I meant no, they were not prototype Toa. Toa are never made in that size model.
841) You forget that the DH and the BOM are busy warring with each other, and the OOMN is busy gearing up for war with the BOM. So it might be no one would notice they were back until it was too late.
852) It's valuable to the Barraki
863) No, no, sorry, not getting me that way -- I am not commenting on future storyline
874) Sure. Most people do. It's not like they were a secret organization.
885) No. Hypnosis is not telepathy.
896) Not to my knowledge, no
907) Same reason a lot of people are afraid of spiders or snakes -- it's instinctive
918) I can't discuss what his new body will be like
929) We'll see. His role in this year's story is over, I know that
9310) Of the ones we have seen so far, I would say the Tahtorak
94Hi GregF,
95First a few reactions:
968) I understand, I mean, Vezon is also a Piraka but he could use the Ignika. 976 & 7) Just to clear things up for me.
981) Can the Barraki set up armies so fast then? And if it should happen, why don't the BoM and the OoMN gang up? I mean, war is peace. (Expression in my country.)
992) Is it/are it (a) weapon(s)?
1003) Sorry, could give it a try...
1016) There's that topic that Artakha is the City of the Sky... So, just curious if Artakha Bulls could fly...
1028) You can still answer the second part: And when Makuta was in his Shadow Titan Form, Nidikhi and Krekka were still part of him, right? And about the first part, I think the Shadow Titan Form is more powerful... Makuta (2003 set) looks better than Maxilos...
1039) I think Brutaka doesn't deserve to die that way, but it's your choice...
10410) I do count Kardas as a Rahi, I think you should take that in your conclusion...
105A few additional questions:
1061. Are you planning on making an OoMN guide, if so, will it be written in the same persective as in the DH guide (TSO telling)
1072. What's the official release date of the Atlas?
1083. You said that the Barraki do have more "team spirit" than the Piraka... But, all the Barraki don't want Pridak as their leader... they all want to be the leader themself... also, Kalmah did an attempt to become the leader, but he loosed the battle (and one eye), why don't they gang up against him? Does he has the same thing as, maybe a to extreme example, (sorry if is this to rude), Adolf Hitler, I mean he was one of the "best" dictators.
1094. Does Zyglak already exist in the story, or has he still to be created?
110Thanks for your time.
111N.B. Sorry for question 3.
1121) When did Vezon ever actually use the power of the Ignika? He used powers the Ignika granted to him, he never used the mask itself
1131) The BOM cannot ally with the OOMN, because they don't know the OOMN exists and the OOMN doesn't want them to know. And yes, given their reps, the Barraki probably could attract a lot of mercenaries and thugs fairly quickly 1142) No
1156) Artakha is not a city in the sky, it's an island on an ocean
1168) What form are you referring to?
11710) I did count Kardas. I still think, if you are talking sheer physical strength, then Tahtorak is more powerful. Whether that means he would BEAT Kardas is another matter, but in terms of sheer muscle, he is more powerful
1181) Scholastic has no plans to do more guides after this year's Encyclopedia
1192) April 1, I believe
1203) Actually, we don't know that Kalmah tried to seize the leadership role, he simply didn't want to do something Pridak told him to do. If he had actually tried to overthrow Pridak, he would be dead now. The Piraka are basically a gang of thieves; the Barraki are like a military alliance between nations -- they don't have to like each other, but they know they need each other.
1214) Zyglak already exists
122Hi GregF,
123First a few reactions:
1241) At the time the BoM was still good, was the Order already active?
1254) Is it a bad guy? If so, was it a prisoner of the Pit?
126A few extra questions:
1271. Karzahni; good or evil?
1282. Did Brutaka already know he could get sent to the Pit when he "joined" the Piraka?
1293. BS01 states that Maxilos is a robot (without a spirit), does that mean Takadox still could control him?
1304. Will we (as readers) leave the water in 2007 or in 2008? (I mean going to another place with the storyline.)
1315. Do Hydraxonn and Brutaka know eachother? If so, why wouldn't he gang up with Hydraxonn? I mean, Hydraxonn is a lot more powerfull than an individual Barraki... and Hydraxonn probably doesn't know that Brutaka isn't considered as a Order member anymore...
1326. Why did the Makuta of Zakaz left the BoM?
1337. What's the most dangerous Rahi?
1348a. What do you think is the worst weapon, storylinewise? 1358b. What do you think is the best weapon, storylinewise?
1369a. Is Mantax searching for a Kanohi in the ruins of the Pit? 1379b. Is Mantax searching for data of an organisation in the Pit? 1389c. Is Mantax searching for the corpse of Hydraxonn in the Pit? 1399d. Is Mantax searching for the corpse of someone else?
14010. What's your favorite Barraki?
14111. In Ignition #1 Zaktan and Hakann have a battle, Zaktan can kill Hakann, but he doesn't because Hakann is still of use to him? What use? (Does Zaktan or one of the other Piraka have any clue about what's Hakann doing for TSO?)
142Thanks for your time.
1431) Yes 1444) You'll find out when it appears in the story. And it's not an "it," singular, it's a species
1451) I would say evil -- you can argue insane too, but I am pretty sure he knows in some part of him what he is doing is wrong, so he is not the legal definition of crazy.
1462) Yes
1473) I am not going to discuss BS01's spoilers, sorry
1484) Not in 2007, I can tell you that
1495) I don't know that they do know each other, and even if they did, Hydraxon really doesn't care about the Ignika -- that's not his focus.
1506) Gets revealed in the Atlas, so I am not revealing that info here until the book comes out.
1517) That is a very subjective question, so I really don't see how I can answer it. One Matoran might tell you it is Tahtorak or Kardas or the Kanohi Dragon, but another might say the doom viper. What's more dangerous - a hippo, which accounts for more human deaths in Africa than any other large animal, or a mosquito who carries malaria?
1528) I am not going to answer a "worst" question -- I work for LEGO, I don't deal in "worst" aspects of the line.
1539) No, no, no and no
15410) Takadox
15511) Well, look at as Zaktan does. At some point, they are going to go on a dangerous journey to find the Mask. If he has five people in front of him, that's five others who will get killed before an enemy goes after him. If Hakann's not there, the enemy only has to kill four people before getting to Zaktan.
156Hi GregF,
157A few reactions:
1584) So Zyglak is one of many?
1593) Let me put it this way, can Takadox control the body of a robot, who is spiritless?
1604) Then there is still hope for Brutaka...
1619) Is Mantax searching for a thing or for a living "person" (or what used to live)?
162Thanks for your time.
1634) Yes 1643) I would say no. Takadox's power is hypnosis, which deals with the conscious and the subconscious mind. Robots do not have a subconscious, they don't even have minds as we know them -- it would be like trying to hypnotize a toaster and make it do your bidding. 1659) An object
166Hahaha, is their a maximum of characters in a post? Since the rest of the PM isn't showed.167Longest post ever.
168EDIT: a part of this PM is already posted once.
169Man, mutated Brutaka, that sure did take forever to read. I had to read over stuff again and again and make sure that I matched up the questions and answers right. One more thing, your grammar is truly terrible.
170Well, what do you mean? There aren't that many grammar mistakes. Maybe a lot of typo's, but I don't think it's "truly terrible".
1On Mantax's treasure hunt;
2Is the object he is looking for a symbol indicating that the bearer is an ally of the BoM, and as such attacking that person would bring down the wrath of the BoM (in a sense)?
3Thanks in advance
4You are in the neighborhood, but the symbol he is searching for would not protect him from attacks by other groups or individuals.
5Fuel for thought, certainly.
1Hey Greg,
21. When will there be storys on bioniclestory.com? Soon?
32. In comic 7, It says, " Takadox's hipnotic powers win him over a new allie" Because he hippnotised Nocturn. Then it shows Pridak standing over Difilak Saying " I wouldnt do that Nocturn. Now if you ever get the mask...etc." Was it an error that Difilak was there?
43. Will Nocturn be in any book or comic other than L#7 and comic 7?
61) Whenever the web producer decides to put them up 72) It is supposed to be Takadox saying that. 83) Yes, he is in the July issue of the comic and I think he appears in Book 8 also, not sure
21. When will there be storys on bioniclestory.com? Soon?
32. In comic 7, It says, " Takadox's hipnotic powers win him over a new allie" Because he hippnotised Nocturn. Then it shows Pridak standing over Difilak Saying " I wouldnt do that Nocturn. Now if you ever get the mask...etc." Was it an error that Difilak was there?
43. Will Nocturn be in any book or comic other than L#7 and comic 7?
61) Whenever the web producer decides to put them up 72) It is supposed to be Takadox saying that. 83) Yes, he is in the July issue of the comic and I think he appears in Book 8 also, not sure
1Hi Greg, some quesions: 21) Is Mantax going to use his item to blackmail Makuta? 32) Does Makuta know/care that Mata Nui is dieing? 43) What happened to Vezon and Kardas? 5Thanks for your time.
61) Can't be used to blackmail Makuta 72) Sure, he does 83) Well, Kardas ends up on Voya Nui fighting Tahtorak, and Vezon's whereabouts are a mystery at the moment
9Well, There goes one theroy...
1Could Makuta take over a dead body and be able to work with it normally? Just a thought.
2GB #1
3No. Makuta can possess a robot body, or he can possess a living body with no spirit in it. He cannot possess a dead body and reanimate it.
4Looks like Hydraxon definatly isn't Makuta.
5In BL8 Hydraxonn will fight Makuta, seems hard to me to fight against yourself.

1Hi Greg, some quesions: 21) Is Mantax going to use his item to blackmail Makuta? 32) Does Makuta know/care that Mata Nui is dieing? 43) What happened to Vezon and Kardas? 5Thanks for your time.
61) Can't be used to blackmail Makuta 72) Sure, he does 83) Well, Kardas ends up on Voya Nui fighting Tahtorak, and Vezon's whereabouts are a mystery at the moment
9Well, There goes one theroy...
10Axonn must be doing a bad job at protecting voya nui if Kardas is running around fighting things.
1Could Makuta take over a dead body and be able to work with it normally? Just a thought.
2GB #1
3No. Makuta can possess a robot body, or he can possess a living body with no spirit in it. He cannot possess a dead body and reanimate it.
4Looks like Hydraxon definatly isn't Makuta.
5In BL8 Hydraxonn will fight Makuta, seems hard to me to fight against yourself.![]()
6Greg could have meant an emotional/internal battle for the control of the body some how (I never thought so though).
1Hello, I have just gone to BZPower and found a picture of a new summer set that has Karzanhi in. I have some questions about it. I know you might not know since you work on the story and even if you know you might not be able to answer the questions.
21. If you have seen the picture, are the matoran included Sarda and Idris?
32. Is Karzanhi mutated in the set?
43. Is this that other set besides the matoran and the Toa?
54. This one dosn't relate to the set. Could Matoro Inika's mask make his body a spirit so he could be intangible, or can't it go to that extent?
65. Can Kongu's mask of summoning summon creatures out of no where, or do they come to him?
76. Can you explain Hahli's mask of kindred? I have read the description, but I can't figure out what it actualy does with other creatures.
87. Which of the Nuva do you think would win in an all out fight?
9Thank you.
101) Yes 112) Yes 123) The Toa set does not come with Matoran, it comes with a vehicle 134) No, his body cannot be turned into a spirit. Matoro's mask allows him to release his spirit from his body, and his spirit is then intangible. His body remains physical. 145-6) I am not discussing the mask powers yet, but will start to in April. 157) Hard to predict, there are too many variables in any given battle.
21. If you have seen the picture, are the matoran included Sarda and Idris?
32. Is Karzanhi mutated in the set?
43. Is this that other set besides the matoran and the Toa?
54. This one dosn't relate to the set. Could Matoro Inika's mask make his body a spirit so he could be intangible, or can't it go to that extent?
65. Can Kongu's mask of summoning summon creatures out of no where, or do they come to him?
76. Can you explain Hahli's mask of kindred? I have read the description, but I can't figure out what it actualy does with other creatures.
87. Which of the Nuva do you think would win in an all out fight?
9Thank you.
101) Yes 112) Yes 123) The Toa set does not come with Matoran, it comes with a vehicle 134) No, his body cannot be turned into a spirit. Matoro's mask allows him to release his spirit from his body, and his spirit is then intangible. His body remains physical. 145-6) I am not discussing the mask powers yet, but will start to in April. 157) Hard to predict, there are too many variables in any given battle.
1Hello again. Sorry to bother you......
21. Is that Sarda and Idris in that picture from brickfest?
32. What is that thing with all the blades and stuff?
43. Im guessing that is, but is that karzahni mutated?
54. How did he get a squid launcher, or will it be revealed?
65. Woult the toa from the FTT be mutated as well?
81) Yes 92) Trap 103) Yes 114) Well, the Barraki have extras, it's not that hard to find one down there. 125) I honestly haven't decided yet, and won't until I see his model
13nothing too new.
21. Is that Sarda and Idris in that picture from brickfest?
32. What is that thing with all the blades and stuff?
43. Im guessing that is, but is that karzahni mutated?
54. How did he get a squid launcher, or will it be revealed?
65. Woult the toa from the FTT be mutated as well?
81) Yes 92) Trap 103) Yes 114) Well, the Barraki have extras, it's not that hard to find one down there. 125) I honestly haven't decided yet, and won't until I see his model
13nothing too new.