1Greetings, Greg.
2Where are you from?
3What is your favorite LEGO line (other than Bionicle)?
4In Comic #1, Nuju talks. As a Metru, Nuju talks. However, all other occasions, he need an interpreter. Why is this?
5Do you have any pets?
6How did you get involved in LEGO?
7Are the Bahrag a manifestation of Makuta?
8Do you like The Matrix?
9In the Beginning, the Toa came down in their canisters from Paradise. Did the Toa exist previously on Mata/Metru Nui, or anywhere else? Were the Toa "born" in Paradise? The discrptions list Tahu as the oldest, Lewa as the youngest. Does this mean they existed prior to Comic One?
10Why is it that Makuta dies(maybe) a nasty death, but Jaller dies and is ressurected? How is it kid-friendly to vishisly[sic kill the bad guy, but have all the good guys live?
11Ah yes. Kopaka once said that he could not feel the cold. Thusly, can Tahu take a dip in a lava pool and come out in one piece(so to speak)?
12Sorry if any questions have already been asked, and thanks for your time.
2Where are you from?
3What is your favorite LEGO line (other than Bionicle)?
4In Comic #1, Nuju talks. As a Metru, Nuju talks. However, all other occasions, he need an interpreter. Why is this?
5Do you have any pets?
6How did you get involved in LEGO?
7Are the Bahrag a manifestation of Makuta?
8Do you like The Matrix?
9In the Beginning, the Toa came down in their canisters from Paradise. Did the Toa exist previously on Mata/Metru Nui, or anywhere else? Were the Toa "born" in Paradise? The discrptions list Tahu as the oldest, Lewa as the youngest. Does this mean they existed prior to Comic One?
10Why is it that Makuta dies(maybe) a nasty death, but Jaller dies and is ressurected? How is it kid-friendly to vishisly[sic kill the bad guy, but have all the good guys live?
11Ah yes. Kopaka once said that he could not feel the cold. Thusly, can Tahu take a dip in a lava pool and come out in one piece(so to speak)?
12Sorry if any questions have already been asked, and thanks for your time.
1Tarakava your supposed to pm greg and post the awnsers here.Have you been here before?(Greg disscusion(sp)
1Greetings, Greg.
2Where are you from?
3What is your favorite LEGO line (other than Bionicle)?
4In Comic #1, Nuju talks. As a Metru, Nuju talks. However, all other occasions, he need an interpreter. Why is this?
5Do you have any pets?
6How did you get involved in LEGO?
7Are the Bahrag a manifestation of Makuta?
8Do you like The Matrix?
9In the Beginning, the Toa came down in their canisters from Paradise. Did the Toa exist previously on Mata/Metru Nui, or anywhere else? Were the Toa "born" in Paradise? The discrptions list Tahu as the oldest, Lewa as the youngest. Does this mean they existed prior to Comic One?
10Why is it that Makuta dies(maybe) a nasty death, but Jaller dies and is ressurected? How is it kid-friendly to vishisly[sic kill the bad guy, but have all the good guys live?
11Ah yes. Kopaka once said that he could not feel the cold. Thusly, can Tahu take a dip in a lava pool and come out in one piece(so to speak)?
12Sorry if any questions have already been asked, and thanks for your time.
13i can fill in a few
141.amarica i think.
163. Nuju has tjanged in his years as a turaga he just handklaps as turaga he dont think like this as a matoran so he just talks
174. dont think sow
196. he dont have that info
207. who tels he is dead?
1where do I go to ask the questions::??:?

1You have to PM GregF, he's a member here at BZP. Just click on his name.
2I have a few questions about Turaga Dume and Toa Lhikan...
3- A lot of people are 100% sure he was once a Toa... Is this true?
4- Was he the first Toa? If not, how many came before him and will they ever be revealed?
5- Was Turaga Dume Lhikan?
6- Will Lhikan ever be revealed in the comics or as a set (or any other form of media other than the novels)?
7Thanks a lot:
81) I have no info on Dume's past, so I don't know if he was a Toa or not. It would make sense, but I cannot confirm it.
92) Dume? No, Dume would not have been the first Toa, if he was one.
103) Oh no. Lhikan and Turaga Dume exist at the same time.
114) Lhikan will be in the movie, and may be a set, but that is not definite yet.

2I have a few questions about Turaga Dume and Toa Lhikan...
3- A lot of people are 100% sure he was once a Toa... Is this true?
4- Was he the first Toa? If not, how many came before him and will they ever be revealed?
5- Was Turaga Dume Lhikan?
6- Will Lhikan ever be revealed in the comics or as a set (or any other form of media other than the novels)?
7Thanks a lot:
81) I have no info on Dume's past, so I don't know if he was a Toa or not. It would make sense, but I cannot confirm it.
92) Dume? No, Dume would not have been the first Toa, if he was one.
103) Oh no. Lhikan and Turaga Dume exist at the same time.
114) Lhikan will be in the movie, and may be a set, but that is not definite yet.
5I've been thinking about these questions, pondering them...
61)In comic 17, Nurhii uses a Random Kanoka to hit the Morbuzahk, making it drop them, but also turning it into a bigger monster.(Btw, nice job with that, it was kinda funny) But there were 2 vines, were they fused, or did one retreat?
7One retreated, since the disk only hit and transformed one.
82)If you used a Teleport Kanoka on a Morbuzhak Vine, what would happen to the vine?Would it die?(it'd be separated...)
9Most likely it would, yes, because it would be cut off from its root system.
10Was just wondering.
13See answers above, 14Greg
15In response to your answer for number 1, both the vines were glowing. Was that just a mistake?
16And another question, is Mata Nui a physical being, like Makuta appears as, or is he a kinda spirit-spread-all-over thing?
181) Ah, you're right. Hadn't looked at that issue since I got it. They fused.
192) I can't discuss Mata Nui, sorry.
21Hmmm... for number 2 the second time around, I'm wondering, does he not have the information, OR is it supposed to be a secret?

1Hey Greg
21.) How do you pronounce Kiril?
32.) Dume can only regenerate himself, since it's not a Nuva mask, right?
43.) Can he regenerate other things, like if his backpack breaks?
54.) Since you now know aout Dume's mask, do you know about is past too?
64B.) If so, anything you can share?
75.) I know you don't like to paint yourself into corners, but could you describe the extent of Dume's mask's powers? Like how much regeneration he can do?
86.) The creature in the Onu Metru Archives that grabs Whenua and Nuju, is that entirely/mostly organic? It looks like it....
97.) Do Whenua and Nuju pick any more "wrong doors" after that one, do you know?
108.) I know you cram as much as you can into the comics, but do you think we'll ever know any details about how Onewa found his disk, or Nokama, etc?
119.) I'm confused on the Le Metru disk. It's floating around the chutes in an energy shpere? Well has it always been there, and if so wouldn't someone have noticed it?
1210.) Who hid the great disks?
1311.) Whoever hid the great disks, are they the same people who make Rahi? (If Rahi are made.) How about the people who "threw" the Great Masks onto Mata Nui for the Toa Olda?
1412.) Do we find out about the history of the Great Disks this year?
15Thanks a lot:
161) Kee-rill
172) No, regeneration does not work that way. It is not a healing power for living things, it is for buildings, structures and tools. It is more like telekinesis -- Nuju doesn't use his mask to lift himself, he uses it to lift other objects. Dume does not repair himself, he repairs other things.
183) Yes, that is what it is for.
194) No. I came up with the mask power and asked for a name for it and got one. That's it.
205) Again, it is used to repair structures, same way the regeneration disk is used. It's a Noble Mask, so fairly powerful, but massive repairs can still take a lot of time.
216) No, it is a mutated Ussal crab.
227) Yes, read the second Scholastic book for their complete adventures in the Archives.
238) You mean the Great Disks? Yes, again, all that is in the second Scholastic book, Trial By Fire.
249) No, it wasn't always in there. It was most likely located in an unused chute and it got sucked up by a force sphere that went through that chute.
2510) Can't answer it.
2611) Can't answer it.
2712) No, you find out they exist and what they can do, not their past history.
29SO THERE YOU GO::: Dume regenerates other things, not himself. So that should end the "Dume is invincible" theories. Unless this is in the Dume Mask topic. In which case I will be embarrassed. But oh well.
11. Do Rahkshi have a multiplier effect? For example, would five weather-control Rahkshi in the same place affect a larger area than just one, or would the effect of the Rahkshi be stronger?
2I would assume they would affect a larger area.
32. How exactly does Dumes mask work?
4Same way the disks work. The regeneration power essentially lets a damaged building or object heal itself by generating new protodermis molecules, the same way we generate new cells to heal a cut.
53. Is there any information, no matter how small or trivial, you can release about Lhikan?
74. What information do you have on the Vahki combiners?
8That info will be out in July.
95. Could you give a brief description of what you think the Matoran Nui would look like? Im planning to attempt to build one (once i get the other Matoran...)
10I wish I could help you, but I don't think in pictures, I think in words, so I don't visualize things when I write about them.
11See answers above. 12Greg
1Hey greg, I just read Adventures #1 & #2 and I have some questions.
21.) I know that the Toa use their masks because they don't know what their masks do. So, does that basically mean, you can't think "Mask, on:" you have to think "Ok, I'm gonna see through that wall"?
3Yes and no. Matoran don't have the mental discipline to use masks, and these Toa were Matoran yesterday. It takes time to learn how to use them .. once you have done that, you can learn what the mask does. As you will see in the movie, the Toa activate their masks almost involuntarily. It's sort of like playing baseball -- all of a sudden you get the stroke and then you can hit whatever's thrown at you.
42.) If the Toa Metru had the time to stop of and get other great masks made, which powers they already knew (they refer to masks of shielding, etc,) then would they be able to use those?
5Not unless their minds had mastered how to activate the masks, no.
63.) Why would Nidhiki bother trying to get Ahkmou to gather the disks if he was searching for them too? He seemed to be everywhere to Toa were, and not Ahkmou.
7Because Nidhiki was not supposed to let more people know he was involved than absolutely necessary. His hatred of Lhikan makes his disregard that by letting Vakama spot him. And then Ahkmou's incompetence forces Nidhiki to get more actively involved.
84.) They kept saying they did "research" about the Morbuzahk, like in the knowledge towers, but how would that info even be there? Like knowing about the stripe on the king root? I thought the Morb. was all new to the Matoran.
9Hee hee, good question .. who could have put that information out there? Who would benefit from that?
105.) I know it was the Po Metru Great Disk, so for story reasons you had to have Onewa get it, but couldn't Vakama have used his jetpack to fly up and get it?
11Two reasons -- one, Onewa doesn't like Vakama, so he certainly wouldn't let him take on his duty; and two, it had to match the movie footage, which shows Onewa getting it. The notion of the Toa teaming up for this quest was mine, because it makes for better fiction.
126.) Forgive me, but I'm confused on the Le Metru Great Disk. They act as if the shpere is about to blow at any second, when it reaches the Notch. But I'm assuming Great Disks have been around for a while, since they're in the "legend." So, wouldn't a ball or energy rushing at high speeds have passed through the Notch or exploded long ago? Or something...
13No, no. The Great Disk has not been in the force sphere all this time. The Great Disk was embedded in an unused chute, and sucked into the newly created force sphere when it shot by. Force spheres don't last all that long after they come into being,but while they are in existence, they suck up every thing they pass.
147.) Was the Ga Metru disk inside a Makuta Fish? (That'd be so awesome.)
15No, I don't think that was a Makuta fish.
168.) Why didn't the Matoran build Vahki so they could speak at a level Matoran could hear as well as at ultra-levels? It's be handy to have reports...
17Odds are they simply couldn't lick the engineering problem. These are only the second all-mechanicals they have built after the Kralhi.
189.) Are all the Matoran that dissapeared during the Morzubahk saga.... dead? *gulp*
19Watch the movie.
2010.) I know that this is a nit-pick question, and I don't mean to be annoying, but.... How do the Matoran on Metru Nui know what anything is called? I know that if a new Rahi shows up, they could say, "I think I'll call this species 'Bob.' "
21But Makuta calls his sons Rahkshi, and so do the Matoran. The Bahrag call them Bohrok, and so do the Matoran. Do they come with name labels so that they don't call Bohrok "Steve"?
22In these particular instances, they got the names from Dume, who had encountered such things in the past.
23Thanks a ton:
244.) OH MY GOSH, Greg's a laughing maniac lately: So who could it be? Nidhiki did NOT wnat the Toa to have the disks, and the disks defeated the Morby, so why give them info on it? Is it the 5th enemy? Or perhaps the all-knowing Dume put it there... but why? He didn't even really know about the Toa. Do the Vahki put info in as they gather it? But have any been to the King Root? AARGH, confusion:
1Hey greg, I just read Adventures #1 & #2 and I have some questions.
21.) I know that the Toa use their masks because they don't know what their masks do. So, does that basically mean, you can't think "Mask, on:" you have to think "Ok, I'm gonna see through that wall"?
3Yes and no. Matoran don't have the mental discipline to use masks, and these Toa were Matoran yesterday. It takes time to learn how to use them .. once you have done that, you can learn what the mask does. As you will see in the movie, the Toa activate their masks almost involuntarily. It's sort of like playing baseball -- all of a sudden you get the stroke and then you can hit whatever's thrown at you.
42.) If the Toa Metru had the time to stop of and get other great masks made, which powers they already knew (they refer to masks of shielding, etc,) then would they be able to use those?
5Not unless their minds had mastered how to activate the masks, no.
63.) Why would Nidhiki bother trying to get Ahkmou to gather the disks if he was searching for them too? He seemed to be everywhere to Toa were, and not Ahkmou.
7Because Nidhiki was not supposed to let more people know he was involved than absolutely necessary. His hatred of Lhikan makes his disregard that by letting Vakama spot him. And then Ahkmou's incompetence forces Nidhiki to get more actively involved.
84.) They kept saying they did "research" about the Morbuzahk, like in the knowledge towers, but how would that info even be there? Like knowing about the stripe on the king root? I thought the Morb. was all new to the Matoran.
9Hee hee, good question .. who could have put that information out there? Who would benefit from that?
105.) I know it was the Po Metru Great Disk, so for story reasons you had to have Onewa get it, but couldn't Vakama have used his jetpack to fly up and get it?
11Two reasons -- one, Onewa doesn't like Vakama, so he certainly wouldn't let him take on his duty; and two, it had to match the movie footage, which shows Onewa getting it. The notion of the Toa teaming up for this quest was mine, because it makes for better fiction.
126.) Forgive me, but I'm confused on the Le Metru Great Disk. They act as if the shpere is about to blow at any second, when it reaches the Notch. But I'm assuming Great Disks have been around for a while, since they're in the "legend." So, wouldn't a ball or energy rushing at high speeds have passed through the Notch or exploded long ago? Or something...
13No, no. The Great Disk has not been in the force sphere all this time. The Great Disk was embedded in an unused chute, and sucked into the newly created force sphere when it shot by. Force spheres don't last all that long after they come into being,but while they are in existence, they suck up every thing they pass.
147.) Was the Ga Metru disk inside a Makuta Fish? (That'd be so awesome.)
15No, I don't think that was a Makuta fish.
168.) Why didn't the Matoran build Vahki so they could speak at a level Matoran could hear as well as at ultra-levels? It's be handy to have reports...
17Odds are they simply couldn't lick the engineering problem. These are only the second all-mechanicals they have built after the Kralhi.
189.) Are all the Matoran that dissapeared during the Morzubahk saga.... dead? *gulp*
19Watch the movie.
2010.) I know that this is a nit-pick question, and I don't mean to be annoying, but.... How do the Matoran on Metru Nui know what anything is called? I know that if a new Rahi shows up, they could say, "I think I'll call this species 'Bob.' "
21But Makuta calls his sons Rahkshi, and so do the Matoran. The Bahrag call them Bohrok, and so do the Matoran. Do they come with name labels so that they don't call Bohrok "Steve"?
22In these particular instances, they got the names from Dume, who had encountered such things in the past.
23Thanks a ton:
244.) OH MY GOSH, Greg's a laughing maniac lately: So who could it be? Nidhiki did NOT wnat the Toa to have the disks, and the disks defeated the Morby, so why give them info on it? Is it the 5th enemy? Or perhaps the all-knowing Dume put it there... but why? He didn't even really know about the Toa. Do the Vahki put info in as they gather it? But have any been to the King Root? AARGH, confusion:
25Maybe it was the 5th enemy. Maybe he wanted the Great Disks found.... Who knows (except Greg)? But that info came from somewhere, so it was either a Matoran who has encountered the King Root or maybe it had a predecessor (pfft, sure), or it was whoever planted the King Root, or maybe those who found the info were corrupt and working for someone (more traitors

14.) They kept saying they did "research" about the Morbuzahk, like in the knowledge towers, but how would that info even be there? Like knowing about the stripe on the king root? I thought the Morb. was all new to the Matoran.
2K, this brings something in my mind. What if the Morbuzakh was a experiment of creating a biological living thing, but it failed, and it was put in the Great Furnance? And then it began to grow and grow and...
3I think I'll make a topic in S&T.
1....I got a question(Ooh. bad grammar. didn't notice that when I first asked..) about Kanoka production, How can each Metru create their own discs, if Ta-Metru only has the heat to forge them?Ooh. bad grammar. didn't notice that when I first asked..) 21) Protodermis is sent from Ga-Metru and heated on its way to Ta-Metru. So other metru can get access to molten protodermis as needed.
3and another question, half of at least, was if a Regenerate disc could heat a matoran. here's the answer 4The regenerate disk cannot be used to heal a Matoran, it is used for buildings and structures.
5I also had a question about the entry name for the contestant.
6Hey, Greg. 7Sorry to send two pms at once, but I thought of a question after I sent in the question about the Kanoka, 8In the contest, if we don't want to give our real name, would it be alright to enter it with our screen name? (or is the real name a must?)
9Aoi 10It's up to you, if you think prizes can still get to you with your SN and your address. But that means your SN will be what is listed in the comic if you win, not your name.
11Okay, so it'd be better if it was like first name "user name" last name? 12Aoi
3and another question, half of at least, was if a Regenerate disc could heat a matoran. here's the answer 4The regenerate disk cannot be used to heal a Matoran, it is used for buildings and structures.
5I also had a question about the entry name for the contestant.
6Hey, Greg. 7Sorry to send two pms at once, but I thought of a question after I sent in the question about the Kanoka, 8In the contest, if we don't want to give our real name, would it be alright to enter it with our screen name? (or is the real name a must?)
9Aoi 10It's up to you, if you think prizes can still get to you with your SN and your address. But that means your SN will be what is listed in the comic if you win, not your name.
11Okay, so it'd be better if it was like first name "user name" last name? 12Aoi
1I recently asked Greg 2 questions: 2Dear Greg, 3Thank you for the last answers, now I have 2 more questions: 41) Can you describe the fifth enemy a little bit for me? 52) What are the 5 enemies on Metru-nui? 6Thanks in advance, 7The Great Deku Tree
8I can't discuss the fifth enemy at all. The other four enemies are the Morbuzakh, Nidhiki, Krekka, and the Vahki.
8I can't discuss the fifth enemy at all. The other four enemies are the Morbuzakh, Nidhiki, Krekka, and the Vahki.
1Why is hardly anyone posting? Ask Greg stuff, people:
12Wouldn't it be really really really really really cool if it was Metru Nui? Probably not deep enough, but it would still be really super cool.
2Amazing how little things pop into your head at odd times, is it not? Though I wish they didn't pop in there when your trying to impress a girl... I think I accidentally called Kylie "Krahli."
31.) You need certain mental discipline and what-not to control a mask of power. And yet you can share a Nuva power with others, such as Matoran. It's pretty simple for the Hau, you could just put a sheild around them; but the other powers require, well, thinking, for lack of a better word. So does this mean the Toa activates the mask for them, and Matoran can reap the benefits? Since they don't have the mental ability to use it themselves?
4Yes. The Matoran can move at speed, for example, but he is able to do to because the Toa Nuva is activating the mask and controlling the power. The Matoran is not.
52.) You might have answered this before, but I don't remember it... But any-hoo, in the MNOLG, when the Onu Matoran were tunneling down and hit the thing they couldn't even scratch, was that Metru Nui?¿: ... Or was it just Makuta's Lair? (How boring in compairison.)
6No idea -- I didn't work on MNOLG, it was mostly done before I came to work here, and much of it was created before anyone had any idea BIONICLE would lastmore than one year. I can definitely tell you it was not Metru Nui because no one working on that game had any idea there would be a Metru Nui at that point.
73.) In the MNOLG, the star-gazing Matoran is in Ga Koro, yet in Metru Nui they are in Ko Metru. But are they ONLY in Ko Metru? In Metru Nui do Ga Matoran study the stars too?
8Not really, no. I am sure that they teach about why the Ko-Matoran do that and some of what they have learned, but it is not a Ga-Matoran job.
94.) In the first two Adventure books, you refer to days like they are normal length. Does this mean the whole Weird Time thangy is cleared/clearing up?
10Wherever possible, I try to use terms (like feet and inches) in the narrative that readers will understand easily. We have never established how many hours are in a Matoran day, etc., if that is what you are asking.
11I have more, but I'll wait for confirmation answers from these; thanks:
12Wouldn't it be really really really really really cool if it was Metru Nui? Probably not deep enough, but it would still be really super cool.

1... 22.) You might have answered this before, but I don't remember it... But any-hoo, in the MNOLG, when the Onu Matoran were tunneling down and hit the thing they couldn't even scratch, was that Metru Nui?¿: ... Or was it just Makuta's Lair? (How boring in compairison.)
3No idea -- I didn't work on MNOLG, it was mostly done before I came to work here, and much of it was created before anyone had any idea BIONICLE would last more than one year. I can definitely tell you it was not Metru Nui because no one working on that game had any idea there would be a Metru Nui at that point. 4...
5I can tell you more detail on that. It is a "floor" that is underneath Mata Nui, for many miles around, if not all around. Makuta's lair, the Bahrag's lair, and at least the Bohrok nest Takua found are all under it. It has been very strongly implied that it is the Dome roof of Metru Nui. However, it is not Metru Nui itself, as Metru Nui is quite a ways down.
6In short, the game people didn't know about Metru Nui, but they were obviously told that there's a "floor" underneath Mata Nui, above Makuta's lair. And so far, that has been perfectly consistent with the Dome ceiling of Metru Nui. But they probably assumed at the time that Makuta's lair and the Bohrok stuff were all that was down there.
7In fact, when you have a Toa of Earth who can tunnel around through even rock, the only way they could keep him from discovering the Bohrok lair was to put that impenatrable floor down there. That seems like the biggest reason to me.
8We never have gotten an answer on why it seemed organic, though. Hopefully it will be answered sometime in the prequel. We will see.
11. Hypothetical question. If two Krana of different types were placed on a Rahi, would both of their power affect the Rahi?
2More likely, the Rahi's brain would be overloaded and it would collapse.
32. I know a Kraata of one type can't use a Rahkshi of another type. What about staffs? If Guurahk, say, got a hold of Vorahk's staff, could he channel his powers through it?
4For the sake of clarity, I would say no.
53. Do the Onu-Metru archives have any Kraata that are not in Rahkshi?
6No. There are no wild kraata anywhere on Metru Nui.
74. Sort of an odd question, I know, but: Do they have running water in Metru Nui?
8No, they have running liquid protodermis in canals.
95. In Krahli's bio in comic #17, it says "These beings refused to be shut off." Are they self-aware in any way?
116. Do the Vahki recognize everybody, or just known troublemakers?
12They know who all the Matoran are.
137. Are Vahki ever seen outside of their default Metru?
14Yes, sometimes, although it is not encouraged.
158. Is it possible to control where the target of a Teleportation Kanoka will end up? With a Matatu, perhaps?
179. On the subject of that disk, does it have any safeguards? In other words, can something be beamed into a wall by it?
18Quite possibly.
1910. Do you write the bios, etc. in the comics, or just the actual comics scripts?
20Yes, I write the bios too. I don't write the movies, the Flash movies on the web, and occasionally some of the web content -- everything else, pretty much I write.
2111. In the cases where you have actually come up with powers for characters or creatures, are you inspired by comics? Some of the Kraata especially sounded familiar. For instance, the Quick Healing Kraata reminds me of Wolverine's healing factor.
22I have been reading comics for 34 years, so yes. I actually have chart I did once when I was designing a superhero RPG that had powers on it, I use that.
2More likely, the Rahi's brain would be overloaded and it would collapse.
32. I know a Kraata of one type can't use a Rahkshi of another type. What about staffs? If Guurahk, say, got a hold of Vorahk's staff, could he channel his powers through it?
4For the sake of clarity, I would say no.
53. Do the Onu-Metru archives have any Kraata that are not in Rahkshi?
6No. There are no wild kraata anywhere on Metru Nui.
74. Sort of an odd question, I know, but: Do they have running water in Metru Nui?
8No, they have running liquid protodermis in canals.
95. In Krahli's bio in comic #17, it says "These beings refused to be shut off." Are they self-aware in any way?
116. Do the Vahki recognize everybody, or just known troublemakers?
12They know who all the Matoran are.
137. Are Vahki ever seen outside of their default Metru?
14Yes, sometimes, although it is not encouraged.
158. Is it possible to control where the target of a Teleportation Kanoka will end up? With a Matatu, perhaps?
179. On the subject of that disk, does it have any safeguards? In other words, can something be beamed into a wall by it?
18Quite possibly.
1910. Do you write the bios, etc. in the comics, or just the actual comics scripts?
20Yes, I write the bios too. I don't write the movies, the Flash movies on the web, and occasionally some of the web content -- everything else, pretty much I write.
2111. In the cases where you have actually come up with powers for characters or creatures, are you inspired by comics? Some of the Kraata especially sounded familiar. For instance, the Quick Healing Kraata reminds me of Wolverine's healing factor.
22I have been reading comics for 34 years, so yes. I actually have chart I did once when I was designing a superhero RPG that had powers on it, I use that.
1You know I wasn't kidding about calling Kylie "Kralhi"...
21.) I was just wondering, what's the purpose of an all-mechanical order enforcment squad? What would be wrong with a "Jala's Guard" type thing for Metru Nui?
3Well, a mechanical squad can't be bribed, can't be injured, don't need to be paid, doesn't take workers away from other jobs, never gets tired, and never gives up. For starters![]()
42.) I'm thankful enough just to have it's bio, so I'm not complaining, but do you know if the Kraawa will ever be in the story, and if so when?
5Yes, most likely in Maze of Shadows, unless I can work them in earlier.
62Q.) Did you know it says "Here are four of them you can building using parts from sets" on the page with Kraawa in the comic? I just noticed that while asking number 2...
7Well, we never claimed to be perfect.
83.) Can you explain how the Great Disks really defeated the Morby? I was expecting the Toa to use them like conventional disks, so I don't understand the energy shpere thangy.
9The energy sphere essentially passed through the king root and then partially solidified, cutting the root off from its roots and its branches. It was sort of like separating the brain from the body. Neither could survive alone.
104.)Since you've seen the first part of the movie... Do you think they do a job connecting it all? I mean, you've said you see them turn into Toa in the movie, which happened during the Morby, but the movie takes place pretty later. Do they explain about the Morby or anything or leave it out, do you know?
11Basically, it starts with them as Matoran, shows them becoming Toa, shows Vakama getting his vision that the Great Disks are needed, shows them getting the disks .... and then cuts to them appearing in the Coliseum, which takes place after the Darkness Below. The Morbuzakh and the six Matoran are not in the movie and not mentioned, because they're not really relevant to the story being told in the film.
125.) Since you wrote the 2-headed Tarakava... I know you don't worry about details like this, but does it have elongated necks or anything? (You should know I'm obsessed with Rahi, and now trying to build a Ko Koro Nui Rama, Sand Tarakava, and two-headed Tarakava.)
13Actually, I did picture it with elongated necks. (I love creating Rahi -- wait until you see some of the ones in Darkness Below: I kind of went to town a bit toward the end.)
146.) How does Takua know that Pewku's a girl?![]()
15lol, not touching that one with a 10-foot pole![]()
16Thank you so much for putting up with me, Greg: 17bjj6
18You know, I know it's only coincidence that they've been my questions, but people sure seem interested in opening topics that come from my questions... Lol, I'm just kidding.

16.) How does Takua know that Pewku's a girl? ![]()
2lol, not touching that one with a 10-foot pole![]()
3Oh, that's a good one. I was going to say "The same way he knows Ga-Matoran are female," but Pewku's not blue. Actually, that's a good question. Maybe markings, or males are bigger, or smaller, or perhaps all Ussal crabs are female.
4- ToP
1Hi Greg: This is the first time I Pm-d you, but I have a few questions.
21. What do they use for money on Metru-Nui? 32. Can Dume command the Vahki? 43. Will there be any mention of the female villain in the movie? 54. In Nidhikis BIO, it says:"One Toa will fall before Nidhiki's power" Is that Lhikan, or a Toa Metru? 65. Can you tell me anything about the "New Kolhii"? 76. In the Vahki Pictures, they have disks like what came with 8the 2001 Matoran, only in white. Will they have these disks 9on retail, and if so, what power have they got?
10Thanks for your time Greg, and I want to say: You do a really 11good job with Bionicle, Kepp up the Good work:
121) It hasn't been firmly established, but I see a lot of what goes on in Metru Nui as being a sort of a trade and barter system. Different Matoran in different metru value different things. That is just my opinion though.
132) As Turaga, yes, he has that authority. 143) No. She was only created for the Scholastic novel, which was written long after the movie was written. 154) Watch the movie. 165) It will be detailed in the city book this summer, I think. 176) The disks are included with the sets, but they are Matoran Kanoka disks like the ones you get in the packs. They don't have special powers beyond the usual 8.
19Number 1 is interesting. On Mata-Nui they use Widgets, money, but on Metru-Nui they trade?
1Number 1 is interesting. On Mata-Nui they use Widgets, money, but on Metru-Nui they trade?
2Actually they don't use widgets, that was something just used for that game. In my opinion thy use widgets on very rare occasions when they cant find a fair trade. The widgets in my opinion is mined proto which is decorated or crafted into a shape to represent a particular amount. I think that makes sense and if i'm wrong someone correct me.
1The widgets in my opinion is mined proto which is decorated or crafted into a shape to represent a particular amount. I think that makes sense and if i'm wrong someone correct me.
2That makes perfect sense. Same system as the 'real' world (Matrix moment

1Greg's Answers are in Bold. 2Could you tell me a few things about Toa tools?
31. What are the properties of Onewa's pitons? I mean, can the cable extend/retract? Can the cable harden, or does he just drag the pitons around? And whatever you can tell me.
41) I see them as being able to extend, but they never fully retract. Retract stage is about the length they are in the toy.
52. If Whenua's drils work like they do in the comics, why the bumpy/serrated edge? Is that for the connection of the two drills, and when they're not in use?
62) Yes
31. What are the properties of Onewa's pitons? I mean, can the cable extend/retract? Can the cable harden, or does he just drag the pitons around? And whatever you can tell me.
41) I see them as being able to extend, but they never fully retract. Retract stage is about the length they are in the toy.
52. If Whenua's drils work like they do in the comics, why the bumpy/serrated edge? Is that for the connection of the two drills, and when they're not in use?
62) Yes
1Hi Greg: 21) When Nedhiki & Krekka kidnap Lhikan would they take a archive like stasis tube and put him in it or would they bind his hands and feet and cover his mouth like a human captive might be held. Or do they hold him differently.
32) If a Matoran found Lhikan's hiding spot what would happen to he or she, would the dark hunters take them too?
4Thanks: 5-KE
61) Watch the movie and see. 72) Same answer as 1.
32) If a Matoran found Lhikan's hiding spot what would happen to he or she, would the dark hunters take them too?
4Thanks: 5-KE
61) Watch the movie and see. 72) Same answer as 1.
1Hi Greg, I hope you don't mind answering a few questions that I had.
21. Okay, we know that a Matoran could make a Noble Kanohi Hau, for example, and we know that Dume wears the noble Mask of regeneration. Will we ever see Noble Toa masks (from 2001), a Great Kanohi Kiril, and the other noble/great forms of the disk powers? (If you have any influence on which Kanohi are put in the storyline, I think ones like those would be awesome.)
3No idea.
42. I just got my Comic 17 (great work on it) on Tuesday, and I was wondering: what exactly is a force sphere?
5Basically, when a chute is damaged, a portion of the magnetic energy can break off and fold in on itself, forming a sphere of energy. It then flies through the chute at high speed, sucking into it anything it passes,until it grows so big that it wrecks the chute andimplodes.
63. I think I have a theory on something: The when the Toa first arrive on Mata Nui, the Turaga only have thier repective Mask (Vakama only has his Huna, Nuju only the Matatu...), but as the Toa gather their Noble Masks, they give them to the Turaga. So if the Toa Metru had to gather Kanohi Metru on Metru Nui, then the Turaga would have had all of their Noble Masks on Mata Nui, right? And is the Toa Nuva chose to become Turaga, then they would wear noble Hau's, etc, and have all of their masks, right?
84. Do you know if we will ever find out about Dume's past?
9It's possible, but I only know the storyline through next year.
105. Will we ever find out outright who is the Metru-Matoran traitor? You've hinted in the books that it's Ahkmou, but will it ever be officially declared who's the Traitor?
11Yes, in the May comic.
126. We know that Vakama was a Mask maker, Nokama was a teacher, and Whenua worked in the archives before becoming Toa, but what about the other three?
13Matau was an Ussal rider, Nuju was a seer, and Onewa was a carver.
147. When will the winners for the Rahi Challenge be announced? (if you know)
15I believe all winners will be notified by the end of June.
168. What's it like to write the Bionicle Books? It must be hard to make them that good... (and I still have to get Trial by Fire... maybe this afternoon...)
17Time consumingBut fun. I spend most of my weekends and some weeknights doing them.
189. Are there still Matoran in Metru Nui?
19Can't answer that one.
2010. When will we see a full picture of a Vahki in the comics? We've seen silhouettes of them...
2211. Am I correct in assuming that we will see Mata Nui himself later this year, since he led the Matoran to the Island of Mata Nui?
23No. Mata Nui did not physically take the Matoran there -- he inspired them to go there.
2412. Have there always (even before the Matoran) been Kraata on Mata Nui, or were they there only after Makuta arrived?
25No. At the time the 2004 story takes place, there was absolutely nothing living on Mata Nui. Makuta sent them to Mata Nui to infect masks, and there are no masks there toinfect at this point.
2613. About how long does it take to make a Kanoka into a Kanohi Mask? (just a normal Matoran one; no powers)
27It varies. A day, minimum.
2814. Since Vakama's Toa Disk has the power of fire, and making it into a Mask would be a Mask of Fire, then if, hypothetically, Vakama had made it into a Mask, would it have brought Tahu Nuva's fire powers back if he had put it on while Tahnok-Kal had his symbol?
29He would have been able to do some fire effects with his mask, but it would not have bestowed his Toa powers back on him.
3015. *relating to Question 14* If so, then if, say, Gali had put it on, would it have given her fire powers?
31She would have been able to do fire effects, yes.
3216. Is it common knowlegde on Metru Nui that Lhikan has been captured by the Dark Hunters?
33It is common knowledge he has been captured, or shortly will be, it is not common knowledge who took him. Only Vakama saw that.
34See answers above. 35Greg
36Thanks in advance for answering, Greg: Great work on comic 17, and I'm sure Trial by Fire will be great too:
38Thanks for answering, greg:
391--- Ah well... having those would be so cool: 21 new Kanohi... 402--- How odd... at least I know what one is now: 413--- YAY YAY YAY::: So we might eventually see noble Haus and such: 424--- Good. All mysterious characters need a past of some kind. 435--- I can't wait for May, in that case. 446--- Ah. 457--- Good... I hope I win. 468--- I can imagine... they're excellent: 479--- No comment. 4810--- Yay: 4911--- Aww... I was hoping that we'd see Mata Nui himself this year.

55Thanks so much for answering: We really appreciate the hard work you put into the comics and books.

11. Are Nedhiki and Krekka the only two Dark hunters? 2That we know of so far, yes.
32.If I can remember correctly, a Toa becomes a Turaga when he/she has fulfilled his/her destiny. I heard earlier today that Takanuva's destiny was to defeat Makuta. But he is not a Turaga. So is Makuta still alive?
4Well, first, defeat does not mean kill. And second, two things happen to make a Toa a Turaga. He fulfills his destiny, and then at some point in his life he faces a choice where he must choose to sacrifice his Toa power for the greater good. Takanuva has not faced that moment of choice yet.
53. Onua only used his Weapons once in Mask of Light(When the Six Toa Surrouded takua and Jaller to protect them.) Why doesn't he use them any other time in the Movie. Is it because his weapons are more Violent then the others?
6No, it's because it's a 70 minute movie and we couldn't fit all the tools and all the masks in.
74. True or False. Dume's mask is the Kanohi Kiril, Mask of Regeneration.
95.Knights Kingdom has MiniFig versons of the five knights. Will Bionicle ever do the same?
10Can't discuss future product.
116.Im from Canada. I was reading the Canadian Lego Mag about the Rahi competition. But the Grand prize was Six Vahki and have your Rahi in the July Magazine. Not the Comic. Does that mean that only people who send it to the American address have a chance of being in the Comic?
12Yes. The reason is I only have room for one Rahi in the comic and the contest is being run in multiple countries.
137. And what is the Rahi on the Build a Rahi page?
14Just a Rahi that our artists built.
158. Have we seen Lhikan's mask before?
16Can't answer it.
17Comments: 182. That answered my Makuta is still alive theory. 193. It would be cool if they did. 205. I would buy them. 216. Vahki are still pretty cool. 227. That means that its not the fifth enemy.
1Number 1 is interesting. On Mata-Nui they use Widgets, money, but on Metru-Nui they trade?
2Actually they don't use widgets, that was something just used for that game. In my opinion thy use widgets on very rare occasions when they cant find a fair trade. The widgets in my opinion is mined proto which is decorated or crafted into a shape to represent a particular amount. I think that makes sense and if i'm wrong someone correct me.
4Are you sure? As far as I know, it's that they didn't use widgets until after the Bohrok. Before and during the Bohrok Saga, they just traded on Mata Nui. But afterwards they established the widgets as money. Unless you have a quote that that's not considered correct, that's how it works.
5Latest Qs:
6Just two, related to this topic:
8ct=ST&f=29&t=121770&st=0&#entry1746556' ]I've Got An Idea, What if... by
- 10I get the impression that when the Toa Olda turned into Nuva, it was the
11first time any Toa had been Nuva-ized. Am I right?
- 12More specifically, I think I read that you said the Toa Metru will not become
13Nuva. Did you say that?
151) Well, it was the first time in the memory of the Turaga that that had ever
16happened. So it did not happen on Metru Nui ever.
172) If I didn't say it, I can now -- the Metru do not become Toa Nuva.
1Widgets : Any small, unspecified gadgets or devices, especially ones that are hypothetical. 2The 3W4idgets that were shown and used for MNOG II were gears; probably representing the gears that are found with the BIONICLE sets. 5They were probably the most commonly usefull objects on Mata Nui, so were usable for most trades.
1Widgets : Any small, unspecified gadgets or devices, especially ones that are hypothetical. 2The 3W4idgets that were shown and used for MNOG II were gears; probably representing the gears that are found with the BIONICLE sets. 5They were probably the most commonly usefull objects on Mata Nui, so were usable for most trades.
6But then surely an engineer in Onu-koro could of just said `ah: lots of gears or-MONEY-sorry, widgets. Taken the gears, ans have a holiday. (well, not a holiday)

1Perhaps the widgets represent the cost of protodermis. We know that protodermis is greatly valued, so perhaps widgets are standard-sized chunks of proto. That would explain why they are used in trade. After the widgets are recieved, they are melted down to make whatever.
1Hi Greg. Great job on Comic 17:
21. Since the Toa Metru got to choose their tools from 3suva, was there an array of different tools for each 4Toa? It only seems natural that they would 5choose the ones they have now. Example: Nokama 6wouldn't walk around with drills.
72. Why does Nidhiki hate Lhikan?
83. Do you know which two Vahki will be released first?
94. Were there any Toa that came between the Toa 10Metru and Tahu and Co.?
11Thanks: Ja-Metru
121) Yes. 132) You'll have to wait and find out. 143) Nuurakh and Bordakh, the red and the blue, I believe. 154) Not that I am aware of.
21. Since the Toa Metru got to choose their tools from 3suva, was there an array of different tools for each 4Toa? It only seems natural that they would 5choose the ones they have now. Example: Nokama 6wouldn't walk around with drills.
72. Why does Nidhiki hate Lhikan?
83. Do you know which two Vahki will be released first?
94. Were there any Toa that came between the Toa 10Metru and Tahu and Co.?
11Thanks: Ja-Metru
121) Yes. 132) You'll have to wait and find out. 143) Nuurakh and Bordakh, the red and the blue, I believe. 154) Not that I am aware of.
1Since the Trailer came out for the second movie, I have been pretty excited, and since you saw the first twenty minutes, I'd like to have some questions: 21. Why does Lhikan look like Jaller so much?
32. There is a scene, where they are in some kind of arena, and the Rorzahk come to stop the. Why are they there, and why are Vahki attacking them?
41-2) You will have to watch the movie and find out.
53. In the background, there seems to be a croud in there. Is this true?
74. And there is a scene when Nokama catches Vakama, who was being blown away by wind?
95. I know it starts as showing how the six Matoran are "zapped" into Toa, but after that, they just leave out the Morbuzakh part, and go on, or do they mention it?
10No, the Morbuzakh do not come into the movie, but you do see the Toa get the Great Disks. The feeling was the Morbuzakh story has already been told in the comics and the books and on the web, so why waste movie time on it when we could tell all new story?
11See answers above. 12Greg
13Here are my latest anwsers from GregF, related to the new Trailer.
1My questions regarding thew movie.
2Hi GregF: I just saw the new trailer for Bionicle:2, and have a few questions, feel free to be as ambiguous as you want as long as you can give me some insight.
31) Is Dume corrupt? He is seen walking away from the Dark Hunters as if he's regretting a deal he just made.
4Can't discuss movie plot.
52) Has someone possessed the Vahki, or are they doing their job when they face-off with the Vakama in Po-Metru?
6They are doing their job.
73) Is Nuju's eyepiece part of the Great Matatu, or is it a custom job?
8It is an eyepiece that was originally part of his Matoran mask, but it is of great use to that mask.
94) Why do the Toa Metru have Matoran Masks resembling Great Huna and such as opposed to Noble versions?
10Well, the Matoran on Mata Nui wore masks that resembled the Toa's Great Masks .. so why the confusion?
115) What is that disk-like object Matau grabs in a chute?
12The Great Disk.
136) What is that blue, winged creature seen flying? Is it Nivawk?
157) What is that hexagonal thing Vakama and Matau are riding in a chute?
16It's cargo.
178) When a Matoran Vakama says "Look out:" is that Krekka crashing through the roof?
199) That thing Matau rides in a chute resembling the Ussanui, is it the vehicle Nuparu made?
20Not sure, would have to go back and check the trailer.
2110) Do you know why the artists decided to stretch out the bottom of Dume's mask? It looks different from the toy.
22Well, as you know from last year, they do a lot of things differently from the toy in the movie. I would recommend posting that question on the movie teaser site and maybe they will answer it on the DVD.
2311) Is that Lhikan giving the Toa Stones to Vakama and co.?
2512) What does Lhikan's mask do? How about his name?
26Can't discuss it.
2713) Let's say Jaller became a Toa, wouls his mask become a Noble Hau if he were to later become a Turaga?
28Assuming he wore a Hau as a Toa, yes.
2914) Can the movie Vahki still shoot disks?
30Can they? Yes. Do they? Not a lot in the film.
3115) The large, circular thing that Nuju looks at in the teaser trailer, is it related to the Toa Metru lids forming a sphere?
32Can't answer it.
3316)Which of the five enemies are in the movie? Is it one we haven't heard of before?
34Nidhiki, Krekka, the Vahki and the fifth enemy. The only one that isn't in there is the Morbuzakh.
3517) Where do you live? I won't try to track you down, I'm just curious as to if you have to travel to make the signing in Connecticut or to make the signing in LegoLand you made last summer.
36I live in CT, because I work at LEGO's offices here.
37Thank you in advance for your answers.
39See answers above. 40Greg
1Hy greg i saw the trailer and well nice movie
2I got a few questions over the movie
3Is Dume commanding the 2 DH's? Nidhiki tells him "we will not fail" when dume walks away.
4I can't discuss movie plot.
5Lhinkan how do you8 speel it??
7How is Lhinkan pronounced?
9Is his mask a Yellow hau?
11Wat kind of tools does Lhinkan have?
122 or 1 tool?
13Can't discuss it.
14I saw the " toa matoran' changing they hade great masks before they changed is this right?
15No, they had Matoran masks shaped like Great Masks, the same way the Matoran on Mata Nui wore masks that looked like the Toa's masks.
16that is all and i loved Comic 17
2I got a few questions over the movie
3Is Dume commanding the 2 DH's? Nidhiki tells him "we will not fail" when dume walks away.
4I can't discuss movie plot.
5Lhinkan how do you8 speel it??
7How is Lhinkan pronounced?
9Is his mask a Yellow hau?
11Wat kind of tools does Lhinkan have?
122 or 1 tool?
13Can't discuss it.
14I saw the " toa matoran' changing they hade great masks before they changed is this right?
15No, they had Matoran masks shaped like Great Masks, the same way the Matoran on Mata Nui wore masks that looked like the Toa's masks.
16that is all and i loved Comic 17
1QUOTE 2Hey Greg I was wondering if you could please answer some of my questions-
31. Okay, I am just going to flat out ask it – Is Lhiikan (did I spell that right?) Jaller? I mean they have pretty much the same colors right? Although you can't be a matoran after being a toa, but maybe if you die and get revived? Am I close?
42. Could Lhiikan be part of Jaller? Like, part of Jaller separated to for Lhiikan?
51-2) No. Jaller exists in Metru Nui at the same time that Lhikan does, so they cannot be the same being.
63. Is Lhiikan's mask a hau or a hau nuva? I know its one of those.
7I can't discuss Lhikan's mask.
84. Would the matoran version of the toa metrus' masks be classified as great mask shapes even though they are smaller and kind of different?
9I suppose.
105. Who is the person saying this line on the trailer- 11The great spirits have guide you in ways you could not have imagined 12It was something like that
13Can't discuss movie plot, sorry.
146. Why is Dume's mouth area so skinny?
15Cause that's how they designed him.
167. Is it just me or does Nidhiki's head look kind of like an old turtle's head?
17I really hadn't noticed.
188. Did the Vahki turn evil or get reprogrammed or something because in the summary here- "When the peaceful existence of Metru Nui is threatened by ruthless Vahki enforcers and a mysterious traitor, six new Toa are suddenly called upon to protect their island city. Together -- in a race against time -- they must master and unify their powers...Will they become heroes worthy of their own legends?" 19It seems like they are because you wouldn't think that peace would be threatened by law enforcers.
20Well, the "ruthless Vahki enforcers" are trying to capture and pacify the Toa. I don't regard them as evil, I regard them as trying to do their jobs, which is to maintain order at all costs.
219. Also what is the race against time? Is Lhiikan going to be killed and the toa have to rush to save him?
22Depends on where the summary came from. If it refers to movie plot, I can't discuss it.
2310. I am pretty sure you said that they were re-doing the voices or something, does the trailer have the right voices?
24I'd assume so.
2511. Do you know if Nuju gets a big role in the movie?
26He certainly plays a role, but I think Vakama, Matau and Nokama probably get more screen time.
2712. When will you be able to tell us about the toa metru lid combiner thing, I am pretty sure you said it would be in the movie. Will we be able to find it out before we see the movie or do we actually have to wait until oct. 19th?
28It is probably going to have to wait for the movie, because telling you about it would give away movie plot.
2913. On that statue of Lhiikan that fell on the Vahki, it looked like Lhiikan's weapons were the same as Tahu Nuva's weapons is that true that they have the same weapons?
30There may be some similarity.
31Thanks Greg:
32See answers above. 33Greg
34I dont see why who says that line that I asked about in #5 has to do with the plot 35and on #7 I just think his head looks like a turtle's head: 36on #8 the summary made it sound like the Vahki were evil, I guess when that scene takes place they still havent proven themselves as toa to Dume
31. Okay, I am just going to flat out ask it – Is Lhiikan (did I spell that right?) Jaller? I mean they have pretty much the same colors right? Although you can't be a matoran after being a toa, but maybe if you die and get revived? Am I close?
42. Could Lhiikan be part of Jaller? Like, part of Jaller separated to for Lhiikan?
51-2) No. Jaller exists in Metru Nui at the same time that Lhikan does, so they cannot be the same being.
63. Is Lhiikan's mask a hau or a hau nuva? I know its one of those.
7I can't discuss Lhikan's mask.
84. Would the matoran version of the toa metrus' masks be classified as great mask shapes even though they are smaller and kind of different?
9I suppose.
105. Who is the person saying this line on the trailer- 11The great spirits have guide you in ways you could not have imagined 12It was something like that
13Can't discuss movie plot, sorry.
146. Why is Dume's mouth area so skinny?
15Cause that's how they designed him.
167. Is it just me or does Nidhiki's head look kind of like an old turtle's head?
17I really hadn't noticed.
188. Did the Vahki turn evil or get reprogrammed or something because in the summary here- "When the peaceful existence of Metru Nui is threatened by ruthless Vahki enforcers and a mysterious traitor, six new Toa are suddenly called upon to protect their island city. Together -- in a race against time -- they must master and unify their powers...Will they become heroes worthy of their own legends?" 19It seems like they are because you wouldn't think that peace would be threatened by law enforcers.
20Well, the "ruthless Vahki enforcers" are trying to capture and pacify the Toa. I don't regard them as evil, I regard them as trying to do their jobs, which is to maintain order at all costs.
219. Also what is the race against time? Is Lhiikan going to be killed and the toa have to rush to save him?
22Depends on where the summary came from. If it refers to movie plot, I can't discuss it.
2310. I am pretty sure you said that they were re-doing the voices or something, does the trailer have the right voices?
24I'd assume so.
2511. Do you know if Nuju gets a big role in the movie?
26He certainly plays a role, but I think Vakama, Matau and Nokama probably get more screen time.
2712. When will you be able to tell us about the toa metru lid combiner thing, I am pretty sure you said it would be in the movie. Will we be able to find it out before we see the movie or do we actually have to wait until oct. 19th?
28It is probably going to have to wait for the movie, because telling you about it would give away movie plot.
2913. On that statue of Lhiikan that fell on the Vahki, it looked like Lhiikan's weapons were the same as Tahu Nuva's weapons is that true that they have the same weapons?
30There may be some similarity.
31Thanks Greg:
32See answers above. 33Greg
34I dont see why who says that line that I asked about in #5 has to do with the plot 35and on #7 I just think his head looks like a turtle's head: 36on #8 the summary made it sound like the Vahki were evil, I guess when that scene takes place they still havent proven themselves as toa to Dume
1Hey Greg.Long time no see. Just stopped by to ask a few quick questions:
21. Does Lhikan know how to use his mask?
42. Is it a Hau? (after seeing the trailer, some say it is, some say it isn't, this should clear up the controversy)
63. In the movie, why are the Vahki grey?
7They just look that way because of the lighting in that shot, I think.
84. Does Lhikan play a big role in the movie? (He seemed to be in the trailer a lot)
105. Is Jaller Lhikan? (more controversy I want to clean up, I personally don't think he is, I just want it proved by you that he isn't)
11No, no, and no. Jaller is in the movie as a Matoran -- he and Lhikan exist at the same time, so they cannot be the same being.
126. Does it show the Toa Metru getting the Great Disks in the movie?
14See answers above. 15Greg
16Hey, I just had an idea- it seems like Dume and the Dark Hunters are on the same side- what if they are really the good ones and Lhikan is evil? Then Lhikan would be tricking the Toa Metru to fight the good, and that's why the Turaga Mata were reluctant to trust the Toa:
1Here is some new Qs, quite interesting too...
42First, 11&12, they have prooven that the fifth enemy IS NOT under the Great Tempel. And 15... now that is interesting, will it happen? (Yeah, I know, 14 is missing). And Kanoka cards for all:
43Bohrokwill silver:
2Hi Greg, a few questions...
31. In comic 15, Vakama says that he and the other Turaga 'witnessed the birth of true darkness'. Is this anything to do with the Morbuzakh, or is it an explanantion that will have to wait for the movie?
4Refers to the movie.
52. You have described Mata Nui as being hollow (presumably the hollow is like a vast cavern underneath the island), with Metru Nui being at the centre of the hollow. But there is one thing, Mata Nui is large but not that large, and you have said that as well as there being Metru Nui in the hollow there are the environs, which are where Rahi come from. But you have said that some environs are small, and some could be the size of continents. But how can this all fit under one island? Unless perhaps the cavern is more than that, perhaps it runs under the entire planet?
6I never said they did all fit under the island. There is an explanation, just not one we are revealing yet.
73. How similar are the Vahki in the movie to their set counter parts? 8Really haven't seen them depicted in the movie enough yet to say.
9do the vahki come with kanoka cards and disks or just disks?
114. I was obvious that the Vahki would come with Kanoka since they have launchers, but Kanoka cards? Will these be available in Europe as well? And will the Vahki come with CDs as well?
12No CDs -- everybody gets Kanoka cards this time, instead of just the US and Canada.
135.) I know it was the Po Metru Great Disk, so for story reasons you had to have Onewa get it, but couldn't Vakama have used his jetpack to fly up and get it?
14Two reasons -- one, Onewa doesn't like Vakama, so he certainly wouldn't let him take on his duty; and two, it had to match the movie footage, which shows Onewa getting it.
15The notion of the Toa teaming up for this quest was mine, because it makes for better fiction.
165. Hmm... I like the idea of have them going around in fours, it certainly does make for good fiction. One thing, so as well as seeing the Toa Metru made Toa Metru, we also see clips of them getting the great disks?
186. A while ago BZP member bonesiii PMed you asking about the citybook, and came up with an interesting idea: what if disks and masks are not the only things with powers? So I have been thinking, is it possible that certain components of airships are 'levitation' components, which allow the ships to fly? And perhaps they are powered by 'speed' components which allow the airship to travel at great speed?
19Yup, that is in the citybook.
207. Also, can Dume's mask regenerate itself?
21I would say no.
228. Will we get to see the new 'Kanoka-Kohlii' (I know it's not actualy called Kohlii) in the movie, played in the colesium?
23It is actually called Akilini, I believe, and it was originally in the movie but got cut out.
249. Do you know the name of the new sport?
25See answer to 8
2610. Any news on Lhikan being a set?
27No, but I wouldn't be surprised if it happened, I know a lot of people here want it to.
2811. One thing I need to clear up: The Great Kanoka of Ga-Metru is under the Great Temple, that is confirmed. There is a nasty creature with lots of teeth under the Great Temple, that is confirmed. So, am I right in saying that the creature is a Rahi, and it has the Great Disk in its mouth, and Nokama gets it out?
29Yes, that is in Trial By Fire.
3012. And the Creature under the Great Temple is nothing to do with the fifth enemy?
31Nothing at all.
3213. In the Q&A that PZP did with Leah about the new bionicle.com, he promised flash updates made by tempar. Will we see one when the Kanoka Club is next updated?
33Not sure, but I definitely know that they have done flash movies for the Vahki cause I saw one last week.
345. In Krahli's bio in comic #17, it says "These beings refused to be shut off." Are they self-aware in any way?
3615. Could a similar thing happen to the Vahki?
3816. Do you enjoy inventing Rahi? It seems so. Presumably there are more to come? (A lot more?)
39I invented a fair number for The Darkness Below, and I am doing some more for Voyage of Fear. I could invent Rahi all day long. 40Thanks Greg, this is a lot more than I usualy send, I've had a lot on my mind.
41Bohrokwill silver:![]()
42First, 11&12, they have prooven that the fifth enemy IS NOT under the Great Tempel. And 15... now that is interesting, will it happen? (Yeah, I know, 14 is missing). And Kanoka cards for all:
43Bohrokwill silver:
1QUOTE 2Greg do you think you could ask the marketing team if they have thought about making vakama, nokama, etc.. into matoran form for sale? If not could you tell them?
3Do you know of any sets that are coming out in the fall besides maybe hopefully Lihkan?
4Thanks bye
5That has been discussed before. But it is not solely up to the marketing people, it is also a question of the product designers, who are at the moment doing 2006 product.
6There is a set coming out late summer called Ultimate Dume -- it's an exclusive set that basically is the combo model for the Dume and Nivawk, Nidhiki, and Krekka models.
Ooh another pack:
3Do you know of any sets that are coming out in the fall besides maybe hopefully Lihkan?
4Thanks bye
5That has been discussed before. But it is not solely up to the marketing people, it is also a question of the product designers, who are at the moment doing 2006 product.
6There is a set coming out late summer called Ultimate Dume -- it's an exclusive set that basically is the combo model for the Dume and Nivawk, Nidhiki, and Krekka models.