2just few questions
3it 's true that on january of 2008 we will see 3 villian and 3 heroes as set
4can the terrain crawler control itself?why?
5could you reveal the 2008 group name?
61) Yes 72) Yes, it's a living creature 83) Which group, the heroes or the villains?
10Sorry, can't discuss that
1Probably from either Makuta or Icarax. Well, I guess that supports the theory of 2008 canister sets being Makuta.
1Even though neither of those Makuta are canister sets next year
18I dont think I posted this before.

2Is there mutagen in the swamp of secrets? 3If not how about in the UC? 4Who is your fav Mata after Kopaka? 5When the Mata get changed is there a storyline reason or is it just because they're in the spotlight so they get a set change? 6Will next years canisters be 3 baddies and 3 Toa in january and the same in august? 7Oh and have you seen the Toa up close yet or just the villains? 8Oh adn any tidbit you can give me for the serials will be appreciated
91-2) Can't answer it 103) Probably Tahu 114) Sets come first, story comes second. So if sets get changed, then we come up with a storyline reason for why it happened. 125) I can't discuss next year's sets 136) No, I haven't
14OK but for #4 when the Nuva get transformed it wont be a mutation or a transformation right? Just an "upgrade" of armor and weapons?
15I can't discuss this, because it touches on future storyline
16Yeah I know but I ask this because I remember you saying earlier that if they came out again it would be the same old Nuva just not transformed. Do you recall saying anything like this? Also I remember saying the same thing about mutation as it would be repetative.
17I did say we would not be doing another transformation/mutation with them, yes.
18I dont think I posted this before.
1Is that quote really from the canister villians? I think it is, but now I'm not so sure.
1Can't be as I dont think we know any of the canister villains and Greg said we know the person who said that.
1That's why I think it's from Icarax.
1It could be you never know. Though that sounds a lot more like a hero quote IMO.
1It sounds to me like it's from the Piraka. 

1But it can't be the Piraka as they aren't in the next years story and that quote is from BL9 I think.
1I know, but I was implying that the speaker had a Piraka-ish personality.
1Where as I was implying it was a Lewaish personality 

1It probably was from Lewa Nuva.
1"You know, I have discovered a way to force a being to shapeshift and then lock him permanently into just one form. Grab me again, and you will spend eternity as a very angry frost beetle ... with a broken arm." -- BIONICLE Legends 9: Shadows in the Sky2It could always be Roodaka mentioning her Rhotuka power.
1I know who the villains are from Czech catalogue but it is "illegal" for me to say it isnĀ“t it?
1Okay, now that we've seen the first wave of 2008 sets, I have some hopefully non-spoilery questions:
21. Does Kopaka's new launcherblade function as a melee weapon and a ranged weapon, or just the latter?
32. You're not seriously using Inika-style heads again for Pohatu and Lewa again, are you? Please say no...
43. Just so we're perfectly clear, the bad guys' canisters say "Phantoka," right?
54. Is there a storyline reason Pohatu looks so...untoalike? You really can't contest the fact that he doesn't look like a Toa, either. Toa have eyes.
65. Based on the book title "Shadows in the Sky," Kopaka's wings, Lewa's jetpack, Pohatu's helicopter blades (?), Ignika's hoverboard, and the Phantoka's wings, I'm assuming 2008 has a big "flight" motif. So...what good is Lewa's mask, then?
76. Radiak, Gavla, and Kirop aren't Matoran, right? I mean, Radiak has four legs...
8And here's a bonus question that's been bugging me for some time...
97. What was the point of Zaktan? You spent all this time developing him as this mysterious loner with a big secret, finally revealing that, shock and surprise, he's the only one outside of the Brotherhood who knows their plans. This was HUGE. He has the power to interfere with their plans like no other, whether by predicting their next move or by informing others of what's going on (and we clearly know he's no friend of Makuta, as I'm sure he doesn't appreciate being used). Not only does he hold this power, but NO ONE else does, and NO ONE knows he does. And then he gets beaten in a fight by the Inika and disappears. Sure, he'll come back in BL8 briefly, and possibly 2008, but 2006 is over. 2006 was his last year as a set, and therefore his last chance to really affect the story in a major way. And he did nothing. Why would you do this? Why would you create such an awesome character, give him the key to everything going on in the storyline...and then just not use him as anything more than an obstacle?
101) The write-up I saw had it described as an "ice bayonet" 112) I don't have the sets, so I can't answer this. 123) The term Phantoka applies to all six sets -- it's the sub-brand for the January sets. 134) I don't consider him to look un-Toa like, since we determine what a Toa looks like. 145) Gives him added ability to maneuver. 156) Yes, they are. Wait for the story, all will be made clear. 167) You're working on the assumption we are done with him. Take a look at 2007 -- we had the Toa Nuva, Roodaka, the Bahrag, all reappear in story even though they are not current sets. That's the beauty of the web serials, I can bring back characters that aren't current and play around with them. So don't assume, even after Bionicle Legends #8, that you have seen the last of Zaktan. I don't write everything with short-term goals in mind ... sometimes I have long-term plans for a character that take time to realize.
18Oh, by the way, are we now allowed to post the photos from the Czech catalog? A lot of people are doing this, but is it okay? I'm referring to these:
19*links removed*
20I didn't think they would be legal now, but the mods aren't doing anything...have you ok'd this?
21Only thing I got asked about by BZP was the images they have in their news story, which I cleared them to put up because they are from an online retail site accepting pre-orders. No one has asked me about anything else. The only images I know of on Eurobricks are scans from a retailer catalog, which wasn't meant for public display.
22The Czech catalog pics are not approved. Sorry, but you can't post them right now.
1Thats fascinating: this can also mean that other 3 toas in August will have another "mutation" because they will probably will not be Phantoka again (no air flyers?).
1A few questions and a description of Galva.
2Good evening Greg.I hope you are well.would you mind answering these for me.
31:What is your favorite mask power? 42:How would you describe Brutaka's emotions as he reappears? 53:You may not be able to answer this but is Gavla a girl? 64:if the Mahri were able to breath air would they prefer their currnt forms and powers as to their Inika forms? 75:What is your favorite female character. 86:Have you seen the Icarax set? 97:Could you describe it as creepy? 108:How are the mahri able to enter the Toa terrain crawler if it is a living thing? 119:Why do you like Vamprah the most? 1210:What is probably your favorite Bionicle name?
141) I don't really have one 152) I think Brutaka has matured some 163) Yes, she is 174) I don't think it would make that much difference to them. 185) Krahka 196) Only briefly, long time ago 207) All the 2008 villains are creepy 218) It's a living thing whose abdomen is accessible 229) Just like his look 2310) I don't have one.
24Thanks for replying so fast Greg.I appreciate it alot.
25One more question about Gavla.(For some reason I've taken a particular likeness to her).Could you breifly describe a part of her personality?Not a full character description but something that would wet my appetite for her release.I understand if you cannot answer.
26Thanks again.
27Gavla is actually not all that popular when we first meet her -- she's impatient, kind of has her "nose" in the air a little bit ... not the person you really want to have to go do a job with. Of course, then she runs into the Makuta and you REALLY don't want to hang with her after that
2Good evening Greg.I hope you are well.would you mind answering these for me.
31:What is your favorite mask power? 42:How would you describe Brutaka's emotions as he reappears? 53:You may not be able to answer this but is Gavla a girl? 64:if the Mahri were able to breath air would they prefer their currnt forms and powers as to their Inika forms? 75:What is your favorite female character. 86:Have you seen the Icarax set? 97:Could you describe it as creepy? 108:How are the mahri able to enter the Toa terrain crawler if it is a living thing? 119:Why do you like Vamprah the most? 1210:What is probably your favorite Bionicle name?
141) I don't really have one 152) I think Brutaka has matured some 163) Yes, she is 174) I don't think it would make that much difference to them. 185) Krahka 196) Only briefly, long time ago 207) All the 2008 villains are creepy 218) It's a living thing whose abdomen is accessible 229) Just like his look 2310) I don't have one.
24Thanks for replying so fast Greg.I appreciate it alot.
25One more question about Gavla.(For some reason I've taken a particular likeness to her).Could you breifly describe a part of her personality?Not a full character description but something that would wet my appetite for her release.I understand if you cannot answer.
26Thanks again.
27Gavla is actually not all that popular when we first meet her -- she's impatient, kind of has her "nose" in the air a little bit ... not the person you really want to have to go do a job with. Of course, then she runs into the Makuta and you REALLY don't want to hang with her after that
1Phantoka = MakutaGavla = Female
4Phantoka = MakutaGavla = Female2Hi there Greg, just wondering if you could answer a question or two about next years sets?1) Will they be the usual price?2) Are Vamprah and Gavla female?Thanks,TNM31) The small sets are a little more, at $5.99, because they're bigger. The other sets stay at $9.992) Gavla is, Vamprah is not. The "blue is female" thing does not apply to Makuta, but there will be a female villain out in summer.
5Hi there Greg, just wondering if you could answer a question or two about next years sets?1) Will they be the usual price?2) Are Vamprah and Gavla female?Thanks,TNM61) The small sets are a little more, at $5.99, because they're bigger. The other sets stay at $9.992) Gavla is, Vamprah is not. The "blue is female" thing does not apply to Makuta, but there will be a female villain out in summer.
12. You're not seriously using Inika-style heads again for Pohatu and Lewa again, are you? Please say no...
2Thankfully, those aren't the Inika heads. They are the Mahri face shields. I was also worried about Pohatu's lack of a face, but when I realized it was just the blue face shield, I was much happier.
12. You're not seriously using Inika-style heads again for Pohatu and Lewa again, are you? Please say no...
22) I don't have the sets, so I can't answer this.
3Those are the transparent "visors" first found in the Mahri, not Inika-style heads, so don't worry that much. 4Khote
5I think Inika heads were good, because it was a step forward for Bionicle. Of course there were some cons, like that new masks didn't have the possibility to be connected on the old head. I wouldn't mind at all if new version of Toa Nuva had similar heads.
1Those are the transparent "visors" first found in the Mahri, not Inika-style heads, so don't worry that much. 2Khote
3Under closer inspection, it is indeed. Thanks for pointing that out. It's still a dumb mask, but at least it's a mask.
4I think Inika heads were good, because it was a step forward for Bionicle. Of course there were some cons, like that new masks didn't have the possibility to be connected on the old head. I wouldn't mind at all if new version of Toa Nuva had similar heads.
5It was not a "step forward." It was a change for the sake of change. Not only did it remove one of the franchise's most iconic elements for no good reason, but it actually reduced functionality by making the masks unable to connect to anything. It was a bad move, and I'm sure LEGO agrees with me, or else they would have kept them on the Mahri and Nuva.
1Those are the transparent "visors" first found in the Mahri, not Inika-style heads, so don't worry that much. 2Khote
3Under closer inspection, it is indeed. Thanks for pointing that out. It's still a dumb mask, but at least it's a mask.
4I think Inika heads were good, because it was a step forward for Bionicle. Of course there were some cons, like that new masks didn't have the possibility to be connected on the old head. I wouldn't mind at all if new version of Toa Nuva had similar heads.
5It was not a "step forward." It was a change for the sake of change. Not only did it remove one of the franchise's most iconic elements for no good reason, but it actually reduced functionality by making the masks unable to connect to anything. It was a bad move, and I'm sure LEGO agrees with me, or else they would have kept them on the Mahri and Nuva.
6The inika sales were through the roof last year.The masks last year may not have been useful in Mocs but Bionicle is intended to be a quick build and great playability.Moccing has nothing to do with it.Even tho I like the mahri masks more,The Inika masks were a breath of fresh air for a year.
12008 Sets:
11Wow, we already know what Phantoka means:
12MB has spoken
2Well, since the '08 sets have been officially revealed, I have a few questions:
31) Is there a storyline reason for the villlians being split up? Or were they never a team?
42) Since the Matoran can team up with their respective canister set, will that mean 12 Matoran?
53) What's with the name Phantoka? Aren't the Nuva the Nuva and the villians the villians? Isn't it going to be confusing putting them both under the same name?
7MB has spoken
81) Yes, there is a storyline reason -- it's not a question of "they don't want to work together," more a question of the location being so vast you need to split into two teams to cover it.
92) No. Only six, in January.
103) Because of the fact that we have heroes and villains out at the same time, they wanted a sub-brand that would cover both. "Phantoka" is a Matoran word that means "spirits of the air," so it applies to both sets of flying warriors.
11Wow, we already know what Phantoka means:
12MB has spoken
1and greg has completely destroyed any hope of people wanting the mata in mata nui to mean spirit, since phantoka has spirit in it.
1Hello Greg, I have some questions about the Phantoka and the Matoran.
21. Which is your favorite Phantoka set-wise?
32. Story-wise?
43. What does Phantoka mean in matoran?
54. Are the Phantoka Makuta?
65. You said somewhere that the Nuva have new mask shapes, but they have the old powers, are they still Nuva masks or are they just regular old kanohi like the Mahris?
76. Are the small sets in small canisters, or just boxes?
87. Is it possible to give personality descriptions on the Matoran? I saw Galva's and now I am curious on the rest.
91) Vamprah 102) One you have not seen yet 113) "Spirits of the air" 124) The villains are Makuta, but the word Phantoka applies to both the hero and villain sets in January 135) They are still Nuva masks. Nuva without Nuva masks would be pointless. 146) Don't know. 157) I really don't want to do a lot of that, because then what do we talk about in January?
16Hm... It looks like the 2008 Villians are Makuta.
1Big revelation here:
6So those Matoran are indeed Av-Matoran, and they were originally planned to be able to use mask powers :
2Hey Greg, I saw that the Matoran for next year have brand new masks, and I think that's awesome. But the thing is, we have never had a set of Matoran with brand new mask shapes. 2001, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007 - they all had recycled masks, some in the same colors as the originals, some in new colors. And I understand why this is so. Why give a new mask piece to a Matoran that can never use the powerless mask? I've raised this question to the other members, and they think that the masks that the 2008 Matoran are wearing are designed as powerless or Noble versions of the respective Nuva masks. But it is my opinion that those masks are actually the shapes of the next three Kanohi Nuva, only in different colors than the ones that will be released with the next three Nuva, if history is any indication of this. So what's the deal here? Are those unique Matoran masks, or the next Kanohi Nuva?
3I hope you can clear this up, thanks. 4Nate
5The reason they were given unique masks was because the original intent was to allow Av-Matoran to use mask powers and to make the sets more valuable by having exclusive pieces. The former was later scrapped, the latter was not.
6So those Matoran are indeed Av-Matoran, and they were originally planned to be able to use mask powers :
1Big revelation here:
2Hey Greg, I saw that the Matoran for next year have brand new masks, and I think that's awesome. But the thing is, we have never had a set of Matoran with brand new mask shapes. 2001, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007 - they all had recycled masks, some in the same colors as the originals, some in new colors. And I understand why this is so. Why give a new mask piece to a Matoran that can never use the powerless mask? I've raised this question to the other members, and they think that the masks that the 2008 Matoran are wearing are designed as powerless or Noble versions of the respective Nuva masks. But it is my opinion that those masks are actually the shapes of the next three Kanohi Nuva, only in different colors than the ones that will be released with the next three Nuva, if history is any indication of this. So what's the deal here? Are those unique Matoran masks, or the next Kanohi Nuva?
3I hope you can clear this up, thanks. 4Nate
5The reason they were given unique masks was because the original intent was to allow Av-Matoran to use mask powers and to make the sets more valuable by having exclusive pieces. The former was later scrapped, the latter was not.
6So those Matoran are indeed Av-Matoran, and they were originally planned to be able to use mask powers :
7so it means they are gonna be able to use their mask powers?
1I guess not, but this strengthens the claim that the 2008 locale is TWTFTW- that's after all, where the Av-Matoran used to live.
1Nothing big. Most of these are about the new Makuta:
2During the Nuva Blog, are the Toa using canisters to travel, or just their mask powers? 3Their powers, for the most part
4The villains next year, the three evil Phantoka -- they are Makuta? 5Yes
6So, there are eight Makuta in the BoM? (MoMN, Icarax, and possibly six coming out next year) 7You're assuming that every Makuta in the BOM is in next year's story -- when did I say that?
8If one Makuta can stand against six Toa, and Icarax could easily defeat a single one, how will the Nuva stand a chance against them next year? 9Follow the story and find out
10Next year's Makuta still have they 42 powers? Or did something happen to them? Can they still shapeshift, or are they "trapped" in their bat-like forms? 11See answer to #4
12Are they following Icarax's orders? 13No.
14Is there a reason for their size? I'd have expected them to be titans -- we know Icarax is one. 15Actually, all that we know about Icarax is he is a store-exclusive set, I don't have info on his size or packaging.
2During the Nuva Blog, are the Toa using canisters to travel, or just their mask powers? 3Their powers, for the most part
4The villains next year, the three evil Phantoka -- they are Makuta? 5Yes
6So, there are eight Makuta in the BoM? (MoMN, Icarax, and possibly six coming out next year) 7You're assuming that every Makuta in the BOM is in next year's story -- when did I say that?
8If one Makuta can stand against six Toa, and Icarax could easily defeat a single one, how will the Nuva stand a chance against them next year? 9Follow the story and find out
10Next year's Makuta still have they 42 powers? Or did something happen to them? Can they still shapeshift, or are they "trapped" in their bat-like forms? 11See answer to #4
12Are they following Icarax's orders? 13No.
14Is there a reason for their size? I'd have expected them to be titans -- we know Icarax is one. 15Actually, all that we know about Icarax is he is a store-exclusive set, I don't have info on his size or packaging.
1so it means they are gonna be able to use their mask powers?
2No, it means it was considered, but scrapped. I think it's really intereting that the story team considered granting the Av-Matoran mask powers though. They would have to be much more mentally disciplined and powerful than the average Matoran to have that ability.