1Hey Greg: Could you answer these questions for me?
21 ) Which is bigger the Bionicle mainland or the Universe core?
32A ) Which country (or countries if necessary) would be the closest to the size of the Bionicle mainland.
4B ) Which country (or countries if necessary) would be the closest to the size of the Universe core.
53A ) Can you explain this to me? The Bionicle website says that the Toa Ignika can evolve or devolve objects and bring inanimate objects to life. I thought the Ignika can only affect living creatures? 6AII ) If the Ignika can animate objects then could it animate a Makuta's mask and turn it against him?
7B ) How would Toa Ignika compare to the Kanohi Ignika in power?
8C ) What is stopping Toa Ignika from devolving a Makuta into something weaker than a Protodite?
9DI ) Does Toa Ignika know how to fight? 10DII ) How will/did the Toa Ignika learn how to fight
11E ) Does Toa Ignika have control over any creatures it creates/animates?
12F ) Does Toa Ignika use elemental energy?
13GI ) Does Toa Ignika consider itself a Toa 14GII ) Do the Toa Nuva and Matoran consider Toa Ignika a Toa? 15GIII ) Do the Makuta consider Toa Ignika a Toa?
164 ) Icarax is better at fighting than the Makuta of Metru Nui. So if the two were to get in a fight would it be more likely that Icarax would win?
171) I would guess the core. 182) No idea. 192b) No idea 203a) We have not seen the Ignika itself give an inanimate object life, however, we have seen it curse someone else so that they could. So it is obviously within its power to confer that ability. And keep in mind that some inanimate objects have organic molecules in them, which gives the Ignika something to work with. 213b) Toa Ignika requires a lot of power to maintain its body, so it is not as powerful as in mask form 223c) Well, it can only devolve you into something you once were ... how do you know the Makuta were ever something weaker than a protodite? They were created as whole beings, so the best the Ignika could do would be to devolve them back to when they had actual bodies as opposed to just being energy. 233d) Follow the story 243e) No 253f) Ignika controls the energy of life 26g1) Yes 27g2) Until they figure out what he really is, yes 28g3) Same answer
294) I never answer "who would win" questions. If victory was based on nothing more than strength and experience, Goliath would have beaten David, right?
313G)= Now that's interesting ... the ignika hasn't told the Toa what it is. This defineitely complicates the search for the mask. I bet that's going to be very important later on 324 ) and thats why he never answers who would win questions
6These are Greg's Seial Previews:::::: Yay::::::
7Wrong. Toa Ignika can talk, but doesn't know the Matoran Language.
8Brutaka sends taka to another dimension?:?:

2As I finish off the first three Chapter Ones, a quick preview of the winter serials --
3#1 - At the end of last year's Gali Nuva Blog, we learned how Tahu and Kopaka had been sent on a mission by the Order of Mata Nui to quell a series of active volcanoes on a southern islands. Now, the Order sends a bizarre team -- Brutaka, Roodaka, Makuta Spiriah, Vezon, Carapar and Takadox -- on a suicide mission to that same island to save a potential wild card in the conflict to come -- the original leader of the Brotherhood of Makuta:
4#2 - Makuta Mutran remembers the past history of the Brotherhood. Learn new secrets about the BOM and its Plan, as well as more about events like the Matoran Civil War and the exploits of Brotherhood members elsewhere in the universe.
5#3 (biocast) -- Takanuva journeys to Karda Nui through the unpredictable power of Brutaka's mask, only to wind up somewhere very different indeed -- a pocket dimension where Toa Nidhiki allied himself with Toa Tuyet (during the events of "The Many Deaths of Toa Tuyet") and killed Lhikan. Tuyet's power led the Toa down a dark path of oppression and murder, leaving the survivors of the Brotherhood and the Dark Hunters as the only force left to fight for freedom in the universe:
6These are Greg's Seial Previews:::::: Yay::::::
7Wrong. Toa Ignika can talk, but doesn't know the Matoran Language.
8Brutaka sends taka to another dimension?:?:
1the lego bio says that it has not yey grasped the concept of spoken language
1Another piece of info from Grag's blog:
10The timeline is very interesting.
2A few pieces of news --
3-- Scholastic has informed me of plans to do a new, second series of BIONICLE books starting in late 2008, in addition to the regular ones they have been doing. These will be what they call Level 3 Readers and will be aimed at 5-6 year olds -- similar to what they have done for Batman and other lines. I am writing the first one, and we will see how they do and whether they want me to do the others.
4While I am going to make an effort for these to be canon, they will NOT be referenced in other BIONICLE story areas, because I don't want 14 year old fans feeling they have to read something written for a 6 year old to keep up with story. They are going to be very short (about 1500 words), so if you have little brothers interested in BIONICLE and not old enough to read the comics or books yet, this might be a good way to get them started.
5It's a little bit of a gamble on the part of Scholastic, because that is not traditionally the BIONICLE audience. However, a lot of the Scholastic audience is that young, and recruiting future 8-9 year olds is important for the health of our franchise. So we will give this a shot and see if we can raise awareness of BIONICLE prior to the movie. Its success or failure will not impact the comic, web site, movie, etc., which will still be aimed at the 9-11 audience.
6Anyway, on to the timeline for this year, as best as I know it --
7The March comic, Bionicle Legends #9, and Bionicle Legends #10 all take place at roughly the same time, along with the Makuta and Brutaka web serials. 8The Takanuva biocast will take place just after the events of Book 10, but will explain in brief what is going on with him so you won't be lost. 9The first Level 3 reader will occur between the events of Bionicle Legends #10 and the biocast -- since I am not expecting the reader fans to be looking at any of the other material that much, I am not worrying as much about timeline with those books.
10The timeline is very interesting.
1As I finish off the first three Chapter Ones, a quick preview of the winter serials --
2#1 - At the end of last year's Gali Nuva Blog, we learned how Tahu and Kopaka had been sent on a mission by the Order of Mata Nui to quell a series of active volcanoes on a southern islands. Now, the Order sends a bizarre team -- Brutaka, Roodaka, Makuta Spiriah, Vezon, Carapar and Takadox -- on a suicide mission to that same island to save a potential wild card in the conflict to come -- the original leader of the Brotherhood of Makuta:
3#2 - Makuta Mutran remembers the past history of the Brotherhood. Learn new secrets about the BOM and its Plan, as well as more about events like the Matoran Civil War and the exploits of Brotherhood members elsewhere in the universe.
4#3 (biocast) -- Takanuva journeys to Karda Nui through the unpredictable power of Brutaka's mask, only to wind up somewhere very different indeed -- a pocket dimension where Toa Nidhiki allied himself with Toa Tuyet (during the events of "The Many Deaths of Toa Tuyet") and killed Lhikan. Tuyet's power led the Toa down a dark path of oppression and murder, leaving the survivors of the Brotherhood and the Dark Hunters as the only force left to fight for freedom in the universe:
5Not really a PM but I got it off GregF's blog.

1wow takuamaster,where did you find that?
4-TAO07(yes,my signature is well writed,later you we`ll see)
6WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
1wow takuamaster,where did you find that?
4-TAO07(yes,my signature is well writed,later you we`ll see)
6WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
7No need for the spam.
8Anyway, the web serials and biocast seem interesting, looking forward to reading them.

1A little late, Arcton. I posted it right before you.
1I really hope they don't go the same way with Takanuva as they did with Lesovikk.
1What was wrong with Lesovikk? the set or his background?
1Nothing too important
281) Just as with Takanuva... 292) I still feel very sorry for him 303) Well... 314) Oh, that Greg and his sense of humor, that´s why I like him
(No ofense to you Mr. Farshtey) 325) As well as Comic 12 336) And why would the Makuta want the Mask of Life?
347) Good 358) Well, I like them (You better don´t have a problem with that:
) 369) Mine are Egiptians and Mayas 3710) Too bad, I wanted Solek to be like Kopaka
I wanted to know WHO he fights 3912) I just wanted to confirm that

2Hello Mr. Farshtey, hope you had a nice Holiday. I got Downfall as part of my Christmas gifts and I finished it in less than a day(Really). It was a good book, really makes it up for the 07End, you managed to get all the characters fit in in a great way. And I got some questions, hope you can answer them...
31.-How did Carapar and Takadox end up separated from the other Barraki?
42.-I think I did feel it when Hahli says that it looks that Hydraxon is the one who is "really lost", What will he do? Try to capture all the escapees?
53.-Will he at last find the truth about him?
64.-Because there´s no quote from Mutran nor from Vican on Bionicle.com, Could you please give us one from whoever of them?
75.-I read in the New Books Topic that BL9 and BL10 happen simultaneously, is this correct?
86.-We know the Nuva´s reason to split up, but what is the Makuta´s?
97.-Did you already begin to write and record the Winter serials and BioCast?
108.-Do you read Archie Comics?
119.-Which one would you say that is your favorite ancient civilization?
1210.-Do you think there will be time to explore more about the Av-Matoran characters? (For example, if in BL11 Solek finally manages to master his emotions)
1311.-Can you reveal us if Mutran fights anybody in BL9, please?
1412.-Does Antroz´s fangs are poisonous?
15That´s all Mr. Farshtey, thank you in advance.
161) Courtesy of Brutaka's dimensional transport ability 172) Yes 183) Time will tell 194) Eventually, yes 205) Yes, roughly 216) Well, the Makuta thought the Ignika was in the swamp too (and it was when they first went down there) 227) Yes 238) No 249) Don't have one 2510) I have so many characters I have to include that I really don't have time to dwell on any one group too much. 2611) Sort of -- Mutran is more of a scientist than a warrior 2712) Yes
281) Just as with Takanuva... 292) I still feel very sorry for him 303) Well... 314) Oh, that Greg and his sense of humor, that´s why I like him


1Nothing too important ![]()
2Hello Mr. Farshtey, hope you had a nice Holiday. I got Downfall as part of my Christmas gifts and I finished it in less than a day(Really). It was a good book, really makes it up for the 07End, you managed to get all the characters fit in in a great way. And I got some questions, hope you can answer them...
31.-How did Carapar and Takadox end up separated from the other Barraki?
42.-I think I did feel it when Hahli says that it looks that Hydraxon is the one who is "really lost", What will he do? Try to capture all the escapees?
53.-Will he at last find the truth about him?
64.-Because there´s no quote from Mutran nor from Vican on Bionicle.com, Could you please give us one from whoever of them?
75.-I read in the New Books Topic that BL9 and BL10 happen simultaneously, is this correct?
86.-We know the Nuva´s reason to split up, but what is the Makuta´s?
97.-Did you already begin to write and record the Winter serials and BioCast?
108.-Do you read Archie Comics?
119.-Which one would you say that is your favorite ancient civilization?
1210.-Do you think there will be time to explore more about the Av-Matoran characters? (For example, if in BL11 Solek finally manages to master his emotions)
1311.-Can you reveal us if Mutran fights anybody in BL9, please?
1412.-Does Antroz´s fangs are poisonous?
15That´s all Mr. Farshtey, thank you in advance.
161) Courtesy of Brutaka's dimensional transport ability 172) Yes 183) Time will tell 194) Eventually, yes 205) Yes, roughly 216) Well, the Makuta thought the Ignika was in the swamp too (and it was when they first went down there) 227) Yes 238) No 249) Don't have one 2510) I have so many characters I have to include that I really don't have time to dwell on any one group too much. 2611) Sort of -- Mutran is more of a scientist than a warrior 2712) Yes
281) Just as with Takanuva... 292) I still feel very sorry for him 303) Well... 314) Oh, that Greg and his sense of humor, that´s why I like him(No ofense to you Mr. Farshtey) 325) As well as Comic 12 336) And why would the Makuta want the Mask of Life?
347) Good 358) Well, I like them (You better don´t have a problem with that:
) 369) Mine are Egiptians and Mayas 3710) Too bad, I wanted Solek to be like Kopaka
I wanted to know WHO he fights 3912) I just wanted to confirm that
41#1 sounds intresting
11. if a toa puts some of their power in a toa stone and gives it to a mtoran and they die in battle later will the matoran be able to become a toa. 22. youve said that no toa will die this year, right? what about becoming evil or mutated etc. 33. will we still see the basic foundations for bionicle in 09?? (such as toa,matoran,evil dudes,turaga etc..)???
41) Whether the Toa is dead or alive, the Toa stone can make the Matoran a Toa IF that Matoran is destined to become one. Otherwise, the Toa stone won't do a thing. 52) No, we did that already in 2005, I am in no rush to do it again. 63) I can't discuss 2009
41) Whether the Toa is dead or alive, the Toa stone can make the Matoran a Toa IF that Matoran is destined to become one. Otherwise, the Toa stone won't do a thing. 52) No, we did that already in 2005, I am in no rush to do it again. 63) I can't discuss 2009
1Why wouldn't the Makuta want the Ignika?
1Well, pictures of Spiriah are starting to show up, but I was wondering.... 2Look at this pic of him. 3I see a Matoran-like being on his back. Is he canon? And will he be with Spiriah in the serial?
4Yes, he is a canon, and he will be referenced.
5Ooh, so that IS a mutant on Spiriah's back.

7where did u finded the picture:::

1That's leaked,toa07.Remove it.
1Yeah dude. Remove it, or you will get owned, and proto-decreased. Wait till the offical pictures comeout then you can discuss them, because as far as we know, these are all prototypes, and they could be radically changed. So no point in discussing something that might not come into existence.
1Hey Greg
21) How long will the serials last?
32) I'm just guessing, but is the reason that the summer Makuta are missing powers that they are mutated?
43) Is the hive that Mutran is in in Karda Nui?
54) Can Tridax Pods hold Kraata?
65) The Toa Ignika is physically able to speak, right? It just doesn't know the Matoran Language?
76) The younger books will have only side story, right? And could you give us a hint on the first one's subject?
91) That's up to Binkmeister 102) I can't discuss summer storyline 113) Yes 124) Yes 135) It knows the language, it just hasn't mastered physical speech yet 146) Right. The first one I wrote focuses on Takanuva, but it hasn't been approved by Scholastic yet.
15BIONICLEStory is updated and it looks awesome:::::::
1Hey Greg
21) How long will the serials last?
32) I'm just guessing, but is the reason that the summer Makuta are missing powers that they are mutated?
43) Is the hive that Mutran is in in Karda Nui?
54) Can Tridax Pods hold Kraata?
65) The Toa Ignika is physically able to speak, right? It just doesn't know the Matoran Language?
76) The younger books will have only side story, right? And could you give us a hint on the first one's subject?
91) That's up to Binkmeister 102) I can't discuss summer storyline 113) Yes 124) Yes 135) It knows the language, it just hasn't mastered physical speech yet 146) Right. The first one I wrote focuses on Takanuva, but it hasn't been approved by Scholastic yet.
15BIONICLEStory is updated and it looks awesome:::::::
16Yeah, I saw it. But I don't know where the web serials are(The 2008 ones). So if somebody, anybody, found them, then please tell me(That is, if they were put up yet).
1Yes, Please.
1They aren't on yet
1You should ask Bink when they will be up.
1well since Takanuva's gonna be in a biocast where he's in a pocket dimension where there are evil toa and he can change his colors he's probalby changed them to look more dark or something...
1under cover
1just one thing to add about the taka biocast i think taka will have to team up with momn
1i think that when taka goes to karda nui he is aware that the makuta will try to get him with shadow leaches, and since he has no matoran partner to kinda watch for that stiff for him, he alters his colours so he looks like a shadow toa so the makuta dont try anything.
1here is some questions I asked him.
25My thoughts on his answers. 261.Hmmm,maybe they won't have to obtain the mask like they thought? 272.It says on S@H,The only member of his village to survive a shadow leech attack.It doesn't mention anything about it under Bios or Products on Bionicle.com. 283.Never read anything about it,so I figured I would ask. 294.I knew he didn't know HOW to speak,I was wondering if he could speak tellepathiclly like it could when it was a mask. 305.No comment. 316.I was just curious on that one
. 327.I would ask him more about this matoran,but he would probably say,Follow the story and find out. 338.Again,just curious. 349.Hmmm,very interesting.I think I have a theroey coming on :psychotwich: . 3510.Why didn't I think of that
2Hi there:I hope you had a good new years.I had some questions that I was wanting to ask you. 31.This is a quote I copied from the story section of Bionicle.com,"Believing they must retrieve the Mask of Life to complete their mission,the Toa Nuva decide to split up.".My question is why does it say Believeing.If they did actually have to get the mask of Life,then why does it not say some thing like,To get the Mask of Life,the Toa Nuva decide to split up? 42.According to the S@H description,Tanma survived a Shadow Leech attack.Did the Shadow Leech(es) take any light from him? 52a.If they did,does that mean Tanma has a "dark side" (since he is not fully light)? 63.Did the Toa Ignika create his board and weapons,or did he find them? 74.Since the Toa Ignika cannot speak,can he telleapathicly speak to someone? 85.Do you have a favorite Bionicle Legends book? 96.Would you think speed could be an element?Like a toa could control the speed of someone or something? 107.I recently saw a scan of Spiriah and it looks like he has a Matoran on his back.Is that a Matoran or something else? 118.Would you say that 2008 will be lighter than previous years? 129.If Takanuva created a Nova blast of light,and there were Makutas in the surronding area,what would happen to the Makutas? 1310.Do you have a personel oppinion of the 2008 sets?
14Thanks in advance.
151) Because the Toa Nuva don't know how to wake up Mata Nui. All they can do is guess at what they are supposed to do. 162) He did not survive a shadow leech attack. He avoided being attacked by one. But all beings have a dark side, there are no beings who are nothing but light. 173) Creator 184) He can speak, he simply hasn't mastered spoken language yet 195) Probably #4 206) No, speed is a power, it's really not an element. 217) Yes, it is a Matoran 228) No 239) Severely damaged, most likely 2410) I work for LEGO, so what do you think my answer to this is going to be?
25My thoughts on his answers. 261.Hmmm,maybe they won't have to obtain the mask like they thought? 272.It says on S@H,The only member of his village to survive a shadow leech attack.It doesn't mention anything about it under Bios or Products on Bionicle.com. 283.Never read anything about it,so I figured I would ask. 294.I knew he didn't know HOW to speak,I was wondering if he could speak tellepathiclly like it could when it was a mask. 305.No comment. 316.I was just curious on that one