1i have an idea the mask of time might be used to save mata-nui but i dout it considering it is properly the death
2I think you are thinking of going back in time to save Mata Nui. Sorry, but i have to burst your bubble.
3The Kanohi Vahi is a Legendary Mask of great power, but even Legendary Masks are limited. I.e. the Kanohi Vahi can only speed up or slow down time, not go backward or forward in time. So the Vahi could not be used to awaken Mata Nui.
4Hope this is informative.
1i just PMed greg and he said that the water the piraka were in in Bionicle Legends#5 had the mutagen:I sense reappearence by the piraka.
1i just PMed greg and he said that the water the piraka were in in Bionicle Legends#5 had the mutagen:I sense reappearence by the piraka.
1It could be that whatever revived Hydraxon could also be used to revive Mata Nui.
1QUOTE 2I know that these are all too often, but if you answer these I probaly will never have any more questions again untill... say 2009?
31. In terms of the BoM's super special awesome plan, what would happen if Mata Nui were to suddenly wake up and not be dying right now? Would it be ruined?
42. How would one go about surviving the death of Mata Nui, anyway?
53. Are Matoran of light still created?
64. Does Mata Nui have a "Goo" form like Makuta?
75. Are there or were there any other Toa Nuva other than the ones we know?
86. The thing that comes with the Karzahni set, what can you tell us about it?
97. The vehicle that comes with Lesovikk, what can you tell us about that?
108. Could somebody who wears a mask of Kindred use anybody's powers because they are Biomechanical or even protodermis based?
119. Are the Barrakis' and Pirakas' heads magnetic, so they could use mask powers?
1210. In BL5, when the Inika went up to Umbra and saw his roller blades, and they comented on how weird it was to stand on their gears, haven't they ever seen wheels before? Or was something preventing them from recognizing his wheels?
13Thanks for your time.
141) It would need to be heavily revised 152) No one can. The universe will end in a matter of days 163) Now? Yes, it's possible 174) No 185) No 196) It's a trap 207) Haven't seen the set, so can't say much of anything 218) No, doesn't work that way 229) The Piraka cannot use mask powers, they don't have the mental discipline to do so. The Barraki could, but choose not to. 2310) There are no wheels on Metru Nui or Mata Nui. The first wheels did not appear in the story until Voya Nui.
31. In terms of the BoM's super special awesome plan, what would happen if Mata Nui were to suddenly wake up and not be dying right now? Would it be ruined?
42. How would one go about surviving the death of Mata Nui, anyway?
53. Are Matoran of light still created?
64. Does Mata Nui have a "Goo" form like Makuta?
75. Are there or were there any other Toa Nuva other than the ones we know?
86. The thing that comes with the Karzahni set, what can you tell us about it?
97. The vehicle that comes with Lesovikk, what can you tell us about that?
108. Could somebody who wears a mask of Kindred use anybody's powers because they are Biomechanical or even protodermis based?
119. Are the Barrakis' and Pirakas' heads magnetic, so they could use mask powers?
1210. In BL5, when the Inika went up to Umbra and saw his roller blades, and they comented on how weird it was to stand on their gears, haven't they ever seen wheels before? Or was something preventing them from recognizing his wheels?
13Thanks for your time.
141) It would need to be heavily revised 152) No one can. The universe will end in a matter of days 163) Now? Yes, it's possible 174) No 185) No 196) It's a trap 207) Haven't seen the set, so can't say much of anything 218) No, doesn't work that way 229) The Piraka cannot use mask powers, they don't have the mental discipline to do so. The Barraki could, but choose not to. 2310) There are no wheels on Metru Nui or Mata Nui. The first wheels did not appear in the story until Voya Nui.
1Hm, a couple Atlas-related questions here, so I'll just put the whole thing in spoilers:
2Questions, Answers
GregF PM 3Hi Greg, a few questions if you've got the time:
41) I've been hearing a lot of conflicting information on this: can you confirm whether or not the Mahri/Inika are altered by the mutagen? I know they've been altered, but the Ignika seems to be the thing doing the altering, rather than the mutagen. 51) They are not altered by the mutagen
62) A question about Artakha's rumored "Mask of Creation": would it be considered a Legendary Kanohi? Or is its power not really the actual "force of creation", but rather of "invention and insight"? 72) If it existed, I would say it would be legendary, but no one knows if it exists or not
8A few questions regarding Mata Nui's death:
93) You've stated that the BoM has a plan for this situation, but, really, can you explain how they can have a plan? I mean, unless they can actually stop the universe from ending or revive Mata Nui themselves, they won't be able to do much. Does the BoM have that kind of power? 103) Who says they are counting on themselves in this situation?
114) There have been a couple of theories about time-travel (Vahi, specifically) being used to alter the past somehow and stop Mata Nui from dying. Would you say that you are still completely against using time-travel in Bionicle? 124) Completely. Totally. Without exception. If you throw time travel in, story's over, unless you invoke the old Superman rule that you can't alter the past. And if you do that, what's the point of having it in the story in the first place?
135) Will the death of Mata Nui interrupt the new mission of the Toa Nuva? Or will they continue? 145) Follow the story and find out. By November-December, you will have your answers.
156) You've stated in the past that the placement of islands throughout the subterranean universe is not a coincidence and does, in fact, have some significance. Does the placement of the islands have anything to do with Mata Nui's health and well being (like the Matoran working in Metru Nui)? 166) I think you could reasonably make that argument
187) If someone were to actually guess what the object Mantax is searching for is, would you tell them? 197a) If so, I'll give it a go: it's been confirmed to be something related to the BoM; something capable of being used as blackmail (I believe); something useful back in the subterranean world; and something possibly related to which Barraki betrayed the others (not 100% sure about that one, actually). So, is the object a tablet explaining that the one who posesses it is an ally of the BoM because he helped in the downfall (or betrayal?) of the Barraki, and should not be harmed by the BoM? Slightly wild guess, I suppose, depends on what the answer to #6 is... 207) You are about as warm as warm can be
218) Is the World that Feeds the World basically the source of all elemental energy (or just energy in general) in the universe? 228) That is a reasonable guess
239) A question about Matoran of Light: since no other Matoran of Light can become Toa, is there something else that actually sets them apart from regular Matoran? Or are they ordinary Matoran who simply will never be destined to be Toa? (my personal theory is that Kapura is a Matoran of Light--hence the undefined "ability") 249a) Did the Matoran of Light ever have to "work in darkness" like the rest of the Matoran during the Prehistory? 259) Actually, while we know that Takanuva is the only Toa of Light at this time, we don't know that it is impossible no other Matoran of Light could ever be destined at some point in his/her life to be a Toa (I thought that was the case, but stand corrected after the last story meeting). And Matoran of Light do have a number of unique traits, including have both males and females in their tribe and the ability to alter their appearance so far as color goes. 269a) That is certainly possible, given how early they were created
27Thanks for your time,
1More info on the object that Mantax looks for (I actually found out what is it):
2I have a question about the item that Mantax searches for.
3Is it some contract between item's wielder and BoM that works like that: you help BoM and they dont attack you?
4PS: Sorry for my English. I'm from Poland.
5Yes, but it is not something just anyone can use.
6More questions about the contract: 71. Did Roodaka have a similiar contract between her and Bom? 82. By saying that "it is not something that just anyone can use", did you mean that you need to be air-breather? (Because in the sea you can't help BoM). 93. By saying that "it is not something that just anyone can use", did you mean that you can't be a Toa?
101) No 112) No 123) No
13Even more questions: 141. I readed that it's like white flag. So by saying that "it is not something that just anyone can use", did you mean that only someone who normally would be attacked BoM can use it? 152. I readed that it can be used to blackmail someone other than BoM. Is that because it's proof of working for BoM, and everyone fears BoM?
161) It means the BOM know who they gave it to, and if someone other than that being tries to use it, they would most likely kill him 172) Basically, yes
1I have edited my post on the precedent page and here are the interesting part.
2(if something need to be edited, please PM me)
37)Are the mahri more powerful than the inika?
48)Are the mahri more powerful than the nuva?
57-8) No
6Here are a few reaction:
77)-8) Can you explain me why?
8I have also some other questions.
91)Can you give me a little quote from Maxilos please?
102)a)Will Maxilos fight Hydraxon or the toa mahri? 11b)if yes, in wich book?
123)Is the Evil Intelligence who is in Maxilos, someone we have ever seen?
134)Was Maxilos controlled by this intelligence before the events of BL6?
147-8) Yes. The Toa Nuva are the most powerful Toa because they can share mask powers -- no other Toa can. And the Mahri do not have greater control of their powers or a greater level of power than the Inika do, so they are not more powerful than the Inika. 151) Sorry, I have no time to go quote searching 162) 7 and 8 173) Can't answer it 184) No

2(if something need to be edited, please PM me)
37)Are the mahri more powerful than the inika?
48)Are the mahri more powerful than the nuva?
57-8) No
6Here are a few reaction:
77)-8) Can you explain me why?
8I have also some other questions.
91)Can you give me a little quote from Maxilos please?
102)a)Will Maxilos fight Hydraxon or the toa mahri? 11b)if yes, in wich book?
123)Is the Evil Intelligence who is in Maxilos, someone we have ever seen?
134)Was Maxilos controlled by this intelligence before the events of BL6?
147-8) Yes. The Toa Nuva are the most powerful Toa because they can share mask powers -- no other Toa can. And the Mahri do not have greater control of their powers or a greater level of power than the Inika do, so they are not more powerful than the Inika. 151) Sorry, I have no time to go quote searching 162) 7 and 8 173) Can't answer it 184) No
11. BIONICLE Chronicles 2, page 51: "Suddenly Onua stopped, seeing something glinting golden in the sunlight. It was a Kanohi mask - Lewa's mask, lying on the ground abandoned." Don't even golden Kanohi turn grey when not worn, or is this saying that it was reflecting golden sunlight? 2A. Keep in mind the Chronicles were written by an author who was not up on all the little details of BIONICLE
32. Will Invasion tell why Mata Nui wants Mata Nui leveled? 4A. No
53. Will it tell how the Bohrok originated? 6A. No
74. Will it reveal more things about the Krana? 8A. Nothing you don't already know at this point
95. Did the 'humbled' Bohrok fix up Mata Nui faster and/or better then the Matoran would have at that time? 10A. Faster, certainly, Bohrok don't get tired
116. How old were you when you were first certain that writing was your career? 12A. I started writing in fourth grade, but until you actually get a job doing it, you can't be sure it will be your career.
32. Will Invasion tell why Mata Nui wants Mata Nui leveled? 4A. No
53. Will it tell how the Bohrok originated? 6A. No
74. Will it reveal more things about the Krana? 8A. Nothing you don't already know at this point
95. Did the 'humbled' Bohrok fix up Mata Nui faster and/or better then the Matoran would have at that time? 10A. Faster, certainly, Bohrok don't get tired
116. How old were you when you were first certain that writing was your career? 12A. I started writing in fourth grade, but until you actually get a job doing it, you can't be sure it will be your career.
1Question, questions, questions, and then...more questions.
327. So he's tactical fighter 338. Just because he's trouble, doesn't mean he's bad. 349. Ooooooooooooooo 3510. Ah, good. 3613. *Loud Gasp*
2Hey Greg, I sent you this PM a while agao, but got no response. I waited a week and so now I'm going to try to send it again. Sorry if you just haven't gotten time to answer the original.
3Hey Greg, now that April Fools day is over, I realized it was time for a serious, non-joking PM .
41)You said that Ehlek's Tri-Talons are the equivilent of adamantium, does that mean he can rip through just about anything in the pit, including other being's weapons?
52)Does Karzahni have any powers we don't know about?
63)If no to number 2, when(if you do) will you reveal them?
74)Does Hydraxon have any powers other than his weapons? You don't have to tell me what they are, just confirm if he has 'em.
85)Would you say Pridak is a little over-confident?
96)You have said that Axonn and Brutaka have other powers that we don't know about. Can we assume that these powers aren't especially useful in combat, since they would have used them when they fought each other?
107)Physically, on what level of strength is Hydraxon?
118)Hydraxon might be considered an Order member after his ressurection, but is he still considered a 'good guy'?
129)Is Mata Nui ominpotent?
1310)Is Hydraxon's ressurection only temporary(not reffering to Matoro's mask)? Or will he be back for good unless he gets killed again?
1411)As of the events of Bionicle Legends#6, is Hyrdaxon alive again?
1512)Who's your favorite character, storywise, this year?
1613)On a side note, whats your favorite baseball team?
17Thanks for your time Greg: It's great to have you on this site:
191) Yes 202) I haven't decided, but I tend to think not 214) No 225) No, I don't picture him that way 236) No, I wouldn't say that. Makuta has 42 powers, but he doesn't use all of them every time he's in a fight. You use what you need. If Axonn knew, for example, that Brutaka could counter one of his powers, why bother to use it? 247) I would say not as strong as Axonn, but highly skilled. In the same way Captain America can beat a stronger opponent using his shield and leverage and pressure points, Hydraxon can do the same with his tactical skill and his weaponry. 258) Yes 269) In his own universe, yes 2710) No, he's back for good 2811) I don't think he shows up in 6, no 2912) Hydraxon and Maxilos 3013) Yankees
327. So he's tactical fighter 338. Just because he's trouble, doesn't mean he's bad. 349. Ooooooooooooooo 3510. Ah, good. 3613. *Loud Gasp*
1Dear Greg, I was hopeing you could answer a few questions.
21. I've recently learned that the first Rahi were created by the Great Beings, and 3were giant sea beasts. I've also learned that the BoM created most known Rahi. 4So what I'm asking is this. Did the BoM experiment on at least some of these 5first Rahi to create the modern species?
62. Did Ehlek's entire species live in the seas around Zakaz, or was it only him?
73. Will Tahu, Onua, and Pohatu form their Toa Kaita Nuva anytime in the near 8future.
94. Does Pridak have the inhanced sences of a real shark? (keen sence of smell, 10great hearing, etc.)
115. When will we see Takanuva agian anytime soon?
126. If the Toa Inika were to form Toa Kaita would the Kaita's masks be organic?
137. Would the Inika's Kaita have lightning combined with their elemental attacks?
148. Which is your favorite Toa Team?
15Toa Mata/Nuva 16Toa Metru/Hordika 17Toa Inika/Mahri 18Toa Hagha
199. You might not remember, but you once said that only a Great Spirit or a Great 20Being could fully control a Kanohi like the Vahi or MoLi. You've also said a six 21Toa Kaita, or Toa Nui, would have power that rivals that of Mata Nui. So what 22I'm asking is this. Would a Toa Nui be able to fully control the Masks of Time 23and Life?
241) No 252) Whole species 263) No plans for that at the moment 274) Yes 285) I can't discuss future storyline plans 296) Yes 307) Yes 318) Metru 329) It's really impossible to answer this. The Toa Nui is a legend. Since one has never existed before and may never exist, it's impossible to predict what it could or couldn't do
1A very interesting reply to my previous PM several posts back. Check number four for the identity of Mantax's object:
2Hey, Greg, thanks for answering my previous questions. Here are a few more stemming from your answers:
3Q) You've stated that the BoM has a plan for this situation [Mata Nui's death, but, really, can you explain how they can have a plan? I mean, unless they can actually stop the universe from ending or revive Mata Nui themselves, they won't be able to do much. Does the BoM have that kind of power? 4A) Who says they are counting on themselves in this situation?
51) I'm going to hazard a guess here: If the BoM are counting on someone else to keep the universe from ending or revive Mata Nui, would that mean that they actually know a way to accomplish this, but are not able to do it themselves? 61a) Could they perhaps be depending on the Toa? 71) Wait and see, all will be made clear
8Q) You've stated in the past that the placement of islands throughout the subterranean universe is not a coincidence and does, in fact, have some significance. Does the placement of the islands have anything to do with Mata Nui's health and well being (like the Matoran working in Metru Nui)? 9A) I think you could reasonably make that argument
102) Is the effect of island placement a huge one? Bigger than the repopulation of Metru Nui? Since we know that the rebuilding of Metru Nui didn't exactly boost Mata Nui's health in a massive way... 112a) Would you be able to confirm whether or not the islands are "out of order" now? (Voya Nui is, after all, a long way from home) 122) I would say significant, yes, and yes, Voya Nui being where it is is most definitely a problem
13Q) Is the World that Feeds the World basically the source of all elemental energy (or just energy in general) in the universe? 14A) That is a reasonable guess
153) If the World that Feeds the World is the source of energy in the universe, would that mean that there is a larger amount of free energy/power/EE there than elsewhere in the universe? (it seems that energy or EE is primarily locked away within Toa in the universe at large) 163) I would say that's likely
174) And finally, here's a more refined guess on Mantax's Object: Is it a contract drawn up between someone (not neccesarily the Barraki) and the BoM stating that that someone helped the BoM accomplish the defeat of the Barraki and is therefore an ally (or just not an enemy) of the Brotherhood? 184) Pretty much nailed it
19There you go, thanks for taking the time to read.
1Way to go on the object, incredible.
1Well, it makes sense, because all the DH members have nicknames, why not the leader? Besides, no character could have a real name of "The Shadowed One" ESPECIALLY when its not Makuta.
1A very interesting reply to my previous PM several posts back. Check number four for the identity of Mantax's object:
2Hey, Greg, thanks for answering my previous questions. Here are a few more stemming from your answers:
3Q) You've stated that the BoM has a plan for this situation [Mata Nui's death, but, really, can you explain how they can have a plan? I mean, unless they can actually stop the universe from ending or revive Mata Nui themselves, they won't be able to do much. Does the BoM have that kind of power? 4A) Who says they are counting on themselves in this situation?
51) I'm going to hazard a guess here: If the BoM are counting on someone else to keep the universe from ending or revive Mata Nui, would that mean that they actually know a way to accomplish this, but are not able to do it themselves? 61a) Could they perhaps be depending on the Toa? 71) Wait and see, all will be made clear
8Q) You've stated in the past that the placement of islands throughout the subterranean universe is not a coincidence and does, in fact, have some significance. Does the placement of the islands have anything to do with Mata Nui's health and well being (like the Matoran working in Metru Nui)? 9A) I think you could reasonably make that argument
102) Is the effect of island placement a huge one? Bigger than the repopulation of Metru Nui? Since we know that the rebuilding of Metru Nui didn't exactly boost Mata Nui's health in a massive way... 112a) Would you be able to confirm whether or not the islands are "out of order" now? (Voya Nui is, after all, a long way from home) 122) I would say significant, yes, and yes, Voya Nui being where it is is most definitely a problem
13Q) Is the World that Feeds the World basically the source of all elemental energy (or just energy in general) in the universe? 14A) That is a reasonable guess
153) If the World that Feeds the World is the source of energy in the universe, would that mean that there is a larger amount of free energy/power/EE there than elsewhere in the universe? (it seems that energy or EE is primarily locked away within Toa in the universe at large) 163) I would say that's likely
174) And finally, here's a more refined guess on Mantax's Object: Is it a contract drawn up between someone (not neccesarily the Barraki) and the BoM stating that that someone helped the BoM accomplish the defeat of the Barraki and is therefore an ally (or just not an enemy) of the Brotherhood? 184) Pretty much nailed it
19There you go, thanks for taking the time to read.
22Yay we know what it is::: Good job::::
1A very interesting reply to my previous PM several posts back. Check number four for the identity of Mantax's object:
2Hey, Greg, thanks for answering my previous questions. Here are a few more stemming from your answers:
3Q) You've stated that the BoM has a plan for this situation [Mata Nui's death, but, really, can you explain how they can have a plan? I mean, unless they can actually stop the universe from ending or revive Mata Nui themselves, they won't be able to do much. Does the BoM have that kind of power? 4A) Who says they are counting on themselves in this situation?
51) I'm going to hazard a guess here: If the BoM are counting on someone else to keep the universe from ending or revive Mata Nui, would that mean that they actually know a way to accomplish this, but are not able to do it themselves? 61a) Could they perhaps be depending on the Toa? 71) Wait and see, all will be made clear
8Q) You've stated in the past that the placement of islands throughout the subterranean universe is not a coincidence and does, in fact, have some significance. Does the placement of the islands have anything to do with Mata Nui's health and well being (like the Matoran working in Metru Nui)? 9A) I think you could reasonably make that argument
102) Is the effect of island placement a huge one? Bigger than the repopulation of Metru Nui? Since we know that the rebuilding of Metru Nui didn't exactly boost Mata Nui's health in a massive way... 112a) Would you be able to confirm whether or not the islands are "out of order" now? (Voya Nui is, after all, a long way from home) 122) I would say significant, yes, and yes, Voya Nui being where it is is most definitely a problem
13Q) Is the World that Feeds the World basically the source of all elemental energy (or just energy in general) in the universe? 14A) That is a reasonable guess
153) If the World that Feeds the World is the source of energy in the universe, would that mean that there is a larger amount of free energy/power/EE there than elsewhere in the universe? (it seems that energy or EE is primarily locked away within Toa in the universe at large) 163) I would say that's likely
174) And finally, here's a more refined guess on Mantax's Object: Is it a contract drawn up between someone (not neccesarily the Barraki) and the BoM stating that that someone helped the BoM accomplish the defeat of the Barraki and is therefore an ally (or just not an enemy) of the Brotherhood? 184) Pretty much nailed it
19There you go, thanks for taking the time to read.
22Hurray: But how could it not be the Barraki? Maybe Roodaka, that old schemer.
23QUOTE 24a few questions
251. is hydraxon a sort of hydruka?
262.if not what is he?
273. who's lesovikk
284. whos maxilos?
291) Hydraxon is the jailer of the Pit. He is not a Rahi. 303) Lesovikk was a member of the first Toa team and is a store exclusive set 314) Robot guard of the Pit 32[/QUOTE]
33Old news.
Yeah, I'm basically asking questions. Actually, non of them really have much to do with the storyline.
21. At the moment, which Barraki is selling the best 32. Why are you the writer for Bionicle? 43. Just asking. Do you think you could manage to fit the Jaller and Hahli romance into the books in a way that the target audience wouldn't notice but we teenagers would? 54. Would you say that it s officially impossible for a Toa to have hair or that they have hair if you want to imagine them that way? I ask because I like to imagine the water Toa having short blue pony tails. I hope you understood the question. 65. What's your favorite part of the books to write. I mean, do you like writing battle scenes, romance, helping people to getting to know characters, dramatic emotional moments, etc.? 76. Remember last time I PMed you with three or four questions about the Kraahkan? I was just wondering if the Kraahkan was anything close to sentient because it could tell when someone other then its owner was touching it (I'm referring the that one Piraka). 87. You seriously give away too many spoilers. Are you aware of this? 98. Do you buy and play with Bionicle sets?
101) No idea, don't work in Sales 112) Well, someone has to be 123) I have no interest in doing that. I have very little room in the books now that the book schedule has been cut back for anything extraneous, and I really see no point in romance subplots that can't go anywhere. A subplot has to go somewhere -- either the two people break up or else they get married -- doing the former would provoke howls from the Jaller-Hahli fans, and doing the latter is impossible. So what would be the point? Basically, this is what fan fiction is for, to explore the things the official fiction does not. 134) No, Toa do not have hair. 145) Dialogue. 156) I would say no. I always felt that was more like an automatic burglar alarm than the mask itself actually being aware of anything. 167) Then don't read them, Kraggh. Part of my job here is to keep people anxious and looking forward to future story, and that is one way to do it. For example -- the Mata Nui dying spoiler -- was given away because it is NOT the major moment of that book. But by keeping attention focused on that, I keep the major moments a surprise. And frankly, considering that half of BZP spends all their time chasing down set pics a year early and book summaries on the Scholastic International Rights site, this is really the pot calling the kettle black. The vast majority of spoilers on BZP do not come from me. 178)I have very little room in my house for LEGO sets, unfortunately, so I have had to cut way back on what I buy and build.

21. At the moment, which Barraki is selling the best 32. Why are you the writer for Bionicle? 43. Just asking. Do you think you could manage to fit the Jaller and Hahli romance into the books in a way that the target audience wouldn't notice but we teenagers would? 54. Would you say that it s officially impossible for a Toa to have hair or that they have hair if you want to imagine them that way? I ask because I like to imagine the water Toa having short blue pony tails. I hope you understood the question. 65. What's your favorite part of the books to write. I mean, do you like writing battle scenes, romance, helping people to getting to know characters, dramatic emotional moments, etc.? 76. Remember last time I PMed you with three or four questions about the Kraahkan? I was just wondering if the Kraahkan was anything close to sentient because it could tell when someone other then its owner was touching it (I'm referring the that one Piraka). 87. You seriously give away too many spoilers. Are you aware of this? 98. Do you buy and play with Bionicle sets?
101) No idea, don't work in Sales 112) Well, someone has to be 123) I have no interest in doing that. I have very little room in the books now that the book schedule has been cut back for anything extraneous, and I really see no point in romance subplots that can't go anywhere. A subplot has to go somewhere -- either the two people break up or else they get married -- doing the former would provoke howls from the Jaller-Hahli fans, and doing the latter is impossible. So what would be the point? Basically, this is what fan fiction is for, to explore the things the official fiction does not. 134) No, Toa do not have hair. 145) Dialogue. 156) I would say no. I always felt that was more like an automatic burglar alarm than the mask itself actually being aware of anything. 167) Then don't read them, Kraggh. Part of my job here is to keep people anxious and looking forward to future story, and that is one way to do it. For example -- the Mata Nui dying spoiler -- was given away because it is NOT the major moment of that book. But by keeping attention focused on that, I keep the major moments a surprise. And frankly, considering that half of BZP spends all their time chasing down set pics a year early and book summaries on the Scholastic International Rights site, this is really the pot calling the kettle black. The vast majority of spoilers on BZP do not come from me. 178)I have very little room in my house for LEGO sets, unfortunately, so I have had to cut way back on what I buy and build.
11. You recentely replied to another member's PM that the item Mantax is looking for might have something to do with one of the Barraki betraying the others, but you neer told us if one of them actually did. You said he was very warm when he guessed that so my question is: did one of the Barraki betray the others to the Brotherhood of Makuta?
22. You also stated that Hydraxon wants to destroy the Kanohi Ignika. Does he know what would happen if he did?
33. In the Atlas, it has a picture of statues of a Bohrok and Balta facing each other with a stone in the middle and a carving of a Hau, a Mask of Shadows, and the island of Mata Nui in the background on the island of Daxia. What does this mean?
44. You recentely told me that the Matoran of Light will be in an upcoming book. Which book will they be in?
5Now an Exo Force question:
65. You said that you're going to start working on Exo Force #7 next week . But on Scholastic.com, it said that book 6 is the last book of 2007. Does this mean Exo Force is going into 2008?
71) Can't answer it 82) No 93) If I wanted you to know that now, the explanation would be in the book 104) Well, one has already been in a book -- Bionicle Legends #2. 115) #6 is the last book for 2007. I already have a contract for the first book of 2008.
131. Darn.
142. Wow, he's not too smart.
153. I wonder what it means.
164. Not exactly what I meant.
175. There you go: Exo Force 2008:
1Possible escape route for the end of this universe?
2Minor Atlas spoilers, so a tag to be safe.
34So does this mean the end of the universe could be survived by going to the surface world? Or am I not understanding?
2Minor Atlas spoilers, so a tag to be safe.
3Hey Greg, how's everything going? Won't post any spoilers for these.
41)You said that Hyrdaxon causes the Mahri trouble, would this put him in the category of 'bad guy'?
52)Do the Mahri have any allies other than the Matoran when they are underwater?
63)Does Hydraxon think the Mahri are escaped prisoners?
74)If the universe collapses when Mata-Nui dies, does this refer only to the Bionicle universe inside the domes?
85)How intelligent is Hydraxon post-ressurection?
96)Is the only way to kill a Makuta to somehow break its armor and then hope it ill lose cohesion before it finds a new shell?
107)How long after a Makuta's armor shatters will it die?
118)If Makuta had no been contained in the antidermis vat, would he have probably died?
129)Do you think Axonn is powerful enough to kill a Makuta?
1310)Since the OOMN has hundreds of members, whereas the BOM has definitely under a hundred members, does that mean, only including actual members, the OOMN is collectively more poerful than the BOM?
1411)Who would you go with in a Axonn/TSO fight?
1512)This one might sound a bit rediculous, but if Tahtorak stepped on a Makuta, would it's(the Makuta) armor shatter?
1613)When Mata Nui dies, does the universe actually collapse or is it more like permanent mass-chaos?
1714)Aside from Makuta, who is your favorite villian?
18Thanks for your time Greg, I know it's a lot:
201) No, just ill-informed 212) No 223) Yes 234) Yes, the Matoran universe 245) Very intelligent 256) No 267) I need to do some research on this one. 278) If he couldn't find something/someone else to inhabit 289) Powerful enough, yes, but he might not be able to defeat one on his own. Every Makuta has 42 powers. 2910) BOM members are extremely powerful, though 3011) I never make these kinds of predictions -- there are too many variables in every fight 3112) Yes, this does sound pretty ridiculous 3213) The universe will die. See BIONICLE Legends #2 for a description of how it will happen 3314) Krahka
34So does this mean the end of the universe could be survived by going to the surface world? Or am I not understanding?
1A very interesting reply to my previous PM several posts back. Check number four for the identity of Mantax's object:
24) And finally, here's a more refined guess on Mantax's Object: Is it a contract drawn up between someone (not neccesarily the Barraki) and the BoM stating that that someone helped the BoM accomplish the defeat of the Barraki and is therefore an ally (or just not an enemy) of the Brotherhood? 34) Pretty much nailed it
6It's strange. Why? Because when I asked about it, Greg gave me completely different answer: Here is his answer:
7I have a question about the item that Mantax searches for.
8Is it some contract between item's wielder and BoM that works like that: you help BoM and they dont attack you?
9PS: Sorry for my English. I'm from Poland.
10Yes, but it is not something just anyone can use.
11More questions about the contract: 121. Did Roodaka have a similiar contract between her and Bom? 132. By saying that "it is not something that just anyone can use", did you mean that you need to be air-breather? (Because in the sea you can't help BoM). 143. By saying that "it is not something that just anyone can use", did you mean that you can't be a Toa?
151) No 162) No 173) No
18Even more questions: 191. I readed that it's like white flag. So by saying that "it is not something that just anyone can use", did you mean that only someone who normally would be attacked BoM can use it? 202. I readed that it can be used to blackmail someone other than BoM. Is that because it's proof of working for BoM, and everyone fears BoM?
211) It means the BOM know who they gave it to, and if someone other than that being tries to use it, they would most likely kill him 222) Basically, yes
23Does Mantax know about that? If yes, is it his contract?
24Yes, he could reasonably guess that, and no, it does not belong to him
1Hi greg, my last message was eaten by the server, so here goes:
21: Did the rest of lesovikk's team die on the front lines or of old age?
32: How strong (physicaly) are maxilos and gadunka?
43: how smart is gadunka? ?/10
54: in response to your last batch of answers, can nuparus sheild do anything other than being a sheild?
65: Will the endless ocean and mata nui be affected when mata nui dies?
81) Too early to discuss this 92) Gadunka is quite strong physically, Maxilos less so 103) About as smart as the average Earth alligator 114) A shield can be an offensive as well as a defensive weapon\ 125) Mata Nui will be. The ocean around it probably won't be, or at least not as much, as it is not a part of the Matoran universe
13Hmmmm..... Gadunka seems quite strong.... very dumb though.....
1Just some miscellaneous questions:
21. Is the job of maintaining the universe something only Mata Nui could do, or could someone else take up this position? 31a. If yes, then how did the Barraki and BoM plan to overthrow Mata Nui? Or do they just not know?
42. Was the object Mantax is looking for dropped by the Matoran Civil War leaders (or one of them)?
53. Right now, we've got a pretty clear view of what the object is--it's a contract with the BoM. Is that all, or are we missing anything important?
64. A while ago, someone asked why the Inika and Metru didn't have more than one Kanohi. Would it be likely for Lhikan or his teammates to have more than one Kanohi? It would seem that after spending thousands of years as a toa and living in a city with mask foundries that he would have a few other great masks in store.
75. So Hydraxxon isn't an Order member anymore, but doesn't know it. Is this going to give him any problems later on?
86. Does Lesovikk's destiny play any part in his appearance this year?
9Thanks in advance.
101) No, someone else can't do it unless they had the power of a Great Spirit. And remember, the BOM threw him into a coma, they did not prevent him from maintaining the universe -- they simply prevented him from consciously acting against them. 112) No 123) It is a symbol representing a contract, yes 134) Yes 145) We'll see 156) Yes
16I don't know why, but the identity of the Mantax's object comes of as a bit anti-climactic to me. Just that I expected some sort of twist, like the object is actually a trap that turns into a giant rock monster if whoever touched it wasn't whom it was intended for... well, maybe not that extreme.
1Hello Greg: I've got a few questions here: 21. If the Order of Mata Nui tampered with Ehlek's species to combat the brotherhood, wouldn't it just have made more sense to recruit more beings like Shadow Stealer because they can absorb shadows which would take away the Brotherhood's greatest power? 32. Why did Artakha want to make living beings? 43. Do the Great beings even care that Mata Nui is dying? 54. Why do you choose to restrict powers of really powerfull masks? For example: the Vahi Allows the user to manipulate time, but not to time travel. The Ignika can take away life and evolve life, but cannot raise the dead. And the Olmak (Brutaka's mask) can open pocket dimensions, but cannot allow the user to go to different dimmensions, 65. What was the purpose of the Hand of Artakha?
1Greg almost never comes here, you must PM him.
1Hey dude, welcome to bzpower: Here is a link to p.m GregF: Clicky There you go:
22Edit: Ah, more questions:
2Sorry to get back to you so fast, but I ran out of time to finish my last message:
31: What I meant about nuparu's sheild, does it have any other functions, like the blades whirling, or some other function in battle? You know, little built in trinkets.
42: You said it is too early to talk about the history of lesovikk's team, but does your answer mean you will go at least partway into his history when you write about him?
53: You said hydraxon was very smart after his resserection. Was he any "dumber" before he died, or the same?
64: Since the endless ocean will not be affected in the end of the world thing, could someone actually escape the apocolipse by going to the surface word, and living in the ocean?
75: How did the mahri find out that they had to cut the cord to get voya nui back to its continent? (or did they figure it out themselves?)
86: Who on the story team coined the name "lesovikk"?
97: What book are you writing right now?
108: Will the piraka have a large role in Bionicle Legends#8? same for axonn.
119: Will the piraka's mutations be totally different from the barraki's since they are on land, and are surrrounded by air?
12Thanks a lot:
131) Impossible for me to answer, as I do not have the set. 142) Hopefully 153) About the same 164) Unless you are a water-breather, how are you going to live in the ocean? 175) That touches on future storyline so I can't answer it 186) The name was taken from our list of approved names. We submit a few dozen names at the start of every year, and the ones Legal approves goes on a list, from which we can then pick as we need to. 197) I am in between books right now 208) Not a large role, no 219) They will be different, yes
22Edit: Ah, more questions:
1Edited for convenience. QUESTIONS ANSWERS
21. Evidently, Turaga -- and, therefore, Toa -- existed at the time of Artakha and Karzahni, as it is said that Matoran were allowed by their Turaga to go to Artakha or to be sent to Karzahni. Does this mean that the Hand of Artakha and Toa were once active simultaneously? 31) Yes
42. Was the Hand of Artakha in service for the entirety of Artakha's domain? 52) It was in service throughout the Matoran universe
63. In fact, did Artakha and Karzahni actually have any sort of dominion over the Bionicle world in their time? 73) No, only their own islands
84. When will we learn more about the Hand of Artakha? 94) No idea at this point. Since the organization hasn't existed in over 90,000 years, it is hard to work them in and make them relevant to what is going on now
105. Were the means that Toa Jovan and his team of Toa used to travel through the southern continent unnoticed by Matoran the same means that the Great Beings used in Inferno? 115) No.
126. Was the very first Toa, the Toa of Water, once a Matoran? 136) No
147. Was Lesovikk once a Matoran? 157) Yes
168. Would you say that more Matoran exist in the world than do the mebers of any other race? 178) Probably, but I cannot say that for certain
189. Obviously Matoran are sort of the dominant species in the Bionicle world. What would you say is the main reason the Great Beings chose to create other intelligent races such as the Vortixx and Skakdi as well? 199) Well, the Matoran basically exist for one reason -- to work. Think of it this way -- you own a construction business. Most of your employees are the men and women who are actually out there building the buildings. But you need to have other kinds of employees too, who do other kinds of things, or your business will collapse.
21. Evidently, Turaga -- and, therefore, Toa -- existed at the time of Artakha and Karzahni, as it is said that Matoran were allowed by their Turaga to go to Artakha or to be sent to Karzahni. Does this mean that the Hand of Artakha and Toa were once active simultaneously? 31) Yes
42. Was the Hand of Artakha in service for the entirety of Artakha's domain? 52) It was in service throughout the Matoran universe
63. In fact, did Artakha and Karzahni actually have any sort of dominion over the Bionicle world in their time? 73) No, only their own islands
84. When will we learn more about the Hand of Artakha? 94) No idea at this point. Since the organization hasn't existed in over 90,000 years, it is hard to work them in and make them relevant to what is going on now
105. Were the means that Toa Jovan and his team of Toa used to travel through the southern continent unnoticed by Matoran the same means that the Great Beings used in Inferno? 115) No.
126. Was the very first Toa, the Toa of Water, once a Matoran? 136) No
147. Was Lesovikk once a Matoran? 157) Yes
168. Would you say that more Matoran exist in the world than do the mebers of any other race? 178) Probably, but I cannot say that for certain
189. Obviously Matoran are sort of the dominant species in the Bionicle world. What would you say is the main reason the Great Beings chose to create other intelligent races such as the Vortixx and Skakdi as well? 199) Well, the Matoran basically exist for one reason -- to work. Think of it this way -- you own a construction business. Most of your employees are the men and women who are actually out there building the buildings. But you need to have other kinds of employees too, who do other kinds of things, or your business will collapse.
1Hello, I have some questions for you.
21. Does Lessovick come with an Exo-Toa, that's what I've heard?
32. Since the Mahri are staying Mahri, I would assume you don't have plans on making them Turaga or anything. Is this right?
43. If they would become Turaga in the Mahri form, would they breathe water and do whatever the Mahri can do?
54. Is this what Mantax is looking for, what identifies one of the Barraki as the one who betrayed them to the BoM, and having one of the Barraki holding it will mean that the Brotherhood won't attack them because it could be the one that helped them, and gave them the idea to overthrow Mata Nui? Could you tell me if I'm close?
65. Could Karzahni enhance a Matoran to allow them to use Noble or Great Masks?
7Thank You.
81) No, he comes with a vehicle 92) The Mahri could become Turaga if they complete their destiny and choose to do so. They would simply be Turage who breathe water only 103) Yes 114) You are close, with one exception -- the item did belong to the person who betrayed them, but the item itself does not identify who its owner was 125) No. Karzahni makes physical changes. Matoran cannot use mask powers because they don't have the mental discipline to do so
21. Does Lessovick come with an Exo-Toa, that's what I've heard?
32. Since the Mahri are staying Mahri, I would assume you don't have plans on making them Turaga or anything. Is this right?
43. If they would become Turaga in the Mahri form, would they breathe water and do whatever the Mahri can do?
54. Is this what Mantax is looking for, what identifies one of the Barraki as the one who betrayed them to the BoM, and having one of the Barraki holding it will mean that the Brotherhood won't attack them because it could be the one that helped them, and gave them the idea to overthrow Mata Nui? Could you tell me if I'm close?
65. Could Karzahni enhance a Matoran to allow them to use Noble or Great Masks?
7Thank You.
81) No, he comes with a vehicle 92) The Mahri could become Turaga if they complete their destiny and choose to do so. They would simply be Turage who breathe water only 103) Yes 114) You are close, with one exception -- the item did belong to the person who betrayed them, but the item itself does not identify who its owner was 125) No. Karzahni makes physical changes. Matoran cannot use mask powers because they don't have the mental discipline to do so
1Hi GregF: I'm new to BZpower and I was wondering if you could answer these questions for me: 21. Why do you choose to restrict masks with awsome powers? For example: The Mask of Time doesn't let you time travel, the Mask of Life can't raise the dead, and Brutaka's mask doesn't let him go to other universes or dimensions. 32. Why did Artakha try to make living beings? 43. What was the original purpose of the Hand of Artakha? 54. Are the Zyglax Biomechanical or fully organivc like their Krana cousins? 65. If the Zyglax inhabited the original area of the pit before it was flooded, does that mean that they were mutated along with the rest of the Barraki when the pit flooded? 76. Could a less powerfull Mask of Time be made from level 8 disks of the same powers? 87. How powerfull would a mask or disk be if it had all the disk powers? 98. Which of the original non-mutated Barraki had the biggest army? 109. If Nocturn was banished to the pit for destroying his home then shouldn't Riedak be banished because he destroyed his home, Zakaz? 1110. Wouldn't it have made if the Order of Mata Nui just recruited more beings like the dark hunter Shadow Stealer since beings like him can absorb shadows which would take away their greatest power instead of tampering with Ehlek's speices? 1211. Are the inhabitants of Artakha allowed to leave the island? 1312. When a matoran is allowed to go to Artakha are they forced to go or given a choice? 1413. How is a matoran informed that he or she is allowed to go to Artakha? 1514. Do you think that Vakamawould have been allowed to go to Artakha since he made the Vahi and all? 1615. Did the Oreder of Mata Nui tamper with Ehlek's species before or after the Brotherhood became corupt? 1716. What color would a matoran of light be? A matoran of sonics? A matoran of plasma? A matoran that could control plants as a toa? A matoran of gravity? A matoran of magnetism? 1817A. Could a Nuva mask be made from a level nine disk? 1917B. If so, does that mean there are a number of level nine disks on Artakha's island since he made the Nuva masks that the Toa Nuva found when the Bohrok-Kal attacked? 2018A. Where is the Makoki Stone now? 2118B. Who has the Makoki Stone? 2218C. What do they plan to do with it now? 2319. Would the Avohkii, Kraahkan, Ignika, and Vahi considered more than great masks? 2420. Can beings other than the Toa, Turaga, and Brotherhood of Makuta use great and noble masks? I mean Umbra can use a great mask, but I wouldn't consider him a toa. And if the Barraki plan to use the Mask of Life, that must mean they can use mask powers and that would mean they would have to be wearing masks now, which I am sure they aren't. 2521. If Hakkan controls fire, Vezok controls water, Zaktan controls air etc. Does that mean Vezon control'[s an elemental power? If so, what is it? 2622. Can a toa, matoran, turaga, or really any biomechanical being die of old age? 2723A. Here's my last few questions: does Mata Nui have a physical, biomechanical form, or is he just a spirit? 2823B. If he does have a physicall form, where does he reside? 2923C. If he doesn't, shouldn't he? I mean Makuta is about as old as him and he has a physicall form and the Great Beings that sent him to gaurd all living things have a physicall form. 30Thanks for answering these questions:
1You've got to PM Greg. Go to the first post of the topic to PM him.
1The answer to the item:
2OK, I think I know what and why Mantax is searching for.
3The item Mantax is searching for is a contract that is basically an agreement between another Barraki and the BOM which said Barraki betrayed the others with. Mantax has suspicions of who it is but has no proof. So Mantax plans to find it and blackmail the Barraki that betrayed them into his service. If he reveals who did it to the other Barraki, the one who betrayed them is in big trouble with the others.
4Now for the reasons: 5Pridak: Leader of the Barraki and therefore most influential. 6Kalmah: ? 7Ehlek: Didn't do it as he wonders which did it. 8Carapar: The muscle of the Barraki. 9Takadox: Takadox is incredibly smart, plus has great hypnotic powers.
10So... am I right?
11Thanks, Greg.
12You are mostly there, with a few exceptions. Mantax does not plan to blackmail the person involved into his service -- he plans to expose him

2OK, I think I know what and why Mantax is searching for.
3The item Mantax is searching for is a contract that is basically an agreement between another Barraki and the BOM which said Barraki betrayed the others with. Mantax has suspicions of who it is but has no proof. So Mantax plans to find it and blackmail the Barraki that betrayed them into his service. If he reveals who did it to the other Barraki, the one who betrayed them is in big trouble with the others.
4Now for the reasons: 5Pridak: Leader of the Barraki and therefore most influential. 6Kalmah: ? 7Ehlek: Didn't do it as he wonders which did it. 8Carapar: The muscle of the Barraki. 9Takadox: Takadox is incredibly smart, plus has great hypnotic powers.
10So... am I right?
11Thanks, Greg.
12You are mostly there, with a few exceptions. Mantax does not plan to blackmail the person involved into his service -- he plans to expose him

12. You also stated that Hydraxon wants to destroy the Kanohi Ignika. Does he know what would happen if he did?32. Wow, he's not too smart.22) No
4He has just been resurrected. He doesn't know that Mata Nui is dying. He doesn't have to know the purpose of the Ignika, since that's not his job. His job is to keep the prisoners in the Pit, and if some unknown, too-powerful mask appears just in the worst moment, would you leave it there for the villains to use? 5So, why do you say he's not too smart? 6And a quote to back me up:
75)How intelligent is Hydraxon post-ressurection?
85) Very intelligent
1Just something I though about. 2In OGD you told somebody that the Mo Creation is Legendary, does this mean that Karzahni's Mo Alternate Futures also Legendary?
3On a sidenote does the trap that comes with Karzahni, Sarda and Idris have any storyline significance?
4GB #1
5I didn't mean the Mask of Creation was legendaryas in "Great Mask, Legendary Mask" - I meant it's legendary because there are legends about it but no one knows if it actually exists.
62) Yes
1The answer to the item:
2OK, I think I know what and why Mantax is searching for.
3The item Mantax is searching for is a contract that is basically an agreement between another Barraki and the BOM which said Barraki betrayed the others with. Mantax has suspicions of who it is but has no proof. So Mantax plans to find it and blackmail the Barraki that betrayed them into his service. If he reveals who did it to the other Barraki, the one who betrayed them is in big trouble with the others.
4Now for the reasons: 5Pridak: Leader of the Barraki and therefore most influential. 6Kalmah: ? 7Ehlek: Didn't do it as he wonders which did it. 8Carapar: The muscle of the Barraki. 9Takadox: Takadox is incredibly smart, plus has great hypnotic powers.
10So... am I right?
11Thanks, Greg.
12You are mostly there, with a few exceptions. Mantax does not plan to blackmail the person involved into his service -- he plans to expose him
14Excellent work there::::: Yay: