1SM do yuo mean the picture of the toyfare the poster??????
1Yeah, the thing with the takanuva staffs and red dots behind the toa metru. Sorry i didn't realise it wouldn't come up.
1QUOTE 2These questions are about you.
31. What was your job before lego?
4Immediately before LEGO, I was a direct response copywriter for a school.
52.A. Are you married?
7B. If yes do you have kids?
9C. If yes to both A. and B. is it hard not to tell any secrets to them (if they like bionicle even)?
113. You recently said you shared an office, with who?
12The writer who works on Knights.
134. How many Lego staff people that you know of are members of BZP?
14Offhand, I am not aware of any.
155. If you really wanted to read a story in the BZP library do you have to ask your boss for permission?
16I don't even look at the library, so it doesn't come up.
176. Do you pass these PMs on to your boss(es) to see what you can and cannot answer?
18No, I pretty much know what I can and cannot answer already.
197. Why did you join BZP?
20Basically, to correct misinformation. Last year a lot of people were running around saying BIONICLE was ending after the '03 movie, etc., so I wanted to correct that.
218. Do you have any info to give me that I would be the first to know?
22Not really, no.
239. Do you know if Graalok (Henrey) {the guy who wrote MoL} is open to questions that you can't answer [movie questions?
24lol, no. Henry would have a hard time getting jobs writing movies if he started going online and giving away secrets about them. Besides, he did not write the final script for the '04 movie, so he knows the same stuff about it that I do. And he can't answer the questions for the same reason I can't.
25See answers above. 26Greg
31. What was your job before lego?
4Immediately before LEGO, I was a direct response copywriter for a school.
52.A. Are you married?
7B. If yes do you have kids?
9C. If yes to both A. and B. is it hard not to tell any secrets to them (if they like bionicle even)?
113. You recently said you shared an office, with who?
12The writer who works on Knights.
134. How many Lego staff people that you know of are members of BZP?
14Offhand, I am not aware of any.
155. If you really wanted to read a story in the BZP library do you have to ask your boss for permission?
16I don't even look at the library, so it doesn't come up.
176. Do you pass these PMs on to your boss(es) to see what you can and cannot answer?
18No, I pretty much know what I can and cannot answer already.
197. Why did you join BZP?
20Basically, to correct misinformation. Last year a lot of people were running around saying BIONICLE was ending after the '03 movie, etc., so I wanted to correct that.
218. Do you have any info to give me that I would be the first to know?
22Not really, no.
239. Do you know if Graalok (Henrey) {the guy who wrote MoL} is open to questions that you can't answer [movie questions?
24lol, no. Henry would have a hard time getting jobs writing movies if he started going online and giving away secrets about them. Besides, he did not write the final script for the '04 movie, so he knows the same stuff about it that I do. And he can't answer the questions for the same reason I can't.
25See answers above. 26Greg
1Hello again, Greg... sorry to bug you... But I have a few questions...
21. Is the "Large, important, and lots of teeth" thing this combiner?
3No. There is no set for that Rahi.
42. Would it be possible for Metru Nui to have been flooded?
5Probably not, though the Archives certainly could be.
63. Are Bohrok Va controlled by the Bahrag even without the Krana they carry being inside them, and if they are, then how could the Matoran get them to work for the Matoran?
7The Bohrok Va never worked for the Matoran. The Bohrok were reprogrammed to work for the Matoran, but the Va never were and were in fact working for the Bahrag the whole time.
84. Can you describe Dume's personality, or do you know?
9I don't really want to go into it.
105. Do you think that Dume should have an accent on the "e"? Dumé...
11My understanding is it's pronounced Doo-may.
126. How could a (team of) Matoran get a Rahkshi into stasis? Would it first have been, say, stunned by a Vahki, and then the Matoran put it into stasis?
13Pretty much, yes.
147. You have said that the Vahki Kaita would only be used to, for example, control mobs. When would there be an instance of a mob in Metru Nui, and are the Vahki Kaita actual Kaitas, where three of them merge together, of would they be speciallized Vahki that are much bigger than normal?
15I see them as specialized Vahki. And you never know what might happen in Metru Nui.
168. This relates to number 7 in a way... Would there be labor unions in Metru Nui? For instance, let's suppose that a group of Mask Makers want better working conditions. Would they go on strike? Even though, with Vahki, that would be pretty useless, but if they got enough Matoran to agree with them, then might they be able to overthrow a Vahki?
17No unions that I am aware of.
189. Apparently the Colisseum is used for Naming Ceremonies as well. Since the job of defending the city is left to Vahki and Toa Lhikan, would Matoran be re-named for making an especially useful invention?
19That is certainly a possibility, or finding a more efficient way to do their job, etc.
2010. Would the -theoretical- winged Bohrok Va from my last set of questions be able to -theoretically- turn into a Toa? If you're wondering, I attached LEGO wings to my Kohrak Va set, then attached his head and wings to Toa Takanuva.
21I don't remember your last set of questions, but no, a Bohrok Va could never change into a Toa.
22Call me KohrakVaHead108... (I'm obsessed with Kohrak Va: Whee![]()
23*gasp* Kohrak Va: You've been working for the Bahrag all this time? How could you:?

24I guess that disproves my "Metru Nui = Flooded" theory... but not necessarily... 25"You never know what might happen in Metru Nui"... Quite true.

1Hi again, this time only one question.
2Is this the fifth enemy, the being beneath the great temple, just an MOC or none of them?
3Thanks in advance.
5That is not a pic LEGO wanted released at this time, so I cannot discuss anything about it.
7Uhh. This it take is a rahi, because greg said to ToM it was a rahi, and it is definately a combiner and greg said it wasn't a set, but i definatley think it is beneath the great temple.
1Greg's answers in bold.
28Aww, all that thought into my theory... Oh well.
2Hello again Greg, I have some more questions which only you can answer (I hope)
31. Now I think you said that the Nokama, Nuju, Whenua combiner was a Rahi that absorbed kinetic energy and got bigger each time it did, well now I'm wondering what Kralhi's(the other combiner) power/s are it is IMHO the coolest combiner I have ever seen I really want to know its powers(so when I play with it its not just a big scorpion centaur.
4Kralhi basically can project an energy bubble that weakens whoever is trapped inside it and feeds the energy back to him.
52.Now I have a little theory on Toa/Matoran breathing. OK, Now on Metru Nui the sea it proto, which means the clouds are proto and the rain/ice/gound/bulidings/everything:...is proto 6which also means that every one has to breath it in all the time right? well if the mechanical are made of proto then maybe the breathing is to absorb proto from the air then let bionic parts use the air and give the proto to the mechanical parts to use it to repair there mechanical parts(How else do they fix all the scratches and nicks one gets in everyday life much less the "fighting a city sized plant o' doom" ones) this also will work with the absorb energy for food theory maybe the mechanical parts use the energy to make food for the bionic parts. This ALSO explains why all the things on Metru Nui are so much bigger there so much proto down there for them to use while up on Mata Nui there in not so much, the Toa Olda look starved compared to the Toa Metru and after a dip in proto they looked like they had been working out for the last 3 years, AND you said the Matoran are back to there old power level but still there are smaller then the Metru Nui Matoran. So in conclusion the people on Metru Nui had more proto to repair they mechanical systems and thus with the over abundance of proto the got to be bigger, wile on Mata Nui the Toa wouldn't have had enough proto to keep the massive Toa Metru body's working so the were made smaller even Nuva they are still smaller. 7...Oh the question: Um... What do you think? Any flaws in my theory?
8I really can't comment on it, because what Toa breathe is not something the story team has discussed.
93.Does the mask shape have any thing to do with its powers? Could I use a great Hau mold to make a noble Ruru?
10The mask shape is sort of like the shape of a stop sign. If you made, say, Haus in all sorts of different shapes, you would have to put the mask on to know what it's power is. That is why they try to make all masks with a certain power the same shape. Saves time.
114.Are there more Kanoka powers then we know about? 8 Seems like a small number
12The 8 are the basic powers. Other powers are achieved by mixing disks together.
135.I still don't get it. How can a great Matatu let you shape-shift? It's a mask of illusion, not shape-shift: Isn't that like making a mask of shielding that lets you fly? I am not trying to be rude (Since a great Matatu IS my favorite mask)
14Well, shapeshifting is just a step up from illusion -- and it is a Great Mask, not a Noble Mask, so it has greater abilities, that's all.
156.You once said that the power of a dodge Rahkshi is like having a big bonus to dodge in a game. Well then would saying the reason for Takanuva beating Makuta was he had a bonus to damage/dodge/hit when fighting Makuta?
16No, but his powers -- light -- were uniquely suited to fighting a creature of darkness. So I think it is more accurate to say that Makuta had a minus to his defense when fighting light.
176b.Does said bonus carry over to the Rahkashi?(I.E. Is Takanuva better at fighting them then say a Rahi?)
197.Would you say the relationship between the Toa Metru and the Matoran is like Spider-Man to the people of New-York? (I.E. Even though he does save them 2-3 times a week, some don't like him and call the cops if they see him, some do like him and try to help, and some don't think he is real)
20Yes, I would say that is a good comparison.
218. After seeing the Toa Metru ad on TV and seeing the transport tubes...Well I think now I get it. The "tubes" are really rings with magnetized proto running through them in a cylinder shape...With nothing holding them, is that right?
22The chutes are tubes of magnetized protodermis. The rings are part of the bracing system to hold them up in the air.
238b. When you said "ride the tubes" did you mean ride on the outside of the tubes, getting pulled along by the current, jumping over the rings as they come?
24No, you ride inside the tubes, not outside the tubes.
25And that's all folks:
26See answers above. 27Greg
28Aww, all that thought into my theory... Oh well.

1. Is there a limit to how big Kraawa can grow?
2Not that we know of, which is kind of scary.
32. Does Kraawa grow stronger each time it grows? e.x., the Toa Metru fight one and just run around until it gets exhausted. Then someone hits it and it grows bigger. Does Kraawa get stronger when it grows, or does it remain weak?
4It gets stronger.
53. This sounds like a stupid question, but I don't have any of the Bionicle books, so bear with me. Are the descriptions of your legions of new Rahi good enough to make into MOCs?
6I don't know -- I generally don't do really detailed physical descriptions, I prefer to let people imagine the creatures how they want to, because what you imagine is scarier than what I could describe.
74. Since Vahki can't swim, are there any underwater Rahi in the Archives?
8Yes. It is true that Vahki can't swim, but there are lots of them and they are expendable. So they are perfectly willing to sacrifice themselves to get the job done.
95. How do Rahi/Rahkshi escape their stasis pods? Power malfunction? Someone accidently cracks the pods, etc.?
10It can be an accident -- some hairline fracture of the inner casing -- or it can be that the Rahi is simply too strong for the stasis to affect him and he wakes up.
116. Will/when will we learn what Krahli's power(s) are?
12Kralhi projects an energy bubble that weakens whoever is inside it and feeds the energy to the Kralhi.
137. When will we know what the "something with lots of teeth" is?
14It is in the second BIONICLE novel this year, it might be in the March comic (I don't remember offhand) and it is in the movie.
151. Whoo, doggy: That is scary:

162. Creepy...
173. Ah, well. At least I tried. Time to find the books...
184. ...
195. So, apparently, I was half-right.
206. Dah...: Tapakew Nuva beat me:
217. One small step for me, one giant leap for the mystery:
11. Are the Turaga voices for The Mask of Light going to be the ones that voice for the 2004 movie?
2No idea. I am not directly involved with the movie.
32.Did the McToran know what Kanoka were? Is that why they built replicas?
4No, but the Turaga knew.
54. Do you ever look at topics in the Forums? Which are the types you look at?
6I usually go into Storylines and Theories, because that is where the most misinformation is.
75. How can the mag-lev chutes be broken?
8Well, they are held up by braces, so if you bring down a brace you bring down the chute.
96. Are the tubes all one way traffic or do they go in both directions?
10Most chutes only go one way. It is too dangerous otherwise.
117. Is the movie Jaller the one that traveled with Takua in the MoL or is this before that?
12Not sure Iunderstand your question -- the movie takes place before Mask of Light.
138. Is Jaller in Metruan form and is he still a captain of some sort (refering to 2004 movie)?
14Yes, and no -- there is no need for him to be a captain of the guard, there is no guard. The Vahki protect Ta-Metru, not the Matoran.
159. Does the big thing in the back of this picture a new enemy or is it a prototype Krekka?
16It's Krekka.
1710. What comic are you writing now?
18Just about to start 19.
1911. Do you have a favorite cookie? If so, whcich one (Im eating chocolate chip ones)?
20Not really a favorite, no.
1I forgot to include these in my last set of questions:
21. How come Takanuva was given the element of light? Shouldn't that power belong to Mata-Nui since Makuta has the power of shadow?
3Good point, but Mata Nui is sleeping, so what good would the power of light do him? That is why a Toa of Light was needed.
42. In comic 16 on the title page there is what appears to be a face design above the door. Is that suppose to represent either Lhikan's or Mata Nui's mask?
5I believe it supposed to represent Mata Nui's mask -- Mata Nui's mask is always shown as a Hau.
63. Would you say that Lhikan has visions just like Vakama has?
7No, he does not.
84. Is the red star visible from Metru Nui?
105. You said in an earlier post that if Lhikan was release as a set, it would be a $30 set. Why would it have to cost so much when you have said that he doesn't have a vehicle?
11No, but he would be in the set with something else, just not a vehicle.
126. Do Toa possess power that they do not know of such, as them being telepathic?
13Not that I am aware of, no.
147. Is Toa Mata really the official name for Tahu and co. before their transformation?
15No, it's not.
168. Is it possible that Tahu and co. were active on another island before being put in their canisters?
17No idea.
189. Did the Toa really fall from the sky?
20Thanks in advance: 21Ja Metru
22See answers above. 23Greg
21. How come Takanuva was given the element of light? Shouldn't that power belong to Mata-Nui since Makuta has the power of shadow?
3Good point, but Mata Nui is sleeping, so what good would the power of light do him? That is why a Toa of Light was needed.
42. In comic 16 on the title page there is what appears to be a face design above the door. Is that suppose to represent either Lhikan's or Mata Nui's mask?
5I believe it supposed to represent Mata Nui's mask -- Mata Nui's mask is always shown as a Hau.
63. Would you say that Lhikan has visions just like Vakama has?
7No, he does not.
84. Is the red star visible from Metru Nui?
105. You said in an earlier post that if Lhikan was release as a set, it would be a $30 set. Why would it have to cost so much when you have said that he doesn't have a vehicle?
11No, but he would be in the set with something else, just not a vehicle.
126. Do Toa possess power that they do not know of such, as them being telepathic?
13Not that I am aware of, no.
147. Is Toa Mata really the official name for Tahu and co. before their transformation?
15No, it's not.
168. Is it possible that Tahu and co. were active on another island before being put in their canisters?
17No idea.
189. Did the Toa really fall from the sky?
20Thanks in advance: 21Ja Metru
22See answers above. 23Greg
1I'm incredibly sorry Mr. Farshtey, but I forgot to ask you two more questions:
21) Can Nokama manipulate water in order to form a bubble of air and push it down underwater to form a bubble she can breathe from while she's underwater, and can Matau do the same with air, except pull it down underwater in a bubble to him.
32) Before you said that the octopus Rahi in the Metru-Nui Silver Sea had a name to one member, do you know what that name is?
4Still, I'm so very, very sorry about bothering you again.
61) No idea, but it is certainly an interesting possibility.
72) No, I think you misunderstood. That Rahi has no official name.
1sorry for da bother but i realy hope you cloud answer these.
2Do you know if there is going to be a linkan set?
3Will they re-release the turaga? 4i realy need onewa and vakama.
5linkan comes in an 30$ set cloud it be the "5th enimy" that is with linkan in the set?
61) The possiblity of a Lhikan set this year is still being discussed.
72) No plans that I kinow of.
2Do you know if there is going to be a linkan set?
3Will they re-release the turaga? 4i realy need onewa and vakama.
5linkan comes in an 30$ set cloud it be the "5th enimy" that is with linkan in the set?
61) The possiblity of a Lhikan set this year is still being discussed.
72) No plans that I kinow of.
1Hey Greg, a few more questions for ya.
2Receintly a pic of a combined Dume, Nidhiki, Krekka, and Nivawk was shown. Is it possible that that's an enemy of some kind? Or is that pic a MOC and has no relation to the movie or the characters?
3I can't discuss that set, sorry.
4Is it possible that Dume made the areas that hold the disks forbidden cuz he didn't want the disks found? Like Dume knew what was going on and put those areas off-limits to Matoran so Vahki would stop them and no one could interfere in his plans? I just got a feeling that Dume's a baddie in disguise.
5No. Dume is not responsible for the Great Disks being where they are, as far as I know.
6Can you tell me the name of Dume's mask?
7I don't have info on Dume's mask at this time.
8You've said that to know why the Matoran and Toa leave Metru Nui we'll have to watch the new movie, which dosen't bother me, but my question is: does that mean the movie ends the flashback? Or can you tell me?
9What I can tell you is that there is no way I can explain what the '05 storyline is until you see the movie, because it would not make sense to you otherwise.
10Is there still a Bionicle movie planned for the big screen in 2005?
112005 or 2006, depending on how quickly it gets made. We are waiting for a green light from Miramax right now.
12And my last question is, when the Toa Nuva return to Metru Nui and the story focuses on them again, will they be upgraded? I mean, the Toa Nuva can't even be found anymore now, and for new fans they'll want to collect the heroes right? So, will Lego either re-issue the Toa Nuva again or will we get Kopaka and co. in new more arculation (sp?) forms?
13Thanx for answering Greg.
14Either one is possible.
2Receintly a pic of a combined Dume, Nidhiki, Krekka, and Nivawk was shown. Is it possible that that's an enemy of some kind? Or is that pic a MOC and has no relation to the movie or the characters?
3I can't discuss that set, sorry.
4Is it possible that Dume made the areas that hold the disks forbidden cuz he didn't want the disks found? Like Dume knew what was going on and put those areas off-limits to Matoran so Vahki would stop them and no one could interfere in his plans? I just got a feeling that Dume's a baddie in disguise.
5No. Dume is not responsible for the Great Disks being where they are, as far as I know.
6Can you tell me the name of Dume's mask?
7I don't have info on Dume's mask at this time.
8You've said that to know why the Matoran and Toa leave Metru Nui we'll have to watch the new movie, which dosen't bother me, but my question is: does that mean the movie ends the flashback? Or can you tell me?
9What I can tell you is that there is no way I can explain what the '05 storyline is until you see the movie, because it would not make sense to you otherwise.
10Is there still a Bionicle movie planned for the big screen in 2005?
112005 or 2006, depending on how quickly it gets made. We are waiting for a green light from Miramax right now.
12And my last question is, when the Toa Nuva return to Metru Nui and the story focuses on them again, will they be upgraded? I mean, the Toa Nuva can't even be found anymore now, and for new fans they'll want to collect the heroes right? So, will Lego either re-issue the Toa Nuva again or will we get Kopaka and co. in new more arculation (sp?) forms?
13Thanx for answering Greg.
14Either one is possible.
11. Is Turaga Dume Male or Female?
32. Same as 1 but with Toa Lhikan.
4Male. Only females are in Ga-Metru.
53.Do Vahki have powers?If yes,What Are they?If no, are the Discs they use their Powers?
6Yes, they have stun staffs that have different powers, in addition to the disks they shoot.
74.I know what you do with the Kanoka Codes, But what Do you get?
8Well, to start with, you will get access to online games and other things that are on the CDs in the European sets.
95.At the Beggining,The Toa Olda put them selves together. If There was an Accident and a Matoran's arm fell off, Could he just pick it up and put it back on?
116. In MoL, Takua says to Lewa that he has only been a Second on a Gukko. The only Time I have ever seen him ride a Bird was in MNOLG 1 on Kongu's Kahu. Are Kahus and Gukkos the same thing?
137.I heard something about the Vahi being Sold in a Set.Will the Vahi be Sold in a Set?
14That is not definite yet.
158.This may sound like a weird question, But have you ever thought about writing soemthing for BZPs Library?
16No, not really. I am writing BIONICLE pretty much 24/7, so I don't really have time to do anything extra.
17Questions are in Bold, answers are in Non-Bold.
32. Same as 1 but with Toa Lhikan.
4Male. Only females are in Ga-Metru.
53.Do Vahki have powers?If yes,What Are they?If no, are the Discs they use their Powers?
6Yes, they have stun staffs that have different powers, in addition to the disks they shoot.
74.I know what you do with the Kanoka Codes, But what Do you get?
8Well, to start with, you will get access to online games and other things that are on the CDs in the European sets.
95.At the Beggining,The Toa Olda put them selves together. If There was an Accident and a Matoran's arm fell off, Could he just pick it up and put it back on?
116. In MoL, Takua says to Lewa that he has only been a Second on a Gukko. The only Time I have ever seen him ride a Bird was in MNOLG 1 on Kongu's Kahu. Are Kahus and Gukkos the same thing?
137.I heard something about the Vahi being Sold in a Set.Will the Vahi be Sold in a Set?
14That is not definite yet.
158.This may sound like a weird question, But have you ever thought about writing soemthing for BZPs Library?
16No, not really. I am writing BIONICLE pretty much 24/7, so I don't really have time to do anything extra.
17Questions are in Bold, answers are in Non-Bold.
1Hi, Greg.Great work on the first comic and novel of 2004: I have a few questions that I'd like to ask you. I'm still kind of confused about the nature of life in Bionicle, so I'd appreciate it if you could help me out on a few points.
21. Protodermis... it's the stuff of life. The Toa, Matoran, Rahi, etc., are all made from it. It seems to be a very versatile material. It can take the from of a metallic solid, a metallic liquid, sustances that are nearly indistinguishable from water and ice, and probably even more. Are these all -exactly- the same thing? Or would you say that, possibly, these are all chemically different compounds that are all based off of protodermis?
3In the instances you have cited, no, they are not different compounds. That is not to say there is no such thing as altered forms of protodermis -- but they do not apply in the instances you have cited.
42. For biomechanical beings such as the Toa, are the "organic" components (muscles, organs, some kind of circulatory system, I would imagine) made of protodermis compounds as well? Or are they the same type of carbon-based tissue we know of on earth?
5Without having an official answer, I would go out on a limb and say they are made from protodermis as well.
63. Are the plants of the Bionicle world protodermis-based as well?
7Any plants in Metru Nui are. I would guess that 99% of the plants on Mata Nui are, but there is always the possibility of seeds having blown in from offshore and sprouting, if they were able to derive nutrients from that "soil."
84. Do fully organic animals exist in the Bionicle world, or are they all biomechanical, like the Rahi?
9On Mata Nui, it is possible that some birds and insects and fish were fully organic, because they were not native to Mata Nui. All Rahi are biomechanical, and all creatures in Metru Nui are biomechanical.
105. In the biomechanical organisms (Toa, etc.), are the metallic parts simple metal like machines in our world, or are they composed of living, metallic cells? On this same note, Can damage to the metallic parts of such an organism be self-healed over time, like cuts and scrapes to our skin do?
11Good question. I do not feel I can give an answer to this one without discussing it with others on the story team.
12If any of these questions bring up any points that you would consider interesting, feel free to elaborate upon them.
13One unrelated question:
146. Vahki do not seem to have a specific weakness like other foes do (Infected masks, Krana, Kraata, etc.). When the Toa Metru have to fight them, how do they defeat them? Do they just have to good old-fashioned destroy them? I assume that the Matoran can always build more, and would much rather lose a few Vahki than face the danger that the Toa are fighting to prevent.
15Yes, you pretty much have to trap them or disable them in some way. They are machines, so you don't really have to worry about "killing" them.
16Thanks a lot, Greg: Keep up the awesome work over at Lego. All of us here at BZP appreciate both the official work you do with Bionicle, and all of the facts you give us here on the forums:![]()
1As I understand it, Kraata are made by Makuta pulling them out of his body. 2Rahkshi are made through a process involving Protodermis and Kraata, and require a Kraata to function. 3Rahkshi have been finding their way to Metru Nui. 4Unless my information is skewed, or there are unrevealed facts, this means that Makuta existed before the time of the Toa Metru. 5Is my information accurate? Would you correct any misinformation I have presented?
6I have a hypothesis that there is some relation to the Krana and the Matoran fixation with masks. 7The basic idea behind the hypothesis is that the Matoran are the end result of some of the Krana becoming more and more fixated on use of machines (such as the Bohrok Va) and eventually led to the engineering of the mechanically dependant fully integrated version of the Krana that became known as the Matoran. 8Before I go posting this hypothesis, do you have information that disproves this?
9Plant life on Mata/Metru Nui: 10The plant life of Mata Nui, and I assume Metru Nui, makes seeds, flowers (normally the prerequisite for making seeds) and fruit. 11These seeds and fruit are capable of growing into more plants, right?
12Thank you for your help,
141) Yes, Makuta does exist at the time of this storyline. Where he is and what he is doing and whether it has any bearing on 2004 is another matter, but he does exist.
152) No, krana have no relation to Matoran that I am aware of.
163) Well, organic plant life can do that, but much of the plant life on Mata Nui and all of it on Metru Nui is made of protodermis, so it may not work the same way.
11) hey can you tell us the title for the second next comic(im guessing the next one is called toa metru part 2)
2The March comic is Disks of Danger, the May comic is Seeds of Doom.
32) when will there be more info about the dark hunters or just krekka and nidhiki?
4Not until later in the year, because the sets don't come out until summer.
53) lets say a bohroks power level was a 4 and a toa metru is a 8 what would a vahki power level be?
6Oh, probably a 4 too.
74) in ga metru are there chutes under water too?
8No, not that I am aware of.
95) you can make disks in evry metru but in what metru do you make disk launchers?
10Most launchers are made in Ta-Metru, though some places (like Po-Metru) like to try and make their own.
116) have we seen te fifth enemy before? is he going to be a set?
12Can't answer it.
137) do the vahki know about krekka and nidhiki? are they in their wanted list?
14Nidhiki has been pretty careful not to do things when Vahki are anywhere around.
158)where did lhikan get kidnapt- what metru?
16Watch the movie and find out.
179)are there vahki facturys?
18Vahki are assembled in Po-Metru.
1910) if so is there one factury(sorry dont know how to spell it) for all vahki in ta metru? or is there a vahki factury in each metru?
20No, all Vahki parts are made in Ta-Metru and all Vahki are assembled in Po-Metru.
2111) do toa or any being in bionicle feel pain? are the vahki stun staffs painfull?
22Well, they certainly seem to be able to feel pain or be knocked unconscious. But no stun staffs do not cause physical pain.
2312) how many time do you answer questions(members questions) in a day?
24Oh, gee, probably four or five times a day.
2513) do you consider answering our questions as part of your work or you like answering us?
26For the most part, it's fun.
2714)so what story are you writing now? the 2005 one or are you still writing the final redones for the 2004 storyline?
28The 2005 storyline is mapped out, but I have not started writing anything for it yet. I am doing the July comic and the Metru Nui City Book right now.
2915) how much are you impressed(sorry dont know how to spell it) by the movie so far?
30I haven't seen any of the new movie yet.
3116) vahki can fly right? and so do the dark hunters isnt that a little too much advantge for them on the toa metru?
32Means the Toa Metru have to be that much smarter if they want to win.
3317) if lhikan is going to be a set he will come out in 2005? couse he wasnt at the toy fair
34No decision has been made on that that I know of, but if he comes out, it will be in '04.
3518) is there rain in metru nui? i know it's a dumb question but bionicle is a fantasy it doesnt have to have all of our worlds elements
36It's possible that there could be, yes. It's possible to have weather in a large enough indoor space.
3719) are there vahkis petroling the lower levels of the archives where all the escape't rahi are?
3920) what kind of duty did lhikan have before the dark hunters took him?
40He was the lone Toa of Metru Nui, so he helped to protect the city.
4121) ok last one. what powers up vahki is the wierd brain plate on their heads some kind of baterry?
42No info on this.
2The March comic is Disks of Danger, the May comic is Seeds of Doom.
32) when will there be more info about the dark hunters or just krekka and nidhiki?
4Not until later in the year, because the sets don't come out until summer.
53) lets say a bohroks power level was a 4 and a toa metru is a 8 what would a vahki power level be?
6Oh, probably a 4 too.
74) in ga metru are there chutes under water too?
8No, not that I am aware of.
95) you can make disks in evry metru but in what metru do you make disk launchers?
10Most launchers are made in Ta-Metru, though some places (like Po-Metru) like to try and make their own.
116) have we seen te fifth enemy before? is he going to be a set?
12Can't answer it.
137) do the vahki know about krekka and nidhiki? are they in their wanted list?
14Nidhiki has been pretty careful not to do things when Vahki are anywhere around.
158)where did lhikan get kidnapt- what metru?
16Watch the movie and find out.
179)are there vahki facturys?
18Vahki are assembled in Po-Metru.
1910) if so is there one factury(sorry dont know how to spell it) for all vahki in ta metru? or is there a vahki factury in each metru?
20No, all Vahki parts are made in Ta-Metru and all Vahki are assembled in Po-Metru.
2111) do toa or any being in bionicle feel pain? are the vahki stun staffs painfull?
22Well, they certainly seem to be able to feel pain or be knocked unconscious. But no stun staffs do not cause physical pain.
2312) how many time do you answer questions(members questions) in a day?
24Oh, gee, probably four or five times a day.
2513) do you consider answering our questions as part of your work or you like answering us?
26For the most part, it's fun.
2714)so what story are you writing now? the 2005 one or are you still writing the final redones for the 2004 storyline?
28The 2005 storyline is mapped out, but I have not started writing anything for it yet. I am doing the July comic and the Metru Nui City Book right now.
2915) how much are you impressed(sorry dont know how to spell it) by the movie so far?
30I haven't seen any of the new movie yet.
3116) vahki can fly right? and so do the dark hunters isnt that a little too much advantge for them on the toa metru?
32Means the Toa Metru have to be that much smarter if they want to win.
3317) if lhikan is going to be a set he will come out in 2005? couse he wasnt at the toy fair
34No decision has been made on that that I know of, but if he comes out, it will be in '04.
3518) is there rain in metru nui? i know it's a dumb question but bionicle is a fantasy it doesnt have to have all of our worlds elements
36It's possible that there could be, yes. It's possible to have weather in a large enough indoor space.
3719) are there vahkis petroling the lower levels of the archives where all the escape't rahi are?
3920) what kind of duty did lhikan have before the dark hunters took him?
40He was the lone Toa of Metru Nui, so he helped to protect the city.
4121) ok last one. what powers up vahki is the wierd brain plate on their heads some kind of baterry?
42No info on this.
11) I'm having trouble with the differences between the Toa of stone and the Toa of Earth because isn't there stone in earth? What can stone do that Earth can't? Do you think you could give me a short list and desciption of their differences?
2Onewa deals with rock; Whenua deals with soil. Onewa can make big rock pillars rise up out of the ground, Whenua can't. Whenua can send a tidal wave of dirt at an enemy, Onewa can't. Onewa can look at a big slab of rock and figure out just where to hit it to shatter it -- Whenua can't. Whenua can sense vibrations in the earth and know when something is coming -- Onewa can't.
32) How do Onewa Whenua and Nuju fight the Morbuzahk? I understand Matau and Nokama because they have bladed weapons and Vakama's got the disk launcher but the other three have blunt weapons. So how do they fight it?
4As you probably know, in BIONICLE we very rarely if ever do melee combat. The Toa fight the Morbuzakh with their elemental powers and the Great Disks. Not by hacking it up.
53) Since the Morbuzahk feeds on fire am I right to assume that Vakama's elemental powers are useless against it?
6Pretty much, yes.
74) How do Nokama's Hydro Blades propel her through the water? Are the like fins or propelers or what?
8She throws them out in front of her and they pull her along.
95) When the Toa Nuva come back will Takanuva be with them and will he be upgraded and rereleased if the Toa Nuva are?
10Takanuva is definitely making the trip to Metru Nui, but there are no product plans on the drawing board for that storyline yet because the story has not been written yet.
116) Can Vakama's mask conceal him from the Morbuzahk?
12Yes. But at the time Vakama fights the Morbuzakh, he doesn't know what his mask power is or how to use it.
137) Is there a reason Dume's mask looks so much like Vakama's or is it just coincidence?
14No idea.
1Hi, Greg:
21. what rahi will be on metru nui? (i heard of a ''fire serpant'', or something).
32. has it been confirmed that the vahi will be in a set, yet?
4thanks for looking:
6you need to send greg your questions 7go to your controle pannel 81. compose new message 9enter gregf as name 10send your questions
1QUOTE 2Hey Greg, I have some quick questions, hope they are anyways
31) part of vakama's vision said that the city would fall, before the great disks are used..Would mata nui really allow his city to fall?
4What Vakama saw was the city falling, then the city being restored, and then the Great Disks. He interprets that to mean the disks are needed to keep the city from falling.
52) Akhmou believed that Makuta would win, but did he worship makuta?
6No. We don't do "worship" in BIONICLE, it cuts too close to religion which we try to stay away from.
73) Why would makuta make a door that even he couldn't open to metru nui, in case he some day changed his mind and let his brother wake?
8He wasn't going to change his mind. Trust me.
94) To break out of stasis does it depend on how smart a creature is, or how physically powerful? Is it physical since even shadow kraata couldn't break out?
10It has more to do with physical than mental. Mental really doesn't enter into it. It's the same way that, for example, it would be a lot harder to tranquilize a T-Rex than a dog.
115) In 2001 makuta used 6 different types of rahi (not counting combined models), so lets assume that they followed the matoran through the holes, what about the manas, were they brought by makuta, since their power sources were in his lair?
12The manas were never on the surface of Mata Nui. They were in the access tunnels to the lair. Also, Makuta used more Rahi than that, those are just the ones we made sets of.
13Thanks Greg
14See answers above.
15I don't understand how they could stay away from religion with all the temples, and since they keep calling makuta and mata nui great spirits
16So..I guess makuta didn't create the manas, they were from metru nui, too bad for the city.
31) part of vakama's vision said that the city would fall, before the great disks are used..Would mata nui really allow his city to fall?
4What Vakama saw was the city falling, then the city being restored, and then the Great Disks. He interprets that to mean the disks are needed to keep the city from falling.
52) Akhmou believed that Makuta would win, but did he worship makuta?
6No. We don't do "worship" in BIONICLE, it cuts too close to religion which we try to stay away from.
73) Why would makuta make a door that even he couldn't open to metru nui, in case he some day changed his mind and let his brother wake?
8He wasn't going to change his mind. Trust me.
94) To break out of stasis does it depend on how smart a creature is, or how physically powerful? Is it physical since even shadow kraata couldn't break out?
10It has more to do with physical than mental. Mental really doesn't enter into it. It's the same way that, for example, it would be a lot harder to tranquilize a T-Rex than a dog.
115) In 2001 makuta used 6 different types of rahi (not counting combined models), so lets assume that they followed the matoran through the holes, what about the manas, were they brought by makuta, since their power sources were in his lair?
12The manas were never on the surface of Mata Nui. They were in the access tunnels to the lair. Also, Makuta used more Rahi than that, those are just the ones we made sets of.
13Thanks Greg
14See answers above.
15I don't understand how they could stay away from religion with all the temples, and since they keep calling makuta and mata nui great spirits
16So..I guess makuta didn't create the manas, they were from metru nui, too bad for the city.
Ga-Metru Section of B.com @retrieved by Crystal Matrix 1The two-headed Tarakava housed in the Onu-Metru Archives was captured off the coast of Ga-Metru, after wrecking several Matoran watercraft.
2Two-headed Tarakava:? Was that a different species? Or does this mean that mutations can occur in the Bionicle universe? 3The latter.
4a. Will the Toa Metru fight or run into a Kraawa? (I hope they fight one:) 5Eventually, yes.
6b. If so, when? 7Probably the sixth Scholastic book.
8Same question for a Kralhi. 9Probably fifth Scholastic book.
10What exactly are memory crystals? Are they the same as knowledge crystals? 11No. They will be explained in the Metru Nui Citybook.
12Do you know in which metru Kavinika, Kinloka and Kraawa can be found? (I'm gathering info for my Lexicon) 13Not yet, no.
14Can Kavinika fly? 15No.
16About the "environs." Will we ever see them? Like, will there be something in the future storyline that concerns them? 17Probably.
18Are the Vahki specialized? Like, is each squad of Vahki built specifically for each Metru? (i.e. Nuurakh is fire-resistant, Rorzakh can see in the dark, etc.) 19No.
20How exactly do Vahki try to get rid of Morbuzakh vines? 21Disks.
22Are Vahki powers long-distance or do they have to touch the targets with their stun staffs? 23Long-distance.
241. Ooooooh...(pictures 30-foot tall Nui-Jaga that can spit acid) 252. Sweet: I can't wait to see that: 263. Ditto: 274. I'll have to remember to ask when the Metru Nui Citybook is coming out... 285. Dang. 296. Thought so. 307. Woohoo: We're gonna have new islands: Yeah: 318. That's wierd...why aren't they?

34-Master of the Rahkshi
1I'm putting together a big topic called "Wacky Physics: Some sci-fi style ideas to explain Bionicle Physics" right now. The idea is to show that some of the wackiest things in Bionicle are explainable with some sci-fi technobabble. Because many BZPers simply dismiss some of this stuff as "violating our laws of physics" when many of them do not. I certainly understand that Bionicle is fantasy, and it's physics are different, but you guys do too good of a job of keeping things sensible to give up on theories about physics. And I think there are always ways to explain even different "laws" of physics. Besides, it's fun for me: Yeah, I'm crazy...
2Anyways, most of these questions are for that topic. I understand if you can't answer some of them.
- 3What are the powers of the Kraakhan? I just realized I don't know.
- 4About Suvas, and when the Toa got their Gold Kanohi. I know they had to collect all six Great Kanohi, and place them on their Suva. On the web, it showed Lewa sinking down into his Suva as if on an elevator, going "through" the floor, which was glowing bright green. In an early ad/poster, there was a small pic of Tahu in what appeared to be a small, round, stone room, and his Gold Kanohi was mounted in a reccess carved into the wall; he was reaching out for it. So I assumed that beneath each Suva was a room like this, with some sort of elevator or something. But Gali's Suva appears to be on a lilly pad (before the Bohrok Saga) and there's no room for such a room (pun not intended).
5Is each Suva different? Or are they teleporting the Toa somewhere or something?
- 6The reason I ask is that Kanohi seem to teleport to and from the Suvas, and the Nuva symbols seemed to materialize on them. So I'm wondering if Suvas have some sort of teleportation ability built in.
- 7Speaking of Suvas, do the Toa Metru have Suvas? Do they need them?
- 8Do Matoran, etc. have something like a spirit that's attached to their physical brain, or head or whatever, that gets attached to their mask when they die? Seems like this would explain why their mask is what's needed to revive them.
- 9You said the shape of a mask is more of a marker, and doesn't affect its power, right? Well, for masks of power, it's obvious that they'd want to make all Masks of, say, speed look like a Kakama (Great, Noble, Olda, Nuva, whatever). But since Matoran masks don't have a power (gets drained when the mask is made, right?), could they be made out of any power Kanoka?
- 10You've said something about they absorb energy to eat. Do they swallow food, though? And their "stomachs" absorb the food into energy? Or do they only absorb energy, and don't actually "eat" in the way we think of it?
- 11I thought I heard that for a Toa to shoot a beam of their element, there had to be at least a small amount present. Is this true?
- 12Would you say that protodermis is sorta like the "Ultimate Plastic" that can be made into just about anything?
- 13A little more on the Nuva symbols. The Toa's power is normally in themselves, right? Not the Nuva symbols? And when the symbols are removed from a protected place, the power "jumps" to them somehow?
- 14Just to clarify, for a Rahkshi to be formed, energized proto is needed, right? Gukko said this hadn't been specifically specified (said it here: Life, Death, Decay, Food)
- 15So was the proto in the tubes under the Bahrag's lair like their own personal stash of proto?
- 16About energized proto; can any liquid proto be energized?
- 17Do you think it's possible that solid proto could be "energized"? Could this kinda be what Kanohi and Kanoka are? Or is it something else that Matoran do to the proto?
- 18In an early comic, we saw Gali see the spirits of Akamai and Wairuha in a dream while she was not part of a Kaita. Does this mean that part of them exists even when the kaita aren't formed, or was it just a vision?
- 19Also about Kaita, when the Toa combined into them, three masks sorta fused into a single mask, right? Of Valor and Wisdom, I think. So did these masks have powers of the normal Great masks? Or powers of valor and wisdom?
- 20Do you think the Matoran will be bringing any Rahi they've tamed to Metru Nui?
- 21Do Matoran Kanohi have even a slight power left?
- 22We know that combining Kanoka can make new powers for what the kanoka is for (like recharge, or sheilding), but could this make new powers for how it flies (like dodging obstacles and deflecting other disks)?
- 23Most mask powers, like vision, for example, don't seem to make as useful of a Kanoka power as reconstitute at random, etc. Is this why they're not included in the main list? Because Matoran would pretty much only make those powers in order to make Kanohi? Or is it more that the 8 standard powers are the most basic; the "elementary" Kanoka powers?
24Okay, I guess that's all for now. Thanks as always.
251) The Mask of Shadows spreads anger, darkness, and fear.
262) It is entirely possible that Gali's gold mask simply appeared underwater.
273) It is possible that there is some sort of teleportation built into the suva, as we know such a power exists in the BIONICLE universe.
284) At present, the Toa Metru do not. There is a Toa suva in the Great Temple. But since the Metru are not collecting masks, they really do not need individual suva.
295) I can't answer the "Matoran spirit" question. It's not a subject I have enough background on to feel comfortable answering.
306) On the Kanoka question, yes.
317) The "absorb energy" thing is my theory, it is not official, and it would not involve actually swallowing food.
328) I don't understand the question. Do you mean that for Tahu, say, to shoot fire, there had to be fire somewhere around? No, that is not true.
339) Protodermis is certainly able to be used for many things.
3410) I almost see this as if there is a link between the symbols and the Toa, almost like a flow of energy -- and when the symbols are taken, they are cut off from the Toa and the energy ceases. That is my theory, anyway.
3511) Yes, a kraata has to be exposed to energized protodermis to evolve into Rahkshi armor.
3612) No, I doubt the Bahrag had any idea it was there.
3713) Possibly, but Matoran do not know to do it.
3814) To my knowledge, there is no such thing as solid energized protodermis.
3915) It was a vision.
4016) I believe each had the power of three masks.
4117) Yes, that is certainly a possibility.
4218) I doubt it. Not enough to matter.
4319) It is possible you might get multiple flight characteristics, but not totally new ones.
4420) I see the 8 as being the basic Kanohi powers.
46A follow-up question:
47One quick follow-up to the last set of questions; I asked you when we'll learn what Dume's mask power is, and you said probably in the movie. But I forgot my other question; when will we learn it's name? Do you have any idea if BZP might get a spoiler about that mask's name before the movie? Kinda like how we learned that Vakama's mask was a Great Huna before the specifics of its powers were discussed?
48And if so, any idea when that would be?
50No, no idea.
52And here's the topic I was preparing: Wacky Physics, Sci-fi style ideas for Bionicle Physics. It's finally done.
1QUOTE 2Hi greg yet again only one question. I am seriously running dry.
31.Lately I've been hearing of creatures such as the two-headed tarakava and the giant mutant ussal crab. Is there a "logical" explantion for their origins, (Such as a pool of energized proto)?
4Thanks in advance, and for answering all my other questions.
6Yes, there is, and it is not that they are "Rahi Nuva." But since the Matoran don't know what the explanation is, we are not sharing it with you yet.
31.Lately I've been hearing of creatures such as the two-headed tarakava and the giant mutant ussal crab. Is there a "logical" explantion for their origins, (Such as a pool of energized proto)?
4Thanks in advance, and for answering all my other questions.
6Yes, there is, and it is not that they are "Rahi Nuva." But since the Matoran don't know what the explanation is, we are not sharing it with you yet.
11. What are the Vahki combiners called?
22. What are the abilities of the Vahki combiners?
33. Can you state the individual Vahki powers?
44. Will the Toa Metru combiners do anything more than appear in a few scenes in the comics/books?
55. Will the Metruan combiners play any role whatsoever in the upcoming story?
66. What are the abilities of the Rahi formed by the Metruan?
7Thanks in advance![]()
81-2) I don't have info on the combiners yet, because the sets don't come out until summer. 93) I prefer for that info to be on BIONICLE.com before I share it here. 104) They will be in the Scholastic books. 115) Yes. 126) Again, I prefer this to be on the official site before it is on BZP.
11. Wait, Kanoka are discs right. How do the Matoroan ride on them:?:?Do they like, sit on them and then...zoooom.
22. Turaga Dume rides in Nivawk in the set. Is Nivawk a exo-skeleton? Is he a Rahi? Does Nivawk have a mid of his own? Is he in the movie?
33. Is Nidhiki in the movie? Is Krekka? Are they villians?
41) They ride them in chutes, in which they are propelled along by magnetized protodermis. So it's kind of like surfing. The disks can't move on their own.
52) Nivawk is a Rahi, and yes, he is in the movie.
63) Yes, yes, and yes.
7Surfing discs through magnet power tubes...

1Okey dokey, another question.
8*imagines a "Toa Nuva Boot Camp"
2Just one question this time.
3The Toa Olda never worry about running out of energy, but the Toa Metru do. You said this may be because the Toa Olda may never have been Matoran before, and are so stronger. But Takanuva never worries about elemental energy, and he was a matoran just recently. Why?
5Very good question, Huta.
6It actually is not so much that the Toa Olda were not Matoran (I don't know if they were or not) but simply that they have more experience as Toa. As far as Takanuva goes, you have only seen him as a Toa for about 10 minutes -- he was in one short, intense struggle with Makuta and that was it. We have no idea yet how he will handle his powers, but he also has experienced Toa there to help train him. The Toa Metru have NO ONE to teach them the ins and outs of being a Toa, they have to learn on their own.
8*imagines a "Toa Nuva Boot Camp"

1Sorry to bother you again Greg
2Is the Rahi nui a type of mutated rahi? like the 2 headed tarakava we've been hearing about?
4Good question. Not really ... to me, a mutated Rahi would be you take a single Rahi and you change something about them. The Rahi Nui is more like an artificially created crossbreed.
6Anyone else want to take a guess at where Makuta is?
2Is the Rahi nui a type of mutated rahi? like the 2 headed tarakava we've been hearing about?
4Good question. Not really ... to me, a mutated Rahi would be you take a single Rahi and you change something about them. The Rahi Nui is more like an artificially created crossbreed.
6Anyone else want to take a guess at where Makuta is?
1here are some more questions.
21. the vahki staffs (as sets) have little wires and pistons on them.are the vahki tools mechanical? 32.how big are the environs? 43.are the environs populated at all? 54. could a rahi be built or are they mainly mechanical? 65.are krekka and nedhiki biological? 76.will more mask collectibles be released anytime soon? 87.the new theatrical realease(im guessing youve seen the script)will it take place on metru-nui or mata-nui? 98.can the great beings take physical form? 109.if a matoran found a toa disk would he be able to use its elemental power? 1110.it says on bionicle.com that vakama was asked to make a mask of time by turaga dume,but couldnt get sufficent supplies for it.could it have been made by the great disks?
12hope these questions dont bother you.there not incredibly well thought out.
131) Everything about the Vahki is mechanical. 142) Environs could be anything -- other islands, other cities, other continents. So their size can vary. 153) Some might be, some probably aren't. 164) Rahi are biomechanical, like the Toa are. 175) Krekka and Nidhiki and biomechanical. 186) Not that I am aware of offhand. 197) Metru Nui. 208) Can't answer it. 219) Yes, probably. 2210) You will have to wait for the movie to see the origin of the Vahi.
21. the vahki staffs (as sets) have little wires and pistons on them.are the vahki tools mechanical? 32.how big are the environs? 43.are the environs populated at all? 54. could a rahi be built or are they mainly mechanical? 65.are krekka and nedhiki biological? 76.will more mask collectibles be released anytime soon? 87.the new theatrical realease(im guessing youve seen the script)will it take place on metru-nui or mata-nui? 98.can the great beings take physical form? 109.if a matoran found a toa disk would he be able to use its elemental power? 1110.it says on bionicle.com that vakama was asked to make a mask of time by turaga dume,but couldnt get sufficent supplies for it.could it have been made by the great disks?
12hope these questions dont bother you.there not incredibly well thought out.
131) Everything about the Vahki is mechanical. 142) Environs could be anything -- other islands, other cities, other continents. So their size can vary. 153) Some might be, some probably aren't. 164) Rahi are biomechanical, like the Toa are. 175) Krekka and Nidhiki and biomechanical. 186) Not that I am aware of offhand. 197) Metru Nui. 208) Can't answer it. 219) Yes, probably. 2210) You will have to wait for the movie to see the origin of the Vahi.
1QUOTE 2If the enhancement in Nujus' kanohi was made when he was a matoran and stayed when he was a toa why didn't it stay on when he became a turaga?
3Well, I have not seen the movie scene where he becomes a Turaga yet. It's quite possible it did and that the mask he wore in 2001 is a replacement for his original Noble Mask.
3Well, I have not seen the movie scene where he becomes a Turaga yet. It's quite possible it did and that the mask he wore in 2001 is a replacement for his original Noble Mask.
1Oooh, intresting, I like these answers, keep them up: And mutated Rahi:
1here are some more questions.
21. the vahki staffs (as sets) have little wires and pistons on them.are the vahki tools mechanical? 32.how big are the environs? 43.are the environs populated at all? 54. could a rahi be built or are they mainly mechanical? 65.are krekka and nedhiki biological? 76.will more mask collectibles be released anytime soon? 87.the new theatrical realease(im guessing youve seen the script)will it take place on metru-nui or mata-nui? 98.can the great beings take physical form? 109.if a matoran found a toa disk would he be able to use its elemental power? 1110.it says on bionicle.com that vakama was asked to make a mask of time by turaga dume,but couldnt get sufficent supplies for it.could it have been made by the great disks?
12hope these questions dont bother you.there not incredibly well thought out.
131) Everything about the Vahki is mechanical. 142) Environs could be anything -- other islands, other cities, other continents. So their size can vary. 153) Some might be, some probably aren't. 164) Rahi are biomechanical, like the Toa are. 175) Krekka and Nidhiki and biomechanical. 186) Not that I am aware of offhand. 197) Metru Nui. 208) Can't answer it. 219) Yes, probably. 2210) You will have to wait for the movie to see the origin of the Vahi.
24check question 8 makuta is a great being so yes i think
110.it says on bionicle.com that vakama was asked to make a mask of time by turaga dume,but couldnt get sufficent supplies for it.could it have been made by the great disks?
210) You will have to wait for the movie to see the origin of the Vahi.
3So the mask that Vakama makes is the Vahi? That's good info...
11. You said that the toa metru turn into turaga in the movie, correct?
32. But, IIRC, you also said that we have not seen the last of them. 4Does this mean that:
5A. The turaga will regain the ability to become toa metru
6B. They can swtich between the two forms willfully
7C. You were referring to a Different set of toa metru
8Can't answer it.
93. Will the origins of the bohrok be something in 2005 or 2006?
10Not in '05, that I know of, and '06 story is not written yet.
114.Are makuta and mata nui the only great beings?
12No idea.
135. Are there construction machiens in metru nui to rebuild buildings? Are they robotic, or are there metruan carpenters/janitors, etc, or is all menial work done by vahki/robots?
14Not really. Most repair work is done by Matoran with regeneration disks.
156.Did dume design the vahki, and if he did, did he base them on the body structure of the rahkshi for efficiency?
16No, and no.
177.Do all rahi come from the same place, like bohrok and rahkshi, or does each species of rahi come from a different place?
18Don't know.
198. Are all species of rahi related by origin somehow, or do matoran just categorize anythign taht is not a bohrok, rahkshi, or vahki as a type of rahi?
20Not sure I understand the question. All animals, birds, fish, and insects are regarded as Rahi by the Matoran.
219. Are the matoran in metru nui aware of anything beyond the shores of the protodermis sea?
22They are aware there are other places, yes.
32. But, IIRC, you also said that we have not seen the last of them. 4Does this mean that:
5A. The turaga will regain the ability to become toa metru
6B. They can swtich between the two forms willfully
7C. You were referring to a Different set of toa metru
8Can't answer it.
93. Will the origins of the bohrok be something in 2005 or 2006?
10Not in '05, that I know of, and '06 story is not written yet.
114.Are makuta and mata nui the only great beings?
12No idea.
135. Are there construction machiens in metru nui to rebuild buildings? Are they robotic, or are there metruan carpenters/janitors, etc, or is all menial work done by vahki/robots?
14Not really. Most repair work is done by Matoran with regeneration disks.
156.Did dume design the vahki, and if he did, did he base them on the body structure of the rahkshi for efficiency?
16No, and no.
177.Do all rahi come from the same place, like bohrok and rahkshi, or does each species of rahi come from a different place?
18Don't know.
198. Are all species of rahi related by origin somehow, or do matoran just categorize anythign taht is not a bohrok, rahkshi, or vahki as a type of rahi?
20Not sure I understand the question. All animals, birds, fish, and insects are regarded as Rahi by the Matoran.
219. Are the matoran in metru nui aware of anything beyond the shores of the protodermis sea?
22They are aware there are other places, yes.