1hey greg first i would like to say that the new serials sound great. I only have 1 question for you
21. is the orgional leader of the brotherhood going to be a combinder set 3b. was he good 4c. did makuta of metru nui forcibly take leader ship from him
5Thats all thanks
61) He most likely will appear somehow in set form, but not going to tell you how yet. 7B-C) You will have to follow the story to get these answers.
8This is some extremely interesting stuff from greg
9What does that mean?: Maybe it'll be like a contest to build him or something...
3when some days ago showed the pictures the prototype summer set, it could see a matoran uploaded to the vehicle with the number of Set "8698", which corresponds that number to the VULTRAZ Set, and could, or is that vultraz is the leader of the order
4EDIT : for sure, is only a theory
1The question was about the leader of the Brotherhood... And he said we will see him.
1just some questions i asked
2Hi Mr. Farshtey, just a few questions 31. Any connection between Icarax and the greek legend of Icarus? 42. will we find out what happened to the makuta the dark hunter Conjerour fought this year? 53. can you give a number of makuta right now? 64. can mata nui communicate with people telepathically? 75. Does Mata nui wear a kanohi?
91) No. We can't base names off stuff like that too easily, because we never know what and won't get approved by Legal. 102) If I recall correctly, he should be fine -- Conjurer's attack failed 113) Nope 124) Impossible to know, since he has been asleep for 99% of this story 135) I am not allowed to discuss Mata Nui's appearance
14dang on the icarus thing. i thought i might have seen Icarax's death- falling from the sky.
2Hi Mr. Farshtey, just a few questions 31. Any connection between Icarax and the greek legend of Icarus? 42. will we find out what happened to the makuta the dark hunter Conjerour fought this year? 53. can you give a number of makuta right now? 64. can mata nui communicate with people telepathically? 75. Does Mata nui wear a kanohi?
91) No. We can't base names off stuff like that too easily, because we never know what and won't get approved by Legal. 102) If I recall correctly, he should be fine -- Conjurer's attack failed 113) Nope 124) Impossible to know, since he has been asleep for 99% of this story 135) I am not allowed to discuss Mata Nui's appearance
14dang on the icarus thing. i thought i might have seen Icarax's death- falling from the sky.
3when some days ago showed the pictures the prototype summer set, it could see a matoran uploaded to the vehicle with the number of Set "8698", which corresponds that number to the VULTRAZ Set, and could, or is that vultraz is the leader of the order
4EDIT : for sure, is only a theory
5If you say that 8698 Vultraz is the leader of the OoMN then he is not the leader, Greg confirmed that the Leader of the OoMN will be Not a set this year
1so.....taka was in his new form before and at the biocast...mmmm...and he went into a dark world...... [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img] 2yes,now i allmost know everithing to know why takanuva´s was so strange
4yay,bioniclestory.com was updated for my birthday::::

4yay,bioniclestory.com was updated for my birthday::::
1I have a few questions.
21.Is the 45-second Phantoka movie canon? 32.How did Toa Ignika get a Midak? 43.Just for the record, are T3,T6,T9 one of the good guys or the bad guys? 54.If Takanuva is sent in that pocket dimention by Brutaka's Olmak, then they must meet at some point, correct? 65.When was that 1% time when Mata Nui wasn't sleeping?
71) I haven't seen it yet, so can't comment 82) Ignika can make things, providing there are some organic molecules involved 93) I cannot discuss summer sets 104) Yup 115) During the 2004 storyline -- he went to sleep at the end of that year
125.There is your answer phanrak spider of the air.
1ok thanks
1Don't discuss summer, if you like to collect proto
1hey greg first i would like to say that the new serials sound great. I only have 1 question for you
21. is the orgional leader of the brotherhood going to be a combinder set 3b. was he good 4c. did makuta of metru nui forcibly take leader ship from him
5Thats all thanks
61) He most likely will appear somehow in set form, but not going to tell you how yet. 7B-C) You will have to follow the story to get these answers.
8This is some extremely interesting stuff from greg
9What does that mean?: Maybe it'll be like a contest to build him or something...
10I don't think he will be a contest. He is a kinda major character and if it's a contest we can't have him coz lego won't have the rights for producing him
1Did the Makuta species gain any new powers when they evolved to be just energy?
2If so, did the three Makuta down in the swamp loose their powers because they got devolved by the Ignika?
31) Yes, they gained the power to possess robots or living bodies with no spirit, plus it became much harder to kill them.
42) The three Makuta in the swamp were not devolved by the Ignika, so answer's no.
1Hello there Greg, my apologies if this is a dupe, but I'm pretty sure my last message was transported to a pocket dimension by the server. Anyhow, I was wondering... 21) When Jovan's team member used the Ignika, was the cause of his death it similar to Matoro? (The Mask converts the wearer to energy which is given to Mata Nui?) 32) Is the Ignika responsible for transporting the wearer's life energy into Mata Nui? 43) Matoro was in the Swamp of Secrets when he used the Ignika, right? 54) Can you reveal the original purpose for the shielded walls of Karda Nui? 65) Are the stalactites on the ground in Karda Nui a result of the Great Cataclysm or something else? 76) Based on one of your last answers that said the Av-Matoran were not reassigned to the Core, does that mean they are there by accident? 87) How important are the "secrets" in the Swamp of Secrets in term of effect they could have if discovered? 98) Is the Core the absolute deepest underground of any of the domes? (Or anything in the Universe for that matter?) 109) Can you tell me what the Av-Matoran have been doing after in the Core after the Cataclysm, but before the Makuta came? 1110) Now that the waterfall into the Core is stopped, is the swamp water slowly draining, or just at an steady level? 1211) Is it possible that we find out anything about the BoM's curse in Mutran's serial? 13Thanks again: I understand if you can't answer some of these. 14-Ax-
151) Yup 162) Not sure I want to go into too much detail about what it does at this time 173) No. He was in the sky well above the swamp. He was falling down through a waterfall that ran from the ceiling of Karda Nui all the way down into the swamp. 184) Not at this time, but you will understand it by summer, I think, if not sooner 195) No, GC 206) Yes 217) Oh, pretty important to the future of the universe 228) Most likely 239) Trying to survive in their new home 2410) Steady level, there is nowhere for it to drain to 2511) It's possible
26There we go, nothing real big yet, but you never know... 27-Ax-
1Hello, Mr.Farshtey. Could you please answer some questions?
21. How long would it take the mask of corruption to destroy toa armor?
32. Is the Tridax launcher now a natural part of the Makuta's anatomy?
43. Why did Vamprah give himself little stubs for legs?
54. Can all of the matoran who are sets fly?
6Thank you sir.
71) All of it? A little while, at least 82) No 93) Ever see a bat's legs? 104) Yes
11Nothing new, most likely.
1Hello there Greg, my apologies if this is a dupe, but I'm pretty sure my last message was transported to a pocket dimension by the server. Anyhow, I was wondering... 21) When Jovan's team member used the Ignika, was the cause of his death it similar to Matoro? (The Mask converts the wearer to energy which is given to Mata Nui?) 32) Is the Ignika responsible for transporting the wearer's life energy into Mata Nui? 43) Matoro was in the Swamp of Secrets when he used the Ignika, right? 54) Can you reveal the original purpose for the shielded walls of Karda Nui? 65) Are the stalactites on the ground in Karda Nui a result of the Great Cataclysm or something else? 76) Based on one of your last answers that said the Av-Matoran were not reassigned to the Core, does that mean they are there by accident? 87) How important are the "secrets" in the Swamp of Secrets in term of effect they could have if discovered? 98) Is the Core the absolute deepest underground of any of the domes? (Or anything in the Universe for that matter?) 109) Can you tell me what the Av-Matoran have been doing after in the Core after the Cataclysm, but before the Makuta came? 1110) Now that the waterfall into the Core is stopped, is the swamp water slowly draining, or just at an steady level? 1211) Is it possible that we find out anything about the BoM's curse in Mutran's serial? 13Thanks again: I understand if you can't answer some of these. 14-Ax-
151) Yup 162) Not sure I want to go into too much detail about what it does at this time 173) No. He was in the sky well above the swamp. He was falling down through a waterfall that ran from the ceiling of Karda Nui all the way down into the swamp. 184) Not at this time, but you will understand it by summer, I think, if not sooner 195) No, GC 206) Yes 217) Oh, pretty important to the future of the universe 228) Most likely 239) Trying to survive in their new home 2410) Steady level, there is nowhere for it to drain to 2511) It's possible
26There we go, nothing real big yet, but you never know... 27-Ax-
28Sorry for sounding noobish, but what is the BoM Curse? In question #11? Like when did we find out about it and what is it?
1Some new stuff I thought Greg didn't get, sent about two months ago.
91) Almost all of them have some tie with the BOM (except Vezon) ... and all of them have some faction that wants them dead, and so good reason to need the Order's protection, as well as nothing to lose. 102-3) Follow the story and find out
2Hello sir, I have a few questions if you could answer them about the new serial.
31: Is there a reason these beings were chosen by the Order, or was it a decision on Brutaka's half since he's seen what some can do, or something else? 41a: Could you tell us why they were chosen?
52: Do each have their own puprose on the team, like is one a good scout, one tacticaly good, etc.?
63: I see Takadox and Roodaka would be good strategicaly due to the priors intelligence and Roodaka's cunning, but if there are any specific positions in the team could you tell us what they are? 73a: What about who has those positions?
8Thank you sir.
91) Almost all of them have some tie with the BOM (except Vezon) ... and all of them have some faction that wants them dead, and so good reason to need the Order's protection, as well as nothing to lose. 102-3) Follow the story and find out
1I sent you a few questions a few days ago but you never answered them so I assume you never got them. That's okay though as having now seen your more recent blog updates I have different questions.
21) In the Takanuva podcast, can it be assumed that most of the beings will be rather distrustful of Taka considering that Toa in that dimension are bad?
32) Will we see Lariska as a good guy? She's my favorite Dark Hunter.
43) In the Brutaka's team one, how much of a role will Spiriah's Matoran play? 53a) Is there anything you can tell us about this Matoran? His name perhaps?
6Some things not about BIONICLEstory.
74) The Shadow Matoran can use their individual powers only when attached to a Makuta but they can fire shadow bolts whenever right? 84a) Does that make them stronger then Av-Matoran on their own? 94b) Only Shadow Matoran that were once Av-Matoran have indiviual powers but can others (like Vican) still shoot shadow bolts right? 104c) How strong are the shadow bolts?
115) Bionicle.com says that Vican was a Le-Matoran, and you have said that having your light drained does not change your color, so is black and green now an official color combination of Le-Matoran? It seems more Onu-Matoran-ish to me.
12That's all for now. Thank you very much in advance.
131) You'll find out when we start the story 142) I haven't decided yet 153) None 164) Yes 174a) No, because Av-Matoran can fire light on their own 184b) Yes 194c) Strong enough
201) Seems reasonable to me?

1Hello, Mr. Farshtey. I have quite a few questions for you, if you don't mind. I believe that I may have sent this before, but it was "eaten by the server". If you have already gotten this message, then my apologies.
21. How are this fine evening? 32. Takua is an Av-Matoran, yes? (I'm ashamed I even have to ask this. ) 43. You said that all Av-Matoran have powers when they attach to Toa because they were prototypes, correct? 54. Are these powers limited to when they connect to Toa? 65. If yes to #3, then what is Takua's power? 76. Has he used it in the storyline? 87. Say that a destined Av-Matoran was turned into a Shadow Matoran, could he still become a Toa? 98. If yes, what element would said Toa be? 109. If a normal Matoran was destined to transform into a Toa, but he was mutated by Makuta, would he still become a Toa? 1110. Same question as above, except mutated by the Pit Mutagen? 1211. Would said Toa form still be mutated? 1312. Why would there be villages in Karda-Nui if they are all Av-Matoran? 1413. Are all of the Matoran in each village the same color? (i.e. Tanma's village being green/lime, Photok's being grey/orange, etc.) 1514. Do you enjoy this job at LEGO? 1615. Do you ever brag about working at LEGO?1716. Could you perhaps work out a signed poster deal with me?
18Thank you in advance for all of your time; you must be very busy.
191) Tired 202) Yes 213) Yes 224) Yes 235) No idea, because Takua never knew he was an Av-Matoran during those times he was physically linked to a Toa. 246) No -- again, the fact that they have these powers that manifest when with Toa is news to the Av-Matoran, and Takua didn't even know he was an Av-Matoran, let alone that he had any extra power. 257) Yes 268) Shadow 279) Just physically mutated? Sure. Mutation does not change your destiny, necessarily. 2810) Yes 2911) Yup 3012) Well, let's say you and all your family and friends lived on an island chain in the Pacific. The islands are really small, so you can't all fit on one. So some of you have to go live on island A, some on island B, some on island C, so you have three villages, just like that. 3113) No 3214) If I didn't, I would leave, because I wouldn't be doing my best then 3315) No, there's no need to. You can just mention you work at LEGO and people get excited, there's no need to brag about it. 3416) I really can't do this sort of thing, because I will get flooded with requests if I start
35Just a few Takua and Shadow questions.
1QUOTEThe server has eaten this twice so i'm sending it again.
21.)Makuta as Maxilos has all his powers but shapeshifting right? 31a.)Can he stil make kratta? 42.)Did lego use the same mold for mutran and chirox's masks 52a.)Do they have the same power? 63.)You said the mask of gravity could be used to moon jump but biosecter says you can't use it on oneself i'm confused. 74.)Can Makuta as Maxilos breath air or just water? I thought I read he could both but I just wanted to make shure. 85.)Last time I used a bad example so here we go. In bionicle movies toa make some major jumps (Gali jumps up a tower, Lhikan jumps from clif edge to clif edge,etc...) what is the max jump the avrege toa regularly can make? 96.)Last time you said lava can't be made by earth and fire but in mask of light Ouna and Tahu did so how did they do this or was it a mistake? 107.)Can a toa of air with just a mask of levatation by pushing oneself along? would this work if another toa was using a nuva mask of levatation on a toa of air? if not why? 118.)Can the great mask of mind control work on rahi? 129.)Could a mask of mind reading be used to telepathicly talk to rahi? 1310.)Gali made a telepathic link to Tahu can all toa do this? If not what ones can?
14Thanks: 15Ps great job: I look forword to your next comic. 16ewpw
171) There are other powers he does not have as well, like heat and cold resistance -- those are purely physical powers and he's not in his own body anymore. 181a) Yes 192) I am not a set designer so I don't have this info. I have not even seen the Mutran set in person yet. 203) Moon jump? When did I say that? 214) Neither. Maxilos is a robot, he doesn't need to breathe. He's a machine. 225) No idea. We don't lock ourselves down on stuff like that because we have no need to do so and it just restricts us later. 236) It would make more sense to have Pohatu and Tahu do that, so if that happened in the movie, the moviemakers screwed up. I didn't write the movie or have any involvement in it. Look up lava -- it's melted rock, not melted dirt. 247) I don't understand your question 258) Most Rahi do not have much of a mind to control 269) See answer to #8. Things like Krahka and the Kikanalo are an exception, most Rahi don't think the way a Toa or Matoran does, and they certainly wouldn't think in the Matoran language 2710) Can you give me some context? When did she do that?
28Hello Mr.Farshtey I just wanted to ask some questions.
29:note: Usualy I don't ask 08 questions but I have some that I think you may be able to answer but if not I'm sorry for waistig your time.
301.)Makuta as maxilos had all his powers except shapeshifting right? 312.)Did Lego use the same mold for Mutran and Chiroxs masks and or Kirop and Vican. 322a.)I understand if you can't answer this but do Mutran and Chiroxs mask have the same power? 333.)Can Makuta as Maxilos make Kratta? 344.)I don't need not know when or what but do you have plans to make a plastic Staff of Artakha? 355.)Last time I asked this I used a bad example this time I have a better one. In Bionicle movies toa make realy big jumps ( Gali jumps up a tower, and toa Lhikan jumped from ledge to ledge.) what is the max hight a toa can jump? 366.)It says on biosecter that "If multiple Toa are using their Iden, they have the ability to switch bodies by sending their "spirit-form" into another user's "empty" body." could one do this to a dead body or a robot if not why? 377.)You said the garai could be used to make oneself moon jump but on biosecter it says you can't use it on themselves I'm confused....
38Thank's and by the way biosecter says incorectly that lava can be made with fire and earth. 39Keep up the good work and happy Holidays: 40
411) I believe so, yes 422) Yes 433) No 444) No 455) No idea, I don't worry about stuff like that unless I absolutely have to. 466) Doing it do a dead body would be pointless, because you cannot make the body move -- you would be trapped in a dead shell. Answer on robots is yes 477) Well, you don't need to use the Garai on yourself to do that -- all you have to do is use to absorb the gravity from a given area, the same way Tahu can absorb the heat from a given area. It's an elemental mask.
48two of my questionsto greg and I must have sent that question twice and got diffrent answers. 49weird.
21.)Makuta as Maxilos has all his powers but shapeshifting right? 31a.)Can he stil make kratta? 42.)Did lego use the same mold for mutran and chirox's masks 52a.)Do they have the same power? 63.)You said the mask of gravity could be used to moon jump but biosecter says you can't use it on oneself i'm confused. 74.)Can Makuta as Maxilos breath air or just water? I thought I read he could both but I just wanted to make shure. 85.)Last time I used a bad example so here we go. In bionicle movies toa make some major jumps (Gali jumps up a tower, Lhikan jumps from clif edge to clif edge,etc...) what is the max jump the avrege toa regularly can make? 96.)Last time you said lava can't be made by earth and fire but in mask of light Ouna and Tahu did so how did they do this or was it a mistake? 107.)Can a toa of air with just a mask of levatation by pushing oneself along? would this work if another toa was using a nuva mask of levatation on a toa of air? if not why? 118.)Can the great mask of mind control work on rahi? 129.)Could a mask of mind reading be used to telepathicly talk to rahi? 1310.)Gali made a telepathic link to Tahu can all toa do this? If not what ones can?
14Thanks: 15Ps great job: I look forword to your next comic. 16ewpw
171) There are other powers he does not have as well, like heat and cold resistance -- those are purely physical powers and he's not in his own body anymore. 181a) Yes 192) I am not a set designer so I don't have this info. I have not even seen the Mutran set in person yet. 203) Moon jump? When did I say that? 214) Neither. Maxilos is a robot, he doesn't need to breathe. He's a machine. 225) No idea. We don't lock ourselves down on stuff like that because we have no need to do so and it just restricts us later. 236) It would make more sense to have Pohatu and Tahu do that, so if that happened in the movie, the moviemakers screwed up. I didn't write the movie or have any involvement in it. Look up lava -- it's melted rock, not melted dirt. 247) I don't understand your question 258) Most Rahi do not have much of a mind to control 269) See answer to #8. Things like Krahka and the Kikanalo are an exception, most Rahi don't think the way a Toa or Matoran does, and they certainly wouldn't think in the Matoran language 2710) Can you give me some context? When did she do that?
28Hello Mr.Farshtey I just wanted to ask some questions.
29:note: Usualy I don't ask 08 questions but I have some that I think you may be able to answer but if not I'm sorry for waistig your time.
301.)Makuta as maxilos had all his powers except shapeshifting right? 312.)Did Lego use the same mold for Mutran and Chiroxs masks and or Kirop and Vican. 322a.)I understand if you can't answer this but do Mutran and Chiroxs mask have the same power? 333.)Can Makuta as Maxilos make Kratta? 344.)I don't need not know when or what but do you have plans to make a plastic Staff of Artakha? 355.)Last time I asked this I used a bad example this time I have a better one. In Bionicle movies toa make realy big jumps ( Gali jumps up a tower, and toa Lhikan jumped from ledge to ledge.) what is the max hight a toa can jump? 366.)It says on biosecter that "If multiple Toa are using their Iden, they have the ability to switch bodies by sending their "spirit-form" into another user's "empty" body." could one do this to a dead body or a robot if not why? 377.)You said the garai could be used to make oneself moon jump but on biosecter it says you can't use it on themselves I'm confused....
38Thank's and by the way biosecter says incorectly that lava can be made with fire and earth. 39Keep up the good work and happy Holidays: 40

411) I believe so, yes 422) Yes 433) No 444) No 455) No idea, I don't worry about stuff like that unless I absolutely have to. 466) Doing it do a dead body would be pointless, because you cannot make the body move -- you would be trapped in a dead shell. Answer on robots is yes 477) Well, you don't need to use the Garai on yourself to do that -- all you have to do is use to absorb the gravity from a given area, the same way Tahu can absorb the heat from a given area. It's an elemental mask.
48two of my questionsto greg and I must have sent that question twice and got diffrent answers. 49weird.
1Hello, Mr. Farshtey. I have quite a few questions for you, if you don't mind. I believe that I may have sent this before, but it was "eaten by the server". If you have already gotten this message, then my apologies.
21. How are this fine evening? 32. Takua is an Av-Matoran, yes? (I'm ashamed I even have to ask this. ) 43. You said that all Av-Matoran have powers when they attach to Toa because they were prototypes, correct? 54. Are these powers limited to when they connect to Toa? 65. If yes to #3, then what is Takua's power? 76. Has he used it in the storyline? 87. Say that a destined Av-Matoran was turned into a Shadow Matoran, could he still become a Toa? 98. If yes, what element would said Toa be? 109. If a normal Matoran was destined to transform into a Toa, but he was mutated by Makuta, would he still become a Toa? 1110. Same question as above, except mutated by the Pit Mutagen? 1211. Would said Toa form still be mutated? 1312. Why would there be villages in Karda-Nui if they are all Av-Matoran? 1413. Are all of the Matoran in each village the same color? (i.e. Tanma's village being green/lime, Photok's being grey/orange, etc.) 1514. Do you enjoy this job at LEGO? 1615. Do you ever brag about working at LEGO?1716. Could you perhaps work out a signed poster deal with me?
18Thank you in advance for all of your time; you must be very busy.
191) Tired 202) Yes 213) Yes 224) Yes 235) No idea, because Takua never knew he was an Av-Matoran during those times he was physically linked to a Toa. 246) No -- again, the fact that they have these powers that manifest when with Toa is news to the Av-Matoran, and Takua didn't even know he was an Av-Matoran, let alone that he had any extra power. 257) Yes 268) Shadow 279) Just physically mutated? Sure. Mutation does not change your destiny, necessarily. 2810) Yes 2911) Yup 3012) Well, let's say you and all your family and friends lived on an island chain in the Pacific. The islands are really small, so you can't all fit on one. So some of you have to go live on island A, some on island B, some on island C, so you have three villages, just like that. 3113) No 3214) If I didn't, I would leave, because I wouldn't be doing my best then 3315) No, there's no need to. You can just mention you work at LEGO and people get excited, there's no need to brag about it. 3416) I really can't do this sort of thing, because I will get flooded with requests if I start
35Just a few Takua and Shadow questions.
36Kudos on the info about non-Av-MAtoran being shadowed.
1[/size I have a few questions, some invole the old and new bionicle. I'm a new member, so if anything is wrong with this post, well thats why
. You do reply to this topic right? I read something about a message system, I don't think I can use it ( a message popped up, saying I didn't have this feature or I can't do this). Anywho, here are my questions.
21. How do matoran eat?
32. Where do matoran come from? I don't mean how they came into existance, how new matoran are created, or if there is any new matoran.
43. How do makuta see while walking on the ground? I mean do they need their shadow matoran all the time, or can they use ecolocation? I just can't see a blind makuta fighting on land
5Please quote me or something if I'm doing this wrong. 6Happy new year,
7- Makuta krakan, the only noble makuta (yeah, I already made my sign off)
8- I've figured the pm system out, I'll be asking greg the questions soon

21. How do matoran eat?
32. Where do matoran come from? I don't mean how they came into existance, how new matoran are created, or if there is any new matoran.
43. How do makuta see while walking on the ground? I mean do they need their shadow matoran all the time, or can they use ecolocation? I just can't see a blind makuta fighting on land

5Please quote me or something if I'm doing this wrong. 6Happy new year,
7- Makuta krakan, the only noble makuta (yeah, I already made my sign off)
8- I've figured the pm system out, I'll be asking greg the questions soon
1QUOTE 2Hey Greg. It's me again. I just have some Makuta q's. 31)The process that Makuta(speices) make rahi will be explained this year right? 41a)Most likely in the Mutran serial? 52)If a Makuta shapeshifts, can they copy the person's voice? 63)Was the oringal leader of the BoM dethroned about the same time as the Makuta becoming corrupt? 74)Shadow leeches are mutated Kraata. How are they mutated into that form? 8Thanks for your time:
91) Yes 101a) Or in Bionicle Legends #9 112) Yes, Makuta did that in BIONICLE 2 123) Follow the story and find out 134) Pretty much the same way Rahi are made
14Nothing too interesting.
15Edit:I started 305
91) Yes 101a) Or in Bionicle Legends #9 112) Yes, Makuta did that in BIONICLE 2 123) Follow the story and find out 134) Pretty much the same way Rahi are made
14Nothing too interesting.
15Edit:I started 305

1Hey Greg, I've got a few questions, like always. The server ate up this message the last time I sent it, so I'm sending it now21) Is there any way that a being (Barraki, Sarda, Idris etc.) can be made water breathers again? 32) When will more info be revealed on the beings in the Red Star? 43) The Piraka look like spines with heads. Are there any other outwardly mutations.. or just that? 54) What would happen if the Matoran on Metru Nui would stop working? 65) Has it been confirmed that the 'frost beetle' quote is Mutran's? 76) If the light is drained out of ANY matoran, will they turn into shadow Matoran?
8Ok thats all I got. Thanks in advance
91) You mean air breathers, right? Yes, the Ignika could do that. 102) Not for a long while 113) Goodness, how much worse does it need to be?4) It would make reviving Mata Nui extremely difficult if not impossible 125) No, it hasn't 136) Yes

1Hey Greg, I've got a few questions, like always. The server ate up this message the last time I sent it, so I'm sending it now25) Has it been confirmed that the 'frost beetle' quote is Mutran's?
35) no it hasn't
4i already asked him something similar he said it hasn't been confirmed if it's even a phantoka
1Hey Greg, I've got a few questions, like always. The server ate up this message the last time I sent it, so I'm sending it now21) Is there any way that a being (Barraki, Sarda, Idris etc.) can be made water breathers again? 32) When will more info be revealed on the beings in the Red Star? 43) The Piraka look like spines with heads. Are there any other outwardly mutations.. or just that? 54) What would happen if the Matoran on Metru Nui would stop working? 65) Has it been confirmed that the 'frost beetle' quote is Mutran's? 76) If the light is drained out of ANY matoran, will they turn into shadow Matoran?
8Ok thats all I got. Thanks in advance
91) You mean air breathers, right? Yes, the Ignika could do that. 102) Not for a long while 113) Goodness, how much worse does it need to be?4) It would make reviving Mata Nui extremely difficult if not impossible 125) No, it hasn't 136) Yes
15I´m sorry for this off topic : 5. How would it make it worse? Why do they need to work?
1Hi again Greg, I have just a few more questions, then I should be able to stop bugging you for a while
21) Where did Jovan and his team go to use the Ignika? I could never find that they were actually on Voya Nui at the time it was used. 32) What would you say the floor of Karda Nui was like before it was flooded? Cave floor, environment similar to Mata Nui, that kind of thing. 43) Is it possible that there are some caves beneath the Swamp of Secrets that are now flooded? 5Thanks for everything: 6-Ax-
71) They went to Karda Nui, that is where it has to be used 82) Sand 93) Probably not very deep ones, if they are there, as it would weaken the shielding
10Just got these a minute ago. Number one may be useful for Biosector01, and I find 3 very interesting... 11-Ax-
1wow, there was sand in karda nui before it got flooded, that's interesting.
1Sweet: Federation of Fear is up::