1Why woudln't Mantax try to use the information for himself?
1The answer to the item:
2OK, I think I know what and why Mantax is searching for.
3The item Mantax is searching for is a contract that is basically an agreement between another Barraki and the BOM which said Barraki betrayed the others with. Mantax has suspicions of who it is but has no proof. So Mantax plans to find it and blackmail the Barraki that betrayed them into his service. If he reveals who did it to the other Barraki, the one who betrayed them is in big trouble with the others.
4Now for the reasons: 5Pridak: Leader of the Barraki and therefore most influential. 6Kalmah: ? 7Ehlek: Didn't do it as he wonders which did it. 8Carapar: The muscle of the Barraki. 9Takadox: Takadox is incredibly smart, plus has great hypnotic powers.
10So... am I right?
11Thanks, Greg.
12You are mostly there, with a few exceptions. Mantax does not plan to blackmail the person involved into his service -- he plans to expose him
14well done i wouldn't have got there, on a sidenote didn't anyone notice this
159) A question about Matoran of Light: since no other Matoran of Light can become Toa, is there something else that actually sets them apart from regular Matoran? Or are they ordinary Matoran who simply will never be destined to be Toa? (my personal theory is that Kapura is a Matoran of Light--hence the undefined "ability")
169) Actually, while we know that Takanuva is the only Toa of Light at this time, we don't know that it is impossible no other Matoran of Light could ever be destined at some point in his/her life to be a Toa (I thought that was the case, but stand corrected after the last story meeting). And Matoran of Light do have a number of unique traits, including have both males and females in their tribe and the ability to alter their appearance so far as color goes.
17there's going to be another toa of light

11. Will you share the name of Sidoraks island or will we know sometime?
22. Will we see "The Shadowed One" again, and when?
33. Will the Vahi play a bigger role later, because Voporak and Ancient is searching for it?
44. Will it be a Takanuva/Dweller fight on Metru Nui?
55. Are the Order of Mata Nui members from diffirent species like the Dark Hunters?
66. Will we see more Order of Mata Nui members later?
77. In the second Encyclopedia will we see the First Toa?
88. Will we see her name, Kanohi?
99. Will Lesovikk be in the second Encyclopedia?
1010. Will it be a mini story in the second Encyclopedia, like Birth of a Dark Hunter?
1111. Which Legends book are you on now?
1212. Are there many Prisoners of the Pit around in the sea now when the Pit is broken?
13Thanks for your time and have a good vacation
141) No. Unless the island is going to play some role in the story, I can't use up a name for it. Names cost several thousand dollars to clear through Legal, and right now, Sidorak's island plays no role in story. 152) No decision has been made on that. 163) No plans for it through 2008 174) That depends on if I have room for it. 185) Yes 196) Not through '08 most likely 207-8) No 219) I think so 2210) No 2311) Just finished 8 2412) No, most of them fled that area so as not to be dominated by the Barraki
22. Will we see "The Shadowed One" again, and when?
33. Will the Vahi play a bigger role later, because Voporak and Ancient is searching for it?
44. Will it be a Takanuva/Dweller fight on Metru Nui?
55. Are the Order of Mata Nui members from diffirent species like the Dark Hunters?
66. Will we see more Order of Mata Nui members later?
77. In the second Encyclopedia will we see the First Toa?
88. Will we see her name, Kanohi?
99. Will Lesovikk be in the second Encyclopedia?
1010. Will it be a mini story in the second Encyclopedia, like Birth of a Dark Hunter?
1111. Which Legends book are you on now?
1212. Are there many Prisoners of the Pit around in the sea now when the Pit is broken?
13Thanks for your time and have a good vacation
141) No. Unless the island is going to play some role in the story, I can't use up a name for it. Names cost several thousand dollars to clear through Legal, and right now, Sidorak's island plays no role in story. 152) No decision has been made on that. 163) No plans for it through 2008 174) That depends on if I have room for it. 185) Yes 196) Not through '08 most likely 207-8) No 219) I think so 2210) No 2311) Just finished 8 2412) No, most of them fled that area so as not to be dominated by the Barraki
1I was anxious to ask you these questions, Greg. 21) Is Hydraxon a good guy or bad guy? The BS01 wiki says he thinks the Toa Mahri are prisoners. 32) Is Spinax owned by Maxilos since before or after the Great Cataclysm? 43) For what reason does the Ignika create Gadunka? 54) Can you give me the real names of the Toa Mahri's weapons? (save Cordak and Jaller's power sword) 65) Is the red stuff on Pridak's face indeed blood or just markings? 76) If the Matoran coins the name "Toa Mahri" does that mean they will trust them from the first? (Well, they don't look mutated) 87) Is the Hahnah crab affected by the mutagen? 98) Is Spinax affected by the mutagen? 109) Is Kalmah's three eyes the result of the mutation? Is not, does Pridak blind the top one before the exile? 1110) Pridak has ruthlessness, Takadox has intellect, Carapar has brute strength, but Ehlek lacks in defense and he's not too smart, what can he take advantage of? 12That's all. Thanks.
131) I consider him a good guy, he is just working with the info that he has. If you were him, wouldn't it be logical to assume that anyone powerful you ran into in the Pit must have escaped from the jail? 142) Oh, long before 153) By accident 164) No, I am not discussing that yet 175) It is part of his natural coloring. If you look at the set, the red color is mixed in with the white, not layered on top. If it were blood, it would be layered on top because it would have gotten on him from an external source. 186) No, it just means they will trust them at some point. They don't call them Toa Mahri the second they show up. 197) Most likely it was at some point in the past. 208) Probably 219) No, the blinding took place after they were in the Pit, not before. I would guess the three eyes were a result of the mutation 2210) I am not sure how you can say electrified spines adds up to lacking in defense. Ehlek is stealthy, agile, and swift and anyone who gets too close to him gets jolted.
23There you go, Gadunka came to be by accident. Is this known yet?
1I have a few questions,
21) When the toa nuva are back, will Lewa still talk his messed up way or will he be back to normal?
32) Are they going to have dull colors like the inika and toa mteru?
43) Lewa is my favorite of the first toa, what's yours?
54) What do you think BIONICLE's best and most popular series?
6Thanks in advance,
81) Lewa is speaking the slang of the Le-Matoran -- he is not "messed up." If you lived in a foreign country for a while, you might pick up slang expressions (or even an accentfrom that place. It doesn't mean you aren't "normal," it means your speech is adjusting to where you are now. I have a friend who's Italian, but has lived in the United Kingdom for much of her adult life, and now speaks with a British accent and uses British slang as a result. 92) It's impossible for me to answer this, I am not a set designer and don't make these decisions. 103) Kopaka 114) Series of what? Sets? Books?
1Comments in italics.
21. Does Artahka know where Mata Nui is? 32. Does Mata Nui know he is in danger? 43. Does Lesovikk's destiny have anything to do with Mata Nui's current state? 54. Does the story team know what Mata Nui looks like (physically)? 65. Will there be a Mata Nui set next year, or the year after? 76. Have you seen any 2008 sets yet? 87. Is the WTFTW the source of Light Stone energy? 98. Was Karzahni ever at one point, how you say, more respectable than he is now? Like, most people imagine Artahka as a shining example of power and glory. Did Karzahni ever have that effect on people, or was he always the crazed luny is is now? 109. Does Karzahni like his mutation? 1110. Other than water-breating, does he get any new powers? 1211. Is Mata Nui on the island of Mata Nui? 1312. I heard that another Makuta will be a main villain in a future storyline. Is this true? 1413. Is Makuta's new form biomechanical or machine? 1514. Will you be at Comic Con again this year? 1615. Will Lesovik be released summer, fall, or winter? 1715a. What store is his store exclusive? ToysRUS, Wal-Mart, or Target? 1816. Has Artahka ever seen the Toa Nuva before? 1917. Will Artahka ever have a bigger role than what he has now? 2018. What is Artahka's feelings towards his brother? 2119. If the BoM are so much more public than the OoMN, then why have we had 3 OoMN sets and only 1 BoM? Are there any new BoM member sets planned for next year? 2220. How powerful is Artahka compared to Mata Nui? 2321. Why has there never been a Toa Nui before? Wouldn't it be simpler for the Toa Nuva to form a Toa Nui, march in and destroy the Broherhood, then awake Mata Nui? 2422. Lets say the BoM are destroyed for whatever reason this instant, everyone of them. Would Mata Nui's fate (after his death) change drastically, or would it cary on as it should. 2523. How big is the Southern Continent compared to Mata Nui (island)? 2623a. To the Nortern Continent? 2724. When will the Karzahni/Makuta fight get put up? 2825. Do you have any plans for releasing TSO's real name sometime in the future?
301) No 31Okay, I thought he did but oh well. 322) Mata Nui is in a coma 33So he's basically brain-dead right now. 343) No 35That just disproved a lot of theories in S&T. 364) Yes, we always have 37Now that's interesting: 385) I cannot discuss future set plans Woot: Whenever he says that, it 99% means that it will come up later: yay, MN set:396) Yes 40Cool. 417) Too early to discuss this 42That was basicaly a yes. ^.^ 438) No, he was not always mad -- but he was never someone people wanted to meet. If you had to meet him, it meant you had screwed up 44Interesting. 459) We haven't reached that point in the story yet, so I am not worrying about it yet 46No comment. 4710) See answer to #9 48No comment. 4911) No 50Saw that coming. 5112) Follow the story and find out 52A yes. 5313) See answer to #12 -- I cannot discuss future storyline 54Bummer. 5514) Yes, looks that way 56YES: I'm going agin for BZPower's News Article again, and I can't wait to get an interview with him in person again: Woot: 5715) Summer 58Good. 5915a) Don't know 60No comment. 6116) Not as Nuva, no 62Maybe he built them: *gasp* 6317) I cannot answer an "ever"question -- ever in BIONICLE might mean 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, who knows? There is no way for me to predict what we might do for sets or story over that time span. 64Not what I wanted to hear. 6518) He has more important things to worry about 66Like what? MN? 6719) Because we have only focused on one Makuta in the story, mainly because we have primarily focused on one geographic region in the story (the far north). The Makuta assigned to the Voya Nui original region is still down there, he didn't migrate to the surface when the island did. 68Big answers here: The story takes place in the far North and the sourthern continent has its own main Makuta: Shweet: 6920) No comparison. 70Wow, MN is strong. 7121) Because the Toa Nui is only a legend. One has never been formed and no one knows if one can be formed. It's like asking, "Why don't we just clone Albert Einstein to solve our problems?" 72Then why bring it up? 7322) I don't understand your question -- how does one have a "fate" after one is dead? 74I PMed him back with clarification on that one. 7523) Much bigger 76Interesting. 7723a) No idea, northern continent has yet to appear in story 78No comment. 7924) Summer at the earliest 80Very good. 8125) Not unless it becomes relevant to the story that I do so. Otherwise, there is no point in wasting the thousands of dollars it costs to get a name approved just to provide a trivia answer. 82Dangit.
1Ook. Karhy soudns a bit like a crazed headmaster.
1I'm afraid you misunderstood most of his answers. A "cannot discuss" or a "follow the story" answer should not be interpreted by a yes (although I agree with you on #12). They probably brought up the Toa Nui to tell why one could not be formed.
1I had a couple of Takadox questions: 21)How Did Takadox kill Hydraxon? 32)How proficient is he at hand-to-hand combat? 43)Is he physically stronger than any of the Mahri? 54)How do you imagine his voice?
6Thanks in advance:
81) Not going to go into specifics on that -- all it does is make the anti-violence BZPers start screaming. 92) Not very, which is why he was only able to kill Hydraxon after Hydraxon had been badly injured in an earthquake 103) No 114) I don't
12I expected the answer to #4 13The others are somewhat interesting
1Takua the Wanderer is correct -- "too early to discuss this" or "can't answer it" do not equal "yes." In some cases, they equal, "I haven't decided one way or the other on that" or "The answer is no, but if I tell you that, then you will figure out other things I don't want you to figure out yet."
1Dude did Greg just post on OGD? That hasen't happened in like... I dunno 2 years? Wow, thats cool.
1Q: I know the Matoran can't normally use masks, but would it be possible to train them mentally so that they could use masks?
2A: No. The only way to do this would be if some kind of mental link could be established between them and Toa so that they could share the Toa's mental attributes, and up to now, no such mechanism exists.
2A: No. The only way to do this would be if some kind of mental link could be established between them and Toa so that they could share the Toa's mental attributes, and up to now, no such mechanism exists.
1QUOTE 2Hi, GregF: I have some questions for you, I hope you don't mind:
31.Is a Toa of Electricity possible? 42.Is a Toa of Acid Possible? 53.Could protodermis be a Legendary Element? 64.The extent of an Elemental Kanohi is the same as that of a Toa's, right? 76.If the element of Stone gives you more strength than Earth, than why is Reidak stronger than Avak? 87.If Vezok has the limited abiliy to be resistant to corrosive waters, does that mean other beings with Water powers have this ability? 98.Is Light a rare Element?
10Thanks in advance:
111) Lots of things are possible, but until one is in the story, it is impossible to say if there will ever be one. 122) I don't think so. Acid is too limited to be a Toa element, I think 133) No 144) Yes, just about 156) Because I wasn't tying their characterizations to their elements. Reidak has an earth elemental power, but he is not "the Piraka of Earth" the way Onua is the Toa of Earth. How often does he ever even use his elemental power in the story? It's not a big part of who he is. 167) No, it means he does. 178) Rare in what sense?
188.Rare as in not many Bionicles can use that power. 19Couple more qusetions: 201.Are there other Elemental types of Skakdi we haven't seen? Like Light of Darkness? 212.I might have asked you this before, but when it says in Bionicle Legends#4 that the Toa of plant life had blue-green armor, did you mean a mixture of blue and green, or part blue, part green?
228) There is an entire tribe of Matoran of Light, so I would say no 231) Yes, but probably not light or darkness 242) Part blue, part green
31.Is a Toa of Electricity possible? 42.Is a Toa of Acid Possible? 53.Could protodermis be a Legendary Element? 64.The extent of an Elemental Kanohi is the same as that of a Toa's, right? 76.If the element of Stone gives you more strength than Earth, than why is Reidak stronger than Avak? 87.If Vezok has the limited abiliy to be resistant to corrosive waters, does that mean other beings with Water powers have this ability? 98.Is Light a rare Element?
10Thanks in advance:
111) Lots of things are possible, but until one is in the story, it is impossible to say if there will ever be one. 122) I don't think so. Acid is too limited to be a Toa element, I think 133) No 144) Yes, just about 156) Because I wasn't tying their characterizations to their elements. Reidak has an earth elemental power, but he is not "the Piraka of Earth" the way Onua is the Toa of Earth. How often does he ever even use his elemental power in the story? It's not a big part of who he is. 167) No, it means he does. 178) Rare in what sense?
188.Rare as in not many Bionicles can use that power. 19Couple more qusetions: 201.Are there other Elemental types of Skakdi we haven't seen? Like Light of Darkness? 212.I might have asked you this before, but when it says in Bionicle Legends#4 that the Toa of plant life had blue-green armor, did you mean a mixture of blue and green, or part blue, part green?
228) There is an entire tribe of Matoran of Light, so I would say no 231) Yes, but probably not light or darkness 242) Part blue, part green
1Hi, I have more questions.
21. Was Lesovikk part of Dume's team? 31b. If he was not, then does Dume know of him? 42. Did Lhikan know Lesovikk? 53. Do all of Brutaka's kind look alike? 63b. If so, is Brutaka's color scheme different from all of the others? 74. Does Axonn regret being a conqueror, from a while back? 85. Mantax is searching for a BOM contract of some sort, right? If so, then what purpose would it have? He won't be interacting with the BOM this year, right? 96. Why is Kopaka your favorite character? 107. Will Sarda have a bigger role this year, because I've heard you said something like 'He will be back in a new form.'
11Thank you in advance.
121) No 131b) No 142) No 153) No idea, not something I have worried about since we haven't met any others 164) Regrets are a waste of time. You have to live in the present, not the past. 175) His purpose is to use it to smoke out whoever betrayed the Barraki to the BOM 186) I have always liked loner type heroes 197) Sarda will be in the Karzahni store exclusive set
20Wow...I have never heard him say "Smoke out".
11.You said that the person who placed the item in the pit wasn't from 2001, could you give me another year he/she wasn't from? 22.Would the metru-nui Jaller look like this?: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Protodax...lermetryuan.jpg if not tell me whats wrong i will make it again. 33.You said that the mata-nui stone isn't mata-nui, is it something else important or is it just a stone? 44.So mata-nui is actually going to die in September, right? 5. I like how you made the artist in the atlas into oomn members, but why not yourself?(Gretey) 56.Is mata-nui going to be a set? 67.Here is a picture of part of the back of Spinax's head: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Ta/Toyfa...pinax-close.jpg is it anything?maybe the ignika?
7Thanks for being on the site and answering questions:
81) No. 92) I am not a good judge of models 103) Can't answer it 114) Yes 125) Because I didn't do any art. 136) Not much point in doing a set of someone who's asleep, right? 147) The Ignika does not come out in plastic this year. It is Spinax's head -- regardless of what else the piece might have been used for in the past, in this model it is Spinax's head
15The mata-nui stone is not just a stone hmm.. theories?
1I have a few questions,
21) When the toa nuva are back, will Lewa still talk his messed up way or will he be back to normal?
32) Are they going to have dull colors like the inika and toa mteru?
43) Lewa is my favorite of the first toa, what's yours?
54) What do you think BIONICLE's best and most popular series?
6Thanks in advance,
81) Lewa is speaking the slang of the Le-Matoran -- he is not "messed up." If you lived in a foreign country for a while, you might pick up slang expressions (or even an accentfrom that place. It doesn't mean you aren't "normal," it means your speech is adjusting to where you are now. I have a friend who's Italian, but has lived in the United Kingdom for much of her adult life, and now speaks with a British accent and uses British slang as a result. 92) It's impossible for me to answer this, I am not a set designer and don't make these decisions. 103) Kopaka 114) Series of what? Sets? Books?
12Best selling series of toa.
13First series in 2001 -- the first bunch of anything is almost always the best selling, because it's new and usually has the largest marketing budget behind it that it will ever have.
12. You also stated that Hydraxon wants to destroy the Kanohi Ignika. Does he know what would happen if he did?32. Wow, he's not too smart.22) No
4He has just been resurrected. He doesn't know that Mata Nui is dying. He doesn't have to know the purpose of the Ignika, since that's not his job. His job is to keep the prisoners in the Pit, and if some unknown, too-powerful mask appears just in the worst moment, would you leave it there for the villains to use? 5So, why do you say he's not too smart? 6And a quote to back me up:
75)How intelligent is Hydraxon post-ressurection?
85) Very intelligent
10I was only joking around. I had read that quote before I edited my post with comments.
1Hey, GregF, I was browsing BS01 Wiki when I found this quote from the BIONICLE Legends 7: Prisoners of the Pit article...
2Not much is known about it but it has been announced that the Bahrag and the Toa Nuva are to make an appearance , and we will find out how Hydraxon, the jailer of the Pit is revived.
3This had me confused. I thought that the original BL7 was meant to have the Bahrag and Nuva, and when it was cut out of the schedule so was the Bahrag's and Nuva's appearances. Were you able to find a way to put them back into the new BL7? Or is this BS01 Wiki article slightly incorrect?
41) The original Bionicle Legends 7 was supposed to focus on the Inika's journey through the cord, their encounter with the Zyglak, and the subsequent revelations about the origin of the krana. The idea that it was going to focus on the Nuva was BZP speculation.
52) Yes, the Nuva and the Bahrag do show up in the epiloguenof the Bionicle Legends 7 that will be out in July
6Well, glad to see that the Bahrag and the Nuva do end up in BL7 after all.
1Hi, Greg:
2I hope you don't mind if I ask some questions.
31) The bionicle wiki says Takanuva is experimenting with 'increased speed'. Is that true? 41b) If so, How fast can Takanuva go now? Say, compared to someone wearing a Kakama. 52) Can the mask of Sonar allow Jaller to see someone using the Kanohi Huna? 63) You once said that a Mask of Gravity wouldn't be of much use to a toa of gravity, does the same go for Takanuva? 74) What is Maxilos' tool name? I mean the 'staff' he holds, not the Cordak Blaster. 85) What are Matoro's tools? 96) Can the Tryna bring stones and objects to life, like Thok? 107) Can beings brought to life by the Tryna be killed? 117b) If not, are they invincible? 128) What would happen if a squid were to get shot at the Kanohi Ignika? 139) About Mata Nui's death, what is the immediate effect that would let everyone know he died? 1410) Does Mata Nui's death spell the end of Bionicle? 1511) Has the Lego team already mapped out 2010? 1612) Does Jaller's Hahnah crab have any special abilities? 1712b) Is it intelligent? 1812c) Is it really used as a mount for the Cordak Blaster in the story? 1913) How are the Cordak Blasters fired? It's quite difficult to think how a Blaster could be mounted on a crab and fired accurately... 2014) Does Jaller bring his Hahnah crab everywhere with him? 2115) Do the Toa Mahri treat their mutation as positive or negative?
22That's all for today, Greg. Thanks: 23pirakahakann![]()
241) Off the top of my head, I don't recall writing that anywhere. I'd like to see their source before I say it's true or it's not true. 252) Yes 263) Mask of Light has totally different powers than a Toa of Light does -- because it dispels fear and promotes friendship and understanding, which is not a Toa ability. 274-5) I am not discussing summer set tools yet 286) No. It's a mask of reanimation -- that means whatever it is used on has to have been animate at some point in the past 297) They can be destroyed, yes 308) Since the mask is not alive as we are alive or as Toa are alive, nothing would happen. 319) It's a feeling that the universe has somehow shifted 3210) We are currently planning sets and storyline for 2009, so no 3311) No 3412) No 3512b) No 3612c) Yes 3713) Not something I am ready to go into yet 3814) No, it follows him 3915) They really have no time to worry about it, they are racing to save the universe
40Thanks for answering, Greg. 411) So I guess I could erase that portion of the bionicle wiki, right? 422) So is the mask of Sonar of much use in a battle? 434) You replied to another member, saying that Maxilos' staff does not have any powers. Is that true? 4414) Does Jaller feel irritated by the Hahnah crab? I mean, has he 'connected' with him yet? 4515) I mean at the first look, did they feel bad being transformed, like the Toa Metru?
46Just a few new questions... 471) Could Makuta have possessed the dead body of Hydraxon? 482) You told another member that Hydraxon was nothing but trouble to the Toa. Why? 493) Would you describe Hydraxon as being 'heartless'? 504) Is Maxilos as much of a nuisance to the Toa like Hydraxon? 514b) Why or why not? 525)So can Jaller blast fire underwater? 535b) If he is unable to or can do it only with difficulty, than will he use his powers at all? 545c) Can Jaller create Nova Blasts underwater? 555d) Will they be as effective as if they were done on land? 565e) How lethal are Nova Blasts? 576) Since Kongu is a toa of air, does that make him the most effective fighter of the Toa mahri? 587) Can you give a quote from the makuta-hydraxon fight? Never mind if you can't... 598) Can Takanuva put enemies in a type of 'stasis' like in the movie?
60Thanks, Greg. 61pirakahakann
621) As I said, I would like to know their source before I say if it's wrong or not. 632) Well, ask your average submarine commander if he would want to go into battle without it 644) Far as I know 6514) No, Jaller is not real warm and fuzzy when it comes to pets, other than Pewku 6615) They really had no time to think about it.
671) In general, Makuta will not go into a dead body because he is not capable of reanimating it, so he would be unable to move, speak, etc. So no, he is not in Hydraxon. 682) Because Hydraxon is convinced the Toa must be escaped prisoners from the Pit and that the Mask of Life is a bad thing that should be destroyed 693) No 704) Yes 715) Yes, it's just exhausting 725c) Yes 735d) Pretty much, yes 746) How would being a Toa of Air make him most effective underwater? 757) Sorry, I don't have time to go quote searching 768) When did he do that in the movie?
77Thanks, Greg. 786) I meant that since air is poisonous to water-breathers, doesn't that make a toa of air most useful underwater? 797) Oh, sorry then, Greg.... 808) There was a part where he shot a beam of light at Turahk, and that made him pause at a stance, hands reaching out in pain, etc. BTW, the turahk was glowing too. And there was the other part where Jaller's mask was held suspended in the air, in a beam of light made by Takanuva. That's what I meant...
81Hope you don't mind answering additional questions... 821) Are Vampiric Squids part of Kalmah's army? 832) You once said that Kalmah was the most accurate of the Barraki. Why? 843) So those pipes leading to the Toa Mahri's mouths...those are their gills? 854) Does Mata Nui have to be revived in some way in order for the universe to be saved?
86BIG thanks, Greg: 87pirakahakann
88PS: Sorry if I accidentally sent two identical messagesI received a strange forum message, so I may have already sent this PM....
896) If he can create air and push water out of the way with it, which is no easy task. Plus the air he is creating will be poisonous to him too. 908) Ah, I see. The part with Turahk makes sense, because you can use light to blind, dazzle, etc. As for the second part, not having written the movie I don't know what the screenwriter had in mind there. 911) Kalmah's army is largely giant squid. Everyone uses the small squid for ammo. 922) Most practice at shooting squid 933) Yup 944) If Mata Nui dies, the universe dies with him
95BIG thanks, Greg8) So can Takanuva really put some one in a stasis?
96And some new ones... 971) Can Takanuva alter his appearance in any form, like a Matoran of light? 982) Can he create strong lasers? 993) How about radiation? He's a toa of light, after all.
100Thanks, Greg 101pirakahakann
1028) I don't consider that to be stasis -- I consider it simply blinding light that so stuns the target that he can't move 1031) He most likely could alter his color 1042) Yes 1053) We haven't really dealt with the radiation thing, because we haven't addressed how or if radiation would affect a BIONICLE being
106Thanks, Greg: 107Just a few more questions... 1081) So a small section of Kalmah's army is composed of vampiric squid, right? 1092)Would you consider Kalmah as loyal to the Barraki? 1103)So does Mata Nui have to be revived to save the universe, since it would basically collapse after he dies? 1114) So 2008 storyline would be over a few days? 1125) Are Hahli's 'wings' her actual fins, or is she using her mask? 1136) So Jaller's mask of Sonar can basically detect anything moving in the water? 1147) Who is your favourite toa to write about this year? 1158) Makuta will be making an appearence this year, right? 1169) Would you consider Maxilos as being strong or powerful? 11710)Why would any one of the Barraki betray the group to the Brotherhood? 11811) Is the Makuta of Metru Nui as powerful as any other member of his brotherhood? 11912)If so, why is he leader? 12013) Is the Brotherhood of Makuta aware that the universe would collapse if Mata Nui died? 12114) Did they know that Mata Nui would die as a result of their actions?
122Thanks Gregpirakahakann
1231) Already answered this question 1242) As much as any of them are 1253) The universe cannot survive without a Great Spirit 1264) I cannot discuss 2008 storyline 1275) Fins 1286) Yes 1297) Matoro 1308) Yes 1319) Yes 13210) Well -- IF one did -- think of it this way. They were about to embark on a campaign to overthrow Mata Nui. What if one of them thought the campaign would fail? He can't back out or the other five would kill him, but he also knows what the BOM will do if they are caught. So he plays both sides of the fence for his own safety. 13311) Yes 13412) Because the plan they are following is his plan 13513) Yes 13614) They knew it was a possibility, but it wasn't certain
137There you go

1Here's a couple...
2We had this PM conversation a while back:3Hey, GregF: I have a theory concerning the Matoran of Light:
4I think it would be a really cool idea if there was like a Light Matoran Extermination. You said the "Legend of the Toa of Light" has been around for a long time. The BoM must have known about it, because there was a warning about it in the room Zaktan broke into. And if I was in charge of an evil organization, I would do the one easiest thing to do in order to stop such a legend from ever happening: attempt to exterminate all of the Light Matoran. Takua could have been a survivor, and not too many are left. Am I on the right track, or is this a good idea?
5And I have a second theory. If the above is true, then could it be that in a desperate act before extermination, certain Matoran of Light were chosen to travel to other Matoran lands in disguise so that the Legend of the Toa of Light could come true? I think that would be a cool idea in the story.
6Thanks in advance:
81) The BOM saw no reason to do that, because they had the Mask of Light up until 1000 years ago -- and without it, there could never be a Toa of Light. And when they didn't have it, they knew in general who did, and had no reason to believe any Matoran of Light could ever reach the island of Mata Nui .
9You noticed that I bolded that last part, because I was looking back and that stuck out to me. So, I'll just ask it:
10Did the Legend of the Toa of Light say it would happen on the "barren island"? Or did the BoM have special info that that was where it would occur or something?
11Thanks in advance... again:
13No and no. If Makuta had had such knowledge, he would have been scouring the island for the mask over the 1000 years the Matoran were there. Instead, he reacted, sending Rahkshi only after the mask had been found, indicating its being found there had been a surprise to him.
14Hey, Greg: I just have a couple of questions I was wondering about:
151. Were the Toa Mata created on Artakha with the purpose of "if something happened to Mata-Nui they would save him", or were they created but then "chosen" for that task later on in ?
162. Should the Toa Mata complete their destiny and awaken Mata-Nui, and then something happened again to Mata-Nui, would there be a new team of Toa Mata to deal with it? Like a back-up team?
17Thanks in advance:
191) No, that was always their purpose. 202) It depends. You don't automatically become a Turaga the second that you achieve your destiny. You must then make a choice to give up your Toa power. If the Toa Nuva choose not to do that, they would remain as Toa and no new team would be required to take on that job.
1Q: I know the Matoran can't normally use masks, but would it be possible to train them mentally so that they could use masks?
2A: No. The only way to do this would be if some kind of mental link could be established between them and Toa so that they could share the Toa's mental attributes, and up to now, no such mechanism exists.
4Didn't Gali and Takua do that? Hmm...
5Here's a couple...
6We had this PM conversation a while back:7Hey, GregF: I have a theory concerning the Matoran of Light:
8I think it would be a really cool idea if there was like a Light Matoran Extermination. You said the "Legend of the Toa of Light" has been around for a long time. The BoM must have known about it, because there was a warning about it in the room Zaktan broke into. And if I was in charge of an evil organization, I would do the one easiest thing to do in order to stop such a legend from ever happening: attempt to exterminate all of the Light Matoran. Takua could have been a survivor, and not too many are left. Am I on the right track, or is this a good idea?
9And I have a second theory. If the above is true, then could it be that in a desperate act before extermination, certain Matoran of Light were chosen to travel to other Matoran lands in disguise so that the Legend of the Toa of Light could come true? I think that would be a cool idea in the story.
10Thanks in advance:
121) The BOM saw no reason to do that, because they had the Mask of Light up until 1000 years ago -- and without it, there could never be a Toa of Light. And when they didn't have it, they knew in general who did, and had no reason to believe any Matoran of Light could ever reach the island of Mata Nui .
13You noticed that I bolded that last part, because I was looking back and that stuck out to me. So, I'll just ask it:
14Did the Legend of the Toa of Light say it would happen on the "barren island"? Or did the BoM have special info that that was where it would occur or something?
15Thanks in advance... again:
17No and no. If Makuta had had such knowledge, he would have been scouring the island for the mask over the 1000 years the Matoran were there. Instead, he reacted, sending Rahkshi only after the mask had been found, indicating its being found there had been a surprise to him.
18Hey, Greg: I just have a couple of questions I was wondering about:
191. Were the Toa Mata created on Artakha with the purpose of "if something happened to Mata-Nui they would save him", or were they created but then "chosen" for that task later on in ?
202. Should the Toa Mata complete their destiny and awaken Mata-Nui, and then something happened again to Mata-Nui, would there be a new team of Toa Mata to deal with it? Like a back-up team?
21Thanks in advance:
231) No, that was always their purpose. 242) It depends. You don't automatically become a Turaga the second that you achieve your destiny. You must then make a choice to give up your Toa power. If the Toa Nuva choose not to do that, they would remain as Toa and no new team would be required to take on that job.
26So the Toa Mata were a failsafe device... Wonder how they would react if they knew. But i wonder what Toa do in their spare time?
1Q: I know the Matoran can't normally use masks, but would it be possible to train them mentally so that they could use masks?
2A: No. The only way to do this would be if some kind of mental link could be established between them and Toa so that they could share the Toa's mental attributes, and up to now, no such mechanism exists.
4Didn't Gali and Takua do that? Hmm...
5Here's a couple...
6We had this PM conversation a while back:7Hey, GregF: I have a theory concerning the Matoran of Light:
8I think it would be a really cool idea if there was like a Light Matoran Extermination. You said the "Legend of the Toa of Light" has been around for a long time. The BoM must have known about it, because there was a warning about it in the room Zaktan broke into. And if I was in charge of an evil organization, I would do the one easiest thing to do in order to stop such a legend from ever happening: attempt to exterminate all of the Light Matoran. Takua could have been a survivor, and not too many are left. Am I on the right track, or is this a good idea?
9And I have a second theory. If the above is true, then could it be that in a desperate act before extermination, certain Matoran of Light were chosen to travel to other Matoran lands in disguise so that the Legend of the Toa of Light could come true? I think that would be a cool idea in the story.
10Thanks in advance:
121) The BOM saw no reason to do that, because they had the Mask of Light up until 1000 years ago -- and without it, there could never be a Toa of Light. And when they didn't have it, they knew in general who did, and had no reason to believe any Matoran of Light could ever reach the island of Mata Nui .
13You noticed that I bolded that last part, because I was looking back and that stuck out to me. So, I'll just ask it:
14Did the Legend of the Toa of Light say it would happen on the "barren island"? Or did the BoM have special info that that was where it would occur or something?
15Thanks in advance... again:
17No and no. If Makuta had had such knowledge, he would have been scouring the island for the mask over the 1000 years the Matoran were there. Instead, he reacted, sending Rahkshi only after the mask had been found, indicating its being found there had been a surprise to him.
18Hey, Greg: I just have a couple of questions I was wondering about:
191. Were the Toa Mata created on Artakha with the purpose of "if something happened to Mata-Nui they would save him", or were they created but then "chosen" for that task later on in ?
202. Should the Toa Mata complete their destiny and awaken Mata-Nui, and then something happened again to Mata-Nui, would there be a new team of Toa Mata to deal with it? Like a back-up team?
21Thanks in advance:
231) No, that was always their purpose. 242) It depends. You don't automatically become a Turaga the second that you achieve your destiny. You must then make a choice to give up your Toa power. If the Toa Nuva choose not to do that, they would remain as Toa and no new team would be required to take on that job.
26So the Toa Mata were a failsafe device... Wonder how they would react if they knew. But i wonder what Toa do in their spare time?
27They already know. It's always been their destiny to save Mata-Nui if he fell.
28And they save Matoran. Fight Rahi and Dark Hunters. Oppose evil in general. Then play some Kolhii.
1Geographically, Mata Nui the island looks damaged?(Pieces breaking off, fragmented look) Was it damaged by the Great Cataclysm, or some other thing, or possibly broke off from another larger continent?
4It looks that way in large part because of land forming from the cooling of lava from the volcano. It did not break off from a larger continent, it is the top of a dome.
5Well, explains why Mata Nui's looks like that.

1Hello, I have one question for you.
21. I was on Brickshelf and I found this. It shows some of the 2006 playsets along with a poster in the back that looks like an earth toa or something. Do you know what this is? I will include the link, it's the one that says gear up. http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Umbra862...w_toa_mahri.jpg
3Thank you.
4Poster is of an early prototype for Kongu Inika.
21. I was on Brickshelf and I found this. It shows some of the 2006 playsets along with a poster in the back that looks like an earth toa or something. Do you know what this is? I will include the link, it's the one that says gear up. http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Umbra862...w_toa_mahri.jpg
3Thank you.
4Poster is of an early prototype for Kongu Inika.
11) The bionicle wiki says Takanuva is experimenting with 'increased speed'. Is that true?
21) Off the top of my head, I don't recall writing that anywhere. I'd like to see their source before I say it's true or it's not true.
3Just something that caught my eye (and would also like to explain to anyone who may have doubt). This experimenting with increased speed thing was in the Encyc under Takanuva's entry.

1are all the members of the brotherhood of makuta from the makuta species?
1Geographically, Mata Nui the island looks damaged?(Pieces breaking off, fragmented look) Was it damaged by the Great Cataclysm, or some other thing, or possibly broke off from another larger continent?
4It looks that way in large part because of land forming from the cooling of lava from the volcano. It did not break off from a larger continent, it is the top of a dome.
5Well, explains why Mata Nui's looks like that.6\//\/\
7Lava? So Mata Nui is actually dried lava?
1Hello Greg, I just have one question, about Matoran and Toa of Light. 2Is the reason they can shift and change colors because white light is composed of all colors? I know earth physics and chemistry don't usually apply to Bionicle, but this seemed like a logical explaination to me. 3Thanks:
4I went with that ability because of the fact that color is essentially based on the spectrum of light interacting with your eye -- so it seemed to me that beings who are affiliated with Light would be able to influence how the eye perceives the spectrum
5I hit close.

1Hello Greg, I just have one question, about Matoran and Toa of Light. 2Is the reason they can shift and change colors because white light is composed of all colors? I know earth physics and chemistry don't usually apply to Bionicle, but this seemed like a logical explaination to me. 3Thanks:
4I went with that ability because of the fact that color is essentially based on the spectrum of light interacting with your eye -- so it seemed to me that beings who are affiliated with Light would be able to influence how the eye perceives the spectrum
5I hit close.
6Matoran of light would be pretty good spys, this gives me the idea for a topic...
1A few questions I had: 21. Does the MoLi really change form, or is that just for the Bionicle.com animation?
32. Why doesn't the MoLi use energy beams, or whatever else it can do, to stop the Barakki from getting it?
43. In BL6, it says 'the time was not yet right' to use the MoLi. It also said 'It headed to where it sensed the damage was worst'. Since you need to be in a specific place to use the MoLi, and every minute lost is a minute closer to the death of the Great Spirit, why did it 'finally rebel', like it said in the book?
54. Who knows about the existance of the OoMN?
65. Had Brutaka been mutated by the time he appears in BL6? If so, what does he look like?
76. In the Matoran language, what does 'Mahri' mean?
87. Is anyone in the BoM besides Makuta of Metru Nui aware of the existence of the MoLi?
98. Is the Dh-BoM war still going on? If so, who is winning? If not, who won?
109. Why was Nocturn sent to the Pit?
1110. Why isn't Botar mutated by the Pit when he goes there with defeated villains?
1211. Will Axonn play a major role in '07?
1312. In BL6, Makuta of Metru Nui seems to be inspired to rebel against Mata Nui by the Barakki. Is this true, partially true, or just a misinterpretation I had?
1413. Will there be a movie any time in the MoLi saga?
1514. Will the DH called Dweller, who in the guide is said to be waiting to attack Takanuva, be featured in any books/comics?
171) Yes, it does
182) Well, if I have it do that, then there is no point in having the whole curse thing, because no one who wasn't supposed to would ever get to touch it.
193) Because until the damage gets repaired, the use of the MoLi won't help. It's like giving someone a blood transfusion before you close the wound they are bleeding from.
204) The Toa Inika, the Voya Nui Matoran resistance, the residents of Artakha, the Toa Nuva, and the OOMN itself
215) Mutation takes much longer with him, because as with the antidermis, his species has some natural resistance to this.
226) Hasn't been revealed yet
237) They all are.
248) Yes, it is still going on, and it's basically a stalemate
259) He broke his island
2610) Because he's only down there for a split second - pop in, pop out
2711) No. Non-current sets don't play major roles in a year's story.
2812) It's true
2913) Nothing planned at the moment. I cannot absolutely rule out 2008, but if we are going to do one of 2008, we would have to have a studio deal (which we don't have) and a script (which we don't have) basically tomorrow.
3014) Nothing planned at the moment. Comics have to focus on current sets, and I don't have room for side-stories in the books right now due to the reduced book schedule.
32. Why doesn't the MoLi use energy beams, or whatever else it can do, to stop the Barakki from getting it?
43. In BL6, it says 'the time was not yet right' to use the MoLi. It also said 'It headed to where it sensed the damage was worst'. Since you need to be in a specific place to use the MoLi, and every minute lost is a minute closer to the death of the Great Spirit, why did it 'finally rebel', like it said in the book?
54. Who knows about the existance of the OoMN?
65. Had Brutaka been mutated by the time he appears in BL6? If so, what does he look like?
76. In the Matoran language, what does 'Mahri' mean?
87. Is anyone in the BoM besides Makuta of Metru Nui aware of the existence of the MoLi?
98. Is the Dh-BoM war still going on? If so, who is winning? If not, who won?
109. Why was Nocturn sent to the Pit?
1110. Why isn't Botar mutated by the Pit when he goes there with defeated villains?
1211. Will Axonn play a major role in '07?
1312. In BL6, Makuta of Metru Nui seems to be inspired to rebel against Mata Nui by the Barakki. Is this true, partially true, or just a misinterpretation I had?
1413. Will there be a movie any time in the MoLi saga?
1514. Will the DH called Dweller, who in the guide is said to be waiting to attack Takanuva, be featured in any books/comics?
171) Yes, it does
182) Well, if I have it do that, then there is no point in having the whole curse thing, because no one who wasn't supposed to would ever get to touch it.
193) Because until the damage gets repaired, the use of the MoLi won't help. It's like giving someone a blood transfusion before you close the wound they are bleeding from.
204) The Toa Inika, the Voya Nui Matoran resistance, the residents of Artakha, the Toa Nuva, and the OOMN itself
215) Mutation takes much longer with him, because as with the antidermis, his species has some natural resistance to this.
226) Hasn't been revealed yet
237) They all are.
248) Yes, it is still going on, and it's basically a stalemate
259) He broke his island
2610) Because he's only down there for a split second - pop in, pop out
2711) No. Non-current sets don't play major roles in a year's story.
2812) It's true
2913) Nothing planned at the moment. I cannot absolutely rule out 2008, but if we are going to do one of 2008, we would have to have a studio deal (which we don't have) and a script (which we don't have) basically tomorrow.
3014) Nothing planned at the moment. Comics have to focus on current sets, and I don't have room for side-stories in the books right now due to the reduced book schedule.
1Hello, I have one question for you.
21. I was on Brickshelf and I found this. It shows some of the 2006 playsets along with a poster in the back that looks like an earth toa or something. Do you know what this is? I will include the link, it's the one that says gear up. http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Umbra862...w_toa_mahri.jpg
3Thank you.
4Poster is of an early prototype for Kongu Inika.
5Uups: Thanks to post it, I didn't remember to upgrade this

1Geographically, Mata Nui the island looks damaged?(Pieces breaking off, fragmented look) Was it damaged by the Great Cataclysm, or some other thing, or possibly broke off from another larger continent?
4It looks that way in large part because of land forming from the cooling of lava from the volcano. It did not break off from a larger continent, it is the top of a dome.
5Well, explains why Mata Nui's looks like that.6\//\/\
7Lava? So Mata Nui is actually dried lava?
8I'm pretty sure all islands are dried Lava, no offense. That's how they are formed.
1Just wondered, does the method of Hydraxon's revival have any link or connection to the well-being of Mata-Nui? I'm thinking that he somehow manipulated Mata-Nui's life energy to somehow automatically revive himself should a prisoner manage to kill him. That would also be why he lost his status of OoMN member once he was revived, because he took advantage of Mata-Nui's energy.
2Am I right/on the right lines or just completely wrong?
3Thanks much.
4No, totally off. Explanation of his return will be released in July in Book 7.
5I'm a freaking genius.

1Hello, I have one question for you.
21. I was on Brickshelf and I found this. It shows some of the 2006 playsets along with a poster in the back that looks like an earth toa or something. Do you know what this is? I will include the link, it's the one that says gear up. http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Umbra862...w_toa_mahri.jpg
3Thank you.
4Poster is of an early prototype for Kongu Inika.
5Just wondering, is it Inika like you said, or is it Mahri. It looks like a Mahri because of the head. Just wondering.
6Inika. Prototypes for the Mahri were not completed until late 2006. That poster was out in January 2006.
1Here is a few questions I've got for you.
21. Which was created first - the Order of Mata Nui or the Hand of Artakha?
32. Are Nocturn's swords part of his anatomy, or are the just weapons he holds with 4his hands?
53. Say Matoro used his Mask of Spirit and left his body. Then Makuta, in his 6energy form, comes and takes over his body. Would Makuta still be able to use 7HIS powers (shadow, gravity, electricity, Kraata-produceing, etc.), or would he 8only be able to use Matoro's powers of ice and electricity?
94. When will the Mask of Shadows be recovered from the Silver Sea?
105. Would Zyglak be able to use Kanohi powers?
116. Will we see Umbra agian?
127. Will we see Vezon in Bionicle Legends#8?
138. Did Kalmah have three eyes before he was mutated?
149. Same question for Carapar's super strength.
1510. Don't you think there could at least a few of Krahka's species left? After all, 16they're highly intelligent and can take on the form of any creature they see.
1711. Would Botar be able to use Kanohi?
18Thanks Greg.
201) Hand of Artakha 212) Weapons 223) It's a good question, which I answered someplace -- I will have to dig up what I wrote. 234) I can't discuss future storyline 245) Probably not, no. Zyglak are primitive and savage, they don't have the mental discipline to use masks. 256) No idea. Umbra's main role is to guard the mask, and we aren't doing another "someone tries to steal the mask from Voya Nui" story. 267) No 278) No 289) Carapar was always the strongest of the six, but not to the extent he is now 2910) That doesn't make much difference if you are being hunted by Visorak who can sense your nature regardless of what your form 3011) Probably, yes
1I've got some new Q&A from Greg:
2QUOTE 31. Okay, we all know that Matoro will br a Mahri, and somewhere I heard he's gonna betray the other Toa. Could to give and hints to whether or not this is true?
42. Did Makuta posses that evil robotic guy?
53. Will we ever get a closer look at Arthaka?
71) Matoro is going to be a Mahri, yes, as for the rest, that is just BZP speculation, it's not based on any actual evidence. 82) Follow the story and find out 93) No one ever sees Artakha
2QUOTE 31. Okay, we all know that Matoro will br a Mahri, and somewhere I heard he's gonna betray the other Toa. Could to give and hints to whether or not this is true?
42. Did Makuta posses that evil robotic guy?
53. Will we ever get a closer look at Arthaka?
71) Matoro is going to be a Mahri, yes, as for the rest, that is just BZP speculation, it's not based on any actual evidence. 82) Follow the story and find out 93) No one ever sees Artakha
1Visorak can sense someone's nature, reguardless of what they look like? Then how come they never noticed when Krahka snuck into the Coliseum? Come to think of it, you tink they would be able to hunt out these 'seeded' Matoran of Light?
1Visorak can sense someone's nature, reguardless of what they look like? Then how come they never noticed when Krahka snuck into the Coliseum? Come to think of it, you tink they would be able to hunt out these 'seeded' Matoran of Light?
2Krahka probably snuck past them. They weren't looking for a Krahka, nor did they expect one nearby, so there was no need to be on the lookout.