1Hi, again. Next batch of questions.
- 2When the Bohrok returned to their nests, what was driving them to do it? Was it some programming built into them, or did someone, like the Va, command them?
3The signal for them to return to their nests came from the Kal.
- 4I was just looking at the Metru Nui teaser ad on Bionicle.com, and I notice the vine of the Morbuzahk appears to be "breathing" or something. Any idea if it is?
5It pulsates, but I don't know that it has actual respiration.
- 6Do they have electricity on Metru Nui?
7They do have a power plant, but I hesitate to use the term electricity, just because I do not know what type of power the story team sees Metru Nui as having.
- 8You mentioned a "telegraph vine" in this topic: Mata Nui Bionicle.... A Failed Expirament? You said: "...And we know for a fact that there are plants, like the telegraph vine, which are capable of communicating over long distance."
9Well, I wanted to find out more about it, but an internet search turned up nothing about any plant that could communicate over distances. That's the first I've heard of it. Do you know more about it?
- 10I did find info on a fast-growing vine in the Appalachians called "kudzu", and it was stated that it used to be called the "telegraph vine" because it "grew as fast as the telegraph could send (almost)". I can't link to or mention the source (I don't think) 'cuz it's a forum. That's not the same plant, is it?
11Not that Iknow of. It is something I heard about in a documentary years ago. I have also just recently seen informaton on scientists believing that some plants are capable of sending "distress signals" to each other via airborne chemicals.
- 12About how powerful compared to the Toa Olda or Nuva is Takanuva?
13I put him on the same level as the Olda, because he is not a Nuva. He just happens to have a power that matches up well with Makuta.
- 14Were the Toa being restored to their "proper" form when they were Nuva-ized?
- 16Have you seen what Dume looks like yet?
- 18So now we know that the Turaga have outright lied to the Toa and Matorans before, about Lhii, as you recently said, and about them being Toa in the past (in this topic: Unbelievable Spoilers:, ). So how do they justify this? I mean, keeping things secret is one thing, but lying?
19Keeping things secret is a lie by itself -- it's a lie of omission. And maintaining a secret, especially over thousands of years, involves a lot of lying. To the Turaga, keeping a secret was a way of being kind, because revealing the past to the Matoran would have been cruel .. since they might never return to Metru Nui. Deceiving the Toa was more about safety, since they simply were not sure of the Toa, anymore than Matoran were sure of them when they became Toa Metru. The Turaga made a lot of choices, and some of them might have been wrong ones or bad ones -- but that is what makes them three-dimensional characters and not just pieces of plastic.
1yes vahki inforce order. the stop reampageing rahi/rahkshi ,go get matroran who blew off there jobs, atempt to stop morz vines(they don't have much luck there) and they also are trying to catch 6 toa who are disrupting the peace ie. trying to find the 6 disks by going placees they are not alowd. also Vahki are robots the are not alive. they use "stun staffs" to knock out the disturbence. all vahki have powers relating to the mind(i am guessing like KO powers, fear powers, hipnotize powers). vahki have 2 arms and 2 legs and some times walk on all four. Vahki use matroran disks to (it looks like they shoot them out of there mouth...weird) help them. Vahki also have a transport of some type we (will see it in the movie).
2well thats all i can think of. next time ask GregF by PMing him ok
2well thats all i can think of. next time ask GregF by PMing him ok
1Again i come seeking answers from the great Greg...
21. i don't remember the exeact quote but you said that if Toa Vakama turned his toa disk into a mask it whould be a mask of fire...iam wondering is this how the MoL was made? (turning a disk of light in to a mask)
3That's certainly a good thought. I don't know if it is correct or not, but it shows you're thinking.
42. What does the mask of light DO...from what i can tell it 1.made takua in to the Toa of light, 2.gave him knowlage about things(like makuta and how to beat him). the web site says (i beleve) "can project powerful beams of light energy and banish the shadows" and "brings understanding, turning anger to peace and enemies into allies"...i guess what i'm asking is, IF some other toa put the mol on what could they do with?
5They would be able to use the same powers listed on the site.
63. I have a theory on the "why do the metru matoran have silver on the tops of there masks?" question. tell me what you think. ok we all know the Toa's masks were gray/silver before they put them on/after they take them off/when the kal took there powers riiight well MY theroy is that the matoran have the same problem its just that there powers are so little that it takes a long time to change its color.it's not silver on the mask color it color on a silver mask. the question is ...is this right?
7Another good thought. I will run that by the story team and see what they think.
83 long questions...
9and one about Lhikan...
104.Does Toa Lhikan surf the silver sea? (Lihi (sp?) was the legendary sufer riiight...)
11No, he surfs molten protodermis.
12See answers above.
13WEEEEEE im so happy i could burst:

1QUOTE 2I just had a thought... 3In the movie, makuta says his duty is to the mask of shadows. 4I think that the mask of shadows already existed, and makuta found it. maybe it corrupted his judgement, and made him evil. you know, brought out his resentment towards mata- nui. also, if makuta is a spirit, why would he need a kanohi? (aside from LEGO making money, of course...) Maybe the mask is how he concentrates his form. the mask acts a central point, and his body is built around it. that could explain why he looked like he was made out of random scrap. this all just accured to me, and I thought you could offer some insight. [/QUOTE]
5Okay, a couple of things - the idea that Makuta is a spirit comes largely from things Makuta says (because he likes to scare you) and things Matoran say (and they can't always be taken literally). As far as I know, Makuta is the one who is evil, his mask did not corrupt him.
7well, I thought I'd post it.
5Okay, a couple of things - the idea that Makuta is a spirit comes largely from things Makuta says (because he likes to scare you) and things Matoran say (and they can't always be taken literally). As far as I know, Makuta is the one who is evil, his mask did not corrupt him.
7well, I thought I'd post it.
1Hi Greg I have a few questions, I would understand 2fully if you cannot answer some:
31- Will the Vahki transport vehicles that you mention 4for the movie be buildable with existing BIONICLE 5sets, or are they way too large?
6No idea. They were designed for the movie, no idea if they could be made as sets.
72- Do Matoran pilot these vehicles?
8No, Vahki do.
93- How are these vehicle powered?
10I have no info on that.
114- How tall would you say the Vahki were? The book 12gives an adequate description of them, but it doesn't 13say how tall they are. (Actualy I'm not sure if it didn't 14I've got to go back and read it again.)
15All I have ever said is that they are taller than Matoran.
165- Why are the Vahki described as spider like? Is it 17because they are thin and agile or is it the way they 18move?
19Because when they walk on four legs, they look like insects.
206- How big are Vahki Hives?
21Big enough to hold several dozen Vahki.
227- The Matoran made the Vahki so they are obliviously 23capable of creating automatons, so why can't they 24create more to do all of their jobs?
25Then what would the Matoran do all day?
268- Could you mention any Vahki powers? I have a fee- 27ling that at least one of them is hypnosis, or somethi- 28ng like that.
29Not yet.
309- In "Mystery of Metru-Nui" (Which I must say was 31verty good, well done) it says that the Vahki react on- 32ly to "sudden movements". In which way? Can they 33only see and not hear, or is it that they conceive any 34sudden movement as a threat?
35The latter answer. Matoran doing their jobs should not have to move suddenly, so it usually means someone is doing something they shouldn't.
3610- Do the Vahki have any energy attacks, or do they 37all affect the mind?
38No, they do not have energy attacks.
3911- Do the Vahki fold up for transportation and in the 40hives?
41I believe so.
4212- How do the Vahki walk on all fours if they have 43staffs in both their hands
44The staffs act as their forelegs.
4513- Do all of the Vahki have orange eyes like the Rorz- 46zahk's?
47Not sure.
4814- What are the Vahki's vision and hearing like? 4920/20? Can they also smell?
50They have very sensitive sensors.
5115- Is "Order Enforcement Squad" an official term for 52the Vahki squads.
5416- How agile and strong would you say the Vahki ar- 55e? Or does it vary for each type?
56It varies.
5717- Will there be any more Metru-Nui Matoran produced other than the six already released?
58Nothing planned at the moment.
5918- Who mines the Protodermis and Rock? Since that 60used to be Onu-Koros job, and now Onu-Metru are 61archivists. (Is that even a word?)
62Onu-Matoran miners still mine for lightstones and solid protodermis.
6319- In the centre of the city is the coliseum and powe- 64r plant right? So how do they generate the power?
65Not sure, waiting to find out.
6620- How do the airships work? Do they heat the ballo- 67on from below or do they have a Helium/Hydrogen ty- 68pe gas?
69They aren't balloons.
7021- How many questions do you recommend we ask in 71each PM?
72Less than 100. (I had someone ask 150 in one PM once, which is a little ridiculous.)
73Thanks again Greg, it's good to have you on BZPower:
74See answers above.
1Dark Toa....you have to PM gregF with your questions...he doesin't come here and answer them...oh and to answer your question most likely but we have not seen them yet. i think there CAN noble and great versions of each...there just arn't
11. i don't remember the exeact quote but you said that if Toa Vakama turned his toa disk into a mask it whould be a mask of fire...iam wondering is this how the MoL was made? (turning a disk of light in to a mask)
2That's certainly a good thought. I don't know if it is correct or not, but it shows you're thinking.
3ummmm...tapakew that was my theory.i dont really apreciate you sort of hogging credit there.could you edit your post or something with credit?
4but that is cool lhiikan surfs molten proto and not lava.but how do they get that much to surf on?
1OK, here are some questions, I asked them a while ago so they some are a little out of date (especially the Vahki one):
12The answers are in bold.
2Hiya, Greg: And Happy 2004: But like everyone else, I have a few questions: 31. Someone asked you about the hole in the mangai that lets light into Metru Nui, and you said in the before-time the mangai was just a hole, but now the Mangai is full of lava, so how is Metru Nui lit now? You've said Metru Nui has two suns, does it have something to do with that? 4Can't say -- will not know until Metru Nui in the time of the Toa Nuva gets designed. We aren't up to that yet.
52. Do you know what the Vahki look like? 6Basically.
73. In the MoL DVD, Bob Tompson says that in 2004 we will find out "where the Toa origonally came form." Are we going to find out that this year? (Because there seems not to have been any meantion of it so far.) 8If that refers to the Toa Olda, I know nothing about plans to do that.
94. You have said you will never 'show' how the Matoran come into being, but will it at least be explained? (Perhaps this year?) 10Based on what Bob has told me, no. 11Thanks in advance. Bohrokwill![]()
12The answers are in bold.

1Sorry to DP, but when I tried to Edit my post it said the topic was locked, anyway, here's another question:
7That was really aleading question, because I wanted to proove a theory, but still, it apears the Toa are not spirits.
2Hi Greg, I just have one question which has been bothering me for a while: 3I don't actually think this, because I believe you said that the Toa being spirits is only a Matoran belief, is this true? They're not actually spirits are they? 4Thanks in advance. Bohrokwill 5I know they have been referred to as spirits in various places, but all I can tell you is that I have never heard anyone on the story team refer to them that way. So my guess is they are not. 6Greg
7That was really aleading question, because I wanted to proove a theory, but still, it apears the Toa are not spirits.

1Hey Greg
29- In "Mystery of Metru-Nui" (Which I must say was 3verty good, well done) it says that the Vahki react on- 4ly to "sudden movements". In which way? Can they 5only see and not hear, or is it that they conceive any 6sudden movement as a threat?
7The latter answer. Matoran doing their jobs should not have to move suddenly, so it usually means someone is doing something they shouldn't.
81.) So a Metoran is doing his job, when a squad of Vahki walk by on patrol. The Matoran is working at his job, but oops: He drops something: He scrambles to catch it before it drops. The Vahki see him. "FREEZE MISTER::" And the Matoran is stunned in mid flight.
9Could that happen?
10The Vahki would certainly take notice. But once they saw it was just an accident, they would probably move on without intervening.
112.) Why would a Vahki need to walk on 4 legs? When does it walk on 2 and when 4?
12Well, for example -- a Vahki climbing a Knowledge Tower will move a lost faster if it is going on four legs and using its tools to help dig into the side. They tend to be on the ground in bipedal mode, but when in flight, they land on four legs.
133.) You said that Metru Nui doesn't have computers, but in one of the pictures in a recent BZP story, from a Toa Metru mini cd-rom, in the Ga Metru classroom, it loks an aweful lot like a computer to me. And how could you have air machines and transprot tubes, and incredibaly complex and numerous structures everywhere but no computer tech?
14Because it is a fantasy universe. There were aircraft and pneumatic tubes in our universe long before we had any computers.
153b.) How do Matoran program/control the Vahki without computers? If they don't have computer brains, what's in their heads? (so to speak)
16I see it as being more a clockwork device inside.
174.) Say, hypothetically, someone made a mask from Toa Vakama's Toa Disk. If Vakama's own elemental power is a 10 on a scale of 1 - 10, and Toa Nokama puts on the "fire mask." how strong would her fire power be?
18My assumption would it would be a Great Mask of Fire. So if the disk was a level 8 (which all disks that make Great Masks are), the mask would be as well.
195.) When will we find out what Jala's conection to Lhikan is?
20In the movie.
216.) Was Lhikan one of 6 Toa (since they seem to come in sixes)? Or was he always all by his lonesome?
22Can't answer it.
237.) I'm sure it's hard, thinking up new names, but why are so many alike? Vahi, Vahki; Matau, Matatu; Krekka, Krahka.... it's so confusing....
24Well, we have to pick names that don't mean things in other languages, so that does restrict us. Cutting through that confusion and understanding things other people wouldn't is part of what makes BIONICLE fans special.
258.) I heard Orkham has Pewku? I presume it's tiny Pewku, like MNOLG1, (like all other Ussal crabs,) right?
26I would assume so, yes.
279.) I know that Toa Metru didn't go to Dume because saying "Hey, we're gonna look for these disk that are only legends," may not be too smart. but couldn't they have said "Hey Dume, can you get these Vahki off our backs?" I mean, they ARE Toa, shouldn't they be able to go where ever they need??
28Ah, you have hit on a key point though -- in saying they ARE Toa. When the Toa first meet Dume in the movie, he challenges them to prove to him that they are Toa. He's not just going to accept it on their say-so. And they don't have the time for that when the Morbuzakh is ripping the city to pieces.
29thanks greg
1Ah, you have hit on a key point though -- in saying they ARE Toa. When the Toa first meet Dume in the movie, he challenges them to prove to him that they are Toa. He's not just going to accept it on their say-so. And they don't have the time for that when the Morbuzakh is ripping the city to pieces.
2wow sweet info so looks like dume doesnt trust the toa it could lead to him sending all vahkis on them
1I have a question. Since it turns out that discs are melted down as the raw material for the masks, why is it that the masks dont retain the discs original powers? (like shrink, remove poison and other such things) Are they just not important in the process?
2Also, when a disc is turned into a mask, what qualities of the disc do transfer into the mask, just the color of the metru or is there more to it than that?
2Also, when a disc is turned into a mask, what qualities of the disc do transfer into the mask, just the color of the metru or is there more to it than that?
1Greg gave me some more ansures...
2Hi Greg, I was wondering a few things and I was hoping you could clear them up.
31. You said before Jaller and Lhikan had some sort of conection and the Turaga had to make up "Lhii the Lava surfer". When the Matoran were brain washed by Makuta, how did Jaller remember Lhikan?
4Because there is some connection between them, I think Vakama felt it necessary to tell Jaller SOMETHING, even if it wasn't the whole truth. Vakama looked up to Lhikan and did not want him forgotten.
52. Are disk lauchers made from Kanoka?
6Not as far as I know, no, because the launchers have no power in and of themselves.
73. Are the Dark hunters alive or robotic?
8They are biomechanical, like the Toa are.
94. Okay, why didn't dume program the Vahki to do some Matoran work?
10Somebody asked me this yesterday. If the Vahki are doing Matoran jobs, what are the Matoran going to do all day? The Vahki do their job, which is protect the city ... it's sort of like asking, "Why don't we hire more police so they can install the cable and pick up the garbage?" It's not their job.
11Thanks Greg. Sorry if you don't understand Question 1...
11. Cam you describe the difference between the great and noble metru masks?
2Great Masks are more powerful. For example, Matau's mask allows him to shapeshift instead of just cast illusions.
32. what does dume think about the matoran?
4He's their leader. He acts in ways he believes will protect them.
53. Why was ahkmou selling comet balls on mata-nui?
6Because Ahkmou thinks Makuta will win, and wants to be on the winning side.
74. will the toa metru fight dume at some point?
8Can't answer it.
95. was lhii kahn the only pre metru toa?
10In Metru Nui, yes.
116. was lhiikahn ever on mat-nui?
12Not that I know of, no.
137. what is mata nui?
14I don't understand your question -- Mata Nui is a Great Being and the name of an island.
158. where are the other toa discs?
16The other Toa have them.
2Great Masks are more powerful. For example, Matau's mask allows him to shapeshift instead of just cast illusions.
32. what does dume think about the matoran?
4He's their leader. He acts in ways he believes will protect them.
53. Why was ahkmou selling comet balls on mata-nui?
6Because Ahkmou thinks Makuta will win, and wants to be on the winning side.
74. will the toa metru fight dume at some point?
8Can't answer it.
95. was lhii kahn the only pre metru toa?
10In Metru Nui, yes.
116. was lhiikahn ever on mat-nui?
12Not that I know of, no.
137. what is mata nui?
14I don't understand your question -- Mata Nui is a Great Being and the name of an island.
158. where are the other toa discs?
16The other Toa have them.
1.do the vahki wear masks?
32.do they have older sets pieces in them?(referring to the sets.)
4No idea. I am not a product designer.
53.is the kanoka launcher fully functional?
6I believe so, yes.
74.do the vahki even have eyes?
8In the sets, or in the story?
95.is nivawk a type of rahi we have seen before?
116.what were the aircrafts seen in the cd rom images?(the ones towing rock ore from long ropes)
12Matoran airships.
137.has the ussanui been used before on metru nui?
14Not that I am aware of.
158.what is the name of the order enforcement droid the vahki replaced?(the combiner model)
16That will be up on BIONICLE.com in Feb.
179.could a vahki ever be reprogrammed to be evil?
18No real need to -- if they are commanded by someone who is evil, then they will behave in an evil manner.
1910.will the model mentioned in question be seen in the storyline?
20Which question? 21i meant question 7
2211.in comic 16 it said matau was out of control in a chute.my question is can a chute be redirected to connect with another chute?(think of railroad tracks)
23Not really, no.
2412.when can we expect the late 2004 sets to be released?
2613.when will we see nedhiki or krekka in the comic book?
27Not before July.
2814.if a toa lhiikan set was realased would it have a vehicle or something similiar?
29I doubt it, Lhikan doesn't have a vehicle.
3015.will some of the vehicles we see in the movie be sets?
31No plans for vehicle sets right now that I know of.
32well thats all for now.hope im not bugging you.
32.do they have older sets pieces in them?(referring to the sets.)
4No idea. I am not a product designer.
53.is the kanoka launcher fully functional?
6I believe so, yes.
74.do the vahki even have eyes?
8In the sets, or in the story?
95.is nivawk a type of rahi we have seen before?
116.what were the aircrafts seen in the cd rom images?(the ones towing rock ore from long ropes)
12Matoran airships.
137.has the ussanui been used before on metru nui?
14Not that I am aware of.
158.what is the name of the order enforcement droid the vahki replaced?(the combiner model)
16That will be up on BIONICLE.com in Feb.
179.could a vahki ever be reprogrammed to be evil?
18No real need to -- if they are commanded by someone who is evil, then they will behave in an evil manner.
1910.will the model mentioned in question be seen in the storyline?
20Which question? 21i meant question 7

23Not really, no.
2412.when can we expect the late 2004 sets to be released?
2613.when will we see nedhiki or krekka in the comic book?
27Not before July.
2814.if a toa lhiikan set was realased would it have a vehicle or something similiar?
29I doubt it, Lhikan doesn't have a vehicle.
3015.will some of the vehicles we see in the movie be sets?
31No plans for vehicle sets right now that I know of.
32well thats all for now.hope im not bugging you.

1Howdy doody,
21.) Are the people who made the Bohrok the people who made the Great Disks?
3No idea.
42.) Were the Toa Disks and Great Disks made by the same people or group of people?
5I would say probably.
63.) What do you mean, the Toa Disks were a sign these Matoran were meant to be Toa? If they were turned into Toa, but no Disks showed up, would Mata Nui say, "Oops, I mead a mistake:" ?
7I mean the disks were there before they became Toa -- they were in the suva with their tools -- and the masks they depicted were the Great Masks the Toa Metru wound up wearing.
84.) The Matoran brought Kanohi with them to Mata Nui, why not Kanoka?
9Kanohi were more of a priority. They left in a hurry.
105.) If Nuju put on the Great Mask of Fire (hypothetically,) would Vakama still have a greater grasp and usage of "Fire Ability"?
11I would think so, yes. It would sort of be like Spider-Man putting on Iron Man's armor .. Iron has a better idea of how to use it most effectively.
126.) A lot of people seem to climb the Kknowledge Towers, is there a Matoran Knowledge Tower Repair group? (For those nasty gouges)
13That's what regeneration disks are for.
147.) Will we ever know how you turn a Kanoka into a Kanohi, and determine what power it will have? Or learn how you determine the power of a Kanoka while crafting it? Or will these things never be paid attention to, because they "aren't important to the storyline"?
15If Scholastic decides to do a city book this year, then it will most likely be dealt with there. If not, I will try to work it in somewhere else.
168.) I think you said Nedhiki (I really should sit down and try to remember these names,) has an energy power; does Krekka?
189.) Our Toa Olda/Nuva had multiple masks powers available to them. IF there were enough Kanohi to go around, could Toa Metru use more than one? Like Tahu has Shielding, Levetaton, etc., if someone made a Great Mahiki and gave it to Nokama, would she have both Mahiki and Rau powers?
19Yes, if they had access to more Great Masks, they could use them.
2010.) Hypothetically, could a Toa Metru use a, say, Great Pakari, if (s)he had access to one? Or do they not have the Olda's Great Mask powers because they wouldn't be able to use them if they did?
21No, they don't have access to those powers only because they do not have those masks. If they had the masks, they could use the powers.
22Thanks, Greg
23And, a comment:
245. was lhii kahn the only pre metru toa?
25In Metru Nui, yes.

1Hey Greg. I had a few questions gnawing at my mind so here they are:
21) Is Takanuva more powerful than the Toa Nuva or is his power just better able to defeat Rahkshi and Makuta?
3He is not more powerful than a Toa Nuva. He just has a different power which matches up better against Makuta.
42) Was the legend of the Toa of Light in Metru Nui or did it came about later?
5Good question. I would hazard a guess that it came about later, because when the Toa were in Metru Nui, there was no need for a Toa of Light to save the Matoran from Makuta.
63) Were there any matoran left on Metru Nui when Vakama and co. left and could they still be there?
7I can't answer that one.
8That's It for now. Thanks:
9See answers above.
1I asked GregF some questions and here the are:
2Hi, I'm sorry to bother you again.
31:How come the Toa's Original mask were the same as the Matorn's mask but the Metru's mask are different?
4Simple.The Toa Olda's masks had existed at some point in the past and so Matoran masks were fashioned in their likeness. The Toa Metru's Great Masks did not exist until the Toa Metru did, so masks were never fashioned in their likeness.
52:How did Turgra Dume get Nidvawk?
6No idea.
73:Will the Great Disk be in the movie?
94:How big is the Morrbak?(not sure of spelling)
10The king root by itself is over 1000 feet high.
11Thank you, again
11. Approximately how much more powerful are the Toa Nuva than the Toa?
2I have never quantified it.
32. About how advanced is a Boxor, compared to the technology on Metru Nui? An Exo-Toa? The Ussanui?
4The Boxor is probably less advanced than an E-T, certainly, because it was cobbled together from spare parts. The crafters on Metru Nui could have made something more advanced.
53. Regarding that "no wheels" policy": What about the huge gears clearly visible in Mask of Light when characters raise or lower the Ta-Koro bridge?
6The head of the story team said no wheels. He also worked on the movie, so he obviously sees no contradiction there. This wasn't my policy, so I really can't say more than that about it.
74. Do you have any idea how many Vahki each Metru has?
8Oh, well, they work in squads, so I would say dozens easily.
95. Do the Vahki have any free will, or do they act only according to their programming?
10They have free will the way a Terminator does -- they can react, they can learn, they can make strategies and change them, but they are driven by their overriding programming which is to stop disorder.
116. If they act only according to their programming, can that programming be altered?
12It's possible.
137. If I'm not mistaken, you've said that Takanuva will continue to use the Ussanui (which is great, it's extremely cool). My question is: The Ussanui is powered by Kraata. Will Takanuva continue to use Kraata to power it, or will he modify it to use some other source of power?
14Either is possible. But considering how many Rahkshi are living beneath Metru Nui, finding kraata probably wouldn't be a problem.
1Sorry about that Tapakew Nuva, this is the first time ive used the greg discussion. Well, heres tha answers:
2I have a question. Since it turns out that discs are melted down as the raw material for the masks, why is it that the masks dont retain the discs original powers? (like shrink, remove poison and other such things) Are they just not important in the process?
3Also, when a disc is turned into a mask, what qualities of the disc do transfer into the mask, just the color of the metru or is there more to it than that?
5Actually the color of the metru may not transfer into the mask. I am waiting for clairification on that.
6We actually don't know that there aren't masks with those powers -- we just haven't shown them in the story yet. But the mask maker usually has an idea of what power he is shooting for as he makes a mask, and he will work the casting process to mix and alter powers as needed. I am hoping to have full details on this later in the year.
2I have a question. Since it turns out that discs are melted down as the raw material for the masks, why is it that the masks dont retain the discs original powers? (like shrink, remove poison and other such things) Are they just not important in the process?
3Also, when a disc is turned into a mask, what qualities of the disc do transfer into the mask, just the color of the metru or is there more to it than that?
5Actually the color of the metru may not transfer into the mask. I am waiting for clairification on that.
6We actually don't know that there aren't masks with those powers -- we just haven't shown them in the story yet. But the mask maker usually has an idea of what power he is shooting for as he makes a mask, and he will work the casting process to mix and alter powers as needed. I am hoping to have full details on this later in the year.
1Interesting, you really do learn a new thing every day. You guys are great thiking upall these questions, I can't: Well, the next movie sounds like it is going to be great, as well as the new sets, and Toa Lhikan being considered to be made as a set? Wow:
1Hi Greg this is the first time i have talked to you and my question is why can't Nuju talk, is it because of something that happened to him on Metru-Nui or was he was like that as a toa?
1Hey Onua,you should pm your questions to GregF. You post the answers here.

1Hi Greg this is the first time i have talked to you and my question is why can't Nuju talk, is it because of something that happened to him on Metru-Nui or was he was like that as a toa?
2<Sigh><onua> you eed to PM GregF. He is incapable of editing other's posts to answer their questions. And He will not come here to answer questions. You need to PM him.
1Hi Greg this is the first time i have talked to you and my question is why can't Nuju talk, is it because of something that happened to him on Metru-Nui or was he was like that as a toa?
2#1 pm greg your questions. number 2 nuju can speak, but chooses not to because, in his opinion, if you cant figure out what hes saying, then your not worth talking too.
11. Since Hahli is now the Chronicler, will she "inherit" the Chronicler's Staff?
2I would think so, yes.
32. Are the disks that come with the '04 Matoran the disks that those particular characters prefer to use?
4They are one among many disks they use.
53. Is it possible for Nokama to understand Nivawk, since her mask allows her to talk to Rahi?
6Yes, she could, if she ever got to talk to him.
74. Also on the subject of Nivawk, is it a one-of-a-kind creature? If not, does it have anything to distinguish it from others of its species? (Besides the fact that Dume rides it.)
8I have no idea if it is a unique creature. I do know it is not a type of creature we have shown before.
95. Is it possible that there's a zoo of some kind on Metru Nui, or do all wild Rahi get sent to the Archives once captured?
10They all go to the Archives.
116. The "center of the city" that the Morbuzakh is trying to drive the Matoran to: Is that the geographical center, the Coliseum, or somewhere else?
12The area around the Coliseum would be considered the center for this purpose, since it is where all the metru meet.
137. The airships in Metru Nui: About how many Matoran can one of those carry, or are there different sizes?
14There are different sizes, and they are mainly used for carrying cargo, not passengers.
158.Also on the subject of transportation, since there are no wheels in Bionicle according to Bob Thompson, what method(s) of locomotion to the carts mentioned in Mystery of Metru Nui use?
179. Does protodermis only become energized when in close proximity to someone or something whose destiny it is to be changed?
18No. It has to have been energized beforehand.
1910. Do you know what color Lhikan is?
20No. I have not seen the animation from the movie yet.
2111. Will the Vahki sets be in the classic six elemental colors?
2312. In Mystery of Metru Nui, a lab worker in Ga-Metru is referred to as "he." Was this just a typo, or was that character from another metru?
24He was from another metru -- notice he is never referred to in the book as being a "Ga-Matoran."
2513. Has a name been created for the Kanoka sport, and if so, can you say what it is?
26As far as I know, no name has been announced yet.
2714. What determines a Kanoka's power?
28I am hoping to have full details on this later in the year. I am trying to put together a comprehensive document on mask and disk creation.
2915. Having written a few stories myself, I'm curious. What's your favorite part of writing the comics and novels?
30The dialogue. That and getting the Toa into traps without any idea how to get them out again![]()
1QUOTE 2Hi Greg: I have some questions that have been bubbling up in my mind since I last pmed you.
31.What's inside a Matoran head? A brain or a microchip?
4Can't answer it.
52.Why didn't the Vahki come along to Mata Nui with everyone else?
6How do you know they didn't try?
73.Is Turaga Dume Makuta?
8I really can't discuss Dume, because his story is part of movie plot -- but so far all the "Dume is Makuta" theories I have seen on here have been silly .. not a scrap of evidence, just a lot of conclusion-jumping. You tell me, why do you think he could be?
94.Where in the world did all those thousands of Matoran disappear to?
10Wait and see.
115. Did the rest of the Matoran place themselves in stasis tubes?
12No, why would they do that?
136.Which Metru are Matoran made in?
14Can't answer it.
157.Did Toa Lhikan die?
168.Or did he place himself in a stasis tube when Makuta arrived?
17Can't answer 7 or 8, movie plot, and there is no reason to believe Makuta is in the 2004 story.
189.Someone asked you what that thing with Mol Pewku legs in the Matau Cd game was,and you said it was a console.Do you mean that Matoran can play video games or entertain themselves on them?
19No, it is a console for monitoring chute pathways. Not a game console.
2010.How can Turaga Dume fight the Toa Metru? You said his power level was a 3.
21Who said he fought them? He's a Turaga. Where are you getting these ideas?
2211.What do Matoran do on their spare time besides practice Kohlii or study?
23Probably a lot of the same things you do.
2412.Has a Matoran ever broke a law on purpose and got away with it?
2613.Is Toa Lhikan the Toa of time and does he wear the Vahi?
27No, and no.
2814.Can Krekka talk at all?
3015.Is the golden Kanoka disk actual gold or is it just plastic gold color?
31The ones in the contest? They are gold over silver, not plastic.
3216.Is Cahdok the blue one and is Gahdok the red one?
33I would have to double-check, has been a while since I got that question.
3417.Have you played Bionicle the Game yet?
3518. What do you think of it?
36No. I don't have a lot of time for gaming, I am writing most of the time.
3719.How many Bionicle toys do you have and which ones?
38I have the original Toa, some Bohrok, some Kal, some Rahkshi, and one Toa Metru and one Matoran Metru.
3920.Why did TLC stop making the Turaga? I really need Onewa and Whenua:
40Most BIONICLE toys, with the exception of Toa, only have a "shelf life" of about a year. After that, they don't sell that well because the people who want them already have them.
4121.Are there any Matoran with wierd accents like irish people?
42I don't know, I haven't heard Le-Matoran voices in the movie yet.
43Thank you for your time.
44See answers above.
31.What's inside a Matoran head? A brain or a microchip?
4Can't answer it.
52.Why didn't the Vahki come along to Mata Nui with everyone else?
6How do you know they didn't try?
73.Is Turaga Dume Makuta?
8I really can't discuss Dume, because his story is part of movie plot -- but so far all the "Dume is Makuta" theories I have seen on here have been silly .. not a scrap of evidence, just a lot of conclusion-jumping. You tell me, why do you think he could be?
94.Where in the world did all those thousands of Matoran disappear to?
10Wait and see.
115. Did the rest of the Matoran place themselves in stasis tubes?
12No, why would they do that?
136.Which Metru are Matoran made in?
14Can't answer it.
157.Did Toa Lhikan die?
168.Or did he place himself in a stasis tube when Makuta arrived?
17Can't answer 7 or 8, movie plot, and there is no reason to believe Makuta is in the 2004 story.
189.Someone asked you what that thing with Mol Pewku legs in the Matau Cd game was,and you said it was a console.Do you mean that Matoran can play video games or entertain themselves on them?
19No, it is a console for monitoring chute pathways. Not a game console.
2010.How can Turaga Dume fight the Toa Metru? You said his power level was a 3.
21Who said he fought them? He's a Turaga. Where are you getting these ideas?
2211.What do Matoran do on their spare time besides practice Kohlii or study?
23Probably a lot of the same things you do.
2412.Has a Matoran ever broke a law on purpose and got away with it?
2613.Is Toa Lhikan the Toa of time and does he wear the Vahi?
27No, and no.
2814.Can Krekka talk at all?
3015.Is the golden Kanoka disk actual gold or is it just plastic gold color?
31The ones in the contest? They are gold over silver, not plastic.
3216.Is Cahdok the blue one and is Gahdok the red one?
33I would have to double-check, has been a while since I got that question.
3417.Have you played Bionicle the Game yet?
3518. What do you think of it?
36No. I don't have a lot of time for gaming, I am writing most of the time.
3719.How many Bionicle toys do you have and which ones?
38I have the original Toa, some Bohrok, some Kal, some Rahkshi, and one Toa Metru and one Matoran Metru.
3920.Why did TLC stop making the Turaga? I really need Onewa and Whenua:
40Most BIONICLE toys, with the exception of Toa, only have a "shelf life" of about a year. After that, they don't sell that well because the people who want them already have them.
4121.Are there any Matoran with wierd accents like irish people?
42I don't know, I haven't heard Le-Matoran voices in the movie yet.
43Thank you for your time.
44See answers above.
1Here is another set I forgot to post eariler
2Hi, here are a few questions I hope you could answer.
31:Is there going to be a Toa Lhikian set and if yes, when will he be released?(sorry if misspelled)
4We are discussing that, not sure if it will happen. Our discussions have involved this year.
52:Will Matuka be in 2004?
6Can't answer it.
73:Same as 1, only with Dume?
8Yes, in August.
94:How does the King Root talk?Does it have a mouth?
10No, it's telepathic.
11Thank you.
1Hey, me again with a couple of Q's
21. Is the Vahi used in the 2004 storyline?
32. Is the presence of Rahkshi on the Metru-Nui any hint to who the big bad guy is?
4Thanks for your cooperation
51. Yes.
62. No. The 2004 storyline had all been written long before I decided to put Rahkshi in the January comic. The two have nothing to do with each other. I brought the Rahkshi back because I thought they were cool, you guys thought they were cool, and I thought it a shame to have them out of the storyline so fast. Has no connection to anything.
1An exact copy from Greg;s PM, thanks Greg:
2Hi, i just read your Kanoka F.A.Q and came to think. What determins the power level and power of the kanoka? I know theMetru determins one digit but what influcences the others? Also, if the Matoran have control over the ability to make whatever codes they want, why not make all level 8/9? If they don't have control why not toss out low power level kanoka?
3Thanks for your time 4James
5Well, first, you wouldn't want to throw out level 1-6 Kanoka because then you would have nothing to make Matoran masks with. Another thing to remember is that not every Kanoka is made into a mask -- they are used for a lot of things around Metru Nui, and you don't always want a "flamethrower" when sometimes a "candle" will do the job. And as far as we know, Matoran in Metru Nui have never made level 9 Kanoka, since only six exist in the world.
6As for the rest of your question, it is sort of like making a sword. A lot of things come into play -- how pure is the protodermis you're using? How skilled is the crafter? How hot is the fire?
2Hi, i just read your Kanoka F.A.Q and came to think. What determins the power level and power of the kanoka? I know theMetru determins one digit but what influcences the others? Also, if the Matoran have control over the ability to make whatever codes they want, why not make all level 8/9? If they don't have control why not toss out low power level kanoka?
3Thanks for your time 4James
5Well, first, you wouldn't want to throw out level 1-6 Kanoka because then you would have nothing to make Matoran masks with. Another thing to remember is that not every Kanoka is made into a mask -- they are used for a lot of things around Metru Nui, and you don't always want a "flamethrower" when sometimes a "candle" will do the job. And as far as we know, Matoran in Metru Nui have never made level 9 Kanoka, since only six exist in the world.
6As for the rest of your question, it is sort of like making a sword. A lot of things come into play -- how pure is the protodermis you're using? How skilled is the crafter? How hot is the fire?
1In the news topic about the "Mystery of Mata Nui" review, I wondered whether we would be getting a lot of new books next year. Here's Greg's answer:
3Y'all buy some books, so he can keep the good stuff coming:
2To answer your question, there are currently six books planned for next year. Mystery of Metru Nui and Trial By Fire, which cover the Morbuzakh storyline .. The Darkness Below, which features my female villain ... then the movie novelization .. and then the plan is two more books that will bridge the gap between the 2004 and 2005 storyline. (I have just started on book 5.) Hopefully they will sell well and Scholastic will want to do more in '05.
3Y'all buy some books, so he can keep the good stuff coming:

1well here are anwers to things you might want to know
17and yes i did say if you care to the mighty one
2QUOTE 3well this time there are 7 things i want to know and not all of them have to do with bionicle:
4#1:where on metru-nui/mata-nui do's toa Lhii(or is it lhiikhan?)live?
5I have no info on that.
6#2:why don't the toa-metru's bodys all look like each other as in the same shape?
7Well, for one thing, when we put out six figures that all have the same bodies, people yell at us for not being original enough.
8#3:in the comic called:toa-metru(forgot its number)what do's vakama mea when he says the toa of light re-discoverd(sp)?
9Takanuva defeated Makuta in the movie .. they merged .. they opened the gate .. and Metru Nui was on the other side. That's what he meant.
10#4:in story-line wise how did the toa-nuva make the -nuva part of there name and which toa made it up?
11I don't think they made it up, I think they just knew it was the right name.
12#5:will toa Lhii/Lhiikhan ever be a set?
13We're discussing it. No definite plans yet.
14#6deleted by me becuse of not being something todo with bionicle)
15#7deleted by me becuse of not being something todo with bionicle)
16and i know when you send this back to me the answers will be in the QUOTE so you don't have too say it just to save you time from typeing it when ive stoped reading it so its pointless to say when i read the QUOTE to check if you put the anwers in it and if you can't anwer #5 then at least tell me the anser when you are able to give the information(sp) out please and in a few days my username will be zephroth if you care.
17and yes i did say if you care to the mighty one
1OK, here is some GregF Q and A:
2Hi Greg, I've been asking you a lot of questions lately, but I was reading a topic, and I realy needed some answers... 3I was reading this topic, it has a link to an image from the Whenua CD, I knew you wrote the CDs, and I knew you'd be able to answer. So... 41. What is the creature in that stasis tube, it looks to me like some sort of carving of a Tarakava, is it just a breed of tarakava we have not seen in the story yet, or is it a future set? 5No, it's not a future set, and it looks too small to be a Tarakava to me. I just told the designers to create a Rahi, I didn't specify what kind. 62. It says in the picture that the archives contain every creature that has or will exist on Metru Nui. Was that just being dramatic, (because you've said that there is not time travle in bionicle), or do they know about future creatures based on what the Ko-Metru scholars and seers tell them? 7I am not sure where the "will exist" came from because I don't recall writing that. There are, however, carvings of creatures in the Archives that have not yet been captured and put on display. 8Other questions... 93. I was reading your topic and someone asked you if the Matoran had 'brains' or 'computer chips' and you answered "Can't answer it", was this because it is part of how the Matoran are created, and that is not suposed to be revealed, or is there some other reason (you have already told us that the Toa/Turaga/Matoran 'have organic parts')? And the same for when someone asked you which Metru the Matoran come into being, does that have plot importance, or is it to do with Matoran creation? 10I couldn't answer the second question because I am not allowed to discuss how Matoran come into being. That is pretty much why I didn't answer the first question either, because I don't want to say, "Yes, they have brains" and then have a future story prove me wrong. 114. Even if we never find out how the Matoran are created, will we still find out who (if anyone) creates them? 12Probably, but not sure when. 135. We now know that there are other Kanoka except the standard three digit power-level 1-9 disks (the Toa Kanoka with elemental powers), is it possible that there are other such disks? A kanoka of light or a kanoka of shadow? 14No idea. I can't see why Matoran would want to make a kanoka of shadow, though. 156. In the UK, we didn't get comic 15 or 16, are we going to get them, or possibly a double issue of 16 and 17 in March? Like last year? 16I know you are getting 16. You won't get 15, but that was just a bridge story and didn't have a lot of impact on the saga. 177. Last year, after the defeat of the Kal, we didn't really get much plot untill the movie, and after the movie there wasn't that much plot ether. Will it be the same this year, or will we got more storyline before and after the movie, that is more spread out, rather than seeing it all in one go? 18I'm not entirely sure what you mean. After the Kal, we went right into the Rahkshi in the comic. I can't do movie plot in the comics, all I can do is things that happen during the film that you don't see in it. Otherwise, I risk spoiling the movie for people. 19Thanks in advance. 20Bohrokwill
21See answers above.

1Here's something I asked GregF about Lhikan:
2Hey Greg, got a question:
3You've been saying that Toa Lhikan might be a set, why is it Lego is having such a hard time deciding? Why wasn't Lhikan made official a while ago? Is he not that important or what?
4Thanx for answering.
5He was not on the original product schedule. We go into a year pretty much knowing we have to have so many items at the different prices. The idea for Lhikan would be to package him with something else new and make it a $30 set. But we have to see whether there is time to get the set designed, the pieces manufactured, etc. in time to get it out this year.
2Hey Greg, got a question:
3You've been saying that Toa Lhikan might be a set, why is it Lego is having such a hard time deciding? Why wasn't Lhikan made official a while ago? Is he not that important or what?
4Thanx for answering.
5He was not on the original product schedule. We go into a year pretty much knowing we have to have so many items at the different prices. The idea for Lhikan would be to package him with something else new and make it a $30 set. But we have to see whether there is time to get the set designed, the pieces manufactured, etc. in time to get it out this year.
1Okay, I just read Mystery of Metru Nui, and it is my favorite BIONICLE book to date: But I have some questions.
21: After reading this book, Nidhiki sounds cool: So, when is his set coming out?
3This summer.
42: How much will the Nidhiki set cost?
5I don't have that info.
63: Do Nedhiki and Krekka come in one set, or are they seperate sets?
7Separate sets.
84: When are the Vahki sets coming out?
105: Okay, it said that Matau's wings started to whirl or something like that. What did you mean? Spin like a helicopter or flap like a bird? Or just stay stationary like a plane?
11More like rotors.
126: Is Nidhiki like a Centaur?
13Hmmmm .. sort of an insectoid one.
21: After reading this book, Nidhiki sounds cool: So, when is his set coming out?
3This summer.
42: How much will the Nidhiki set cost?
5I don't have that info.
63: Do Nedhiki and Krekka come in one set, or are they seperate sets?
7Separate sets.
84: When are the Vahki sets coming out?
105: Okay, it said that Matau's wings started to whirl or something like that. What did you mean? Spin like a helicopter or flap like a bird? Or just stay stationary like a plane?
11More like rotors.
126: Is Nidhiki like a Centaur?
13Hmmmm .. sort of an insectoid one.