17. Now that you've seen the first 20 minutes of the next Bionicle movie, I have four questions. One, did it show the Toa Metru as Matoran? If so, what were their masks?
2Yes, it did, and I really wasn't paying that much attention to their masks. The impression I had is that they were Matoran versions of the masks they wound up with as Toa.
38. Who spoke in the first 20 minutes, and can you tell us what some of the characters sound like?
4All the Matoran speak, all the Toa speak, Dume speaks, Lhikan speaks ... but some of the voices are being recast, so there wouldn't be much point discussing how people sound because it may not be how they sound in the final film.
59. Does the movie show Lhikan getting captured?
710. What are the differences between the MOL animation and the Metru Nui movie animation?
8I'm not an expert on animation, but I certainly thought it was much smoother and the colors were more vibrant. The characters move more naturally, I think.
9The film ones interested. So he has actually seen Lhikan's colors and weapons, and the Toa as matoran... the masks that they used as matoran is quite interesting.
1This time I've got some normal questions, plus some for a topic I'm working on. Normals first:
- 2I've got a question about the Metru Nui stars. Not about what they actually are, but what the Metruans think they are. You've said that the Matoran interpret the pinpoints of light they see in Metru Nui's sky as stars. But would they even know what a star is? I mean, would they know that a real star is a huge ball of plasma thousands to millions of light years away?
3Probably not, no. We call them stars because it is the closest Earth approximation to what the Matoran think they are, but I doubt they know what a star really is since I don't think astronomy is their strong suit.
- 4Are the stars above Mata Nui's sky actual stars? Balls of plasma thousands of light years away, and all that?
- 6Have you found out anything about the two suns at the end of the MOL yet?
7Well, I know that, unless it was a flashback, it should have only been one sun. Metru Nui had two suns in 2004, but by the time it is rediscovered, only one is still extant.
- 8So, many Matoran have different masks in the present, as they're leaving for Metru Nui, than they had in the prequel. Is this: More Than One Hafu?a case of that, for Hafu? Or an error?
9The reason all the Matoran are depicted with similar masks in the comics is that the artist had no idea what masks would be used for Matoran in the movie. So he went with the ones he KNEW were being used. So we really can't discuss what masks Matoran on Metru Nui where until we see the film.
- 10There's only two Great Beings known, right? I ask because of this topic: Bionicle=trilogy?, The three brothers revealed... It's apparently about the Makuta Nui.
11There are only two that we know of at this time. Makuta Nui is an alternate form of Makuta, he is not a third being.
- 12How do you get in and out of a chute? An open top at stations, perhaps?
13The strength of the magnetic energy can be controlled. In a regular chute, it pulses, so that if you time it right, you can jump in and jump out (although this is very dangerous in a fast-moving chute). At a a chute station, the chute speed slows down and the field is automatically weakened slightly so that Matoran can pass through.
- 14More about the height of a Toa. You said the official height of a Toa Nuva is 6.5 to 7 feet tall. What's that in bios? Is that the 1.5 bios? ('Cuz it sounded to me like that referred to Olda, not Nuva.)
15I don't believe bios were ever done for the Nuva, and we have never assigned actual Earth measurements to them. However, the Metru are listed on the March map as 1.6 bio, and since they are taller than the Nuva, the Nuva might have been 1.5 or 1.55.
16Now, for the topic. I've been recently looking back at the old comics, and trying to write out a rough timeline of what happened where. Mainly because I'm starting work on some fanfics that happen at the same time, and I want to have the official storyline down before I change it.![]()
17Anyways, I've noticed that the story of Lewa's Infection is the biggest part I'm not sure about. And I've come up with two theories on how the comics and the MNOLG Le-Koro update work together. I am fully aware that you don't know everything about MNOLG, but you're the expert on the comics, so I want to run my ideas by you. Once I know what's official, or the closest guess possible, I'm planning on doing a simple reference-style topic on it.
18So. When MNOLG updates and the Comics were still coming out, if I remember correctly, we got Comic two, ending with the To be continued Lewa falling, with his mask knocked off. Then we got the MNOLG Le-Koro update, in which Takua discovers Le-Koronans have been kidnapped by Nui-Rama, and flies to the Rama nest, meets Matau, and infected Lewa. Then Onua comes, saves Lewa, and they all leave. Then we got Comic 3.
19So at the time, I got the impression that the Rama had taken Lewa to the Rama nest, and the Le-Koro update happened in between those comics. However, looking back now I see that's impossible, as Comic 3 picks up immediately after Comic 2, with the Muaka reaching up to get Lewa, and also because at the end of the Le-Koro update, Lewa gets his Gold Kanohi, but doesn't have it during Comic 3.
20So there's two interpretations I can find. One, that all of Comic three happens, and then the MNOLG Le-Koro update. This would fit fine.
21However, there are quite a few reasons why I get the impression this is wrong. One, Lewa would then get de-masked by a Rama and saved by Onua twice (it seems more likely the Comic version would be related to the MNOLG version, although with Lewa's impulsiveness it wouldn't be surprising for him to make the same mistake twice). Two, the fact that we got the Le-Koro update before rather than after Comic 3 tells me the MNOLG Le-Koro part happened sooner rather than later. Third, some of the things Tamaru and Kongu say in MNOLG hint at other connections. So, I've figured out a way the two could fit together; the gap in Comic 3 where Onua knocks the Muaka into the ground, presumedly saving Lewa, then we move to the other Toa long enough for Gali to have a vision, and Tahu to scare away all the Rahi there, and then we go to Onua's meeting, where he and Lewa are there. It's during that gap that it seems to me the bulk of the Le-Koro update could occur.
22Here's the timeline I've got based on that theory:
- 23(assumed): Nui Rama infected in large numbers, sometime recently. Perhaps just before the coming of the Toa. This is because of something Tamaru says in MNOLG. Here's something I said about this in my old topic MNOLG Findings:
"bonesiii in MNOLG Findings"
24The Nui-Rama were apparently only recently infected; when you first go to Le-Koro, Tamaru says, "In last rainfall Kongu on patrol saw Rama-hive growing topleaf-high, far in dark forest. Lateknowing Tohunga, Rama infected by Makuta:" when asked "What attack?".
- 25( partly assumed): Lewa talks to Matau, and Matau tells him the location of the Kakama mask of Speed. (mentioned in Comic 2)
- 26MNOLG: The Onu-Wahi tunnel to Le-Wahi is nearly completed.
- 27Comic 2: Lewa gets his mask of speed in an underwater cave in Le-Wahi. Makuta makes some seaweed grab him, but he cuts himself free with his ax. He leaves the cave.
- 28Comic 2: Lewa switches to his Miru, and starts flying.
- 29Comic 2: Nui Rama ram into him from behind, knocking off his Miru. He falls.
- 30(assumed): At this time, Nui-Rama were attacking Le-Wahi in the largest numbers ever, and possibly for the first time since being recently infected. Right about now, Le-Koro is attacked, and Matau and a few villagers are captured. The reason I am assuming they attack now is that the Rama that attacked Lewa are part of the same big swarm that are just now attacking pretty much all of Le-Wahi. I think it was the first time they had attacked in such large numbers because of the quote from Tamaru above.
- 31Comic 2: Lewa's arm catches on a vine just a few Toa heights off the ground.
- 32Comic 3: Onua reaches up from underground, and pulls the Muaka into the ground, defeating it.
- 33(assumed): Just then, more Nui-Rama (or possibly the same ones that rammed him before, or maybe even that Rama combiner) come by, and grab Lewa and his mask, before Onua can get to him. However, Onua realizes they will take Lewa to the Rama Hive; that's how he knew where to find Lewa later. This is the only gap I can find in the flow of the Comics when Lewa could have been infected.
- 34(assumed): Then Lewa is taken to the Rama Hive, and an extra infected Miru is placed on his face.
- 35MNOLG: Takua talks to Taipu right as Taipu clears the last bit of rock, opening up the way to Le-Koro. He and Taipu leave for Le-Koro. Taipu is kidnapped by a Rama.
- 36MNOLG: Takua arrives at Le-Koro. The remaining Le-Koronans (mainly Tamaru and Kongu) tell him of the attack, and that Matau and some Matoran were taken.
- 37MNOLG: Takua and Kongu fly to the Rama nest, fighting Rama on their way.
- 38MNOLG: Kewa enters nest. Lewa, infected, zooms past the Kewa, (apparently the infected Miru was a Kanohi of power. Not sure how to interpret this part. Perhaps he was simply jumping, or riding a Rama. We see a green flash whiz by, and the Kewa's wing is immediately hurt. I am assuming it must be Lewa, because, for one, it's green, and also because if it was a Rama, I doubt they would made a point of not giving you a clear view of it; it's not surprising to find Rama in a Rama nest.), and damages its wing. It crashes.
- 39MNOLG: Takua talks to Matau, and sees Lewa.
- 40MNOLG: Onua arrives, and fights Lewa. In the end, he uses a Matatu Mask of Telekinesis to knock off Lewa's infected mask. Matau tells him to get Lewa's mask.
- 41MNOLG: Lewa switches to a Komau Mask of Mind Control, and controls the big combiner Rama, and everybody leaves the Rama nest.
- 42Comic 3: Onua calls a meeting of the Toa immediately after; he and Gali argue that they all should work together. Lewa disagrees.
- 43Comic 3: Then the Mangai erupts. Onua and Lewa head that way to redirect the lava flow, interrupting the meeting. Meanwhile, Rahi attack the other four Toa.
- 44(assumed): Takua is still in Le-Koro, simply waiting. (From our point of veiw, the end flash movie for the Le-Koro section hasn't ended, and we don't have control of Takua yet.)
- 45Comic 3: There is a big battle of Toa against Rahi, and Makuta's powers over the elements of the island.
- 46Comic 3: The Toa win.
- 47(assumed): Lewa must then collect all the rest of his Great Kanohi.
- 48MNOLG: Then all the Le-Koronans and Takua (and undoubtedly Taipu) attend as Lewa receives his Gold Kanohi. We then get control of Takua back in the game, and he's in Le-Koro.
49So that's that. That way, or simply the Le-Koro update all happening after Comic three are the two possibilities I can see. Do you know which way it happened? Or a way I haven't thought of?
50Your theory makes sense to me.
51Also, a question about one detail; if a Mask of Power is infected, does it keep its power? I ask because as the Kewa was entering the Rama lair, there was a flash of green, and the Kewa's wing was damaged. It was strongly implied that this was Lewa, infected, using his infected Miru to jump up and swing his ax at the Kewa. So it seems as if his infected Miru had levitation power. (to clarify, this would be a second Miru of power; his normal mask was not infected)
52Yes, an infected mask does retain its power. To do otherwise would be impractical, as Makuta would then be controlling Toa who were at half-power and could easily be defeated by fully powered Toa.
53See answers above. 54Greg
55And here's that topic: The Complete Guide To Lewa's Infection. There's a few more details in it that weren't in the list I sent to Greg; mainly just better explanations of a few points.
56I may be doing another "Complete Guide" topic soon about the North March, since I have had notes on that for a while, but never really posted all of them. And it's come up lately.
1QUOTE 2Hey Greg, few questions about Metru Nui and some about Mata Nui.
3Metru Nui Q's
41. I know what a Tunneler is, it's a Rahi, but what is it made of, and how do they take form of whatever...shoots them?
5It's made of protodermis, just like every other living thing in BIONICLE. As for how it changes its substance, that is its power. It happens automatically, it is not actually controlled by the creature.
62. Are the Vahki capable of controling how much they effect the Matoran? (ex. Keerahk can use less power on a Matoran who did something minor)
83. Do the Matoran use any tame Rahi besides Usslas on Metru Nui?
9Well, they have some they keep as pets.
104. Are the Rahi on Metru Nui scarcer then on Mata Nui or is it relitivly the same?
11They are certainly way scarcer in the city, but there are plenty in the Archives.
125. I heard earlier that Nuparu builds a transportation vehical in the B2 movie, can you give me any info on that?
13You see Matau test it in the movie.
146. How do you pronounc ethe follwoing names?
15Ehrey- Air-yay
16Vhisola- Vih-so-lah
17Nuhrii- New-ree
18Ahkmou- Ack-moo
19Orkham- Or-kam
20Tehutti- Tuh-hoo-tee
21Lhikan- Lee-kan
22Dume- Doo-mah
23Nivawk- Knee-vawk
24Nidhiki- Nih-dee-kee
25Krekka- Kreh-kah
26Krahlii- Krah-lee
27Krawaa- Krah-wah
28Vahki- Vah-kee
29Nuurahk- New-rock
30Keerahk- Key-rock
31Bordahk- Bore-dock
32Zahdok- Zah-dock
33Rorzahk- Roar-zock
34Vorzahk- Voar-zock
357. How many Vahki do you estimate there is in total on Metru Nui?
36No idea. Probably a few hundred.
378. Have Vahki ever been stationed outside the city walls?
38Not to my knowledge, no. Outside the city walls is ocean.
399. Is there any boundry between the city and the environs? 40A wall, etc?
41There is a boundary between the city and the passages to Mata Nui.
4210. What does a Vahki look like in flight mode?
43Haven't seen one depicted in the movie, so can't say.
4411. What's faster for a Vahki? walking mode, or spider mode?
45Probably spider mode.
4612. Are all the metru equal in population or does one have more in it then the others?
47I would say they are equal.
4813. Which of the Toa Metru would be consider the strongest?
49Physically? Whenua.
5014. Do Po and Ta-Metru have a rivalry because it seems like it from Master of Rahkshi's Guide to Metru Nui topic where he says that Po-Metru often competes to make Ta-Metru products.
51No, Po-Metru doesn't need to compete. They assemble the products after Ta-Metru makes the pieces. Po-Metru doesn't have foundries to make pieces. The major rivalry in the city is between Ko-Metru and Onu-Metru.
52Mata Nui Q's
531. Who are the strongest Toa Nuva, or are all of them equal in power? I ask because in the guide book you said that Tahu Nuva was, and in the comics you said Kopaka and Tahu Nuva were.
54It depends on what you are asking. If you are talking physical strength, it's Onua. If you are talking most destructive elemental powers, it's probably Tahu and Kopaka.
552. Will the Toa Nuva ever have to defend Metru Nui?
56No idea, next Toa Nuva storyline has not been written yet.
573. Are there any types of Rahi that haven't been seen or spoken of that exist on Mata Nui?
58Could be, sure.
60See answers above. 61Greg 62-------------------
3Metru Nui Q's
41. I know what a Tunneler is, it's a Rahi, but what is it made of, and how do they take form of whatever...shoots them?
5It's made of protodermis, just like every other living thing in BIONICLE. As for how it changes its substance, that is its power. It happens automatically, it is not actually controlled by the creature.
62. Are the Vahki capable of controling how much they effect the Matoran? (ex. Keerahk can use less power on a Matoran who did something minor)
83. Do the Matoran use any tame Rahi besides Usslas on Metru Nui?
9Well, they have some they keep as pets.
104. Are the Rahi on Metru Nui scarcer then on Mata Nui or is it relitivly the same?
11They are certainly way scarcer in the city, but there are plenty in the Archives.
125. I heard earlier that Nuparu builds a transportation vehical in the B2 movie, can you give me any info on that?
13You see Matau test it in the movie.
146. How do you pronounc ethe follwoing names?
15Ehrey- Air-yay
16Vhisola- Vih-so-lah
17Nuhrii- New-ree
18Ahkmou- Ack-moo
19Orkham- Or-kam
20Tehutti- Tuh-hoo-tee
21Lhikan- Lee-kan
22Dume- Doo-mah
23Nivawk- Knee-vawk
24Nidhiki- Nih-dee-kee
25Krekka- Kreh-kah
26Krahlii- Krah-lee
27Krawaa- Krah-wah
28Vahki- Vah-kee
29Nuurahk- New-rock
30Keerahk- Key-rock
31Bordahk- Bore-dock
32Zahdok- Zah-dock
33Rorzahk- Roar-zock
34Vorzahk- Voar-zock
357. How many Vahki do you estimate there is in total on Metru Nui?
36No idea. Probably a few hundred.
378. Have Vahki ever been stationed outside the city walls?
38Not to my knowledge, no. Outside the city walls is ocean.
399. Is there any boundry between the city and the environs? 40A wall, etc?
41There is a boundary between the city and the passages to Mata Nui.
4210. What does a Vahki look like in flight mode?
43Haven't seen one depicted in the movie, so can't say.
4411. What's faster for a Vahki? walking mode, or spider mode?
45Probably spider mode.
4612. Are all the metru equal in population or does one have more in it then the others?
47I would say they are equal.
4813. Which of the Toa Metru would be consider the strongest?
49Physically? Whenua.
5014. Do Po and Ta-Metru have a rivalry because it seems like it from Master of Rahkshi's Guide to Metru Nui topic where he says that Po-Metru often competes to make Ta-Metru products.
51No, Po-Metru doesn't need to compete. They assemble the products after Ta-Metru makes the pieces. Po-Metru doesn't have foundries to make pieces. The major rivalry in the city is between Ko-Metru and Onu-Metru.
52Mata Nui Q's
531. Who are the strongest Toa Nuva, or are all of them equal in power? I ask because in the guide book you said that Tahu Nuva was, and in the comics you said Kopaka and Tahu Nuva were.
54It depends on what you are asking. If you are talking physical strength, it's Onua. If you are talking most destructive elemental powers, it's probably Tahu and Kopaka.
552. Will the Toa Nuva ever have to defend Metru Nui?
56No idea, next Toa Nuva storyline has not been written yet.
573. Are there any types of Rahi that haven't been seen or spoken of that exist on Mata Nui?
58Could be, sure.
60See answers above. 61Greg 62-------------------
1I was disapointed on how Bionicle: The Game sold. An article said that it hardly even sold enough to cover the costs that it took to make the game. Did the movie do this bad?
2No, actually, the movie did spectacular, both in the US and in Europe, which is why we are doing another. I think the BIONICLE game didn't sell well because so much of the video game audience wants games with lots of violence and that is not what BIONICLE is.
3This probably is a bad sign for a new game.

1[li]More about the height of a Toa. You said the official height of a Toa Nuva is 6.5 to 7 feet tall. What's that in bios? Is that the 1.5 bios? ('Cuz it sounded to me like that referred to Olda, not Nuva.)
2I don't believe bios were ever done for the Nuva, and we have never assigned actual Earth measurements to them. However, the Metru are listed on the March map as 1.6 bio, and since they are taller than the Nuva, the Nuva might have been 1.5 or 1.55.
4The old BIONICLE.com listed the Toa Olda as being 1.6 bio tall. 5If the new map lists the Toa Metru as 1.6 bio tall (they're two heads taller than the Olda) then this throws the BIONICLE measurement system all out the window into the trash heap.
6Time to PM GregF
11)Is 2005's storyline still focused on the past? 2Can't answer it.
32)Is it possible that there is an intermediate form between Toa Metru and Turaga? 4No.
53)When the Toa Metru choose to become Turaga, do they instantly become zapped into Turaga form, or is it a gradual process? 6You'll have to watch the movie and see.
74)Will the journey from Metru-Nui to Mata-Nui be focused on intensely by the story team? Or will it just be revealed in your book? 8It will primarily be in the books, possibly in the comic too.
9I was hoping #2 might be possible, but, oh, well... 10
32)Is it possible that there is an intermediate form between Toa Metru and Turaga? 4No.
53)When the Toa Metru choose to become Turaga, do they instantly become zapped into Turaga form, or is it a gradual process? 6You'll have to watch the movie and see.
74)Will the journey from Metru-Nui to Mata-Nui be focused on intensely by the story team? Or will it just be revealed in your book? 8It will primarily be in the books, possibly in the comic too.
9I was hoping #2 might be possible, but, oh, well... 10

1The old BIONICLE.com listed the Toa Olda as being 1.6 bio tall. 2If the new map lists the Toa Metru as 1.6 bio tall (they're two heads taller than the Olda) then this throws the BIONICLE measurement system all out the window into the trash heap.
3Time to PM GregF
4That's the set's height. Maybe not storyline-wise.
3Before BIONICLE.com dropped all its old content for its new look, the statistics page listed a Toa (Olda) as being 1.6 bio tall. 4Now LEGO is releasing a map listing the Toa Metru as 1.6 bio tall? 5Are the Toa Metru supposed to be the same height as the Toa Olda and LEGO couldn't keep them in the same scale as the Olda, or has some person neglected to do the proper math and post the correct heights of Toa who are two heads taller than the Toa Olda? 6It's confusing enough trying to adjust our information as new data comes out that disproves our assumptions, but this...1[li]More about the height of a Toa. You said the official height of a Toa Nuva is 6.5 to 7 feet tall. What's that in bios? Is that the 1.5 bios? ('Cuz it sounded to me like that referred to Olda, not Nuva.)
2I don't believe bios were ever done for the Nuva, and we have never assigned actual Earth measurements to them. However, the Metru are listed on the March map as 1.6 bio, and since they are taller than the Nuva, the Nuva might have been 1.5 or 1.55.
7We've already seen an example of a typo with the 100 bio = 1 kio vs. 1000 bio = 1 kio.
8Isn't there some way of getting the web designers, writers, artists, and ad guys all using the same established data so as to maintain consistency?
9I know that the writers can't control what the other departments are doing, but it seems that the BIONICLE part of LEGO should have some sort of Reference of Established Data manual or something for everyone to look at to keep from repeatedly contradicting information that has already been published in other formats. The BIONICLE alphabet comes to mind as one of the stable pieces of information that has not yet been violated.
11I'll pass your suggestion on. Such a document does exist for the 2001-2003 BIONICLE storyline, but we are working from story bibles for 2004 which are not intended to go into minutia.
12While I can certainly understand your concerns, the simplest answer would be to say the Toa Metru are not in scale to the Nuva. It is not in the story bible anywhere that the Metru are taller than the Olda, nor has that ever been discussed in a story meeting nor is it in the movie. The Metru are taller as figures simply because they had to be due to the additional points of articulation added. Had the Olda had equal points of articulation, they would have been the same size as the Metru figures. Given that, the map makers probably saw no reason to change the scale.
14LEGO could have easily kept the Toa Metru the same height as the Nuva or the Olda. 15Anybody want to guess what the final official standing is for the heights and conversion rates?
1Nothing all that important this time:
181. I didn't think so, but I wanted to be sure. 192. (No comment) 203. Dang. 214. Huh...then that means they turn up in either Voyage of Fear or Maze of Shadows...possibly even Legends of Metru Nui: 225. Cool: I wonder what they are... 236. Oooh...it might be something important: 247. Thought it might be something else... 258. (No comment)
26-Master of the Rahkshi
21. Would a "removes poison" Kanoka work on an infected mask? I mean, it is poison of sorts... 3No.
42. Stone always has seemed to like to play sports. Would I be correct in assuming that the Po-Metru Kanoka feature was made with the Kanoka sport in mind? 5It's possible.
63. Any progress on the sport's name? 7I don't think it is going to get an official one.
84. Do the Toa Metru face the Kraawa and Kralhi in The Darkness Below? 9No, neither of those combo models had been shown to me when I wrote Book 3.
105. Do the Vahki Kaitas have different powers, or do they have the powers of the three Vahki that made them? 11They have different powers.
126. What's the Canyon of Unending Whispers? Is it a carving site? Or something else? 13Watch the movie.
147. And the Fountain of Wisdom. Is it just a large, intricate protowater fountain, or does it have some other value? 15It has a spiritual value, but it does not play a role in the daily life of the city like a furnace does, etc.
168. The Great Archive—is that the central section of the Archives, the place where they started or something? 17No, "Great Archive" is a name for all of the Archives.
181. I didn't think so, but I wanted to be sure. 192. (No comment) 203. Dang. 214. Huh...then that means they turn up in either Voyage of Fear or Maze of Shadows...possibly even Legends of Metru Nui: 225. Cool: I wonder what they are... 236. Oooh...it might be something important: 247. Thought it might be something else... 258. (No comment)
26-Master of the Rahkshi
11) can you please please please tell us lhikan's color?
22) is this the fifth enemy? or is it just a rahi moc?
3That is a Rahi model built by some of the artists here from last year's sets. It is not a part of the storyline.
43)how did rahi get kanohi? now that we know how they are made i dont think any matoran would give a kanohi for a rahi(spiecelly not dengores one's like muaka's or the metru combiner rahi)
51) We have never revealed how Matoran are made and 2) Matoran don't make Rahi.
64) i remember that someone said the vahki have flight mode but i dont know it for sure so can you beriefy it?
7Yes, they do.
85)ok i understand that makuta changed the matoran when they got to metru nui but why would he change their color too?
9The color change was a side-effect of the other changes he made.
106) is dume "above the law" since he controls the vahki i dont see that they would be in such a herry to shock him like they do to any other outlaw matoran
11I wouldn't say he is, no.
127) in bios what is lhikan's hight?
13Lhikan is 1.6 bio, the same as the other Toa.
148) when the "ask greg" thing come's up in bionicle.com will you stop answering our questions?
15I don't plan to stop, no. What I may do is refer some of the more frequently asked questions to BIONICLE.com, since they are obviously things a lot of people want to know about.
i dont think he understaed my question about the rahi kanohi
22) is this the fifth enemy? or is it just a rahi moc?
3That is a Rahi model built by some of the artists here from last year's sets. It is not a part of the storyline.
43)how did rahi get kanohi? now that we know how they are made i dont think any matoran would give a kanohi for a rahi(spiecelly not dengores one's like muaka's or the metru combiner rahi)
51) We have never revealed how Matoran are made and 2) Matoran don't make Rahi.
64) i remember that someone said the vahki have flight mode but i dont know it for sure so can you beriefy it?
7Yes, they do.
85)ok i understand that makuta changed the matoran when they got to metru nui but why would he change their color too?
9The color change was a side-effect of the other changes he made.
106) is dume "above the law" since he controls the vahki i dont see that they would be in such a herry to shock him like they do to any other outlaw matoran
11I wouldn't say he is, no.
127) in bios what is lhikan's hight?
13Lhikan is 1.6 bio, the same as the other Toa.
148) when the "ask greg" thing come's up in bionicle.com will you stop answering our questions?
15I don't plan to stop, no. What I may do is refer some of the more frequently asked questions to BIONICLE.com, since they are obviously things a lot of people want to know about.

11. I know this may be a bit late in asking this, but why did LEGO decide to change the Toa to Toa Nuva? 2That was part of the story from the beginning. Also, from a company standpoint, we needed to put out new hero sets and it was either do completely new Toa or upgrade the ones we had.
32. Why were the Bohrok "brought back" as Bohrok-Kal? 4Because BIONICLE was (and is) extremely successful and to maintain that, you have to have product out on a regular basis. The Bohrok-Kal are what is called a "refresher," where you take existing product and modify it some so that you keep something new on the shelves.
53. Why was Knight's Kingdom created when Bionicle is up and running? 6Knights Kingdom is aimed at totally different audience. BIONICLE is aimed at 8 to 12 year olds, Knights is aimed at 5 and 6 year olds. It's apples and oranges. They are not competing for the same audience, so there is no reason both can't be out at the same time.
74. Who are the main villains of Metru-Nui (that you can reveal)? 8The Morbuzakh, Nidhiki and Krekka, and the Vahki (although they are not evil, just formidable) are the villains people know about at this point.
95. Recently I've been hearing that Turaga Dume is evil. So far, is there any evidence he even is? 10No, absolutely none. He has hardly even been in the story yet. Every time someone asks me about this, I ask them, "Well, why do you think he is evil?" So far, no one has ever gotten back to me with reasons beyond, "I just think so."
32. Why were the Bohrok "brought back" as Bohrok-Kal? 4Because BIONICLE was (and is) extremely successful and to maintain that, you have to have product out on a regular basis. The Bohrok-Kal are what is called a "refresher," where you take existing product and modify it some so that you keep something new on the shelves.
53. Why was Knight's Kingdom created when Bionicle is up and running? 6Knights Kingdom is aimed at totally different audience. BIONICLE is aimed at 8 to 12 year olds, Knights is aimed at 5 and 6 year olds. It's apples and oranges. They are not competing for the same audience, so there is no reason both can't be out at the same time.
74. Who are the main villains of Metru-Nui (that you can reveal)? 8The Morbuzakh, Nidhiki and Krekka, and the Vahki (although they are not evil, just formidable) are the villains people know about at this point.
95. Recently I've been hearing that Turaga Dume is evil. So far, is there any evidence he even is? 10No, absolutely none. He has hardly even been in the story yet. Every time someone asks me about this, I ask them, "Well, why do you think he is evil?" So far, no one has ever gotten back to me with reasons beyond, "I just think so."
1WHYYYYYYYY: 2i feel sad
3wel thats becouse of this pm: 4(no offense to greg)
5Hy greg i got a question and i realy hope you can answer it
6Well the new 702 kit mega accasory kit or somthing is it coming out only in the USA or in europe two?
7and if they come in europe does it come to the netherlands two?
8thnx for your time
9No idea. The last I heard, that was an exclusive for Toys R Us.
11Thats it is fair and just lego: 12i want it to and with me 1000 of other kids: 13or does he mean only for toys r us in the whole world???? 14Well if that i am lucky

5Hy greg i got a question and i realy hope you can answer it
6Well the new 702 kit mega accasory kit or somthing is it coming out only in the USA or in europe two?
7and if they come in europe does it come to the netherlands two?
8thnx for your time
9No idea. The last I heard, that was an exclusive for Toys R Us.
11Thats it is fair and just lego: 12i want it to and with me 1000 of other kids: 13or does he mean only for toys r us in the whole world???? 14Well if that i am lucky
1In a recent PM to someone(cant recall the name)you said that the heat-vision Rahkshi would shoot blasts of heat from its staff, yet in Mystery of Metru Nui you said the Rahkshi shot the beams from its eyes. Could you clarify this for me please
2Thanks in advance
3Simple. He does both.
5Cool. So wouldnt that make him the most dangerous Rahkshi without his staff?
1Hi. I have a few questions.
21.) For bionicle 2 the movie are we looking at a time frame of about 70 minutes (like the last one) or 2 hours like a real movie?
3Yes, most direct to video animated films are 70 minutes to 80 minutes long. (Heck, I rented a PG-13, big star, theatrical release that wasn't animated the other day and it was only 80 minutes long).
42.)At the end of comic 17 there is a small building near the morbuzakh. Is that building in the great furnace and if it is dose it play a roal in the storyline
5No. The Morbuzakh is pictured in that shot as a symbol of the fact that its menace hangs over the city. The Toa Metru are still in Ga-Metru in that scene.
63.) the map at the end of comic 17 has a map for some reason oun-mertu and ko-mertu are mixed up it seems to make more sense now that ko-mertu is on the bottem but is it right?
7The map in comic 17 is the accurate one, and matches the map on the Toa cans.
21.) For bionicle 2 the movie are we looking at a time frame of about 70 minutes (like the last one) or 2 hours like a real movie?
3Yes, most direct to video animated films are 70 minutes to 80 minutes long. (Heck, I rented a PG-13, big star, theatrical release that wasn't animated the other day and it was only 80 minutes long).
42.)At the end of comic 17 there is a small building near the morbuzakh. Is that building in the great furnace and if it is dose it play a roal in the storyline
5No. The Morbuzakh is pictured in that shot as a symbol of the fact that its menace hangs over the city. The Toa Metru are still in Ga-Metru in that scene.
63.) the map at the end of comic 17 has a map for some reason oun-mertu and ko-mertu are mixed up it seems to make more sense now that ko-mertu is on the bottem but is it right?
7The map in comic 17 is the accurate one, and matches the map on the Toa cans.
1In a recent PM to someone(cant recall the name)you said that the heat-vision Rahkshi would shoot blasts of heat from its staff, yet in Mystery of Metru Nui you said the Rahkshi shot the beams from its eyes. Could you clarify this for me please
2Thanks in advance
3Simple. He does both.
5Cool. So wouldnt that make him the most dangerous Rahkshi without his staff?
6Without his staff, he would be helpless, just like any other Rahkshi. All Rahkshi, regardless of their abilities or how they use them, must have their staffs in order to use their powers.
7-Master of the Rahskhi
1In a recent PM to someone(cant recall the name)you said that the heat-vision Rahkshi would shoot blasts of heat from its staff, yet in Mystery of Metru Nui you said the Rahkshi shot the beams from its eyes. Could you clarify this for me please
2Thanks in advance
3Simple. He does both.
5Cool. So wouldnt that make him the most dangerous Rahkshi without his staff?
6Without his staff, he would be helpless, just like any other Rahkshi. All Rahkshi, regardless of their abilities or how they use them, must have their staffs in order to use their powers.
7-Master of the Rahskhi
8Actually in the book "Mystery of Metru-Nui" the heat-vision rahkshi uses his power without his staff, because I do remember GregF stating that all rahkshi are stripped of their staffs before being placed in their "canisters"
1In a recent PM to someone(cant recall the name)you said that the heat-vision Rahkshi would shoot blasts of heat from its staff, yet in Mystery of Metru Nui you said the Rahkshi shot the beams from its eyes. Could you clarify this for me please
2Thanks in advance
3Simple. He does both.
5Cool. So wouldnt that make him the most dangerous Rahkshi without his staff?
6Without his staff, he would be helpless, just like any other Rahkshi. All Rahkshi, regardless of their abilities or how they use them, must have their staffs in order to use their powers.
7-Master of the Rahskhi
8Actually in the book "Mystery of Metru-Nui" the heat-vision rahkshi uses his power without his staff, because I do remember GregF stating that all rahkshi are stripped of their staffs before being placed in their "canisters"
9Nowhere does it say the Rahkshi didn't have a staff. It was probably somewhere nearby, so when the Rahkshi broke out, it probably went to find its staff.
10-Master of the Rahkshi
1The rahkshi didn't have it's staff it was using its eyes. 2Remeber it went right past whenua after he used his power. 3So it can use its power w/o cool ![]()
4It needs its staff even if it doesn't focus its powers through it; it needs its staff to tap into the power.
5-Master of the Rahkshi
6Then why did the book say it shot lasers from it's eyes?
1The rahkshi didn't have it's staff it was using its eyes. 2Remeber it went right past whenua after he used his power. 3So it can use its power w/o cool ![]()
4It needs its staff even if it doesn't focus its powers through it; it needs its staff to tap into the power.
5-Master of the Rahkshi
6Then why did the book say it shot lasers from it's eyes?
7Because that's the way it chose to use its power. It needs the staff to channel its power from the kraata within; from there, it can choose where the oulet is.
8-Master of the Rahkshi
1MOTR is right even if the rahkshi did use its eyes it still needs its staff to use its power.It's just like a toa if a toa loses its tool even if they arn't blasting their element through their tool the toa could not call upon their power with ease.If a rahkshi does not have a staff it can not use its power without dying of stress trying too.
1The rahkshi didn't have it's staff it was using its eyes. 2Remeber it went right past whenua after he used his power. 3So it can use its power w/o cool ![]()
4It needs its staff even if it doesn't focus its powers through it; it needs its staff to tap into the power.
5-Master of the Rahkshi
6Then why did the book say it shot lasers from it's eyes?
7Because that's the way it chose to use its power. It needs the staff to channel its power from the kraata within; from there, it can choose where the oulet is.
8-Master of the Rahkshi
9Sorry, but I'm going to have do disagree. Saying it needs its staff as the source of the power is like saying a Toa's tool is the source of his or her power. They can use the power without the staff or tool, it just isn't focused.
1The tool is the focus, not the source. Vakama's tool is a disk launcher. Does he shoot his fire through it? No. He uses his hands. I don't think it'd be as strong or focused as it could be, but it doesn't need the tool. The Rahkshi's probably the same way.
2Gee, maybe someone should actually ASK Greg in their next PM...
2Gee, maybe someone should actually ASK Greg in their next PM...
1Hey guys, I put together a list of questions I asked over the last few months, but mostly done the more recent ones. Also at the end is a bit of questions about the Rahi contest, that I wasn't clear about, for those that might also be intrested.
2Aoi 3If a matoran or another type of creature jumps into energized protodermis, and it's not their destiny to change, would it just act like normal liquid protodermis? 4It would probably act like liquid protodermis.
5or is there anyway a person can tell between liquid and energized? 6Yes, you can tell a difference between the two. 7Energized protodermis sort of crackles, I think.
8I asked a question about the things on Nuju's mask besides the lens, and this is what Greg had to say. 9Pretty sure it is just ornamental.
10The flame Vakama used on Mata Nui, was just that, a flame? Was it used to cover up his ability to have visions, and made it seem like the flame was providing them? 11No, not really, because Vakama has no control over when he sees his visions, so it would be kind of hard to know when to use the flame.
12...was wondering, the sets we're getting, are they like the squad leaders, or is Rorzakh, for example, the name of the squad? 13There are six different types of Vahki, and the names are the type names, not individual character names.
14First, I just realized, we've only had one intelligent "enemy"(well, intelligent enough to talk at least), at the $7 to $10 price range and that's the Kal. Will we get anymore "enemies"(at the already listed price range) that are able to talk? 15I hope so
16Second, I might of asked this before for Mata Nui, but since the focus has shifted to Metru Nui and they're still there, has any of the Matoran used Kraata to power their inventions or tools? 17No. There are no wild kraata loose on Metru Nui, and I don't think any Matoran on Mata Nui would want to get near enough to one to incorporate it into a device.
18Third, is there or will there be a storyline reason for why a Krana can't fit on a Toa Metru's face? 19(The way the mouth is shaped, with the circle expands out into a oval looking thing, keeps the Krana from attaching.) 20Well, from a product perspective, Toa Metru never encounter krana in combat so there is no reason why it needed to.
21....since they played such a pivotal role, do you think Lego might release a set of instructions to build Matoran Nui, or could you maybe describe it in such a way, one could build it? 22I actually put Matoran Nui into the story because I assumed we were going to do one as a combo model. Turned out we did not, so no instructions exist for it.
23Finally, I also recived the Lego Magazine in the mail today, and was wondering... 24One, how many Rahi creations can we enter? 25One creation per person, so pick your best.
26Two, "Take a color photograph of your model. (No polaroid photos, slides or computer print-outs please
" Does this mean, if you only have a digital camera, you'd have to buy a disposable, or could you print it on photo quality paper, or take the memory card to somewhere like Walgreens or Wal-Mart? 27The problem with computer photo paper is that it does not reproduce well in the magazine, in the event we want to show pics of the winning models. So it needs to be a picture, not a print out. 28a)So, if I take my digital camera/memory card down to like Wal-Greens and get my photos from there, it'd be alright then? 29Yes, should be fine
2Aoi 3If a matoran or another type of creature jumps into energized protodermis, and it's not their destiny to change, would it just act like normal liquid protodermis? 4It would probably act like liquid protodermis.
5or is there anyway a person can tell between liquid and energized? 6Yes, you can tell a difference between the two. 7Energized protodermis sort of crackles, I think.
8I asked a question about the things on Nuju's mask besides the lens, and this is what Greg had to say. 9Pretty sure it is just ornamental.
10The flame Vakama used on Mata Nui, was just that, a flame? Was it used to cover up his ability to have visions, and made it seem like the flame was providing them? 11No, not really, because Vakama has no control over when he sees his visions, so it would be kind of hard to know when to use the flame.
12...was wondering, the sets we're getting, are they like the squad leaders, or is Rorzakh, for example, the name of the squad? 13There are six different types of Vahki, and the names are the type names, not individual character names.
14First, I just realized, we've only had one intelligent "enemy"(well, intelligent enough to talk at least), at the $7 to $10 price range and that's the Kal. Will we get anymore "enemies"(at the already listed price range) that are able to talk? 15I hope so
16Second, I might of asked this before for Mata Nui, but since the focus has shifted to Metru Nui and they're still there, has any of the Matoran used Kraata to power their inventions or tools? 17No. There are no wild kraata loose on Metru Nui, and I don't think any Matoran on Mata Nui would want to get near enough to one to incorporate it into a device.
18Third, is there or will there be a storyline reason for why a Krana can't fit on a Toa Metru's face? 19(The way the mouth is shaped, with the circle expands out into a oval looking thing, keeps the Krana from attaching.) 20Well, from a product perspective, Toa Metru never encounter krana in combat so there is no reason why it needed to.
21....since they played such a pivotal role, do you think Lego might release a set of instructions to build Matoran Nui, or could you maybe describe it in such a way, one could build it? 22I actually put Matoran Nui into the story because I assumed we were going to do one as a combo model. Turned out we did not, so no instructions exist for it.
23Finally, I also recived the Lego Magazine in the mail today, and was wondering... 24One, how many Rahi creations can we enter? 25One creation per person, so pick your best.
26Two, "Take a color photograph of your model. (No polaroid photos, slides or computer print-outs please

1I asked some questions, here they are:
2Hello, Greg, thanks for taking the time to read my message.
3Okay, let me get on with this:
41. Just what IS the Makuta/Jaller/Takua combiner anyway?
5It's simply another form of Makuta. As established in '01, Makuta can look like whatever he wants to.
62. Is the Void a portal to either a: The Heavens b: Metru-Nui?
83. Does Makuta come back as a spirit? (E.g. Robin Jarvis Deptford Mice Trilogy, evil cat Jupiter returns as spirit)
9You mean after MOL? I know no more than you do on whether Makuta survived that movie.
104. Is Makuta the fifth enemy (please don't laugh)
11Can't discuss fifth enemy, sorry.
125. Why is there an island ABOVE Metru-Nui?
13Um, cause there is.
146. Did the turaga create the Bohrok to clean Mata-Nui when they arrived/left?
15No, the Turaga had nothing to do with the Bohrok's creation. Neither did the Matoran.
167. Is Mata-Nui the real name of the god or is it another Turaga ruse like Mata-Nui the island?
17No, Mata Nui is actually his name.
188. What would happen if a Lehrak had a different Kraata put in it? Would it become that type? Would it have the powers of both?
19It wouldn't function. A Rahkshi needs to have a kraata that matches its power in as its control, otherwise it will not work right.
209. Let's see, Makuta has been drowned, burned, frozen, hit by a torando, two earthquakes, oh, and let's not forget, he gets squished like an ant in MOL. What does it take to kill this guy?
21A lot.
2210. About how long do Kraata take to become Rahkshi?
23Oh, quite some time. Months, at least.
2Hello, Greg, thanks for taking the time to read my message.
3Okay, let me get on with this:
41. Just what IS the Makuta/Jaller/Takua combiner anyway?
5It's simply another form of Makuta. As established in '01, Makuta can look like whatever he wants to.
62. Is the Void a portal to either a: The Heavens b: Metru-Nui?
83. Does Makuta come back as a spirit? (E.g. Robin Jarvis Deptford Mice Trilogy, evil cat Jupiter returns as spirit)
9You mean after MOL? I know no more than you do on whether Makuta survived that movie.
104. Is Makuta the fifth enemy (please don't laugh)
11Can't discuss fifth enemy, sorry.
125. Why is there an island ABOVE Metru-Nui?
13Um, cause there is.
146. Did the turaga create the Bohrok to clean Mata-Nui when they arrived/left?
15No, the Turaga had nothing to do with the Bohrok's creation. Neither did the Matoran.
167. Is Mata-Nui the real name of the god or is it another Turaga ruse like Mata-Nui the island?
17No, Mata Nui is actually his name.
188. What would happen if a Lehrak had a different Kraata put in it? Would it become that type? Would it have the powers of both?
19It wouldn't function. A Rahkshi needs to have a kraata that matches its power in as its control, otherwise it will not work right.
209. Let's see, Makuta has been drowned, burned, frozen, hit by a torando, two earthquakes, oh, and let's not forget, he gets squished like an ant in MOL. What does it take to kill this guy?
21A lot.
2210. About how long do Kraata take to become Rahkshi?
23Oh, quite some time. Months, at least.
1hey:um I was wondering about the kanoka:
- 2can the disks be used over and over again?
- 3can they 'evolve' into different levels?
- 4what is vakamas "regular" disk(the disk sold with him) power?what power level?
- 5can you tell me what a disk does depending on its power level?(ex:weakening)
- 6what do the great disks do when combined? are a keys like the nuva symbols or are they just disks with level 9
71) In most cases. 82)No. 93) Vakama's disk has the fire power. It has no code, so it has no level, but assume it is at the same power level as Vakama's elemental powers. 104) No, I have not broken it down to those kind of specifics, because it paints us into too many corners story-wise. 115) Can't answer that, relates to future story.
13everything about kanoka
11)Does a Rahkshi have to have its staff in order to use its power?i.e, does the Heat Vision Rahkshi have to be holding its staff in order to shoot heat from its eyes?
2No, anymore than a Toa needs his/her tool to use their power, it is simply a focus. If we made it that they had to have their staffs, then the Rahkshi who escaped in the Archives would be harmless, because Matoran do not archive them with their staffs in hand.
3And...that should answer the discussion. A few of you hit it right on.

1Hi, I have a couple of questions:
21. Is there an exact release date for Bionicle 2: Legends of Metru-Nui yet?
3Not that I can share, no.
42. How many Matoran do you estimate are on Metru-Nui?
5Hundreds easily.
63. What is the name of comic 19? I know that 17 is Disks of Danger, and 18 is Seeds of Doom.
7Enemies of Metru Nui.
84. Does the Rahi shown in the March issue of Lego Magazine have any place in the storyline, or is it just another Rahi?
9It's a MOC made by our artists. It doesn't have a role in the storyline at this point.
11See answers above. 12Greg
131)He knows. 142)No comment 153)Probably because it involves Nidhiki and Krekka. 164)No role in the storyline AT THIS POINT -- it might come in later.
1Hello Mr. Farshtey I try to give you a few months between questions, but a few have been nagging at me.
21)If the Vahki are divided into six types why were the Kralhi only made into one type of law-enforcer? 3Because they were a prototype. Hundreds of Kralhi were not built. They built a small number to see if they would work out, they didn't, and so they made Vahki. They were never deployed in the numbers the Vahki were.
42)In the Nokama mini-game it states all the great disk codes, well, could we enter those codes in the Kanoka Club? Because we did spend $7.99 for them? 5If you got them through us like that, then go ahead and use them.
63)In Comic 17 Vakama describes his encounter with a Vahki as having to scrub the protodermis feeds with his mask (I can assume this is the work of Nuurahk), however none of the bionicle fans are supposed to know the Vahki's powers, so, did you put that in there to mention a Vahki's power or to hint at the unusual punishments that can come from interataction with a Vahki? 7Both.
84)Is it possible to have the good guys be controlled by other forces again (like Lewa in the Nui-Rama Hive) this year? 9Well, Vahki can do that temporarily, but it is not like being krana'd. We have done that a lot in the past, not sure we want to repeat it yet again.
105)Just to get this straight the whole "Ahkmou running away from Onewa" thing, that does not show he's the traitor, meaning that there is another event that will occur that will show the true traitor, correct? 11Wait and see.
126)I'm not sure whether this has been asked before, but what time in history is your favorite? (i.e. Middle Ages, Renaissance, etc.) 13I have a number of favorites, including the Revolutionary War era and the '40s.
147)Where do you keep your bionicle figures? In your office, at home or something to that extent? 15My old ones are at home, my newer ones are at work
168)Who do you split your office with? 17Another writer -- the guy who works on Knights Kingdom.
189)Who can we blame the "bright" idea of not having the Vahki talk, because they could at least describe what happens to the matoran they were supposed to be guarding? 19Considering that of the first four years' villains, only Makuta and the Kal could talk, I am not sure why you are surprised the Vahki can't. I didn't have the option of having them talk because they do not talk in the movie, and since you can't reason with them anyway, talking would be kind of superfluous.
2010)The turaga are telling the Toa to beware of the past because of the problems they had, but is the Morbuzakh still there, or are Nidhiki, and Krekka still reigning terror on the Metropolis? 21Can't answer it.
22Well, only ten questions this time, so you can keep up with every one else. 23Greg
241)I wonder if there are prototype Vahki in the archives... 252)All of you worried about using the great disk codes through that way, it's okay. 263)No Comment 274)Oh well, it sort of hints at "Vahkification" to the Toa Metru, sort of. 285)No Comment 296)Mine is the Middle Ages, but this isn't by biography... 307)They're there probably for inspiration, I don't know 318)I wonder if they share or get motivation from each other... 329)I didn't mean it like that, I meant that in the city, you'd think law-enforcers could better handle a situation, by being audible. 3310)Can't say much about "Can't answer it."
21)If the Vahki are divided into six types why were the Kralhi only made into one type of law-enforcer? 3Because they were a prototype. Hundreds of Kralhi were not built. They built a small number to see if they would work out, they didn't, and so they made Vahki. They were never deployed in the numbers the Vahki were.
42)In the Nokama mini-game it states all the great disk codes, well, could we enter those codes in the Kanoka Club? Because we did spend $7.99 for them? 5If you got them through us like that, then go ahead and use them.
63)In Comic 17 Vakama describes his encounter with a Vahki as having to scrub the protodermis feeds with his mask (I can assume this is the work of Nuurahk), however none of the bionicle fans are supposed to know the Vahki's powers, so, did you put that in there to mention a Vahki's power or to hint at the unusual punishments that can come from interataction with a Vahki? 7Both.
84)Is it possible to have the good guys be controlled by other forces again (like Lewa in the Nui-Rama Hive) this year? 9Well, Vahki can do that temporarily, but it is not like being krana'd. We have done that a lot in the past, not sure we want to repeat it yet again.
105)Just to get this straight the whole "Ahkmou running away from Onewa" thing, that does not show he's the traitor, meaning that there is another event that will occur that will show the true traitor, correct? 11Wait and see.
126)I'm not sure whether this has been asked before, but what time in history is your favorite? (i.e. Middle Ages, Renaissance, etc.) 13I have a number of favorites, including the Revolutionary War era and the '40s.
147)Where do you keep your bionicle figures? In your office, at home or something to that extent? 15My old ones are at home, my newer ones are at work
168)Who do you split your office with? 17Another writer -- the guy who works on Knights Kingdom.
189)Who can we blame the "bright" idea of not having the Vahki talk, because they could at least describe what happens to the matoran they were supposed to be guarding? 19Considering that of the first four years' villains, only Makuta and the Kal could talk, I am not sure why you are surprised the Vahki can't. I didn't have the option of having them talk because they do not talk in the movie, and since you can't reason with them anyway, talking would be kind of superfluous.
2010)The turaga are telling the Toa to beware of the past because of the problems they had, but is the Morbuzakh still there, or are Nidhiki, and Krekka still reigning terror on the Metropolis? 21Can't answer it.
22Well, only ten questions this time, so you can keep up with every one else. 23Greg
241)I wonder if there are prototype Vahki in the archives... 252)All of you worried about using the great disk codes through that way, it's okay. 263)No Comment 274)Oh well, it sort of hints at "Vahkification" to the Toa Metru, sort of. 285)No Comment 296)Mine is the Middle Ages, but this isn't by biography... 307)They're there probably for inspiration, I don't know 318)I wonder if they share or get motivation from each other... 329)I didn't mean it like that, I meant that in the city, you'd think law-enforcers could better handle a situation, by being audible. 3310)Can't say much about "Can't answer it."
1Howdy Greg,
21.) In the back map of #17, it says 1000 kio = 1 mioo. With two o's. I thought it was one "o"?
32.) Ok, this isn't really a question, but I just ahd to say I loved all the humor in #17: That made it my favorite comic so far, because of all the little jokes and stuff. It seems the Toa Metru aren't so up-tight as the Olda/Nuva.
43.) What would the difference be between a normal freezing disk and Nuju's special Toa Disk?
54.) Would it be possible to say how each Toa Disk would work? Like, Vakama's catches things on fire, Nokama's.... moistens them, Onewa's...... throws rocks at them?? Lol.
71) Just a typo.
82) I have more room for character development in the books, which can then translate into the comics.
93-4) I actually prefer to think that the Toa disks can work in a variety of ways, the same way the Toa powers can. So yes, Nuju's disk could freeze something .. or create a snowstorm ... or a hail of icicles .. etc. ... determined by the Toa who owns the disk.
1Hi, I just have a few questions for you so thank you:
21. In a previous question, yo usaid that in order to make a mask of speed (random example) you needed to make it from a combonation of konoka discs that would make a disc of speed. Will we ever see what those combinations are?
3It's possible, if I get the time to do it.
42. If masks are made from discs, how come there arn't any masks of regeneration, or teleportation?
5There are. Dume wears a mask of regeneration.
63. When was it exactly that Mata-Nui came and gave the matoran Unity, Duty and Destiny?
7Can't answer it.
84. Will there be instructions, or a picture of the Matoran-Nui
9I don't think so, no such model exists.
105. Why is it that the Toa were able to use their masks immedietly, but the Toa-Metru can't use their masks at all.
11Because the original Toa had quite possibly come into being in another way and/or been active as Toa sometime in the past. The Toa Metru suddenly became Toa and had no one to teach them how to use their powers.
126. Will the Vahki continuely be chasing the Toa Metru or will Dume tell them to leave the toa alone?
13Follow the story and see.
141. We may get discs of levitation and invisibility 152. Biggest news in all of my questions, Dume's mask power has been revealed:
21. In a previous question, yo usaid that in order to make a mask of speed (random example) you needed to make it from a combonation of konoka discs that would make a disc of speed. Will we ever see what those combinations are?
3It's possible, if I get the time to do it.
42. If masks are made from discs, how come there arn't any masks of regeneration, or teleportation?
5There are. Dume wears a mask of regeneration.
63. When was it exactly that Mata-Nui came and gave the matoran Unity, Duty and Destiny?
7Can't answer it.
84. Will there be instructions, or a picture of the Matoran-Nui
9I don't think so, no such model exists.
105. Why is it that the Toa were able to use their masks immedietly, but the Toa-Metru can't use their masks at all.
11Because the original Toa had quite possibly come into being in another way and/or been active as Toa sometime in the past. The Toa Metru suddenly became Toa and had no one to teach them how to use their powers.
126. Will the Vahki continuely be chasing the Toa Metru or will Dume tell them to leave the toa alone?
13Follow the story and see.
141. We may get discs of levitation and invisibility 152. Biggest news in all of my questions, Dume's mask power has been revealed:
1... 22. If masks are made from discs, how come there arn't any masks of regeneration, or teleportation?
3There are. Dume wears a mask of regeneration. 4...
5Whoa:: He told me we weren't going to learn it for a while:

6Mask of regeneration. Cool:
1Now that we know Dume's mask is a mask of regeneration, could you answer these questions:
21. Know you probably can't answer but is it a great or noble mask?
32. Does it yet have a name, as in hau, miru, vahi?
41) It's a Noble Mask. Turaga don't wear Great Masks of Power.
52) It does as of last Friday -- I believe it is Kanohi Kiril.
1Yes we finally know what Dumes mask is and what it does. Yeah oh yeah.
1Now that we know Dume's mask is a mask of regeneration, could you answer these questions:
21. Know you probably can't answer but is it a great or noble mask?
32. Does it yet have a name, as in hau, miru, vahi?
41) It's a Noble Mask. Turaga don't wear Great Masks of Power.
52) It does as of last Friday -- I believe it is Kanohi Kiril.
7Woooohoooo: Cool:
8No, I did not just post to spam. Here's the latest Q & As from Greg:
- 9In the storyline, are Bohrok handsheilds removable at all in the way a Toa tool could be removed?
- 11About the Lewa falling in that old online update when the Kal stole his powers. I read a quote from you a long time ago that he should not have fallen technically, because the Toa did not lose control over their mask powers. Powa said in this topic: What's The Funniest Gig You've Seen In Bionicle? that it was Nuvhok Kal using his power on him. Is that true? I know that there was no indication of that in the update itself, so Powa must be getting that info from somewhere else. (I tend to doubt it since they made a point that he fell because of his powers suddenly dissapearing.)
12I never stated anything about Nuhvok Kal having any involvement in that. That must be Powa's theory. Most people on here state their theories as fact.
- 13Also, while I'm at it, I may as well tell you my theory; that the sudden shock of losing his powers made him lose concentration on his Miru for a few seconds, making him fall. So it would be a psychological thing, not an actual loss of power.
14I would tend to agree with that.
- 15I'm working on Rahkshi stuff for "Wacky Physics" now, so a few questions about those. What does the Adaptation Rahkshi do? What does it adapt to?
16It adapts to the conditions in which it finds itself. For example, an adaptation Rahkshi who was dropped into the ocean would develop aquatic abilities that would enable it to survive.
- 17Can I assume the difference between Fragmentation (Panrahk) and Disintegration (Guurahk) is that Panrahk would split, say, a rock into smaller rocks and pebbles, while Guurahk would turn it into dust?
- 19How about Chain Lightning? How's that work?
20Basically, this is how it works. If a Rahkshi hits a Toa with chain lightning, the bolt then jumps to the next Toa, and the next, and so on. So a Rahkshi can hit multiple targets with one energy bolt.
- 21Weather Control: can it control the weather in a large area, like, say, all of Metru Nui, or just a small area its staff shoots at or something?
22Only a relatively small area.
- 23How about Teleport? Does it teleport things it shoots at? How about itself? And can it control where they end up?
24Yes, it does teleport what it shoots at, and yes it can teleport itself. It can control where it goes, it does not control where others go.
- 25If a mask had been made from one of the Great disks, Toa wouldn't be able to use it, would they? Just like Turaga can't use Great masks?
26Yes, they can. The fact that Great Masks are level 8 does not imply that a higher level mask cannot be used by a Toa. We have never stated a Toa could not use an 8 mask. It wouldn't be easy -- they would not have anywhere near the kind of control they do over a regular Great Mask -- and it might not be something they could do for more than a very short period of time. But they could do it.
- 27You've said that Great versions of the Huna, etc. never existed until the Toa Metru's were transformed. But why? Could it have to do with the types of proto involved; like maybe proto that can be turned into a mask of invisibility comes in level 7 more often than level 8?
28No, they simply were never made. No deep, dark reason for it.
- 29Also, same basic question for the Greats like the Hau. Any reason those powers seem more common as Greats and not Nobles?
30Well, all we know of that is what Noble Masks existed on Mata Nui. No info has been released on what Noble Masks may have existed on Metru Nui.
- 31How are two Kanoka combined? Melted down and remolded?
32Normally, yes, but that is not the only way.
- 33I want to see if I understand Kanoka making. Liquid proto is poured into a mold, and it hardens, right?
- 35Then, the power like reconstitute at random comes from the type of proto? Or does something else besides cooling have to be done to it for the power to be there?
36According to the yet to be published Metru Nui Citybook, "the nature and level of the disk's power is determined by the properties of the protodermis used, its purity, and the skill of the Matoran making it."
- 37And where does the fly power come from? Why do all made in one Metru have the same fly power? Something in the molds maybe? Or does that come from the type of proto too?
38No, that has to do with the particular skill of the crafter, in the same way that, say, a car made in the US might have different performance specs than a car made in Japan or Germany.
- 39Is there anything else that has to be done to a Kanoka to finish it, like with another tool?
40Well, it has to have its code and its symbol stamped on it.
- 41Oh, and are the staffs for Rahkshi their focus of the power, like with Toa, or do they need the staffs to use their power at all?
42They are for focus only.
43Thanks as always.
44See answers above. 45Greg
1I found out something from GregF regarding the 2005 plot. I had asked if there were any plans for sets of the remaining Rahkshi, and he said currently no. They will not play a major role in 2004 OR 2005.
12Yes, that is what I consider a wild kraata to be.8So what you're saying is that a wild kraata is a kraata without a Rahkshi, right? 9So couldn't someone take a kraata from a Rahkshi? 10Not that anyone would want to take that chance, and maybe Takunuva was the first person to invent a new way of using kraata power. Just like someone had to be the first person to use steam power for a vehicle. And someone had to be the first Matoran to use Bohrok parts for some new device (Boxor).5Sure, Denarr, it's really quite simple. On Mata Nui, there were the six Rahkshi, which had kraata inside them .. there were also kraata operating on the island who were not in Rahkshi, and were out infecting masks. Those were the kraata the Turaga had been capturing for all those years.3Could you clarify this for me? I thought a Rahkshi needed a kraata to function. Or is it they only need a kraata to use powers? 41Second, I might of asked this before for Mata Nui, but since the focus has shifted to Metru Nui and they're still there, has any of the Matoran used Kraata to power their inventions or tools? 2No. There are no wild kraata loose on Metru Nui, and I don't think any Matoran on Mata Nui would want to get near enough to one to incorporate it into a device.
6On Metru Nui, there are also Rahkshi who have wandered in from elsewhere and they do have kraata inside them. However, there are no wild kraata running loose. Why? Because Makuta has not sent any there. He is not interested in infecting masks in Metru Nui, so there is no reason to send kraata there. Make sense?
13And yes, it is possible to take a kraata from a Rahkshi -- if you have immobilized the Rahkshi first. But judging from the fact that the Rahkshi in the Archives still have their kraata in them, it seems obvious the Matoran have not figured that out yet.