1I thought it was the other way around, but who cares.
1Hope you enjoyed your break: You deserved it.Anyway...
21. In a PM to you, you answered this question:
33)If the turaga hid the great masks, who hid the nuva masks?
43) Artakha
5Did you mean Artakha himself, or one of his servants?
62. Do Hahli's fins have any function above water in Metru Nui? Or are they pretty much dead weight?
73. Considering water has been flowing in for about a thousand years, the Swamp of Secrets must belike an ocean unto itself, right?
83a. About how much does the Swamp take up of Karda Nui?
94. Would the Ignika be able to use the memories of its past users to teach itself how to fight?
105. On Bionicle.com, Kopaka's bayonet is called the Blizzard Blade. Is this canon?
11Thanks if you can get to these.
121) Artakha teleported the various masks to various locations on Mata Nui 132) They are just ornamental, basically. 143) It's pretty vast, yes -- sorta like the Everglades 154) No 165) I think that's what we are calling it, yes
1Also i am 1 of these newbies in bionicle and have many questions:
21.Which powers and abilities has artakha? 32.which mask is in battle stronger the vahi or the ignika? 43.Has Artakha a physical body or a armor like MoMN? 54.Can artakha create living objects? Ive heard he created rahis like crystal serpents or so 65.who created the toa mata and where? 76. why is tahu nuva the leaderof the toa nuva and toa mata? 87.Artakha has the wheter control and topographie control on his realm, can he control something other than tis on his island? 98.Why was the name of the heroes before the toa came Hand of Artakha and how many members was there? 109. Can the Staff f Artakha recreate ANYTHING what it touches? 1110. Are Karzahni and artakha the first creations of the great beings? 1211. Can any creature wear the Kraakhan or the Avokhii? 13Thanks if you can get to these.
21.Which powers and abilities has artakha? 32.which mask is in battle stronger the vahi or the ignika? 43.Has Artakha a physical body or a armor like MoMN? 54.Can artakha create living objects? Ive heard he created rahis like crystal serpents or so 65.who created the toa mata and where? 76. why is tahu nuva the leaderof the toa nuva and toa mata? 87.Artakha has the wheter control and topographie control on his realm, can he control something other than tis on his island? 98.Why was the name of the heroes before the toa came Hand of Artakha and how many members was there? 109. Can the Staff f Artakha recreate ANYTHING what it touches? 1110. Are Karzahni and artakha the first creations of the great beings? 1211. Can any creature wear the Kraakhan or the Avokhii? 13Thanks if you can get to these.
1Hey Greg: Had some questions for you.
21) Why is it that the island of Mata Nui has so little technology even in comparison to Voya Nui? 32) Why did you decide to make Makuta (person) into the makuta (race)? It kind of takes originality away from the big bad guy. 43) If Makuta is Mata Nui's brother, and makuta is a race, then does that mean that Mata Nui is of the makuta race?? 54) Do Toa/Matoran/anything in the Bionicle universe bleed? They are partially biological and have tissue and muscle. 65) Do the beings of the Bionicle universe need to eat? Do they need to ever use the bathroom?
21) Why is it that the island of Mata Nui has so little technology even in comparison to Voya Nui? 32) Why did you decide to make Makuta (person) into the makuta (race)? It kind of takes originality away from the big bad guy. 43) If Makuta is Mata Nui's brother, and makuta is a race, then does that mean that Mata Nui is of the makuta race?? 54) Do Toa/Matoran/anything in the Bionicle universe bleed? They are partially biological and have tissue and muscle. 65) Do the beings of the Bionicle universe need to eat? Do they need to ever use the bathroom?
1Some interesting stuff:
2Hey Thanks for answering the last ones so quickly: Hope you had a Merry Christmas: Just a few this time.
31) Was it hard to write the Piraka as sea snakes? 42) Did you especially like/dislike the Piraka over other villains? 52a) Why? 63) Do the piraka have any new powers that we are not aware of? 74) Will how Avak got his cage power ever have any real signifisance? 84a) Zaktan knowing about th entire Makuta plan? 95) Could Zaktan bargain with the information that he knows? 106) What about Time-Trap makes it your favorite Bionicle book? 117) People were talkin gabout you putting Invasion on BZPower. Just for clarification, can you say if you will? 128) You have said that Gali, Onua, and Tahu will be in book 9. Will they have major roles, or will they just be in the beggining/end?
13Thanks a ton, 14Toa Krogo
151) No 162) I didn't really have a strong opinion either way. I like writing villains that have individual personalities more than swarms, etc. 173) No 184) The Piraka are basically out of the story after Bionicle Legends #8 194a) This may get referred to this year, yes 205) Yes 216) Because it was so different ... I knew what I wanted to do with it, and it was very different from other books in that basically focused on just a few characters, and I felt it worked well. 227) No. I spoke with BZP about this and they were willing to do it if I could commit to a schedule of getting the book finished (since only 6000 words of it were written). I understood completely why they needed that commitment, but I am too busy to be able to promise time on a project like that. I have to focus on my 2008-2009 work. 238) They are primarily in the first half of the book
2Hey Thanks for answering the last ones so quickly: Hope you had a Merry Christmas: Just a few this time.
31) Was it hard to write the Piraka as sea snakes? 42) Did you especially like/dislike the Piraka over other villains? 52a) Why? 63) Do the piraka have any new powers that we are not aware of? 74) Will how Avak got his cage power ever have any real signifisance? 84a) Zaktan knowing about th entire Makuta plan? 95) Could Zaktan bargain with the information that he knows? 106) What about Time-Trap makes it your favorite Bionicle book? 117) People were talkin gabout you putting Invasion on BZPower. Just for clarification, can you say if you will? 128) You have said that Gali, Onua, and Tahu will be in book 9. Will they have major roles, or will they just be in the beggining/end?
13Thanks a ton, 14Toa Krogo
151) No 162) I didn't really have a strong opinion either way. I like writing villains that have individual personalities more than swarms, etc. 173) No 184) The Piraka are basically out of the story after Bionicle Legends #8 194a) This may get referred to this year, yes 205) Yes 216) Because it was so different ... I knew what I wanted to do with it, and it was very different from other books in that basically focused on just a few characters, and I felt it worked well. 227) No. I spoke with BZP about this and they were willing to do it if I could commit to a schedule of getting the book finished (since only 6000 words of it were written). I understood completely why they needed that commitment, but I am too busy to be able to promise time on a project like that. I have to focus on my 2008-2009 work. 238) They are primarily in the first half of the book
1I was beginning to form a theory about the BoM's master plan, but oh, well. This may still have some significance.
2Hello, Mr. Farshtey, I have some questions for you.
31.Any being (in Bionicle) has a dark and a light side right ? 42.Is it possible for someone to have only light ? 53.Could a shadow leech be used on Mata Nui ? 64.When were shadow leeches discovered ? 75.Could Visorak poison be used on Mata Nui ? 86.Does the BoM know if shadow leeches/Visorak poison can be used on Mata Nui ?
101) With the exception of Makuta and shadow Matoran, yes 112) Not that we have seen 123, 5) I can't comment on this 134) Just recently 146) No
2Hello, Mr. Farshtey, I have some questions for you.
31.Any being (in Bionicle) has a dark and a light side right ? 42.Is it possible for someone to have only light ? 53.Could a shadow leech be used on Mata Nui ? 64.When were shadow leeches discovered ? 75.Could Visorak poison be used on Mata Nui ? 86.Does the BoM know if shadow leeches/Visorak poison can be used on Mata Nui ?
101) With the exception of Makuta and shadow Matoran, yes 112) Not that we have seen 123, 5) I can't comment on this 134) Just recently 146) No
13 and 5 are interesting
1He can't discuss it. How's that interesting?
1Dear Mr. Greg Farshtey,
2I have been noticing that people have been talking about how cool it would be if Pewku returned.
3Is it Possible that she will return?
4Because it would be awsome if she had the same armor as Lewa,Kopaka, etc. ,
5And some sort of cool weapons.
6If she does that would be cool.
7Also, is it possible you could tell me how Takanuva got to Karda Nui?
8Sincerely, Sorent.
91) I don'thave plans for this, as she is not scheduled to be a set again and I am not really spending much if any time in Metru Nui in 2008. 102) You'll find out as we tell the 2008 story -- he's not there yet and won't be before summer
12Pewku's not going to return.
1Well, at least we found otu that Taka is going to be in the swamp.
1I think i hav a theory. Zaktan might be able to bargain his fredom from the OoMN using the info he has.
1Hope you enjoyed your break: You deserved it.Anyway...
21. In a PM to you, you answered this question:
33)If the turaga hid the great masks, who hid the nuva masks?
43) Artakha
5Did you mean Artakha himself, or one of his servants?
62. Do Hahli's fins have any function above water in Metru Nui? Or are they pretty much dead weight?
73. Considering water has been flowing in for about a thousand years, the Swamp of Secrets must belike an ocean unto itself, right?
83a. About how much does the Swamp take up of Karda Nui?
94. Would the Ignika be able to use the memories of its past users to teach itself how to fight?
105. On Bionicle.com, Kopaka's bayonet is called the Blizzard Blade. Is this canon?
11Thanks if you can get to these.
121) Artakha teleported the various masks to various locations on Mata Nui 132) They are just ornamental, basically. 143) It's pretty vast, yes -- sorta like the Everglades 154) No 165) I think that's what we are calling it, yes
17Regarding question 2. Personally, I don't see how one would get the idea of Hahli's fins being dead weight. Anyway, there is still water in Metru Nui, and they can assist her in moving faster through the water. However, on land they'd be pretty much ornamental.
1Notice that he specifically mentioned above water . 

1well maybe hahli could use her fins oto slow her down if shes falling or something.
I heard that a yard of squared fabric can slow you donw when ur falling if you use it like a parachute (I think). but it would be cool if she could glide a bit on them.

1Very good point biovee.
1It would work slightly less well if there's a bunch of holes in it. 

1Why Greg doesn't answer my PMs? I sent him 2 PMs but he doesn't answer:
1It's no big deal. Greg is a busy person, he might not have enough time to answer everything. 

1hi greg 2hope you had a good christmas 3i don't know if you got this already
41) on the new lewa set it looks like there is lightning in the blade is there a storyline reason for this? 52) has it been confirmed that mutran will have the same mask as chirox? 63) is there a reason all the new toa masks have a little ring on there mask? 74) is there a reason kirop's and chirox's name are so similar? 85) i believe you said that gavla was leader of the shadow matoran but on s@h it said kirop was leader is this a mistake?
9hope you can answer these. 10-draco
111) Not something I am familiar with 122) Yes 133) Not a set designer, so can't speak to this 144) I don't think they do. One is Kee-rop, one is Kee-rocks. 155) Kirop was the leader of the Av-Matoran before he was corrupted. He is not the leader of the shadow Matoran.
41) on the new lewa set it looks like there is lightning in the blade is there a storyline reason for this? 52) has it been confirmed that mutran will have the same mask as chirox? 63) is there a reason all the new toa masks have a little ring on there mask? 74) is there a reason kirop's and chirox's name are so similar? 85) i believe you said that gavla was leader of the shadow matoran but on s@h it said kirop was leader is this a mistake?
9hope you can answer these. 10-draco
111) Not something I am familiar with 122) Yes 133) Not a set designer, so can't speak to this 144) I don't think they do. One is Kee-rop, one is Kee-rocks. 155) Kirop was the leader of the Av-Matoran before he was corrupted. He is not the leader of the shadow Matoran.
1Also i am 1 of these newbies in bionicle and have many questions:
21.Which powers and abilities has artakha? 32.which mask is in battle stronger the vahi or the ignika? 43.Has Artakha a physical body or a armor like MoMN? 54.Can artakha create living objects? Ive heard he created rahis like crystal serpents or so 65.who created the toa mata and where? 76. why is tahu nuva the leaderof the toa nuva and toa mata? 87.Artakha has the wheter control and topographie control on his realm, can he control something other than tis on his island?
9Thanks if you can get to these.
10Hey Greg: Had some questions for you.
111) Why is it that the island of Mata Nui has so little technology even in comparison to Voya Nui? 122) Why did you decide to make Makuta (person) into the makuta (race)? It kind of takes originality away from the big bad guy. 133) If Makuta is Mata Nui's brother, and makuta is a race, then does that mean that Mata Nui is of the makuta race?? 144) Do Toa/Matoran/anything in the Bionicle universe bleed? They are partially biological and have tissue and muscle. 155) Do the beings of the Bionicle universe need to eat? Do they need to ever use the bathroom?
17Guys, you should send your questions here.
18Maybe the Server ate it, Cenox.
1It would work slightly less well if there's a bunch of holes in it.
2Haha. You got that right. But it would break her fall. And Greg said he cannot discuss anything about Mata Nui...which may mean something big is about to happen...
3Greg could almost never discuss anything about Mata Nui. And yes, it's likely that something big is going to happen, as it's a rather sound assumption that Mata Nui is going to wake up this year.

1What? Greg's been saying almost nothing on Mata Nui since day one. In fact, the only things we DO know about him are that no one knows where he is, and he's hard to know when one has found him.
1Hey, can someone help me PM these questions to Greg? I keep getting a message saying that I'm not allowed to use the PM feature. Here are the questions:
21) Can shadow Leeches drain Takanuva? 32) Can the Kanohi Avsa drain Takanuva, Toa Ignika and the Toa Nuva? 42b) If yes, (I doubt you'd be allowed to answer this) will Vamprah use his Kanohi Avsa on the Toa in the storyline? 53) Will there be Rakhshi (or Kraata) in Karda Nui? 64) Would any Toa use the "dark" Kanohi? (Kraahkan, Avsa, Shelek, Jutlin, etc...). 74b) What about beings like the Order of Mata Nui's members? 84c) Also, would any Toa use the Kanohi worn by Order members? (Rode, Olmak, etc...)
9Thanks in advance.
21) Can shadow Leeches drain Takanuva? 32) Can the Kanohi Avsa drain Takanuva, Toa Ignika and the Toa Nuva? 42b) If yes, (I doubt you'd be allowed to answer this) will Vamprah use his Kanohi Avsa on the Toa in the storyline? 53) Will there be Rakhshi (or Kraata) in Karda Nui? 64) Would any Toa use the "dark" Kanohi? (Kraahkan, Avsa, Shelek, Jutlin, etc...). 74b) What about beings like the Order of Mata Nui's members? 84c) Also, would any Toa use the Kanohi worn by Order members? (Rode, Olmak, etc...)
9Thanks in advance.
1hey greg just some more questions 21/has it been confirmed that the frost beetle quote is from one of the phantoka? 32/ are both chirox and mutran insane? 43/so the toa nuva don't know the ignika isn't in the swamp so there job down there is basically pointless, right? 54/ will be seing a lot of the oomn and bom this year?
6i had other questions i can't remember them though.
7-draco 8---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
91) No 102) "Insane" is a strong word -- I would say "a little off," and really, do you consider any of the Makuta to be totally stable personalities? 113) No, their job ends up being very important, because although the Ignika is not in the swamp, something else is. 124) BOM, yes, all the villain sets are BOM. OOMN mainly in web serials. 13-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14edit: woo: i started page 302:
6i had other questions i can't remember them though.
7-draco 8---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
91) No 102) "Insane" is a strong word -- I would say "a little off," and really, do you consider any of the Makuta to be totally stable personalities? 113) No, their job ends up being very important, because although the Ignika is not in the swamp, something else is. 124) BOM, yes, all the villain sets are BOM. OOMN mainly in web serials. 13-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14edit: woo: i started page 302:
2Interesting, but I think after everything he's done, the OoMN wouldn't just let him go. Maybe they would send him on a suicide mission like brutaka?1I think i hav a theory. Zaktan might be able to bargain his fredom from the OoMN using the info he has.
4Number three's very interesting.3hey greg just some more questions1/has it been confirmed that the frost beetle quote is from one of the phantoka?2/ are both chirox and mutran insane?3/so the toa nuva don't know the ignika isn't in the swamp so there job down there is basically pointless, right?4/ will be seing a lot of the oomn and bom this year?i had other questions i can't remember them though.-draco---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) No2) "Insane" is a strong word -- I would say "a little off," and really, do you consider any of the Makuta to be totally stable personalities?3) No, their job ends up being very important, because although the Ignika is not in the swamp, something else is.4) BOM, yes, all the villain sets are BOM. OOMN mainly in web serials.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------edit: woo: i started page 302:
1# 3 is very interesting yes
1I have a few Questions
21)- Did anyone lead the BoM before the MoMN? 32)- Will Spiriah be equiped with a Tridax pod? 43)- Just speaking of what I think of the Shadow Leeches, Wouldn't they have to brain wash the Matoran to corrupt them or is it just something made up? 54)- Can Mutran or any Makuta be able to create new Makuta Armor? 65)- Did the Toa Nuva abandon their old weapons? 76)- I read about the Mask of light on Biosector and it said it can give peace and understanding to others. can this be used on the Shadow Matoran? 87)- Were the Makuta in the Swamp blinded by Matoro? 98)- Did the Makuta of Metru Nui know of the Makuta in Karda Nui? 109)- What Lands did the other Makuta watch over? example- Icarax-Karzahni 1110)- Will we learn where Vican Came from? 1211)- Did the Mask of Life Pick the name for the Kardas Dragon? 1312)- Is it true Takadox might be sentenced to death? 1413)- although the Spear of Fusion was destroyed by Jaller, can it slowly repair itself?
151) Yes 162) I believe the model has one, yes 173) No. If you remove all light from a being, it is like removing all good from them, leaving only evil. So no brainwashing is required. 184) No. Mutan makes Rahi, not armor. 195) Yes 206) It's a tough nut to crack, as the concept of peace is one pretty alien to the shadow Matoran. 217) No 228) Yes, he is the one who ordered them there 239) I haven't revealed that yet 2410) Possibly 2511) No 2612) Any of the team members face execution by the Order if they don't do what they're told. 2713) No, it's ashes, #1, and #2, it can't operate on its own, someone has to trigger it.
21)- Did anyone lead the BoM before the MoMN? 32)- Will Spiriah be equiped with a Tridax pod? 43)- Just speaking of what I think of the Shadow Leeches, Wouldn't they have to brain wash the Matoran to corrupt them or is it just something made up? 54)- Can Mutran or any Makuta be able to create new Makuta Armor? 65)- Did the Toa Nuva abandon their old weapons? 76)- I read about the Mask of light on Biosector and it said it can give peace and understanding to others. can this be used on the Shadow Matoran? 87)- Were the Makuta in the Swamp blinded by Matoro? 98)- Did the Makuta of Metru Nui know of the Makuta in Karda Nui? 109)- What Lands did the other Makuta watch over? example- Icarax-Karzahni 1110)- Will we learn where Vican Came from? 1211)- Did the Mask of Life Pick the name for the Kardas Dragon? 1312)- Is it true Takadox might be sentenced to death? 1413)- although the Spear of Fusion was destroyed by Jaller, can it slowly repair itself?
151) Yes 162) I believe the model has one, yes 173) No. If you remove all light from a being, it is like removing all good from them, leaving only evil. So no brainwashing is required. 184) No. Mutan makes Rahi, not armor. 195) Yes 206) It's a tough nut to crack, as the concept of peace is one pretty alien to the shadow Matoran. 217) No 228) Yes, he is the one who ordered them there 239) I haven't revealed that yet 2410) Possibly 2511) No 2612) Any of the team members face execution by the Order if they don't do what they're told. 2713) No, it's ashes, #1, and #2, it can't operate on its own, someone has to trigger it.
1Double post, sorry
1hey greg just some more questions 21/has it been confirmed that the frost beetle quote is from one of the phantoka? 32/ are both chirox and mutran insane? 43/so the toa nuva don't know the ignika isn't in the swamp so there job down there is basically pointless, right? 54/ will be seing a lot of the oomn and bom this year?
6i had other questions i can't remember them though.
7-draco 8---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
91) No 102) "Insane" is a strong word -- I would say "a little off," and really, do you consider any of the Makuta to be totally stable personalities? 113) No, their job ends up being very important, because although the Ignika is not in the swamp, something else is. 124) BOM, yes, all the villain sets are BOM. OOMN mainly in web serials. 13-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14edit: woo: i started page 302:
15maybe mata nui is in the swamp

1I really wonder what is in the swamp.
1Heh, I know number five is disgusting. I agree it is. but I had to ask...I actually was curious, i swear.