1thank you orkahm altough i did not get the answers i wanted greg is very good at keeping spoilers but i try to get some out of him
1This may or may not be of help to you.
7Well, this is probably fossilized news but Makuta is on Metru Nui somewhere when the Toa Metru fought the Morbuzahk...
2QUOTE 3The Rahkshi on Mata Nui are formed from Makuta's kraata, right?well are the ones on Metru Nui natural animals like lizards?Has Makuta just found out how to create his own by evolving his Kraata in Protodermis? 4Thanks:
5The Rahkshi on Metru Nui were made the same way the ones on Mata Nui were. But if Makuta does not have something specific for them to do (and he doesn't, since they wandered into Metru Nui, they weren't sent there) they behave like any other wild creature.
7Well, this is probably fossilized news but Makuta is on Metru Nui somewhere when the Toa Metru fought the Morbuzahk...
1This may or may not be of help to you.
2QUOTE 3The Rahkshi on Mata Nui are formed from Makuta's kraata, right? well are the ones on Metru Nui natural animals like lizards? Has Makuta just found out how to create his own by evolving his Kraata in Protodermis? 4Thanks:
5The Rahkshi on Metru Nui were made the same way the ones on Mata Nui were. But if Makuta does not have something specific for them to do (and he doesn't, since they wandered into Metru Nui, they weren't sent there) they behave like any other wild creature.
7Well, this is probably fossilized news but Makuta is on Metru Nui somewhere when the Toa Metru fought the Morbuzahk...
8yes the news is a fossil but: 9they are wanderd there: 10thats fir in
11wat is a enviroment? 12he saiy somthing like sapces within other erea's
13I askes him 14so there are other islands?
15Yes: the rahi didnt came from metru nui
16there are more islands: 17maybe a island of ther gods Makuta?
1Interesting... The Rahkshi are certainly interesting. Sorry if it was fossilized: But Rahkshi are a Rahi produced by the Master of Shadows. My PM proved that I think as Greg said that they behaved like any other wild creature.
11. We know that Nidhiki is the brains and Krekka is the brawn, but how physically powerful is Nidhiki?
2Well, the two of them together were powerful enough to capture an experienced Toa.
32. How many sets were in the show case or whatever it was?
4What are you referring to?
53. Is Nivawk a sentinent Rahi? Because it looks more like a bird-shaped hanglider for Dume.
6Yes, he is.
74. If a Toa Metru is unsatisfied with their weapon, can they go back to the suva and swap it for another weapon?
8I doubt very much they would have the luxury and time to do that.
95. How much screen time does Lhikan get in the movie?
10Can't answer it.
116. Will any of the Toa Metru masks have traditional mouths, or will they have the "light-up grille" effect?
12Can't answer this one either, I have not seen footage of the movie.
137. How can Rahi wander into Metru Nui? I think you said that the environs were off the map of Metru Nui, and I see nothing on Metru Nui extending off the map, so...what?
14Well, some fly .. some swim .. and some take advantage of subterranean tunnels long abandoned by the Matoran.
158. Can Vahki speak? English (or Matoran, whatever), of course.
16No, Vahki do not speak any language that Matoran would understand. They communicate with each other using sounds too high and too low for Matoran to hear.
17~sigh~ So close, and yet so far...
116. Do you know how far they are on the movie? For example, have they just starrted on animating it yet, doin voice casting now, or are they almost done?
2Voice recording is done, I believe, and animation is being done in Taiwan currently.
3HI Greg:
4Q: I LIVE IN TAIWAN: would it be possible for me to see it?
6No, outside of when a trailer is released, there are strict rules about this sort of thing. No one from outside LEGO or the movie company gets to see anything -- I work for LEGO and I haven't even seen footage. They don't want spoilers going up on the Internet, etc.
1here's one. (about star wars lego)
2Me:Can you check with the Promotions Manager? I need to Know more about the #3219 LEGO Star Wars Mini Tie Fighter.
3mr.farshety:More such as what? And what do you need to know from the Promotions Manager? I'm not sure what you are asking about.
5Me:the mini tie fighter was a promotional mini that was shipped to random people. I'm only 8 and I know this stuff I'm a Star Wars maniac:
6greg:Sorry, it's a BIONICLE board, I am not used to getting Star Wars questions here So what is it you want to know about it?
8Me:When did the promotion stop?
9greg:I believe the promotion was with the first set of LEGO minis, which came out in 2002. The TIE fighter was sent out to a set number of random fans in advance of the release, I believe, as a way of attracting interest in the sets. So I would say the promotion has been over for at least a year, if not a little more.
11Me:I really need that mini and ebay is the only place that has it and it's almost impossible to bid on it because I only $1.00 and most of them cost $20.00.
12greg:Well, there may be some kicking around here. My suggestion would be that you get in touch with LEGO Customer Service (I can get you a phone # if you need it, or you can email through LEGO.com) and see if they have any extra. They might be willing to send you one since the promotion is no longer going on.
2Me:Can you check with the Promotions Manager? I need to Know more about the #3219 LEGO Star Wars Mini Tie Fighter.
3mr.farshety:More such as what? And what do you need to know from the Promotions Manager? I'm not sure what you are asking about.
5Me:the mini tie fighter was a promotional mini that was shipped to random people. I'm only 8 and I know this stuff I'm a Star Wars maniac:
6greg:Sorry, it's a BIONICLE board, I am not used to getting Star Wars questions here So what is it you want to know about it?
8Me:When did the promotion stop?
9greg:I believe the promotion was with the first set of LEGO minis, which came out in 2002. The TIE fighter was sent out to a set number of random fans in advance of the release, I believe, as a way of attracting interest in the sets. So I would say the promotion has been over for at least a year, if not a little more.
11Me:I really need that mini and ebay is the only place that has it and it's almost impossible to bid on it because I only $1.00 and most of them cost $20.00.
12greg:Well, there may be some kicking around here. My suggestion would be that you get in touch with LEGO Customer Service (I can get you a phone # if you need it, or you can email through LEGO.com) and see if they have any extra. They might be willing to send you one since the promotion is no longer going on.

1Here are my latest Qs:
2Here are some questions for Metru-Nui in general:
31. Is all of one Metru the same terrain, or does is differ? (Meaning, is all of Ta-Metru factories and foundries? And the other five Metrus?)
4Well, Ta-Metru also has homes in it. And Po-Metru has mountains and canyons. So no.
52. What happens at the Coliseum?
6Sporting events and ceremonies, such as naming ceremonies.
73. Who, or what are Nidhiki and Krekka? Are they working for the Morbuzakh? (Nidhiki is four-legged, and the Matoran keep talking about a four-legged creature messing with things)
8No, they are not working for the Morbuzakh. They are Dark Hunters, that is all the info that has been released on them to date.
94. Are there Matoran of high authority to govern each Metru, or does Dume have complete control? (Like, govenors have authority over states, but the predsident oversees everything, does Dume?)
10Dume oversees everything, the same way the mayor of New York oversees all of New York City.
115. Are the Vahki near mindless drones, or are they very intelligent? What excatly do they defend the city against?
12They are somewhere in the middle. And they defend the city against Rahi, primarily.
13Now I have questions for each Metru:
151. Are masks the only thing they make in the factories? Or do they make other things like tools?
16No, other things get made there, including tools, and pieces of furniture which later get assembled in Po-Metru. The only things really created whole in other metru are statues and other things carved right from solid protodermis.
172. What kind of process do the Kanoka go through to become masks?
18It varies. Some disks can be melted down and cast into masks, others actually have the mask carved from them.
201. On the map, Ga-Metru seems to be the smallest Metru, but is this because some of it is underwater (er, underprotodermis...)?
222. What kind of work goes on at Ga-Metru? Ta-Metru is mainly factories and industry, so what do they do in the blue city?
23Ga-Metru is the spiritual and educational center.
251. Like the above question: What kind of buiness goes on in Po-Metru?
26Po-Metru is home of the carvers. It's where things are assembled, statues are carved, items are finished, etc.
272. What's with all the ropes and bridges (or so they look)? Are the Po-Metru Matoran hikers?
28I am sure they are a help in getting around.
293. In the comic, when it show Ahkmou on top of a stone pillar, the background seems pretty remote, does Po-Metru have rural areas?
30That scene is in the Sculpture Fields, which is a big open area for working on statues that are too big to be anywhere indoors.
321. How is Onu-Metru laid out? Is it all underground, or does it just have lots of "basements"?
33Some of it is aboveground, some of it is below.
342. Does any mining or any kind of digging activity go on in Onu-Metru? Or is it just a big library?
35Yes, Onu-Matoran mine for lightstones and solid protodermis.
363. How far down do the archives go? In comparison to Onu-wahi?
37I can't compare them. We don't like to quantify things like that, because it paints us into a corner.
384. What are Rahkshi doing in Onu-Metru? Are they policing the place like the Vahki, do they just live there? Or are they just a bunch of sneaking creeps who hide in the darkest parts of the "library"?
39The Rahkshi who showed up in comic 16 were exhibits in the Archives who broke out.
405. Do the Onu-Metru Matoran know of the Rahkshi? If so, do they tolerate them, or are just afraid of them?
41Sure, they do. They saw them captured and placed them in stasis as museum exhibits.
426. Are there Rahkshi anywhere else on Metru-Nui?
43Not necessarily in the city, but under it. Rahkshi in the city are hunted down by Vahki.
451. Are all the buildings in Ko-Metru "Knowledge Towers" or are there some normal sized buildings?
46Most are towers, some are homes.
472. What exactly do they do in the Knowledge Towers?
48Study, interpret signs and portents, ponder prophecies.
493. How high would the towers be in comparison to New York's buildings? Or maybe, to the Rockies (in the event that they are immensly tall)?
50Again, I don't like to make size comparisons.
521. What kind of buisness goes on in Le-Metru?
53Le-Metru is the transport hub.
542. Are the "Ussal" things that the Le-Metru Matoran ride on related to the Ussal crabs...or are they even animals?
55They are Ussal crabs.
563. Do all Metrus have roadways and "cars" (or their equivelent)? Or is it just Le-Metru?
57No cars. Ussal carts. And yes, for the transport of goods, although chutes are used more often.
584. How do they transport tubes in Le-Metru work? Are they like waterslides, where you can kind of slow down if you want to? Or are they like vacuum tubes, that forcibly pull you through them? If so, then how do you control where you go?
59Chutes are controlled by a central hub in Le-Metru. The direction and speed of a chute is set from there.
605. Why does Le-Metru have both roads and transport tubes?
61Same reason US cities have roads and train tracks -- why rely on only one means of transport if you don't have to?
62Thank You
2Here are some questions for Metru-Nui in general:
31. Is all of one Metru the same terrain, or does is differ? (Meaning, is all of Ta-Metru factories and foundries? And the other five Metrus?)
4Well, Ta-Metru also has homes in it. And Po-Metru has mountains and canyons. So no.
52. What happens at the Coliseum?
6Sporting events and ceremonies, such as naming ceremonies.
73. Who, or what are Nidhiki and Krekka? Are they working for the Morbuzakh? (Nidhiki is four-legged, and the Matoran keep talking about a four-legged creature messing with things)
8No, they are not working for the Morbuzakh. They are Dark Hunters, that is all the info that has been released on them to date.
94. Are there Matoran of high authority to govern each Metru, or does Dume have complete control? (Like, govenors have authority over states, but the predsident oversees everything, does Dume?)
10Dume oversees everything, the same way the mayor of New York oversees all of New York City.
115. Are the Vahki near mindless drones, or are they very intelligent? What excatly do they defend the city against?
12They are somewhere in the middle. And they defend the city against Rahi, primarily.
13Now I have questions for each Metru:
151. Are masks the only thing they make in the factories? Or do they make other things like tools?
16No, other things get made there, including tools, and pieces of furniture which later get assembled in Po-Metru. The only things really created whole in other metru are statues and other things carved right from solid protodermis.
172. What kind of process do the Kanoka go through to become masks?
18It varies. Some disks can be melted down and cast into masks, others actually have the mask carved from them.
201. On the map, Ga-Metru seems to be the smallest Metru, but is this because some of it is underwater (er, underprotodermis...)?
222. What kind of work goes on at Ga-Metru? Ta-Metru is mainly factories and industry, so what do they do in the blue city?
23Ga-Metru is the spiritual and educational center.
251. Like the above question: What kind of buiness goes on in Po-Metru?
26Po-Metru is home of the carvers. It's where things are assembled, statues are carved, items are finished, etc.
272. What's with all the ropes and bridges (or so they look)? Are the Po-Metru Matoran hikers?
28I am sure they are a help in getting around.
293. In the comic, when it show Ahkmou on top of a stone pillar, the background seems pretty remote, does Po-Metru have rural areas?
30That scene is in the Sculpture Fields, which is a big open area for working on statues that are too big to be anywhere indoors.
321. How is Onu-Metru laid out? Is it all underground, or does it just have lots of "basements"?
33Some of it is aboveground, some of it is below.
342. Does any mining or any kind of digging activity go on in Onu-Metru? Or is it just a big library?
35Yes, Onu-Matoran mine for lightstones and solid protodermis.
363. How far down do the archives go? In comparison to Onu-wahi?
37I can't compare them. We don't like to quantify things like that, because it paints us into a corner.
384. What are Rahkshi doing in Onu-Metru? Are they policing the place like the Vahki, do they just live there? Or are they just a bunch of sneaking creeps who hide in the darkest parts of the "library"?
39The Rahkshi who showed up in comic 16 were exhibits in the Archives who broke out.
405. Do the Onu-Metru Matoran know of the Rahkshi? If so, do they tolerate them, or are just afraid of them?
41Sure, they do. They saw them captured and placed them in stasis as museum exhibits.
426. Are there Rahkshi anywhere else on Metru-Nui?
43Not necessarily in the city, but under it. Rahkshi in the city are hunted down by Vahki.
451. Are all the buildings in Ko-Metru "Knowledge Towers" or are there some normal sized buildings?
46Most are towers, some are homes.
472. What exactly do they do in the Knowledge Towers?
48Study, interpret signs and portents, ponder prophecies.
493. How high would the towers be in comparison to New York's buildings? Or maybe, to the Rockies (in the event that they are immensly tall)?
50Again, I don't like to make size comparisons.
521. What kind of buisness goes on in Le-Metru?
53Le-Metru is the transport hub.
542. Are the "Ussal" things that the Le-Metru Matoran ride on related to the Ussal crabs...or are they even animals?
55They are Ussal crabs.
563. Do all Metrus have roadways and "cars" (or their equivelent)? Or is it just Le-Metru?
57No cars. Ussal carts. And yes, for the transport of goods, although chutes are used more often.
584. How do they transport tubes in Le-Metru work? Are they like waterslides, where you can kind of slow down if you want to? Or are they like vacuum tubes, that forcibly pull you through them? If so, then how do you control where you go?
59Chutes are controlled by a central hub in Le-Metru. The direction and speed of a chute is set from there.
605. Why does Le-Metru have both roads and transport tubes?
61Same reason US cities have roads and train tracks -- why rely on only one means of transport if you don't have to?
62Thank You
11. What is the Metru-Nui Equivilent of Kini-Nui? 22. Why did the Ga-Metru temple transform the Toa Metru?
31) That depends on how you look at it. The spiritual center of the island is the Great Temple. The geographic center of the island is the Coliseum.
42) You will have to wait for the movie to learn the origin of the Toa Metru.
31) That depends on how you look at it. The spiritual center of the island is the Great Temple. The geographic center of the island is the Coliseum.
42) You will have to wait for the movie to learn the origin of the Toa Metru.
- 1Is Makuta Mata Nui? Omicron's theory in this topic: Makuta...., is Mata Nui?
- 2Turaga always wear Noble masks, right?
- 3Can a Turaga even use a Great Mask?
41) No, I can definitely say Makuta is NOT Mata Nui. 52) Yes. 63) Could they wear them? Yes. Could they use them? No. A Turaga doesn't have the ability anymore to use the sheer power of a Great Mask. If they could, why would you need Toa?
1QUOTE 2Lately i have struggled to come up with questions but i think i have a sufficient amount now.
31.What is the great takara? (its mentioned in the first bionicle GBA game by someone in onu-koro)
4Never heard of it. Probably something invented just for the game.
52.Obviously all major structures have chute entrances/exits, but do all matoran houses have them or do they have stations?
6No, they have stations.
73.Do the chutes have lanes like on roads?
94.Do matoran riding on kanoka go alot faster?
10No, but they can do tricks, like sliding up the sides or riding on the ceiling.
115.How long does it take tp get from one metru to another, minutes, seconds or maybe hours?
12I would say minutes would be reasonable, if the chute is not busy.
136.Are there ever traffic jams in the chutes?
14Sure. And accidents.
157.How do the le-matoran know if something is wrong?
16They have boards that monitor chutes.
178.Is the fifth enemy buidable, from krekka and nedhiki perhaps?
199.Why isn't krahka listed as one of the five enemies? Does she hjelp the toa in any way?
20She's not listed because she is not going to exist as product and because she is only in one of the books, she's not part of the official story bible for the year.
2110.So Krahka is a shapeshifter, can she become anything or does she ahve limited forms?
22You'll have to read the book.
2311.Does the fifth enemy reside in the firepits, beneath the great temple or neither?
2512. I know you dont have much info on the past of dume or lhikan, but are they connected spiritually, like in my theory?
26Not that I am aware of, no.
2713.Ca you tell me how nedhiki and krekka go into flight mode?
28Simply a matter of adjusting the models.
2914.Why does dume look different to a traditional turaga?
30Don't know. It may have been so he could fit into the Nivawk set.
3115.How goes the lhikan set, if it was made what would he come with, a vechile, a rahi, another chacter?
32I have no new information on this.
3316. What would you say is the closest animal resembalence to nivawk, it looks kida like an ostrich with eagle wings?
34Giant hawk.
3517. What does a tunneler resemble, it sounds like a mole, but when i picture it its more of a wolverine?
36I see it more like a big komodo dragon.
3718.What do you suppose The movie will be rated, because i expected G for the first one but it was changed to PG, now im expecting PG but could it be moved up at all?
38Why would we want it to be? A PG-13 rating is going to scare off a lot of parents of 8-12 year olds, who are the majority of the BIONICLE audience.
39Thats about all for now, i had more but they were answered in the news update. 40Thanks in advance. 41SM
42See answers above. 43Greg
31.What is the great takara? (its mentioned in the first bionicle GBA game by someone in onu-koro)
4Never heard of it. Probably something invented just for the game.
52.Obviously all major structures have chute entrances/exits, but do all matoran houses have them or do they have stations?
6No, they have stations.
73.Do the chutes have lanes like on roads?
94.Do matoran riding on kanoka go alot faster?
10No, but they can do tricks, like sliding up the sides or riding on the ceiling.
115.How long does it take tp get from one metru to another, minutes, seconds or maybe hours?
12I would say minutes would be reasonable, if the chute is not busy.
136.Are there ever traffic jams in the chutes?
14Sure. And accidents.
157.How do the le-matoran know if something is wrong?
16They have boards that monitor chutes.
178.Is the fifth enemy buidable, from krekka and nedhiki perhaps?
199.Why isn't krahka listed as one of the five enemies? Does she hjelp the toa in any way?
20She's not listed because she is not going to exist as product and because she is only in one of the books, she's not part of the official story bible for the year.
2110.So Krahka is a shapeshifter, can she become anything or does she ahve limited forms?
22You'll have to read the book.
2311.Does the fifth enemy reside in the firepits, beneath the great temple or neither?
2512. I know you dont have much info on the past of dume or lhikan, but are they connected spiritually, like in my theory?
26Not that I am aware of, no.
2713.Ca you tell me how nedhiki and krekka go into flight mode?
28Simply a matter of adjusting the models.
2914.Why does dume look different to a traditional turaga?
30Don't know. It may have been so he could fit into the Nivawk set.
3115.How goes the lhikan set, if it was made what would he come with, a vechile, a rahi, another chacter?
32I have no new information on this.
3316. What would you say is the closest animal resembalence to nivawk, it looks kida like an ostrich with eagle wings?
34Giant hawk.
3517. What does a tunneler resemble, it sounds like a mole, but when i picture it its more of a wolverine?
36I see it more like a big komodo dragon.
3718.What do you suppose The movie will be rated, because i expected G for the first one but it was changed to PG, now im expecting PG but could it be moved up at all?
38Why would we want it to be? A PG-13 rating is going to scare off a lot of parents of 8-12 year olds, who are the majority of the BIONICLE audience.
39Thats about all for now, i had more but they were answered in the news update. 40Thanks in advance. 41SM
42See answers above. 43Greg
1QUOTE 21.What is the great takara? (its mentioned in the first bionicle GBA game by someone in onu-koro)
3Never heard of it. Probably something invented just for the game.
4Great Takara: Thats pretty fun, because Takara is a Japanese toy company, ones of their lines being the Transformers. They are great too:
1Greg, I noticed that all of the members on here are quite upset about the new Bionicle.com. I loved the old wall of history, anf feel that this one is kinda cheap. We all want the MNOLG's, and they dissappeard. Is there anyway you can talk to Leah about this, and try to bring it back?
2What is it you are asking? Are you asking for the old material back, or a new online game, or what? There will be multiple online games accessible on the site using Kanoka codes.
3As Leah said, the old material is not gone for good, it is gone for now.
4My experience with BZP is that they dislike pretty much everything new that we do for the first couple weeks until they get used to it.
6Well, I was just asking about the old material. You see, the only reason I would visit Bionicle.com was for the Wall of History, and now all that there are some movies. I liked the old stuff, and was just wondering if there was anyway, to put it back on the website somewhere.
7As Leah said, it may be put back up somewhere down the road. I think the feeling at this point was that there are a lot of new people just getting into BIONICLE now who may not know the Mata Nui story at all -- so putting all the Mata Nui material up along with the Metru Nui material would probably be really confusing for people who do not know the storyline. My guess would be you would see that older material back once the new site has had a little time to get on its feet.
9There you have an awnser that some people have been wondering about. The old stuff might come back, eventaully. 10-Compka
1I got kind of rude at GregF, so I'm cutting the conflict out. 2I asked him to explain what the powers of the Kanohi Metru were, and he said
9So Whenua's mask has basically the same powers as the Akaku, only not as strong, and allowing the user to see in the dark.
3The Toa Metru mask powers are essentially the same as the powers they had as Turaga, with the following differences:
4Matau -- his mask allows him to shapeshift, rather than just cast illusions. 5Whenua -- The night vision light given off by his mask is powerful enough to let him see through solid objects. 6Nokama -- Her mask now allows her to translate spoken languages as well as written ones.
7The other three masks have greater ranges and/or duration of effects than the Noble Mask versions had, but the powers are not really all that different.
9So Whenua's mask has basically the same powers as the Akaku, only not as strong, and allowing the user to see in the dark.
21.What is the great takara? (its mentioned in the first bionicle GBA game by someone in onu-koro)
3It is a traditional dance done by the Turaga and villagers. If you looked at some of the old Matoran bios, I think it said Kongu stood at Matau's side during the Great Takara. In the original MNOLG, in Ta-Koro you can see some Matoran performing what is presumably the Great Takara. There might be more information on it in the Bionicle Lexicon. Hope that helped:
- 1When will we learn what Turaga Dume's mask power is? Any idea?
2In the movie, most likely
- 3Nivawk can fly, right? Those look like wings on the set.
- 5So, is the movie going to cover the entire Metru Nui storyline?
6No. The movie covers the second half of this year, but there is more Metru Nui storyline than that.
- 7You said there could be reconstitute at random, etc. masks. Are there plans for any of those? If you can reveal?
8There are, at this point, no plans for new masks in plastic that I am aware of.
- 9The proto that transformed the Toa into Nuva -- there's been some confusion here lately-- was it already there, or part of the proto made when their powers combined, then leaking down into those tubes?
10No, it was there already. What was made when they combined their powers was solid protodermis. What changed them was energized liquid protodermis.
- 11Can a Toa Nuva control who can use the extending-power-to-others feature of their Masks? I mean, could they make sure nearby Rahkshi couldn't access those mask powers?
- 13A more basic question; a Toa's power is within them, but the sword, or whatever tool, is the focus. How does a Toa use his/her power if they've lost the tool?
14Very carefully, because they are not going to have the same control. So it is really easy to overdue or not hit where you are aiming.
- 15If, say, Tahu were to fire up his fire sword, then throw it, could it stay fiery for a while if he wanted it too?
16I would say no. The sword draws its power from him, if he is not in physical contact with it it has no power.
- 17When two Kanoka combine to make a new power, is the combination Kanoka twice as large? Or do the two kinda shrink so the resulting disk is normal size? Or do they like melt two down, and take half the proto from each, and then basically make two mixed disks? Or something else?
18I believe that they sort of merge together, so the disk winds up being the same size as before.
- 19In one of the early comics, when Lewa was going underwater to get a mask, and got trapped by that seaweed, I've heard some members saying the seaweed wrapped around him actively. Was this Makuta controlling it, or could it have been a plant that could naturally move its tendrils to grab, like the Daiku plant from the first GBA game or a real sundew plant?
20I believe that Makuta was controlling it, the same way he made the tidal wave of sand and the volcanic eruption.
- 21I notice in the MOL, Graalok (sp?) doesn't seem to have any mask in her design (unless I missed it). Does this mean Graalok cannot be controlled by an infected mask?
22It means you would have to put a mask on her to control her.
- 23Am I right to assume that part of the reason the Turaga are telling all this prequel stuff to the Toa Nuva is that they need to know it before they go back to Metru Nui?
24Yes, you are absolutely correct.
- 25Do you think it would be important for the Nuva to know where they came from, and why they were deconstructed and stuffed in the canisters?
26Yup, but you can't assume the Turaga know that answer. My guess is they do not.
- 27You've said you don't know the history of the Toa (Olda). What I'm driving at is, do you think this is something the story team would rather keep unknown? Kinda like how Matoran are made?
28No, this is something that will come out eventually. In fact, before the year is out, you will learn how the Turaga knew of the Olda before their arrival - just where that prophecy came from. And readers who have read Tales of the Masks will be especially rewarded with a little twist
- 29Is it possible the Turaga's memories aren't accurate, and they won't be able to tell parts of the story correctly even though they want to?
30I would not be surprised if their memories are a bit jumbled, but I think they are more right than not so far.
- 31Is Dume going to be playing a "starring" role in any upcoming Comics?
32I am not sure how front and center he will be, but he will be in the comics, yes.
- 33The basic differences between a Toa and a Matoran, other than looks, is that Toa can control elemental powers, and Great (not to mention Noble) Kanohi, right? Is there any other major difference I'm forgetting?
34Well, Toa are also physically stronger, have more endurance, can hold their breath longer, etc.
- 35You once said you knew where Mata Nui (the person) is. Now that we know about Metru Nui, can you tell us if he is there? Or is this still off-limits?
36No, he is not in Metru Nui.
- 37I know that Matoran Legend is often wrong, and that the Turaga have lied when they talk specifics, but do you think the symbolic legend they usually tell with stones is wrong? The one they told at the beginning of the MOL? Or can it be interpreted in a way that makes it fit?
38I would not say that legend is wrong. I would say there are things that cannot be taken literally, like the idea that Mata Nui took the Matoran by the hand and led them to the island. I can see where he would be credited with this indirectly, but not directly. But the basic idea -- that Mata Nui was good and that Makuta put him to sleep and intended to dominate the Matoran -- that's all true. But hoo boy, is there a twist in the movie .. there is one line that I am PRAYING does not get cut out, because if it stays in BZPers are going to go nuts for months
- 39Okay, this one I'm kinda confused over, and I know you may not be able to answer. There are two "suns" in Metru Nui. You've said that one is the Mangai, right (I beleive I read that in the OGD topic)? And that the volcano was an open hole in the past. But it's a volcano filled with lava at the end of the MOL, yet we see two suns still, in the present. Can you clear this up?
40Well, this is a tricky one -- but remember that the Managi is not a natural volcano, and it's not shooting lava up .. it's shooting molten protodermis up, probably through some kind of feeder pipes. So it may not work the same as a natural volcano. I need to go back and look at the movie, but there should not be two suns in the present day -- only one.
- 41During the Kal Saga, when they removed the Nuva symbols, I got the impression separating the symbols from the Suva was what took away the Toa's powers. But you've said when they got them back, they were placed somewhere else, not on the Suva. So what was it that stole the powers? Just the fact that the Kal were holding them?
42Yes. The symbols need to be where they are respected and protected.
- 43When we saw the Nuva symbols materialize in the old online update (which is now offline
) it was just the symbol. Gali's materialized above the Suva, amidst a bright light, spinning, and there was no back thing to it. Yet when the Kal took the symbols, they were attached to a square back with the other side curved; all six formed a sphere when put on the Nuva Cube. Was this back thing a tool the Kal brought in, that they needed to steal the powers? Or was that just a difference in design 'tween the web and other sources?
44Difference in design.
- 45Are Nidhiki and Krekka the only Dark Hunters?
46They are the only ones in the story so far.
- 47I wanna see if I'm getting the right idea about Metru Nui tech. Is it kinda like the mechanical tech of the early car age in America and other advanced countries (not that there's cars, I know that) except in a protodermis/ Bionicle style way? Lotsa gears and hydrolics, levers, pulleys, stuff like that? Like for the transport tubes, you said there's a control room that can control the speed and direction of a tube. We've seen a console, but you say it's not a computer. So is it like buttons on an old-fashioned car dashboard, pushing a lever, turning a gear or two, and so forth, till it gets to the tube in question, and affects the magnetization like an electromagnet with protodermis?
48Basically, yes, in the same way that the Vahki are run by clockwork mechanisms. Metru Nui is very "Rube Goldberg," if that means anything to you -- very complex devices all working together. It now looks like we will be doing a Metru Nui Citybook, so I hope to cover a lot of this in there.
- 49Related to that, do they ever use powers like Kanoka powers in stuff other than masks and disks? Like a platform of levitation, or a gear that uses a similar power to turn itself, or maybe a "holographic generator of illusion"
50Actually, that is a very good idea. I will have to think about that.
- 51Back in MNOLG, lightstones were classified differently than protodermis. Whenua said they mined "lightstones and protodermis". And recently I've seen you classify them seperately, too. Does this mean that lightstones aren't protodermis? Or is it just to distinguish them from other kinds of proto? You've said just about everything is proto.
52Good question. This is how I see it. Most protodermis, solid or liquid, has to have some work done on it to turn it into something useful, whether it's a statue, a tool, a mask, etc. Lightstones already are what they are and do what they do -- they don't need to be modified. So in that sense, they are different, but I have no doubt still made of protodermis. Because they basically only have one function -- they're lightstones -- we refer to them separately.
53Thanks again: Sorry for the long list today.
54No problem, they were good and well thought-out questions and so a pleasure to answer. Things like this help me with writing the city book, because I learn what you guys are wondering about. See my answers above.
56Cool: A "Metru Nui Citybook" with technical explanations? Love that kind of stuff:
1Your forgetting the all important part of this.
2Theres nothing to say (and a lot showing that they don't) that the physical laws we all know and love have any relevance in Bionicle.
3Remember, its not happening here. (At least I don't see any bio-mechanical beings made out of some form of metal wandering around my house. If you do, I suggest seeking the appropriate help
2Theres nothing to say (and a lot showing that they don't) that the physical laws we all know and love have any relevance in Bionicle.
3Remember, its not happening here. (At least I don't see any bio-mechanical beings made out of some form of metal wandering around my house. If you do, I suggest seeking the appropriate help

1Hi Greg::: 2I have got two questions for you and I hope you can answer them:
31) What are the Great Beings?
4The Great Beings are the entities that the Matoran believe created all things and guide their destinies. Mata Nui would be considered a Great Being.
52) How could Turahk kill Jaller? I mean, how could fear kill a Matoran?
6Simple. We know Matoran are biomechanical, meaning a part of them is organic. We also know that humans, who are completely organic, are perfectly capable of dying of fright. So the intense, owerwhelming fear affected the organic parts of Jaller, causing the Matoran equivalent of a heart attack or seizure
7Thanks Greg:::
31) What are the Great Beings?
4The Great Beings are the entities that the Matoran believe created all things and guide their destinies. Mata Nui would be considered a Great Being.
52) How could Turahk kill Jaller? I mean, how could fear kill a Matoran?
6Simple. We know Matoran are biomechanical, meaning a part of them is organic. We also know that humans, who are completely organic, are perfectly capable of dying of fright. So the intense, owerwhelming fear affected the organic parts of Jaller, causing the Matoran equivalent of a heart attack or seizure
7Thanks Greg:::

1Your forgetting the all important part of this.
2Theres nothing to say (and a lot showing that they don't) that the physical laws we all know and love have any relevance in Bionicle.
3Remember, its not happening here. (At least I don't see any bio-mechanical beings made out of some form of metal wandering around my house. If you do, I suggest seeking the appropriate help)

5Keep an eye out for a topic I've been working on called "Wacky Physics." In it I'm addressing some of the weirdest physics stuff of Bionicle; the stuff that's usually said to "violate our laws of physics" with some ways it could be possible; with some sci-fi ideas. Some of those questions above that I asked Greg I asked to help with that topic. I'll add lightstones as one of the things I'll look at. Exo-Toa of Plastic's idea could work, you know.
6The topic is not supposed to be serious theories, per se, but it will show how some of these things don't have to violate the lmost basic mechanics of physics to be possible.
1News about the Light Stones:
11So, Greg doesn't want to apply Physics to the Bionicle world. Interesting. Wonder why.
12I'll ask him in the reply. XD
2Hey Greg,
3This is an interesting, yet small question.... well, more like two.
41)Lightstones violate a Law of Energy.They're giving light, without having anything going into them, or at least, that we've seen.Is there something that the Matoran do to make them glow (in MNOLG1, it shows them glowing natrually, but we know that the MNOLG wasn't QUITE perfect. XD ), or do they do that by some unkown means.
5Or is it one of those "Not very neccessary to the storyline, so we'll figure it out later" answers?
6Actually, we have figured it out -- and it is something you will get some clues about over the coming year.
72)Do the normal laws of Physics apply to Mata/Metru Nui?
8Not if I can help it
9I was just wondering about that.
11So, Greg doesn't want to apply Physics to the Bionicle world. Interesting. Wonder why.
12I'll ask him in the reply. XD
11) hey will the matoran bring the reprogramed bohroks to metru nui? if they will can they possibly replace the vahki(that if the vahki are not there)
2No. All the Bohrok returned to their nests during the Bohrok-Kal storyline. That is why they were not in the movie.
32) so you cant know for sure if there is going to be or not a lhikan set but it is being discussed about right?
4Yes. I may know more in a couple weeks.
53) will we see lhikan in the movie? if so wouldnt it be logicel to make a lhikan set(lego did make a gukko set and it was on for about a second)
6Yes, but we never made a Graalok set. And yes, you will see Lhikan in the movie.
74) http://www.brickset.com/search.aspx?Set=8623-1 here i something in a site that shows krahka is going to be a set yes i would sayit was nonsense but they say you said that you confirmed it
8No, but there will be pics of the Krahka model in the relevant Scholastic book. Krahka can be built usig parts from Toa Metru, but it will not be sold as a separate set.
95) can any vahki sweem? couse theres places like ga metru and the proto rivers in the other metru where water rahi may be hiding(what hides under the great temple)
10Vahki? Not that I know of.
116) are there vahki combiners used for battling strong enemies? or do their combos have diffrent stuff like the toa metru have
12Yes, I believe there are Vahki combiners that handle mobs, etc.
137) is there a disk kolhii team from each metru? if so do you know who they are?(im thinking matoran we know like macku and hewkii)
14No, I have no info on who makes up the teams.
158)you said thee is a fifth enemie we dont know about is he a set or a combiner?
16Can't answer it.
179) i dont get why krahka is a combiner of the toa metru souldnt it be vahki so we'll have the toa to play it against them
18You will understand when you read the story. I could have had it made from the Vahki, but there were no Vahki sets to provide for pictures at that point, so no photo of the model could have been included in the book.
1910) lego doesnt want violence right? but can you kill off someone from a sickness or from old age?( i dont know about you but pohatu sould die ya )
20Well, LEGO doesn't want a lot of violence, but we try to do what is necessary for the story. Jaller died by violence ..Makuta may have been crushed... and 2004 is a darker storyline in general.
2111) lewa is very diffrent in the movie then in the comics i remember he was a bit like kopaka wanting to make his quest by his own and stuff like that and now his a hipi
22All I can tell you is that the movie was overseen by one of the people who created BIONICLE.
2312) will we ever learn why vakama has visions?
2513) can vahki repear themselfs by using the regeneration disk? or is it only for buildings and not even machines
26Yes, they could
2714) how big a role will dume have in the movie?
28Decently big.
2915) how big a role will nivawk have in the movie?
30Not as big as Dume.
2No. All the Bohrok returned to their nests during the Bohrok-Kal storyline. That is why they were not in the movie.
32) so you cant know for sure if there is going to be or not a lhikan set but it is being discussed about right?
4Yes. I may know more in a couple weeks.
53) will we see lhikan in the movie? if so wouldnt it be logicel to make a lhikan set(lego did make a gukko set and it was on for about a second)
6Yes, but we never made a Graalok set. And yes, you will see Lhikan in the movie.
74) http://www.brickset.com/search.aspx?Set=8623-1 here i something in a site that shows krahka is going to be a set yes i would sayit was nonsense but they say you said that you confirmed it
8No, but there will be pics of the Krahka model in the relevant Scholastic book. Krahka can be built usig parts from Toa Metru, but it will not be sold as a separate set.
95) can any vahki sweem? couse theres places like ga metru and the proto rivers in the other metru where water rahi may be hiding(what hides under the great temple)
10Vahki? Not that I know of.
116) are there vahki combiners used for battling strong enemies? or do their combos have diffrent stuff like the toa metru have
12Yes, I believe there are Vahki combiners that handle mobs, etc.
137) is there a disk kolhii team from each metru? if so do you know who they are?(im thinking matoran we know like macku and hewkii)
14No, I have no info on who makes up the teams.
158)you said thee is a fifth enemie we dont know about is he a set or a combiner?
16Can't answer it.
179) i dont get why krahka is a combiner of the toa metru souldnt it be vahki so we'll have the toa to play it against them
18You will understand when you read the story. I could have had it made from the Vahki, but there were no Vahki sets to provide for pictures at that point, so no photo of the model could have been included in the book.
1910) lego doesnt want violence right? but can you kill off someone from a sickness or from old age?( i dont know about you but pohatu sould die ya )
20Well, LEGO doesn't want a lot of violence, but we try to do what is necessary for the story. Jaller died by violence ..Makuta may have been crushed... and 2004 is a darker storyline in general.
2111) lewa is very diffrent in the movie then in the comics i remember he was a bit like kopaka wanting to make his quest by his own and stuff like that and now his a hipi
22All I can tell you is that the movie was overseen by one of the people who created BIONICLE.
2312) will we ever learn why vakama has visions?
2513) can vahki repear themselfs by using the regeneration disk? or is it only for buildings and not even machines
26Yes, they could
2714) how big a role will dume have in the movie?
28Decently big.
2915) how big a role will nivawk have in the movie?
30Not as big as Dume.
1Hy i pm you a minute ago. 2your fast in answering thanks: 3you didnt understoud one question
4QUOTE 5The mataran flight did they came throu the fulcano?
6I don't understand your question?
7I mean the metru matoran flee from metru nui. 8couse it was unsafe. 9how did tey flee throu the hole from the fulcano like using some airships or somthnig
10thnx alot 11This is a old pm a couple of days ago
4QUOTE 5The mataran flight did they came throu the fulcano?
6I don't understand your question?
7I mean the metru matoran flee from metru nui. 8couse it was unsafe. 9how did tey flee throu the hole from the fulcano like using some airships or somthnig
10thnx alot 11This is a old pm a couple of days ago
1Hey, what's up Greg I have a couple ( I think)questions,
21.I don't know if you can answer this or not, but were the toa olda ever previos(sp?) toas on Metru Nui or another island?
3No, they were never on Metru Nui.
42.Is there a "power core" that keeps all the technology and the vahki running in Metru Nui?
5Yes, there is a power plant. No, it has nothing to do with the Vahki.
63.Are the transport tubes kinda likewater slides?
7No, not really.
84.I heard this somewhere, but are they gonna make toa disk launchers and toa disks like what vakama has?
9It's a possibility.
105.Do the lunchable comics have any spoilers or storyline that we never heard of yet?
11The Lunchables comics set up some situations that take place in the March comic. You don't need to read them to understand the comic, but if you have them it makes for a more complete experience.
12Thanx Greg
13Check above for my questions.
1Latest batch of answers:
141. Ohhh, now I get it. 152. Ah, well. Just thought I'd ask. 163. COOL: I can't wait to see if the Toa Metru get in a fight against one of those: 174. Dang. That means that the Kavinika just hops around. 185. Interesting. I wonder what kind of powers they had?
19-Master of the Rahkshi
2How can Rahi wander into Metru Nui? I think you said that the environs were off the map of Metru Nui, and I see nothing on Metru Nui extending off the map, so...what? 3Well, some fly...some swim...and some take advantage of subterranean tunnels long abandoned by the Matoran.
4Wait, wait, wait...tunnels? The impression I get from this is that the Matoran have found some of these "environs," built subterranean tunnels to these places, and then just forgot about them. Is this the case? If not, how did the tunnels get there? 5Who says they forgot about them? They have been deemed unsafe so Dume forbade their use some time ago. The Matoran know full well there are other places down there.
6Would Nokama, with her Rau, be able to understand what Vahki are saying? 7No, because the Rau can translate things she can see or hear. Vahki talk too high and too low for normal hearing to pick up.
8What exactly are the powers of the Kraawa? 9The Kraawa basically absorbs kinetic energy. So any time it is struck, it gets bigger. The greater the blow, the bigger he gets.
10Okay, can the Kinloka and the Kavinika do anything power-wise? 11Not really, no -- they are Rahi, they do Rahi sort of stuff.
12And did the Kralhi have the same powers as the Vahki? Or did they have different powers? 13No the Kralhi had different powers, which is a big part of the reason they were replaced.
141. Ohhh, now I get it. 152. Ah, well. Just thought I'd ask. 163. COOL: I can't wait to see if the Toa Metru get in a fight against one of those: 174. Dang. That means that the Kavinika just hops around. 185. Interesting. I wonder what kind of powers they had?
19-Master of the Rahkshi
1Here is my one question:
8Note that I made a mistake, putting 'different form in the movie' I actually ment storyline, I PM'ed him back with this. But it says there is no evidence that he'll be in the 2004 storyline at all. Oh well, just thought you may like to know.
2Hi Greg: Just have one question bothering me.
3Is Makuta Krahka? You said that Krahka is a shape shifter, so is Makuta. You also said Makuta will appear in a different form in the movie, so are they the same being? I know Krahka's female, but they seem both alike. If not, are they related somehow?
4Thanks in advance.
6Good question. No, they are not the same being, and no, they are not related. Krahka is a Rahi, and is not in the movie, and I have never said anything about Makuta being in the movie. At this point, there is no evidence he is even in the 2004 storyline.
8Note that I made a mistake, putting 'different form in the movie' I actually ment storyline, I PM'ed him back with this. But it says there is no evidence that he'll be in the 2004 storyline at all. Oh well, just thought you may like to know.

1These following questions are about Toa of Stones
21. In the official guide (and everwhere else for that matter) it seems the only "elemental power" that a toa of stone has is super-strength. The only things a toa of stone can do that even comes close to their element that I know of is pick up a handful of soil and compress it into stone. Is there anything else they can do that is stone-related?
32. Can a toa of stone summon a sand storm?
43. How come in the comics, Pohatu barely ever uses his elemental powers, but mostly uses his mask powers instead?
51) Lots of things. The Toa of Stone controls stone, meaning he can make stone spikes come up out of the ground, stone walls come down, etc.
62) No. Although sand is disintegrated rock, I feel it would be too much of a stretch to have him commanding sand as well. Too many readers would not get it.
73) Since has the Mask of Speed, which is one of the few old masks that really had a good offensive power, I tended to want to show it off more than his elemental powers.
21. In the official guide (and everwhere else for that matter) it seems the only "elemental power" that a toa of stone has is super-strength. The only things a toa of stone can do that even comes close to their element that I know of is pick up a handful of soil and compress it into stone. Is there anything else they can do that is stone-related?
32. Can a toa of stone summon a sand storm?
43. How come in the comics, Pohatu barely ever uses his elemental powers, but mostly uses his mask powers instead?
51) Lots of things. The Toa of Stone controls stone, meaning he can make stone spikes come up out of the ground, stone walls come down, etc.
62) No. Although sand is disintegrated rock, I feel it would be too much of a stretch to have him commanding sand as well. Too many readers would not get it.
73) Since has the Mask of Speed, which is one of the few old masks that really had a good offensive power, I tended to want to show it off more than his elemental powers.
1I hate to bug you again, but I have a few more questions.
21) Do all Mata- and Metru- Nuian Rahi speak through calls? Do any of them communicate like creatures here do? Such as the way octopuses speak through changing colors and insects communicate by excreting chemicals, and many others speak through guestures?
3I really can't give you an answer, because I have no idea what Rahi we might choose to create in the future or how they may communicate.
42) Could the Great Rau translate the above described languages? or is it just spoken and written ones?
5I believe it can only translate spoken or written ones.
63) Have you found out the size limitations of Matau's shapeshifting? If yes, could you tell us?
7No. The people who come up with the overall story don't go into that level of detail, so it is something I will have to come up with on my own.
84) Do Rahi eat, breathe, mate, anything an organic animal would?
9Well, they breathe. It is possible that they eat or absorb energy in some other way -- my own feeling is that they do eat. They do not mate, because there is no biological reproduction in BIONICLE.
105) Do the Dark Hunters serve a purpose to Metru-Nui, or are they there on their own?
11They are serving their own purposes. They don't work for the city.
126) Can Whenua activate his mask in order so that he can have night vision and not activate the light, so he can have an edge over an advirsery in a pitch black room?
13Not as far as I know, no.
147) One member asked you if Matoran go through a form of puberty, you said no, but do Matoran go through a "Tween-ish" time in which they are young, irresposible, and reckless?
15Well, you can make the argument that that is how Takua behaves. But I do not see them going through emotional stages. Most Matoran don't go through big life-changing events like Vakama, etc., did.
168) Do Matoran have a "Right of Passage" in which they step out of said "tweens"?
189) Have you found out the alternate uses of the Toa Metru's tools? If yes, what are they?
19No, I haven't.
2010) In the story, not the set, but while Vakama is using his Launcher as a Jetpack, can he launch a disk from it?
2211) If there's one octopus-like rahi, is it safe to assume there's more? (I'm gearing up for March's contest)
23I am sure there are many, many different types of Rahi.
2412) Do you know when the next Proto-Squad mailing is coming and what it will include?
25I believe it is due in April. Will most likely have the May comic script in it, not sure what else.
2613) Do you know when the Proto-Squad website is getting an update? It's almost a year behind:
27No, I don't, I don't work on the web side of things.
28Well, that's all the questions I have for now, Thanks again:
21) Do all Mata- and Metru- Nuian Rahi speak through calls? Do any of them communicate like creatures here do? Such as the way octopuses speak through changing colors and insects communicate by excreting chemicals, and many others speak through guestures?
3I really can't give you an answer, because I have no idea what Rahi we might choose to create in the future or how they may communicate.
42) Could the Great Rau translate the above described languages? or is it just spoken and written ones?
5I believe it can only translate spoken or written ones.
63) Have you found out the size limitations of Matau's shapeshifting? If yes, could you tell us?
7No. The people who come up with the overall story don't go into that level of detail, so it is something I will have to come up with on my own.
84) Do Rahi eat, breathe, mate, anything an organic animal would?
9Well, they breathe. It is possible that they eat or absorb energy in some other way -- my own feeling is that they do eat. They do not mate, because there is no biological reproduction in BIONICLE.
105) Do the Dark Hunters serve a purpose to Metru-Nui, or are they there on their own?
11They are serving their own purposes. They don't work for the city.
126) Can Whenua activate his mask in order so that he can have night vision and not activate the light, so he can have an edge over an advirsery in a pitch black room?
13Not as far as I know, no.
147) One member asked you if Matoran go through a form of puberty, you said no, but do Matoran go through a "Tween-ish" time in which they are young, irresposible, and reckless?
15Well, you can make the argument that that is how Takua behaves. But I do not see them going through emotional stages. Most Matoran don't go through big life-changing events like Vakama, etc., did.
168) Do Matoran have a "Right of Passage" in which they step out of said "tweens"?
189) Have you found out the alternate uses of the Toa Metru's tools? If yes, what are they?
19No, I haven't.
2010) In the story, not the set, but while Vakama is using his Launcher as a Jetpack, can he launch a disk from it?
2211) If there's one octopus-like rahi, is it safe to assume there's more? (I'm gearing up for March's contest)
23I am sure there are many, many different types of Rahi.
2412) Do you know when the next Proto-Squad mailing is coming and what it will include?
25I believe it is due in April. Will most likely have the May comic script in it, not sure what else.
2613) Do you know when the Proto-Squad website is getting an update? It's almost a year behind:
27No, I don't, I don't work on the web side of things.
28Well, that's all the questions I have for now, Thanks again:
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28Bionicle Comic Writer 29Group: Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens 30Posts: 845 31Joined: 25-March 02 32QUOTE 33Hello Mr. Farshtey I hope your day was productive. Please excuse the seeming randomness of my questions.
341) Well I was wondering, of the known 2004 combiners, which are Rahi, and which one is the member of the obsolete enforcement squad?
35The Kralhi is the Vahki prototype.
362) The Rahkshi in the book: Mystery of Metru Nui, there seems to be only one, the Rahkshi of Heat Vision, however the are two drawn in Comic 16, am I missing one in my short attention span or is there an inconsistency?
37No inconsistency. Whenua was only aware of there being one on the loose in the book, because he only encounters one. Doesn't mean that only one was roaming around.
383) Do you present reports on Bzp activity (i.e. There seems to be a large negative reaction to the update,)? Then do you give it to the story team?
39Actually, when I do discuss BZP, it tends to be more with the marketing team and the LEGO Club team more than the story team. And thinks like the reaction to the update I tend to file under, "People on BZP dislike everything new for the first two weeks."
404)What would you say is the most technologically advanced device available to the Matoran of Metru Nui?
41Hmmmmm. Technologically advanced. Offhand, I would say the chute monitoring consoles.
425)The city book you speak of, do you plan for it to have diagrams, or will it be all text?
43No diagrams. Text and hopefully art from the movie, if we can get it.
446)Do you ever try to vary your well-known phrases (i.e. "I cannot answer it", or "your query does not compute",)?
45No. I get too many PMs in a day to worry about being entertaining.
467)Is your workspace a cubicle (I should hope not), or an office?
47I share an office.
488) Another question involving the City Book will it go down as a book located in the kids section, or a more serious book but easy enough for, say a 9-year old to follow?
49All Scholastic BIONICLE books will be in the kids section of the book store -- that is where the book stores want them. They don't feel that the majority of the audience for these books are going to be wandering around the adult section of the bookstore. And since the kids sections (at least in the stores I go to) also have Harry Potter in them, I can't complain. Given the sales of the new book, they are obviously being found by the people who want them.
509) How would you describe a typical work day for you? ( Be as descriptive as you want, I got a long week ahead of me.)
51I go to work, check my email and phone messages, and spend the day writing and/or going to meetings. Normally, my day is divided between some LEGO Club, some LEGO Shop At Home, and some BIONICLE.
5210) Do you have any of the mini CDs available in the sets?
5411) Did the unlikely incident happen, that one of the workers at Lego find a White Metal Krana-Kal or a Sterling Silver Krana-Kal?
55Not to my knowledge, no.
5612) How would the relationship between Dume and Lhikan be described A) Aqqaintances

57D. Their relationship is essentially the same as Tahu's with Vakama or Gali's with Nokama. He is a Toa, Dume is a Turaga.
5813) Do you plan to continue to release tidbits that the receiver would be the first to aqqire? (I don't know, a certain Buzz987 could be the receiver in question.)
59Depends on my mood and what I can share

6014) Would you describe "Dark Hunters" as a title of occupancy or a name for you species and/or race?
61I see it as an occupation.
6215) You seem pretty certain that the "line that will be the cause of much debate amongst Bzp" will do just as its name implies, yet you hope it won't get cut from the movie. So, I assume this line is not pertinent to Bionicle 2, A) am I right in my assumption? cool.gif does it involve Mata Nui?
63It is a line that the movie does not hinge on, but it does foreshadow some future plot. No, it does not involve Mata Nui, except indirectly.
6416) In the telepone interview with Dimensioneer were you surprised at his call, or did he tell you ahead of time that he'd be calling?
65Oh, no, that was set up way ahead of time.
6617) Are you the guy that puts all the exclamation points in the Shop @ Home catalog? (I have nothing against them:::::

67I put some of them in, the Shop At Home people put in the rest.
6818) What kind of computer do you have? Also, what operating system?
69At home or at work? At home I have a Compaq with Windows ME, and an HP laptop for when I want to work in front of the TV.
7019) How do you react when members start calling themselves "Servant of GregF."? (No offense, Servant of GregF.)
71I don't really pay that much attention to it.
7220) The final question, what do you prefer 10 or more well thought out questions, or 1 or 2 phrased like: "wat iz yo fav bionikel blink.gif" ?
73Silly question.
74Well the sqare root of 64 times the sqare root of 9 minus the sqare root of 16 questions. Do not put priority on mine, like I said I got a long week ahead.
75See answers above. 76Greg
1Hey Greg: I have a few questions I want you to answer.
21. Will the secret of how Matoran are made be revealed at the end of Bionicle?
3At the end of the whole storyline? It's certainly possible, I would hope it would be -- but that may be 10 years down the road, who knows?
42. I have my own theory about how Matoran are created. Isn't it possible that they are simply born from the element of their Metru... like a Ko-Matoran is born from ice? Am I even close?
21. Will the secret of how Matoran are made be revealed at the end of Bionicle?
3At the end of the whole storyline? It's certainly possible, I would hope it would be -- but that may be 10 years down the road, who knows?
42. I have my own theory about how Matoran are created. Isn't it possible that they are simply born from the element of their Metru... like a Ko-Matoran is born from ice? Am I even close?
11) Can matoran still ride on their discs if not in a chute
2No, you really can't ride on a disk unless you are in a chute or in a canal.
3Grreg: (After a short conversation) I am pretty sure LEGO Club is coming out with issue 16 or issues 16 and 17 of the Bionicle comic together, not certain. But they are doing something for the UK magazine.
4(continuing a conversation) If you want to get Matoran to another place, there are two ways to do it: by boat, or through some of the abandoned chutes that run from the Coliseum. The latter is more dangerous, because Rahi migrate through those chutes.
5Think those answers are interesting...
2No, you really can't ride on a disk unless you are in a chute or in a canal.
3Grreg: (After a short conversation) I am pretty sure LEGO Club is coming out with issue 16 or issues 16 and 17 of the Bionicle comic together, not certain. But they are doing something for the UK magazine.
4(continuing a conversation) If you want to get Matoran to another place, there are two ways to do it: by boat, or through some of the abandoned chutes that run from the Coliseum. The latter is more dangerous, because Rahi migrate through those chutes.
5Think those answers are interesting...
1Good day Greg::: 2I've got two questions today and I hope you can answer them
31) Is the creature under the great temple the fifth enemy? 42) Is it the fifth enemy that destroys Metru Nui?
5No to #1, and who says Metru Nui was destroyed?
6I meant if it was the thing that caused the Matoran to leave Metru Nui.
7You will have to see the movie to find out why they left.
8Thanks Greg:::

31) Is the creature under the great temple the fifth enemy? 42) Is it the fifth enemy that destroys Metru Nui?
5No to #1, and who says Metru Nui was destroyed?
6I meant if it was the thing that caused the Matoran to leave Metru Nui.
7You will have to see the movie to find out why they left.
8Thanks Greg:::
1Hi Greg:
21) Could the Le-Matoran on Metru-Nui make the protodermis flowing through a chute come to a complete stop incase a dangerous Rahi was coming through?
3Yes, but it is very dangerous to tamper with the flow like that.
42) Could a Matoran get fired from his or her job, and can a Matoran in school get suspended etc.?
5More likely, they would get transferred to some other duty.
63) When should the Kanoka Club be up and ready?
7Soon, hopefully. I don't work on the web side.
84) How long will the movie saga last. Like MoL lasted from basically July through September of 03. I heard the Nediki and Kreeka are the next big enemies and were the enemies in the movie so it seems to be running about the same length. Sorry if I sound mixed up, just woke up.
9Second half of the year, pretty much.
105) I heard that one of the only open spaces of land was the Po-Metru sculpture feild. If that is so then how come in each Metru it looks like solid ground?
11I don't understand your question? Of course metru are built on solid ground, but they are built-up, not open fields.
126) Will we ever see Makuta again?
13Can't answer it.
147) Do the people of Metru-Nui know about Makuta?
168) Has LEGO decided to make a Lhikan set yet?
17I have no new info on that.
189) How is Dume pronounced? Doom? Doo-may, Doo-muh?
19Last I heard was Doo-may.
2010) Will we find out the Lhikan, Jaller conection in the movie? If so will we see Jaller again?
21Yes, and yes, Jaller is in the movie.
22Thanks in advance: 23-KE
21) Could the Le-Matoran on Metru-Nui make the protodermis flowing through a chute come to a complete stop incase a dangerous Rahi was coming through?
3Yes, but it is very dangerous to tamper with the flow like that.
42) Could a Matoran get fired from his or her job, and can a Matoran in school get suspended etc.?
5More likely, they would get transferred to some other duty.
63) When should the Kanoka Club be up and ready?
7Soon, hopefully. I don't work on the web side.
84) How long will the movie saga last. Like MoL lasted from basically July through September of 03. I heard the Nediki and Kreeka are the next big enemies and were the enemies in the movie so it seems to be running about the same length. Sorry if I sound mixed up, just woke up.
9Second half of the year, pretty much.
105) I heard that one of the only open spaces of land was the Po-Metru sculpture feild. If that is so then how come in each Metru it looks like solid ground?
11I don't understand your question? Of course metru are built on solid ground, but they are built-up, not open fields.
126) Will we ever see Makuta again?
13Can't answer it.
147) Do the people of Metru-Nui know about Makuta?
168) Has LEGO decided to make a Lhikan set yet?
17I have no new info on that.
189) How is Dume pronounced? Doom? Doo-may, Doo-muh?
19Last I heard was Doo-may.
2010) Will we find out the Lhikan, Jaller conection in the movie? If so will we see Jaller again?
21Yes, and yes, Jaller is in the movie.
22Thanks in advance: 23-KE
1QUOTE 2Hi, greg not very many today.
31.What came first, the krana or the bohrok (were the bohrok made for the krana or vise-versa)?
4I believe they came into being simultaneously.
52.When a matoran is made what is made first the kanohi or the matoran?
6I believe the Matoran comes first.
73. So the fifth enemy is in the movie?
94. Can you make this clear, I wasn't quite sure last time, is the fifth enemy the combiner of nedhiki and krekka?
10I have no info on a combiner of those two models, have not seen the packaging.
115. Is this the fifth enemy? Pleese give me just a yes or a no.
12No, I don't believe so. I think that is supposed to be Krekka.
13See answers above. 14Greg
31.What came first, the krana or the bohrok (were the bohrok made for the krana or vise-versa)?
4I believe they came into being simultaneously.
52.When a matoran is made what is made first the kanohi or the matoran?
6I believe the Matoran comes first.
73. So the fifth enemy is in the movie?
94. Can you make this clear, I wasn't quite sure last time, is the fifth enemy the combiner of nedhiki and krekka?
10I have no info on a combiner of those two models, have not seen the packaging.
115. Is this the fifth enemy? Pleese give me just a yes or a no.
12No, I don't believe so. I think that is supposed to be Krekka.
13See answers above. 14Greg