1Here's some stuff.
2Hi,Mr. farshtey,Here are some questions:
31)Is thata shadow matoran or other type of matoran on spiriah's back?
42)Is it a helper to spiriah?
53)Could solek try to help the nuva get their memory back?
64)I'm guessing toa ignika?Kanohi ignika is one of the most importanat characters in BIONICLE history,right?
75)Are the summer canister sets the most complex canister sets you've seen?
86)Do any of the makuta despise each other besides chirox and mutran?
97)What element would a gray and silver toa have?
108)If all the toa in on the BIONICLE planet released nova blasts at the same time,what would be it's results?
111) Follow the story and find out 122) See answer to #1 133) Well, he can tell them stories, but that doesn't mean they will necessarily remember what he is telling them happened. 144) Time will tell 155) No 166) Makuta do not, in general, hang out together and have barbecues. At the same time, they do not actively plot against each other or try to harm each other, because Makuta of Metru Nui would not tolerate that. 177) No idea. We would need to have the set designers make one and then decide what we needed for that particular story. 188) A lot of damage to the domes.
1Hi Greg: Time for some questions:
21. What is that.... thing on Spiriah's back? 32. Does Vican still use tree-speak? 42a. Did he ever use tree-speak? 53. Story-wise, is that a Midak Spiriah is holding? 64. Will we be seeing any ammo sets this year? (I understand if you can't answer this) 75. Is the Original Leader of the BoM gonna be a set this year? (see previous)
8Thanks a bunch:
91) It's a Matoran 102) No. Vican is not from Metru Nui. Treespeak is a regional dialect, it's not used by every Le-Matoran everywhere in the universe. 112a) No 123) Yes 134) No idea 145) Most likely, he will appear in some format as a model.
15Yay: tOLotBoM is a set this year:
1Hi Greg: Time for some questions:
21. What is that.... thing on Spiriah's back? 32. Does Vican still use tree-speak? 42a. Did he ever use tree-speak? 53. Story-wise, is that a Midak Spiriah is holding? 64. Will we be seeing any ammo sets this year? (I understand if you can't answer this) 75. Is the Original Leader of the BoM gonna be a set this year? (see previous)
8Thanks a bunch:
91) It's a Matoran 102) No. Vican is not from Metru Nui. Treespeak is a regional dialect, it's not used by every Le-Matoran everywhere in the universe. 112a) No 123) Yes 134) No idea 145) Most likely, he will appear in some format as a model.
15Yay: tOLotBoM is a set this year:
16Or he's a combo.

1*chuckles* Well hello Mata Nui Power.
21 - In the bio section for Phantoka on Bionicle.com, it says: "Unlike the Makuta of Karda Nui, Icarax was not blinded by the burst of light when the Ignika was used." If the Makuta did not know where the core was until recently, why was there a Makuta for it? 31b - Which Makuta is it?
4Now some questions for my epic : 52 - Is it possible for a being to control both light and dark?
63 - Can a bionicle being have cyborg implants? (Well, kind of cyborg...)
74 - Is it possible that there is a dome lower/deeper than Karda Nui?
85 - Would it be possible (for a powerful enough being) to take the light or dark in someone and : 9a - Cause it to "erupt" outwards, kill and destroying someone? 10b - Cause one side to temporarily (as long as concentration lasts) become more powerful? 11c - Completely remove it without Shadow leeches, or another tool?
12If so, Teuthis (latin for squid) shall destroy: 13Thanks in advance:
141) That's not what it means. It means the Makuta who are in Karda Nui -- it's like if I said "the people of New York' I am not referring to the people who RUN New York, I am referring to the people who live there.
152) Yes
163) They already are -- they are organic tissue and mechanical parts put together.
174) Not to my knowledge
185) I have no knowledge of such a being existing or possibly existing in the BIONICLE universe. The only entity who MIGHT be able to do something like this is Mata Nui.
1Hmm....well, maybe in that parrarel universe, Makuta will teach Taka to tap into his inner darkness and control both shadow and light...
17)What element would a gray and silver toa have?
2I personally like Iron.

3Hmm....well, maybe in that parrarel universe, Makuta will teach Taka to tap into his inner darkness and control both shadow and light...
4As cool as that would be, I just can't see that happening... Greg said that your inner darkness is dangerous to use...
1If Taka controls shadow he probably wouldn't be able to control light.
1In case any of you have forgotten, Takutanuva was able to control both light and darkness/shadow.
1About the light-shadow thing technically he should be able to since Toa are able to control both their elements and the opposite (or lack of) their elements....
1He has a point, because Vakama could absorb all the heat in a rooom and thus create ice.
1But couldn't control ice to the degree that Nuju could. 

1Hi Greg: Time for some questions:
21. What is that.... thing on Spiriah's back? 32. Does Vican still use tree-speak? 42a. Did he ever use tree-speak? 53. Story-wise, is that a Midak Spiriah is holding? 64. Will we be seeing any ammo sets this year? (I understand if you can't answer this) 75. Is the Original Leader of the BoM gonna be a set this year? (see previous)
8Thanks a bunch:
91) It's a Matoran 102) No. Vican is not from Metru Nui. Treespeak is a regional dialect, it's not used by every Le-Matoran everywhere in the universe. 112a) No 123) Yes 134) No idea 145) Most likely, he will appear in some format as a model.
15Yay: tOLotBoM is a set this year:
16i hope the tOLotBoM is NOT a combinor: How did Spiriah get a Midak?
1Hey Greg- 21) Does the swamp cover the whole bottom of Karda Nui? 32) Just to clear things up, is the figure on the back of a Spiriah a Matoran? 42a) Is he mutated? 53) When will the serials go up? 64) Can you give us one of the names? 75) Do Brutaka, Takadox, and Carapar have Ehlek's breathing apparatus? 86) Did the Makuta steal the Kraahkan as well as the Avohkii from Artahka? 97) Did the MoMN wear another mask before the Kraahkan? 108) Will we find out what Icarax's original mask was? 119) Why does the activities of the Matoran of Metru Nui affect Mata Nui? 1210) If you can't tell us now, will we learn why they affect him? 1311) When will you be able to discuss the summer sets?
151) Yes 162) Yes 172a) Haven't decided 183) The first chapter of the Brutaka one is pretty much ready to go, the biocast is in Q&A, and the first chapter of the Makuta one got turned in today. So any day now. 194) Federation of Fear -- that's the Brutaka one 205) Yes 216) No 227) Haven't decided yet 238) It's possible, but it's not a high priority for me at the moment 249) They just do -- we know from our history that when the Matoran of Metru Nui erupted into civil war, Jovan and his team wound up having to use the Mask of Life on Mata Nui. The labors of Matoran, especially there, are tied to his health. 2511) Official pics should come out around late Feb., after ToyFair.
26Just some things to clear up arguements.
1Some thinks I asked Greg 2Hi Greg
3I hope you have had a very good holliday
4Some new questions:
51- Was Tuyet really evil or insane?
62- If Takanuva (or a other toa of light) has got a midak blaster, could he use light powers as ammo for the blaster?
73- Could a makuta create plants, gravity or magnetism?
84- could the SoA be used to repair damage that a jutlin caused?
95- About the kanohi Shelek, couldn't a toa of sonics do the same things?
106- What happens to a makuta if his light is sucked out?
11All for now
121) I am not sure "evil" really applies -- she wanted power, and she was willing to do very bad things to get it, but she wanted it so she could defeat villains like the Brotherhood of Makuta and the Dark Hunters. I would definitely say she was mentally unbalanced, though. 132) Yes 143) No 154) If it had a piece of the original item to work with, yes. If it is all rotted away and gone, no. 165) By removing all sound in an area, basically, yes. But there is no Toa of Sonics in Karda Nui and certainly none that would help a Makuta, so the question is moot. 176) Makuta have no light to be removed.
186) Hey whose says, even the makuta have a light side (albiet rather small one at that) for example if Antroz had all his light sucked out he'd be as dirty a fighter as Chirox
1Sorry for the off-topicness, but the BOM strike team serial is up.
1I think it's an excellent start for the series, definately pulled me in. I was hoping against hope it wouldn't be as short as the serials have been because I was liking it so much.
2Hello, I am curious about a few aspects of the design choices in the recent Phantoka Toa (specifically, the use of the color gray). Now, I know exactly what you're getting ready to say; "I write the story (you chump), why do you think I would know what little detail made the set designers do that?". I know, it's quite obvious you aren't going to know anything about it (I'm not even sure if you get to talk to the Set Designers at all), but I did have a thought while I was pondering this question. You often recommend we ask the set designer, but obviously we can't actually do -that-. But maypraps we could? Would Lego feel it's at all necessary, or for that matter, would any individual designer perhaps feel that getting more in touch with the Bionicle community here might be a good thing? It could help dispel the people who attack a set for some aspect needlessly by giving them a real reason for whatever it possesses in it's design, and it could let the designers know what we think, not even as fans, but just as consumers in general who even if we don't consider buying Bionicle, might as we mature and become adults who parent children. Sometimes insights from people who aren't fans can be the most interesting and useful, after all.
3So in summary, would this be even a brief consideration in the Lego company's minds? We have you already as our delegate for the story. We have Kelly as our main man to connect us to the website (and whether it's just his general knowledge or that connection, I think the new BionicleStory is amazing. Not perfect yet; you might want to point out to them that the article for -The Makuta- could use a little polishing, but for it's primary debut amazing. We also had Swiftone for a little while for the combiner aspect, but his appearances are so rare it seems like it is not even there. So why not a set representative? At the very least, they could defend the sets that get attacked a lot for designs that may seem odd, but if given the thought process that got us there we might understand and appreciate them a lot more.
4In a side note, do you know if Swiftone had any hand in designing the combiners Zyglak or Spiriah? I know he did the War Tortoise, but we never heard about the others to my knowledge.
5Swiftone did do the Zyglak, he did not do Spiriah. As of the January issue, all the combiners being built for the magazine and the web site are being done by the LEGO MasterBuilders here in Enfield, as Swiftone is tied up with new duties related to LEGOclub.com.
6I can certainly pass the suggestion on, as the lead set designer is part of the story team. I honestly do not know if he has the free time to spend here, or how much set designers in general feel like having to constantly be defending their work (some of the comments on here get pretty harsh and often are not at all constructive, so if I were him, I would really have no interest in visiting).
8P.S. I think the other aspect of this -- and again, for all I know, he might be more than happy to be here, I am just speculating -- is that a set designer's work already goes through multiple rounds of critique from focus groups. Story does not, which is why I get a benefit out of being here and getting the opinions of people who have been following it since 2001 and catch inconsistencies. For Christoffer's work, he needs to focus almost exclusively on the target audience for the sets -- the 8-11 year olds -- and there are very few people on BZP who fall into that age range. So while the conversation would be lively and interesting, I am not sure how much he would actually be able to take back to his desk and put to use.
9In general, set design decisions get made for one of these reasons: 1) aesthetics; 2) focus group feedback; 3) brand manager feedback 4) the need to reach a certain piece count/model size to match the price point. A lot of folks seem to think the designers work in a vacuum and just design whatever pops into their head with no real limits to their creativity. As I am sure you know, that's not so.
10As an illustration -- we had a discussion yesterday about the color scheme for an upcoming set. We were told it was probably going to be a certain two colors, but that at least a dozen other color schemes had been tested. A couple of people suggested some others that could be done, and the response was that we had focus tested the current choice multiple times and it had won each time, so we were comfortable going with that one. Whether it was the one the set designer originally had in mind, I do not know, I tend to think not -- but it was the one the kids liked best.
1Hi. Once again, I don't mean to be pushy, but this is for the BS01 wiki.
21. Four out of the six villages on Mata Nui had a military protecting them that was named- (The Ta-Koro Guard, the Ussalry, the Gukko Force, and the Sanctum Guard.) We've also heard in the past that Po-Koro has one and that they ride Dikapi. By this logic, Ga-Koro would probably have one, too. 3Now, I read not too long ago on Wikipedia that the other two were called the Motara Guard and the Naho Navy. I'm not sure if this was a fan's name for them or if they're official, but do you know?
41a. If they aren't already official, do you think they could be used as names for them purely on the wiki? They sound realistic enough and the words are official and everything.
52. I know you don't work on it, but I just thought I'd say that the new BIONICLE site looks great. It... Exudes classiness.
61) Never heard of them. 71a) If they're not official, I'd rather not have them used in a context that makes it look like they are. 82) I would suggest you PM Binkmeister and let him know this, he is the one who produces the site and I am sure he would appreciate hearing it.
9Uh, sorry for the four-day-late response. 10If I put up a template on the page stating that they were fan-made terms, would you deem it acceptable? (I know that Lake Naho and the Motara Desert are canon locations, so that's not an issue.)
11And two more questions: 123. Does Karda Nui have a dayight cycle like Metru Nui and other domes?
134. If so, does it have stars and/or sun-holes?
141) Fine if you make it clear they are fan-named 153) No 164) No
1So its always day on Karda Nui. That's understandable. And On InnerRayg's PM to Greg, I agree with him, I like the idea of being able to give the set designer feedback. On the Combiner note, I wonder why they made Spirah look so bad? He's so bland, and the colour scheme is terrible. It's just wierd, after having a lot of good combiners, we get that.
1Well not day, its always the same, so its always light, like during the day. The only way it could turn dark is if all the light was drained from Karda Nui. 2And I thought that about Spirah at first, but looking at him now, hes just bad. It's not the fatness, he doesn't look good, that's all.
1We have stars that aren't holes... The domes are a crazy place.
1I asked Greg a few questions the other day, and some about Matoran.
15So, I have been confirmed that the Makuta aren't out to kill eah other and the Matoran's light spheres aren't stronger than Midak spheres, or their of the same power.
2QUOTE 3Hi, Mr. Greg, I hope you will take some time to answer these questions: 41) Tanma and the rest of the Av-Matoran can fire light, right? 51a) If yes, is the power of the light energy they fire stronger than the Midak Blasters? 61b)And does Tanma makes the same sort of light for Lewa? 72) Are Antroz, Vamprah and Chirox under their own faction(s) or under Icarax? 83) Can you give any slight details on what Kopaka, Lewa and Pohatu are looking for?
9Thanks for your time, Mr. Greg.
101) Yes 111a) No 121b) He provides light energy used by the Midak 132) Neither. They are under the Makuta of Metru Nui, as Icarax is and every other Makuta is until someone proves they have a better plan than MOMN does. 143) Nope
15So, I have been confirmed that the Makuta aren't out to kill eah other and the Matoran's light spheres aren't stronger than Midak spheres, or their of the same power.
1Only a few questions this time: 21) Can you just tell me where Mata Nui is NOT? 32) Are there gonna be $70 sets in summer '08?
4That's all I could think ofThanks in advance
51) No 62) There will be a couple of more expensive sets, yes, in the price range of some of the ones we did in 2001
7No I meant can you tell me where he ISN'T, not where he is.. he's not in the UC is he?
8I know what you asked, but if I start narrowing down where he isn't, I essentially point you in the direction of where he is. It's like having a multiple choice question -- if I tell you it's not C or D, then you have a 50-50 shot between A and B of getting the answer, right?
9Nothing new..

10I sent these a while back :
111) Like Kalmah is a play on calamari, and Carapar is a play on the word carapace etc. what words are Vamprah, Chirox, Icarax and Antroz a play on?
122) Is there any way the Ignika can be prevented from destroying the BIONICLE universe? Just a yes or no would do133) When the Mahri were transported back to Metru Nui, the Hahnah crab was left behind. So did the Cordak stay with it too?
144) Is there a reason why Pohatu has 'half' a mask, like the Vahi? Or is it just the set?
155) When Jaller destroyed the Staff of Fusion with his power, couldn't it just fuse back together?
16Ok. Those are all the questions I could think ofThanks in advance
171) Well, Vamprah certainly sounds like vampire, but the other two aren't a play on anything. 182) Sure. Get the Makuta out of the core so the universe is not so out of balance. 193) No, because Jaller used his Cordak after the Hahnan did in the story. 204) Set designer choice 215) Not when it's burned to ashes, no
1QUOTE 21. did idris make it to mahri nui before the cord cut?
32. is spriah only appearing in 'federation of fear'?
43. is the brickmaster promo the boms original leader? ( i under stand if you cant anwser this)
54. any idea where lesovikk and sarda went?
65. is toa ignika getting a matoran buddy or is it a set thing?
76. will the outcome of the new bionicle game ( on the web site) decide the ending/plot of the final battle book?
8now you said in someones '09 theroy topic that people are not thinking bigger or to the extent of what the actual story line in '09 9could these things be more to the extent of the 09 story line?
10time shift ( backwards or forwars alot of years from the current time) 11new setting, characters , plot 12paralel story line ( lhiken didnt die, makuta never turned bad, that kind thing) 13total restart ( like marvel did with there 'ultimate' seires as in same charters but diffrent storline and character variated)
14keep up the awsome work and thanks in advance
151) Yes, Idris is with the other Matoran on Voya Nui. 162) He may appear in the Makuta serial as well, since that is a flashback 173) No, it's a Rahi 184) Somewhere in the ocean 195) No, he's not, since no Matoran comes with his set 206) No. 217) I can't go into specifics on what 2009 is going to be beyond what I have already said, that it is a major new direction.
32. is spriah only appearing in 'federation of fear'?
43. is the brickmaster promo the boms original leader? ( i under stand if you cant anwser this)
54. any idea where lesovikk and sarda went?
65. is toa ignika getting a matoran buddy or is it a set thing?
76. will the outcome of the new bionicle game ( on the web site) decide the ending/plot of the final battle book?
8now you said in someones '09 theroy topic that people are not thinking bigger or to the extent of what the actual story line in '09 9could these things be more to the extent of the 09 story line?
10time shift ( backwards or forwars alot of years from the current time) 11new setting, characters , plot 12paralel story line ( lhiken didnt die, makuta never turned bad, that kind thing) 13total restart ( like marvel did with there 'ultimate' seires as in same charters but diffrent storline and character variated)
14keep up the awsome work and thanks in advance
151) Yes, Idris is with the other Matoran on Voya Nui. 162) He may appear in the Makuta serial as well, since that is a flashback 173) No, it's a Rahi 184) Somewhere in the ocean 195) No, he's not, since no Matoran comes with his set 206) No. 217) I can't go into specifics on what 2009 is going to be beyond what I have already said, that it is a major new direction.
1Here's some questions.....
21.) Will the Phantoka Toa Nuva join the others in the Swamp of secrets when their part of the story is over? 32.) a.) Is there anyway a turaga can transform back into a matoran or toa? B.) What about a matoran straight to a turaga? 43.) Is it possible for a regular toa to learn another element. Like a Toa of fire learn how to use ice or something? 54.) Do bionicle characters have a sense of smell? 65.) Do you plan to write another series once the Legends series are over? 76.) how are carapar and takadox breathing air if they're with brutaka and the others? 87.) Will the Toa Hagah have any future main roles? 98.) Will another real life band, like the all american regects, be part of the story or something again? 109.) will you ever consider having the bionicle characters transported to the human world and have to protect the human's from makuta or something? 1110.) if you can, how much percantage wise is metru nui done from being completely rebuilt, including the great furnace? 1211.) a.) do the matoran of Karda Nui have new masks, or are they just wearing armor over their face? B.) If they are wearing new masks, when will they be revealed? It's ok if u can't answer this. I'm just guessing they will in the next book.
13Thanks hope you can answer them all.
21.) Will the Phantoka Toa Nuva join the others in the Swamp of secrets when their part of the story is over? 32.) a.) Is there anyway a turaga can transform back into a matoran or toa? B.) What about a matoran straight to a turaga? 43.) Is it possible for a regular toa to learn another element. Like a Toa of fire learn how to use ice or something? 54.) Do bionicle characters have a sense of smell? 65.) Do you plan to write another series once the Legends series are over? 76.) how are carapar and takadox breathing air if they're with brutaka and the others? 87.) Will the Toa Hagah have any future main roles? 98.) Will another real life band, like the all american regects, be part of the story or something again? 109.) will you ever consider having the bionicle characters transported to the human world and have to protect the human's from makuta or something? 1110.) if you can, how much percantage wise is metru nui done from being completely rebuilt, including the great furnace? 1211.) a.) do the matoran of Karda Nui have new masks, or are they just wearing armor over their face? B.) If they are wearing new masks, when will they be revealed? It's ok if u can't answer this. I'm just guessing they will in the next book.
13Thanks hope you can answer them all.
1Here's some questions.....
21.) Will the Phantoka Toa Nuva join the others in the Swamp of secrets when their part of the story is over? 32.) a.) Is there anyway a turaga can transform back into a matoran or toa? B.) What about a matoran straight to a turaga? 43.) Is it possible for a regular toa to learn another element. Like a Toa of fire learn how to use ice or something? 54.) Do bionicle characters have a sense of smell? 65.) Do you plan to write another series once the Legends series are over? 76.) how are carapar and takadox breathing air if they're with brutaka and the others? 87.) Will the Toa Hagah have any future main roles? 98.) Will another real life band, like the all american regects, be part of the story or something again? 109.) will you ever consider having the bionicle characters transported to the human world and have to protect the human's from makuta or something? 1110.) if you can, how much percantage wise is metru nui done from being completely rebuilt, including the great furnace? 1211.) a.) do the matoran of Karda Nui have new masks, or are they just wearing armor over their face? B.) If they are wearing new masks, when will they be revealed? It's ok if u can't answer this. I'm just guessing they will in the next book.
13Thanks hope you can answer them all.
14You have to PM Greg there's a link on page 1
1hopefully some useful info
21.how on earth did spiriah get both a midak and a tridax pod? 32.was brutaka's "domed helmet" his apparatus? 43.specifically who rescued vezon from the zyglak? 54.how did brutaka get his breathing equipment? 65.is it possible for takanuva to control both light and shadow? 76.does the biocast also explain taka's new form? 87.will the BOM serial also reveal how the matoran civil war started? 98.where are lesovikk and sarda now? 109.what is lesovikk's destiny? 1110.do you watch "futurama"?
131) Follow the story and find out 142) Yes 153) Brutaka did 164) From the Order 175) See answer to #1 186) Yes, it does 197) It may, I haven't gotten that far into it yet 208) In the ocean 219) Hasn't been revealed 2210) Nope
1Oh no. Just as I was about to quote this sheet of questions, I accidentaly clicked delete. Whoops, I'll just put the ones I think most important that I can remember.
2Q: Is Mata Nui in the swamp of secrets? 3A: No. 4Thoughts: Meh, I guess it was a wild guess.
5Q: Do the Nuva know what's in the swamp? 6A: Not at the moment, but they will when they get there. 7Thoughts: That's interesting.
8Q: Is it possible Chirox or Mutran's using his mask power on Vamprah and intercepting his telepathic communications. 9A: No, because Vamprah would of killed them long ago. 10Thoughts: Just an idea.
11Q: Does Hydraxon's name come from the element: Hydrogen? Or Hydroxide? Or both? 12A: Neither. 13Thoughts: Odd. Could of sworn it did.
14Q: What happens to the Rahi on Mata Nui now that the Bohrok have "Cleansed" it. 15A: They probably went back to Metru Nui. 16Thoughts: Possible. I didn't think of that.
17Q: Has Botar finally noticed the Pit's sudden wet-ness, now that he's spent more than a second in there? 18A: Irrelevent. 19Thoughts: Still, it would of been nice to know whether or not he did notice.
20Q: Can Pohatu use his Proppelors as a sheild, like Icarax? 21A: Depends on the force of the attack. 22Thoughts: Hmmm, so he can, then.
23Q: Can Icarax use his sheild as a Proppelor? 24A: No. 25Thoughts: Well, I guess it was kinda obvious.
2Q: Is Mata Nui in the swamp of secrets? 3A: No. 4Thoughts: Meh, I guess it was a wild guess.
5Q: Do the Nuva know what's in the swamp? 6A: Not at the moment, but they will when they get there. 7Thoughts: That's interesting.
8Q: Is it possible Chirox or Mutran's using his mask power on Vamprah and intercepting his telepathic communications. 9A: No, because Vamprah would of killed them long ago. 10Thoughts: Just an idea.
11Q: Does Hydraxon's name come from the element: Hydrogen? Or Hydroxide? Or both? 12A: Neither. 13Thoughts: Odd. Could of sworn it did.
14Q: What happens to the Rahi on Mata Nui now that the Bohrok have "Cleansed" it. 15A: They probably went back to Metru Nui. 16Thoughts: Possible. I didn't think of that.
17Q: Has Botar finally noticed the Pit's sudden wet-ness, now that he's spent more than a second in there? 18A: Irrelevent. 19Thoughts: Still, it would of been nice to know whether or not he did notice.
20Q: Can Pohatu use his Proppelors as a sheild, like Icarax? 21A: Depends on the force of the attack. 22Thoughts: Hmmm, so he can, then.
23Q: Can Icarax use his sheild as a Proppelor? 24A: No. 25Thoughts: Well, I guess it was kinda obvious.
1I believe that he doesn't, as he 1) Was only in Mahri Nui to collect Karzahni and the SOA, and thusly, possibly not near the Pit (in his eyes) and 2) the Pit was sealed.
11.how on earth did spiriah get both a midak and a tridax pod?
21) Follow the story and find out
35.is it possible for takanuva to control both light and shadow?
45) See answer to #1
5Intersting, about the Takanuva bit. Maybe my theory is right, and he will learn how to use both light and shadow. That would make things exciting.
1QUOTE 2I have a couple questions
31) In the Alternate universe could Takanuva meet with himself as a matoran? 4b- Are the DarkHunters and Makuta protagonists? 5c- If so do the Makuta still plan to overrun Mata Nui
62) Can Toa Ignika cure the Barraki, Brutaka, and Toa Mahri into their old forms?
73) Does The BOM want the same weapon the Toa Nuva are looking for? Do they know of the weapon at all?
84) Do the Midak Blasters work outside of Karda Nui?
95) Will there eventually be another Bionicle World Book?
101) A possibility, if the Takua of that universe is still alive 11They are the only fighters for freedom left in that universe 12c) That's really not an option. Remember, Tuyet's actions predated Makuta's attack on Mata Nui. With the Toa in control of the universe, the Makuta don't have the means to make such an attack and it really would not benefit them to do so. Mata Nui isn't the problem, the Toa are. 132) It could, yes 143) Keep in mind that a weapon can be many things, including knowledge 154) Yes, though possibly not as well and in places like the zone of darkness they would not work at all 165) We are batting around the idea of another guidebook for 2009, but probably not an atlas.
171a) be intresting to see 181b-5)intresting
31) In the Alternate universe could Takanuva meet with himself as a matoran? 4b- Are the DarkHunters and Makuta protagonists? 5c- If so do the Makuta still plan to overrun Mata Nui
62) Can Toa Ignika cure the Barraki, Brutaka, and Toa Mahri into their old forms?
73) Does The BOM want the same weapon the Toa Nuva are looking for? Do they know of the weapon at all?
84) Do the Midak Blasters work outside of Karda Nui?
95) Will there eventually be another Bionicle World Book?
101) A possibility, if the Takua of that universe is still alive 11They are the only fighters for freedom left in that universe 12c) That's really not an option. Remember, Tuyet's actions predated Makuta's attack on Mata Nui. With the Toa in control of the universe, the Makuta don't have the means to make such an attack and it really would not benefit them to do so. Mata Nui isn't the problem, the Toa are. 132) It could, yes 143) Keep in mind that a weapon can be many things, including knowledge 154) Yes, though possibly not as well and in places like the zone of darkness they would not work at all 165) We are batting around the idea of another guidebook for 2009, but probably not an atlas.
171a) be intresting to see 181b-5)intresting
1What Alternate Universe?
2I must say, this alternate universe is getting more interesting every day. I hope it's up soon: And Darth Grievous, Takanuva goes into an alternate universe in the new biocast1QUOTEI have a couple questions1) In the Alternate universe could Takanuva meet with himself as a matoran?b- Are the DarkHunters and Makuta protagonists?c- If so do the Makuta still plan to overrun Mata Nui2) Can Toa Ignika cure the Barraki, Brutaka, and Toa Mahri into their old forms?3) Does The BOM want the same weapon the Toa Nuva are looking for? Do they know of the weapon at all?4) Do the Midak Blasters work outside of Karda Nui?5) Will there eventually be another Bionicle World Book?1) A possibility, if the Takua of that universe is still alive They are the only fighters for freedom left in that universec) That's really not an option. Remember, Tuyet's actions predated Makuta's attack on Mata Nui. With the Toa in control of the universe, the Makuta don't have the means to make such an attack and it really would not benefit them to do so. Mata Nui isn't the problem, the Toa are.2) It could, yes3) Keep in mind that a weapon can be many things, including knowledge4) Yes, though possibly not as well and in places like the zone of darkness they would not work at all5) We are batting around the idea of another guidebook for 2009, but probably not an atlas. 1a) be intresting to see 1b-5)intresting